Hartlebury Community Cafe Risk Assessment

Page created by Marion Chan
Hartlebury Community Cafe Risk Assessment

  Area or People at Risk               Risk identified                        Actions to take to mitigate      Insert Date completed and
                                                                              risk                             any notes.
  Staff, public and volunteers –       Cleaning surfaces infected by          Stay at home guidance if         Staff/volunteers may need
  Identify what work activity or       people carrying the virus.             unwell at entrance and in        guidance as to cleaning. For
  situations might cause               Disposing of rubbish containing        Main Hall. Staff/volunteers      example, cloths should be used
  transmission of the virus and        tissues and cleaning cloths.           provided with protective         on light switches and electrical
  likelihood staff could be exposed.   Deep cleaning premises if              overalls and plastic or rubber   appliances rather than spray
                                       someone falls ill with CV-19 on        gloves.                          disinfectants, rubberised and
  Hirers require a list of             the premises.                          Staff/volunteers advised to      glued surfaces can become
  attendees and contact details                                               wash outer clothes after         damaged by use of spray
  for track and trace.                 Track and trace                        cleaning duties.                 disinfectant too frequently.
                                       information to be                      Staff given PHE guidance and     Hirer is required to contact
                                       kept in line with                      PPE for use in the event deep    government body plus
                                       government                             cleaning is required.            Parish Hall Committee if
                                       guidelines.                            Track and trace date to be       any of their group develop
                                                                              kept in a secure location.       Covid symptoms.
                                                                              All visitors and volunteers to
                                                                              have temperature taken with
                                                                              their consent, upon entry.
  Staff, public and volunteers–        Staff/volunteers who are either        Staff and volunteers are         Staff and volunteers will need to
  think about who could be at risk     extremely vulnerable or over           advised not to attend work       be warned immediately if
  and likelihood staff/volunteers      70.                                    for the time being.              someone is tested positive for
  could be exposed.                    Staff or volunteers carrying out       Discuss situation with           COVID-19 who has been on the
                                       cleaning, could be exposed if a        staff/volunteers over 70 to      premises.
                                       person carrying the virus has          identify whether provision of
                                       entered the premises or falls          protective clothing and
                                       ill.                                   cleaning surfaces before they    It is important people know they
                                                                              work is sufficient to mitigate   can raise concerns.
                                       Mental stress from handling            their risks, or whether they
                                       the new situation.                     should cease such work for
                                                                              the time being.
                                                                              Provide screen for
                                                                              kitchen serving hatch.

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Hartlebury Community Cafe Risk Assessment

                                          Talk with
                                          staff ,trustees and
                                          volunteers regularly
                                          to see if
                                          arrangements are

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Hartlebury Community Cafe -Risk Assessment

  Car Park/paths/ patio/exterior      Social distancing is not               Signage advising visitors to   Transitory lapses in social
  areas                               observed as people congregate         maintain social distance        distancing in outside areas are
                                      before entering premises.             Volunteers to wear plastic      less risky, the main risk is likely
                                      Parking area is too congested         gloves if required to pick up   to be where people congregate
                                      to allow social distancing.           litter.                         or for vulnerable people.
                                      People drop tissues.                                                  Ordinary litter collection
                                                                                                            arrangements can remain in
                                                                                                            place. Provide plastic gloves.

  Entrance hall/lobby/corridors       Possible “pinch points” and           Identify “pinch points” and     Hand sanitiser available at
                                      busy areas where risk is social       busy areas. Consider marking    all entrance and exit
                                      distancing is not observed in a       out 2 metre spacing in          points.
                                      confined area.                        entrance area. Create one-
                                      Door handles, light switches in       way system and provide          A volunteer covid marshal
                                      frequent use.                         signage.                        positioned in lobby to record
                                                                            Door handles and light          visitor details, take temperature
                                                                            switches to be cleaned          and explain social distancing
                                                                            regularly.                      and one way system.
                                                                            Hand sanitiser to be provided   Monitor the visitor numbers in
                                                                            by hall                         the toilets. Free masks
                                                                                                            Marshal regulates numbers
                                                                                                            permitted in the hall.
                                                                                                            Advise visitors to use NHS QR
  Main Hall                           Door handles, light switches,         Door handles, light switches,   Signage on tables to promote
                                      window catches, tables, chair         window catches, tables,         Covid safety rules.
                                      backs and arms.                       chairs and other equipment
                                      Visitors non compliance with          used to be cleaned by hirers    Table service provided.
                                      social distancing, wearing
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Hartlebury Community Cafe -Risk Assessment

                     masks upon     entry,   hand       Provide hand sanitiser at    Tables correctly spaced and
                     sanitising.                        entry and exit points.       orientated to maintain social
                     Upon exiting visitors must         No social mingling between
                     wear face masks and use            tables.                      Maintain good ventilation
                                                                                     throughout building, doors and
                     hand sanitiser upon leaving,
                                                                                     windows open.
                     via one way system.
                     Access to men’s toilets and        Pinch points in corridor     Exit to men’s toilets clearly
                     disabled/baby change area          avoided by one way system    labelled, use appropriate door.
                     from main hall.

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Hartlebury Community Cafe Risk Assessment

                          Soft furnishings which cannot        before use or by hall cleaning    Only volunteers to draw
                          be readily cleaned between           staff.                           curtains.
                          use.                                 Social distancing guidance to    Provide hand sanitiser.
                          Window curtains used as little       be observed by hirers in
                          as possible                          arranging their activities.
                          Social distancing to be              Hirers to be encouraged to
                          observed                             wash hands regularly.

 Upholstered seating      Virus may remain on fabric.          Named volunteers wearing         Chairs should be stored in
                          Cannot readily be cleaned            plastic gloves to store in       the committee room, clearly
                          between use. Frequent                committee room.                  labelled with re-use date.
                          cleaning would damage                Clean metal/plastic parts
                          fabric. Metal parts can be           regularly touched. Rotate
                          cleaned and are more likely          use of upholstered chairs.
                          to be touched when moving            Ask those moving them to
                          them, ie more frequently.            wear plastic gloves. Isolate
                                                               for 72 hrs after use.

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Hartlebury Community Cafe Risk Assessment

  Committee room.      Used as part of one way                 Only two volunteers to use    Chairs stacked neatly and
                       system to access ladies                this room at any time.        clearly labelled. No trip hazards
                       toilets.                               Chairs labelled with ‘use     as need to keep open flow to
                                                              again ‘ date                  the ladies toilets.
                       Used for storage of chairs
                       which need to be left for 72

  Kitchen              Social distancing more difficult  A lead volunteer using             Cleaning materials to be made
                       Door and window handles           kitchen so as to ensure social     available in clearly identified
                       Light switches                    distancing, especially for         location, eg a box on one of the
                       Working surfaces, sinks           those over 70. Volunteers to       kitchen surfaces, regularly
                       Cupboard/drawer handles.          clean all areas likely to be       checked and re-stocked as
                       Fridge/freezer                    used before use, wash,             necessary.
                       Crockery/cutlery                  dry and stow crockery and
                       Kettle/hot water boiler           cutlery after use. Serving
                                                         Screen to be positioned at
                                                         the serving hatch.
  Payment policy       Visitors to cafe want to pay with Visitors to cafe... money to be    Signage to instruct visitors to
                       cash.                             placed in container and public     be placed by the container
                                                         to help themselves to change,      before opening..
                       Risk of Covid transfer, lack of   hand sanitiser available next
                       social distancing.                to container to be used
                                                         before and after.

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 Kitchen policy              Volunteers not maintaining             Kitchen leader                 Refuse bags should be closed/sealed
                             social distancing.                     provides own tea               and labelled with a sealed-date and
                                                                    towels/table cloths            stowed in the back-kitchen for cafe
                                                                    and launders                   leader to dispose of in the bin store.
                                                                    Hand sanitiser, soap and       Cafe leader to monitor social
                                                                    paper towels to be provided    distancing within work place.
                                                                    Cakes provided by
                                                                    volunteers. Cafe leader to
                                                                    have food hygiene
  Storage Rooms              Social distancing more difficult       Volunteers to clean tables      Volunteers to clean
  (furniture/equipment)      Door handles in use.                   required before use. Plus       tables before and after
                             Equipment needing to be                to control accessing and        use.
                             moved not normally in use              stowing of tables to
                                                                    encourage                       Volunteer to store
                                                                    social distancing.              tables adhering to
                                                                                                    social distancing.
  Indoor Toilets             Social distancing difficult.           Covid Marshal to control        Ensure soap, paper towels,
                             Surfaces in frequent use,              numbers accessing toilets at    tissues and toilet paper are
                             eg, door handles, light                one time, with attention to     regularly replenished, and cafe
                             switches, basins, toilet               more vulnerable users.          leader knows where to access
                             handles, seats etc.                    Covid Marshal to clean all      for re- stocking if needed.
                             Baby changing and vanity               surfaces etc before public      Refuse bags should be
                             surfaces, mirrors.                     arrive unless staff have pre    closed/sealed and labelled with a
                                                                    cleaned out of hours.           sealed-date and stowed in the
                                                                     Alert public to                back-kitchen for the cleaner to
                                                                    engaged/vacant signage and      dispose of in the bin store.
                                                                    posters to encourage 20
                                                                    second                          Covid Marshal monitors
                                                                    hand washing.                   numbers.

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Hartlebury Community Cafe Risk Assessment

  Entry and exit for disabled visitors Social distancing not        Covid Marshal to direct           Covid Marshal will inform other
  who can only use front door.        maintained and one way system visitor and check route is        hall users when necessary.
  Emergency egress for disabled       not adhered to.               clear to use.
  visitors.                           Exiting building safely       Named volunteer to assist         Covid marshal to assist with safe
                                                                    visitor through front             exit.
  Changing Rooms fire exit.            To be used as one way system Changing rooms accessible          Door remains open, hand sanitiser
  Emergency egress in case of fire    social distancing and safe    for exiting the building          available and signage in place
  during period of patio maintenance. exiting                       Cafe leader to direct visitors
                                                                    to exit points and direct to      Covid Marshal to take out attendee
                                                                    assembly poiunt on the            sheet and call the register.
                                                                                                      Cafe leader to call rescue services.
  Visitor displaying symptoms            Isolate visitor to          Take visitor to designated        Cafe leader to follow track
  /Suspected covid.                      designated room.            safe area /utility room.          and tracing guidelines, for
                                                                     Follow S13 of the Appendix E      reporting the incident.
                                                                     special conditions of Hire
                                                                     during Covid 19.
                                                                     All visitors to leave premises
                                                                     using hand sanitiser upon
                                                                     exit and social distancing
                                                                     rules. Advised to launder
                                                                     clothes once home.

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Hartlebury Community Cafe Risk Assessment

  “Rule of Six”                   Hall capacity remains at       Limits on the number of       Advice taken from
                                  30.                            people you can see socially   Community First.
                                                                 have changed. From Mon May
                                                                 17th when meeting adhere to   Acre guidelines
                                                                 rule of 6. masks should be    community facilities
                                                                 worn on entry and exit and    appendix D.
                                                                 accessing toilets
                                                                 Recommended that social
                                                                 distancing (2 metres) is

Red – Actions based on Government advice (i.e. should be considered mandatory)

Orange – Actions that are strongly recommended

Green – Actions that you might like to consider

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Hartlebury Community Cafe Risk Assessment

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