FPS EXPO 2018 PREVIEW - Federation of Petroleum Suppliers

Page created by Amber Mccarthy
FPS EXPO 2018 PREVIEW - Federation of Petroleum Suppliers
Spring 2018

The only official magazine of the FPS -‘Representing the fuel oil industry’

 FPS EXPO 2018
    Housekeeping: FPS CEO’s welcome                       Perfect platform: Get more from social media

    EXPO: Your preview to this year’s event               Tank maintenance: Why it is so important

    Round-up: Training essentials with the FPS            Be prepared: Threat from terrorism
FPS EXPO 2018 PREVIEW - Federation of Petroleum Suppliers
NEWS: FPS HOUSEKEEPING                                                                                                                        Visit us at FPS Expo 2018 - Stand 67

  H               USEKEEPING
   An introduction from the new FPS Chief Executive
  It is a great honour to take up the position of Chief
  Executive of the FPS. Thank you to the President,
  Jodie Allan, and the Executive Committee for giving
  me this opportunity.

  I had hoped to have a quiet start to my role with time to
  review, reflect and read, but that hasn’t really happened due
  to a large number of meetings (all arranged to coincide with
  my start date!), the immediate attention required on Clean
  Growth Strategy, the severe winter weather and the ramp up
  of work for FPS EXPO 2018.

  The trade show comes at just the right time for me. The
  HQ team and the Councils have provided some great
  feedback on what improvements they would like to see in the
  Federation and now I want to hear from the members.

                                                                                                                                         M A B AV I S I O N
  Leading up to EXPO 18, I have been travelling across the
  UK and Ireland attending regional meetings and listening
  to the thoughts of the membership. The EXPO is a perfect
  opportunity to get more input from those members who            FPS Chief Executive Guy Pulham
  couldn’t attend a regional session. Don’t be surprised if the
  team and I appear with a survey to get your views as I’d like
  to talk to as many members and exhibitors as I can. When        This greatly helped FPS and its members better understand
  I’m not out and about you should be able to catch me on the     the emergency exemption in place in the UK and for the FPS
  FPS stand – come and say “hello”.                               to gain temporary relaxation of driver hours in Ireland. On
                                                                  top of that we continue to work alongside OFTEC to shape                                               NEW ON MABALIVE
  Over the years the FPS has become synonymous with               the Clean Growth Strategy with the BEIS (Business, Energy
  EXPO and vice versa. That is great but I fear that in many
  eyes, the EXPO is the FPS. It is a vitally important part
                                                                  and Industrial Strategy) government department; and in
                                                                  Scotland we have been working hard with SEPA (Scottish
                                                                                                                                  Access your trading account online for quick and
  of our Federation and our revenue stream, but the FPS
  is about much more and my aim is to get people talking
                                                                  Environmental Protection Agency) on smoothing the
                                                                  implementation of the new oil storage regulations.
                                                                                                                                          transparent deal administration
  about the training, lobbying and membership services that
  the FPS provides in addition to EXPO. That starts with          There are many issues which will challenge this industry
  us communicating better, shouting about successes and           as we move into the next decade. I know that many of our
                                                                                                                                Mabalive has evolved! Now, as well as being able to view live pricing      Live pricing
                                                                                                                                and order online, you can track a deal with real-time reporting,
  ensuring that members get value from their membership.          members have evolved their businesses over time and see                                                                                 Online ordering
                                                                                                                                from lifting at the terminal, right through to final invoicing.
  These are the areas that I would love to hear your views        change as an opportunity to reflect, refocus and position
  on at EXPO 18. Let’s hope that the weather is as kind as        themselves for continued success in the future. That’s                                                                                Real-time reporting
                                                                                                                                A new dashboard provides an at-a-glance overview of your account,
  recent years.                                                   exactly what I would like to do for the FPS.
                                                                                                                                and you can drill down to more detailed reports such as, purchased      Deal administration
                                                                                                                                orders, daily movements, balances to lift, invoice history and more.
  Talking of weather, at the end of February we all thought       I look forward to seeing you in Liverpool.
                                                                                                                                Having complete visibility of your trading account will transform
  that spring was around the corner so it was a bit of a shock
                                                                                                                                deal administration, making it quicker and far more efficient.
  to experience one of the worst winter storms we have seen       Best regards,
  in the UK and Ireland for some time. I was impressed with       Guy
  the relationships that Tony Brown (Technical Manager UK)
  and Nick Hayes (Ireland Representative) have with their                                                                       Big enough to depend on, small enough to care
  respective transport agencies.                                                                                                0207 802 3300 | www.mabalive.co.uk

6 | Downstream - Spring 2018
FPS EXPO 2018 PREVIEW - Federation of Petroleum Suppliers

  H                USEKEEPING
   Heroic drivers battle ‘Beast from the East’                                                                                       FPS keeps up pressure on the Government
                                                                                                                                     The FPS is continuing to lobby the Government on                    According to the latest quarterly data from the Sutherland
                                                                                                                                     behalf of its members, most recently writing to the                 Tables, a recognised independent source of comparative UK
                                                                                                                                     Chancellor Philip Hammond urging him to keep fuel                   domestic heating prices, the average annual cost of heating a
                                                                                                                                     duty low, help off-grid homeowners with a nationwide                three-bedroom home in Great Britain with an oil condensing
                                                                                                                                     boiler scrappage scheme and to give support to the                  boiler is currently £1,048 per year whilst a conventional oil
                                                                                                                                     oil heating industry to develop a new bio fuel.                     boiler is £1,279 per year, so swapping to an oil condensing
                                                                                                                                                                                                         boiler will also save households over £200 per year.
                                                                                                                                     Chief Executive of the FPS, Guy Pulham, said: “FPS
                                                                                                                                     members make around four million deliveries of heating oil to       “Heating oil is still substantially less expensive than an
                                                                                                                                     consumers each year and many of our members are small-              LPG condensing boiler at £1,553 per annum, and cheaper
                                                                                                                                     to-medium sized businesses operating on a low margin.               than electric storage heaters at £1,910 per annum.

                                                                                                                                     “Should fuel duty increase this would impact on
                                                                                                                                     members’ cash flow and profitability, and importantly,
                                                                                                                                     those increased costs would have to be passed on
                                                                                                                                     to consumers, something which the FPS and its                       Rural homeowners suffer from
  FPS members produced some heroics as they battled                 Guy Pulham, Chief Executive of The Federation of Petroleum       members are lobbying Government to avoid.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                         disproportionately low support
  to reach customers during one of the worst periods of             Suppliers, said: “Many of our members have been
  winter weather in recent years.                                   implementing the Cold Weather Priority scheme that was           The FPS is also urging Philip Hammond to implement                  from schemes such as the Energy
                                                                                                                                     policies that will help the forgotten rural fuel poor whilst also
  The infamous ‘Beast from the East’ – the cold snap which
                                                                    launched last year by the FPS to help prioritise elderly and
                                                                    vulnerable customers. Members’ local knowledge of their
                                                                                                                                     meeting the Government’s Clean Growth Strategy targets.             Companies Obligation (ECO)
  swept in from Russia and caused widespread disruption             customers has helped to identify these, but we ask in future
                                                                                                                                     Guy adds: “More than one million homes in rural England,
  across the UK – hit at the end of February, giving distributors   if anyone has an elderly neighbour who uses heating oil to       Scotland and Wales, and almost 500,000 in Northern Ireland,
  a long, challenging week to make essential deliveries.            check if they are OK and, if they need heating oil, to contact   are heated by oil as well as a further 250,000 businesses.
                                                                    their local FPS member who will be able to help them.”                                                                               “Running an oil condensing boiler also remains far cheaper
  With heating oil order levels at double the seasonal norm,                                                                         “Rural homeowners suffer from disproportionately low                than any renewable heating options with air source heat
  distributors had to contend with difficult road conditions,       The FPS was also in daily communication with the                 support from schemes such as the Energy Companies                   pumps (with radiators) costing £1,681 per year and
  especially to homeowners in rural communities. Several of         Government; working with the Government resilience teams         Obligation (ECO), where most funding is delivered                   biomass (wood pellets) costing £1,381 per annum.”
  those, many of them small family firms, have been going           to get the roads in rural areas cleared so FPS member            in urban areas and for gas boiler replacements.
  above and beyond to get oil out to their customers so people      tankers could get to the refineries to collect product and                                                                           The FPS is also looking for assistance from the Government
  have essential fuel to keep warm.                                 reach rural households.                                          “The fuel poor are also excluded from the RHI as they can’t         for industry research and development for long-term change
                                                                                                                                     afford the high upfront costs to install renewable technologies     to a 100 per cent bio product. Guy adds: “This is only
                                                                    In addition, the FPS also sought and has received from           and importantly, many renewable technologies are not                feasible if the Government can provide support to industry
  One FPS member, Craggs Energy in West Yorkshire, came to
                                                                                                                                     the solution for all housing. We believe a government-              for technological investment now, ensuring a payback for
  the rescue of a lady with a young baby who needed heating         the Department For Transport (DFT) and Department
                                                                                                                                     supported nationwide scheme to replace older oil boilers            innovators. It is also important that the Government facilitates
  oil, but her property was located on a road cut off by snow,      for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) an
                                                                                                                                     with energy efficient condensing boilers would both reduce          a dialogue with the full supply chain so that refiners, importers
  so inaccessible to an oil tanker. This didn’t stop the Craggs     emergency exemption of the regulations covering drivers’
                                                                                                                                     heating bills whilst also making a significant contribution to      and associated industries, such as aviation, are also included.
  team who delivered heating oil by carrying containers three       hours for FPS members. Following communication between
  quarters of a mile to reach the lady’s house.                     DFT and FPS, the DFT was of the view that the delivery of        reducing CO2 emissions. It could also help those families
                                                                                                                                     who can’t afford the RHI and who don’t qualify for ECO.             “We recognise the work of the Government to meet the
                                                                    domestic fuel, in order to maintain supply to customers,                                                                             2050 carbon reduction target, but oil, more specifically a
  At its worst the snow and icy conditions reduced productivity     could be considered to meet the criteria for an ‘emergency’.                                                                         bio product, can be part of the solution, not the problem.
                                                                                                                                     “The Energy Savings Trust estimates that the cost of
  at some member depots by up to 95 per cent, with large                                                                                                                                                 The FPS and its members are eager to engage and asks
                                                                                                                                     installing heat pumps is at least £6,000. Compare this
  numbers of aborted deliveries. One driver took three hours                                                                         to around £2,000 for an oil condensing boiler of similar            Government to provide a clear pathway to its Clean Growth
  to make a single delivery due to the snow and the                                                                                  heat output or £1,600 if subsidised by a nationwide £400            Strategy targets so that our members can innovate and evolve
  rural roads being untreated. Another member made just                                                                              government boiler replacement incentive scheme, or free             their businesses as they have done over the last 80 years.”
  three out of 16 scheduled deliveries in one day – the norm                                                                         for the poorest households under ECO. These boilers
  is for anywhere between 16-25.                                                                                                     could also be adapted in the future for bio-fuel.”

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FPS EXPO 2018 PREVIEW - Federation of Petroleum Suppliers

  An even bigger and better                                                                                                      year for FPS EXPO
     Why not come and see one of the biggest events for the downstream
     oil industry, in what is expected to be another record year

    On April 18-19, 150-plus exhibitors    Award-winner                               Room with a view
    will be gathering at the Exhibition
    Centre Liverpool (ECL) for what has
    become the blue riband event for
                                           The FPS EXPO is now a world-class          But, the FPS EXPO is not all about                        In 2017, the event
                                           event – and has come along way since       business. The first day ends with the
    the downstream oil industry.           the first in 1981. Since then it has       President’s Drinks Reception, where                       won the accolade of
                                           moved from Telford to Harrogate, and,      exhibitors are invited for drinks on the
  FPS EXPO brings together companies
  from around the world. It is a major
                                           in 2016, to its current location at the    ECL’s open-air Riverside Terrace, which                   Exhibition of the Year
                                           state-of-the-art ECL. In 2017, the event   is another chance to make new contacts
  networking opportunity where leading     won the accolade of Exhibition of the      in a relaxed atmosphere.
  professionals can discover new           Year at the Trade Association Forum
  products and services, learn about       2017 Best Practice Awards, which is        The EXPO is also famed for its
  industry innovations, and connect with   testament to the development of the        Aftershow Party, which will be on
  current and potential suppliers.         trade show, and the recognition it has     Thursday, from 7.30pm to 1.30am,
                                           gained in recent years.                    where there will be food, drinks, live
                                                                                      entertainment, and even a casino, all
                                           In 2017, more than 1,800 visitors          served up at Revolución De Cuba, in
                                           passed through the doors of the ECL.       the Albert Docks.
                                           This year will be another sell-out.
                                                                                      If you are interested in learning more

  From global multi-                       Linda Cavender, Chief Executive of the
                                           Trade Association Forum, said: “FPS
                                                                                      about FPS EXPO, why not attend
                                                                                      this year as a delegate? Registration

  nationals to small                       EXPO is a fantastic industry exhibition.
                                           It is hugely successful and has achieved
                                                                                      is free, and quick and simple. Go to
                                                                                      www.fpsshow.co.uk, or alternatively

  independents, there is                   some amazing results. This is all the
                                           more impressive given the very small
                                                                                      register on the day. This year’s FPS
                                                                                      EXPO begins on Wednesday, April 18,

  a space for everyone                     team responsible, and FPS well deserve
                                           their win of the TA Best Practice Award
                                                                                      at 10am.

  at FPS EXPO                              Exhibition of the Year.”

                                           FPS Events and Marketing Manager
                                           Dawn Shakespeare said: “The FPS
                                           EXPO has come along way, and is
                                           now a leading event on the oil industry
                                           calendar. We have a great mix of
                                           companies, who are able to develop
                                           new opportunities with our highly
                                           specific industry-focussed delegates.
                                           From global multi-nationals to small
                                           independents, there is a space for
                                           everyone at FPS EXPO from which to
                                           promote and grow their business.”

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FPS EXPO 2018 PREVIEW - Federation of Petroleum Suppliers

  All you need                                         Q. Tell me a little about your role Tony     Q. What sort of training does the            A driver could complete all Classes, if     Q. Where are the courses carried out?

  to know about
                                                                                                    FPS offer?                                   the business requires him to undertake
                                                       I’m the Technical Manager at the                                                          this, however, if a driver only carries     There are two options available: Head
                                                       FPS, and have a wide remit and               We do a range of industry-specific           dangerous goods for one or two of           Office and Mobile, which the FPS
                                                       responsibilities. These include the          training, but the majority of courses        these Classes, then that is all he or       has approval for both. Trainers can

  industry training
                                                       development of the FPS training,             focus on the driver. These include:          she is required to pass to obtain that      come directly to your business for an
                                                       managing the approval process                CPC, which is now legally required for       class type.                                 approved location, which is classed as
                                                       through the relevant governing body,         all professional LGV and PSV drivers                                                     the Mobile option, or to the FPS main
                                                       and vetting the trainers to make sure        holding Category C or Category D             The third element which bolts on is         office, which is defined as Head Office.

  with the FPS
                                                       they are high-quality and have               licences, PDP, which is really for drivers   Tanks, so if you are driving a lorry with   Ninety per cent of our courses are
                                                       industry/transport knowledge.                working in mainline terminals, ADR           a fixed tank on the back, you would do      classed as mobile.
                                                                                                    which covers the driver for carrying         the Tanks module, too.
                                                       Other functions include sitting on           dangerous goods. We also offer                                                           There are some very detailed
                                                       various industry committees and              management and depot training design         The fourth element, which bolts on, is      requirements that must be met before
                                                       working groups to assist in the              to suit site specific and member needs.      Packages, so if you are driving a lorry     a location is deemed suitable.
                                                       development of industry-specific                                                          or van which contains barrels, boxes,
                                                       guidance and publications to help our        Q. Can you tell me more about ADR?           and containers suitable for the carriage    Q. Can you tell me more about PDP?
                                                       members. These cover all aspects of                                                       of dangerous goods over the threshold
  Get the low-down with Tony Brown, Technical          legislation relating to ADR, Transport,      It is a legal requirement for all drivers    limit set by ADR, then you will need to     This is really for drivers working in
  Manager (UK) at the FPS, on their range of courses   Security, Training, Environmental,           carrying dangerous goods over a              pass the package module.                    mainline terminals, like Kingsbury or
  and the dangers businesses face by not investing     Health and Safety, Retail. I also carry      certain threshold to hold a valid ADR                                                    Avonmouth, where this specific card
                                                       out various types of depot/transport/        card for type of class being carried. It     At the end of the two or three-             is required. Certain companies have
  in industry-standard training                        compliance audits for members and the        is essential to the industry, and anyone     day course to obtain a valid ADR            decided to put all their drivers into
                                                       management of the safety forum, which        stopped without carrying a valid ADR,        certificate, you will need to pass a        the PDP scheme, while others have
                                                       involves a core group of FPS members.        with the correct type and class will be      written examination for Core, Tanks and     only put those that load within the
                                                                                                    committing an offence and could be           whichever class you will be carrying.       main terminal.
                                                       Q. How long has the FPS provided its         prosecuted. The threshold to comply          If all classes are needed, then the
                                                       training services?                           with ADR does depend on the type             class will be more than one paper, if       PDP training is separated into two
                                                                                                    of class and volume being carried            Packaging is required then an additional    sections – a three-hour classroom-
                                                       The training was introduced around six       on the vehicle.                              examination paper will be included.         based course, plus exam, followed
                                                       years ago. The FPS became heavily                                                         As our industry is flammable liquids,       by an additional practical assessment,
                                                       involved with CPC from the start.            If you have a valid ADR card already,        by default the most popular ADR             where the driver performs a vehicle
                                                       Legislation stated that from September       then this must be renewed every five         course is class 3 in Tanks, however,        check, loading a vehicle, drives a
                                                       2014 all LGV drivers must hold a valid       years. There are two types of ADR            some drivers do hold more than the          vehicle and makes a delivery. This
                                                       CPC card before that date. We then           training – the first is a refresher course   one class and type.                         practical assessment mirrors a real-life
                                                       applied for ADR and PDP registration         for the class and type already held by                                                   situation of a driver going out into the
                                                       so we could extend our portfolio to give     the driver, which is a two day course        Q. Do drivers sit exams?                    field, visiting a customer and making
                                                       professional and high-quality training for   and maybe a one day course in certain                                                    delivery. The driver must pass both
                                                       our members.                                 cases, the second is a minimum three-        Yes, for ADR and PDP, but not for CPC,      sections within four months of each
                                                                                                    day initial course for anyone who hasn’t     which are set at the end of the course.     other to obtain a valid PDP card.
                                                       Q. Who is your training for?                 already got an ADR card, but this does
                                                                                                    depend on how many class types the           Exam papers are then sent away              The card is also valid for five years.
                                                       Our members and distribution                 driver needs.                                and marked by the SQA. Results are          However, the PDP needs an annual
                                                       companies mainly, but more specifically,                                                  returned and cards issued to the driver     refresher, so, each year the driver must
                                                       a driver who needs valid ADR, CPC and        Q. What’s involved?                          in around six weeks.                        complete a practical assessment based
                                                       a possible PDP card to comply with                                                                                                    on the original format plus an hour in a
                                                       both legal and terminal requirements         The ADR course content is broken down        Most training providers use a written       classroom to maintain validity of his or
                                                       for the carriage of Dangerous Goods          into categories. We have Core, which is      exam, which take about six weeks to         her PDP card. Various methods can be
                                                       to the end-users. We also cater for          the main structure of ADR that the driver    process, however, the FPS can offer         used to link both PDP to either CPC and
                                                       private individuals who can’t get into the   needs to understand.                         an online exam for its members, which       ADR, or even standalone, this is subject
                                                       industry unless they have a valid ADR                                                     most training providers cannot supply.      to the training provider having approval,
                                                       card, and companies who are not in the       The second element you have is               This then speeds up the marking             which the FPS does. Members should
                                                       industry but want additional training.       Classes. These could be anything from        process, which allows the card to be        check with the FPS which options
                                                                                                    class one to nine, such as Explosive         issued quicker.                             are available.
                                                                                                    class 1 and Flammable Liquids class 3.

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FPS EXPO 2018 PREVIEW - Federation of Petroleum Suppliers

  Q. Can you tell me more about CPC?          Jaupt (Joint Approvals unit for Periodic    including the transport manager, and be      Q. What can we expect from the FPS           Q. The FPS is clearly more than just
                                              Training) is the governing body that        issued with improvement notices. Worst       training in the near future?                 a provider of training. What other
  It is a legal requirement for all LGV       controls CPC, approves the course           case would be a loss of Operators                                                         functions do you offer?
  drivers to hold a valid CPC card            content, develops the processes.            Licence or good repute. The fines            We are aiming to deliver full first-aid
  (Certificate of Professional competence),                                               potentially are also very high, again        courses, which is a requirement of           The list is long, but we are happy to
  which became law from September             The FPS does have a very good               depending on the nature of the case.         each business (depending on numbers          design courses to fit members’ needs.
  2014. Each driver with a valid LGV          working relationship both with SQA                                                       on-site) and Management CPC and
  licence would have completed 35             and Jaupt, and we have found them           The Safe Loading Pass (SLP) focusses         CPC refresher courses for transport          These are just some of the functions
  hours of periodic training before the       very supportive of our industry. Each       on a vehicle entering a terminal, which      managers, and for anyone who wishes          currently available to members via
  above date.                                 course is subject to a verification visit   is designed to minimise the fire and         to become a transport manager, which         the FPS:
                                              by either SQA or Jaupt (depending on        explosive risk, has been re-designed,        includes the exam. The development of        • Depot Certification Scheme
  A valid CPC card must be renewed            the governing body responsible for that     which again puts more pressure on            FPS member service is key to support           (Full compliance audit Fuel
  every five years before the expiry date     course) to verify that our training meets   the operator to raise their standards.       our members.                                   Certification Scheme
  to remain a legal LGV driver. This can      the requirement of ADR, PDP and CPC.        This scheme also forms part of the                                                        • Depot Mini audits (Depot
  be done by completing a further 35                                                      PDP syllabus.                                                                               storage and Environmental)
  hours’ training before the expiry date.     Q. Have greater regulations had an                                                       We are aiming to                             • Vehicle workshop audits
                                              impact on the level of training?                                                                                                        (DSEAR and Compliance)
                                                                                                                                       deliver full first aid-
  (Example: 2019) in block or by attending                                                If the vehicle if found to be faulty, the
  5x7 hour modular courses.                                                               SLP pass could be removed pending re-                                                     • O’Licence compliance audit

                                                                                                                                       courses, which is a
                                              Well, you have got the HSE and DVSA –       approval, (loss of profit), and the driver                                                • Driving Licence checker
  The FPS training covers legal, health       the enforcement authority – being more      could be banned from the terminal in                                                        E-learning material

                                                                                                                                       requirement of each
  and safety and driver requirements          proactive. You have got the terminal        worse-case, (spillage).                                                                   • DGSA service for our member 		                  For more information, please
  with built-in industry specific material.   standards increasing, along with                                                                                                        (act as your DGSA)                              call +44(0)121 767 1320,
  We have a large portfolio of approved
  course materials which include manual
                                              terminal induction process – now the
                                              PDP. All these things have increased
                                                                                          Various authorities can carry out
                                                                                          roadside spot-checks, where fixed            business...                                  • Health and Safety Management
                                                                                                                                                                                      System (managed for you)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      email tb@fpsonline.co.uk or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      visit www.fpsonline.co.uk.
  handling, ladders, first-aid, including     and improved the industry standard,         penalty notices can be handed out, if
  suitable films. All our PDP and ADR         and the need to maintain personnel          for example, the driver has forgotten
  courses have approved hours allocated       training records within a business.         his or her ADR licence. These are all
  to CPC.                                                                                 penalty points which count against
                                                                                                                                                                  I ndus try lead in g sa les a nd m ar keti ng s oftwa re f or the f uel distri butor
                                              Q. Has the US lawsuit culture had any       you. Additionally, DVSA use OCRS
  Q. Which governing bodies set the           effect? Do businesses feel the need         (Operators Compliance Risk Score)
  course content?                             to take more responsibility to ensure       which further increases pressure on
                                              accidents don’t happen?                     operators to improve their standards.
  The SQA (Scottish Qualifications                                                        OCRS relates to safety of the
  Authority) is the governing body            I think this has pushed members to be       vehicle/driver and dangerous goods
  who controls ADR, sets the criteria,        more conscious of the fact they need to     compliance, which all go against
  approves the course content, develops       do the training professionally, they need   an O’Licence.
  the processes, the syllabus, and sets       to record the information. Insurance
  and marks the exam papers, as well          companies also need information and
  as issuing the valid ADR card if the        proof when assessing companies.

                                                                                                                                          FPS EXPO LIVERPOOL
  candidate has passed.                       The worst-case scenario is someone

  Again, the PDP scheme is slightly
                                              gets hurt, the company may be
                                              prosecuted, or fined, and that clearly
                                                                                          The FPS training
  different, SQA is the governing body
  who approves the course content,
                                              has a negative impact on a business.        covers legal, health
  publishes the syllabus and training
  provider guidance, sets and marks the
                                              Q. What are the penalties and fines in
                                                                                          and safety and driver                                                           April 18th & 19th 2018
  exam papers, and issues and maintains                                                   requirements with
  the valid PDP card. SQA manages             Potentially, a business could be
  the scheme on behalf of the DODF            prosecuted by the HSE or the Traffic        built-in industry                                Work smarter, grow faster, maximise profits – visit us on stand 54 to find out more
                                                                                          specific material
  (Downstream Oil Distribution Forum)         Commissioner, however, if a company
  who sets the course syllabus.               is in breach of health and safety or
                                              the O’Licence requirements, then
                                              the business could end up paying
                                                                                                                                                                  w ww .c o da s - fp s .c o m
                                              (depending on the level of seriousness),                                                           C al l 0161 83 2 92 5 1 o r Em ai l sal e s@c oda s. co. uk f or f ur the r i nf o rma t i o n
                                              from the director down to the driver,

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FPS EXPO 2018 PREVIEW - Federation of Petroleum Suppliers

  Social media: How to better
  connect with your customers
  FPS Press Officer and Social Media Manager Stephanie Freeman gives an
  overview of her presentation from the FPS Members Forum Seminar

    Social media is an increasingly         Start a conversation                        Be responsive                                 Mix it up
    popular tool for businesses as it
                                                                                                                                      Try all the different social media
    enables companies to connect
    with their customers in an informal,
                                            The real beauty of social media is it
                                            allows you to talk directly to people
                                                                                        Whether you receive positive or negative
                                                                                        tweets, you should always respond             platforms and find the ones that work           @FPSEXPO • Feb 15
    informative and honest way that         who are interested in your sector – and     quickly. This is especially true with         best for you and your customers. In all
                                                                                                                                                                                      We are delighted to welcome back Lion Safety to FPS
    can build trust and enhance brand       to have a conversation with them.           negative feedback, as a customer              likelihood, you’ll use a mixture of Twitter,
                                                                                                                                                                                      EXPO 2018. Looking forward to seeing you in 65 days’
    loyalty – and the heating oil sector    As with all conversations, remember         likes to know their complaint has been        Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube
                                                                                                                                                                                      time @Lion_Safety #workwear #PPE #oil
    is no exception.                        where you are and tailor your messages      acknowledged. If it’s something you           mainly, and of course some more
                                            according to the social media platform,     need to research before replying, send        than others – but it’s worthwhile being
  More and more heating oil customers       for example, tweets should be punchy,       a quick tweet to the individual to say        present on all the main ones to make it
  are using social media as a means to      attention-grabbing and make the most        you’re looking into it for them and will be   easier for your customers to find you.
  understand the sector, the best ways      of hashtags for relevant words such as      in touch ASAP. It’s a good idea to then
  of buying oil, and to establish who the   #oil and #localarea; Facebook should        take it offline and contact the person        Get your message out there                      @FPSEXPO • Feb 12
  important companies within the industry   be focused on engaging posts with           via Direct Message or email/phone call,
  are. And this is why it’s important for   nice pictures and the opportunity for       so that you can make it a one-to-one          Ultimately, social media is an effective way    Why not feature in @FPS_oil Downstream @FPSEXPO
  FPS members to use social media.          people to respond; and LinkedIn should      conversation, tailored for them. This         to communicate to customers who are             Special, which marks the downstream oil industry’s
                                            be about information relevant to the        way, you can turn a negative into a           willing to listen – tailor tweets for           most important event of the year. Advertise in the official
  You can interact with your customers      particular Group.                           positive, with a fast, personalised and       them using relevant hashtags and post           magazine of @FPS_oil and put your business in front
  more easily as well as entice new                                                     problem-solving response – particularly       to people who like you on Facebook              of key industry decision-makers. Call 0113 224 2213
                                                                                                                                                                                      #heatingoil #FPSEXPO
  customers to order your heating oil       Make it a conversation                      if you also follow-up your response           or are in your Group on LinkedIn. You
  through your company or another,                                                      after it’s resolved, with a tweet to check    can engage with your audience in a
  local FPS member.                         Social media is not all about you, it is    everything is still okay for the customer.    vibrant, refreshing and relevant way that
                                            about engaging with your audience –                                                       includes posting industry news, your
                                            remember a conversation is a two-way        Retweet                                       company news such as latest heating
                                            event, so take the time to listen as well                                                 oil offers and information, as well as          @FPSEXPO • Feb 2
                                            as send messages online.                    Retweeting another person or                  retweeting posts and commenting on
                                                                                        business’s tweets is a great way to           others’ announcements to highlight your         Yet another new exhibitor has confirmed their booking
                                            Provide a service                           acknowledge something as interesting,         knowledge and come across as likeable.          - UK Bunded Fuel Tanks t/a Weld Smart Ltd - we are all
  The real beauty of                                                                    relevant or funny – and an effective
                                                                                        way to build connections with your            Social media is important for all FPS
                                                                                                                                                                                      looking forward to seeing you in April
                                                                                                                                                                                      @UK_Fuel_Tanks #Oil #Liverpool
                                            Think of what you want to offer your
  social media is it                        customers through social media,             customers online.                             members as so many of your customers
                                                                                                                                      are using it. Good luck with getting
                                            whether that be a free ebook guide to
  allows you to talk                        buying heating oil or useful information    Be yourself                                   started online, enjoy the experience and
                                                                                                                                      always keep in mind who you are reaching
                                            for customers using heating oil such as
  directly to people                        tank security and when to buy oil, etc.     Feel free to let your personality come        out to and what your objective is.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Whether you receive positive or
                                            Keep your posts fresh by changing the       through on social media – by being
  who are interested                        media you use too, sometimes linking to     human online, expressing opinions,            If you have any difficulties in
                                                                                                                                      getting started, please contact                negative tweets, you should always
                                            industry articles and your own website,     commenting on industry matters, and
  in your sector                            other times posting helpful video clips,    even making the occasional joke,              Stephanie Freeman, Press Officer
                                                                                                                                      and Social Media Manager for the               respond quickly
                                            infographics or pictures.                   potential customers will be more likely
                                                                                        to warm to you. After all, people buy         FPS on +44(0)796 114 9399 or email
                                                                                        from people, not businesses.                  sf@fpsonline.co.uk, who will be
                                                                                                                                      happy to help.

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  Alarming increase highlights that there is still
  not enough being done by the Government and
  energy efficiency improvements are needed

    Urgent policy intervention is needed to improve               (ECO2t), as the focus shifted towards improving                                    particularly as many rural properties were built pre-
    energy efficiency for vulnerable rural households             insulation. As a result, the number of boiler upgrades                             1920, making them difficult to cost-effectively treat.
    and help safeguard against the unacceptable                   carried out under the scheme fell within the first month                           With resources scarce, helping low income households
    number of additional deaths that occur                        alone by 83 per cent to just 1,211 installations.                                  to upgrade their heating systems would reap far
    during the winter months, says OFTEC.                                                                                                            higher benefits in terms of reducing fuel bills, enabling
                                                                  The move away from new boiler installations has                                    vulnerable people to better afford to keep warm.
  Latest Office for National Statistics (ONS) data¹ shows there
  were an estimated 34,300 excess winter deaths in England
                                                                  left many fuel poor households across England and
                                                                  Wales with no other option than to continue wasting
                                                                                                                              Upgrading the          “We strongly urge government to continue ECO
  and Wales over the 2016/17 winter period, a rise of almost
  40 per cent and the second highest level for five years. This
                                                                  money they can ill afford to lose on inefficient heating
                                                                  systems when a simple boiler upgrade could cut their
                                                                                                                              estimated 400,000      beyond September 2018 with a renewed focus on boiler
                                                                                                                                                     replacements in rural areas as part a series of measures
  equates to 11 elderly people dying unnecessarily every hour².   fuel bills by over £300 a year or some 20 per cent.         old, inefficient       required to tackle the fuel poverty crisis at its root.”

  Unsurprisingly, the elderly were most affected and
  more than a third of deaths were caused by health
                                                                  With the average fuel poverty gap (the additional income
                                                                  needed to bring a household out of fuel poverty) standing
                                                                                                                              oil boilers still      OFTEC says extending an oil boiler replacement
                                                                                                                                                     scheme beyond fuel poor households could
  conditions such as respiratory illnesses which are made
  worse by cold temperatures. The problem is further
                                                                  at £371⁴, it’s clear a boiler replacement programme could
                                                                  greatly contribute towards combatting fuel poverty – and    in use would           also represent an important step in the crusade
                                                                                                                                                     to decarbonise domestic heating.
  exacerbated in rural areas where a higher proportion³
  of people live in fuel poverty and so cannot afford to
                                                                  at the same time, significantly reduce carbon emissions.
                                                                                                                              deliver immediate      Paul Rose said: “In the ‘Clean Growth Strategy’ published
  adequately heat their homes to stay warm and well.              OFTEC CEO Paul Rose said: “For too long now
                                                                  Government has recognised the interlinked issues of         financial and carbon   at the end of last year, Government recognised that
                                                                                                                                                     ‘decarbonising heat is our most difficult policy and technology

                                                                                                                              reduction benefits
  Despite this critical situation, in March 2016, the budget      fuel poverty and excess winter deaths, describing the                              challenge to meet our carbon targets’. That’s why we need
  for the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) – the main              situation as ‘scandalous’ and ‘unacceptable’. Yet policy                           to look at all the options available to achieve the end goal.
  scheme to help fuel poor households become more                 to address the problem remains painfully inadequate.
  energy efficient – was slashed by 40 per cent to £640m.                                                                                            “Whilst continuing to support oil heating in the short term
                                                                  “Changes to ECO have seen insulation become the                                    may seem to go against the tide of carbon reduction
  This was followed by a cap on new boiler installations          key priority. Whilst insulation is a welcome step,                                 efforts, we think it could provide an important part of the
  from April 2017 under the second phase of the scheme            it will not solve the issue of fuel poverty by itself,                             jigsaw. Upgrading the estimated 400,000 old, inefficient

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FPS EXPO 2018 PREVIEW - Federation of Petroleum Suppliers

  oil boilers still in use would deliver immediate financial
  and carbon reduction benefits for their owners and the
  Government. It would also mean that all oil-using homes                                                           Kingspan               Logistical

  are ready to accommodate the roll out of a low carbon
  liquid fuel replacement for kerosene, which our industry
  is working hard to bring to market during the 2020s.”                                     This equates
                                                                                            to 11 elderly
                                                                                                                    by intelligence
  Paul Rose added: “We are in discussion with BEIS policy                                                                                                               Customer
  advisers and government officials to develop a suitable                                                                                                               Retention
  strategy to decarbonise heating in off-grid oil-using homes.
                                                                                            people dying
  “We remain committed to decarbonising off-grid heating
  and securing financially viable, practical solutions for the                              unnecessarily
  850,000 oil-using households across England and Wales.”
                                                                                            every hour
  ¹Office of National Statistics (ONS) Excess Winter Mortality in England and Wales:
  2016 to 2017 (provisional) and 2015 to 2016 (final)
  ²National Pensioners Convention Fuel Poverty Briefing Paper November 2017
  ³DECC Annual Fuel Poverty Statistics Report 2016
  ⁴ Fuel Poverty: Ending the vicious cycle of vulnerability report. Energy Utilities
  Alliance (EUA) 30 January 2018

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62 | Downstream - Spring 2018
FPS EXPO 2018 PREVIEW - Federation of Petroleum Suppliers
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