FRANKLIN SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT - Grade 3 Science Pacing 2020-2021

Page created by Wallace Butler
              Grade 3
           Science Pacing
Franklin Special School District
                                                            2020 - 2021
                                                          Grade 3 Science

The academic standards for third grade establish the content knowledge and skills for Tennessee students necessary to prepare them for the
rigorous levels of higher education and future job markets. The course provides students with a wealth of scientific practical experiences. The
academic standards for science in third grade are based on research and the National Research Council’s Framework for K-12 Science Education.

The academic standards herein establish the core content and practices of science and engineering, as well as what Tennessee students need to
know by the end of third grade. Disciplinary core ideas for third grade include:

Third Grade
                                                                                                                Engineering, Technology, and
     Physical Sciences (PS)                 Life Sciences (LS)              Earth and Space Sciences (ESS)
                                                                                                                Applications of Science (ETS)
                                     From Molecules to Organisms:
Matter and Its Interactions                                                 Earth’s Place in the Universe      Engineering Design
                                     Structure and Process

Motion and Stability: Forces and     Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy,                                         Links Among Engineering,
Interactions                         and Dynamics                                                              Technology, Science, and Society
                                                                            Earth’s Systems
                                     Heredity: Inheritance and
Energy                               Variation of Traits

Waves and Their Applications in                                             Earth and Human Activity           Applications of Science
                                     Biological Change: Unity and
Technologies for Information

By the end of third grade, students analyze internal and external structures that function supporting survival along with how they adapt to their
environment. Students investigate the cause and effect relationships of magnets. Students experiment with static electricity and design a device
that converts energy from one form to another. Students investigate and categorize the physical properties of planets. Students synthesize
different forms of data to predict and learn about weather patterns, climates, different forms of water, and how different types of clouds all
contribute to weather. Students learn about natural hazards and design and test solutions to minimize the impact of these.

 *TDOE Teacher Training Manual (TTM)                                                                                                     1
                                                                         July 2020
Franklin Special School District
                                                                      2020 - 2021
                                                                    Grade 3 Science

  Quarter                     Third Grade                                                                                                                          Quarter
                                                                       *Resources                     Vocabulary                          I Can
Introduced           Academic Standards for Science                                                                                                                Tested

                                                                   First Quarter
                                                                     Earth and Space Science [ESS]
                                                                  3.ESS1: Earth’s Place in the Universe
                  3.ESS1.1 Use data to categorize the planets     STEMScopes:                 galaxy           comet          I can organize the planets
                  in the solar system as inner or outer planets   Characteristics of the      gas              terrestrial    according to their properties.
                  according to their physical properties.         Solar System                star             rotation
                                                                                              orbit            revolution
 First Quarter

                                                                  TTM: Using Mathematics      Milky Way        axis
                                                                  Computational Thinking      sun              seasons
                                                                                              moon             planets                                               1
                                                                                              asteroids        inner
                                                                                              Asteroid Belt    outer

                                                                                              celestial objects
                                                                                              physical properties

                                                                          3.ESS2: Earth’s Systems
                 3.ESS2.1 Explain the cycle of water on Earth.    STEMScopes: Water           cycle                           I can explain the water cycle.
                                                                  Cycle                       clouds
                                                                                              precipitation                                                          1
                                                                  TTM: Developing &           condensation
                                                                  Using Models                evaporation

                 3.ESS2.2 Associate major cloud types             STEMScopes: Clouds          cumulus          stratus        I can link cloud types with
                 (cumulus, cumulonimbus, cirrus, stratus,                                     cumulonimbus     nimbostratus   weather conditions.
                 nimbostratus) with weather conditions.                                       cirrus           convection                                            1

*TDOE Teacher Training Manual (TTM)                                                                                                                            2
                                                                                  July 2020
Franklin Special School District
                                                                     2020 - 2021
                                                                   Grade 3 Science

  Quarter                     Third Grade                                                                                                                     Quarter
                                                                      *Resources                   Vocabulary                         I Can
Introduced           Academic Standards for Science                                                                                                           Tested
                 3.ESS2.3 Use tables, graphs, and tools to       STEMScopes: Weather       extent          weather tools   I can use resources to
                 describe precipitation, temperature, and wind   & Climate                 prediction      precipitation   describe weather conditions
                 (direction and speed) to determine local                                  range           climate         and climate.
                                                                 TTM: Analyzing &          front
                 weather and climate.                                                                                                                           1
 First Quarter

                                                                 Interpreting Data         pattern

                 3.ESS2.4 Incorporate weather data to            STEMScopes: Weather       weather data                    I can use weather data to
                 describe major climates (polar, temperate,      & Climate                 climates                        describe climates of the
                 tropical) in different regions of the world.                              polar                           world.
                                                                                           temperate                                                            1

                                                                  3.ESS3: Earth and Human Activity
                 3.ESS3.1 Explain how natural hazards (fires,    STEMScopes:               impact          floods          I can explain how natural
                 landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,    Processes & Impacts of    fires           earthquakes     hazards impact people and
                 floods) impact humans and the environment.      Natural Hazards           landsides                       environments.

                                                                                           natural hazards
                                                                                           volcanic eruptions

                 3.ESS3.2 Design solutions to reduce the         STEMScopes:               design solutions                I can design solutions to
                 impact of natural hazards (fires, landslides,   Processes & Impacts of    natural processes               reduce the impact of natural
                 earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods) on     Natural Hazards                                           hazards.
                 the environment.                                                                                                                               1

*TDOE Teacher Training Manual (TTM)                                                                                                                       3
                                                                               July 2020
Franklin Special School District
                                                                     2020 - 2021
                                                                   Grade 3 Science

  Quarter                     Third Grade                                                                                                              Quarter
                                                                       *Resources                   Vocabulary               I Can
Introduced           Academic Standards for Science                                                                                                    Tested

                                           Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science [ETS] - Ongoing
                                                                       3.ETS1: Engineering Design
                 3.ETS1.1 Design a solution to a real-world       STEMScopes:               solution             I can design a solution to a
 First Quarter

                 problem that includes specified criteria for                               real-world           real-world problem.
                                                                  TTM: Constructing         criteria
                 constraints.                                     Explanations &                                                                       Ongoing
                                                                  Designing Solutions

                 3.ETS1.2 Apply evidence or research to           STEMScopes:               evidence             I can use evidence to support
                 support a design solution.                                                 research             a design solution.

                                            3.ETS2: Links Among Engineering, Technology, Science, and Society
                 3.ETS2.1 Identify and demonstrate how            STEMScopes:               demonstrate          I can identify and show how
                 technology can be used for different purposes.                             technology           technology is used in different
                                                                                            purposes             ways.



*TDOE Teacher Training Manual (TTM)                                                                                                                4
                                                                                July 2020
Franklin Special School District
                                                                    2020 - 2021
                                                                  Grade 3 Science

  Quarter                      Third Grade                                                                                                                            Quarter
                                                                      *Resources                    Vocabulary                               I Can
Introduced            Academic Standards for Science                                                                                                                  Tested

                                                                 Second Quarter
                                                                     Life Science [LS]
                                               3.LS1: From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes
                  3.LS1.1 Analyze the internal and external       STEMScopes: Plant &       behavior               survival      I can describe structures of
                  structures that aquatic and land animals and    Animal Parts              growth                 xylum         plants or animals and how
                  plants have to support survival, growth,                                  plants                 phloem        they help them survive.
 Second Quarter

                  behavior, and reproduction.                     TTM: Obtaining,           reproduction           aquatic
                                                                  Evaluating, &                                                                                         2
                                                                  Communicating             internal structure
                                                                  Information               external structure

                                                     3.LS2: Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics
                  3.LS2.1 Construct an argument to explain        STEMScopes: Social &      defense                              I can explain why animals live
                  why some animals benefit from forming           Group Behavior            function                             in groups.
                  groups.                                                                   group                                                                       2

                                                              3.LS4: Biological Change: Unity and Diversity
                  3.LS4.1 Explain the cause and effect            STEMScopes: Changing      survive               inheritance    I can explain the relationship
                  relationship between a naturally changing       Environments &            characteristics       interactions   between an organism and its
                  environment and an organism's ability to        Organisms’ survival       diet                  organism       environment.                           2
                                                                                            environment           trait
                  3.LS1.2 Infer that plant and animal             STEMScopes:               environment          survive         I can explore how
                  adaptations help them survive in land and       Adaptations               evidence             adaptation      adaptations help living things
                                                                                            habitat              biomes          survive.                               2
                  aquatic biomes.
*TDOE Teacher Training Manual (TTM)                                                                                                                               5
                                                                                July 2020
Franklin Special School District
                                                                      2020 - 2021
                                                                    Grade 3 Science

  Quarter                      Third Grade                                                                                                                      Quarter
                                                                        *Resources                   Vocabulary                       I Can
Introduced            Academic Standards for Science                                                                                                            Tested
                  3.LS1.3 Explain how changes to an                STEMScopes:               biodiversity   resource      I can explain how an
                  environment's biodiversity influence human       Biodiversity & Human      merit          temperature   environment impacts people.
                  resources.                                       Resources                 population                                                            2
 Second Quarter

                                            Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science [ETS] - Ongoing
                                                                        3.ETS1: Engineering Design
                  3.ETS1.1 Design a solution to a real-world       STEMScopes:               solution                     I can design a solution to a
                  problem that includes specified criteria for                               real-world                   real-world problem.
                                                                   TTM: Constructing         criteria
                  constraints.                                     Explanations &                                                                               Ongoing
                                                                   Designing Solutions

                  3.ETS1.2 Apply evidence or research to           STEMScopes:               evidence                     I can use evidence to support
                  support a design solution.                                                 research                     a design solution.
                                                                                             solution                                                           Ongoing

                                             3.ETS2: Links Among Engineering, Technology, Science, and Society
                  3.ETS2.1 Identify and demonstrate how            STEMScopes:               demonstrate                  I can identify and show how

                  technology can be used for different purposes.                             technology                   technology is used in different
                                                                                             purposes                     ways.                                 Ongoing


*TDOE Teacher Training Manual (TTM)                                                                                                                         6
                                                                                 July 2020
Franklin Special School District
                                                                      2020 - 2021
                                                                    Grade 3 Science

  Quarter                     Third Grade                                                                                                                            Quarter
                                                                       *Resources                    Vocabulary                            I Can
Introduced           Academic Standards for Science                                                                                                                  Tested

                                                                  Third Quarter
                                                                         Physical Science [PS]
                                                                    3.PS1: Matter and Its Interactions
                 3.PS1.1 Describe the properties of solids,       STEMScopes:                describe              matter      I can describe all properties
                 liquids, and gases and identify that matter is   Properties of Matter       properties            particles   of matter.
                 made up of particles too small to be seen.                                  gas                   solid
                                                                                             models                liquid                                              3
 Third Quarter

                 3.PS1.2 Differentiate between changes            STEMScopes: Changes        substance                         I can contrast the effects of
                 caused by heating or cooling that can be         from Heat                  heating                           heating and cooling.
                 reversed and that cannot.                                                   cooling
                                                                  TTM: Engaging in           reversible                                                                3
                                                                  Argument from Evidence     irreversible

                 3.PS1.3 Describe and compare the physical        STEMScopes:                physical properties               I can describe and compare
                 properties of matter including color, texture,   Properties of Matter       texture                           different properties of matter.
                 shape, length, mass, temperature, volume,                                   mass
                                                                  TTM: Planning &            volume                                                                    3
                 state, hardness, and flexibility.                Carrying Out               state
                                                                  Investigations             flexibility
                                                        3.PS2: Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions
                 3.PS2.1 Explain the cause and effect             STEMScopes: Magnets        magnet                            I can explain how magnets
                 relationship of magnets.                                                    interactions                      work.
                                                                  TTM: Asking Questions      attract
                                                                  & Defining Problems        repel                                                                     3
                                                                                             magnetic field
*TDOE Teacher Training Manual (TTM)                                                                                                                              7
                                                                                 July 2020
Franklin Special School District
                                                                     2020 - 2021
                                                                   Grade 3 Science

  Quarter                     Third Grade                                                                                                                  Quarter
                                                                       *Resources                   Vocabulary                      I Can
Introduced           Academic Standards for Science                                                                                                        Tested
                 3.PS2.2 Solve a problem by applying the use      STEMScopes: Magnets       magnet                      I can solve problems using
                 of the interactions between two magnets.                                   interactions                magnets.
 Third Quarter

                                                                                            magnetic field

                                                                                 3.PS3: Energy
                 2.PS3. 3 Evaluate how magnets cause
                 changes in the motion and position of objects,
                 even when the objects are not touching the

                 3.PS3.3 Evaluate how magnets cause               STEMScopes: Magnets       magnet           position   I can discover and explain
                 changes in the motion and position of objects,                             interactions     repel      how magnets affect other
                 even when the objects are not touching the                                 attract          force      objects.
                 magnet.                                                                    motion           magnetic                                         3

                                           Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science [ETS] - Ongoing
                                                                       3.ETS1: Engineering Design
                 3.ETS1.1 Design a solution to a real-world       STEMScopes:               solution                    I can design a solution to a
                 problem that includes specified criteria for                               real-world                  real-world problem.
                                                                  TTM: Constructing         criteria
                 constraints.                                     Explanations &                                                                           Ongoing
                                                                  Designing Solutions

*TDOE Teacher Training Manual (TTM)                                                                                                                    8
                                                                                July 2020
Franklin Special School District
                                                                   2020 - 2021
                                                                 Grade 3 Science

  Quarter                     Third Grade                                                                                                             Quarter
                                                                     *Resources                    Vocabulary               I Can
Introduced           Academic Standards for Science                                                                                                   Tested
                 3.ETS1.2Apply evidence or research to            STEMScopes:               evidence            I can use evidence to support
                 support a design solution.                                                 research            a design solution.
                                                                                            solution                                                  Ongoing
 Third Quarter

                                           3.ETS2: Links Among Engineering, Technology, Science, and Society
                 3.ETS2.1 Identify and demonstrate how            STEMScopes:               demonstrate         I can identify and show how
                 technology can be used for different purposes.                             technology          technology is used in different
                                                                                            purposes            ways.


*TDOE Teacher Training Manual (TTM)                                                                                                               9
                                                                                July 2020
Franklin Special School District
                                                                      2020 - 2021
                                                                    Grade 3 Science

  Quarter                      Third Grade                                                                                                 Quarter
                                                                     *Resources                 Vocabulary              I Can
Introduced            Academic Standards for Science                                                                                       Tested

                                                                Fourth Quarter
                                                                         Physical Science [PS]
                                                                            3.PS3: Energy
                  3PS.3.1 Recognize that energy is present       STEMScopes: Objects &   balance             I can explain how energy
                  when objects move; describe the effects of     Motion                  force               travels from one object to
 Fourth Quarter

                  energy transfer from one object to another.                            direction           another.
                                                                                         net force
                                                                                         balanced force
                                                                                         unbalanced force

                  2.PS3.1 Recognize that energy is present
                  when objects move; describe the effects of
                  energy transfer from one object to another.

                  2.PS3.2 Apply scientific ideas to design,
                  test, and refine a device that converts
                  electrical energy to another form of
                  energy, using open or closed simple

*TDOE Teacher Training Manual (TTM)                                                                                                       10
                                                                             July 2020
Franklin Special School District
                                                                      2020 - 2021
                                                                    Grade 3 Science

  Quarter                      Third Grade                                                                                                              Quarter
                                                                         *Resources                   Vocabulary                   I Can
Introduced            Academic Standards for Science                                                                                                    Tested
                  3.PS3.2 Apply scientific ideas to design, test,   STEMScopes: Energy &      absorbed                 I can create a device that
                  and refine a device that converts electrical      Electric Currents         motion                   changes energy using
                  energy to another form of energy, using open                                conductors               circuits.
 Fourth Quarter

                  or closed simple circuits.                                                  insulator
                                                                                              electrical energy
                                                                                              light energy
                                                                                              heat energy                                                   4
                                                                                              electric currents
                                                                                              open simple closed
                                                                                              closed simple circuits
                                                                                              sound energy
                                                                                              energy transfer

                                            Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science [ETS] - Ongoing
                                                                         3.ETS1: Engineering Design
                  3.ETS1.1 Design a solution to a real-world        STEMScopes:               solution                 I can design a solution to a
                  problem that includes specified criteria for                                real-world               real-world problem.

                                                                    TTM: Constructing         criteria
                  constraints.                                      Explanations &            constraints                                               Ongoing
                                                                    Designing Solutions

                  3.ETS1.2 Apply evidence or research to            STEMScopes:               evidence                 I can use evidence to support
                  support a design solution.                                                  research                 a design solution.
                                                                                              solution                                                  Ongoing

*TDOE Teacher Training Manual (TTM)                                                                                                                    11
                                                                                  July 2020
Franklin Special School District
                                                                    2020 - 2021
                                                                  Grade 3 Science

  Quarter                      Third Grade                                                                                                          Quarter
                                                                      *Resources                    Vocabulary               I Can
Introduced            Academic Standards for Science                                                                                                Tested

                                            3.ETS2: Links Among Engineering, Technology, Science, and Society
 Fourth Quarter

                  3.ETS2.1 Identify and demonstrate how            STEMScopes:               demonstrate         I can identify and show how
                  technology can be used for different purposes.                             technology          technology is used in different
                                                                                             purposes            ways.


*TDOE Teacher Training Manual (TTM)                                                                                                                12
                                                                                 July 2020
Franklin Special School District
                                                       2020 - 2021
                                                     Grade 3 Science

                                             Formative Assessment Schedule
           Quarter 1                        Quarter 2                         Quarter 3                    Quarter 4
3.ESS1.1                         3.LS1.1                           3.PS1.1                      3.PS3.1
3.ESS2.1                         3.LS2.1                           3.PS1.2                      3.PS3.2
3.ESS2.2                         3.LS4.1                           3.PS1.3
3.ESS2.3                         3.LS4.2                           3.PS2.1                      3.ETS1.1
3.ESS2.4                         3.LS4.3                           3.PS2.2                      3.ETS1.2
3.ESS3.1                                                           3.PS3.3                      3.ETS2.1
3.ESS3.2                         3.ETS1.1
                                 3.ETS1.2                          3.ETS1.1
3.ETS1.1                         3.ETS2.1                          3.ETS1.2
3.ETS1.2                                                           3.ETS2.1


 *TDOE Teacher Training Manual (TTM)                                                                               13
                                                              July 2020
Franklin Special School District
                                                          2020 - 2021
                                                        Grade 3 Science

  3rd Grade Science Overlaps

      •   *Science writing - using evidence from lessons or experiments to explain science concepts (communicating using science vocabulary).
      •   *Using math - graphs, tables, etc. to organize data.
      •   *Explaining cause and effect using collected data and/or observation.
      •   *Making predictions based on scientific evidence.
      •   *Comparing/contrasting solutions to problems. For example, making a model, testing, and redesigning.
      •   *Collecting information from reliable sources.

*TDOE Teacher Training Manual (TTM)                                                                                                 14
                                                                    July 2020
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