2018 Director Transition Workshop - Technology Systems Overview Presented by PMI Chicagoland Technology Team - PMI Chicagoland Chapter

Page created by Barbara Schultz
2018 Director Transition Workshop - Technology Systems Overview Presented by PMI Chicagoland Technology Team - PMI Chicagoland Chapter
Technology Systems Overview

2018 Director Transition Workshop

Presented by PMI Chicagoland Technology Team
Venkata Sanaka | Kamen Williams | Arjun Valluri | Adenor Aragao, Praj Dani, Rob
Roque, Jeff Schutte
•   January 20, 2018
2018 Director Transition Workshop - Technology Systems Overview Presented by PMI Chicagoland Technology Team - PMI Chicagoland Chapter

• Solutions/Tools Available in the Chapter Overview
• Accessing Chapter Email
• Document Management Solution Overview
• Skype for Business
• Additional Features

2018 Director Transition Workshop - Technology Systems Overview Presented by PMI Chicagoland Technology Team - PMI Chicagoland Chapter
Solutions/Tools available in the Chapter

•   Office 365 (Microsoft O365)
     – Email (Outlook Web App - OWA, Outlook desktop)
     – SharePoint (Document management portal.)
     – Office Online (online office productivity suite – Word, Excel,
         PowerPoint, etc.)
     – Skype for Business (IM, audio, video conferencing)
     – OneNote
     – Delve (Information discovery)
     – Sway (Digital scrap book)
•   Chapter Website (Star Chapter)
•   Member Relationship Management System (MRMS)
•   Survey Monkey (survey)
•   Constant Contact (email blasts)
•   Volunteer Relationship Management System (VRMS)

2018 Director Transition Workshop - Technology Systems Overview Presented by PMI Chicagoland Technology Team - PMI Chicagoland Chapter
Accessing PMI Chicagoland SharePoint

       Microsoft 365                       Logging On
       • PMI Chicagoland SharePoint        • Enter
         is served through the Microsoft     https://login.microsoftonline.
         Cloud.                              com/ into your preferred
       • All Microsoft Cloud Products        browser
         are accessed at the following
                                           • Type in your “PMI
                                             Chicagoland email address”
         com/                              • Enter your PMIChicagoland
                                             email password when

Presentation Title
2018 Director Transition Workshop - Technology Systems Overview Presented by PMI Chicagoland Technology Team - PMI Chicagoland Chapter
Staying Logged In Option

• Pop widow will ask to stay logged in
• Select “Yes” or “No”
   – Either option is fine

2018 Director Transition Workshop - Technology Systems Overview Presented by PMI Chicagoland Technology Team - PMI Chicagoland Chapter
Getting Started – Main Screen

Click the App Launcher
in any screen at any time
to get all available apps

2018 Director Transition Workshop - Technology Systems Overview Presented by PMI Chicagoland Technology Team - PMI Chicagoland Chapter
Getting Started – Available Apps

                       Mail     Chapter Outlook Emails
                     Calendar   Chapter Outlook Calendar
                     People     Chapter Outlook Contacts
                      Tasks     Chapter Outlook Tasks
                      Sites     Chapter SharePoint Team Site
                      Sway      Digital scrapbook (future)
                      Delve     Auto Information Discovery (future)

2018 Director Transition Workshop - Technology Systems Overview Presented by PMI Chicagoland Technology Team - PMI Chicagoland Chapter
Email Account

• Each board member and director has an email
   account = @pmichicagoland.org.
• Refer to the contact list for your email address
• Four ways to get your email
    – Web access (OWA)
    – Forwarding
    – Outlook or equivalent
    – Mobile/Smart device

2018 Director Transition Workshop - Technology Systems Overview Presented by PMI Chicagoland Technology Team - PMI Chicagoland Chapter
Outlook Web Access (OWA)
• Access Email via web browser

2018 Director Transition Workshop - Technology Systems Overview Presented by PMI Chicagoland Technology Team - PMI Chicagoland Chapter
Automatic replies setting in Email Account
• Options -> Mail -> Automatic replies.

Setting Email Signature in OWA
• Options -> Mail -> Layout -> Email Signature

Setting Email Forwarding
• Options -> Mail -> Accounts -> Forwarding

Setting up Outlook client on other devices
•   Set up email in Outlook 2013 or 2016 for Office 365
     – https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Add-an-email-account-to-
•   Set up email in Outlook for Mac
     – https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Add-an-email-account-to-
•   Add an email account to Outlook for Mobile Devices
     – https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Add-an-email-account-to-
•   Office 365 install and setup – Help
     – https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Office-365-install-and-setup--

Document Management
SharePoint Online

PMI Chicagoland SharePoint

Is used for…              This training covers…
• Team Collaboration      • Accessing PMI Chicagoland
• Communications            SharePoint

• Project Task Tracking   • Draft vs Shared Documents

• Document Management     • Creating New Documents,
                           Uploading Documents, Editing,
                           Finding, Moving, Renaming
                          • Creating/Managing Tasks,
                           Announcements, Calendar

Accessing PMI Chicagoland SharePoint and
•  Learning Objectives:
     – Participants will learn how to log on and log off the PMI Chicagoland
        SharePoint site
     – Participants will learn how to navigate the basic features of the PMI
        Chicagoland SharePoint site
• Pre-Requisites:
     – As a Board Member or Director, you will receive a PMI Chicagoland email
        address. This is your primary username to access PMI Chicagoland
• All documents will be continue to be stored in the cloud
• Allows team editing of common documents
• Each department (BO, CO, etc.) will have their own SharePoint Team site
• Within each team site, all VPs & Directors will have their own unique library area
• PMIC Office 365 subscription is limited to only online versions of Word, Excel,

Getting Started – https://login.microsoftonline.com/
To Access the Chicagoland Chapter SharePoint Site at https://login.microsoftonline.com/
      1. Enter User Name = Your PMI Chicagoland email address
      2. Enter Password
      3. Click Sign in

Select SharePoint Site

• Select “Board and Directors SharePoint Site”

                   Presentation Title
You Made It!

• Select the location you want to enter

                    Presentation Title
Document Management on PMI Chicagoland

Presentation Title
Example: Navigating to file folders in sites

            Technology VP’s
            Document Library
                                                  Document Library Navigation
                                                  •   You can click on each of the
                          Technology Team’s           document library name and
                           Document Library           navigate to the folder/file
                                                  •   You can use the left side
                                   Directors’         navigation bar to drilldown into
                               Document Library
                                  (Repository)        document library folders to find
                                                      the file (folder tree structure)

Standard Document Library “Folders”
for Individual User Account

            •   “Drafts” Folder
                 – Accessible ONLY by the Owner of the Folder
   Drafts        – Create, Read, Update, Delete (Contribute) permission for
                 – Ex: storage of chapter related passwords, chapter
                    financial/sensitive data, draft documents not ready for
                    consumption, award nominations for your peers, etc.

            •   “Shared” Folder
                 – Accessible by other Board Members and Directors
  Shared         – Create, Read, Update, Delete (Contribute) permission for
                    Board and Directors
                 – Ex: Documents ready for consumption, monthly status
                    meeting notes, presentations, project plans/charter, etc.

            Note: Contribute permission allows following capabilities:
                 – View, Add, Update, and Delete capabilities

Document Management Best Practices
•   Create folders for the current year and the 4-5 preceding years. Another
    folder called Archive can be created for anything older
•   Do keep folder and file names short, just long enough to describe what the
    document is within the folder it resides. There is a 250 character limit for
    names that starts from the top folder and includes the complete path along
    with the file name
•   Do keep names specific
•   Do create, edit and refine documents in the Drafts folder before publishing
•   Keep in mind that anything in the Shared folders can be viewed and edited
    by others (Contribute permission: View, Add, Update, and Delete)
•   Do use PMIC templates whenever possible

How to create shared folder

        1. Click on New to create shared
        New pop window will open

        2.Select New Folder and enter
        details in Create folder

        3. Write Name for the Folder

        4. Click on Invite People
        Write details of invitees shown
        in next slide

                   Presentation Title
How to create shared folder

                                  1.Write folder name

                                  2.Write names or email address of the invitee

                                    3.Provide edit/view rights

                                   4.Can add personal
                                   message for invitees

                                   5.Click on Create

                                   New Folder will be shared with selected

             Presentation Title
             Presentation Title
Recommended Folder and Documentation
Naming Conventions
•   Think in hierarchies as an aid in developing logical locations for the folders and files
•   Parent Folder: Give shortest possible but meaningful folder name
      Child Folder: 1st child folder name should be in year [YYYY] (For example: 2016)
           Grandchild Folder: Give shortest possible but meaningful name
              Great Grandchild Folder: Give shortest possible but meaningful name
                 …
   File name: [YYYYMMDD] + [short but descriptive file name] + [version]
   Example: Parent Folder Name   1st Child Folder Grandchild Great Grandchild … File Name
               Training Docs      2016             O365       Email            … 20160130-AddingEmailAccountToClientDevices.docx

Folder and Documentation Naming and
Storing Best Practices
• Limit folder creation
   – When you are creating folders, think minimal. Most files and
     documents can fit somewhere in your hierarchy if you have
     done a good job of initially mapping it out
   – Only create new folders if you find yourself repeatedly coming
     back to save similar files in the same place, only to find that it
     does not exist yet
• Store Documents in SharePoint
   – Do not put files on the Desktop

Creating New Documents

1. Navigate to the folder where you
   want the document
2. Select New
3. Select type of document you want
   to create (Word, Excel, etc.)

Editing Documents – Two Ways
                                                     1. Navigate to the folder where
                                                        document exists and select

   2. Select FILES

3. Choose Edit Document

       OR you and also simply click on the link to open the document and then edit it.

Uploading Documents to SharePoint

                                 Click on Upload to upload a file

            Presentation Title
Upload Documents to SharePoint cont’d

 New pop window will open when you click on Upload

                                                        1.Select file

                                                                          2.Specify folder
                                                                          where you want
                                                                          to upload file

                                         3 .Write details about Version

                                                                                 4.Click ok

                    Presentation Title
Downloading Documents
For downloading documents highlight .

                                        1.   Navigate to area where you want to download file
                                        2.   Right click
                                        3.   Select Download

Search: Finding Documents

     Step 1                                             Step 2

1.    Navigate to top level folder where
      you think the document resides
2.    Type in the search box:
       a. All or part of the file name
       b. Any part of the file content
       c. Wildcards (*) can be used
                                           Results can be filtered
                                           if necessary, by type,
                                           by author, by date

Search: Finding Document cont’d

 •   SharePoint is a very powerful search engine
 •   Displays results, can preview, obtain meta details, etc.

                                                                Can Preview documents

                         Presentation Title
Renaming Documents

                       2. Select More

1. Navigate to the
   folder where
   document exists
   and select
                              3. Choose Rename

Moving Documents

 Moving documents can be done in a number of ways

 •   Using Internet Explorer as the browser, Windows Explorer may be used to transfer files
     between locations

1. Select

                                                                                  Select Open with Explorer

PMI Chicagoland SharePoint Calendar

Presentation Title
Calendar Feature

• In this training you will learn how to use the Calendar feature
• You will learn:
    1. How to create, modify and delete events
    2. How to change the scope to show daily, weekly or monthly
    3. How to modify from a Calendar view to a List of Events
    4. How to set up Alerts to send you an e-mail every time
       someone creates or modifies an event

PMI Chicagoland Home Page
When you login, this is the fist page you will see (currently):

                                                   This training is about
                                                    this section of the

                      Presentation Title
PMI Chicagoland Home Page
Notice that there are two ways for you to select the Calendar feature:

                                          Click on either one of these links

                     Presentation Title
Calendar Home Page
           Key elements of the Calendar view:

                              Events and Calendar Menus

Month                      Click here to go back to the Home page

                                 Presentation Title
Calendar Home Page
Events Menu

To create a   If an event    You can also         In case there is a      If you would like to
new event,    already        delete the event     document (flyer,        be informed if
click here    exist and                           presentation, pdf,      someone made a
              you want to                         etc.) related to this   change to this
              view the                            event, you can          event, you can set
              details or                          attach the file         up an Alert
              modify the
              click here

                                      Presentation Title
Calendar Home Page
Creating New Event

                                                                 This pop up will
                                                              open for you to enter
                                                                the event details

                                                         Notice that you can attach a file here,
                                                         create and define the category of the

                                          Don’t forget
                                           to save

                     Presentation Title
Calendar Home Page
Calendar Menu

Select the   Expand the   You can overlay     You can modify     You can easily       If you would like   You can export
scope of     details or   two or more         the view to show   share the link for   to be informed if   the list of events
your view:   collapse     calendars to        the events in a    the calendar. Keep   someone made        to an Excel
             them         verify how the      Calendar format    in mind that the     a change to this    spreadsheet
Daily,                    events overlap      or a List format   person needs to      calendar, you
Weekly or                 or conflict                            have access and      can set up an
Monthly                                                          permission to view   Alert
                                                                 the calendar

                                  Presentation Title
Calendar Home Page
Calendar Scope Views: Daily View

                             Notice that it shows
                             only one date and
                                  the hours

                   Presentation Title
Calendar Home Page
Calendar Scope Views: Weekly View

                    Notice the
                    week days

                                       You can drag and
                                       drop the events to
                                        another time or

                  Presentation Title
Calendar Home Page
Calendar Views: Events List View

                                        Notice All Events
                                        as a list. This list
                                        can be exported
                                           to an Excel

                   Presentation Title
Calendar Home Page
Other General Tips

                                          Some options are grayed out either    Avoid clicking on
                                          because the web services are not      the settings if you
                                          turn on for the environment, or you   are not an expert
                                          don’t have permission to use them     or have advance
                                                                                skills with
                                                                                SharePoint .

                     Presentation Title
Calendar - Alerts
Setting Up Alerts

                                         Alert is a nice feature that you should turn on in case you
                                         would like to track the changes to lists, items or
                                         documents in SharePoint. Every time someone adds,
                                         modifies or delete and information, you can ask
                                         SharePoint to send you an e-mail telling you what has
                                         changed, when and who did it.

                                         When creating an Alert, you will define what type of
                                         modification (i.e. any modification, or additions, deletes
                                         and changes only) you would like to be informed and the
                                         frequency (immediate, daily updates or weekly updates)
                                         of the emails.

                    Presentation Title
Calendar - Alerts
Creating an Alert                          Best practices recommend that a daily
                                           summary with all changes is adequate
                                              to keep you informed about what
                                             happened during the day. You will
                                            receive one email with a link to each
                                         item that has changed. Click on the item
                                          link in the email if you would like to see
                                                   the changes for that item

                                         You can add more people (e-mail) to receive the
                                         same alert. However, due to restriction with
                                         licenses, not everyone can use its personal e-mail.

                                         This feature is not turned on currently

                                         Select this wisely based on the frequency of the
                                         changes. If the item is very important and urgent,
                                         then select ”immediate.” If the item changes
                                         eventually during the week, then set up for ”daily.” If
                                         the item rarely changes during the week, then set up
                                         for ”weekly.” Also, select the time the e-mail will be

                                         Choose wisely, you don’t want to inundate your
                                         inbox with dozen of e-mails daily.

                    Presentation Title
Skype for Business

•   Installation
•   Communicate Your Way
•   Add people and video to a conversation
•   Schedule a follow-up Skype for Business meeting
•   Desktop sharing
•   IM a contact
•   Find a contact from Outlook

                       Presentation Title
Getting Started – portal.office.com
To Access the Chicagoland Chapter SharePoint Site at: portal.office.com
      1. Enter User Name = Your PMI Chicagoland email address
      2. Enter Password
      3. Click Sign in

Access to Skype for Business client

                                      Click “Install software”

Access to Skype for Business client

                                  Click “Install” and
                                  follow instructions

Teleconference Bridge Integrated with Skype

•   Skype for Business is integrated with
    Teleconference bridge
     – Join via Skype (VOIP)
     – Join via tele-conference bridge
       number (Phone)

•   Moderator Passcode
     – Unique Moderator Passcode will
       be handed out to each owners of
       the O365 account

Join Skype Meeting

• Click on “Join Skype Meeting” link
• Or Dial phone number and enter “Conference ID”

Attendees without “O365” account

•   Attendees (such as volunteers) that does not have O365 account
    and does not have Skype for Business client installed
     – simply enter their name and click on “Join the Meeting” button.

Attendees without “O365” account
 - Attendee for the first time
• First time attendees of O365 Skype for Business (without Skype
  for Business client) will need to install a plug-in one time.
   – Plug-in will be prompted as shown below to be installed

Available Training
•   O365 Training
    – Skype for Business

    – SharePoint Online

    – Office Delve

    –   You Tube:
        Office Delve: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCbyer0Xupg
        Sway: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jw-g6IuBVJE

                            Presentation Title

• General Support is available by sending email to:
   – Support@pmi-Chicagoland.org


• OneNote is a computer program for free-form information gathering
   and multi-user collaboration.
• Useful for capturing meeting minutes in real time with team
• Each SharePoint site has OneNote


• Access OneNote via Web or Desktop version
• Desktop version provides richer experience

Managing a Team Announcement
   Members can edit a Team Announcement with the following:

1. Select new
announcement or edit                             2. Fill out form and

Managing a Team Calendar
  Members can edit a Team Calendar with the following:

                   2. Select EVENTS
                                           3. Select New Event, Edit Event or Delete Event

1. Select day or

Syncing Team Calendar with Outlook
  Members can sync a Team Calendar with Outlook using the following:
                                                          3. Select Calendar in
   1. Navigate to SharePoint site                         ribbon, then Connect to
   calendar                                               Outlook

2. Highlight calendar

Team Tasks
  Managing Team tasks assigned to individual members with Start
  Dates and Due Dates

Step 1                 Select New Task or Edit   Step 2   Fill Out Form

         Show task as completed by
         checking box
                                                            For Milestones make Start
                                                            date and Due date same
                                                            date (like MS Project)

Step 1: Create A New Task List

                 Task lists are “Apps” in
                 SharePoint. To create a new
                 Task List App, click the cog on
                 the menu strip and select “Add
                 an App”

Step 2a: Create a New Task List

Step 2b: Create a New Task List


                                  We recommend that
                                  you give the task list a
                                  unique name

Step 2c: Create a New Task List

                                  Your new “App” list
                                  will appear in your
                                  “Contents” list

             Presentation Title                         70
Step 3a: Create Tasks In Your Task List

          To access your new
          Task List, navigate
          back to your Home
          Page and double-click
          the new Task List

                Presentation Title        71
Step 3b: Create Tasks In Your Task List


                                  After opening the new task list, we
                                  recommend that you select the “edit”
                                  this list. It will enable you to view all
                                  tasks within this task list at the same

             Presentation Title                                               72
Step 4a: Create The Tasks

                                 Enter the tasks in each row. New rows
                                 will appear when you press “Enter”


                                 1. We recommend that you put the
                                    major tasks (i.e., tasks with no
                                    subtasks lists first)

                                 2. We recommend that you create
                                    tasks in the following order:
                                       a) Create tasks
                                       b) Add Due Dates
                                       c) Add Assignments

            Presentation Title                                           73
Step 4b: Create The Tasks

                                 Subtasks are created by hovering your
                                 mouse over the three “dots” and then
                                 click on create sub-task

                                 To change the order of the tasks, grab
                                 the box to the left of the check box and
                                 drag to the correct order.

            Presentation Title                                       74
Step 5a: Add Due Dates To Your Tasks

                                 To add due dates, click on the
                                 “Due Date” box next to the
                                 task. Select the due date from
                                 the calendar.

            Presentation Title                                    75
Step 5b: Add Due Dates To Your Tasks

                                 Continue adding dates until all
                                 of the tasks (which require
                                 one) have due dates

            Presentation Title                                     76
Step 6: Add Assignments

                                 Assigning tasks allow you to
                                 view responsibilities and to
                                 use tools such as workflow
                                 (will be shown in future

                                 To assign a task to an
                                 individual, click in the
                                 “Assigned To” box next to the
                                 task and enter a name.

                                 NOTE: To be assigned a task,
                                 the individual must have
                                 access to the site and have a
                                 registered email address

            Presentation Title                                   77
Step 7: Save List

                                  To save your changes, select
                                  “Stop” editing this list.

             Presentation Title                                  78
Step 8: Your New List is Created

                                  When completed, your new
                                  project task list will look
                                  similar to this. SharePoint will
                                  add a timeline with at least one
                                  data point. In the next step, we
                                  will show you how to add tasks
                                  to the timeline.

             Presentation Title                                      79
Step 9: Add Tasks To A Timeline

                                  Tasks must be added
                                  to the timeline to
                                  show on the timeline
                                  graph. Click on the
                                  the three dots next to
                                  the task to open the
                                  dialog box to select
                                  “Add to Timeline”

                                  Note: The same
                                  process is used to
                                  remove an item from
                                  the timeline.

            Presentation Title                             80
Step 10: You’re Done!

                                 Check the boxes next
                                 to the task to indicate
                                 that a task is

            Presentation Title                             81
Managing the Team Timeline

•   Team Tasks can be added
    to a timeline view after it
    has been created.
                                                              2. Select elipsis

                 1. Select TASK

                                  3. Select ADD TO TIMELINE

Thank You

Presentation Title               83
You can also read