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fujitsu in financial services

Fujitsu in Financial Services:
delivering worldwide solutions
fujitsu in financial services

Fujitsu – your global IT partner
Fujitsu has a global track record in the design and       Helping you streamline                         Helping you stand out                            What’s next on the horizon? Fujitsu can help
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Delivering first-class IT services
delivery of IT solutions and services for the financial   Fujitsu believes in lean thinking – finding    Fujitsu’s Japanese engineering heritage keeps    you manage this multi-channel environment
                                                                                                                                                                                                           for the UK Post Office
services industry. Over the last 25 years we’ve worked    ways to streamline processes and technology    us at the forefront of change in financial       across the world, while helping you stay
with a wide range of retail and wholesale banking         design to deliver significant cost savings.    services. We’ve helped organisations stand       adaptable enough to respond to rapidly           The Post Office, part of the Royal Mail
organisations and insurance providers.                    Then, through our focus on continuous          out by being first to market with products       changing market conditions.                      Group, manages a network of 14,300
                                                          improvement, helping you stay profitable       and services required by today’s                                                                  branches nationwide and processes
                                                          in the fiercely competitive financial          demanding customer.                              The service imperative                           more than £90bn annually. It is the largest
                                                          services market.                                                                                Working with Fujitsu, financial services         financial services network in Europe.
                                                                                                         These include delivering the first true multi-   organisations have become increasingly
                                                                                                         channel banking solution for First Direct in     successful in cutting costs and getting new      Fujitsu has delivered IT managed services
                                                                                                         the UK, developing biometric palm vein           products to market. The next challenge           for the Post Office since 1996 – designing,
                                                                                                         authentication for a number of leading           is to win and retain customers based on          implementing and operating new IT
                                                           THE FUJITSU GROUP                             Japanese banks and developing specific           service quality.                                 infrastructure, including a secure,
                                                                                                         vertical solutions for branch banking and                                                         networked counter system with touch-
                                                           •	Invests $2bn per annum on R&D                                                                                                                 screen technology. Fujitsu installed 38,000
                                                           •	Employs more than 156,000 employees         ATM management with La Caixa in Spain,           The financial services success stories of the
                                                                                                         one of the most innovative financial services    future will be those organisations who can       counters and trained 63,000 staff on the
                                                             worldwide                                                                                                                                     new system.
                                                           • Operates sales and support functions in     markets in Europe.                               deliver a customer experience that generates
                                                             more than 70 countries                                                                       loyalty, while simultaneously maintaining        Fujitsu has helped the Post Office to:
                                                           •	Enjoys a position as a $45bn leader in IT   Managing a multi-channel world                   a streamlined operating model. Fujitsu’s         •	Simplify postal services (Smart Post)
                                                             systems and services                        The way customers interact with you is           service expertise helps you and your frontline   • Develop in-branch banking services
                                                           •	Ranks as the third largest IT company in    constantly evolving. Online, telephone and       staff create and deliver this experience         • Offer customers mobile phone top-ups
                                                             the world                                   mobile banking are already established.          for your customers.
fujitsu in financial services

Fujitsu – serving the world
                                 Europe                                        Asia Pacific                                North America                                     fujitsu delivers:
                                 In Spain Fujitsu delivers business process    Many financial institutions in Japan are    Fujitsu provides credit and risk monitoring,
                                 outsourcing management, branch banking        implementing Fujitsu’s contactless palm     regulatory management and reporting               •	Innovation
                                 solutions and ATM channel management          vein pattern authentication and card        (including Basel II and Sarbanes-Oxley)              With a next-generation branch banking
                                 services for La Caixa, one of the largest     systems to prevent unauthorised             plus services in anti-money laundering               system, Fujitsu has helped a top ten
                                 savings banks in Spain. La Caixa has been     withdrawals and improve security.           and security trading and settlement.                 Japanese bank reduce its staff and
                                 a Fujitsu client for more than two decades.                                                                                                    office space by more than 50%
                                 In Sweden Fujitsu provides a fully managed    Fujitsu provides Citibank with a            The Chicago Board Options Exchange                •	Operational efficiency
                                 service desk for Swedbank. This is one of     comprehensive desktop managed service,      (CBOE) is the world’s largest options exchange.      Fujitsu helped a major Australian bank
                                 the largest outsourced help desks in the      supporting users via helpdesk and on-site   Fujitsu’s technology enabled greater                 analyse its customer retention strategies
                                 country, with more than 13,500 users          engineers. We also proactively manage       transaction volumes and faster processing            in the mortgage market. This led to
                                 and an annual volume of 400,000 calls.        assets across 14 countries in Asia.         power. Over three years, CBOE went from              an 80% profit increase in this segment
                                                                                                                           peaking at 2,000 quotes per second to 50,000      •	Customer service
                                 Other clients include:                        Other clients include:                      per second – with close to 100% uptime.              Fujitsu has an ATM management centre
                                 • Lloyds TSB                                  • ABN Amro                                                                                       in Barcelona which provides end-to-end
                                 • Reuters                                     • AIG Group                                 Other clients include:                               managed services for many major
                                 • Banco Popular                               • ANZ Bank                                  • Merrill Lynch                                      Spanish financial institutions
                                 • Sampo Bank                                  • Gulf Finance                              • CIBC                                            •	Regulatory expertise
                                 • Bank of Finland                             • National Bank of Abu Dhabi                • Bank of Montreal                                   In Brussels Fujitsu has a dedicated
                                 • AXA                                         • St George Bank                            • U.S. Bancorp                                       practice specialising in regulatory and
                                 • ING Belgium                                                                             • Bank of America                                    compliance issues (such as Basel II,
                                 • Fortis                                                                                  • VISA                                               AML, IFRS and IAS)
                                                                                                                           • National Bank of Canada
fujitsu in financial serviceS

                            UK                                              Spain                                              Nordic                                         Benelux                                        Fujitsu proves a hit with
                            In Western Europe Fujitsu has significant       Within Spain, Fujitsu has a pioneering             Within the Nordic region, Fujitsu is at        Within the Benelux financial services          Banco Popular
                            experience in helping organisations to          reputation in terms of innovative banking          the forefront of internet banking and          market there is a strong focus on regulatory
                            integrate and manage multi-channel              models and low cost-to-income ratios.              mobility solutions.                            and compliance management, private             Banco Popular is the third largest commercial
                            environments.                                                                                                                                     banking and wealth management.                 bank in Spain. It serves more than six million
                                                                            Fujitsu’s experience within Spain includes:        Fujitsu’s experience within the Nordic                                                        customers and has been working with
                            Fujitsu’s experience within the UK includes:    •	Developing specific solutions for branch        region includes:                               Fujitsu’s experience within the Benelux        Fujitsu for over a decade.
                            •	Providing desktop support to more than          banking and ATM applications for a              •	Providing branch banking services for       area includes:
                               70,000 users including all customer-facing      number of banks, including La Caixa                Sampo Bank in Finland for the last          •	Delivering back-end applications for        Fujitsu has recently provided Banco Popular
                               staff in nearly 2,000 Lloyds TSB branches    •	Providing ATM innovation. This                     decade, including mobility solutions           private banking, fund management            with our branch framework solution,
                            •	Developing a sales process for the              includes creating personalised customer            for the bank’s employees                       and securities; implementing enterprise     including new functionality, such as
                               Woolwich’s Open Plan solution that              messages plus cross and up-selling              •	Delivering a managed service desk for          content management, business                loan origination processes, factoring,
                               provided integrated access to more than         additional services, such as football tickets      Swedbank, one of Sweden’s largest banks        process management and regulatory           management information, securities
                               10 of its product areas across all UK        •	Maximising efficiency with our branch           •	Supplying internet banking services and        compliance solutions                        and XBRL reporting. Fujitsu implemented
                               call centres and branches while reducing        banking platform by prioritising                   web portals for a number of Finnish         •	Supporting Fortis with Basel II             the new platform across the entire group
                               loan application times from 2 weeks to          customer traffic, providing integrated             savings and co-operative banks                 consultancy, content management             and migrated the bank’s old system to
                               30 minutes                                      information to staff and minimising             •	Implementing self-service options, such        and cost optimisation programmes            the new environment.
                            •	Implementing 24/7 service desk support          access to servers at critical points. Clients      as bill payment kiosks and web solutions;   •	Providing claims processing, web            Fujitsu has helped Banco Popular to:
                               for Reuters users around the world,             include Banco Popular, Cajamar and                 introducing business security solutions        development and electronic document         •	Improve the in-branch customer
                               including UK desk-side engineering              Caja Laboral de Mondragon                          and real-time payment transfer systems         management solutions for AXA                   experience
                               support and a local language service         •	Delivering cash recycling management                                                                                                          •	Simplify the corporate architecture
                               desk in Asia                                    and XBRL deployment for clients
                                                                               including Ibercaja and Banco de España
fujitsu in financial services

ASIA PACIFIC                                                                                                                                      North America
                                              Fujitsu’s experience within Japan includes:                                                                         Within North America, Fujitsu provides
                                                                                                Fujitsu helps St George Bank                                                                                  CIBC Mortgages turns to Fujitsu
                                              •	Providing next-generation banking services                                                                       consulting services and solutions which
                                                                                                increase performance                                                                                          for clearer view of processes
                                              •	Developing contactless palm vein                                                                                 focus on delivering sustainable value and
                                                 recognition technology for ATMs                St George Bank is Australia’s fifth largest                       long-term strategic direction for banks     CIBC is a leading North American financial
                                              •	Creating a fraud repudiation system            financial institution, and has continually                        and insurance companies.                    institution. CIBC Mortgages, a division
                                                 for banking institutions which detects         delivered profit performance above                                                                            of CIBC, prides itself on simplifying the
                                                 unauthorised bank account withdrawals          expectations. The bank needed to improve                          Fujitsu’s experience within North           mortgage application process for its clients.
                                                 using stolen or counterfeit cards              financial performance in mortgages –                              America includes:
                                                                                                                                                                  • Front to back office transformation       The organisation needed to streamline its
                                                                                                the profit engine of the organisation.
                                              Australia                                                                                                           • Data and document management              mortgage process. This included monitoring
                                              Fujitsu’s core strengths in the Australian        Fujitsu identified a range of profit drivers in                   • Payment processing solutions              the end-to-end mortgage process,
Japan                                         financial services market lie in insurance and    the mortgage business, based on modelling                         • Business activity monitoring              proactively resolving incidents before they
Within Japan, Fujitsu is at the forefront     retail banking.                                   costs and revenues within the organisation                                                                    impact customers and communicating early
of the financial services sector. In other                                                      and their link to profit. The value of the                                                                    warnings to clients with an assessment of
parts of Asia, security threats and money     Fujitsu’s experience within Australia includes:   various channels to market (broker and                                                                        potential business impact.
laundering are key concerns with up to        •	Producing a web services framework that        branch networks, for example) and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Fujitsu has helped CIBC Mortgages to:
$1.5 trillion laundered every year. Fujitsu      improves collaboration between business        products themselves were reassessed.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              •	Gain visibility into operational performance
has developed a discovery and visualisation      partners involved in any insurance             Fujitsu has helped St George Bank to:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 of all critical business processes
tool for fraud detection, which uncovers         transaction, based on XML standards            •	Increase profit performance by more
                                                                                                                                                                                                              • Manage operational risks in real time
networks of accounts within other financial   •	Information security consultancy to               than 20%
                                                                                                                                                                                                              •	Deliver high-quality service that is
institutions that are strongly related by        ANZ Bank                                       •	Identify a significant number of levers to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 transparent to front-line customers
transaction activity.                         •	Support for Woolworths with their                 improve mortgage business profitability
                                                 Ezy Bank roll-out
fujitsu in financial services

Fujitsu – working with you
throughout the world
Fujitsu is a leading IT services company       As banking channels become more
whose culture is grounded in integrity,        numerous and disparate, you need an
openness and realism.                          IT partner who knows how to draw them
                                               all together and manage them effectively.
We pride ourselves on delivering IT            It’s vital that your IT partner has the
solutions for the financial services market    resources and expertise to help your
that are innovative, cost effective and help   organisation expand globally.
you compete, wherever you operate.
                                               Our Japanese and European background
Whether you’re looking to increase your        gives us a different perspective to our
operational efficiency, improve your           competitors – one that’s based on long-
customer service or strengthen your            term partnerships and a realistic view
regulatory compliance, we can help.            of the benefits technology can offer.
Our deep understanding of the financial        It also gives us an insight into the inherent
services market, and how it differs            differences of markets around the world.
throughout the world, will help you gain
a significant edge over your competitors.
for more information
  For more details contact Ask Fujitsu on:
  Telephone: +44(0)870 242 7998
  Facsimile: +44(0)870 242 4445
REF: 2386
Copyright: © Fujitsu Services Limited 2007. All rights reserved. No part of this document may
be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form without the prior written permission of Fujitsu
Services Ltd. Fujitsu Services endeavours to ensure that the information in this document is correct
and fairly stated, but does not accept liability for any errors or omissions.
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