GENDER EQUALITY IN ASIAN CORPORATE LEADERSHIP - Distant Dream Or Achievable Ideal? - insead

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GENDER EQUALITY IN ASIAN CORPORATE LEADERSHIP - Distant Dream Or Achievable Ideal? - insead

Distant Dream Or Achievable Ideal?

                                                  Supported by:
                                     MARCH 2018
GENDER EQUALITY IN ASIAN CORPORATE LEADERSHIP - Distant Dream Or Achievable Ideal? - insead

We would like to thank the forty-two men and women from the financial services and information technology firms across Asia Pacific who made time for in-depth
interviews that often went beyond the two hours originally requested. This research would not have been possible without their interest in the subject and desire to
share insights and recommendations to improve gender parity in Asian corporate leadership. These corporate leaders made an invaluable contribution to this paper and
are making important practical contributions towards the goal of gender parity in their respective organisations.

We also want to thank our sponsor, Deutsche Bank AG, who provided the financial resources to facilitate this study. A special note of thanks to Jeremy Broome, Yuvi
Bhasin and Hiu-Man Chan from Deutsche Bank; Professor Hui Hoon Tan from the Singapore Management University; Hazel Hamelin and Si Yi Ng from INSEAD; and
Siddharth Poddar; for their support.

The gender gap is real. But, what we also know is that the gender gap and wage inequality     Workplace gender parity seems to become increasingly elusive with every step up the
is not a constant and varies across industries and over time (e.g., Goldin and Katz,          Asian corporate ladder. Radical change is imperative, both because equal opportunity
2008)1. The report shows that while there is no single-item solution to the problem, a        across genders is morally appropriate and because the lack thereof depletes corporate
combination of changes in attitudes and policies in the workplace along with the forces       and national resources. The current pace of change is undeniably inadequate. Analysis
of economic and social change can play a significant role in alleviating these distortions.   of the efforts expended so far and their lacklustre results is best done in consultation
                                                                                              with the women and men at the centre of it all. They are best placed to define the next
V. (Paddy) Padmanabhan
The Unilever Chaired Professor of Marketing                                                   evolution of gender-related efforts for maximum impact.
Academic Director, Emerging Markets Institute                                                 Vinika D. Rao
                                                                                              Executive Director, INSEAD Emerging Markets Institute
GENDER EQUALITY IN ASIAN CORPORATE LEADERSHIP - Distant Dream Or Achievable Ideal? - insead


04   Introduction

07   Narrowing the gender gap in corporate leadership – why it matters

09   With whom do the answers lie?

11   What they told us

26   Emerging themes

29   The next evolution of leadership gender parity: What needs to change?

39   In conclusion

41   References
GENDER EQUALITY IN ASIAN CORPORATE LEADERSHIP - Distant Dream Or Achievable Ideal? - insead

GENDER EQUALITY IN ASIAN CORPORATE LEADERSHIP - Distant Dream Or Achievable Ideal? - insead

I mpressive strides in women’s             committees may not even reach 30
                                                                                       Fig. 1: Percentage     of women on company boards, by region-2017
empowerment in politics, business          percent by 2048.2
and society over the past half-
century     notwithstanding,      the      Large multinationals operating
uncomfortable reality is that gender       across the developed and emerging
equality is far from achieved.             world have initiated several
Underlining this disparity are the         measures to bridge gender disparity
recent disclosures of one of the           in corporate leadership. “It is essential
starkest examples of imbalance             to create a level playing field in order
between men and women in the               to foster a safe and inclusive working
workplace: the widespread existence        environment. Organisations need to
of sexual harassment and abuse of          ensure that they have policies in place
women by powerful men. As the              and a culture where employees feel
long overdue “Me-too” movement             empowered to bring their whole selves
gathers steam and more questions           to work. Making sure our employee
arise on how this issue could have         population is diverse significantly
continued unchallenged well into           helps in achieving this,” according to
the 21st century, one contributing         Alexander Prout, Head of Deutsche
factor that emerges is the relatively      Asset Management for Asia Pacific.                                                                   Source: Corporate Women Directors International5
low number of women in powerful,
decision making roles; women who           However,        most       companies
could’ve made a difference.                accept that results have not met
                                           expectations. Improvement has
In the business world, companies           been uneven and incremental, and
have been making a seemingly               failed to translate into substantially
determined push for greater                increased representation of women
female representation in senior            in senior leadership roles. The
management roles and on company            disparity is particularly pronounced
boards over this past decade, but          in Asia. According to a report by the
progress has been slow. In the             Corporate Women Directors, among
financial services sector, for instance,   the 1557 largest listed companies
female representation increased            across 20 Asian countries, women
from 18 to 20 percent in global            accounted for just 12.8 percent of
corporate board level positions and        board seats in 2016. This compares
from 14 percent to 16 percent at the       with 35.6 percent in Northern
executive committee level between          Europe, 23.6 percent in Western
2013 and 2016. At this rate, the
proportion of women on executive
                                                          “The most efficient way to reduce the inequalities would be to actually close the gender
                                           Europe and 20.9 percent in the US/
                                           Canada.3 (Fig. 1)
                                                          gap between men and women… Whether it is access to the labour market, whether it
“A decade of slow but steady progress on improving parity is access to finance, whether it’s the gender gap in terms of compensation, that would
between the sexes came to a halt in 2017, with the global achieve a lot in order to reduce inequalities. And that applies across the world.
gender gap widening for the first time since the World Economic
Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report was first published in 2006.”4                         IMF chief Christine Lagarde, addressing the issue of rising economic disparity at the opening of
                                                                                         the annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank’s annual meetings, in
         2017 Global Gender Gap Report, World Economic Forum                                                                                                              October 20176
GENDER EQUALITY IN ASIAN CORPORATE LEADERSHIP - Distant Dream Or Achievable Ideal? - insead

T  here are substantial differences       A 2016 study of 10 multinational
                                                                                    Fig. 2: Gender         Pyramid: Female representation in banks in Singapore
within the Asia Pacific region.           banks in Singapore by INSEAD and
Australia and New Zealand lead with       the Financial Women’s Association
female board representation rates         in 2016 provided an example of this
of 27.4 percent and 21.7 percent          gender pyramid. Women made up 67
respectively. At the other end of         percent of their workforce in entry
the spectrum, Taiwan, Japan and           level roles falling to just 20 percent
South Korea perform particularly          at managing director level.10 (Fig. 2).
poorly, with the share of female
representation on company boards          A combination of the so-called
at just 7.7 percent, 6.9 percent and      glass ceiling11, sticky floor12,
2.4 percent respectively.7 Asia’s         and all manner of biases13 has
huge diversity in terms of culture,       been explored by academics and
definitions of gender roles and           practitioners alike as possible
societal expectations of women            causes for this phenomenon. The
influence these variations. But lack      slow pace of progress in removing
of gender parity in leadership roles is   inequities   despite     corporate
                                                                                                          Source: Women in Financial Services: Study by INSEAD and the Financial Women’s Association (2016)
common to all its main economies,         efforts to correct the imbalance
be they developed or developing. In       is beginning to lead to “gender
most of these nations, the higher         fatigue”.14
the corporate position, the lower the                                               achieving it ensure that their policies   the non-profit sector 57 percent,        terms of their performance on
number of women incumbents.               A meta-analysis by Joshi et all of        and actions are effective? In this        and media/ communications 50             gender issues. The bigger players
                                          academic articles on the subject          whitepaper, we attempt a clearer          percent, the number stands at just       in the financial services sector have
Worldwide, more women are                 published in the Academy of               understanding from the perspective        41 percent in finance and 27 percent     largely acknowledged the need for
entering the workforce, and the           Management Journal revealed, “a           of the women themselves, as well          in the software and IT services          change18 and are leading the march
ratio of female to male labour force      shared sense among researchers            as from the standpoint of their           sectors,according to the World           towards greater gender parity in
participation rates has increased         and managers that their considerable      employers and supervisors who             Economic Forum’s 2017 gender gap         the corporate workplace, especially
substantially in recent decades.8         energies in conducting research           will be instrumental in making the        report.16 Likewise, women are poorly     regarding wage gaps and leadership.
However, with every step up the           or developing inclusive workplace         requisite changes.                        represented in leadership roles in       And both the established names and
corporate ladder, the percentage          practices have not led to progress in                                               these sectors. In the decade leading     the new entrants in the technology
of women declines considerably.           the workplace.”15                         We focus on Asia’s Financial              to 2017, the hiring of female talent     sector are challenging the view
This is particularly obvious at                                                     Services      and       Information       in leadership roles in the finance and   that IT has traditionally been
board levels, in spite of the now         What, then, is the next evolution in      Technology sectors which have             technology sectors has increased by      discriminatory towards women19,
generally accepted contention that        the effort towards gender equality        among the lowest shares of                a mere 2 percent and 3.7 percent         and are taking concrete steps
gender diversity in the boardroom         in the higher echelons of Asian           female employment globally. While         respectively.17                          towards positive change. As such,
positively    impacts     corporate       corporate leadership? How can             women’s share of employment in                                                     Finance and Information Technology
performance. 9                            organisations that are committed to       the healthcare sector is 61 percent,      Both these sectors have been             present interesting examples of two
                                                                                                                              in the limelight in recent years in      different industry sectors that are
                                                                                                                                                                       seeking to change the status quo.
GENDER EQUALITY IN ASIAN CORPORATE LEADERSHIP - Distant Dream Or Achievable Ideal? - insead

Closing the gender gap in corporate leadership – why it matters.
GENDER EQUALITY IN ASIAN CORPORATE LEADERSHIP - Distant Dream Or Achievable Ideal? - insead

Gender disparity in the corporate      with 7.4 percent of companies           of knowledge accumulated through
workspace has implications for         that did not.”23 A 2017 McKinsey &      work experience and training, with
individuals, businesses and nations    Company report found that in Asia,      them. This depletion of corporate
which make the need for action a       companies with higher women’s           resources is particularly wasteful as
priority. At the most fundamental      representation on the executive         many women leave just when they
level, removing inequality of any      committees outperformed others by       are at their most valuable.
nature is imperative because it        44 percent on ROE and 117 percent
is morally appropriate to do so.       on earnings before interest and         With the world’s economic
While this may not be the most         taxes margins. 24                       centre of gravity moving steadily
pressing reason from a business                                                eastwards,26 this is especially
standpoint, much research has          If impact on the bottom line is         important when it comes to the
been done on the negative impact       insufficient reason for fast and        war for qualified leadership talent
of gender disparity on performance     furious action on leadership gender     in Asia.
and profitability at companies20.      diversity by large corporations, the
Greater leadership diversity on all    danger of losing the talent war         Asian companies must find ways
dimensions,21 and specifically along   certainly is.                           to ensure that a greater proportion
the gender dimension, has been                                                 of their young female employees
shown to positively impact corporate   Companies risk missing out on           stay on long enough to become
performance.22                         half the available talent pool25        part of their leadership pipeline and
                                       and losing the best and brightest       crack the so-called glass ceiling27
A 2015 study on female                 women to start ups or enlightened       to ultimately take on influential
representation in companies in         competitors. And when inadequate        positions. For this to happen, Asia
the MSCI World Index found that        potential for advancement and           needs to create a level playing-field   “If these obstacles [challenges for women in the
companies with strong female           development makes women leave           for its female workers.                 workplace] persist, we will squander the potential of
leadership generated a return on       the company at the higher rungs of
equity of 10.1 percent as compared     the corporate ladder, they take years                                           many of our citizens and incur a substantial loss to the
                                                                                                                       productive capacity of our economy at a time when
                                                                                                                       the aging of the population and weak productivity
                                                                                                                       growth are already weighing on economic growth.”
                                                                                                                                                                        Janet Yellen
                                                                                                                                  Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
                                                                                                                                                                            May 201728
GENDER EQUALITY IN ASIAN CORPORATE LEADERSHIP - Distant Dream Or Achievable Ideal? - insead

With whom do the answers lie?
GENDER EQUALITY IN ASIAN CORPORATE LEADERSHIP - Distant Dream Or Achievable Ideal? - insead

This whitepaper seeks to explain why the number of women                           Our interviewees cover three broad segments:
managers tapers off as they ascend the Asian corporate ladder,
why the changes introduced so far have failed to connect with the

women they are aimed at, which gender initiatives introduced in
Asia’s banking and technology sectors in recent years have had
the most impact, and what can be done differently to bridge the
                                                                                   Women in senior leadership positions:
                                                                                   Professionals who have moved up the ranks in their respective careers to assume senior roles, often
gap at an increased pace. We analyse 42 in-depth interviews with                   despite unfavourable odds. They provide insights on what aided or impeded their progress up the
professionals in Asia’s financial services and technology industries,              corporate ladder.
backed by detailed review of extant academic and practitioner
research on the subject.

                                                                         02        Women in mid-level roles:
                                                                                   Relatively junior managers, at an earlier stage in their careers but on the high potential leadership track,
                                                                                   currently facing the critical personal and professional challenges that lead so many women to opt out of
                                                                                   the corporate race. They offer a different perspective on workplace enablers and barriers.

                                                                         03         Male advocates for change:
                                                                                    Senior male professionals at the forefront of driving gender change in leadership in their respective
                                                                                    organisations. Identified as ‘champions’ by their female colleagues, they provide a unique perspective on
                                                                                    why they advocate for female leadership, and make recommendations from the male viewpoint.

                                                                        The issue of gender disparity in corporate leadership is not a problem that will be solved
                                                                        by women for women. It is an organisational limitation that needs to be countered by all
                                                                        genders, levels and departments where the imbalance currently exists.

                                                                        Accordingly, this sample of interviewees across the three different categories of corporate professionals provides an
                                                                        appropriate mix of insights into the subject.

What they told us

KEY FINDINGS                        1. Gender disparity is still a workplace reality in Asia, but hope is at hand
1. Gender disparity – still an
Asian workplace reality
                                   While gender parity is yet to be achieved in the Asian workplace of the 21 century, all the multinational organisations represented in our sample are making

                                   a concerted effort to address this issue. One beacon of hope is the fact that they all, without exception, acknowledge the need for equal representation of
                                   women in senior management and board positions, as a necessary part - and perhaps precursor to - achieving overall organisational gender equality. Another
2. Gender discrimination in Asia   is that human resources departments and specialised Diversity & Inclusion officials have committed significant resources to evaluating and improving existing
- mostly unconscious               policies and introducing new ones for this purpose.29

3. Asia’s diversity - merits       However, our findings reveal that for most companies, the intended effects have not transpired. 86 percent of respondents in the study (women and men),
customization                      believe that gender discrimination is still prevalent in the Asian corporate workplace in general; 74 percent believe this continues to remain a problem in their
4. Work & family pressures -       Yet, only 40 percent believe that gender-based discrimination is a reality in their own companies. This may be testimony to the efforts they see being taken by
higher for women                   their HR departments and corporate leaders. (Fig.3). But could the fact that many people do not regard gender-based discrimination as a reality in their own
                                   companies be responsible for not enough being done to address the issue? Alternatively, could this be a sign that positive change is happening across the
5. Impact of technology –          region, but individuals are only aware of what is happening in their companies?
flexibility matters

                                                            Fig. 3: Most        believe their companies are better than the rest
6. Leader - manager
relationship – trust empowers

7. Training & development –                            Do you think that gender-based discrimination against women is a reality:
moving beyond the checklist

8. Women’s networks –
countering old boys’ networks

9. Imposing quotas – necessary
evil but not sustainable in the
long term

10. Culture of change – required
at all levels

11. Male advocates – emerging
game changers

                                                                               Fig. 5: Common              examples of unconscious bias
2. Gender discrimination in Asia is mostly unconscious.
Discrimination     can take various
                                                                               Inappropriate humour/
                                                                               sexist language
                                                                                                           Talking over/
                                                                                                           interrupting/ talking only
                                                                                                                                         Starting every meeting with
                                                                                                                                         a discussion of sports
forms. At the most basic level, a                                                                          to other men
distinction can be made between
                                        Fig. 4: Gender   discrimination is:
discrimination which is conscious
and intentional, and that which
is unconscious and hence not
intentioned. Three out of four         (Based on male and female responses).   Assumptions about           Belief that single women      Fixing important networking
women in this study said they have                                             mobility - “I saved you     have nothing to do and        / client facing events after-
faced unconscious discrimination                                               from that job because       can work on weekends          hours when women with
                                                                               it will require too much                                  young children are unable
in the Asian workplace, with the
                                                                               travel”                                                   to attend
numbers going down to two out
of four for conscious/ intentional
discrimination. (Fig. 4)                                                       “Unwanted well-wisher       Assumptions about             Assumptions about suitable
                                                                               syndrome”: trying to        maternity – “Now that         functions – “It is definitely
                                                                               “protect” women from        you have kids, you won’t      more difficult for women to
This is likely to be because most
                                                                               hardships                   be able to work long          be on the trading floor.”
organisations have introduced zero                                                                         hours” OR “I’m only
tolerance of overt discrimination.                                                                         trying to do what is best
Much of the discrimination women                                                                           for women who have
face in the Asian workplace is not                                                                         families.”
practiced consciously.      However,
unconscious bias, or ‘second-                                                  In appraisals:              Assumptions about             Setting unrealistic
                                                                               disproportionate feedback   a lack of long-term           expectations: when looking
generation gender bias’,30 can lead
                                                                               on personality rather       commitment after              for Board members,
to un-intentional discrimination,                                              than performance;           marriage: “A venture          requirements like - ‘Must
which is more dangerous because                                                unwarranted comments        capitalist I was discussing   have been a CEO and must
it is hidden. The perpetrator and                                              on dress and grooming;      funding with said they        have had corporate level
sometimes even the victim may be                                               use of words like           had to include a clawback     P&L responsibility’, which
unaware of its impact in undermining                                           ‘combative’ for women       clause in case I got          disqualify most women
careers. Many companies have                                                   who hold their ground.      married and my husband        automatically because there
introduced training for all genders                                                                        didn’t allow me to work.      are so few female CEOs.
for countering unconscious bias and                                                                        Can’t imagine them
sexism but clearly, more needs to be                                                                       imposing this clause on
done. When asked how unconscious
sexism translated in the workplace,                                            Men tend to socialise       Women are constantly          Expecting women to do the
some examples were commonly                                                    more with other men,        asked about how they          office ‘housework’.
cited by respondents. (Fig. 5)                                                 thereby perpetuating the    will manage to balance
                                                                               old boys’ network           family-work, men not so

Owning up to                               3. Asia: Too diverse to generalise
Two in three men and half the              When        strategizing for gender          of providing childcare support. The   Cultural stereotypes34 play a huge           Aliza Knox, head of Asia at Cloudfare
women interviewed admitted to              parity it’s important to keep in mind        respective environments in terms      role in defining people’s biases. In         and previously COO of Unlocked and
having exhibited unconscious bias          the local (national) differences in          of physical safety and affordable     the words of one of our female               APAC VP at Twitter, said, “Unconscious
against female colleagues. Training        societal definitions of gender roles         child care also come into play. In    interviewees, “If you perceive work as       bias - stemming from one’s background
and     heightened       organizational
awareness has made them realize            and relations.32 Home to countries           some Asian cultures, according        an obligation and not as an opportunity,     and personal experience- remains
this now. Many attributed this to          at different levels of economic              to Ritu Anand, Deputy Head of         it impacts your thinking. A senior leader    an important issue for companies to
what has been referred to as the           development and with rich socio-             Global Human Resources at Tata        in Indonesia told me - it’s up to my wife,   tackle. All of us, including women, are
‘sexual division of labour and gender      cultural underpinnings, Asia is a            Consultancy Services, “Women have     if she doesn’t want to work, she doesn’t     subject to unconscious bias. In multi-
hierarchy of society’,31 meaning           melting pot. These differences are           been conditioned not to aspire.”      have to, I’m happy for her to have more      cultural hubs, like Singapore, this is an
societal role definitions in most Asian    exacerbated when one considers the                                                 freedom.”                                    especially complex area to resolve.”
cultures where men and women               different regulatory landscapes and
have traditionally had distinct roles
                                           government initiatives in this area.33
and responsibilities. “It’s about social
conditioning, how society sees the role    According to our interviewees, all
of women and how that spills over          of whom have held regional roles
into the workplace,” explained Hari        that span Asia-Pacific, the lowest
V Krishnan, CEO at PropertyGuru            degree of gender discrimination was
Group.                                     experienced in Australia, Singapore
                                           and Hong Kong. At the other end
And it’s not just the men who’ve           of the spectrum were Japan, South
been guilty of unconscious bias
against women, women admitted              Korea and India, where gender
to having been biased against other        discrimination in the corporate
women too. Often this bias resulted        workplace was considered to be
in women bosses being tougher              relatively high.
on female subordinates, more
demanding in terms of performance,         A senior woman leader with years of
and less flexible in terms of work-        pan-Asian experience in the IT sector
life balance. One respondent, who
expressed a preference for male            pointed out the different barriers
bosses, said “Female bosses always         to gender parity in different Asian
have much higher expectations of           countries. In India, for instance, it is
female subordinates as they have come      “largely okay for women to go out and
up the tough track and expect other        do cool stuff until they get married; and
women to do the same”. Another said,       after that they are expected to prioritize
“I have not had a good experience with     the home”. In the Philippines, parents-
female bosses. One of them objected
                                           in-law can have a negative impact in
to my losing 15 minutes during work
hours to pump breast milk, and she         terms of imposing boundaries on
was a mother herself!”                     women and a positive one in terms

Different strokes for impact
                                                                                    Fig. 6: Nine
                                                                                              in 10 respondents believe global/ regional policies
While seemingly obvious, Asia’s           are 470 childcare centres in private
diversity is often ignored in HR          and government offices, has seen           alone are not sufficient to address gender disparity in Asia
practices. Many large companies           an increase of 80 percent over the
seem to adopt a global or regional        past five years. In countries where
approach to policies that have a          the extended family traditionally
gender dimension such as maternity        provides childcare, it was considered                     What level of customisation is required for
leave, on-site child care, and flexible   less important.
work arrangements. Yet when
                                                                                                   gender-based initiatives to be really useful?
asked what level of customisation is      In addition to the bigger differences
required in such policies, 88 percent     in culture and attitudes, these
of respondents said that “global          seemingly smaller factors also play
minimums with local customisation”        a part in shaping gender dynamics
or “customised national level             at a local level. Keeping this in mind,
policies” would be most useful.35(Fig.    while companies can use their global
6)                                        or pan-regional gender diversity
                                          and inclusion policies and initiatives
To illustrate, one CEO talked about       as basic frameworks36 in various
the difficulty of providing uniform       Asian markets, it is imperative
‘work from home’ opportunities            to understand the underlying
throughout the Asia Pacific region. To    issues unique to each of these
remove any stigma associated with         markets. Without this, even their
availing of this benefit, he decided      best intentions in providing quality
to mandate at least one day of            practices to support women may
working from home. This made him          have inadequate impact if they
very popular in India and Indonesia       don’t fit what women really need
where travel time is tremendous,          in specific markets. One instance
but not so in Japan where homes           where companies have had positive
are small and have limited space to       results through localization is in the
integrate an office. In some Asian        introduction of policies designed to
nations, permitting babies in the         improve the physical safety of their
workplace was most important to           employees.
responders. Singapore, where there

4. Work-family pressures and some unchanged societal expectations
O   ne instance of variation across                                          to be continually switched on both
different Asian countries is in terms                                        at home and at work. Putting himself
of the balancing act expected from                                           in a woman’s shoes provides a fresh
women between work and family.                                               perspective: “I’ve had to be ‘Mr. Mom’
Confucian philosophy prescribes                                              when my wife travels on work, which
three roles of obedience for women,                                          made me understand how tough it
duties ‘to her father as a daughter,                                         really is.” According to a young female
her husband as a wife and her sons in                                        banker, “Women, especially in Asia,
widowhood’.37 Even in modern, fast-                                          have greater responsibilities towards
growing Asia today, in some cultures,                                        the family. The career versus family
a woman’s primary responsibility is                                          decision still puts women on the spot.”
still assumed to be to her family in
the home rather than to her work,                                            What has changed is the expectation
and if the two come into conflict,                                           from women now that their male
her role at home must therefore                                              colleagues know and acknowledge the
take precedence. So, for women                                               challenges they face with balancing
entering the formal workforce, the                                           work and family. It’s no longer okay to
burden of achieving work-family                                              expect that professionals don’t bring
balance falls squarely on them.                                              their personal problems to work –
Many of these attitudes remain                                               with women, sometimes, that’s not
embedded, and difficult to change.                                           a matter of choice. One male leader
Bosses, both male and female, may                                            said: “Once you acknowledge the issue
unconsciously expect women to have                                           and provide some flexibility, women
more family-work conflict leading                                            don’t actually ask for more. And they
to negative consequences on their                                            are quite aware when they get some
performance.38                                                               help – they acknowledge it with
                                                                             gratitude and remember the people
Pankaj Narayan, VP Partners APJ at                                           who provided it.”
Citrix, recognized that women need

Marriage and maternity: Unsurmountable retention challenge or missed opportunity?
From our conversations, maternity         Women respondents described how         We did find encouraging progress
emerges as the most crucial stage         feelings of unfairness or inadequacy    in the domain of gender-neutral
in a woman’s personal life in terms       arose when they returned after          parental leave policies. Twitter,
of its impact on her professional life    maternity leave. Unfairness, if they    for instance, has a very generous
and career.39 Marriage introduces         felt that their careers have received   parental leave of 20 weeks. Since
some changes but not as critical          a setback while they were away and      2016, in Asia, Deutsche Bank
as maternity. It’s important to note      inadequacy if things have changed       provides parental leave to the
that the impact on their professional     significantly since they were gone      primary caregiver, irrespective of
lives is not because of any decreased     and they had not been trained           whether it is the mother or the father
commitment towards work by the            to understand and adapt to the          of the child. This revised regional
women themselves. Unconscious             changes.                                policy is designed to encourage
biases related to maternity still                                                 more fathers to take an active role
abound including the stereotype that      “Women are invariably trying so         in caring for their new born or newly
a woman who plans to have children        hard and questioning their choice to    adopted child, and it also gives new
is not going to as serious about          come back to work all the time [after   mothers flexibility and choice to
pursuing a long-term career. Earlier      maternity leave],” noted Maya Hari,     manage family and career with the
research has found the incidence          Managing Director, Asia Pacific at      support of their partner.
of the so-called ‘motherhood wage         Twitter. Hari added that leadership
penalty’, with mothers earning less       and company culture are very            Such policies recognise that
than other women in similar roles.40      important in determining how            employees need to balance work
                                          comfortable women are in returning      with family. And as women take
Maternity-related discrimination          to work and resuming their roles        on more senior roles, their work
can be disturbingly direct even           after they have given birth.            responsibilities increase, often just
today.                                                                            at the time when their personal
                                          How an organization welcomes            lives are getting more complex
“During interviews, I have had people     back and handles post-maternity         due to the demands of growing
openly asking me when I plan to have      re-induction is perhaps the most        families. Organisations that take the
a baby. And they justify the question     crucial aspect, still seemingly         right steps at this crucial stage will
by stating the assumption that I won’t    neglected and thus a key area           not only overcome the maternity
be able to take a role that involves      of improvement for many Asian           challenge but perhaps even be able
travel,” one senior female leader said.   companies.                              to turn it into their key retention tool.

5. Technology as a game changer: Flexibility and the future of work
O   ne positive development that                                                 Most companies have introduced
can potentially alleviate some of                                                policies that allow working mothers,
the pressures women face with                                                    fathers and often all personnel
their dual responsibilities is the                                               to work from home when their
impact of technology on the future                                               personal commitments require it.
of work. Eight-six percent of the                                                Narayan of Citrix felt that it pays
participants in this study are of the                                            to “allow flexibility of hours and
view that technology has changed                                                 location and accept some intertwining
the work environment and situation                                               of personal life with the work life”.
for women, and every one of them                                                 Some responders cautioned about
says that the change has been for                                                the ‘hidden consequences’ and
the better. This is mainly due to the                                            ‘stigma’ associated with working
perceived increase in the flexibility of                                         from home. Others indicated that
work time and location,41 which 100                                              they had effectively countered this
percent of the respondents agree                                                 by taking measures like requiring all
will have an impact on increasing                                                employees to necessarily ‘work from
the participation of women at                                                    home’ at least one day a week, hot
organisational leadership roles in                                               desking, or having company leaders
Asia. 95 percent held the view that it                                           set an example by working remotely.
is “very important” in keeping women
in the workforce long enough to take
on senior roles.

6. A question of trust
W   ith trust comes empowerment,                               their direct bosses and supervisors,
as it leads to female leaders being                            spoke        about        international
given the same opportunities                                   assignments made available when
as their male colleagues. The                                  their personal lives allowed it;
relationship between the leader                                functional changes made to move
and the employee42 emerges as                                  them from support areas to revenue
an important theme. Most women                                 generating ones; flexibility of time
expressed the view that supervisors                            and location provided; and perhaps
have played an important role in                               most importantly, confidence placed
the progression of their careers by                            in their capabilities and commitment
placing their trust and confidence in                          to the organisation.
them, becoming informal mentors
and active sponsors in the process.                            According to Nainesh Jaisingh,
This went a long way to countering                             Global Head - Principal Finance
any discrimination they had                                    at Standard Chartered Bank, “The
encountered, and motivated them                                women I’ve worked with have all been
to stay and take on more challenging                           eager to prove themselves, much more
roles.                                                         objective, and able to read people
                                                               and situations better than most men.
Trust came from a boss providing                               Their focus was on their performance
support in a hostile environment;                              – and this is exactly what is needed”.
taking a risk in promoting a young                             Several women cited examples
female employee when others                                    of supervisors, especially men,
thought she was not ready; or                                  pushing them to take on roles that
simply taking the time to talk about                           they themselves felt unready for.
their careers and offer related                                “Women need to be sure that we cover
advice. Almost all the organisations                           all the bases before we say yes to a
represented had some form of                                   promotion, my boss showed me this
formal mentorship programmes, but                              wasn’t always necessary,” said one
there were mixed views on whether                              interviewee.
these worked. Agreeing that “women
are often over-mentored and                                    Ninety-five percent of the female
under-sponsored”,43 one younger                                interviewees mentioned their current
interviewee who is on the leadership                           or former managers as positive
track in her company attributed this                           enablers in their careers. Whether
to a lack of clarity over what needs to                        they were successful C-suite
be done for the mentee, adding that                            managers or younger managers
sometimes, it served only as a “box-                           identified as future entrants to the
ticking exercise”.                                             leadership pool, all stated this as
                                                               one of the main reasons for their
Women who had benefitted from                                  success.
active sponsorship, especially from

7. Training & development: ticking the box or real impact?
O  ne line of questioning in this       children in their lives. “Men tended to       managerial journey was leadership
research was about the training and     accept the move, which was frequently         development training and career
development needs that women felt       a promotion, on the spot, and only            planning advice.
they had at different stages in their   subsequently worked through the
career,44 which were sometimes          implications of the international move        Responders also expressed the                Fig. 7: Do
                                                                                                                                            you think people can be
different from those of their male      on their lives, family, kids, wife, parents   strong view that training and
colleagues.45 We explored whether       and      hobbies. Female employees            development programmes should               trained to avoid unconscious bias?
companies were identifying and          usually started to think about the            not be mere checklist exercises. For
meeting these needs.46 In describing    lifestyle challenges before accepting         example, one interviewee said that
the kind of early learning that was     the new role. They wanted to make             many companies she worked with
most impactful for how their careers    sure that the posting abroad could be         provided generalised training, but
progressed, a majority of both men      handled within their private as well          “they don’t try to identify your specific
and women spoke about on-the-job        as professional life”. He went on, “It        needs and train accordingly”.
training with a developmentally-        is not farfetched to assume that the
minded      supervisor;    rotational
training across functions; and
                                        direct bosses of the staff being sent
                                        abroad tended to find the strong and          Making the
international exposure with the
cultural sensitivity and broader
                                        upfront commitment of the male
                                        employee an indication of confidence          unconscious…
awareness that it creates.              and commitment while they viewed
                                        the reaction of female employees as an        conscious
Women mentioned that ‘early’            indication of lack of self-confidence and
international exposure, when they       interest in the position.”                    One area where we found that
could travel or move locations                                                        training is definitely considered
unfettered by family concerns,          As a result, his firm found that              useful is in countering unconscious
had a positive effect on how their      they did not send sufficient senior           gender discrimination. 93 percent of
careers progressed.                     women abroad, which hampered                  all respondents believed that people
                                        their progress to the next managerial         could be trained to become more
Boris Liedtke, Distinguished Fellow     level. For the women who did take             aware, hence mitigating this problem.
at the INSEAD Emerging Markets          up the offer to go abroad, the firm           (Fig. 7) But they also agreed that
Institute and former CEO of a large     found that the relocations were very          one-time training for unconscious
asset management firm, provided         successful.                                   bias training is insufficient, repetition
an interesting insight into how men                                                   is key, as one senior banker affirmed,
and women in his team reacted to        What both men and women                       “One vaccination with on-boarding
the possibility of an international     wanted but generally did not                  training is not enough; several booster
move once they had spouses and          receive in the early stages of their          shots are required.”

Gender specificity in training
                                                                                   Fig. 8: Single   gender or mixed: what works in training?
One trend that’s been noticed in        addressing unconscious bias—
organisational training practices is    should they be mixed gender, men-
the inclusion of ‘women only training   only or women-only, the views
programmes’47 designed variously        diverged greatly. About half of the
to improve the leadership abilities,    respondents felt that single-gender
communication, assertiveness and        sensitivity training programmes are              Do you think men-only gender sensitivity training
self-confidence of female managers.     not particularly useful for greater                          programmes are useful?
But when asked if they thought          inclusivity in leadership – largely
these programmes were useful, the       because these programmes do not
women were unsure. A majority felt      mirror real life situations which are
that that programmes had been           always mixed-gender. “I’d advocate
useful primarily because of the         for training for men and women
support networks and connections        together rather than to segregate,” said
that they were able to develop with     Bjorn Engelhardt, Vice President—
other women.                            Asia Pacific & Japan, Riverbed
                                        Technology. In this way, men and
“It really helped to share stories of   women can participate together,
the challenges we faced, to know that   interact, open up and learn from
we were not alone, and that others      each other.
had faced the same challenges and                                                  Do you think women-only training programmes are useful?
overcome them to rise to C-suite        50 percent of respondents believed
levels,” said one of the leadership     that men-only gender sensitivity
pipeline contenders in our sample.      training programmes would be
Most women were less impressed          useful and 38 percent believed that
by the content of the programmes        women-only programmes would
and could hardly remember what          be beneficial in addressing gender-
they were about. Clearly, more          based discrimination. Analysed by
thought needs to go into the specific   gender, men were more likely to see
needs these programmes are being        benefit in both women-only training
designed for, and whether they are in   programmes and men-only gender
fact being addressed.                   sensitization programmes. (Fig. 8)

When asked what kind of training
programmes are best suited for

According to Jeremy Broome,
Head of HR - APAC at Deutsche
Bank, while women-only training
                                           8. Women’s Networks: Countering Facilitate networks to overcome
programmes could be beneficial, “My        the Old Boys’ Clubs             gender-based inequalities
main concern about it is essentially
saying to those women that in order        B  y enlarging women’s networks        they became well established, they      For most of the men and women            she needed to “do karaoke” in order
to succeed in this male-dominated          as discussed in the earlier section,   actively invited men to participate,    interviewed, networking played an        to build relationships, and in the
environment, you have to change the        single gender programmes may           listen, and be heard.                   important role in career progression.    process, had “to see married men do
way you operate in order to adapt”. He     perform an important function that                                             Most of them spoke about                 things that they are not supposed to
continued, “Moreover, they diminish        companies have sought to fulfil        Christine Lam, CEO of Citi in China,    consciously doing more networking        do”. She has also been subjected to
men’s responsibility by allowing men,      by setting up various women’s          noted: “We are preaching to the         later in their careers once they         sexist remarks in the process.
who are largely responsible for the        networks, clubs and support groups.    choir if we keep telling each other     realized its importance, especially
state of affairs today, to get away from   Women generally found these useful     that we are good enough. Involve        if they hadn’t done enough earlier.      As bosses are becoming more
important conversations.”                  to counterbalance exclusionary         men - don’t do women-only stuff.        However, many of the women had           aware of this, some are consciously
                                           men’s groups48 (formed over post-      You are excluding diversity when you    encountered difficulty in building       creating more equal networking
A greater number of respondents            office drinks for instance), and to    do that.” The consensus view was        informal networks with men as            opportunities. For instance, one male
believed that men-only training            find female role models as well as     that men cannot be excluded from        networking happened at times and         leader said he had shifted all informal
programmes could be useful to              active sponsors who were actively      conversations       about   women’s     locations that didn’t feel comfortable   networking to lunchtime. Another
create awareness and reduce                interested in helping them succeed.    equality if effective change is to be   to them.                                 senior male executive described his
unconscious bias, especially early         One common trend among such            brought about.                                                                   efforts to create an opportunity for
on in their careers. For example, one      women’s networks was that as                                                   They     mentioned      having    to     a junior woman on his team, along
female IT leader said that men-only                                                                                       participate in activities or being       with the company’s HR department:
programmes would be a good thing                                                                                          exposed to behaviours that may           “I was always cognizant of making
because “the only thing missing in the                                                                                    be acceptable to men, but make           the female employee felt included—
communication about women is men”.                                                                                        women uncomfortable. Out-of-             in things such as conversations and
Other participants took the view                                                                                          office opportunities that allow for      social events. However, it was a fine
that men-only training programmes                                                                                         relationship-building are often less     line as I didn’t want it to seem like
could help individuals increase their                                                                                     comfortable for women if they            she’s the chosen one.” He talked about
self-awareness without fear of                                                                                            happen over dinner, for instance,        pushing for team activities that were
embarrassment. One male IT leader                                                                                         as this cuts into family time. One       inclusive, “cooking rather than paint
saw men-only programmes as a                                                                                              female respondent spoke about how        ball; lunches rather than team dinners.”
“must for the sensitisation of males”.

9. To reserve or not to reserve                                                         Fig. 9: 75   % of women respondents believe gender quotas are
I mposing quotas to address               syndrome among women, making                                required; 44 % of male respondents agree.
underrepresentation of any kind           them unable to internalise their
in the workplace has always been          achievements and instead feeling
contentious.49 This is also true          that they owed their position and            How do you feel about quotas/reservations for women in companies?
of quotas imposed in terms of             success to factors other than their
minimum numbers of women                  own capabilities.
required in senior management or
on boards, as evident from our study.     Where does one stop using
About 40 percent of interviewees          quotas, asked Bjorn Engelhardt
consider them ‘undesirable’, a similar    from Riverbed Technology - and
number believe they are ‘desirable’,      should they be used to increase the
and the remainder consider them           participation rates of all minority
to be a ‘necessary evil’ because the      groups? He was also not alone in
needle towards parity has moved so        cautioning that even the successful
slowly.                                   implementation of quotas would
                                          only “help the stats but not the
Analysed by gender, the numbers           ultimate reality, equality and inclusion
show that women are more in               that we’re going for”.
favour of quotas than men. As many                                                   positions based on merit and          have led to 94 percent of the women    leadership. Even those in favour
as 75% percent of women think             Recognizing the problem of gender          performance alone. One in four        interviewed changing their minds on    feel that they must be carefully
that under current circumstances,         disparity at higher managerial and         women respondents expressed           the issue of quotas as they became     managed, with a clear time limit,
quotas are either desirable or at         supervisorial levels, those opposed        reservations about quotas too, and    more senior and increasingly aware     and preferably at Board level only.
least a necessary evil required to        to quotas suggested that companies         largely similar reasons as the men.   of the underrepresentation of          All interviewees agree that quotas
correct a significant imbalance,          should set firm targets rather than        A senior woman banker said that       women in higher positions. Most        alone cannot bring about real
while a little over 44 % percent of       impose quotas. But the contrarian          while she understood the need for     of the men who were in favour of       change.
men think this way. (Fig. 9)              view to this was that targets that are     quotas under current circumstances,   quotas also mentioned that their
                                          firmly enforced are just a euphemism       she was uncomfortable with            opinions revised similarly when they   “That will require a change in the
Hari V. Krishnan of PropertyGuru          for quotas, while targets that are         the perception of women being         saw the lack of change from other      very culture of a corporation, led by
explained that “Quotas create a           not firmly enforced have largely           promoted primarily because of         measures.                              its leaders and determinedly spread
negative cycle. Men feel cheated. High-   been found to be ineffective.              gender.                                                                      throughout the company”, according
performing women don’t want to feel                                                                                        There is near unanimity in the         to Nick Waters, CEO Asia Pacific at
that they got there because of quotas-    Many women also believe that the           This concern notwithstanding, the     view that quotas are not a panacea     Dentsu Aegis Network.
so they destroy self-confidence.”         presence of quotas can undermine           extent of the problem and the fact    and cannot offer a long-term
Others were concerned that quotas         the achievements of hardworking            that other measures, including        sustainable solution to the problem
could propagate the ‘impostor’            women who make it to senior                targets, have clearly not worked,     of gender disparity in corporate

10. Creating a culture of change                                                      11. The game-changers: Senior male advocates
“It is the culture of the firm to develop   societal norms of the specific country    L  eadership      commitment        is   working extra hard to keep it and         champions in the workplace but
a diverse leadership,” explained            that a company is operating in.           necessary to change organisational       gladly acknowledge men’s roles in         also at home.
Caroline Dunne, Head of Employee                                                      culture and leadership in most           facilitating their careers. This is not
Relations-APAC at Goldman Sachs,            In some instances, there may be           corporations is primarily male today.    to say that the women feel they           Supportive husbands are the most
adding that her organisation has a          a need to counterbalance cultural         A prominent theme that emerged           would not have managed without            common in the latter category,
“huge focus on developing women and         stereotypes through organisational        from this study was the important        the men, but more that having this        followed by friends and fathers, who
building a pipeline of women leaders.       policies, allowing the interplay          role that men have to play as            advocacy levelled the playing field       help to balance the dual pressures
It’s not just a narrative, there are        of organisational and societal            advocates and enablers of change         somewhat, putting them at par with        faced by women. Judging from the
specific programmes and training for        cultures to move the needle in the        if gender discrimination in corporate    their male colleagues.                    women’s descriptions, the best
this.”                                      right direction.                          leadership is to be eliminated.                                                    male advocate at work is “a company
                                                                                                                               One senior leader described how           leader who is both culture and gender
One theme that emerged from all             Despite the noise around gender           All but one of the senior women          her first boss proposed her name          sensitive” and at home, “a supportive
our conversations was that gender           balancing policies, many women            interviewed for this study stated        for an assignment when most in            spouse willing to share family
parity in corporate leadership will         feel that their organisations have        that men in leadership roles have        her working group assumed she             responsibilities and schedule travel
require a deep commitment from              fallen short in terms of creating the     had a positive impact on their           wouldn’t go because she was               and moves in a mutually supportive
leadership and HR towards making            right corporate environment and           careers.                                 married. That one decision, she           manner”.
the corporate culture one that is           culture. Sometimes there is a lot of                                               said, laid the foundation for her
fundamentally opposed to inequality         talk about pushing gender parity, but     Either as direct bosses, or as senior    being treated the same way as men         92 percent of female responders
between genders. Corporate policies,        little action. One participant said she   mentors or sponsors, men who             thereafter.                               and 89 percent of male responders
quotas, training programmes and the         “wanted to quit owing to the culture      have actively advocated51 for female                                               felt that male advocacy was
like will only succeed if this happens,     of discrimination at the organisation”    colleagues have played an important      Women’s careers are greatly               essential for taking gender parity
as they are likely to be challenging        despite having an exciting job.           part in encouraging them to take on      influenced not only by male               in corporate leadership to the next
longstanding power equations and            Only a greater representation of          new opportunities, build networks,
beliefs in companies, a majority of         women in senior, decision making          branch out into new functions or
which have been historically created        and performance-evaluating roles          geographies, or even just stay on
by men.50 Particularly in the diverse       can create a more comfortable             in a company after a professional
Asian context, it is also important         environment for women.                    set back. Most importantly, they
to consider the ramifications of the                                                  have trusted these women’s
                                                                                      capabilities, valued their hard work
                                                                                      and performance, and spoken up for
                                                                                      them when the need or opportunity

                                                                                      This is about active sponsorship
                                                                                      rather than ‘mentorship’ forced
                                                                                      upon these men by organisational
                                                                                      requirements. In return, the women
                                                                                      talk about valuing their trust and

level. Those who disagreed did so
as a vote of confidence in women’s              What makes some men advocate for women?
abilities to go it alone, but admitted
that men’s attitudes would need to
change. Chandru Pingali, Founder &
                                                The presence of strong female
                                                influences in the home - wives,
                                                                                           at work”, according to one female
                                                                                                                                          Commonly stated motivators of
                                                                                                                                      Fig. 9:
Managing Director, I Cube, felt that:
“They (women) can stand up on their
                                                daughters, mothers or friends,                                                        male advocacy for female managers
                                                seems to bring about a greater             Also influencing these men is the
own talent and performance. As the
                                                understanding          of       problems   general notion of fairness and the
saying goes, you can’t hide a pumpkin
                                                women face, that are often easily          right thing to do.
in a plate of rice, so if there is talent, it
                                                overlooked by men (Fig. 10). One
will show up. It is the mind-set of men
                                                male respondent said being married         Many men simply acknowledge
that needs to change”.
                                                and having a daughter allowed him          that it is not a level playing field for
                                                to see things from the perspective         women and attempt, in their own
90 percent of respondents felt
                                                of women and             “amplified” his   ways, to try and make it better for
that men should actively ‘lean in’
                                                awareness: “I want to ensure that          the women they work with.
to support their female colleagues.
                                                there will be no restrictions for her.”
This is not surprising, given that in
                                                                                           For others, it is a purely business
most companies there are many
                                                Daughters may be the most                  decision, they recognise the impact
more men in the positions that can
                                                important influencers in creating          of diversity on the bottom line.
bring about change in organisational
                                                male advocates.
policies and culture. One male
                                                                                           Given their potential impact on
respondent insisted: “Organisations
                                                61 percent of men interviewed spoke        women’s careers, it is clear that
have to focus on the fact that men
                                                about how their concerns about the         companies need to encourage more
need to play an active role for diversity
                                                work environment their daughters           senior male leaders to become
to succeed.”
                                                will face one day made them more           advocates for greater gender parity.
                                                accepting of and sensitive towards         “These men are the most effective role
Ultimately it is about sensitivity
                                                their female colleagues. “Daughters,       models, make examples of them and
and humanity according to Kishore
                                                and spouses who command respect,           encourage others to be the same,” said
Kapoor, Founder and CEO of eKutumb
                                                irrespective of whether or not they        one participant, “and if the guy at the
and former Group Vice President and
                                                work, create men who support women         top does it, it becomes okay and even
Global Head of Flexcube Consulting
                                                                                           good to follow suit.”
at Oracle Financial Services Software.
He explained: “Someone needed
flexibility and I could provide it, so I
did. I did whatever the company policy
allowed and more where possible. I
had influence and could make these
allowances to help people.”
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