GRADE 12 STUDENT PARENT/GUARDIAN MEETING - SEPTEMBER 15, 2021 - Click to edit Master title style

Page created by Kelly Ryan
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               GRADE 12 STUDENT
                        SEPTEMBER 15, 2021

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            Office Hours:
     Sem. 1 8:30-10:45am and
    Cell Number: 306.873.0313

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 Please check the announcements
 (even if you have a spare) and
 please check your school email…this
 is how information from Mrs. Lee
 will get to you!

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Click to Keeping  Items
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• Parents, please email the office to excuse absences by 9am OR
  use your Edsby parent portal
• Parents, please update your email with the office if you haven’t
  been receiving information
• TMSS Website Navigation (Daily News, Student Info., TMSS
  Scholarship Fund, Academic & Career Planning)
TMSS Home Page

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• Click
  Mom’s to  editFundraiser
         Pantry   Master title     style
                            is kicking off on Sept. 23! Please encourage
  online ordering if possible. Collection Dates: Sept. 30, Oct. 7, and Oct.
  14. Distribution in November. On these dates students are to take any
  order forms and payment directly to Mrs. Bergen in the office by 9am.

• Academic Awards (TBA)

• Please hand your orange data verification sheets and yearbook order
  forms into the office ASAP!

• Extracurricular activities are starting…be sure to take part in all that
  TMSS offers!
                                                                              5 5
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• Grade 12s, your school email account will cease
  to exist at the end of June. The instructions to
  clean it and your files up at the end of the year is
  on the website

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                         Did you know….
             G R A D 2 0 2 1 STAT I ST I C S
             4 3 % o f o u r st u d e nt s we nt to u n i ve rs i t y to
             o b ta i n a d e g re e
             3 9 % we nt to a te c h s c h o o l /c o l l e ge to e a r n a
             c e r t i f i c ate / d i p l o m a
             1 4 % we nt to s e e k e m p l o y m e nt
             A n d t h e re st a re d o i n g o t h e r t h i n g s ( s p o r t s ,
             vo l u nte e r i n g ) fo r n o w

ClickI Actually
Am     to edit Master
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• Just like last year, each grade 12 student will be meeting with
  me to discuss their credits and future plans. The schedule
  will be in the announcements and if you cannot make your
  appt. let me know ahead of time so we can try to reschedule.
  Students will have a pink paper after the meeting to discuss
  with their families.

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Click Many
How   to edit
                       I Need
                           styleto Graduate??

• To graduate in Saskatchewan, you need to accumulate 24 credits.
• Remember that requirements for post-secondary are different from graduation
                                       Gr. 12 program
 •   English Language Arts A 30
 •   English Language Arts B 30
 •   History 30
     Graduation Requirements:
 •   Besides the 3 required classes above, you must have 2 additional classes at the 30 Level
     for a total of five 30 level credits
 •   Two Arts Education or Practical and Applied Arts at the 10, 20 or 30 level
 •   One Health/Physical Education (Wellness 10, Phys-Ed 20 or Phys-Ed 30)
 •   One 20/30 level science
 •   One 20/30 level math
                                                                                                9 9
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What costs do I need to consider for post-
secondary or living on my own??

  • Tu i t i o n a n d t e x t b o o k s ( n o t a l l s c h o o l s o r
    faculties are the same)
  • t ra n s p o r t a t i o n , h o u s i n g , u t i l i t i e s , g r o c e r i e s ,

Click to edit
TimeLine  Dates
              Master title style
  • SUTIL Virtual Career Fairs: will be offering bi-weekly, virtual
    presentation days from Sept 28 - Dec 9, to facilitate the exploration of
    post-secondary opportunities within Saskatchewan and Western
    Canada. Presentations will run concurrently in a rotating cycle, every
    30-minutes, from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Students will access these
    presentations through meeting links embedded in each institution’s
    virtual booth on our website. Dates: Sept 28, Oct 14, Oct 28,
    Nov 9, Nov 25, and Dec 9.
  • Oct. 23 - USask Virtual Open House
  • Olds College Webinar Wednesdays: Sept. 30, Oct. 7, Oct. 21
• 12 AMto edit
        Oct.      Master title
             1 - Applications        style
                              open for the High Demand Programs at SaskPoly: Practical
  Nursing, Medical Radiologic Technology, Dental Hygiene, Medical Laboratory
  Technology. Applications close at 4:30 Feb.15 –Documents are due Mar. 1. This is also
  when applications open for the SCBScN program
• Oct. 1 - U of A – applications open
• Oct. 1 – U of Calgary- applications open
• Oct. 1 – U of M applications open
• Oct. 1 – Lakeland applications open for most programs
• Oct. 2 – U of Calgary Virtual Open House
• Oct. 6 - Campion College Info. Night U of R 6:30pm
• Oct. 9 - Luther College Info. Night U of R 6:30pm

• Click  to- edit
   Oct. 16   U of RMaster title(UR
                    Open House  style
                                   Connected) (Register online) (Open to
• Oct. 16 – U of A Virtual Open House
• Oct. 15 – Olds College Open House
• Oct. 17-28 – U of R Early Admissions
• Oct. 22 & 23 - Lakeland Virtual Open House (apply during this event and save
  the application fee)
• Oct. 23 & 27 SAIT Open House              1313
Click to edit Master title style
 • Oct. 30 NAIT Open House
 • Oct. 26 – U of M Virtual Open House
 • Nov. 1 - SEE Your Future- Virtual Career Fair- Saskatoon 9:45-3pm. You
   need to register online: (
 • Nov. 6 MacEwan University Open House
 • Nov. 9 – U of Calgary presentation for SK

Click    IS YOUR
      to edit MasterSOCIAL
                     title styleMEDIA PRESENCE??

Potential employers/schools “Facebook” and “Google”
you…what message are you sending??

You need a professional, personal email address for job
applications, post secondary applications and scholarship

Click         CAREER
       edit Master        FAIR
                   title style

    SUTIL Virtual Career Fairs: will be offering bi-weekly, virtual
    presentation days from Sept 28 - Dec 9, to facilitate the
    exploration of post-secondary opportunities within
    Saskatchewan and Western Canada. Presentations will run
    concurrently in a rotating cycle, every 30-minutes, from 9:00
    AM - 3:00 PM. Students will access these presentations through
    meeting links embedded in each institution’s virtual booth on
    our website. Dates: Sept 28, Oct 14, Oct 28, Nov 9,
    Nov 25, and Dec 9.

Click      forMaster
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                     title style

• What are the program requirements? Have you met them?
• The world is lost in passwords; keep a record of them!
• *See Mrs. Lee for your SK Learning Number or it is listed on the transcript she
  will give you at the top right
• Applications cost money; you need access to a credit card number for online
• Apply early…why wait?
• I can help you in my office ☺
• Don’t forget to start looking into student housing options if you plan to live on
  campus or in campus housing
• **Keep Mrs. Lee in the loop of where you have applied.

Click to edit of Saskatchewan
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• Apply and they will send you log in info. for your PAWS account
• Open House is October 23 Open House. You will register online.
• Applications open that weekend (USASK EXPRESS. If you decide to apply, let Mrs. Lee know so she
  can send in a transcript)
• You need a personal, professional email. Be sure to select the correct high school name and
  address from the pop-up menu. For planned program of study, always put your number one
  choice. Pick a “Plan B”. If you want a different campus, be sure to check that box. If you want
  your parents to be able to access information, you need to complete the third party rep. portion.
• Prince Albert Campus is open Programs Available
• RE-Engineered: started this fall

Click to edit of Regina
              Master title style
• Uregina
• Apply and they will send you log in info. for your account
• Open House (October 16, 2021)
• Early Admissions Oct. 17-28 (they will have more in December and February). If you apply during this, the
  application fee is only $50. You need to tell Mrs. Lee so she can email in your transcript so email Mrs. Lee once
  you have submitted your application
• Social Work: check out the faculty page and the Get Involved tab…you need to start doing volunteer work now!!
  You can take Pre-Social Work in Regina or S’toon and same with the Social Work program
• Engineering: use a “systems” approach which means they provide you with a breadth of skills needed to be
  professional engineer
• Combined Business Administration and Sport & Recreation Studies Degree
• Nursing: Not eligible for Early Admission. Apply through SCBScN for Oct. 1. Cut off averages for Regina 2 years ago
  = 86.6% and S’toon = 87%. U of R offers a pre-nursing certificate to take the electives then you apply using those
  marks, not high school marks. This could be a plan B. You could also do the Practical Nursing Diploma and then
  apply to the RN program. You can only pick one location for your application (Regina or S’toon), but they may
  offer you a seat at the other location. You can decline this seat and hold your position in line at your chosen
St. Peter’s
Click           College
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• St. Peter's College
• Part of University of Saskatchewan
• SPC Writing Course: Writing Diploma
• Small class sizes (first year Engineering 9 students)
• You need to fill in applications for both St. Peter’s and the U of S/U
  of R
• You can request virtual or in person tours and personal virtual
  advising meetings for students and parents

Click             College
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• Cumberland College
• Offers SK Poly, U of S and U of R courses
• U of R four-year Education program: next offering Fall
• See PowerPoint below this presentation

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• Saskpolytech
• Check your program requirements and
  application process. Many programs have
  additional items that need to completed
  and submitted. For example, Vet Tech
  requires volunteer hours.

I’VE to
        edit Master title styleAT    SASKPOLYTECH, NOW

  • Everyone is waitlisted in the fall.
  • Hold tight; more spots may open up after people decline
    placements and, in the Spring, when the budget comes out
  • Consider a regional college (Ex. Ag. Equip. Tech. in Yorkton)
  • See if Cumberland/SKPoly offer any specific classes from your
    program face to face or online that you can take in the
    meantime while you are working

What      if Master
Click to edit I want       to attend university,
                    title style
but my marks aren’t high enough??

              • Both the U of S (Transitions Program) and the U of
                R (Arts Qualifying Year) have programs for
                students whose average is between 60-69.99%
                that enable you to attend university.
              • Reduced course load and lots of supports to help
                ensure your success. You take regular classes
                that would count toward the degree program you
                want to take
Click to edit Master title style
                 • If you are applying to any post secondary
                   in Alberta, you need to create an APPLY
                   ALBERTA account.
                 • Apply Alberta
                 • When it asks for an Alberta Student
                   Number, you need it to create you one.
                   When it asks for classes you are taking and
                   your mark, guesstimate as best you can.
Tips for using Apply Alberta
Click     to edit Master title style
ApplyAlberta is an online application system for Alberta post-secondary institutions.
The ApplyAlberta process has 5 steps:
     Create a secure login account
     Get an Alberta student number
     Fill in your profile
     Complete the application
     Submit your application and pay the application fee. Order transcripts
The best source of help is from Apply Alberta. So , if you're still not sure about how to apply,
check out these resources:
watch a video with the ApplyAlberta steps. Video
check out the ApplyAlberta FAQs FAQ
if you have a problem, there's an ApplyAlberta help desk
split your screen with the ApplyAlberta site on one side and this page open on the other. You
can refer to this page for tips and help.
check your browser as there have been issues with Google Chrome, so try another browser.
don't use the browser's back button to go back to a previous page - there are back and next
buttons within the application.
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                    If you are applying to schools in Ontario, you need to
                    create an Ontario Universities’ Application Centre

                    You will be the Undergrad (105)
                    Applications for Fall 2022 should be open around the
                    middle of September

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Thinking of applying for school in the
                  • You will need to take the SAT or ACT exam
                  • Be sure to look up the school code to enter on the exam to have
                    results sent directly to the school
                  • You can write in various locations around the province
                  • SAT First sitting in Nipawin = Dec. 4/21 & Mar. 12/22 Nipawin Dates

                  • **Some American schools are not requiring
                    you to write either exam for entry in 2022.
                    Not taking it may impact scholarship
                    opportunities. Check your specific school.

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Ordering Transcripts

                             • Instructions on our website

I’ve    applied        and      ordered
 Click to edit Master title style       transcripts,
now what??         • Now, you wait. ☺
                   • You need to check your PAWS, Uregina, Saskpolytech, etc.
                     accounts daily! Have email forwarded to your email on your
                     phone if you can’t remember to check it. They don’t call me to
                     remind you to do something . If you miss deadlines, you could
                     lose your spot in the program.
                   • WHAT IS CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE? If you are conditionally
                     accepted, this means your grade 11 marks are high enough to
                     earn you your place. What you need to understand is if your
                     marks drop, it is possible to lose your placement.
                   • With SKPoly, you have 7 days to accept your offer and pay your
                     seat deposit.
                   • You also need to accept/decline your university seats

Applying for Scholarships
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                              • Treat it like a job; it will require time and effort.
                              • Apply for anything and everything…even if you
                                don’t meet the criteria
                              • Start essays in a word or google doc so you can edit
                                and recycle
                              • Select people who will give you positive references.
                                You should get a letter from a TMSS Staff member
                                before you leave so you have it.
                              • Ask references BEFORE using them
                              • Fill in the reference info. form and give to your
                                references at least a month ahead of when you
                                need it
                              • Ref. Letter Form
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TMSS Scholarship Fund
               TMSS Scholarship Fund
               • You must have a 30 level Math and a 30 level Science (only
                 exception is the Justin Peterson Memorial)
               • Updates will be made at the start of Semester 2 and then
                 applications are due before the end of May, but why wait until
               • If you do not apply on time for these, you are not considered
               • **You have 38 months to claim these scholarships
               • Some are trade or field specific

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 Spring 2022
                         • Make sure you keep your marks up where they
                           need to be!!!
                         • If you are attending Saskpolytech, your
                           program is all nicely set up for you.
                         • If you are attending university, you will need to
                           register for classes and Learning Communities
                           in the spring. Make MULTIPLE timetables
                           before you start and please, don’t miss your

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                STUDENT    style   LOANS & BURSARIES

             • SK Student Loans
             • Canada Student Loans
             • Applications will open
               on June 1, 2022

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  • Update resume and cover letter
  • SECURE full time employment
  • VOLUNTEER (everyone should be doing this now…build your resume and
    prepare for scholarships)
  • Join a service club/community organization
  • Take classes and courses to make yourself more marketable
  • Travel and Work Opportunities

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               MY BLUEPRINT
• Remember this is your account for life so
  make sure you can log in and record your log
  in information. **Use school login
• It contains a wealth of information on post
  secondary institutions and their programs as
  well as resumes, interviews, etc.

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       TMSS Graduation
    Registration will take place before
    December. Pictures will likely be right after
    the Christmas break in January. Retakes
    will likely be in February.
  • Graduation = Wednesday, June 29, 2022
  • Fundraising

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