A pioneer of safety and low-emission initiatives'

A pioneer of safety and low-emission initiatives'
FleetNews March 28, 2019

                                                                                                         March 28 2019 £6.00


                                                                 Fleet News Awards 2019

                                        ‘A pioneer of safety and
                                        low-emission initiatives’

                                 ...and a Newcastle United supporter. The penny finally drops as Graham Telfer
                             (and wife Alison) realises he has entered the Fleet News Hall of Fame. Full details inside
A pioneer of safety and low-emission initiatives'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   NEWS AND
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   4 Imminent ULEZ prompts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      renewed calls for state aid
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   6 Comment: Lack of clear
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Government guidance on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      CAZs is unacceptable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   9 Fleets in limbo as Chancellor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      avoids clarifying tax position
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   10 Surge of interest in EVs not
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      matched by battery supply
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   11 Safety concerns delay
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      recovery of crashed EVs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   12 The past month’s news headlines
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   16 Have your say
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   98 Last word: Alison Bell

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   FLEET: STRATEGY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   20 Workplace parking levies –
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      four things fleets should know    PARKING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   24 Easy money? The profit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      potential of vehicle to grid
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        P20        IN THE                                                 TELEMATICS AND
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             CAMERAS P92
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   FLEET NEWS                                      70 Wex sets out its growth plan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      for Esso fuel cards
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   AWARDS 2019                          FLEET
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   31 A 39-page special celebrating     AWARDS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   TODAY’S FLEET:
                           PAY LESS BIK.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the very best in fleet            P31
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   72 Policy benchmarking highlights

                          GET MORE SUV.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      a possible costly problem
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   74 Techniques for developing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      relationships with suppliers

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   IGNITION                                 COMMERCIAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   76 Toyota Corolla                        FLEET
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            84 ‘Shocking’ lack of infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Corolla is ‘performing’ again
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   79 Lexus UX                                 is holding back electric trucks
        New Grandland X.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Tax savings increase its popularity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   81 Our test fleet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            87 Kangoo ZE 33 uptake hampered
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               by battery supply delays
        Keeps calm. Carries on.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             88 Keeping a grip on the budget is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               not an easy ride for TMs
        BiK from 24%† | P11D from £23,190 | CO2 from 111g/km* | Combined 37.2 to 54.3 mpg#
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            91 Compliance advice from FTA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            92 Dashcams give fleet managers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               greater control
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            96 Vauxhall Combo Cargo
                                                      Search Vauxhall 3DTD                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     First van since PSA took over
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            97 Renault D-Range 6x2
Fuel economy# and CO2* results for the Grandland X. Combined mpg (l/100km): 37.2 (7.6) – 54.3 (5.1). CO2 emissions: 128 – 111g/km.                                                                                                                                   TOYOTA COROLLA P76                        Unsung hero has safety
 Fuel consumption figures are determined according to the WLTP test cycle. *CO2 emissions figures are determined according to the WLTP test cycle however, a Government formula is then applied                                                                                                                features in abundance
to translate these figures back to what they would have been under the outgoing NEDC test cycle, which WLTP replaces. The correct tax treatment is then applied. Figures are intended for
comparability purposes only. The fuel consumption you achieve under real life driving conditions and CO2 produced will depend upon a number of factors, including the accessories fitted after
registration, variations in driving styles, weather conditions and vehicle load. Only compare fuel consumption and CO2 with other vehicles tested using the same technical procedures. For more
information contact your local Vauxhall Retailer. †2018/19 tax year. Vauxhall Motors Limited does not offer tax advice and recommends that all Company Car Drivers consult their own accountant with               fleetnews.co.uk ■ March 28 2019                                                                                             3
regards to their own tax position. 3 Day Test Drive terms and conditions apply and vehicles are subject to availability. Please call 0330 587 8221 for full details. All figures quoted correct at time of going
to press (March 2019).
A pioneer of safety and low-emission initiatives'

London’s imminent ULEZ prompts
renewed calls for Government aid                                                                                                                                                 £270m
                                                                                                                                                                                 per year from non-compliant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                scrappage fund
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Government funding
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        vehicles could fall foul
                                                                                                                                                                                       vehicles entering       for cars and vans   for Birmingham CAZ       of ULEZ charge
                                                                                                                                                                                         London ULEZ               in London

    Birmingham receives £38m to help businesses adapt to CAZ, but there’s no consistency

    By Gareth Roberts                        company cars will escape charges,       days per week. With fees for non-          expense of another.” However, he
                   ith just a matter of      where levied, due to their relatively   compliant vehicles to enter the            admitted it had cost his business

    W              days to go before the
                   launch of London’s
                   Ultra-Low Emission
    Zone (ULEZ), the fleet industry has
                                             short replacement cycles of, on
                                             average, three years.
                                               However, vans and trucks can
                                             have much longer replacement
                                                                                     ULEZ starting from £12.50 for a car
                                                                                     or a van to £100 for a truck, that
                                                                                     would equate to more than
                                                                                     £750,000 per day or more than
                                                                                                                                £3m to make sure it was “ULEZ
                                                                                                                                  To help micro-businesses –
                                                                                                                                defined as those with 10 or fewer
    again called for more support to         cycles, increasing the likelihood of    £270 million per year in charges           employees – and charities adapt to
    help businesses comply with clean        mixed fleets running non-compliant        Alex Williams, TfL director of city      the new zone in London, a van
    air zones (CAZs).                        vehicles, and incurring charges.        planning, said: “We have been              scrappage scheme has been
      More than 60 towns and cities            Vans, on average, are typically       working hard to ensure drivers are         launched with £23m available. A
    are currently considering new            replaced every four years, but          aware that their vehicle needs to be       further £25m has been earmarked
    measures to tackle pollution,            some fleet operators may sweat          compliant if they are to avoid paying      for a separate car scrappage
    including the introduction of CAZs.      their assets for much longer, for up    the charge. We have also been              scheme, which will launch later
      As a result, almost every corner       to eight years, while trucks can        supporting businesses in their             this year.
    of the UK will be implementing           stay on the fleet for 10-12 years.      preparations – with many already             The van scrappage scheme
    some form of air improvement               City Hall is expected to publish      making the move to comply.”                offers qualifying businesses £6,000
    strategy within the next few years,      new figures on how many vehicles                                                   to buy an electric van or £3,500
    leading to further calls for a           could be impacted by London’s           TfL ADVICE TO FLEETS                       towards the purchase or lease of a
    consistent approach to how rules         new zone, which comes in force          TfL says it has engaged with more          Euro 6 diesel.
    are applied.                             from April 8, in the next few days.     than 6,000 fleets to advise them of          Caroline Sandall, director at ESE
      The Freight Transport Associa-         Previous research suggested that        their options and has worked with          Consulting and deputy chair of fleet
    tion (FTA) says it would like to see     around 45% of all cars, 40% of light    London’s business groups to reach          representative body ACFO, said
    more support for those who will          goods vehicles (LGVs) and more          “thousands more”.                          fleets will be “running the
    struggle most to comply with             than one-in-three (38%) trucks will       Recycling firm First Mile, which         numbers” to see whether, in the
    CAZs, such as small businesses           need to pay the charge.                 services more than 25,000 busi-            short term, paying the charge or
    and operators of specialist fleets.        Around a fifth of the total LGV       nesses in London with a fleet of 70        replacing the vehicle makes most
      Natalie Chapman, FTA head of           fleet is still expected to be non-      vehicles, has consolidated collect-        financial sense.
    urban policy, explained: “The diffi-     compliant in 2025, while virtually      ions to reduce vehicle movements             “For some businesses, espe-
    culty is that for some fleets they are   all HGVs are expected to meet the       and uses cargo bikes to deliver            cially the smaller ones, this does
    locked into lease agreements that        required Euro VI standard.              waste bags.                                create a burden over and above
    will be expensive to get out of or         Transport for London (TfL) has          Bruce Bratley, First Mile CEO,           what one could expect to be part of
    they may struggle to get replace-        suggested that up to 60,000             said: “It makes sense to operate           normal business planning,” added
    ment vehicles in time, especially if     vehicles could fall foul of the         with the lowest possible impact on         Sandall.
    they require significant after-          London’s new ULEZ charge, which         air quality; it would be futile to solve     To qualify for London’s van scrap-
    market bodywork.”                        will operate 24 hours a day, seven      one environmental issue at the             page scheme, businesses and
                                                                                                                                charities will have to be registered
    AIR POLLUTION THREAT TO HEALTH                                                                                              in London or have entered the
    The warning comes as Public                                                                                                 existing Congestion Charging Zone
    Health England (PHE) said 28,000                                                                                            52 times in the past six months and
    to 36,000 deaths in the UK each                                                                                             provide a certificate of destruction
    year could be attributed to long-                                                                                           for a non-compliant vehicle.
    term exposure to air pollution                                                                                                Micro-business Clean Cover
    (fleetnews.co.uk, March 11).                                                                                                operates three non-compliant
       The      organisation’s
    describes air pollution as the
                                  report              GOVERNMENT
                                                       OVERNMENT SHOULD
                                                                  SHOUL BE                                                      vans within the ULEZ, with the
                                                                                                                                business based outside the capital.
    biggest environmental threat to               WORKING MORE CLOSELY WITH                                                       Owner Sharon Lloyd welcomed
    health in the UK, and outlines a
    series of recommendations for
                                                  CITY COUNCILS AND PROVIDING                                                   the help offered through the van
                                                                                                                                scrappage scheme.
    improving air quality, including                 MONETARY SUPPORT LIKE                                                        However, she said: “As a small
    stopping cars idling near school
    gates, promoting car pool lanes,
                                                     SCRAPPAGE SCHEMES                                                          business, I feel like we’re being
                                                                                                                                priced out of the capital. Upgrading                                                                                     Birmingham had sought close
    providing priority parking for                                                                                              vehicles, even with this support,                                                                                       to £69m in Government aid for
    electric cars and employing low                                                                                             will be a struggle.”                                                                                                    its CAZ, but, instead, received
    emission or clean air zones.                  CAROLINE SANDALL, ACFO AND ESE CONSULTING                                       The level of support available to                                                                                           a little more than £52m
       As it stands, the vast majority of                                                                                       fleets will vary from one zone to

4                                                                                                                                        March 28 2019 ■ fleetnews.co.uk   fleetnews.co.uk ■ March 28 2019                                                                                5
A pioneer of safety and low-emission initiatives'
NEWS: clean air                                                                             opiNioN: clientearth

   the next. Birmingham, which has
just had its CAZ approved by Govern-
ment, will also charge cars, vans
                                                 anyway,” she said. “The benefits of
                                                 CAZs will be short-lived. The Euro
                                                 VI/6 vehicles that will be required,
                                                                                            Government’s lack
and trucks that don’t meet the latest
emission standards to enter the city.
                                                 will enter the vehicle fleet on their
                                                 own accord as part of the natural
                                                                                            of clear guidance and
  It will cover all roads within the
A4540 Middleway ring road and is
due to come into effect from January
                                                 fleet replacement cycle.”
                                                   She continued: “When businesses
                                                 buy new vehicles, it is not just the
                                                                                            coordination on CAZs
  Non-compliant cars, taxis and
                                                 purchase price they need to consider,
                                                 but how long they plan to run them
                                                                                            is unacceptable
vans will pay £8 per day to enter the            for and what they will sell them for
zone, while HGVs and buses will be               when they are finished.                                            The article alongside clearly shows what a
charged £50.                                       “The introduction of CAZs means                                  sorry state the Government’s plan to tackle
  Birmingham councillors had                     that for many businesses, the time-                                air pollution in our towns and cities is in.
requested Government funding to                  frame in which they had planned to                                   Responding to successive Government
introduce £68.7m of mitigation                   sweat their assets has reduced and                                 failures to deliver a lawful air quality plan,
measures, including a car scrap-                    the residual values of their Euro                               ClientEarth has launched and won three
page scheme, but have                                       V/5 vehicles have plum-                                 legal challenges over the past eight years.
instead received £52.2m                                         meted. So not only do                                 But, instead of implementing a national
f       r       o       m                                         they need to obtain       DOmINIC PHINN           network   of clean air zones (CAZs),
the        Government                                               financial resources     Business                accompanied by central funds to help
(fleetnews.co.uk,                                                     for new vehicles      engagement              businesses make the switch to cleaner
March 14).                                                             sooner than they     Co-ordinator,           vehicles, ministers decided to pass the buck
  It has allocated
£38m to support
businesses and indi-
                                  deaths a year attributed
                                                                       had planned, they
                                                                       have the double
                                                                      whammy         that
                                                                                            Clientearth             to local authorities, so now businesses are
                                                                                                                    facing a confusing patchwork of schemes.
                                                                                              It is unacceptable that the Government has failed to take
viduals who might be                    to pollution                they have also lost     proper action to tackle this problem. CAZ proposals are trickling
impacted by the zone                                              out financially on the    in, but their roll-out lacks central government coordination and
and £14.2m to install                                           vehicles they are           support, and we are seeing some local authorities doing all they
signs, cameras and other                                    replacing.”                     can to avoid such measures.
infrastructure.                                                                               These CAZs are needed now and, despite claims from the FTA,
  There will be one-year exemptions              CONSISTENT APPROACH                        Defra’s own evidence shows they are the most effective way to
for commercial vehicles registered               In July 2017, the Department of Envi-      bring air pollution to within legal limits in the shortest possible
within the zone and one-year exemp-              ronment, Food and Rural Affairs            time, as required by law.
tions for those registered in the                (Defra) and the Department for               As local authorities across the country follow cities like London
Birmingham area and travelling into              Transport (DfT) published the ‘Air         and Birmingham in taking ambitious and necessary measures to
the zone, with vehicles that have an             Quality Plan for nitrogen dioxide          clean up their polluted air, disruption to businesses with fleets of
existing lease beyond 2020.                      (NO2) in the UK 2017’.                     vehicles is unavoidable.
  Both exemptions will be limited to               This plan, and subsequent                  The FTA is absolutely right in highlighting the need for CAZs to
two vehicles per business.                       iterations, have required local            be complemented by help and support, particularly for small
  Councillor Waseem Zaffar, cabinet              authorities to take action to bring        businesses if they are to move to cleaner forms of transport.
member for transport and environ-                NO2 air pollution levels within              In London, the £23m for a van scrappage scheme and £25m
ment at Birmingham City Council,                 statutory limits in the shortest           earmarked for a separate car scrappage scheme are essential
said: “In light of the reduced funding           possible time.                             to help smaller businesses adapt to the ULEZ and exactly the
for a scrappage scheme, we will                    But, by leaving councils to draw up      kind of commitment we need to see.
continue to work with other council              their own plans, fleet operators face        They need to be matched by national support, however.
leaders and combined authorities                 inconsistencies in how they are being        As restrictions come into force to meet legal limits for air
across the country to lobby the                  applied.                                   pollution, funding for a means-tested scrappage scheme on a
Government for a national diesel                   For example, Oxford City Council         national scale will be needed. This should be part-funded by the
scrappage scheme.”                               and Oxfordshire County Council             car industry.
  Sandall said that any support to               have developed plans that would see          Along with help and support to shift to cleaner vehicles, we
accelerate the replacement of older,             all non-zero emission vehicles             need to see tax changes to bring zero emission vehicles closer to
more polluting vehicles should be                banned from parking and loading            cost parity to help businesses buy these vehicles now.
welcomed and urged other cities to               during certain hours from 2020,              The months ahead will be crucial and attention will be focused
follow suit where CAZ charges were               while individual boroughs in London        on all levels of government to make sure that plans submitted
being considered.                                have been drawing up their own             are effective in finally protecting people’s health and are
  She added: “Government should                  plans, with tougher standards than         accompanied by measures to help individuals and business
be working more closely with those               those stipulated by the ULEZ.              make the necessary shift to cleaner vehicles and more efficient
city councils and providing monetary               Martin Brown, managing director          transport systems.
support like scrappage schemes.”                 of Fleet Alliance, has called for
                                                 greater clarity from ministers so
BENEFITS ‘SHORT-LIVED’                           companies can plan green fleet poli-
However, while CAZs are being                    cies with more confidence.
considered by councils, Chapman                    “If you ran a fleet of, say, 500 vehi-
argues that they are not necessary               cles on a national basis, you could be
to deliver improved air quality, nor do          faced with drivers driving from one
they provide an ongoing air quality              city to another, Leeds to Glasgow for
benefit.                                         example, where they might fall foul
  “They do not set new standards,                of a different set of rules covering
they aim to simply accelerate the                low emission zones through no fault
vehicle change that is coming                    of their own,” he said.

A pioneer of safety and low-emission initiatives'

BIK/VED uncertainty
not resolved by the
Spring Statement                                                                                                                   IS THE DELAY IN
                                                                                                                                  PUBLISHING NEW
Chancellor says response will be made ‘in                                                   Yes: 94.5%                            BIK RATES HAVING
the coming months’, leaving fleets in limbo                                                                                         A LONG-TERM
                                                                                         Unsure: 1.4%                              NEGATIVE EFFECT
                                                                                                                                  ON THE COMPANY
By Gareth Roberts                                                                               No: 4.1%                            CAR MARKET?
             leets have delivered a          orders had been put on hold until the

  F          clear message to the
             Government: 94.5% of
             respondents to a Fleet
News poll believe the delay in
                                             Government decides its approach to
                                             future benefit-in-kind (BIK) tax
                                               WLTP testing has been required
                                                                                                                                       Source: fleetnews.co.uk

publishing new company car tax               for all new models from September
rates is damaging the industry.              2017, and all new car registrations
   Fewer than one in 20 believed the         since September 2018.
uncertainty was not having a long-             In the Autumn Budget 2017, it was
term negative effect on the market.          announced that cars registered from
   The fleet industry has been               April 2020 would be taxed based on      drivers.
growing increasingly frustrated with         WLTP. Cars registered before April        “The use
the Government’s handling of the             2020 would maintain their current       of NEDC-corre-
new emissions testing regime – the           tax treatment, paying emissions-        lated figures means
Worldwide harmonised Light vehicle           based taxes according to correlated-    that some motorists are
Test Procedure (WLTP) – and its              NEDC figures under the EU’s             facing unexpected tax hikes,”
impact on company car tax and                CO2MPAS equation.                       he said.
Vehicle Excise Duty (VED).                     Matthew Walters, head of consul-        NEDC-correlated figures, which          could make them “prohibitively
   HMRC launched a consultation              tancy LeasePlan UK, says WLTP’s         were not considered in the consulta-      expensive”.
late last year to better understand          “staggered integration” into the tax    tion, have resulted in an uplift of CO2     Similarly, he says that questions
the problem, but hopes of hearing its        system has created a lot of confusion   emissions of 10%, on average,             remain over the future tax treatment
response were dashed in the Spring           and concern for fleets and their        equating to some 10-15g/km.               of electric vehicles (EVs), which
Statement (fleetnews.co.uk, March                                                      However, fleets and company car         makes it difficult to forecast the cost
13). Fleet News understands that the                                                 drivers could face a further increase     of transitioning to an ultra-low and
cause of the delay is the protracted                                                 in costs when they start using WLTP       zero emission fleet.
Brexit negotiations.                                                                 CO2 values from April 2020.                 The VED and company car tax
   The Chancellor simply said in a                                                     Initial evidence provided by manu-      consultation, which was launched in
written statement that the Govern-                                                   facturers suggests that more than         December 2018, closed on February
ment would issue its response to the                                                 half of cars will see an increase in      17, so it was perhaps wishful thinking
review into the impact of the WLTP                                                   emissions from correlated values of       to believe Government could
on VED and company car tax “in the                                                   between 10% and 20%.                      respond to the submissions in the
coming months”.                                                                        Ashley Barnett, head of consul-         Spring Statement, less than one
   Company car tax tables are known                  FLEETS                          tancy at Lex Autolease, believes it’s     month later.
up until 2020/21. The rates were
published in 2016, which gave fleets
                                                     AND                             a major issue for the industry. “The
                                                                                     lack of long-term company car tax
                                                                                                                                 Matthew Walters, head of consul-
                                                                                                                               tancy LeasePlan UK, believes Brexit
advance notice of their liabilities for           MOTORISTS                          tables is holding the fleet market        played its part, but said that was “no
the next four years. They now have
just two years, which is taking its toll
                                                   CANNOT                            back,” he said.
                                                                                       “Before fleet decision-makers can
                                                                                                                               excuse” for the lack of rates beyond
                                                                                                                               the 2020/21 tax year.
on the company car market.                        PROPERLY                           build a strategy based around the           “It’s outrageous that we weren’t
   One fleet manager told Fleet News:
“I’ve had drivers in long-term hire              PREPARE FOR                         average 48-month contract, and
                                                                                     before employees can commit to
                                                                                                                               told these rates years ago,” he said.
                                                                                                                               “This means that fleets and motor-
vehicles for almost a year now while              THE YEARS                          what is, essentially, a four-year         ists cannot properly prepare for the
WLTP was being sorted out and now
that they are allowed to order a new              AHEAD                              investment, they need assurance
                                                                                     that the associated costs are not
                                                                                                                               years ahead, which is particularly
                                                                                                                               worrying at a time of such economic
car, many are reluctant to do so until                                               going to increase over its lifetime.”     uncertainty.
they have certainty of their tax liability                                             Orders of diesel vehicles from Lex        “The Chancellor needs to reveal
in years three and four of owner-                MATTHEW WALTERS,                    Autolease are being delayed,              the rates as soon as possible – pref-
ship.”                                             LEASEPLAN UK                      according to Barnett, in case further     erably even ahead of this summer’s
   Another respondent said all vehicle                                               tax increases are announced that          draft Finance Bill.”

fleetnews.co.uk ■ March 28 2019                                                                                                                                     9
A pioneer of safety and low-emission initiatives'
NEWS: EV PROLIFERATION                                                                                                                                                       NEWS: VEHICLE RECOVERY

Surge of interest in electric vehicles                                                                                                                                       Crashed EVs ‘take longer to recover’
not matched by battery availability                                                                                                                                          Extra safety requirements for high-voltage systems complicate electric vehicle collection

Now car manufacturers are bidding to establish battery cell production in Europe                                                                                             By Matt de Prez                               “A second man arrived later. He                                                  assessments or equipment. In order
                                                                                                                                                                                            lectric cars and plug-in    was concerned that the battery was                                                  to make the scene safe, it may also

By Gareth Roberts
              onger-range electric
                                                                                                                                                                              E             hybrid cars could take
                                                                                                                                                                                            longer to recover in the
                                                                                                                                                                                            event of a collision than
                                                                                                                                                                             a regular petrol or diesel car, due to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        damaged and there could be a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        health and safety issue around
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        transporting hazardous materials.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The i3 was immobile because
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            include specialist support for road
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            traffic collisions.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The Institute of Vehicle Recovery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            (IVR) delivers specialist training to

 L            vehicles (EVs) and more
              hybrid models are
              expected to transform
the company car parc, but carmakers
                                                                                                                                                                             safety concerns over the battery.
                                                                                                                                                                               In many cases, a crashed electric
                                                                                                                                                                             vehicle (EV) cannot be towed as the
                                                                                                                                                                             driven wheels remain locked unless
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        there was no power to it. Jones said
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        they couldn’t disengage the hand-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        brake and the electric motor was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        locked, so the wheels wouldn’t turn.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            I DON’T
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            enable recovery firms to handle elec-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            trified vehicles correctly. It has seen a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            lot of demand for its EV course.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Mark Hartell, vice-chairman of the
may struggle to meet the growing                                                                                                                                             the car can be switched on to put it          A third AA vehicle – a flatbed truck         THINK THE                           IVR, said: “It is vital that all techni-
   This was the sentiment at the 2019
                                                                                                                                                                             in neutral.
                                                                                                                                                                               To reduce the risk of battery fires
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        with a winch – was able to recover the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        car. But the operator first had to work
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       UK IS GEARED                         cians, and those responsible for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            sending them out, appreciate the
Geneva Motor Show, where electri-                                                                                                                                            or electrocution, most EVs use             out the weight of the car and the angle            UP TO                            hazards and specialist knowledge
fication was a key theme, as was the
new subscription or short-term
                                                                                                                                                                             circuit breakers that disconnect the
                                                                                                                                                                             high-voltage system if an impact
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        it would need to be pulled at, to see if
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the winch was powerful enough.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         RECOVER                            required to recover this type
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            of vehicle.”
rental models that will deliver new                                                                                                                                          is detected.                                  “The operator had to literally drag           VEHICLES                             Jones advises fleet operators to
plug-in vehicles (fleetnews.co.uk,
March 6).
                                                                                                                                                                               The emergency services will also
                                                                                                                                                                             seek to disconnect any high-voltage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the car up onto a flatbed truck. It was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the most annoying day,” said Jones.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          OF THIS                           ensure that recovery firms are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            aware they are being called to deal
   However, carmakers also made                                                                                                                                              components on electric vehicles if            Speedy Services has been oper-              TYPE YET                             with an electric vehicle, whether
clear that demand for alternative                                                                                                                                            they are required to attend.               ating three BMW i3s, which have                                                     directly or through an accident
fuel vehicles (AFVs) is outstripping                                                                                                                                           These       added       complications    been converted into vans, for the                                                   management provider.
supply and the situation may not                                                                                                                                             mean recovery firms can have a             past two years. This incident was the              GARETH JONES,                      Pete Williams, RAC road safety
improve anytime soon due to a lack                                                                                                                                           tougher job of collecting these often      first the fleet encountered.                      SPEEDY SERVICES                   spokesman, said: “Our approach to
of supply of the batteries.                                                                                                                                                  heavy vehicles.                               “We were flabbergasted that                                                      EVs and hybrids is consistent with
   Peugeot chairman and chief exec-                                                                                             The European Commission says Europe            When a BMW i3 operated by                companies like the AA seemed                                                        how we deal with conventional petrol
utive officer Carlos Tavares has been                                                                                          will need 10 to 20 ‘gigafactories’ – large-   Speedy Services was involved in a          unaware of how to deal with it,”                                                    and diesel vehicles. In the event of an
urging the European Parliament to                                                                                                 scale battery cell production facilities   collision, it took 15 hours for the        said Jones.                                                                         accident, if requested to recover an
provide the necessary support to                                                                                                                                             vehicle to be recovered by the                “I don’t think the UK is geared up        In a statement, the AA said all its    EV vehicle by the fleet manager, we
instigate production in the EU for the                                                                                                                                       company’s appointed recovery               to recover vehicles of this type yet. It   patrols are trained to work safely on    would send a flatbed lorry.
past year.                               companies, such as Samsung,               although we are trying to secure           the manufacturer’s new family of               agent, the AA.                             hasn’t put us off EVs though. We’ve        EVs. However, it did point out that        “EVs present a particular chal-
   There are lithium-ion battery         Panasonic, CATL and LG Chem.              more production,” Paul Philpott, Kia       electric cars – in May, almost six               “When the first AA man turned up,        all got to move forwards and               where EVs suffer damage in the           lenge as most cannot be towed
factories in Europe, such as the            Peugeot anticipates that 12% of        Motors UK chairman and chief               months before the car is unveiled at           he said he didn’t know anything            embracing new technology is a core         event of an accident, there could        normally and should be transported
Daimler-owned Deutsche Accumo-           208 registrations next year, some         executive officer, told Fleet News.        autumn’s Frankfurt Motor Show.                 about electric vehicles,” said Gareth      part of our business. What we have         be additional health and safety          with all wheels off the ground. It is a
tive. However, they do not make the      2,400 units, will be the full electric       “It’s a global supply chain, not just      The hatchback will start from less          Jones,       transport      compliance     to do is look at how we are going to       considerations before recovering the     similar situation with many other
cells, which are supplied by Asian       version – the e-208 – as it starts        Europe or the UK and battery supply        than €30,000 (£25,700) and it will             manager at Speedy Services.                stop it happening again.”                  vehicle. This may require further risk   modern vehicles, including crosso-
                                         planning for a future where every         can’t keep pace with demand, which         have a range of up to 342 miles.                                                                                                                                              vers, SUVs, 4x4s, pick-ups, vans and
                                         car and van model will have an elec-      is growing at a significant rate. We          However, the manufacturer’s                                                                                                                                                automatics.
                                         tric option within four years.            have to manage the situation but we        board member for sales, Jurgen                                                                                                                                                  “In response, we have developed
                                            Deliveries of the new small car will   can’t say when it will free-up. Our        Stackman admitted: “Given the                                                                                                                                                 our new All-Wheels-Up equipment
                                         start at the end of the year or the       customers are prepared to wait.”           interest in the ID family shown by our                                                                                                                                        that effectively brings flatbed
                                         beginning of 2020, with reservations         European carmakers are working          dealers, I think it is possible the                                                                                                                                           recovery capability to our standard
                                         opening in March and orders from          hard to bring battery supply closer to     launch edition will already have sold                                                                                                                                         long-wheel based orange patrol
                                         summer.                                   home. Germany has earmarked                out before we unveil it in September.”                                                                                                                                        vans. To date, 600 have been
                                            However, UK managing director          €1 billion (£860 million) to support a        Recognising a growing demand for                                                                                                                                           equipped with this new kit. So a
                                         David Peel said: “We are confident        consortium looking to produce EV           EVs and the batteries to power them,                                                                                                                                          single van can recover an EV – saving
          IT’S A                         we will have the supply that we need      battery cells. There are also plans to     the European Commission set up                                                                                                                                                the driver valuable time.”
        GLOBAL                           to meet our forecast demand.”
                                            But, battery supply is one of the
                                                                                   fund a research facility to develop
                                                                                   next-generation solid-state batteries.
                                                                                                                              the European Battery Alliance (EBA)
                                                                                                                              in 2017.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The total number of fully electric
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            cars registered in the UK rose by
     SUPPLY CHAIN.                       main reasons why orders for Kia’s         More than 30 companies have                   Its objective is to create a compet-                                                                                                                                       59% last year, accounting for about
        BATTERY                          full electric e-Niro has outstripped
                                         its UK allocation. The carmaker
                                                                                   applied, including BMW and the
                                                                                   Volkswagen Group.
                                                                                                                              itive manufacturing value chain in
                                                                                                                              Europe, with sustainable battery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            1% of total sales. Plug-in hybrids
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            are more popular, making up 2.8%
        SUPPLY                           hopes the situation will improve for         The latter recently announced           cells at its core, and to prevent a                                                                                                                                           of sales.
      CAN’T KEEP                         2020 as it prepares for the new Soul
                                         EV (fleetnews.co.uk, March 6).
                                                                                   plans to make 22 million EVs within
                                                                                   the next 10 years – seven million
                                                                                                                              technological dependence on the
                                                                                                                              block’s competitors.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              A recent survey by Kia found that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            87% of fleet managers have encoun-
       PACE WITH                            Kia has taken just more than 1,000     more than its original ambition               It also wants to capitalise on the job                                                                                                                                     tered increased demand for electri-
                                                                                                                              growth and investment potential of                                                                                                                                            fied vehicles, but the majority feel
      DEMAND                             orders for its allocation of 1,000
                                         e-Niros, deliveries of which will
                                                                                   (fleetnews.co.uk, March 13).
                                                                                      The number of new electric              batteries, which could be worth up to                                                                                                                                         that the cars won’t be suitable for
                                         begin in the next couple of months.       models it plans to launch within the       €250bn (£214bn) a year to the EU                                                                                                                                              another two to five years.
                                         Dealers are telling customers that        same timescale has increased from          from 2025 onwards.                                                                                                                      EVs cannot be towed normally and        Kia’s Fleet Green Perspectives
        PAUL PHILPOTT,                   they are looking at quarter one 2020      50 to 70.                                  ■ See ‘Kangoo ZE 33 van uptake is                                                                                                           should be transported with all    Report found that 65% of fleets
        KIA MOTORS UK                    if they order now.                           Volkswagen will start taking            being hampered by battery supply                                                                                                                    wheels off the ground     operate plug-in vehicles, an increase
                                            “We have to be upfront with them,      reservations for its first ID model –      delays’ on page 87                                                                                                                                                            of 27% in the past year.

10                                                                                                                                   March 28 2019 ■ fleetnews.co.uk         fleetnews.co.uk ■ March 28 2019                                                                                                                                      11
A pioneer of safety and low-emission initiatives'
in detail
                                     news in brief                                                                                                                           To view the full story go to fleetnews.co.uk/news

                                     The past month’s news head
                                                              d llines from fleetnews.co.uk
                                      feb        Polestar 2 revealed with                                                          InfInItI to cease european sales
                                                 300-mile range                                                                    Infiniti, Nissan’s luxury arm, has confirmed it will stop producing cars in the UK                12
                                                            Polestar has revealed                                                  in July, as part of its plan to withdraw from the European car market by 2020.
                                      28           read its second model, the
     WHO’S DRIVING                                          Polestar 2. A fully-
                                                 electric five-door fastback that                                                                                                                                                                 OUR
     RISK IN YOUR                                is predicted to cost £35,000
                                                 and to have a 300-mile range.
                                                                                                                                   Wltp consultatIon response to
                                                                                                                                   be publIshed In ‘comIng months’                                                                          MOBILITY AUDIT
      BUSINESS?                                                                                                                      most
                                                                                                                                              In papers accompanying the
                                                                                                                                              Spring Statement, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     13     WILL REVEAL ALL
                                                                                                                                              Government says it will
                                                                                    new green nCaP highlights                      issue its response to the review into
                                      mar                                           real-world emissions PerformanCe               the impact of the WLTP on Vehicle
                                                                                    Safety rating organisation Euro NCAP has       Excise Duty and company car tax “in
                                                                                    launched a new green car assessment            the coming months”.
                                       1                                            programme called Green NCAP in
                                                                                    conjunction with European Governments,
                                                                                    motoring clubs and other organisations. It
                                                                                    aims to promote cars that are less polluting   arval aImIng to groW busIness after successful 2018
                                                                                    and more fuel- and energy-efficient.
                                                                                                                                               Arval’s leased fleet grew by 8.2% last year, reaching 1,193,910                       15
                                                                                                                                    shared vehicles and the number of vehicles ordered increased by 9%
                                                                                                                                           year-on-year to 353,302 units. It reported growth of 5% in
                                                                                                                                   France and the UK, 8% in Italy and 19% in Spain.
                                                average Co2 emissions rise as Petrol sales boom
                                       5        The average CO2 emissions across all cars sold in Europe
                                                reached a four-year high of 120.5g/km in 2018, according to
                                                Jato Dynamics. Its analysis found that CO2 emissions had                           neW laW to tackle rogue prIvate parkIng fIrms
                                                been steadily reducing year-on-year, reaching a low of                             Fleets will have greater protections against bogus parking penalties as                           18
                                                117.8g/km in 2016, but a fall in demand for diesel cars                            new measures to clamp down on rogue private parking firms become
                                                from 2017 has led to a reverse in this trend.                                      law. The new Parking (Code of Practice) Act, which received Royal Assent
                                                                                                                                   on March 15, brings in greater regulation of the private parking industry.

                                                 geneva motor show Coverage
                                       6         Interviews, pictures and all the key fleet cars revealed –

                                                                                                                                      fleet neWs poll
                                                all hondas to be ‘eleCtrified’ by 2025
                                                Honda has pledged to electrify every car
                                                it sells in the UK by 2025 as part of a                                                                                                                      fleet neWs vIeW:
                                       6        Europe-wide commitment. This exceeds a                                                                                                                       More than three-quarters
          You may have                          global promise to electrify two-thirds of its
                                                cars by 2030 and will require a rapid flow
                                                                                                                                                           yes: 18.2%      no: 76.4%                         (76.4%) of respondents to
                                                                                                                                                                                                             our poll do not believe that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Our Mobility Audit
       some hidden risks                        of new product over the next six years as                                                                                                                    new advisory fuel rates           can identify extra
                                                Honda phases out sole internal                                                                                                                               (AFRs), published in
       if your employees                        combustion engine vehicles.                                                                                                                                  February,       adequately     costs and hidden risks
        are driving their                                                                                                                                                                                    reflect the fuel costs they      to make your fleet
                                                                                                                                        don’t know:
                                                                                                                                                                   do neW                                    incur. Our view is
        privately-owned                                                                                                                                         advIsory fuel                                employers may wish to              more efficient.
          cars for work.
                                                smart motorway red ‘X’ signs ignored by almost one in four
                                                Almost one quarter (23%) of drivers have driven in a lane on a
                                                                                                                                                                 rates (afrs)                                set rates which better
                                                                                                                                                                                                             reflect their particular
                                       8        smart motorway closed by the red ‘X’ sign in the past year, RAC
                                                                                                                                                                reflect your                                 circumstances.           For
                                                research suggests. The roadside recovery company says there is                                                   fuel costs?                                 example, where the cars
                                                still some way to go to ensure near total compliance.                                                                                                        in the fleet are fuel
                                                                                                                                                                                                             efficient, employers may
                                                                                                                                                                                                             prefer to reimburse at a
                                                                                      transPort Committee launChes                                                                                           lower rate. However,
                                      11                                              inquiry into government’s road                                                                                         where an employer can
                                                                                      safety strategy                                                                                                        demonstrate that the cost
            DISCOVER MORE                                                             The Transport Committee is launching                                                                                   of business travel in                   FIND OUT AT
     LEXAUTOLEASE.CO.UK/GREY-FLEET                                                    an inquiry to scrutinise the Government’s       Source: fleetnews.co.uk                                                company cars in the fleet      LEXAUTOLEASE.CO.UK/GREY-FLEET
                                                                                      approach to road safety. The inquiry will                                                                              concerned is higher than
                                                                                      investigate which changes would be              thIs Issue’s poll: What is the longest time                            the guideline mileage rate,
                                                                                      most effective at reducing the number           you typically drive without a break?                                   AFRs are not binding.
                                                                                      and severity of road traffic accidents.

12                                                                                               March 28 2019 n fleetnews.co.uk   fleetnews.co.uk n March 28 2019                                                                                                          13
A pioneer of safety and low-emission initiatives'
A pioneer of safety and low-emission initiatives'
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Burning question:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Are you known, or have you ever been
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          known, by a nickname other than a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          contraction of your real name?

Congratulations to all our winners at last

                                                         EDITOR’S PICK
week’s Fleet News Awards. The celebrations                               ROAD SAFETY                              ELECTRIC                              PARKING FINES                                                                           PLUG-IN INCENTIVES                                                                        Stephen Briers 01733 468024
went on long into the night, as did the                                                                           VEHICLES                                                                                                                                                                                                                No, only nickname was Bri (shortened Briers
networking and conversation.                                                                                                                           New parking fines law                                                                    ‘Significant’ investment                                                                   from Bristol). Too many Steves at college

  There was a real buzz around the Grosvenor                             Education and                           Fleets want                                                                                                                    required to boost AFV sales
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Deputy editor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Sarah Tooze 01733 468901

Hotel’s Great Room, even though our numbers
                                                                         enforcement                             plug-in
                                                                                                                                                       welcomed by fleets                                                                                                                                                                 sarah.tooze@bauermedia.co.uk
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          News editor
were down slightly (1,300, with the usual mix of                                                                                                                                                                                                Robert Chisholm, Applewood Vehicle Finance,                                               Gareth Roberts 01733 468314
fleet decision-makers, manufacturers, leasing,
                                                                         needed                                  model now                             A Fleet wrote:
                                                                                                                                                       Having read ‘New law
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                wrote: Having read ‘average CO2 emissions rise as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                petrol sales boom’ (fleetnews.co.uk, March 5), it would
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Too many to mention!
rental, dealers and suppliers – still the biggest                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Features editor
                                                                                                                  Devon Guy wrote:                     to tackle rogue private                                                                  be interesting to understand the infrastructure that                                      Andrew Ryan 01733 468308
and best night of the year in our industry).                                                                      Having read ‘Seat to                 parking firms’                                                                           the likes of Norway have in place in order to achieve
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Rocky and variations of that, including Rock,
  Despite all the uncertainty, it’s clear that there                                                              launch 260-mile El-Born              (fleetnews.co.uk, March                                                                  such a high penetration of alternative fuel vehicle                                       Rocky the Thompson, Rockford Files, The Files
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Head of digital
are still plenty of good news stories, and plenty                                                                 EV in Q3 2020’ (fleetnews.           18), this has been a                                                                     (AFV) sales. There is no way a market such as the                                         Jeremy Bennett 01733 468655
to discuss and debate in a relaxed environment                                                                    co.uk, March 6), the race is         long time coming.                                                                        UK’s will get anywhere near this level of AFV                                             Fingers
surrounded by colleagues and friends.                                                                             on to get battery electric              I deal with the fines                                                                 penetration without significant investment.                                               Web producer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Elizabeth Howlett 01733 468655
  I was personally delighted to invite Graham                                                                     vehicles (BEVs) into the             for our company cars                                                                                                                                                               elizabeth.howlett@bauermedia.co.uk
                                                                                                                  mainstream.                          and all too often we                                                                                                                                                               My dad called fetus me Squib because I moved
Telfer into the Hall of Fame. He has been a                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               about like one in utero. Variations include:
                                                                                                                     Last year, we saw more            receive escalation                                                                                                                                                                 Squibby, Squibbo, The Squib
great supporter of Fleet News – as well as the                                                                    premium BEV model                    letters before the                                                                                                                                                                 Staff writer
fleet sector as a whole – over his many years                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Matt de Prez 01733 468277
                                                                                                                  launches, like the                   original fine or the fine comes in on the day, or after                                                                                                                            matt.deprez@bauermedia.co.uk
in charge of the Gateshead Council fleet, and it                                                                  impressive i-Pace. The               the reduced rate time period is due to finish.                                                                                                                                     My (sort of) initials - MDP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Photos Chris Lowndes
was a joy to be able to properly recognise his                                                                    middle of the sector now                With some parking companies you cannot speak
achievements, particularly in the company of                                                                      seems to be rising to the            to anyone and they don’t respond to emails so it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Head of publishing
his wife, Alison. The look on her face said it all.                                                               challenge, with the £35,000          makes it really difficult to understand what we need                                                                                                                               Luke Neal
                                                                                                                  300-mile range Polestar 2            to do to transfer liability from us to the drivers etc.                                                                                                                            I have one friend who calls me Teawig,
  Not everything was an overwhelming                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      We saw it graffitied on an underpass once
                                                                                                                  announced this week.                 Some companies also escalate the fines before the                                                                                                                                  Production editors
success. We introduced a new fleet category,                                                                         Kia has also announced            appeal process has finished as well.                                                                                                                                               David Buckley
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          People called me Garfield more due to looking
‘best travel and mobility initiative’, but received                                                               it is producing a new                                                                                                                                                                                                   like a fat cat rather than a love of lasagne
just two entries. However, a number of fleets                                                                     280-mile range Soul.                                                                                                                                                                                                    Finbarr O’Reilly
told me on the night that this would become                                                                       Expect to see some                                                                                                                                                                                                      Senior designer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Chris Stringer
more popular in the coming years as the                                                                           competitive pricing here.       VEHICLE                                             SMART MOTORWAYS                                                                                                                     Bagpuss
sector migrated away from vehicle                                                                                    Other manufacturers are      EMISSIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Head of project management
                                                       Rosco wrote:                                               no doubt racing to get their
management towards mobility management.
  I was also surprised by the lack of entries in
                                                       Having read ‘Transport Committee launches                  efforts to market, fearful of   Let’s not confuse                                   Notify drivers of red ‘X’ earlier                                                                                                   Leanne Patterson 01733 468332
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Project managers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Niamh Walker 01733 468327
                                                       inquiry into Government’s road safety strategy’            risking losing valuable
the ‘leasing company – up to 20,000 vehicles’          (fleetnews.co.uk, March 11), the theory is that the        sector domination. This         charging for                                                                                                       Michael Heenan wrote:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Kerry Unwin 01733 468578
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Chelsie Tate 01733 468338
category. We introduced it a few years ago to          rise in distracted driving as a result of smartphone       shows an impressive pace        congestion                                                                                                         Having read ‘Smart motorway red “X”                                  ADVERTISING
encourage smaller leasing companies to                 use is counteracting the improvements in safety as         of innovation.                                                                                                                                     signs ignored by almost one in four’                                 Commercial director
enter. Perhaps the vehicle threshold is still set      a result of better vehicles and greater adoption of           However, all these cars      and emissions                                                                                                      (fleetnews.co.uk, March 8), Highways                                 Sarah Crown 01733 366466
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          B2B commercial manager
too high, but there is a real fracturing within        driving aids.                                              are available this year                                                                                                                            England should make the first ‘X’ a                                  Sheryl Graham 01733 366467
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Account directors
                                                          The problem is that the majority of distracted          so it feels like Seat’s         Gordy wrote: Having read                                                                                           mile out from the approach a flashing
leasing between the big (100,000-plus),                driving convictions come following a fatal or serious      announcement of a               ‘Congestion charging                                                                                               amber to give time to move lanes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Lisa Turner 01733 366471
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Stuart Wakeling 01733 366470
medium (anywhere from 10,000) and small                injury accident when the police will use forensic          260-mile concept that           should be imposed in cities                                                                                           After that, use the cameras to issue
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Account managers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Emma Rogers 01733 363219
(below 10,000, although many are below                 technology to determine if a smartphone was in use         could be in production next     across UK’, it would be                                                                                            fixed penalty notices like a bus lane.                               Karl Houghton 01733 366309
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Lucy Herbert 01733 363218
5,000), so it’s difficult to know where to best        at the time.                                               year is too little, too late.   better if subject matter                                                                                           When it costs money, people learn                                    Telesales/recruitment
                                                          The roll-out of undercover cameras on buses and                                         experts separated                                                                                                  fast. We all know what the signs                                     01733 468275/01733 468328
set the benchmark. Suggestions welcomed.
  I would also welcome your suggestions about          lorries, which film drivers in the act, is a practical                                     discussions about                                                                                                  mean so there is no excuse as it is                                  EVENTS

any other awards category. As the fleet sector         way to improve conviction rates and send a clear                                           congestion charging and                                                                                            for everybody’s safety.                                              Event director
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Chris Lester
                                                       message to those drivers.                                                                  low emissions zone                                                                                                    Companies should also address                                     Event manager
evolves, so we have to evolve to stay relevant.           However, why is there a shortage of public safety                                       charging. London has got it                                                                                        this as a failure of their employees                                 Sandra Evitt 01733 468123
The awards are important, but so is the                messages from Government? In years past, the TV                                            right. Let other cities and                                                                                        driving their vehicles to observe the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Senior event planner
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Kate Howard 01733 468146
evening that accompanies them. Fleet simply            was awash with them and surely this would be a                                             towns consider London as                                                                                           Highway Code with possible
wouldn’t be the same without it.                       relatively low-cost way to get the message out                                             a blueprint, but keep the                                                                                          disciplinary measures being put                                      Managing director
                                                       there.                                                                                     schemes separate, as                                                                                               in place.                                                            Tim Lucas 01733 468340
                                                          Every journey I make, there are scores of people                                                                                                                                                                                                                                CRM & marketing manager
                                                                                                                                                  there is good reason to.                                                                                                                                                                Lauren Annis 01733 468295
                                                       using smartphones while driving. That this results                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Office manager
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Jane Hill 01733 468319
                                                       in greater fatalities and serious injuries is obvious.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Group managing director
                                                       But these people will very rarely be convicted,                                            Fleet News is published 15 times a year      or images submitted to the magazine          ensure accuracy, the publisher is not         Complaints: Bauer Consumer Media                Rob Munro-Hall
                                                                                                                                                  by Bauer Consumer Media Ltd,                 without further consent.                     responsible for any errors or omissions       Limited is a member of the Independent          Chief executive officer
                                                       because there are no police on the roads. The                                              registered address Media House,              The submission of material to Bauer          nor do we accept any liability for any loss   Press Standards Organisation (www.ipso.         Paul Keenan
                                                                                                                                                  Peterborough Business Park, Lynch            Media whether unsolicited or requested, is   or damage, howsoever caused, resulting        co.uk) and endeavours to respond to and
                           Stephen Briers,             result is the UK roads are becoming a free for all.                                        Wood, Peterborough, PE2 6EA.                 taken as permission to publish in the        from the use of the magazine.                 resolve your concerns quickly. Our Editorial
                                                                                                                                                  Registered number 01176085.                  magazine, including any licensed editions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Subscribe to Fleet News:
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16                                                                                                              March 28 2019 ■ fleetnews.co.uk   fleetnews.co.uk ■ March 28 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                   17
A pioneer of safety and low-emission initiatives'
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tomorrow’s fleet: WORKPLACE PARKING

                                                                                                                                            THINGS FLEETS
                                                                                                                     4                      SHOULD KNOW
                                                                                                               PARKING LEVIES
                                                                                                               A number of cities are planning WPLs seven years after
                                                                                                               Nottingham launched its pioneering scheme. Andrew Ryan
                                                                                                               looks at what fleets can learn from the city’s experiences
                                                                                                                              even years after Nottingham City

                                                                                                                 S            Council introduced the UK’s first –
                                                                                                                              and only – workplace parking levy
                                                                                                                              (WPL), the introduction of similar
                                                                                                               charges is now on the agenda for a number of
                                                                                                                                                                                 NOT ALL ORGANISATIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                 AND VEHICLES FACE THE
                                                                                                               other local authorities.                               Under Nottingham’s scheme, a number
                                                                                                                  Councils in Edinburgh and Glasgow plan to go        of organisations and vehicles are
                                                                                                               ahead with a similar charge, while Reading,            exempt from paying the WPL, which will
                                                                                                               Oxford, Bristol, Cambridge and the London              be £415 per space for the 2019/20 tax
                                                                                                               boroughs of Merton, Brent and Camden are at            year.
                                                                                                               the consultation stage.                                  These are employers with 10 or fewer
                                                                                                                  “It is essentially a tax on something that nobody   spaces, while there is also a 100%
                                                                                                               likes – congestion,” says Anthony Breach, analyst      discount given to emergency and NHS
                                                                                                               at research and policy institute Centre for Cities,    frontline services, as well as bays
                                                                                                               which is dedicated to improving the economic           occupied by vehicles used by disabled
                                                                                                               success of UK cities.                                  blue badge holders.
                                                                                                                  “By encouraging commuters to car pool or              “Fleet vehicles which aren’t used for
                                                                                                               switch to public transport, it reduces congestion      commuting are outside the scope of the
                                                                                                               and its costs to businesses and residents.             levy – they are not even required to get
                                                                                                                  “The reduction in traffic also improves carbon      a licence,” says Nigel Hallam, WPL
                                                                                                               emissions and air quality.”                            service manager at Nottingham City
                                                                                                                  Under the Transport Act 2000, local authorities     Council.
                                                                                                               in England and Wales, with sign off from the             “For example, Nottingham City Council
                                                                                                               Secretary of State, have been able introduce a         has a fleet of, say 100 bin lorries, that
                                                                                                               parking levy licensing scheme on employers,            might be working all day, but as they are
                                                                                                               which requires them to pay a charge for each           not taken home by employees at the end
                                                                                                               parking space they provide to employees.               of the day they are completely exempt.
                                                                                                                  Although this Government bill did not cover           “If, however, you have employees who
                                                                                                               Scotland, local authorities there can now intro-       drive vans and take them home each
                                                                                                               duce them under amendments to the Transport            night and then bring them back in, they
                                                                                                               (Scotland) Bill agreed between the Scottish            are contributing to congestion, so those
                                                                                                               Government and Scottish Greens as part of a            fleet vehicles will be subject to the levy
                                                                                                               budget deal earlier this year.                         because the levy, fundamentally, is a
                                                                                                                  In all cases, WPL revenue is ring-fenced by law     congestion charge.”
                                                                                                               and has to be spent on transport initiatives             The exemptions mean 75%-to-80% of
                                                                                                               contained within the local authority’s local trans-    employers do not pay the levy.
                                                                                                               port plan.                                               Nottingham City Council figures show
                                                                                                                  Nottingham’s charging scheme, which began in        the number of liable workplace parking
                                                                                                               April 2012, has seen use of public transport soar      places decreased by 17.5% from just
                                                                                                               in the city, helped cut CO2 emissions, and             more than 33,000 prior to the WPL
                                                                                                               constrained congestion growth.                         being introduced as employers sought to
                                                                                                                  While details of other WPL schemes have not         limit their liability, or introduced parking
                                                                                                               been released, here we look four things fleet          management schemes that passed on
                                                                                                               decision-makers can learn from Nottingham’s            the cost to employees (see page 23).

20                                    March 28 2019 2019 n fleetnews.co.uk   fleetnews.co.uk ■ March 28 2019                                                                                                         21
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                                                                                             TOMORROW’S FLEET: WORKPLACE PARKING

                                                                                                         EMPLOYERS CAN PASS ON THE COST OF THE LEVY TO EMPLOYEES
                                                                                               2          While the charge is payable by the
                                                                                                          employer, they are able to pass on
                                                                                                                                                 unpaid charity work wearing tabards with their
                                                                                                                                                 employer’s logo on.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     spend £250,000 each year to support
                                                                                                                                                                                                     employers to better manage commuter travel
                                                                                             all or some of the cost to employees.                 “That was good PR for Imperial Tobacco and        through travel planning and parking
                                                                                               Research by Nottingham City Council found         a great many of its staff did that,” says Hallam.   management.
                                                                                             that 53% of organisations who have to pay the       “Some employers have just passed on the cost,         Around one-third of large employers now
                                                                                             WPL do pass the charge on in some way to            and Nottingham City Council is one of those.        have travel plans, while they can also take their
                                                                                             employees, with Hallam saying this probably           “We have a car park management scheme             own action to help employees. For example,
                                                                                             includes eight out of the 10 largest employers      where our over-riding principle is that if you      E.on promotes car-sharing at its sites in the
                                                                                             in the city.                                        park on council premises then that is your          city, including through the use of:
                                                                                               “Others have said for example if, as a factory,   choice and you will pay for the privilege of        ■ Priority parking for vehicles carrying at least
                                                                                             we hit our carbon emission target this year we      doing so because Nottingham has a good public       one passenger.
                                                                                             will pay the cost of the levy and won’t pass the    transport offering.                                 ■ A car-sharing register on the company’s
                                                                                             cost on to employees,” he says.                       “We have a slightly cheaper tariff in the areas   intranet to make it easier to match lift offers
START SOMETHING GREAT TODAY.                                                                   When the scheme was introduced, Imperial          which are not so well served by public              and requests.
                                                                                             Tobacco offered to pay the cost of the parking      transport.”                                         ■ A special rate negotiated with a local bus
                                                                                             levy for those employees who carried out              The WPL also allows the local authority to        company for employees.

                                                                                                             WPL LED TO A SURGE IN THE NUMBER                                            WPL HAS POSITIVELY IMPACTED
                                                                                                   3         OF COMMUTERS USING PUBLIC TRANSPORT
                                                                                                             During the life of Nottingham’s scheme, the council
                                                                                                                                                                               4         CONGESTION AND AIR QUALITY
                                                                                                                                                                                          The objective of Nottingham’s WPL was not to reduce
                                                                                                expects to raise an average £12 million each year, with the WPL             congestion, but to constrain the growth of it, as a city that does well
                                                                                                designed to raise less in the early years and more in the future.           is almost certainly going to have a degree of congestion.
                                                                                                  The WPL has helped Nottingham bring in funding to more than                 Hallam says: “Nottingham’s objective was to reduce the growth in

                                                                                                double the size of its tram network through a £570 million                  congestion from 15% to 8% by 2021, and although it is still relatively
                                                                                                extension, carry out a £60m redevelopment of the city’s railway             early days, research shows it looks like it has been successful.”
                                                                                                station, and support its Link bus network.                                    Loughborough University research found that from July 2015,
                                                                                                  Hallam says a number of major employers such as VF and                    congestion rose less in Nottingham than the average of four

                   WHATEVER THE WEATHER.
                                                                                                Experian also opted to move into, or consolidated to, city centre           comparable English cities (Newcastle, Liverpool, Sheffield and
                                                                                                locations with good public transport links to remove the need for           Leicester) and, at 2.1% it was 0.7 percentage points lower than the
                                                                                                the provision of parking as well as to improve accessibility.               country as a whole.
                                                                                                  These measures have helped increase the proportion of people                The WPL package of measures also helped Nottingham beat a CO2
                                                                                                travelling by public transport in the morning by 2%, meaning – for          reduction plan well ahead of its target. It had aimed to reduce
                                                                                                the first time – more than 40% of commuters now use it.                     carbon emissions by 26% by 2020 compared with 2005 levels, but in
                                                                                                  Loughborough University research found that 8.6% of commuters             2016 the council announced they were already 33% below that level.
                                                                                                who either cycled or used public transport in Greater Nottingham            However, the scheme does have its critics.
                   Vector 4Seasons Cargo                                                        said the WPL and the package of measures it has funded played an              “Nottingham City Council will tell you (WPL) has led to it achieving
                                                                                                important part in their decision to switch from the car.                    its clean air goals four years ahead of schedule, but it would be wrong
                   The new addition to Goodyearës light truck portfolio. The Vector               “The two new tramlines are now carrying 20 million passengers             to think it had improved traffic around the city,” says Andy Hibberd,
                                                                                                a year,” adds Hallam. “We have seen a modal shift where 20% of              media and communications manager at East Midlands Chamber.
                   5GCUQPU%CTIQKUCHWGNGH⇔EKGPVCNNUGCUQPV[TGQHHGTKPIGZEGNNGPV      people who used their cars are now using the trams.”                          “Nottingham’s trams are quite good today, but it still takes an hour
                   RGTHQTOCPEGCPFGZVGPFGFOKNGCIGEQORCTGFVQVJGRTGXKQWUOQFGN             Hallam says the WPL also allows the council to offer a number of
                                                                                                grants to employers. “We have a cycling structure grant which
                                                                                                                                                                            to drive the six miles to the motorway in the evening rush and it’s
                                                                                                                                                                            now almost impossible to find parking spaces at park-and-ride
                                                                                                employers can apply for if they want a cycle rack, or infrastructure        stations of the periphery of the centre.
                                                                                                around cycling, such as showers or drying cabinets, and we put                “The city centre might have achieved clean air goals, but it is
                                                                                                about £100,000 aside each year for that,” he adds.                          possibly because the congestion has been moved to suburbs.”

                                                                                             fleetnews.co.uk ■ March 28 2019                                                                                                                          23
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     Vehicle to grid technology has the potential to
     earn electric vehicle operators money, but it is
     not without some risks. Andrew Ryan reports

                                              ompany cars and vans tend to earn a         been financed and use some of those revenues to

                                 C            business money while they’re out on
                                              the road, but could electric vehicles
                                              (EVs) also be a source of income
                                when they’re parked?
                                                                                          offset the cost of that vehicle.”
                                                                                            V2G has already attracted significant interest
                                                                                          and investment – the UK Government last year
                                                                                          awarded £30m in funding to 21 V2G projects to
                                  That’s one of the potential benefits of vehicle-to-     explore and trial both the technology and
                                grid (V2G) technology, which allows EV operators          commercial opportunities.
                                to sell electricity stored in their vehicles’ batteries     Among the reasons for this is the expected
                                back to the grid when they’re plugged in, enabling        growth in the number of EVs, which will increase
                                the network operator to make up the shortfall             the demands on the grid, as well the rapid growth
                                when demand outstrips supply.                             in renewable energy generation sources such as
                                  A recent trial in Denmark carried out by Nuvve          wind and solar which deliver a more unreliable
                                found that, over two years, a fleet of 10 Nissan          and intermittent electricity supply than fossil-
                                e-NV200 electric vans each performed 100 hours            fuelled power stations.
                                of V2G, selling a total of 130,000kWh to the grid. This     Ofgem figures show that in 2006, wind and solar
                                saw each van generate €1,860 (£1,600) per year.           generated 1.2% of Great Britain’s electricity.
                                  “Multiplied by a couple of million vehicles, you           In 2017, this had risen to 19% and it is expected
                                could be looking at a US$20-70 billion (£15-53bn)         to increase further.
                                    industry by unlocking these resources,”                 Last November, the capacity of renewable
                                      Paige Mullen, European project manager at           energy overtook that of fossil fuels in the UK for
                                        Nuvve, told a recent V2G workshop                 the first time, research from Imperial College
                                         arranged by Level (Low Emission Vehicle          London has shown.
                                          Enterprise and Learning) in Nottingham.
                                             “The great thing about using a vehicle in
                                           this way is that somebody has already
                                          bought it as they’ve made the financial
                                          decision to electrify their fleet, so V2G
                                         allows them to tap into a
                                         resource that’s already

                                                                                                                                                 as frequency regulation, you are doing a small        In some cases, V2G technology can improve            “Everyone likes to fully charge their phone
                                WILL BATTERIES BE ABLE TO TAKE THE STRAIN?                                                                       charge followed by small discharge, so even         the life of an EV battery.                           ‘just in case’, but that is not the best way to
                                The long-term effect of using V2G technology              are doing, so if you are doing full charge             over eight-10 hours, the battery’s state of           “Some of the feedback we have had is that          store or maintain the battery, and that
                                on an electric vehicle battery is unknown,                followed by full discharge, then that cycle is going   charge is not changing much. You are not            actually storing your battery fully charged can      actually has quite a negative impact on it.
                                although early signs are that any degradation             to put more strain on the battery,” says Paige         putting that full cycle impact on your batteries.   be more damaging than what you are doing               “V2G can regulate that and sometimes even
                                will be minimal.                                          Mullen, European project manager at Nuvve.               “In our trial in Denmark we have seen             with V2G,” says Chris Cox, head of energy            improve battery life compared with leaving it
                                  “A lot does depend on the type of service you             “But typically if you are working in areas such      negligible degradation in our batteries.”           systems and infrastructure at Cenex.                 fully charged all the time.”

24                                                                                                            March 28 2019 ■ fleetnews.co.uk    fleetnews.co.uk ■ March 28 2019                                                                                                                            25
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