From Bricks to Clicks - Taking your retail business online - FOR MMA EVENT - Mobile Marketing Association

Page created by Clifton Lane
From Bricks to Clicks - Taking your retail business online - FOR MMA EVENT - Mobile Marketing Association
From Bricks to Clicks
Taking your retail business online

(Covid-19 version)

MAY 2020
From Bricks to Clicks - Taking your retail business online - FOR MMA EVENT - Mobile Marketing Association
Hung Huynh
          •    Ecom/Retail vertical lead at Facebook
          •    2 years at Facebook + 12 years of
               experience in Ecom/Retail industry
          •    Help corporation clients grow business
               with FB Ad solutions
          •    Can’t wait to come back to Vietnam
               when Covid-19 ends

Facebook company
From Bricks to Clicks - Taking your retail business online - FOR MMA EVENT - Mobile Marketing Association
What will        1.   How consumer behaviours change on the
  be shared             digital ?
  today ?               5 min
                   2. What should retail business do to move from
                        Bricks to Clicks ?
                        25 min
                   3. Case study: Circle K
                        10 min

Facebook company                                                    3
From Bricks to Clicks - Taking your retail business online - FOR MMA EVENT - Mobile Marketing Association
How consumer
behaviors change in
the context of
From Bricks to Clicks - Taking your retail business online - FOR MMA EVENT - Mobile Marketing Association

The desire to stay
connected is rapidly
changing behaviors
  More time on their smartphone: 70%
  More news coverage: 67%
  More shows/films on streaming services: 51%
  More time messaging: 45%
  More time on social media: 45%
  More time on computer/video games: 36%

Facebook IQ source: “Coronavirus Research” (online survey of people ages 16-64 in AU, BR, CN, DE, ES, FR,
GB, IT, JP, PH, SG, US, ZA), by GWI, Mar 16–20, 2020. Numbers are an average across markets.
From Bricks to Clicks - Taking your retail business online - FOR MMA EVENT - Mobile Marketing Association

Video group calls
re-create in-person
 Participation in                                          In one week,
 Messenger Group                                           time spent in
 Video Calls has                                           group video calls
 grown globally by                                         has grown by

 70%                                                       2x
Facebook IQ source: Facebook data, global, Mar 17, 2020.
From Bricks to Clicks - Taking your retail business online - FOR MMA EVENT - Mobile Marketing Association

They’re coming
together      for
 real-time experiences
Globally                                                               We’ve seen Facebook

3 in 4
                                                                       Live viewers in the US
                                                                       increase up to
are interested in Live
streams of events that                                                 50%
are cancelled or                                                       in a month

Facebook IQ sources: Facebook data, US only, Feb–Mar, 2020.
GlobalWebIndex, survey of people in AU, BR, CN, DE, ES, FR, GB, IT, JP, PH, SG, US, ZA, Mar 16–20, 2020.
From Bricks to Clicks - Taking your retail business online - FOR MMA EVENT - Mobile Marketing Association

And they still want to hear from
brands - as long as they deliver
relevant value.
 70%                                                            64%                                          10%
 Completely Agree                                               Completely/Somewhat Agree                    Completely Agree

 I want to continue to                                          I expect companies to                        Brands that advertise
 hear from brands and                                           acknowledge today’s                          during today’s climate
 companies on what                                              crisis and situation in                      are tone deaf.
 they have to offer and                                         their advertising.
 what they stand for.

Ipsos Study 2020: Base: 999 adults 18-65 | Q: Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement.
From Bricks to Clicks - Taking your retail business online - FOR MMA EVENT - Mobile Marketing Association
People are turning
                                                         to ecommerce more
                                                         than ever

                                                         Almost half
                                                         of respondents surveyed globally
                                                         report that they are doing more
                                                         online shopping due to COVID-19

Source: GWI Custom Research, March 31 to April 2, 2020

Facebook company
From Bricks to Clicks - Taking your retail business online - FOR MMA EVENT - Mobile Marketing Association
What should retail
businesses to move
“From Bricks to Clicks” ?
People spend more
                                                    People are doing
 time on Livestream         People spend more
                                                      more online
 & still want to hear       time on messaging
    from brands

Manage brand            Build conversational    Drive sales & unlock
presence with                 shopping           partnership with
Livestream &              experience with          Dynamic Ads &
  Instream                   Messenger               Collab Ads

Manage brand    Build conversational   Drive sales & unlock
presence with         shopping          partnership with
Livestream &      experience with         Dynamic Ads &
  Instream           Messenger              Collab Ads


         Facebook & Instagram Live

Facebook company

Among people surveyed globally

3 in 4
are interested in live streams of events
that are cancelled or postponed

Facebook IQ sources: Facebook data, US only, Feb–Mar, 2020.
GlobalWebIndex, survey of people in AU, BR, CN, DE, ES, FR, GB, IT, JP, PH, SG, US, ZA, Mar 16–20, 2020.
How to host your live? Key considerations

  AUDIENCE                   TUNE-IN                     ENGAGEMENT                  PRE + POST MEDIA
                                                          STRATEGY                      STRATEGY
Consider your target       Consider how will you     Consider how you’ll show up       Will you drive pre-live
audience, established   drive tune-in and across           in Live—should it be       awareness for tune-in?
  following, overall    which platforms, surfaces      laidback/scrappy or more        On Facebook, will you
 brand tone across         (feed / stories), using      polished? Do you want to      promote the final show
    each platform       which tools (FB schedule          broadcast from your             after-the-fact?
                         live + event reminders),       partners page ? Will it be
                                     etc              interactive Q&A? Is it meant
                                                     to be ephemeral or live on as
Consider to repurpose live assets to
 marketing assets

                   LIVE   3.7k

                                    LIVE DR ADS
                                  Edit the most engaging parts of the live
                                 video into Ads to drive incremental sales

Facebook company
Acquire users from livestream using Messenger

             Live Stream   Page Post   Reconnect

Facebook company


         LIVE Announcement (Pre)
         Influencer Organic + Paid      STREAM
         (Feed + Stories)

         Brand Organic + Paid                    Live
         (Feed + Stories)                        Live Boost    AMPLIFY

                                                                         Live Highlights
                                                                         Retarget to engage

Day -7                               Day 1 - Live             Day 2-14
Tesco Malaysia
The retail brand wanted to find an effective
way to lift awareness for its Lunar New Year
offerings ahead of the holiday and was
interested in exploring video ad options for
the campaign, as video consumption peaks
during the festive period.

  11%                          2M 60k
   Increase in                     People                 Viewers with
    sales YOY                     Reached                  the help of

Facebook company

                   In-Stream Videos

Facebook company
In-Stream Ad can run during original, publisher and creator content on Facebook or Audience Network

                WATCH                                   NEWS FEED               SEARCH                SHOW PAGES
               Capture attention at scale across quality,
               socially-engaging long form video content

VIEWERS WITH   Connect with key audiences at


               Drive measurable results with
               transparency and control
                   UNDERSTAND HOW IT WORKS

                    MIDROLL      5–15 SECONDS      NON-SKIPPABLE,      SOUND ON
                                                   70% COMPLETION


                   Recommend           PLAYS WITHIN                 APPEARS IN FEED,
                   16:9 aspect       PUBLISHER VIDEOS                 WATCH AND
                      ratio            LONGER THAN                     AUDIENCE
                                        3 MINUTES                      NETWORK
Facebook company
18pts*                     6.2pts*                85%
                                                        Point lift in Ad Recall    Point lift in Message   Video completion
                                                                                       association             rate (15s)

To promote the new make-up product, Maybelline ran
a digital campaign combining In-stream and
                                                                                  2X                2.7X
Collaborative ads (CPAS) for the first time. The
                                                                           2X Lift in Sale            ROAS
combination creative a strong synergy in driving both
the brand and conversion metrics.
Manage brand    Build conversational   Drive sales & unlock
presence with         shopping          partnership with
Livestream &      experience with         Dynamic Ads &
  Instream           Messenger              Collab Ads

CONVERSATION           How much does the coat cost?

DELIVERS NEXT-    Hi Lucy, the price is $40 after discount

LEVEL SHOPPING                   Do you accept COD?

                 Yes we do!
It creates the “best of both worlds” experience

Retail Store                                                                                                     Online Shopping
✓ Competitive prices & discounts                                                                                  ✓ Convenience of shopping
✓ Ability to try & customize                                                                                        anytime, anywhere
✓ Ability to bargain                        CONVERSATIONAL                                                        ✓ Access to large variety of
✓ Salesman advice &
clarifications                                COMMERCE                                                            ✓ Products demonstration
                                                                                                                  ✘ No touch & feel/demo
✘ Time/effort intensive
                                                                                                                  ✘ No guidance during purchase
✘ Limited variety/options
                                                                                                                  ✘ Concern on product quality
                                                                                                                  ✘ Difficult to navigate UIs

                                       Source: “Conversational Commerce – the next gen of E-com” by BCG
                                   (Facebook-commissioned study of 8,864 people across BR, ID, IN, MX, MY, PH,
                                     TH, US and VN), Aug2019. Respondents, who bought from a business in the
                                     past 3 months using messaging, or sold to a customer in the past 3 months
                                      using messaging, May-August 2019. Source for internet messaging (IM)
   Facebook IQ source:                penetration is survey data and time spent on IM is an estimate based on
                                                          ComScore data and survey data,
Top 10 widely bought categories using chat

                   1. Clothes                     2. Food delivery                         3. Footwear                           4. Skincare                            5. Handbags
                       67%                                  36%                                   32%                                  28%                               and wallet

                6. Cosmetics                             7. Watch                           8. Mobile                              9. Hotel                               10. Car
                       30%                                    18%                          accessories                             booking                              accessories
                                                                                                  26%                                  20%

Source: “Conversational Commerce – the next gen of E-com” by BCG (Facebook-commissioned study of 8,864 people across BR, ID, IN, MX, MY, PH, TH, US and VN), Aug2019.
Conversation can carry a consumer journey

Discover       Inquire      Purchase     Reconnect
Getting Started

IDENTIFY                 LEARN                  START
the strategic role       what makes a great     Building out
messaging will play      messaging experience
                                                your experience

  Consideration                                 Choose a problem
                              Context            better solved by
  and inspiration

Fulfilment, tracking                             Partner with the
      and care                                   right developer

  Re-marketing                Content
Find conversational commerce partners
that match your business needs
                          1                         6
               •   Storefront set up       Analytics & reporting:
               •   Inventory management    making data driven
               •   Supply chain            decisions for their
                                           marketing investments

  Discovery: Get people
  to discover your
  products on multiple
  surfaces and find the                                 Remarketing & CRM:
  ones that are more                                    Upsell, cross sell,
  likely to purchase                                    return and services

         Inquiry and purchase: to                       4
         manage multiple threads with
         customer, manage queue and        Order management &
         workflow for the sales reps,      fulfillment: shipping slip,
         faster replies, knowledge about   order management,
         customers to help increase        logistics tracking, payment
         satisfaction and close rate       services including COD
                           “In our experience, our customers often have specific questions about our
                           products before purchasing. Retail staff can easily answer these questions in
                           our stores, and we wanted to extend this ease to our online customers. This
                           campaign has shown that Messenger is a great way to address customer’s
                           questions and needs efficiently.”

                           —Tuan Tran, CEO, MIA

                           6.9X                          13.4X                                 81%
                           increase in                 return on ad spend            lower cost per conversion
                           website views               (for both online and          (compared to an average
                                                       offline sales)                cost per conversion of all
                                                                                     catalogue sales

                           Link to case study:
Manage brand    Build conversational   Drive sales & unlock
presence with         shopping          partnership with
Livestream &      experience with         Dynamic Ads &
  Instream           Messenger              Collab Ads

Drive online sales with

                   Dynamic Ads

Facebook company
D O N ' T J U S T W A I T F O R P U R C H A S E I N T E N T, C R E AT E P U R C H A S E I N T E N T
Automatically promote your entire product catalog
Dynamic Ads   across Facebook Family of Apps with Dynamic Ads
Dynamically match the right product to the right
person at scale

                                  BROAD AUDIENCES
                                  Expand your dynamic ads to
                                  reach beyond your website
                                  or app visitors to generate

                                  R E TA R G E T I N G

                                  Target people who have
                                  been to your site or app to
                                  generate sales
Getting started with dynamic ads

01                   02                          03                         04
Upload your online   Place the Facebook pixel    Choose your targeting      Set up your
product catalog to   on your website and/or      option to focus on your    ad template
Business Manager     Facebook SDK and App        recent site/app visitors
                     Events in your mobile app   or expand beyond them

Bring your brand and products to life with
                           catalog-powered formats

      Carousel           Categories   Collection   Fixed cards   Overlays

Facebook company
                    Work with your
                    creative team to
                    design decorative
                    borders or logos for
                    your dynamic ads

Customize your
dynamic ads to
drive more
                    CATALOG INFO
                    Automatically add
                    information from
                    your catalog, like
                    price or discount, to
 Facebook company
Greater ROAS with Dynamic Ads
& value optimization
The ecommerce platform ran dynamic ads with value
optimization to its sales campaigns, realizing a 50% lift in return
on ad spend for lower-priced products.

lift in return on ad spend for
                                     lift in return on ad spend for
                                                                          lower cost per order for low-
low-priced product range             high-priced product range            priced product range

Tiki ran 2 split tests, one for high-value products and one for low-value products, testing the impact of value
optimization. Each used 2 dynamic ads, with one optimized for value and the other for sales conversions. The
dynamic ads automatically featured products relevant to the interests of person viewing it. Both targeted a
Custom Audience: people who had previously visited’s website or used its app. Tiki also created a
lookalike audience that was based on the Custom Audience. The tests ran for 12 days in March 2018 and used
automatic placements on Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network.

Source: Placeholder text.                                                                                         48
Unlock partnership with

                   Collaborative Ads

Facebook company
Average Return On
                                                   6         Ad Spend (ROAS) in
                                                             Southeast Asia

                                                             during H1 2019


Source: Facebook Ads Manager, Jan – Jul 2019

                                       RETAILER SHARES CATALOG
                                       SEGMENT WITH ADVERTISER

                                     ADVERTISER DRIVES HIGH-
                                     QUALITY TRAFFIC TO
                                     RETAILER SITE OR APP

                                       COLLABORATIVE ADS PASS
                                            BACK SIGNALS FROM

        Run performance marketing                                 Send traffic from
         directly on Facebook with                               shoppers with high
            your products using                                    intent to drive
             retailer’s catalog                                      purchases
COLLABORATIVE ADS       •   Target people who
                            are more likely to buy.

Reach high intent
shoppers at the right   •   Optimize your
time to drive sales         campaigns to drive

                        •   Measure the impact of
                            your campaigns on
is simple

                 1. Validate that your Pixel/SDK    2. Create a catalog segment
                       are set up properly
    MERCHANT           (This is a one time step)

               4. See the impact of your brand     3. Brands will run performance
                partners’ campaigns on sales            marketing campaigns
                                                         with their products
More online merchants are utilizing
Collaborative Ads to drive quality traffic &
purchases to sites & apps
                                   YTD including
       4 in 2018   7 in H1 2019
Huggies Vietnam combined Facebook’s Collaborative Ads,
dynamic ads and retargeting to increase ecommerce sales

                              284%                     21%                    124%                     238%
                             return on ad           lower cost               lift in sales revenue   increase in
                             spend                  per purchase             within 2 weeks          weekly purchases
                                                                             to previous 4-week
                                                                             campaign without
                                                                             Collaborative Ads)

                            To boost online sales, Huggies tested Facebook’s Collaborative Ads in combination with
                            dynamic ads and broad audience targeting. Huggies was able to run performance-driven
                            dynamic ads to promote products from its Lazada store directly on Facebook, creating a
                            Catalog Segment with the brand’s products hosted on the ecommerce website, and then
                            directly include the products in the dynamic ads in a Collection Ad format, pairing a hero
                            video ad with 4 dynamic ads in a Carousel that featured products from Huggies’ store on
People spend more
                                                    People are doing
 time on Livestream         People spend more
                                                      more online
 & still want to hear       time on messaging
    from brands

Manage brand            Build conversational    Drive sales & unlock
presence with                 shopping           partnership with
Livestream &              experience with          Dynamic Ads &
  Instream                   Messenger               Collab Ads

Thank you
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