Government of the Northwest Territories General Competency Dictionary

Page created by Joan Berry
Government of the Northwest Territories General Competency Dictionary
Government of the Northwest Territories
                 General Competency Dictionary

© 2015, Hay Group Limited – All rights
This General Competency Dictionary was prepared by Hay Group
                                       for use by the Government of the Northwest Territories.

                                               This document may be reproduced
                                         and used only by employees of this organization.

© 2015, Hay Group Limited – All
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Table of Contents                           Page
 Why Competencies?                              1
            Understanding the Competencies      2
 Overview                                       2
 Format of the Competency Scales                2
 Accountability-Decision Making                 4
 Analytical Thinking                            5
 Attention to Detail                            6
 Building Partnerships with Stakeholders        7
 Business Acumen                                8
 Change Leadership                              9
 Change Management                             10
 Conflict Management                           11
 Continuous Development                        12
 Critical Thinking                             13
 Developing Others                             14
 Empowerment                                   15
 Expertise                                     16
 Flexibility                                   17
 Holding People Accountable                    18
 Impact and Influence                          19
 Information Seeking                           20
 Initiative                                    21
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Innovation                                22
 Innovation and Change                     23
 Integrity                                 24
 Leadership                                25
 Listening, Understanding and Responding   26
 Managing Organizational Resources         27
 Organizational Awareness                  28
 Planning, Organizing and Co-ordinating    29
 Problem Solving/Judgement                 30
 Project Management                        31
 Reflecting on Difficulties                32
 Relationship Building                     33
 Research and Analysis                     34
 Results Focus                             35
 Safety Management                         36
 Self-Confidence                           37
 Self-Control                              38
 Service Focus                             39
 Strategic Focus                           40
 Teamwork and Co-operation                 41
 Values and Ethics                         42

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Why Competencies?
A competency is a characteristic which enables people to deliver superior performance in a given job, role, or situation. The
competencies provide a description of the patterns of behaviours that may be required across various roles or positions within GNWT.
They help individuals and the organization focus on the characteristics that enable people to consistently achieve high standards of

The following General Competency Dictionary provides a description of the competencies and their associated scales.

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Understanding the Competencies

The competencies provide a description of the essential behaviours necessary for success and their associated scales.

Format of the Competency Scales

Each competency is defined and formatted in the same way as shown below. Each competency contains three components: a Title, a
Definition, and a Behavioural Scale. Each of these components is explained in more detail below.

                                                                Accountability-Decision Making

Definition: Accountability-Decision Making is the ability to accept responsibility,....

Easier behaviour to demonstrate                                     Behavioural Scale            More complex behaviour to demonstrate

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Title: The title is the overall name given to the competency.
Definition: The definition provides a description of the competency, and explains what the competency means. It indicates the types
of behaviours that will be described in the scale. This provides a common language so that everyone in the organization can understand
the competency in the same way.
Behavioural Scale: Each competency also provides a behavioural scale that describes how this competency is demonstrated. The
scales are structured so that they increase in terms of the complexity and intensity of behaviour shown, and provide descriptions of the
types of behaviours one would expect to observe at each level of the competency. The levels of the scale are numbered in ascending
order. This means that as you move up the scale, each level is more complex and more difficult to perform than the previous level.

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Accountability-Decision Making
    Definition: Accountability-Decision Making is the ability to accept responsibility, determine a course of action, and account for one’s own action.
    There is a focus on taking action to achieve goals or standards. It includes taking ownership and focusing on the desired outcomes; setting
    challenging goals; improving current modes of operation; developing new-value added solutions; responding to changing direction; and taking
    action to meet or exceed goals and priorities. It is taking responsibility for both decision-making process and outcomes of decisions and actions.

             Level 1                            Level 2                            Level 3                             Level 4                             Level 5                            Level 6
 Follows through on                Monitor work progress and         Anticipates obstacles              Develops longer-term goals         Makes decisions, sets             Consistently raises issues of
    assignments to ensure              adapt when possible in order       realistically and plans for         and proactively influences          priorities or chooses goals        accountability to senior
    successful completion.             to meet results.                   contingencies – creates             how resources, services, etc.       on the basis of calculated         leaders, offering
   Takes action to complete a        Escalates decisions that are       plans that factor in time for       are re-organized to achieve         inputs and outputs; makes          recommendations for
    task.                              outside the role, providing        unexpected problems and             goals.                              explicit considerations of         improvement while doing all
   Makes decisions within the         information and insight.           uncertainties.                     Takes action to create an           potential profit, return-on-       one can to improve the issue
    scope of their role               Makes needs and                   Prioritizes well and                opportunity or avoid a              investment or cost-benefit         within one’s own scope.
   Is open and honest about           requirements clear.                maintains focus in the face         future crisis.                      analysis. Analyzes for            Continually sets objectives
    work situations – takes           Openly admits having made          of demanding deadlines,            Plans, prioritizes and adapts       business outcomes.                 and develops plans to set
    responsibility for the goals       a mistake.                         expectations, etc.                  team work processes based          Provides candid, genuine           the company apart from
    and outcomes of own work.         Accepts responsibility for        Takes decisive and accurate         on existing priorities.             feedback on issues in which        other organizations.
                                                                          action to deliver value.                                                the organization needs to
                                       decisions made within the
                                       scope of their role.              Accept responsibility for                                               improve (e.g., speed of
                                                                          outcomes even when                                                      decision making, freedom to
                                                                          elements are not within your                                            implement creative
                                                                          control, providing a balanced                                           improvements, etc.), even
                                                                          and objective explanation.                                              when doing so entails some

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Analytical Thinking
    Definition: Analytical Thinking is the ability to comprehend a situation by breaking it down into its components and identifying key or underlying
    complex issues. It implies the ability to systematically organize and compare the various aspects of a problem or situation, and determine cause-
    and-effect relationships (“if...then…”) to resolve problems in a sound, decisive manner. Checks to ensure the validity or accuracy of all information.

             Level 1                              Level 2                              Level 3                            Level 4                            Level 5                             Level 6
 Breaks problems into lists of      Takes apart problems into           Breaks down a problem into         Uses several analytical           Considers and plans for how        Sets new strategic direction
    tasks or activities, without        pieces.                              smaller parts.                      techniques to break apart          current policies, processes         based on insight into
    assigning values.                Links together pieces with a        Makes multiple causal links:          complex problems into              and methods might be                external conditions and the
   Makes a list of items with no       single link: A leads to B; can       several potential causes of         component parts.                   affected in the short,              GNWT’s internal capabilities.
    particular order or set of          separate into two parts: pro         events, several                    Uses several analytical            medium, and long-term by           Asks the right questions to
    priorities.                         and con.                             consequences of actions, or         techniques (e.g. risk              trends and broad                    get to the root of issues and
                                       Sorts out a list of tasks in         multiple-part chains of             assessment, building               environment.                        generate deep
                                        order of importance.                 events (A leads to B leads to       business cases) to identify       Integrates in-depth                 understanding and new ways
                                                                             C leads to D).                      several solutions and weighs       knowledge of underlying             of thinking about issues.
                                                                            Analyzes relationships              the value of each.                 issues and potential risks
                                                                             among several parts of a           Anticipates obstacles and          when considering
                                                                             problem or situation.               thinks ahead about next            opportunities or actions, and
                                                                                                                 steps.                             evaluates their impact.

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Attention to Detail
    Definition: Attention to Detail is the ability to accomplish / complete a task while demonstrating a through concern for all the areas involved, no
    matter how small. This means monitoring and checking work or information, while organizing time and resources efficiently. It includes the ability
    to bring together different elements in order to achieve results or accomplish tasks. This means ensuring information is complete and accurate;
    and following up with others (on own work or that of others) to ensure that commitments have been fulfilled.

             Level 1                             Level 2                              Level 3                              Level 4                              Level 5                             Level 6
 Maintains a checklist,             Follows up to ensure quality       Carefully supervises the            Manages the general quality         Readily points attention            Able to direct attention
    schedule, calendar, etc. to         of work product and/or              details and quality of own           of the work for                      toward systems, projects or          toward functions which are
    ensure that small details are       actions are completed.              and others' work.                    unit/department and                  broad information.                   diverse in nature and
    not overlooked.                    Double-checks the accuracy         Provides information on a            recommends improvements             Attends to the progress of a         objective or critical to the
   Completes work according            of information and work             timely basis and in a usable         within area of responsibility.       project or the efficiency of a       achievement of strategic
    to procedures and standards         product to provide accurate         form to others who need to          Ensures that department              system.                              department goals.
   Follows process steps as            and consistent work.                act on it.                           procedures are followed and         Pays close attention to data,       Conveys the importance of
    outlined in standard               Accurately completes tasks         Effectively supervises               ensures clear, detailed              in order to pinpoint flaws or        accurate and complete data
    operating procedures.               with close attention to all         multiple activities and pays         records are kept.                    missing data, and seeks out          and analysis.
   Shows a general concern for         aspects of work and carefully       attention to how those              Uses attention to detail to          information to maintain or
    monitoring and checking             controls for errors.                activities relate to others in       suggest improvements in              even improve department
    work.                              Concerned with maintaining          their unit.                          other areas.                         (e.g. obtains progress
   Catches and corrects own            accuracy and checks others         Attentive to detail and                                                   reports from employees and
    errors or omissions.                work for errors.                    brings order to an array of                                               other leaders).

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Building Partnerships with Stakeholders
    Definition: Building Partnerships with Stakeholders is the ability to build long-term or on-going relationships with stakeholders (e.g. someone who
    shares an interest in what you are doing). This type of relationship is often quite deliberate and is typically focused on the way the relationship is
    conducted. Implicit in this competency is demonstrating a respect for and stating positive expectations of the stakeholder.

             Level 1                              Level 2                             Level 3                             Level 4                             Level 5                             Level 6
 Makes or sustains informal         Understands the significance        Identifies key stakeholder        Seeks partnership building          Organizes involvement of          Develop partnerships and
    contacts with others in             of relationship building.            contacts in the organization       opportunities.                       key stakeholders.                  maintains strategic
    addition to contacts required    Sees stakeholder                       with whom a relationship        Communicates regularly              Identifies internal staff            relationships and
    in the course of work.              relationship building as a key       must be established.               with stakeholders as                 whose individual expertise         partnerships based on an in-
   Is aware of and supports            to securing the success of          Develops and maintains             appropriate; sustains the            can meet stakeholder’s             depth knowledge and
    existing stakeholder                initiatives.                         effective working                  relationship when no                 needs.                             understanding of each
    partnerships.                      Spots opportunities where            relationships with others          specific project/initiative is      Matches staff to appropriate       other's roles.
                                        stakeholder partnerships             (may include: within the           underway.                            stakeholder contacts and co-      Ensures that all sides of the
                                        would be valuable.                   team, between teams and           Identifies and articulates the       ordinates contacts.                partnership see value and
                                                                             with other stakeholders).          mutual benefit in a                 Monitors relationships.            sustain their side of the
                                                                                                                partnership.                                                            partnership.

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Business Acumen
    Definition: Business Acumen is the ability to understand the business implications of decisions and the ability to strive to improve organizational
    performance. It requires an awareness of business issues, processes and outcomes as they impact the client’s and the organization’s business

             Level 1                          Level 2                             Level 3                             Level 4                            Level 5                           Level 6
 Analyzes and comprehends        Develops work plans that          Develops annual service             Assesses and links short-         Is aware of the projected         Reviews own actions against
    work-unit goals and              prioritize work in alignment       plans that take into account         term tasks in the context of       directions of trends (e.g.,      the organization’s strategic
    strategies.                      with business goals.               longer-term activities,              long-term strategies,              social, technological, etc.)     plan; includes the big picture
   Understands practical           Acts in accordance with            issues, problems or                  perspectives or vision.            and how changes might            when considering possible
    business functions in the        established organization           opportunities.                      Anticipates possible               impact the organization          opportunities or projects or
    organizational environment       objectives or goals.              Develops and establishes             responses to different            Considers how present            thinks about long-term
    and incorporates them into                                          broad scale, longer-term             initiatives.                       policies, processes, and         applications of current
    decision-making.                                                    objectives, goals, or projects                                          methods (not current             activities.
                                                                        (e.g., affecting a business,                                            actions, but ongoing issues)   Understands the projected
                                                                        department, or                                                          might be affected by future    direction of the GNWT and
                                                                        organization).                                                          developments and trends.       political environment and how
                                                                                                                                                                               changes might impact the

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Change Leadership
  Definition: Change Leadership involves creating a new vision for the organization and taking the required actions to ensure that the members of
  the organization accept and support the vision. It generally requires the individual to be in a relatively senior or high level position, although this
  is not always the case.

            Level 1                           Level 2                             Level 3                            Level 4                             Level 5                             Level 6
 Understands why the change      Defines a specific area where      Defines an explicit vision for    Identifies the need for            Takes action to align the          Initiates large or long-term
  is required.                       change is needed to better          change; may simplify,              change by leading the               organization with the change        changes in the organization
 Adapts plans to                    support strategic results,          modify, or redefine a              change process.                     vision.                             in response to anticipated
  accommodate for change.            though does not describe            previous vision in specific       Understands and utilizes the       Engages staff and                   future requirements.
 Demonstrates willingness to        what those changes should           terms.                             actions and behaviours              stakeholders, to assess their      Makes decisions and
  change ideas or perceptions.       be.                                Advocates and builds a             necessary to move                   needs and concerns,                 recommendations based on
                                    Makes changes to one group          business case for change           organizational change;              throughout the change               broad strategic insight
                                     or program at a time to align       that will help the                 creates a sense of urgency to       process to generate                 regarding new directions
                                     with the strategy or improve        organization accomplish its        achieve desired change e.g.,        commitment.                         focused on enhancing
                                     performance.                        goals.                             rewarding/ disciplining            Considers impact of changes         program outcomes.
                                                                        Builds on recent change            behaviour in accordance             on organization and culture.       Leverages information gains
                                                                         initiatives to increase            with the change effort.            Helps others respond                throughout the change
                                                                         enthusiasm and                                                         constructively during times         process from the whole
                                                                         commitment to the change                                               of stress.                          organization to support
                                                                         process.                                                                                                   future initiatives.

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Change Management
    Definition: Change Management is the ability to support a change initiative that has been mandated within the organization. It involves helping
    the organization’s members understand what the change means to them, and providing the ongoing guidance and support that will maintain
    enthusiasm and commitment to the change process. People with this competency willingly embrace and champion change. They take advantage
    of every opportunity to explain their vision of the future to others and gain their buy-in.

             Level 1                            Level 2                            Level 3                          Level 4                           Level 5                          Level 6
 Asks questions, seeks             Publicly supports the             Explains how change will        Explains to individuals          Takes specific and sustained    Communicates change vision
    clarification, and assesses        mandated change initiative,        affect work processes or         specifically how the change       action to ensure the             and reasons for change in a
    how things will be different       verbally or in writing.            structures in general.           will affect their roles or        successful implementation        way that generates
    when change is introduced         May repeat this message on        Integrates the change very       positions. Integrates the         of the change program.           enthusiasm and
    or anticipated.                    a number of occasions to           clearly with existing work       change very clearly with         Reinforces the change            commitment.
   Relies on past experience to       ensure organization                and projects.                    existing work/projects.           message with own actions        Monitors change process at
    understand the reason for          members are clear on the          Draws theoretical               Builds on recent change           and attitudes.                   organizational level and
    change                             purpose and direction of the       connections, speaks about        initiatives to increase          Publicly recognizes              reports on results.
                                       change.                            the change and desired           enthusiasm and                    individuals who are             Develops strategies to
                                                                          outcomes in broad or             commitment to the change          demonstrating behaviours         manage and facilitate
                                                                          abstract terms.                  process.                          consistent with the “new         change at the organizational
                                                                                                                                             organization”.                   level.

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Conflict Management
    Definition: Conflict Management is the ability to develop working relationships that facilitate the prevention and/or resolution of conflicts within
    the organization.

              Level 1                            Level 2                             Level 3                             Level 4                              Level 5                             Level 6
 Recognizes that there is a         Addresses conflict as it           Reduces and resolves              Promotes constructive                Promotes interest-based            Creates an open
    conflict and respects others’       happens by working to               conflict in a proactive            conflict management by                conflict prevention and             environment where conflict
    points of view.                     resolve conflict when               manner.                            modelling and coaching                resolution in the                   can be resolved positively.
   Brings conflict to the              directly involved.                 Works to resolve conflict          others on the importance of           organization.                      Empowers leaders and
    attention of the appropriate       Uses active listening to            between others if the              respecting different                 Provides consultation to or         others to think through and
    individual.                         resolve/ prevent conflict and       conflict directly impacts on       differences and resolving             obtains                             resolve conflict issues –
   Avoids taking things                promote mutual                      the achievement of work            issues.                               consultation/mediation for          ensuring ownership of
    personally.                         understanding.                      objectives.                       Assist team members with              others on approaches and            issues.
                                       Identifies overlapping areas       Anticipates and takes action       handling problematic                  processes.                         Creates a conflict-resolving
                                        of shared interests in an           to mitigate/reduce potential       situations or conflicts              Intercedes in complex issues        environment by anticipating
                                        open, respectful and timely         conflict management and to         effectively by helping them           or when conflict threatens          and addressing areas where
                                        manner.                             reduce and resolve conflict        see the other point of view           important business results or       potential misunderstanding
                                                                            at the outset, by                  and developing mutually               client/stakeholder                  and conflict could emerge
                                                                            encouraging continued,             beneficial solutions to issues.       relationships.                      and by addressing systemic
                                                                            open, two-way                     Encourages team members                                                   workplace irritants.
                                                                            communications.                    to resolve issues to build
                                                                                                               respect among team
                                                                                                               members and ownership for
                                                                                                               a solution.

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Continuous Development
    Definition: Continuous Development involves proactively taking actions to improve personal capability to meet organizational goals. It involves
    being willing to assess one’s level of development, expertise and performance relative to one’s current job, or as part of focused career planning.

            Level 1                           Level 2                             Level 3                             Level 4                            Level 5                             Level 6
 Looks only at previously        Keeps abreast of new               Analyzes own performance           Actively seeks feedback from      Seeks out new information          Uses knowledge of own
    learned approaches to            information and                     to understand positive              others including colleagues,       and opportunities to                and/or other areas of
    generate solutions within        developments or best                experiences and set-backs           customers/clients and              enhance competencies and            expertise and an in-depth
    own discipline.                  practices in own field of           and takes specific short-term       managers, and integrates           integrates the results into         business understanding to
   Shows limited curiosity to       expertise (e.g., by reading,        action to improve                   the results into personal          own career planning.                create a vision of what the
    learn about new approaches       liaising with organization          performance in current job.         development efforts.              Takes action to improve own         business could be with the
    and what value they could        and business core group            Applies learning on the job.       Takes feedback and                 abilities in line with career       application of new or
    add.                             contacts, or by attending          Identifies underlying causes        suggestions for personal           goals, including volunteering       emerging approaches, tools,
                                     learning events).                   for success or lack of              learning and integrates            for “stretch” assignments           methods and/or
                                    Stays current with new tools,       success, and takes action to        these in own personal action       and taking on increased             technologies.
                                     methods, technologies or            ensure future success.              plan.                              responsibilities.                  Taps into the knowledge of a
                                     approaches that may                                                                                                                            wide variety of sources to
                                     potentially impact the                                                                                                                         create a vision of the future
                                     overall business of the                                                                                                                        and subsequent
                                     organization.                                                                                                                                  implications.

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Critical Thinking
    Definition: Critical Thinking combines the ability to draw on one’s own experience, knowledge and training and effectively problem-solve
    increasingly difficult and complex situations. It involves breaking down problems, tracing implications and recognizing patterns and connections
    that are not obviously related. It translates into identifying underlying issues and making the best decisions at the most appropriate time. At
    higher levels, the parameters upon which to base the decision become increasingly complex and ambiguous and call upon novel ways to think
    through issues.

             Level 1                           Level 2                           Level 3                            Level 4                           Level 5                            Level 6
 Uses no abstract concepts in     Breaks problems into simple      Breaks apart a problem and        Makes multiple causal links:     Uses several analytical or        Creates new concepts that
    the face of uncertainty or        lists, tasks or activities        links together pieces with a       several potential causes of       creative techniques to break       are not obvious to others
    lack of information.              without assigning values or       single link.                       events, several                   apart complex problems into        and are not learned from
   Responds to situations at         priorities.                      Identifies alternative             consequences of actions, or       component problems or              previous education or
    face value.                      Uses common sense and             approaches or actions to a         multiple part chains of           issues.                            experience, to think through
   Requires some guidance or         past experiences to               problem.                           events.                          Draws on complex learned           issues and/or resolve
    support to determine if and       approach problems and            Is able to make a decision        Analyses relationships            concepts when examining            problems.
    when action is appropriate.       make a decision.                  and take action quickly and        among several parts of a          patterns or trends and            Consistently makes the right
                                     Able to overcome minor            decisively when there is not       problem or situation.             recognizes underlying              decision when there are
                                      obstacles and suggest             enough information to             Anticipates obstacles and         issues/implications of             competing and ambiguous
                                      actions to make a decision        predict the consequences           thinks ahead about next           decisions or courses of            priorities.
                                      without having all the            with certainty.                    steps.                            action.

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Developing Others
    Definition: Developing Others is providing coaching, support and recognition to enhance employee performance, development and motivation.
    It is encouraging individuals to be accountable for their own development and should include a diverse range of learning activities.

              Level 1                        Level 2                           Level 3                           Level 4                           Level 5                            Level 6
 Demonstrates an interest in    Encourages training and          Works with employees to set      Provides coaching to staff to    Supports the development          Promotes organizational
    the careers of others.          development activities.           development objectives that       assist them in meeting            of the team through                learning and development to
 Is aware of training and       Engages in discussions with         support both their personal       performance expectations          performance management,            ensure that the department
    development activities          staff regarding performance       and organizational goals.         and development goals.            coaching and feedback.             is well positioned to meet
    available for staff.            and development plans.           Provides objective and           Gives specific feedback for      Works with people to               future leadership needs.
   Takes the time to answer       Supports time for learning        timely performance                developmental purposes on         identify and pursue creative      Mentors others to enhance
    questions and share             and development.                  feedback.                         a regular basis.                  learning opportunities.            their development.
    information.                                                     Encourages others to pursue      Recognizes individual and        Identifies training or            Challenges people to reach
                                                                      professional development          team contributions, both          developmental needs both           their highest potential.
                                                                      activities.                       formally and informally.          for individuals and the           Promotes the development
                                                                                                       Fosters continuous learning       organization and establishes       of future leaders.
                                                                                                        in the organization.              new methods or programs
                                                                                                                                          to meet the need.

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    Definition: Empowerment is the ability to share responsibility with individuals and groups so that they have a deep sense of commitment and
    ownership. People who practice empowerment participate and contribute at high levels, are creative and innovative, take sound risks, are willing
    to be held accountable and demonstrate leadership. They also foster teamwork among employees, across government and with colleagues, and,
    as appropriate, facilitate the effective use of teams.

             Level 1                              Level 2                               Level 3                             Level 4                          Level 5                            Level 6
 Expresses positive                Assigns routine tasks to            Demonstrates trust by              Publicly credits others who    Creates a culture that           Fosters an environment in which
    expectations of others,            employees and is confident           recognizing and                     have performed well.            supports the delegation of        each area of the ministry takes
    speaks of team members in          in their ability to accomplish       acknowledging that others        Encourages and empowers           significant responsibility        responsibility for the
    positive terms.                    tasks.                               have the skills and abilities       others, makes them feel         and authority.                    achievement of their strategic
   Trusts their judgement and        Demonstrates trust in                necessary to achieve high           strong or important.           Assigns appropriate               goals.
    that they know what they           employees’ ability to                goals.                             Accepts and supports            resources to individuals or      Expresses confidence in the
    are doing; shows respect for       accomplish tasks to                 Supports employees in               others’ considered views,       work units to achieve             organization’s ability to be
    others’ intelligence.              acceptable levels of                 developing performance              recommendations, or             business goals.                   successful.
                                       performance, and assigns             plans and setting own work          actions.                       Inspires others to take on       Delegates full authority and
                                       appropriate resources to             goals.                                                              new challenges.                   responsibility to work units and
                                       employees.                          Encourages individuals to                                          Celebrates team successes         individuals with the latitude to
                                      Communicates expectations            make choices as to how                                              and accomplishments.              accomplish business goals in
                                       to staff clearly and                 their work might be                                                                                   their own way.
                                       effectively.                         accomplished.                                                                                        Holds people accountable for
                                                                                                                                                                                  excellent results and standards.

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  Definition: Expertise includes the motivation to expand and use technical knowledge to distribute work-related knowledge to others. This involves
  a commitment to think about the ongoing and evolving needs of the organization and to learn how new and different solutions can be utilized to
  ensure success and move the organization forward.

           Level 1                        Level 2                            Level 3                              Level 4                             Level 5                             Level 6
 Answers questions as an     Offers one’s knowledge to        Shows curiosity or interest         Demonstrates in-depth              Maintains an in-depth              Advocates use of the most
  expert when asked.             others when one sees an           about new approaches,                knowledge of one’s area of          understanding of key                effective application of
 Shares with people about       opportunity to add value,         tools, methods and/or                expertise.                          organizational issues and           knowledge within the
  current understanding of       even if not asked.                technologies in own field of        Is able to speak                    implications.                       organization.
  technical issues.             Tries to answer deeper            expertise on the job.                knowledgeably and answer           Demonstrates an in-depth           Works to get new
                                 issues, spends time helping      Seeks out new approaches,            questions about relevant            understanding of potential          approaches accepted.
                                 others resolve technical          tools, methods, techniques           issues and considerations. Is       solutions in areas of
                                 problems.                         and/or technologies in own           perceived and sought out by         expertise that could impact
                                                                   field of expertise by reading,       others as an expert.                the organization.
                                                                   talking to others, attending        Advises others in content          Sees applicability of current
                                                                   industry                             area.                               or emerging approaches,
                                                                   seminars/conferences,                                                    tools, methods and/or
                                                                   courses and/or by                                                        technologies to the future
                                                                   experimentation on the job.                                              needs of the organization.

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    Definition: Flexibility is the ability and willingness to adapt to and work effectively within a variety of diverse situations, and with diverse individuals
    or groups. Flexibility entails understanding and appreciating different and opposing perspectives on an issue, adapting one’s approach as situations
    change and accepting changes within one’s own job or organization.

             Level 1                            Level 2                            Level 3                            Level 4                              Level 5                           Level 6
 Demonstrates willingness to      Accepts that other people’s       Works creatively within           Changes one’s approach as            Changes the overall plan and      Able to shift strategic focus
    change ideas or perceptions       points of view are                 standard procedures to fit a       required to achieve intended          implements new practices         and activities of the
    based on new information or       reasonable or valid.               specific situation.                outcomes.                             for a specific area when         organization quickly in
    contrary evidence                Acknowledges that people          Understands policies and          Prioritizes actions effectively       original approach and            response to changing
   Listens to other people’s         are entitled to their              can work within them to            in order to respond to                assumptions are no longer        priorities.
    points of view                    opinions, and accepts that         meet branch, work group,           numerous, diverse                     valid.
                                      they are different.                team or individual goals.          challenges and demands.              Makes small or temporary
                                     Steps into co-workers’ tasks                                                                                organizational changes to
                                      when needed or required.                                                                                    meet the needs of a specific

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Holding People Accountable
    Definition: Holding People Accountable involves setting high standards of performance and holding team members, other government
    jurisdictions, outside contractors, industry agencies, etc., accountable for results and actions.

               Level 1                         Level 2                               Level 3                           Level 4                             Level 5                            Level 6
 Wants to ensure that job        Focused on achieving and             Takes decisive and accurate      Discusses openly and                Implements and monitors            Leads organization in
    tasks are clear for self.        exceeding standards of                action to deliver value.          directly with relevant clients       department /project plans to      achieving challenging goals.
 States concern that                performance.                       Encourages others to accept         / stakeholders about                 deliver and improve results/     Consistently raises issues of
    performance expectations        Makes needs and                       responsibility for outcomes       performance.                         address performance               accountability to senior
    are made clear and are           requirements clear for                providing balanced and           Reviews unit performance            Gives detailed explanation of     leaders, offering
    understood.                      others.                               objective feedback.               against clear standards or           specific department goals         recommendations for
   Gives basic directions and      Gives a detailed explanation         Jointly with staff, sets          expectations.                        and clarifies expectations        improvement while doing all
    requirements to peers.           of the goal: what it looks like       standards, demands high          Expects individuals to hold          with others to ensure             one can to improve the issue
                                     for the individual and the            performance, quality or           themselves accountable.              understanding.                    within one’s own scope.
                                     group.                                resources; in a “clear and       Addresses performance               Reviews department
                                                                           firm manner”.                     problems in a timely way by          performance against clear
                                                                          Acknowledges completed            assessing performance                standards or expectations.
                                                                           work.                             against standards and acting        Holds others accountable for
                                                                                                             in a way to improve                  improving unit / team
                                                                                                             performance.                         performance issues.
                                                                                                            Provides recognition and
                                                                                                             reward for work well done.

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Impact and Influence
  Definition: Impact and Influence is the ability to influence, persuade, or convince others to adopt a specific course of action. It involves the use of
  persuasive techniques, presentations or negotiation skills to achieve desired results.

            Level 1                           Level 2                             Level 3                              Level 4                            Level 5                          Level 6
 Intends to have a specific     Uses direct persuasion in a        Takes two or more steps to          Adapts a presentation or           Uses chains of indirect          Assembles coalitions, builds
  effect or impact; expresses       discussion or presentation          persuade without trying to           discussion to appeal to the         influence: “get A to show B     “informal” support for ideas;
  concern but does not take         (e.g., appeals to reason,           adapt specifically to level or       interest and level of others.       so B will tell C such-and-      selects information to have
  any specific actions.             data, other’s self-interests;       interest of an audience.            Anticipates the effect of an        such” or takes two steps to     specific effects, and uses
                                    uses concrete examples,            Includes careful preparation         action or other detail on           influence, with each step       “group process skills” to lead
                                    visual aids, demonstrations,        of data for presentation or          people’s image of the               adapted to the specific         or direct a group.
                                    etc.).                              making two or more                   speaker or takes a well             audience.
                                   Makes no apparent attempt           different arguments or               thought-out dramatic or            Uses experts or other third
                                    to adapt presentation to the        points in a presentation or a        unusual action in order to          parties to influence.
                                    interest and level of the           discussion.                          have a specific impact.
                                    audience.                                                               Anticipates and prepares for
                                                                                                             others’ reactions.

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Information Seeking
    Definition: Information Seeking is driven by a desire to know more about things, people or issues. It implies going beyond the questions that are
    routine or required in the job. It may include “digging” or pressing for exact information; resolution of discrepancies by asking a series of questions;
    or less-focused environmental “scanning” for potential opportunities or miscellaneous information that may be of future use.

              Level 1                           Level 2                             Level 3                              Level 4                           Level 5                            Level 6
 Personally gathers basic          Asks direct questions of the      Investigates the problem or         Asks a series of probing          Makes a systematic effort          Establishes ongoing systems
    information and facts to           people who are supposed to         situation beyond routine             questions to get at the root       over a limited period of time     or habits to get information.
    address a problem or               answer.                            questioning; clarifies unclear       of a situation or a problem,       to obtain needed data or         Sets up individuals to
    situation.                        Confirms information               details.                             or a potential opportunity         feedback.                         perform regular, ongoing
   Uses readily available             received.                         Finds those closest to the           below the surface issues          Conducts in-depth                 information gathering in
    information.                      Seeks out or includes people       problem and investigates             presented.                         investigation from unusual        order to monitor the
   Knows who to go to for             who are directly involved.         further, such as asking,            Calls on others who are not        sources.                          environment or uncover
    information – asks for help.                                          “What happened?” (May                personally involved, to get       Does formal research, or          barriers / opportunities for
                                                                          include personally going to          their perspective,                 may commission others to          the organization.
                                                                          investigate the problem).            background information,            do formal research (may
                                                                                                               experience, etc.                   include market, financial,
                                                                                                              Does not stop with the first       stakeholder research).
                                                                                                               answer; is persistent in
                                                                                                               uncovering why something

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  Definition: Initiative involves identifying a problem, obstacle or opportunity and taking appropriate action to address current or future problems
  or opportunities. As such, initiative can be seen in the context of proactively doing things and not simply thinking about future actions. Formal
  strategic planning is not included in this competency.

           Level 1                           Level 2                           Level 3                             Level 4                          Level 5                            Level 6
 Recognizes and reacts to       Acts quickly and decisively in    Creates opportunities or          Anticipates and prepares for     Anticipates situations 1–2      Proactively identifies areas
  present opportunities             a crisis or other time-          minimizes potential                  a specific opportunity or       years ahead or more                that are in the long-term
 Reacts to present problems,       sensitive situation              problems by a unique extra           problem that is not obvious    Acts to create opportunities       interests of the organization.
  including overcoming             Acts with a sense of urgency     effort (new program, special         to others.                      or avoid problems that are        Develop plans to address
  obstacles                         when the norm is to wait,        travel, etc.) occurring within      Takes action to create an       not obvious to others.             these areas (which will
                                    study the situation, and         a 1-3 month time frame.              opportunity or avoid future                                        typically be multi-year
                                    hope the problem will                                                 crisis, looking ahead 4–12                                         plans).
                                    resolve itself                                                        months.

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    Definition: Innovation indicates an effort to improve performance by doing or promoting new things, such as introducing a previously unknown
    or untried solution or procedure to the specific area or organization.

             Level 1                              Level 2                              Level 3                             Level 4                             Level 5                            Level 6
 Creates a new approach or          Consistently questions and           Impacts job efficiency and         Improves performance by            Improves performance by          Encourages creativity on the
    new tactic to make day-to-          challenges the adequacy and           objectives by doing                 doing something that may            doing things that may be          part of others by highlighting
    day job tasks more                  quality of traditional thinking       something new and different         be new and different in the         unique, leading-edge or new       the benefits of innovation
    interesting or appealing.           (i.e., the “way things have           within the area but not             organization, but not               to the government/public or       and change on the overall
   Helps to redesign an existing       always been done”) by                 necessarily new to the work         necessarily new to the public       private sector.                   performance of the
    process or system that needs        engaging in active and                unit/organization.                  sector.                            Takes calculated risks in         organization and/or the
    to be updated.                      responsible dialogue.                Takes established practice or      Adopts a cross-boundary             trying something new.             performance of a specific
                                       Uses diverse perspectives to          idea used elsewhere with            mentality in own work and                                             area.
                                        improve the effectiveness of          successful results and adapts       encourages it in others.                                             Uses innovative methods
                                        a currently existing business         it in a new way to meet the        Proactively shares                                                    and tactics to foster
                                        strategy.                             current situation.                  information and resources                                             creativity in others and an
                                                                             Challenges others                   across areas to better                                                environment that supports
                                                                              perspectives that are limited       leverage the capabilities of                                          innovative efforts.
                                                                              or short-term.                      Organization/Government.                                             Acts in a way which helps
                                                                                                                                                                                        others to generate
                                                                                                                                                                                        breakthrough ideas, fresh
                                                                                                                                                                                        perspectives and new

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Innovation and Change
    Definition: Innovation and Change is supporting and encouraging new ideas and approaches to enhance performance and results. It is embracing
    change, taking intelligent risks, and helping others to engage in the change process.

             Level 1                           Level 2                             Level 3                            Level 4                             Level 5                          Level 6
 Is open to new and diverse       Continuously seeks better         Introduces new ideas and           Develops new approaches            Creates an environment that    Leads/champions
    ideas.                            ways to get the job done.          approaches to the team.             and takes calculated risks in       fosters creativity and          organizational innovation
 Questions or challenges the      Implements ideas for              Generates ideas and can               trying something new.               innovation in others.           and change – consistently
    way things have always been       continuous improvement             identify best approach to a        Fosters a climate in which         Takes risks and applies         looks for ways to improve
    done.                             within own area.                   process or system.                  others feel safe to                 innovative solutions to         the organization.
   Suggests ways to improve         Adapts readily to change.          (evaluates strengths and            contribute their suggestions.       enhance results.               Articulates a clear vision for
    the effectiveness of a           Generates ideas and can            weaknesses)                        Supports innovation and            Gains commitment for            innovation and change.
    current task.                     identify a new approach to a      Proactively shares                  change by respecting/               change from employees.         Champions and sponsors
                                      task or job.                       information and resources           valuing new ideas,                 Actively looks for              innovation and change
                                                                         across areas.                       encouraging new                     opportunity in uncharted        activities.
                                                                        Assists others in adapting to       perceptions/ insights.              territory.                     Addresses organizational
                                                                         change.                            Motivates others to find                                            barriers to change.
                                                                                                             improved ways of working.                                          Leads large scale
                                                                                                                                                                                 organizational change.

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    Definition: Integrity refers to actions that are consistent with what one says are important. People with integrity “walk the talk” by communicating
    intentions, ideas and feelings openly and directly, and welcoming openness and honesty even in difficult negotiations.

              Level 1                            Level 2                             Level 3                             Level 4                               Level 5                           Level 6
 Recognizes when a situation        Expresses what one is              Acts on values when it is not     Takes a stand on issues              Holds others to a high level      Promotes a culture where
    conflicts with one’s own            thinking even when it is not        easy to do so; speaks out          based on values or beliefs of         of integrity.                      integrity thrives and others
    values or the values of the         required or when it would           when difficult to do so.           what is good for the               Challenges powerful others           feel safe to report
    organization.                       be easy to refrain from being      Publicly admits having made        organization, even if it is not       to act on espoused values.         behaviours contrary to the
   Consistently thinks about           open about the situation.           a mistake.                         readily accepted or                Supports others who take a           values of the organization.
    what the right thing to do is      Operates consistently with         Maintains integrity                appreciated.                          stand regarding contrary          In the face of significant
    (acts with integrity).              value base, for example,            regardless of pressures from      Articulates clearly to higher         behaviours.                        personal or professional
   Is consistent in keeping            takes pride in being                others or other stressors.         authorities disagreeable             Promotes and enforces              cost, stands firm on a
    commitments and following           trustworthy.                                                           behaviours, based on value            organizational policies,           decisions that are consistent
    rules that are consistent                                                                                  base, in spite of the                 values and ethical practice.       with personal values and
    with values.                                                                                               potential for negative                                                   those of the organization.

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    Definition: Leadership is inspiring people and teams to reach their fullest potential. Leadership is about positively influencing people and events
    and can be demonstrated at every level of an organization.

             Level 1                               Level 2                        Level 3                           Level 4                            Level 5                           Level 6
 Works positively and              Manages meetings and team         Works with the team to          Encourages and empowers           Engages team in developing      Communicates a compelling
    proactively with the team to       interactions effectively.        develop a shared purpose.          others to achieve the team’s       strategies to meet current       vision and clear direction.
    meet team goals.                Communicates openly and           Promotes team morale and           goals.                             and future challenges.        Generates organizational
   Expresses positive                 honestly.                        spirit.                           Manages the group                 Inspires people to support       commitment to the vision
    expectations of others.         Shares useful and relevant        Creates a co-operative and         processes and keeps the            the team and organization        and to action that is aligned
   Supports decisions that            information and explains the     productive environment.            team focussed.                     direction.                       with the government’s
    benefit other functions or         rationale behind decisions.     Delivers consistent messages      Champions group’s position        Fosters a climate of             strategic direction.
    groups for the good of the        Encourages individual and        that reinforce the                 or decisions both internally       openness and trust among        Demonstrates personal
    organization.                      team input.                      organization’s priorities          and externally.                    team members.                    commitment to the team,
                                      Consults with others to                                            Works to resolve obstacles        Sets a good example by           vision and goals.
                                       support group processes.                                            outside of the team’s direct       personally modelling            Faces difficult issues and
                                                                                                           influence.                         positive leadership              makes tough and timely
                                                                                                                                              behaviours.                      decisions to achieve the

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Listening, Understanding and Responding
    Definition: Listening, Understanding and Responding is the desire and ability to understand and respond effectively to other people from diverse
    backgrounds. It includes the ability to understand accurately and respond effectively to both spoken and unspoken or partly expressed thoughts,
    feelings and concerns of others. People who demonstrate high levels of this competency demonstrate an understanding of others, including cross-
    cultural sensitivity.

             Level 1                         Level 2                           Level 3                             Level 4                              Level 5                             Level 6
 Listens carefully before       Puts self in others’ shoes to    Uses empathy to understand        Invites the contribution of          Displays an in-depth               Makes an assessment of
    responding.                     gain greater understanding.       and reflect peoples’               information and ideas to              understanding of the                group or individual strengths
 Listens to what people say     Actively seeks to understand        perspectives.                      help form decisions or plans.         ongoing reasons for a               and weaknesses based on a
    and responds accordingly.       others by asking questions       Responds to people’s              Listens to and encourages             person’s behavior or                deeper understanding of the
 Asks questions to clarify         and reiterating the               concerns in a proactive            differing opinions – is able to       responses.                          individual or team dynamics
    what is expressed.              responses to check                manner that promotes long-         help others see things from a        Is able to anticipate and           at play.
 Focuses on pertinent              understanding before              term solutions.                    different perspective.                predict others’ reactions and      Sets the organizational
    information.                    drawing conclusions or           Understands why people            Facilitates effective                 uses that understanding to          standard for listening and
                                    advocating own opinions.                                                                                   address concerns or issues.         responding in order to foster
   Allows others to express                                          behave in a certain way in         interpersonal
    opinions/views.                Understands unspoken              given situations; accurately       communication between                Uses that understanding to          a culture that is supportive
                                    messages and adapts               assesses root causes of            teams or team members in              plan       for      effective       and understanding of others.
                                    response accordingly.             individual’s behaviours.           order to impact overall               interactions and to foster
                                                                                                         effectiveness.                        long-term            positive

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Managing Organizational Resources
    Definition: Managing Organizational Resources is the ability to understand and effectively manage organizational resources (e.g., people,
    materials, assets, budgets). This is demonstrated through measurement, planning and control of resources to maximize results. It requires an
    evaluation of qualitative (e.g., client satisfaction) and quantitative (e.g., service costs) needs.

             Level 1                            Level 2                            Level 3                             Level 4                            Level 5                             Level 6
 Understands key resource         Understands how to manage         Ensures that things are done        Promotes the need for and         Thinks creatively about the       Makes decisions that
    issues affecting one's            basic budgets and other            using efficient and effective        models the effective               allocation of organizational       improve effective utilization
    responsibilities and how          organizational resources.          alternatives while                   utilization of resources.          resources to ensure the            of resources for the
    these relate to the              Monitors the use of                maintaining or improving            Obtains ongoing information        mandate of the department.         organization even when own
    organization.                     resources and is able to           quality of programs,                 and feedback about                Commits resources or frees         branch, division or team
   Uses resources available to       identify wasteful practices.       processes or services.               resource utilization to make       up resources as appropriate.       must "sacrifice".
    oneself thoughtfully and                                            Makes sound resource                 timely, effective decisions.      Allocates and manages             This includes utilizing
    respectfully.                                                        decisions relative to scope of      May make resources                 organizational resources           resources to meet current
                                                                         work based on an                     available to other areas in        transparently.                     and future business goals,
                                                                         understanding of their               the organization as needed.                                           with a view and tie-in to the
                                                                         impact.                                                                                                    tactical and strategic aspects
                                                                                                                                                                                    of the business.

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Organizational Awareness
  Definition: Organizational Awareness is the acumen to appreciate and the ability to use the formal and informal roles, relationships and structures
  in either one’s own, or other, organization(s). This includes the ability to identify the real decision-makers and the individuals who can influence
  them; and to predict how new events or situations will affect individuals and groups within the organization.

           Level 1                              Level 2                            Level 3                             Level 4                              Level 5                             Level 6
 Recognizes or uses the           Understands informal               Recognizes and/or uses the        Recognizes unspoken                 Understands, describes (or          Understands (and addresses)
  formal structure or hierarchy       structures (identifies key          informal structure of an           organizational limitations -         uses) ongoing power                  the reasons for ongoing
  of an organization, “chain of       actors, decision-influencers,       organization.                      what is and is not possible at       relationships within the             organizational behaviour or
  command,” positional                etc.).                             Recognizes key influencers         certain times or in certain          organization (alliances,             the underlying problems,
  power, rules and                   Applies this knowledge in           and applies this knowledge         positions.                           rivalries), with a clear sense       opportunities or political
  regulations, Standard               support of the formal               when formal structure does        Recognizes and uses the              of organizational impact.            forces affecting the
  Operating Procedure, etc.           structure.                          not work as well as desired.       corporate culture and the           Builds broad-based support           organization.
                                     Knows how to get things                                                language, etc., that will            for an idea based on an             Demonstrates understanding
                                      done within the                                                        produce the best response.           understanding of the                 of the reasons or history
                                      organization.                                                                                               informal hierarchies and the         behind decisions or
                                                                                                                                                  organizational culture.              practices, and takes these
                                                                                                                                                                                       into account when deciding
                                                                                                                                                                                       on a course of action.

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Planning, Organizing and Co-ordinating
    Definition: Planning, Organizing and Co-ordinating involves proactively planning, establishing priorities and allocating resources. It is expressed
    by developing and implementing increasingly complex plans. It also involves monitoring and adjusting work to accomplish goals and deliver to the
    organization’s mandate.

             Level 1                           Level 2                             Level 3                              Level 4                            Level 5                              Level 6
 Efficiently uses time to         Develops work plans for           Organizes and co-ordinates           Develops operational plans        Develops and implements            Demonstrates an in-depth
    completes tasks/projects on       others considering the             the allocation of staff, funds,       and provides contingencies.        efficient work plans for            understanding of the
    time through the routine          team’s objectives,                 technology, process and/ or        Establishes measures to              complex projects.                   relationships both internal
    planning of own work and          responsibilities,                  facilities.                           assess progress against the       Demonstrates a strong               and external to the
    organization of resources.        accountabilities, timelines       Makes plans based on                  plan.                              understanding of the                organization and takes
   Keeps appropriate people          and resources.                     analysis and interpretation          Adjusts the plan                   relationships among various         timely, strategic actions in
    informed on progress of          Prioritizes work of the team       of organizational goals.              appropriately and takes            components of large-scale           facilitating groups and
    tasks/projects.                   in order to meet the team’s       Monitors and evaluates the            initiative to follow through       programs that cut across            diverse areas to work
                                      objectives.                        impact of the project on              rather than wait for               groups, organizing them so          together effectively and
                                                                         others and effectively                problems to arise.                 that resources are used most        accomplish the mandate of
                                                                                                                                                                                      the organization.
                                                                         communicates at                      Recognizes problems, takes         effectively.
                                                                         appropriate stages.                   corrective/preventive action      Is prepared for, anticipates,      Ensures contingency plans
                                                                                                               and keeps people informed          and effectively deals with          exist for problems and
                                                                                                               of plans, progress, and            problems and roadblocks.            situations that might occur
                                                                                                               decisions.                                                             that could impact
                                                                                                                                                                                      achievement of the
                                                                                                                                                                                      organization’s strategy.

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Problem Solving/Judgement
    Definition: Problem Solving/Judgement is the ability to analyze problems systematically, organize information, identify key factors, identify
    underlying causes and generate solutions.

             Level 1                           Level 2                           Level 3                              Level 4                             Level 5                            Level 6
 Identifies obvious task          Sees single causal link         Analyzes pro-and-cons and            Recognizes several likely          Identifies a number of           Coordinates with
    related problems.                 between components of a          establishes basic priorities or       causes of events, or multiple       solutions and weighs the          stakeholders; one’s own
 Breaks problems into simple         problem/situation.               relationships.                        consequences and                    value of each to improve          network, subject-matter
    components, in order to          Takes into account the          Recognizes cause and effect           undertakes activities               results.                          experts and /or additional
    identify required lists of        implications of selecting        relationships.                        accordingly.                       Uses several analytical           senior staff to interpret and
    tasks or activities.              different options.              Breaks down complex                  Acquires new information            techniques to break apart         solve organizational issues,
   Follows multi-step               Ensures problem is               situations into manageable            and applies knowledge to            complex situations or             and long-term problems.
    instructions or directions.       considered in an objective       parts in a systematic way.            analyze issues and resolve          problems to reach a              Creates models or
   Considers relevant                manner.                         Assesses rick before taking           problems.                           solution.                         frameworks that enables the
    information that applies to                                        action.                              Interprets information             Assesses problems                 understanding of powerful
    the current problem                                                                                      accurately in order to make         systematically and includes       ideas and concepts about
                                                                                                             a decision or                       long-term trends or risk.         the business.
                                                                                                             recommendation.                                                      Analyzes outcomes in order
                                                                                                            Distinguishes between                                                 to make decisions, set
                                                                                                             information that is relevant                                          priorities or choose goals on
                                                                                                             to the issue – disregards                                             the basis of calculated inputs
                                                                                                             irrelevant information                                                and outputs.

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