Gala Journal Dinner Dance - Forest Hills Jewish Center

Page created by Marion Henry
Gala Journal Dinner Dance - Forest Hills Jewish Center
‫המרכז היהודי ד'פורסט הילס‬           January‐February 2020

                                                Tevet‐Sh’vat‐Adar 5780

                                                       Vol. LXXV No. 3


               Gala Journal Dinner Dance
             Saturday Evening, March 7, 2020 // 12 Adar
                   Heidi Harrison Chain
                                    Heidi Nelson Rolnick
                                     and Allan Rolnick
                                        Recipients of the
                                        Shomrei Emunah
                                        ‫שומרי אמונה‬
                                   Keepers of the Faith Award

                            SEE PAGE 6 FOR DETAILS.
Gala Journal Dinner Dance - Forest Hills Jewish Center
                               Rabbi Gerald C. Skolnik
                              Wheezing Our Way Through Winter
                       The human ca-       suffering from truly serious and challeng-     performance and Chanukah celebra on,
                       pacity to forget    ing illnesses, please know that I am not,     and it will con nue in kind with the Schol-
                       physical pain is a  God forbid, even for a moment, drawing        ar-in-Residence program in late January,
                       wondrous thing.     an equivalence between those life-            featured in this issue.
It has been said that were it not for that threatening and disabling illnesses, and
                                                                                         For all of those whose health struggles are
capacity, women would never give birth     nagging colds and such. Obviously, there
                                                                                         a serious and all-consuming challenge, I’m
to more than one child. Having been wit-   is no such line to be drawn. I just find my-
                                                                                         sure you join me in wishing them a refuah
ness to a few births myself, that li le bitself wondering at the predictable regulari-
                                                                                         shleimah… a speedy and complete recov-
of folk wisdom makes a lot of sense to     ty of it all. Comes the advent of winter,
                                                                                         ery. May you know the blessing of recov-
me.                                        the Li le Synagogue takes on that sickly
                                                                                         ery! And to those of us who are dealing
                                           sound. And s ll, we forget… is it always
In much the same vein, although we tend                                                  with nagging but innocuous things like
                                           like this, or is this year different?
to forget it, there comes a me, around                                                   colds, hang in there! I’m told that with
this me of year give or take a week or Clearly, the answer is that it is exactly the     medicine, the symptoms will fade away in
two, when the daily Minyan in the Li le same, each and every year- but we, for           about fourteen days, and without medica-
Synagogue starts to sound like a hospital whatever reason or by whatever force,           on, about two weeks.
ward. Sneezing, coughing, wheezing… the simply forget it. The most important thing
                                                                                         There… does that help? Stay warm and
sounds of colds and other miseries come is that, despite the nagging, sniffling, and
and gone, and some just refusing to exit coughing and such, we soldier on- just like
the scene. Like many of you, I’ve been we do every year. We’ve had some of the
among those of us who seem to be most wonderful and effec ve program-
ba ling the never-ending cold. In the con- ming of the year so far in the past few
text of those in our community who are weeks, with our Shabbaton, rock band              Rabbi Gerald C. Skolnik

The Message USPS 340-300 The Forest Hills
Jewish Center, 106-06 Queens Boulevard, For-
est Hills, NY 11375-4248. 718-263-7000, Fax:
718-520-4369. Website: h p://www.
Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Con-
serva ve Judaism. Published bi-monthly Sep-
tember-June. Subscrip on: $25 per year
(included in membership dues.) Periodicals
postage paid at the Post Office in Flushing, NY.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The
Forest Hills Jewish Center. 106-06 Queens
Boulevard, Forest Hills, NY 11375-4248. Editorial
Board: Karen L. Stein (Editor), Gerald C. Skolnik
(Rabbi), Henry Rosenblum (Hazzan), Deborah
Gregor (Execu ve Director), Jessica Braginsky
(Director of Educa on and Engagement), Lynn
Fisher (Director, Early Childhood Educa-
  on), Laurie Worthman (Office Manager). Offic-
ers: Ilana Altman (President), Deborah Ball Wit-
lin (Vice President), Romi Narov (Vice Presi-
dent), Randi Zwick-Marks (Vice President), Da-
vid Zipkowitz (Vice President), Bill Re-
gen (Treasurer), Helaine Fox (Secretary). Arms:
Men’s Club, Warren Wankoff (President), Min-
yan Club, Be y Korb (President), Sister-
hood, Debra Weil and Marcia Belgorod (Co-
Presidents). Opinions expressed in The Message
are the authors’ and do not necessarily repre-
sent those of the Forest Hills Jewish Center, its
officers and Board, or the Editorial Board.
                                                       See Page 15 for Registra on Form.
Gala Journal Dinner Dance - Forest Hills Jewish Center
                         Hazzan Henry R. Rosenblum
                          If you have carefully followed the       Rabbi Harlow inserted the le er Vav into the phrase (as Rabbi
                          Hebrew text of our Siddurim used         Saadia did) subtly changing the reading into “Bayamim Hahem
                          both in the Main Sanctuary and the       Uvaz’man Hazeh” (that God performed miracles “in those days
                          Li le Synagogue you may have no-         and in these mes.”) That one le er changes the understanding
                            ced two seemingly minor textual        of the performance of miracles being restricted to a specific
                          changes. These in fact are changes         me in history to the performance of miracles in the past AND
                          that date all the way back to the Sid-   in the present.
dur of Rav Saadia HaGaon around the year 900 CE which were
                                                                   These are not changes that everyone incorporates into their
more recently incorporated into the Sabbath and Fes val Pray-
                                                                   prayers but just know that should you decide to do so, you will
er Book edited by Rabbi Morris Silverman, Siddur Sim Shalom
                                                                   be following an old tradi on that con nues to speak to many
edited by Rabbi Jules Harlow and his commi ee and Siddur Lev
                                                                   people today.
Shalem by Rabbi Ed Feld and his commi ee.
The Silverman Siddur added the word Ba’olam (“to the world”)
to the opening line of the prayer Sim Shalom making it read Hazzan Henry R. Rosenblum
“Grant peace, goodness and blessing to the world and to all
your people Israel.” Rabbi Harlow changed the placement of the
word Ba’olam in the sentence but the emphasis of peace to the       Interested in an Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah Class?
en re world and not just the Jewish people remained. It is re-    A number of people have inquired about a Bar/Bat Mitzvah
markable that this subtle change dates back approximately        class for adults who may never have formally celebrated their
1100 years but s ll is not found in ALL siddurim.               own. If you are interested in joining such a class, please respond
                                                                                 to me or call the Synagogue office.
In Siddur Sim Shalom, again based upon the Siddur of Rav Saa-
                                                                 The opportunity to study together is always exci ng, both for
dia Gaon, one le er has been added to the blessings over the
                                                                                          you and for me.
Hanukkah candles and the Al Hanissim prayer. The text that
                                                                             I look forward to hearing from you soon.
most of us are familiar with says that God performed miracles
for our ancestors “Bayamim Hahem Baz’man Hazeh,” (in those
                                                                            Hazzan Rosenblum (rosen
days at this me of the year).

  FHJC Nursery School & Pre‐K for All

          FHJC Nursery School & Pre‐K for All
              Early Bird registra on ends
                Friday, February 28, 2020
             Contact 718.263.7000 ext 206
                for more informa on.

Gala Journal Dinner Dance - Forest Hills Jewish Center
                            Within weeks      teachers, students, Self-Help senior mem-
                                                                                    First, someone is stopped and spoken to.
                            of the Ac ve      bers and even our swimmers know what  Of equal or even greater importance is we
                            Shooter           to do when the alarm goes off. We repeat
                                                                                    will know who is present in our building
                            Presenta on       over and over. When there was a shooter
                                                                                    should an emergency occur. School Direc-
                            by Kevin Pe-      at the 75th Avenue subway sta on a fewtors know who is a ending school each
                            terson, a Pro-    months ago, our building went into lock-
                                                                                    day, Self Help signs in their members, the
                            tec ve Securi-    down during nursery school hours. Every-
                                                                                    swim school and other community groups
                            ty      Advisor   one knew what to.                     do the same. They know who is to be ac-
                            with the De-                                            counted for. On Shabbat and Chag, we do
                                         Though I was away the Sunday of the Ac-
                            partment of                                             not. And that is easily corrected through a
                                           ve Shooter Training and was unable to
                            Homeland                                                list.
                                         a end, I understand the turnout was sol-
Security, we have already made no cea-
                                         id. We had a mind-shi from ‘how to When change is introduced it may cause
ble changes in our security procedures. As
                                         be er protect our building’ to ‘what if it greater comfort or increase uneasiness.
a busy synagogue, school, senior and com-
                                         happened here, at FHCJ, in our sanctuary’. And yes, procedures are not always per-
munity center, our building is a busy
                                                                                    fect when introduced. Our security com-
place. Over the years we have minimized  Following the Ac ve Shooter Presenta on,
                                                                                    mi ee will be fine tuning new procedures
                                         a Security Commi ee was formed, co-
entry points, increased security guard cov-
                                                                                    to make them be er.
erage, hardened the building and consult-chaired by Hal Berkowitz and Preston For-
ed with the 112th precinct in advance of man. The first mee ng led to concrete In all we do, our aim is to remain welcom-
                                         next steps and changes, some of which ing while mi ga ng risk. I trust our securi-
events that bring larger than usual crowds
                                         have been put in place, others in working ty commi ee has everyone’s coopera on
to our building. We think a lot about mi -
ga ng security risk and how to appear to stages.                                    and respect and they work to protect our
be as secure as possible.                                                           synagogue community.
                                         Asking for your name when entering FHJC
Fire and emergency drills have long been on Shabbat or Chag and comparing to a Ilana Altman, President
rou ne in our building. Our employees, list is new and it serves two purposes.

                          EDUCATION AND UNITED PARENTS
                           We hope that everyone had a wonderful Chanukah on the help of the parents. Please help out any way
                           celebra on and is staying warm in this chilly weath- you can. Thank you to those who already volunteer
                           er!                                                  and dedicate their me. We look forward to your
                                                                                con nued efforts.
                           On December 8, the Heller Ballroom was very
                           busy! Nursery School and Religious School families Looking forward to seeing you in 2020!
                           enjoyed a Chanukah-themed puppet show and
                                                                                Randi Zwick-Marks and Susie Spodek
                           puppet making workshop. Parents were able to
                           begin thinking about summer camp by learning
                           about Ramah Camps at the Camp Fair. Thank you
                           to our schools’ directors, Lynn Fisher and Jessica
                           Braginsky, for bringing these programs to the ball-
                           room. At the same me, United Parents held the
                           annual Scholas c Book Fair. Thank you to Richard
                           Chase for organizing the Fair and to all the volun-
                           teers who helped to make it a success. Also, thank
                           you to everyone who came out and shopped to
                           support United Parents.
                           For Chanukah, United Parents provided the stu-
                           dents in the Nursery and Religious schools with
                           candles and gelt.
                           Mark your calendars! Youth Shabbat is February 1!
                           More details will follow.
                           Detailed informa on will follow about addi onal
                           upcoming events. Please consider volunteering
                           with United Parents. Programs and events depend

Gala Journal Dinner Dance - Forest Hills Jewish Center
                                                                      Our annual Scholar-in-Residence program, once again made
                                                                      possible through the generosity of the Sevin family, will take
                                                                      place this year on the weekend of January 24-25, when we
                                                                      welcome Dr. Barry W. Holtz, the Theodore and Florence
                                                                      Baumri er Professor of Jewish Educa on at The Jewish Theo-
                                                                      logical Seminary. From 2008 to 2013 he served as dean of
                                                                      the William Davidson Graduate School of Jewish Educa on of
                                                                      Dr. Holtz has wri en and edited numerous publica ons in
                                                                      the field of Jewish educa on as well as works aimed at gen-
                                                                      eral audiences. In 1984, he edited Back to the
                                                                      Sources: Reading the Classic Jewish Texts (Simon and Schus-
                                                                      ter), a guide to reading, understanding, and apprecia ng the
great Jewish books. A Book-of-the-Month Club selec on, Back to the Sources is widely used as a textbook for university and adult-
educa on courses. Among other books, he is the author of Finding Our Way: Jewish Texts and the Lives We Lead Today (Schocken
Books), and Your Word Is Fire: The Hasidic Masters on Contempla ve Prayer, (wri en with Arthur Green), which has been reprint-
ed in a revised edi on by Jewish Lights Press, an imprint of Turner Publishing.
Dr. Holtz will be speaking three mes throughout the weekend — Friday evening a er dinner, during services Shabbat morning,
and a er a cholent Kiddush on Shabbat a ernoon. (Childcare will be provided during the 3rd lecture.)
                                              Dinner Friday evening by Reserva on.
   $30 for adults/ $12 for children 4-10 years / 3 and under, free. Visit to reserve your spot for the dinner.
Dr. Holtz will teach about Rabbi Akiva, the legendary scholar so influen al in the early founda on of Judaism, and the subject of
Professor Holtz’s acclaimed new biography, Rabbi Akiva: Sage of the Talmud.
Friday Night: Rabbi Akiva: An Origin Story
How did Akiva ben Yosef, born in poverty with li le educa on begin his journey to become, arguably the greatest of the early rab-
bis? In this session we will look at tales from Rabbinic literature about the “self-crea on” of a sage and how he came to embrace
his des ny as a scholar and teacher.
Shabbat A ernoon: The Death of Akiva and His “A erlife” in the Jewish Imagina on
One of the most powerful stories in all of rabbinic literature is the report of his heroic death, at the hands of the Roman rulers in
the Land of Israel in the first century of Common Era. Akiva is executed for teaching Torah, dying with the Shema on his lips and in
doing so becomes the exemplar of Jewish martyrs from that me forward. We will look together at the way that the ancient Jew-
ish texts tell this tale and how Akiva’s reputa on lived on well a er his tragic end.
Dr. Holtz will deliver the sermon on Shabbat morning.
The Scholar-in-Residence program is once again made possible through the generosity of the Sevin family.

                                                                                 Cinematek Forest Hills presents
                                                                                 “Shalom Bollywood,” an unlikely story of the
                                                                                 2000-year-old Indian Jewish community and its
                                                                                 forma ve place in shaping the world’s largest
                                                                                 film industry. At the advent of the Indian cinema
                                                                                 industry, it was taboo for Hindu and Islamic
                                                                                 women to perform on-screen so Jewish Indian
                                                                                 women took the female lead roles, and con n-
                                                                                 ued to do so for decades.

                                                                                 Saturday, January 18, 8:00 PM in the Estelle
                                                                                 Feiner Crystal Room.

Gala Journal Dinner Dance - Forest Hills Jewish Center
Educa on and Engagement
                                 Jessica Braginsky
                                  An Opportunity to Find Tech/Life Balance With Your Child
                                  Sunday, January 12, 2020 ‐ 6:00‐8:30 PM
                                 The sta s cs for 13-18 year         e que e and explore what Judaism offers to balance the nega-
                                 olds, especially among girls, are     ve impact of screen me. This is an evening for finding links
frightening. The rate of U.S. adolescents and young adults dying     with other families who are experiencing similar ques ons. I urge
of suicide has reached its highest level in nearly two decades,      parents of younger children-5th graders to come on your own to
according to a report published in June in the Journal of the        find like-minded parents. There will be a special discussion group
American Medical Associa on.                                         for you. Parents of 6th graders and up, come with your child. We
                                                                     are teaming up with USY (the youth group of the Conserva ve
    Adolescents who spent more me on new media                       movement), Reboot and Schechter Queens. I encourage you to
    (including social media and electronic devices                   bring friends. This is an opportunity to begin an important dia-
    such as smartphones) were more likely to report                  logue that will ma er to you and your family.
    mental health issues, and adolescents who spent                  Visit h ps://
    more me on nonscreen ac vi es (in-person so-                     home to reserve your space. Contact me at jbraginsky@
    cial interac on, sports/exercise, homework, print                for more informa on.
    media, and a ending religious services) were
    less likely [to report mental health issues].
    (“Increases in Depressive Symptoms and Links
    to Increased New Media Screen Time,” Twenge
The Pew Research Center found that 45% of teens
now say they are online on a near-constant ba-
sis. (Teens, Social Media and Technology; 2018)
Jewish teens feel that emo onal well-being is a ma-
jor concern for today’s adolescents. 69% of Jewish
teens feel that teens they know struggle with anxie-
ty and depression. 51% agreed that teens now need
help learning how to speak to others face-to-face.
(GenZ Now: Understanding and Connec ng with
Jewish Teens Today, 2019.)
Clearly, technology use is not uniformly evil. It
keeps teens connected with their friends from camp
and USY and even with grandparents in Florida. It
opens new worlds of informa on. It can be a study
aid, required for homework or necessary for a re-
search paper. There must be a healthy balance but
it’s not easy.
The good news is that parents s ll have an outsized
influence on teen behavior, social scien sts have
shown. How do parents influence teen behavior?
By teaching teens about healthy limits, by sharing
our moral values and discussing our opinions and
finally by ac ng as role models.
On Sunday evening, January 12 from 6‐8:30 you
can open an honest discussion with your child, with
other parents and with yourself about finding that
healthy balance. We will show the movie Screen-
agers, eat together, build a template for family tech

Gala Journal Dinner Dance - Forest Hills Jewish Center
News from Nursery School
                                Lynn Fisher
                            kind·ness ‐ /ˈkīn(d)nəs/ noun the 3.           Create a "Ways to be Helpful" book. Take photos of the
                            quality of being friendly, gener‐              kind acts you see in your family and school (holding a door
                            ous, and considerate. a kind act.              open, cleaning your space, making grandma a get-well card,
                            Synonyms: Kindliness, kind‐                    doing chores). Bind them in a book for meaningful reading.
                            heartedness, warm‐heartedness,
                                                              4.           Record acts of kindness. Take turns being the "kindness
tender‐heartedness, goodwill, affec on, warmth, gentleness,
                                                                           recorder." For every act of kindness you and your child see
tenderness, concern, care.
                                                                           or experience, put a heart in a basket or an ar ficial flower
                                                                           in a pot. Share some of the kind acts at dinner or bed me.
Kindness is a behavior marked by ethical characteris cs, a pleas-
ant disposi on, and concern for others. It is considered a virtue,    5.   Write notes of kindness. As you express your apprecia on
and is recognized as a value in many cultures and religions. Ac-           to others, be specific about what they did and how it
cording to “Can Babies Tell Right From Wrong? (May 2010),”                 helped you.
babies at Yale University's Infant Cogni on Center responded to
                                                                      6.   Do something nice for your child’s teacher or rela ve –
"naughty" and "nice" puppets, it was concluded that kindness is
                                                                           paint them a picture, bring them a treat or a coffee.
inherent to human beings. There are similar studies about the
root of empathy in infancy and that kindness develops in the          7.   Donate toys that your child doesn’t play with anymore. Ex-
early months of life which leads to the easy concern shown by              plain how it will help children that aren’t as fortunate as
children for their peers in distress. Throughout our school build-         they are.
ing, we see many acts of kindness, o en mes not random.
                                                                      8.   Allow your child to help mom and dad with age-appropriate
Children helping their classmates zip a jacket, giving a hug a er
                                                                           chores. Explain to your child how it makes you feel when
a fall, sharing snack and even just offering a comfor ng word
                                                                           someone helps you.
when their friend is sad. We can also see kindness in the world
and on social media. Here is a story from Facebook on Decem-          9.   Teach the “why” behind saying please and thank you.
ber 7th: “Today is a favorite tradi on of mine. I gathered 17
                                                                      10. If you see someone being or doing something nice, point it
friends for breakfast with every person bringing a $100 bill. We
                                                                          out to your child.
paid for our $200 meal and gave the other $1500 to our wait-
ress for her “ p." Unbeknownst to us, the waitress and her hus-       Kindness can increase self-regard and posi ve social interac-
band had recently hit a rough patch and she told us we restored         ons, and help develop charitable feelings towards others.
her faith in humanity. We challenge you to get your friends to-       Kindness is a mindset where we place the needs of others be-
gether and do the same.”                                              fore our own interests. Let’s throw kindness around like con-
                                                                      fe .
A random act of kindness is a selfless act performed by kind
people to either help or cheer up a random stranger, for no rea-
son other than to make people happier. Either spontaneous or
planned in advance, random acts of kindness increase the posi-
  ve effect both for the recipient and the giver. The Torah begins
with an act of kindness and ends with an act of kindness. It be-
gins with kindness, as it is wri en in Genesis, ‘And G-d made for
Adam and his wife garments of skins and clothed them.’ The
Torah also ends with kindness, as it is wri en in Deuteronomy,
‘And he [Moses] was buried in the valley in the land of Moab.
Chesed appears in the Torah to communicate God’s kindness
and love toward humanity as well as human kindness and love
toward each other. Chesed is the Jewish prac ce of loving kind-
ness or caring for someone else. It is voluntary and individual.
Some examples of chesed are giving food to the hungry or vis-
i ng someone who is sick.
Here are 10 ways to encourage kindness in your kids:
1.   Pay a en on to whether you are no cing the faults of oth-
     ers or their acts of kindness. Adjust your focus to align with
     the values you want to teach.
2.   Model acts of kindness. Help all those you can.

Gala Journal Dinner Dance - Forest Hills Jewish Center
2019—5780 Kol Nidre Appeal Todah Rabah Lis ngs
 We wish to express our deepest apprecia on to everyone who contributed so generously to our 2019-5780 Kol Nidre Campaign. A
  number of donors have chosen to remain anonymous and we have done our best to respect those requests. If your name is not
 here and should be here, please let us know. We will correct any mistakes and publish a no ce of correc on in the next Message.
          Even if your name is not here, it’s not too late. We’ll be happy to say todah rabah—thank you, in the next Message.
 The responsibility of ensuring the viability of our shul for future genera ons now falls upon us. We hope that every member of our
                       shul will join us in this important mission so we can reach our goal of 100% par cipa on.
                                                 The Kol Nidre Campaign Commi ee
                            Joe Fox, Rae Theise Kerzner and Michael Landsman, Kol Nidre Campaign Chairs
                                            Deborah Ball Witlin, Vice President Fundraising
Pillar                                       Anonymous                                  David Zucker & Shirley Rossman-Zucker
Meir & Jill Toshav                           William & Ilana Altman
                                             William & Robyn Cimbol                     Supporter
Builder                                      Peter & Beth Dreyfuss                      Michael & Linda Alberts
Stanley & Jane Blum                          Azariah & Joan Eshkenazi                   Marcia Baskin
                                             Norman & Rebekah Fassler                   Bracha Behar
Diamond                                      Joseph & Helaine Fox                       Ariel Ben-Ami & Zeev Menes
Maurice & Anita Miller                       Ira Hauptman                               Jeffrey & Debra Bochner
Mark & Pauline Raphael                       Pauline Kra                                Rabbi David Cavill
                                             Benjamin & Felicia Leeman                  Richard & Nancy Chase
Ruby                                         Joshua Lowy & Mollie Mandel                Rick & Hilda Chusid
Harold Bloom                                 William & Lillian Regen                    Anthony & Elizabeth George e Dankner
Gary & Rae Theise Kerzner                    Robert Samuel & Risa Matzner               Carl & Elaine David
Audrey Lou Sevin                             Dan Shaham & Tal Klausner                  Carole Friedman
                                             Steven & Cheryl Topal                      Raymond & Rochelle Hershbain
Gold                                         Warren & Lorain Wankoff                     Sidney & Edith Levine
Alan & Linda Kahn                            Andrew & Deborah Witlin                    Fran & Zev Spiro
Rosalind Okun                                David & Judy Zipkowitz                     Glenn & Dina Tanzer
Arnold & Susan Weg                                                                      Gary & Debra Weil
Silver                                       Stewart & Daisy Alter                      Friend
Ma hew & Judith Beizer                       Frank & Soraya Baharestani
                                                                                        Ron & Michelle Amram
Sharon Matzner & Philip Braginsky            Naomi Danis
                                                                                        Gilbert Berookhim
Sheldon & Susan Fox                          Ellen Elowitz
                                                                                        Judith Bloom
Carl & Candice Koerner                       Arlene Glotzer
                                                                                        Philip & Ronnie Goodfriend-Feldman
Fred & Susan Levine                          Paul Gordon
                                                                                        Daniel Fish
Romi Narov                                   Allen & Lesley Kanter
                                                                                        Regina Geber
Michael Turner & Susannah Spodek             Jerry & Barbara Klibanoff
                                                                                        Robert Goldman
                                             Jack & Valerie Leibler
                                                                                        Stanley & Raquel Greenwald
Bronze                                       Michael & Rita Lieberman
                                                                                        Howard & Carol Braham Hankin
Ellen Cahn                                   Michael Marks & Randi Zwick-Marks
                                                                                        Ellis & Marcia Hi ner
Leonard & Diane Fogelman                     Barbara Nevis
                                                                                        Alan Horton
Lawrence & Marilyn Kramer                    Lisa Rich
                                                                                        Oscar Jaramillo & Jullie Pena
Fred Resnick                                 Ruth Rosenzweig
                                                                                        Daniel & Be y Korb
Julius & Lucyna Ross                         Glenn & Robin Rothbort
                                                                                        Mar n & Marian Krasilovsky
                                             Michael & Judi Silverstein
                                                                                        Mark & Janis Gade Landis
Crystal                                      Mar n & Melanie Topol
                                                                                        Stephen & Sarah Markowitz
Anonymous                                    Juliet Vogel
Anonymous                                    Zachary Wichter                                                      (Con nued on page 9)

Gala Journal Dinner Dance - Forest Hills Jewish Center
Oskar & Roz Matzner
Barbara Midoneck
                                                  FHJC Family Educa on Presents:
Andrew Rafalaf & Penney Vachiraprapun
Allan & Heidi Nelson Rolnick
                                             Finding Balance: The Empathy Connec on
Mairim Vant & Alla Roytberg               As a follow-up to the award-winning Screenagers program on January 12th, join us
Lee Sheppard                                               for three opportuni es linking mental health and
James Siegel                                         well-being, cul va ng empathy in your child and Jewish life.
Penny Steinitz                                 January 26, Sunday morning 9‐10:30 AM Facilitated Paren ng Workshop
Ira & Susan Strauber
Lisl Topper
                                              February 9, Sunday morning 9‐10:30 AM Facilitated Paren ng Workshop
Joseph & Kimberlee Trigoboff
Erwin Weinberg
                                                        March 15, Sunday 12:30‐2:00 PM Family Workshop
Rena Wirshba

Other                                             We will be using the book UnSelfie by Michele Borba as a guide.
Louis Allen                                    Contact Jessica Braginsky for more informa on at jbraginsky@
Perry Almeleh & Benita Gayle-Almeleh                              All workshops to be held at FHJC.
Imogen Alter
Jack Althausen
Aliza Altman                            Howard & Jill Hetzron                    Robert Rosengarten
Josh Altman                             Ira & Roslyn Hochman                     Joshua Rubenstein & Mei Kin Chow
Michael Amster                          Jason Isenberg & Heather Cook            Bradley Salmo & Laura Samet
Judith Ausuebel                         Douglas & Rhonda Israel                  Lynn Schleimer
Nira Avidor                             Miriam Kalinsky                          Mark Schleimer
Michael Azizollahoff                     Murry Kalinsky                           Carl Schrag & Beth Dinkin
Myron Baer & Debra Karsif-Baer          Doria Kalt                               Elizabeth Schwartz
Ruth Baran-Gerold                       Philip & Joanne Kaminowitz               Grace Schwartzberg
Ruth Barne                              Jason & Robyn Kaplan                     Ira Schwartz
Senta Baum                              Debra Kerr                               Stephen Schwartz & Claire Hassid
David Beizer                            Alan & Susan Moskowitz Kirschner         Michael & Debra Danis Seiden
Harold & Dorrie Berkowitz               Jason Kirschner & Yonah Ringlestein      Jennifer Silver
Doris Birnbaum                          Eva Klaus                                David & Rana Silver
Beth Bi on                              Eric Kober & Laurie Lax                  Roma & Lilia Slavinsky
Nina Bi on                              Dina Kook                                Benjamin Sloane
Aaron Blum                              Steve & Susan Krochak                    Lucille Solod
Jessica Braginsky                       Ezra & Monica Lagnado                    Edward & Rahel Starer
Jeremy Buchman & Laura Marks            Douglas & Evelyn Landsman                Doris Stein
Ronald Caveglia                         Michael Landsman & Naomi Baumgarten      Carl & Miriam Stern
Keith & Bonnie Chernin                  Phyllis Landau                           Joshua Stern & Mana Mann
Bonnie Dassa                            George & Carrie Leifer                   Seymour Stricker
Marvin & Evelyn Deluty                  Abraham & Marta Ravin Leinwand           Neil & Lana Subes
Alexa Dunetz                            Ellen Llinas                             Melissa Taub
Lee Elovitch                            Eric & Mara Lowe                         Peter & Jennifer Taub
Trudy Emanuel                           Dorothy Mahlab                           Elana Tepper
Benjamin Farkas                         Hanna Mahlab                             Henry Vas Nunes
Alex Feingold                           Zahava Mahlab                            Jonathan & Suzanne Vick
Ariel & Liane Feldman                   Mar n Marks                              Albert Volaski
Esther Feldman                          Sco & Randi Marshall                     David Snyder & Diana Walco
Judy Feldman                            Ami & Cindy Megiddo                      Lavey Weil
Roslyn Gartenbaum Feuer                 Warren & Brenda Meyers                   Tsvi Weill
Anne Frankel                            Alicia Murray                            Doug & Michele Weiner
Mitchell & Lari Frank                   Eric Pelz & Eva Subotnik                 Janet Weinstein
Daniel & Marina Frater                  Sandra Peskowitz                         Mindy & Mark Weinbla
Ariel Friedman                          Barbara Petok                            Michael & Joan Weston
Helen Gantz                             Charlo e Picot                           Esther Wolberger
Jayne Goldberg                          Howard & Alyssa Pollack                  Sandra Wolman
Jack & Judy Gostl                       George & Susan Ronai                     Beverly Zuckerman
Yan & Svetlana Gulko                    Henry Rosenblum & Susan Ticker
Norman & Carol Gu man                   Roy Rosenthal
Gala Journal Dinner Dance - Forest Hills Jewish Center
                               It is the       and by par cipa ng in educa onal and            Join us to learn about one of the lesser-
                               beginning       ritual ac vi es. We also support women          known outstanding Jewish women. Any
                               of the sec-     in more tradi onal roles like baking chal-      ideas who it will be? Marcia says she
                               ular year.      lah and caring for our loved ones. If you       doesn’t even know yet. Do you believe
                               2020       is   are a caregiver for an aging or incapacitat-    her?
                               also     the    ed loved one, or think you might be one
                                                                                               Before Rosh Hashanah we were asked
                               anniver-        in the future, then please plan to a end
                                                                                               “Who is Sisterhood”? As we enter 2020
                               sary of the     the January 7th panel discussion on Care‐
                                                                                               we look forward to seeing you as you real-
                               ra fica on       giving, co-sponsored by Sisterhood and
                                                                                               ize that Sisterhood is YOU!!!
of the 19th Amendment, gran ng women           Men’s Club. Two of our own experts, Bev-
the right to vote. It marks a significant       erly Silver and Mindy Weinbla , will be         Marcia Belgorod and Debra Weil
change in the role of women in society.        discussing aspects of the caretaker role
Over the years, the roles of women have        and responsibility. Beverly is an A orney
changed. We are leaders of the Jewish          and Owner of Home Instead, an agency
community as congrega onal presidents,         providing Cer fied Home Health Aides to
religious school heads, rabbis and chazza-
not. Yet we are s ll the nurturers and
                                               assist elderly clients, here in Forest Hills.
                                               Mindy is a Geriatric Social Worker and
                                                                                                   Check out this
caregivers. We may not go to the well for      Case Management Supervisor at Heights
water anymore, but we are s ll responsi-       and Hills in Brooklyn.
                                                                                                month’s “Sisterhood
ble for our families’ well-being. Women
s ll have the major responsibility for mak-
                                               If you want to play a larger role in the           Blast” and learn
                                               religious life of FHJC, then become a part
ing a Jewish home. We take care of the
oldest and youngest members of our fam-
                                               of Sisterhood Shabbat on February 29,
                                               2020. We may have a few parts and hon-
                                                                                                  more about the
ilies and those who are least able to care
for themselves, even if it means choosing
                                               ors s ll available. It’s a great opportunity
                                               to show off your skills or to add to them.
                                                                                                 great ac vi es of
who will help to provide that care.
                                               Please contact sisterhood@ if you
Sisterhood is commi ed to suppor ng the        are interested in leading davening or             FHJC Sisterhood.
women of FHJC, in our communal lives           reading Torah or Ha orah. We are also
and elsewhere. We encourage women to           planning a luncheon a erward highlight-           www.
take leadership roles within Sisterhood        ed by the introduc on of an Eishet Chayil.

Come Sing with
                                                        Studies show that singing makes people happy-and singing to-
                                                        gether makes people happier. We couldn’t agree
                                                        more. Nagilah is the Choral Group of the Forest Hills Jewish
                                                        Center. Our name means “Let us be joyous!” Our singers con-
                                                        sider it their “Happy Place” and perhaps it will be yours, too.
                                                        Some informa on about Nagilah: We have been singing togeth-
                                                        er for 15 years. Some members have been with us right from
                                                        the start, and others joined more recently. We sing tradi onal,
                                                        contemporary, and original Jewish music and meet on Sunday
                                                        mornings. Reading music is helpful but not mandatory. A good
                                                        ear, the ability to carry a tune, and the willingness to learn are
                                                        all you need.
                                                        We sing at a number of events through the year, such as the
                                                        annual Thanksgiving Interfaith Service, Coffee House, and Yom
                                                        HaShoah service. All voice parts (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and
                                                        Bass) are welcome. For further informa on and to apply,
                                                        please send an email to We look forward
                                                        to hearing from you!
                                                        B’shirah and with best wishes,
                                                        Heidi Nelson Rolnick, Director of Nagilah


          Grades 2‐4                           Grades 5‐7                                  Grades 8‐12
Tseerim is Youth Group for our 2nd    Kadima had a blast in November and           Our Teens/ USY group had a blast
through 4th graders! We meet right     December with Minute-to-Win-It,                   bowling last month!
  a er Religious School for 1 hour.        Game Night and Bowling!
      Pizza, games and cra s!                                                      Stay Tuned for info about Ice
                                          MARK YOUR CALENDAR:                     Ska ng, a Shabbat meal togeth‐
                                                                                  er and a 2nd visit to the Masbia
          12:30‐1:30 PM                         6:00—7:30 PM
                                                                                            Food Pantry.
            January 12                             January 5
             March 15                             January 26                             Mark Your Calendar
              April 5                             February 9                      February 7-9 Sababa USY Kinnus at
              May 3                                                                    Hillcrest Jewish Center.

 For more Informa on, contact         For more Informa on, contact Adam          For more informa on contact Karen
Marcy at            at                   at

Schedule of Services                                                                                                  Thank you to our
 Unless otherwise indicated, our regular schedule of services is as follows:
                                                                                                                  Congrega onal Kiddush Hosts
 Shaharit:                                        Minha/Ma’ariv                                               January 18 — Laura Marks Buchman,
 Weekdays…………………...……….7:00 AM                    Weekdays…………………………………………………...7:30 PM
                                                                                                              Jeremy & Maya Buchman on the occasion
 Shabbat …………………………......9:00 AM                  Friday Kabbalat Shabbat…………………..……See Calendar
                                                                                                              of the Bar Mitzvah of their son and
 Sunday, and legal holidays…..8:20 AM             Saturday night, Sunday, and legal holidays….Sundown
                                                                                                              brother, Emme
 Schedule of Children’s Services
 Junior Congrega on…………..……..10:15 AM - Noon—Li le Synagogue
                                                                                                              February 29 — Sisterhood Shabbat
 Kids Kongrega on…………………....10:45 AM - 11:45 AM—Room M4

                                                               ~ January 2020 ~ Tevet‐Sh’vat 5780
         Sun                   Mon                       Tue                 Wed                    Thu                      Fri                     Sat
                                                                       1 New Year's Day    2                       3                        4
    *ALL WEEKDAY EVENING EVENTS AND CLASSES                            4th of Tevet        5th of Tevet            6th of Tevet             7th of Tevet
                                                                                                                   4:20p Kabbalat Shab-     Parashat Vayigash
    ARE HELD IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE 7:30 PM                                                                     bat                      10:15a Junior Congre-
    MINYAN, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. Please try                                                                     4:22p Candle Ligh ng     ga on
    to a end the minyan on the nights you a end                                                                                             10:45a Kids Kongrega-
    those events. Thank you.
                                                                                                                                            3p Play in the Gym
5                      6                         7                     8                   9                       10                       11
8th of Tevet           9th of Tevet              10th of Tevet         11th of Tevet       12th of Tevet           13th of Tevet            14th of Tevet
9a Nagillah            2:15p Talmud Class-       Asara B'Tevet         10:45a Sisterhood                           4:29p Candle Ligh ng     Parashat Vayechi
6p Kadima              ShimonYaakov Laxer        10:45a Sisterhood     Balance Class                               4:30p Kabbalat Shab-     10:15a Junior Congre-
                                                 Balance Class         5p Chair Yoga                               bat                      ga on
                                                 6p B'nei Mitzvah      6:15p Yoga                                                           10:45a Kids Kongrega-
                                                 Mee ng                7:50p Yoga                                                            on
                                                 7:30p Dancing Danny                                                                        3p Play in the Gym
                                                 8p Sisterhood Event
12                     13                        14                    15                  16                      17                       18
15th of Tevet          16th of Tevet             17th of Tevet         18th of Tevet       19th of Tevet           20th of Tevet            21st of Tevet
9a Nagillah            2:15p Talmud Class-       10:45a Sisterhood     10:45a Sisterhood   8p Board of Trustees    4:35p Kabbalat Shab-     Parashat Shemot
6p Screenagers Pro-    ShimonYaakov Laxer        Balance Class         Balance Class       Mee ng                  bat                      9a Bar Mitzvah of
gram                   7:45p Torah Study         7:30p Dancing Danny   5p Chair Yoga                               4:37p Candle Ligh ng     Emme Buchman
                       with Rabbi David Cavill                         6:15p Yoga                                                           10:15a Junior Congre-
                                                                       7:50p Yoga                                                           ga on
                                                                                                                                            10:45a Kids Kongrega-
                                                                                                                                            12:30p Hebrew Litera-
                                                                                                                                            3p Play in the Gym
                                                                                                                                            7:30p Cinematek-
                                                                                                                                            Shalom Bollywood

19                     20 Mar n Luther King      21                    22                  23                      24                       25
22nd of Tevet          23rd of Tevet             24th of Tevet         25th of Tevet       26th of Tevet           27th of Tevet            28th of Tevet
No Religious School    8:20a Shacharit           10:45a Sisterhood     10:45a Sisterhood                           4:45p Candle Ligh ng     Parashat Vaera
(Hebrew Academy is     2:15p Talmud Class-       Balance Class         Balance Class                               4:45p Kabbalat Shab-     Scholar in Residence
in session)            ShimonYaakov Laxer        7:30p Dancing Danny   5p Chair Yoga                               bat                      Shabbat M'Va'r'chim
9a Defensive Driving   4:35p Minha/Ma'ariv                             6:15p Yoga                                  5:30p Scholar in Resi-   10:15a Junior Congre-
9a Nagillah                                                            7:50p Yoga                                  dence                    ga on
                                                                                                                                            10:45a Kids Kongrega-
                                                                                                                                            3p Play in the Gym
26                     27                        28                    29                  30                      31
29th of Tevet          1st of Sh'vat             2nd of Sh'vat         3rd of Sh'vat       4th of Sh'vat           5th of Sh'vat
9a Nagillah            Rosh Hodesh Sh’vat        10:45a Sisterhood     10:45a Sisterhood   1:30p Sisterhood        4:54p Candle Ligh ng
11:30a RS Parent/      6:45a Shacharit           Balance Class         Balance Class       Day me Readers          4:55p Kabbalat Shab-
Teacher Conferences    2:15p Talmud Class-       6:30p RS Parent/      5p Chair Yoga                               bat
2p USY                 ShimonYaakov Laxer        Teacher Conferences   6:15p Yoga
6p Kadima                                        7:30p Dancing Danny   7:50p Yoga
Kids Kongrega on
                                                                                     10:45 AM with Morah Riki
                                                                                     Enjoy an informal and fun Shabbat morning experience filled
                                                                                     with singing, dancing, praying and storytelling. Bring your family
                                                                                     to celebrate and meet new friends. For children 2-6 years, with a
                                                                                     Junior Congrega on
                                                                                     10:15 AM –noon with Marcy / Aaron
                                                                                     For 1st graders with parents and 2nd through 6th graders. A
                                                                                     oyful, laid-back and age appropriate Shabbat service.
                                                                                     Join us every week and invite your friends to join us too.

                                                                ~ February 2020 ~ Sh’vat‐Adar 5780
         Sun                     Mon                      Tue                   Wed                  Thu                     Fri                    Sat
                                                                                                                                           6th of Sh'vat
        *ALL WEEKDAY EVENING EVENTS AND CLASSES ARE HELD IMMEDIATELY                                                                       Parashat Bo
        FOLLOWING THE 7:30 PM MINYAN, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.                                                                              Youth Shabbat
                                                                                                                                           10:15a Junior Congre-
        Please try to a end the minyan on the nights you a end those events.                                                               ga on
                                                                                                                                           10:45a Kids Kongrega-
                                                                                                                                           3p Play in the Gym
2                        3                        4                     5                    6                      7                      8
7th of Sh'vat            8th of Sh'vat            9th of Sh'vat         10th of Sh'vat       11th of Sh'vat         12th of Sh'vat         13th of Sh'vat
RS Hay Family Learning   2:15p Talmud Class-      10:45a Sisterhood     10:45a Sisterhood                           5p Kabbalat Shabbat    Parashat Beshalach
9a Nagillah              ShimonYaakov Laxer       Balance Class         Balance Class                               5:02p Candle Ligh ng   10:15a Junior Congre-
9a World Wide Wrap                                7:30p Dancing Danny   5p Chair Yoga                                                      ga on
                                                                        6:15p Yoga                                                         10:45a Kids Kongrega-
                                                                        7:50p Yoga                                                           on
                                                                        8p Exec. Bd. Mtg                                                   1p Lit & Learn
                                                                                                                                           3p Play in the Gym
                                                                                                                                           7:30p Coffee House
9                        10 Tu Bishvat            11                    12                   13                     14                     15
14th of Sh'vat           15th of Sh'vat           16th of Sh'vat        17th of Sh'vat       18th of Sh'vat         19th of Sh'vat         20th of Sh'vat
RS Tu B'Shevat Pro-      2:15p Talmud Class-      10:45a Sisterhood     10:45a Sisterhood                           5:10p Kabbalat Shab-   Parashat Yitro
gram for RS Families     ShimonYaakov Laxer       Balance Class         Balance Class                               bat                    10:15a Junior Congre-
A erschool               7:45p Torah Study with   7:30p Dancing Danny   5p Chair Yoga                               5:11p Candle Ligh ng   ga on
9a Nagillah              Rabbi David Cavill                             6:15p Yoga                                                         10:45a Kids Kongrega-
2p USY                   8p Sisterhood Event                            7:50p Yoga                                                           on
6p Kadima                                                                                                                                  1p Hebrew Literature
                                                                                                                                           3p Play in the Gym
16                       17 Presidents Day        18                    19                   20                     21                     22
21st of Sh'vat           22nd of Sh'vat           23rd of Sh'vat        24th of Sh'vat       25th of Sh'vat         26th of Sh'vat         27th of Sh'vat
No Religious School      8:20a Shacharit          No Religious School   10:45a Sisterhood    8p Board of Trustees   5:19p Candle Ligh ng   Parashat Mishpa m
9a Nagillah              2:15p Talmud Class-      10:45a Sisterhood     Balance Class        Mee ng                 5:20p Kabbalat Shab-   Shabbat M'Va'r'chim
                         ShimonYaakov Laxer       Balance Class         5p Chair Yoga                               bat                    Shabbat Sh'kelaim
                         5:10p Minha/Ma'ariv      7:30p Dancing Danny   6:15p Yoga                                                         10:15a Junior Congre-
                                                                        7:50p Yoga                                                         ga on
                                                                                                                                           10:45a Kids Kongrega-
                                                                                                                                           3p Play in the Gym
23                       24                       25                    26                   27                     28                     29
28th of Sh'vat           29th of Sh'vat           30th of Sh'vat        1st of Adar          2nd of Adar            3rd of Adar            4th of Adar
No Religious School      2:15p Talmud Class-      Rosh Hodesh Adar      Rosh Hodesh Adar                            5p Family Shabbat      Parashat Terumah
9a Nagillah              ShimonYaakov Laxer       6:45a Shacharit       6:45a Shacharit                             Dinner                 9a Sisterhood Shabbat
                                                  10:45a Sisterhood     10:45a Sisterhood                           5:25p Kabbalat Shab-   10:15a Junior Congre-
                                                  Balance Class         Balance Class                               bat                    ga on
                                                  7:30p Dancing Danny   5p Chair Yoga                               5:27p Candle Ligh ng   10:45a Kids Kongrega-
                                                                        6:15p Yoga                                                           on
                                                                        7:50p Yoga                                                         3p Play in the Gym
                                                                                                                                           7:30p Cinematek-"Fig
Emme Buchman
                                                        Bar Mitzvah
                                                        January 18, 2020
                                                        Eighth grader Emme Buchman has been spo ed around the halls of
                                                        FHJC since he was born, when his sibling was in Morah Debbie’s toddler
                                                        class. He is excited to finally turn 13 and become a bar mitzvah! Emme
                                                        is a Pokémon super-fan; he loves collec ng cards and playing both the
                                                        card game and Pokémon Go with his friends. He also enjoys reading,
                                                        swimming and hanging out with his friends and big sib.

                                                        For his chesed project, Emme donated 50 superhero backpacks to the
                                                        epilepsy monitoring unit at Komansky Children’s Hospital/NY-
                                                        Presbyterian Weill Cornell. Each backpack contained a stuffed Lyla Tov
                                                        Monster for the child and a $10 gi card to Au Bon Pain (which is located
                                                        in the lobby of the hospital) for the parents. He chose Lyla Tov Monsters
                                                        because the name means “good night” in Hebrew. He hopes his gi will
                                                        help the children and their families feel a li le less nervous and upset
                                                        about having to be in the hospital.

                                                                           FHJC Sisterhood Presents:
                                                                             The Day me Readers
                                                                                                       For people who love to
                                                                                                     read and talk about books.

                                                                                                       We will be discussing,
   Na onal Safety Council Defensive Driving Course                                                         Inheritance
    Sunday, January 19, 2020, 9 AM ‐ 3:30 PM / $45                                                       by Dani Shapiro
     This defensive driving course is a classroom-only course,
       no in-car instruc on and no exam. Sea ng is limited.                                             January 30, 1:30 PM
                                                                                                            Room 110
  Who is eligible?
 experienced drivers                                                                                        RSVP to
 youthful drivers                                                                                   sisterhood@ or
 assigned risks- reduc on in liability base rate regardless of                                         leave a note in the
     driving record                                                                                     Sisterhood mailbox
commercial vehicles- contact your insurance carrier to determine if
a discount will be provided. Although the discount is not required,                      SAVE ‐ THE ‐ DATE
improved driving performance may result in a reduc on greater                          Next book discussion is
than the 10% required by law.                                                               on March 19.
                                                                                         We will be reading
For more informa on or to pay by credit card, please call                          The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes

Barbara and Jerry Klibanoff ‐ in honor of Norman Gursen and
Erica Gursen's grandson, Gabriel's Bar Mitzvah                                  Refuah Shelemah ‫רפואה שלמה‬
Marian and Mar n Krasilovsky ‐ in gra tude to Dr. Mar n                                 a full and speedy recovery to
Topol for honors received
                                                                                    Allan Rolnick and Warren Wankoff
Monica and Ezra Lagnado ‐ in gra tude for honors given on
the occasion of Sharone Ka an and Jonah Chusid's aufruf
The following dona ons have been made in honor of Steven
                                                                                          Mazal Tov ‫מזל טוב‬
Goffner's chan ng of his ha orah on the 50th Anniversary of           …to those in our Center family who are celebra ng a simcha:
his Bar Mitzvah                                                    to Laura Marks Buchman & Jeremy and Maya Buchman on the
                Marian and Mar n Krasilovsky                        occasion of the Bar Mitzvah of their son and brother, Emme
                   Susan and Steve Krochak                               to Bernie Berko on the birth of his great grandchild,
Tikva, Zahava, Hanna, Dorothy Mahlab ‐ in celebra on of the                               Lyla Claire Berko
birth of Bernard Berko's great granddaughter,
Lyla Claire Berko                                                             Hamakom Y’nachem ‫המקום ינחם‬
Monica and Ezra Lagnado ‐ for honors given on the occasion of    …may God grant comfort and consola on to those who have lost
Sharone Ka an and Jonah Chusid's aufruf                                                 a loved one:
Naomi Baumgarten and Michael Landsman ‐ in memory of                     to Morah Haima Fried on the loss of her dear father
Morah Haima's father, Moshe                                         to Nursery School parent Jennie Herz on the loss of her dear
Lisl and Debbie Topper ‐ in memory of Ernie Topper                                             father
Anthony and George e Dankner ‐ in loving memory of his             to Roz Matzner on the loss of her dear brother, Larry Farkash
mother, Katharina Dankner                                            to Risa and Sharon Matzner on the loss of their dear uncle,
Anthony and George e Dankner ‐ in loving memory of her                                    Larry Farkash
father, Alex Verebes
                                                                              We mourn the loss of dear Center members
The following dona ons have been made in memory of Dr.
Gerald Steisel by:                                                      Stanley Sturm, Charlo e Hillburn, and Marius Iarovici
               Susie Spodek and Michael Turner
                   Carol and Robert Bernot                                        May their memories be for a blessing.

                   YOUTH ACTIVITIES FUND
Barbara Bernstein ‐ in honor of Erica Gursen's grandson,                                                      Saturday night
Gabriel's, Bar Mitzvah
The following dona ons have been made in honor of Norman                                                              February 8
Gursen's grandson, Gabriel's, Bar Mitzvah
                       Barbara Bernstein                                                                     Doors open at 7:00 PM
                  Rita and Michael Lieberman
Monica Lagnado ‐ in gra tude for honors received on Rosh
                                                                                                            Show starts at 7:30 PM
Hashanah                                                                                                         RSVP by January 24
Monica Lagnado ‐ with apprecia on to Norman Gursen for
honors receivd                                                                                              Music, Laughter, Games!
Pauline and Mark Raphael ‐ for the speedy and full recovery of
Warren Wankoff                                                                                                            BYOB!
Pauline and Mark Raphael ‐ in memory of Candice Koerner's                Enjoy friends and family stru ng their stuff on stage!
mother, Eileen Arons (50th yahrzeit)
Leonard, Diana, Ma hew, Amy, Ella and Lily Fogelman ‐ in         Name_______________________________________________
memory of father, grandfather and great grandfather
Philip Fogelman.                                                 Phone______________Email_____________________________

                       KIDDUSH FUND                              ____ # adult seats at $20 ea. = $____ enclosed with reserva on
Ezra Lagnado ‐ with apprecia on for an aliyah given at the
shloshim for Luce e Lagnado                                      ____ # children seats (Children under 12 are free)

                                                                 $____ enclosed with reserva on OR $____ to be billed.

                                                                 (*$25 per adult a er January 24.)

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 Forest Hills Jewish Center
 Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser Square                                                                              Periodicals
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 106‐06 Queens Boulevard
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 Forest Hills, NY 11375‐4248                                                                                   NY
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                                                                     MINYAN FELLOWSHIP
                                                                Maintaining a daily minyan is integral to life at the Forest Hills
                                                                                       Jewish Center.

                                                                  Pledge to join FHJC Minyan twice a month. Learn more at


                                                                 or contact David at minyan. for more info.

                   Kim F. Trigoboff
                      Attorney at Law
      Wills      Guardianships    Estate     Planning
Medicaid, Special Needs and Disability Planning
         Probate and Estate Administration
                                          Tel: (646) 308-1747
1140 Sixth Avenue, 9th Floor             Fax: (646) 308-1240
New York, NY 10036


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