HANDBOOK STUDENT - North West Regional College

Page created by Leroy Dixon
HANDBOOK STUDENT - North West Regional College
HANDBOOK STUDENT - North West Regional College
                                                                                                     WELCOME                                             02
                                                                                                       Principal’s pledge                                02
                                                                                                       Welcome messages                                  03
                                                                                                       Student Engae App                                 03
                                                                                                       Covid - Stay Safe                                 04
                                                                                                       Our College                                       10

                                                                                                     2021-2022: TERM DATES                               12

                                                                                                     STUDENT VOICE                                       14

                                                                                                       Student Representatives                           15
                                                                                                       Student Surveys
                                                                                                       Students’ Union
                                                                                                       Student Charter

                                                                                                     STUDENT SUPPORT                                      26

                                                                                                       Student Services                                  26
                                                                                                       Safeguarding                                      28
                                                                                                       Acces NI Check                                    30
                                                                                                       Student Finance                                   34
                                                                                                       The Careers Academy                               38
                                                                                                       Learning Support                                  46
                                                                                                       Young Carers                                      48

                                                                                                     LIBRARY                                              52

                                                                                                     EXAMINATIONS AND ASSESSMENTS                        54

                                                                                                     TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT FOR LEARNING                      56
                                                                                                       Student Portal                                    56
                                                                                                       Free Microsoft Office                             56
                                                                                                       Canvas                                            56
                                                                                                       E-Safety                                          57

                                                                                                     HEALTH AND SAFETY                                    58

                                                                                                     HEALTH & WELLBEING                                   60
                                                                                                       Student Counselling                                60
                                                                                                       Elemental                                          61

        Receive a College                                                                              Eating Well / Fitness
                                                                                                       Contraception and Sexual Health
         bursary of up to                                                                              Promoting Equality and Diversity                   68

         £500*                                                                                       CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS

                                                                                                     POLICIES AND PROCEDURES


                                                                                                     USEFUL NUMBERS                                       72
                                                                                                       NWRC Contacts                                      72
                                                                                                       Helplines and Charities                            73

2*Full-Time Higher Education students only. Criteria applies. Contact Student Finance for details.
     For more details visit www.nwrc.ac.uk/faq                                                                                   For more details visit the STUDENT PORTAL   1
HANDBOOK STUDENT - North West Regional College
Principal’s                                                                                                                                   Gillian Moss | Head of Learner Services

Welcome                                                                                                                                       I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the college.
                                                                                                                                              Here at NWRC we provide a 'team around the student' support system.
                                                                                                                                              The support team are here for you, to help you achieve your goals and
                                                                                                                                              have the best expedience whilst you study with us.

                                                                                                                                              This Student Handbook will give you an overview of the top class
                                                                                                                                              support available here at NWRC. Student Services is located on the
                                                                                                                                              ground floor of the Tower Building and our friendly staff are happy to
                                                                                                                                              help you with any queries.
                                                          At North West
                                                          Regional College                                                                    Student Services Team
                                                          we are passionate                                                                   This handbook is designed to help you make the most of your time at
                                                                                                                                              North West Regional College. It provides information that will help you
                                                          about your                                                                          access the many services and opportunities open to you.
                                                                                                                                              You can also refer to the college website and Student Portal for up-to-

                                                          success.                                                                            date information. Enjoy your time at the college!

                                                                                                                                              Student Engage App
                                                                                                                                              Search for NWRC in the app store
    North West Regional College                            Our friendly and compassionate support staff are
                                                           always on hand to provide you with advice and                                      We are excited to announce our new student app!
    is a vibrant, multi award-                             any additional support you need, and also enable                                   This is a one stop shop for all things NWRC including;
    winning College, where our                             you to participate in an enriching and inclusive
    students are at the heart of all                                                                                                          •        Direct access to tutors and class members
                                                                                                                                              •        Updates with timetables, classes or course
    that we do.                                            Join our Students’ Union and get involved in a
                                                                                                                                              •        News and events at the college
                                                           number of exciting activities organised by staff
                                                                                                                                              •        Other important information
    We aim to provide you with every opportunity           and students during the year, or take part in the
    to gain the skills, qualifications and experience      wide range of social and sporting opportunities
                                                                                                                                              You will be able to access a wide range of content about NWRC and
    you need to succeed on your study programme            on offer.
                                                                                                                                              using the app means it keeps your work, discussions and class groups
    or apprenticeship to allow you to progress onto
                                                           This guide aims to provide you with the                                            separate from your other social media apps.
    higher level study and to gain rewarding work in
    the career you choose.                                 information you need to make the right choice
                                                           about your future.                                                                 The app is easy to navigate, has a good visual appearance and will
    We work hard to ensure you receive the highest                                                                                            give you access to amazing discounts, events and other opportunities
    standard of practical and learning support during      I look forward to meeting you in September.                                        at North West Regional College.
    your time at the College.
                                                                                                                                              LOGIN INSTRUCTIONS
    Our lecturers are experts in their field and                                                                                              •   Download the app on your phone
    courses are delivered in state-of-the-art, industry                                                                                       •   Use your college Microsoft account and password
    standard teaching and training facilities which are                                                                                       •   Desktop login -
    continually being reviewed and updated.                Leo Murphy                                                                             https://nwrc.wameducation.com/selectinstitution
                                                           Principal and Chief Executive

                                                                                                               For more information and to meet the
                                                                                                               Student Services Team, see page 19

2   For more details visit www.nwrc.ac.uk/faq                                                                                  #YourFutureStartsHere
                                                                                                                               #ThisIsYourFuture                              For more details visit the STUDENT PORTAL   33
HANDBOOK STUDENT - North West Regional College
Safety measures are well-embedded at NWRC            screening has been installed for high footfall
to ensure that we are COVID-secure.                  areas including, Student Services, Careers
NWRC continues to respond swiftly and                Academy, Learning Link and receptions. Only                                                               Face coverings
decisively to each stage of the pandemic,            rooms which can be well-ventilated are in use.     Social Distancing                                      Face coverings must be worn at all times whilst
putting safety measures and protocols in             Students are reminded to wear an extra layer in                                                           on campus, unless medically exempt. Exemption
place to keep our staff and students safe            colder weather as doors and windows may be         Outside the classroom, social distancing is
                                                                                                        still maintained on campus, wherever possible,         cards can be obtained from Learning Link or
whilst continuing to deliver education               opened for additional ventilation.                                                                        Student Services. Face coverings should be worn
via every possible channel. Whilst we are                                                               reducing face-to-face contact and lowering
                                                                                                        the risk of transmission. There is clear signage       appropriately; cleaned, stored and disposed of
delighted to be back in the classroom, certain                                                                                                                 correctly.
safety measures remain. To reassure our                                                                 indicating entrance and exits to be used and
students, we have listed some of these safety                                                           one-way systems are in place in some buildings.
measures below. Students will also receive an                                                           Staff will maintain distance from their learners,      Libraries
induction and course-specific guidance for                                                              stay at the front of the room, and away from
                                                                                                        their colleagues, where possible. Additional PPE       Libraries will be offering online support and
their vocational area.
                                                                                                        including medical-grade face masks have been           resources. Each library will have a reduced
                                                                                                        obtained specifically for first aiders and for staff   capacity and students will be asked to sign in
Induction                                                                                               who are involved with SEN learners. Students are       and out so we can maintain a track of usage.
                                                                                                        reminded that social distancing should also be         Libraries will offer a click and collect service and
Induction will take place in your curriculum areas                                                                                                             students will be asked to return books to a trolley
                                                                                                        adhered to during break times. Note that car-
and will include face-to-face communication                                                                                                                    where they will remain for 72 hours before they
                                                                                                        sharing is a common source of transmission.
with your curriculum team as well as videos and                                                                                                                will be cleaned and returned to shelves. Students
supporting online materials from the Student                                                                                                                   will be informed of updates through the library
Services team.                                                                                                                                                 Moodle page.

Online or Remote Learning                                                                                                                                      Catering facilities
Whilst face-to-face teaching can now resume,                                                                                                                   On-site restaurants and cafes will be open
each course may still contain an element of                                                                                                                    and available for student use. To ensure your
remote or online learning. The number of hours       Hand Sanitising                                                                                           safety, we have introduced maximum capacity
will be dependent on which vocational area you       Highly-visible hand sanitiser stations have                                                               seating, increased hand-sanitiser stations,
are studying. You will receive more information      been placed in key areas. All staff, students                                                             one-way systems and card payments. We are
from your curriculum area at induction.              and visitors are reminded to clean your hands                                                             also enabling students to eat in classrooms if
                                                     thoroughly - more often than usual. Also, ensure                                                          there are insufficient spaces in the onsite cafes
Classrooms                                           good respiratory hygiene by following the ‘catch                                                          and restaurants. Each facility will provide usage
                                                     it, bin it, kill it’ approach.                                                                            guidance on entrance.
Social distancing is no longer required within
classrooms. This is to allow normal face-to-face
teaching to resume. Risk assessments have been       Cleaning Schedule                                                                                         Lateral Flow Tests
carried out for each vocational area and where       The College has an enhanced contract-cleaning                                                             Lateral Flow tests (LFTs) are available free of
existing safety measures can remain without          schedule in place, to include increased cleaning                                                          charge to all NWRC staff and students. LFTs
impacting learning, these may remain in place        of touch points such as doors, push plates and                                                            are aimed at detecting asymptomatic cases
during the transitional phase. For example,          handrails. In addition, our staff will be using                                                           and reducing spread of the virus within the
screens have been added where students face          a range of other measures such as fogging                                                                 community. Home-testing is voluntary but
each other whilst working and undertaking            machines, antibacterial wipes and other cleaning                                                          encouraged by the College as it is another safety
practical sessions. Plexiglass protective            materials.                                                                                                measure we can all take, to keep our college a
                                                                                                                                                               safe place.

                                                                                                                              #ThisIsYourFuture                           For more details visit the STUDENT PORTAL   5
HANDBOOK STUDENT - North West Regional College
It is recommended that tests be taken twice a             We will always recommend erring on the side of       www.nhs.uk/ conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/         What should I do if I have concerns?
    week before coming onto campus and reminders              caution so if in doubt, stay home and make a call    what-todo-if-you-or-someone-you-live-with-
    will be sent via e-mail. Further information will         or send an e-mail to a member of staff who can       hascoronavirussymptoms                               If you feel worried or anxious at any time please
    be included in your induction programme.                  get you help and advice.                                                                                  talk to a member of staff. If you need to access
                                                                                                                   If you are unable to leave the campus                the student support team please email them on
                                                                                                                   immediately you will be directed to a specific       safeguarding@nwrc.ac.uk .
    Vaccination programme                                     Symptoms of Covid-19                                 room that has been identified on each site,
    The Public Health Agency and North West                   Symptoms have changed over recent months,            where you will be asked to remain until you are      If you have any further questions regarding our
    Regional College strongly encourage our                   as new variants of the virus develop. For some       able to leave and return home. If you are showing    COVID-secure prevention measures, please view
    students and staff to take up the opportunity to          people, symptoms can be mild and present             symptoms or have tested positive for Covid-19,       the college website for current information.
    get vaccinated against COVID-19.                          similarly to Hayfever or Sinusitis. Therefore, if    please email Safeguarding@nwrc. ac.uk
                                                              you have any cold or flu-like symptoms, or any
    As restrictions ease, the more of us who                  of these listed below, we would ask that you stay    Coronavirus Testing
    are vaccinated, the more we can reduce                    at home and get a PCR test at your local testing
    transmission and the consequent requirements              station.
    for self-isolation, as well as any personal health                                                             A negative PCR test will enable learners and staff
    consequences if you do catch the virus.                   •     A headache                                     to get back to the classroom. A positive test
                                                              •     A sore throat                                  will ensure rapid action to protect the College
    Anyone over the age of 16 can get the COVID-19            •     A new and persistent cough                     community. If you have any concerns about
    vaccine. There are a number of mobile                     •     A temperature or fever                         getting tested, please speak to a member of
    vaccination centres in community settings as              •     Loss or change to your sense of smell or       staff.
    well as a new Moderna vaccination programme                     taste.
    being delivered through a community pharmacy                                                                   The College has a specialist Covid Team who
    COVID-19 vaccination service.                             If you have symptoms, it is important that you go    carry out our very own Track and Trace within
                                                              for a PCR test and do not use a Lateral Flow Test    NWRC. They will be able to help and advise on
    If you do not currently have an appointment               at home. Lateral Flow Tests are only for detecting   any Covid-related matter. They will engage with
    for the first or second dose of the vaccine,              asymptomatic cases and may give you a false          the NHS test and trace, manage confirmed cases
    you can find out details on how to arrange                result if you have symptoms.                         within our community and contain any outbreak
    an appointment or walk-in at a community                                                                       by following Public Health and local health
    vaccination centres at:                                   For further information please go to                 protection team advice.
    https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/articles/get-covid-            www.gov.uk/coronavirus

    IMPORTANT - you must not attend College if you
    have any symptoms of Covid-19, no matter how
    mild, or if:

    •     You suspect that you may be contagious
    •     You have had recent contact with someone
          who has tested positive*
    •     Someone in your household is awaiting
          results from a PCR test
    •     You have been contacted by NHS Test and
          Trace to request that you self-isolate
                                                              Becoming unwell
    •     You have returned from a country that
          requires you to quarantine/self-isolate for         If you are on campus and become unwell with
          10 days.                                            any cold or flu-like symptoms, you must contact
                                                              a member of staff. You will be asked to go home
    *Note that self-isolation rules have changed for          immediately. You are advised to self-isolate
    people who have had both vaccinations at least two        and book a PCR test. Your fellow household
    weeks prior to close contact with a positive case. In     members should also self-isolate until your
    this instance, PCR tests are recommended on Day 2         result is known. If positive, you will have to
    and Day 8 after contact. If test results are negative,    self-isolate for 10 days and your household and
    there is no requirement to self-isolate. If either test   close contacts will have to follow the rules on
    is positive, you must self-isolate for 10 days.           testing and self-isolation. Follow the guidance:

6   For more details visit www.nwrc.ac.uk/faq                                                                                           #ThisIsYourFuture                         For more details visit the STUDENT PORTAL   7
HANDBOOK STUDENT - North West Regional College
                                                                  COVID-19        COLLEGE
                                                                  Public Health
                                                                  Advice          SAFETY

                                                Wash your hands regularly

                                                Maintain Social Distancing
                                                according to government guidelines

                                                Stay at home if you are ill

                                                Cough or sneeze into the crease
                                                of the elbow or in a tissue

                                                Avoid touching your face

                                                Please wear a face covering

                                                Keep Left on corridors and stairs

8   For more details visit www.nwrc.ac.uk/faq           #ThisIsYourFuture                   For more details visit the STUDENT PORTAL   9
HANDBOOK STUDENT - North West Regional College
Our College
    The heart of the North West                                 on accommodation, finance, careers, university
                                                                application, pastoral care/counselling and health
    Enriching lives, building careers and supporting
    communities, North West Regional College has been           A full range of access facilities for students with
    at the heart of life in the North West of Northern
                                                                disabilities is also on offer.
    Ireland for more than 100 years.
                                                                Students' Union
    Across the passing of time NWRC has stood as an
    important institution renowned for delivering an            NWRCSU is ran by students, for students. This is the
                                                                heart of Student Voice at the College. We look after
    extensive range of learning and career opportunities
                                                                all the cool things about College life. We have an                                                           More than
    to thousands of learners. As an employer, the College
                                                                elected SU Council that help run all the activity and
    has provided hundreds of jobs across its teaching,
                                                                campaigns. We recruit and train 250+ Class Reps who
    support and technical areas. As a supporter of the
                                                                receive a SU hoodie free. Clubs and Societies are our
    local economy, it has nurtured local enterprise
    through expert training and skills development. And,
                                                                thing - Soccer, LGBTQ+, Disability Sailing, GAA, Boxing,                                                   students across
    as a community partner, it has crossed the divide to
                                                                BJJ, Heritage. The unique thing about this is that if you
                                                                want to help run a new club, then we'll help you do it.
                                                                                                                                                                             5 campuses
    offer an integrated civic resource for the benefit of the   We also manage a range of International projects to
    entire region.                                              countries such as Denmark, Spain, & The Netherlands.

    Now, NWRC is delivering an invigorated brand of             The Future
    education and training aimed at attracting new
                                                                Our focus at North West Regional College is the future.
    learners, while advancing the growth and prosperity of
                                                                Whether that be the future of our individual students
    the local economy.
                                                                and their careers; the future of our local and national
    Your local campus                                           economy or developing our communities for future
    The College has five main campuses located in
    Derry-Londonderry, Limavady and Strabane, and
                                                                We are here to provide the opportunities that will
    supports over 10,000 student enrolments each year.
                                                                improve each of these elements in the future.
    Learners attend from all parts of Northern Ireland
    and the Republic of Ireland, undertaking Full-Time or       Plagiarism
    Part-Time study programmes in a range of vocational
                                                                To secure the reputation of the College and reduce the
    or non-vocational areas.
                                                                risk of Students work being ungraded or Disciplinary
                                                                Procedures being invoked due to Plagiarism, all
    It has 4 academic departments, each catering for
                                                                academic teams should complete a tutorial/lecture
    school leavers, mature students, professionals,
                                                                session on . The majority of explain Academic
    community organisations, and the unemployed.                Integrity, Plagiarism and Contract Cheating and the
                                                                consequences of these. The information is contained
    Industry links                                              within the Course Handbook (Chapter 1). Teams may
    Many courses at the College are developed in                decide to carry out a piece of work with the students
    conjunction with local employers and are designed           to alert them to how easy it is to use words or pictures
    to give students a feel for future employment, and          with referencing them properly. Turnitin is also
    to enhance practical competence in their chosen             referenced withing the Handbook.

    Supporting our students
    The College adopts a professional, friendly and
    sensitive approach to student support. Experienced
    and qualified personnel provide help and assistance                                                Award
                                                                                                     Winning College
                                                                                                         in Careers Guidance
                                                                                                             & Education

10 For more details visit www.nwrc.ac.uk/faq                                                                                   #ThisIsYourFuture   For more details visit the STUDENT PORTAL 11
HANDBOOK STUDENT - North West Regional College
2021-22 Term Dates                                                                                                APRIL

                                                                                                                      Mon 18
                                                                                                                                           Easter Break
                                                                                                                                           College Staff Development Days;
                                                                                                                                           College Buildings Closed 18/4/22 to 19/4/22 inc.
       Wed 1
                        Semester 1 commences/ Induction/Freshers Week
                        FE Year 1 provision including Traineeships
                                                                                                                      Mon 2      Early May Bank Holiday (1 day)
                                                                                                                                 College closed 2 May 2022
       Mon 6
                        (management of FE Yr 1 and Yr 2 classes through blended learning)                             Mon 9      EF 30 wk provision finishes

       Mon 13           HE Provision and Evening Classes                                                              Mon 16     FD end on 20 May 2022

       OCTOBER / NOVEMBER                                                                                                        Spring Bank Holiday
                                                                                                                      Mon 30     College closed 2nd and 3rd June (Spring Bank Holiday moved and additional Bank
                        Community Provision                                                                                      Holiday given to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee)
       Mon 4
                        Outreach and non-accredited provision

                                 Halloween week
       Mon 25                    College Staff Development Days                                                                  END OF SEMESTER 2
                                 [HE Graduation 29 October 2021 TBC]                                                  Mon 6
                                                                                                                                 ALL FT and PT Classes Finish by 10 June 2022 (includes 34 wk EF provision)

       DECEMBER / JANUARY                                                                                             Thurs 23   Best in FE Event -Millennium Forum provisionally booked for 23 June 2022

       Fri 24
                                 Christmas Break                                                                      JULY
                                 College Buildings Closed 24/12/21 to 3/1/22 inc.

                                                                                                                      Mon 11
                                                                                                                                 July Holiday (2 days)
       JANUARY / FEBRUARY                                                                                                        College Closed 12 and 13 July 2022

       Mon 17           SEMESTER 1 ENDS
                                 INTER-SEMESTER WEEK                                                                  Wed 10 /   ROI Leaving Certificate grades released 10 August;
       Mon 24
                                 College Staff Development Days                                                       Thurs 11   A Level Grades released 11 August (provisional dates)

       Mon 31           SEMESTER 2 COMMENCES                                                                          Thurs 18   GCSE grades released 18 August (provisional date)

       Mon 7            Open Week TBC                                                                                                    Summer Bank Holiday (1 day)
                                                                                                                      Mon 29
                                                                                                                                         College closed on 29 August 2022

       Thurs 17                  St Patrick’s Day (1 day)
                                 College closed 17 March 2022

    *Entitlement Framework, Outreach and TFS student calendars may differ; as well as some Higher Education courses
    where alternative semester durations have been agreed.

12 For more details visit www.nwrc.ac.uk/faq                                                                                      #ThisIsYourFuture                              For more details visit the STUDENT PORTAL 13
HANDBOOK STUDENT - North West Regional College
Student Voice
    Your voice is really important to us and we
    want to continue to improve your time at the
                                                      Student Representatives                             What makes a good
                                                                                                          Student Representative?
    college. We have lots of different ways that we   We are looking for students to represent
    collect student voice and we encourage all of     NWRC as Student Representatives and inspire
                                                                                                          •   Current NWRC student
    our students to get involved, including:          young people. As part of the 'Student Voice
                                                      Initiative' we want to hear from students who       •   Available to commit to a minimum of two
    •   Course reps                                   have an interest in getting involved in wider           events per term
    •   Student surveys                               college life and maximise the support on offer      •   Enthusiastic about NWRC and the benefits of
    •   Monthly pop-up stands                         when challenges arise.                                  further and higher education
    •   Focus groups                                                                                      •   Friendly - able to speak to a diverse range
                                                      Student Reps share their experiences of what it’s
    •   Comment cards                                                                                         of people who may be shy or unsure about
                                                      like to study at NWRC with prospective students,
    •   Feedback walls                                                                                        college
                                                      their families and teachers. They will represent
                                                      NWRC at events on and off campus, with              •   Reliable, organised, good at timekeeping,
                                                      members of staff or with other Ambassadors.             able to show initiative and work with
    What do we do with this information?
                                                                                                              minimal supervision
    •   Each month we have meetings to discuss        The number of people they engage with can vary      •   Professional - Ambassadors represent
        your feedback and views. We make changes      from a handful to hundreds depending on the             NWRC and should be naturally courteous
        and improvements, where we can, based on      type of event.                                          and professional
        the information you give us
                                                      Below are the types of events that Student
    •   Your views help shape how your College        Ambassadors will help with. You may have            Why should I apply?
        looks and feels                               experienced some of these events yourselves
    •   We listen to what you have to say and give    when you applied to NWRC.                           •   Develop your public speaking, teamwork
        you the support you need to make changes                                                              and independent thinking skills
        in your College                               •   Open Events                                     •   A fantastic way of building self-confidence
    •   We post “You Said, We Did” each month         •   School Visits                                   •   Meet other NWRC students from a wide
        on the digital screens around the college     •   Careers Road shows                                  range of different courses
        campuses.                                     •   Higher Education and UCAS Fairs
                                                                                                          •   It looks great on your CV and can give you
                                                      •   Community Events and Festivals                      something else to speak about in interviews
                                                      •   Campus Tours
                                                                                                          •   If you work often enough for us the
                                                      •   Schools Visits to Campus
                                                                                                              Marketing and Careers Team can provide
                                                                                                              references for jobs

                                                          Contact the Careers Academy
                                                          Email: finneen.bradley@nwrc.ac.uk
                                                          Tel: 028 7127 6080

14 For more details visit www.nwrc.ac.uk/faq                                                                                                                15
HANDBOOK STUDENT - North West Regional College
Student Surveys
    Have your say                                      How do I complete it?
    Typically students will be asked to complete       Our student surveys can be completed online via
    three to five surveys per year. The College will   the Student Portal.
    keep you informed about Student Surveys
    throughout the year.                               You will be advised at the time how to complete
                                                       the survey at your tutorial.
    If it matters to you... it matters to us.
                                                       You Said, We Did
    Why should I take part?                            We will keep you updated on what we have done
    This is your opportunity to give us feedback on    (and are doing) in response to your feedback.
    your student experience, what’s important to       Information will be published on the digital
    you and what we can do better.                     screens around the college campuses.

    We want to get as much feedback from our           Contact Us
    students as possible as the better the response
                                                       For more information on our student surveys
    rate the better the collective views of our
                                                       please contact the Quality Enhancement Unit
    students are represented. When the survey is
                                                       on email: qeu@nwrc.ac.uk
    closed and the data collected, the college will
    work on improvements based on your feedback.

    Surveys also provide the opportunity to measure
    the College’s performance against other
    Colleges in Northern Ireland.

                                                                                                         “College can change your
                                                                                                         life. From meeting friends to
                                                                                                         training for your dream job, you
                                                                                                         couldn’t ask for a better place
                                                                                                         to study.”

                                                                                                         EMMET MOLLOY
                                                                                                         Level 3 Diploma in Administration

16 For more details visit www.nwrc.ac.uk/faq
Students’ Union: NWRCSU
                                                                                                                                                                                 Clubs and Societies
                                                                                                                                                                                 Can I join a sports team, club or society?
                                                                                                                                                                                 Yes - all our Clubs & Societies are for you..... and
                                                                                                                                                                                 they're FREE. We have a wide range of activity for
                                                                                                                                                                                 you including Sports Teams, Gym, BJJ, Disability
    Our Purpose                                          Student Council                                                                                                         Sailing etc. Too many to mention really.
    The NWRCSU is your opportunity to get                You can run for election, become part of the                                                                            But if you want to run a club then we will help you
    involved, share ideas and make a difference.         Student Council and help provide a “voice” for                                                                          do it. That's the way we work; supporting your
    Students work in collaboration with staff to         students! The Students’ Union Council is made                                                                           ideas and thoughts.
    improve student life at the college. The Union is    up of elected Students Officers who have varied                                                                         Everyone is welcome with us and all abilities are
    supported by a staff member from the Student         responsibilities in the day-to-day running of the         We will be going to work, learn                               catered for.
    Services team who has dedicated time to              Union.
    support Union development and activities.
                                                                                                                   and train in Denmark, The
                                                         College students can be elected to the                    Netherlands, Spain or Kosovo
    The staff member oversees the election               following roles; Student Governor, President,             soon - do you want to join us
    processes to ensure sound governance and             Entertainment Officer, Welfare Officer, Mental
    democracy. We are here to improve the lives          Health Officer, Part-time student officer, LGBT           for FREE?
    of students.                                         Officer, Secretary, Disability Officer, Mature
                                                         Student Officer, Women’s Officer, and Black &             Get your name down as a Class Rep or stand for the
                                                         Ethnic Minorities Officer and many more.                  SU election.
    How do I join the Students’ Union?                                                                             Working on projects that will improve your
    You don’t have to join, you’re already in!           The Student Governor sits on the Board of                 transferable skills such as innovative thinking,
    Every student enrolled at NWRC is automatically      Governors which means the student perspective
    a member of the Students’ Union.                     is included in any major decision making within
                                                                                                                   trans-national communication, problem solving and
                                                                                                                   presentation skills. This will make you stand out from
                                                                                                                                                                                        Sports Clubs
                                                         the College.                                                                                                                   •    Women’s Football
                                                                                                                   the crowd in a Uni or Job application
                                                                                                                                                                                        •    Men’s Football
    The Students’ Union represents all students on
                                                         Award Winning Union                                                                                                            •    Women’s Gaelic
    all campuses and with the help of the Student
                                                                                                                                                                                        •    Men’s Gaelic
    Council represents the wider student voice.          NWRCSU won 3 major Awards last year; SSAI                 New Turing Project in Kosovo                                         •    Men’s Rugby
                                                         Welfare Project of the Year, plus 2 Project Based
                                                         Learning Awards for Innovation                                                                                                      (affiliation to UUSU)
    The Students’ Union council is here to:                                                                        We will be working with a partner College in
                                                                                                                   Mitrovica to help them mirror our student voice. SU
                                                                                                                                                                                             Boxing                        100%
    •    Promote the general welfare of all students     The Student Council helps to organise:                    Officers and Reps will travel to Kosovo for two weeks
                                                                                                                                                                                        •    Kickboxing
    •    Encourage student societies, sports clubs                                                                 to make this happen.
                                                         •   Union Clubs & Societies                                                                                                    •    Athletics
         and social activities                                                                                                                                                          •    Gym
                                                         •   Freshers’ Week
    •    Act as a channel of communication               •   Student Socials                                                                                                            •    Martial Arts
         between students and the College                •   Fundraising                                                                                                                •    Outdoor Pursuits – Canoeing,
    •    Promote the interests of all students and to    •   European Travel                AWARD WINNING                                                                                    Rock Climbing, Orienteering,
                                                                                                                                                                                             Coasteering, Bush Craft
         represent them in all matters affecting their   •   External Collaboration           STUDENTS'                                                                                 •    Sailability
         interests                                       •   Sporting Activity
    •    Enhance the standing of students in the         •   Team Building                     UNION...                                                                                 •    Brazillian Jiu Jitsu
         local community                                 •   Scholarships                     Multiple Local and   Danny Lyttle,
                                                                                               National Award      Student Liaison &                                                    Societies
                                                                                               Winners 2021        Events Officer,                                                      •    Movies & Film Club
        Did you know?                                                                                              Tel: 074 35780332
                                                                                                                                                                                        •    Bowling Club
        NWRCSU successfully fought for reduced car                                                                 Email: Danny.lyttle@nwrc.ac.uk
                                                                                                                                                                                        •    LGBT
        parking at Foyleside Shopping Centre for you!
                                                                                                                                                                                        •    Photography Club
                                                                                                                   ”Hi, I’m Danny from the Student’s Union. Why don’t you call
                                                                                                                                                                                        •    Gaming Club
                                                                                                                   in and see what we have for you? Could be anything from
                                                                                                                                                                                        •    D&D Table Top Club
                                                                                                                   a problem on your course to going on a training project in
                                                                                                                                                                                        •    Music & Performing Arts
                                                                                                                   Europe. No appointments, just pop in!
                                                                                                                                                                                        •    Irish Heritage
                                                                                                                                                                                        •    Christian Union

18 For more details visit www.nwrc.ac.uk/faq                                                                                               #ThisIsYourFuture                                For more details visit the STUDENT PORTAL 19
Work and Study Abroad                                                                                          WEEK 1                                                WEEK 3
    NWRC's International Office offers students
                                                                                                                   1st years Fresher’s & Induction week will run         PT & Induction week will run from week 3
    the opportunity to travel and train/study                                                                      from week 1 in the academic calendar 1st to 3rd       (Monday 3rd) in the academic calendar.
    abroad on 1 week to 12 month projects. Our                                                                     of September.
    projects allow students the opportunity to                                                                                                                           All content produced for Induction, Refreshers
    enhance their learning experience, improve                                                                     Fresher’s & Induction will be online and              and Freshers will be available for curriculum
    self-confidence, grow aspirations and develop                                                                  virtual in delivery.                                  teams to provide to PT students.
    real-life skills as well as enjoy and experience
    another culture.                                                                                               Induction
    Students have participated in projects to                                                                      Short Student Services videos and innovative          Retention Campaigns
    countries including Belgium, Denmark,                                                                          virtual content will be shown to students during
    Finland, Germany, Italy, Malta, Portugal &                                                                     individual course inductions, or subsequently by      1-“Talk don’t Walk”
    Slovenia.                                                                                                      course teams, but ideally during week 1.              Student services will run a campaign over the
                                                                                                                                                                         first six week to get students to communicate
    Students travelled to Hong Kong in                                                                             These videos and activities will share vital          virtually with the careers team, if they feel
    June 2019 to exhibit & present at an                                                                           information on areas such as; Student’s               they are on the wrong programme instead of
    International Student Seminar and we have                                                                      Union, Student Finance, Careers Academy,              deciding to withdraw from the programme.
    a student who has been selected to study in the                                                                Safeguarding, Learning Link, Library and
    USA under the Study USA programme.                                                                             Wellbeing. Interactivity will be the key, with        We want them to communicate and not just
                                                                                                                   a range of prizes and rewards on offer for            leave the course.
    For more information:
    To find out more about the international                                                                                                                             We aim to inform students of the campaign
    opportunities available students should                                                                        Freshers                                              during the induction activity and we will
    speak with their course lecturers or email the                                                                 New students will receive a Virtual Fresher’s         support with a poster campaign and pop ups on
    International Office:                                                                                          Pack from Student Services. It will contain all the   computers.
    international@nwrc.ac.uk or pop into the SU.                                                                   relevant information and resources available at       We will follow the campaign up with a so far so
                                                                                                                   freshers fairs, such as; SU Election details, Clubs   good temperature test questionnaires run in
                                                                                                                   and Societies, Money Tips, Job info,                  the fifth week of workshops through the careers
                                                                                                                   Freebies and Online Study Smart Tips.
                                                                                                                   Content for Fresher’s is still being devised, and     2-“So far so Good”
                                                                                                                   suggestions for such are most welcome from our        I am settled and happy on my course
                                                                                                                   curriculum partners. We will share this plan as it    – Rate 1-5
                                                                                                                   is developed.                                         I am happy with the subject/s I have chosen
                                                                                                                                                                         – Rate 1-5
                                                                                                                                                                         Have made friends and I am settled in my group
                                                                                                                   WEEK 2                                                – Rate 1-5
                                                                                                                                                                         I have personal circumstances, which may affect
                             Student Services                                                                      Refreshers will run similar to Induction, and         my attendance / progress at college
                                                                                                                   ideally delivered on Week 2 (Monday 6th) of
                             -Induction Plan                                                                       the academic calendar. Refreshers is primarily
                                                                                                                                                                         Is there any other information that you would
                             Overview                                                                              directed at returning groups with current low         like to make us aware of?
                             The key aims of Induction are to:                                                     retention:
                                                                                                                   The plan is to run specific team building
                             •   Advise on social distancing and safe movement around college sites for students   activities to improve in year retention.
                             •   Provide key information to help students to make the transition into college
                             •   Help students to make friends and settle quickly into college
                             •   Reinforce positive messages about expectations
                             •   Encourage students to get involved in college life, supported by cross campus
                                 ‘get-involved’ activities
                             •   Make sure students are on the correct programme

                             All with the objective of improving overall retention on programmes

20 For more details visit www.nwrc.ac.uk/faq                                                                                             #ThisIsYourFuture                         For more details visit the STUDENT PORTAL 21
    WEEK 4                                             Course Rep Meetings: Third meeting:
                                                                                                          NAME: __________________________________________________
                                                                                                          PERSONAL TUTOR: ______________________________________
    Student Rep Training will begin from week 4
    (Monday 20th) in the academic calendar.            Mon 7th February 2022 – 12.30-1.30pm               Please tick each box when you feel this area has been explained fully
                                                       G Lavery courses
    We really appreciate Course Co-ordinators          Tues 8th February 2022 - 12.30pm-1.30pm
    electing their Class Reps during the first week    S Traynor Reps                                         THE COLLEGE                                           HEALTH & SAFETY
    or two. It makes the Student Voice projects so     Wed 9th February 2022 - 12.30pm-1.30pm
    much more accessible when this is done, and        G Lavery Reps                                          College calendar                                      Personal responsibilities
    contact details sent to the NWRCSU.                Thurs 10th February 2022 - 12.30pm-1.30pm
                                                       D Laverty Reps                                         Structure                                             Evacuation Procedure
    This enables the Union to deliver training in      Mon 14th February 2022 - 12.30pm-1.30pm
    week 4, in advance of the key retention point of   Strabane Reps                                          College layout and locations                          Obtaining First Aid
    42 days.                                           Tues 15th February 2022 - 12.30pm-1.30pm
    Students will be informed of the role of the       Limavady Reps                                          Key staff                                             Reporting accidents/incidents
    student rep during Induction:
                                                       Student Voice conference:                              RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES                             TUTORIAL SUPPORT
    Class Rep Training                                 Wed 6th April 2022 – More details to follow.
    Monday 20th, Tuesday 21st, Wednesday 22nd                                                                 Student Charter                                       Tutorial system/programme
    Strand Road Reps 12.30-1.30pm                      Student tutorial newsletter
    Thursday 23rd                                      Student tutorial newsletter aims to keep
                                                                                                              Behaviour Issues Procedure                            Value-added/target grade
    Limavady Reps 12.30-1.30pm                         students informed of weekly events and
    Friday 24th                                        activities that they can get involved in as well
                                                       as promote the success of student projects             Code of Conduct                                       Individual Learning Plan
    Strabane Reps 12.30-1.30pm
                                                       and sports teams etc.
                                                                                                              Equality and diversity                                Individual Action Plans
    Course Rep Meetings: First meeting:
    Strand Road                                                                                               Punctuality and attendance                            Qualifications on entry form
    Mon 11th October 2021 - 12.30-1.30pm
    K Mc Caul Reps                                                                                            Anti-bullying                                         Preferred learning styles
    Tues 12th October 2021 - 12.30pm-1.30pm
    S Traynor Reps
                                                                                                              Compliments and complaints procedure                  Changing if feel on wrong course
    Wed 13th October 2021 - 12.30pm-1.30pm
    G Lavery Reps
    Thurs 14th October 2021 - 12.30pm-1.30pm                                                                  THE COURSE                                            STUDENT SERVICES
    D Laverty Reps
    Mon 18th October 2021 - 12.30pm-1.30pm                                                                                                                          Safeguarding
    Strabane Reps
    Tues 19th October 2021 - 12.30pm-1.30pm                                                                   Course content and structure                          Counselling services
    Limavady Reps
                                                                                                              Teaching/learning approaches                          Welfare, information, advice and guidance
    Course Rep Meetings: Second meeting:
                                                                                                              Academic Appeals Procedure                            Careers education and guidance
    Mon 29th November 2021 - 12.30-1.30pm
    K Mc Caul Reps                                                                                            Workload (including private study)                    Financial support
    Tues 30th November 2021 - 12.30pm-1.30pm
                                                                                                              Timetable Meeting deadlines and progress
    S Traynor Reps                                                                                                                                                  Library and LRC
    Wed 1st December 2021 - 12.30pm-1.30pm
    G Lavery Reps                                                                                             Staff teaching on the course                          Student Union, Student Voice
    Thurs 2nd December 2021 - 12.30pm-1.30pm D
    Laverty Reps                                                                                              Work experience                                       Student portal and Moodle
    Mon 6th December 2021 - 12.30pm-1.30pm
    Strabane Reps
                                                                                                              Assessment requirements                               Learning Link
    Tuesd 7th December 2021 - 12.30pm-1.30pm
    Limavady Reps

22 For more details visit www.nwrc.ac.uk/faq                                                                                           #ThisIsYourFuture                          For more details visit the STUDENT PORTAL 23
• We will:                                            • In return you are expected to:

• Always treat everyone equally and respectfully      • Fully engage as an active student in our shared
                                                        educational experience and take responsibility
• Provide you with timely and accurate                  for your own learning
  information about all aspects of your course
  and college life                                    • Treat everyone with respect online and in person.

• Provide impartial guidance, assistance and          • The College expects 100% attendance and
  advice to support your future success                 punctuality adherence

• Be professional in all our dealings with you             • Comply with all the College policies and
                                                               procedures, found on the Student
• Provide you with a comprehensive                                Portal
  induction to the College
                                                                       • Not be in possession of, or

• Provide appropriate learning                                           under the influence of illegal
  opportunities, resources                                                drugs, including legal highs or
  and support to assist you in                                            alcohol in class or on College
  your studies                                                            property

• Provide you with a
  programme to enhance
  your employability prospects:
  access work experience /
                                             CHARTER                     •          Complete all work
                                                                          and assignments you are set
                                                                        within the agreed time and
                                                                      ensure that all work is your own.
  placement and industry visits                                     Plagiarism will be dealt with as a
  where appropriate                                             serious offence

• Provide you with appropriate and timely             • Respect all College property including Library
  feedback on your progress that promotes               and Careers Academy resources and materials
  learning and facilitates improvement
                                                      • Students must declare any criminal convictions
• Provide Students’ Union services and activities,      or charges as part of their enrolment process in      “The Access course at NWRC
  including Sports, Clubs and Societies                 line with the College’s policy on the Disclosure of
                                                        Criminal History
                                                                                                              really helped prepare me for
• Provide opportunities for student voice                                                                     University. Now I’m a fully
  mechanisms, to inform improvements at all
                                                                                                              qualified registered nurse.”
  levels of college life                                Student Services is available to both Students
                                                          and Staff should you have any queries or
• Allow you to make a complaint on any issue and        concerns. We are here to support you through
  ensure you receive a response in line with the        your journey at North West Regional College.
  College Complaints Procedure                                                                                TONYA WEBB
                                                        We operate an Open Door Policy so please call
                                                                                                              University Access Diploma in Health and Welfare
                                                               in and speak to us at any time.
• Safeguard all the personal information you
  provide in compliancewith the Data Protection
  Act and the Freedom of Information Act

       24 For more details visit www.nwrc.ac.uk/faq
Student Services
                                                                                                             Widening Participation                                  Please advise us if any of the below apply to you:
                                                                                                             North West Regional College actively
                                                                                                             encourages students from disadvantaged                  •      You are in care or have a care experienced
                                                                                                             backgrounds to apply to the College and offer                  background
                                                                                                             them support as they undertake their student            •      You are homeless or at risk of becoming so
                                                                                                             journey. We want to change perceptions and              •      You are a single or young parent
                                                                                                             raise aspirations. Having a diverse student             •      You have had involvement with the criminal
    Student Services is made up of different support    Student Portal                                                                                                      justice system
    areas for all students at North West Regional                                                            population impacts positively on everyone’s
                                                        On the Student Services Portal you will find lots    learning and development. If you are from               •      You have caring responsibilities yourself
    College. These areas include:                       of useful information under each department.         a background that creates barriers to your
                                                        You can click on the relevant department to find     education and learning,                                 For more information, contact:
    •     Careers Academy                               out additional information about events and
    •     Student Finance                               workshops.                                                                                                   Email: Eva.Mcclean@nwrc.ac.uk
    •     Safeguarding                                                                                       The College Widening Access and Participation
                                                                                                                                                                     Tel: 028 7127 6080
    •     Library                                                                                            Officer would like to hear from you and to help
    •     Learning Link                                                                                      you to overcome any challenges you may
                                                                                                             be facing.
          Students' Union & Events
          Health & Wellbeing
                                                        Student Engagement
                                                        and Retention
    The Student Services staff at North West
    Regional College will strive to ensure you feel     Student Services provides a ‘team around
    welcome and comfortable and there is plenty
    of help and support available to you. The most
                                                        the learner ‘support intervention service
                                                        across all our campuses aimed at supporting                              Meet the Team
    important thing is to seek information, advice or   students who are struggling with their studies
    support whenever you need it. We have a team        to overcome the barriers they face to their
    of experts on hand to help you work through         education and learning.
     any difficulties.
                                                        The support team is made up of staff from each
    We aim to provide integrated, professional,         of the following support departments:
    student-centred services which offer
    information, advice, guidance and support to        •   Widening Access
    enable every student to develop and achieve         •   Safeguarding
    their full potential.                               •   Careers
                                                        •   Learning Support
                                                        •   Leaner Resources
    How do I see someone in
                                                        •   Student Finance                                            Finneen Bradley          Shannon Doherty          Emmett Rice             Danny Lyttle
    Student Services?                                   •   Students Union
    The College Strand Road Campus is staffed                                                                          Careers Academy          Safeguarding             Student Finance         Student Liaison
                                                                                                                       Manager                  Officer                                          and Events Officer
    at all times; other campuses have advisors          Students can access this service if tutors or                                                                                            / Student Union
    available at different times during the week.       teachers refer them directly via student services,
    Student Services has an open door policy which      or a student can contact the support team
    means you can drop into any of the campuses         by emailing support@nwrc.ac.uk, to ensure
    Student Services offices and you may be seen        maximum impact and guidance is provided.
    immediately by an advisor or you can make an
    appointment. Appointments can be made by            We come together for the common purpose
    email or by telephone.                              of improving the success of the student.

    To make an Appointment contact:

                                                                                                                             Siobhan Faulkner             Jonathan Moore            Danny McFeely
    Derry-Limavady Campus
    Tel: 028 7127 6045                                                                                                          Learning Support          Library Manager           Health and Wellbeing
    Limavady Campus                                                                                                             Co-ordinator                                        Activity Support Officer
    Tel: 028 7127 8770

26 For more details visit www.nwrc.ac.uk/faq                                                                                     #ThisIsYourFuture                               For more details visit the STUDENT PORTAL 27
                                                                                                                   Safe Place Initiative
                                                                                                                   North West Regional College is also a member
                                                                                                                   of the ‘Safe Place Initiative’ which was awarded
                                                                                                                   by Onus. This initiative allows us as a college to
                                                                                                                   provide information and signpost anyone that
                                                                                                                   may be affected by domestic and sexual violence
    What is Safeguarding?                                  Who do I contact?                                       or abuse.
                                                           In line with statutory safeguarding guidance, the
    Safeguarding is the action taken to promote the        College has a designated safeguarding team.             If you have been affected by domestic violence or
    welfare of children, young people, adults at risk of   This group of colleagues work closely together          would like more information please contact the
    harm and adults in need of protection to protect       to provide effective safeguarding and pastoral          safeguarding team by emailing
    them from harm. At NWRC all staff are committed        support interventions for all students at the           safeguarding@nwrc.ac.uk
    to providing a safe and supportive environment         College.
    where students feel safe and receive effective
    pastoral and safeguarding care, guidance and           If College staff or students have any concerns
    support.                                               about a student they should contact:

    We share the belief that safeguarding is               Shannon Doherty (Safeguarding Officer)
    everybody’s responsibility and foster this culture     Tel: 028 7127 8709
    across the College. The College has a dedicated        Email: shannon.doherty@nwrc.ac.uk
    safeguarding team and Safeguarding Champion
    that promotes awareness of safeguarding issues         Joseph McCarthy (Deputy Safeguarding Officer)
    and is always available to provide support to          Tel: 028 7127 6096
    students, families and staff.                          Email: joseph.mccarthy@nwrc.ac.uk

    How can we help?                                       Majella Doherty (Deputy Safeguarding Officer)
    The College strives to offer the very best             Tel : 02871 27 6366
    education and training and recognises the              Email majella.doherty@nwrc.ac.uk
    importance of integrated safeguarding and
    support services as part of the student experience
    to enable students to achieve positive outcomes.       Covid-19 Update
     The Safeguarding team can offer a listening ear,      The COVID-19 pandemic is a new and uncertain
    support and advice with issues such as abuse,          time for all of us, so it is only natural that it may
    bereavement, mental health issue, unplanned            affect our mental health in different ways.
    pregnancy, homelessness, gambling, relationship
    breakdown, alcohol or drug addiction, gender           If you feel you have been affected, the
    change, or any other concern a student may have        safeguarding team are here to help and can offer
    during their time at college                           support and guidance. It is important to talk about
                                                           how you are feeling and we can work through this
    NWRC Safeguarding Policy                               together. The safeguarding team will continue to
    North West Regional College has a Safeguarding         support students by appointment.
    Policy in place to protect young people under 18
    years and adults at risk of harm or adults in need     To arrange an appointment with a Safeguarding
    of protection.                                         Officer please email safeguarding@nwrc.ac.uk

    Our dedicated Safeguarding team take the care,
    welfare and safety of young people under the
    age of 18 and adults at risk of harm and in need
    of protection who are students / trainees of the
    college extremely seriously.

28 For more details visit www.nwrc.ac.uk/faq                                                                                            #ThisIsYourFuture               For more details visit the STUDENT PORTAL 29
How to apply for your
    Access NI – Enhanced Disclosure Check                       *Please make sure you complete all steps*

    STEP 1 – Online Registration:                         GROUP 2
                                                          •   Birth Certificate (not original).
     • Type into Google: ACCESSNI                         •   Marriage/Civil Partnership Certificate
     • Click onto Nidirect.gov.uk - AccessNI check |      •   Electoral ID Card (NI only).
       Apply Online                                       •   Mortgage Statement (dated within 12
     • Scroll down and click onto Apply online for an         months).
       enhanced check through a registered body           •   Land and Property Services Rates Statement
     • Scroll down again and click onto the green box         (NI only).
                                                          •   P45/P60
                                                          •   Bank or Credit Card Statement (dated within
                                                              3 months).
     • Once you have clicked onto the green box you       •   Bank Account Opening Confirmation Letter
        will need to create an account (option at right       (dated within 3 months).
        hand side of screen).                             •   Utility Bill (not mobile phone – dated within 3
     • To activate your account you will need to sign         months).
        into the email account you have used. There       •   Benefit Statement (Child benefit, tax credits,
        will be an email prompting you to activate            pension – dated within 3 months – UK only).
        your account.                                     •   yLink Card (these are free and easy to apply for
     • Once you have activated your account and               online and provide photographic ID).
        signed in, you will need to enter this PIN:       •   College Letter (Contact Admissions)
     •	 2 9 9 9 1 2
     • Complete the remainder of the application
                                                          STEP 3 – Questions:
        and take note of the 10-digit Access NI
                                                          Each student must answer the two questions
        Reference Number.
                                                          below – ideally, you should send an email with
                                                          your ID and answers together to our Safeguarding
    STEP 2 – ID:                                          Mailbox – safeguarding@nwrc.ac.uk
    We can only accept ID from the list below.
    Please scan or take clear photos and send to          1. Have you lived outside of the UK/ROI in the
    safeguarding@nwrc.ac.uk                                  last 5 years?
                                                          2. Have you ever changed your name?
    GROUP 1
     •    Valid Passport (Must not be out of date).       If you answer yes to any or both of the above
     •    Current Full or Provisional Driving Licence     questions you will be required to provide evidence.
     •    Original Birth Certificate (Long or short)      For example, if you have changed your name, a
     •    Adoption Certificate                            deed poll would be required or if your name has
     •	                                                   changed through marriage, a marriage certificate
                      What we need:                       is required.
     ONE ID from group 1, and TWO forms of ID from         If you have lived outside of the UK/ROI, a
                         group 2.                         certificate of good conduct is required. If you
    If you do not have an ID from group 1 we will need    require further clarification on this section, please
              FOUR forms of ID from group 2.              state this in your email and we will be happy to
                                                          provide further guidance.

30 For more details visit www.nwrc.ac.uk/faq                                                                      #ThisIsYourFuture   For more details visit the STUDENT PORTAL 31
Student Services

                                                                        Safeguarding Team

                                                Shannon Doherty                  Joesph McCarthy                Majella Doherty                   Gillian Moss
                                                   Safeguarding Officer         Deputy Safeguarding Officer   Deputy Safeguarding Officer    Adult Safeguarding Champion
                                                      All Campuses                    All Campuses                   All Campuses                     All Campuses
                                               shannon.doherty@nwrc.ac.uk      joseph.mccarthy@nwrc.ac.uk     majella.doherty@nwrc.ac.uk       gillian.moss@nwrc.ac.uk

32 For more details visit www.nwrc.ac.uk/faq                                #ThisIsYourFuture                             For more details visit the STUDENT PORTAL 33
Student Finance
    Financial stability is a key to academic
                                                         Further Education                                    Travel/Bus Pass                                          Republic of Ireland Students
                                                                                                              Bus passes are issued by your local Education
    We want to ensure every NWRC student                 (Including Traineeships)                             Authority (EA). Students must:                           •   Full-Time higher education students may apply
    benefits from the funding opportunities              Education Maintenance Allowance
                                                                                                                                                                           for a maintenance grant via SUSI. Students can
    available to them. We strive to ensure               •   EMA pays £30 per week and is available to        •    Be under 19 on 1st July before the start of the         apply online at www.susi.ie.
    payments are made on time and that Students              16-19 year olds (means tested)                        academic year
                                                         •   Courses must be at least 15 hours per week       •    Be studying a Further Education course only         •   Full-Time higher education students can also
    are kept informed of key funding dates.
                                                             excludes Essential Skills)                       •    Live at least 3 miles from their nearest                apply for a tuition fee loan by completing the
    In addition the Student Finance team provides        •   EMA Application forms are available online            college.                                                EU21N application form.
    advice and guidance to students at NWRC and              and from Student Services                                                                                 •   You may be able to apply for Back to Education if
    those wishing to progress on with their studies      •   Continuing students do not need to reapply       If you are studying a Higher Education course you            you are currently on a Social Welfare payment.
    in areas such as:                                                                                         are not entitled to a travel pass.                       •
    •   Bursaries                                        Further Education Grant                                                                                       Higher Education Bursary and
    •   Grants                                           •   FE Grants are available to students who are      Free School Meals
                                                             studying full-time further education courses     Students under 18 years of age at 31st July before       Scholarship
    •   Student Loans
                                                             and are 19+ on the 1st July                      the start of the academic year, may be entitled to
    •   Tuition fees                                                                                                                                                   •   £500 bursary available to all NWRC full-time
                                                         •   Students can get up to £2,092 per year           free school meals. Applications must be made by
    •   Other financial help                                                                                                                                               higher education students (means tested and
                                                             (means tested, non-repayable)                    your parent or guardian to your local Education
                                                                                                              Authority.                                                   non-repayable).
    The Student Finance team is also responsible         •   Download an application form Link here or
                                                                                                              Apply online                                             •   Students can apply for the bursary through
    for the administration of the Support Fund,              collect from Student Services.
                                                                                                              https://freeschoolmealsanduniforms.eani.org.uk/              Student Services in September.
    EMA, Care to Learn, Higher Education Bursary,        •
    Further Education Grant and Higher Education         Deadline to be guaranteed funding is
                                                                                                              School meal tickets will be available from reception     Two HE Scholarships are available to cover the
    registrations.                                       30th June but applications are open
                                                                                                              and should be collected on a weekly basis.               cost of fees for students from a disadvantaged
    •	                                                   until 29th October
                                                                                                                                                                       background. Contact Student Services for
    •	                                                                                                                                                                 additional information.
                                                         Part-Time Further Education Grant                    Higher Education                                         SSE Airtricity Scholarship Fund
                                                         •  Part-time further education awards are also
    •	                                                                                                        Higher Education Funding                                 The SSE Airtricity Scholarship provides 50% funding
                                                            available to students studying part-time
    •	                                                                                                        •    Students can get a non-repayable maintenance        support towards the cost of Higher Education fees
                                                            further education courses
    •	       Student Finance contacts                    • Students can get up to £465 towards fees                grant per year of up to £3,475 (means tested).      for students commencing first year.
                                                            and £265 towards books and materials                                                                       While funding is available for a broad range of
    •	                                                                                                             Maintenance loans and tuition fee loans
                                                         • Download an application form Link here or                                                                   subjects, there is a particular emphasis on science
    •	    EMA                     0300 200 7089                                                                    are also available. You can apply online at:
                                                            collect from Student Services                                                                              and technology.
    •	    Education Authority     0288 2411 411                                                                    studentfinanceni.co.uk.
                                                         Deadline for funding is 29th October
    •	                                                                                                        •
          Higher Education        0300 100 0077
    •	                                                   Republic of Ireland Students                         Part-time Higher Education Funding
    •	    Email:             studentfinance@nwrc.ac.uk   •   There are no grants available for ROI            •    Part-Time higher education students can get a
    •	                                                       students studying Full-Time FE courses                grant of £265 and a Fee grant (means tested)
    •	                                                   •   Part-Time further education students may         •    A fee loan is also available for those who do not
    •	                                                       apply for the Part-Time Further Education             qualify for the grant.
    •	                                                       Grant (Fees Only)
    •	                                                                                                        •    Students need to complete an online
                                                         •   You may be able to apply for Back to
    •	                                                                                                             application. Visit studentfinanceni.co.uk
                                                             Education if you are currently in receipt of a
    •	                                                                                                        •
                                                             Social Welfare payment.
    •	                                                                                                        •

34 For more details visit www.nwrc.ac.uk/faq                                                                                         #ThisIsYourFuture                         For more details visit the STUDENT PORTAL 35
Skills for Life and Work                              Education Maintenance Allowance
    (SFLAW)                                               (EMA)
    Skills for Life and Work (SFLAW) students should      •       If your register is not fully marked each week,
                                                                  you may not get paid. Check your attendance
    refer to their Skills for Life and Work participant
                                                                  regularly and discuss issues with your tutor.
    handbook for all information about payments.
                                                          •       Students must have any absences authorised
    SFLAW students can get up to £40 per week                     by their tutor within one week in order for
    based on attendance.                                          payments to be processed.

                                                          •       Students on work placement (WP) must have
    Additional Sources of Funding                                 this authorised by their tutor in order for
                                                                  payments to be processed.
    The Support Fund
    The Support Fund is intended to provide support       •       You can find all up-to-date information
    to learners who are experiencing exceptional                  on EMA rules, AA/WP forms on the A-Z
                                                                  resources via the Student Portal.
    financial difficulty with meeting costs associated
                                                                  Link here
    with learning, such as:
    •   Part-Time fees
    •   Accommodation                                         IMPORTANT INFORMATION:
    •   Books                                                 •     Missed or reduced finance payments
    •   Materials                                                   could have a devastating effect on
    •   Travel expenses                                             your ability to complete your course
    •   Childcare Costs                                             successfully.

    The Support Fund is discretionary. Contact                •     The number one cause of missed or
    Student Services for an application and criteria                reduced Finance payments is your
    information: supportfund@nwrc.ac.uk                             attendance at the College. All Student
    Apply Online here                                               Finance is dependent on your continuous
                                                                    attendance. In most cases this is
                                                                    something you will have direct control
    Payments                                                        over, however life events can sometimes
    The Support Fund can pay up to £45 per week.                    present obstacles to attendance.
    If approved payments are made approximately
    every 6 weeks and will be based on attendance.            •     If you find you are having problems
    Poor attendance could result in reduced or                      attending it’s really important to keep your
    suspended Support Fund payments. Students                       Tutor informed in exceptional cases they
    may be asked to repay Support Fund payments if                  may be able to authorise your absences to
    they abandon their course.                                      prevent it from affecting your payments.

    Princes Trust Development Award                           •     Understanding your E-register is
                                                                                                                    “I participated in placement
    If you’re aged 16-25 and need funding to get into               important, you can view your attendance
                                                                    on the Student Portal. It’s strongly
                                                                                                                    as part of my course and I
    Training/Education, you could potentially receive
    a grant to help to pay for fees, tools or equipment             recommended to monitor this. If you             would strongly recommend
                                                                    are not marked correctly you need to
    for a job or qualification e.g. hairdressing kit,
    carpentry tools, chef whites to help you to reach
                                                                    inform your tutor. Student Finance will         Fabrication and Welding as it is
                                                                    be checking E-registers when calculating
    your educational goals.                                         Student Finance payments.                       a great trade to learn.”
    If you meet the eligibility criteria you can
    receive up to £500.
                                                                                                                    DECLAN MCELENEY
    For more information, contact:                                      Related links:
                                                                                                                    Level 3 Diploma in Fabrication and Welding
    Email: outreachni@princes-trust.org.uk                              •   www.studentfinanceni.co.uk
    Tel: 0800 842 842                                                   •   www.studentfinance.ie
    Text: “Call Me” to 079 8338 5418                                    •   www.eani.org.uk
    For more details visit www.nwrc.ac.uk/faq                           •   www.welbni.org

36 For more details visit www.nwrc.ac.uk/faq
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