FPA Financial Investment Committee Policy Summary December 2021 - Opportunities" - FPA ...

FPA Financial
Investment Committee Policy Summary

          December 2021

                                  Opportunities”   1
Economy / Stock Market

                        Opportunities”   2
Q3 GDP increased by 2.1% qoq saar
                                                                         GDP Forecast by various Institutions
   US GDP rose by 2.1% qoq saar in Q3, a
    weaker growth compared to the 6.7% growth                                                              2021F                             2022F
    in the previous quarter.                           IMF (Oct 21)                                         6.0%                             5.2%
   During the period, on an annualised basis,         Conference Board (Oct)                               5.7%                             3.8%
    personal consumption expenditure rose by
    1.6%, government consumption expenditure           BOS (Oct)                                            5.9%                             4.8%
    and gross investment rose by 0.8%, gross
    private domestic investment rose by 11.7%,         OECD (Dec)                                           5.6%                             3.7%
    exports fell by 2.5% and imports rose by 6.1%
                                                       DBS (Oct)                                            6.0%                             3.0%
   IMF revised its US GDP growth projections          Alliance Bernstein (Oct)                             6.1%                             3.9%
    from 7.0% in July to 6.0% in October, owing to
    large inventory drawdowns in the second            Goldman Sachs (Nov)                                  5.5%                             3.9%
    quarter, in part reflecting supply disruptions     BNP Paribus (Oct)                                    6.0%                             5.3%
    and softening consumption in the third quarter.
                                                       Wells Fargo (Oct)                                    5.6%                             4.0%
   For 2021, the US economy is expected to            Capital Economics (Oct)                              5.6%                             2.7%
    expand by between 5.5% and 6.2% while
    growth in 2022 is expected to be between          Source: IMF World Economic Outlook (Oct), Federal Reserve Projections (Sep), Conference Board US Forecast
                                                      (Oct), BOS Monthly Investment Guild (Oct), OECD Forecast (Dec), DWS Forecast (Sep), DBS Forecast (Oct),
    2.7% and 5.3%                                     Alliance Bernstein Forecast (Oct), Goldman Sachs Forecast (Nov), BNP Paribus Forecast (Oct), Wells Fargo
                                                      (Oct), Capital Economics (Oct)

                                                                                                                     Opportunities”                               3
Strong fiscal stimulus to support growth
Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill
                                                            Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill           Amount (US$ billions)
   President Biden signed into law a roughly US$1
    trillion Bipartisan infrastructure bill on Nov. 15      Roads, bridges and major projects                110
    after the House of Representatives passed the           Passenger and freight rail                        66
    measure on Nov. 5 on a 228-206 vote                     Power grid                                        65
                                                            Broadband                                         65
   The US$1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill will   Water infrastructure                              55
    provide further impetus for growth and is a             Cybersecurity and climate change                  47
    critical step in implementing President Biden’s         Public transit                                    39
    Build Back Better vision. The bill will include         Airports                                          25
    US$550 billion in new federal investment in
                                                            Environment                                       21
    America’s      roads    and      bridges,    water
                                                            Ports and waterways                               17
    infrastructure, resilience, internet, among
                                                            Safety                                            11
                                                            Western water infrastructure                       8
                                                            Electric vehicle charging stations                7.5
                                                            Electric school buses                             7.5
                                                            Reconnecting communities                           1
                                                            Total                                            550*
                                                            *Figures may not add due to rounding
                                                            Source: The White House

                                                                                                   Opportunities”            4
Strong fiscal stimulus to support growth
Build Back Better Framework
   WSJ reported that House Democrats have released their              Build Back Better Framework                        Amount (US$ billions)
    latest version of a social spending and climate bill that now      Child Care and Pre School                                   400
    would cost $1.85 trillion. The Build Back Better Framework         Home Care                                                   150
    retains most of its original major elements, including funding     Child Tax & Earned Income Tax Credits                       200
                                                                       Clean Energy and Climate Investments                        555
    for clean energy, universal prekindergarten, subsidized child
                                                                       ACA Credits, Including in Uncovered States                  130
    care, and billions more for healthcare, affordable housing and     Medicare Hearing                                             35
    elder care.                                                        Housing                                                     150
                                                                       Higher Ed and Workforce                                      40
   While the 220-213 House vote largely unified Democrats’            Equity & Other Investments                                   90
                                                                       Subtotal                                                   1,750
    fractious centrist and progressive wings, the party will need to
                                                                       Immigration                                                 100
    move the legislation through the evenly divided Senate before      Total                                                      1,850
    signing it into law                                                Source: The White House

                                                                       Offsets – Estimates, Subject to Confirmation        Amount (US$ billions)
   The package would be financed by changes to the corporate          15% Corporate Minimum Tax on Large Corporations             325
    tax code, including a new corporate minimum tax, while             Stock Buybacks Tax                                          125
    raising taxes on high-income individuals. The plan is expected     Corporate International Reform to Stop Rewarding
    to be fully paid for by asking more from the very largest          Companies That Ship Jobs and Profits Overseas
    corporations and the wealthiest Americans. The framework           AGI Surcharge on the Top 0.02%                               230
    will help reverse the windfall delivered to wealthy Americans      Close Medicare Tax Loophole for Wealthy                      250
    and large corporations in the 2017 tax cut and invest the          Limit Business Losses for the Wealthy                        170
                                                                       IRS Investments to Close the Tax Gap                         400
    revenue in American families and workers.
                                                                       Prescription Drugs: Repeal Rebate Rule                       145
                                                                       Up to a Total of:                                           1,995
                                                                       Source: The White House
                                                                                                            Opportunities”                         5
US Equities
   Over the past 2 months till 30 November 2021, the DJIA rose by 1.89% to 34,4483.72, the S&P 500 rose by 6.02% to
    4,567.00 and the NASDAQ rose by 7.54% to 15,537.69. All three major U.S. stock indexes rose as the better-than-
    expected S&P 500 earnings growth in the third quarter of 39.8% has helped to support a continue rally in US stocks and
    has helped buoy sentiment. However, investors have been concerned over the Federal Reserve (Fed) asset tapering
    announcement, the headwinds from supply chain disruptions and the news of the Omicron virus.

   Latest data provided by MSCI as at 29.10.21 show that the MSCI US Index was trading on a forward PE of 22.23x, higher
    than Factset’s calculation of S&P 500 10-year annual PE multiple of 16.60x. At the same time, MSCI US index’s current
    PB multiple of 5.00x is also higher than JP-Morgan’s calculation of S&P 500 15-year average trailing PB multiple of 2.70x.

   According to a recent Factset report, 82% of S&P
    500 companies have reported a positive EPS                   Period             Earnings growth (%) Revenue growth (%)
    surprise and 75% of S&P 500 companies have                   Q1 2021 (actual)          52.2%              10.9%
    reported a positive revenue surprise. Analysts also          Q2 2021 (actual)          90.9%              25.2%
    expect earnings growth of more than 20% for the              Q3 2021 (actual)          39.8%              17.8%
    fourth quarter and earnings growth of more than 40%          Q4 2021 (expected)        20.9%              12.7%
    for the full year. These above-average growth rates
                                                                 CY 2021 (expected)        45.0%              15.7%
    are due to a combination of higher earnings for 2021
    and an easier comparison to weaker earnings in               Q1 2022 (expected)        5.6%                9.4%
    2020 due to the negative impact of COVID-19.                 Q2 2022 (expected)        3.7%                7.3%
                                                                 CY 2022 (expected)        8.8%                7.3%
                                                                 Source: Complied using data from Factset

                                                                                                            Opportunities”       6
US Equities
    Financial institutions expect companies in the S&P                 Financial institutions were mixed on the stock market. The
     500 to report a profit between US$204 and                           S&P 500 targets for FY2022 ranges from 4,400 to 5,300.
     US$207 in 2021 and between US$221 and
     US$227 in 2022.                                                    As at 30 November 2021, S&P 500 was trading at 4,567
                                                                         points. This implies returns between -3.7% and 16.0%.
    Goldman Sachs believes corporate tax rates will
     likely remain unchanged in 2022 and rise in 2023
     and corporate earnings will grow and lift share                                                            S&P 500 target
     prices and is projecting a yoy EPS growth of 9.2%                 Financial Institutions
     in 2022.
                                                                                                            2022     Expected returns
                                                                       Morgan Stanley                       4400           -3.7%
    UBS believes that strong revenue growth will offset               Bank of America                      4600            0.7%
     much of the drag from higher costs and expects                    Barclays                             4800            5.1%
     2022 EPS to increase by 9.7% yoy to US$227 from
                                                                       Citigroup                            4900            7.3%
     US$207 in 2021.
                                                                       UBS                                  5000            9.5%
                                     S&P 500 EPS estimates
Financial Institutions                                                 DWS                                  5000            9.5%
                                  2021       2022     Yoy change
Factset                            205        222        8.2%          JP Morgan                            5050           10.6%
Citi                               204        221        8.3%          Goldman Sachs                        5100           11.7%
Goldman Sachs                      207        226        9.2%          BNP Paribas                          5100           11.7%
UBS                                207        227        9.7%          Wells Fargo                        5100-5300      11.7-16.0%
Source: respective financial institutions                              Source: respective financial institutions, Yahoo Finance
                                                                                                            Opportunities”              7
US Equities
There are also downside risks that could have a negative impact on the stock market
   Rising inflation concerns
         As seen over the last few months, rising inflation concerns have weighed on sentiment in the stock market. Tech growth
          stocks in particular had corrected as investors pivoted to cyclical and value names that are likely to benefit from the
          economic recovery.
         Recent indicators suggest that prices have remained high, largely owing to supply shortages, bottlenecks and base effects.
          Federal Reserve (Fed) Chairman Jerome Powell recently said that the Fed would consider speeding up the wind-down of
          its easy-money policies in an effort to curtail inflation. The risk for inflation surprises and the central bank’s policy would be
          important for investors to follow. If the Fed were to prompt a sooner-than-expected rate hike, the stock market could
          undergo another correction.

   Biden’s tax proposals could hurt corporate earnings
         The Build Back Better framework will impose a 15% minimum tax on the financial statement profits of companies - those
          with over $1 billion in profits - who have little-to-no taxable income.
         The framework also includes a 1% surcharge on corporate stock buybacks, which corporate executives too often use to
          enrich themselves rather than investing workers and growing their businesses.

   Virus-related
         Recent rising news relating to the Omicron variant of the coronavirus have fuelled concerns over the path of the economic
          recovery. The first known US case of community transmission of the variant was recently reported. As it is not yet clear if
          the new Omicron variant causes more severe disease, there is a possibility that the government could re-introduce
          lockdowns measures which could derail the strong corporate earnings growth trajectory.

                                                                                                                  Opportunities”               8
US Equities: Our views

   We are currently neutral on US equities. The better-than-expected S&P 500 earnings growth in the third quarter of 39.8% has
    helped to support a continued rally in US stocks. The signed US$1 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill is likely to benefit
    certain sectors due to increase in spending on infrastructure projects and other green sectors (electric vehicles and

   According to latest data provided by MSCI, the MSCI US Index is currently trading on a forward PE multiple of 22.23x, higher
    than Factset’s calculation of S&P 500 10-year PE multiple of 16.60. Similarly, the current PB multiple of 5.00x is also higher
    than JP-Morgan’s calculation of S&P 500 15-year average trailing PB multiple of 2.70x.

   Financial institutions were also mixed on the stock market with S&P targets ranging from 4,300 to 5,300 for FY2022.

   We are also mindful that there are concerns to the stock market. The risk of inflation surprises remains high and US equities
    may undergo a correction if the Fed were to prompt a sooner-than-expected rate hike. Further, President Biden’s tax proposal
    could also hurt corporate earnings and slow earnings growth. The recent emergence of the Omicron variant could also inject
    volatility into the stock market as there is still a lot of uncertainty over when the situation will stabilise.

                                                                                                  Opportunities”                     9
Our Contact Details
          Please contact our wealth managers for further information at:
                              FPA Financial Corporation Pte Ltd
                                       60 Paya Lebar Road,
                                    #11-02 Paya Lebar Square
                                        Singapore 409051
                            Tel: (65) 6323 1788 Fax: (65) 6323 1768

  The research data, information, or opinion expressed herein may include those that are provided by third parties. They are
 provided by sources we believe to be reliable, but we do not guarantee their accuracy, timeliness, completeness or suitability
   for any particular purpose. Any research data, information, or opinion expressed does not constitute a solicitation for the
                                              purchase or sale of any investment.

The opinions or recommendations expressed herein are premised upon reasonably available data at the relevant time. Please
   note that markets and the value of investments may experience significant fluctuations in short periods of time, which may
      render the opinions or recommendations incomplete, inaccurate or inappropriate. You should take into account such
fluctuations or other material events before relying on the opinion or recommendation for assessing your investment decisions.
  We shall not be howsoever liable for any opinions or recommendations being incomplete, inaccurate or inappropriate due in
                                       whole or in part to subsequent unforeseen events.
                                                                                                Opportunities”                    10
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