Guide to Handle Expense Fraud - A straightforward guide that covers what expense fraud is, what it costs to the companies, whether you should be ...

Page created by Maurice Sanchez
Guide to Handle Expense Fraud - A straightforward guide that covers what expense fraud is, what it costs to the companies, whether you should be ...
Guide to Handle
Expense Fraud
A straightforward guide that
covers what expense fraud is,
what it costs to the companies,
whether you should be
concerned, and what you
can do about it.
Guide to Handle Expense Fraud - A straightforward guide that covers what expense fraud is, what it costs to the companies, whether you should be ...
                                    1.   Introduction                        03   4.   Preventing Expense Fraud                      17
                                                                                  •    Preparing your company
                                    2.   Expense fraud                       05   •    The importance of compliance
                                    •    What is expense fraud?                   •    Organizational culture and policy
                                    •    Why do employees tamper expenses?        •    How to write and publish an expense policy?
                                    •    What impact does expense fraud           •    Expense policy tips
                                         have on a company?                       •    How automated expense management could help?

                                    3.   Dealing with Fraud                  11   5.   Conclusion                                    27
                                    •    Recognizing red flags                    •    Expense Fraud Checklist
                                    •    What to do if you suspect fraud?
                                    •    Managing employees and fraud

1 | Guide to Handle Expense Fraud                                                                                                         Guide to Handle Expense Fraud | 2
Guide to Handle Expense Fraud - A straightforward guide that covers what expense fraud is, what it costs to the companies, whether you should be ...
                                    As the economy continues to falter, your organization, like many others, may find
                                    itself more susceptible to fraud. While it is considered by some as simply ‘padding out
                                    the expense report’, expense fraud is a crime that affects organizations large and small
                                    with significant financial implications. It is estimated that Asia Pacific organizations
                                    lose approximately 5% of their revenues to fraud, according to the Association of
                                    Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) Report to the Nation on Occupational Fraud
                                    and Abuse1.

                                    Expense report fraud actually accounts for 15%2 of all reported occupational fraud
                                    (other scams include corruption, financial reports, billing, accounting, etc.). And
                                    all types of industries experience fraud, from banking and financial to technology,
                                    manufacturing, government, non-profit, education and healthcare. In other words: it
                                    can happen in any company.

                                    Because of the potential consequences, failure to implement fraud safeguards could
                                    jeopardize your business. Keeping your organization safe from fraud demands strong
                                    policies and a culture of compliance and honesty. Whether you’re a multinational
                                    corporation or a small business, you can fall victim to expense reimbursement fraud.

                                    We have provided expense management solution to organizations around the
                                    world. Over the years, we have learnt a lot about human nature, expenses and
                                    the environment in which they are incurred and claimed. For most organizations
                                    expense fraud isn’t something to worry about, but the reality is that it does take
                                    place occasionally.

                                    This e-book is designed to help you better understand expense fraud and the
                                    possible implications on you and your organization. It also provides some practical
                                    solutions to help prevent fraud. Whether it’s the red flags you should look for or tips
                                    for communicating with employees, we hope this resource will help you and your
                                    organization effectively plan for or deal with expense fraud.

3 | Guide to Handle Expense Fraud                                                                                        Guide to Handle Expense Fraud | 4
Guide to Handle Expense Fraud - A straightforward guide that covers what expense fraud is, what it costs to the companies, whether you should be ...
EXPENSE        What is expense fraud?			                           07

                                    Why do employees tamper expenses?		                08

                                    What impact does expense
                                    fraud have on a company?			                        08

5 | Guide to Handle Expense Fraud                                    Guide to Handle Expense Fraud | 6
Guide to Handle Expense Fraud - A straightforward guide that covers what expense fraud is, what it costs to the companies, whether you should be ...
What is expense fraud?                             “Below the Line”expenses              may involve creating and claiming
                                                                                         fictitious bills or even reclaiming
                                                                                                                                 “One in seven
                                                   In an effort to reduce the number
Piles of receipts and the process of manually      of receipts that employees            old bills. Since buying a receipt
filing expenses are sure to be an erroneous                                              book or creating receipts online
task for any organization. Most of the time
                                                   have to keep track of, many
                                                   organizations have identified         is such a simple task, employees        frauds is now
these errors are harmless mistakes, but
                                                   a minimum expense threshold           will often find creative ways to
occasionally there is a more malicious intent      before a receipt is required for      cover the expenses; often coding

                                                                                                                                 by chance”
behind it.                                         reimbursement. While reducing         them to departments or line
                                                   paper, this threshold opens a         items that are running below
Finance departments are well aware that
                                                                                         budget so the charges are not
human error is a common factor in expense          window of opportunity for the                                                 – KPMG Survey 2011
                                                   simplest form of fraud; false         detected as out of the ordinary.
reporting. In fact, it is often this awareness
that prompts them to prevent it by enforcing       expense reports with charges of
                                                                                         Changing travel
expense policies, requiring receipts and           less than the identified threshold.
                                                                                         A travel policy will often
auditing expense records for irregularities        Overstating charges                   determine the class of travel         resulting in a reimbursement
and missteps.                                                                            appropriate for organizations.        from their company as well.
                                                   Inflating the amount on a receipt
Human errors, by their nature, are more            is an easy way to claim a few         For travelers who are allowed,        Not submitting receipts
easily detectable than fraudulent expense          extra dollars.                        by policy, to purchase premium
                                                                                                                               Strict business practice and
activity. The issue of fraud arises when the                                             class flights, there is the ability
                                                   With receipts for cash items,                                               statutory requirement in some
boundary is crossed between honest mistakes                                              to downgrade at the counter or
                                                   particularly meals and taxis,                                               countries say that relevant
and deliberate attempts to circumvent rules.                                             directly through the airline and
                                                   often consisting of a handwritten                                           records, like receipts, should be
Fraud is a type of criminal activity, defined as                                         get reimbursed for the difference,
                                                   slip that is easy to alter or even                                          provided to support any expenses
intentional deception to obtain an advantage,                                            or use the difference to purchase
                                                   completed by the traveler;                                                  paid to employees. Unfortunately
avoid an obligation or cause loss to another                                             a ticket for a companion.
                                                   overstating charges has become                                              some employees intentionally
person or company. While expense fraud                                                   Some employees even claim             lose receipts (often when one
                                                   an easy way to exploit the
is only a small sub-category of fraud, the                                               for flights they haven’t actually     actually never existed in the first
                                                   expense system. Overstating
potential cost to a business in both time and                                            traveled on. Flexible flights or      place) in an attempt to claim
                                                   charges by paying for a personal
money is significant.                                                                    train tickets are booked and can      additional expenses – particularly
                                                   guest on the company account
                                                   is also a common trick used in        be cancelled in advance of the        if their manager is generous, or
While expense fraud may take many shapes,
                                                   submitting fraudulent expenses.       trip. This would therefore involve    turns a blind eye.
there are five key forms that regularly appear
in organizations; below the line expenses,                                               a refund by the travel provider,
                                                   Claiming fictitious bills or                                                These, and other, more innovative
overstating charges, claiming fictitious bills                                           however cunning travelers still
                                                   reclaiming bills                                                            fraud tactics, are commonly
or reclaiming bills, changing travel and not                                             claim it as an expense that
                                                                                                                               occurring in many organizations.
submitting receipts.                               Creative accounting by employees      went through their credit card,

7 | Guide to Handle Expense Fraud                                                                                                     Guide to Handle Expense Fraud | 8
Guide to Handle Expense Fraud - A straightforward guide that covers what expense fraud is, what it costs to the companies, whether you should be ...
Why do employees                                      While motivations to commit fraud may be                 Abuse, the typical organization
                                                      personal, the consequences are impacting                 in Asia Pacific loses 5% of its
tamper expenses?                                      organizations financially. By raising awareness of       annual revenue to fraud. It is
                                                      how expense fraud could happen, organizations can        likely that most of incidents are
Whether it is exaggerating claims, adding a couple
                                                      proactively take the first step to prevent it.           small, however a couple of dollars
of dollars or adding non-business related items to
                                                                                                               here or there soon adds up. The
a claim, tampering expenses is more common than
                                                                                                               study found that the median loss
most would expect.                                    What impact does expense                                 caused by the Asia-Pacific cases
A global study by KPMG found that the                 fraud have on a company?                                 of fraud was US$300,000. More
biggest driver in committing expense fraud is                                                                  concerning is that Asia Pacific
                                                      There are two schools of thought about ‘tampering
usually the desire for personal gain3. Whether                                                                 experienced significantly higher
                                                      expenses’. On one hand it is seen as relatively
it is supplementing a salary considered to be                                                                  losses than the global median of
                                                      harmless, or even a kind of business perk. The
insufficient, changes in personal circumstances,                                                               US $160,0004.
                                                      justifications range from “it’s only a few dollars
financial worries or job dissatisfaction; the
                                                      and the business can afford it” to “everyone does
desire for personal gain can push normally                                                                     The cost of tampering expenses
                                                      it”. Nevertheless, expense fraud is dishonest and
responsible individuals to do things they usually                                                              can have repercussions that go
                                                      sometimes even illegal. It is a touchy subject that
wouldn’t consider.                                                                                             far beyond the balance sheet.
                                                      can cause anger and distrust.
                                                                                                               Fraud can affect company
Organizations are often left confused at the
                                                      Whether you see it as harmless tampering or              morale and is considered a
individuals committing fraud. Whether it is expense
                                                      a serious breach of ethics, expense fraud can            serious workplace crime by some
tampering or something involving much larger
                                                      unfortunately be a reality for individuals within both   employees. According to Ernst
sums, the people involved in fraudulent activities
                                                      small and large organizations.                           & Young’s Fraud Investigation
are not always greedy or deceitful by nature. Most
                                                                                                               & Disputes Services team:
fraudsters work within companies for several years
                                                      According to the Asia-Pacific Edition of the 2010        “employees consider tampering
without committing fraud.
                                                      Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud &            expenses as more serious than
                                                                                                               stealing physical company
                                                                                                               property (20%), drinking during
                                                                                                               work (13%) and breaching
                                                                                                               licensing arrangements (10%).”

9 | Guide to Handle Expense Fraud                                                                                                                   Guide to Handle Expense Fraud | 10
Guide to Handle Expense Fraud - A straightforward guide that covers what expense fraud is, what it costs to the companies, whether you should be ...
                                     Recognizing red flags              13

                                     What to do if you suspect fraud?   13

                                     Managing employees and fraud       15

11 | Guide to Handle Expense Fraud                                           Guide to Handle Expense Fraud | 12
Recognizing red flags                                   When the owner looked back at previous expense
                                                        reports, she discovered that the employee had
                                                                                                                 Finding expense report fraud is likely to
                                                                                                                 be upsetting. Maintaining open lines of
                                                                                                                                                                        Once an employee has been shown to commit
                                                                                                                                                                        genuine fraud, it is important to take decisive
It may be an uneasy feeling that something              been claiming this mileage reimbursement for two         communication, keeping clear expense-policy            action – not only to show that justice has been
isn’t quite right. Perhaps a business traveler is       years, accumulating a small but convenient extra         guidelines, and operating under the belief that        done, but also to define acceptable behavior for
submitting a few more receipts than normal,             sum each month. The owner gave the employee              employees really are trying to do their best for the   the rest of the company.
perhaps the amounts are a bit higher, or maybe          two choices: either pay back the money or leave the      company will reduce the stress.
they are submitting claims a little more frequently     company. The employee returned the money and
than usual.                                             apologized. However, the trust between them had
                                                        disappeared and the employee left a year later.
A KPMG analysis of global patterns of fraud calls
these feelings or situations red flags. “A red flag”,   Once an instance of fraud has come to your
they say, “is an event or set of circumstances that     attention, you might be asking yourself, “What
ought to alert an entity to the presence of risk.”5     should I do now?” Initially, you need to determine if
Many frauds are exposed by formal or informal           it was simply an honest slip or an attempt to defraud
tip offs or whistleblowing. In fact, Association of     the company. If you’re thinking: “I’m sure it was just
Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) found that the         a mistake. This employee wouldn’t do this to the
most common fraud detection method in Asia-             company.” then you’re probably right. But before you
Pacific was the ‘tip off’, accounting for 43% of all    contact the employee to get a better understanding
fraud studied6.                                         of the charge in question, do your research.

ACFE found that the cases of fraud generally            Do you see other types of suspicious activity on
continued for an average of 12 months7 before they      past expense reports? If not, then it’s probably
were formally detected. In most cases, those who        exactly as you first thought – it’s an innocent error.
exposed the fraud either paid attention to red flags    Call or email the employee and explain what you’ve
or uncovered fraud by accident.                         found. The expense could have been misclassified;
                                                        it could have been personal, or it could have been
Nevertheless, it’s very likely that many known          a data-entry error. It’s always good to start by
instances have gone and continue to go unreported.      giving people the benefit of the doubt, before you
Whatever the red flag, trust your instinct and          unnecessarily risk upsetting the employee, or worse,
investigate further.                                    causing a serious incident without proof.

What to do if you suspect fraud                         However, if you are certain that their behavior
                                                        does indeed violate a clearly defined expense policy,
Recently, we heard a story from a small business        or if the reports or receipts appear to be altered or
owner who noticed that an employee was claiming         manufactured, then consult your human resources
20 miles to travel a distance that the owner knew       department. They will need documentation
was really a 4-mile journey from the office.            and proof so they can address the issue with
                                                        the employee.

13 | Guide to Handle Expense Fraud                                                                                                                                                               Guide to Handle Expense Fraud | 14
Managing employees and fraud                                                                     After you’ve weighed the significance of each of these
                                                                                                 factors on your business, you’ll need to address the
No matter how great or small the offense is, one thing’s for sure: you                           issue with the employee in question. Before you do,
need to deal with it. Whether you work for a small business and act                              remember the following:
as your own human resources department, or you are part of a large
organization with access to experts who will support you in such                                   •   Prepare. Before you meet with the employee, determine the
matters, you have to figure out how to approach the employee in                                        objective of your conversation. You may want to jot down notes
question and handle the situation.                                                                     of things you want to discuss.
                                                                            Whatever the           •   Set expectations. When the employee sits down, clearly explain
Before you make a decision on the appropriate action, you’ll need to        motivation, people         to him or her why you’re meeting. Use opening statements
weigh a handful of things. Here are a few factors to consider:
                                                                            do occasionally            like, “I’ve found some questionable expenses in your last five
  •    Severity. How much money in fraudulent claims was there? A few                                  expense reports. I’d like to use today to better understand
                                                                            submit dishonest           the pattern.”
       hundred dollars? Or thousands of dollars?
                                                                            expense reports.       •   Listen. Give the employee a chance to share his/her side of the
  •    Duration. How long has the employee been filing fraudulent
       expense reports? Is it a one-time occurrence? Or has it been                                    story. Be direct. Reiterate your company’s values and tolerance
       going on for months or maybe even years?                                                        level for instances of fraud.

  •    Performance. What’s the employee’s performance level–                                       •   State the facts. Do not share your opinions or accuse the
       exceeding or not meeting expectations? Could the fraud be a                                     employee of fraud. Rather, keep your conversation to the point
       result of low morale?                                                                           and fact-based only.

  •    Impact. If you fired the employee, how quickly can you replace                              •   Action.Share with the employee next steps and how you plan to
       him/her? How important is the employee’s role in your                                           handle the instances of fraud. Again, be direct and to the point.
       organization? Would not having that person in that role negatively                          •   Document. After your conversation, document everything
       impact the growth and success of your business?                                                 discussed. This will be necessary if you need to take legal action.
  •    Trust. Can you move past the fact that your employee submitted
                                                                                                 Whether you decide to fire the employee, take legal action or simply
       fraudulent expense reports? Will you be able to trust him/her to
                                                                                                 have the employee reimburse the company, be assured what you’re
       manage future projects?
                                                                                                 doing is what’s best for your business.
The answers to some of these factors may have more significance
than others. For instance, in some organizations, the impact of losing
the employee may outweigh the severity of the offense. In others,
the loss of trust may trump everything else. Also, company culture,
communication of clear corporate policies and your own instinct on
what the right thing to do will be contributing factors on your decision.

15 | Guide to Handle Expense Fraud                                                                                                            Guide to Handle Expense Fraud | 16
PREVENTING                           Preparing your company

                                     The importance of compliance


EXPENSE                              Organizational culture and policy			                                  21

FRAUD                                How to write and publish an expense policy?

                                     Expense policy tips


                                     How automated expense management could help?		                       25

17 | Guide to Handle Expense Fraud                                            Guide to Handle Expense Fraud | 18
Preparing your company
                                                                                                       Open transparent communication is the          Entertainment (T&E) spend is out of
                                                                                                       key to a successful expense policy. By         policy11 which can significantly impact on
                                                                                                       explaining why certain decisions around        an organization’s bottom line.
                                                                                                       expenses have been made and expressing
                                                                                                       the benefits of policy compliance to the       Driven by market uncertainties and
                                                                                                       individual and the organization as a whole;    declining economic growth, many
                                                                                                                                                      companies are struggling to maintain
    “Organizations need to recognize that fraud does happen. With a                                    employees will often be more responsive
                                                                                                                                                      margins. The Ernest and Young Global
                                                                                                       and motivated to participate. This extends
    robust compliance program and protocols for prevention, detection                                  to reporting the “wins”. Employees love to     Fraud Survey recognized that compliance
    and response, they will be better able to deal with it and move on”.                               know that their efforts do make a difference   is becoming a pivotal focus for
                                                                                                                                                      organizations. They suggest that bribery,
    – Graham Murphy, KPMG                                                                              and have contributed to something.
                                                                                                                                                      corruption and fraud remain widespread,
                                                                                                       Fraud is preventable. Helping people
                                                                                                                                                      however a focus on company compliance
                                                                                                       do the right thing through writing and
                                                                                                                                                      and enforcement regimes, such as the UK
           A key factor to understanding fraud is to       does not speculate on what stemmed that     communicating your organizations policies
                                                                                                                                                      Bribery Act proposed anti-bribery/anti-
           recognize that where opportunities exist,       particular tide, but increased awareness,   and guidelines will go a long way for your
                                                                                                                                                      corruption (ABAC) legislation in India12 will
           perpetrators can act. An organization’s         advancements in expense management          company and your own peace of mind.
                                                                                                                                                      be key to the future.
           ability to heighten the perception that         technologies and reduced travel/stricter
           fraud will be detected, will substantially      travel policies during the economic         The importance                                 Unfortunately, fraud happens, however
           lessen the likelihood of its occurrence.        recession are likely factors.               of compliance                                  fraud, misuse or abuse should not
                                                                                                                                                      overwhelm you. Organizations can take
           Perpetrators are less likely to commit fraud    It’s a small percentage that is prone
           if they believe they will be caught. Controls                                               According to research carried out by           action to prevent fraud before it happens.
                                                           to fraudulent expense reports, but the
           could exist to detect fraud, but if no one is                                               Aberdeen Group, 49%10 of companies             The first step is to make sure your
                                                           ability to find those reports and those
           aware of them, the fraud could still                                                        said the top pressure in their expense         expense policy sets the right compliance
                                                           travelers is critical. Improved policies
           take place.                                                                                 management program was improving               guidelines, developing a corporate
                                                           and comprehensive travel and expense
                                                                                                       expense policy compliance. Despite             culture of compliance and ethical
           The good news for travel and finance            solutions can help.
                                                                                                       this, approximately 22% of Travel &            business conduct.
           managers, however, is that expense fraud        While all organizations hope that expense
           is on the decline. In 2006, ACFE found that     fraud is something they never have to
           more than 20% of identified cases of fraud      deal with, being prepared can help you
           were related to expense reimbursement8,         understand the risks and take steps to
           compared to 15% in 20129. The report            mitigate those risks.

19 | Guide to Handle Expense Fraud                                                                                                                                    Guide to Handle Expense Fraud | 20
Organizational culture and policy                                                                             How to write and publish an expense policy
                                                                                                              Employees generally want to do the right thing; they   what the company considers an allowable expense
An organization’s culture is often easy to discern by   about out of policy expenses before implementing
                                                                                                              just need to be taught what is right and how to do     as well as what’s not allowable, employees will have
looking at its dress code. And just as the dress code   a pre-approval process.
                                                                                                              it. Some people may be tempted to steal, but the       a framework that encourages policy compliance.
is designed to fit your organization’s culture, your
                                                        An expense policy aims to provide guidance and        majority of employees will do the right thing.         This can be communicated through examples and
expense policy should also be developed with the
                                                        take the guesswork out of completing an expense                                                              scenarios, which are very effective and can be used
same attitude.                                                                                                Writing and communicating an organization’s
                                                        claim. During the introduction process, it is                                                                as an easy reference.
                                                                                                              corporate expense policy is the simplest and most
Providing your employees with a well-written and        essential to listen to employees, be flexible and
                                                                                                              effective measure in preventing fraud. When writing    Identifying who is responsible for writing and
clear expense policy makes it easy to understand        encourage feedback. This will ensure the policy is
                                                                                                              and compiling a corporate expense policy, there        reviewing the expense policy depends on your
and helps prevent confusion, frustration, mistakes      accepted effortlessly.
                                                                                                              are two basic rules for assisting employees to meet    organization and its requirements. The best policies
and best of all, fraud.
                                                        Expense policies are as individual as the companies   policy compliance:                                     are those that are written by a cross-functional
When creating your policy, think about the tone         they control. As you’re creating your company’s                                                              team, often including HR, travel and finance; that all
of the policy as well as the actual rules. Some         policy, doing your research and thinking about        Make your policy realistic                             have a stake in the outcome. Included in this should
organizations will respond to lighter phrasing,         your company culture will result in a much more       In some cases, expenses fall out of corporate          also be a frequent traveler, providing insight into the
such as “travel guidelines” as opposed to               successful policy in the long run.                    policy for the simple reason that it is not logical    realities of business travel.
“travel policies.”                                                                                            or practical for employees. This is commonly seen
                                                        By providing your employees with an easy to                                                                  A corporate expense policy should be considered
                                                                                                              with airline carriers. While carrier agreements may
Some organizations also benefit from phasing in         understand, organized and well written corporate                                                             as a working document, one that requires revisions
                                                                                                              be in place, allowing non-stops on non-contracted
new expense policies. This can often be easier than     expense policy, you’ll be arming your company with                                                           and updates. If you notice that employees ask the
                                                                                                              carriers as an alternative when the connection
trying to enforce tighter control on a workforce        one of the best fraud prevention measures out                                                                same kinds of questions, take it as a good sign
                                                                                                              just doesn’t make sense and the price differential
that has a casual culture and environment. A good       there: information.                                                                                          that not only are employees trying to do what’s
                                                                                                              is minimal can help employees to work within
example of this is warning and educating staff                                                                                                                       best for the company, but that it might also be
                                                                                                              policy. By implementing a common sense policy,
                                                                                                                                                                     a good time to update your policy to include the
                                                                                                              organizations will face fewer roadblocks that
                                                                                                                                                                     answer. Expense policies should be reviewed every
 The secret to encouraging appropriate behavior when claiming                                                 employees may otherwise ignore.
                                                                                                                                                                     two years, ensuring the validity and relevance to
 expenses lies in finding the right balance between people, policy                                            Write very clear and concise guidelines
                                                                                                                                                                     the organization.

 and compliance.                                                                                              Provide business travelers the information they
                                                                                                              need to make the right decision. By communicating

21 | Guide to Handle Expense Fraud                                                                                                                                                             Guide to Handle Expense Fraud | 22
Expense policy tips

                                                                                                     Whether you are just starting to compile an expense policy or have
                                                                                                     an established policy in hand, here are some tips and suggestions to
                                                                                                     either get you started or help you stay up-to-date:
                                                                                                       •   Divide up your policy into sections such as air travel, hotel
                                                                                                           lodging, dining, entertainment expenses and car rental.
                                                                                                       •   Provide a section for your employees that clearly states what is
                                                                           You could download              not reimbursable.
                                                                           our Expenses Policy         •   Let employees know what enforcement measures will be taken
                      Providing your employees with a well-written and     template to use as a            to ensure policy compliance.
                      clear expense policy make it easy to understand.     starting point if you       •   Clarify your policy about pre-trip authorization.
                      It helps prevent confusion, frustration, mistakes,   don’t already have your     •   Include a guideline around traveling with spouses or
                      and best of all, Fraud.                              own policy.                     significant others.
                                                                                                       •   Include a guideline for travelers choosing to stay over extra
                                                                                                           days or over a weekend.
                                                                                                       •   Detail who is responsible for travel charges if the employee
                                                                                                           cancels a reservation or is a “no show”.
                                                                                                       •   Clarify your policy about home offices. This details whether
                                                                                                           an employee can be reimbursed for internet and/or
                                                                                                           phone charges.
                                                                                                       •   Outline your company’s policy about consuming alcohol at
                                                                                                           meals with clients. If alcohol is permitted, what is your policy
                                                                                                           about paying for an alternative ride back home or to a hotel if
                                                                                                           the employee can’t drive?
                                                                                                       •   Clarify whether credit card statements an acceptable form
                                                                                                           of receipt.
                                                                                                       •   Be sure to fit the current mode of your company growth. Are
                                                                                                           you in growth mode or cost-cutting mode? Are you a smaller
                                                                                                           company or larger? How high in the management structure do
                                                                                                           expenses need to be approved?

23 | Guide to Handle Expense Fraud                                                                                                               Guide to Handle Expense Fraud | 24
74% of serious fraud cases involve the exploitation of weak
                                                                                                              internal controls by fraudsters.” – KPMG survey, 2011

                                     How automated expense management                                        Guide travellers’ decisions                            Powerful data analytics
                                     could help?                                                             To enhance control over employee spend, your           Improve visibility into your organization by
                                                                                                             corporate travel policy is built into the travel and   comparing itinerary data, corporate card charges,
                                     Once you have a policy in place,    a powerful method to prevent
                                                                                                             expense solution – you will control spending before    cash expenses, invoices and supplier-contracted
                                     you might want to consider          fraud. Here are some of the
                                                                                                             it even occurs. When your travelers are looking at     rates. Concur Travel & Expense allows you to track
                                     taking the next step towards        ways Concur Travel & Expense
                                                                                                             travel options in the system, they know what options   where your employees are spending money, find
                                     enabling fraud prevention:          management solution helps
                                                                                                             are in or out of policy. Because it lets you set the   errors and potential instances of fraud, and ensure
                                     implementing a robust travel and    organizations combat errors
                                                                                                             limits for travel, your employees are free to choose   policy and regulatory compliance
                                     expense solution.                   and fraud:
                                                                                                             their own unique travel plans and preferences within
                                     As an expert in travel and                                              those limits.                                          Audit
                                     expense management, we talk         Single platform
                                                                                                                                                                    If small amounts are exaggerated or not accounted
                                     to many companies and hear          Using an integrated travel and      Card integration                                       for, it might not seem significant at the time, but
                                     our share of stories about fraud.   expense management solution
                                     Overwhelmingly, the majority                                            By automatically capturing transaction data            it soon adds up. Concur allows you to audit your
                                                                         on a single platform ensures
                                     of employees are doing the                                              directly from corporate credit cards, your travel      expenses and analyze every piece of data. You can
                                                                         that all travel and expense-
                                     right thing when it comes to                                            and expense solution is able to populate this          verify line-item expenses against submitted receipts
                                                                         related activity is captured –
                                     submitting their expenses for                                           information directly into expense reports.             and ensure purchases are within company policy -
                                                                         from pre-trip approval, to travel
                                     reimbursement. However, in the                                          Eliminating the need for manual data entry and         proactively reducing waste, misuse and abuse.
                                                                         booking through to expense
                                     instances when expense fraud        reporting. Because you can          significantly reducing the opportunity for
                                     does take place, it is reassuring   reconcile travel booked with        human error.                                           Mobility
                                     to know that there are tools that   what was actually expensed,
                                                                                                                                                                    Business travel doesn’t always go as smoothly as
                                     can help.                           and have all the analytics in one   Ensure compliance                                      we hope. Flights get delayed or even cancelled,
                                                                         place, you’ll know if anything
                                     Automating your travel and                                              Most sources of data generated during the normal       causing an unexpected need to search for alternate
                                                                         doesn’t match up.
                                     expense management process is                                           course of travel are automatically recorded and        arrangements. With Concur’s mobile solution, your
                                                                                                             reconciled to ensure accuracy and to flag any          employees have immediate access to their travel
                                                                                                             problems. Travel, hotel or car-rental expenses are     itineraries and it’s easy and convenient to make
                                                                                                             managed automatically, based on the policies and       alternative, in-policy travel-booking decisions from
                                     T&E expense management research by                                      compliance controls you’ve chosen; this automation     their smartphone. Furthermore, expenses can be
                                                                                                                                                                    submitted and even approved through the Concur
                                     Aberdeen Group (2012) found that expense                                means your system will be less exposed to the risks
                                                                                                             of human error and fraud.                              app, ensuring the process is simple and seamless
                                     automation decreases the cost of every                                                                                         for all employees involved.
                                     expense report transaction by 55% or
                                     more and increases T&E expense policy
                                     compliance by 31%13.

25 | Guide to Handle Expense Fraud                                                                                                                                                           Guide to Handle Expense Fraud | 26
CONCLUSION         In Conclusion

                                     Expense Fraud Checklist


27 | Guide to Handle Expense Fraud                           Guide to Handle Expense Fraud | 28
In conclusion
                                                                             Expense fraud could take place at any company
                                                                             but it is the exception rather than the rule.
                                                                             Nevertheless, expense fraud poses a significant
                                                                             risk, especially when one considers the financial and
                                                                             ethical implications.

          According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
          (ACFE) Report to the Nation on Occupational Fraud and        Whilst technology plays an important part, the
          Abuse, Asia Pacific organizations lose approximately 5% of   impact of business culture is key.
          their revenues to fraud every year14.
                                                                             Improved policies and comprehensive travel and
                                                                             expense solutions can help impede and prevent
                                                                             many types of expense fraud, as well as protecting
                                                                             the reputations of companies who can demonstrate
                                                                             they are taking steps to prevent it.

29 | Guide to Handle Expense Fraud                                                                                                   Guide to Handle Expense Fraud | 30
Expense Fraud Checklist
           Keep an eye out                                                                    Leverage the latest technology
           Look out for red flags that could indicate fraud is taking place.                  Technology is revolutionizing the expense management process. Developments
                                                                                              have ensured the process is more user-friendly and efficient while simultaneously
                                                                                              eliminating the opportunities for employee expense fraud. In fact, systems exist
           Prepare and share the policy                                                       that can:
           Ensure you have a policy in place that is clear and comprehensive. If you do not     •   Incorporate company policy and automatically flag out-of-policy expenses.
           yet have one, write one – download our helpful policy template to get
                                                                                                •   Quickly generate detailed analysis reports, such as T&E spend tracking reports,
           you started.
                                                                                                    that help finance departments identify fraud.
              •    Share the policy – make it easy to find.
                                                                                                •   Drive policy compliance, by capturing receipts via mobile applications and
              •    Consider creating a short, 1-page expense checklist to remind employees          importing corporate card and travel itinerary data into the system automatically.
                   of the policy’s essentials.
              •    Make sure people understand any pre-authorization procedures
                   (if applicable).
                                                                                              Question expenses that don’t look right
                                                                                                •   Don’t be afraid to challenge suspicious-looking claims.
              •    Encourage employee engagement and understanding about your policy,
                   as well as the reasons behind it, and how it can help.                       •   Conduct regular expense reviews and sampling.

              •    Get buy in from management and stakeholders.                                 •   Maintain a consistent and public procedure to deal with “wrong-doers”.
                                                                                                •   Don’t make assumptions that seniority/length of service will make people more or
           Once you have a policy, check that it covers as many eventualities as is
                                                                                                    less inclined to tamper expenses.
           practical. You might want to review it to ensure it’s in line with corporate
           culture – or even consider encouraging a more compliant culture by changing          •   You could also implement auditing services to analyze receipts and make sure
           the policy itself.                                                                       they’re legitimate.
                                                                                                •   Check the checkers.

           Have a plan, just in case
           Expense fraud might never happen to you. But, then again, it might. Preparation    Don’t keep it quiet
           will help set your mind at rest: have plans in place so you know how to respond      •   Share the stories: praising people who have saved money provides positive
           to instances of suspected or proven fraud (should it be necessary).                      reinforcement to encourage similar behavior in others.
                                                                                                •   But don’t forget to share the horror stories as well – as a warning to let people
                                                                                                    know what happens if they don’t follow the rules.
                                                                                                •   Have a formal process to report suspected fraud.

31 | Guide to Handle Expense Fraud                                                                                                                                     Guide to Handle Expense Fraud | 32
  1.    Asia Pacific Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud & Abuse, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, 2010
  2.    Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud & Abuse, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, 2012
  4.    Asia Pacific Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud & Abuse, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, 2010
  6.    Asia Pacific Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud & Abuse, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, 2010
  7.    Asia Pacific Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud & Abuse, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, 2010
  8.    Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud & Abuse, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, 2006
  9.    Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud & Abuse, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, 2012
  10.   Expense Management: for a New Decade, Aberdeen Group, 2011
  11.   State of T&E Expense Management, Aberdeen Group, 2010
  12.   Growing Beyond: a place for integrity12th Global Fraud Survey, Ernest and Young, 2012
  13.   Aberdeen Group, T&E Expense Management: The Best-in-Class Pillars of Next-Generation Expense Management, March 2012
  14.   Asia Pacific Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud & Abuse, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, 2010

About Concur
Concur is a leading provider of integrated travel and expense management solutions. Concur’s adaptable
cloud-based and mobile solutions help companies and their employees control costs and save time.
Concur’s services are trusted by over 20,000 companies located in more than 100 countries worldwide.
Concur is publicly traded on the NASDAQ stock exchange under the ticker CNQR.

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