Guide for purpose-driven organisations - Atlassian Foundation

Page created by David Cohen
Guide for purpose-driven organisations - Atlassian Foundation
Guide for purpose-driven organisations
Guide for purpose-driven organisations - Atlassian Foundation

    Engage 4 Good is an Atlassian
   Foundation program connecting
   employees with purpose-driven
organisations to collaborate on skilled
 projects, increase their capacity and
    capability, and leverage digital
Guide for purpose-driven organisations - Atlassian Foundation
4 - Eligibility criteria
           5 - Volunteer skills
           6 - Project examples
           9 - Atlassian products & licenses
Contents   11 - Impact
           16 - How to apply
           23 - Application form
           24 - Contact
Guide for purpose-driven organisations - Atlassian Foundation
Purpose-driven organisations

Our mission is to help unleash
the potential of every purpose-
driven team.
Eligible purpose-driven organisations                 Engage 4 Good is open to organisations of
include:                                              all sizes, across all geographies, addressing
•   Registered charities that are non-                all causes.
    government, non-commercial, non-                  Organisations do not need to be an
    political. Charities with religious affiliations   Atlassian customer, nor do projects need to
    must serve the broader community to be            relate to our products.
    eligible.                                         If you are unsure your eligibility, please
•   Certified social enterprises e.g. B Corps          contact
•   Not-for-profit or for-profit organisations
    that have a clearly articulated social or
    environmental purpose that is their core
•   Education or academic institutions
Guide for purpose-driven organisations - Atlassian Foundation
MOST COMMON                      MOST COMMON
                                             TECH SKILLS                      BUSINESS SKILLS
                                             1.    Agile methodology          1.    Teamwork and
                                             2.    Back-end software                collaboration
                                                   development                2.    Project management
                                             3.    Software design            3.    Design thinking
                                             4.    Continuous integration /   4.    Documentation
                                                   continuous deployment      5.    Communications
We are a technology company                  5.    Product management         6.    Program management
with over 8,000 employees                    6.    Full-stack software        7.    Operations
                                                   development                8.    Strategic planning
globally with a wide range of                7.    Systems design and         9.    Customer service
                                                   implementation             10.   Business Planning
skillsets and experiences.                   8.    Website development        11.   Event management
                                             9.    Continuous process         12.   Business Development
                                                   improvement                13.   Copywriting
                                             10.   Data analysis              14.   Customer Research
As well as brilliant engineers and
                                             11.   Front-end software         15.   Marketing
developers, we have large functional teams         development                16.   Remote Ways of
such as marketing and people, and many       12.   App development                  Working
teams dedicated to customer experience       13.   IT strategy                17.   Workplace culture
                                             14.   Automation                 18.   Customer Relationship
and strategy.                                15.   Product development              Management
                                             16.   IT support                 19.   Stakeholder
                                             17.   DevOps                           engagement
                                             18.   Reporting Dashboards       20.   Social media
                                             19.   Content design
                                             20.   Website design
Guide for purpose-driven organisations - Atlassian Foundation
problem will
 we tackle
Guide for purpose-driven organisations - Atlassian Foundation
Common problems

Server issues                Managing projects               Dull campaigns             A lousy website
Migrate to cloud and avoid   in spreadsheets                 Develop an exciting        Improve the functionality
outages and storage          Set up a project workflow       marketing or fundraising   of part of your website to
issues                       in Jira or Trello and deliver   campaign with some new     increase community and
                             impact more effectively         perspectives               donor engagement

Disorganised                 Databases that                  Fear of data               You tell us
documentation                don’t communicate               breaches                   What are the tech or
Create pages in              Share your database             Get advice on how to       general problems you
Confluence that contain      issues with our teams and       ensure your data and       have that limit your
everything your teams        improve integration and         systems are secure         potential to create impact?
need to know to deliver      utility
Guide for purpose-driven organisations - Atlassian Foundation
Project examples (12-week)

    Watch videos of past projects.

    Tech roadmaps                        Bug fixes
    •   Discovering pain points          •   Diagnosing problems with existing
    •   Assessing current solutions          platforms or applications
    •   Creating a plan for 1-3 years    •   Recommending solutions
                                         •   Supporting implementation

    Automating a process                 Design
    •   Mapping a current process        •   Understanding requirements
    •   Designing an improved process    •   Creating designs
    •   Developing algorithms            •   Suggestions for development
    •   Implementation and integration
Guide for purpose-driven organisations - Atlassian Foundation
Unleash the potential of teams with our products

Learn about Trello,
Confluence, Jira Work
Management, Jira Software,
and Jira Service Management
to see if they could be useful
tools for your organisation.

Engage 4 Good partners do not need to be
an Atlassian customer, nor do projects need
to relate to our products.
Guide for purpose-driven organisations - Atlassian Foundation
Get 75% off with community licenses

Registered charitable non-profit
organizations* are eligible for discounted
community cloud licenses at 75% off the list
price for the following products:
•   Trello
•   Confluence
•   Jira Work Management
•   Jira Software
•   Jira Service Management
Free cloud licenses allow 10 Users (or 10
boards for Trello), 2GB of storage, and
Community Support.

*Organisations must be non-government, non-academic, non-
commercial in nature, non-political, and have no religious affiliation
                                     impact will
                                      we make?
See how we helped Black Duck Foods
Save time and money

On average, each Engage 4                                                         “Thank you so much for
Good project in FY21 saved                                                        allowing us to be a part of the
organisations $5,000 on                                                           Engage 4 Good program. We
skilled resources*.                                                               have already made more sales
                                                                                  through the new website than
Organisations increased efficiency by                                              we had made in the first fourth
leveraging the most suitable digital
technologies and implementing more                                                months of this year.”
effective processes and systems.
                                                                                 Sally Hetherington OAM, Founder, Human
                                                                                 and Hope Association

*The Taproot Foundation estimates the average value of pro bono or skilled volunteering to be $195 per hour.
The Engage4Good program was a game-
changer for us. We were floundering around
with creating task workflows for our
neurodiverse staff and the Atlassian team
helped us understand Confluence and co-
design an awesome workflow portal. We
involved some of our autistic analysts in the
Now we can train the team quicker, do
Quality Assurance better and show off our
modified workflows to our clients. Camillo,
Sarah and Danny are not only guns*, but
very sweet people.

Geoff Smith
General Manager, Australian Spatial Analytics

*”Guns”- Australian slang for highly skilled / competent people
Build capacity

We estimate that 120                          “As the CEO, I have a greater
employees from purpose-                       degree of confidence that we
driven organisations were up-                 have a more objective
skilled in technology and                     framework in place to ensure a
business skills in Engage 4                   more consistent approach to
Good FY21.                                    people management.”

Increasing the capacity and capability of     Lisa Grinham, CEO, Good2Give
teams is at the core of this program. Other
outcomes include better collaboration, new
ways of working and engagement in digital
transformation projects.
Increase reach and impact

95% of organisations who                      “Growth in our member
completed projects agreed                     numbers and engagement of
that Engage 4 Good had a                      members will mean we engage
meaningful impact.                            more kids in action-based
                                              sustainability education,
While skilled volunteering projects rarely    changing attitudes, behaviours
work directly with the communities that       and preparedness to take action
organisations serve, we hope that the         on issues kids care about.”
project outcomes help you better achieve
your mission and fulfil your purpose.
                                             Naomi Nicholas, Partnership Manager, Cool
How to
Consider the program timeline

                    Volunteers join projects
Organisation        and contact organisation
submit projects     Unsuccessful applicants notified      Project delivery

10 Jan - 30 Jan     7 Feb - 28 Feb                        28 Feb - 20 May

            31 Jan - 4 Feb                         28 Feb - 10 Mar           23 May - 23 June
            Foundation                             Project kick-off          Project showcase
            assesses and                           meetings                  and evaluation
Define your problem

The application is designed to
                                 Choose ONE important problem to solve. Run this
show us how well you             Prioritisation Play with your team to identify the most
understand your problem, how     important problems.

big the problem is, how ready    Understand the problem.
                                 You will need a concise problem statement for your
you are to collaborate on a      application. Run this Problem Framing Play as a
project and how solving this     team to deeply understand your problem. Is the
                                 actual problem what you originally thought? Is it a
problem will unleash the         technology problem, a business problem, or a
potential of your teams.         people problem?
                                 Break it down.
                                 We have 12 weeks to collaborate on a solution.
                                 Realistically, each volunteer can commit between 1
                                 and 4 hours a week alongside their day job. For
                                 example, we may not be able to build you a new
                                 system but could we analyse existing systems, and
                                 plan out a technology roadmap for the next year?
Understand where you are now

                                                               Problem space                                    Solution space
Whether you have a
technology or a business                                          n c e           nv
                                                                                    er                         n c e
                                                             ge                                           ge                         ge
problem, identifying the right                       D i ver                                nc
                                                                                                  D i ver                                 nc
problem to solve is just as
important as designing the                                   Discover     Define                           Develop        Deliver

right solution.

Different Atlassian teams are skilled to
support you in different phases, so                You may be in this phase if you:
understanding where your organisation is at
will help us to assess the project’s feasibility   Are yet to gather      Have information         Know the              Have ideas but
                                                   information            but are unsure           problem but are       are unsure on
and find the right volunteers. We believe           about the              on the right             unsure on how         the right solution
that supporting you with defining problems          problem                problem to solve         to solve it
and exploring solutions is just as valuable
as implementing them.
Decide where we can add value

     Discover                    Define                    Develop                   Deliver
   How might we better       How might we narrow       How might we ideate      How might we gather
understand the community   down on the problems to      solutions to a well-     data on an existing
    you serve and their      focus on? Could this    defined problem? Could       solution and make
  problems? We have a       inform a technology or   volunteers design a new    recommendations for
 whole team dedicated to      business strategy?      experience or support     improvements? What
  research and insights.                             development of a new or   tools could be useful to
                                                        existing platform?        measure impact?
Read the collaboration agreement

Letter of engagement and
Terms and Conditions
This agreement describes the arrangement
between the Atlassian Foundation, you and
the Volunteer(s) in relation to the skilled
volunteering projects and our joint
commitment to make this a positive and
rewarding experience for everyone.

Please read it before applying. A copy will
be sent to successful organisations for
Manage expectations

Applications will be assessed                    Know an Atlassian?
on potential impact, problem                     If you already are connected with an Atlassian
clarity, feasibility and skill                   who has the skills to help you with your
                                                 problem, you are welcome to request support
                                                 directly. Those projects can receive the same
If the Foundation requires more information      experience as other Engage 4 Good projects.
about your application, we may set up a
casual interview to find out more.               However, there are a number of reasons they
                                                 may decline the opportunity - please respect
Once your project is accepted, it will be        their decision.
made available to Atlassian volunteers to
join. Please note, we can’t guarantee that all
projects will be taken on by volunteers.

We will notify all organisations with the
outcome of their application.
Prepare your application

Applications close 11.59pm
Sunday 30 January 2022 Pacific
Daylight Time (4.49pm 31
January AEDT).
                                    Apply here
Each organisation can only submit
ONE application per round.
Copy this Google Doc template to
draft your application.
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