Annual Report 2020/21


                 T IO
            N IZA
        B O

                       L E
              O      P
        P   E                               IZ ATIO
                                      I TA
                                  DI                   TECHNOLOGIES FOR A CLEANER PLANET

                                                         ENERGY        ENERGY      ENERGY    ENERGY
                        English                        GENERATION   TRANSMISSION   STORAGE     USE
2                                                                                                                                                                                   3                                                                                 INHALT

Shaping the future sustainably with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 03         Miba Digitalization

TECHNOLOGIES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     BE AHEAD                                                                           56

FOR A CLEANER PLANET                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Miba House of Digital Transformation – our digitalization strategy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Core areas of the digital transformation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Miba Application Engineering Tool                                                    60
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Quality assurance through visual inspection and artificial intelligence              60
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Miba mSolutions: Even greater product quality via globally networked machines        61
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Let’s ROC! Bots take over monotonous routine tasks                                   62

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Smart Miba products                                                                  63

                                                                                                     Miba Strategy

                                                                                         MIBA 100 – ENERGIZE GROWTH                                                           8    04           Miba Community

                                                                                         Miba 100 – Our growth strategy until 2027
                                                                                         Growing sustainably in existing markets and in new areas
                                                                                                                                                                              12   GROWING TOGETHER                                                                   64
                                                                                         Miba 100 Energize Growth                                                             13
                                                                                         Miba Lighthouse                                                                      14
                                                                                                                                                                                   Solidarity and responsibility: How we are coping with the coronavirus pandemic       66
                                                                                         Innovation and technology: Ideas create growth                                       15
                                                                                                                                                                                   Plant expansion and new plant construction                                           68
                                                                                         Our employees: The foundation for growth and success                                 15
                                                                                                                                                                                   Compliance and Miba Code of Conduct: Guidelines for our work                         68
                                                                                         Technologies for a cleaner planet                                                    16
                                                                                                                                                                                   Miba’s core values and corporate culture: Innovation and technology                  69
                                                                                         Team talk: Decarbonization                                                           18
                                                                                                                                                                                   Miba Campus                                                                          70
                                                                                         Team talk: Digitalization                                                            20
                                                                                                                                                                                   Miba Leadership Academy                                                              71
                                                                                         Miba Executive Committee                                                             23
                                                                                                                                                                                   Global Graduate Program                                                              71
                                                                                                                                                                                   MLA program continued in 2020 too: Learning in times of the coronavirus pandemic     72
                                                                                                                                                                                   Career opportunities in times of the coronavirus crisis                              73
                                                                                                                                                                                   New training concept for apprentices and specialists                                 73

                                                                                                                                                                                   Responsibility for our employees                                                     74
                                                                                                                                                                                   Assistance with childcare is more important than ever during the pandemic            76
           Miba Decarbonization                                                                                                                                                    Financial support for employees during the coronavirus crisis                        77
                                                                                                                                                                                   Social responsibility                                                                78
                                                                                                                                                                                   Art and culture enrich our lives                                                     81

CUT CO2                                                                           24

Wind power
Solar energy
                                                                                         SUSTAINABLE ENERGY USE
                                                                                         Powertrain technology: Miba technology for all powertrains
                                                                                         Innovation award for Miba sputter technology
                                                                                         First customer approvals for lead-free bearings
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 05         Miba Facts

Gas-fired power plants
                                                                                         Sintering technology: For more efficient and cleaner drives
                                                                                         Dry multi-disk clutches from the Miba Friction Group deliver many benefits
                                                                                                                                                                              44                                                                                                 FINANCIAL STRENGTH                                                                 82
Power resistors for high-voltage direct current transmission                       33    Miba friction technology                                                             44
eCharging – Energy-efficient and cost-effective charging of electric vehicles      34    Safe, quiet brakes for high-speed trains                                             44                                                                                                 Key figures for fiscal year 2020/21                                                  84
Smart grids – Intelligent control of power grids                                   35    Air-cooling product jointly developed by DAU and the Miba Sinter Group               45                                                                                                 Development of Miba’s business                                                       86
SUSTAINABLE ENERGY STORAGE                                                         36    e-mobility                                                                           46                                                                                                 Management Board and Supervisory Board                                               90
Miba and Voltlabor merge their core competencies                                   37    Power resistors for electric vehicles                                                47                                                                                                 Production sites and employees worldwide                                             92
Miba and Voltlabor become part of the European battery initiative EuBatIn          38    EBG invests EUR 2 million in production facilities for e-mobility                    47                                                                                                 Product portfolio                                                                    94
Voltlabor Terra platform: New battery solution for commercial vehicles             39    Miba Powerfuse: Safety for electric vehicles                                         48
Miba FLEXcooler® adapts to the shape of battery cells                              39    Axial flux motor: Miba drive for actuators and pumps                                 48
                                                                                         Encoders/new coatings: New innovations for rotary encoders and batteries             49
                                                                                         Pin winding: More Copper in stators leads to greater efficiency in electric motors   49
                                                                                         Miba Frictec: Clutches for e-axles increase engine efficiency                        50   IMPRINT
                                                                                         Resource conservation in use and production: Multi-Pad design                        50
                                                                                         Use in EUV lithography: High-tech coating for microchips                             51   PUBLISHER                                                   TRANSLATION AND PROOFREADING                                  PLEASE NOTE
                                                                                         Responsibility for the environment and society                                       52   Miba Aktiengesellschaft, Dr.-Mitterbauer-Straße 3           Greller-Schweickhardt GmbH, Pernhartgasse 8, Klagenfurt       Rounding differences may occur when rounded amounts and
                                                                                                                                                                                   4663 Laakirchen, Austria,                      Reichl und Partner Werbeagentur Gesellschaft m.b.H., Linz     percentages are added together. Projections relating to Miba
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             AG’s future performance are estimates that have been arrived
                                                                                                                                                                                   EDITORIAL STAFF                                             PICTURE SOURCES                                               at based on the information available at the time when this
                                                                                                                                                                                   Wolfgang Chmelir, Theresa Kubicka,                          Miba Aktiengesellschaft, Laakirchen                           annual report went to press. If the assumptions underlying
                                                                                                                                                                                   Ulrike Reisenberger, Wolfgang Wendy                         Matthias Witzany Photography                                  these projections do not materialize, or if risks occur at
                                                                                                                                                                                   CONCEPT AND DESIGN                                                                               magnitudes other than those calculated, the actual results
                                                                                                                                                                                   Reichl und Partner Werbeagentur Gesellschaft m.b.H., Linz                                              may deviate from the projections.

                                                                                Jahresbericht 2020/21                                                                                                                                                    
4                                                                                                                                             5                                                         HIGHLIGHTS


February 11, 2020                                                       February 25, 2020                                                   April 2, 2020                                                             May 20, 2020
At the Digital Innovation Camp in the fall of 2019, Miba was            Miba sets up a Corona Crisis and Prevention Team. It coordi-        The Miba owner family establishes a Mitterbauer Covid-19 Emer-            Miba Steeltec in Vráble, Slovakia, completes its plant expan-
looking for the best new digital ideas from all areas of business       nates Group-wide protective measures for our employees,             gency Aid Fund. It is endowed with € 500,000 and is available             sion. This includes the construction of an additional production
and countries. Three winning teams subsequently continued               which are supplemented by regionally adapted rules at site          to employees worldwide who run into situations that threaten              hall of around 5,500 square meters and a new administration
to develop their concepts. Now they present their ideas to the          level. The objective of “healthy people – healthy company”          their livelihood due to coronavirus-related financial losses.             building of around 600 square meters.
Miba Management Board – and get the go-ahead to implement               becomes Miba’s guiding principle in the pandemic and helps us       The support will be paid out quickly, discretely and unbureaucrati-
all of them.                                                            cope with it well.                                                  cally, and does not have to be repaid.

October 1, 2020                                                         September 14, 2020                                                  September 1, 2020                                                         August 24, 2020
Our employees’ health is our most valuable asset, and Miba              Our apprentices of today are our specialists of tomorrow, so        The Miba Leadership Academy resumes its activities again fol-             For the sixth time in a row, Miba offers a vacation program for
Sinter Brasil in Indaiatuba near Sao Paulo has achieved a special       even in the coronavirus crisis, Miba is focusing on training        lowing the interruption in the first lockdown. Lifelong Learning          employees’ children. In cooperation with Otelo, the open tech-
milestone here: two years without occupational accidents. Our           apprentices. Altogether, our company employs almost 300 ap-         is one of our core values, and personal exchanges are an es-              nology laboratory, and in compliance with the coronavirus mea-
company takes many measures worldwide for the prevention of             prentices worldwide. Around 25 boys and girls are starting their    sential factor for successful learning. Therefore, we are focusing        sures, the children are introduced to a fun way of handling tech-
potential hazards and work accidents. And we help our employ-           apprenticeship this fall in Upper Austria alone.                    once again on meeting up physically – in strict compliance with           nology at the Miba Forum in Laakirchen. Together with Otelo,
ees get fit and stay fit with preventive healthcare programs.                                                                               the protective measures and combined with online training                 we also established a childcare provision for school-age children
                                                                                                                                            where appropriate.                                                        in the event of school and class closures in the fall.

October 20, 2020                                                        October 20, 2020                                                    November 25, 2020                                                         January 27, 2021
Normally in October, hundreds of Miba specialists and manag-            For the 7th time we honor the best innovations in Miba with a       With our Christmas Charity, we are supporting reforestation               Miba and Voltlabor, where Miba holds a share, are two of only
ers from all over the world get together at the Miba Convention         Franz Mitterbauer Award, named after the founder of our com-        of the local recreation area on the Orava River in Dolny Kubin,           six Austrian companies that the EU Commission includes in
to exchange ideas and set the course for the upcoming months.           pany. For the first time, it does not go to a Research and Devel-   which was severely damaged by a storm. We operate our big-                the IPCEI (Important Project of European Interest) program
In 2020, this event takes place virtually for the first time.           opment team, but to the eleven digital innovators from Austria,     gest production plant in the world in the Slovakian city. Every           “EuBatIn”. The aim of the initiative is to establish a competitive
                                                                        Slovakia and India who are behind the mSolutions project –          year, the Miba Christmas Charity supports a project in one of             European battery industry.
                                                                        a global platform for networking real-time machine data.            the Miba regions worldwide.

                                                        Annual Report 2020/21                                                                                                                  
6                                                                                                                  7                              AWARDS

                                                                                                                           7                          8                                              9

AWARDS 2020/21
Miba’s efforts and activities to maintain a successful
partnership with all its stakeholders won multiple
awards once again in 2020/21.

1                                   2                                           3                                              6    COPEL – SUPPLIER AWARD IN SILVER
                                                                                                                                    In November 2020, Miba Industrial Bearings Brasil
                                                                                                                                    received the Supplier Award in Silver from Copel.

                                                                                                                               7    WEICHAI – SUPPLIER OF THE YEAR AWARD
                                                                                                                                    In December 2020, the Bearing Branch of MPCC –
                                                                                                                                    Miba Precision Components (China) received the
                                                                                                                                    Golden Supplier of the Year Award from Weichai.

                                                                                                                               8    WEICHAI – DEVELOPMENT PARTNER OF THE YEAR
                                                                                4                                                   In addition, the MPCC Bearing Branch received the
                                                                                                                                    Development Partner of the Year 2020 Award from

                                                                                                                               9    CNHTC – QUALITY OF THE YEAR AWARD                                12
                1   ROLLS-ROYCE POWER SYSTEMS (MTU) –
                    SUPPLIER AWARD IN GOLD                                                                                          Our customer CNHTC China gave a Quality of the Year
                    In February 2020, Miba Gleitlager Austria was awarded                                                           2020 Award to the MPCC Bearing Branch.
                    the Rolls-Royce Power Systems (mtu) Supplier Award in
                    Gold in the “Best Precast Supplier 2020” category.                                                         10   WUXI DIESEL – INNOVATION OF THE YEAR
                                                                                                                                    In December 2020, MPCC Bearing was awarded the
                2   JOHN DEERE – BEST IN CLASS QUALITY                          5                                                   Innovation of the Year 2020 Award by Wuxi Diesel, FAW,
                    AND DELIVERY PERFORMANCE                                                                                        for its innovations.
                    In February 2020, Miba Drivetec India once again
                    received an award from John Deere for its particular                                                       11   BGF SEAL OF QUALITY FOR WORKPLACE
                    product and delivery quality.                                                                                   HEALTH PROMOTION
                                                                                                                                    All Miba locations in Upper Austria were once again
                3   HENAN MARINE – SUPPLIER OF THE YEAR AWARD                                                                       awarded the BGF Seal of Quality for 2021 to 2023.
                    In September 2020, the Bearing Branch of MPCC –                                                                 The Seal of Quality is awarded for three years at a time.
                    Miba Precision Components (China) received
                    the Supplier of the Year Award from Henan Marine Diesel.                                                   12   PRATT AND WHITNEY –
                                                                                                                                    SUPPLIER GOLD CERTIFICATION
                4   JDEC CHINA – STRATEGIC CORE SUPPLER AWARD                                                                       Pratt and Whitney’s conferring of Gold supplier status on
                    In addition, the MPCC Bearing Branch also received                                                              Miba Gleitlager Austria in February was not only a good
                    the Strategic Core Supplier Award from JDEC China                                                               start to the new fiscal year, but also the official conclusion
                    in September.                                                   MIBA INDUSTRIAL BEARINGS BRASIL LTDA
                                                                                                                                    to a 20-month qualification process.

                    In November, Miba Gleitlager Austria received the special
                    award for radical innovation for its sputter technology.
                    This award is only given out in special cases.

                                               Annual Report 2020/21                                                                                      
8                                                       9

MIBA 100

  In 2027, Miba will celebrate its 100th anniversary. Our
  new corporate strategy “Miba 100” defines how we
  want to grow sustainably and profitably until then, and
  how we want to set course for the second century of our
  company’s history.

  Annual Report 2020/21                             
10                                                                                                                   11                                                     MIBA STRATEGY

                                           MIBA 100 –
                                           OUR GROWTH                                                                                                 A CLEAR MISSION: TECHNOLOGIES                 AN EVER-SMALLER CARBON

                                           STRATEGY UNTIL                                                                                             FOR A CLEANER PLANET                          FOOTPRINT IN PRODUCTION

                                           2027. SETTING
                                                                                                                                                      The foundation for the new strategy           Miba’s contribution to decarbonization
                                                                                                                                                      “Miba 100” is the corporate mission           does not only comprise the technologies
                                                                                                                                                      “Technologies for a cleaner planet.”          that the company produces. “With our

                                           THE COURSE FOR
                                                                                                                                                      “With our technologies, we want to            ambitious programs, we are already re-
                                                                                                                                                      make a contribution to a cleaner planet       ducing energy and water consumption
                                                                                                                                                      and a world that is even more livable,” is    and waste volumes in production today.

                                           THE FUTURE.
                                                                                                                                                      how Mitterbauer describes it. “This is a      This means we are constantly reducing
                                                                                                                                                      strong driving force for all of us – for me   our carbon footprint. We will consistently
                                                                                                                                                      personally as well as for our employees.”     continue down this path and even accel-
                                                                                                                                                      Mitterbauer introduced the corporate          erate it,” says Mitterbauer.
                                           F. Peter Mitterbauer
                                           CEO of Miba AG                                                                                             mission in 2013 when he took over as
                                                                                                                                                      CEO of Miba. And today it is more sig-        DIGITALIZATION AS A GROWTH
                                                                                                                                                      nificant than ever. “The future belongs       OPPORTUNITY
                                                                                                                                                      to sustainable technologies, and so our
                                                                                                                                                      corporate mission offers growth oppor-        The second major megatrend of our
                                                                                                                                                      tunities through 2027 and beyond,” says       time is digitalization. “Almost unnoticed,
                                                                                                                                                      Mitterbauer.                                  digitalization has changed our daily lives
                                                                                                                                                                                                    considerably. It is also greatly changing
                                                                                                                                                      SUSTAINABILITY THROUGHOUT                     industr y – the way we work and our
                                                                                                                                                      THE ENTIRE ENERGY VALUE CHAIN                 products,” says Mitterbauer. “Like de-
                                                                                                                                                                                                    carbonization, this makes it a challenge
                                                                                                                                                      “Our focus is directed towards the entire     for Miba, but above all an opportunity.”
                                                                                                                                                      energy value chain,” says Mitterbauer to      Miba’s digitalization strategy is based
                                                                                                                                                      explain the direction of the new corpo-       on several pillars: on the one hand, it is
                                                                                                                                                      rate strategy. “Miba technologies should      about making internal production and
                                                                                                                                                      contribute to making the generation,          administration processes digital, auto-
                                                                                                                                                      transmission, storage and use of energy       mated and thus more efficient. On the
                                                                                                                                                      efficient, sustainable and climate-friend-    other hand, it is about networking data
                                                                                                                                                      ly. For example, with products for wind       through big data and artificial intelligence,
                                                                                                                                                      power and solar energy or hydropower.         thus continuously improving the product
                                                                                                                                                      With solutions for the efficient transmis-    quality and production processes. And,
                                                                                                                                                      sion of energy in power grids with the        last but not least, it is about creating real
                                                                                                                                                      lowest loss possible. With battery sys-       added value for customers through digital
                                                                                                                                                      tems and battery components. And with         additional benefits for Miba products or
                                                                                                                                                      technologies for more efficient, more         digital services.
                                                                                                                                                      sustainable use of energy in the drives of
                                                                                                                                                      vehicles, ships, aircraft, construction and
                                                                                                                                                      agricultural machinery or industrial appli-
Decarbonization and digitalization are                    2027. The year in which Miba will celebrate the 100th anniver-                              cations. This also describes Miba’s new
                                                          sary of its founding. The new corporate strategy “Miba 100”                                 corporate vision: ‘No Power without Miba
the megatrends of our time. In the com-                   describes how the company wants to grow sustainably until                                   Technology.’”
                                                          then. But the new corporate strategy does much more than
ing years, they will shape not only so-                   this, discribes F. Peter Mitterbauer, the CEO of Miba AG.
ciety and the economy, but Miba as                        “It also sets the course for Miba’s development for the period

                                                          after 2027, for our company’s second century.” “Miba 100” re-
well. They are challenges, but above                      places the previous strategy “Miba 2020”, which was concluded
                                                          at the end of the previous fiscal year.
all growth opportunities. With the new
“Miba 100” strategy, Miba describes
                                                                                                                                ENERGY               ENERGY                         ENERGY                     ENERGY

how it wants to utilize these mega-                       DECARBONIZATION AND                                                 GENERATION          TRANSMISSION                     STORAGE                       USE
trends and grow sustainably – through                     DIGITALIZATION ARE CHALLENGES,
to the 100th anniversary of Miba in 2027                  BUT ABOVE ALL GROWTH                                             Miba wants to make a contribution to decarbonization with technologies and products for
                                                                                                                           the sustainable generation, transmission, storage and use of energy.
and beyond.                                               OPPORTUNITIES.                                                   For more details, see “Miba Decarbonization” on page 24.

                                            Annual Report 2020/21                                                                                         
12                                                                                                                                                 13                                                          MIBA STRATEGY


Miba has always been                 Each branch grows and thrives in its own      as a successful family-owned business.       OUR MISSION                                                                      OUR GOALS
                                     right – just like each division of Miba in    In addition, its innovative strength, the
a stable, financially                its traditional market and with existing      basis for technology and product leader-
                                                                                                                                Technologies for a cleaner planet                                                •   Transforming Miba to shape the next 100 years
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 •   Growth both in our core businesses and by entering
independent and healthy              products.                                     ship. And last but not least, its employ-    OUR VISION                                                                           new fields organically and through M&A
company. And it has always                                                         ees with their expertise and their com-      No Power without Miba Technology                                                 •   Global no. 1 in our market segments
been committed to long-term,         Each branch can also produce new              mitment, who take care of our Miba tree                                                                                       •   Inspiring place to work
sustainable and profitable           shoots – just as each part of Miba can        like gardeners.                                                                                                               •   Sustainable growth to over EUR 1.5 billion
growth. “You can compare             grow in new markets and with new prod-
                                     ucts in addition to the existing business.    “The illustration of the tree describes                                                                                       OUR VALUES
Miba to a tree,” says F. Peter                                                     how we intend our company to grow                                                                                             •   Technology Leadership
                                                                                                                                    ENERGY          ENERGY          ENERGY                ENERGY
Mitterbauer. “Just as its            From small shoots, strong branches can        until 2027 and beyond. Sustainably and         GENERATION     TRANSMISSION       STORAGE                 USE                  •   Lifelong Learning
many branches together form          grow over time – just as Miba ultimately      profitably. In existing and new markets,                                                                                      •   Entrepreneurship
the crown, so our divisions          develops new, strong divisions from new       with existing and new products. But                                                                                           •   Passion for Success
shape Miba.”                         business areas. And it is even possible to    always with the clear acknowledgement        OUR STRATEGY MIBA 100
                                     make the tree even stronger and more          that many individual parts together are      Striving for technology leadership in demanding,
                                     robust by grafting on new, previously ex-     a healthy, sustainably-growing whole,”       economically attractive market segments along the
                                     traneous branches – just as Miba grows        says Miba CEO F. Peter Mitterbauer. With     energy value chain by utilizing the potential
                                     in completely new areas through acqui-        the “Miba 100” strategy, the company         of decarbonization and digitalization.
                                     sitions.                                      intends to grow to an annual revenue of
                                                                                   EUR 1.5 billion by 2027. And it is clearly
                                     For a tree, its strong roots are a footing    staking its claim to be a global market,

                                     and a source of strength; for Miba, these     technology and innovation leader in its
                                     come from its financial stability and inde-   market segments.

                                     pendence, its values and operating prin-
                                     ciples, and its more than 90-year history                                                                                                                         SI


              WE WANT MIBA TO GROW LIKE A TREE. SUSTAINABLY                                                                                                                                                                                      IC
                                                                                                                                                                       POW                                                                     FR
                                                                                                                                                                              ER E
              AND HEALTHILY. OUR STRONG ROOTS SHOULD ENABLE                                                                                                                         LEC
              THE GROWTH OF OUR EXISTING BRANCHES. AND THEY                                                                                                                                        S
              SHOULD ALSO GIVE NEW BRANCHES POWER TO GROW.                                                                                                                                                                                                        FIE
              F. Peter Mitterbauer                                                                                                                                                                                                                          NE
              CEO of Miba AG
                                                                                                                                                                                     G    IC U

                                                                                                                                                                                 INDEPENDENCE                                             FAMILY-OWNED COMPANY
                                                                                                                                                                              FINANCIAL STABILITY                                     VALUES & PRINCIPLES
                                                                                                                                                                                   PEOPLE                                              INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY

                                                Annual Report 2020/21                                                                                                                  
14                                                                                                                  15                                                   MIBA STRATEGY

MIBA LIGHTHOUSE:                                                                                                INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY:

CLEAR VALUES                                                                                                    IDEAS CREATE GROWTH
AND PRINCIPLES                                                                                                  A spirit of innovation, technology leadership and proximity to customers and their projects

GUIDE THE WAY                                                                                                   to shape the future – all of these make Miba stand out in the global competition
                                                                                                                “We are driven by our ideas and passion
                                                                                                                for technology. And our attitude in never
                                                                                                                                                             patents and employs 300 people in re-
                                                                                                                                                             search and development – ”a clear com-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           today and in the future too, they all make
                                                                                                                                                                                                           an important contribution to reducing
                                                                                                                settling for what we have achieved, but      mitment to innovation and technology,”        the carbon footprint,” says Mitterbauer.
                                                                                                                always looking for the even better solu-     says Mitterbauer. It is the development       Future technologies for the production,
                                                                                                                tion for our customers,” explains Miba       of new solutions for decarbonization          transmission and storage of energy, and
                                                                                                                CEO F. Peter Mitterbauer. “This is how       and digitalization in particular that needs   new, innovative approaches to digitaliza-
                                                                                                                we have reached global leading positions     additional R&D power. One important fo-       tion are also important priorities.
                                                                                                                in many of our markets. We want to ex-       cus is drive technology: “Modern, clean,
                                                MISSION                     VISION                              pand this position further with innovation   internal combustion engines, hybrid
       TECHNOLOGIES FOR A CLEANER PLANET                                    NO POWER WITHOUT MIBA TECHNOLOGY    and technology.” Miba now holds 400          technology, and pure electric drives –


                                                                                 100% CUSTOMER FOCUS

The new corporate strategy “Miba 100”                                                                           A spirit of innovation and technology
is embedded in the system of values and                                                                         leadership are just as much foundations
operating principles that guide us in our                                                                       for the successful utilization of the
                                                                                 INNOVATION                     megatrends of decarbonization and
daily work. The Miba Lighthouse brings                                                                          digitalization as are the expertise,
them all together. “The Miba Lighthouse                                                                         commitment and worldwide collaboration                                                              INNOVATION
gives us orientation. It gives us a clear fo-                                                                   of our employees.                                             PEOPLE                               & TECHNOLOGY
cus on our goals when making strategic
decisions and describes the framework
                                                                                 PROCESS EXCELLENCE
in which Miba works. Therefore every
corporate strategy is always based on the
Miba Lighthouse,” explains CEO F. Peter
                                                                                                                OUR EMPLOYEES
                                                                                 COLLABORATION AND LEADERSHIP

                                                                                                                THE FOUNDATION FOR
                                                                                                                GROWTH AND SUCCESS
                                                         VALUES                                                 With their expertise, personalities and entrepreneurial spirit,
                                                  Technology Leadership                                         Miba’s employees make a significant contribution to the company’s success.
                                                    Lifelong Learning
                                                     Entrepreneurship                                           This is true today, and will be true even    ly keep on learning,” explains F. Peter       to their respective needs. In times of
                                                   Passion for Success                                          more in the future. “To successfully         Mitterbauer. Global collaboration, equal      change and in particular chances, it is
                                                                                                                implement the “Miba 100” strategy of         opportunities and diversity, and an open      important to continuously develop pro-
                                                                                                                exploiting the opportunities offered by      corporate culture with flat hierarchies       fessionally and personally,” Mitterbauer
                                                                                                                decarbonization and digitalization, we       are also indispensable for Miba’s future      is convinced of this. Lifelong learning is
                                                                                                                need curious, open-minded people. Per-       success. “It is important to find the best    therefore one of Miba’s core values.
                                                                                                                sonalities who want to take new paths,       people for all this – and to offer them
                                                                                                                assume responsibility and continuous-        training and development customized

                                                    Annual Report 2020/21                                                                                        
16                                                                                                                            17                                         MIBA STRATEGY

TECHNOLOGIES FOR                                                                         Our corporate mission “Technologies for a cleaner planet” is the driving
                                                                                         force in our daily work, giving us energy and guidance.

                                                                                         With components that are critical to the function of applications along the entire energy value chain, we
                                                                                         want to make a contribution towards an even more efficient and sustainable generation, transmission,
                                                                                         storage and use of energy. This illustration shows the areas where Miba’s technologies already make
                                                                                         such a contribution and the segments we aim to continue to develop in the future.

    CRADLE-TO-GRAVE: Miba products accompany the entire cycle of efficient generation,   transmission, storage and use of energy

   ENERGY GENERATION                          ENERGY TRANSMISSION                                   ENERGY STORAGE                                             ENERGY USE

                                             (e.g. high-voltage direct current (HVDC)                                                                         TECHNOLOGY:
         SOLAR ENERGY                         transmission / medium voltage direct             BATTERY THERMAL MANAGEMENT                                 CONVENTIONAL DRIVES
                                                   current (MVDC) transmission)                                                                               HYBRID DRIVES
         HYDROPOWER                                                                           ELECTRICAL SAFETY COMPONENTS                                FULLY-ELECTRIC DRIVES
                                                          SMART GRIDS                                 FOR BATTERIES
GAS AND DIESEL GENSETS, TURBINES               (intelligent networking and control                                                                        VEHICLE APPLICATIONS
                                                          of power grids)                             COATING SOLUTIONS                                  OUTSIDE THE POWERTRAIN
           FUEL CELLS                                                                                   FOR BATTERIES                                       (e.g. auxiliary drives)
                                                 COMPRESSORS AND PUMPS
                                                                                               COMPONENTS FOR CHARGING                                   INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS
                                                                                          INFRASTRUCTURE FOR ELECTRIC VEHICLES

                   WELL-TO-TANK (production and provision)                                                             TANK-TO-WHEEL (dispensing and use)

                   Annual Report 2020/21                                                                                                  
18                                                                                                                                           19                                                    MIBA STRATEGY

                                                         TEAM TALK


                                                                                                                                                 GROWTH BY USING OUR OWN                        A STABLE PARTNER WITH A GLOBAL               DIFFERENTIATION VIA INDIVIDUAL
                                                                                                                                                 EXPERTISE AND VIA ACQUISITIONS                 FOOTPRINT                                    COMPONENTS – DEVELOPMENT IN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             CLOSE COOPERATION WITH OUR
                                                                                                                                                 “But what does this mean for Miba              Miba’s industrialization expertise is also   CUSTOMERS
MARTIN LIEBL                  RUDOLF MORAWETZ                              KATRIN ZORN                       KIM WANG                            and where is the greatest potential for        a major advantage for customers. “There
Member of the                 Head of Pin Winding / Stator Business        Development Manager Future        Vice President Sales & Marketing,   growth?” asks Katrin Zorn. The Miba ap-        are a wealth of companies thronging the      The technological requirements for prod-
Management Board of Miba AG   Unit in the Miba eMobility team              Products at the Technology        EBG China                           proach is based on two pillars, says Mar-      market with innovative ideas for decar-      ucts for electric drives, for example, are
                                                                           Competence Center of the Miba                                         tin Liebl: “On the one hand, we want to        bonization. Miba differs from them in its    becoming greater all the time, the sys-
                                                                           Bearing Group                                                         develop and produce new products from          expertise in industrializing these ideas     tems themselves are becoming better
                                                                                                                                                 within Miba. For example, our team is in-      and developing them into series produc-      and thus more complicated and sophis-
                                                                                                                                                 tensively involved in five areas of applica-   tion. We can also offer our global network   ticated. “The result of this is that in the
                                                                                                                                                 tion that we have defined for e-mobility.      of 31 production sites in all the major      electric drives area too, customers will
INNOVATION IS IN OUR DNA, WE WANT TO USE IT                                                                                                      In addition, we want to grow via M&A           customer markets. And we know how to         increasingly differentiate themselves

TO PROACTIVELY SHAPE DECARBONIZATION                                                                                                             and look for companies that are a good fit
                                                                                                                                                 for us culturally and want to take the next
                                                                                                                                                                                                organize global supplier relationships and
                                                                                                                                                                                                supply chains,” says Miba Management
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             via the individual components,” says
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ­M artin Liebl. “Here it is necessary to
                                                                                                                                                 step in their development together with        Board member Martin Liebl.                    develop solutions in close cooperation
Global climate protection                       Miba is a diverse, global company – and           rate mission “Technologies for a cleaner       us.” Rudolf Morawetz discusses where                                                         with our customers. To know their re-
                                                so the group discussing decarbonization           planet”. And on the other hand, Miba           there are benefits for such companies                                                        quirements in detail and contribute our
targets are accelerating                        with Martin Liebl is also made up of em-          has always seen opportunities in new           from partnering with Miba: “Growth                                                           expertise. We do this by acting as a
decarbonization, in other                       ployees from different parts of the world.        things. “It is in our DNA to look towards      means being innovative and always think-                                                     team, as we have always done at Miba.”
words the gradual reduction                     Austrian Katrin Zorn is developing bearing        the future with a spirit of innovation and     ing about the industrialization of the                                                       “What mindset do the Miba employees
of the carbon footprint. Miba                   solutions for Miba for new application            thus find clever technology solutions          products. This industrialization expertise                                                   need for this?” asks Kim Wang. “We
Management Board member                         areas. As an e-mobility expert, the South         for our customers,” says Liebl. It is also     is exactly what we, as Miba, contribute.”                                                    need people who are excited by tech-
Martin Liebl talked with                        Tyrolean Rudolf Morawetz is responsible           mainly a matter of finding solutions to                                                                                                     nology and understand the market and
                                                for the Pin Winding business unit. And            the customer’s challenges that only Miba                                                                                                    customers”, says Liebl. “Team players
employees about how Miba                        Kim Wang is the head of the Sales and             can develop and produce. This applies                                                                                                       who work together with our customers
intends to use this megatrend                   Marketing at the Miba power electron-             along the entire energy value chain, from                                                                                                   to develop what they really need. Who
and sustainably grow from it.                   ics specialist EBG in China. Martin Liebl         its production through to distribution and                                                                                                  gain the trust of their customers and
                                                makes one thing clear right at the begin-         storage, and use.                                                                                                                           are alongside them from the product
                                                ning of the conversation: Miba’s attitude                                                                                                                                                     development to the series production.
                                                towards climate protection targets and                                                                                                                                                        At Miba, we rely on such people – and
                                                decarbonization is a positive one. On the                                                                                                                                                     such people will feel comfortable in our
                                                one hand, this corresponds to our corpo-                                                                                                                                                      corporate culture.”

                                                             Annual Report 2020/21                                                                                                                  
20                                                                                                                                                                         21                                                     MIBA STRATEGY

                                                      TEAM TALK


MARKUS HOFER                     JESPER HANSEN                          SAMMY FISHER                        KAROL JANAS
Member of the Management Board   Vice President IT, Miba AG             Divisional Human Capital Business   Operations Excellence Manager,
and CFO of Miba AG                                                      Partner, Miba Sinter Group          Miba Steeltec

CORPORATE CULTURE IS THE DECISIVE SUCCESS FACTOR                                                                                               Digital platforms make customer orders,
                                                                                                                                               customer contact, and the supply chain
FOR THE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION                                                                                                                 more efficient and more agile. And digi-
                                                                                                                                               talization of internal processes in produc-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION STRATEGY

                                                                                                                                               tion and administration enables greater          DIGITALIZED PRODUCTS                                             DIGITALIZATION

Miba has a clear goal: we want to take on the role of a                                          Digitalization is changing the way we         product quality, faster processes and                AND SERVICES                                                  OF PROCESSES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Manufacturing efficiency
                                                                                                 live, work and produce. “For Miba, this       many new insights from the wealth of
forerunner in the digital transformation in our markets –                                        is a challenge, but above all an oppor-       data available in Miba worldwide. All of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Overhead process efficiency

by using digitalization to create new business opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    SCM service digitalization

                                                                                                 tunity. We want to use digitalization to      this is described in the “Miba House of                                           Design and engineering services

and make internal processes more efficient and more agile.                                       successfully implement the digital trans-     Digital Transformation”, which is present-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Data driven value-added services

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Platform economies

We discussed how this can be achieved with a colorful Miba                                       formation of our business model, our          ed in detail from page 58 onwards. “On
group from around the world: Miba AG Management Board
                                                                                                 production and our administration,” says      the one hand, the essential basis for a

member Markus Hofer, Miba Group CIO Jesper Hansen from                                           Management Board member Markus                successful digital transformation is the
                                                                                                                                                                                              Quick                 Continuous                                                    Data
                                                                                                                                                                                              validation            adoption             Fast scaling        model                monetization
                                                                                                                                                                                                               1                    2                   3                     4                  5
                                                                                                 Hofer. Smart products with a digital ad-      ability to develop and scale ideas quickly
Denmark, American Sammy Fisher, and Karol Janas                                                  ditional benefit bring real added value for   and agilely. And then using this to develop
from Slovakia.                                                                                   our customers. This is also what the new      innovations for our business model and
                                                                                                                                                                                             The “Miba House of Digital Transformation”
                                                                                                                                                                                             describes our digitalization strategy.
                                                                                                 services based on data aggregation and        benefit from the data available in the com-   For more details, see “Miba Decarbonization”
                                                                                                 analysis are doing.                           pany,” adds Miba CIO Jesper Hansen.           from page 58 onwards.

                                                          Annual Report 2020/21                                                                                                                                        
22                                                                                                                                       23                                                   MIBA STRATEGY

                                                                                                                                                                               Bernhard Reisner
                                                                                                                                                                                  Vice President                              Bernd Badurek
                                                                                                                                                                                  Human Capital                             General Manager
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Miba Sinter Group,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Coatings, Purchasing

                                                                                                                                                           Christoph ­Ederer
                                                                                                                                                            General Manager
                                                                                                                                                          Miba Bearing Group

OPERATIONAL BUSINESS                            FAST” CULTURE                                      Sammy Fisher and Karol Janas want to
                                                                                                   know whether digital natives can drive
The Miba employees Sammy Fisher and             M i b a M a n a g e m e n t Bo a r d m e m b e r   the culture in the company, and whether
Karol Janas want to know how digitaliza-        ­M arkus Hofer is convinced that doing             employees who have been with us for
tion will change the way we work togeth-         this successfully requires the right skills       many years can learn from them. Jesper
er. “If the digital transformation is to suc-    and abilities – but above all, the right          Hansen is certain that young talent that
ceed, it has to be a shared task for the         corporate culture. Sammy Fisher and               has grown up in the digital world can
whole of Miba,” says Markus Hofer. It is         Karol Janas want to know what culture             make a big difference: “A ‘bottom-up’
also clear to the group that while IT can        that is. “Our corporate culture must be           approach is certainly helpful, because
contribute their expertise in digital tech-      based on openness and agility. It must            digital natives can inspire their colleagues
nology and the possibilities this offers,        give employees the freedom to try things          and accompany them in the digital trans-
it is only the employees who are opera-          out, and develop ideas and so-called              formation.” But a clear commitment                                                  F. Peter M
                                                                                                                                                                                                ­ itterbauer
tional in the market who know the cus-           “minimum viable products” from this. If           from the management is also needed                                                                   CEO
tomers’ needs. They are really close to          they are successful, then there must be           alongside this. “They are the ones who
the customer, and therefore know what            the capacity to scale them up quickly. If         set an example by leading the way,” adds
tasks we can help them solve. Miba               they do not work, then we also need to            Markus Hofer. Ultimately, the key to suc-                            Markus Hofer                                                                 Martin Liebl
has relied on this kind of networking            be honest with ourselves and to stop              cess is not only to incorporate the digital                          CFO                                                                        Member of the
and collaboration for some time now, as          the projects quickly,” says Markus Hofer.         transformation as an essential part of                                                                                                       Management Board
­Jesper Hansen explains: “Our colleagues         In this corporate culture, “Fail Forward          developing the strategy of every area of
 in the Miba divisions have recognized the       Fast” is the guiding principle for the            business, but also to bring it to life there
 many benefits of digitalization. Over the       development of new ideas. “It does not            every day. “Each and every manager in
 past few months, a wealth of ideas have         contradict the ‘zero defect’ mindset in           every area of business should be con-
 emerged from this, which we want to             production, because there what matters            stantly wondering: How do we use the
 develop further.”                               above all is consistently offering the best       digital transformation in the long term
                                                 product quality for our customers,” Hofer         for our business success in the next six
                                                 adds.                                             to seven years and beyond? If we un-
                                                                                                   derstand this importance and necessity         MIBA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE:

                                                                                                                                                  BROADLY POSITIONED
                                                                                                   and act accordingly, then we will make
                                                                                                   digitalization an essential factor for the
                                                                                                   successful implementation of the Miba
                                                                                                   100 strategy.”

                                                                                                                                                  FOR A SUCCESSFUL FUTURE
                                                                                                                                                  The newly created Executive Commit-        kets, and successfully implement the      tee members include the Managing
                                                                                                                                                  tee is Miba’s top operational governing    new Miba 100 strategy. In addition to     Directors of the two largest Miba divi-
                                                                                                                                                  body. Its purpose is to lead the compa-    the three Miba Management Board           sions (Sinter and Bearing) Bernd Badurek
                                                                                                                                                  ny effectively into the future, adapt to   members, F. Peter Mitterbauer, Markus     and Christoph Ederer, and Vice President
                                                                                                                                                  the new conditions in the global mar-      Hofer and Martin Liebl, the commit-       Human Capital Bernhard Reisner.

                                                             Annual Report 2020/21                                                                                                              
24                  25

                                         02 MIBA
                                         With our technologies we are contributing to decarbon-
                                         ization and a smaller carbon footprint. We are doing
                                         this out of our responsibility to our planet and the next
                                         generations. And we are using the growth opportunities
                                         arising from sustainable technologies.

  Annual Report 2020/21
26                                                          27                                            MIBA DECARBONIZATION

                                                           WIND POWER:
SUSTAINABLE                                                A SUSTAINABLE GROWTH MARKET

                                                           FOR MIBA

                                                           The importance of wind power is grow-             which will cooperate closely with scien-

                                                           ing constantly. The Global Wind Energy            tific institutions and with the wind power
                                                           Council can prove this impressively with          team in Austria to develop solutions for
                                                           figures: a production capacity of 750             the even more powerful and efficient
                                                           gigawatts is now available worldwide.             wind turbines of tomorrow.
                                                           This brings a CO2 reduction of 1.1 billion
                                                           tons, which is equivalent to the annual
                                                           carbon footprint of the whole of South
                                                           America. Worldwide, new wind turbines
                                                           with a generation capacity of more than
                                                           90 gigawatts were built in 2020 alone,
Sustainable energy is one of the most important            which is 50% more than in the previous

foundations of decarbonization. With Miba Tech-            year. Miba sees great opportunities for
                                                           growth in wind power, so we already                                     gigawatts
nologies, we want to make power generation more            offer a broad range of products for this                                Current wind power
                                                           market. Miba is also building a “Re-
sustainable and cleaner. In this way we want to            newable Energy Innovation Center” at                                    generation capacity worldwide
make a contribution to reducing the global carbon          the Osterode site in northern Germany,

footprint – and utilize opportunities in
                                                                                                                                   billion tons of CO2

                                                             MIBA TECHNOLOGIES
a strongly-growing market.                                   FOR WIND POWER:                                                       Worldwide reduction of the
                                                               Bearings for main gearbox and
                                                               rotor bearings                                                      carbon footprint by means of
                                                               Friction components for breaks in
                                                               wind turbines
                                                                                                                                   wind power – equivalent to
                                                               Power resistors for current and                                     the annual carbon footprint of
                                                               voltage optimization
                                                               Cooling technology for switchgear                                   the whole of South America
                                                               cabinets in wind turbines
                                                               Milling equipment for the
                                                               construction of offshore wind

                                   Annual Report 2020/21                             
28                                                                                                                                29                                           MIBA DECARBONIZATION

HIGH-END WIND TURBINES NEED                                                                                                      EBG power resistors:
MIBA BEARING TECHNOLOGY                                                                                                          90% OF WIND TURBINE MANUFACTURERS
                                                                                                                                 RELY ON EBG POWER RESISTORS
The importance of wind power is grow-       this area grew strongly in 2020. Under
ing, and with it the performance require-   the project name “Blue Ocean”, the Miba                                              Power resistors supplied by the Miba         durable. Around 90% of wind turbine
ments of wind turbines. In the future,      Technology Competence Center in Laa-                                                 company “EBG Resistors” are used in          manufacturers now rely on EBG technol-
turbines will be designed to generate       kirchen is mainly also looking into the                                              wind turbines for current and voltage        ogy – because our resistors are much
14 megawatts and more, which is more        use of Miba technologies in other wind                                               limitation, harmonic limitation or as mea-   more compact than comparable products
than twice the amount today’s systems       power applications. Thus, for example,                                               suring resistors for improving the grid      and therefore require a smaller installa-
can output. At the same time, the in-       Miba bearings are also to be used in                                                 quality. In this way, they contribute to     tion space.
stallation space should not be enlarged,    future in the main rotor bearings of wind                                            making the turbines more efficient and
due to cost reasons. The rolling bearings   turbines, where they will ensure greater
traditionally used will struggle to meet    efficiency and lower maintenance costs.
these requirements, so manufacturers of
gearboxes in wind turbines are switching
to Miba bearing technology. At the Laa-
kirchen site, a wind power team was set
up for these customers, which plans and
implements customer projects. Sales in                                                  Bearings for wind turbine gearboxes

           At its production site in Os-    Miba is closely networked with
           terode in northern Germany,      top-level research institutes, and
           Miba is establishing an “In-     the company will also continue                          Wind power provides an
novation Center for Renewable Energy”       to expand these collaborations,                        important building block
where the company is pooling its exper-     especially in Lower Saxony. There                    for the decarbonization of
tise related to the efficient use of sus-   will also be close cooperation with               power generation. We are
tainable energy sources, especially wind    ­Miba’s wind power team in Austria and
                                                                                          proud that Miba can contribute
                                                                                          to this.
power. In addition, the center will also     the R&D team of the Miba Technology
develop and produce bearing solutions        Competence Center, which has been            Christoph Ederer, General Manager
                                                                                          Miba Bearing Group and Member of the
for modern high-speed trains such as         working intensively for some time on
                                                                                          Miba Group Executive Committee
the ICE. The development of bearings at      new application areas for bearings.

                                                                                                                                                                              DAU cooling technology:
                                                                                                                                                                              INTELLIGENT THERMAL MANAGEMENT
                                                                                                                                                                              The cooling technology from the Miba          will measure the temperature of the elec-
                                                                                                                                                                              company DAU ensures that the power            tronic components and provide important
                                                                                                                                                                              electronics equipment in the switchgear       data to the entire system. This will enable
                                                                                                                                                                              cabinets of wind turbines is constantly       the optimization of the overall system
                                                                                                                                                                              kept at the correct temperature. Our aim      and thus precise planning of mainte-
                                                                                                                                                                              is to achieve optimal cooling as installa-    nance cycles. This not only saves users
                                                                                                                                                                              tion spaces become smaller and smaller.       money; it also prevents damage and un-
                                                                                                                                                                              This protects the power electronics that      necessary maintenance work – and thus
                                                                                                                                                                              are critical to the equipment operation. In   makes a contribution to greater sustain-
                                                                                                                                                                              the future, our cooling technology will be    ability and a smaller carbon footprint.
                                                                                                                                                                              digitalized: then sensors on the heat sink

                                                                                                                                 DAU cooling technology

                                                       Annual Report 2020/21                                                                                                      
30                                                                                                                                     31                       MIBA DECARBONIZATION

                                            Safe and effective:
                                            MIBA FRICTION TECHNOLOGY                                                                    HYDROPOWER:
                                            SLOWS DOWN ROTORS SAFELY                                                                    FULL ENERGY FLOW WITH MIBA EXPERIENCE
                                            In order to avoid damage to wind tur-         and state-of-the-art production processes
                                            bines caused by strong winds, the rotors      means that Miba sintered friction mate-
                                            need to be slowed down. This increases        rials have stable friction coefficients and
                                            the safety of the wind turbine assem-         improved wear resistance. Our friction        MIBA, ONE OF THE WORLD’S LARGEST
                                            blies, which weigh around 300 tons, and
                                            prevents energy overloads. The safest
                                                                                          technology is used on both the high-
                                                                                          speed and low-speed rotor shaft of wind
                                                                                                                                        HYDRO BEARINGS SUPPLIERS
                                            method for this is to use brakes with fric-   turbines. Many wind turbine manufactur-
                                                                                                                                        The Miba industrial bearing plant in        between 31 and 80 megawatts) and large
                                            tion components, such as those offered        ers rely on Miba technologies, which are
                                                                                                                                        Cataguases, Brazil, is one of the world’s   plants (more than 80 megawatts). Our
                                            by Miba. They resemble the disc brake         used worldwide in a large proportion of
                                                                                                                                        three largest suppliers of “hydro bear-     mechanical engineering specialist “Miba
                                            on a bicycle, but are much larger, so they    the brakes for wind turbines.
                                                                                                                                        ings”, in other words bearings for tur-     Automation Systems” is also active in
                                            slow the rotors down safely and effec-
                                                                                                                                        bines in hydropower plants. Miba bearing    power plant construction. The company
Friction technology for wind turbines       tively. The use of high-quality materials
                                                                                                                                        technology is used in small hydropow-       develops and produces CNC machines,
                                                                                                                                        er plants (power generation below 30        which enable components to be pro-
                                                                                                                                        megawatts), medium (power generation        duced more accurately and efficiently.

Miba is a global technology leader:
OF OFFSHORE WIND TURBINE TOWERS                                                                                                         SOLAR ENERGY:
Wind turbines off the coast are anchored
to the sea floor with foundation assem-
                                            or to their installation. Miba Automation
                                            Systems (MAS) designs and builds cir-
                                                                                          to achieve a high-quality welding connec-
                                                                                          tion for their assembly. Miba is the global
                                                                                                                                        SOAK UP THE SUN WITH MIBA’S EXPERTISE
blies measuring up to 100 meters in         cumferential and longitudinal weld seam       technology leader in this segment and
height, and they must withstand the         milling machines for its wind power cus-      has already sold a sizeable number of
stresses of the rough seas. These as-       tomers; these are used to pre-machine         such systems in recent years.
semblies consist of around 30-meter-long    the individual tube elements for offshore
steel tubes that are welded together pri-   wind towers with high precision, in order
                                                                                                                                        MIBA TECHNOLOGY IN ALMOST ALL SOLAR ENERGY PLANTS
                                                                                                                                        FROM WELL-KNOWN MANUFACTURERS
                                                                                                                                        Solar energy also plays an important role   and performance – especially in compar-
                                                                                                                                        in the sustainable energy mix of the fu-    ison to wire-wound resistors, since the
                                                                                                                                        ture. Already today, power resistors from   EBG technology makes it possible to
                                                                                                                                        the Miba subsidiary EBG can be found in     include a greater number of resistors in
                                                                                                                                        thick-film technology in the inverters of   a single housing. In addition, heat sinks
                                                                                                                                        almost all solar energy plants from well-   and heat pipes from Miba’s subsidiary
                                                                                                                                        known manufacturers. They enable the        DAU protect the electronic components in
                                                                                                                                        best balance between component size         solar energy plants against overheating.

                                                                                                                                        GAS-FIRED POWER PLANTS:
                                                                                                                                        FULL THROTTLE WITH MIBA EXPERTISE

                                                                                                                                        BEARINGS FOR MORE EFFICIENT
                                                                                                                                        GAS-FIRED POWER PLANTS
                                                                                                                                        Miba bearings ensure that compressors,      productively. In addition, they increase
Miba milling systems are used in the                                                                                                    gearboxes and turbines in gas power         the system lifetime and reduce wear.
construction of offshore wind turbines.                                                                                                 plants can operate more efficiently and

                                                       Annual Report 2020/21                                                                                                            
32                                                              33                                             MIBA DECARBONIZATION


                                                            Power resistors for high-voltage
                                                            direct current transmission:
                                                            REDUCE ENERGY LOSS
                                                            BY 4 PERCENT

TRANSMISSION                                                The electricity industry is facing the chal-
                                                            lenge of transmitting electricity over long
                                                            distances with low energy losses, for
                                                            example from wind turbines off the coasts
                                                            to the cities inland or over very long inland
                                                            distances. Our EBG power resistors and
                                                            DAU coolers are used here. In high-volt-
                                                                                                                 off shore wind power parks into high-volt-
                                                                                                                 age direct current, by protecting the elec-
                                                                                                                 tronic switches and other applications
                                                                                                                 against voltage fluctuations and cooling
                                                                                                                 them sufficiently. In the consumer region,
                                                                                                                 the electricity is then converted back into
                                                                                                                 alternating current and fed into the grid.
                                                            age direct current transmission (HVDC                This reduces the energy loss by four per-
Transmitting electrical current as free from losses as      technology), they contribute to safely con-          cent compared to conventional alternating
                                                            verting the alternating current produced in          current transmission.
possible contributes significantly to energy efficiency.
Our power resistors help to reduce transmission losses in
high-voltage direct current technology, and help to make
power grids “smart” and thus more efficient. In addition,                                                        kilometers
our technologies make charging electric vehicles more
energy-efficient and more cost-effective.                                             2,7
                                                                                     3,300                       is the distance conquered by the longest
                                                                                                                 current highway in the world.
                                                                                                                 It was put into operation in China in 2019.

                                                            High-voltage direct current transmission (HVDC technology):

                                                                                                                          Transmission:      current
                                                                                                Electricity               direct current
                                                                                                Alternating current

                                   Annual Report 2020/21                                 
34                                                                                                                 35                                          MIBA DECARBONIZATION

                                                                                                                 Smart grids:
                                                                                                                 INTELLIGENT CONTROL OF POWER GRIDS
                                                                                                                 Smart grids are intelligent energy grids in   to plan the power demand and grid ca-
                                                                                                                 which all parts of the energy system inter-   pacity better, and make it easier to find
                                                                                                                 act, as they are interconnected via a com-    grid faults. EBG power resistors are also
                                                                                                                 munication network. EBG high voltage re-      used for this purpose. Before they used
                                                                                                                 sistors from Miba are used in smart grids     our technology in intelligent sensors,
                                                                                                                 to measure voltages in the power line and     grid operators always transported only a
                                                                                                                 detect failures or defects. This safeguards   certain amount of energy over the distri-
                                                                                                                 the stability of the entire grid. EBG power   bution lines in order not to overload them
                                                                                                                 resistors excel with their compact design,    and without knowing the actual demand.
                                                                                                                 precision and long-term stability.            The sensors distributed in the grid enable
                                                                                                                                                               the amount of energy transported to be
                                                                                                                 EBG TECHNOLOGY FOR                            determined much more precisely than in
                                                                                                                 U.S. POWER GRIDS                              the past. Ultimately, this will make a major
                                                                                                                 Energy suppliers in the USA are currently     contribution to a wider usage of regen-
                                                                                                                 working on optimizing their grids. In the     erative energies like PV or wind with the
                                                                                                                 future, modern, intelligent meters and        existing grid and therefore reducing the
                                                                                                                 measuring sensors will make it possible       ecological footprint.

Our power resistors are also installed in   smoothly. Due to their compact design,
the charging infrastructure for electric    which achieves significantly higher pow-
vehicles, in so-called fast and ultrafast   er density with the same size, our EBG
chargers, in the power range of 150 kilo-   power resistors enable a more compact
watts to 350 kilowatts. Here they have      and cost-effective charging infrastructure
an important protective function, and       for electric vehicles. This benefits the
by removing higher power in the event       environment and reduces the costs for
of a fault, they ensure that the pow-       the end user.
er electronics will continue to function

                                                                     energy loss
                                              -4%                    is achieved by the high-voltage direct
                                                                     current transmission technology (HVDC).                                                                            Miba EBG resistors make U.S. power grids smart and efficient.

                                                                     is the power range of fast and
                                                                     ultrafast chargers for electric vehicles.
                                                                                                                                      The measurement of the actual voltage by means of our
                                                                                                                                     high-precision high-voltage resistors enables the optimum
                                                                                                                                    utilization of power grids.
                                                                                                                                Our high-precision high-voltage resistors used in measuring devices
                                                                                                                             in intelligent power grids make an important contribution to the
                                                                                                                             efficient use of regenerative energies. The next generation with an
                                                                                                                             even higher measuring accuracy is currently being developed.
                                                                                                                             Raimund Ratzi, Head of R&D, Miba Power Electronics Group

                                                       Annual Report 2020/21                                                                                        
36                                                                              37                                            MIBA DECARBONIZATION


STORAGE                                                                         Miba and Voltlabor merge their core competencies
                                                                                A COMMON GOAL: GLOBAL SUPPLIER
                                                                                OF BATTERY SYSTEMS
Forklifts, commercial and municipal vehicles, electric cars or drones for de-   Miba invested in the Mühlviertel com-
                                                                                pany Voltlabor in 2019. The company
livery services in heavily populated metropolitan areas: they are all powered   specializes in the development and pro-
                                                                                duction of batteries. As the competen-
and controlled by electricity. Their core element is batteries. Together with   cies of Voltlabor and Miba complement
­Voltlabor, in which Miba has had a shareholding since 2019, by combining       each other perfectly, they were merged
                                                                                to optimally exploit growth opportunities.
 our expertise and using Miba’s global market access and worldwide pro-         The common goal is to establish a major
                                                                                supplier for the development and produc-
 duction sites we want to establish a global supplier of battery systems and    tion of battery systems which is Austrian
 battery components.                                                            in origin and operating worldwide.

                                                                                Voltlabor is contributing its expertise as
                                                                                a system manufacturer of batteries to
                                                                                the joint market development. Miba is
                                                                                providing not only its thermal manage-
                                                                                ment technology FLEXcooler®, but also
                                                                                its industrialization expertise and global
                                                                                network of production sites, from which
                                                                                regional customer relationships are al-
                                                                                ready being established today. In the
                                                                                future, they can also be used for battery
                                                                                production in the respective markets.

                                                                                                                                  Driverless transport systems from Agilox with batteries
                                                                                                                                  from Voltlabor

                                    Annual Report 2020/21                                                 
38                                                                                                                                     39                       MIBA DECARBONIZATION

Only six Austrian companies selected by the EU Commission:
MIBA AND VOLTLABOR BECOME PART OF THE EUROPEAN                                                                                             Voltlabor Terra platform:
BATTERY INITIATIVE EuBatIn                                                                                                                 NEW BATTERY SOLUTION FOR COMMERCIAL VEHICLES
One of the EU Commission’s key stra-           as an additional boost for growth for both      ogies are a relatively new business area    With the TERRA platform, Voltlabor has
tegic goals is to develop a competitive        companies, which want to use it to es-          for Miba, but we see strong growth          defined customized battery solutions for
European battery production. For this          tablish their battery technologies on the       opportunities in them. These range from     road and off-highway vehicles. With the
purpose, it launched the IPCEI (Important      market even faster. As a comparatively          drive technology for vehicles, ships or     different dimensions, the batteries meet
Project of Common European Interest)           small player, for Voltlabor its participation   aircraft, through to solutions for power    the current installation space require-
program “EuBatIn.” Miba and the compa-         is a special distinction, and shows the         plants and power grids, and battery tech-   ments. Different interconnection options
ny we have invested in, Voltlabor, are two     company’s clear position as a pioneer in        nology.                                     can be implemented through the modular
of only six Austrian companies that have       battery technology in Austria.                                                              approach. The high scaling of the battery
been invited to participate. As part of a                                                                                                  packs with serial/parallel interconnection
two-year qualification process, the tech-      MILLIONS IN INVESTMENTS PLANED                                                              means they can be expanded to larger
nologies offered by Miba and ­Voltlabor        After years of careful development of                                                       battery systems to meet customer re-
were tested from top to bottom. In addi-       the product and production, multi-million                                                   quirements.
tion, a rigorous assessment of the busi-       euro investments will now enable the
ness model and growth prospects was            establishment of exemplary battery pro-                                                     The award-winning, flexible-shaped Miba
carried out. Finally the potential of the      duction in Austria. This will make Voltlabor                                                FLEXcooler ® is installed in the battery
two companies was confirmed at EU lev-         GmbH the biggest Austrian manufacturer                                                      packs. The TERRA platform is developed
el. Their inclusion in the initiative serves   of Li-ion battery packs. Battery technol-                                                   in accordance with automotive standards      (FMEA, APQP, PPAP, R@R). This guar-
                                                                                                                                           and for the automated series production      antees the traceability of the installed
                                                                                                                                           with the highest quality requirements        components.

                                                                                                                                           Flexible battery cooling for electric vehicles:
                                                                                                                                           MIBA FLEXcooler® ADAPTS TO THE SHAPE OF BATTERY CELLS
                                                                                                                                           One of the main challenges when de-          between the battery cells and the cooling
                                                                                                                                           veloping electric drives is the thermal      system. Another advantage of the Miba
                                                                                                                                           management of the batteries. This is         FLEXcooler® is its low weight. It can be
                                                                                                                                           key for the vehicle’s range and battery      used for prismatic, cylindrical and pouch
                                                                                                                                           life, and is also an important factor for    battery cells.
                                                                                                                                           fast charging. The current trend in de-
                                                                                                                                           velopment is toward liquid cooling. The
                                                                                                                                           main challenge here is to establish an
                                                                                                                                           optimal thermal connection between the
                                                                                                                                           battery cells and the heat sink. With the
                                                                                                                                           Miba FLEXcooler®, Miba has developed
                                                                                                                                           a battery cooling system which, with its
                                                                                                         Our innovative                    flexible shape, adapts optimally to the
                                                                                                         components, such as               battery cells. The Miba FLEXcooler ® is
                                                                                                       the FLEXcooler® and the
                                                                                                                                           the first liquid cooling system on the
                                                                                                    Voltlabor battery technology,
                                                                                                 are very positively received on the       market which, due to the close connec-
                                                                                                 market.                                   tion between the battery cells and cool-
                                                                                                                                           ing system, not only optimally absorbs
                                                                                                 We are currently seeing a sharply
                                                                                                 increasing demand for electrification     and dissipates heat, but also does not
                                                                                                 in a wide range of applications. Our      require any gap fillers, namely
                                                                                                 battery technologies are already be-      materials to fill the space
                                                                                                 ing used in applications on water, on
                                                                                                 the ground, and in the air. Our goal
                                                                                                 now is to scale these technologies
                                                                                                 worldwide to fulfill our “Technolo-
                                                                                                 gies for a cleaner planet” mission.
                                                                                                 Stefan Gaigg, Business Unit Leader
                                                                                                 Battery Components Miba, Managing
                                                                                                 Director Voltlabor GmbH

                                                           Annual Report 2020/21                                                                                                            
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