Haval Jolion The all new arrives - Tawanda Sungai

Page created by Brittany Mcdonald
Haval Jolion The all new arrives - Tawanda Sungai

  ISSUE NO. 006

     @DRIVEtorque                                            Tawanda Sungai
     www.drivetorque.com                                       C.E.O. - Road Angels

                    The all new
              Haval Jolion

Haval Jolion The all new arrives - Tawanda Sungai
Editor’s Dashboard
      WINTER chills. Thank God for modern heating systems in our           Jolion, with a gorgeous exterior and delightful interior is
                      vehicles. Fathers Day week!!                         pleasantly user friendly priced. The fast, huge and galloping
                                                                             GWM steed is a marvel, taking the Asian market by storm.
      To all you DRIVEtorque male readers, I salute you. You carry
      that crucial fathering mantle. Why not make it an effortless         The venerable Prado and the reborn Defender pit it out. A peek
      lifestyle? I think there is so little appropriate celebration and    into Ford’s Computer-aided design (CAD) and engineering
        recognition not only of the fathers, but of the fatherless too.                     (CAE) is decidedly surreal.

      DRIVEtorque fathers, what if you deliberately intentionally          Our adventurous innovative Autonews Maker is Road Angels
      reached out? How about you spare a motoring experience, a            CEO, Tawanda Sungai. We have a double treat with the
      drive treat, spend a little time with that fatherless child that     unveiling of their new luxury carrier for roadside safe secure
      you know with a look of compassion, a touch, a laugh, a word                   protected assistance transportation. Enjoy.
         of encouragement for simply communicate …I got you!?
                                                                           The covid nuisance has reared its ugly head AGAIN!! Mask up.
        For June the soon to arrive stylish crossover SUV, the Haval             Stay vigilant. Drive safe. Sanitise. Social distance.

                                               Drive safe . Sanitize . Mask up


         Mitsubishi Triton built for hard labour!

3    AutoNews Maker - Tawanda Sungai               16 Robust Land Rover Defender is                    BEFORWARD
5    How will the P-Series be on Zim Roads?                                                        25 How Ford uses computers to accelerate
                                                   17 The all new Haval Jolion arrives                vehicle development
7    Small Q, Big Coup - Audi Q2
                                                   19 Mitsubishi Triton built for hard labour      26 Mitsubishi Xpander
9    New Toyota Starlet making stars in zim
                                                   21 Review : 2020 VW Polo 1.0 TSI                29 GWM Steed 5 is a steed indeed
11   Suzuki Vitara is a no-fuss SUV
                                                   22 2021 Hyundai Santa Fe officially             32 2021 Land Rover Defender VS 2021
12   Tamy Moyo partners with Zimoco                   revealed                                        Toyota Prado

14   Road Angels Luxury Car Carrier                23 How to buy your car from

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Haval Jolion The all new arrives - Tawanda Sungai
Autonews Maker

   auto newsmaker|

auto newsmaker
/ˈɔːtəʊ njuːzmeɪkə/

a newsworthy person in the motoring industry.
Integrity, wisdom, communicator, self-awareness, gratitude, leaner, influencer, empathy, star, celebrity, respect, superstar, big-name, famous name, household
name, leading edge, trend setter, disrupter, innovator, big-shot,   positive thinker, luminary, leading-light, leader, mentor, prominent, accomplished, goal
getter, results-driven, achiever, deliver, talented, team player, intelligence, confidence, accountability, humility, resilience, vision

                 Tawanda Sungai - Road Angels’ Founding Managing Director

AN RTA , Road Traffic Accident is         industry. Today, because of                with our corporate colour: the             He remembers the particular day,
one of the most inconveniencing           Sungai’s youthful exuberance               colour of energy.”                         16 August 1999, when Zimbabwe’s
unpleasant intrusion incident in          and innovative skills, Road Angles                                                    premier beverage manufacturer,
life. Circumstances like this we all      is now Zimbabwe’s most reliable            Two decades ago, 44-year-old               Delta, offered him a lifechanging
need rescue.                              recovery company, with branches            Sungai did imagine himself today           opportunity on its sought-after
                                          across the country’s major towns.          sitting    in   some    luxurious          “graduate trainee programme”,
By his own account, it might              It is imperative that the                  air-conditioned office of a big            where young graduates worked
seem like Tawanda Sungai’s entry          company’s 64 employees, spread             financial firm, certainly not in           and got paid while on placement.
into the roadside recovery                across the country, have bought            some small building surrounded             A turning point in Sungai’s life
business was by chance.                   into the vision of the founding            by a car scrap-yard.                       was getting a job with Nissan
                                          Managing Director.                                                                    Clover Leaf Motors, where he rose
A     genial    personality  and                                                     Born in Bulawayo and raised in             in a short period of time to
distinctive traits of empathy              “Look, we are very young and              Gweru, Sungai graduated with a             become Marketing Manager.
suggest       a      supernatural         energetic,”      Sungai      tells         degree in economics from the
connectivity     between     the          DRIVEtorque. “We allow people              University of Zimbabwe in 1999.            Sungai’s departure from Nissan
Harare-based entrepreneur and             to         be          creatively          Sungai quips he could well have            in 2005 coincided with a very
his enterprise.                           inter-dependent, as long as                been a headmaster (no offence              difficult period in Zimbabwe’s
                                          they deliver desired results. We           hey ) by now. In the seven months          history, with the country’s
Road Angels, established more             want people to enjoy being part            he spent without a job after               economy taking a deep spiral
than a decade ago, needed to do           of us, because our work can be             graduation, he had turned to               plunge. He had to spend some
something distinctively different         so stressful at times. We are a            temporary teaching to make                 time peddling in the streets to
for it to make an impact in the           super-positive team. It goes               ends meet.                                 support his young family.

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Haval Jolion The all new arrives - Tawanda Sungai
Ever the bookworm, Sungai spent        breakdown numbers.”
this time studying for a Masters in
Leadership and Change, a               No one ever expects to be in an
UZ-based programme offered in          accident, but there is always a
collaboration with the University      chance that it could happen.
of Leeds.
                                       A lot of drivers therefore find
It was also around the same time       themselves wanting in the
that the concept of Road Angles        eventuality of this mishap. Road
was born.                              Angels’ target is to provide cover
                                       for all, at low cost.
Foresight and sacrifice saw this
hugely ambitious young man sell        “Roadside assistance is very
personal assets to buy his first       expensive,” Sungai says. “Our
tow truck to give his fledgling        plan is to make it affordable for
business a kick-start.                 everyone. Any guy under a car
                                       must be able to afford. So we
Today, Road Angels stands at 24        are drawing up a plan for a
tow trucks with branches in            membership scheme where you
Harare, Bulawayo, Gweru, Mutare,       pay a dollar per month. It is
Masvingo, Beit Bridge and              based on volume. We are
Chiredzi.                              looking at a volume of at least 1
                                       500 subscribers per month.”
Starting a new business is never
an easy task.                          Services      offered    include
                                       jump-start, opening vehicles in
Road Angels faced all the trials       cases of key loss, amongst other
and tribulations of a new venture.     roadside challenges.
Road Angels persisted to a point
of hiring some of the finest           In life, we all need someone to
personnel the country has to           look up to, and Sungai has
offer, and it grew.                    successful people in executive
                                       management                   and
Innovation was behind this rise.       entrepreneurship who holds him
For a business that entails getting    accountable to a higher standard.
hands dirty, literally so, some kind
of aggression is required to get       He singles out men like his former
ahead of competition.                  boss Stanford Sibanda – the           Sungai has come a very long way,    right mind, every challenging
                                       Clover Leaf CEO – and funeral         which makes his advice to           situation can be overturned to
Even what appears like small           services guru Phil Mataranyika, as    up-starters more relevant.          great gain.”
things is important, like acquiring    some of his role models.
uniform contact numbers from                                                 “In business there are no           Away from work, Sungai enjoys a
telephone service providers, was       It also helps to be a tenacious       short-cuts to longevity,” he        bit of fun on the road, which fits
achieved.                              optimist to start from scratch,       declares.       “You        need    well with his choice of car.
                                       and transform into a market           perseverance and belief in
“This is what gave us saving           leader in a small but very            yourself when all others have       “I’m a fan of the G-wagon, the
grace,” says Sungai. “You need         competitive industry. Sungai is       given up on you. You need a         G-63,” says Sungai. “I’m an
easy numbers for this kind of          one such visionary. He declares a     positive mind. The mind is the      outdoor guy, so for downtimes I
business. We discovered that a         bright future, saying: “the country   most incredibly powerful tool       like to venture into the bush.”
lot of people do not know              is definitely on the right path.”     we have. Use it well. With the

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Haval Jolion The all new arrives - Tawanda Sungai
2480mm x 1520mm x 540mm. Its
                                                                                                                          load capacity renders it able to
                                                                                                                          haul any equipment or trailers.

                                                                                                                          When you hear of this kind of
                                                                                                                          space on a vehicle, you cannot
                                                                                                                          imagine it having such a vintage
                                                                                                                          and rugged exterior styling like
                                                                                                                          the GWM P-Series Commercial
                                                                                                                          Single Cab.

                                                                                                                          This is a vehicle to cherish, a travel
                                                                                                                          partner that you can trust, an
                                                                                                                          all-weather friend of the road.

                                                                                                                          The comfort is next to none. Its
                                                                                                                          interior   is    dark,  with     a
                                                                                                                          leather-wrapped steering wheel,
                                                                                                                          3.5-inch colour instrument cluster
                                                                                                                          on top of smart technology, a
                                                                                                                          modern car for the modern-day
                    What will the new Hilux-rivalling GWM P-Series                                                        Think about this, you don’t have
                          bakkie be like on the Zim roads?                                                                to worry about answering your
                                                                                                                          calls whilst driving! It has cruise
                                                                                                                          control and Bluetooth hands-free
SOMETIMES, it is refreshing to           the “sweet pot”, the leaf spring         P-Series. The bakkie is a remake        calling     system      for    your
throw the rulebook out of the            rigid rear suspension needed a bit       of an earlier version. The P-Series     convenience behind the steering
window when re-designing car             of a run-on. For good measure, its       Commercial Single Cab is a              wheel.
models.                                  front suspension is via a                brand-new addition to the range
                                         double-wishbone arrangement              of     robust,       reliable   and     Every driver needs to feel secure
In line with this, the P-Series’ light   which follows through on the full        “workaholic” GWM bakkies that           when parking, reversing and
commercial vehicles are no               range. It is important to note that      are built for true flexibility.         maneuvering through tight ways.
longer as light as you used to           we did not load the vehicle, so                                                  The GWM P-Series Commercial
know them! They have become              expect this to change when you           This iconic bakkie is powerful, not     Single Cab’s comes two rear
bigger than the “traditional”            put stuff at the back.                   just automatically, but practically.    sensors and reverse camera,
bakkies. You will find the latest                                                 To make your travels a most             enables you to overcome the rear
model to have a striking                 You may ask : what of the engine,        memorable      experience,      the     blind spots.
resemblance to its opposite              what can a potential buyer look          Commercial Single Cab features a
number – the Isuzu, D-Max, Hilux         forward to? Well, we can tell you        6MT gearbox. It is available in         • 17-inch aluminum rim wheels
and Ranger.                              that it has received a swift facelift.   2WD or 4WD variants.                    • Bluetooth
                                         The 2.0-litre turbo-diesel provides                                              • Hydraulic brake assist system
The workhorse 4x4 variant has            ample power from the middle              Turning to the standard safety          • Automatic door lock
made an instant wow impression           and upper reaches of the rev             features, again, you will find them     • 12V Power outlet
on DRIVEtorque. Its relatively           range, lacking a little under            to be satisfactory with the GWM
quiet, well-appointed cabin and          2000rpm.                                 P-Series Commercial Single Cab.         The daytime running lamp (DRL)
with comfortable seating area are                                                 The include a hydraulic brake           and fog lamps help make
outstanding features of this             What type of the P-Series do you         assist system (HBA), traction           surrounding objects and vehicles
beauty of a vehicle. It guarantees       prefer? One with commercial or           control     system       (ASR/TCS),     more visible in low light
you a most pleasant drive over           passenger configurations? If you         collision    automatic       unlock     situations with advanced visual
long hours, on any surface.              are looking for the commercial           function and so much more.              effects.
                                         range, bear in mind that it comes
 Its standard fare is an assortment      with a single-cab derivative.            A vehicle with versatile features is    This a must-have bakkie for
of every feature you desire in a         Another     useful     piece    of       sought-after, and a hit with            enthusiasts       who   look   for
light commercial vehicle. It             information is that all bakkies in       modern drives. You can be rest          versatility. It’s a workhorse with
includes a hydraulic power               the line-up are powered by a             assured that this vehicle will carry    exciting tech on top of a vintage
steering, adjustable steering            turbocharged 2.0-litre diesel            more load, due to its spacious          appearance.
column, steering wheel controls,         engine        that       produces        interior. It is designed with
3.5-innch instrument cluster, two        120kW-400Nm. This bakkie is              generous space of one-ton load          Available ex-stock from Zimoco.
USB ports, 12-volt power socket,         fitted with either a six-speed           capacity, a real industrious car!       Call them on 0242-885329/30
cruise control, amongst other            manual,       or     eight-speed         The load bin has cargo size of
attractive apparatuses.                  automatic transmission.

When you talk of a new vehicle           Drives often worry about the
brand, you cannot of course leave        comfort of their occupants,
out the most important factor of         especially in areas where the road
them all : safety, safety and more       network is a mixture of good and
safety. This latest P-Series comes       bad surfaces. The P-Series
complete with dual-crash bags,           guarantees you an enjoyable ride
anti-lock braking, traction control      throughout, on any type of roads,
as well as hill-start. You will feel     that is given. The quality of the
safe and snug in this new kid on         ride, in fact, gets better when the
the block.                               loading bay is full! This vehicle, on
                                         off-road conditions, reveals its
How about putting it through a           remarkable versality. It is still
4x4 obstacle to test its pulling         quite easy to operate there, even
power to master the course? You          though its system is not as
certainly will not be disappointed       impeccable as the Mitsubishi's
too on that front.                       SuperSelect II.

We had the greatest pleasure of          Let us now introduce the all-new
driving a new one, so to get it to       and all-conquering GWM

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Haval Jolion The all new arrives - Tawanda Sungai
The All New
                 GWM P-Series
            Single Cab has arrived!

            It's more than a Workhorse...

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Haval Jolion The all new arrives - Tawanda Sungai
Small Q, big coup:
                                                         The Audi Q2 in new top form

COMPACT SUV in the Audi Q              which already characterized the      the C-pillars are painted either in    revised Q2 illuminates the road
range ushers in a fresh product        front and shoulder line, to the      body colour or designed in silver,     with LED headlights, and Audi
update.                                rear end as well: The bumper has     grey or black (depending on the        will install the new Matrix LED
                                       an integrated angular diffuser       trim line or package selected).        headlights upon request. One
Offering    striking     finishing     insert with large pentagons on                                              shared module houses seven
touches as part of three different     both sides. The front has also       In addition to the basic version,      individual LEDs. The intelligently
trim lines                             been modified, and the surfaces      Audi offers the advanced and S         controlled high beam light always
                                       below the headlights now have a      line exterior trim lines. In the       illuminates the road as brightly as
Local package structure offers         more distinctive shape. The large    basic version, the attachments in      possible without blinding other
convenience, customisation and         implied air inlets, which are also   the lower area of the body are         road      users.   Ten      further
an inclusive value proposition         pentagonal, also appear even         grained black. In the Advanced         light-emitting diodes installed
                                       more expressive, especially in the   line, they are hued in Manhattan       behind       rhomboid       optical
Cape Town, 25 May, 2021 –              S line trim line. The octagonal      grey. For the S line, they are         components        generate      the
Progressive design, compact            Singleframe is slightly lower than   painted in the body colour. All        daytime running light. Seven
dimensions, and great driving          before, making the front section     lines include mirror housings in       LEDs generate the dynamic turn
pleasure: The Audi Q2 established      appear wider.                        the body colour, and the front         signals independently.
itself as a car full of character                                           entries feature aluminium strips.
right    away    when     it   was     The colour palette of the updated    The     optional   black  styling      For the rear lights, Audi offers a
introduced in the market four          Audi Q2 includes five new            package further enhances the           version with LED technology
years ago. Audi has now                colours:    Apple      green    is   Q2’s expressive exterior design        (only on Advanced and S line
refreshed the car, giving the          celebrating its premiere with the    with black accents and elements.       models). If the Matrix LED
exterior an even more distinctive      brand, and Manhattan grey,                                                  headlights are on board, the
profile with striking details as       Navarra blue, arrow grey, and        Top-of-the-line       technology:      dynamic turn signal is also
part of three different trim lines.    turbo blue are newly available for   Matrix LED headlights                  included. When the car is locked
You can now order the new Audi         the compact SUV. The blades on       Even in the standard version, the      and unlocked, dynamic light
Q2 from South Africa.                                                                                              sequencing      plays    in    the
                                                                                                                   headlights and rear lights.
Even more striking at the front
and rear: the exterior design                                                                                      Engine and trim lines on offer for
                                                                                                                   the Q2
The Audi Q2 is a robust, sporty                                                                                    The compact SUV is being
all-around vehicle as its design                                                                                   launched in the South African
indicates at the first glance: It is                                                                               market with one engine offering.
sporty, elongated, and unique at                                                                                   The 1.4 TFSI that powers the Q2 35
the same time, and its corners                                                                                     TFSI has an output of 110 kW and
and edges give it an even more                                                                                     produces 250 Nm of torque. The
confident     appearance.      The                                                                                 sprint from 0 to 100 km/h takes
compact SUV measures 4.208                                                                                         8.8 seconds; its peak is 213 km/h.
metres in length, 17 millimetres                                                                                   The vehicle is fitted with an
more than before. The wheelbase                                                                                    8-speed tiptronic gearbox.
of 2.60 metres, the width of 1.79
metres, and the height of 1.508                                                                                    The standard trim line includes:
metres have remained the same.                                                                                     16-inch wheels and the blade in
The drag coefficient with sport                                                                                    body colour.
suspension     is    0.31   –      a
top-of-the-range result in the                                                                                     The Advanced trim line includes:
small SUV segment.                                                                                                 17-inch    wheels;     blade     in
                                                                                                                   Manhattan grey; bumper in
The Audi designers have now                                                                                        contrasting paint (grey finish);
applied the motif of the polygon,                                                                                  LED rear lights; sports seats and

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Haval Jolion The all new arrives - Tawanda Sungai
index fabric upholstery.

The S line includes: 18-inch
wheels; blade in Platinum grey;
bumper in full paint finish; LED
rear lights; sports seats; index
fabric upholstery and sports

A pleasant place: the interior
The spacious interior of the Audi
Q2       accommodates          five
passengers. They can get in with
ease and sit in a comfortably
elevated position. The optional
panoramic glass sunroof brings
light and air into the car; tinted
privacy glazing, which is also
optional, shields the rear seating
area from view. The luggage
compartment holds 405 litres,
expanding to 1,050 litres when
the rear seat backs are folded
down. As an optional extra, Audi
will deliver the storage and
luggage compartment with a
tailgate that opens and closes
electrically.                         upholstery       also      features    Black styling package: only             comes      as    standard.      The
                                      embossed S logos on the                available on the Advanced and S         top-of-the-line version is the Audi
The interior design of the            backrest in the latter offering.       line    models     and    includes      virtual cockpit with a 12.3-inch
compact SUV echoes the taut                                                  Singleframe in black; front and         diagonal which forms part of the
design language of the exterior.      Customers who order the contour        rear bumper trims in black;             Technology Package and also
The round air vents with their jet    ambient lighting package can           exterior mirrors in black; side         includes     Audi     smartphone
design and the gear lever knob –      choose from ten colours to add         blade in black; 19-inch 10-spoke Y      interface and MMI navigation
or selector lever of the S tronic –   visual lighting personality to the     style wheels in black; sports           plus, which is operated via the
have been retouched slightly. The     interior of the new Audi Q2. As        suspension. This package is only        rotary push button on the centre
S line interior package enhances      part of this package, the              available with the Advanced and         tunnel (MMI touch) or via
the standard appearance of the        decorative inserts within the          S line models.                          natural-language voice control.
cabin and can be added with the       cabin are able to light up as well.
Advanced and S line exterior trim                                            S line interior package: only           The optional Bang & Olufsen
lines.                                New     package       strategy:        available on the Advanced and S         Premium Sound System actuates
                                      equipment and materials                line    models      and     includes    14 loudspeakers with an output of
In the basic interior, standard or                                           decorative inserts in matte             705 watts – its performance is a
sport seats are available with        Audi offers four distinct local        brushed aluminium; S line               special feature in the compact
fabric     upholstery      or     a   equipment     packages     which       emblems; headliner in black             SUV segment.
combination of leather and            offers              convenience,       fabric; interior aluminium look;
leatherette (artificial leather).     customisation and inclusive value      pedal and foot rest in stainless        Progressive steering as standard:
Standard       seat     upholstery    proposition. This includes the         steel; scuff plates with aluminium      the suspension
includes script fabric in black.      following:                             inserts in front and illuminated
Sports seats are available in index                                          with “S” logo as well. This package     The Audi Q2 is a sporty compact
fabric as standard and is finished    Comfort       Package:      electric   is only available with the              SUV. Its standard equipment
off in black with rock grey           tailgate; 4-way lumbar support;        Advanced and S line models.             includes the progressive steering,
accents. Sports seats can be          seat heaters in front; storage and                                             which becomes more and more
optionally upgraded with leather      luggage compartment package            Displays and infotainment               direct the further the driver turns
/ leatherette upholstery or as part   with two rear USB’s.                   The range in terms of displays          the steering wheel.
of the S line interior package,       Tech Package: MMI navigation           and infotainment is structured in
these are finished off in black       plus; Audi smartphone interface;       two levels in the Q2. An analog         It thereby ensures excellent
with rock grey stitching. The         Audi virtual cockpit.                  instrument with a colour display        handling while maneuvering and
                                                                                                                     a great driving experience on
                                                                                                                     winding roads. Since the model is
                                                                                                                     front-wheel drive, wishbones and
                                                                                                                     MacPherson suspension struts
                                                                                                                     guide the front wheels, and a
                                                                                                                     torsion-beam        structure  is
                                                                                                                     installed in the rear.

                                                                                                                     The sport suspension lowers the
                                                                                                                     body by 10 millimetres (standard
                                                                                                                     with the S line model). The Audi
                                                                                                                     drive select dynamic handling
                                                                                                                     system enables the driver to
                                                                                                                     configure the drive, steering
                                                                                                                     assistance, and other systems in
                                                                                                                     five modes: auto, efficiency,
                                                                                                                     comfort, dynamic, and individual.

                                                                                                                     With roughly 20 centimetres of
                                                                                                                     ground clearance, the compact
                                                                                                                     SUV also does well on unpaved
                                                                                                                     roads. The ESC stabilization
                                                                                                                     control has an integrated offroad

www.drivetorque.com                                                                                                 DRIVEtorque JUNE 2021 | PAGE 8
Haval Jolion The all new arrives - Tawanda Sungai
The new Toyota
     Starlet making
     stars in Zim!

BACK in 2016, Toyota began its                                                                                           between the two Japanese
collaboration with Suzuki. Much                                                                                          automakers that came into play
to our delight, with both                                                                                                in March 2019.
Japanese manufacturers at the
forefront of their respective                                                                                            The engine, a naturally aspirated
automotive technologies this is a                                                                                        1.4-litre motor, produces 68kW
treat. Fusing their expertise                                                                                            and 130Nm, with power being
would mean sharing research,                                                                                             sent to the front wheels via a
development costs, platforms,                                                                                            five-speed manual gearbox (like
engines, and cars. The first baby                                                                                        our test unit) or a four-speed
to come out of this newfound                                                                                             automatic. Gear changes are
relationship is the Toyota Starlet,                                                                                      solid, with a surety that the next
which is almost identical to the       Over the past few weeks,                the radio has a playful, yet              gear will be hooked without issue.
Suzuki Baleno.                         Zimbabweans were introduced to          engaging, feel to it. What may be         What we picked up on, though, is
                                       a new arrival in Toyota's local         an issue to some is that you can          that the engine must be driven-in
It is based on the Baleno and has      arsenal, the Starlet. And if the car    only connect your phone while             for both performance and fuel
the same engine and dashboard          looks awfully familiar, that is         the car is stationary. Yes, we            consumption to turn a positive
layout, but its design has been        because it is. Based on the Suzuki      agree that this is indeed good.           page.
tweaked a little somewhat, to          Baleno - a mighty impressive car,
look more like the Toyota-esque,       we might add - the Starlet picks        With road safety in mind even             Upon receiving the Starlet, the
so to speak. Next to the Baleno, it    up where the Etios left off. The car    though there are systems on the           car had few kilometres on its
is only the grille and badge that      shares almost everything with           market that allow quick and easy          odometer. Fresh off the truck, the
makes the Starlet look a little        the Baleno : its design, interior, as   connection while the vehicle is in        Starlet had that new-car smell
different.                             well as the drivetrain.                 motion. Multi-tasking is not              and prodding around town
                                                                               recommended while driving                 highlighted the relatively high
However, Toyota brings some of         Reliable information says it has        guys!! Why not just connect your          fuel consumption.
its own attractive goodies from        already sold more than 20 units in      phone before take off? With
their tech department into the         just a few weeks                        pressure mounting, perhaps this           On the national roads and
Starlet's interior, such as Toyota                                             connect while in motion is                running at 120km/h, the gearbox
Connect      Telematics    system;     The Starlet can be somewhat             something Toyota could consider           had to be worked for the car to
in-car Wi-fi and the My Toyota         misleading, in a good way.              when the facelift comes about.            maintain momentum on most
App. Imageni! You also get 15GB        Coming in at just under 4 metres,                                                 inclines. Cruise control played its
of data mahala , for free, when        one would think that space would        Compared to the Baleno, the boot          part to a degree, but was
you purchase the Starlet. This is      be on the limited side, but it is       is slightly smaller at 345 litres, but    overridden most of the time as
standard across the board.             not. A 1.8m tall driver can sit         with the rear seats folded down,          fourth gear had to be engaged.
                                       comfortably, while the passenger        space increases to 1 075 litres. The
The Starlet is aimed at the young,     behind him/her does not have to         Baleno is about 10 litres bigger in       Admittedly, we think the Starlet
the trendy, the connected              worry about being cramped for           both instances.                           will offer far better performance
urbanites. After having driven the     space. Rear legroom is more than                                                  once the engine has been
near-identical, peppy Baleno a         sufficient, without the need to         Toyota also made provision for            "broken" in.
while back, I'm of the opinion that    adjust and alter the front seats a      the Starlet to be equipped with
it would suit anyone who is            dozen times.                            an (optional) tow bar. When               It has a host of features that will
looking for a practical, spacious                                              fitted, the car can pull a trailer        make the Vivo hide its head and
and     reliable    car   that    is   The dashboard is a very                 with an un-braked towing                  the Baleno ask itself "Why do I
cost-effective to run. Toyota          user-friendly space (à la Baleno).      capacity of 400kg.                        cost so much?".
claims fuel usage of a mere 5.1        Everything is easy to understand.
litres per 100 km, which is not too    The dials, with which to operate        The engine and gearbox have               The entry-level Starlet comes in at
far from the truth on a day-to-day     the climate control, is decked          been carried over from the                $19000.       Warranty         and
basis.                                 with easy-to-read buttons, and          Baleno, thanks to the partnership         maintenance.

We shall be getting the new                                                                                              All Starlet models are sold with a
Starlet on test soon, but you can                                                                                        three-services/45,000 km service
read our review of the Baleno in                                                                                         plan – with 15,000 km service
the meantime to get a better idea                                                                                        intervals. A three-year/100,000km
of what we are talking about. Just                                                                                       warranty is also provided.
bear in mind that our review is of
the pre-facelift 2017 model                                                                                              Book a test drive today with
without stability control and                                                                                            Toyota Zimbabwe on 08677
many of the latest mod-cons that                                                                                         067067
the new Baleno models have.

www.drivetorque.com                                                                                                     DRIVEtorque JUNE 2021 | PAGE 9
Haval Jolion The all new arrives - Tawanda Sungai


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www.drivetorque.com                         DRIVEtorque JUNE 2021 | PAGE 10
Suzuki Vitara is a no-fuss SUV
                                                                                passengers – and their luggage.         stress-free.
                                                                                There is more space in the back
                                                                                than you get in a Peugeot 2008          That being said, it is not quite as
                                                                                and Honda HR-V. The boot is             comfortable or as quiet as a
                                                                                hugely big enough for a gigantic        Honda HR-V or Peugeot 2008.
                                                                                weekly shop or a family’s luggage       The single 1.4-litre turbo petrol
                                                                                for a week or so travel.                engine option is pretty smooth
                                                                                                                        and feels perky, but gets a little
                                                                                Do not even begin to think              thirsty on long motorway drives,
                                                                                Suzuki’s      forgotten       about     even     with    its   mild-hybrid
                                                                                front-seat space, though. Every         technology. More so if you go for
                                                                                Vitara         comes            with    all-wheel drive.
                                                                                height-adjustment so you can
                                                                                tower over traffic even if your own     The Suzuki’s party-piece is that it
                                                                                height above sea level is not that      is surprisingly good fun to drive –
                                                                                high , for those that have an issue     for a tall SUV, that is. It barely
                                                                                with being called short. Its big        leans in tight corners and has
                                                                                windows give you a great view           masses of grip which gives you
                                                                                too.                                    the adrenalin confidence to drive
THE Suzuki Vitara is a no-fuss SUV      a little more life into the Suzuki’s                                            it like a hot hatch on your
that is perfect for a growing           angular headlights .There is a pair     Pick the Vitara if you want an          favourite stretch of winding
family. It is good to drive and         of upturned fog light surrounds         enjoyable small SUV that can            country road – if that is your sort
offers    decent     space,     but     that make it look like it is wearing    actually go off road.                   of thing, if that is your cup of tea.
alternatives   do     look   more       a comedy moustache disguise.
luxurious inside.                                                               All this makes it very easy to drive    Albeit, this does not quite make
                                        These fun little details continue       around town. The standard               up for the Vitara’s rather
If you are looking for an               inside, too. There are splashes of      manual gearbox is easy to use           cheap-feeling cabin, but at least it
affordable SUV with a raised            silver on the air vents and             and the steering’s nice and light       helps it stand out from the crowd
driving    position   that    feels     steering wheel, alongside a few         which helps make squeezing into         from the more expensive and
reassuring to drive, the Suzuki         slabs of shiny metal effect plastic     tight parking spaces and dodging        pretty dull-to-drive SUVs.
Vitara is a great choice. Its bold      on the dashboard and doors.             through traffic pretty much
looks mean you will not lose it in a    Sadly, while it might look cool, the
car park. There is loads of space       Suzuki’s numerous hard plastics
for carrying passengers, too.           and brittle trims feel more like
                                        they are better for propping up a
Unlike the Honda HR-V and               bookshelf than taking pride of
Peugeot 2008, the Suzuki Vitara         place in a funky SUV’s cabin.
does not look like a pumped-up
family hatchback on stilts.             It is a similar story with the Suzuki
Instead, it has a little more of that   Vitara’s     7-inch     infotainment
old-school off-roader appeal, but       system. It looks more Fisher-Price
like a fancy hiking boot with a         than iPhone but at least that
memory           foam         inner?    means it is a doddle to use. It gets
xxxxxMeaning what exactly? It’s         all the smartphone mirroring
not clear , it still has the latest     features you will need to use, plus
tech beneath the surface to             a bunch of apps safely while you
satisfy the modern buyer.               are driving, too.

Things are sporty at the front,         It is equally easy to pack the
where some chrome trims inject          Suzuki Vitara with plenty of

www.drivetorque.com                                                                                                    DRIVEtorque JUNE 2021 | PAGE 11
                                                                             ‘PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN
                                                                             TWO STRONG BRANDS’


TAMY Moyo is without doubt           cross-section of invited guests.     “We are proud to be working          “I want to be a bridge between
Zimbabwe’s number one diva                                                with this young and ambitious        young people and ZIMOCO, as
today.                               “I’d like to thank ZIMOCO for        lady whose brand resonates           well as other movers and
                                     allowing me to carry their           with the ZIMOCO brand and            shakers.”
The gorgeous 23-year-old is a        brand with dignity.”                 speaks to a wide spectre of the
singer and actress with a                                                 market. As we expand our             Tamy started singing at the age
reputable brand built over 14        Tamy, indeed, knows all about        product line, ranging from high      of seven.
years.                               dignity. It’s precisely the reason   end vehicles to everyday
                                     ZIMOCO didn’t hesitate to            practical     and    affordable      While in form one at Harare’s
Bearing testimony to Tamy’s          partner her.                         vehicles,    the    partnership      Westridge High School, she was
standing is her newly-launched                                            between ZIMOCO and the Tamy          handed her first ambassadorial
partnership with another very        Manfred Chaniwa, the company’s       Moyo brand will bring great          role, with Childline Zimbabwe,
strong brand – ZIMOCO.               Business Development Manager         synergies as we expand our           joining no less a music luminary
                                     for Passenger Vehicles, said they    market.”                             than the late iconic Oliver
ZIMOCO,     the    only  official    decided to partner Tamy because                                           Mtukudzi.
distributor       Mercedes-Benz      the is a wonderful role model –      Tamy is young, and she doesn’t
passenger     and    commercial      graceful and classy – just like      take for granted what she has        Born Thamsanqa Moyo on 5
vehicles in Zimbabwe, on Friday      ZIMOCO itself.                       achieved thus far in her career.     January 1998 in Harare, the
unveiled    Tamy     as   brand                                           She’s not selfish – seeing the       youthful artist performed at New
ambassador of the country’s          “Today we are here to unveil         success of other young people is     York’s famous Madison Square
leading company in the motor         two great brands, the official       something close to her heart.        Garden at the tender age of nine,
trade.                               appointment of Tamy Moyo as                                               marking the beginning of her
                                     the ZIMOCO brand ambassador          “Let this (ZIMOCO partnership)       journey in the industry.
On top of being ZIMOCO’s brand       and the launch of the all new        be the opening of doors for
ambassador,    the     Ndibereke     Haval Jolion which is the            more corporates to support           She is the current best female
hitmaker becomes the first           vehicle we will be handing,”         young artists,” she said.            artist in Zimbabwe as of the 2019
person in Zimbabwe to drive the      Manfred said.                                                             NAMA Merit Awards.
stunning Haval Jolion, which she
was presented with at a                                                                                        Tamy has done a collaboration
well-attended event at ZIMOCO’s                                                                                with Jah Prayzah and has shared
immaculate Sam Levy’s Village                                                                                  a stage with the likes of Mtukudzi,
showroom on Friday morning.                                                                                    Mafikizolo and Joe Thomas.

The term “game recognises                                                                                      The international market has also
game”     couldn’t    be    more                                                                               opened up for her, having
appropriate, as Tamy herself aptly                                                                             performed at Coke Studio Kenya,
put it in accepting both the                                                                                   Norway’s Oslo Festival as well as
vehicle and her ambassadorial                                                                                  the Mother Africa Festival in
role.                                                                                                          Germany,      Switzerland    and
“I’m deeply honoured and
excited for this wonderful                                                                                     As an actress, she is best known
partnership   between  two                                                                                     for her role in the 2020 film,
strong brands, ZIMOCO and                                                                                      Gonarezhou.
Tamy Moyo,” she told a

www.drivetorque.com                                                                                          DRIVEtorque JUNE 2021 | PAGE 12
Luxury Car Carrier
INNOVATIVE Closed vehicle             which      need      the   outmost    to the given address. Privacy is         The Heavy Rescue division is
transportation solutions              protection during transportation.     protected. The asset is delivered        quite active, recovering heavy
                                      As usual, Road Angels showed          safe, intact, undetected.                vehicles of up to 30 tonnes.
Have you heard? A new “child”         that it is a listening organisation                                            Consequently, Road Angels can
has been born to the Road Angels      that responds well to the clients’    Focusing      on     transportation      move all types of earthmoving,
family. Yes. For real! Zimbabwe’s     needs. Commenting on the              charges, Sasha said, ‘’The charges       mining, construction and farming
leading emergency Roadside            attributes of the Luxury Car          for the Luxury Carrier are in            equipment safely and with ease.
Assistance company has added a        Carrier which answers their           conjunction with this classy             In the event of an accident, Road
Luxury Car Carrier to its fleet of    valued      customers’    requests,   service. They are higher than the        Angels can assist with accident
rescue      and     transportation    Sasha said, “We are extremely         open car transport due to the fact       management services. This is one
vehicles. Since 2010, Road Angels     excited about the addition of         that the car is enclosed. It is not      of their key selling points.
has      been     servicing    the    the Luxury Carrier to our fleet as    exposed to the weather elements
Zimbabwean        and     Southern    it ensures that the deserving         or fall out debris. Due to the high      This includes dealing with the
African motoring public with          client’s vehicle is not exposed to    value nature of the cars being           Police and Vehicle Inspection
their Open Car transportation         rock chips, debris or extreme         transported, the insurance cover         Depot      (VID),    calling     an
fleet. The addition of the Luxury     weather        elements     during    on the transported cars is also          ambulance, putting the car
Car Carrier has enhanced the          transportation. That is why we        equivalently higher. Clients now         owner of the accident damaged
bouquet of products and services      have now adopted the saying-          have a choice on the type of             vehicle in contact with panel
offered by Road Angels as it can      ‘your car is as snug as a bug’ as     transportation they select for           beaters, garages and making
now offer Professional Closed Car     the car does not get damaged          their vehicles and which option          mechanical reports and vehicle
Transportation to all its existing    in any way.’’                         best suits their budget.                 valuation. Car storage can be up
and potential customers.                                                                                             to 30 days for selected clients and
                                      In this era of social media, there    Road Angels customers can still          Road Angels members.
Road Angels has continuously set      are cases where car owners wish       expect the same world class
the pace in the Roadside              to transport their vehicles away      services when their cars are             Road Angels will continue
Assistance      sector.         The   from the spying, prying eyes of       transported. The difference here         introducing advanced product
introduction of the Closed            the public. The Luxury Carrier also   being the type of Rescue vehicle         offerings to the market. They shall
Transportation Luxury Carrier to      offers the car owner privacy as       and the extra protection offered         ensure that they will offer
its fleet, therefore, comes as no     their car is being transported.       by the Luxury Carrier.                   optimum service delivery on
surprise. Road Angel’s Business       Sasha stated, ‘’We have had                                                    time, without wastage and with
Development        Angel,     Sasha   instances where a customer            Road Angels has 10 to date,              enthusiasm to clients within the
Chikwanda stated that a number        wants     a    personal     vehicle   branches across Zimbabwe. The            whole Southern African region.
of requests had come from their       transported into Zimbabwe or          11th branch set to be opened next
clients     clamouring    for    an   within the Southern African           month as a fitting celebration of        The company can only say, watch
ultimate transportation solution      region. They do not necessarily       its 11 years of existence. It offers     this     space     for     more
which would offer protection and      want the whole world to know          Roadside Assistance services             ground-breaking        Roadside
security for their valuable asset.    their private business. Therefore,    which includes car towing, flat          Assistance products and services.
Sasha acknowledged that the           the Luxury Carrier has offered a      tyre changing, retrieval of car
feedback which they received          secure solution for this.” Road       keys locked in the vehicle,              Contact the Road Angels
from their clients highlight that     Angels Rescuers will discreetly       jumpstarting of flat batteries           marketing team on 0772122122
their vehicle are precious asset      collect the vehicle and deliver it    among the services.                      for more information.

www.drivetorque.com                                                                                                DRIVEtorque JUNE 2021 | PAGE 14
Tel: +263 - 242 - 334 304 / 334 418 / 336 841 / 336 721
                         Tel: +263 - 92 - 471622 / 471624
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The Great Robust
     Powerful Land Rover
     Defender 110 is

     Engine:         2.0-litre, turbodiesel                                 Drive:                          All-wheel drive
     Power:          177kW @ 4000rpm                                        Economy:                        7.8-litres/100km (claimed)
     Torque:         430Nm @ 1400rpm                                        Ground clearance:               218 - 291mm
     Gears:          Eight-speed automatic                                  Wading depth:                   900mm

ONE of the most recognizable          of buttons nor is it hard to scroll
4x4s of all time must be Land         through. If it is your first time
Rover's Defender. The SUV saw a       experiencing this interface by
75-year uninterrupted production      Land Rover, it would be best to
run come to an end in 2015, with      take a few minutes to 'study' it a
the model taking a hiatus for a       while and familiarize yourself
few years. Then, a few years later,   with the menus.
an all-new Defender came to
market,     with     the   model      Though the Defender has always
introduced locally in March 2020.     been an off-roader of note, the
                                      latest one is a far cry from its
Over the on following year, Land      forebears. As such, it features
Rover expanded the Defender's         Android Auto and Apple CarPlay,
line-up, giving prospective buyers    a 10-inch touchscreen from which
more purchasing options. One of       to control everything, wireless
these is the First Edition models,    charging for your smartphone,
applied to both the 110 and 90        and several power sockets. There
body styles. We recently drove the    is even a domestic plug socket for
Defender 110 D240 First Edition       added convenience.
and experienced the SUV both                                                latter will warn the driver if s/he   this can be forgiven, and should
on- and off-road.                     An interesting bit of technology is   needs to take a break.                not be a problem since our
                                      the rearview mirror. With the flick                                         national speed limit on highways
The Defender is widely regarded       of a button, the mirror item will     Which feature(s) on the new           is 120km/h. The Defender is also
as     one      of    the     most    change from a mirror to a             Defender do you think fits the        built for the beaten track, and for
technologically          advanced     camera, relaying live video           SUV best? Email us your opinion.¬     doing          some         proper
vehicles to date, and definitely      footage via an HD camera that is      One of the Defender's biggest         bundu-bashing.
the most tech-ridden 4x4 ever to      fitted into the shark fin aerial.     talking points is that both large
come to market. From the                                                    and small capacity engines            Yet, the Defender redeems itself
moment you climb inside, you are      Other standard features on the        power it. The D240 models, in         in off-road conditions. Thanks to
confronted with the spacious          110 D240 First Edition includes a     both the 110 and body styles, are     the standard air suspension, one
seven-seat cabin and the dials        heated steering wheel, an electric    powered by a turbocharged             can raise the ground clearance
and buttons that adorn the            tailgate,    two-zone     climate     2.0-litre diesel engine that          from 218mm to 291mm, making
dashboard. Yet, it is neither         control, 360-degree camera, and       produces 177kW and 430Nm.             clearing obstacles and ditches an
difficult to understand this array    a driver condition monitor - the      Thanks to the lowdown torque -        absolute breeze. The off-road
                                                                            available at 1400rpm - the engine     tyres do generate a fair amount of
                                                                            manages to generate enough            road noise on tar, but perform
                                                                            momentum to keep the mill             exceptionally well when the
                                                                            running     in   that   optimum       going gets tough.
                                                                                                                  The Land Rover Defender 110
                                                                            However,       in     seven-seat      D240 First Edition continues with
                                                                            configuration, the First Edition      the strong off-road values of its
                                                                            weighs 2305kg, which is a fair        forebears, but it adds a modern
                                                                            amount for the small engine to        touch that should speak to the
                                                                            haul around. From pull away, the      contemporary driver. However, if
                                                                            engine spools to about 3000rpm        the Defender is on your radar, it
                                                                            before there is any notable           might be best to opt for one of
                                                                            movement,      and   performing       the bigger capacity engines. Sure,
                                                                            overtakes on the open road is         it does come at a financial
                                                                            quite a task. Top speed may be        'penalty' over the smaller engines,
                                                                            rated at 188km/h, but the             but the driving experience will
                                                                            drivetrain takes some strain at       surely compliment the advanced
                                                                            anything over 140km/h. However,       cabin.

www.drivetorque.com                                                                                           DRIVEtorque JUNE 2021 | PAGE 16
The all new
    Haval Jolion arrives
                                                                               upmarket              sophisticated     Assist, Forward Collision Alert,
                                                                               appearance. The exterior is quite       Rear     Cross  Traffic    Alert,
                                                                               beautiful, but the best parts of        Autonomous          Emergency
                                                                               this vehicle are on the inside.         Braking, Park Distance Control,
                                                                                                                       Tyre Pressure Monitoring, ISOFix
                                                                               INTERIOR AND TECHNOLOGY                 and 6 airbags.
                                                                               Opening the door reveals an
                                                                               interior that is finished in high       The Jolion is fitted with the same
                                                                               quality materials, all the contact      1.5 turbo petrol engine that was in
                                                                               surfaces are soft and plush,            the H2 but has been refreshed
                                                                               trimmed in supple leather with          and now produces 105kW and
                                                                               white stitching all along the           210Nm. In the top spec Super
                                                                               borders of the dashboard,               Luxury, the engine is mated to a 7
                                                                               steering wheel, centre console          speed DCT transmission. Claimed
                                                                               and seats. Featuring prominently        fuel economy figures from Haval
                                                                               in the centre of the dash is a 12.3"    state     7.6l/100km     but    our
                                                                               HD touchscreen that features            combined cycle test route
                                                                               Apple Car Play and is Android           returned 8.9 to 9.6l/100km.
                                                                               Auto ready.
                                                                                                                       The suspension will give you
THE countdown to the inevitable         stylish crossover SUV.                 Just below that is a small touch        another "aha" moment. It is
launch of Haval Jolion is over. The                                            sensitive panel that controls the       deliciously soft and supple across
launch took place today with            The Jolion enters the compact          dual zone climate control and           the badly potholed back roads yet
Tamy Moyo the celebrated singer         crossover segment, going up            360-degree      camera     system.      with the push of a few digital
driving off with one, after being       against heavy weights such as          Further down you will find the          buttons in the touchscreen, Sport
named as the Brand Ambassador           the Hyundai Kona, Volkswagen           rotary gear selector finished in        mode is activated, and it
for Zimoco. We know that when           T-Roc and Kia Seltos. It is            chrome and a secret storage area        becomes quite a neat little
most models are launched in             important to note that as the low      to hide your valuables. The             canyon carver. The Jolion is
South Africa they will find their       pricing reveals, this places it in     leather trimmed seats are super         superbly comfortable commuter,
way into the country.                   the realm of sub compacts such         comfortable,            electrically    and you fit in whether you are
                                        as the Suzuki Vitara Brezza,           adjustable on the driver’s side         cruising the suburbs or hitting
Hardcore Arcadians would say            soon-to-arrive Renault Kiger and       and manual on the passenger.            the hottest night spots.
the “Jolion has joled exsir!”           Nissan Magnite.                        The Heads-up Display is clear and
                                                                               concise and easily seen from the        It should be noted that the Jolion
The Jolion marks the first vehicle      DRIVEtorque wonders where the          driver's seat. There is a host of       will not be immediately replacing
to arrive on Zimbabwe shores,           catch is. How is it possible to have   USB ports in the rear for charging      the H2, but the exiting model will
that has been built on the new          such a well styled vehicle that is     devices and plenty of legroom for       begin to be phased out over the
LEMON platform. This is a stylish       specced to the hilt with               even the largest of frames. In the      next few months to make way for
new crossover SUV that is sure to       up-to-date tech, selling for prices    rear you get 337l of boot space         even more well specced models.
raise more than a few eyebrows.         equivalent to those in a lower         which increases to over 1000l           Zimoco will still cover your
                                        segment? We attended the local         when you drop the 60:40 rear            purchase if you buy an H2 now!
When Haval first revealed that          launch of this new entrant to          seats.                                  The Jolion has indeed joled.
the Jolion was on its way, there        investigate.
was a lot of discussion around                                                 As far as safety goes, the Jolion       Contact       Zimoco         on
what the name meant. Some said          STYLING                                gets ABS, EBD, Adaptive Cruise          0242-885329/30     for    more
it was a combination of Joy and         If the profile of the Jolion looks     Control, Active Lane Keeping            information on the Haval Jolion
Lion. Others said it was a              familiar, do not worry you are not
translated word meaning good            crazy. The vehicle was penned by
luck. Another camp merely said it       renowned          designer,     Phil
was the usual vehicle naming            Simmons who has drafted several
nonsense parade. Hold up y’all.         SUVs in the past few years such as
The word Jolion is, in fact a           the Range Rover Velar and
translation of "First Love" . Just do   Evoque. The exterior styling
not ask us for the original             makes for interesting viewing.
language. In all honesty that is        LED lighting front and rear, 18"
what you do end up feeling and          diamond cut alloys and an option
enjoying once you have slipped          to fit an executive dark chrome
behind the wheel of this very           grille, gives the Jolion a very

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Mitsubishi Triton built for hard labour!

                                                                                                                             Drive your Ambition

IF YOU are looking for a bakkie         powerful and comfortable for          is robust, reliable and safe to get     efficient diesel engines on the
designed for hard labour, do not        those long days at the office.        the hard jobs done. It has a            market contributing to better
look any further than the                                                     heavy-duty suspension. For extra        torque and power across the
Mitsubishi Triton.                      Mitsubishi’s unique Super Select      peace-of-mind, all Triton models        whole rev range. In fact, we know
                                        II 4WD system offers four             feature speed sensing auto door         it will exceed your expectations.
Older folk will remember how            different   drive   modes    for      lock and crash detection door
Harare’s city council made full use     improved driver control and           unlocking for added safety.             Peak power is 133kW at 3500rpm,
of the older L200. If City of Harare    passenger safety.                                                             while torque is an impressive
doesn’t      provide       sufficient                                         Single Cab-Cab Chassis 4x4              430Nm at 2500rpm across both
recommendation, stop by at              The 4H drive mode distributes         models have Easy Select 4WD             manual       and       automatic
ZESA. Zimbabwe’s electricity            torque in a 40:60 ratio between       which allows you to switch              transmission models. The world’s
supplier had a very long and            the front and rear wheels for safer   between 2WD and 4WD on the              trusted innovation, light-weight,
satisfying working relationship         on-road driving in slippery           move at speeds under 100km/h            Tough, Durable, Excellent cooling
with the Mitsubishi Triton.             conditions – dirt, gravel and wet     with the touch of a dial.               system will give you a 20%
                                        roads. 4HLc (4WD High range                                                   improvement in fuel economy on
So, imagine having this beast of a      with CD locked) distributes           Display audio controls with             the older model.
vehicle in your business. It is a       torque equally between the front      Bluetooth phone connectivity,
bakkie with cutting-edge design,        and rear wheels for improved          USB Port and steering wheel             The lightweight engine achieves
with everything you need to             traction on sand, dirt and slippery   audio, phone and cruise control         low fuel consumption and CO2
make driving less strenuous.            surfaces like snow.                   switches are also close at hand,        emissions across the range, while
                                                                              ensuring you remain safely              also   delivering    outstanding
It includes a powerful engine,          Six speeds give you total control     focused on the road ahead.              power and performance. MIVEC is
robust control and spacious cab.        of power delivery to match                                                    a bit of a mouthful! MIVEC
It’s massive load capacity of up to     whatever driving conditions you       It      also        features    a       (Mitsubishi   Innovative    Valve
1950-kgs offers you all the space       may face. The smooth stick            Multi-Information Display where         timing Electronic Control system)
you need to carry heavy material.       action, shorter stroke and lighter    information      such     as trip       is the name for the engines
There is the perfect distance from      clutch all make for an easier         computer and average fuel               equipped with the variable valve
ground tailgate, which makes it         operation, making it more of a        consumption are all within easy         timing mechanism developed by
easy for loading.                       normal car than a pickup truck.       sight of the driver.                    Mitsubishi Motors.

The new Triton bakkie uses a            To help keep the bakkie moving        Tilt and telescopic steering is         We’ve     been      focusing      on
chassis frame with superior             in the toughest conditions, it is     standard across the Triton range,       technologies that control valve
durability   and      toughness,        fitted    a     switchable    rear    allowing even the fussiest driver       timing because we realised it's
offering    more         effective      differential lock. This locks the     to find the most comfortable            the way to achieve high power
reinforcement as well as resisting      rear differential in place and        driving position to suit.               output, low fuel consumption
bending.                                helps distribute power evenly to                                              and low exhaust emissions. An
                                        both rear wheels.                     At the core of Triton sits this         intercooler is an intake air cooling
This vehicle is a powerful bakkie,                                            refined and super-responsive 2.4L       device. It cools the air and
no doubt, its 2 400 changes and         It has Bluetooth with music           DOHC MIVEC 16 valve common              increases the density of the air
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technological innovations, it's a       car stereo.                           reduce weight, and with a               Available ex-stock from Zimoco.
whole lot of automobile. The                                                  compression ratio of 15.5:1, it’s       Call them on 0242-885329/30
Mitsubishi Triton is durable,           The GLX Single Cab-Cab Chassis        among the quietest and most

                                        SPECIFICATIONS                                             Transmission: 6-speed M/T
                                        Engine Type: MIVEC DOHC Intercooled Turbo Diesel           Turning Radius: 5.9m
                                        Fuel System: Common Rail Direct Injection                  Ground Clearance: 220mm
                                        Max. Output: 133kW@3500rpm                                 Fuel Tank Capacity: 75litres
                                        Max. Torque: 430Nm@2500rpm                                 Fuel Consumption: 7.5L/100km (Combined Cycle)

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Never complains about working conditions

                                 Engine Type: MIVEC DOHC Intercooled Turbo Diesel
                                 Fuel System: Common Rail Direct Injection

                                 Max. Output: 133kW@3500rpm

                                 Max. Torque: 430Nm@2500rpm

                                 Transmission: 5-speed M/T
                                 Turning Radius: 5.9m
                                 Ground Clearance: 220mm
                                 Fuel Tank Capacity: 75litres
                                 Fuel Consumption: 7.5L/100km (Combined Cycle)

                                    Sam Levy’s Village Showroom:
                                    Shop III, Borrowdale, Harare
                                    Tel : (+263 242) 885 729/30, 885 744/45, 885 748/49/50
                                    Email : Enquiries@zimoco.co.zw
                                    Website : Www.zimoco.co.zw

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2020 Volkswagen Polo 1.0 TSI
        First Drive Review
THE Volkswagen Polo hatchback           sixth-gear, as expected pays great      preferred a few more contrasting        board a generally fresh look.
has      seen      one      great       dividends. At 100 kmph, you are         materials and colours.
transformation. Yes, the 1.2 TSI        sitting at around 2,000 rpm,                                                    As it stands, the Polo TSI
has always been available on the        which leaves you the entire power       Equipment          levels       are     continues to be the car for you,
top-spec GT TSI trim. Comfortline       band to play with when making a         competitive. You get cruise             that is, if you put driving pleasure
Plus and Highline Plus variants.        quick overtake. To top this off, this   control, auto wipers, rear AC vents     at a premium. This is even more
                                        spirited nature does not come at        and a 6.5-inch touchscreen with         so now, given that the turbo
At first, a drop-in displacement        the cost of efficiency. Our testing     Android     Auto/Apple      Carplay.    option can be had with a manual
and the switch from four to three       dished us an impressive 19.62           There are some misses like the          as well. The top-spec GT trim now
cylinders    might    not   seem        kmpl on the highway and 16.75           reversing    camera      and    the     gets a torque-convertor. VW has
promising. In fact, start the           kmpl in the city.                       push-button start. We do suspect        also done a damn good job with
engine up and there is a distinct                                               that perhaps that might have            the BSVI Polo's pricing. This is
three-cylinder     thrum      and       The rest of the mechanicals             something to do with the                roughly on par with the Altroz
noticeable vibrations through the       complement this drivetrain very         limitations     of      this    old     and current i20, but you get a
steering wheel and pedals.              well      too.       The       new      architecture, rather than it being      dynamically superior car. The
                                        leather-wrapped steering wheel          a case of VW trying to cut corners.     reasonable        fuel     economy
Wait! Do not dismiss it just yet!       is quite good to handle. It is also     Safety is also par-for-the-course       numbers, and an ever closing gap
The 999cc turbo-petrol unit             precise and well-weighted, much         with two airbags available as           in petrol and diesel prices, should
makes 5PS more than before,             like in the Polo's larger, newer        standard.                               mean that the loss of the diesel
110PS at 5000-5500 rpm and an           siblings. Even the ride quality                                                 version does not hurt too much.
identical 175 Nm at 1750 - 4000         belies the Polo's size. Some deep       Volkswagen had updated the
rpm. Once on the move, you will         sharp imperfections come with           look of the Polo and Vento last         The     Polo's      TSI's    closest
notice that the power delivery is       the package, but other than that,       year, and that has transferred to       competition like the Baleno RS
somewhat muted, up until just           the hatchback remains well              this engine upgrade. These              and Abarth Punto are not around
below 2,000 rpm. In practice, this      poised.                                 amount to the GTi derived               any longer. This means that apart
means that you will need to work                                                three-part front bumper, the            from the Hyundai Nios Turbo,
the gears in city traffic a little      Even at triple-digit speeds the         honeycomb          grille,     the      there is not much to go up
more than ideal to keep constant        Polo remains very well planted. In      contrasting rocker panels on the        against the turbo-ed Polo. The
progress.                               fact, do try to have some fun with      sides and the faux diffuser fitted      new i20 and the Altroz are set to
                                        this hatchback like we did. It is       to the rear bumper. New paint           get turbo engines soon, at which
With these conditions, the power        quite apparent why this VW has          options like this Flash Red have        point the Polo might have its
delivery    remains      consistent.    become a favourite in the Indian        been added. Seen here is the            work cut out for it. Until we have a
There is no unwarranted ebbs or         rally scene. Its chassis feels very     limited-run TSI edition with the        ground-up replacement for the
spikes. The six-speed gearbox'          secure and well balanced, most          gloss black roof, outer mirror and      Polo in a couple of years, these
stubby gear shifter is really cool to   inputs lead to predictable              spoiler and the TSI decals. The         changes are enough to keep
hold. The throws are not very long      responses. The 16-inch, 195/65          Polo's straightforward lines and        making     the      numbers      for
and the gates are quite                 Goodyear tyres complement this          simple shapes have held on well.        Volkswagen.
well-defined. The progressive,          character very well.                    The cosmetic updates bring on
well-weighted clutch adds to            At this point, you will notice that
keeping the entire experience           we still have not yet addressed
fairly unstressed.                      the elephant in the room? The
                                        Polo's age! This is with good
Things become much sharper as           reason. The Polo has been around
you start winding out the motor         for the better part of a decade.
further. Over 2,000 rpm the             Driving around in it though, that
motor pulls strongly through its        thought rarely crosses your mind.
mid-range, right up to about            Dynamically, the VW remains
6,000 rpm. There is a delightful        closer to the top of its class even
purr to the engine at this stage.       till   now.      This   sense     of
Moreover, most of the low-speed         timelessness does not hold up
vibrations fade away. The car           quite as well on the inside. Sure
becomes much more responsive            enough, the fit, finish and quality
here. The predictable throttle          of the materials are probably the
response makes it very easy to          best in the class. The space gets
stay in control while making good       let down by the broad expanses
progress. Out on the highway, the       of grey plastic. We would have

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