Firelands Class of 2020 Goes the Distance

Page created by Beatrice Chambers
Firelands Class of 2020 Goes the Distance
Volume 10, Issue 86                                                                                                            June 2020

             Serving the communities of Amherst, Amherst Twp., Birmingham, Brownhelm Twp., Camden Twp., Florence Twp,
                  Henrietta Twp., Kipton Village, New Russia Twp., South Amherst Village, Vermilion and Vermilion Twp.

                      Firelands Class of 2020 Goes the Distance
                                                                             The 66th Annual Commencement at Firelands High School is
                                                                         complete! FHS held four consecutive nights of graduation, June 8th
                                                                         through June 11th, with over 100 seniors receiving their diplomas in
                                                                         the gymnasium.
                                                                             When seniors arrived they entered FHS and had an opportunity
                                                                         to take pictures in multiple areas. While teachers could not be
                                                                         present, their pictures were on display with messages that welcomed
                                                                         the students.
                                                                             The students and their guests entered the gymnasium and the
                                                                         graduates received their diplomas from whomever they designated.
                                                                         There were wonderful moments as students chose FLSD Board of
                                                                         Education members, Superintendent Von Gunten, Principal Maver,
                                                                         Assistant Principal Keener, Counselor Cozza and their own parents,
                                                                         grandparents, siblings and friends to present diplomas.
                                                                             The ceremonies were professionally recorded and pictures were
                                                                         taken. All pictures taken at commencement are available for free
                                                                         (see end of article). Items are also available to order with normal
                                                                         photography options from Infocus Studios as well. In addition, many
                                                                         free pictures can be found on our Facebook account, The Firelands
                                                                         Falcons.                                          continued on page 2

      FHS Construction Update                                                District Places No New Tax
 Inside: Architectural Drawing & Site Plan                                    Levy on November Ballot
    While many aspects of our daily lives were and continue to               On June 22, the Firelands Board of Education voted unanimously
be impacted by COVID-19, I am happy to share that work on our            to consolidate our two existing emergency levies that expire in
new high school was able to continue. Our construction team, led         2021 into one substitute levy. The 5.98 mil, 10 year substitute levy
by BSHM Architects, Greenspace Construction, our construction            will be on the November 3rd ballot. Consolidating our two existing
manager at risk, Osborn Engineering, our commissioning agent,            emergency levies into one substitute levy will not increase YOUR
owners representatives from Ennis Britton Consulting and the Ohio        taxes, but it will allow Firelands Local School District to benefit from
Facilities Construction Commission have worked diligently these          the growth of new construction in our community. Approval of this
past months to ensure our building project remains on schedule.          levy is critical to ensuring our district provides high quality
     In December, January and February meetings were held for            programs in our academic offerings, the arts and athletics.
students, staff and community to gather their input regarding the            The first year of the Substitute Levy will generate the exact
construction plans for the new high school. These educational            amount of revenue as the two Emergency Levies that it is replacing.
visioning meetings formed the basis of the criteria used to define       After that, the only increase in revenue the district will see will be
the characteristics of the new building. Through the input of various    from new construction that will also be taxed at the same rate.
                                                continued on page 2                                                        continued on page 3

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Firelands Class of 2020 Goes the Distance
FHS Construction, continued from page 1                                                 stakeholders, these meetings
                                                                                                                assured that the communities
                                                                                                                and District’s goals were aligned.
                                                                                                                     The renderings to the left
                                                                                                                show both a preliminary exterior
                                                                                                                view of the new high school
                                                                                                                and site plan. The new masonry
                                                                                                                brick building includes changes
                                                                                                                in brick coloring that will provide
                                                                                                                both depth and balance and
                                                                                                                our design team is studying the
                                                                                                                possible integration of sandstone
                                                                                                                into the design. Large windows
                                                                                                                allowing for natural light in
                                                                                                                classrooms, entry points and
                                                                                                                the cafeteria, which will connect
                                                                                                                to the existing high school, are
                                                                                                                included throughout the building.  
                                                                                                                     At over 106,000 sq feet, our
                                                                                                                new high school remains the
                                                                                                                same size as was approved by
                                                                                                                our community in November of
                                                                                                                2018. Our new building includes:
                                                                                                                     Teaching spaces for
                                                                                                                all core academic disciplines,
                                                                                                                special education, the arts,
                                                                                                                technology and physical
                                                                                                                education including two gyms,
                                                                                                                of which one will include a stage
                                                                                                                with appropriate lighting and
                                                                                                                sound for performances
                                                                                                                     Collaboration areas for
                                                                                                                students and staff to utilize as
                           A       B            C                                          FES
                                                                                                                additional spaces for teaching
                                                                                                                and learning
                                                                                                                     As the new building will
                                                                                                                serve as the main entrance for
                                                                                                                the new high school and existing
                                                                                                                high school (future middle
                                                                                                                school), offices for both the high
                                                                                                                school and middle school are
                                         C - existing FHS                                                            Kitchen/cafeteria that
                                         B - new FHS                                                            will be utilized by all students in
                                         A - reserved for future planning
                                                                                                                grades 6-12
                                                                                                                     Mechanical equipment
                        Class of 2020, continued from page 1                                                    rooms that include efficient
    Sam Formholtz, Class          of the virtual graduate ceremony          pictures each night that can be     air handlers, boilers, and
President, recorded his welcome   can be found on our website.              found on her Facebook page.         air conditioning units. Our
speech post-graduation.           A special thank you to The                    We congratulate the new         commissioning agent continues
Steven Iwankek, Jr. and Jordan    FHS Alumni Association, The               FHS Alumni and wish them a          to review the mechanical
Janosek recorded their senior     Friends of Firelands and the              bright and happy future!            electrical, and plumbing
speeches as well. Each speech     Pignitella family for gifting each            Link to photographs: https://   systems for energy efficiency,
will be included in the virtual   senior with graduation gifts. Mrs.     functionality and cost to best
graduation. A video compilation   Jackie Flaczynski took wonderful          f581146874)                                       continued on page 3
Firelands Class of 2020 Goes the Distance
Substitute Levy - continued from page 1

         Our two Emergency Levies will be combined into one Substitute Levy.
         For questions or more information, please contact Keri Angney, Treasurer or Mike Von Gunten, Superintendent at 965-5821.

              1st Emergency Levy
     Passed in 2006, renewed in 2010                                                   Substitute Levy
     Currently renewed every 10 years
     Generates $820,000 annually                                               Not      a tax increase
                                                                                On     the November 3rd Ballot
                                                                                Generates    $2,320,000 annually,
             2nd Emergency Levy
     Passed in 2011, renewed in 2015                                              plus growth from new construction
     Currently renewed every 5 years
     Generates $1,500,000 annually                                             Renewed           every 10 years

                                                                                        FHS Construction, continued from page 2
     Elementary Staff Zoom by                                              serve the building and the          occur in the evenings.
                                                                           district’s needs.                        Looking ahead, site prep-
      Students on Bus Routes                                                    Understanding that traffic is  aration is slated to begin this
                                                                           already a concern on Vermilion      fall with construction continuing
                                                                           Road, our design team worked        through the spring of 2022
                                                                           diligently to develop a solution.   and we are optimistic that the
                                                                           Ample visitor parking is included   building will be ready for the
                                                                           in the front of the building for    2022-2023 school year.
                                                                           easy access, while staff, student        In the near-term, there will
                                                                           and parent drop areas are           be some adjustments that will
                                                                           behind the building, including a    be needed for traffic flow as the
                                                                           separate area for our busses.       driveway north of the existing
                                                                                Parking and staging areas      building will no longer be able to
                                                                           behind the building will be sized   accommodate bus or car traffic.
                                                                           to accommodate the needs of         Details on these changes will
                                                                           the district during the day as well be shared in August, prior to the
                                                                           as various athletic events and      start of the new school year.
                                                                           community activities that will
                                                                                      Planning for the
                                                                                   2020-2021 School Year
                                                                               Thank you to the 600 parents    Department of Health and the
    On Friday, May 29th FES         plan the routes for this event.        that completed our surveys in       Ohio Department of Education
staff was escorted on five          Students and families received         May for the 2019-2020 school        regarding the opening of school
different routes throughout the     waves, yells and honking from          year and our 2020-2021 planning     for the 2020-2021 school year,
district by school buses. The       the vehicles as they “zoomed”          survey.                             district staff are meeting to
purpose of this event was to        by.                                        At the time of completion,      finalize plans for Firelands.
say good-bye to students and            We saw so many smiling             65% of those who responded              Parents will be receiving an
families on the last day of the     faces and encouraging signs.           were comfortable in returning       email, including an electronic
2019-2020 school year.              We hope that all of our students       to school, while 35% indicated      survey asking for their
    Staff members decorated         and families have a wonderful          they were not yet ready to have     commitment for the upcoming
their vehicles and were excited     summer and we look forward to          their children return to school     school year in July. In addition,
to participate in the fun event.    seeing you all again soon!             and would prefer an online          information will be posted to our
Mr. Sayler and the transportation                 submitted by FES Staff   option. With this information       website regarding our plans for
staff were a huge help to                                                  and guidelines from the Ohio        the upcoming school year.
Firelands Class of 2020 Goes the Distance
Maver Moves On,                                                                 Virtual Field Day for
  Keener Named FHS Principal                                                           Elementary Students
     After six years as Principal      development and technology               Firelands Elementary             all could enjoy the candids of the
at Firelands High School, Mr.          integration.                         Students were invited to             events.
Bob Maver is leaving to be the             Finally, Firelands is looking    participate in a virtual field           We appreciate Mrs. Bednar
Director of Human Resources            forward to introducing the newest    day by our Parent Teacher            and the Parent Teacher Group
with Westlake City Schools.            member to the leadership team,       Group. Students were asked to        for organizing this fun event for
Mr. Maver joined Firelands in          Mr. Rob Clarico, in August. Mr.      complete a variety of activities     our students. It was a way for
2014 after being the Assistant         Clarico was on the teaching          at home and submit photos or         them to still have a field day as
Principal at Midview High              staff at South Amherst Middle        videos of their fun on May 26.       FES students at the end of the
School. During his time at FHS,        School from 2002-2004, and           The pictures were then shared        school year. Photos courtesy of
Mr. Maver was instrumental             prior to that worked for Oberlin     with students and families so that   Mrs. Bednar.
in expanding the number of             City Schools from 2000-2002.
courses offered at FHS through         Since leaving SAMS in 2004,
LCCC via the State’s College           Clarico has served for 15 years
Credit Plus Program. Mr. Maver         in the Keystone Local School
will always be remembered              District. Like Mrs. Keener, his
for how much he cared for our          background is also in Math.
students and staff.                    Additionally he has coached
     When asked about this             football and provided leadership
transition, Maver said “I never        in curriculum development. We
thought of leaving Firelands, as it    will hear more from Mr. Clarico in
is truly a great place for students,   August.
staff, and families, but the                 Note from Mrs. Keener
opportunity came about to move               to Parents & Students
into Central Office at Westlake,           Wow! What a year we have
which will hopefully lead to me        had! I am excited to be taking
becoming a school treasurer            on the role of principal and
toward the end of my educational       can’t wait to see everyone in
career. Firelands is a fantastic       the fall. I am feeling positive
place that I will truly miss.”         about our return to school and
     Assistant Principal Mrs.          will send important information
Cathy Keener will be moving into       through email and on Twitter
the Principal position effective       @MrsKeenerFHS. I will be
August 1st. She has served FHS         checking my email periodically
in the assistant role since the        throughout the summer. If you
2016-2017 school year. After           have any questions or concerns,
many years as a Math teacher,          please let me know.
Mrs. Keener began the process              Incoming freshmen: Please
of an administrative career with       watch for information regarding
Brunswick City Schools before          orientation in August. It will
coming to Firelands. Over her          be sent to parent and student
time here, Mrs. Keener has             emails and also posted on
developed strong relationships         Twitter.
with our students and staff, has           Locker cleanouts: If you
taken an active role in curriculum     did not clean out your lockers,
                                       items are bagged and will be
                                       available in August for pick up.
                                       If you still have textbooks that
                                       need to be returned, please
                                       bring them in September. Watch
                                       for more information regarding
                                       Chromebooks closer to the start
                                       of school. See you in the Fall!
Mrs. Cathy Keener   Mr. Robert Maver

Firelands Class of 2020 Goes the Distance
FFA Holds 66th Parent-Member Banquet Virtually
   This year represents the         The banquet premiered on May          the progress and achievements           Coultrip, Vice President Donald
66th year for the Firelands FFA     26th at 6:30 p.m. Viewers were        of members in the chapter.              Crawford, Secretary Kelsey
Parent-Member Banquet. Due to       encouraged to tune in to the          Banquet also focuses on                 Hardwick, Treasurer Katelyn
restrictions on large gatherings    premier and have dinner with          members’ premier leadership ,           Konicek, Reporter Taylor
because of Covid-19, the            their family during the banquet.      personal growth, career planning        Kenska, Sentinel Keith Conwell,
banquet speakers were pre-          The banquet can be viewed at          and success.                            Student Advisor Jacob Schmitz,
recorded and a YouTube video             The retiring 2019-2020              Assistants Noah Galloway ,
was created from the recordings.        The annual banquet shows          officers were President Chance          Steven Jessel, and Tad Miller.
                                                                                                                      Newly inducted 2020-2021
                                                                                                                  officers are President Donald
                                                                                                                  Crawford, Vice President
                                                                                                                  Steven Jessel, Secretary Kelsey
                                                                                                                  Hardwick, Treasurer Katelyn
                                                                                                                  Konicek, Reporter Morgan
                                                                                                                  DiCesare, Sentinel Logan
                                                                                                                     continued on page 10
                                                                                                                  Pictured from left to right:
                                                                                                                  Gabe Gargasz shows off his
                                                                                                                  Chapter Degree; Katelyn
                                                                                                                  Konicek poses with her banquet
                                                                                                                  awards; Kaleb Carver with his
                                                                                                                  banquet awards. Awards were
                                                                                                                  delivered by Mrs. Finnegan to
                                                                                                                  students’ porches.

      A Notice from Mrs. Judy Baumann, Food Service Director
    The last few months have            Staff: Shaila Teter, Debbie       filled boxes.                           donation account to help other
led us to provide meals in a very   Buckosh, Carolyn Sayler, Cindy             Grab and Go meals: We will         students when short on funds.
different way for our students.     Raynor, Jennifer Sroka, Deanna        continue to disperse on June 23,        All other account balances will
We all miss seeing your children    Watts, Kristian Novak, Mike Von       July 14 and July 28 from 2:30 to        remain on accounts and move
on a daily basis, but we are        Gunten, Dan Jackson and more.         5:30. If new to the meal pick-up,       with your child.
so happy we can help you                Second Harvest: Donated           you must complete the google                Negative meal accounts:
through these unprecedented         over 45,000 pounds of food            survey online. I ask that you           Thank you so much to our
times. I have personally had        including non-perishable food,        please pick up the meals if you         anonymous donor that paid off
the opportunity to meet many        dairy and fresh produce. We           have signed up. This helps so I         student accounts that ended in
parents, grandparents and           will continue to provide boxes        know how much food and milk to          March with a negative balance.
others during the Tuesday meal      through the summer’s remaining        order.                                  All negative accounts have been
pick-ups. We have been together     3 pick-ups.                                Online meal application:           taken care of.
through the cold, wind, rain and        Dollar General: Collected         The updated meal application                The First United Church in
heat. I have enjoyed getting to     items for our families that           will be available after August          South Amherst, 201 W. Main
know each and every one of          customers purchased from              1. You can go to www.                   St, is providing nonperishable
you and am always available for     the store. Thank you to Tonya The              items for Firelands families. This
anything you may need.              Knoble for setting this up and        meal status will go through the         is available Monday through
    I want to take this time to     Cindy Raynor for delivering           end of the 20-21 school year.           Friday from 9:00 to 10:30.
thank all those involved, which     items to the school.                  The meal status each school             Please call 440-986-2461 to
have helped provide school              Food collection: Mr. Von          year will roll over for the first       make sure someone is there
meals during the closure. With      Gunten orchestrated a food            month of the next school year.          prior to picking up.
serving over 18,000 meals since     drive for our first meal pick up in        Account balances/senior
the middle of March, it has taken   March. Our Firelands community        balances: If I have not heard           Stay Strong Firelands Family.
a village to make this happen.      came together and donated             from you, the balance on any                  Proud to be part
Many sincere thanks to all of       many items for our families.          senior’s account will first go to            of this community.
you. There may be some that I       Thank you to the staff members        a sibling if there is one, or it will   Judy Baumann can be reached at
forget, but Thank You!!!!           that organized the items and          be added to our emergency               440-965-5821 ext. 1011 or jbaumann@

Firelands Class of 2020 Goes the Distance
Finnegan                                 Firelands Elementary News & Updates
 Finishes First                     Effective Leadership Academy
                                         This May, many of our
                                                                        Falcon Leaders
                                                                            Falcon Leaders are selected
                                                                                                             attend a four week program
                                                                                                             that will focus on reading and
    This year the state 4-H         fifth graders participated (via     4th and 5th grade students to        math skills. The dates of the
public speaking contest had to      Zoom) in eight virtual classes      assist with tasks and complete       program are July 6-July 31. We
be held virtually because of the    in partnership with the Effective   service projects while at school.    look forward to working with
social distancing order. Three      Leadership Academy. Students        These students were able to          these students to help them be
Lorain County 4-H members           engaged in interactive lessons      assist with a variety of events      prepared for school in the fall.
competed in the contest this        to develop their leadership         throughout the school year. Mrs.
year. The members submitted         and social-emotional skills.        Choe, Mrs. Groboske and Mrs.         Kindergarten Screening
videos of their speeches and        The goal of the classes was to      Schuster are so grateful for their   Information
presentations.                      empower students and heighten       assistance and willingness to            Kindergarten Screening is
    Callie Finnegan, a 6th grader   their ability to embrace change     help out when needed. They           Monday, August 10 at Firelands
and South Amherst Middle            through positive thinking.          are respected and looked upon        Elementary School. Careful
School, competed in individual      (submitted by Valerie Schuster)     as leaders within the building.      consideration will be taken of
public speaking and earned                                              Falcon Leaders for the 2019-         all guidelines in place by our
1st in the state. Her topic was     Perfect Attendance for the          2020 school year were: Brean         government and health care
“Shipping Fever.” Callie is a       2019-2020 School Year               Adkins, Owen Bernaciak,              agencies in order to keep all
member of Four Leaf Clovers             Firelands Elementary School     Helen Bolyard, Landon Born,          children, families, and school
4-H Club from Brownhelm             had a total of eight students       Hunter Busick, Kelsey Carroll,       staff safe.
Township. She is pictured below     that earned perfect attendance      Claire Hasley, Kyrie Holliday,           Parents should please sign
with her horse, Preston.            for the 2019-2020 school year.      Ethan Hozalski, Anthony Hyer,        up their children for kindergarten
                                    These students and families         Preston Kirschner, Emersyn           screening at
                                    were committed to ensure that       Lehman, Jaxten Leimbach,             uxfqf8g by July 10.
                                    they were present for school        Kendall Novak, Andrew Pawlak,            If any documents remain to
                                    daily. Students earning this        Liam Roth, Gavin Saylor, Aiden       finalize your child’s registration
                                    recognition, included Leonardo      Simms, Natalie Smith, Jeremy         (2 proofs of residency,
                                    Dohnenko (1st grade), Lucas         Stepp, Niko Zagar, and Emerson       immunization records, birth
                                    Rigby (3rd grade), Gabriel          Zidar.                               certificate, and copy of the
                                    DiFilippo (4th grade), Cecelia                                           guardian’s driver’s license),
                                    Howells (4th grade), Chase          FES Jump Start to 2020-2021          please do so at your earliest
                                    Vaughn (4th grade), Xavier          Program Information                  convenience. This can be done
                                    Carey (5th grade), Parker               FES is devoted to ensure that    in the following ways:
                                    Craycraft (5th grade), and          our students are better prepared         1.You may upload them to
                                    Josephine Kirby (5th grade). We     for the 2020-2021 school year.       your Final Forms account
                                    appreciate your commitment and      In order to do that, selected            2.You may place copies of
                                    efforts to be present at school.    students have been invited to        them in the secure lock box

Firelands Class of 2020 Goes the Distance
Firelands Elementary News & Updates
outside the Firelands Board of        Second Grade Biography
Education (112 N. Lake Street,        Projects
South Amherst). The lock box is           2nd graders learned about
to the left of the entrance doors.    biographies in reading during
    3.Documents may also              quarter 4. Each 2nd grader
be scanned and emailed to             interviewed a member of their         family as part of their biography
    Within a week of the new          projects. Students had specific
Kindergarten Screening date,          questions to interview a family
parents will receive information      member, write a paragraph
about who their child’s               about the family member they
kindergarten teacher is and will      interviewed, and chose a
then be contacted to sign up for      project from their choice board
a one hour appointment with           that represented who they
the child’s teacher, which will       interviewed. Students presented
take place during schools hours       their projects via Zoom with their
on either September 1, 2, or          peers and teachers. Great Job
3. Children will come to school       2nd graders. (submitted by Mrs.
that day for just a one hour          Dolnosich and Mrs. Hignett)
appointment. All kindergarten
students’ first full day of
school with their class and bus
transportation available is Friday,
September 4th.

Safety Town - Cancelled
   Safety Town, which had
been scheduled for July 6 – 8, is
cancelled due to the COVID-19

Parent Teacher Group
    The FES PTG group                      SAMS:
continues to be a huge asset to
our building. They have been            A Note From
meeting and collaborating with
the building principals to ensure       Mrs. Gomez
that activities are still being           We will hold onto all lost and
planned for staff and students.       found items until August. There
Feel free to reach out to them        will be one final opportunity to
to see how you can assist and         come to school and retrieve
hear more about how you can           any items. The school will not
be involved during the 2020-          be open the remainder of June
2021 school year! You can find        and July. Notice will go out when
them on Facebook (Firelands           the next opportunity will be for
Elementary School PTG) or on          entrance to the school.
Twitter (@FESPTG).                        Please make sure you have
                                      an updated email and had been
                                      receiving Sunday emails. There
Pictured at left are three more       will not be a Sunday email until
photos from the Virtual Field         August.
Day (see article on page X).              Have a wonderful summer!!!
Above right, photos of 2nd grade          Cara M. Gomez, Principal
biography projects.

Firelands Class of 2020 Goes the Distance
Purple Star Resources for Military Families
    The Firelands Local School        quiz with all the questions that     24/7 connection to information,      via the Morale, Welfare and
District holds Purple Star Status     you answered wrong. I have           answers, and support to help         Recreation Digital Library. You’ll
at all three of its schools, thus     been on this site as much as         you reach your goals, overcome       find eBooks and audiobooks
being one of only two districts       possible these last few weeks,       challenges, and thrive. Free         on virtually every topic, as well
in the state of Ohio with that        preparing to get my temps. It is a   resources and support are            as databases and reference
distinction.                          very helpful tool for learning the   available to active-duty, National   books that can help you learn
    To support our military           rules of the road, which everyone    Guard, and Reserve service           a new skill, keep kids engaged,
families, the following information   must learn eventually. https://m.    members as well as their families    serve as a homework source,
has been updated and provided              anywhere in the world. Some          or prepare you to land your
on our website. Visit https://            From Hailee – My resource        of these resources include tax       next job. The digital library             is a YouTube channel. This man,      services, spouse employment          offers online resources to
MilitaryFamilyInformation.aspx        Rob Kenney, posts all sorts of       help, webinars, as well as           help children learn to read or
                                      videos on how to do different        online training, relocation, and     keep their grades up, research
    Resources from Teen               things around the house. His         deployment tools, and much           topics for writing assignments,
Council Members of the                father walked out on him as a        more.                                or just find a great story for a
Ohio Military Teen Council            child, so he created this channel        To help cope with changes        long afternoon. Teens can take
(OMTC) have shared some of            as a way to show boys (whose         due to the COVID-19 pandemic,        advantage of complete units
the activities and resources that     fathers left them) how to do         Military OneSource will offer        of study, in a variety of media
have helped them, and others,         things a father normally would. In   video non-medical counseling         formats, to supplement what
navigate the changes and              my opinion, kids with deployed       sessions for children and            they have learned in school.
obstacles thrown their way.           parents, or kids who have            teenagers. Call Military             Adults will find a large number
    From Cate – An educational        parents who work during the          OneSource at 800-342-9647            of resources to assist them in
resource I have been using a lot      day, could really benefit from his   to learn whether non-medical         advancing their education or
lately is a practice driving test     videos.                              counseling is right for your child   career.
website. This site is mostly for          https://www.                         .
teens and those preparing to get                 Morale, Welfare and
their temps or actual license. The    UCNepEAWZH0TBu7dkxIbluDw             Recreation Digital Library
website is filled with all the laws                                        (MWR) https://www.
and rules of driving in the state     3 Military Onesource       
you are in. It keeps track of your     https://www.                              Military OneSource provides
progress and has many quizzes               free online resources to service
to take. It also makes a special          Military OneSource is a          members and their families

  School Immunization/Vaccine Requirements for 2020-2021
    Attention: If your child              If possible, have them done      school nurse in your child’s         immunization records, insurance
will be entering 12th grade, 7th      and bring a copy of the record to    building, being sure your child’s    cards, and cash or check; some
grade or any grade for the first      Kindergarten screening.              name is on it. Don’t forget to       children may be eligible for
time -- it is now time to update          Grades 1-6: the requirements     keep a copy for yourself!            discounts under the Vaccines
immunizations. If entering            are the same as for Kindergarten         Anyone can obtain                for Children (VFC) program.
school for the first time, or after       Grades 7-11: Grades              immunizations at Lorain              All children under age 18 must
attending school elsewhere,           K-6 requirements plus Tdap           County Public Health, 9880           be accompanied by a parent or
please be sure to check that          (DPT booster) and MCV4               S. Murray Ridge Road, Elyria,        guardian.
your child is in compliance with      (meningococcal conjugate             OH 44035. A full vaccine clinic
State of Ohio immunization            vaccine)                             schedule is available at https://        Note: Ask your provider
requirements:                             Grade 12: Grade 7-11             about additional vaccines that
    Kindergarten: Once your           requirements plus MCV4 (must         vaccines.                            are recommended for children
child has reached age 4, she          be received at age 16 or older)          Appointments are always          ages 11-19 such as 2nd dose of
or he can complete all required           Remember to bring your           encouraged, although walk-           varicella (chickenpox), hepatitis
immunizations for diphtheria,         child’s immunization records         ins are accepted. For more           A and human papillomavirus
pertussis, tetanus (DPT),             with you when you go to your         information or to make               (HPV) vaccines.
polio (IPV), hepatitis B (HBV),       healthcare provider or clinic.       appointments for both
measles mumps, rubella (MMR),         Please send a copy of the            children and adults, you can
and varicella (chickenpox).           immunization record to the           call (440)284-3206. Bring all
Firelands Class of 2020 Goes the Distance
General Membership Meetings
                                                              Firelands Band Boosters meet on the third Tuesday of every
                                                          month at 7:00 p.m. in the high school band room. Our mission is
                                                          to provide support for the Firelands Instrumental Music Program.
                                                          The dates for the 2020-2021 school year are as follows:

                                                             August 18, 2020				                  February 16, 2021
                                                             September 15, 2020			                March 16, 2021
                                                             October 20, 2020			                  April 20, 2021
                                                             November 17, 2020			                 May 18, 2021
   Congratulations          The Firelands Alumni             December 15, 2020			                 June 15, 2021
    to the Class of         Association Extends              January 19, 2021			                     submitted by Shannon Smith
    2020 from the             Welcome to New                                                  Firelands Band Boosters Secretary
 Friends of Firelands       Class of 2020 Alumni

The Firelands Band Boosters would like to take the
opportunity to congratulate the MFMB Class of 2020
on their graduation and wish them all the best as they
begin the next chapter in their lives.
                           Thanks for all the memories!
Firelands Class of 2020 Goes the Distance
FFA Banquet, continued from page 5                                        strongest Supervised Agricultural        Soils: Chance Coultrip, Noah
Galloway, Student Advisor Noah        Shauna Kalassay, Peytin Linn,       Experience (SAE) Programs. To            Galloway Josh Scheeres, Owen
Galloway, Assistants Holden           Abraham Mastellone, Michael         be considered, a member must             Davis. Urban Soils (3rd in district
Harker, Randi Johanssen, and          Ranney, Mason Stanley, Mitchell     fill out the National Proficiency        team): Kaleb Carver (1st in the
Matthew Schnell.                      Sweinhagen, and Gabrielle           Award Application and meet               district), Maria DiCesare (7th
    Star Awards are for students      Zadorozny.                          national minimum standards               in the district), Steven Jessel,
who have gone above and                   The next degree you can         for applying. The winners at the         Holden Harker.
beyond in the chapter by              earn as a member is the State       banquet were as follows.                     Tractor Troubleshooting (5th
showing effort, leadership, and       Degree. Only about 2.5% of                Ag Mechanics Placement-            in district): Aiden Harker and
dedication. The Star Greenhand        all FFA members will earn this      Zach Born. He placed 2nd in              Chance Coultrip. Ag Mechanics
is Holden Harker. Star Chapter is     degree. The members from            the district. Beef Production            Skills (1st place in district team):
Madison Chenoweth. Star Junior        Firelands that earned the degree    Placement- Zach Born. He                 Aiden Harker (1st in district),
is Donald Crawford. The Star          are Donald Crawford, Steven         placed 1st in the district. Fiber        Donald Crawford (2nd in
Senior (sponsored by Buckeye          Jessel, Kelsey Hardwick, Katelyn    & Oil Crop Placement- Zach               District), Chance Coultrip (4th in
State Mini Goat Farm) is Taylor       Konicek, Chance Coultrip, and       Born. He placed 2nd in state.            the district).
Kenska. AgCredit also awards          Kaleb Carver.                       Diversified Crop Production                  General Livestock Judging:
one member the 110% Award                 The highest degree a            Placement: Zach Born. He                 Noah Galloway, Keith Cornwell,
for consistently going above and      member can earn is the              placed 2nd in the district.              Aiden Harker and Krystal
beyond. The student who earned        American Degree. To earn                  Equine Management                  Scheeres. Equine Management:
this award is Chance Coultrip.        this you must be a high school      Placement: Katelyn Konicek.              Maddy Witter (1st overall at
        The Greenhand Degree is       graduate, no more than 21           She placed 3rd in the state.             district 1 Invitational), Kelsey
earned by members in their first      years old. Members must             Landscape Management                     Hardwick, Katelyn Konicek,
year as a member. Greenhands          have earned $10,000 in SAE          Placement: Keith Cornwell. He            Maria DiCesare. Equine State
are - Brandon Bowyer, Adrianna        projects and have invested          placed 1st in the district. Outdoor      test: Maddy Witter, Kelsey
Buchanan, Madeline Byrd, Mark         $7,500 productively. Members        Recreation Placement: 1st Kaleb          Hardwick, Maddy Chenoweth,
Cumberledge, Owen Davis,              must have at least 50 hours of      Carver and 2nd Steven Jessel.            Maria DiCesare.
Evin Denney, Maria DiCesare,          community service along with        Kaleb places 2nd and Steven                  Wildlife Management: Kaleb
Parker Frey, Gracyn Gifford,          other requirements. Only about      placed 3rd in the district.              Carver (2nd in district), Luke
Zoe Gifford, Gracie Groot,            0.5% of FFA members will earn             Grain Crop Production              Dempsy, Gavin Nance, Mark
Holden Harker, Madisyn Jessel,        this degree. Sean Miller, Zach      Placement: Zach Born. He                 Papp. State Greenhand Test
Lexi Mack, MJ McCann, Gavin           Born, and Morgan Nance have         placed 3rd in state. Diversified         (2nd in district), Maddie Byrd,
Nance, Mark Papp, Joel Polen,         submitted applications which are    Ag Production Placement:                 Holden Harker, Caleb Ross and
Caleb Ross, Nina Sauer, Joshua        being evaluated at the national     Zach Born. He was 3rd in state.          Adrianna Buchanan. National
Scheeres, Matthew Schnell,            level. Degrees will be awarded      Forage Crop Placement: Zach              Stay at Home Quiz (2nd in
Grace Stanley, Tristin Stipe,         at the National Convention in       Born. He placed 1st in the               state as a team): Kaleb Carver,
Weston Strader, Lauren Valerius,      October in Indianapolis.            district. Community Service:             Maddie Byrd, Steven Jessel and
Rylan Votruba, Taylor Wood, and           The Scholarship Award is        Keith Cornwell.                          Stella Baxter.
Garrett Yakunovich.                   for students who have gotten              The chapter has had great              National State at Home
    To earn your Chapter              A’s for the last 3 quarters. The    success in CDEs (Career                  Teacher Quiz (2nd in state
Degree you must be a member           members that have maintained        Development Events) which                teacher team): Mrs Finnegan
for 2 years and have your             straight A’s in class are Seniors   helps ready the young adults             (1st in state individual) and Ms
Greenhand Degree along with           Kaleb Carver, Chance Coultrip,      in certain areas of agriculture          Evans. Parliamentary Procedure
other requirements in community       Luke Dempsey, Taylor Kenska,        and career planning. The                 CDE Novice Team A: President
service and SAE projects. These       and Nate Kraus; Juniors Kelsey      top competitors in each CDE              Grace Stanley, Vice President
recipients earned pins and            Hardwick; Sophomores Madison        received pins and recognition            Madisyn Jessel, Secretary
certificates: Christopher Berthold,   Chenoweth, Morgan DiCesare,         at the banquet. The chapter did          Gracyn Gifford, Treasurer
Collin Berthold, Hannah               Teah Hildebrandt, Noah              not get to compete at district or        Joel Polen, Reporter Garret
Brandt, Madison Chenoweth,            Galloway, Randi Johansson,          state animal CDEs so those that          Yakunovich, Sentinel Rylan
Morgan DiCesare, Jadeyn               and Michael Ranney; and             did well on state online tests and       Votruba, Student Advisor Grace
Dickel, Caden Domin, Noah             Freshmen Adrianna Buchanan,         invitationals were recognized            Groot. Novice Team B: President
Galloway, Gabriel Gargasz,            Madeline Byrd, Maria DiCesare,      instead.                                 Holden Harker, Vice President
Gavin Gede, Gavin Gifford,            Holden Harker, MJ McCann,                 Forestry (3rd in district team):   Maria DiCesare, Secretary Gavin
Liberty Gonia, Aiden Harker,          Nina Sauer, and Lauren Valerius.    Luke Dempsey (4th overall in             Nance, Treasurer Zoe Gifford,
Teah Hildebrandt, Matthew                  Proficiency Awards are         district), Aiden Harker, Kaleb           Reporter Nina Sauer, Sentinel
Huston, Randi Johanssen,              given to the members with           Carver, Katelyn Konicek. Rural           Matthew Schnell, Student

                                                                     • 10
Advisor Owen Davis.                    (assistant).
    Senior Team - President                These seniors were
Donald Crawford , Secretary            recognized for their four years
Logan Galloway, Members Kaleb          of membership and their future
Carver, Steven Jessel, Mitchell        plans were announced. Good
Sweinhagen, Noah Galloway,             luck to - Kaleb Carver, Keith
Morgan DiCesare and Olivia             Cornwell, Chance Coultrip, Luke
Galloway. Beginning Prepared           Dempsey, Jordyn Domin, Taylor
Public Speaking Michael Ranney         Kenska, Nate Kraus, Tad Miller,
(7th in state semi-finals, 1st         Jacob Schmitz, Adalbert Tenorio.
in sub-district, 1st in district).         Thank you to our FFA Adviser
Extemporaneous Speaking                Shanna Finnegan for all the
Kaleb Carver (3rd in sub-district)     hard work you do to help us
    Good job to all the students       thrive as a chapter. Also a huge
who have done well in CDE’s            thanks to our Student Teacher
this year!                             Ms. Haley Evans (The Ohio
    The Firelands FFA holds            State University). The school
three fundraisers a year. The          that hires Ms Evans will be lucky
                                                                                     Full Service Auto Repair and Maintenance

one we get the most success            to have her! Congratulations to
on is our fruit sale fundraisers.      the Firelands FFA for another
These three students have gone         successful year. Let’s do our
over everyone else and sold the        best to stay positive through
most fruit. In first place is Taylor   Covid-19. Please keep an eye
Kenska with a total of $1990 in        out for the unique ideas the
sales. In second place is Michael      Firelands FFA members have
Ranney with a total of $1084. In
third place is Keith Cornwell with
                                       to keep practicing leadership,
                                       personal growth, and career              Tire & Service Center
the total of $1076.                    success even if it has to be done           South Amherst       440-986-9701
    At the Lorain County Fair          virtually!
these members go above and                        Respectfully Submitted by
above all others by bringing a               FFA Reporter Morgan DiCesare.
shop, crop and animal projects
to the fair. This Supreme FFA
                                                                                                            $100 Gift Certificate
Exhibitor Award recognizes those          FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL
with the most premiums earned                   September 1st
among members exhibiting                   for Grades 1 through 12
shop, crop, and animal projects.
                                          Kindergarten Screening
Second runner up is Aiden
                                         September 1, 2 & 3 with first
Harker, first runner up is Taylor
                                           full day on September 4
Kenska, and Supreme Exhibitor
is Teah Hildebrandt.                        Full calendar available
    The Lorain County Junior                    on the website:
Fair is governed, planned, and  
run by youth members. The
Firelands FFA is glad to have
several members that serve on                                                                                               The Firelands Express is
the Lorain County Junior Fair                                                   The next Board of Education              published 9 times each school
Board. These members are                                                          meeting will be held on                year by the Firelands Board of
Keith Cornwell (Exec Member),                                                                                                      Education.
Steven Jessel (Exec Member),                                                            July 13, 2020.                    The Board of Education can
Katelyn Konicek (Exec Member),                                                Board agendas can always be found          be reached at: 112 North Lake
Madison Chenoweth, Bridget                                                             on our website at                   Street, South Amherst, OH
Rutkowski, Josh Scheeres,                                                     44001. Main Office: 440-965-
Krystal Scheeres,Gabby                                                               BoardofEducation.aspx               5821; Treasurer’s Office: 440-
Zadorzny and Matthew Schnell                                                                                                        965-5701.

                                                                         • 11
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