Formulation of horsegram cake enriched with beetroot powder

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Formulation of horsegram cake enriched with beetroot powder
International Journal of Applied Home Science                                                             RESEARCH PAPER
Volume 6 (1), January (2019) : 61-65                                                                         ISSN : 2394-1413
Received : 25.11.2018; Revised : 11.12.2018; Accepted : 26.12.2018

    Formulation of horsegram cake enriched with beetroot powder

                              S. MATHANGI*1 AND M. BALASARASWATHI2
                                       Assistant Professor and 2M.Sc. Student
             Department of Food Processing and Quality Control, V.V.Vanniaperumal College for Women
                                             Virudhunagar (T.N.) India

     Beetroots are a rich source of potent anti-oxidants and minerals including magnesium, selenium, and potassium. It
     contains betalain which is important for the cardiovascular health. It also contains lot of anti-oxidant, vitamins and
     fibres. The horse gram is the cheapest source of vegetable protein, calcium and iron. It has the highest calcium content
     among pulses. It is low in lipid and sodium content, its slow digestible starch make ideal for diabetic and obesity
     patients. Foods with high nutritive value are in great demand for proper functioning of body systems and potential
     health benefits. As a result, value added functional foods with higher level of dietary fiber and anti-oxidant have been
     developed in cakes. This study aimed to develop a nutri-dense horsegram cakes by incorporating beetroot powder at
     3 variations of 5%, 10% and 15%. Sensory evaluation was carried out for the horse gram cake enriched with beetroot
     powder and the result revealed that sample B was accepted by the panel members.

     Key Words : Cake, Beetroot, Horsegram, Betalain, Anti-oxidant

                   INTRODUCTION                                      Zwart et al., 2003), Saponins (Atamanova et al., 2005),
                                                                     betacyanins (Patkai et al., 1997), folates, betanins,
     The bakery industry is one of the largest organized             polyphenols and flavonoids (Vali et al., 2007). Therefore
food industries all over the world. Cakes are the most               beetroot ingestion can be considered a factor in cancer
popular product because of its taste, texture and its                prevention (Kapadia et al., 1996). It also contributes to
induced appearance for all age groups. Recently,                     consumer’s health and wellbeing because it is known to
increasing consumer demand for healthier foods has                   have antioxidants because of the presence of nitrogen
triggered the development of cakes made with natural                 pigments called betalains, mainly comprise of red-violet
ingredients exhibiting functional properties and providing           coloredbetacyanins (betanin, isobetanin, probetanin and
specific health benefits (Hai-jung Chung, 2007).                     neobetanin) (Alard et al., 1985; Kaur and Kapoor, 2002).
     Beetroot (Beta vulgaris rubra) is an important raw              They are found in high concentrations in red beet (Beta
material of plant origin with proven positive effects on             vulgaris). They have antimicrobial and antiviral effects
the human body. They can be eaten raw, boiled, steamed               (Strack et al., 2003) and also can inhibit the cell
and roasted. Red beetroot is a rich source of minerals               proliferation of human tumor cells (Reddy et al., 2005).
(magnesium, manganese, sodium, potassium, iron,                      The use of betalains as food colorant is approved by
copper). It also rich in phenol compounds, which have                European Union and betalains are labeled as E-162.
anti oxidant properties. These colorful root vegetables                   Horse gramis scientifically known as Macrotyloma
help to protect against heart disease and certain cancers            uniflorum. It is known to have many therapeutic effects
(colon cancer) (Kavalcova et al., 2015).                             but not scientifically proven though it has been
     Beetroots are rich in other valuable compounds such             recommended in ayurvedicmedicine to treat renal stones,
as carotenoids (Dias et al., 2009), glycine, betaine (de             piles, edema etc. It is rich in iron, calcium molybdenum,
 How to cite this Article: Mathangi, S. and Balasaraswathi, M. (2019). Formulation of horsegram cake enriched with beetroot powder.
 Internat. J. Appl. Home Sci., 6 (1) : 61-65.
Formulation of horsegram cake enriched with beetroot powder

polyphenols which have high antioxidant capacity, and        Phenol, Tannins, Flavonoids, Coumarins, Amino acids,
hemagluttinin which is a substance found in antibodies       Saponin, Starch, Terpenoids, Alkaloids and Glycosides.
and autoimmune functions.
     Baked products are loved by all age groups.             Detection of phenols:
Unfortunately all baked products are prepared by using       Ferric chlorid e test:
Maida. Instead of Maida, an attempt was made to use                The filtered solution of extract was treated with
horse gram, a nutri - dense legume and also using beetroot   three drops of freshly prepared 1% ferric chloride and
powder, as a functional ingredient together at various       Potassium Ferro cyanide. Formation of bluish green color
levels to develop nutri-densed beneficial baked products.    is taken as positive.
Baked products still remain the cheapest of the processed
ready to eat products in the country.                        Detection of tannins:
                                                             Ferric chloride test:
Objectives :                                                       The filtered solution of extract was treated with 10%
     This study has the following objectives:                Ferric Chloride solution. Formation of bluish black color
     – To develop a nutri- densed cake using horsegram       is taken as positive.
flour along with incorporating the beetroot powder.
     – To analyse the phytochemical content of beetroot      Detection of flavonoids:
powder                                                       Alkaline reagent test:
     – To analyse the antibacterial activity of beetroot          The extract was treated with few drops of Sodium
powder                                                       hydroxide solution. Formation of intense yellow color,
     – To find out the acceptability of horsegram cake       which becomes colorless on addition of dilute HCl,
enriched with beetroot powder                                indicates the presence of flavonoids.

                METHODOLOGY                                  Detection of coumarines:
                                                                 Three ml of 10% NaOH was added to the extract.
    The present research work was carried out in the
                                                             Formation of yellow color indicates the presence of
Department of Food Processing and Quality Control, V.V.
Vanniaperumal College for Women, Virudhunagar.
                                                             Detection of saponins:
Raw materials:
                                                             Froth test:
    Beetroots were obtained from the local market of
                                                                  Extract was diluted with distilled water to 20 ml and
Virudhunagar District. The ingredients for cake, such as
                                                             this was shaken for 15 minutes. Formation of 1 cm layer
Horsegram flour, Butter, Jaggery, Baking powder, Eggs
                                                             of “honey comb” froth indicates the presence of saponins.
were also obtained from the local market of Virudhunagar.
                                                             Detection of terpenoids:
Processing of beetroot powder:
                                                                  The extract was added to 2 ml of acetic anhydride
     Fresh beetroots were washed, peeled and cut into
                                                             and concentrated H2SO4. Formation of blue, green rings
small pieces using knife. These pieces were dried in tray
                                                             indicates the presence of terpenoids.
on cabinet dryer at 60-65oC for about 7-8 hours. The
dried beetroot slices were subjected to grinding in Mixer.
                                                             Detection of alkaloids:
Then ground material was sieved to get fine powder and
                                                             Mayer’s test:
packed in HDPE bags, sealed and stored for future use.
                                                                  Filtrate was treated with Mayer ’s reagent
                                                             (Potassium Mercuric Iodide). Formation of a yellow color
Phytochemical analysis:
                                                             indicates the presence of alkaloids.
Preliminary screening of Phytochemicals (Qualitative
analysis) :
                                                             Wagner’s test:
     Standard screening tests of aqueous extract of
                                                                 Filtrate was treated with Wagner’s reagent (Iodide
beetroot powder were carried out to know the presence
                                                             in Potassium Iodide). Formation of brown / reddish
/ absence of various secondary metabolites such as
(62)                                                                           Internat. J. Appl. Home Sci. | Jan., 2019 | 6 (1)

 Table 1 : Formation of Horsegram Cake Enriched with Beetroot Powder
 Ingredients                       Control                Sample A                     Sample B                Sample C
 Horsegram flour                          50 g                  45 g                     40 g                    35 g
 Jaggery                                  50 g                  50 g                     50 g                    50 g
 Butter                                    50g                   50g                      50g                     50g
 Egg                                        1                     1                        1                       1
 Baking powder                            pinch                 Pinch                    Pinch                   Pinch
 Vanilla essence                           Few                   Few                      Few                     Few
 Beetroot powder                            -                    5g                      10 g                    15 g

                                                                   horse gram flour and beetroot powder in the ratio of 50:0,
                                                                   45:5, 40:10, 35:15 as control, sample A, B, C respectively.
                                                                   The remaining ingredients such as butter, jaggery, egg,
                                                                   baking powder, essence were used in standard
                                                                   measurements. The cake was prepared using procedure
                                                                   as suggested in Fig. 1.

                                                                   Method for the preparation of Horse gram cake
                                                                   enriched with beetroot powder :
                                                                   Sensory evaluation of cake:
                                                                        The prepared samples were subjected to sensory
                                                                   evaluation by the panel members. Five point hedonic scale
                                                                   and Score card method were used for evaluation of
                                                                   sensory characteristics of horsegram cake enriched with
                                                                   beetroot powder.

                                                                             RESULTSAND DISCUSSION
                                                                   Phytochemical analysis of beetroot powder:
                                                                        Phytochemical analysis shows that the beetroot
                                                                   powder contains carbohydrates, phenol, flavonoids,
                                                                   coumarins, amino acids and absent in tannins, Saponin,
                                                                   Starch, Terpenoids, Alkaloids, Glycosides. This qualitative
                                                                   analysis shows that the presence of various
 Fig. 1 : Preparation of Horsegram Cake Enriched With              phytochemicals in beetroot powder.
          Beetroot Powder

precipitate indicates the presence of alkaloids.                   Antibacterial activity:
                                                                        The above Table 3 shows that the acceptance of
Antibacterial activity:                                            the product from these samples. The accepted sample
     The antibacterial activity of water extract of beetroot       was B.
extract was evaluated by the Well plate method. The
diameters of the inhibition zone (ZI) are shown in Table           Conclusion:
2.                                                                      The treatment with 10% enrichment of beetroot
                                                                   powder in Horsegram cake (Sample B) obtained higher
Formulation of cake:                                               average score for color, flavor and taste (5) with minimum
     The samples were prepared by using horsegram flour            variations in texture and overall acceptability (4.5) (Table
instead of refined flour (Maida) with beetroot powder at           4). The surface color was darker as the level of beetroot
various blends. Various blends were prepared by using              powder increased. Therefore enrichment upto 10%

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 Table 2 : Phytochemical analysis of beetroot powder
 Sr. No.        Name of the Phytochemicals           Name of the test                                          Result
 1.             Carbohydrates                         Benedict test                                              +
 2.             Phenol                                Ferric chloride test (10%)                                 +
 3.             Tannins                               Ferric chloride test (5%)                                  --
 4.             Flavonoids                            Ammonia test                                               +
 5.             Coumarins                             Sodium hydroxide test                                      +
 6.             Amino acids                           Ninhydrin test                                             ++
 7.             Saponin                               Foam test                                                   -
 8.             Terpenoids                            Salkowski test                                              -
 9.             Alkalloids                            Mayer’s test                                                -
 + Presence,- Absence

 Table 3: Antibacterial activity of beetroot powder
 Sr. No.         Name of the Bacteria                                               Zone of Inhibition ZI (mm)
 1.               Escherichia coli                                                                -
 2.               Pseudomonas                                                                     2
 3.               Staphylococcus aureus                                                           1
 4.               Bacillus cereus                                                                 2

 Table 4 : Sensory evaluation of the nutri-dense horse gram cake enriched with beetroot powder
 Characteristics                                 Control              Sample A             Sample B                Sample C
 Color                                          3.2±0.3                 4.0±0.2             4.9±0.1                   4.8±0.7
 Flavor                                         3.5±0.2                 4.1±0.3             4.8±0.4                   4.6±0.8
 Texture                                        3.1±0.7                 4.0±0.7             4.5±0.6                   4.5±0.3
 Taste                                          3.2±0.3                 4.2±0.7             4.8±0.5                   4.5±0.3
 Overall acceptability                          3.1±0.8                 4.2±0.6             4.5±0.7                   4.3±0.4

                                                                  pangs while preventing you from over eating. This way,
                                                                  you can attain your fitness goals the healthy way!

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