Government Gazette - NSW Legislation

Government Gazette - NSW Legislation

                            Government Gazette
                                               of the State of
                                          New South Wales
                                              Number 63
                                          Friday, 22 June 2018

The New South Wales Government Gazette is the permanent public record of official NSW Government notices.
It also contains local council, private and other notices.

From 1 January 2018, each notice in the Government Gazette has a unique identifier that appears in square brackets
at the end of the notice and that can be used as a reference for that notice (for example, [n2018-14]).

The Gazette is compiled by the Parliamentary Counsel’s Office and published on the NSW legislation website
( under the authority of the NSW Government. The website contains a permanent
archive of past Gazettes.

To submit a notice for gazettal – see Gazette Information.

                                                  By Authority
ISSN 2201-7534                                  Government Printer

3895                                                                 NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Gazette - NSW Legislation

                                  ACTS OF PARLIAMENT ASSENTED TO
                               Legislative Assembly Office, Sydney 15 June 2018
It is hereby notified, for general information, that His Excellency the Governor, has, in the name and on behalf of
Her Majesty, this day assented to the under mentioned Act passed by the Legislative Assembly and Legislative
Council of New South Wales in Parliament assembled, viz.:
Act No. 24 — An Act to recognise the heritage value of sustainable wild horse populations within parts of
Kosciuszko National Park and to protect that heritage. [Kosciuszko Wild Horse Heritage Bill]
Helen Minnican
Clerk of the Legislative Assembly

                                  ACTS OF PARLIAMENT ASSENTED TO
                                Legislative Council Office Sydney 15 June 2018
IT is hereby notified, for general information, that His Excellency the Governor has, in the name and on behalf of
Her Majesty, this day assented to the undermentioned Acts passed by the Legislative Council and Legislative
Assembly of New South Wales in Parliament assembled, viz.:
Act No. 25, 2018 – An Act to repeal certain Acts and to amend certain other Acts and instruments in various
respects and for the purpose of effecting statute law revision; and to make certain savings. [Statute Law
(Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2018]
Act No. 26, 2018 – An Act to amend the Public Health Act 2010 to provide for safe access zones around
reproductive health clinics at which abortions are provided. [Public Health Amendment (Safe Access to
Reproductive Health Clinics) Bill 2018]
Act No. 27, 2018 – An Act to amend the Companion Animals Act 1998 and other legislation to make further
provision about the welfare of animals and the duties and responsibilities of their owners, including by giving effect
to some of the recommendations of the Inquiry into Companion Animal Breeding Practices in New South Wales.
[Companion Animals and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018]
Act No. 28, 2018 – An Act to amend certain legislation consequent on the commencement of the Marriage
Amendment (Definition and Religious Freedoms) Act 2017 of the Commonwealth; and for related purposes.
[Miscellaneous Acts Amendment (Marriages) Bill 2018]
David Blunt
Clerk of the Parliaments

3896                                                                 NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Gazette - NSW Legislation
Government Notices

                                GOVERNMENT NOTICES
I, Rob Stokes, Minister for Education, appoint Dr Philip Matthias, nominee of the NSW Vice-Chancellors’
Committee, as member of the Australian Music Examinations Board (NSW) for a term commencing on and from
29 June 2018 until 26 July 2019
Dated this 14th day of June, 2018
Rob Stokes MP
Minister for Education

                                    INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ACT 1996
                                    APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONER
HIS Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, and in pursuance of Section 148 of the
Industrial Relations Act 1996, approved on 20 June 2018 the appointment of Nichola Jane Constant as a
Commissioner of the Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales, commencing on and from 23 July
Minister for Industrial Relations

                                    INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ACT 1996
                                    APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONER
HIS Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, and in pursuance of Section 148 of the
Industrial Relations Act 1996, approved on 20 June 2018 the appointment of Damian James Sloan as a
Commissioner of the Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales, commencing on and from 30 July
Minister for Industrial Relations

3897                                                            NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Gazette - NSW Legislation
Government Notices

                             Planning and Environment Notices
               Order under clause 6 of Schedule 2 to the Environmental Planning and Assessment
                        (Savings, Transitional and Other Provisions) Regulation 2017
Under delegation from the Minister for Planning, I declare the development specified in column 1 of the table in
Schedule 1 of this Order on the land specified in the corresponding row in column 2 of the table in Schedule 1 to
this Order to be State significant development under clause 6 of Schedule 2 to the Environmental Planning and
Assessment (Savings, Transitional and Other Provisions) Regulation 2017, for the purposes of the Environmental
Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (the Act).
This Order takes effect upon publication in the New South Wales Government Gazette.
Dated: 20/6/2018
Director, Key Sites Assessments
                                                 SCHEDULE 1
Column 1                                                   Column 2
Development                                                Land
Development known as ‘Sydney Super Yacht Marina’           All land identified in Schedule 1 of the approval to carry
(MP 09_0165), approved by the Planning Assessment          out the development known as ‘Sydney Super Yacht
Commission pursuant to Section 75J(1) of the Act on 26     Marina’ (MP 09_0165) as in force on the date of this
November 2012.                                             Order.
Development known as ‘Stage 1 of the Westfield             All land identified in Schedule 1 of the approval under
Shopping Centre, Parramatta’ (MP 10_0068), approved        section 75J of the Act to carry out the development
by the Planning Assessment Commission as delegate of       known as ‘Stage 1 of the Westfield Shopping Centre,
the Minister for Planning & Infrastructure under section   Parramatta’ (MP 10_0068 (PA)) as in force on the date
75J of the Act on 20 February 2014.                        of this Order.

                             NATIONAL PARKS AND WILDLIFE ACT 1974
                                           Proposed amendment to
Far South Coast Escarpment Parks National Park Plan of Management (horse riding in wilderness) is on exhibition
                                   until 7 August 2018: comments sought
The Proposed amendment to Far South Coast Escarpment Parks Plan of Management (horse riding in wilderness)
is on exhibition until 7 August 2018. This draft plan covers Deua and Monga national parks.
The proposed amendment may be viewed at:
•      National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Narooma Office (corner Graham and Burrawang Streets,
       Narooma, NSW)
•      Braidwood Library (Park Lane, Braidwood, NSW)
•      Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) Customer Centre (Level 14, 59–61 Goulburn St, Sydney)
•      OEH ‘Have your say’ website at
Submissions on the proposed amendment must be received by 7 August 2018 by:
•      email to; or
•      mail to: Manager Planning Evaluation and Assessment, PO Box 95, Parramatta NSW 2124; or
•      using the online form on the OEH ‘Have your say’ website.
Your comments on the proposed amendment may include ‘personal information’. See for information on how we will treat any personal information
you provide. For more information, contact Andrew Growcock at

3898                                                                 NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Gazette - NSW Legislation
Government Notices

                               NATIONAL PARKS AND WILDLIFE ACT 1974
                                           Proposed amendment to
    Kosciuszko National Park Plan of Management (horse riding in wilderness) on exhibition until 7 August 2018:
                                              comments sought
The Proposed amendment to Kosciuszko National Park Plan of Management (horse riding in wilderness) is on
exhibition until 7 August 2018.
The proposed amendment may be viewed at:
•       Snowy Region National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Visitor Centre (46 Kosciuszko Road,
        Jindabyne, NSW)
•       Tumut NPWS Visitor Information Centre (5 Adelong Road, Tumut, NSW)
•       Cooma Visitor Centre (119 Sharp Street, Cooma, NSW)
•       Tumbarumba Visitor Information Centre (10 Bridge Street, Tumbarumba, NSW)
•       Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) Customer Centre (Level 14, 59–61 Goulburn St, Sydney)
•       OEH ‘Have your say’ website at
Submissions on the proposed amendment must be received by 7 August 2018 by:
•       email to; or
•       mail to: Manager Planning Evaluation and Assessment, PO Box 95, Parramatta NSW 2124; or
•       using the online form on the OEH ‘Have your say’ website.
Your comments on the proposed amendment may include ‘personal information’. See for information on how we will treat any personal information
you provide. For more information, contact Andrew Growcock at

                               NATIONAL PARKS AND WILDLIFE ACT 1974
                                            Proposed amendment to
    Mummel Gulf National Park and State Conservation Area Plan of Management (horse riding in wilderness) on
                               exhibition until 7 August 2018: comments sought
The Proposed amendment to Mummel Gulf National Park and State Conservation Area Plan of Management
(horse riding in wilderness) is on exhibition until 7 August 2018.
The proposed amendment may be viewed at:
•       National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Walcha Office (188W North Street, Walcha, NSW)
•       NPWS Gloucester Office (59 Church Street, Gloucester, NSW)
•       Walcha Shire Council (2W Hamilton Street, Walcha, NSW)
•       Walcha Visitor Information Centre (29W Fitzroy Street, Walcha, NSW)
•       Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) Customer Centre (Level 14, 59–61 Goulburn St, Sydney)
•       OEH ‘Have your say’ website at
Submissions on the proposed amendment must be received by 7 August 2018 by:
•       email to; or
•       mail to: Manager Planning Evaluation and Assessment, PO Box 95, Parramatta NSW 2124; or
•       using the online form on the OEH ‘Have your say’ website.
Your comments on the proposed amendment may include ‘personal information’. See for information on how we will treat any personal information
you provide. For more information, contact Andrew Growcock at

3899                                                                NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Gazette - NSW Legislation
Government Notices

                                     PESTICIDES REGULATION 2017
                                     Notice under Section 43 Clause (1)(b)
                                    Finalised Pesticide Use Notification Plan
The University of Sydney and Sydney University Sport & Fitness have prepared a Pesticides Use Notification Plan
in accordance with the requirements of Part 5 of the Pesticides Regulations 2017. The Pesticide Use Notification
Plan has been finalised after public consultation in May 2018 and applies to the University's campuses in Camden,
Camperdown, Darlington, Cumberland (Lidcombe) and Rozelle.
The Pesticide Use Notification Plan is available on the Sydney University website at:
The plan is also available for inspection at:
the University of Sydney Services Building, 22 Codrington St Darlington

3900                                                               NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Gazette - NSW Legislation
Government Notices

                                     Roads and Maritime Notices
                                       ROAD TRANSPORT ACT 2013
                            GENERAL THE HONOURABLE DAVID HURLEY AC DSC (RET’D), Governor.
I, General The Honourable David Hurley, AC DSC (Ret’d), Governor of the State of New South Wales, with the
advice of the Executive Council, and in pursuance of the Road Transport Act 2013 do, by this my Order, approve
an instrument, of a type described hereunder for the purposes of the definition of approved oral fluid analysing
instrument in Clause 1 of Schedule 3 of the Road Transport Act 2013.
Type of instrument:
AB SCIEX QTRAP® 5500 (manufactured by AB SCIEX Australia Pty Ltd)
Dated, this 20th day of June 2018.
                                         By His Excellency’s Command.
Melinda Pavey, MP
Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight

                                       ROAD TRANSPORT ACT 2013
                                APPROVED ORAL FLUID TESTING DEVICE
                            GENERAL THE HONOURABLE DAVID HURLEY AC DSC (RET’D), Governor.
I, General The Honourable David Hurley, AC DSC (Ret’d), Governor of the State of New South Wales, with the
advice of the Executive Council, and in pursuance of the Road Transport Act 2013 do, by this my Order, approve
two devices, of a type described hereunder for the purposes of the definition of approved oral fluid testing device
in Schedule 3 of the Road Transport Act 2013.
Type of devices:
DrugWipe® 3S (manufactured by Securetec)
DrugTest® 5000 (manufactured by Draeger Australia Pty. Ltd.)
Dated, this 20th day of June 2018.
                                         By His Excellency’s Command.
Melinda Pavey, MP
Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight

                                               ROADS ACT 1993
                                  Notice of Dedication of Land as Public Road
                      at Lawrence and Lower Southgate in the Clarence Valley Council Area
Roads and Maritime Services, by its delegate, dedicates the land described in the schedule below as public road
under section 10 of the Roads Act 1993.
Manager, Compulsory Acquisition & Road Dedication
Roads and Maritime Services
All those pieces or parcels of land situated in the Clarence Valley Council area, Parishes of Lawrence and
Southgate and County of Clarence, shown as:
Lot 7014 Deposited Plan 1126811; and

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Government Notices

Lots 104, 105 and 106 Deposited Plan 1218893.
(RMS Papers: SF2018/199482; RO 86.5394)

                                              ROADS ACT 1993
    Notice of Dedication of Land as Public Road at Trewilga and Peak Hill in the Parkes Shire Council Area
Roads and Maritime Services, by its delegate, dedicates the land described in the schedule below as public road
under section 10 of the Roads Act 1993.
Manager, Compulsory Acquisition & Road Dedication
Roads and Maritime Services
All those pieces or parcels of land situated in the Parkes Shire Council area, Parishes of Mingelo and Burrill and
Counties of Narromine and Kennedy, shown as Lots 7 to 12 inclusive Deposited Plan 1185173.
(RMS Papers: SF2017/024532; RO SF2012/003675)

                                              ROADS ACT 1993
        Notice of Dedication of Land as Public Road at Uarbry in the Warrumbungle Shire Council Area
Roads and Maritime Services, by its delegate, dedicates the land described in the schedule below as public road
under section 10 of the Roads Act 1993.
Manager, Compulsory Acquisition & Road Dedication
Roads and Maritime Services
All that piece or parcel of land situated in the Warrumbungle Shire Council area, Parish of Nandoura and County
of Bligh, shown as Lot 2 Deposited Plan 1216424.
(RMS Papers: SF2018/206619; RO SF2015/091155)

                                SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION ACT 1989
                                          Draft Roads Regulation 2018
The draft Roads Regulation 2018 is to replace the existing Roads Regulation 2008 to continue supporting the
regulatory framework for the management of roads in NSW.
Interested members of the public are invited to submit comments in regard to the draft regulation. The draft
regulation and Regulatory Impact Statement are available on the Transport for NSW website
Submission of comments
Persons wishing to submit comments can either email them to or post to
Draft Roads Regulation 2018, Driver and Vehicle Policy, Freight, Strategy and Planning, Transport for NSW, PO
Box K659, Haymarket NSW 1240.
The closing date for submission of comments is 5:00 pm on Friday 20 July 2018.
For more information visit:

3902                                                               NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Notices

                                Mining and Petroleum Notices
Pursuant to section 136 of the Mining Act 1992 and section 16 of the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991
NOTICE is given that the following applications have been received:
ELA5685, P S & G F FORWOOD PTY LTD, area of 20 units, for Group 1, dated 6 June 2018.
ELA5689, PROVIDENCE METALS PTY LTD, area of 60 units, for Group 2 and Group 5, dated 12 June 2018.
ELA5690, HAVERFORD HOLDINGS PTY LTD, area of 4 units, for Group 1, dated 19 June 2018.
ELA5691, COBAR MINERALS PTY LTD, area of 21 units, for Group 1, dated 20 June 2018.

NOTICE is given that the following applications have been granted:
                                      EXPLORATION LICENCE (EL)
ELA5557, now EL8750, AUSTRALIAN CONSOLIDATED GOLD HOLDINGS PTY LTD, area of 100 units, for
Group 1, dated 24 May 2018, for a term until 24 May 2024.
ELA5575, now EL8751, PEEL MINING LIMITED, area of 127 units, for Group 1, dated 24 May 2018, for a term
until 24 May 2021.
ELA5605, now EL8753, NEVERTIRE METALS PTY LTD, area of 24 units, for Group 1, Group 2 and Group 5,
dated 13 June 2018, for a term until 13 June 2024.
ELA5635, now EL8749, JODAMA PTY LTD, area of 32 units, for Group 1, dated 24 May 2018, for a term until
24 May 2024.
ELA5636, now EL8748, JODAMA PTY LTD, area of 27 units, for Group 1, dated 24 May 2018, for a term until
24 May 2024.
ELA5640, now EL8754, UNITED STONE INDUSTRIES PTY LTD, area of 2 units, for Group 2, dated 13 June
2018, for a term until 13 June 2020.
ELA5643, now EL8752, SOLINDO PTY LTD, area of 33 units, for Group 1, Group 2 and Group 5, dated 25 May
2018, for a term until 25 May 2020.

NOTICE is given that the following applications for renewal have been received:
                                      EXPLORATION LICENCE (EL)
EL6576, IRONBARK ZINC LIMITED, area of 4 units. Application for renewal received 19 June 2018.
EL6812, DELLWORTH PTY LIMITED, area of 1613 hectares. Application for renewal received 18 June 2018.
EL7753, LANSDALE EXPLORATION PTY LIMITED, area of 4 units. Application for renewal received 24 May
EL8105, PEEL (CSP) PTY LTD, area of 21 units. Application for renewal received 17 June 2018.
                                              MINERAL LEASE
Mineral Lease 5106 (Act 1906), SIBELCO AUSTRALIA LIMITED, area of 16.19 hectares. Application for
renewal received 15 June 2018.
Mineral Lease 6191 (Act 1906), SIBELCO AUSTRALIA LIMITED, area of 32.37 hectares. Application for
renewal received 15 June 2018.

                                RENEWAL OF CERTAIN AUTHORITIES
Notice is given that the following authorities have been renewed:
                                      EXPLORATION LICENCE (EL)
EL5942, ALKANE RESOURCES LTD, area of 3 units, for a further term until 3 May 2024. Renewal effective on
and from 14 June 2018.

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Government Notices

EL6401, PEAK GOLD MINES PTY LTD, area of 6 units, for a further term until 5 April 2024. Renewal effective
on and from 24 May 2018.
EL7544, MINERALS AUSTRALIA PTY LTD, area of 5 units, for a further term until 10 May 2020. Renewal
effective on and from 14 June 2018.
EL7729, IDYLWAY VENTURE PTY LTD, area of 9 units, for a further term until 18 March 2021. Renewal
effective on and from 23 May 2018.
EL8070, PEEL (CSP) PTY LTD, area of 35 units, for a further term until 8 April 2021. Renewal effective on and
from 14 June 2018.
EL8071, PEEL (CSP) PTY LTD, area of 38 units, for a further term until 8 April 2021. Renewal effective on and
from 14 June 2018.
EL8243, BIG ISLAND MINING PTY LTD, area of 8 units, for a further term until 7 March 2020. Renewal
effective on and from 24 May 2018.
EL8250, GOLD AND COPPER RESOURCES PTY LIMITED, area of 4 units, for a further term until 28 March
2024. Renewal effective on and from 14 June 2018.
EL 8356, OCHRE RESOURCES PTY LTD, area of 32 units, for a further term until 26 March 2023. Renewal
effective on and from 24 May 2018.
EL 8357, MODELING RESOURCES PTY LTD, area of 16 units, for a further term until 8 April 2021. Renewal
effective on and from 24 May 2018.
EL8359, MONTE CHRISTO DIAMONDS PTY LTD, area of 56 units, for a further term until 8 April 2021.
Renewal effective on and from 5 June 2018.
EL8360, GRENFELL GOLD PTY LTD, area of 6 units, for a further term until 16 April 2021. Renewal effective
on and from 14 June 2018.
                                 CONSOLIDATED MINING LEASE (CML)
CML9 (Act 1973), PERILYA BROKEN HILL LIMITED, area of 793.85 hectares, for a further term until 2 July
2034. Renewal effective on and from 23 January 2019.
                                            MINING LEASE (ML)
ML1064 (Act 1973), WHYBATON PTY LTD, area of 23.65 hectares, for a further term until 30 March 2028.
Renewal effective on and from 14 June 2018.
                                              MINERAL LEASE
Mineral Lease 5090 (Act 1906), CSR BUILDING PRODUCTS LIMITED, area of 14.51 hectares, for a further
term until 5 April 2020. Renewal effective on and from 25 May 2018.

                                       CANCELLATION APPROVED
Notice is given that the following authorities have been cancelled:
                                       EXPLORATION LICENCE (EL)
EL8562, PEEL MINING LIMITED, area of 43 units. Cancellation took effect on 24 May 2018.

3904                                                                  NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Notices

                                   Primary Industries Notices
                                SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION ACT 1989
                                  Border Fence Maintenance Regulation 2018
Notice is given in accordance with section 5 of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1989 of the intention to make a
Regulation under the Border Fence Maintenance Act 1921.
The proposed Border Fence Maintenance Regulation 2018 is to replace the Border Fence Maintenance Regulation
2009, which will automatically be repealed on 1 September 2018.
The proposed Regulation would remake the provisions of the 2009 Regulation without amendments. The
Regulation supports the Border Fence Maintenance Board to achieve its objectives under the Border Fence
Maintenance Act 1921.
A copy of the proposed Regulation and regulatory impact statement is available for inspection until 17 July 2018
and can be accessed on the NSW Department of Industry website.
Written comments and submissions on the regulatory impact statement and the proposed Regulation are invited
and will be accepted by mail or email as set out below:
Border Fence Regulation Submission
NSW Department of Industry
GPO Box 5477
Sydney NSW 2001
Submissions close at 11.59 pm on 17 July 2018.

3905                                                              NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Notices

        Biosecurity (Pacific Oyster Mortality
        Syndrome) Control Order (No. 2) 2018

        under the

        Biosecurity Act 2015

        I, SARAH BRITTON, NSW Chief Veterinary Officer and Group Director Animal
        Biosecurity NSW, in exercise of delegated authority under the Biosecurity Act 2015, in
        pursuance of section 62 of the Biosecurity Act 2015, reasonably believing it is necessary to
        prevent, eliminate, minimise or manage the biosecurity risk associated with the disease
        Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome, make the following Control Order.

        Dated this    18th    day of         June 2018

                                                                        SARAH BRITTON
                                                                   NSW GROUP DIRECTOR
                                                                   ANIMAL BIOSECURITY
                                                           NSW DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY

        Explanatory note

        This Control Order is made under section 62 of the Biosecurity Act 2015. The object of this
        Control Order is to prevent, eliminate, minimise and manage the biosecurity risk posed or
        likely to be posed by the spread of the disease Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome within
        New South Wales.


3906                                                            NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Notices

        Biosecurity (Pacific Oyster Mortality
        Syndrome) Control Order (No. 2) 2018
        under the

        Biosecurity Act 2015

        1. Name of Order

            This Control Order is the Biosecurity (Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome) Control Order (No. 2)

        2. Commencement

            This Control Order commences on 18th June 2018

        3. Definitions

            bivalve means fish of the Class Bivalvia and includes clams, oysters, cockles, mussels, scallops,
            and spat of those fish.

            bivalve product means:

            a) the muscle or tissue of a bivalve;

            b) any meat or other food or foodstuffs derived from a bivalve;

            c) any part of the viscera of a bivalve;

            d) any faeces, offal, gut, shell, mucous or blood of a bivalve, or any article or substance derived
               from the faeces, offal, gut, shell, mucous or blood of a bivalve;

            e) any secretion of a bivalve;

            f) any product or biological preparation made or derived from any bivalve tissue or bivalve

            g) any article or substance derived from a bivalve, whether or not in combination with any other
               article or substance;

            importation permit holder means a person who holds a Department of Industry aquaculture
            permit that provides an authority under section 217 of the Fisheries Management Act 1994, for
            the importation into NSW of Pacific Oyster spat originating from outside NSW.

            live bivalve means a bivalve that is viable if kept or released.

            oyster cultivation equipment means equipment, structures, vessels and any other thing used in
            the cultivation of oysters.

            Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome means the disease that is caused by the virus Ostreid Herpes
            Virus type 1 (also known as OsHV-1).


3907                                                                    NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Notices

            Pacific Oyster spat means the juvenile seed stock of Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas).

            POMS biosecurity zone has the same meaning as clause 50 of the Biosecurity Regulation 2017.

            Tasmanian State waters means State waters as defined by the Living Marine Resources
            Management Act 1995 (Tasmania).

            the Act means the Biosecurity Act 2015.

            triploid means containing three sets of chromosomes and being functionally sterile.

            Note: authorised officer, Chief Veterinary Officer, carrier, control measures, deal and fitting all
            have the same meaning as in the Act.

        4. Revocation of Biosecurity (Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome) Control Order 2018

            Pursuant to section 62 of the Act, the Biosecurity (Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome) Control
            Order 2018 published on the Department’s internet website on 27 March 2018 is revoked, as is
            any Order revived as a result of this revocation.

        5. Biosecurity Matter and Biosecurity Risk

            (1) The biosecurity matter to which this Control Order relates is the disease Pacific Oyster
                Mortality Syndrome.

            (2) The biosecurity risk to which this Control Order relates is the biosecurity risk posed or likely
                to be posed by the spread of Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome.

        6. Control Zone

           (1) Pursuant to sections 62(1)(a) and 67 of the Act, the control zone to which control measures are
               required to be implemented under this Control Order is the whole of New South Wales.

           (2) The control zone is called the Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome Control Zone.

        7. Control measures for persons dealing with carriers

            (1) Pursuant to sections 62(1)(b) and 68 of the Act, the following control measures apply:

                (a) Except as provided in subclauses 7(1)(b) – 7(1)(d) below, the entry or importation of the
                    following into the Control Zone is prohibited:

                     (i) live bivalves taken from, or originating in, Tasmania or Tasmanian State waters;

                     (ii) fittings used in connection with live bivalves described in subclause 7(1)(a)(i) unless
                          such fittings have been cleaned and disinfected to remove any traces of bivalve or
                          bivalve product in accordance with clause 104 of the Biosecurity Order (Permitted
                          Activities) 2017; and

                     (iii) live bivalves that have been in contact with any:

                          A. water that has held live bivalves described in subclause 7(1)(a)(i); or


3908                                                                      NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Notices

                          B. fittings that have previously been used in connection with live bivalves described
                             in subclause 7(1)(a)(i), unless such fittings have been cleaned and disinfected to
                             remove all traces of bivalve or bivalve product in accordance with clause 104 of
                             the Biosecurity Order (Permitted Activities) 2017.

                (b) Live bivalves taken from Tasmanian State waters or originating in Tasmania may enter
                    or be imported into the Control Zone if:

                     (i) they are securely packaged; and

                     (ii) they are transported directly to a point of sale for human consumption.

                (c) Live bivalves that consist of triploid Pacific Oyster spat originating in Tasmania may
                    enter or be imported into the Control Zone if all of the following apply:

                     (i) they are shipped to an importation permit holder; and

                     (ii) they are to be grown in the POMS biosecurity zone; and

                     (iii) the Shellfish Hatchery Protocol – Production and Translocation of Triploid Pacific
                           Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) Spat to POMS Affected Estuaries in NSW approved by
                           the NSW Chief Veterinary Officer has been complied with in respect of the live

                (d) Live bivalves that consist of triploid Pacific Oyster spat originating in Tasmania may
                    enter or be imported into the Control Zone if all of the following apply:

                     (i) they are to be shipped to an importation permit holder; and

                     (ii) they are to be grown in:

                        A. Clyde River; or

                        B. Crookhaven/Shoalhaven rivers; and

                     (iii) they comply with:

                        A. the Shellfish Hatchery Protocol – Production and Translocation into
                           Crookhaven/Shoalhaven rivers, NSW of triploid Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea
                           gigas) spat produced by Shellfish Culture Pty Ltd, Tasmania as approved by the
                           NSW Chief Veterinary Officer; or

                        B. the Shellfish Hatchery Protocol – Production and Translocation into Clyde River,
                           NSW of triploid Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) spat produced by Shellfish
                           Culture Pty Ltd, Tasmania as approved by the NSW Chief Veterinary Officer.

        8. Prohibition on movement of oysters and oyster cultivation equipment

            (1) Pursuant to sections 62(1)(b) and 68 of the Act, a person must not move oysters or oyster
                cultivation equipment out of the Clyde River or Crookhaven/Shoalhaven rivers for a period of
                no less than 3 years from the date of this order, unless:


3909                                                                    NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Notices

                (a) they are moved to an estuary in the POMS biosecurity zone or an estuary in subclause
                    7(d)(ii); or

                (b) they are taken out of the waters for the purposes of sale for human consumption and
                    transported directly to a point of sale for human consumption.

        9. The persons or class of persons to whom the control measures apply

            This Control Order applies to any person dealing with a carrier of Pacific Oyster Mortality
            Syndrome in the Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome Control Zone.

        10. Duration of control order

            This Control Order has effect for a period of 5 years from the date of commencement.


3910                                                                NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Notices

                                         Crown Land Notices
                                   1300 886 235
                                               ROADS ACT 1993
                                     Transfer of a Crown Road to a Council
IN pursuance of the provisions of section 151, Roads Act 1993, the Crown roads specified in Schedule 1 are
transferred to the Roads Authority specified in Schedule 2 hereunder, as from the date of publication of this notice
and as from that date the roads specified in Schedule 1 cease to be Crown roads.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                                                   Schedule 1
                                         Parish – Bara; County – Phillip
                             Land District – Mudgee; LGA – Mid-Western Regional
Crown roads highlighted red on diagram hereunder.

                                                   Schedule 2
Road Authority: Mid-Western Regional Council
File Ref: 17/00576#01 – W597460
Council Ref: R0790007

                                               ROADS ACT 1993
                                      Transfer of Crown Roads to Council
IN pursuance of the provisions of Section 151, Roads Act 1993, the Crown public roads specified in Schedules 1
– 3 are transferred to the Roads Authority specified in Schedule 4, hereunder, as from the date of publication of
this notice and as from that date, the roads specified in Schedules 1-6 cease to be Crown public roads.
Paul Toole,
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                                                  SCHEDULE 1
                                   Parish – Tambaroora; County – Wellington
                                   Land District – Bathurst; Village of Hill End
                              Local Government Area – Bathurst Regional Council

3911                                                               NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Notices

That part of the Crown Public roads known as Andersons Road and Lees Lane as denoted by blue shading in the
diagram below.

                                              SCHEDULE 2
                                 Parish – Tambaroora; County – Wellington
                                Land District – Bathurst; Village of Hill End
                            Local Government Area – Bathurst Regional Council
That part of the Crown Public road known as Warrys Road as denoted by blue shading in the diagram below.

                                              SCHEDULE 3
                                 Parish – Tambaroora; County – Wellington
                                Land District – Bathurst; Village of Hill End
                            Local Government Area – Bathurst Regional Council

3912                                                            NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Notices

That part of the Crown Public road known as German Town Road as denoted by blue shading in the diagram below.

                                                  SCHEDULE 4
Roads Authority: Bathurst Regional Council
Council Ref: Diana Rodey; File Ref: 18/00868; W597493

                                NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD
In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands
comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to
the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body
specified in the Schedule hereunder.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                                    Parish – Rooty Hill; County – Cumberland
                                    Land District – Penrith; LGA – Blacktown
Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1217653
File No: 17/11700
On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1217653 remains vested in Blacktown City Council as operational land for
the purposes of the Local Government Act 1993.
Council Reference: F15/814

3913                                                                 NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Notices

                                              ROADS ACT 1993
                                     Transfer of Crown Roads to a Council
In pursuance of the provisions of Section 151, Roads Act 1993, the Crown roads specified in Schedule 1 are hereby
transferred to the Roads Authority specified in Schedule 2 hereunder and as from the date of publication of this
notice and as from that date, the roads specified in Schedule 1 cease to be Crown Roads.
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                                                  Schedule 1
                                               Parish – Tinonee
                                              County – Gloucester
                                             Land District – Taree
                                               Locality – Tinonee
                                  Local Government Area – Mid-Coast Council
Crown road (as indicated by red outline) extending from eastern boundary of Lot 1 DP 729828, to south eastern
corner of Lot 2 DP 1234283.

                                              Parish – Killawarra
                                              County – Macquarie
                                             Land District – Taree
                                             Locality – Dollys Flat
                                  Local Government Area – Mid-Coast Council

3914                                                                NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Notices

Crown road (as indicated by red outline) extending from western corner Lot 54 DP 1209043 to 59m north of south
western corner Lot 122 DP 754422

                                                 Schedule 2
Roads Authority: Midcoast Council
Lands File No.TE03H237

IN the Government Gazette of 23 February 2018, folio 809 under the heading “Withdrawal of lands from Western
Lands Leases”, the reference in Column 5 to title 5299/768214 and 5300/768215 should have read 2231.
IN the Government Gazette of 23 February 2018, folio 809 under the heading “Withdrawal of lands from Western
Lands Leases”, the reference in Column 5 to title 5303/768218 should have read 4081.
IN the Government Gazette of 23 February 2018, folio 809 under the heading “Withdrawal of lands from Western
Lands Leases”, the reference in Column 5 to title 5496/768405 and 19/1204804 should have read 1916.
IN the Government Gazette of 23 February 2018, folio 809 under the heading “Withdrawal of lands from Western
Lands Leases”, the reference in Column 5 to title 5496/768405 and 20/1204804 should have read 1916.
IN the Government Gazette of 23 February 2018, folio 809 under the heading “Withdrawal of lands from Western
Lands Leases”, the reference in Column 5 to title 5496/768405 and 21/1204804 should have read 1905.
IN the Government Gazette of 23 February 2018, folio 810 under the heading “Withdrawal of lands from Western
Lands Leases”, the reference in Column 5 to title 5302/768217 and 34/1204804 should have read 3783.

3915                                                            NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Notices

IN the Government Gazette of 23 February 2018, folio 810 under the heading “Withdrawal of lands from Western
Lands Leases”, the reference in Column 5 to title 5302/768217 and 35/1204804 should have read 3772.
IN the Government Gazette of 23 February 2018, folio 810 under the heading “Withdrawal of lands from Western
Lands Leases”, the reference in Column 5 to title 5304/768219 should have read 4124.
File Reference: 14/07882

Pursuant to section 95 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the corporation specified in Column 1 of the Schedule
hereunder is appointed to manage the affairs of the reserve trust specified opposite thereto in Column 2, which is
trustee of the reserve referred to in Column 3 of the Schedule.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
Column 1                               Column 2                               Column 3
Port Stephens Council                  Anna Bay Tourist Facilities &     Reserve No. 1014489
For a term commencing the date of      Services (R1014489) Reserve Trust Public Purpose: tourist facilities and
this notice                                                              services
                                                                         Notified: 8 February 2008
                                                                         File Reference: 07/4394#01

Pursuant to section 96(2) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the corporation specified in Column 1 hereunder is
removed from the office of manager of the reserve trust specified in Column 2, which is trustee of the reserve
referred to in Column 3.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
Column 1                               Column 2                               Column 3
Lands Administration Ministerial       Anna Bay Tourist Facilities &     Reserve No. 1014489
Corporation                            Services (R1014489) Reserve Trust Public Purpose: tourist facilities and
                                                                         Notified: 8 February 2008
                                                                         File Reference: 07/4394#01

                             APPOINTMENT OF TRUST BOARD MEMBERS
Pursuant to section 93 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the persons whose names are specified in Column 1 of the
Schedule hereunder are appointed, for the terms of office specified in that Column, as members of the trust board
for the reserve trust specified opposite thereto in Column 2, which has been established and appointed as trustee of
the reserve referred to opposite thereto in Column 3 of the Schedule.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry

3916                                                                NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Notices

Column 1                               Column 2                               Column 3
David Sinclair Brown (re-           Bedgerabong Showground,                   Reserve No. 85935
appointment)                        Racecourse, Public Recreation And         Public Purpose: public hall, public
Christopher William Simmonds (re- Public Hall Trust                           recreation, racecourse, showground
appointment)                                                                  Notified: 9 September 1966
Ian James Simmonds (re-
appointment)                                                                  File Reference: OE80R291-006
Darren Roy Collier (re-appointment)
Maree Margaret Hodges (re-
Heather Margaret Eileen Earney
(new member)
The person for the time being
holding the office of President,
Bedgerabong PA&H Association
(ex-officio member)

For a term commencing 12 July
2018 and expiring 11 July 2023.

                     34A(2)(b) OF THE CROWN LANDS ACT 1989
Pursuant to section 34A(2)(b) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the Crown reserve(s) specified in Column 2 of the
Schedule is to be used or occupied under a relevant interest granted for the purpose(s) specified in Column 1 of the
Schedule where such use or occupation is other than the declared purpose of the reserve
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
Column 1                                                  Column 2
site investigation                                        Reserve No. 291
                                                          Public Purpose: camping, water
                                                          Notified: 14 January 1868
                                                          File Reference: 18/01439
                                                          Reserve No. 941
                                                          Public Purpose: travelling stock
                                                          Notified: 13 October 1875
                                                          File Reference: 18/01439
                                                          Reserve No. 9489
                                                          Public Purpose: travelling stock
                                                          Notified: 10 August 1889
                                                          File Reference: 18/01439
                                                          Reserve No. 26966
                                                          Public Purpose: travelling stock
                                                          Notified: 11 December 1897
                                                          File Reference: 18/01439
                                                          Reserve No. 27999
                                                          Public Purpose: travelling stock
                                                          Notified: 16 July 1898
                                                          File Reference: 18/01439

3917                                                                NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Notices

Column 1             Column 2
                     Reserve No. 38194
                     Public Purpose: night soil depot
                     Notified: 27 August 1904
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 41899
                     Public Purpose: night soil depot
                     Notified: 7 August 1907
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 44590
                     Public Purpose: travelling stock
                     Notified: 10 November 1909
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 44591
                     Public Purpose: camping, water
                     Notified: 10 November 1909
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 48357
                     Public Purpose: rubbish depot
                     Notified: 27 November 1912
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 48359
                     Public Purpose: night soil depot
                     Notified: 27 November 1912
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 61801
                     Public Purpose: public recreation
                     Notified: 4 April 1930
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 62963
                     Public Purpose: night soil depot, rubbish depot
                     Notified: 2 October 1931
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 63078
                     Public Purpose: travelling stock
                     Notified: 27 November 1931
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 68136
                     Public Purpose: travelling stock
                     Notified: 27 January 1939
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 75297
                     Public Purpose: travelling stock
                     Notified: 5 September 1952
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 77055
                     Public Purpose: addition, night soil depot, rubbish depot
                     Notified: 17 September 1954
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 87690
                     Public Purpose: future public requirements
                     Notified: 13 March 1970
                     File Reference: 18/01439

3918                          NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Notices

Column 1             Column 2
                     Reserve No. 90498
                     Public Purpose: future public requirements
                     Notified: 6 September 1974
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 93694
                     Public Purpose: future public requirements
                     Notified: 26 September 1980
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 98022
                     Public Purpose: access
                     Notified: 13 December 1985
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 160029
                     Public Purpose: future public requirements
                     Notified: 2 September 1988
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 757093
                     Public Purpose: future public requirements
                     Notified: 29 June 2007
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 1122
                     Public Purpose: travelling stock
                     Notified: 25 January 1878
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 12018
                     Public Purpose: travelling stock
                     Notified: 12 July 1890
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 3420
                     Public Purpose: travelling stock
                     Notified: 7 May 1887
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 23332
                     Public Purpose: travelling stock
                     Notified: 27 November 1895
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 23353
                     Public Purpose: camping, water
                     Notified: 27 November 1895
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 24829
                     Public Purpose: travelling stock
                     Notified: 3 October 1896
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 34248
                     Public Purpose: travelling stock
                     Notified: 19 April 1902
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 36602
                     Public Purpose: travelling stock
                     Notified: 31 October 1903
                     File Reference: 18/01439

3919                          NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Notices

Column 1             Column 2
                     Reserve No. 43452
                     Public Purpose: camping, travelling stock
                     Notified: 6 January 1909
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 44818
                     Public Purpose: camping, travelling stock
                     Notified: 2 February 1910
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 48093
                     Public Purpose: travelling stock
                     Notified: 11 September 1912
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 73358
                     Public Purpose: generally
                     Notified: 4 November 1949
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 73359
                     Public Purpose: generally
                     Notified: 4 November 1949
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 78560
                     Public Purpose: future public requirements
                     Notified: 11 May 1956
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 80126
                     Public Purpose: future public requirements
                     Notified: 8 November 1957
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 81052
                     Public Purpose: camping, travelling stock
                     Notified: 24 October 1958
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 83224
                     Public Purpose: future public requirements
                     Notified: 9 June 1961
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 89991
                     Public Purpose: preservation of trees
                     Notified: 10 December 1976
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 752553
                     Public Purpose: future public requirements
                     Notified: 29 June 2007
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 752564
                     Public Purpose: future public requirements
                     Notified: 29 June 2007
                     File Reference: 18/01439
                     Reserve No. 752568
                     Public Purpose: future public requirements
                     Notified: 29 June 2007
                     File Reference: 18/01439

3920                          NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Notices

Column 1                       Column 2
                               Reserve No. 753375
                               Public Purpose: future public requirements
                               Notified: 29 June 2007
                               File Reference: 18/01439
                               Reserve No. 754192
                               Public Purpose: future public requirements
                               Notified: 29 June 2007
                               File Reference: 18/01439
                               Reserve No. 44628
                               Public Purpose: trigonometrical purposes
                               Notified: 15 December 1909
                               File Reference: 18/01439
                               Reserve No. 755131
                               Public Purpose: future public requirements
                               Notified: 29 June 2007
                               File Reference: 18/01439
                               Reserve No. 91451
                               Public Purpose: public recreation
                               Notified: 25 May 1979
                               File Reference: 15/09541
                               Reserve No. 753204
                               Public Purpose: future public requirements
                               Notified: 29 June 2007
                               File Reference: 15/09541
Column 1                       Column 2
beautification                 Reserve No. 89060
                               Public Purpose: public recreation
                               Notified: 26 October 1973
                               File Reference: 17/08858
Column 1                       Column 2
wharf                          Reserve No. 1012048
road construction              Public Purpose: access and public requirements,
mooring poles                  tourism purposes and environmental and heritage
fish cleaning sink             conservation
bank stabilisation works       Notified: 4 August 2006
                               File Reference: 17/11712
Column 1                       Column 2
pump site                      Reserve No. 94835
pipeline                       Public Purpose: future public requirements
                               Notified: 15 May 1981
                               File Reference: 17/10819

3921                                    NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Notices

Column 1                    Column 2
grazing                     Reserve No. 47476
                            Public Purpose: public recreation
                            Notified: 7 February 1912
                            File Reference: 17/10099

                            Reserve No. 73994
                            Public Purpose: soil conservation
                            Notified: 2 February 1951
                            File Reference: 17/10099
Column 1                    Column 2
sporting event              Reserve No. 750950
                            Public Purpose: future public requirements
                            Notified: 29 June 2007
                            File Reference: 18/04493

                            Reserve No. 753204
                            Public Purpose: future public requirements
                            Notified: 29 June 2007
                            File Reference: 15/09541
Column 1                    Column 2
business purposes           Reserve No. 753204
                            Public Purpose: future public requirements
                            Notified: 29 June 2007
                            File Reference: 15/09541
Column 1                    Column 2
environmental studies       Reserve No. 41663
                            Public Purpose: quarry, trigonometrical purposes
                            Notified: 22 May 1907
                            File Reference: 18/03412
                            Reserve No. 41664
                            Public Purpose: camping, travelling stock
                            Notified: 22 May 1907
                            File Reference: 18/03412
                            Reserve No. 78727
                            Public Purpose: public recreation
                            Notified: 20 July 1956
                            File Reference: 18/03412
                            Reserve No. 753326
                            Public Purpose: future public requirements
                            Notified: 29 June 2007
                            File Reference: 18/03412
                            Reserve No. 753329
                            Public Purpose: future public requirements
                            Notified: 29 June 2007
                            File Reference: 18/03412

3922                                 NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Notices

Column 1                                                  Column 2
                                                          Reserve No. 753356
                                                          Public Purpose: future public requirements
                                                          Notified: 29 June 2007
                                                          File Reference: 18/03412
Column 1                                                  Column 2
bore site                                                 Reserve No. 700036
                                                          Public Purpose: water
                                                          Notified: 18 July 1997
                                                          File Reference: WL03H143-1
Column 1                                                  Column 2
filming event                                             Reserve No. 16303
                                                          Public Purpose: travelling stock
                                                          Notified: 10 September 1892
                                                          File Reference: 18/04489
Column 1                                                  Column 2
access                                                    Reserve No. 589
environmental rehabilitation                              Public Purpose: camping, travelling stock
                                                          Notified: 24 March 1884
                                                          File Reference: 15/07245

                               APPOINTMENT OF TRUST BOARD MEMBERS
Pursuant to section 93 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the persons whose names are specified in Column 1 of the
Schedule hereunder are appointed, for the terms of office specified in that Column, as members of the trust board
for the reserve trust specified opposite thereto in Column 2, which has been established and appointed as trustee of
the reserve referred to opposite thereto in Column 3 of the Schedule.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
Column 1                               Column 2                               Column 3
Graeme John Smith (new member)         Tallong Public Hall And Recreation Reserve No. 88933
Troy Laughton Brown (re-                                                      Public Purpose: public hall, public
appointment)                                                                  recreation
Faye Lorraine Danckwardt (re-                                                 Notified: 15 June 1973
Kerry Ann Lawrence (re-                                                       File Reference: GB91R56-002
For a term commencing 12 July
2018 and expiring 11 July 2023.

                               APPOINTMENT OF TRUST BOARD MEMBERS
Pursuant to section 93 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the persons whose names are specified in Column 1 of the
Schedule hereunder are appointed, for the terms of office specified in that Column, as members of the trust board

3923                                                                NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Notices

for the reserve trust specified opposite thereto in Column 2, which has been established and appointed as trustee of
the reserve referred to opposite thereto in Column 3 of the Schedule.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
Column 1                               Column 2                               Column 3
Bradley John Downham (re-              Woodenbong War Memorial                Reserve No. 74787
appointment)                           Reserve Trust                          Public Purpose: war memorial
Graeme Raymond Reid (re-                                                      Notified: 21 March 1952
Brendan Sidney Fletcher (re-                                                  File Reference: GF81R279-002
Ian Charles Reid (re-appointment)
David Paul Stace (re-appointment)
Thomas John Downham (re-

For a term commencing 04 July
2018 and expiring 03 July 2023.

                             APPOINTMENT OF TRUST BOARD MEMBERS
Pursuant to section 93 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the persons whose names are specified in Column 1 of the
Schedule hereunder are appointed, for the terms of office specified in that Column, as members of the trust board
for the reserve trust specified opposite thereto in Column 2, which has been established and appointed as trustee of
the reserve referred to opposite thereto in Column 3 of the Schedule.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
Column 1                               Column 2                               Column 3
Peter John Appleton (re-               Iluka Koala Reserve Trust              Reserve No. 140072
appointment)                                                                  Public Purpose: environmental
Marie-Louise De Lepervanche (re-                                              protection
appointment)                                                                  Notified: 13 December 1991
Gabrielle Donna Raphaela Barto
(new member)                                                                  File Reference: GF91R28-002

For a term commencing 13
September 2018 and expiring 12
September 2023.

Pursuant to section 121A of the Crown Lands Act 1989, I authorise by this Order, the purpose specified in Column
1 to be an additional purpose to the declared purpose of the reserves specified opposite thereto in Column 2 of the
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry

3924                                                                NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Notices

Column 1                                                  Column 2
rural services                                            Reserve No. 1003019
access                                                    Public Purpose: environmental protection, public
                                                          Notified: 30 November 2001
                                                          File Reference: 17/05346

Pursuant to section 95 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the corporation specified in Column 1 of the Schedule
hereunder is appointed to manage the affairs of the reserve trust specified opposite thereto in Column 2, which is
trustee of the reserve referred to in Column 3 of the Schedule.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
Column 1                               Column 2                               Column 3
Brewarrina Aboriginal Corporation Brewarrina Aboriginal Cultural              Reserve No. 230001
Inc                               Museum Trust                                Public Purpose: museum
                                                                              Notified: 8 May 1987
For a term commencing the date of
this notice                                                                   Reserve No. 230074
                                                                              Public Purpose: public recreation
                                                                              Notified: 26 July 1991

                                                                              File Reference: WL90R0031-1

                                          CROWN LANDS ACT 1989
                               Assignment of Corporate Names to Reserve Trusts
In the notice published in NSW Government Gazette No 152 of 23 November 1990, page 10212, the words
“D560010” are replaced with “D1000404”. This notice corrects that error.
The gazettal date remains 23 November 1990.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry

                             APPOINTMENT OF TRUST BOARD MEMBERS
Pursuant to section 93 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the persons whose names are specified in Column 1 of the
Schedule hereunder are appointed, for the terms of office specified in that Column, as members of the trust board
for the reserve trust specified opposite thereto in Column 2, which has been established and appointed as trustee of
the reserve referred to opposite thereto in Column 3 of the Schedule.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry

3925                                                                NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Notices

Column 1                               Column 2                               Column 3
Charles William Saul (re-              Nerrigundah Tennis And Recreation Reserve No. 180024
appointment)                           Trust                             Public Purpose: public recreation
Richard Peter Bruinsma (re-                                              Notified: 4 March 1988
Trevor Kincaid (re-appointment)                                               File Reference: NA87R38-02
Steve Appleton (re-appointment)
Helena Maria Balboni (new
Kurt Steven Rogan (new member)
Lindy Appleton (new member)

For a term commencing 30 August
2018 and expiring 29 August 2023.

                             APPOINTMENT OF TRUST BOARD MEMBERS
Pursuant to section 93 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the persons whose names are specified in Column 1 of the
Schedule hereunder are appointed, for the terms of office specified in that Column, as members of the trust board
for the reserve trust specified opposite thereto in Column 2, which has been established and appointed as trustee of
the reserve referred to opposite thereto in Column 3 of the Schedule.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
Column 1                               Column 2                               Column 3
Tara Mary Larkins (new member)         Kangaroo Valley Pioneer Settlement Reserve No. 88460
Lindy Anne Pitt (new member)           Reserve Trust                      Public Purpose: museum, public
For a term commencing the date of                                         Notified: 7 January 1972
this notice and expiring 23
December 2019.                                                                File Reference: NA79R115

                             APPOINTMENT OF TRUST BOARD MEMBERS
Pursuant to section 93 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the persons whose names are specified in Column 1 of the
Schedule hereunder are appointed, for the terms of office specified in that Column, as members of the trust board
for the reserve trust specified opposite thereto in Column 2, which has been established and appointed as trustee of
the reserve referred to opposite thereto in Column 3 of the Schedule.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
Column 1                               Column 2                               Column 3
Celestino Di Falco (new member)        Palmers Oakey Recreation Reserve       Reserve No. 33619
Vanessa Ann Olofsson (new              Trust                                  Public Purpose: public recreation
member)                                                                       Notified: 7 December 1901
Kurt Ake Olofsson (new member)                                                File Reference: OE80R83-003
Colin Latham Ferguson (re-
For a term commencing 12 July
2018 and expiring 11 July 2023.

3926                                                                NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
Government Notices

                             APPOINTMENT OF TRUST BOARD MEMBERS
Pursuant to section 93 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the persons whose names are specified in Column 1 of the
Schedule hereunder are appointed, for the terms of office specified in that Column, as members of the trust board
for the reserve trust specified opposite thereto in Column 2, which has been established and appointed as trustee of
the reserve referred to opposite thereto in Column 3 of the Schedule.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
Column 1                               Column 2                               Column 3
Christopher John Shepherd (re-      Eumungerie Recreation Reserve             Reserve No. 47512
appointment)                        Trust                                     Public Purpose: public recreation
Brian Robert Lesslie (re-                                                     Notified: 21 February 1912
Paul Burgemeister (re-appointment)                                            File Reference: DB80R14
Megan Elizabeth Cross (re-
Darrel Joseph Raines (re-
James Victor Kelly (re-appointment)

For a term commencing 05
September 2018 and expiring 04
September 2023.

                             APPOINTMENT OF TRUST BOARD MEMBERS
Pursuant to section 93 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the persons whose names are specified in Column 1 of the
Schedule hereunder are appointed, for the terms of office specified in that Column, as members of the trust board
for the reserve trust specified opposite thereto in Column 2, which has been established and appointed as trustee of
the reserve referred to opposite thereto in Column 3 of the Schedule.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
Column 1                               Column 2                               Column 3
Yasmin Narelle Guymer (new        Moonbi Recreation Hall Trust                Reserve No. 81418
member)                                                                       Public Purpose: public hall, public
Heather Elizabeth Cole (new                                                   recreation
member)                                                                       Notified: 27 February 1959
Field Marshall Jackson (re-
appointment)                                                                  File Reference: OE81R85-003
Christopher William Simmonds (re-
Maureen Dora Jackson (re-
Richard Cole (re-appointment)

For a term commencing 12 July
2018 and expiring 11 July 2023.

                             APPOINTMENT OF TRUST BOARD MEMBERS
Pursuant to section 93 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the persons whose names are specified in Column 1 of the
Schedule hereunder are appointed, for the terms of office specified in that Column, as members of the trust board

3927                                                                NSW Government Gazette No 63 of 22 June 2018
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