Geography - North Mead Primary Academy

Page created by Jimmie Marquez
Geography - North Mead Primary Academy
Geography - North Mead Primary Academy
Year 1 – The Gruffalo

Locational Knowledge           Place Knowledge                      Human and Physical Geography                   Geographical Skills and Fieldwork
    North Mead is in         Brocks Hill is a park          In Britain we have woodlands.                             Geographers create maps
     Leicester.                which has a woodland,          Brocks Hill has small areas of woodland.                   to show what features
    Brocks Hill is in         play area, café and            The United Kingdom has a seasonal climate.                 are in different areas.
     Oadby which in            picnic areas.                  A seasonal climate means we have different                Some parks such as
     next to Leicester.       Brocks Hill is home to          weather at different times of the year.                    Brocks hill, have maps
    Leicester is in the       different types of             In spring the temperature begins to rise, some             to follow and to show
     Leicestershire,           animals.                        plants begin to grow and some animals have                 what is there.
     England.                 Brocks Hill has different       their young.                                              The maps have symbols
    England is in the         types of trees.                In summer, the temperature is at its highest,              such as picnic areas
     UK.                      Brocks Hill has streams         some plants are in bloom and animals have                  and toilets.
    The UK is in              flowing through it.             more food to eat.                                         These symbols have a
     Europe.                  Brocks Hill is                 In autumn, the temperature begins to lower,                key which show what
    The UK has a              surrounded by houses            tress lose their leaves and some animals start             they mean.
     seasonal climate.         and roads on two sides          gathering food for hibernation.                           Geographers use:
                               and fields on the other        In winter, the temperature is at its lowest, some          binoculars to identify
                               sides.                          trees are bare and some animals hibernate.                 birds and different trees,
                              Brocks Hill has paths.         An ecosystem is like a community and shows                 a compass to show
                              Not all woodlands are           how all the living things are connected.                   direction of different
                               like this.                     In an ecosystem, every part is important and               features.
                              The Gruffalo is set in a        relies on the other parts. This means that there          Geographers can use
                               similar woodland.               are some animals that eat other animals and                beakers to collect
                                                               other animals eat the plants.                              examples of soils and
Geography - North Mead Primary Academy
Year 1 – George Saves the World by Lunchtime

Locational Knowledge                 Place Knowledge                        Human and Physical Geography            Geographical Skills and Fieldwork
     United                Things that are familiar to us are            Maps may show visible features,            We use a compass to find
      Kingdom                our homes, shops, landmarks etc.               such as rivers and lakes,                   direction.
      consists of 4          (temple, train line, park, and shops).         woodlands, buildings, and roads.           Directional language helps
      countries;            North Mead is on Northfield Road.             Physical features show natural              describe direction/location such
      England,              There is a shop, hairdressers,                 objects such as mountains and               as north, east, south, west,
      Wales,                 launderette, take away and a car               rivers. (Watermead, River Soar, …)          left and right.
      Scotland, and          wash on Gipsy Lane.                           Human features are things that are         A map is a picture or chart
      Northern              There is a train track that crosses            built by humans such as bridges             that shows the features of an
      Island                 Gipsy Lane.                                    and roads. (Rail line, temple, roads)       area
     The capital city      Under the bridge on Gipsy Lane, is            Sustainability is finding ways to          We can identify simple key
      is London              the Mandir.                                    save the Earth.                             features on a simple map, i.e.
     Leicester (our        Under the bridge, there are other             There are ways to be sustainable -          a river, hills, buildings.
      local area) is         shops along Gipsy Lane, such as                Recycle, Reduce, Reuse.                    We can use locational language
      a city in the          Lidl.                                         People can travel around easily by          to describe location such as,
      country called        North Mead Primary Academy is                  car, bus, and rail.                         near, next to, behind etc.
      England.               situated on the Northfield estate.            People use public transport to travel      We can use different maps to
     NMPA is               North Mead is surrounded by                    around.                                     show how things have
      located in             houses, shops and roads.                      There are places called allotments          changed in Leicester.
      Leicester.            Side roads and main roads connect              where people grow their own plants,        Geographers also look at ways
                             Northfield with Leicester city centre.         fruit and vegetable to eat, rather          to improve their local
                                                                            than buying them from a shop or             environment.
                                                                            market.                                    Geographers look at ways of
                                                                           Compost - Composting is a term that         being more sustainable, such
                                                                            is used when food and different             as riding bikes and reducing
                                                                            materials are broken down.                  waste.
Geography - North Mead Primary Academy
Year 2 - Macbeth

Locational Knowledge                              Place Knowledge                        Human and Physical        Geographical Skills and
                                                                                              Geography                   Fieldwork
    Scotland is a             Macbeth lived in Scotland.                                  Scotland’s                Geographers use
     country in the            Macbeth’s castle is in Inverness in Northern Scotland.       landscape is split         digital technology
     United Kingdom.           Inverness is in the highland region of Scotland.             into 3 types -             to observe
    Scotland is north         Inverness Castle sits on a cliff overlooking the River       The Southern               areas/landmarks
     of England and             Ness                                                         Uplands, the               using satellites.
     part of the United        This is north of the Grampian Mountains.                     Central Lowlands          They also use it to
     Kingdom.                  The castle was built on the River Ness because it is a       and the Northern           look at natural
    Scotland is colder         good location for defence, travel and water.                 Highlands and              features such as
     than England              Glamis Castle is further south than Inverness.               Islands                    rivers, mountains
     because it’s              Glamis Castle is situated beside the village of Glamis       Glamis is set in           and coastlines.
     further north.             in Angus, Scotland.                                          a broad and               We can use this
    Scotland still has        The Castle is near the Firth of Tay.                         fertile lowland            technology to map
     a moderate,               Dunsinane Hill is a hill of the Sidlaw Range near the        valley.                    out a journey using
     seasonal climate           village of Collace in Perthshire, Scotland.                 Inverness is in            google maps.
    The UK is above           Birnam Wood is near Birnam in Perthshire, Scotland.          the highlands.            Use aerial
     the equator and            It is a wood with a famous oak tree.                        This area is               photographs to
     is therefore in the                                                                     largely                    identify key
     Northern                          Inverness       Hong Kong                             mountainous and            physical features
     hemisphere.           Climate     Seasonal        subtropical                           forms the highest          of Scotland.
    The UK is above                   moderate                                              ground in the UK.         Geographers use
     the tropic of         Human       Low             Densely populated                    Glamis Castle is           Ordinance Survey
     cancer, which         geography   population                                            in the central part        Maps to help them
     means it has a        Physical    Mountainous     Island and deep                       of Scotland.               explore around
     moderate climate.     geography                   water harbour.                       This is a wide             areas.
                           Trade       tourism         Services and tourism                  and fertile part of
                                                                                             land in a valley.
Geography - North Mead Primary Academy
Year 2 - Chopsticks

                                                                  Hong Kong
Locational Knowledge              Place Knowledge                          Human and Physical Geography             Geographical Skills and
     There are 7           Victoria Harbour is on Hong Kong      Transport                                           Geographers can use
      continents and         Island.                                      Over 90 per cent of daily trips are          digital technology to
      5 oceans.             It is named after Queen Victoria.             made on public transport e.g.                monitor and identify the
     China is in           Hong Kong has the world's                     railways, buses and ferries.                 following Hong Kong
      South East             largest number of skyscrapers.               The Mass Transit Railway (MTR) is            landmarks, Victoria
      Asia.                 Hong Kong is fairly                           an long passenger rail network,              Harbour, Victoria Peak,
     Hong Kong is in        hilly/mountainous with steep                  connecting different stations                Ocean Harbour, Tian
      China on the           slopes.                                      Vehicle traffic is extremely congested       Tan Buda, Disney land,
      southern coast.       Hong Kong is located near the         Work                                                 Lantai Island.
     Hong Kong has          Pearl River.                                 It is a rich, developed city.               Directional language
      a humid climate.      Hong Kong is a Chinese island.               It is known as one of the biggest            helps describe
     It is in the          Between Hong Kong Island and                  business hubs in the world e.g.              direction/location such
      Northern               the Kowloon Peninsula lies                    travel agents, call centres, app             as north east, south
      hemisphere.            Victoria Harbour, one of the                  developers & manufacturing.                  east, south west, east
     It is just above       world's deep-water harbours.          Settlement                                           west, left and right.
      the tropic of         The climate of Hong Kong is                  Hong Kong has a high population
      cancer.                subtropical, with very mild                   with over 7 million people.
                             winters and hot, rainy, and                  They are trying to provide more
                             muggy summers                                 residential homes for people.
Geography - North Mead Primary Academy
Year 3 – Escape from Pompeii

    Locational Knowledge              Place Knowledge                       Human and Physical Geography              Geographical Skills and Fieldwork
     Mount Vesuvius is            Pompeii is most famous for             The Earth consists of four layers –
      near Naples, Italy.           its eruption that took place            Crust, mantle, outer core, inner core.          Geographers make
     Italy is in Europe,           in the year 79 A.D., when              The Earth’s crust is made up of large            diagrams of volcanoes.
      which is in the               the volcano buried the                  plates that move on the mantle. These
      Northern Hemisphere.          ancient Roman city under a              are called tectonic plates and are made         Geographers use digital
     It is further south           thick carpet of volcanic ash.           of solid rock.                                   technology to locate,
      than the UK, which           There is a modern town                 Active is a volcano that erupts                  identify and compare
      means it is warmer            of Pompeii which can be                 regularly.                                       different volcanoes.
      because it is closer to       incredibly busy and hot                Dormant means it hasn’t erupted for a
      the Equator.                  during peak tourist season.             while.                                          We can use aerial
     It sits between the
                                   The   climate   of   Naples,           Extinct means volcanoes will not erupt           photographs to identify
      African and Eurasian                                                  anymore.                                         key physical features of
                                    is Mediterranean, with mild,
      tectonic plates.                                                     How volcanoes erupt?                             the landscape.
                                    rainy winters and hot,
     Compare weather                                                  1.   Pressure builds up inside the magma
                                    sunny summers.
      patterns in Italy with                                                chamber.
      the UK.                                                          2. Magma rises from the magma chamber
                                                                            through cracks or weaknesses in the
                                                                            Earth's crust.
                                                                       3.   When this pressure is released, magma
                                                                            explodes to the surface causing a
                                                                            volcanic eruption.
                                                                       4. The lava from the eruption cools to form
                                                                            new crust.
                                                                       5. Over time, after several eruptions, the
                                                                            rock builds up and a volcano forms.
Geography - North Mead Primary Academy
Year 3 - Outlaw

Locational Knowledge                Place Knowledge                       Human and Physical Geography               Geographical Skills and Fieldwork
   Sherwood Forest is        Sherwood Forest is a royal              The United Kingdom has a seasonal                 Geographers use maps with
    an ancient woodland        forest in Nottinghamshire,               climate.                                           more complex keys, to
    in Nottinghamshire.        England, famous by its                  The climate in England is called                   show what features are in
                               historic legend of Robin Hood.           temperature maritime – this means it is            areas.
   Nottingham is a city                                                damp and varied.
    in the East               Sherwood Forest is a 450                This climate means that we have                   Ordinate survey maps tell
    Midlands.                  acre country park in                     deciduous trees, as well as evergreen.             us the direction (N, E, S,
                               Nottinghamshire.                        In general we have warm summers and                W), also use grid
   It is in the county                                                 cool winters. The summers are cooler than          referencing.
    of Nottinghamshire.       Sherwood Forest is a                     those on the continent but the winters are
                               pine forest with areas of                milder too. This is because of the Gulf           Understand and use a
   The United Kingdom         birch, oak, sweet chestnut,              Stream.                                            four figure grid reference
    consists of the            and beech. There are open                                                                   when using and
    following countries;       areas where the                      Coniferous Forest         Deciduous Forest             interpreting a map of the
    England, Wales, and        mature trees have been            Leaves stay green all     Leaves change colour            United Kingdom.
    Scotland and               harvested and allowed to          year. They do not fall    in autumn and fall
    Northern Island.           become heathland.                 off the tree.             off. They re-grow in           Geographers use and
                                                                                           spring.                         understand 8 points of a
   London is the             In the middle of Sherwood         They grow in              They grow in                    compass to show direction
    capital city of            Forest stands the Major oak       countries that have       countries where                 of different features.
    England and the UK.        tree said to be more than         short summers and         summer and winter
                               1,000 years old. It’s so vast     long winters.             are equal length.              They will also use data
                               that it would take eight people   They keep animals         Animals store food              collection to identify and
                               holding hands around it to        warm and provide          as it’s not available           record different trees of the
                               give it a hug, and the weight     food for them over        in the winter.                  forest.
                               of its canopy is so great it      the long winters.
                               has to be held up by wooden       Located in the U.K.       Located in the                 We use binoculars to
                               supports.                         e.g. Sherwood forest.     northern areas of the           identify different trees and
                                                                                           world E.g. Sweden               features in the woods.
                                                                                           and Finland
Geography - North Mead Primary Academy
Year 4 – The Butterfly Lion

      Locational Knowledge                           Place Knowledge                 Human and Physical Geography         Geographical Skills and Fieldwork
   Timbavati lies within the Kruger        Timbavati is in the Krugar National             The climate is mild              Geographers use digital
    National Park in South Africa            park.                                            winters from May to               technology to monitor
   South Africa is at the                  Krugar National park is located in               September and hot                 National Parks.
    southernmost tip of Africa.              the Mpumalanga province.                         summers from November            Geographers use digital
   South Africa lies below the tropic      In Timbavati the temperature ranges              to March.                         technology to observe the
    of Capricorn.                            from 26-33 degrees Celsius.                     Rainfall mostly occurs in         topography of regions and
   To the North is Namibia,                Animals that can be found in the                 the summer months in              countries.
    Botswana and Mozambique.                 park are lions, white lions,                     the form of                      Geographers use graphs to
   To the West and South is the             elephants, leopards, black rhinos,               thunderstorms.                    measure the average
    Atlantic Ocean.                          giraffes and baboons.                           Veld is wide open flat            temperature across the
   To the East is the Indian Ocean.        It is a popular tourist location.                rural landscape covered           year.
   South Africa has a temperate            People can go on holiday on safari.              in grass or low scrub.
    climate which means                     Timbavati National Park was                     The Blyde River Canyon
    environments with moderate               established by conservation                      flows through the
    rainfall, spread across the year,        landowners to protect the wildlife               province.
    with sporadic drought, mild to           and habitats of South Africa from               There are various water
    warm summers and cool to cold            extensive farming, re-routing of                 holes for the animals to
    winters.                                 water routes, coastal development                drink from.
   The country’s capital is Pretoria.       and poaching.
Geography - North Mead Primary Academy
Year 4 – The Iron Man

Locational Knowledge             Place Knowledge                             Human and Physical Geography                  Geographical Skills and
   The United Kingdom        Norfolk has over 90 miles         Coasts                                                       Geographers use digital
    is an island in            of coastline.                             The coast: Where the land meets the sea.             technology in the form
    Europe.                   Hemsby is a village on the                Erosion: The wearing a way of rock, stones           of aerial views to
                               Norfolk coast.                             and soil by the sea and waves.                       monitor coastal erosion
   Norfolk is the            Hemsby borders the villages               Transport: The carrying away of material by          at Hembsy.
    Eastern most               of Winterton-on-Sea and                    rivers, waves, wind, or glaciers.                   They have to compare
    county of the              Scratby.                                  Deposit To drop material; waves deposit sand         what has happened to
    United Kingdom.           It is in the district of Great             and small stones to form beaches.                    an area of land over
                               Yarmouth.                                 Bay - a smooth curve of coast between two            time.
   To the North and          Coastal erosion has                        headlands.                                          Geographers have to
    East of Norfolk is         destroyed a number of                     Beach An area of sand or small stones,               balance the human and
    the North Sea.             homes and others are                       deposited by waves.                                  physical geography.
                               threatened.                               Coastal defences Barriers to protect areas of
   The United Kingdom        The government won’t pay                   the coast from erosion or flooding
    consists of the            to reduce the risks of                    Tides the rise and fall in sea level, due
    following countries;       erosion so home owners                     mainly to the pull of the moon.
    England, Wales,            have to find this                         Headland: Land that juts out into the sea.
    and Scotland and           themselves.                               Sand dunes: A hill or ridge of sand piled up
    Northern Island.          There are campaigns to                     by the wind is called a sand
                               raise money for sea                        dune. Dunes may form wherever there is a
   London is the              defences.                                  lot of loose sand and enough wind to move
    capital city of           Currently they use                         it. Beaches and deserts are common places
    England and the            honeycomb concrete blocks                  for dunes.
    UK.                        as sea defences. This                     Cliffs: type of landform on the surface of the
                               money was raised by the                    earth.   Tall, steep rocks created by erosion
                               local people.                              and have vertical faces.
                              These are expected to give                Estuaries: area where seawater mixes with
                               50 years of protection.                    freshwater found along the coast.
Geography - North Mead Primary Academy
Year 5 – The Great Kapok Tree

Locational Knowledge          Place Knowledge                                  Human and Physical Geography                        Geographical Skills
                                                                                                                                     and Fieldwork
     The Amazon           The Amazon rainforest is       The Water Cycle                                                             Geographers
      Rainforest is         the largest tropical                                                                                        use digital
      in South              rainforest in the world.       Water on Earth is constantly moving. It is recycled over and over            technology in
      America.             The Amazon rainforest          again. This recycling process is called the water cycle.                     the form of
     The Amazon            accounts for more than             1.   Evaporation – the sun heats up the water and turns it into          aerial views to
      Rainforest            half of the entire world's              water vapour. The water vapour then rises into the air.             monitor the
      spreads across        remaining rainforests.             2. Condensation – the water vapour cools down and changes                rainforest.
      most of the          The Amazon rainforest is                back into tiny drops of water forming clouds.                      They have
      North West of         home to 10% of the known           3.   Precipitation – the clouds get heavy and the water falls            used these
      Brazil, as well       species in the world.                   back to the ground in the form of rain or snow.                     images to see
      as parts of          The Amazon rainforest is           4. Collection – the rain and snow run over the land and                  the effects of
      Bolivia, Peru,        also referred to as the                 collects on lakes or rivers, which then takes it back to the        deforestation.
      Ecuador,              ‘Lungs of the Planet'                   sea.
      Colombia,             because it produces more
      Venezuela,            than 20% of the world's        Deforestation
      Guyana,               oxygen.
      Suriname and         There are approximately 5      Deforestation: The destruction of trees or forests on a massive
      French                million species of animals,    scale.
      Guiana.               plants and insects that call
     The Amazon            the rainforest home.           Methods of clearing the rainforest:
      Rainforest is        The Amazon Rainforest is               Slash and burn - trees are cleared and vegetation is burnt
      in the                home to around 250,000                 Clear cutting - complete removal of all trees in an area
      Southern              native people.                         Selective logging - targeting specific valuable trees but
      Hemisphere.          There are many dangerous                leaving the rainforest intact
     The Amazon            species of snakes, spiders
      Rainforest is         and animals in the Amazon      Effects and Consequences
      located just          rainforest.                            Carbon emissions - trees store carbon in their trunks,
      below the            The Amazon River flows                  branches and roots which is released when they are cut
      equator.              through the rainforest.                 down.
                           The Amazon River’s source              Soil erosion - without trees to protect it, soil in the
                            is in the Andes mountain                rainforest is easily eroded. The soil loses its nutrients
                            range and its mouth flows               especially when it rains heavily.
                            into the Atlantic Ocean.               Water cycle - trees help return water vapour to the
                           The length of the Amazon                atmosphere which then falls as rain.
                            River is approximately                 Indigenous people - the rainforest was once home to one
                            4000 miles.                             million indigenous people. Now only 200,000 remain.
                                                                   Loss of habitat for millions of species like insects, birds,
Year 5 - Stormbreaker

Locational Knowledge              Place Knowledge                                     Human and Physical Geography                    Geographical Skills
                                                                                                                                        and Fieldwork
     London is the        London is located on the River          Industry                                                                People can
      capital city of       Thames.                                        There are four types of industry:                                explore
      the United           The Romans founded London                   -   Primary industry involves getting raw materials e.g.             capital cities
      Kingdom.              about 50 CE.                                    mining, farming and fishing.                                     and other
     The United           The Romans decided it was an                -   Secondary industry involves manufacturing e.g. making            areas
      Kingdom               excellent place to build a port.                cars and making steel.                                           through
      consists of the       The water was deep enough for               -   Tertiary industries provide a service e.g. teaching and          google earth.
      following             ocean-going ships but it was far                retail.                                                         Using this
      countries;            enough inland to be safe from               -   Quaternary industry involves research and development            they can
      England,              raiders.                                        e.g. ICT.                                                        map out
      Wales,               Roman London was an important                  London has mainly tertiary and quaternary industries.            journeys,
      Scotland and          port where grain and metal were                London is one of the biggest centres for finance in the          explore
      Northern              exported and luxury goods were                  world.                                                           different
      Island.               imported. (Things like wine, olive             The service jobs include food, entertainment, tourism            communities
     It is in the          oil, glass, fine pottery, silk, and             and retail.                                                      and
      south of the          ivory).                                                                                                          landmarks.
      UK.                  London remains an important port        Landmarks
     The UK is on          and has been important to the           The London Eye
      Northern              country’s trade and economy.                   The London Eye is Europe’s tallest Ferris wheel.
      Europe which         In the 1800s, London had a                     It was built in the year 2000 to mark the millennium.
      is in the             rapid population growth. From 1                The New Year fireworks are displayed from the London
      Northern              million people to 3 million people              Eye.
      Hemisphere.           in just 60 years.                       The Palace of Westminster
     Other important      This was because people began to               The Palace of Westminster is where the Houses of
      cities are            move from countryside to cities                 Parliament are (House of Commons and the House of
      Edinburgh,           The increase in population also                 Lords).
      Belfast and           led to an increase in the amount               It has the Elizabeth Tower which contains Big Ben.
      Cardiff.              of road traffic as people who                  It was built in 1016, which makes it over 1000 years
                            lived in Outer London travelled to              old.
                            Inner London for work and back          The Tower of London
                            home each day.                                 The Tower of London is a 900-year-old castle and
                           To help with the amount of                      fortress in central London.
                            people, in 1863 the first                      At different times, it has been a castle, a zoo and a
                            underground railway opened.                     prison.
                           London continues to grow and                   Now it is a tourist location.
                            Greater London is counted as its               The crown jewels are stored there, and people can go
                            own region with its own mayor.                  and see them.
                           The current population of London               The tower has ravens and it is said that if they leave
                            is 9 million people.                            the tower, it will fall.
Year 6 – Fantastic Beasts

Locational Knowledge & Place                                             Human and Physical Geography                                        Geographical Skills
         Knowledge                                                                                                                               and Fieldwork
   The 7 continents on                    A biome is a large region of the Earth that has a certain climate and certain types of               Geographers use
    Earth are Asia, Africa,                 living things. The plants and animals of each biome have traits that help them to survive             satellites and
    Europe, Australasia,                    in their particular biome.                                                                            digital
    Antarctica, North            Desert Biomes                                                                                                    technologies to
    America and South             -       Desert biomes have low levels of rainfall each year.                                                    monitor biomes
    America.                      -       Deserts cover about 20% of the Earth and can be found on every continent except Europe.                 and to see the
   Their 5 oceans on Earth:      -       Although the daytime temperatures of the desert biome are very hot, they can get very cold at           impact of
    Atlantic, Pacific, Indian,            night.                                                                                                  human activity
    Southern and Arctic           -       The Sahara Desert is the largest desert in the desert biome.                                            and global
   The equator runs around       -       The vegetation does not grow very tall so the desert biome can only accommodate small                   warming.
    the centre of the Earth.              animals, rodents, and reptiles.                                                                        Changes that
   There is a northern and       -       There is hardly any standing water in the desert biome so animals either store water in their           geographers
    southern hemisphere.                  bodies or get their water through the foods they eat.                                                   have noticed
   The tropic of Cancer and      -       Animals and plants have adaptions to survive in the biome.                                              include,
    the Arctic Circle are in     Tropical Biomes                                                                                                  changes to
    the Northern Hemisphere.      -       Tropical biomes are found all over the world but the majority of the tropical rainforest lies in        habitat, the
   The tropic of Capricorn               South America in Brazil. The weather in the tropical rainforest is rainy yet pleasant all year          population of
    and the Antarctic Circle              round, day or night.                                                                                    animals, the
    are in the Southern           -       Rainforests are extremely important because the water they produce is evaporated and then               average
    Hemisphere.                           used as rain in other areas.                                                                            temperatures,
   The Earth is also             -       The tropical rainforest is very rainy as its name implies.                                              weather
    separated into longitude      -       The tropical rainforest has hundreds of different types of trees living there.                          patterns.
    and latitude.                 -       Tropical rainforests have a great variety of animals living there.
   They help locate where a      -       Insects make up the majority of living creatures in the tropical rainforest.
    place is in the world.        -       Because of the amount of trees in the tropical rainforest biome, it is responsible for the
   To find out how                       majority of the oxygen production in the air that we breathe.
    far north or south a         Tundra Biomes
    place is, lines              -        The tundra biome is an ecosystem situated near the North Pole in the Arctic Circle.
    of latitude are used.        -        It is the coldest of all biomes.
    These lines run parallel     -        Animal populations vary throughout the seasons. Some animals opt to hibernate during the
    to the Equator.                       winter and others migrate to warmer temperatures.
   To find out how              -        Because of the extreme temperatures, most organisms get their nutrients from the decaying of
    far east or west a place              dead organic material.
    is, lines of longitude are   -        The tundra biome is considered a carbon dioxide sink because it stores more carbon dioxide
    used. These lines run                 than it gives off.
    from the top of the Earth    -        There are very few trees that grow in the tundra biome. Under the snow and ice, there is a
    to the bottom.                        thick layer of soil that remains frozen which does not allow deep rooted plants to grow.
                                 -        The tundra biome is the driest place on Earth.
                                 -        During the summer, it is daylight 24 hours a day.
Year 6 – Seasons of Splendour

Locational Knowledge             Place Knowledge                                  Human and Physical Geography                     Geographical Skills and
    The Ganges              The river Ganges is                 Physical Geography                                                    Geographers use
     begins in the            considered sacred to Hindus                Rivers carry rainwater from hills and mountains                digital
     Himalayas which          and is personified as the                   downhill to other rivers, lakes or the ocean.                  technologies in the
     is a mountain            goddess Gaṅgā.                                                                                             form of aerial
     range in Asia.          The source of the River                    The start of a river is called the source and the end          views to monitor
    The Ganges flow          Ganges is in the Himalayas                  is called the mouth.                                           pollution to the
     through India            in the Gangotri Glacier.                                                                                   River Ganges.
                                                                         Many rivers and streams will join together before
     and Bangladesh.         This meanders down the                                                                                    They have noticed
                                                                          they reach the mouth of the river. The smaller rivers
    The Himalayas            mountain range, along its                                                                                  how this increase
     borders Northern         way it has several                          and streams are called tributaries.                            in pollution is
     India, Nepal,            tributaries.                                                                                               influenced by
                                                                         Rivers often follow a winding path which is called
     Pakistan,               The river flows through the                                                                                human activity.
                                                                          meandering. The river starts to erode from side to
     Bangladesh,              Indian states of Uttarakhand,                                                                             Geographers use
     Myanmar,                 Uttar Pradesh, Bihar,                                                                                      digital maps to
     Bhutan, China,           Jharkhanta and West Bengal.                A fast flowing river will carry soil and dirt from its         monitor and
     Tajikistan and          The major tributaries:                                                                                     observe the path
                                                                          banks and bed downstream and drop them when it
     Afghanistan.         -   The left tributaries are the                                                                               of the River
                                                                          gets wider and slows down. This is called sediment.
    It is in the             Karnali Gandak, Koshi and                                                                                  Ganges.
     Northern                 the Ghaghra.                               When there is too much water in a river it floods
     Hemisphere.          -   The right tributaries are                   and covers the area around it water. This is called
    The climate of the       Yumna, Son and Mahananda.                   a floodplain.
     Ganges ranges           The Ganges ends in the Bay
     from tropical at         of Bangal.                                 When rivers reach the sea, they often spread out
     the base of the         Pollution - even though the                 over a wide area and slow right down. This part of
     mountains to             Ganges are holy to Hindus,                  the river is called the estuary.
     permanent ice and        it is highly polluted.
     snow at the             There is an ongoing                        Sometimes rivers carry so much silt that when they
     highest points.          campaign to cleanse the                     drop it, it builds a new area of land at the edge of
                              Ganges                                      the ocean called a delta.
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