Page created by Walter Graves
In the end, your local FS crop specialist’s job is to
strive for perfection—in every field, every acre, and every
row. If you’re looking for a sales pitch, look elsewhere.
But if you want yield-boosting guidance from an expert
who’s fully trained and certified, let’s talk.

Ready to get more out of your ground? Ask your local
FS crop specialist how.

The FS designation is a mark of quality. So whether you’re planting alfalfa, orchardgrass, clover, or any of our
forage offerings, you can be sure you’re planting top-tier seed. We put in the extra hours to select seed that is
proven in local soils.

Simply put, if it says FS on the bag, it’s gonna perform.

Talk to one of our crop specialists today. They’re trained to help you use FS Forage seed to address erosion,
improve soil quality, increase milk or beef production, and so much more.
              When you plant alfalfa, you want maximum yields out of every acre. That’s why we’ve teamed up with W-L Alfalfas.
              Together, we offer you the very best in alfalfa seed.

              W-L Alfalfas offers the widest selection of variety-trait combinations like HQ, high-production winterhardiness,
              Potato Leafhopper resistance, Aphanomyces resistance, grazing tolerance, as well as Roundup Ready® and
              HarvXtra® with Roundup Ready® Technology traits.

2   |   2019 FS FORAGE
WL 341HVX.RR          WL 354HQ
TECHNOLOGY | HarvXtra® with Roundup Ready®

KEY POINTS                                                                                                                                               Fall Dormancy                                            4.0         3.9
Promotes grower choice by widening cutting windows and allowing better management of the                                                                 Winterhardiness                                          2.1         1.4
yield-versus-quality trade-off
                                                                                                                                                         Gold Treatment                                           Y+          Y+
Use in a 3-5 cut system

                                                                                                                                                         GROWTH RATINGS

FALL DORMANCY                                                      4.0                                                                                   Forage Yield Index                                  Very High     Excellent

WINTERHARDINESS                                                    2.1                                                                                   Digestibility/Feed Value                             Superior     Excellent

FORAGE YIELD INDEX                                            VERY HIGH                                                                                  Persistence Index                                   Very High     Very High

DIGESTIBILITY/FEED VALUE                                      SUPERIOR                                                                                   Recovery After Harvest                               Very Fast    Very Fast

DISEASE RESISTANCE INDEX                                         30/30                                                                                   Traffic Tolerance                                   Very Good     Very Good
                                                                                                                                                         Standability                                         Excellent    Excellent

                                                                                                                                                         DISEASE PROFILE

                                                                                                                                                         Bacterial Wilt                                               5       5
 WL 354HQ                                                                                                                                                Fusarium Wilt                                                5       5

TECHNOLOGY | HQ                                                                                                                                          Anthracnose                                                  5       5

                                                                                                                                                         Phytophthora Root Rot                                        5       5

KEY POINTS                                                                                                                                               Aphanomyces Root Rot – R1                                    5       5

Exceptional yield potential and quality on the toughest soils                                                                                            Aphanomyces Root Rot – R2                                    1       5
Highly resistant to Race 2 Aphanomyces
                                                                                                                                                         Aphanomyces Root Rot – R3                                NA          NA
Use in a 3, 4, or 5 cut system
                                                                                                                                                         Verticillium Wilt                                            5       5

                                                                                                                                                         Disease Resistance Index                               30/30       35/35
FALL DORMANCY                                                      3.9
                                                                                                                                                         INSECT PROFILE
WINTERHARDINESS                                                    1.4
                                                                                                                                                         Potato Leafhopper                                            1       1
FORAGE YIELD INDEX                                           EXCELLENT
                                                                                                                                                         Leaf Disease                                                 4      4.5
DIGESTIBILITY/FEED VALUE                                     EXCELLENT
                                                                                                                                                         Aphids                                                       4       4
DISEASE RESISTANCE INDEX                                         35/35
                                                                                                                                                         Nematodes                                                    4      4.5

Fall Dormancy: higher number = later fall dormancy, based on comparisons to other alfalfa varieties Winterhardiness: lower number = greater winterhardiness, based on comparisons to other alfalfa varieties
Gold Treatment Plus: Y+ = Gold Treatment Plus; N = No Gold Treatment Plus Disease and Insect Profile Ratings: 5 = 50% + resistant; 4 = 31-50% resistant; 3 = 15-30% resistant; 2 = 6-14% resistant; 1 = Susceptible           2019 FS FORAGE   |   3
WL 356HQ.RR                                                                                                                          WL 358LH
          TECHNOLOGY | HQ with Roundup Ready®                                                                                                 TECHNOLOGY | HopperShield™

          KEY POINTS                                                                                                                          KEY POINTS

          Highly resistant to Race 1 and Race 2 Aphanomyces                                                                                   8th generation leafhopper resistance—a true no-spray variety
          Elite genetics with excellent yields, very high forage quality, longer stand life, and fast recovery                                Adaptable to a wide range of soils
          Use in a 3, 4, or 5 cut system                                                                                                      Use in a 3-5 cut system
          Purchaser must have a Monsanto Technology Agreement number

          FALL DORMANCY                                               3.8                                                                     FALL DORMANCY                                                      4.1
          WINTERHARDINESS                                             1.6                                                                     WINTERHARDINESS                                                    2.0
          FORAGE YIELD INDEX                                     VERY HIGH                                                                    FORAGE YIELD INDEX                                            VERY HIGH
          DIGESTIBILITY/FEED VALUE                               EXCELLENT                                                                    DIGESTIBILITY/FEED VALUE                                      EXCELLENT
          DISEASE RESISTANCE INDEX                                  35/35                                                                     DISEASE RESISTANCE INDEX                                          30/30

           WL 359LH.RR                                                                                                                        LOOKING TO IMPROVE YOUR
          TECHNOLOGY | HopperShield™ with Roundup Ready®                                                                                      DAIRY OR BEEF OPERATION?
          KEY POINTS
                                                                                                                                              LOOK FOR THE HQ SYMBOL.
          8th generation leafhopper resistance with Roundup Ready®
                                                                                                                                              When you see the HQ designation on W-L Alfalfa varieties, you know you’re
          Ideal choice for dairy, beef, or cash hay producers
                                                                                                                                              on your way to increased production and reduced feeding costs in dairy
          Use in a 3-5 cut system
                                                                                                                                              and beef cows. With emphasis on agronomics first, the HQ breeding and
          Purchaser must have a Monsanto Technology Agreement number
                                                                                                                                              development program continues to produce among the highest-yielding
                                                                                                                                              and most persistent alfalfas available today. Year after year, W-L Alfalfa’s
          FALL DORMANCY                                               3.9                                                                     Relative Forage Quality (RFQ) and overall digestibility (% IVTD) results set
          WINTERHARDINESS                                             2.2                                                                     the bar for industry standards. Talk to your
                                                                                                                                              FS Crop Specialist about W-L Alfalfa HQ for your
          FORAGE YIELD INDEX                                     VERY HIGH
                                                                                                                                              feed or cash hay operation—and expect top yield,
          DIGESTIBILITY/FEED VALUE                               EXCELLENT                                                                    superior forage quality, and overall profitability.
          DISEASE RESISTANCE INDEX                                  30/30

                                                    Fall Dormancy: higher number = later fall dormancy, based on comparisons to other alfalfa varieties Winterhardiness: lower number = greater winterhardiness, based on comparisons to other alfalfa varieties
                                                    Gold Treatment Plus: Y+ = Gold Treatment Plus; N = No Gold Treatment Plus Disease and Insect Profile Ratings: 5 = 50% + resistant; 4 = 31-50% resistant; 3 = 15-30% resistant; 2 = 6-14% resistant; 1 = Susceptible
4   |   2019 FS FORAGE
WL 356HQ.RR    WL 358LH     WL 359LH.RR

Technology                                                             READY FOR
Fall Dormancy                     3.8          4.1            3.9      TOP-NOTCH ALFALFA?
                                                                       THEN CHOOSE
Winterhardiness                   1.6          2.0            2.2
Gold Treatment                    Y+           Y+             Y+
                                                                       ROUNDUP READY.

                                                                       The Roundup Ready® weed control system is available in
Forage Yield Index             Very High    Very High      Very High
                                                                       several W-L Alfalfa varieties for the Midwest. That means
Digestibility/Feed Value       Excellent    Excellent      Excellent   serious benefits for your farming operation:
Persistence Index              Very High    Very High      Very High   • Unmatched weed control. Newly seeded fields and
Recovery After Harvest         Very Fast    Very Fast      Very Fast      established stands have fewer weeds and higher quality
                                                                          hay and haylage.
Traffic Tolerance              Very Good    Very Good      Very Good
                                                                       • Superior crop safety. All growth stages are protected to
Standability                   Excellent    Excellent      Excellent
                                                                          help deliver higher yields in the establishment year and
                                                                          subsequent years.
                                                                       • Simplicity. Using Roundup® herbicide means superior
Bacterial Wilt                    5            5              5          weed control with no need to tank-mix.
Fusarium Wilt                     5            5              5
                                                                       • Flexibility. Time applications when necessary; no
Anthracnose                       5            5              5           carryover or crop rotation limitations.

Phytophthora Root Rot             5            5              5        • Minimal waiting. Only five days wait before grazing
Aphanomyces Root Rot – R1         5            5              5           or feeding.

Aphanomyces Root Rot – R2         5            1              1        • Cost control. Delivers significantly lower per-acre weed
                                                                          control costs over the life of the stand when compared to
Aphanomyces Root Rot – R3         NA           NA             NA
                                                                          conventional herbicide programs.
Verticillium Wilt                 5            5              5

Disease Resistance Index        35/35        30/30          30/30


Potato Leafhopper                 1            5              5

Leaf Disease                      4            4              4

Aphids                            5            4              4

Nematodes                         5            4              4

                                                                                                                   2019 FS FORAGE    |   5
WL 365HQ                                                                                                                          WL 372HQ.RR
          TECHNOLOGY | HQ                                                                                                                  TECHNOLOGY | HQ with Roundup Ready®

          KEY POINTS                                                                                                                       KEY POINTS

          Highest yielding winterhardy conventional HQ variety                                                                             Second generation high quality, Roundup Ready® Alfalfa—for superior digestibility
          High yields and highly palatable                                                                                                 Elite genetics with excellent yields, very high forage quality, longer stand life and fast recovery
          Quick regrowth with standability that is second-to-none                                                                          Use in a 4, 5, or 6 cut system
          Use in a 4-6 cut system                                                                                                          Purchaser must have a Monsanto Technology Agreement number

          FALL DORMANCY                                            4.9                                                                     FALL DORMANCY                                                      4.9
          WINTERHARDINESS                                          1.1                                                                     WINTERHARDINESS                                                    1.8
          FORAGE YIELD INDEX                                  VERY HIGH                                                                    FORAGE YIELD INDEX                                            VERY HIGH
          DIGESTIBILITY/FEED VALUE                            EXCELLENT                                                                    DIGESTIBILITY/FEED VALUE                                      EXCELLENT
          DISEASE RESISTANCE INDEX                               30/30                                                                     DISEASE RESISTANCE INDEX                                          30/30

           WL 375HVX.RR
          TECHNOLOGY | HarvXtra® with Roundup Ready®

          KEY POINTS

          First Fall Dormancy 5 HarvXtra® release with Aphanomyces Race 2 and 3 resistance
          Promotes grower choice by widening cutting windows and allowing better management of the
          yield-versus-quality trade-off
          Use in a 4-6 cut system

          FALL DORMANCY                                            4.6
          WINTERHARDINESS                                          2.1
          FORAGE YIELD INDEX                                  VERY HIGH
          DIGESTIBILITY/FEED VALUE                            SUPERIOR
          DISEASE RESISTANCE INDEX                               40/40

                                                 Fall Dormancy: higher number = later fall dormancy, based on comparisons to other alfalfa varieties Winterhardiness: lower number = greater winterhardiness, based on comparisons to other alfalfa varieties
6   |   2019 FS FORAGE                           Gold Treatment Plus: Y+ = Gold Treatment Plus; N = No Gold Treatment Plus Disease and Insect Profile Ratings: 5 = 50% + resistant; 4 = 31-50% resistant; 3 = 15-30% resistant; 2 = 6-14% resistant; 1 = Susceptible
WL 365HQ     WL 372HQ.RR WL 375HVX.RR

Fall Dormancy                   4.9            4.9         4.6
Winterhardiness                 1.1            1.8         2.1       ALFALFA REINVENTED.
Gold Treatment                  Y+             Y+          Y+
                                                                     HarvXtra® Alfalfa with Roundup Ready® Technology,
GROWTH RATINGS                                                       the industry’s first genetically enhanced alfalfa with
                                                                     reduced lignin, is now available in several W-L brand
Forage Yield Index           Very High      Very High   Very High
                                                                     varieties in the 2019 lineup.
Digestibility/Feed Value     Excellent      Excellent    Superior
                                                                     HarvXtra® technology gives you unprecedented control
Persistence Index            Very High      Very High   Very High
                                                                     by widening cutting windows. This gives you the ability
Recovery After Harvest       Very Fast      Very Fast   Very Fast    to better manage the yield-versus-quality trade-off.
Traffic Tolerance            Very Good      Very Good   Very Good    It also adds unsurpassed weed control with Roundup
                                                                     Ready® technology.
Standability                 Excellent      Excellent   Excellent
                                                                     • Choose to maintain your current harvest schedule for
DISEASE PROFILE                                                                higher quality forage, or
Bacterial Wilt                  5              5            5
                                                                     • Delay harvest a few days for increased tonnage
Fusarium Wilt                   5              5            5                  without sacrificing acceptable forage quality.
Anthracnose                     5              5            5

Phytophthora Root Rot           5              5            5
                                                                          YIELD-VERSUS-QUALITY TRADE-OFF IN ALFALFA
Aphanomyces Root Rot – R1       5              5            5

Aphanomyces Root Rot – R2       1              1            5                                                                           ALFALFA YIELD CURVE

Aphanomyces Root Rot – R3       NA             NA           5

                                                                    NDFD (%)
                                                                                                                                        HARVXTRA (FD4)
Verticillium Wilt               5              5            5
Disease Resistance Index      30/30          30/30        40/40
                                                                                                        LATE BUD         10% BLOOM

INSECT PROFILE                                                                   20      23        27              30   34       37
                                                                                              CUTTING INTERVAL (DAYS)

Potato Leafhopper               1              1            1

Leaf Disease                    4              4            4

Aphids                          5              5            4

Nematodes                       4              5            5

                                                                                                                                     2019 FS FORAGE       |   7
FS 2-99                         FS 3-99ML
           FS 2-99
          TECHNOLOGY | None

                                                                                                                                                         Technology                                              None                              None
          KEY POINTS                                                                                                                                     Fall Dormancy                                            4.0                                4.0
          Improved quality variety                                                                                                                       Winterhardiness                                          2.0                                2.0
          Adapted to all Midwest growing conditions and soil types
                                                                                                                                                         Gold Treatment                                            N                                  N
          Excellent winterhardiness

                                                                                                                                                         GROWTH RATINGS

          FALL DORMANCY                                            4.0                                                                                   Forage Yield Index                                   Very High                         Very High

          WINTERHARDINESS                                          2.0                                                                                   Digestibility/Feed Value                             Excellent                          Excellent

          FORAGE YIELD INDEX                                  VERY HIGH                                                                                  Persistence Index                                    Very High                         Very High

          DIGESTIBILITY/FEED VALUE                            EXCELLENT                                                                                  Recovery After Harvest                               Very Fast                          Very Fast

          DISEASE RESISTANCE INDEX                               30/30                                                                                   Traffic Tolerance                                   Very Good                          Very Good
                                                                                                                                                         Standability                                         Excellent                          Excellent

                                                                                                                                                         DISEASE PROFILE

                                                                                                                                                         Bacterial Wilt                                            5                                  5
           FS 3-99ML                                                                                                                                     Fusarium Wilt                                             4                                  4

          TECHNOLOGY | None                                                                                                                              Anthracnose                                               5                                  5

                                                                                                                                                         Phytophthora Root Rot                                     5                                  5

          KEY POINTS                                                                                                                                     Aphanomyces Root Rot – R1                                 5                                  5

          Strong multi-leaf variety                                                                                                                      Aphanomyces Root Rot – R2                                 1                                  1
          Adapted to the Midwest
                                                                                                                                                         Aphanomyces Root Rot – R3                                NA                                 NA
          Excellent winterhardiness
                                                                                                                                                         Verticillium Wilt                                         5                                  5

                                                                                                                                                         Disease Resistance Index                               30/30                              30/30
          FALL DORMANCY                                            4.0
                                                                                                                                                         INSECT PROFILE
          WINTERHARDINESS                                          2.0
                                                                                                                                                         Potato Leafhopper                                         1                                  1
          FORAGE YIELD INDEX                                  VERY HIGH
                                                                                                                                                         Leaf Disease                                              4                                  4
          DIGESTIBILITY/FEED VALUE                            EXCELLENT
                                                                                                                                                         Aphids                                                    4                                  4
          DISEASE RESISTANCE INDEX                               30/30
                                                                                                                                                         Nematodes                                                 4                                  4

                                                 Fall Dormancy: higher number = later fall dormancy, based on comparisons to other alfalfa varieties Winterhardiness: lower number = greater winterhardiness, based on comparisons to other alfalfa varieties
8   |   2019 FS FORAGE                           Gold Treatment Plus: Y+ = Gold Treatment Plus; N = No Gold Treatment Plus Disease and Insect Profile Ratings: 5 = 50% + resistant; 4 = 31-50% resistant; 3 = 15-30% resistant; 2 = 6-14% resistant; 1 = Susceptible

          2019 FS FORAGE   |   9
FS 5010                                                                           FS 5011
          RELATIVE MATURITY | Medium Early                                                  RELATIVE MATURITY | Medium Early

          KEY POINTS                                                                        KEY POINTS

          Short plant that works well in double-crop situations or in wildlife food plots   Taller, medium early maturing product with red grain
          Stands well, with great drought tolerance                                         Very good head exertion with a solid canopy
          Adaptable in a wide variety of soil types                                         Consistent performer in double-crop situations
          Food-grade grain sorghum

          STANDABILITY                                                 EXCELLENT            STANDABILITY                                               EXCELLENT
          HEAD EXERTION                               1                                     HEAD EXERTION                             1

          GREENBURG RESISTANCE SOURCE                                      C&E              GREENBURG RESISTANCE SOURCE                                  C&E
          HEAD SMUT RESISTANCE                                   2                          HEAD SMUT RESISTANCE                      1

          ANTHRACNOSE RESISTANCE                      1                                     ANTHRACNOSE RESISTANCE                    1

           FS 5015                                                                           FS 5017
          RELATIVE MATURITY | Medium                                                        RELATIVE MATURITY | Medium Late

          KEY POINTS                                                                        KEY POINTS

          Impressively yielding, medium maturity product                                    Outstanding yield capacity in a medium late product
          Strong emergence and early vigor                                                  Very good stalk quality and root strength
          Very good canopy with an open seed head and exertion at harvest                   Produces red grain in a semi-open head
                                                                                            Good disease resistance

          STANDABILITY                                                 EXCELLENT            STANDABILITY                                               EXCELLENT
          HEAD EXERTION                               1                                     HEAD EXERTION                             1

          GREENBURG RESISTANCE SOURCE                                      C&E              GREENBURG RESISTANCE SOURCE                                  C&E
          HEAD SMUT RESISTANCE                        1                                     HEAD SMUT RESISTANCE                      1

          ANTHRACNOSE RESISTANCE                                 2                          ANTHRACNOSE RESISTANCE                                 2

10   |   2019 FS FORAGE
FS 5010        FS 5011        FS 5015         FS 5017

Maturity                               Medium Early   Medium Early      Medium        Medium Late

Seeds/lb.                                15,000         16,000       15,000–16,000   12,500–14,500

Plant Height (in.)                        40–46          45–50          45–50           48–52

Head Type                              Semi-Closed     Semi-Open      Semi-Open       Semi-Open

Days to Mid-Bloom                         57–62          60–62            65            72–74

Grain Color                               White           Red            Red             Red


Standability                             Excellent      Excellent      Excellent       Excellent

Stress Tolerance                            1              1              1               2

Threshability                               1              1              1               1

Head Exertion                               1              1              1               1

Root Strength                               1              1              1               2


Greenburg Resistance Source            Biotype C&E    Biotype C&E     Biotype C&E     Biotype C&E

Head Smut                                   2              1              1               1

Downy Mildew                                1              1              1               1

Anthracnose                                 1              1              2               2

Fusarium                                    2              1              1               2

Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus                    2              1              1               1

Rating Scale: 1 = Excellent 5 = Poor

                                                                                                     2019 FS FORAGE   |   11

12   |   2019 FS FORAGE
FS BRO-MAX BRAND BROMEGRASS                                                               FS LATE-LEAF BRAND ORCHARDGRASS
SEEDING RATE | 15-20 lbs/A                                                                SEEDING RATE | 10-20 lbs/A

KEY POINTS                                                                                KEY POINTS
Improved seedling vigor                                                                  Best choice for alfalfa/grass hay
Easier stand establishment                                                                Late maturing with very good persistence and vigor
Good seedling blight resistance and high resistance to leaf diseases                      Excellent levels of stem rust resistance
Excellent winterhardiness                                                                 Matches well with the bud stage cutting of alfalfa
Very drought and heat tolerant                                                            Quick recovery after cutting
Grows on a variety of soil types (pH 5.8 to 6.4)
Expect high-quality forage with good management
Becomes ‘sod bound’ in absence of sufficient nitrogen

FS HITEX BRAND TIMOTHY                                                                    FS MOR-LEAF BRAND ORCHARDGRASS
SEEDING RATE | 6-12 lbs/A                                                                 SEEDING RATE | 10-20 lbs/A

KEY POINTS                                                                                KEY POINTS
Slightly later maturing and leafier than common timothy                                   Best choice for pastures or pure grass hay
High yielding with good texture and more palatable hay than common timothy                Good winterhardiness
High yields start in first year                                                           Excellent yield
Excellent for short rotation pastures and first cutting hay yields                        Good seedling vigor to establish quickly, alone, or in pasture mixtures
Perennial that performs well in a wide range of soils including clay and silt loams       Excellent palatability
Rapid stand establishment (pH 5.4 to 6.2) and winterhardy                                 Produces well under summer temperatures
                                                                                          Early maturity orchardgrass variety
                                                                                          Selected for persistence under heavy grazing

SEEDING RATE | 15-30 lbs/A                                                                SEEDING RATE | 30-40 lbs/A

KEY POINTS                                                                                KEY POINTS
Wide area of adaptation                                                                   Vigorous early growth in a ryegrass
Low endophyte                                                                             Average winterhardiness
Medium late maturity                                                                      Excellent resistance to leaf diseases
Outstanding regrowth and color during summer for maximum grazing                          High palatability
Excellent winterhardiness                                                                 Excellent seedling vigor
Maintains feed value better than other cool-season grasses for better late fall grazing   Exceptionally high dry-matter yield

                                                                                                                                                                    2019 FS FORAGE   |   13
TRI-AN BRAND RED CLOVER                                                                      FS HYBRID FORAGE SORGHUM
           SEEDING RATE | 8-12 lbs/A                                                                    SEEDING RATE | 10-12 lbs/A

           KEY POINTS                                                                                   KEY POINTS
           Multiple-disease resistant, medium red clover                                                Conventional hybrid forage sorghum with high yield potential
           Will usually stay down three years, rather than just two, as expected of medium red clover   A dense lush leaf type with a large grain head
           Can persist better than alfalfa in higher acidic, shady conditions in a pasture mixture      Excellent for ensilage
           Best performance on heavy soils, with good moisture retention (pH 5.5 to 6.5)                Resistant to downy mildew
           Excellent source of nitrogen for grasses

           GREENCOW SORGHUM SUDANGRASS                                                                  HISUDAN™
           SEEDING RATE | 20-60 lbs/A                                                                   SEEDING RATE | 20-45 lbs/A

           KEY POINTS                                                                                   KEY POINTS
           Very productive late-summer, sorghum-sudangrass hybrid                                       BMR sudangrass
           Can be utilized as hay, green chop, haylage, or silage                                       Contains the HiGEST™ BMR trait
           Freely tillers and has numerous leaves                                                       Reduced lignin improves intake and fiber digestibility
           Slender, sweet, juicy stalks with crude protein at 12% to 19%                                Can be used for pasture, dry hay, silage, or green chop
           Excellent seedling vigor and drought tolerance                                               Requires less water than other forage crops
           Excellent grazing for cattle; avoid horse grazing

           SEEDING RATE | 25-35 lbs/A

           KEY POINTS
           Very productive summer sorghum-sudangrass hybrid
           Brown mid-rib
           Lower lignin levels provide improved feed value
           Excellent animal palatability
           Excellent grazing for cattle; avoid horse grazing

14   |   2019 FS FORAGE

                  2019 FS FORAGE   |   15
FS 21 PLOWDOWN                                                                                  FS 26 HAY MIX
           SEEDING RATE | 15 lbs/A                                                                         SEEDING RATE | 20–25 lbs/A

           KEY POINTS                                                                                      KEY POINTS
           Selected for short-term pasture                                                                 Top choice for alfalfa and grass mixed hay
           Use for a green manure plowdown                                                                 70% Proprietary Alfalfa, 30% Proprietary Orchardgrass
           Well-suited for widely varying soil types
           25% Alfalfa, 25% Mammoth Red Clover, 25% Timothy, 25% Alsike Clover

           FS 24 HAY & PASTURE MIX                                                                         FS 64 WATERWAY MIX
           SEEDING RATE | 15–20 lbs/A                                                                      SEEDING RATE | 20–30 lbs/A

           KEY POINTS                                                                                      KEY POINTS
           Our first choice for hay or pasture on land best suited for alfalfa                             Ideally designed for waterway use
           Selected species for forage varieties designed to provide ideal feed for lactating dairy cows   Will serve as pasture in poorly drained areas
           and heifers                                                                                     70% Low Endophyte Tall Fescue, 20% Smooth Bromegrass, 10% Annual Ryegrass
           Use whenever a high-quality mix is needed
           May be used in widely varying soils and climatic conditions
           50% Proprietary Alfalfa, 25% Proprietary Red Clover, 25% Proprietary Orchardgrass

           FS 25 PASTURE & HAY MIX                                                                         FS 66 GRASS PASTURE MIX
           SEEDING RATE | 15–20 lbs/A                                                                      SEEDING RATE | 15–20 lbs/A

           KEY POINTS                                                                                      KEY POINTS
           Our first choice for hay or pasture on land best suited for red clover                          Selected species of grasses designed to provide ideal feed for growing and fattening cattle
           Use whenever a high-quality mix is needed                                                       Use whenever a high-quality pure grass mix is needed
           Selected species for forage varieties designed to provide good forages for hay in widely        May be used in widely varying soils and climatic conditions
           varying conditions                                                                              50% Proprietary Low Endophyte Tall Fescue, 50% Proprietary Orchardgrass
           May be used in widely varying soils and climatic conditions
           45% Proprietary Red Clover, 20% Proprietary Alfalfa, 25% Proprietary Orchardgrass,
           10% Proprietary Timothy

16   |   2019 FS FORAGE

Selected species of forage varieties designed to provide ideal feed for horses and ponies
Use whenever a high-quality mix is needed
May be used in widely varying soils and variable climatic conditions
Tolerant to overgrazing
30% Timothy, 20% Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass, 20% Orchardgrass, 20% Alfalfa, 10% Bluegrass

SEEDING RATE | 25–50 lbs/A

Formulated to provide quick establishment and early forage production
Excellent choice for overseeding existing pastures
Ryegrass is well known for high yields and excellent energy content
Festulolium is a ryegrass-meadow fescue cross with a high sugar content that is highly digestible
Orchardgrass is a bunch-type grass that establishes rapidly and is suitable for pastures, hay,
or silage
45% Festulolium, 25% Tetraploid Per Rye, 15% Fria Annual Rye, 15% Orchardgrass

                                                                                                    2019 FS FORAGE   |   17

18   |   2019 FS FORAGE
CCM 10 FS CORN COVER MIX                                                             CCM 20 FS SOY COVER MIX
SEEDING RATE | 60-90 lbs/A                                                           SEEDING RATE | 40-50 lbs/A

KEY POINTS                                                                           KEY POINTS
Use for fields that will be planted to corn the following spring                     Use for fields that will be planted to soybeans the following spring
Helps capture nutrients from the soil for later use                                  Helps capture nutrients from the soil for later use
Winterkill translates to cost savings on spring burndown herbicide                   93% FS HiRYE Grain, 7% Radish Mix
90% Spring Oats, 10% Radish Mix
                                                                                     TERMINATION | AMS + glyphosate @ 1.125 lb. ae/A. Check the label for plant height
TERMINATION | Self-terminating in most winter climates.                                             recommendations.

CCM 30 FS SPRING SILAGE MIX                                                          CCM 40 FS QUICK COVER MIX
SEEDING RATE | 90-100 lbs/A                                                          SEEDING RATE | 30-40 lbs/A

KEY POINTS                                                                           KEY POINTS
Use where a spring forage crop is desired                                            Fast establishment for a quick cover and fall grazing
Fast establishment, cover, and soil tilth                                            Deep roots to improve soil tilth and reduce compaction
Helps capture nutrients from the soil for later use                                  65% Fria Annual Ryegrass, 35% Radish Mix
85% Fall Triticale, 15% Radish Mix
                                                                                     TERMINATION | Check the label for previous chemical program grazing restrictions.
TERMINATION | AMS + glyphosate @ 1.125 lb. ae/A. Check the label for plant height

SEEDING RATE | 30-40 lbs/A

Use when livestock or wildlife grazing through the winter is desired
Improved establishment and soil tilth
65% Fria Annual Ryegrass, 35% Turnips Mix

TERMINATION | Check the label for previous chemical program grazing restrictions.

                                                                                                                                                                          2019 FS FORAGE   |   19
ALFALFA                              Orchardgrass                               FS 100 – Livestock                  COVER CROP MIXES
                                                                                           30% Timothy
           WL 341HVX.RR, Gold Treatment Plus   FS Bro-Max Brand Bromegrass                                                    CCM 10 FS Corn Cover Mix
                                                                                           20% Tetraploid Per Rye
                                               Smooth Bromegrass                                                               90% VNS Oats
           WL 354HQ, Gold Treatment Plus                                                   20% Orchardgrass
                                                                                                                               10% Eco-Till Soilbuster Radish
           WL 356HQ.RR, Gold Treatment Plus    FS HiGain Low Endophyte Tall Fescue         20% Alfalfa
                                                                                           10% Bluegrass                      CCM 20 FS Soy Cover Mix
           WL 358LH, Gold Treatment Plus       Low Endophyte Tall Fescue
                                                                                                                               93% HiRye 500 Rye Grain
                                                                                          FS 200 – Jumpstart
           WL 359LH.RR, Gold Treatment Plus    Ky 31 Tall Fescue                                                               7% Eco-Till Soilbuster Radish
                                                                                           45% Festulolium
           WL 365HQ, Gold Treatment Plus       Bonus Festulolium                           25% Tetraploid Per Rye             CCM 30 FS Spring Silage Mix
                                               FS Tetra-Rye Brand Intermediate Ryegrass    15% Fria Annual Rye                 85% Fall Triticale
           WL 372HQ.RR, Gold Treatment Plus
                                                                                           15% Orchardgrass                    15% Eco-Till Soilbuster Radish
           WL 375HVX.RR, Gold Treatment Plus   Titila Tetraploid Italian Ryegrass
                                                                                                                              CCM 40 FS Quick Cover Mix
           FS 2-99 Brand, Coated               Fria Forage Annual Ryegrass                OATS                                 65% Annual Ryegrass
           FS 3-99ML Brand, Coated             Red Top                                    VNS Oats (nurse or cover crop)       35% Eco-Till Soilbuster Radish

           Hardy, VNS                          Teff Grass, Coated                         Certified Oats (variety may vary)   CCM 50 FS Winter Grazing Mix
                                                                                                                               65% Annual Ryegrass
                                               Reed Canarygrass, Coated
                                                                                                                               35% Forage Turnips
          CLOVER                                                                          POWER FORAGES
           FS Tri-An Brand Red                 FORAGE MIXTURES                            FS HiWheat Brand (Spring)           GRAIN SORGHUM
           Medium Red                          FS 21 – Plowdown                           FS HiBarley Brand (Spring)          FS 5010 Hybrid Grain Sorghum (Concep)
                                                25% Alfalfa
           Mammoth                                                                        TripperMax (Packer Pea/Plains
                                                25% Mammoth Red Clover                                                        FS 5011 Hybrid Grain Sorghum (Concep)
           Crimson, Coated                      25% Timothy                               Triticale)                          FS 5015 Hybrid Grain Sorghum (Concep)
           Alsike                               25% Alsike Clover
                                                                                          Triticale (Spring)                  FS 5017 Hybrid Grain Sorghum (Concep)
           Yellow Blossom Sweet                FS 24 – Hay/Pasture
                                                                                          Field Peas
                                                50% Proprietary Alfalfa
           Ladino                               25% Proprietary Red Clover                Field Peas & Oats                   SUMMER ANNUAL
           White Dutch                          25% Proprietary Orchardgrass              Field Peas & Barley                 FS HiSudan BMR Sudangrass
           Fixation Balansa Clover             FS 25 – Pasture/Hay                        Field Peas & Triticale              Certified Piper Sudangrass
                                                45% Proprietary Red Clover                                                    FS Hybrid Forage Sorghum (Concep/Apron)
          OTHER LEGUMES                         20% Proprietary Alfalfa
                                                25% Proprietary Orchardgrass              Dwarf Essex Rape Seed               Greencow Brand Sorghum-Sudan
           Birdsfoot Trefoil                    10% Proprietary Timothy                                                       Greencow II Brand BMR Sorghum-Sudan
           Crownvetch                          FS 26 – Hay                                COVER CROPS                         Pearl Millet
           Hairy Winter Vetch                   70% Proprietary Alfalfa                   HiRye 500 Brand Rye Grain (Fall)    German Millet
                                                30% Proprietary Orchardgrass
           Unhulled Korean Lespedeza                                                      Triticale (Fall)                    Japanese Millet
                                               FS 64 – Waterway
                                                                                          Forage Turnips
                                                70% Low Endo Tall Fescue
                                                20% Smooth Bromegrass                     Eco-Till Soilbuster Radish (Fall)
           FS HiTex Brand Timothy               10% Annual Ryegrass                       Austrian Winter Peas
           Timothy                             FS 66 – Grass Pasture                      Crimson, Coated
           FS Late-Leaf Brand Orchardgrass      50% Proprietary Low Endo Tall Fescue
                                                50% Proprietary Orchardgrass              Annual Ryegrass
           FS Mor-Leaf Brand Orchardgrass
                                                                                          Fixation Balansa Clover

20   |   2019 FS FORAGE
In the following states, purchase and use of HarvXtra® Alfalfa with Roundup Ready® Technology is subject to a Seed and Feed Use Agreement, requiring that products of this technology can only be used on farm or otherwise be used in the United States:
Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. In addition, due to the unique cropping practices do not plant HarvXtra® Alfalfa with Roundup Ready® Technology in Imperial County, California,
pending import approval and until Forage Genetics International, LLC (FGI) grants express permission for such planting.

Forage Genetics International, LLC (“FGI”) is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). FGI products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with FGI’s Policy for Commercialization of
Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. HarvXtra® Alfalfa with Roundup Ready® Technology and Roundup Ready® Alfalfa have pending import approvals. GROWERS MUST DIRECT ANY PRODUCT PRODUCED FROM HARVXTRA® ALFALFA
WITH ROUNDUP READY® TECHNOLOGY SEED OR CROPS (INCLUDING HAY AND HAY PRODUCTS) ONLY TO UNITED STATES DOMESTIC USE. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries
where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or
product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Growers should refer to for any updated information on import country approvals. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Biotechnology
Industry Organization.

ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate. Glyphosate herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate.

Roundup Ready® is registered trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC, used under license by Forage Genetics International, LLC. HQ and Hoppershield are trademarks, W-L Alfalfas and HarvXtra® are registered trademarks of Forage Genetics International, LLC.
HarvXtra® Alfalfa with Roundup Ready® Technology is enabled with Technology from The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.

©2018 GROWMARK, Inc.
          IT’S CALLED “HARVEST.”
          At FS, we’re member owned. That means we spend our time
          developing seed—not marketing gimmicks. It’s why FS Forage
          continues to outperform the competition. Make no mistake: other
          seed companies will keep trying to buy your loyalty. But here at FS,
          we prefer to earn it.


©2018 GROWMARK, Inc. S17571 Item#176673
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