Hay Fever & Allergic Rhinitis

Hay Fever & Allergic Rhinitis
Hay Fever & Allergic Rhinitis
Rhinitis is inflammation of the nose, which is recognised by symptoms such as
sneezing, runny nose, blocked / stuffy nose, itching and 'post‐nasal drip' (the
sensation of mucus running down the back of the throat). It can occur in
association with inflammation of the eyes or sinuses. Rhinitis can have several
causes, such as infection, a reaction to medication, irritation by dusts, or allergy.

Allergic rhinitis is caused when the body makes allergic antibodies (IgE) to a substance such as pollen, house
dust mites, all pets including birds, or moulds (these are known as allergens). In people sensitive to these
allergens, exposure causes the release of chemicals from cells in the nasal passages, eyes or airways. This
results in inflammation and irritation to the lining of the eyes, nose and throat.

Grass pollen is the most common allergen, which affects sufferers at the specific times of the year when grass
pollen is released (May–July). However, some people become allergic to tree or weed and shrub pollens, and
will therefore be affected at different times of the year (February–June for trees; June to September for
weeds; peak time September and October for moulds, although present most of the year). The patient who is
allergic to tree, grass and weed pollens may suffer a very prolonged 'hay fever' season. Rhinitis which occurs
for only part of the year in this way is called seasonal allergic rhinitis.

Mould spores are present at any time, but particularly from harvesting through autumn and in mild damp

Symptoms that continue all year are called perennial allergic rhinitis and commonly relate to indoor allergens,
such as house dust mites, pets and indoor moulds.

In response to exposure of an allergen the body’s immune system overreacts and releases chemicals
(mediators) which cause inflammation. Some of these mediators (e.g. histamine) work quickly, causing
sneezing, itching and runny nose. The eyes may also be affected, with itching, redness and watering (allergic
conjunctivitis). Other mediators, cause a blocked or stuffy nose and sinuses, which may lead to headache and
difficulty sleeping.

Rhinitis is often regarded as a trivial problem but studies have shown that it severely affects people's quality
of life. It disturbs sleep, impairs daytime concentration and the ability to carry out tasks, causes people to miss
work or school, and has been shown to affect children’s school exam results.

People who suffer rhinitis are at increased risk of developing asthma. Inflammation at the beginning of the
airway (the nose) frequently affects the lower airways leading to the lungs, and this has led to the 'one airway'

Allergy UK  Planwell House  LEFA Business Park  Edgington Way  Sidcup  Kent  DA14 5BH          www.allergyuk.org

Allergy UK is the operational name of the British Allergy Foundation, a charitable company limited
by guarantee and registered in England and Wales. Charity No: 1094231. Company No: 4509293.
Registered in Scotland ‐ Charity No: SCO39257
approach to treatment. Many asthmatics also suffer rhinitis and their asthma is
better controlled and they have and less A&E and hospital admissions if their
rhinitis is treated effectively.

Pollen–food allergy or Oral allergy Syndrome
Some people with an allergy to pollens (especially tree pollens) may be affected
by cross‐reactions between their pollen allergy and certain foods. For example,
they may find that when eating certain fruits, vegetables or tree nuts, especially
raw, they get an itchy mouth or throat. See our factsheet Oral Allergy Syndrome for more details.

Rhinitis can be managed by:

1. Avoidance of the allergic trigger (pollens, moulds, house dust mite etc.)
   Allergen avoidance is difficult for people with allergy to substances in the air, such as pollen. For example,
   tiny pollen spores are windborne and travel for miles on air currents. However, many people do benefit
   from allergen avoidance to house dust mite and pets, while some simple measures, such as the use of an
   allergen barrier balm applied around the nostrils, can help to prevent allergens entering the nose and
   triggering symptoms. Nasal rinses with a normal saline solution are available to wash away allergens even
   for babies. These can be used as frequently as required and in conjunction with prescribed or over‐the‐
   counter medications.

    The following measures can be helpful:

        Monitor pollen forecasts daily and stay indoors wherever possible when the count is high (generally on
         warmer, dry days). Rain washes pollen from the air so counts should be lower on cooler, wet days

        Limit time spent in rural areas. Sea breezes blow pollen inland, so escape to the coast instead

        Use a saline nasal wash to remove pollens and allergens

        Apply an effective allergen barrier balm around the edge of each nostril to trap or block pollens and
         other allergens and help prevent a reaction. Allergen barriers are available as balms or gel nasal sprays
         and some people have found petroleum jelly can help

        On high pollen days, shower and wash your hair after arriving home and change your clothing

        Keep windows closed when indoors. This is most important in the early mornings, when pollen is being
         released, and in the evening when the air cools and pollens that have been carried up into the air
         begin to fall to ground level again

Allergy UK  Planwell House  LEFA Business Park  Edgington Way  Sidcup  Kent  DA14 5BH          www.allergyuk.org

Allergy UK is the operational name of the British Allergy Foundation, a charitable company limited
by guarantee and registered in England and Wales. Charity No: 1094231. Company No: 4509293.
Registered in Scotland ‐ Charity No: SCO39257
    If you suffer symptoms indoors, a good air filter should help. Choose one that is proven to trap even
         small particles (see the Allergy UK website for lists of approved air filters)

        Avoid mowing lawns or raking leaves yourself. If you must perform these tasks, use a filtration face
         mask (see Allergy UK’s products website)

        Wear wraparound sunglasses when outdoors to keep pollen allergens out of your eyes

        A hat with a peak or large brim can help keep pollens from your eyes and face

        Avoid drying washing on a clothes‐line outside when pollen counts are high

        Pollen counts tend to be high along roads with grass verges (dual‐carriageways, motorways). Keep car
         windows closed and the air intake on 're‐circulate' when driving. Choose a car that is fitted with an
         effective pollen filter, or get an in‐car air filter

        Choose hypo‐allergenic eye make‐up, especially mascara

        Don't let pets get close to your face as they can carry pollen in their fur. Wipe pets’ coats with a damp
         microfibre cloth to remove pollens when they have been out

        Use goggles when swimming, whether in the sea or in a pool.

2. Treatments that suppress the symptoms of rhinitis
   Antihistamines reduce histamine production, the trigger in the initial symptoms of rhinitis. They are
   available as tablets (liquids are available for children) although antihistamine nasal sprays are also
   effective. There are a large range of antihistamines; the recommended ones are mostly taken once daily
   and do not cause drowsiness in most people. This form of treatment can be all that is needed if symptoms
   are mild and is most effective for sneezing or an itching and runny nose, but not for a blocked nose. If the
   first antihistamine you try is not helping, switch to another after discussing with your GP.

    If your symptoms persist, the regular use of a steroid nasal‐spray to treat the inflammation is required,
    especially if a blocked nose is a problem. These are available from pharmacists or on prescription from
    your GP. As with antihistamines, there are different types of steroid nasal spray and you may need to try
    more than one to find the best solution. Ideally nasal sprays should be started a week or two before your
    symptoms usually start to give the best effect. For moderate to severe symptoms, a spray that contains
    steroid plus antihistamine can now be prescribed by your GP.

    Cromoglycate nasal sprays are useful alternatives to antihistamines in some people especially in children
    as they relieve mild inflammation it is essential to use nasal sprays correctly. Refer to the instructions with
    the spray.
Allergy UK  Planwell House  LEFA Business Park  Edgington Way  Sidcup  Kent  DA14 5BH          www.allergyuk.org

Allergy UK is the operational name of the British Allergy Foundation, a charitable company limited
by guarantee and registered in England and Wales. Charity No: 1094231. Company No: 4509293.
Registered in Scotland ‐ Charity No: SCO39257
Additional drugs are available on prescription for people who suffer seasonal
    asthma as well as hay fever symptoms.

    Nasal sprays that contain decongestants may be useful on the worst days or
    for additional relief of congestion for an exam or special occasion but should
    not be used regularly because after a few days use, they can make symptoms
    worse. In addition to proper treatment, proprietary non‐drug solutions that
    douche or wash‐out mucus from blocked noses and sinuses give temporary

    Antihistamines and steroid nasal sprays often control eye symptoms as well but eye drops are available
    over‐the‐counter or on prescription if needed. Cromoglycate drops are often effective but your GP can
    prescribe more effective drops for severe allergic eye symptoms.

    All rhinitis treatments should be taken regularly as it is more difficult to control symptoms that are already
    well established. Only taking medications occasionally on the worst days is much less effective and you
    should aim to start using the preventative / treatment nasal sprays two weeks before your symptoms
    usually begin.

3. Treatments that alter the immune system response to the allergen
   Specific immunotherapy (sometimes referred to as desensitisation) is a treatment for those with very
   severe allergic rhinitis despite correct use of all prescribed drugs. The allergic person is given increasing
   doses of allergen frequently until a maintenance dose is reached. A maintenance dose is then given
   regularly for a certain period. It can be a very successful treatment for severe allergic rhinitis, as it causes
   the body to develop ‘regulatory’ immune cells which control the allergic reaction and results in tolerance
   to the allergen. It has been used for many decades but must be prescribed and controlled by hospital
   allergy specialist. Immunotherapy is available in two main forms, either as injections, or as drops or a
   tablet which dissolves under the tongue (sublingual therapy). To date, the most effective treatment is a
   course of injection immunotherapy, which can have long lasting benefits. Injection therapy is available for
   allergy to pollens, house dust mite and animal allergens and bee and wasp venom. Sublingual
   immunotherapy is currently restricted to dust mite, pollen and some pet allergens.

    As immunotherapy is so intensive and time‐consuming, it is only those with extreme symptoms
    uncontrolled by normal medications who receive this therapy. In order to be considered for
    immunotherapy you will need to be referred to a specialist allergy clinic by your GP.

    For more information, see our factsheet on Immunotherapy.

Allergy UK  Planwell House  LEFA Business Park  Edgington Way  Sidcup  Kent  DA14 5BH          www.allergyuk.org

Allergy UK is the operational name of the British Allergy Foundation, a charitable company limited
by guarantee and registered in England and Wales. Charity No: 1094231. Company No: 4509293.
Registered in Scotland ‐ Charity No: SCO39257
Allergy testing
Allergy testing is not usually required in simple hay fever because the trigger substances can be easily
identified from the history of when and where symptoms occur. However, in certain cases a blood test might
be used by the doctor or nurse to help to confirm the diagnosis.

If anything in these instructions is unclear, ask your physician for help or advice, or call our helpline on
01322 619 898 (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday).

                                                           Supported by:

Last updated: March 2015               Next review date: March 2017

Version 7

Allergy UK  Planwell House  LEFA Business Park  Edgington Way  Sidcup  Kent  DA14 5BH          www.allergyuk.org

Allergy UK is the operational name of the British Allergy Foundation, a charitable company limited
by guarantee and registered in England and Wales. Charity No: 1094231. Company No: 4509293.
Registered in Scotland ‐ Charity No: SCO39257
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