General Information 2019-2020 - Master in Modern and Contemporary European Philosophy

Page created by Ricardo Haynes
Master in
     Modern and


Table of Contents

Welcome Address ....................................................................................................................... 3

Teaching Staff ............................................................................................................................. 4

Modules and ECTS ..................................................................................................................... 5

Semestral Overview .................................................................................................................... 6

Further Information and Contact Details ...................................................................................... 7
Teaching Schedule and Course Descriptions ......................... 8Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.

Welcome Address

Dear students,

we would like to welcome you to the academic year 2019-2020 and to the nineth edition of our
Master in Modern and Contemporary European Philosophy!
As you know, the focus of the program is European philosophy from the early modern period to
the present day. The Master is especially designed for international students who have a special
interest and who aim for a first class education in modern and contemporary European
philosophy. The program offers an in depth study of European philosophy beginning with
classical rationalism and empiricism, moving on to Kant and German Idealism, and concluding
with 20th century and contemporary philosophy. Our Master is unique since it not only covers the
development of European thought from the early moderns to contemporary philosophy. It also
includes credited language courses that give students the opportunity to improve on their
knowledge of French and/or German, it offers credited internships that connect students with the
job market, and finally it includes interdisciplinary course options in other disciplines like history,
politics, or literature. We are convinced that the structure and content of our program prepare
students in a particularly good manner for either pursuing doctoral studies in philosophy, or for
their future career in non-academic fields.
Let us finally draw your attention to the departmental website: where you
can find useful information concerning teaching and research as well as news about upcoming
events like conferences, workshops, colloquia etc. We usually have three guest lectures per
semester by internationally renowned scholars. Guest lectures take place on Mondays at 5:30 pm.
Please check our website for announcements of the talks. Already at this point we would like to
announce the following upcoming events:

    -    Guest lectures:
         November 25: Professor Dr. Markus Kohl (Chapel Hill), tba
         December 09: Professor Dr. Frédéric Seyler (DePaul University), Democracy and
         Religion in Michel Henry's Phenomenology
    -    Workshop: November 26-27 – Concept and Intuition in Kant and Hegel
    (Please note that there will be more guest lectures and conferences, tba)

Have a good start into the academic year 2019-2020,

Dietmar Heidemann (study director) & Frank Hofmann (deputy study director)

Teaching Staff

Name                      Course                                Semester

Christoph Fehige          Empiricism                            Winter 2019

                          Kant                                  Winter 2019
Dietmar Heidemann
                          Rationalism                           Winter 2019

                          Contemporary European Philosophy I    Winter 2019

Frank Hofmann             Contemporary European Philosophy II   Winter 2019

                          Master Colloquium (b)                 Winter 2019

                          German Idealism I                     Winter 2019
Lukas Sosoe
                          Philosophy of Law*                    Winter 2019
                          Nietzsche/Philosophy of
Arnaud Dewalque           Existence/Hermeneutics: Continental   Winter 2019

* Optional course/elective, not mandatory.

Modules and ECTS

               Module 1                                 Module 2

  Early modern European philosophy               Kant and German Idealism

         - Seminar 1 (5 ECTS)                      - Seminar 1 (5 ECTS)
         - Seminar 2 (5 ECTS)                      - Seminar 2 (5 ECTS)
         - Seminar 3 (5 ECTS)                      - Seminar 3 (5 ECTS)
                                                   - Seminar 4 (5 ECTS)

               ECTS: 15                                 ECTS: 20

               Module 3                                 Module 4

20th century and contemporary European                Master module
                                             - Master colloquium 1 (5 ECTS)
         - Seminar 1 (5 ECTS)                - Master colloquium 2 (5 ECTS)
         - Seminar 2 (5 ECTS)                - Master colloquium 3 (5 ECTS)
         - Seminar 3 (5 ECTS)
         - Seminar 4 (5 ECTS)            - Defence of the master thesis (5 ECTS)

               ECTS: 20                                 ECTS: 20

               Module 5                                 Module 6

               Electives                          Master thesis (30ECTS)

            - Internship (5 ECTS)
        - language course (5 ECTS)
   - Interdisciplinary course (5 ECTS)

               ECTS: 15                                 ECTS: 30

                                  Σ = 120 ECTS

Semestral Overview

  Module 1             Module 2               Module 3          Module 4         Module 5            No. of
Early modern       Kant and German         20th century and      Master          Electives
  European             Idealism             contemporary         module
 philosophy                                   European

                                                 SEMESTER 1
§ Rationalism      § Kant                 § Contemporary                     § language
                                            European                           course: French
§ Empiricism       § German                 philosophy I                       or German
                     Idealism I           § Nietzsche/                                                 7
                                            Philosophy of
                                               SEMESTER 2
§ Philosophy       § Transcendental       § Phenomenology Master             § Interdisciplinary
  of                 philosophy                           colloquium           course
  Enlighten-                                              (a)
  ment             § German                                                                            6
                     Idealism II

                                                 SEMESTER 3
§ Rationalism      § German               § Contemporary        Master       § Internship
(cf. semester 1)     Idealism I             European            colloquium
                      (cf. semester 1)      philosophy I        (b)
§ Empiricism                                 (cf. semester 1)                                           2
(cf. semester 1)                                                                                      plus
                                          § Contemporary                                           internship
                                            philosophy II

                                                 SEMESTER 4
                   § German               § Phenomenology      Master
                     Idealism II             (cf. semester 2) colloquium                               1
                      (cf. semester 2)                        (c)

                                             Σ courses per module
                                                                                                      Σ 16
                                                                                  2 courses         courses
  3 courses            4 courses              4 courses         3 courses
                                                                               plus internship        plus

Further Information and Contact Details

Entry             • A Bachelor‘s degree or equivalent (at least 180 ECTS) in philosophy
requirements      • Students from interdisciplinary degree courses such as economics,
                  literature, politics, sociology, etc. may be accepted


information       _philosophy_academique

Contact           Prof. Dr. Dietmar Heidemann               Sven Seidenthal
                  (Study director)                          (Assistant)

                  Prof. Dr. Lukas Sosoe                     Deven Burks
                  (Faculty member)                          (Assistant)

                  Prof. Dr. Frank Hofmann                   Hannes Fraissler
                  (Deputy study director)                   (Assistant)

                  Prof. Dr. Jennifer Pavlik                 Pedro Mendes
                  (Faculty Member)                          (Office)
                            T. +352 / 46 66 44 9617

Master in Modern and Contemporary European Philosophy
                                        Teaching schedule 2019-2020               Semester 1 – Winter 2019

                   Monday                         Tuesday               Wednesday                   Thursday            Friday


   -                                             Rationalism          Philosophy of Law
11.15                                                (M1)                   Sosoe
                                             Dietmar Heidemann        (optional/elective)

11.30                                                                                         Nietzsche/Philosophy of
  -        Contemporary European                 Kant (M2)                                    Existence/Hermeneutics:
13.00         Philosophy I (M3)                  Heidemann                                     Continental Philosophy
                  Hofmann                                                                                (M3)
                                                                                                    A. Dewalque
break                break                          break                   break                       break           break
13.15            14:00-17:15
  -              Empiricism:
14.45      Feelings as the Building
           Blocks of Morality? (M1)
  -       Empiricism: Feelings as the       German Idealism I (M2)
16.30        Building Blocks of                    Sosoe
               Morality? (M1)
16.45 –
 18.15    Empiricism: Feelings as the
             Building Blocks of
               Morality? (M1)

* Oct 7, 14, 21, Nov 11, 25, Dec 2 and 16
Master in Modern and Contemporary European Philosophy
                                Teaching schedule 2019-2020                 Semester 3 - Winter 2019

              Monday                     Tuesday                Wednesday                     Thursday   Friday


   -                                  Rationalism (M1)        Philosophy of Law
11.15                                Dietmar Heidemann              Sosoe

11.30   Contemporary European
  -          Philosophy I
13.00            (M3)
break           break                      break                    break                       break    break
  -                                Contemporary European
14.45                                Philosophy II (M3)

  -                                German Idealism I (M2)
16.30                                     Sosoe

  –        17.30 – 19.00
18.15   Master Colloquium (b)
Contemporary European Philosophy I - Knowledge

Module               3

ECTS                     5

Instructor           Frank Hofmann

Learning goals       The students work on an advanced topic in contemporary philosophy. They acquire the relevant concepts
                     and conceptual distinctions, come to know the most important approaches, and try to critically assess the
                     views and arguments put forward by prominent authors. A systematic and theoretical understanding of
                     epistemological phenomena is the central goal.

Course description   The simple starting point for our studies is the question: What is knowledge? More recently, within the
                     post-Gettier discussion, it has been emphasized that a theory of knowledge must preserve the intuition
                     that knowledge is more valuable than merely true belief. This is known as the so-called ‘value problem’. So
                     the question can be put in the following way: What is knowledge such that it is more valuable than merely
                     true belief? – An interesting approach has been proposed by Ernest Sosa and John Greco, within the
                     framework of so-called virtue epistemology. According to this proposal, knowledge is of special epistemic
                     value since it involves the exercizing of an epistemic competence (epistemic ‘virtue’). We would like to
                     study the value problem and, in particular, the solution(s) provided by (various versions of) virtue
                     epistemology. Epistemic normativity will take center stage. Hybrid views, like Duncan Pritchard ‘anti-luck
                     virtue epistemology’, combining the virtue idea with other ideas, will be studied. Finally, Williamson’s
                     ‘Knowledge-First’ view will be discussed.

Course type          Seminar

Bibliography         Pritchard, D., What is this thing called knowledge?, Routledge, 2006.
                     Greco, J., Achieving Knowledge, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
                     Sosa, E., A Virtue Epistemology, Vol. I, Oxford University Press, 2009.
                     Pritchard, D., Anti-luck virtue epistemology, Journal of Philosophy 109:3, 247-49, 2012.
                     Williamson, T., Knowledge and Its Limits, Oxford University Press, 2000.
                     (Further references will be provided in the run of the seminar.)

Assessment           (1.) Final paper (ca. 3000 words) and (2.) presentation or mini essay (ca. 800 words).

Time                 Monday, 11.30-13.00
Empiricism: Feelings as the Building Blocks of Morality?

Module                 1

ECTS                       5

Instructor             Christoph Fehige

Learning goals         When thinkers of the eighteenth century emphasized the role of experience in many areas of human life and
                       thought, morality was included. The essence and foundations of morality, it was claimed, lie in the fact that
                       we experience actions or attitudes as good or evil, right or wrong, virtuous or vicious, and that we do so by
                       a special sense – a moral sense that delivers moral sentiments. Claims of that kind constitute the practical,
                       or moral, part of empiricism. Some of them continue to loom large in contemporary moral philosophy.
                       At the end of this course, you should know and understand the basic features of the sentimentalist approach
                       to ethics. You should be able to articulate the major pros and cons both of the approach as such and of
                       competing options within the approach; you should be able to relate the 18th-century discussion to current
                       thoughts in philosophical ethics.

Course description     We will make parts of the journey on our own, thinking without texts, but central passages of various texts,
                       old and new, will also be processed. Hume’s moral philosophy in its earliest form, as set out by him in his
                       Treatise, will play a significant role, especially, from Book 3 (»Of Morals«) of the Treatise: part 1, sec. 2, and
                       part 3, sec. 1. Typically, the task from one session to the next will be to read and condense a portion of text
                       and prepare answers to questions; the sessions themselves will typically be centred around your summaries
                       and answers.
                       Please attend this course only if you are willing to prepare answers to questions from each session to the
                       next and to present, in every session, your answers in class. That’s how this course works.

Course type            Seminar

Bibliography           You are not required to track down books or articles for this course because you will be provided with pdf
                       files of the excerpts that we will plough through. However, as always, reading more is instructive.
                       Simon Blackburn, Ruling Passions, Oxford 1998.
                       C. D. Broad, “Some Reflections on Moral-Sense Theories in Ethics”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society,
                                New Series, 45 (1944–45).
                       David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature (1739/40), ed. by David Fate Norton and Mary J. Norton, Oxford
                                2000 (in the series Oxford Philosophical Texts: The Complete Editions for Students); not to be
                                confused with (volume 1 or both volumes of) the same two people’s (!) edition of the same work
                                (!), the Treatise, for another series, the Clarendon Hume Edition Series.
                       David Hume, An Enquiry concerning the Principles of Morals (1751), ed. by Tom L. Beauchamp, Oxford 1998
                                (in the series Oxford Philosophical Texts: The Complete Editions for Students).
                       Franics Hutcheson, An Inquiry into the Original of our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue (first ed. in 1725), third ed.,
                                London 1729.
                       ––––, An Essay on the ature and Conduct of the Passions and Affections: With Illustrations on the Moral
                                Sense, London 1728.
                       J. L. Mackie, Hume’s Moral Theory, Routledge, London 1980.
                       Elijah Millgram, “Moral Values and Secondary Qualities”, American Philosophical Quarterly 36 (1999).

Exam                   A written exam, in English, on Mon 16 Dec., approx. 14:00–17:15; details to be announced.

Moodle Course ID       MA-PHILO-M1-102

Time                   The course will take place (with a 15-minute break) from 14:00 to 17:15 on the following seven Mondays:
                       7, 14, 21 October; 11, 25 November; 2, 16 December. The written exam will be in the final session, on 16
                       December. The first session, on 7 October, will not just be a logistical quickie; we’ll do the full 180 minutes.
Master Colloquium (b)

Module           4

ECTS                     5

Instructor              Frank Hofmann

Learning goals          The focus of the Master Colloquium is on presentation and critical discussion. The students will receive
                        valuable feedback that helps to improve their know-how and abilities to design and write a longer paper or
                        thesis on a relevant topic. A superordinate aim is to prepare the students for their master thesis. The
                        students will be assisted in their efforts to choose suitable topics and then to work on them. Some major
                        publications that are highly relevant to current debates will be discussed in order to get to know the
                        current state of the art.

Course description      In the Master Colloquium, students give presentations on their own work, or discuss recent publications
                        (relevant papers, books/book chapters, etc.). The topic for these recent publications will be contemporary
                        accounts of freedom and responsibility (mostly in the practical/moral case, but possibly also in the
                        epistemic case, depending on the students preferences). In The role of reactive attitudes (P. Strawson),
                        control (Fisher, Ravizza), and will and autonomy (Frankfurt) will be studied in order to see how freedom
                        and responsibility could arise. The relevant ideas of determinism, fatalism, and having the ability to do/act
                        otherwise will be discussed.

Course type             Seminar

Bibliography            Relevant readings will be assigned in the seminar.

Assessment              Presentation and discussion of research projects. (Ungraded)

Time                    Monday, 17.30-19.00
Rationalism: Knowledge and Intuition

Module                1

ECTS                   5

Instructor            Dietmar Heidemann

Learning objectives   Students read with comprehension and interpret central texts by Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz on the
                      nature of intuition and intuitive knowledge. They analyze and reconstruct these texts, identify and
                      evaluate its problems and develop solutions to these problems. Moreover, students make systematic
                      connections between early modern conceptions of intuition and recent developments in contemporary

Course description    “Intuition” is a key philosophical concept (not only) in early modern philosophy. In this course we interpret,
                      analyse and discuss central texts on intuition by Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz (Locke). We discuss what
                      their conceptions of intuition look like, what function they attribute to intuition and what the differences
                      in their understanding of intuition are. We also relate early modern conceptions of intuition to relevant
                      debates in in contemporary philosophy.

Course type           Seminar

Bibliography          Descartes, R., Meditations on First Philosophy
                      - Rules for the Direction of the Natural Intelligence.
                      - Discourse on Method.
                      Spinoza, B. de, Ethics Demonstrated in Geometrical Order.
                      Leibniz, G.W.F., New Essays Concerning Human Understanding.
                      - Meditations on Knowledge, Truth, and Ideas.
                      Bonjour, L. (1998): In Defense of Pure Reason. A Rationalist Account of A Priori Justification, Cambridge
                      Bonjour, L. (2002): Epistemology. Classical Problems and Contemporary Responses, Oxford 2002.
                      Gutting, G. (1998): Rethinking Intuition: A Historical and Metaphilosophical Introduction, in: DePaul,
                      M./Ramsey, W. (Hrsg.): Rethinking Intuition, Lanham 1998, pp. 3-13.
                      Hintikka, J. (1999): The Emperor’s New Intuitions, in: The Journal of Philosophy 96 (1999), pp. 127-147.
                      Kornblith, H. (1998): The Role of Intuition in Philosophical Inquiry: An Account with No Unnatural
                      Ingredients, in: DePaul, M./Ramsey, W. (Hrsg.): Rethinking Intuition, Lanham 1998, pp. 129-141.
                      Van De Pitte, F. (1988) : Intuition and judgement in Descartes’s theory of truth, in : Journal of the History of
                      Philosophy 26 (1988), S. 453-470.

Assessment                   Paper (3000 words) or 30 min. oral exam

Moodle Course ID

Time                  Tu., 9:45-11:15
Kant - Kant’s Moral Philosophy

Modul                2

ECTS                  5

Dozent/-in           Dietmar Heidemann

Sprache              English

Lernziele            In this course students read with comprehension and critically discuss central sections from Kant’s
                     Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals and the Critique of Practical Reason. They obtain an advanced
                     understanding of Kantian duty ethics and the meaning of the categorical imperative. By the end of the
                     semester students are in a position to evaluate central problems from Kant’s moral philosophy.

Kurbeschreibung      We will first analyse Kant’s argument for the categorical imperative in the Groundwork of the Metaphysics
                     of Morals, focusing especially on the relation between moral law and freedom in section III. Since in the
                     Groundwork there remain open questions with respect to that relation, Kant, in the Critique of Practical
                     Reason, modifies some of his views concerning the demonstration of the moral law. The second half of the
                     semester will be dedicated to these modifications in the second Critique and their argumentative strength.

Kurstyp              Seminar

Bibliografie         Allison, Henry: Kant's Theory of Freedom, New York 1990.
                     Beck, Lewis White: A Commentary on Kant’s ‘Critique of Practical Reason’, Chicago 1960
                     Denis, L. (Hg.): Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals: A Critical Guide. Cambridge, 2010
                     Guyer, Paul: Kant on Freedom, Law, and Happiness, New York 2000.
                     Guyer, Paul, ed.: Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals: Critical Essays, Lanham, MD, 1998.
                     Kant, Immanuel: Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, transl. M. Gregor, Cambridge 2010 (1998) (=
                     Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy).
                     Kant, Immanuel: Critique of Practical Reason, transl. M. Gregor, Cambridge 2010 (1997) (= Cambridge Texts
                     in the History of Philosophy).
                     Louden, Robert: Kant's Impure Ethics, New York 2000.
                     Paton, Herbert J.: The Categorical Imperative: A Study in Kant’s Moral Philosophy, London 1947ff.
                     Timmerman, Jens: Kant's Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals: A Commentary, New York 2007.
                     Timmons, Mark, ed.: Kant's Metaphysics of Morals: Interpretative Essays, New York 2002.

Prüfung                    Paper (3000 words) or 30 min. oral exam

Time                 Tuesday, 11h30-13h00
German Idealism I : Hegel’s Ethics between liberal individualism and Political Romanticism

Module                2

ECTS                      5

Instructor            Lukas K. Sosoe

Learning goals:       Students must be able to know the basic concepts of Hegel’s ethics, situated and discover its
                      originality and understand his contribution to the critique of enlightenment and political

Course type           Seminar

                      This seminar will be dedicated to Hegel’s Ethical Thought on the one side, it will insist, on the way
                      how the way Hegel succeeded criticizing liberal individualism because of its formalism without
                      giving up individual rights and freedom; on the other hand, it will exhibit how Hegel at the same
                      time was an opponent and critique of Political romanticism represented by Novalis and Schlegel.
                      By so doing it opens up the possibility to highlight the critical potential Hegel’s ethical thought
                      still has for our time.

Bibliography :        Houlgate, Stephen, Freedom, Truth and History: An Introduction to Hegel’s Philosophy, London, Routledge,
                              1992; second edit. Oxford, Blackwell, 1994

                      Paperzak, Adrian, Modern Freedom: Hegel’s Legal Moral, and Political Philosophy, Dordrecht Kluwer, 2001

                      Wood, Allen, Hegel’s Ethical Thought, Cambridge, University Press, 1990.

                      (A more complete bibliography will be distributed at the beginning of the course)

Time :                Tuesday, 15h00-16h30
Philosophy of Law


ECTS                   5

Instructor            Lukas K. Sosoe

Learning goals        Presentation and discussion of three divergent interpretations of Human Rights; Students will be made
                      familiar with the historical philosophical foundation of Human Rights, with the reasons why they were not
                      accepted and have been rejected by political romanticism and religion-based conceptions of Human Dignity.

Course description    The aim of the course is to present three divergent theories on Human Rights. 1) The classical one basesd
                      on modern anthropological conceptions of the value of human beings endowed with an inherent dignity; 2)
                      the second which is radically critical of this modern conceptions of Human beings and which considers
                      Human dignity in relation to God (The Christian and Islamic interpretations of Human rights ) and a 3) third
                      interpretation, a functional one, which rejects both interpretations as too dogmatic, According to this third
                      theory, Human rights are nothing more or less than sociological mechanisms replacing old pre-modern
                      structures and social bounds protecting indivuduals in segmentary and stratificatory societies.

Course type           Seminar

Bibliography          A detailed bibliography will be distributed at the beginning of the seminar.

Time                  Wednesday : 9h45– 11h15 am
Nietzsche / Philosophy of Existence / Hermeneutics: From Nietzsche to Heidegger

Module:            20th century and contemporary European philosophy, Semester 1

ECTS               D          5                                          S       5

Instructor         Arnaud Dewalque

Prerequisite       Bachelor

Learning goals     Students will be able to understand some main issues at stake in Nietzsche's and Heidegger's philosophical
                   works, as well as to critically discuss some of their views from a contemporary point of view.

Course             This seminar explores some central themes in Nietzsche’s and Heidegger’s philosophical works. It is designed
description        to help participants understand those two authors in a way which is both historically informed and relevant from
                   the point of view of contemporary analytic philosophy. We begin with a brief overview of how the scholarly
                   understanding of Nietzsche moved, over the last two decades or so, from perspectivism to (a form of)
                   naturalism. We then narrow down the scope of the course by zooming on specific topics. The first part of the
                   course consists in an overview of Nietzsche’s thoughts about topics such as pessimism, truth, metaphysical
                   fictions, moral judgment, and self-overcoming. The second part addresses Heidegger’s own strategy to deal with
                   the so-called ‘identity crisis of philosophy’ and his efforts towards a better understanding of factual life,
                   personhood, norms, and emotions.

Course Type        Seminar

Bibliography       Complete editions:

                   Nietzsche, F. 1967—. Werke. Kritische Gesamtausgabe. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, 1967 (see also the
                   Digital Facsimile Edition by Paolo D’Iorio, available on ).
                   Heidegger, M. 1975—. Gesamtausgabe. Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann.
                   Recommended reading:
                   Nietzsche, F. 2005. ‘Ecce Homo: How to Become What you Are.’ In The Antichrist, Ecce Homo, Twilight of the
                   Idols and Other Writings. Cambridge: CUP, p. 69-152.
                   Leiter, B. 2019. Moral Psychology with Nietzsche, Oxford: OUP.
                   Heidegger, M. 1993a. Sein und Zeit (1927). Tübingen: Niemeyer, 17th ed. Engl. trans. J. Macquarrie and E.
                   Robinson, Being and Time, London, SCM Press, 1962; new engl. trans. Joan Stambaugh, revised by Dennis J.
                   Schmidt, Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 2010, part 1.

                   Crowell, S. 2013. Normativity and Phenomenology in Husserl and Heidegger. Cambridge: Cambridge University

                   Material for the classes will be made available on Moodle.

Assessment             All students will be required to take an active           All students will be required to take an active
                       part in class discussions throughout the                  part in class discussions throughout the semester
                       semester and to prepare a paper on some                   and to prepare a paper on some relevant topic.
                       relevant topic.
                                                                                 Final grade will be determined by:
                       Final grade will be determined by:                            1. class participation
                   D       1. class participation                            S       2. short presentation in class
                           2. short presentation in class                            3. paper (3000 words/10 pages, written in
                           3. paper (3000 words/10 pages, written                         English, French or German, deadline will
                                in English, French or German, deadline                    be communicated on Moodle)
                                will be communicated on Moodle)
                                                                                 Papers are expected to meet the academic
                       Papers are expected to meet the academic                  standards in terms of language quality, clarity
standards in terms of language quality, clarity        and logical articulation, references, etc. They will
                           and logical articulation, references, etc. They        be sent by email to  (cc
                                                                                  to ).
                           will    be       sent      by     email      to
                                    (cc        to

Additional advice   Papers are expected to address one question at issue in Nietzsche OR Heidegger. The suggested standard
                    four-step articulation is the following:

                      1.     you address one philosophical issue
                      2.     you identify and comment on one or two claims by Nietzsche OR Heidegger related to this issue
                      3.     you identify and reconstruct the argument(s) they offer in favour of this (these) claim(s)
                      4.     you discuss the argument(s): on your view, is it sound or not? Why?

                    Please feel free to balance those elements as you wish: e.g., you can write an analysis paper centered upon
                    the historical reconstruction of the view at stake (2.), or a thesis paper in which you present and defend one
                    claim of yours (3.). In any case, your work should include a short introduction, a core-part, and a brief
                    conclusion. Use footnotes for references or peripheral remarks.

                    Assessment criteria will be
                        - the relevance of the question at issue
                        - the formal quality of the written text, including its clarity
                        - the inner articulation and consistency of thoughts

ID                  Die Moodle Course ID wird vom Fachbereich festgelegt.

Time slot           Thursday, 11:30 – 13:00. See guichet étudiant.
You can also read