Page created by Martha Mclaughlin


Consultation on Developing Glendowie School Charter and Strategic Plan included the following:
    ●   Consultation with the community through the newsletter , web site and Board Meeting for goals

    ●   Consultation in February with our community each year on setting our charter goals

    ●   Annual Consultation with management team

    ●   Advising the Community on the process for developing the Charter each year and implemented changes from our community Questionnaire 2018.​ ​Parents advised of consultation
        and review process and opportunities February 2021

    ●   Consultation with our Maori community in 2021


Part One Introductory Section
    ● Information about the School
    ● School Mission, Values, Goals, Vision Statement
    ● Catering for Cultural Diversity and Maori Dimension

Part Two Strategic Section 2021-2023

     ●   Overview of Current State of Student Learning
     ●   Higher Levels of Achievement achieved through Strategic Implementation Goal
     ●   Strategic Aims
     ●   NAG 2 Self Review Curriculum
     ●   NAG 2 Planner for Self Review Policies and Procedures,2021- 2023

Part Three Strategic Documents as appendixed documents
    ● ​Learning with Digital technologies Strategic Plan
    ●    PYP Strategic Plan

Part Four Annual Section (as appendixed documents) Student Achievement Targets (Annual Curriculum Goals) from the analysis of achievement against NZC and school standards
Part 5 Our Charter includes the following Annual Plans
    ● Annual Plan Objectives
    ● Annual Professional Development
    ● Annual Budget and Notes to the Budget
    ● Annual Learning with Digital Technologies Goals
    ● Annual PYP Goals from Strategic PYP Plan

Part One       Introductory Section
    ● Information about the School

    ● School Mission, Values, Goals, Vision Statement

    ● Catering for Cultural Diversity and Maori Dimension

Glendowie School is a Decile 10 school, situated in the Eastern Suburbs of Auckland and is in an idyllic setting, surrounded by parks, bush and the Tamaki Estuary.

The school is a “full primary” catering for students in Years 1-8.

The school was built in 1952 and the building programme has continued to keep pace with the growing roll number in recent years. 16 classrooms were built in 2013 and 5
were remodelled. The roll in 2020 in November was 617 The MOE predicted roll for 2021 is 600

The school site includes a State Kindergarten, three State Integrated Montessori classes, a Sommerville Satellite Unit for students with special needs and an independently
run After-School and Before-School Care programme.

Parents actively support the school through the Parents' Association and the Board of Trustees.
The school continues to provide high quality facilities with well-maintained physical resources, including a full-sized gymnasium, a mini hall, a modernised administration
area, two adventure playgrounds and a swimming pool. In 2017 a new all weather turf surface was added to our lower field. Fencing and purposeful sports equipment were
purchased and this space has been a great asset in terms of sports and PE able to be used throughout the year. All year group classrooms have a common learning area
attached to them. Our modernised and rebuilt rooms opened in 2013 focuses on providing an Innovative Learning Environment for students and teachers

Facilities include a refurbished library and information centre, art room, resource areas, a purpose built Intermediate Block, a mini hall with science and technology
resources for learning, and a large glass house. 21 new or modernized classrooms opened in 2013.

In 2019 we added an additional innovative learning environment for our year 7 classes. We have designed 4 purpose built spaces to allow for a language area, quiet spaces,
teachers wellbeing space ,creative and technological areas. Improvement also included our “ I space “ and our library to allow more open spaces as well as ensuring
insulation around the server room to provide quieter areas for our “I space area.” In 2019 we fenced around our school boundary and have a new disability access way into
the hall

In 2020 we planned a new LSC space and commenced the planning for verandas to allow learning through play outside the Year 1 and 2 areas . These will be completed
early in 2021

The school had a major fire in January 2011 which completely destroyed 7 classrooms, resource rooms and damaged a number of other rooms.

In 2006 Glendowie School was the first state N.Z. school to be authorized to offer the Primary Years Programme (PYP) of the International Baccalaureate.

Our school delivers the New Zealand Curriculum through the local curriculum of the PYP and also the Montessori curriculum for our Montessori students.

At the heart of the PYP, is a commitment to structured inquiry as the leading vehicle for learning. This learning is fostered through authentic and meaningful links across the
curriculum and within a child centered and interactive environment. The learning programme of the PYP is a balanced programme of concepts, knowledge, skills,and
actions for our students across all learning areas.

The school's commitment to enhance Information and Communication Technology (I.C.T.) has resulted in a fully networked computer system, an I Space (ICT centre),
computers in classrooms, installed data projectors interactive whiteboards, or interactive projectors in all classrooms. There has been a focus since 2013 for mobile
technologies to be available for all students necessitating quality wireless throughout the school and ultra-fast broadband installed in February 2013. Our SNUP (School
network upgrade project) was implemented in 2014 and this included new wireless. The school’s major professional development for 2015- 2017 was 21​st century learning
pedagogy/ digital literacies and information learning tools to support this focus. Our E learning framework guides our strategic planning for e learning. In 2020/2021 we
have been implementing the new curriculum Digital Technologies into our Units of Inquiry

The school’s priorities continue to be numeracy and literacy. The numeracy programme has been a significant part of our math’s programme since 2001. Professional
development for all staff, linked to appraisal, self-review and school targets continue to show significant learning gains by our students. The school has implemented the
changes within the NZ curriculum. The teachers continue to monitor and report on students’ progress in maths. The school’s major 3 year focus review for 2016 was
English. The Major Focus for 2016 and 2017 was maths and statistics. The Major focus for 2018-2020 was writing with a focus on student agency through writing in the
English curriculum. The school has appointed a maths specialist teacher in 2020 and 2021 to support the Intermediate maths programmes

The school has well-organised extensive resources which cater for the diverse range of needs and experiences of students.

Glendowie School has become part of the Glendowie Kahui Ako Community of Learning ( COL), established in 2017. The schools in the Kahui Ako are Glendowie College,
Churchill Park, St Heliers School and Glendowie School. The purpose of our COL is to build the long term sustainability and capability of staff and effectiveness of systems
within and across the schools to achieve the very best outcomes for our students. We see collaboration amongst the schools, community, Principals, Boards and key leaders
as a way of working together to get the best outcomes for our students. The implementation plan developed in 2018 contains the key objectives that will help us to meet
the achievement challenges that have been set. In 2019 we focussed on student agency, inquiry, digital literacies, visible learning , writing across the curriculum, and the
learning progressions within the writing focus. In 2020/2021 the Glendowie Kahui Ako Community of Learning ( COL) has a new achievement challenge and the focus will be
“well being” and student agency. The focus for 2021 and 2022 will be embedding student well being, student agency within the NZ curriculum as we focus on the Key
competencies. ( Approaches to Learning ) which are the capabilities that our students will need for the learning and future focus . We will continue to embed writing
across the curriculum and within our scope and sequence documents and the impacts of our research project, TLIF on effective strategies to improve boys writing

The Board of Trustees commitment to literacy has included, and will continue to include, increasing resourcing and professional development. The school has instigated
school-wide programmes in spelling and word study, reading and writing and has implemented the NZ curriculum, literacy progressions. In 2019 we looked at the online
learning progressions and the PACT tool which allows teachers and students to unpack the incremental steps within the NZC of writing and support the process of
moderation through our assessment practices. The teachers continue to monitor and report on students’ progress in literacy and report to the community. In 2019/2020

we were successful in receiving funding for 1 year under a Ministry of Education Scheme called Teacher led Innovation Fund where we are focussing on Lifting boys progress
and achievement in writing. We will use the outcomes of this project to support the teaching of boys writing across the different year groups in the school. We continued to
have an ongoing focus on writing in 2020 especially in writing across the curriculum

The learning programmes will continue to recognise that our children learn in a variety of ways. Learning styles, inquiry based learning, use of communication technology,
multiple intelligences and a higher level of thinking skills will develop and continue to be a focus of children's learning at Glendowie School. A learning laboratory together
with support programmes has been set up to support children having difficulties in literacy and especially children with dyslexia. Special support programmes are also
implemented and continue to support our children with special needs. The Board has a strong focus on equity and excellence and ensuring that we implement the ERO
evaluation Indicators, and our review of them, to continue to support our priority students

Initiatives and programmes catering for gifted and talented students, children with special needs and children with English as a second language (E.S.O.L.) are an integral
part of the teaching and learning programme. “Students experience a rich and broad curriculum that enables them to excel academically and develop the skills of lifelong
learners “ ERO Evaluation Report December 2018. In 2020/2021 we have appointed a maths specialist teacher to support our senior school maths programme. In Reading
Comprehension PAT 2020, Year 4-8 students standardized tests, showed an average of 12% of our students in stanine 9, outstanding category compared with 4% Nationally
3 out of the 5 year groups had from 44% to 59% of our students in the above average category compared with the National Distribution of 23%

In Math’s PAT standardized tests in 2020 ​Year 3-8 ​students standardized tests,showed an average of 14.5% of our students in stanine 9 outstanding category compared
with the National distribution of 4%. In the above average category our year groups had a range of from 36% to 55% of their students compared with the National
Distribution of 23% being Above average

Children from Year 2-8 have the opportunity to study an International language. This enables them to communicate in another language, gain an understanding of the
cultures in which the language is spoken, and enhance their understanding of their first language. Our International language is Chinese ( Mandarin ) Our students from
Year 1-8 have the opportunity to improve their understanding of Maori language ( te reo Maori ) culture ( nga tikanga) and kapahaka

The school continues to support initiatives for our intermediate students. These have included a purpose built classroom block, common rooms in year 7 and 8 areas,a
distinctive intermediate uniform, a musical instrument programme, specialist sports programmes, a leadership programme supporting the school with school councillors,
rich and authentic learning tasks within their unit of inquiry, opportunities to bring their own digital devices, and noteworthy resources which support the learner.

The school recognises the need to prepare our students for the future to enable them to become lifelong learners. The school’s focus on the key competencies linked to our
approaches to learning are planned for in every unit of inquiry. These include the following skills: thinking, managing self, social skills, participating and contributing,
communication, research, and using language symbols and texts.
The Board of Trustees supports the funding of additional teachers and specialists and they continue to focus on maintaining in most cases non-composite year groups and
reduced class numbers.
Glendowie School has an experienced, dedicated and approachable staff, which ensures a caring, supportive and dynamic learning environment.

The school takes as its major value statement "I Care" which respects the rights and dignity of the individual, the local environment, the school and the global community.
The values from the N.Z. curriculum and the PYP attitudes and attributes of the PYP learner profile are planned for on the unit planner and are part of every classroom’s
class culture.

The school’s values reflect N.Z. cultural values as well as the values of other groups and cultures. They also reflect the values of the IB mission statement, the NZ Curriculum
Vision statement and the School Mission Statement. The Board is committed to welcoming and including all children at Glendowie School. We are committed to their
engagement in all school activities and to their achievement We are committed to the promotion of equity and excellence and addressing any learning disparities fo all our


PYP Evaluation In 2019 the IB (International Baccalaureate) undertook their 5 yearly evaluation of the school in terms of the standards and practices expected in a school
that is authorised to implement the PYP programme. This was an independent and external review and the outcomes would then become our key areas of focus for the
next 5 years. The report was an exceptional report which showed 22 commendations, a very rare result we believe within the world community of schools. There were no
areas to be addressed and the 6 recommendations will be incorporated into our Annual Plans over the next 5 years. Steve Wishart from the IBO stated about our
evaluation: “The evidence provided highlights of the quality and commitment of the school community. Congratulations on the number and nature of commendations
received within the report. These demonstrate strong programme implementation exceeding the requirements of the PYP. Schools drawing multiple commendations
should be particularly proud of this achievement and consider sharing initiatives undertaken with the broader global IB community.”

Glendowie School Charter 2021-2023

    Mission Statement                                                 I Care

    Glendowie School Values                                                Glendowie School Goals
    The values we implement within the school are those found in the           1. To provide and support a quality teaching and learning programme in
    New Zealand curriculum, the attitudes within the Primary Years                which every student is motivated to learn and achieve personal
    Programme (PYP) and the attributes of the learner profile from                excellence.
    the PYP programme.                                                         2. To strengthen our assessment and reporting procedures using evidence
                                                                                  based practices which can then be used to support the learner, the
    In addition Glendowie School promotes the following:
                                                                                  parents/whanau and the implementation of new teaching strategies.
        1. “I Care”
                                                                               3. To enable students to develop the competencies, knowledge and skills to
        2. Lifelong Learning                                                      become lifelong learners with the ability and confidence to adapt to
        3. Excellence                                                             change and accept challenges.
        4. Community Involvement                                               4. To provide a curriculum that fosters our school identity, and our school
        5. Local and Global Citizenship                                           values, and promotes the attributes of local and global citizens with a
                                                                                  shared sense of humanity and care for the world we live in.
                                                                               5. To provide quality resources which support the learner and community.

    Vision Statement
    Glendowie School is an “I Care” school which places the highest priority on providing a quality teaching and learning programme. Our students will
    become confident, compassionate, lifelong learners, encouraged to achieve their full potential by actively participating in our country and as citizens of
    the world.

Cultural diversity and Maori Dimension

What reasonable steps will the school take to incorporate tikanga Maori (Maori culture and protocol) into the school’s curriculum? We will:
   − S​upport our kaiawhina to work within each syndicate on nga tikanga and Te Reo Maori. This programme will be developed further in 2019 to make connections with
        the students learning in all curriculum areas around their Units of Inquiry
    −   We will look at ways in 2019 and beyond that we can support our Maori students and other interested students in joining our kapahaka. We need to look carefully
        at ways we can retain these students within the group
    −   To look at ways we can include Maori language and culture visually within the school environment
    −   Seek opportunities to learn about Maori protocol, holding a powhiri and visit a local Marae.
    −   Work with our Kaiawhina around a programme of scope and sequence for all our students to improve their te reo and nga tikanga
    −   Sing the National Anthem in Maori.
    −   Use Te Reo Maori as part of our learning within our units of inquiry and learning areas e.g.: vocabulary, song/dance, greetings, traditional stories etc.
    −   Recognise the historical significance of our local resources and use these resources as part of our units of inquiry eg: Tahuna Torea, Mt Taylor, and Tamaki Estuary,
        including embedding the local legends of the area
    −   Continue to Learn school songs in Maori that can be sung at assemblies and official gatherings

−   Strengthen our leadership for Maori around our Maori welcomes and powhiri
     −   Support a Kapahaka group within the school and allocate time for the children to also expand their understanding of Maori culture. This will be open to all children
         as long as numbers are manageable . The classroom programme will also be called kapahaka and incorporate te reo maori, nga tikanga and kapahaka
     −   Our Units of Inquiry continue to be reviewed through a lens of integrating authentically any Maori context. These continue to be updated and reviewed at the time
         of planning our units of inquiry. Our 2018 consultation with the community reviewed our we were integrating te reo maori and nga tikanga ( culture) within our
         units of inquiry
     −   Our Col achievement challenge of 2020 to 2022 reviews our school well being focus around the key Maori values of Manaakitanga, Whanaungatanga, Ako and Mahi
What will the school do to provide instruction in te Reo Maori (Maori language) for full time students whose parents ask for it? We will:
   − I​nvestigate “posting” a local resource teacher from neighbouring schools.
     −   Approach Correspondence School if we receive a request to support a full-time student with a distance learning programme.
     −   Utilise the possibility of a kaiawhina to support the request of the student within the classroom to deliver the curriculum.
     −   Utilise the skills of any teacher employed by the Board who has an understanding and competency in te Reo Maori.
     −   Investigate and source suitable resources for delivering the learning programme in te Reo Maori, nga tikanga.

What steps will be taken to discover the views and concerns of the school’s Maori communities? We will consult with our Maori community via:
     −   Maori consultation policy.
     −   Maori Hui 2018, 2021
     −   By the collation of any relevant data from our school questionnaires.
     −   Personal contact with our Maori tutors (kaiawhina) or teacher responsible for our Maori programme
     −   Personal approach with the Board of Trustees and Principal.
     −   Discussion with our Maori parents at transition points in order to assess any support needed with starting school or High school

Ongoing initiatives

     −   Continue to monitor our Maori student’s attendance and ensure that where issues arise that open dialogue and support can be implemented
     −   Where unit resourcing is possible we will appoint a teacher to a unit of responsibility around leadership in Maori
     −   Continue to implement Maori values within our curriculum consulted our Maori community about the Maori values we should adopt as school wide values
     −   Employment of Maori Teacher Aide to take Kapahaka
     −   Support for our Maori Students with transitions
     −   Liaison with Glendowie College around their P.D. focus on improved learning outcomes for Maori students. How will we be able to utilise their resources and
         strengths in this area especially for our Year 8 Maori students
     −   Reviewing our recommendations from our 2018 Maori Hui and implementing the goals for 2019-2021
     −   Connection and new relationships established with the Ruapotaka marae

Recommendations to implement from our Maori Hui 2018

Goals identified

     1. Continue to focus on our Maori children knowing their next steps and not be complacent with just ‘achieving’ so continue to set the AT to ABOVE goals
     2. Ensure rubrics are set so children know how to move to their next step
     3. Make sure we continue with our Maori lessons for the whole school so all students are aware of our Maori culture/language.
     4. Kapahaka/cultural group: sometimes the children didn't want to be pulled out for kapa haka as they felt segregated by leaving the class. Solution: they bring a
        friend to kapahaka. Continue with making kapahaka inclusive of non Maori students , but with preference given to Maori students
     5. Collaboration with parents - one parent wanted to know how her child was compared to other maori students in the school. Suggested she contact the office early
        in Term 2 for a copy of the PAT report (presented to the BOT) and meet with the teacher to discuss.
     6. Ensure that we track our Maori students attendance to identify which students will not achieve at 90% in Term 3 each year and to look at ways to improve this
     7. Management Goal : To continue to visit our commitment to ​Learning in an environment where a culturally responsive pedagogy of relations is the norm significantly
        improves valued outcomes for Māori through ensuring a ;
     ● relationships of care and connectedness are fundamental (whanaungatanga)
     ● power is shared and learners have the right to equity and self-determination (mahi tahi, kotahitanga)
     ● culture counts; learners’ understandings form the basis of their identity and learning (whakapapa)
     ● learning is interactive, dialogic (rather than monologic) and iterative (ako)
     ● decision making and practice is responsive to relevant evidence (wänanga)
     ● a common vision and interdependent roles and responsibilities focus on the potential of learners (kaupapa​).

                                   ERO Goal from Evaluation Review
Next Steps
For sustained improvement and future learner success, priorities for further developments are in:
     ● evaluating the integration and sustainability of bicultural practices and Treaty of Waitangi principles
     ● developing our learner profile that reflects both biculturalism and internationalism

Part Two            Strategic Section 2021- 2023
     ● Overview of Current State of Student Learning
     ● Higher Levels of Achievement- Strategic and implementation Goals
     ● National Standards Strategic Aims
     ● Areas of Additional Focus

     ● Strategic Goal Aims

     ● Strategic Curriculum Development Plan

     ● NAG 2 Three Year Planner for Self- Review Policies and Procedures.

     ● NAG 2 Curriculum Review Table

PART 3 ( Appendix documents)
  ● Leading with Digital Technologies Strategic Plan
  ● PYP Strategic Plan

PART 4 Annual Plan with Annual Achievement Targets available for 2021 on the school web site from 16th February 2021 and
added as an appendix to this document from this time

Overview of Current State of Student Achievement
The Board of Trustees recognizes the National Priorities as shown by NAG 1 and the expectations under the NZ curriculum with​ ​a focus on Literacy and Numeracy

The school uses​ ​a range of standardized assessment tools for school wide information gathering. A range of school wide data in literacy and numeracy is reported on each
year to the Board. Data is analyzed within cohorts and by comparing the same children over time.

Teachers use the data to identify children who are not achieving and at risk of not achieving and the Board of Trustees provide support programmes for these
children. This includes supporting all our children who are below the New Zealand Curriculum levels especially in literacy
Teachers identify Maori and Pacific Island students and review and report on achievement. The Board of Trustees reported to our Maori community on Maori achievement
and programmes to support Maori achievement in their Maori hui held in 2018 and as well as in their annual report.
The Major curriculum focus review each year or biannually reports on student achievement against the major focus Board approved plan. It also reviews the resources
and programme delivery that underpin the teaching and learning programmes. A curriculum area or key competency is undertaken each year.
An overview of student achievement each year is reported to the Board and to the community and is part of the historical documentation below. A half year review on our
annual goal focus students is also reported to the BOT mid year and end of the year
The cycle for collection and analysis of school wide data is included in the NAG 2 section of the charter. In addition, the school has developed challenging benchmarks in
reading, writing and mathematics.
The Board is also advised as to the progress the students have made as our individual schools within the COL and also how the COl has met the achievement challenges
that we as the Glendowie Kahui Ako have committed to

Percentages of students At or Above the expectations of the NZCurriculum level

 Year level                           Reading                               Writing                               Maths

 2018 All students, excluding Int.              92.9%                                 88.4%                               91.6%

 2018 Maori Students                            85.7%                                 85.7%                               77.2%

 2019 All students, excluding Int.              92.0%                                 84.2%                               91.1%

 2019 Maori Students                            92.1%                                 86.9%                               84.3%

 2020 All students excluding                    87.6%                                 84.6%                               88.5%
 International students

 2020 Maori Students                            80%                                76.6%                                   80%

Data Analysis against the New Zealand Curriculum and the high expectations the school has for student achievement in 2020 shows;

      87.6% of our students (excluding our International Students) are reading At or Above the NZC and school expectation
      24 out of 30 of our Maori students are reading At or Above the NZC and school expectation
      6 out of 8 of our Pasifika students are reading At or Above the NZC and school expectation

      84.6% of our students ((excluding our International Students) are writing At or Above the NZC and school expectation
      23 out of 30 of our Maori students are writing At or Above the NZC and school expectation
      5 out of 8 of our Pasifika students are writing At or Above the NZC and school expectation

      88.5% of our students ( (excluding our International Students) are At or Above the NZC and school expectation
      24 out of 30 of our Maori students are At or Above the NZC and school expectation
      6 out of 8 of our Pasifika students are At or Above the NZC and school expectation

​ School Wide Targets for 2021 = Whole School and COL goals
●     85% of our children on the observation survey will be at or above the mean.
●     In PAT of Reading Comprehension all cohorts will be above or well above national benchmarks.
●     90% of our students ( excluding International Students ) will be at the level of achievement to meet the expected demands of the National Curricula in reading
●     85% of our students (excluding International Students) will be at the level of achievement to meet the expected demands of the National Curricula in writing
●        All year groups will have 85% of their students at or above their cohort year level.

●     In PAT tests of Mathematics all cohorts will be above or well above national expectations
●     90% of our students will be at the level of achievement to meet the expected demands of the National Curricula in maths.

 ​ Annual Curriculum Goal Targets and Learning targets for 2020-2023 with a timeframe of Review December 2020/2021
     ●   To shift the progress and achievement of our identified priority students ( 73 students 2020 ) and number identified in our annual plan 2021 around well being
     ●   To monitor our students who are below the NZcurriculum in reading, writing and maths and implement teaching and learning programmes and strategies to show
         improved progress and achievement.
     ●   Embedding the Key competencies , ( Approaches to Learning )into our units of Inquiry and being inclusive of our well being and student agency goals
     ●    Empowerment of students through agency to recognise their next steps and ways of achieving and showing progress.

Well Being Goals
     ●   T​o build the long term sustainability and capabilities of staff and effectiveness of systems within and across the schools to achieve the very best outcomes for our
         students and staff. This will be measured by comparing school wide improvements when comparing year to year data from the NZCER WellBeing Survey as well as
         measuring improved well being against our priority identified students
     ●   To implement the Kiva bullying prevention programme and track through comparison of annual kiva survey data: reduced incidences of bullying,students knowing
         what to do when someone is bullied at our school, increased perception of what teachers are doing to prevent bullying has improved ,increased numbers of our
         children feeling safe at school ,increased empathy, confidence, enjoying school, academic motivation, well being, supportive peer group ,and a reduction in cyber

Student Agency ( Voice, Choice and Ownership by students for their learning )
     ●    For our students to become more self directed , purposeful, and in control in their learning The expectation is that our goals of Well Being, and learner agency will
         support our student learners to learn across the curriculum

Higher Levels of Achievement​ ​ Strategic Implementation Goals:
     ●   Focused budgeting, giving priority to annual learning objectives.
     ●   Professional Development focuses as identified through our Strategic Plan and funded through our Annual Professional Development Plan.
     ●   An appointment process for new staff which appoints quality staff and which acknowledges an applicant’s ability to lift achievement, and an induction, orientation
         programme to support these new teachers. Ensuring these new teachers understand our school vision and our school framework of expectations for improvement
         and learning success
     ●   Focusing on the Professional Development of our new staff in terms of our learning culture eg School Literacy programme, School Numeracy Programme, and the
         Primary Years Programme (PYP).
     ●   By implementing an integrated curriculum approach around authentic and trans-disciplinary inquiry which focuses on meaningful contexts, engaging, relevant and
         significant learning, local and global awareness, and the attitudes and attributes which will allow our students to become skilled learners for the 21st century.
     ●   School wide focus on professional development, resourcing, annual reporting on literacy and numeracy.
     ●   School wide cultures of learning, including planning and assessment.
     ●   School wide expectation of recognition of success and school wide improvement.
     ●   School wide commitment to formative assessment and evidence based practices.
     ●   Ensuring that learning is visible in the classroom and that our language of learning is developed and embedded
     ●   School support programmes for special needs students, our priority students including identifying children not achieving and at risk of not achieving, and
         recognition and support for our gifted and talented children.
     ●   Focus on curriculum 3— 5 year cycle of self-review in the learning areas.
     ●   Annual implementation and focus on our annual curriculum goals, including our targets for Maori student achievement and reporting to the Board and community
         on these.
     ●   Teaching and learning programmes which identify for the children the learning outcomes, the success criteria,provide opportunities for children to set personal
         goals of achievement, encourage a high level of achievement and one where children are given positive feedback to support their next stage of learning
     ●   A structured and focussed appraisal system for teachers, which includes teachers setting annual objectives related to our annual learning priorities, and
         professional development focus and ensuring that this meets the registered teacher criteria of the ​ Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand. By ​using the
         National Curricula levels of expectations there will be a high level of expectation to monitor student progress and achievement and to support students teaching
         and learning which is targeted, closely monitored, and focussed on continual improvement.

School Expectations and Strategic Aims in Literacy and Numeracy and in relation to the National Curricula

     ●   To ensure that all students are able to access the NZ Curriculum as evidenced by progress and achievement in relation to the expected achievement levels of the
         National Curricula

●   To ensure that our assessment data is used effectively to support improvement and achievement in student outcomes around our school and national curricula
         levels. Students will be supported to set their learning goals, including the ways they can achieve them. They will be supported through effective teacher practice
         which will cater for their student’s needs.
     ●   To ensure Maori students are supported and engaged in their learning and are achieving educational success. Whanau will be supported in knowing their
         achievement of their children, their next steps and how they can support them in their learning
     ●   All students, including students with special needs will be supported in their learning so that they can make progress in relation to the New Zealand Curriculum
     ●   Reading, Writing and Maths will be key learning areas within the learning programme for all students. Teachers will use evidence-based practices to plan for their
         students' learning. Regular monitoring by management of student progress and achievement, together with the expectation of students meeting expected
         learning milestones will become priorities and part of regular review
     ●   All students will show progress and achievement each year in relation to the level of achievement needed to meet the demands of the national curricula. Baseline
         data will be used as part of our self-review and reporting process together with the area of variance
     ●   Students who are identified as our priority students will be those students whose level of progress in building knowledge, skills and capabilities is below the
         expected achievement levels to meet the demands of the national curricula in reading, writing and maths.

The Board Consulted the Community for the Charter and Strategic Goals for 2020-2023. The strategic section therefore has been reviewed from 2018-2020 and extended to
2023. As a result of community consultation, the analysis of school wide achievement data and information, the analysis of variance, and the self- review process our
strategic goals have been set . The school and community survey 2018 has also determined our future strategic goals
School wide survey
    1. To email our school newsletters and reports and encourage our parents to sign up for our Glendowie App so they see when the notifications are posted. This was
         achieved in 2019
     2. Implementation of the Review of the Uniform re suitability, quality etc. Achieved in 2019
     3. Teacher workload review including how to support our teachers..this is also in relation to the MOE “Accord” and the collective contract clauses for teachers
     4. More opportunity for the arts.
     5. Advising parents of available extracurricular activities in school time and putting this information on our website..this was added to our web site in 2019
     6. Parents consulted on important issues..on going and strong connections were a focus during lockdown because of covid-19
     7. Advising parents of the steps that give parents opportunities to liaise and meet with teachers around student performance
     8. Ensuring there are sufficient opportunities to learn about school programmes?
     9. Advising parents of available extra curricular activities held at Glendowie after school

The strategic plans of our school are also the strategic plans for Montessori as the Glendowie School Board of Trustees is responsible for the Governance of the whole
school and the principal is responsible for the Montessori Unit as Management of the school. At the end of 2012 the Montessori Trust consulted with the Montessori
community and the Principal and has produced a Vision document for the future.This has been reviewed and updated in 2018/ 2019
Montessori have developed their innovative learning environment and will continue to see how this will best support their students around the Montessori philosophy and
embedding 21st century skills into their practices

International Students/ and ESOL
As a Code Signatory to the Code of practice for international Students the school has a responsibility to also report on student data. Long Term International students and
ESOL identified students ( from the MOE status list ) will continue to get additional resourcing, support programmes. Students who are below the National Curricula level
especially in literacy will be monitored by their syndicate leader or ESOL teacher ( SENCO in the Junior School ) at least every term and their progress and achievement
monitored on the goals the students , parents and teachers have set. Professional Development, special support programmes will all be accessed in order to effect positive

The ERO report, December 2018 ,for Glendowie stated, “the school has highly effective systems and practices to ensure the quality of education and pastoral care of
international students. Students’ progress and achievement is well monitored, and students integrate well into the school’s education community”

We recognise that due to covid-19 there will be fewer ESOl and International students in 2020/2021

Special Needs

The definition of special needs in learning are students who are identified as our priority students will be those students whose level of progress in building knowledge,
skills and capabilities is below the expected achievement levels to meet the demands of the national curricula in reading, writing and maths. Our goal for these students is
around providing excellence and equity and to address any learning disparities . The Board are committed to support the progress, achievement and well being of all
students but particularly those at risk

     ●   Priority students are identified in our annual and strategic goals
     ●   The Board and school​ ​continue to review​ ​their policies and procedures for our students with special needs in line with the MOE document “ School Planning
         s​upporting learners with special educational needs ( October 2012)” This is reviewed each year as part of our annual charter. Our policies are reviewed on a three-
         year cycle
     ●   Our special educational needs register continues to be updated each year and will be under the direction of the new learning support coordinator
     ●   At Glendowie School learners with special education needs are supported to come to school, engage in all activities and achieve against the key competencies and
         learning areas of the New Zealand curriculum
     ●   Our Strategic Goals include identifying and supporting our priority students in literacy and numeracy, improving outcomes for students at risk, and improving
         outcomes for Maori students and Pacifica at risk

●   Every year we review our special needs programmes in terms of improved student learning outcomes for our students. Recommendations are made as part of
         these reviews
     ●   The BOT commits to supporting with learning support and resources all our children who have special needs

     ●   Looking at ways through our Col as well as our schools around consultation and hearing a range of voices
     ●   Strengthening our relationship with our local marae and look at ways of engagement, support, connections, programmes that can enrich our school community

Strategic Section: See also Strategic Goals PART 3 Learning with Digital Technologies Plan
                                         See also our PYP Strategic Plan

              Strategic Goals                     Core Strategies for Achieving Goals                2021 - 2023

STRATEGIC AIM ONE             ​ Continuous Academic Improvement for All Learners while ensuring equity and excellence and addressing
learning disparities

Strategic Goal        Example                     Core Strategies for Achieving the Goals

                                                  Annual targets will be identified based on analysed data to effect and sustain improvement for all learners in reading,
 Students’ Learning                               writing and mathematics
                      Improve outcomes for all
                      students , particularly,    The progress of the identified target learners and priority groups will be tracked and regularly reviewed for
                      Maori, Pacifica and
                                                  effectiveness in meeting our targets
                      children with special
                                                  Differentiated programmes will provide tailored , specific and targeted support aimed at optimising student
                      Accelerate progress of      achievement
                      students performing below
                      expectations                Our priority students will have additional support programmes and interventions and these areas together with their
                                                  well being will be monitored supported and evaluated

                                                  Ensure that resources and resourcing is provided to support our students who have special needs including gifted
                                                  and talented, and inclusive of all students who are priority students in reading, writing and maths

                                                  Ensuring technologies will support all students including those with special or differentiated learning needs and used
                                                  to effect improvements. This will include digital literacy tools connected to the new digital technologies curriculum

Assessment that is robust, equitable, from a range of sources and including moderation will be used to inform
     reliable OTJ’s (Overall Teacher Judgement ) This will be supported by the schools focus on aligning the students
     learning levels to the learning progression framework and to the PACT assessment tool

     Through participation in collaborative and connected learning communities (COL’S) within the school and also as part
     of the community of learners, opportunities to extend and enrich teaching and learning will be created

     Using student agency to support the teacher as Inquirer in order for the teachers practice to continually meet the
     needs of the student

     Personalising learning through student agency and assessment for learning. These will put the child at the centre of
     change. Both are also very closely bound up with enhancing the capacity of the children to focus on, and be active in

     Learners’ will be supported in their transition from preschool to Glendowie and from Glendowie to High School. This
     will be particularly strengthened through our focus on our COl achievement challenges

     Our school wide focus on 21st century learning will show evidence of students having the knowledge and skills to
     compete in a modern world

     Ensure our Maori students are supported and engaged in their learning and are achieving educational success and
     success as Maori and ensuring their attendance is monitored and reflects the schools focus on opportunity for
     learning through regular attendance ( Maori Hui Goal 2018)

     Continue to focus on our Maori children knowing their next steps and not be complacent with just ‘achieving’ so
     continue to set the AT to ABOVE goals ( Maori Hui Goal 2018 )

     Advising parents of the steps that give parents opportunities to liaise and meet with teachers around student
     performance ( school survey goal 2018 )

     Ensure rubrics are set so children know how to move to their next step

Ensuring our school teaching and learning programmes reflect a culturally responsive pedagogy ( Maori Hui Goal

                                                   Ensure rubrics are set so children know how to move to their next step( Maori Hui Goal 2018)

                                                   Implementation of “Well Being” strategies, student voice and behavioural anti bullying programme

                                                   Implementing specialist support teacher in maths to support programmes Year 7-8

         Student      Review our transition
     Engagement and   programmes at Year 1 and     To continue to liaise with ECE in order to support our Maori new entrant students ,and students with special needs
        transition    Year 8 to ensure             enrolling at Glendowie
                      preparation for the
                      students learning pathway
                                                   We will liaise with Glendowie College around preparation for high school and any initiatives that we may implement
                                                   to support this transition. This will be particularly relevant around the Colleges adopting the MYP programme

                                                   We will Implement teaching and learning strategies around our COL with the achievement challenges set for our
                                                   intermediate students and linked to their future learning needs for Year 9

STRATEGIC AIM TWO                  ​The School is Governed Effectively and Strategically

Governance            The Board will work          BOT on -going review of student learning
                      cohesively to focus on       New BOT members inducted
                      students' progress and       BOT members provided with training
                      achievement in line with     BOT policies updated and reviewed in a cyclical cycle
                      the targets they have set.   BOT consultation with our Maori Community 2021
                                                   BOT reviewing our charter/ strategic plan, annually including the area of variance against the goals set
                      Other areas of focus are     BOT submitting our annual accounts, our annual charter, and review of our annual targets each year to the MOE.
                      how we are effectively       BOT funding of staff Professional Development Plan
                      giving effect to the NEGs    BOT prioritising their budget around health and safety and improved teaching and learning
                                                   BOT and Management ensuring that parents are consulted on important matters ( Goal from 2018 survey )

Planning around the         The NELP priorities?
                    implications of the
                    Government Accord and             ●   Learners at the centre
                    the NELP ( National               ●   Barrier-free access
                    Education Learning                ●   Quality teaching and leadership
                    Priorities,curriculum and         ●   Future of learning and work
                    assessment strategies             ●   World class inclusive public education

                                                The NELP priorities will help create education environments that are learner-centred and where more learners are
                                                successful. They will support all schools to:

                                                      ● Be safe and inclusive and free from racism, discrimination, and bullying
                                                      ● Strengthen the quality of teaching to give learners the skills they need to succeed in education, work and
                                                      ● Collaborate more with whānau, hapū, iwi, employers, industry and communities
                                                      ● Take account of learners’ needs, identities, languages and cultures in their practice
                                                      ● Incorporate te reo Māori and tikanga Māori into everyday activities.

                                                From 2021, our school will gradually incorporate NELP priorities into our plans and practice, and our Board will do
                                                the same as part of our usual r usual planning and review cycles.

                                                The new reporting , strategic planning and charter requirements will come into effect in 2023

Health and Safety                               Health and Safety will become a key item on each BOT agenda
                                                The Board will ensure all legislative requirements and ministry directives are met
                                                A school wide culture of everyone taking responsibility for their own and others health and safety will be embedded
                                                Our 5YA will prioritise any items to be addressed under health and safety
                                                Ongoing monitoring of hazards will be implemented including each term health and safety sub committee doing a
                                                walk through to identify hazards and areas for improvements
                                                Our health and safety Action Plan will be reviewed
                                                BOT willingness to support and work with our health and safety representatives
                                                Biennial consultation with the community on how we deliver the Health Curriculum undertaken in 2020
                                                The Bot and Management will look at ways of strengthening our focus on becoming a well being school, together
                                                with our anti bullying programme

Personnel    Appointment of quality teachers and staff and the challenges this brings with effects of staffing the school with
             reduced amounts of locally raised funds especially due to the impact covid-19 has had on our International student
             Appraisal Process and Professional Development Plan of and for the Principal
             Review our teachers and support staff appraisal policy and procedures in keeping with our requirements, changes
             from the NZ teachers council and also as part of our EEO programme. To recognise the changes the GOVT are
             committed to as part of the “Accord” re teacher appraisal
             Providing professional development for our staff based on our school priorities
             Continuing to staff our Maori language programme and kapahaka
             Continues to staff our Chinese language programme including staffing opportunities and support, and applying for
             Providing opportunities for staff to attain additional educational qualifications
             Teacher workload review including how to support our teachers as well as their health and well being ( Goal from
             school survey 2018 and part of the Government “Accord” )
             Providing opportunities for coaching of leadership positions around our school vision and improved learning
             outcomes for our students
             Providing leadership opportunities through our COL with positions of Lead Principal, Across school leaders and
             within school leaders, and using resourcing to support opportunities for Col positions across our school
             Providing opportunities for senior and middle management around higher duties positions and acting up positions
             within the school where positions become available or opportunities arise
             Ensuring our support staff are appointed to meet the individual needs of our special needs students and that they
             receive support and appropriate training
             Ensuring that all support staff job descriptions have been updated and matched to the matrix relevant to their
             knowledge, skills and experience
             Embedding our office administration positions ensuring training , support, work balance and job descriptions meet
             the focus of our school culture

Regulatory   The Privacy Act compliance will be a key item on each BOT meeting agenda from 2021

STRATEGIC AIM THREE : ​The school will provide resourcing to support our Innovative learning Environment and will maintain high
standards of health and safety
     Property   To continually upgrade and   Implement our 5 YA property Plan 2021 to 2026 and ensure capital and maintenance items are planned for and
                 beautify our environment    purchased.
                                             To look at areas under our 5YA to provide indoor/ outdoor learning opportunities
                                             Continue to provide furniture that supports our school wide focus on Innovative Learning Environments
                                             Implementing ways of continuing the development of our grounds on our southern boundary in order to become a
                                             “living classroom” area
                                             Looking at ways to develop our outdoor environment around our Junior students especially recognising
                                             opportunities for creativity, exploration and collaboration and learning through play . This will include the designing
                                             and build of the OLE ( Outdoor learning environment) in the junior blocks in 2021
                                             Continually upgrade our environment and ensure maximum usage by the students for all seasons.
                                             The property sub committee in conjunction with the health and safety committee will review the property in terms
                                             of new initiatives as well as in keeping with health and safety commitments and requirements
                                             To ensure ongoing maintenance of property resources in terms of our cyclical maintenance programme and our
                                             identified annual needs
                                             To ensure our school property meets all health and safety requirements
                                             To ensure that we continue to purchase property resources e.g. furniture, outdoor property etc to keep pace with
                                             To ensure security is effective, and suitable to give the school maximum assurances of their assets and the ministry
                                             assets are being protected
                                             To ensure the schools own property is insured as well as our furniture and equipment
                                             To look at opportunities for outdoor learning environments including our nature walk and areas that link well to
                                             provide indoor /outdoor learning
                                             To ensure that our property and buildings continue to meet MOE standards and expectations especially when
                                             supporting our innovative learning environment
                                             To continue to provide shade areas outside in order to offer sun protection for our students
                                             To upgrade carpets and internal mats where required
                                             To look at school signage including directional and cultural
                                             To look at spaces for creativity and play learning
                                             To focus on ways to practise sustainability within our environmentally conscious school.

Developing ways to use the living classroom that supports the Units of Inquiry across the year levels.
                                               To investigate the BOT funding of a new toilet block and modernising the pool changing rooms so that they can also
                                               be used all seasons for changing into PE uniform

      Finance     Our annual budgets will      Financial support for our portion of the 5YA and 10YA
                  reflect the BOT priorities   Identify areas for capital expenditure
                                               Operate within our annual grants and BOT available funds
                                               To fund and support our Learning with Digital Technologies Plan
                                               Continue to look at ways of increasing our amounts of locally raised funds to support our learning with digital
                                               technologies plan, our PYP programme, our staffing of additional learning programmes e.g. the arts, special needs,
                                               and language programme etc .
                                               To continue to embed our locally raised funds part of our Budget especially in relation to International students
                                               To continue to set aside budget for our cyclical maintenance programme
                                               To review staffing and additional BOT funding support in terms of reduced numbers of International students

 STRATEGIC AIM FOUR​: ​Effective Relationship and Partnerships are Developed within Glendowie School and the Wider Community

     Community    Improved communication       Consulting the community biennially on our health plan, 2020 and 2022
     Engagement     with all stakeholders      Consultation with our Maori community 2018, 2021
                                               Questionnaire/ survey of our community in 2018 and implementing recommendations
                   Improved collaboration      Sharing information across schools through our COL (Community of learners) in order to best raise student
                    within our network of      achievement and improved the quality of teaching and learning
                  schools ( COL) around our
                                               Sharing and collaborating within school with teachers sharing their expertise and knowledge with each other and
                   achievement challenge
                                               ensuring resources are targeted where needed
                                               Developing community opportunities for the Glendowie Kahui Ako community to give direction to our COL and
                                               review our achievement challenges
                                               To e mail our school newsletters and reports and encourage our parents to sign up for our Glendowie App so they
                                               see when the notifications are posted ( Goal from 2018 parent survey )Achieved in 2019

Advising parents of available extracurricular activities in school time and putting this information on our website (
     Goal from 2018 parent survey )Achieved in 2019 in our school website
     Parents consulted on important issues ( Goal from 2018 parent survey ) Consultation policy reviewed, Newsletter
     updates re property and initiatives
     Advising parents of the steps that give parents opportunities to liaise and meet with teachers around student
     performance ( Goal from 2018 parent survey )
     Ensuring there are sufficient opportunities to learn about school programmes ( Goal from 2018 parent survey ) PYP
     meetings with the community in 2019 together with consultation meetings , junior information evenings and
     Intermediate evenings,. Well Being meetings for parents held at Glendowie

Strategic Aim 5 . Community of learners ( COL ) To build the long term sustainability and
Strategic Goal             Strategic AIM 5                 capability of staff and effectiveness of systems within and across the schools to achieve
                                                           the very best outcom​es for our students

Strategic                  Example                         Core strategies for Achieving the Goal
------------------------   -----------------------------
I​mplementing the
                 Relationships and
Glendowie Kahui Partnerships are
                                                           What​ ​we will do as a COL?
                                                               ● Work towards effective Collaborative Practices for improved learner outcomes
Ako-Community    developed within                              ● Improve student outcomes and accelerate achievement in the focus areas of writing and
of Learners      Glendowie School                                mathematics 2018-2020. Well being and student agency in 2020/2021
Shared           and the Wider                                 ● Track the progress of our achievement challenges in relation to the impact of its improvement
Achievement Plan Community                                       actions and report to the MOE end of 2019 and have our new achievement challenge accepted by
                                                                 the MOE 2020-2022
                                                               ● Application for PLD with the COl focus on Well Being and student agency
                                                               ● Regular monitoring and evaluation around what is and is not working so that actions and
                                                                 strategies can be adjusted
                                                               ● Implement the collective vision and priority goals and targets
                                                               ● Lead and manage through identifying the knowledge and skills that the teachers need to
                                                                 implement our plan
                                                               ● Share and Improve teaching practice through our COL plan
                                                               ● Build collective capacity to do and use evaluation and inquiry
                                                               ● Access resourcing in order to support the community vision goals and targets
                                                               ● Support our key COL appointees around leadership development which will lead to improved
                                                                 learning outcomes and strengthening their capacity as leaders
                                                               ● Ensure that there is a shared focus at all levels of the community on addressing the achievement
                                                                 challenges and lifting student outcomes
                                                               ● Strengthening pedagogical practices in order for all teachers to see themselves as leaders of
                                                                 learners and accountable for the learning outcomes of each student

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