Page created by Ronald Roberts
JULY 2021
               Stephen Temple
  GSM story 30 years later. p.4-5

      A Security Token for GSM.

        Back to the future: GSM.

Editorial                                                                                          The Interview
                                                                                                     Stephen Temple,
                                                                                                    GSM story and its legacy
                                                                                                              30 years later.

                                                                                                       Meet the New

                                               This edition pays
                                                                                           Standards People
                                               tribute to the big                                           New Member
                                               bang that GSM                                               Interview
                                               brought about in                                                Tommi Flink,
                                                                                                  CEO of Magister Solution.
                                               ICT.                                                                       P8/9

                                                                                                               Zemin Yang,
On 1 July 1991 the former Finnish prime        within the GSM committee, reminds us                Former Secretary General
minister Harri Holkeri made the world’s        of the SMS invention, yet another form of                          of CCSA.
first GSM call, calling the deputy mayor       communication GSM enabled.
of the city of Tampere. That was 30 years                                                                               P10/11
                                               In the Spotlight section, I outline why
                                               without GSM, we would probably not
This “back to the future” July edition pays    be talking about 5G or 6G as we do               In the Spotlight
tribute to the big bang that GSM brought       today and how this mobile system
in ICT. Of course, GSM was one of the          set the foundations of the current                    Back to the future: GSM
first success stories of ETSI and one of       international standardization principles
                                               and its ecosystem. Zemin Yang, the
the reasons why we were set up in the
first place, but more importantly it was       former Secretary General of China
going to benefit the world’s population,       Communications Standards Association           Tech Highlights
facilitating global access to mobile           (CCSA), granted us an exclusive
communications. With 2 billion GSM             interview on how GSM shaped China’s                A Security Token for GSM.
connections in 2006, and more than             telecommunications and contributed to
                                               today’s innovations. In our New Member
5 billion unique mobile subscribers to
date*, GSM laid the foundations of the         Interview, Magister’s CEO, Tommy Flink,
ICT landscape and its standards as we          bridges the gap between “earth” and                           What’s On?
know today.                                    “space” to enter the 6G era.
                                                                                                             Upcoming events.
To revisit part of the GSM story and           But there’s more for you to read - our
understand how it shaped the future,           cooperation agreement with O-RAN                                            P27
we have asked the pioneers of these            Alliance, the start of 3GPP and our 2021
exciting times to give us their insights. In   new fellows to name a few.
The Interview Stephen Temple, who
                                                                                           Enjoy! The ETSI Mag
                                               When younger people around you talk         Edited and published by ETSI
drafted the GSM MoU, recounts the story        about 5G, now you can tell them how it
as he experienced it and outlines his view                                                 Quarterly edition
                                               all started!                                Copyright ETSI 2021
of the GSM legacy. Chris van Diepenbeek,
Chair of the first committee for Radio         Enjoy reading!                              Director of Publications: Nadja Rachow
Equipment and Systems, leads us on a                                                       Editor-in-Chief: Claire Boyer
                                               Luis Jorge Romero,                          Design: Le Principe de Stappler
journey to the CEPT. Klaus Vedder, Chair
                                               Director-General ETSI
of our Smart Card Platform committee
                                                                                           Editorial office: ETSI,
shares with us the start of a second                                                       650 route des Lucioles,
ETSI success story, the SIM card, and its                                                  06560 Valbonne France
evolution, while Kevin Holley, the former                                                  Tel.: +33 (0)4 92 94 43 35
ETSI Chair of the data services group          *Source: GSMA                     

2            ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
News Roundup

                                                                   UCAAT 2021:
                                    19-21 October 2021             Testing at the edge
                                                                   ETSI is pleased to announce the 8th edition of UCAAT, the User
                                                                   Conference on Advanced Automated Testing. This year’s UCAAT
                                                                   will take place as a virtual event in October 2021. The event
                                                                   provides a platform for the testing community – including users,
                                                                   vendors, service providers and researchers from many different
                                                                   application domains – to share experiences and learn about the
                                                                   latest advances in the industrial use of test automation.
                                                                   Test process automation has proven to increase productivity
                                                                   and product quality. As the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted and
                                                                   increased the demands on various IT systems and services in terms
                                                                   of interoperability, scalability, and adaptability, test automation is
                                                                   essential for delivering agile solutions in uncertain times. Sharing
                                                                   knowledge and learning from the experience of others helps
                                                                   everyone to become better prepared for future challenges.
                                                                   UCAAT is dedicated to the practical engineering and application
                                                                   aspects of automated testing, including experiences from the use
                                                                   of new techniques for test automation, advanced test automation
                                                                   processes, and standardized testing languages and methodologies
                                                                   for test automation in different application domains, such as IT
                                                                   services, telecommunications, transportation, healthcare, finance
                                                                   and smart cities. Keep an eye on our website for latest news and

oneM2M new website                                                 brand new section called “Using
                                                                   oneM2M” which is specifically
ETSI is a preeminent member of oneM2M. The global standards        dedicated to developers and
initiative that was launched in 2012 now brings together more      service providers and that makes
than 200 players from many diverse business domains and            it easier to learn how to build and
has successfully been developing IoT standards to enable           deploy oneM2M standards for
interoperable, secure, and simple-to-deploy services for the IoT   end-to-end IoT systems. The new oneM2M web site also tracks
ecosystem since then.                                              global deployments using oneM2M standards and includes
oneM2M has just released a revamped web site with a new            interviews with industry leaders in its ‘Executive Viewpoints’
layout and new functionalities. This oneM2M web site includes a    section. Check the new web site at

3GPP new marker                                                    next two years, as Release 17 features move towards their
                                                                   scheduled completion by June 2022.
Recently, the thoughts of the Technical Specifications Groups      From Release 18 onwards, the Partners have agreed that a new
(TSG) in 3GPP have turned to the prioritization process for the    5G-Advanced logo will be shown on the cover sheet of Technical
                                                                   Reports and Specifications. The new release will further evolve
                                                                   features and use cases identified for 5G, justifying the creation of
                                                                   this mid-generation marker.
                                                                   Recently, the RAN TSG held its Workshop on the new radio
                                                                   features for 5G-Advanced, ending on 2. Details of the outcome of
                                                                   that event are the focus of a recent news article at
                                                                   In parallel, 3GPP TSG SA has made progress on their studies
                                                                   for Release 18 – which will also carry the new 5G-Advanced
                                                                   branding and they too will hold a Release 18 workshop, starting
                                                                   on 9 September.

                                                                                                     ENJOY THE ETSI MAG                3
The I­nterview

                                                                                                 In this exclusive interview,
                                                                                              Stephen Temple reveals the
                                                                                                 exciting GSM story and its
                                                                                                   legacy thirty years later.

                                                                                            What was the main driver for the
                                                                                            GSM project?
                                                                                            The main political driver for GSM was
                                                                                            to find a solution to the great European
                                                                                            problem of the time – fragmentation due
                                                                                            to countries adopting different mobile
                                                                                            technologies and different frequency
                                                                                            bands. If somebody had wanted to drive
                                                                                            across Europe and stay in contact, their
                                                                                            car would have been so full of radio
                                                                                            boxes that there would have been no
                                                                                            room for any passengers. Even worse

Stephen Temple
                                                                                            was the likelihood of being stopped at a
                                                                                            border and told that foreign car phones
                                                                                            were illegal.

Stephen Temple was a DTI Official who wrote the GSM                 having triggered the transformation of the mobile phone into a
Memorandum of Understanding that committed European                 mass-market consumer product. He led the UK’s role in setting
mobile operators to support the GSM standard and roll out GSM       up ETSI and was elected as the first Chairman of its Technical
networks by 1991. He wrote the DTI Consultation Document            Assembly. He has been involved in every generation of cellular
Phones on the Move, that extended GSM’s use to the 1800             mobile technology, created the concept of 5G pioneer frequency
MHz band for small hand portables and widely recognized as          bands and recently edited the IET Guide 6G for Policy Makers.

4           ENJOY THE ETSI MAG              The first analogue phone to fit in a shirt pocket (shown above) arrived in 1986, giving GSM
                                            a huge competitive mountain to climb upon its launch in 1991.
network technology innovation goals
                                             by many ‘customers and suppliers’.
   “The main political                       Such    focus    unleashes      enormous        “The main legacy
   driver for GSM was                        economic forces. The involvement of             is the timing and
                                             manufacturers in GSM standard setting
   to find a solution to                     also occurred just in time. A high degree
                                                                                             synchronisation of
   the great European                        of professionalism was introduced that          mobile generations.”
   problem of the time:                      allowed ETSI to produce thousands of
                                             pages of GSM technical specifications to
   fragmentation.”                           support the launch of GSM by 1991. That      approach to mobile network technology
                                             professionalism has endured.                 advances. It was an inevitability that
                                                                                          4G would become a next-generation
It was ‘the problem of the age’ that         How did GSM cooperation                      innovation, in spite of efforts to call it a
GSM was required to solve rather than        manage to endure when so much                long-term evolution. The marketing value
addressing any shortcomings of 1G            competition was unleashed with               of the ‘G’ label was just too good to
technology. Indeed, several 1G analogue      the launch of GSM?                           ignore. 5G picked up on the pattern and
networks were quite good. The first          It is true that the GSM spectrum was         was made a next-generation technology
analogue mobile phone to fit in a shirt      used to implement a competition-based        by design.
pocket had arrived five years ahead of       mobile network market across Europe.
the launch of GSM in 1991. The market        Enormous thought went into drafting the      What has been lost from the GSM
alone could not have got GSM off the         GSM Memorandum of Understanding on           legacy?
ground against competition from rapidly      where close cooperation was essential        A major GSM success was SMS
advancing analogue cellular technology.      and where competition was paramount.         messaging. A high degree of cooperation
When politics gets mixed up with             Cooperation was to be total in the           between mobile operators made this
technology standards things usually take     ‘cake baking’ phase and competition          possible. This level of cooperation over
a turn for the worse. But in this case, it   paramount in subsequently fighting           ‘new public services’ fizzled out with 3G.
was ‘good politics’. GSM had a strong                                                     It has left the mobile operators doing
ethical dimension of openness, balance                                                    the heavy lifting for mobile infrastructure
of interests and everyone pulling together      “The mix of cooperation                   and the tech giants largely enjoying the
to expand the public good. I am reminded                                                  fruits of new services. As a result, the ‘G’
of this today when I hear some research
                                                and competition                           business model is becoming ever more
leaders calling for 6G to address the           underpins today’s                         challenging.
great societal challenges of today’s age.       phenomenally                              Do you see this GSM legacy
What role did ETSI play in GSM’s                successful global                         enduring?
success?                                                                                  As 5G has been such a roller coaster,
                                                mobile industry.”
The big driver for creating ETSI was to                                                   people have asked – does the world
bring manufacturers into a balanced                                                       need another ‘G’? I have given this
partnership with telecoms network                                                         some thought. ETSI’s creation of the
operators in setting telecommunications      for ‘the largest slice of the cake’. This    ‘G’ approach for GSM invented a tool
standards. GSM was ETSI’s first flagship     delineated ‘pre-competitive’ phase for       that addresses a particular class of
project and test case for this super-        mobile generations allowed a friendly        competitive market ‘innovation failure’
national network and customer-supplier       coming-together of engineers from            for interoperable networks, where
partnership. Success required the largely    competing companies for collaborative        nothing can happen unless an entire
monopolistic network operators to            research and standard setting. Such          industrial ecosystem acts together. But
change their mindset. They had to look       a thoughtful mix of cooperation              the question about the arrival of 6G is
beyond national advantage and align          and competition underpins today’s            academic, as the momentum towards
their technology goals and, in doing so,     phenomenally successful global mobile        6G appears unstoppable. What remains
bring their industry supply chains into      industry.                                    wide open for debate is its shared goals.
line with the shared goals. The success                                                   The best traditions of ETSI’s GSM legacy
                                             What other aspects of the GSM
of GSM and every subsequent mobile                                                        would be for ETSI to support the call for
                                             legacy do you still see today?
generation flows from this alignment of                                                   these shared 6G goals to have a global
                                             The main one is the timing and               focus on addressing the great societal
                                             synchronization of mobile generations.       problem of today.
   “GSM was ETSI’s first                     The GSM Memorandum of Understanding
                                             synchronized the procurement cycles          Dedication: To my three comrades-in-
   flagship project and                      of a large number of mobile network          arms who were with me navigating the
   test case for this super-                 operators. Then a very deliberate decision   political choppy waters in the run-up to
                                             was taken by ETSI officials to frustrate     the 1991 GSM launch – Philippe Dupuis
   national network and                      any chance of the UMTS wideband              (France), Armin Silberhorne (Germany)
   customer-supplier                         technology arriving too early to become      and Renzo Failli (Italy), and to Thomas
   partnership.”                             a competing standard. UMTS was a             Haug (Sweden) who captained the GSM
                                             third-generation technology by design.       ship into calmer ETSI waters whilst all
                                             Yes, it was ETSI that established the ‘G’    this was going on.

                                                                                                   ENJOY THE ETSI MAG               5
Meet the New Standards People

Welcome to our                                         NEW

    Acconeer AB, Sweden
Based on research from Lund University, Acconeer has created
a unique radar solution that brings new opportunities for human
interaction with technology. The radar sensor is based on pulsed
coherent radar technology and combines extremely low power
consumption with high accuracy. The small size, only 5x5 mm,
and low power consumption are ideal for compact battery-driven
and mobile devices.

    ACCS, United Kingdom
The Age Check Certification Scheme is an independent 3rd                Consort Digital, India
party certification scheme for providers of age restricted goods,
content or services. The scheme can be utilised to provide full     Consort Digital provides solutions for Mission Critical users, highly
conformity assessment in accordance with all aspects of age         mobile users such as rail, mass transit systems, mining assets
restricted sales. Their scheme has developed an award-winning       and public safety as well solutions for instant communication
Android & iOS App, deployed to 18/19 year old test purchasers       including call prioritization. All their solutions support open
throughout the UK – enabling them to offer a fully configurable     standards and leading technologies. Services range from design,
test purchasing services.                                           engineering, feasibility studies, installation and commissioning,
                                                                    integration and operation and maintenance.

    Arqit Ltd, United Kingdom
Arqit has invented a unique quantum encryption technology
                                                                        DIGG, Sweden
which makes the communications links of any networked device        The Agency for Digital Government is a new government
secure against current and future forms of cyber attack – even      authority, created to think creatively, address new challenges
an attack from a quantum computer. Arqit’s product, called          and identify new opportunities in Sweden. The task job is to
QuantumCloud™ creates unbreakable software encryption keys          support and promote – to benefit everyone. For example, DIGG
which are easy and efficient to use remotely with no hardware or    is working to improve digital accessibility on all public websites
disruption to software required.                                    and digital platforms. They also support digital post, digital
                                                                    identity, e-commerce and e-invoicing.

    Broadbit, Slovakia
BroadBit is developing revolutionary new batteries using novel
                                                                        Eurofins Digital Testing, Belgium
sodium-based chemistries to power the future green economy.         Eurofins Digital Testing, and its division Eurofins Cyber Security,
They are commercializing the technology for next generation         is a global leader in independent Quality Assurance, testing and
electric vehicles, portable electronics, starters and grid energy   cybersecurity for software systems and devices with operations
storage. Their batteries enable increased range/use time, longer    in Belgium, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Sweden, the UK and
lifetime, reduced cost, environmental friendliness and scalable     the USA. They help businesses in mediatech, fintech, energy,
to any production volume. They are also developing a battery        governmental and the other industries assure quality in their
capable of fully recharging in 5 mins.                              digital transformations towards Industry 4.0.

    CERTH, Greece                                                       INCERT, Luxembourg
The Centre for Research and Technology-Hellas is listed among       INCERT manages critical infrastructures used for issuing
the TOP-20 E.U. research institutions. CERTH has important          Luxembourg eTravel documents such as ePassports, eID cards
scientific and technological achievements in many areas including   and eResidence permits and their verification at the border
energy, environment, industry, mechatronics, information and        control. They have improved their knowledge by representing
communication, transportation & sustainable mobility, health,       the State of Luxembourg in international organisations like ICAO,
agro-biotechnology, smart farming, safety & security, as well as    ISO, European commission driving us always at the top of the
several cross-disciplinary scientific areas.                        trends and technologies.

6           ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
LoRa Alliance, USA
The LoRa Alliance® is an open, non-profit association. Their
members promote the LoRaWAN® protocol as the leading open
global standard for secure, carrier-grade IoT LPWAN connectivity.
With the technical flexibility to address a broad range of IoT
applications, both static and mobile, and a certification program
to guarantee interoperability, LoRaWAN® has already been
deployed by major mobile network operators globally.
                                                                          PQSHIELD LTD, United Kingdom
                                                                      Their world-class researchers and engineers are co-authors
    Magister Solutions Ltd, Finland                                   of multiple finalist algorithms within the NIST Post-Quantum
Magister Solutions specializes in communication network               Cryptography Standardisation Process, which aims to define
simulation and emulation tools and services for modelling real        standards for the next generation of public-key cryptography.
world telecom (satellite and terrestrial) in detail. By simulating    Their technology enables them to transition from legacy systems,
communication networks they are creating undetected                   so they can leverage upcoming public-key cryptography
knowledge that fosters the mobile, satellite and emerging             standards across hardware, software and communication. And
industry development. They deliver internationally recognized         they ensure that compliance with international standards (FIPS,
services starting from designing new radio resource management        etc.) and commercial value is fast and frictionless.
concepts and algorithms to high end software solutions used in
the space industry.
                                                                          Tampere university, Finland
                                                                      Tampere University is one of the most multidisciplinary
    octoScope, USA                                                    universities in Finland. Almost all internationally recognised
octoScope is the market leader in isolated, repeatable and            fields of study are represented and their research groups and
automated wireless personal testbeds. Their patented technology       projects conduct multidisciplinary research across institutional
redefines the accuracy, stability, economics and value of over-       boundaries. Technology and social sciences have come together
the-air wireless testing. The octoBox testbeds are configurable       in a unique way with research groups and projects conducting
for automated regression test sequences with a range of airlink       multidisciplinary research across institutional boundaries. Their
conditions and interference scenarios. Their solutions are used       international community includes students and staff from more
by customers in the robotics, medical, mobile, WiFi, military and     than 80 countries.
connected car markets.
                                                                          WiTricity, USA
    OneWeb, United Kingdom                                            WiTricity was founded to commercialize a new technology for
OneWeb is a global communications network powered by a                wireless electricity invented and patented two years earlier
constellation of 650 Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites, enabling       by a team of physicists from the Massachusetts Institute of
high-speed, low latency connectivity for governments,                 Technology (MIT). The team proved the magnetic fields of
businesses, and communities everywhere around the world.              two properly designed devices with closely matched resonant
OneWeb’s satellites, together with a network of global gateway        frequencies can couple into a single continuous magnetic field,
stations and a range of User Terminals, will provide an affordable,   enabling the transfer of power from one device to the other at
fast, high bandwidth, low-latency communications service              high efficiency and over a distance range that is useful for real-
connected to the IoT, and a pathway to 5G.                            world applications.

                                                                                                      ENJOY THE ETSI MAG              7
New Member Interview

                                                                                                   Tommi Flink, CEO of
                                                                                             Magister Solution, tells us
                                                                                                  why SatCom network
                                                                                             simulations help the telco
                                                                                                 ecosystem evolve into
                                                                                                the next generations of

                                                                                        Magister has evolved with the
                                                                                        market’s requirements – what
                                                                                        were the main milestones?
                                                                                        Since the company was founded in
                                                                                        2005, we have been developing network-
                                                                                        level simulators that incorporate users,
                                                                                        devices (terminals, base stations,
                                                                                        controllers, core network), radio access
                                                                                        technology and services. Simulators
                                                                                        allow companies to benefit from detailed,
                                                                                        realistic modelling for their wireless
                                                                                        system behaviour, interactions and
                                                                                        protocols without investing in prototypes
                                                                                        or commercial systems. They proved
                                                                                        very useful, e.g. for 3GPP standardization

Tommi Flink
CEO and co-owner of Magister Solutions

Tommi Flink has more than 20 years of       aspects such as a high level of usability   It is important for companies to develop
experience working in the ICT industry,     and service-based delivery models will      their own area of expertise and the best
many years of which were spent on           also become more and more important         possible way to create value for their
financial industry products and services.   in B2B services, and at the same time       partners and customers at Magister
Mr Flink received his MSc degree in         emerging technologies like Artificial       Solutions is to provide world-class
computer sciences from the University       Intelligence and Blockchain will have a     SATCOM network simulations.
of Jyväskylä in 2001. He believes that      major impact on the world around us.

8           ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
simulation results as part of standards      have the network when you are building
                                              studies.                                     the scenarios, have to evaluate what key
   “Network simulations
                                              In the past, simulators produced for         metrics to follow, how many users you will
   enable the execution                                                                    have, how many or what kind of satellites
                                              customers directly or within the ESA
   of reliable simulations                    project have been very difficult to use.     you will use, and whether you will use 5G
   without extensive                          In the mobile industry, large companies      standards, DVB-S2 or otherwise.
   development processes.”                    might have their own R&D teams or
                                              subcontractors. As we have built several     And can your simulators also
                                              validated simulators in the past, we have    be useful for the emerging
For about 10 years, we have been involved     harnessed this experience to provide         megaconstellation players such
in several European Space Agency (ESA)        the SatCom industry with an alternative
                                                                                           as Space X?
activities, developing network simulators     independent, vendor-neutral and user-
for the European SatCom industry. Then,       friendly solution. And this expertise is     Indeed, there is a need to produce
in order to be able to provide more           used in the standardization world, in the    satellites within much shorter time frames,
value to the industry and productize          RAN 3GPP group for instance, which is        which makes more streamlined design
our extensive knowledge of system             very important for us.
                                                                                           and simulation processes necessary.
simulations, we went one step further                                                      A more efficient simulation workflow is
and developed a service through which         Standardization seems to be
                                              essential for your activities – is           also required due to the changes in the
we are able to offer network simulations
with built-in analytics, visualizations and   this related to the development              satellite industry with the introduction
scalable cloud computing. So instead of       of your 5G network/system                    of megaconstellations. Our simulation
providing, for example, an open-source        simulator?                                   services can be beneficial for companies
simulator delivered to ESA, which might                                                    like Space X or OneWeb, where we
                                              Yes, we think that 5G has the unique
not be used outside the project, we           potential to become the first global         could model their satellite constellation
offer a new service, targeting the whole      standardized system for both terrestrial     networks in specific simulators.
SatCom industry.                              and satellite connectivity with multiple     We can build simulators modelling the bits
As an independent vendor, instead             use cases such as high throughput
                                                                                           and pieces of their constellation, starting
of building only customer-specific            connectivity to reach uncovered areas;
                                              mobile satellite services for maritime       with the number of satellites, the orbits
“black box” solutions, our goal is to
productize our services for a wide range      or avionic segments; and global IoT          of satellites, but especially the satellite
of customers. It enables the execution        services.                                    connectivity, in other words the protocols
of reliable simulations without extensive     So we are developing a 5G system
development processes, even for the           simulator that will be used to study
companies without a dedicated team                                                            “Our simulation services
                                              and     evaluate    different   technical
and long history in such simulations.         alternatives and concepts, focusing             can be beneficial for
                                              especially on NTN. Active participation in      Space X or OneWeb.”
Why was it important to develop               standardization work is just not possible
this software as a service for the            without the ability to provide relevant
satellite industry? Didn’t they               simulation results, and standardization
already have simulators?                                                                   that are used for communicating between
                                              will help us build even better simulation    the ground and the satellites. Our service
As you know, satellite communications are     services. Our involvement in 3GPP
                                                                                           helps our customers experiment and
becoming more and more complex with,          standardization work is also related to
                                              our EU Horizon 2020 R&D projects,            understand how many satellites are
for example, the co-existence of multiple
                                              which have as a target the successful        required, what orbits should be used,
wireless technologies. It will also grow
with the introduction of 5G Non-Terrestrial   standardization of 5G NTN as well as its     what air interface protocols should be
Networks (NTN) and new players entering       potential enhancements in future 6G.         used to optimize link performance, and
the market like Amazon or Space X.                                                         what kind of advanced radio response
Most satellite vendors and these              Besides R&D and standardization              management algorithms should be
newcomers play an active role in ETSI         support, what else do you offer              implemented into their systems so that
and 3GPP standardization, but they need       the industry?                                they can optimize their network capacity.
the network simulation capabilities and
                                              In addition to standardization and R&D
                                              activities, the service can be used as a     So would you say you’re already
                                              demonstrator for SatCom companies to         looking to bridge the gap between
   “In the past, simulators                   show to their customers and operators.       “earth” and “space” to enter the
   have been very difficult                   They are able to demonstrate the             6G era?
   to use.”                                   capabilities of their existing and even
                                              future features and networks. That’s the     Definitely! Simulations are a great tool to
                                              benefit of simulators: you don’t need to     make it happen.

                                                                                                   ENJOY THE ETSI MAG               9
CCSA Interview

                                                                                                        After signing the
                                                                                               cooperation agreement
                                                                                               between ETSI and CCSA
                                                                                                in April, Mr. Zemin Yang
                                                                                               granted us an exclusive

                                                                                          The first GSM network was
                                                                                          launched in China in 1995, do
                                                                                          you think it helped accelerate
                                                                                          standardization activities in
                                                                                          The history of mobile communication
                                                                                          network      development      –     which
                                                                                          represents vital infrastructure in human
                                                                                          society – seems like a myth, following
                                                                                          Moore’s Law from the first generation
                                                                                          of 2C to the fifth generation of 2B in
                                                                                          only 40 years. During this process,
                                                                                          the second generation of mobile
                                                                                          communication technology, such as
                                                                                          GSM, realized the digital revolution
                                                                                          of mobile communication itself and
                                                                                          raised the curtain for the rapid and
                                                                                          dazzling development of broadband
                                                                                          mobile Internet. The fundamental logic
                                                                                          of this story might be that, for a mobile
                                                                                          communication industry with almost
                                                                                          unlimited business prospects, its
                                                                                          limiting factors seem to be only radio
                                                                                          spectrum and enabling technology.
                                                                                          Therefore, it continues to attract high-
                                                                                          intensity technological innovations and
                                                                                          investment of capital.

Zemin Yang
Mr. Zemin Yang, Professor of Engineering, graduated from           General of China Communications Standards Association
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) in       (CCSA). His focus has been on communication and remote
1982, and received a master’s degree from the University of        information processing, and he has many years of experience
Surrey in 1991. He held several positions as Director General of   in communications network architecture design and ICT
RITT, President of CATR (China Academy of Telecommunication        industrial policy research.
Research), and the Vice Chair of the Council, Secretary

10          ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
Almost      synchronized        with   the    something likely from the CCSA side,
development      process       of    mobile   e.g. the special workflow of our vertical
communications is China’s opening-up to       industry members to develop their own              “China’s R & D results
the outside world and the shift to market-    standards for their IoT applications.              can directly contribute
oriented economic system reform, which        IoT applications represented by 5G2B               to international
led to the rapid development of China’s       are a completely unfamiliar challenge
economy and the rapid release of the
                                                                                                 common standards.”
                                              to ICT enterprises all over the world. It
energy of China’s huge single market.         will be of great value for standardization
With the opening of the first GSM network     organizations in different regions for
in China in 1995, the bulk of the Chinese     exchanging experiences and the lessons          From my understanding of CCSA member
                                              gained from their own practice.                 units, most Chinese enterprises welcome
                                                                                              or even look forward to high-level
                                              In my opinion, the more profound                competition. Fair competition between
   “GSM has achieved                          significance of the cooperation between         the best peers in the industry makes
   great success in China.”                   CCSA and ETSI is that the deep                  it possible to have a unified standard
                                              understanding and trust of the two              encompassing the best technical
                                              organizations can help their members            solutions, which is the fundamental source
market chose GSM technology. GSM              understand each other’s members,                of standards for market acceptance and
has achieved great success in China,          industry and each other’s countries,            huge new value for end users, and the
and at the same time, it has aroused          which may go beyond the scope of                only way for ICT enterprises to succeed
the active support and investment of          standardization activities themselves.          in their own businesses. In this regard,
Chinese industry in the follow-up mobile      Although the fundamental orientation            CCSA member companies are very
communication technology standard             of ETSI is to serve the cause of                confident in their abilities.
innovation activities, which is reflected     ICT     technological   innovation   and
in the increase in the contribution rate of   standardization in Europe, because of its       What are the key ICT technologies
Chinese enterprises to the core patents       global openness, it plays a particularly        your standards research will focus
of 3GPP standards. CCSA, as one of            important role in the ecological                on in the coming years?
the Organizational Partners of 3GPP, is       environment of global standards. For
deeply impressed by this.                                                                     In the light of the commitment and
                                              example, 3GPP has created great
                                                                                              mandate of CCSA to revolutionize
                                              commercial success with 3G and 4G
You have a long-standing                                                                      industries through paving the way
                                              mobile communication technology and
relationship with ETSI, what is                                                               for the standardization of the digital
                                              opened the 5G2B mobile communication
your role and your involvement                                                                economy, we are currently looking at
                                              technology era in just 20 years. I must
with us?                                                                                      several technological trends which were
                                              say that the special role played by ETSI        considered essential components to
My relationship with ETSI began when I        in 3GPP is obvious to all Organizational        bring industry – as well as human society
met D.G. Karl-Heinz Rosenbrock, in the        Partners.                                       – to the next level of prosperity and
late 1990s when I was the director of                                                         sustainability.
RITT, the Communications Standards            Over your career in
Institute of MPT China. His introduction to   standardization, have you seen                  These trends include 5G Advanced
the organizational structure and working      any benefits for your country from              toolkits, which consist of the Ultra-Dense
mechanism of ETSI was essential for us        this worldwide cooperation?                     Networking, Re-configurable Intelligence
to envision the future work of CCSA at                                                        Surface, Further Uplink Enhancements
                                              I think there are many reasons for Chinese      for Verticals, Mesh Networking, NR
that time. And his motto as the manager       industry to welcome the broadest
of the standards organization taught me                                                       based      Massive    Connection,      and
                                              cooperation in the global standard-
the word “compromise”. I kept going to                                                        intrinsic AI, which is certainly what the
                                              setting activities of the ICT industry. First
borrow “good ideas” from ETSI until the       of all, China’s industry has been investing     communication industry is pursuing by
current age of D.G. Luis Jorge Romero,        heavily in its efficient innovation system,     taking advantage of the outcomes of AI in
and I gained several from both of them. In    and the resulting R & D results can directly    information industry. Another trend is the
return, I shared with my ETSI colleagues      contribute to future international common       exciting but challenging goal of Carbon
                                              standards.                                      Neutrality. For instance, Solar Powered
                                                                                              Infrastructure, Advanced Cooling System
                                              Secondly,     the   performance-to-price
                                                                                              or Energy Harvesting.
   “ETSI plays an                             ratio of China’s products is sufficiently
                                              competitive in the market. Of course,
   important role in the                      we hope that the common standards
   ecological environment                     formed through the broadest international       I would like to take this opportunity to
                                              cooperation can assist the formation of         express my sincere thanks to my ETSI
   of global standards.”                                                                      colleagues who have worked with me
                                              the largest single market, and we do not
                                              want to see the market divided.                 happily and helped me.

                                                                                                      ENJOY THE ETSI MAG            11
Tech Highlights

Quality of experience:
a key requirement for end users
Aware of the importance of speech transmission requirements from the perspective of
a user’s quality of service, ETSI sets standards for handsfree, handset and headset VoIP
terminals, in narrowband and wideband.

                                                                                                  standards and reports are the basis for
                                                                                                  ITU-T SG12’s own work.

                                                                                                  Successful global
                                                                                                  National mobile network benchmarking
                                                                                                  and scoring campaigns are of great
                                                                                                  importance to mobile network operators.
                                                                                                  ETSI has therefore developed TR 103 559
                                                                                                  to meet these requirements, with regard
                                                                                                  to the area and population to be covered,
 © ETSI                 Countries where methods in TR 103 559 are used as best practice           the collection and aggregation of test
                                                                                                  results, and the weighting of the various
Standards relating to terminals and                 The committee has also standardized           aspects tested. The report takes into
networks for speech and media quality,              subjective and objective methodologies        account the rapid development of mobile
end-to-end single media and multimedia              for the qualification and performance         technology and the consumer habits of
transmission performance are essential              requirements of the new ETSI speech           users, as users’ quality of experience
for end users. The ETSI Technical                   codec for encoding and decoding digital       changes over time, by parameterizing
Committee on Speech and multimedia                  speech signals, in cooperation with           individual factors that contribute to the
Transmission      Quality     (TC   STQ)            the DECT (Digital Enhanced Cordless           score.
successfully handles these standards.               Telecommunications) group.
                                                                                                  The tests assess telephony, video
It also develops Quality of Service
(QoS) parameters for networks and
services and Quality of Experience (QoE)
                                                    Measuring 5G                                  streaming, data throughput and more
                                                                                                  interactive applications such as browsing,
descriptors and methods. To ensure                  performance                                   social media and messaging. The results
                                                                                                  collected from the various areas are
alignment with other standard-setting
                                                    To meet the requirements of mobile            individually and collectively weighted and
organizations and facilitate industry
                                                    networks, the subgroup STQ Mobile             summarized by an overall score.
implementation, the group provides
                                                    focuses on QoS and QoE aspects for
guidance and background information                                                               For greater authority, the scoring
                                                    popular services in mobile networks, as
on effectively applying the standards and                                                         methodology is based on a set of
                                                    well as parameters and test scenarios
methods created.                                                                                  standardized market KPIs and provides
                                                    for assessing network capabilities in
As well as creating a large number of               5G performance measurements. STQ              governance        and      implementation
standards for speech transmission                   Mobile liaises with 3GPP and other            principles as well as concrete realizations.
requirements, the committee has                     standards organizations to support the        TR 103 559 describes its scoring method
developed a specification offering                  development of methods and equipment          with full transparency for the benefit of
guidance and detailing the methodology              used for characterizing existing and future   implementors, network providers and
to objectively assess the listening effort          network telecommunications services,          regulatory authorities, and has been
required by a user during a voice call.             both landline and mobile. Several of its      applied on a global scale.

12          ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
In the Spotlight

In the Spotlight

A tribute to GSM:
30th Anniversary of GSM’s first call
In celebrating its 30th Anniversary, the time has come to look back over GSM. Much of
what we take for granted today is the result of this big bang in ICT history. Let’s have a
quick review of some of these principles that constitute our foundations today and guide
our evolution in the future. Without GSM, we would probably not be talking about 5G or 6G
as we do today. So “what has GSM ever done for us?”

                                               regardless of who had produced it.
Design                                         This meant that full networks could be

principles set the                             built and further expanded using pieces

                                               from many different manufacturers,
                                               which would foster competition. And
                                               one of the important pieces here was
Whether you call them design principles,       the mobile terminal itself. Now, various
or fundamentals, or “constraints imposed       manufacturers could produce handsets
by the conditions of the environment”, the     that would operate on all networks.
development of GSM followed a series of        Interoperability became then a vital                                                   2G
requirements that today constitute the         concept.                                                                          1990-199
basis of the design of our new systems,                                                                                    Digital - voice, t
which nobody would challenge.                  Another very relevant concept developed                                       early data ser
                                               at this time was the split between the user
First, the system had to fit the               identification and the terminal. The birth
requirements of many different countries.      of the SIM card. The rights of a customer
It needed to be a joint effort and decisions   to use the network would be associated
had to be taken based on consensus.
Every interested party played a role in
the definition and development of the
system, starting with governments and
administrations, which had to create the          consensus building
proper environment for the system to              and interoperability
land and grow, but also the operators             became undisputable
who would have to deploy and run the
system and, lastly, the manufacturers
that would need to develop it.
The conditions for all these stakeholders                                                       1980                              1990
                                               to a SIM card, under a standardized form
to work together had to be agreed upon.        factor, that would fit in all available mobile
Cooperation and consensus building             terminals. In this way, a user could easily             CEPT creates Groupe Spécial Mobile to
became undisputable principles.                                                                 1982
                                               swap terminals with no need to make                     a pan-European cellular mobile system

Bearing in mind the stated requirements,       changes in the operator’s databases.                    GSM MoU, operator agreement signed b
                                               This provoked huge new dynamics in               1987
the system to be developed had to be                                                                   commit to deploy GSM.

modular, fitting into a commonly agreed        the marketplace and a great variation in
                                               the availability of mobile terminals, which      1988   ETSI created, asked to develop the GSM
architecture where the key interfaces
                                               now develops devices from sensors to
-which would eventually define how                                                              1990   First GSM specifications (ETSI TC GSM) -
                                               smartphones, to cars and beyond.
the system would be developed, built
and operated- needed to be carefully           The split between the subscription
specified. With this system, every single      and the terminal used turned out to be
piece of the puzzle could fit with the rest,   fundamental.

14           ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
security in mind; making the cloning of         Another important concept that started
                                                                 SIM cards extremely complex (as it is           with GSM is that the system was
               The split between the                             not only the SIM card that supports the         designed to offer services beyond mobile
               subscription and the                              user’s credentials) and cyphering the           telephony. At the time, voice was the
               terminal used turned                              communications. When communications             main means of communication. With
                                                                 are cyphered and the identity of the
               out to be fundamental.                            users protected, law enforcement bodies
                                                                                                                 GSM, mobile data started to be enabled.
                                                                                                                 But, most importantly, technology
                                                                 must be enabled to intervene if required
                                                                                                                 provided additional hooks to enable
                                                                 by the authorities. The means for lawful
           One of the biggest challenges of existing             interception are also embedded in GSM.          the creation of value-added services,
           mobile telephony was fraud and security.                                                              like SMS, cell broadcast, etc. Not all of
           It was easy to clone handsets, tamper                 We could say that the concept of                them worked from the start but making
                                                                 “security by design” started to settle          these technologies available allowed the
           with users’ identities and listen to
                                                                 with GSM. The means to enable law               market to devise new uses and business
           conversations over the air. In leveraging             enforcement agencies to perform their
           the SIM card -as well as through other                                                                models.
                                                                 duties as required by the authorities were
           means- GSM was designed with                          also developed.
                                                                                                                 Mass market
                                                                                                                 along the way
                                                                                                                 Having designed a flexible, scalable,

bile Phone Evolution                                                                                             multi-vendor system that was embraced
                                                                                                                 by EU member states from the beginning,
                                                                                                                 GSM was able to achieve fantastic
                                                                                                                 economies of scale from very early on, a
                                                                                                                 phenomenon never before experienced
                                                                                                                 in mobile telephony. But a few barriers
                            3G                              4G                            5G                     still had to be broken to unleash the full
99,                      1999-2009                     2009-2019                      June 2019                  potential of the technology.
 text and              Smartphones,                 High speed data,                The Internet of              First, the spectrum of use for this
 rvices                 PC modems                     new sectors                     everything
                                                    come to cellular                                             technology had to be harmonized. GSM
                                                     Public safety,                                              was to be a pan-European system,
                                                       transport,                                                adopted by all member states. It would
                                                     industrial IoT…                                             have to enable a single system all
                                                                                                                 throughout Europe. Borders would
                                                                                                                 need to be removed, and terminal
                                                                                                                 equipment should be able to cross them
                                                                                                                 freely. Type approval of devices had to
                                                                                                                 be homogenized across the different
                                                                                                                 nations and was eventually replaced
                                                                                                                 by a self-declaration of conformity from
                                                                                                                 the manufacturers, which enabled much
                                                                                                                 faster and cheaper access to market.

                       2000                               2010                                  2020             With all this, another advancement was
                                                                                                                 to become fundamental. To make of it a
                                                                                                                 truly pan-European system, customers
  design                      1991    World’s first GSM call..                                                   from an operator in one country should
                              1992    First SMS sent.                                                            be able to connect to the system
 by 13 countries,                                                                                                beyond the boundaries of their own
                                      ETSI creates 3GPP to specify the UMTS Terrestrial
                              1998                                                                               operator. International roaming was
                                      Radio Access Network.
M standard.                                                                                                      institutionalized: operators would set
                              1999    First UMTS specifications, 3GPP Release 1999 - also called 3G.
 - also called 2G.            2009    First LTE specifications, leading to LTE-Advanced - also called 4G.
                                                                                                                    International roaming
                                                                                                                    was institutionalized.
                                                                                                        © ETSI

                                                                                                                         ENJOY THE ETSI MAG            15
In the Spotlight

                                                                                             With GSM and its evolution, being
                                                                                             connected everywhere and at all times
                                                                                             has become a basic need. Like water
                                                                                             or electricity. People might leave home
                                                                                             without their wallet, but never without
                                                                                             their mobile. Our device contains all
                                                                                             we need for our daily lives: it is not just
                                                                                             a communication device but connects
                                                                                             us to (and integrates us in) the society.
                                                                                             Our files, our pictures, our videos, our
                                                                                             entertainment, our games, our contacts,
                                                                                             our payment means… everything is
                                                                                             there. Going beyond mobile telephony
                                                                                             itself, it is also a fundamental tool for
                                                                                             many economic sectors’ productivity.

                                                                                                 People may leave home
                                                                                                 without their wallet,
                                                                                                 never without their

                                                                                             Our behaviour, our economy, our society
                                                                                             at large is hugely influenced by what
                                                                                             GSM started.
                                                                                             Furthermore, the way in which we
Vintage mobiles, courtesy of Stephen Temple.
                                                                                             now understand how our world of
                                               model, where voice was no longer the          communication develops stands on
                                               only service bringing in revenue. The         the foundations that GSM set: global
   Voice was no longer the                                                                   cooperation and high-quality standards
                                               quest for different value-added services
   only service bringing                       and sources of income was starting            that embrace the latest developments
   revenues.                                   -and has been expanding since. In this        from research and the requirements from
                                               search, one lesson learned is that value      the market are key.
                                               could come from unexpected sources:           GSM was an achievement beyond the
the conditions so that customers from
                                               manufacturers and service providers           technology itself. The GSM standard
one operator would be able to receive
                                               were no longer the “only source of            allowed billions of people to access
service from another operator.
                                               wisdom”. The mass market being                mobile services and communicate with
With the explosion in demand and the           addressed, this further pushed the need       each other. It was the starting seed for
ease of swapping devices, service              to seek additional sources of revenue by      many new approaches which have
providers envisaged new ways of bringing       envisaging mobile connectivity solutions      enabled and given birth to various new
more customers to their networks. Two          tailored to different sectors.                initiatives and improvements. It provided
initiatives are worth remembering: the                                                       the encouragement to try and fail (as the
subsidization of mobile terminals in
exchange for long-term subscriptions
                                               A growing                                     impact of the blow would be softened by

and prepayment schemes. Both were              ecosystem                                     everyone taking it) and the willingness
                                                                                             to accept and embrace great ideas,
fundamental in growing the subscriber                                                        no matter their origin. GSM sowed the
                                               GSM sparked a very profound change in
base and bringing mobile services                                                            seeds of our very rich and fast-growing
                                               the environment and the ways in which
to most of the population, and both                                                          ecosystem.
                                               we behave. In the very early days of
leveraged the technological capabilities
                                               mobile telephony, pre-GSM, a mobile
that GSM provided.                                                                           Yes but, apart from this, “what has GSM
                                               phone was a luxury device only available
                                                                                             ever done for us?”
Another aspect which is important to           to the very wealthy. Its value was still to
highlight is the changes to the business       be proven.                                    n Luis Jorge Romero, Director-General, ETSI.

16           ENJOY THE ETSI MAG

The invention of texting
In the mid-1980s, mobile phones were huge and battery hungry. People carried
radiopagers so that they could switch off their phone to save battery. These radiopagers
evolved to allow short text messages to be received so that customers would know why
someone was trying to contact them.

                                                                                          characters, so it seemed plausible to
                                                                                          aim to double that to 180 characters.
                                                                                          Unfortunately, the signalling packets
                                                                                          defined by the ITU Blue Book, after taking
                                                                                          away the overhead, limited the length of
                                                                                          the short message to 140 bytes. This
                                                                                          was still felt to be a reasonable goal and,
                                                                                          due to the clever idea of using 7 bits per
                                                                                          character instead of 8, was increased to
                                                                                          a 160-character limit. ETSI later allowed
                                                                                          for longer messages, increasing the
                                                                                          number further by splitting the text into
                                                                                          several message packets.
                                                                                          In time, mobile phone manufacturers
                                                                                          improved their interfaces so that keying
                                                                                          in text messages became easier and
                                                                                          operators – seeing the market uptake
                                                                                          and its potential – began offering SMS at
                                                                                          low cost or for free. Yet mobile networks
                                                                                          were interconnected for voice but not
                                                                                          for text. It took a couple of years for
                                                                                          operators to develop the community by
                                                                                          providing interconnectivity for SMS. This,
                                                                                          together with lower cost subscriptions,
                                                                                          further opened up the use of SMS for
                                                                                          younger people, who soon developed the
                                                                                          new youth led shorthand language. And
                                                                                          so texting was born.
While the first digital mobile radio system   attempted via the mobile network to         ETSI played a key role in the development
for Europe was being developed, the idea      wherever the device happened to be.         of the standard for SMS but also in the
came from a Franco-German paper to            There was a retry capability in case the    development of young engineers with
integrate this kind of capability into the    device was out of coverage or switched      great knowledge of how the system
mobile phones themselves using digital        off. And then there was the ability to      worked and enthusiasm for the new
signalling. This eliminated the need to       generate a message from the device          medium.
carry a radiopager as phone battery           itself, even if nobody believed that this
consumption was improving significantly,      would be useful for the mass market as      n Kevin Holley, BT, 3GPP lead delegate and former
and people could now leave their phones       keying in a text message using a mobile        Chair of ETSI TC SMG WG 4 (Data Services).
switched on.                                  phone keypad would be too arduous for
                                              most people.
This led to the detailed development in
ETSI of the technical specification for       The length of the short message was
SMS. Messages were collected in an            a key discussion point at the time.         To go further: ‘The GSM Short Message
SMS ‘Service Centre’, and delivery was        Alphanumeric pagers were limited to 90      Service’ by Kevin Holley.

                                                                                                    ENJOY THE ETSI MAG                 17
New Fellows

The ETSI Fellowship programme rewards individuals who have made an outstanding
personal contribution to ETSI, to building the work of ETSI, or to raising its reputation in
specific sectors of standardization. Meet our 2021 new Fellows!

                                          Management to request the use of radio     technical contributions in the late 1990s to
Dr. Gabrielle                             spectrum.                                  the promotion of OFDM-technology for

Owen                                      She strengthened internal cooperation
                                                                                     broadband wireless LANs and MANs.
                                          between the ETSI radio groups as well as   Furthermore, he established a close
Coordinator Engineering for Spectrum
                                          the external cooperation with CEPT/ECC.    cooperation between ETSI and IEEE 802
Management, Radiocommunications
                                          Gabrielle Owen became a member of the      wireless working groups (.11 and .16) in
Agency NL, Ministry of Economic Affairs
                                          ETSI Board in 2017 and served as Vice      his capacity as the ETSI BRAN chairman,
and Climate.­­­­
                                          Chair of the ETSI Board from September     and was the key driver behind the global
                Dr. Gabrielle Owen        2018 to December 2020.                     harmonization of OFDM technologies for
                joined     the     ETSI
                                                                                     broadband wireless LANs and MANs.
                Technical    Committee
                Electromagnetic           Dr. Jamshid                                From 2003 to 2010, Jamshid represented
                Compatibility and Radio
                Matters (TC ERM) in
                                          Khun-Jush                                  his company in 3GPP WG RAN4 and was
                                                                                     a key contributor to the standardization
                2002 and was the Chair    Vice President, Technical Standards,       of RF performance requirements for
of TC ERM as well as the Operational      Qualcomm CDMA Technologies GmbH.           UMTS and LTE. At the same time, he
Coordination Group R&TTE (OCG                             Since 1996, Jamshid        was an active member of ETSI MSG
R&TTE), from 2005-2013. More than 400                     has been a key member      TFES, where he contributed to the
deliverables were published during her                    of     several     ETSI    development of Harmonised European
chairmanship of TC ERM, including many                    Technical       Bodies,    Norms (HENs) for UMTS, cdma2000 and
Harmonized Standards under the                            Projects    and    Task    LTE. As the ETSI JTFER chair, Jamshid
European Directive for radio equipment                    Groups for broadband       led the ETSI activities respecting HENs
and dozens of ETSI System Reference                       and mobile radio access    for Reconfigurable Radio Systems as well
documents which were submitted to the     networks. As the chairman of ETSI TC       as for the preparation of related System
CEPT/ECC Working Group Frequency          BRAN physical layer group, he made key     Reference Documents.

18          ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
In addition to his ETSI Board                                                                He is mainly involved in acoustics,
membership since 2011, Jamshid has              Charles Brookson                             speech signal processing and its
made considerable contributions to the          Director, Zeata Security Ltd.                perceptual effects, QOS & QOE topics,
development of HENs for Radio LANs                                                           measurement technology and speech
                                                                 Charles Brookson OBE
in recent years as well as for Intelligent                                                   transmission quality.
                                                                 CEng FIET FRSA has
Transportation Systems and spectrum
                                                                 been      involved     in   He is active in ITU-T, ETSI, 3GPP, GCF,
sharing techniques for such systems in
                                                                 Security since the late     IEEE, TIA, CTIA, DKE and VDA. In ITU, he
5.9 GHz.
                                                                 1970s and has been          chaired the ITU-T focus group CarCom.
                                                                 promoting            and    He is Rapporteur for various questions
Nurit Sprecher                                                   participating in Security   in ITU-T SG12. He was rapporteur for a
                                                                                             variety of work items in ETSI, he is vice
Head of Management, Virtualization              in ETSI from the start. He was involved in
                                                the early days of GSM and Chaired the        chair of ETSI technical committee STQ
& Application Enablement
                                                Algorithm Expert Group and was involved      and was chair of STQ from 2016 – 2020.
Standardization, Nokia.
                                                in security CEPT and SMG10 security.
                                                                                             He has authored more than 150 scientific
                   Nurit initiated and led
                                                Within ETSI he helped set up TC SEC,         papers and holds five patents. He is
                   the industry effort to set
                                                and when it closed in 2002, helped set       member of ASA, IEEE, VDE and DEGA
                   up the ETSI ISG MEC
                                                up TC LI and became Chairman of OCG          where he was chair of the “Speech
                   and          successfully
                                                Security to coordinate security within       Communication” committee.
                   positioned the MEC
                   technology as a key
                   building     block    and    In 2006 he started the first ETSI Security   Anthony Wiles
enabler for 5G, IoT and mission-critical,       Workshop, which still continues today,       Former ETSI CTI Director.
vertical solutions. Nurit worked to             and helped produce the first Security
establish strong collaboration across the       White paper.                                                 Anthony joined the ETSI
industry to ensure the leverage of the                                                                       staff in 1995. His firm
                                                Charles initiated the Board process to
MEC work. She has driven a powerful                                                                          belief in the importance
                                                launch TC CYBER in 2014, and was the
industry effort with members and officials                                                                   of the technical quality
                                                first Chair for four years, and Vice Chair
of the ETSI MEC and 3GPP SA6 groups                                                                          of ETSI standards and
                                                for a further two years.
to create a synergic edge computing                                                                          the need for state-of-
architecture,     to      avoid     industry    He continues to participate in Security                      the-art approaches to
fragmentation and to accelerate time-to-        initiatives, meetings and Workshops.         standards development and testing
market.                                                                                      guided his whole career at the Institute.
Playing an instrumental role in the             Dr.-Ing. Hans                                Anthony was deeply involved in the
creation of the ETSI ISG ZSM, she has
worked to strengthen cooperation with           Wilhelm Gierlich                             development of the widely used testing
                                                                                             methodology ISO/IEC 9646. He was leader
the relevant standards bodies and open-         Managing Director Telecom Division,          of the TC MTS Specialist Task Force that
source projects to promote alignment,           HEAD acoustics GmbH, Germany.
                                                                                             developed the test specification language
leverage synergies and ensure that end-
                                                                Dr.-Ing. H. W. Gierlich      TTCN-3, which became the cornerstone
to-end AI-empowered automation can be
                                                                started his professional     of 3GPP RAN5 UE conformance testing.
efficiently achieved.
                                                                career in 1983 at the
                                                                                             As Director of ETSI’s Centre for Testing
Nurit has spent many years working as an                        Institute            for
                                                                                             and Interoperability, Anthony ensured
expert system architect and technologist,                       Communication
defining the carrier-grade network and                                                       the team adapted its support to widely
                                                                Engineering at RWTH,
service architecture evolution. She                                                          diverse standards making activities, as
                                                                Aachen. In February
contributed to many projects carried out                                                     demonstrated by the many ETSI groups
                                                1988 he received a Ph. D. in electrical
in IETF, ITU-T SG15, IEEE and BBF and                                                        that include interoperability testing
                                                engineering. In 1989 he joined HEAD
has participated in core discussions on                                                      (Plugtests™) as an integral step in their
                                                acoustics GmbH in Aachen as Vice
the Next Generation Network with Tier-1                                                      standards development.
                                                President. From 1999 to 2014 he was
carriers and several governments.
                                                head of the HEAD acoustics telecom           His legacy is an ETSI Secretariat
Nurit is a distinguished member of the          division. Since 2014 he has been             resource that is unique in the world of
Nokia technical committee.                      Managing Director at HEAD acoustics.         standardization.

                                                                                                     ENJOY THE ETSI MAG           19
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