Happy hundredth birthday Maserati! More DVLA changes ahead AGM and Conference Latest Roadworthiness testing news

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Happy hundredth birthday Maserati! More DVLA changes ahead AGM and Conference Latest Roadworthiness testing news
The Newsletter of the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs                       Issue 5, 2014

In this issue:
Happy hundredth
birthday Maserati!
More DVLA changes
AGM and Conference
Latest Roadworthiness
testing news
          Visit our website at www.fbhvc.co.uk                             The UK Member of FIVA
Happy hundredth birthday Maserati! More DVLA changes ahead AGM and Conference Latest Roadworthiness testing news
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2 FBHVC      Issue 5, 2014
Happy hundredth birthday Maserati! More DVLA changes ahead AGM and Conference Latest Roadworthiness testing news
The Newsletter of the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs

Editorial                                                                                             President: Lord Montagu of Beaulieu
                                                                                                      Chairman: David Whale
                                                                                                      Secretary: Rosy Pugh
We are truly blessed in this country with some of the most interesting and                            All correspondence to the secretary
professionally run historic vehicle events in the world and it seems to me that                       at the Registered Office:
their number swells every year. There seems to be no limit to our appetite for                          Stonewold, Berrick Salome,
nostalgia and indeed all tastes are catered for. For the sporting amongst us                            Wallingford, Oxfordshire,
we have already enjoyed the Donington Historic, the Silverstone Classic and                             OX10 6JR
the Oulton Park Gold Cup with the prospect of a vintage (in the ‘wine’ sense)                           Phone/Fax: 01865 400845
Goodwood Revival in prospect. If your tastes are more sedentary the Salon                               Email: secretary@fbhvc.co.uk
Privé concours might be more suited and for those contemplating a long hard
                                                                                                      The Federation of British Historic
winter in the workshop, the Beaulieu International Autojumble is bound to
                                                                                                      Vehicle Clubs exists to uphold the
turn up that illusive component vital to your current restoration.
                                                                                                      freedom to use historic vehicles on
                                                                                                      the road. It does this by representing
For my part I have tried this year to cast my net a
                                                                                                      the interests of owners of such
little wider and sample the delights of events never
                                                                                                      vehicles to politicians, government
before attended. I report in this issue on a visit to the
                                                                                                      officials, and legislators both in
Museo Enzo Ferrari in Modena by kind invitation of
                                                                                                      the UK and (through membership
Maserati GB. If you are ever in this part of the world
                                                                                                      of Fédération Internationale des
this is a must, not only for this very special attraction
                                                                                                      Véhicules Anciens) in Europe.
but also for the many others nearby such as the Panini
                                                                                                      There are over 500 subscriber
Collection and the Ducati Museum. This region
                                                                                                      organisations representing a total
oozes history. Shortly, at the invitation of the Alvis
                                                                                                      membership of over 250,000 in
Owner’s Club I shall experience the International
                                                                                                      addition to individual and trade
Alvis meeting and then this is followed in short
                                                                                                      supporters. Details can be found
order by Beaulieu, the AGM and the Classic
                                                                                                      at www.fbhvc.co.uk or sent on
Motor Show. Do come and see us, and
                                                                                                      application to the secretary.
perhaps purchase a SelectaDNA forensic
                                                                                                      FBHVC is a company limited by
marking kit for your cherished historic
                                                                                                      guarantee, registered number
at a third off recommended retail price.
                                                                                                      3842316 and was founded in 1988.

   4      UK Legislation                             8      Safeguard your                          15 Trade and Skills
                                                                                                          Vehicle Restoration
          REACH, Roadworthiness,                            vehicle                                       Apprenticeships
          Registrations                                     Save money on SelectaDNA kits

   5      Fuel News                                  9      Technical and Events 16 Saturday
                                                                                    AGM and Conference
                                                                                             11 October 2014
          Ethanol compatibility study                       What to do and where to go

                                                     10 Happy 100th                                 17 Club News
   6      DVLA                                                                                            Extracts from member clubs’
          Reporting our meeting in                      birthday Maserati                                 newsletters
          Swansea                                           Celebrations Italian style

   7      EU legislation
          The new crop of MEPs

Lavenham Press are the preferred supplier for print to the Federation        articles are available via email, for more information please contact
of British Historic Vehicle Clubs. They have a wealth of experience in the   secretary@fbhvc.co.uk
field of club magazines and newsletters and can also offer database and       Cover: Caption: Adam Painter’s Maserati 4CS tackles the hill at The
membership services                                                          Festival of Speed. The car has raced continuously since 1934 apart
Subscriber clubs and organisations can reproduce the text of items           from an interlude during the Second World War when it was buried in
from this publication in their own publications provided that FBHVC is       Singapore to avoid confiscation by the Japanese.
credited. Images may be reproduced only with specific permission. All        Picture credit: Used with kind permission of Steve Havelock

                                                                                                                          Issue 5, 2014 FBHVC        3
Happy hundredth birthday Maserati! More DVLA changes ahead AGM and Conference Latest Roadworthiness testing news
UK Legislation                 Bob Owen

VED Exemption
                                           to have the V5C record amended to          that all concentration in DVLA has
                                           show the actual date of manufacture.       been on the interests of the operators
                                           We would recommend anyone who              of large fleets, such as lessors and
                                           has a 1974 built, but first registered     hire companies. While this is possibly
Since the last Issue a couple of points    in 1975, vehicle to make their             beneficial to the bottom line of
have arisen.                               application to amend the V5C now,          these companies, it does appear to
                                           rather than wait until just before 1       the Federation that the interests
Firstly, DVLA have chosen to insist that   April next year.                           of ordinary citizens have been
if the keeper of a vehicle wishes to                                                  insufficiently taken account of.
have a V5C record, which shows the         Discontinuance of the tax disc
date of first registration, amended to     I have no good news on tax disc            DVLA have told us they will introduce
show an earlier year of manufacture,       discontinuance, despite support from       an online service to replace physical
that keeper must provide either a          the All Party Parliamentary Historic       delivery of the V5C tear off Section 8.
record from the manufacturer (or           Vehicle Group.
where relevant a certificate from          The important reminder is that from 1      We would like to be able to brief you
BMIHT) or an extract from Glass’s          October, if you sell a vehicle, you will   as to exactly what will be presented to
Check Book.                                not be able to pass on any unexpired       buyers and sellers to enable the rapid
                                           licence. You will have immediately         transfer of keeper the law requires.
This has caused some entirely              to arrange to advise DVLA of the           But at the time I wrote this article we
understandable unhappiness among           sale. This will be true even where the     had not seen what the new online
some club registrars who are used to       licence is Nil Rate, as will be the case   system, to come into force less than a
having their dating letters accepted       for most of our vehicles. And, if the      month from when you read this, will
as good evidence of the date of            licence was subject to payment of          actually look like to the user.
manufacture. But DVLA have their           VED, you will get a rebate for each
reasons for having strict rules where      complete month until normal expiry.        We also do not know how ready the
the evidence decides whether a                                                        Post Office will be to deal with those
vehicle is exempt from VED. Members        Likewise if you buy a vehicle you will     who choose to use it instead of going
should note however that if they truly     immediately have to apply for a new        online. Experience suggests the Post
cannot provide the evidence DVLA is        licence. Again this is true even if the    Office might not have much, if any,
asking for but are sure of the facts,      vehicle is in the Historic Class and is    notice of what is required of them.
they or ideally the club supporting        thus at a Nil Rate.
them, should contact the Federation                                                   The proposed system still appears to
for help.                                  As I mentioned previously, we told         depend entirely on an online database
                                           DVLA of our concern at how the             and to offer no formal evidence other
There is some good news. DVLA have         process of transferring the record of      than a receipt to licence holders.
confirmed that anyone who knows            the keeper would work.                     We don’t know how far this will be
that their vehicle will have this issue                                               acceptable to the authorities in other
in the future, can apply at any time       It is evident from discussions since       countries.

REACH Regulations
Asbestos                                                         more as I establish it. However the position looks more
The Health and Safety Executive have told us they are still      hopeful.
working on the museums derogation I mentioned in the last
issue, so there is nothing more to report on this subject.
                                                                 Safer Lorries Scheme
                                                                 Some owners of historic commercial vehicles will have been
                                                                 concerned to read of the London Safer Lorries Scheme
Chrome plating                                                   which seeks to ban all lorries used within Greater London
There has apparently been a lot of activity in Brussels to       unless they have side bars and additional mirrors to
allow for the acceptance of use of controlled substances, of     prevent accidents to cyclists. The Federation has responded
which chromium trioxide is in the process of being included,     to the consultation seeking assurances that the Traffic
in the context of what is known as ‘repair as produced’.         Regulation Order, which will need to be prepared to effect
This, it is hoped, would extend to rework as well as to spare    this requirement, will be drafted so as to exclude historic
parts. That is all I know at the moment but I shall report       commercial vehicles.

4 FBHVC        Issue 5, 2014
Happy hundredth birthday Maserati! More DVLA changes ahead AGM and Conference Latest Roadworthiness testing news
UK Legislation            Bob Owen

Roadworthiness Testing
Since the last Newsletter the             we want to lose the original points,      motorcycles are excluded till 2022 and
Department for Transport (DfT)            so in due course we will take it up       it is clear that the requirements for
has opened its online website for         with DfT. That may well be through an     motorcycles remain to be defined. We
comment. You can find it at http://       extended comment on the site, if that     will be taking this up with DfT.
www.dft.gov.uk/classic-mot/ We            is how DfT wish to obtain input.
suggest all readers do so. There                                                    There is one other thing you might
you can see what comments have            Comments to date seem to be               not immediately notice. The site
been suggested already and you can        brief and based on opinion with           refers to ‘Great Britain’, which means
perhaps comment yourselves.               little reference to actual fact. The      it is not about Northern Ireland. Will
                                          Federation exists partly to bring         the average visitor to the site would
When this article was prepared there      together our members’ various views
                                                                                    realise that?
was a preponderance of comment            and opinions and put them into a
against any exemption. Perhaps this       reasoned evidence based form. We
                                                                                    Northern Ireland will be working out
is the time for us to remember that       are a bit concerned that DfT’s current
                                                                                    its own means of complying with the
the existing MoT exemption arose          inclusive, populist approach may result
                                                                                    Directive and readers in Northern
in the first place partly because the     in them being swayed by prejudice as
Federation had expressed concerns                                                   Ireland might wish to check with
                                          much as fact. We will continue to push
particularly about older vehicles         for our members’ views to be taken        their own Government what is being
being damaged by testers unskilled        seriously.                                done. The Federation will be trying to
in testing elderly vehicles. Also, when                                             establish what if any differences there
we canvassed our members on the           The website is also misleading in         are between the two governments,
subject a majority were in favour         one respect. There is a motorcycle        with a view to ensuring that the
of the pre-1960 MoT exemption             section, which suggests that the rules    interests of historic vehicle owners
currently in place. Whatever may be       which come into force in 2018 apply       are fully recognised in both Northern
the views on exemptions for more          to motorcycles. This is simply not the    Ireland and Great Britain.
recent vehicles, we do not think that     case. The EU Directive expressly says

 Fuel News            Matthew Vincent

Ethanol-petrol compatibility study
The Vincent Owners Club, which            immersion of fuel hoses and complete      there was very little deterioration.
accommodates enthusiasts for these        carburettors into blends of 5%, 10%       This apparent anomaly was explained
excellent motorcycles has published       and 85% ethanol, and petrol for a 12      by the greater water absorbing
an article in their magazine about the    month period. At the end of the 12        capability of 10% ethanol blended in
long-term effects of combinations of      months, the items immersed in the         petrol.
various proportions of ethanol and        fuels were examined, when it was
petrol on fuel system materials. The      found that the carburettor immersed       The results raise questions about the
Vincent Owners Club article features      in 85% ethanol was only fit for scrap,    materials employed, which are not
work carried out in Germany, and          while fuel hoses in the same blend        disclosed. Elastomeric materials, such
published in the German magazine          were untouched. Conversely, the           as those used in fuel hoses clearly can
Oldtimer Markt. While the tests           hoses immersed in both 5% and 10%         suffer as much or possibly more from
reported in these articles do not         ethanol-fuel blends had disintegrated.    hydrocarbon exposure as from contact
necessarily correspond to normal          There were differences between the        with ethanol, and the combination
usage patterns, they do provide           effects on carburettors immersed in       of varying amounts of ethanol with
some useful information, whilst           the 5% and 10% ethanol-fuel blends;       petrol provides a further variable, so
paradoxically giving rise to various      in the 5% blend there was marked          the issue is complex. However,
questions. The tests consisted of         corrosion, whereas in the 10% blend,      there are materials which

                                                                                                     Issue 5, 2014 FBHVC      5
Happy hundredth birthday Maserati! More DVLA changes ahead AGM and Conference Latest Roadworthiness testing news
Fuel News                     Matthew Vincent

          will resist both hydrocarbons as found in petrol,              oil companies appear to have checked this specific aspect
          and ethanol separately, or in combination, which               in their studies. There is unfortunately no ‘magic bullet’
is really what is needed. The CONCAWE list of materials                  to protect against deterioration of fuel hoses etc., but
which the Federation published several years ago when                    replacement of unsuitable products with materials fully
concerns about the use of ethanol in petrol started to                   resistant to the effects of both hydrocarbon fuels, ethanol,
emerge, provides some assistance in this respect, since the              and the combination will solve the problem. Information
                                                                         on compatible materials originally provided by CONCAWE
 Material             Recommended                                        appears on the Federation website, but for convenience is
                                                                         repeated here:
 Elastomers           Buna-N (hoses and gaskets)
                      Fluorel                                            Corrosion of fuel system metals is more specifically laid
                      Fluorosilicone                                     at the door of ethanol, and safety would suggest use of
                      Neoprene (hoses and gaskets)                       a suitable corrosion inhibitor. The Federation has carried
                      Polysulfide rubber                                 out corrosion inhibitor tests and has published a list of
                      Viton                                              endorsed products which should offer good protection
                                                                         against possible corrosion from the combination of
 Polymers             Acetal
                                                                         ethanol and petrol in historic vehicle fuel systems. Full
                                                                         details can be found at http://www.fbhvc.co.uk/legislation-
                      Fibreglass-reinforced plastic

 DVLA           Ian Edmunds

In the last edition I referred to the            This process differed to the process in        will not however be replacing current
forthcoming changes to the vehicle               Great Britain where an imported historic       style marks with the older style should
registration process in Northern Ireland;        vehicle supported by a foreign logbook         the qualifying criteria continue to roll.
since that time I believe many of                is allocated an age related registration       These older style numbers will continue
you will have received the Northern              number without the requirement to              to be issued on a non-transferable basis.
Ireland Electronic Vehicle Services              apply through an enthusiast club.
(NIEVS) newsletter which has explained                                                          Any vehicle imported into NI without
the procedures which are new for                 In order to achieve parity of service for      any documentation will continue to be
Northern Ireland. If you have not it             customers in the UK, the requirement           allocated a QNI number.
is available from https://www.gov.uk/            for an application to be supported by
government/consultations/future-of-              the AOVC ended when DVA offices                Where required the V765 scheme will
vehicle-registration-and-licensing-              closed their doors on 17 July. From that       operate in exactly the same manner
services-in-northern-ireland. However            point, historic vehicles imported into NI      as it does on the mainland with the
this newsletter was written for Ireland          supported by a foreign log book will be        same list of authorising clubs. Other
where people were obviously familiar             allocated an older style NI registration       points to bear in mind are that the
with the existing procedures which we            number without the requirement for             Motor Insurance Database (MID) does
on the mainland may not be. Thus I am            the application to be supported by the         not operate in Northern Ireland and in
grateful for the following explanation           AOVC.                                          consequence an insurance certificate is
from DVLA.                                                                                      required when taxing a vehicle. Also, of
                                                 In addition, historic vehicles imported        course, the Irish border is a VAT border
For historic vehicles imported into NI           into NI supported by a dating certificate      so a vehicle passing from the Irish
with a foreign logbook, in order to              will also be allocated an older style NI       Republic to Northern Ireland is subject to
obtain an older style NI registration            registration number in line with the           the NOVA requirements.
number, previously the applicant had             current GB process.
to apply through the Association of Old                                                         We recently had a very productive
Vehicle Clubs (AOVC) via the V3 process.         In these contexts, the allocation of an        meeting with DVLA from which I would
The vehicle was inspected by the club            older style registration number will be        like to pass on a few points:
and if successful, the application was           linked to a vehicle qualifying to be taxed        ■ Clubs are far better placed to
passed to the Driver and Vehicle Agency          in the Historic tax class. This is currently         assist with V765 queries than the
(DVA).                                           vehicles manufactured before 1 January               Federation itself. We (FBHVC) will
                                                 1974, changing to 1975 next year. DVLA               always assist where we can but

6 FBHVCnews    Issue 5, 2014
Happy hundredth birthday Maserati! More DVLA changes ahead AGM and Conference Latest Roadworthiness testing news
DVLA           Ian Edmunds

     the detailed knowledge and the          highlight the importance of checking       guard against mis-keyed entries, but
     archive information rests with the      the documents received with a vehicle      mistakes can still happen.
     clubs.                                  when purchased or returned from
  ■ D VLA asked us to remind clubs that     DVLA after a change of ownership or        We tend to hear about the problems
     the correct authorised signatory        other notifiable change. Keying errors,    encountered with vehicle registration
     must sign V765 applications.            illegible handwriting and many other       etc., so I am pleased to be able to recount
  ■ In response to a question, DVLA         human failings can lead to incorrect       two instances where everything worked
     explained that they keep a record       entries on V5C etc. From a legislative     exactly as intended. Our Chairman
     of rejected V765 applications and if    viewpoint the vehicle is identified by     reports that after a lengthy restoration
     an application is re-submitted it is    the chassis number/frame number/VIN        he was able to easily and successfully re-
     allocated to the same case worker       as stamped on to the chassis, frame        licence a vehicle on SORN, for which he
     who considers both original and         or monocoque as appropriate. Any           only had a V5, at a Post Office. A friend
     new evidence on a case by case          discrepancies here can lead to problems    of mine, having repatriated a previously
     basis. Difficult cases were often       and are best addressed as soon as they     British registered car from Spain, was
     referred to their policy group for      come to light and separate from any        able to complete the NOVA application
     an opinion.                             other activity with DVLA. I believe that   and obtain the necessary statement
                                             for some years now DVLA have used          of ‘nothing to pay’ from HMRC within
A couple of recent cases have served to      more advanced keying procedures to         minutes. So, it can work!

EU Legislation

The following is an extract from the bimonthly report from         Vehicle Group. Bernd Lange has been appointed chair of the
EPPA, FIVA’s lobbying service                                      International Trade Committee but has indicated his continued
                                                                   interest in the Group. Mr Lange and FIVA have discussed the
Just before closing for the summer recess, the new                 possibility of the first meeting of the Group to be held in
European Parliament’s committees’ chairs and memberships           October at a reception in the EP when the FIVA research will
were formalised for the 2014-19 term. Chairs of relevant           be presented and to which all MEPs will be invited.
Committees are: Internal Market and Consumers Committee
- Vicky Ford (UK, ERC); Transport Committee- Michael Cramer        National federations have been asked to review the lists of
(D, Greens); Culture committee – Silvia Costa (I, S&D) and chair   their national MEPs to identify any returning or new members
of the Environment Committee is Giovanni La Via (I, PPE).          they know to be interested in historic vehicles so that ANFs
                                                                   and FIVA can encourage them to attend the reception and join
FIVA’S Patrick Rollet and Tiddo Bresters met with Bernd Lange      the Group.
MEP in July with a view to re-establishing the EP Historic


National Motorcycle
Museum Burglary
At around 11.00pm on 27 August the
inner foyer of the National Motorcycle
Museum was broken into and a large           and irreplaceable as part of this          leads to the safe recovery of these
amount of the museum’s trophies              countries Motorcycling Heritage.           important artefacts.
and TT replicas stolen. Each of the                                                     Anyone with any relevant information
trophy cabinets was smashed causing          Because of the historical importance of    is asked to contact West Midlands Police
substantial damage to the displays.          these trophies the National Motorcycle     or the National Motorcycle Museum on
Many of the trophies and TT replicas         Museum will be offering a substantial      01675 443311 or email museum director
have little scrap value but are unique       award of £20,000 for information which     James Hewing james@thenmm.co.uk

                                                                                                           Issue 5, 2014 FBHVC      7
Happy hundredth birthday Maserati! More DVLA changes ahead AGM and Conference Latest Roadworthiness testing news

Safeguard Your Vehicle
The Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs
endorses SelectaDNA which uses traceability and
deterrence as its weapons against car thieves.

Each SelectaDNA kit is unique to the vehicle to which it is                                                inaccessible areas of mechanical components., so the stickers
applied, can be applied by even the most inexperienced                                                     serve to warn potential felons to move on and find an
home mechanic, and in only a matter of minutes your                                                        easier, less risky target for their unwanted attentions.
cherished historic vehicle and its component parts will carry
a unique DNA code for life.                                                                                The product has an impressive list of endorsements
                                                                                                           including the Home Office Secured by Design accreditation,
This DNA code is held on a central database to which all                                                   and it has been tested by Thatcham Research (they maintain
UK Police forces have access. These forces can identify the                                                quality assurance procedures) and personal details are
presence of SelectaDNA on a vehicle by simply exposing it,                                                 held on an LPS1224 database, as recommended by ACPO
or components from it, to ultra violet light. The kit includes                                             (Association of Chief Police Officers).
a small pot of colourless fluid into which is suspended tiny                                               If further endorsement was necessary, the product is used by
microdots. These microdots carry the DNA code and can be                                                   UK Police forces themselves on their own vehicles.
quickly read by the police. If for some reason a microdot is
not present, the fluid itself carries the code which can be                                                FBHVC has negotiated a special price for members of
retrieved under forensic analysis.                                                                         FBHVC affiliated clubs. You can apply for as many kits as
                                                                                                           you want so if you have a collection of vehicles they can all
The kit also includes window stickers announcing the                                                       be protected. So for less than £30 (including postage and
presence of SelectaDNA. Once applied it is very hard                                                       packing) you can have the reassurance of one of the most
to spot the marking other than under UV light and the                                                      sophisticated anti-theft systems available. We truly believe
manufacturer recommend applying some of the fluid in                                                       that this product can play a major part in curbing the
hidden areas such as behind bumpers, inside doors and in                                                   current growth in historic vehicle crime.

 SelectaDNA Advanced Forensic Marking
                                                  Please send the form with your payment to FBHVC Sales,
                                        Holly Berry House, Hamstell Ridware, Staffs. WS15 3SQ or sales@fbhvc.co.uk
                                                            NOT THE FBHVC OFFICE ADDRESS

 Please supply ......... units at £29.90 each (inclusive of VAT, post and packing). Total £..............................................................
 Your order will be delivered by ‘Signed for’ post.

 Name:.............................................................................. Club name and membership no.............................................................



 Daytime phone number:..................................................................................................................................................................

 I enclose a cheque payable to FBHVC for £ ……. or please charge the MasterCard/Visa card noted below with this amount.
 (We can only process MasterCard or Visa debit and credit cards.)

                                                 Security code
                                                                                                                                             Start date/issue No.
                         (last three digits on reverse of card
 Please also give address where credit card is registered if this is different to the address above

 Date:.....................................................      Signature (to authorise card payment)..........................................................................

8 FBHVC   news          Issue 5, 2014
Happy hundredth birthday Maserati! More DVLA changes ahead AGM and Conference Latest Roadworthiness testing news
Technical & Events                   Tony Davies

Well summer has come and gone but that           A little further afield and Bart Rietbergen’s   prestigious Vale Resort Cardiff the event
doesn’t mean that we have to start using         Winter Trial to Norway springs to mind.         will use many new and innovative venues
our everyday vehicles for fun. There are         This has a Trial class and a less difficult     in the Cardiff – Aberystwyth -Llandudno
still many events on which we can enjoy          Club class. Having done a few of Bart’s         – Llandrindod Wells – Cardiff route for
our historic vehicles. Yes I know that some      events I can recommend them so please           regularity sections and auto tests. The
of the more rare ones are unlikely to come       have a look at www.thetrial.nl.                 event has both competitive and touring
out in the rain but when the majority                                                            assembly classes so why not have a look at
were built they were intended for use as         HERO’s Icelandic Saga in late April is          www.principality-automobile-club.co.uk
all-weather vehicles.                            another different event to consider. A
                                                                                                 for further details.
                                                 holiday with some relaxed road sections
The more light-hearted events, such as the       combined with some mild competition is          Turning to technical issues and FIVA ID
excellent Clayton Classics series of Scenic      promised. Again www.heroevents.eu is            cards again, there is some discussion on-
Tours, are probably over for this year so        the place to look.                              going within FIVA as to whether recently
I will concentrate on a few of the more                                                          built or prepared historic vehicles fitted
traditional events for you to consider.          Now if you really want an enjoyable event
                                                                                                 with out-of-period safety and survivability
                                                 look no further than the Irish Classic Retro.
                                                                                                 modifications should be issued with FIVA
You may still be lucky enough to get an          Late April is the time to visit the Kilkenny
                                                                                                 ID Cards. It is further debate on the old
entry on this year’s Rally of the Tests if       area of Eire for an event organised by
                                                                                                 subject of authenticity versus reality and
you’re quick and, perhaps, Le Jog one of         the Trial Drivers Club of Ireland. You will
                                                                                                 impacts on most, if not all, vehicles used
the toughest UK winter events in early           not be disappointed; I’ve done it several
                                                                                                 to compete on historic regularity rallies.
December. If you fancy a weekend in              times and it is great fun as well as being
                                                                                                 Being a pragmatist I know where I stand
Belgium in March the Poppy Rally based in        a competitive event. As the promo quite
Ypres is also available. Details of all three                                                    on such issues but where do you? Should
                                                 rightly says a guaranteed craic and www.
are on www.heroevents.eu.                        tdcireland.com is the place to look.            we be demanding total authenticity
                                                                                                 or providing a category that caters for
Two events from the Vintage and Classic          Finally, a new event is on the calendar for     vehicles that are used on today’s world
Rally Register are also on offer; the Winter     next April. The Principality Automobile         class historic rallies? As I am member of
Classic, a one-day event in early January        Club will run an all new Classic Trial and      the group involved in these discussions
and the 3 day Tour of Wessex in February.        Traditional Tour through Wales from             your views are welcome, via our Secretary
Details are on www.vcrr.eu.                      27 April - 1 May 2015. Starting from the        please.

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                                                                                                                                  Issue 5, 2014 FBHVC               news               9
Happy hundredth birthday Maserati! More DVLA changes ahead AGM and Conference Latest Roadworthiness testing news
Main Feature                 Geoff Lancaster

Happy 100th Birthday
The author was invited to join journalists from across the
globe at Modena for the launch of a brand new exhibition
tracing the 100 years of Maserati. The event drew
coverage in the Italian media with Ferrari President, Luca di
Montezemolo being mobbed by TV crews.

A unique exhibition dedicated to the Centennial of Maserati     Ferrari, Luca Cordero di Montezemolo. They were joined
was inaugurated in Modena on 19 June 2014. MASERATI             by the cousins Carlo and Alfieri Maserati, sons, respectively,
100 - A Century of Pure Italian Luxury Sports Cars retraces     of Ettore and Ernesto Maserati, the two brothers who in
the story of the Italian car manufacturer through an            1914, together with Alfieri Maserati, founded the company
exhibition featuring some of the Trident marque’s most          that still bears their name today. The guest of honour at the
significant road and racing cars, plus a highly engaging        inauguration was the legendary Sir Stirling Moss, the 1950s
multivision show employing 19 projectors (we thought this       Maserati racing driver who scooped incredible victories
was a lost art since the invention of high definition video     for the Trident marque. The curator of the exhibition is
projection) enabling visitors to relive the most significant    Adolfo Orsi Jr, grandson and son of Adolfo and Omer Orsi,
moments in the history of Maserati and to learn about the       owners of Maserati between 1937 and 1967. Coordinating
individuals who shaped its history. Staged in the futuristic    the exhibition on the Maserati side is Luca Dal Monte,
Enzo Ferrari Museum, a stone’s throw from the Maserati          the company’s director of public relations and press. The
headquarters in Viale Ciro Menotti, the exhibition will         exhibition is organised under the supervision and direction
run until January 2015. Considering the historic value of       of Antonio Ghini, director of MEF and of the Ferrari
the models exhibited, this is probably the most significant     Museum in Maranello.
exhibition of Maserati cars ever staged anywhere in the
world.                                                          Twenty-one Maseratis will be on permanent display for the
                                                                duration of the exhibition and a total of approximately 30
The inauguration of the new exhibition was attended by          will be admired over the course of the six-month run. Ten or
the CEO of Maserati, Harald Wester, and the chairman of         so cars will be exhibited on a rotation basis, allowing them

10 FBHVC      Issue 5, 2014
to take part in the countless events being staged across          In keeping with Italian tradition all the luminaries present
the globe to mark the Maserati centenary in the coming            gave lengthy speeches in Italian with no simultaneous
months. At least two of the cars involved have been loaned        translation facility for the 250 or so assembled members of
to the factory by Maserati Club members. In keeping with          the world’s press. Happily a translation of the speeches was
the exhibition venue, which is dedicated to Enzo Ferrari          in the press pack so I can bring you excerpts.
as it was the birthplace of the legendary Modena-born car
manufacturer, visitors will also have the opportunity to see      The CEO of Maserati, Harald Wester observed that: “The
rare Ferrari models and the most important Alfa Romeo             Centennial of Maserati could not have come at a better
racing cars of the pre-war period which were driven by            moment in our history. I say this because today Maserati
Enzo Ferrari or entered in international competitions by the      is a thriving company, with new models that have proven
racing stable that still bears his name today. This part of the   hugely popular with an ever-increasing audience and others,
exhibition is located in the large workshop, where Enzo’s         in the pipeline, which will propel the company towards the
father worked from the end of the 19th Century until his          ambitious goals that we have set. This exhibition, which
death, which today houses the extension to the Museum’s           retraces our first century of history, is truly one of a kind:
exhibition space.                                                 never before have all these models which have shaped our
                                                                                      history been gathered together under one

                                                                                    The Chairman of Ferrari, Luca di
                                                                                    Montezemolo, who played a critical
                                                                                    role in the re-launch of Maserati 15
                                                                                    years ago, said: “Today has a two-fold
                                                                                    significance for me: I can clearly recall
                                                                                    the conditions of quasi-neglect in which
                                                                                    Maserati was floundering in 1997 when,
                                                                                    together with my team at Maranello, I
                                                                                    took up the challenge of re-launching
                                                                                    the company. We shut the production
                                                                                    sheds for six months, renovating and
                                                                                    re-industrialising them, we created the
                                                                                    new executive building and the large,
                                                                                    spectacular showroom and, above all,

                                                                                                        Issue 5, 2014 FBHVC      11
Main Feature                   Geoff Lancaster

we began working on the design and
production of new models, one of which
in particular has come to embody the
current success: the 2003 Quattroporte.
After this success story, Ferrari is today
managing this important Museum
which helps demonstrate to the entire
world the unique ability that Italian car
manufacturers have always had to build
cars that are truly the stuff of dreams”.

The choice of which cars to exhibit fell
to the exhibition curator, Adolfo Orsi,
who explained his selection criteria:
“In the difficult choice between the
countless models, both racing and road-
going, that have shaped the long history
of Maserati, I tried to imagine “the
dream-garage” of every car enthusiast,
selecting not only the best in terms
                                                                     The Maserati exhibition encapsulates the two spirits of the
of engineering and style, but also the most important
                                                                     company: the initial ‘racing’ vocation that characterised
and historically significant examples of each model. I was
                                                                     the period from the early 1920s until the end of the 1950s,
fortunate to find an amazing spirit of collaboration on the
                                                                     followed by a shift in focus to road-going models, a period
part of dedicated collectors, who very generously agreed
                                                                     that testified to the company’s coming-of-age as a car
to lend their vehicles, some of which have been flown here
from the other side of the Atlantic as they are virtually
impossible to find in Europe.” Given Mr Orsi’s family links to
                                                                     Among the highlights of the exhibition are cars like the
the marque and his credentials as an automotive historian,
                                                                     Tipo 26, the first car to sport the Maserati marque and the
it is probably safe to say that MASERATI 100 will be the
                                                                     V4 Sport Zagato, which set the world speed record in 1929
most important selection of Maserati cars ever presented.
                                                                     driven by Baconin Borzacchini. It was re-bodied in 1934 by
                                                                     Zagato and is a recent winner at the Concorso d’Eleganza at
The common denominator of the cars on show is an
                                                                     Villa d’Este. The exhibition would not have been complete,
inimitable style which is profoundly… Maserati. Lorenzo
                                                                     of course, without the legendary Maserati 250 F - winner
Ramaciotti, current head of the FCA Style Centre as well
                                                                     of the Formula 1 World Championship with Juan Manuel
as Maserati, and the inspiration behind the latest Maserati
                                                                     Fangio in 1954 and in 1957, the year when the Argentine
projects including the sensational Alfieri, is ideally placed
                                                                     ace triumphed after a fantastic comeback in the epic
to define the essence of Maserati and the role of Italian
                                                                     German Grand Prix at the Nürburgring circuit.
styling in its history: “For exclusive cars like Maseratis, style,
together with speed and power, has always been a key
                                                                     Sir Stirling Moss, who flew out with us for the inauguration,
element of success. Maserati’s use of Italian designers who
                                                                     drove this particular racing car to some of his greatest ever
enjoyed the utmost freedom means that now, through
                                                                     victories, for example in the Italian and Monaco Grands Prix
the models on display, we can read a veritable anthology
                                                                     races of 1956. And of course it would be unforgivable not to
of designers at the height of their creative prowess. From
                                                                     mention the Tipo 60 Birdcage, another of the cars driven by
Pininfarina, Touring and Frua to Bertone, Ghia, Giugiaro,
                                                                     Moss. This famous two-seater sports racing car with front-
Vignale and Zagato, all have contributed to the aesthetic
                                                                     mounted engine, an ingenious Italian response to ever-
heritage of Maserati with memorable models. Today the
                                                                     evolving chassis for racing cars, was produced by welding
Maserati Style Centre is proud to carry on the tradition of
                                                                     together dozens of slender metal tubes to guarantee a
the finest Italian Style with great passion, well aware of the
                                                                     rigid yet lightweight chassis. Used on the track by a number
responsibility that comes with a century of glorious history”.
                                                                     of private racing teams, it brought fame and prestige to

12 FBHVC        Issue 5, 2014
Maserati with numerous wins from 1959. Sir Stirling I am        was still busy building his first car, the 815 that didn’t even
pleased to say was in fine form and even took on a grueling     sport his name. Only in the post-war period did the Trident
60 minute press conference in the afternoon following our       and the Prancing Horse cross swords, and often drivers
alfresco lunch in the blazing midday sun in the museum          too, with Fangio crowned Formula 1 World Champion for
courtyard.                                                      both Ferrari and Maserati. The rivalry continued on the
                                                                road, with the magnificent granturismo models designed
The road cars on show include one model which, although         and built just a few kilometers apart: in Modena and in
produced only in limited numbers and still in a rather          Maranello. This exciting challenge, which made Modena
artisan manner, constituted Maserati’s first road car: the      and Italy the global reference for motorsport, came to a
A6 1500 of 1947 bodied by Pinin Farina and built around         halt in the 1960s: while Ferrari remained firmly in the hands
a racing engine. This was a first attempt, a sort of general    of its founder, who also gained backing from the powerful
rehearsal, which hinted at the future of the Modena             Fiat Group, Maserati underwent a series of changes in
company. Taking a chronological leap forward, we find           ownership, abandoning the world of competitive racing
the 3500 GT of 1957: the first granturismo. This was the        and adopting a different strategy in terms of market
forerunner to other important Maserati coupé and spyder         positioning. The ‘Renaissance’ of the precious Trident
models destined to earn a place in the automobile history       marque came about in the 1990s with the acquisition of
books. And then there is the first series of the ‘world’s       Maserati by Fiat Group and its carefully planned relaunch,
fastest saloon’, the Quattroporte of 1965 once owned            entrusted precisely to its long-time rival, Ferrari. The launch
by Italian actor and Federico Fellini favourite Marcello        of the Quattroporte in 2003 heralded the new take-off of
Mastroianni.                                                    this remarkable brand which today celebrates 100 years in
                                                                business, presenting in this unique exhibition some of the
Antonio Ghini, Director of the Museum named after Enzo          most important and significant examples of its work”.
Ferrari, said: “The presence of an exhibition celebrating
100 years of Maserati in the Museum dedicated to Enzo           The inauguration was also attended by Carlo Maserati,
Ferrari should come as no surprise. In reality, had Maserati    son of Ettore, who worked alongside Alfieri in 1914.
not existed, Ferrari would not have been spurred on by          He remarked: “100 years have passed since uncle Alfieri
the pressure of a rival, so this competition helped make        founded the company ‘Società anonima Officine Alfieri
Ferrari the universally acknowledged success story it is        Maserati’ and 116 since 1898 when the eldest brother, Carlo,
today. Indeed, Maserati was around even when Enzo               then just 17, produced a motorised bicycle fitted with an
Ferrari was a racing driver and, in the 1930s, it was an arch   engine he had designed and built by himself at home; it
rival when Ferrari, with his motor racing team, competed        was an achievement that sparked a passion in his brothers,
with Alfa Romeo cars. Ferrari was well acquainted with          prompting them to follow his lead. The technical and
the engineering talent of the Bologna-born brothers who         sporting success they notched up in almost 70 consecutive
had chosen the Trident as the symbol for their racing cars.     years of business with both the Trident marque and that
However, what really sparked the future rivalry between the     of OSCA is well known. This longevity can be attributed
companies was the relocation of Bologna-based Maserati to       to harmonious relations within the family and a technical
Modena, following its takeover by the Orsi family. Future       prowess that enabled them to produce a racing car in just
rivalry, because while Maserati in 1939 and 1940 won the        six months of work. In memory of my father Ettore and
world’s most celebrated race, the Indianapolis 500, Ferrari     my other uncles Bindo, Ernesto and Mario, I would like

                                                                                                        Issue 5, 2014 FBHVC      13
Main Feature                  Geoff Lancaster

to express my gratitude to all those who have
enabled Maserati to live on and to strive towards
new goals”.

Alfieri Maserati, son of Ernesto, remembered that:
“Founded as Officine Alfieri Maserati in 1914, this
company, which sprang from the enterprising spirit
and genius of its founder, my uncle Alfieri, kept
on going after his untimely death in March 1932,
thanks to the determination and great personal
sacrifice of his brothers. I’m duty-bound also to
mention the outstanding design and engineering
skills of the youngest of the brothers, Ernesto
Maserati, my father. In those days the brothers
produced a series of formidable racing cars, both
                                                                 the world, it became one of the most prestigious brands in
Grand Prix models and “Voiturettes”, as well as record-
                                                                 the GT automobile sector. Monarchs, great entrepreneurs,
breaking automobiles that held up to 13 international speed
                                                                 celebrities from the world of entertainment and sport all
records at the same time. After the Maserati brothers left the
company in 1947, others carried on their work successfully.      flocked to buy a Maserati. After a period of mixed fortune,
The acquisition by Fiat Group has enabled Maserati to            Fiat has injected new life into Maserati with a highly
attain the dominant position it enjoys today, with growing       attractive range, and it has plans for further development
development in terms of quality and sales. The Centenary         in the coming years. It is no coincidence that the MASERATI
happily falls in the midst of all this, and the hard work,       100 exhibition is taking place in Modena, where Maserati
commitment and enthusiasm of all those who work at               has been operating for some 75 years, and where
Maserati, a hundred years after the company’s foundation, I      generations of Modenese have channelled their energy and
find truly admirable. The spirit of the founders lives on.”       creativity. Famous drivers and engineers have, of course,
                                                                 contributed to the aura of legend, but so have countless
The Maserati brothers eventually sold the company to             employees and mechanics, proud to dedicate their working
Adolfo and Omer Orsi. Adolfo Orsi jr. was named after his        life to the company. My grandfather and father would
grandfather and for him the centenary is something special:      be proud to see that their beloved Maserati lives on and
“Of the many thousands of automobile manufacturers               can now celebrate a milestone that few other automobile
founded in the first two decades of the last century, only a      manufacturers have reached.”
few survive today and fewer still are those that can boast
a prestige and tradition on a par with that of Maserati. It      The afternoon presented the opportunity for the gentlemen
was the Maserati brothers, with their passion for engines,       of the press to visit the historic production lines. I’m not
that began this legend in Bologna: the untimely death            sure if the Modenese factory is unique in being situated slap
of Carlo and of the founder Alfieri did not stop Bindo,           bang in the centre of town, but it’s certainly unusual in my
Ernesto and Ettore, who fought like lions to keep the            extensive experience of vehicle manufacturing plants.
company going, driven by their absolute dedication and
by the endless pursuit of technical innovation. In 1937 my       Very well done and thanks to Maserati GB and their Italian
grandfather Adolfo took over the helm and in 1939/1940           colleagues for packing a tremendous amount into, literally,
he relocated the factory to Modena. Maserati changed             a flying visit and for inviting the author to attend this
strategy: while continuing to win on racetracks all over         historic celebration as their guest.

14 FBHVC       Issue 5, 2014
Trade & Skills            Karl Carter

Vehicle Restoration
As reported in the last newsletter two colleges, Banbury and
Bicester College and S&B Automotive Academy in Bristol, are
planning to start the Vehicle Restoration Apprenticeship in
September. Although the colleges are presently recruiting
students we have still had to deal with the funding for the
course, which will allow the colleges to draw down funds for
the apprenticeship. This has been a learning curve for all of
us as the Federation is responsible for obtaining government
funding on behalf of the colleges. The good news is that we
have finally got government approval from the Skills Funding
Agency, which means that we have full government funding
for the apprenticeship. This is also important going forward
as it will now allow other colleges to get funding for the
vehicle restoration apprenticeship course and this will
allow us to extend the course geographically in September
2015. We have just met with the Banbury and Bicester
team and they have made excellent progress in getting
restoration businesses committed to the course and also
students keen to enrol. The current situation is that seven
places on this year’s course have already been reserved
by restoration businesses and there is a total of 18 students
who would like to take up the course. With the ideal class
size being around 12, it now looks as if we should be able to   This has required a re-fitting and workbenches are in place
a get full complement of apprentices when the course starts     and both two and four post lifts are also being installed in
in mid-September.                                               the next few days. They have even managed to find a stock
                                                                of AF and Whitworth spanners in the stores. On the practical
The course is going to be held at Bicester College and one of   side they have already bought a Morris Minor and an MGB
the workshops is being dedicated to the new apprenticeship.     GT for the students to restore.

                                                                                                      Issue 5, 2014 FBHVC      15

FBHVC AGM and Conference
The fifteenth Annual General Meeting of the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs Limited will take place at 1100 in
the C S Rolls Wing of the Hunt House, Paulerspury, near Towcester, Northants. NN12 7NA on Saturday, 11 October 2014 for
the following purposes:

  1. To consider and approve the minutes of the Annual              3. Election of Directors. [See note below]
     General Meeting held on Saturday, 19 October 2013 as
     made available to members in November 2013. [Copies            4. To receive the Report of the Directors.
     available on request or at www.fbhvc.co.uk]
                                                                    5. To amend the Articles of Association in line with the
  2. To receive the Financial Statements for the year ending           Companies Act 2006. [Copies available on request or at
     31 May 2014.                                                      www.fbhvc.co.uk]

Nominations for directors to fill the posts of chairman, deputy chairman, finance, and communications were required by 31
August 2014.

Changes to the Articles of Association are necessary in order to comply with the Companies Act 2006. The FBHVC has
taken legal advice regarding the difference between member organisations that are incorporated versus those that are
unincorporated bodies. For the purposes of the Companies Act the member organisations that are incorporated can vote
on resolutions at the meeting as a legal entity. An unincorporated organisation does not have a legal persona and, in the
eyes of the law, is not able to hold a position of member - but at this AGM only the person given as the ‘nominated contact’
on the FBHVC database may vote. Any organisation may appoint a proxy other than the FBHVC nominated contact if they
so wish, though for an unincorporated organisation the Form will have to be signed by the ‘nominated contact’. Please be
assured that once the Articles of Association have been amended we will put in place a process to ensure that all member
organisations, be they incorporated or not, will be treated consistently.

                                 CONFERENCE 2014
                              SATURDAY, 11 OCTOBER 2014, 13.30
                                Historic Vehicle Restoration Apprenticeships
                        Claire Serrell, Jaguar Land Rover and Karl Carter, FBHVC Director, Trade and Skills

                                                        Social Media
                                                Jules Gallagher, Stag Owners Club

                                 Historic Vehicle Theft, a Crime of our Times
                                          Alan Colman, Central Motorway Police Group

                              AGM and CONFERENCE: COST AND REFRESHMENTS
                     Attendance only tickets are free to nominated delegates from FBHVC subscriber
                                   organisations and supporters but are £10 to others.
                 Attendance & Refreshment tickets include morning coffee, buffet lunch and afternoon
                   tea and are available at £15.00 each to nominated delegates from FBHVC subscriber
                             organisations and to FBHVC supporters but are £25.00 to others.
                   Tickets should be ordered from FBHVC secretary by Friday, 3 October. The address is
                Stonewold, Berrick Salome, Wallingford OX10 6JR. An SAE would be appreciated. E-mail:
              secretary@fbhvc.co.uk. Payment may be by cheque payable to FBHVC, or by card. If paying by
                                   card, please quote expiry date and security number.

16 FBHVC      Issue 5, 2014
Club News            David Davies

Club News
                                         revealed in an article in the magazine    Register on how to make what
                                         of the Crash Box and Classic Car Club     appears to be a very useful strap
                                         in its golden jubilee edition.            wrench from a discarded cam belt.
Not only have the Vintage Sports
                                         By the time you read this the             Food for thought in the Pre-1940
Car Club been celebrating their
80th anniversary but also it was the     Routemaster Association will have         Triumph Motor Club magazine: a
80th anniversary of the agreement        completed their diamond jubilee           hi-tech company in Barnsley has
signed between HJ Aldington owner/       celebrations – we hope that all went      reproduced the Climax water pump
manager-cum-works driver of Frazer       well.                                     on their CNC machining centre - thus
Nash and BMW - the very beginnings                                                 obviating the need to make a new
of BMW in the UK. An impressive          The Sunbeam Motor Cycle Club is           pattern. The very same magazine
line-up of 24 cars from the rare 335     celebrating its 90th birthday this year   has some very useful advice on how
to the popular 315 models lined up       and reminds us that the club caters for   to avoid the man-traps and pitfalls
in the Orchard car park at the VSCC      any make of machine manufactured          that can be encountered with eBay
Prescott Speed Hill Climb to celebrate   pre 1940.                                 transactions.
the occasion. Kate Clark-Kennedy,
chairman of the BMW Historic Motor       There is a report in the Morris           The magazine of the Model T Ford
Club UK said: “For a relatively small    Register magazine suggesting that         Register tells us that more than fifty
car club, we have a very enthusiastic    the reduction of ZDDP in API motor        different types of carburettors were
and active membership so I was not       oils is due to their adverse effect on    manufactured to fit a Model T –
surprised to see such a fantastic        catalytic converters and that this has    and, yes, someone has managed to
display of cars from the whole pre-      led to camshafts being damaged on         assemble a collection. The magazine
war range.”                              ‘older’ cars -any comments?               also has an interesting biography
                                                                                   of the Brothers Dodge and their
This year sees the golden jubilee of     The cover of the magazine of the          relationships with Henry Ford.
the Daimler and Lanchester Owners        Morgan Sports Car Club is a full-
Club, many congratulations! 2014 is      page reproduction of one of Valentin      Two items of especial interest in
also the Diamond Jubilee year for the    Tanase’s dramatic paintings.              the magazine of the Ariel Owners
West London Section of the Vincent                                                 Motor Cycle Club: you are all familiar
HRD Owners Club.                         There is a fascinating article on the     with the little ‘W’ clips that retain
                                         history of motor fuels in the Rapier      headlamp reflectors and their
I suspect that many of you patronise     Register News.                            tendency to make a bid for freedom
your local Bulgarian ‘hand car wash’                                               upon removal, never to be seen again.
for your modern car but are unaware      It is amazing what a bit of lateral       Help is at hand, it seems. They are
of the finer points of washing and       thinking can achieve. There is an         identical to the glazing clips used in
polishing your pride and joy. All is     illustrated article in the Rover Sports   greenhouses – so pop along to your

                                                                                                   BMW Frazer Nash 80th

                                                                                                     Issue 5 2014 FBHVC      17
Club News                        David Davies
      local garden centre for fresh supplies.                        an article on the efficacy of molasses                        There is an interesting article in the
      There is also a very useful article on                         for the re-rusting and cleaning of                            MG Octagon Car Club bulletin on the
      the dismembering (and re-assembly)                             steel components.                                             problem of dissimilar metals causing
      of the Burman GB gearbox.                                                                                                    corrosion when in contact with one
                                                                     The Humber Register tells us that                             another in a moist environment.
      The National Vintage Tractor and                               Samantha Anderson rode her 1910
      Engine Club magazine can be relied                             3.5hp Humber into 29th place in the                           An intriguing snippet in the Riley
      upon for some really excellent and                             2014 Durban-Johannesburg Rally – a                            Register Bulletin: Sir John Foster-
      atmospheric photography. The latest                            400 mile-long time trial over two days.                       Fraser rode around the world on a
      edition is no exception with an                                                                                              Rover bicycle - does anyone know
      article celebrating 75 years of Massey                         The magazine of East Anglian                                  more about this feat? The same
      Ferguson Combine Harvesters.                                   Practical Classics has a (mercifully)                         magazine has a quite detailed account
                                                                     brief account of the antics of Sir                            of the modifications carried out by
      The Reliant Kitten Register                                    Bernard Docker and the dreadful                               the infamous Freddy Dixon to the
      Mewsletter has some useful facts                               Nora. The Silver Flash is believed to                         1934 6-cylinder Riley track car.
      and figures to help you identify your                          have gone the USA in 1966, imported
      Reliant engines.                                               by one Gordon Lieffring , of Kansas                           The magazine of the Jupiter Owners’
      Staying with Reliants for a moment,                            City. Mr Lieffring sold it after a few                        Auto Club tells us that the Tees
      the magazine of the Sabre and                                  years and then the trail goes cold with                       Transporter Bridge, currently out of
      Scimitar Owners Club has a really                              only one sighting at an auction in                            action, is expected to be back in use in
      detailed article on how you should                             1980 - over to you! Whatever became                           the autumn.
      go about washing and polishing your                            of the Golden Car?
      pride and joy.                                                                                                               An interesting piece in NECPWA News
                                                                     There is an intriguing little article on                      on the names bestowed on famous
      There is a stirring photograph of Nigel                        the Gvang steam car in the July issue                         competition cars in the ‘good old
      Hilling’s ‘Stan’ on the Land’s End Trial                       of the Steam Car Club of Great Britain                        days’ and some of the origins – real or
      on the cover of the journal of the Ford                        magazine.                                                     imagined – for these names.
      Sidevalve Owners’ Club. There is also                                                                                        I have not noticed any of the

          C LU T

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                                                                                                                       SHARE YOUR PASSION FOR CARS

                                                                                                               OVER 1,700 STUNNING CLASSIC CARS
                                                                                                                    OVER 220 CAR CLUBS    CELEBRITY GUESTS
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                                                 *Calls cost
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           ** Club Single ticket offer limited to four tickets per member, saving £5 off the Sat/Sun adult door price each. Club Family ticket offer limited to one family ticket per
              member, saving up to £39.50 off the Sat/Sun door price. A family ticket admits 2 adults and up to 3 children (5-16yrs). Hand in your ticket stub or print-at-home
      18 FBHVC news
    voucher to your club’s stand at the show and they will benefit from a commission. * Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras. All bookings are subject to a £1.50 transaction fee.
                            IssueAll5 2014
                                      information correct at time of publishing. See website for all information. Tickets include show guide to the value of £7.50.
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