GST/HST on Platform-based Short-Term Accommodation - January 2021 - Hotel Association of ...

Page created by Wade Fields
GST/HST on Platform-based
Short-Term Accommodation

January 2021

The Hotel Association of              by strict health & safety stan-
Canada commends the federal           dards, and continue to work
government for addressing a           with public health authorities to
glaring inequity in the applica-      provide quarantine facilities and
tion of sales tax in the digital      shelter vulnerable Canadians.
accommodation sector. We
strongly support the measures         It is rare in the world of tax
included in the 2020 Fall Eco-        policy to accomplish three often
nomic Statement and offer             competing objectives: enhance
minor suggestions for improve-        the fairness and equity in the
ment.                                 tax system; raise additional tax
                                      revenue; and achieve unanimity
In the face of a global health        among major political parties.
pandemic, a level playing field
is needed now more than ever.         Canadians also support the
Short-term rentals are unregu-        concept of fairness. According
lated digital accommodations          to a recent poll, close to 80% of
businesses that do not pay tax,       Canadians think that E-com-
do not follow regional health &       merce companies should be
safety standards, do not have         subject to Canadian taxes for
contact tracing protocols in          business carried out in Canada.
place and contribute to a loss
of housing, community                 Creating a level playing field for
nuisance and higher rental            the short-term rental industry
rates. This is in stark contrast to   respects not only basic princi-
hotels, which are legitimate          ples of sales tax policy but it will
regulated accommodations              also provide incentives to invest
businesses that respect mass          in an industry that typically
gathering limits, pay corporate       employs over 300,000 Canadians.
income tax and sales tax, abide

Key Recommendations

1.   Similar to the rules in place for taxi and ride-sharing
services, sales tax on short-term rental accommodations
should be universal and apply at dollar one. Therefore, there
should be no exemption for accommodations at less than
$20.00 per night. Eliminating exemptions reduces the
potential for loopholes and minimizes compliance costs. We
recommend the government implement a Quick Method of
Accounting for short-term accommodation providers.

2.   All efforts should be made to establish a national, harmo-
nious sales tax system for the accommodation sector with
minimal provincial variations. Beyond rate differentials
between Ontario and Atlantic provinces, this includes achiev-
ing a coordinated and functional system that encompasses
all provinces.

3.   To promote tax compliance, in addition to platform opera-
tors assisting the CRA by sharing information on property
owners, t this information should also be provided to hosts in
the form of an annual tax information slip.

4.   The exemption to exclude websites that allows vendors to
list their properties for short-term rental needs to be carefully
monitored to ensure that it does not allow the intent of the
amendments to be circumvented by digital operators.

promote compliance. The tax
       Income Tax                        information slips that are refer-
       Measures                          enced above would be a good
                                         first step.
       While the significant
       improvements in establish-        There is also an issue around the
       ing equity in sales tax is        deductibility of expenses for
       highly commended, there           accommodation providers. For
       remains the issue of income       example, tax advisors suggest
       tax. This is concerning for       that expenses for a property are
       both the platform operators       deductible for any period when a
       and the hosts of short-term       home or room is “available” for
       rental accommodation.             rent. In other words, if a home is
                                         available for 6 months of the year
       The current corporate             but is only rented for one month,
       income tax system is simply       the property owner would deduct
       not designed to deal with         50% of the annual interest costs.
       platform companies that           That would remain the case even
       operate digitally and with-       though the homeowner may still
out a permanent establishment in         be enjoying full use of the proper-
Canada. The shift from a tax on          ty. Such an interpretation is
corporate income towards a tax on        beyond generous to the home-
revenue that is currently being          owner and difficult to audit. An
enacted by many developed coun-          income tax information tax bulle-
tries as a surrogate measure is the      tin would help to provide clarity
obvious policy solution. It is simple,   over the allowability of such
effective and cannot be avoided.         expenses.
We recommend that Canada
adopt a similar approach.

For providers of short-term accom-
modations there exists much
confusion in how income tax
applies. While the legislation is
clear that there is no exemption
from income tax, we recommend
that an education and enforce-
ment campaign be initiated to

The Reason Action
is Needed Now                                 $2.8 billion
                                              in revenue generated
                                              by short-term rentals
According to Statistics Canada,               in Canada in 2018
short-term rental providers oper-
ating in Canada generated an
estimated $2.8 billion in revenue
in 2018. Companies like Airbnb                US$100 billion
have been operating offshore and              Airbnb is valued in
have cleverly avoided corporate               excess of
income tax and charging sales tax
since their inception. This con-
trasts with Canadian hotels, with
over 300,000 employees in                     25%
Canada, who operate at a com-                 of Airbnb hosts are
petitive disadvantage because                 multi-unit hosts
they charge and remit sales tax
and are assessed and pay corpo-
rate income tax.                              83%
                                              of Airbnb’s revenue in
While Airbnb began as a simple
                                              Canada is generated by
home-sharing concept with a
                                              entire-home rentals
website to rent three airbeds on a
living-room floor for participants
attending a San Francisco design
conference, it now operates in 191
                                              1 in 3
countries and has a company                   hosts rent their properties
value in excess of US$100 billion.            for more than

                                              90 days / year

Commercial            While there is little impact on a
                Operators             community’s housing stock when
                                      someone casually rents a room in
                                      their home, the outcome is differ-
                It is not just the    ent when investors and entrepre-
                digital platform
                giants that have      neurs remove units from a leasing
                grown. It did not     portfolio; or buy homes or condo-
                take long for savvy   miniums for the purposes of
                domestic operators    “home-sharing;” or worse, when
                to go well beyond     they evict long term tenants
                renting out rooms     because more money can be
                for occasional use.   made on the short-term rental
The trend has been to take entire     market. The bottom line is that
homes and residential units off the   fewer properties are available for
long-term rental market and           long-term accommodation.
convert them into hotel-like opera-
tions.                                The data shows that short-term
                                      rentals have morphed from
Today, multi-unit hosts represent     home-sharing into largely com-
approximately 25 per cent of the      mercial operations. During 2016,
short-term rental market as           multi-unit, entire-home rentals
aggressive entrepreneurs figured       were the fastest growing Airbnb
out a way to operate ghost hotels     segment in terms of number of
without having to invest in real      hosts, units and revenue generat-
estate or having to follow estab-     ed. Entire-home rentals comprised
lished health and safety regula-      83% of total Airbnb revenues in
tions. These commercial operators     Canada. Further, one out of every 3
also avoid many of the normal         Airbnb hosts rented out their
costs of doing business, including    properties for more than 90 days
paying taxes and other levies.        per year. This pool of rental units
                                      generated 71 per cent of Airbnb’s
True home-sharing has become          total Canadian revenue. Almost
increasingly rare. Today, the         50% of all Airbnb revenue last year
short-term rental industry has        was generated by commercial
infiltrated communities creating a     operators who manage multiple
host of problems for governments,     listings.
communities and homeowners to

Health and

                                                 The short-term rental
                                                 platforms take no direct
                                                 responsibility for the health
                                                 and safety of their clients.
                                                 Most municipalities do not
                                                 require home inspections
                                                 and there is no assurance
                                                 with respect to fire, safety or
                                                 health standards. In con-
                                                 trast, regulated properties
                                                 such as hotels must adhere
                                                 to fire, health, and safety
                                                 standards and submit to
                                                 regular inspections. And this
                                                 is nothing to say of compli-
                                                 ance with accessibility
                                                 standards in Canada.


                            When residen-        Short-term renters do not
                                                 always respect the
                            tial homes are
                                                 home-owners’ property.
                            converted into
                                                 Stories regularly surface in
                            transient com-
                                                 the media that illustrate the
                            mercial opera-
                                                 risks involved when opening
                            tions, the charac-
                                                 your home to total strang-
                            ter of neighbor-
                                                 ers. Homes have been
                            hoods is
                                                 turned into locations for
changed in ways that were never contem-
                                                 massive raves, parties caus-
plated. Such a drastic rise in commercial
                                                 ing thousands of dollars in
activity in residential areas has created
                                                 damages, and even sex
nuisance and hazards like excessive noise,
insufficient parking, vandalism and criminal

                   GST/HST ON PLATFORM-BASED SHORT-TERM ACCOMMODATION             |   6
To date, this array of unintended       Governments around the world
consequences has flourished in           have begun to address issues of fair
part because our nation’s tax           taxation for digital giants, including
policies have effectively encour-       companies such as Airbnb and The
aged the growth of ghost hotels         Expedia Group, with its many
that have given them a competi-         subsidiaries. The issue has been
tive advantage.                         raised at the G7 and the OECD, but
                                        the establishment of a world-wide
By contrast, the licensed Canadian      consensus has been slow to devel-
hotel industry complies with sales      op. In the meantime, some coun-
and income tax laws and their           tries including France and Great
employees are covered under a full      Britain, have moved forward with
array of income and other supports      direct taxation on digital giants.
such as the Canada Pension Plan,        Similarly, two Canadian provincial
Employment Insurance, and Work-         governments and various munici-
ers’ Compensation. Any mandatory        pal governments have begun to
tourism or destination fees are also    collect revenues and fees from the
contributed to support regional         short-term rental industry.
marketing campaigns. These fees
are used to attract visitors, many of   Thankfully, as announced in the
whom end up using short-term            2020 Fall Economic Statement, the
rental platforms.                       Government of Canada has chosen
                                        to address some of the tax inequi-
The hotel and accommodation             ties to end the discrimination
industry pays business and proper-      against Canadian hotel operations.
ty taxes at the commercial rate.        The proposed changes also support
According to the 2017 Altus Group       other important tax principles such
Canadian Property Tax Rate Bench-       as tax harmony (across the federal
mark Report, commercial opera-          and provincial government) as well
tors pay on average almost three        as simplicity, transparency and the
times the level of property tax that    lowering of compliance costs. The
is imposed on a residential ratepay-    changes will not only address
er. This gives a powerful incentive     forgone tax revenues but promote
for short-term rental operators to      economic growth and investment
stay in the underground economy.        in the hotel industry.

                      GST/HST ON PLATFORM-BASED SHORT-TERM ACCOMMODATION         |   7
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