Happy Holidays NEWS TO CAMPERS - A Masonic Family Camping Club - National Camping Travelers

Page created by Reginald Hale
Happy Holidays NEWS TO CAMPERS - A Masonic Family Camping Club - National Camping Travelers
                 A Masonic Family Camping Club
National Camping Travelers, Inc.   Volume 50, Issue 2 Winter, 2021

             Happy Holidays

   57th NCT NORTH
        July17-22, 2022
    James E Ward Center
     Lebanon, Tennessee
Happy Holidays NEWS TO CAMPERS - A Masonic Family Camping Club - National Camping Travelers
                  National President:          David Brigham
Fellow NCT’ers, it’s the time of year again when we think
about joy, family, and friends. We in the south think about cool-
er weather and those of you from the north think about going
south to escape the cold and snow. I hope that you all are meet-
ing or camping as chapters and enjoying each other’s fellow-
ship and friendship. Fellowship and friendship will help us
grow closer as a family. It is Mary and My wish to all of you to
find joy this season. And a prosperous New Year.
Merry Christmas
David and Mary BrighamNational President

 National 1st Vice President:           Les Hall
Greetings from your 1st National Vice-President.
Wow! The past couple of months have been very hectic. On Sep-
tember 10th, my body decided that it would teach me a few les-
sons and change my lifestyle. It did this by having a heart attack.
When I was very young and growing up in the 1950's, if some-
one had a heart attack, they died. End of story. Thanks to the
Grace of God and Advances in Medical Science, that is no longer
the case.

I was taken to the hospital and given medications to stabilize my heart. The next morning, I
had a heart catheter, cleared the 100% blockage, and had a stent inserted. I was back at home
within about 48 hours and recuperating.
This event has changed my lifestyle by drastically limiting my food intake, and thus, a signifi-
cant weight loss. It has also changed my outlook on life and the way I view the things in my life
and the world around me. I am far more appreciative of each day of life and the opportunities I
still have.
As Winter approaches, many are getting prepared to huddle down to endure the months
of cold weather.

Bob Smoyer, District 4 Director, is working diligently to plan a District 4 Friendship Rally
on March 31 — April 3, 2022. We look forward to seeing many of you at the rally and en-
joying the Bluegrass and Gospel Music at Twin Oaks RV Park in Hoboken, GA.
Stay well and continue to get out with your chapter and camp whenever you can.
We hope this issue of News to Campers finds you healthy and doing well and hopefully
2022 will be a better year for all of us.

Les & Joy Hall, 1st Vice President.

Happy Holidays NEWS TO CAMPERS - A Masonic Family Camping Club - National Camping Travelers
Wow where has the summer went. It’s time for the De-
cember news to campers already. Have you been nice so Santa
can come for a visit? Just remember the reason for the season
and don’t get carried away with the gift idea.
The northern folks have put their campers to sleep for the winter.
Of course most chapters will still have a monthly meeting at a
good restaurant. Of course you can take the camping season
away for a few months but not the friendship of the local chap-
ter. Some of us have headed south for the winter and are now
suffering the warm weather in Florida or Texas. Pat and I ar-
rived at our winter place on 1 November. We are close to our
oldest son and my 101 years young Dad’s place.
I wish all of our NCT members and all others to have a Merry Christmas.
Again remember that Jesus is the reason for the season.
Pat and Jim Jackson

                                          National Secretary/Treasurer - Dave Fant

        Thanks to all the Chapter Members and secretaries!
Your response to my request for Christmas Cards and activi-
ties and the Abundance of Emails, letters and phone calls
were overwhelming. I can’t remember when I received this
many. Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU! Lets keep it
on for the March issue. During January and February, I hope
to get feedback as I continue with the monthly Blog. Look
for it at the beginning of each month.
    This is the Christmas issue and I hope it has many wishes to all of you for a Merry Christ-
mas. I hope this year has been a Blessed one. Two years in a row have encouraged us all to
stay at home and reflect on many of the blessings we have had at home.
    A couple of requests to all of you: when you send a card, or an article for the newsletter,
please do not send it as a pdf file. I cannot rearrange the article and can only paste it as I get
it. Articles should be sent as Microsoft words, and photos should be sent as attachments. If
they are sent as part of a pdf I can’t enlarge them to make them as large or as clear as they
should be. If you have questions, drop me a note. I will try to send additional instructions to
the Chapter Secretaries and Reporters at the beginning of January The other request is to
please send articles by the first of the previous month, i.e. March articles and information
should be sent by February first. Information on upcoming Camping activities should be sent
ASAP to be able to get them in the listing on time.
    A Blessed Christmas to all.
    Remember the Reason for the Season,
    Pam, David and Alex too

   God Bless you ALL !

Happy Holidays NEWS TO CAMPERS - A Masonic Family Camping Club - National Camping Travelers
2022 National Rally
                          Lebanon, Tennessee
Joe Williams, National Rally, Chairman

As the weather gets cooler and the leaves begin to fall everyone is looking forward to
the Holidays and new year, the Middle Tennessee Travelers are looking a head to July
2022 for the National Rally to be held at the James Ag Center in Lebanon Tennessee,
better known as the Cedar City….The area around has many sights to see including
downtown Nashville and Music Row
The camping area will be open to us from July 13 thru the rally and can be use to start
an early vacation. President David and Lady Mary will be taking two trips one on Satur-
day before the opening to the home of President Andrew Jackson and after closure of
the rally on Thursday will take a dinner cruise and show on the General Jackson Show-
boat both will be a short drive from the Ag center .    General Jackson $110 per per-
son and the Andrew Jackson tour $20.00. WE are looking forward to see each of you,

Joe Williams, Rally Chairman

                                         Welcome New Members!!!!!!!!
       A lot of fun is to be had by all! Get ready to have loads of fun, lots of fellowship and lifelong friends !

        NCT                    NAME                     CHP               Recommended By            NCT#

       22402 William & Becky Reisa                          238        David Miller                22343
       22403 Ray & Mary Browning                            238        David Miller                22343

Happy Holidays NEWS TO CAMPERS - A Masonic Family Camping Club - National Camping Travelers
National Chaplin:               David Miller
    Happy Holidays from the Office of your Chaplin NCT
    Brothers and Sisters all, my name is David Miller and have been given the privilege of
    working as your Chaplin for the current office year of 2021-22, and Thank You, to President
    David and Mary Brigham for this honor. After missing the National Convention in July,
    thanks to Covid-19, our bout lasted about 2 weeks; but, the Convention was over. We were
    very sad not to be able to meet everyone.
       With that absence in mind allow me to introduce myself again. I am David Miller and
    my wife of 46 years is Donna. We have 5 children 9 Grand and 10 great grand kids. We
    married in 1976, and was able with a lot of praying to mix 5 kids together.
       I was made a Mason at Irvington Lodge #666 in 1977 and have been active in some
    way ever since. I got involved with my girls in Job's Daughters early on and became As-
    sociate Guardian of the bethel. After a number of years I was elected Associate Grand
    Guardian of Indiana and served in 2013-2014. My total involvement was 1977 thru 2019.
       I became a York Rite Mason in the mid 80's and joined Raper Drill Team. Our team is
    the only drill unit to win 7 consecutive National competitions,15 years of work. I served as
    Master of my Lodge in 1995, and head of all three York Rite bodies. Chapter Council and
    Commandery, and was awarded the KYCH (Knight of York of Honor).
       I am writing to you all this evening some 2 weeks before Thanksgiving and after some
    though it still must be a Christmas message here. It is the season of many many emotions.
    As we go thru the Holidays and travel this Great Country of ours we must be ever aware of
    our main purpose, Love the Lord and serve Him..
        Please keep in mind these words from St Matthew 1-21 thru 25, And she shall bring
    forth a son, and he shall be called Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins. 22>
    Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the Proph-
    ets, saying. 23> Behold, a virgin shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Em-
    manuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. 24> Then Joseph being raised from sleep
    did as the Angel bidden him, and took unto himself his wife, 25> And knew her not until she
    had brought forth her first born son: and he called his name Jesus.
                                                                              Merry Christmas to You All
                                                              Safe Travels and Keep the Dirty Side Down
                                                                                 David Miller I PM KYCH

                                      Innumerable Caravan

       Member                                    Date                 NCT #      Chapter State
     Patsy Hope                                  September 16, 2021   19862      161     KS
     Bill “Wilkie” Elvin Dunn                    September 13, 2021   18230      38      WA

Nothing is harder than losing someone you love, but friends can help with the healing. Please know that you have
friends who care. Take strength in your memories, and have faith in tomorrow.

Happy Holidays NEWS TO CAMPERS - A Masonic Family Camping Club - National Camping Travelers
Massachusetts One, Chapter 9

                               In September, the Mass State Rally
                               was held at Travelers Woods
                               Campground in Bernardston, MA All
                               who attended were very happy to
                               camp, enjoyed the friendship shared
                               and loved the fun of marshmallows,
                               Hershey bars, and Graham Crackers
                               around the fire with Mickie as head
                               cook each night. Some of our activi-
                               ties were off site – like going for ice
                               cream after lunch or having dinner as a
                               group in downtown Greenfield. Oh,
                               those donuts from turners Falls were
                               so yummy!
                               Come join us by the campfire! You
                               never know what’s next.

  State Rally,
  September ,

Happy Holidays NEWS TO CAMPERS - A Masonic Family Camping Club - National Camping Travelers
Connecticut 1, Chapter 6 Final 2021 Campout District1 with some friends joined at
                       CT 1 Season’s Final 2021 CT 1 Campout

                                 CT1 Chapter 6, National Camping Travelers, Finishes the
                                   Camping Season with Dinner and Annual Donation

                              A small group of campers dined together at Mineral Springs
                              Campground in Stafford, CT, the final official campout of the
                              CT1, Chapter 6 season. Some members of Mass 1, Chapter 9
                              also joined in. This year the club prepared a pork roast for
                              those who attended. Because of COVID, the decision was
                              made to postpone the annual turkey dinner until next year.
                              After dinner the annual donation was given to Most Worshipful
                              Past Grand Master William L. Greene, a long-time NCT mem-
                              ber, and board member of The Masonic Charity Foundation at
                              Masonicare. He would be taking the check to its destination in
                              Wallingford, CT, for the Quality of Life Fund at Masonicare. The
                              Quality of Life Fund is used to help make life better for the resi-
                              dents of any of Masonicare's facilities as well as patients of Ma-
                              sonicare Home Health and Hospice.
                                The camping club has one more big event this year and that is
                              the toy collection for little ones who visit the emergency depart-
                              ment at St. Mary's Hospital in Waterbury, CT. The toys are
Quality of Life Donation      used by St. Mary's emergency staff to give to children, helping
                              lessen what might be a scary visit to the hospital's pediatric
MOT Dennis Morgan             trauma unit.

                               CT1, Chapter 6 and the Grand Chapter of Connecticut Order
PMWGM Bill Greene,            of the Eastern Star have been collecting new unwrapped toys
PNP                           for this year's annual donation to the hospital. In past years,
                              District 1 and OES have been able to fill an ambulance to the
Ray Geer, PNP                 brim with toys. It was a special year in 2018 when together,
                              they filled TWO ambulances. to the brim. There is the hope to
                              come close again this year.

Happy Holidays NEWS TO CAMPERS - A Masonic Family Camping Club - National Camping Travelers
Wishing Every Member
a Safe and Merry Christmas.
        Chapter 231
    Grovetown, Georgia,

Happy Holidays NEWS TO CAMPERS - A Masonic Family Camping Club - National Camping Travelers
Happy Holidays NEWS TO CAMPERS - A Masonic Family Camping Club - National Camping Travelers
Merry Christmas from the
    National Office

                                Past National Presidents

                                     Massachusetts One, Chapter 9

From all the members of
                                              West Virginia
                                          Pioneer Travelers # 200

Happy Holidays from the members of
            NCT #38
Suwannee River Travelers Chapter 229
          We had 3 rigs at our November monthly campout. This month we join FOTO (Friends Of Twin
  Oaks) on November 5th—7th at Twin Oakes RV Park near Hoboken, GA,
          It was a wet and cold weekwnd. It rained practically all day on Friday and Saturday. But it didn’t
  dampen our spirits in the least.
          We had a Great time, enjoyed some fantastic Bluegrass and Gospel Music, and as always, we ate
  very good.
          Our campground for December will again be at Twin Oakes RV Park near Hoboken, GA where
  we will enjoy “Christmas with FOTO” on December 3rd—5th.
          In January we will be camping at Eagles Roost RV Resort in Lake Park, GA on January 14 th—
  16 th. This is our annual Flea Market Extravaganza.
          On February 4th—6th, we will be “Camping on the Lake” at McIntosh Lake RV Park near
  Townsend, GA.
          March 4th—6th will find us “Canping in the Pecan Grove” at Cecil Bay RV Park in Cecil, GA.
          Then on March 31st—April 3rd, we will be participating in the District 4 Friendship Rally which
  will be held at Twin Oaks RV Prk near Hoboken, GA.
          We always welcome visitors. Come join us whenever you can.

  Respectfully submitted
  Joy Hall, Secretary

District 4 Friendship Rally
Thursday March 31st to Sunday April 3rd, 2022, Twin Oak, RV Park, 401 Twin Oaks Drive,
Hoboken GA 31542. This is about 30 miles North of Fla/Ga line. Midway between I-75 and

Camping $20 per night for 30 Amp. $25 per night for 50 amp (you’ll need to bring a 30
Amp/50 Amp Splitter to produce 50 Amp Service. These are available from Amazon for un-
der $30.00). Water and Electricity at each site. Four sewage dump-sites on the premises.

Picking and Grinning Friday evening and Saturday - day and evening.

Dinner on Thursday evening (Hamburgers and Hot Dogs). Friday & Saturday evening (5:00
PM) and breakfast Saturday morning (10:00 AM) - Covered Dishes are encouraged to ensure
we have enough food for everyone. Also cash donations to cover the cost of paper goods,
tea, etc. will be much appreciated.

We will have a short Opening Ceremony on Thursday evening at 5:00 PM followed by a
Hamburger and Hot Dog Social.

District Meeting and State & Chapter Meetings will be on Saturday morning after Breakfast.

Come, join us for Fun, Fellowship, and lots of Bluegrass and Gospel Music.

The Rally Fee is $15.00 per person to cover the cost of the Rally Patches and other incidental

For more Information, email Les Hall: leshall@windstream.net or Bob Smo-
yer: rvingbob34653@ yahoo.com.

                              From The National Officers

2022 District 4 Friendship Rally
                                Twin Oaks RV Park,
                       401 Twin Oaks Drive, Hoboken, GA
                          Campground Phone: 912-458-2365
                              (No Reservation Needed)
                             March 31 — April 3, 2022

NAME                                          NCT#




CITY                            STATE                ZIP





                   REGISTRATION FEES

$15 PER PERSON   # OF PEOPLE ___________ AMOUNT ENC. $


                       JOY HALL
                       11015 71st DRIVE LIVE OAK, FL 32060


RALLY FEE INCLUDES, 1 DINNER, 2 DINNERS (Covered Dish and/or Donation) AND 1 BREAK-

2022 National Rally TOURS

Would you like to join President David and Lady Mary on
one or both of the following tours before and during the Na-
tion Rally being held a the James E, Ward Ag, Center Leba-
non Tennessee.

Both Tours will be driving (car Pool) tours of less that 35 miles

Tour one will be to the Heritage home of President Andrew
Jackson where will take a walking tour of his estate and home. We
will leave on Saturday July 16 before the start of the rally at and return
that afternoon, we can also stop at the Heritage Steak House ( those that
would like ) for an afternoon meal together. Cost of admittance to
Heritage will be $20.00 per person

Tour Two will be during the rally either Wednesday or
Thursday Night

Come ride the General Jackson Show Boat from Opryland Hotel to
Downtown Nashville and back. While on the trip you will be fed a
great Dinner meal and furnished a dinner show. You can also tour the
General Jackson one of the largest show boats built.
Cost of the Tour will be $110.00 per person

Both tours are open to all that would like to go but must be
paid for with registration.


                                                        YOUTH NATIONAL
                                                       CAMPING TRAVELERS

                                                            2021 National Rally

Hello NCT’ers,
The Rally in New York was amazing! The YNCT hosted a successful car wash and traveling
taco lunch! We enjoyed a day of fun at the Enchanted Forest Water Safari in Old Forge, NY.
Amazing town and beautiful Adirondack Mountain view. As the newly elected YNCT Presi-
dent, I challenge everyone to bring children to the 57th NCT Rally in Lebanon Tennessee.
We need more youth! The last several rallies have low numbers! We need more kids! Last-
ing friendships are formed, memories made and it is just a great time! I would like to per-
sonally thank everyone for their support this year. We had a great time. The energy and ex-
citement made this year’s rally a special time for all of us!
Natalee Eck
YNCT President


 P O Box 136
 E. Longmeadow, MA 01028
 Phone: 484-529-0090
 E-mail: nctoffice@yahoo.com


                               Mark your Calendar

                                2021 National Rally

                               James E Ward Center
                               Lebanon, Tennessee

     July17-22, 2022

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