Happy - LINDEN PLACE NEWS APRIL 2021 - Steinbach Housing

Page created by Rosa Ross
Happy - LINDEN PLACE NEWS APRIL 2021 - Steinbach Housing
APRIL 2021

     a great place to live

                              Janie Thiessen
                             Kristen Broesky
Happy - LINDEN PLACE NEWS APRIL 2021 - Steinbach Housing

         New Position at Steinbach Housing
  Kristen Broesky was hired March 15 as the Operations
   Manager and will oversee the daily operations in the
      housing sector. She will be assisting with filling
 apartments, staff supervision and various other tasks so
      you will see her around in the coming weeks.

                    Photo Book Update
                      Did you know that Linden has a Photo Book with our tenants in it?
                      I will be coming around this month (sorry I didn't make it around in
                    March) to take pics of those who are not yet part of it, but would like to
                       be part of it! Once the book is finished I will provide all those who
                    purchased one with an updated version. Don't have one but would like
                     to get one? Cost is $5. (They're only available to Linden Place tenants)

 There are no
Linden tenants
 celebrating a
                                                                Book Mobile
 birthday this
                                                       Please let Janie know which
 month - we'll
                                                      books you would like from the
look forward to
                                                            Book Mobile by
May birthdays!
                                                           Monday, April 26
Happy - LINDEN PLACE NEWS APRIL 2021 - Steinbach Housing

                         • FROM THE DESK OF •
                          the Chaplain
  Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who
 gave himself for our sins to deliver us from the present evil age, according to
 the will of our God and Father, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
                             (Galatians 1:3-5 ESV)
 We want to say a big Thank You for all the cards, encouraging notes, and
  letters we have received from the tenants at Fernwood and Linden. We
  could not read them all in one sitting as we reflected, talked, and cried
                     tears of joy, humility, and sadness.
 As much as I might have touched your lives, you have touched our lives in
      beautiful ways. I often spoke about the community of grace and
compassion that I have admired and even found to be unique in Steinbach.
Graciously, you had included me in this community. I have been part of the
community, which concluded in many dear friendships, unforgettable visits
   and uplifting conversation. It is my prayer the new chaplain would be
                      welcomed and included as I was.
My illness has now affected my breathing and my speech. It is tough for me
to have phone conversations, and I apologize when I haven’t returned your
                                  phone call.
The communities at Fernwood and Linden place will always have a special
place in our hearts, and we will continue to lift you in our prayer as often as
                         the Holy Spirits prompt us.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God, and the fellowship of
                        the Holy Spirit be with you all.

                            Ron and Gudrun Babel
Happy - LINDEN PLACE NEWS APRIL 2021 - Steinbach Housing

Now available for delivery every Tuesday!

  Would you like a home-cooked meal once
    a week from the Fernwood Kitchen?
  Cost is $7, sign up for the whole month or
      for one meal at a time; sign up by
  Thursday of the week before. Check the
 calendar for which meals are being served.

        Thursday, April 15
  between 9:30 and 10, cost: $2
 Sign up to have fresh coffee or tea
and a muffin delivered to your door!
   Sign up at the office by April14.
Happy - LINDEN PLACE NEWS APRIL 2021 - Steinbach Housing

                      So I lay all the eggs and you
                            get all the credit?
Happy - LINDEN PLACE NEWS APRIL 2021 - Steinbach Housing
LINDEN PLACE NEWSLETTER                       |    APRIL 2021        |        PAGE 6

                                                                                                           1                      2                       3

          We're taking a break from the Puzzles for Prizes                                Thankful               GOOD FRIDAY             Mail a note of
                                                                                                                                       encouragement or
      program, but I will have an assortment of puzzles and                                                                            write a letter to an
                                                                                        Consider the true
                                                                                                                                        old friend or to
           colouring sheets available for those who want.                                meaning Easter
                                                                                                                                          your pastor.
                                                                                         with a thankful

                 4                       5                   6                     7                       8                      9                     10
HAPPY EASTER!          Easter Monday,         Fernwood Meal:       Focus on what's        Thankful              If it's nice outside    Take some time
                        office closed.          Apple Juice          good, even if                               take a walk and        to stretch. Do it
                                              Spaghetti & Meat    today feels tough.                              enjoy the fresh       sitting in a chair,
                                                                                           Count your
                                                   Sauce                                                                  air!           or lying in bed.
                                                                                         blessings, name
                                                Garlic Bread
                                                                                        them one by one!
                                               Coconut Cream

                11                     12                   13                     14                 15                        16                      17
Day of Prayer:          Write down a          Fernwood Meal:         Clean up or        Coffee Break             Phone a friend            Bake some
   Pray for your         favourite              Fruit Punch        organize a shelf      Beverage and a         and ask for a new       cookies to put in
 neighbours who          childhood            Chicken Cordon-       or cupboard in         muffin $3              recipe to try.          the freezer.
live on your floor.       memory.                  Blue            your apartment.
                                              Mashed Potatoes
                                               Mixed Veggies
                                               Almond Bars

                18                     19                   20                     21                 22                         23                     24
Day of Prayer:        Listen to a radio        Fernwood Meal:       Select a Bible        Thankful               Call a friend or a     Make some time
Pray for a family      station you've              Iced Tea            verse to                                   family member         for self care - do
   member.            never listened to         Sweet & Sour       memorize. Try                                  and encourage        something kind for
                                                                                          Choose to be
                           before!             Chicken Thighs     saying it out loud                               them, a little           yourself.
                                                                                         thankful today.
                                              Rice, Green Beans     a few times at                               encouragement
                                                 Strawberry           each meal.                                 goes a long way!

                25                     26                   27                     28                 29                        30
Day of Prayer:         Make a big pot of      Fernwood Meal:        Sort through a        Thankful                Sort through a
                        your favourite           Iced Tea           junk drawer or                                junk drawer or
Pray for a friend.
                                                Roast Beef
                      soup. Can some in                            organize a pile of                            organize a pile of
                                                                                        Breathing, alive
                      jars or put it in the   Mashed Potatoes          papers.                                       papers.
                                                                                        and blessed - I'm
                       freezer for later.     Cucumber Salad           Feel the                                      Feel the
                                                 Cupcakes           satisfaction of                               satisfaction of
                                                                  having things tidy!                           having things tidy!

           The Fernwood Meals will be delivered to your suite by Noon on Tuesday.
Happy - LINDEN PLACE NEWS APRIL 2021 - Steinbach Housing Happy - LINDEN PLACE NEWS APRIL 2021 - Steinbach Housing Happy - LINDEN PLACE NEWS APRIL 2021 - Steinbach Housing
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