He Talon Gripping News - Onteora High School

Page created by Dolores Lewis
He Talon Gripping News - Onteora High School
he Talon
                                                                  Gripping News
              Volume III Issue II Onteora High School Boiceville, NY 12412 January 2021

Ulster                              transportation assistance to        he Kingston Common Coun‐
                                    those under treatment. he Risk      cil and Ulster County Legisla‐
County News                         Mitigation Team will receive        ture approved the agreement,
                                    funding to expand and reach         but the Kingston School Board
                                    other parts of Ulster County.       did not due to concerns about
By Sophia Roberts                                                       the length of time the commu‐
                                    Lastly, the budget emphasises       nity "would be shouldering the
2021 Budget Outline:                creating workforce housing and      burden of taxes not paid on the
                                    investing in new infrastructure,    full value of the Kingstonian,"
In early December, Ulster           including a nearly $3 million       according to board member
County Executive Pat Ryan and       upgrade to the Maltby Hollow        Robin Jacbowitz. Many feel as
Ulster legislators prepared for     Bridge in Olive.                    though it would be too great a
2021 by creating and adopting                                           disadvantage to the Kingston
the 2021 budget. he main fo‐        Essential services such as the      school district if those living in
cuses of the budget are mental      ones above will be expanded         luxury housing do not have to
health, public health, education,   without raising property taxes      pay their full share of school
infrastructure, economic devel‐     (for the ninth consecutive year)    taxes.
opment, social services, and a      or proposing layoffs, and the                                             Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Green New Deal for Ulster           overall budget is a 2.6% de‐        he developers of the Kingston‐
County. he new initiatives pro‐     crease in spending from the         ian responded to the Board vote      Following negotiation of the tax   one of the project's largest sup‐
posed in the 2021 budget can be     2020 budget. Ryan signed the        stating that they were "disap‐       breaks, the next step for the      porters, believing that the
broken down into "Building a        budget on December 15th fol‐        pointed in the outcome and           Kingstonian will be site-plan      project "will have no negative
People-Centered Economy" and        lowing unanimous approval by        frustrated with the process."        approval and securing of i‐        tax implications, only positive!"
"Investments in Community           the Ulster County legislature,      he developers stated that "in        nances. It also faces a lawsuit    Six of the nine Kingston Board
Care."                              ater some amendments to             the end, the School Board just       iled by a real-estate investor     of Education members oppose
                                    Ryan's original budget were         could not understand they were       with extensive holdings in Up‐     the project. Residents seem
To build a people-centered          made.                               turning down additional rev‐         town, Neil Bender, who is seek‐    split, with some critiquing the
economy, Ryan has proposed                                              enue, not adding a burden." he       ing to overturn a planning         project's design and tax breaks
reimagining the Hudson Valley       he Kingstonian:                     project can move forward with‐       board ruling that the project      and others praising the addi‐
Mall; diversifying and expand‐                                          out the Board of Education's         would not pose a signiicant en‐    tional public parking, new jobs,
ing the economy by spending         A $60 million, 143-unit housing     approval, but it is unclear          vironmental impact on the area.    and new development.
$5.3 million to support eco‐        development has been pro‐           whether that will happen at this
nomic development; revitaliz‐       posed for the municipal park‐       time.                                Kingston Mayor Steve Noble is
ing Tech City by creating studio    ing lot between Schwenk Drive
spaces for artists, designers,      and North Front Street and will
manufacturers, and others; ex‐      span Fair Street Extension and
panding green career training       an empty parcel occupied by
and opportunities; and using        Herzog's warehouse. his
100% green energy by 2030.          project, the Kingstonian, is
                                    hoped to help revitalize Down‐
A top priority for "Investments     town Kingston but has faced
in Community Care" is Mobile        much criticism since its propos‐
Mental Health expansion. his        al in 2017.
includes the placement of a full-
time social worker in the Emer‐     Controversy over the project
gency Management Depart‐            has arisen for a number of rea‐
ment and allocation of $871,664     sons. Fourteen out of the 143
to Mobile Mental Health, which      housing developments are to be
provides free assistance to Ul‐     affordable, which angered those
ster County residents in crisis.    who believe that that number
                                    should be larger given the af‐
he budget also includes a focus     fordable housing crisis in Ulster
on breaking the cycle of inter‐     County.
generational poverty by person‐
alizing support for adolescents     Additionally, there is concern
and investing in education.         over whether the project should
                                    receive the requested payment-
To tackle the opioid epidemic,      in-lieu-of-taxes agreement that
the county will provide housing     would save the project $30 mil‐
and childcare vouchers and          lion in taxes over 25 years.        Ulster County Executive Pat Ryan, Courtesy of @ulstercountyexecutive on Instagram
He Talon Gripping News - Onteora High School
2                                                                                                                                                                                  January 2021

                                                                        change itself " rather than adopt         ship for immigrants.                       have a varied and diverse out‐
Onteora's Hopes for the                                                 one of the more "'moderate                                                           look on the future. While most
                                                                        plans to combat the crisis." An‐          Biden supports ending the re‐              young people are interested in
Biden Administration                                                    other senior, Emily Peck, told            strictive asylum policies which            seeing progress made on cli‐
                                                                        me that she "would like to see a          Sophia lamented, and, in addi‐             mate change, immigration, and
                                                                        serious climate policy that in‐           tion, he supports temporarily              the ongoing COVID-19 pan‐
By Nelson Del Tufo                 elected president are not con‐       vests heavily in renewable re‐            halting deportations, increasing           demic, students also mentioned
                                   ined to people of voting age.        sources."                                 the annual number of refugees              a great deal of topics that don't
he years of the Trump admin‐       Over the course of the last four                                               accepted into the country, and             dominate the headlines. For ex‐
istration have been nothing if     years, it has been common to         Biden has publicly stated that            maintaining the popular DACA               ample, several students ex‐
not controversial. From cam‐       hear frustration about the di‐       he supports drastic measures to           program.                                   pressed support for the legaliza‐
paign promises about border        rection of American policy vo‐       ight climate change and wants                                                        tion of marijuana, a topic on
militarization to the violent      calized throughout the halls of      to use the Green New Deal -- a            Beyond this, however, the Biden            which Joe Biden has dragged
clearing of protestors from        Onteora High School.                 sweeping proposal to ight cli‐
Pennsylvania Avenue, President                                          mate change and overhaul the
Trump embraced his culture-        Ever since Biden's election in       country's energy infrastructure
warrior persona and, in so do‐     November, however, the tone of       -- as a "crucial framework" for
ing, inspired an intense dislike   these discussions has shited         h i s c l i m at e p o l i c y. h i s ,
from many Americans.               from outraged to pragmatic.          however, notably implies that
                                   he general consensus seems to        Biden does not plan on sup‐
his backlash to the president      be that change is in the air, so I   porting the actual Green New
manifested itself in President     asked a few of my more politi‐       Deal legislation.
Joe Biden who, over the course     cally inclined classmates what
of his campaign, was perceived     they would like to see from the      Immigration is another subject
as something different to every‐    Biden administration.                which Onteora students express
one but Trump-like to no one.                                           a great deal of passion about.
As the book closes on these        Onteora students are undeni‐         hroughout the Trump admin‐
four divisive years, the hopes     ably most passionate about cli‐      istration, stories about ICE
and convictions of disgruntled     mate and environmental policy.       raids, detention camps, and --
Americans everywhere are di‐       Early on in his administration,      infamously -- child separation            Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
rected at President Biden and      President Trump made a great         at the border, regularly shocked
his administration as they begin   show of rolling back environ‐        the public. hese dramatic                 administration has kept mum.               his feet, even as the proposal
to translate hopes and convic‐     mental regulations and exiting       headlines struck a chord with             According to NPR, Biden has                has become more popular than
tions into a concrete agenda.      the non-binding Paris Climate        many, and over the course of              intentionally avoided calling              ever.
                                   Accord. Many of the students         the last four years, the chorus           immigration a top priority, as
Expectations for the newly         who gave statements about            calling for immigration reform            he and his team believe the is‐            Liam Bertheaud, a sophomore,
                                   what they wanted to see from         has grown.                                sue to be too divisive. It seems           told me that some of his top

"he general                        the Biden administration saw
                                   these actions as utterly wrong‐      Sophia Roberts, another senior,
                                                                                                                  likely that the Biden adminis‐
                                                                                                                  tration will focus on reversing
                                                                                                                                                             priorities were electoral reforms
                                                                                                                                                             -- such as the abolition of the
                                   headed, but they wanted some‐        was especially passionate about           Trump administration border                electoral college -- and a focus
consensus                          thing more than simply a return      the topic. In addition to her             policy rather than overhauling             on education. Max Mielcarek, a
                                   to Obama-era posturing.              support for climate policy, she           the system.                                senior, got really into the weeds:
seems to be                                                             told me that she hoped to see an                                                     He told me that he would like to
                                   Natalie Horberg, an Onteora se‐      end to ive Trump administra‐              Something less tangible that               see "a defense budget cut that
that change is                     nior, hopes to see the Biden ad‐     tion immigration policies that            students want to see from Biden            would go towards funding
                                   ministration "implement cli‐         make the asylum process more              is a different style of leadership.         housing and urban develop‐
in the air"                        mate change policy that actually     difficult. She also stressed the            Donald Trump's presidency was              ment to bolster the rental as‐
                                   relects the scope of climate         need for a faster path to citizen‐        deined by breaks from the ex‐              sistance program."
                                                                                                                  isting norms in the realms of
                                                                                                                  both foreign and domestic poli‐            If the years of the Biden Ad‐
                                                                                                                  cy. Abroad, this strained rela‐            ministration are anything like
                                                                                                                  tions with our allies. At home,            the last four, much of the Presi‐
                                                                                                                  news cycles were dominated by              dent's time may be occupied by
                                                                                                                  petty and sometimes bizarre                crises as they occur. It remains
                                                                                                                  conlicts between the president             to be seen if any of these opti‐
                                                                                                                  and his political enemies.                 mistic predictions about Biden's
                                                                                                                                                             tenure will come to pass, but
                                                                                                                  he manic nature of the execu‐              the recent Senate elections in
                                                                                                                  tive branch has been exhausting            Georgia will make legislating on
                                                                                                                  to watch at times, and many                these issues a real possibility, as
                                                                                                                  students at Onteora want Biden             Biden takes office with Democ‐
                                                                                                                  to put this sort of posturing to           ratic majorities in both cham‐
                                                                                                                  rest.                                      bers of Congress. Similarly,
                                                                                                                                                             Biden has tapped a number of
                                                                                                                  Clara Mead, a junior, hoped                Obama-era veterans to head ex‐
                                                                                                                  that Biden would provide "dig‐             ecutive departments, and the
                                                                                                                  niied leadership to unite our              past experience of these civil
                                                                                                                  d i v i d e d c o u n t r y, " w h i c h   servants may lead to a more ef‐
                                                                                                                  summed up the general consen‐              fective execution of new laws or
                                                                                                                  sus among the students whom I              policy changes.
                                                                                                                  discussed the topic with.

Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons                                                                                     Overall, students at Onteora
He Talon Gripping News - Onteora High School
January 2021                                                                                                                                                                       3

                                                                           rized vaccines from working.        travel bans in an effort to con‐     forts. Since then, the variant has
COVID-19 Update: A Newly                                                   While some mutations, such as       tain the spread of the new vari‐    been discovered in 21 more U.S.
                                                                           the 69/70 deletion, presumably      ant. Nonetheless, the presence      states.
Discovered Variant in the                                                  lead to a structural change in      of B.1.1.7. has been detected in
                                                                           the virus's spike protein, the B.   Japan, Spain, Sweden, France,       he new SARS-CoV-2 variant is
U.K.                                                                       1.1.7. variant does not have        Canada and nearly 30 other          a constantly changing situation,
                                                                           enough mutations in the spike       countries. Many of these coun‐      but scientists are racing to de‐
                                                                           protein to evade natural or vac‐    tries have implemented a new        termine every nuance in the B.
By Shane Stackpole                   genome that were not present          cine-induced immunity. More‐        surveillance system in order to     1.1.7. variant that may signii‐
                                     in the initial genome of SARS-        over, FDA-authorized vaccines       detect the unique genetic muta‐     cantly change the performance
On December 11th, the U.S.           CoV-2. While SARS-CoV-2 ac‐           are polyclonal, meaning that the    tions present in the B.1.1.7.       of SARS-CoV-2. Dr. Anthony
Food and Drug Administration         quires approximately one new          immune system produces anti‐        variant of SARS-CoV-2 in indi‐      Fauci remarked that the new
authorized the Pizer-BioNTech        mutation in its genome every          bodies that target several sec‐     viduals traveling to and from       variant is something "to follow
COVID-19 vaccine for emer‐           two weeks, B.1.1.7. is the only       tions of the virus's spike          the U.K.                            very carefully" and that "we're
gency-use mobilization and dis‐      variant to acquire this striking      protein.                                                                looking at it very intensively
tribution in the U.S. According      number of mutations.                                                      On December 29th, the irst          now."
to the CDC, approximately 18.5                                             In early December, the Prime        U.S. case of the B.1.1.7. variant
million people, including front-     Scientists have expressed par‐        Minister of the U.K. instituted     was identiied in Colorado
line medical workers and politi‐     ticular concern in one                strict lockdown restrictions and    through genetic sequencing ef‐
cians, have received one or both     mutation, named N501Y, found
doses of the vaccine thus far.       at position 501 in the receptor-
Distribution will continue in        binding domain of the virus's
the coming months, which is          spike protein.
essential in establishing herd
immunity and slowing the             hrough intense research, sci‐
record-high hospitalization          entists speculate that the N501Y
rates across the nation.             mutation provides B.1.1.7. with
                                     the ability to bind more tightly
While things are inally looking      to the ACE-2 receptor, thus in‐
up ater ten grueling months,         creasing the new variant's abili‐
there are obstacles to cross and     ty to invade a healthy cell.
hurdles to jump, making the          Nonetheless, there is not
distribution process more chal‐      enough evidence to validate this
lenging than one would expect.       concern; moreover, it's un‐
                                     known whether the N501Y mu‐
One drawback, in particular, is      tation translates to any serious
the latest variant of the SARS-      clinical differences.
CoV-2 virus that was irst iden‐
tiied in the U.K. and is now         As of right now, there is no evi‐
rapidly spreading to other           dence indicating that the B.
countries. While the news of         1.1.7. variant results in a differ‐
this new variant, officially           ent set of symptoms or more
known as B.1.1.7. or VOC             adverse symptoms than in other
202012/01, is alarming, the          strains of SARS-CoV-2; howev‐
variant is one of many that have     er, this implication is not off the
arisen during COVID-19's exis‐       table, and scientists are rigor‐
tence.                               ously investigating whether the
                                     variant has a signiicant effect
In fact, most viruses -- notably     on the severity of disease in in‐
Inluenza, HIV, and MERS --           fected humans.
have a wide variety of variants
that emerge due to genetic mu‐       A troubling observation is that
tations. When a virus replicates,    another mutation, named
it may spontaneously and quite       D614G, provides the B.1.1.7.
randomly make a "copying er‐         variant with the ability to prop‐
ror" in its set of genetic compo‐    agate at a faster rate in lung ep‐
nents.                               ithelial cells. As such, scientists
                                     suggest that the B.1.1.7. variant
Some viral mutations can have        of COVID-19 is more conta‐
virtually no noticeable effect;       gious and can spread faster than
for instance, mutations that         previous ones. Some studies in‐
produce a different three-letter      dicate that the B.1.1.7. variant
codon that translates for the        has increased the transmissibili‐
same amino acid will have no         ty rate of COVID-19 in the U.K.
impact on the protein's func‐        by 56%, and the number of dai‐
tion. However, a series of muta‐     ly cases has skyrocketed to
tions can lead to signiicant al‐     roughly 40% more positive in‐
terations in a viral protein's       dividuals than before the new
structure and function.              variant's emergence.

In the case of the SARS-CoV-2        As of yet, there is no evidence
B.1.1.7. variant, researchers dis‐   indicating that the B.1.1.7. vari‐
covered 23 mutations in its          ant would inhibit FDA-autho‐          Courtesy of Tahlula Potter
He Talon Gripping News - Onteora High School
4                                                                                                                                                                           January 2021

Georgia Senate Runoff                                                               he Day hat Tested Our Democracy
Elections: First Jewish and
                                                                          By Ori Grady                          domestic terrorism." - Raven          privilege is in our society." -
Black Senators Elected from                                                                                     Ryan (Senior)                         Seren Kravig (Freshman)
                                                                          January 6th, 2021 will be re‐
Georgia                                                                   membered as one of the most
                                                                          disturbing days in U.S. history.
                                                                                                                "Reading a book when I got a
                                                                                                                text from my friend telling me
                                                                                                                                                      "I was at work. My boss turned
                                                                                                                                                      her phone to me and said,
                                                                          It let a mark on the world and        to look at the news."- Madelynn       'they've breached the Capitol.'
By Nelson DelTufo                    favor of a public healthcare op‐     certainly let a mark on U.S. cit‐     Taylor (Sophomore)                    Shocked." - Alana Wood (Se‐
                                     tion. Needless to say, both are a    izens across the country, includ‐                                           nior)
hough Joe Biden and Kamala           far cry from their Republican        ing our Onteora students. he          "I was standing around with
Harris were declared president-      opponents.                           siege of the Capitol Building         some friends ater skiing while        "I was horriied but also
and vice president-elect on No‐                                           will be discussed for years to        we celebrated someone's birth‐        shocked, it just didn't sink in
vember 7th, this was far from        he victories come as somewhat        come. It challenged our consti‐       day." - Nelson Del Tufo (Senior)      for a while what was
the conclusion of election sea‐      of an upset. Ater months of          tutional democracy, which was                                               happening." - Sophie Frank (Ju‐
son. Not only would the presi‐       neck and neck polling, the race      built to protect us from events       "I was in my room on Insta‐           nior)
dential election be drawn out        was tight, but Republicans were      like this. It's an event that won't   gram, and I started seeing pic‐
for months due to President          favored due to their historic        be forgotten as reactions to it       tures popping up, and I saw           "I was at home with my family
Trump's allegations of electoral     edge in the state. his rapid         will be documented forever.           everyone's stories so I looked it     watching the news, and when I
improprieties, but the outcomes      about-face away from the GOP         hat's why we have compiled a          up. I was reading about it, and I     saw it, the only thing I could
of several congressional con‐        has been attributed in great part    list of responses to the question     was very surprised as to what         think about was how disap‐
tests would be in question for       to gubernatorial candidate Sta‐      we asked our Onteora commu‐           happened because that was             pointing and embarrassing it
just as long.                        cy Abrams who, despite losing        nity: Where were you when you         something way bigger than just        was for America to be seen like
                                     her bid for governor in 2018,        heard the Capitol was breached,       protesting. When my Mom and           this." - Allie Cannon
he most notable of these             pioneered a new strategy in          and what was your gut                 Dad got home, I started talking       (Freshman)
drawn out congressional races        Georgia.                             reaction?                             to them about it. hen I started
were undeniably the twin bat‐
tles for Georgia's two Senate        Ms. Abrams focused on turning
seats. Not only were these races     out historically underrepresent‐
consequential because of how         ed voters of color rather than
much power senators have to          appealing to an increasingly
inluence legislation, but they       small number of white moder‐
would also decide control of the     ates, and she successfully built a
United States Senate. If the De‐     coalition that has only grown in
mocratic candidates both won,        the last two years. his mix of
the Senate would be split 50-50,     urban liberals, Black voters, and
and the Democratic Party             disillusioned suburbanites
would hold a majority by nature      broug ht toget her by Ms.
of Vice President Kamala Har‐        Abrams might not have been
ris's tie-breaking vote.             enough to propel her to the
                                     governorship, but it seems to be
Early in the morning on Jan‐         enough to turn the once reliably
uary 6th, the long and bitter        red Georgia into a bona ide
election season came to a close.     swing state.
he two Democratic chal‐
lengers won their runoff elec‐        Georgia's political landscape is
tions against incumbent Repub‐       not the only one to have
licans and guaranteed Democ‐         changed as a result of these
ratic control of the Senate.         elections. On January 20th, Joe
                                     Biden was inaugurated as the
Raphael Warnock, an Atlanta          46th president of the United
pastor, defeated incumbent           States, and this ushered in full
Senator Kelly Loeffler, while Jon      Democratic control of the leg‐       Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Ossoff, a documentary ilm‐            islative and executive branches.
maker, congressional aid, and                                             "I thought that the hypocrisy of      to watch the videos posted            "Home. I was disgusted that the
former candidate for Georgia's       heoretically, whatever agenda        the situation was unbelievable."      about it." - Erin McLaughlin          storming wasn't being treated
6th congressional district, de‐      the Democratic leaders wish to       - Shayne Durkin (Junior)              (Freshman)                            as it is, domestic terrorism" -
feated incumbent Senator             pursue could be enacted, or at                                                                                   Olivia Weiss (Sophomore)
David Perdue.                        the very least, brought to the       "I was playing Minecrat. I            "Shock and disappointment." -
                                     loor of Congress for a vote. It      thought it was quite dumb." -         Emily Baker (Sophomore)               "I was with my friends, and we
Ossoff, a 33 year old Jewish          remains to be seen what will         Holly Wotherspoon (Senior)                                                  watched the news in horror on
man, will be the youngest De‐        come of this, but longtime De‐                                             "I was at my house, and I hon‐        my laptop." - Layla Sprague (Ju‐
mocratic senator elected since       mocratic policy goals--such as       "I was at Hertz dropping off a         estly wasn't surprised. Trump         nior)
Joe Biden in 1973, while             criminal justice reform, student     rental car." - Logan Storey           supporters can be really crazy,
Raphael Warnock is a Black           loan forgiveness, and healthcare     (Freshman)                            and I know that for a fact be‐        "I was at the ski mountain with
pastor who preaches at the for‐      expansion--are within reach                                                cause I live with some. I think I     c o m p a n y, a n d I w a s n ' t
mer pulpit of Reverend Dr.           thanks to Georgia's newest sen‐      "I remember that ater a class I       also realized the amount of           surprised, but it still felt
Martin Luther King Jr. Both          ators.                               looked at my phone and saw            white privilege displayed when        surreal." - Axel Roberts (Senior)
candidates are unabashed liber‐                                           this massive riot, and when I         they stormed the capitol, and
als, being pro-choice, in favor of                                        looked at the news, it just got       the fact that they were just let in
marijuana legalization, and in                                            worse. I was disgusted by the         also shows how much white
He Talon Gripping News - Onteora High School
January 2021                                                                                                                                                                         5

                                                       Top 10 Events of 2021 So Far
By Ava Maki                                                                                                      more comfortable margin early        with the result of last year's
                                                                                                                 that morning. With these victo‐      election and that Raffensperg‐
Although frequently overstated,                                                                                  ries, the U.S. Senate has lipped     er's data is incorrect. his
2020 was clearly a pretty event‐                                                                                 blue.                                would have ranked higher, but I
ful year. Between the early pan‐                                                                                                                      think Americans are pretty used
ic over a potential war with                                                                                     7: he Weekend Gets Plastic           to this kind of thing by now, so
Iran, the election, and the out‐                                                                                 Surgery                              the wow factor has kind of sim‐
break of the coronavirus, I                                                                                                                           mered down.
think it's safe to say that every‐
one has been personally im‐                                                                                                                           9: Earth's Abnormally Fast Ro‐
pacted by 2020 in one way or                                                                                                                          tation
another. Many, including
myself, are hoping for a year of                                                                                                                      If you've already started out the
good health and peace. Howev‐        on divorce. Although many the‐      ally think it's hilarious so it rests                                        new year on a sour foot, no
er, things so far haven't exactly    ories have surfaced, the main       in the top three.                                                            worries! Scientists say that in
been favorable. So, in light of      reason for divorce has been                                                                                      2021 the Earth will be spinning
the new year, I will be ranking      speculated to be Kanye's spiral‐    4: Dr. Dre Shares Recovery                                                   faster than it has been in the
the top ten headlines making         ing mental health and an un‐        Photo Ater Aneurysm                                                          last 50 years. his year is on
their debut in 2021 so far.          likely affair. his will be Kim's                                                                                  track to be one of the quickest
                                                                         Ater suffering from a brain an‐                                               ones to date. Scientists are now
                                                                         eurysm, Dr. Dre shared a heart-                                              considering the addition of a
                                                                         warming message to his Insta‐                                                "negative leap second" to com‐
                                                                         gram followers on the 5th. At                                                pensate.
                                                                         this moment, he is stable and
                                                                         lucid, but the cause of the an‐                                              10: Youtuber CallMeCarson Ex‐
                                                                         eurysm is still unknown. Dr.                                                 posed For Grooming Minors
                                                                         Dre has stated he's thankful for        Canadian singer he Weeknd
                                                                         the care he's receiving and will        has recently debuted his new
                                                                         be back home soon. Although             face to the shock of some fans.
                                                                         I'm personally not a fan, Dr.           He posted a photo showing off
                                                                         Dre comes in at number four             his post-op features, horribly
                                                                         because he seems like a nice            botched from his alleged
Courtesy of Zach Calinda                                                 guy.                                    surgery. Despite fooling thou‐
                                                                                                                 sands, this was in fact a publici‐
1: Protesters storm the Capitol      third divorce.                      5: New Coronavirus Strain               ty stunt to promote his new
                                                                                                                 music video. his headline
Provoked due to Congress be‐         3: Kanye West and Jeffree Star's                                             would have ranked higher if I
ing set to conirm Joe Biden as       Affair                                                                       wasn't so mad that I fell for it.
the president-elect, a mob of ri‐
oters in favor of President          Ranked slightly below the di‐                                               8: Trump's Tape
Trump stormed the Capitol            vorce reports for invalidity,                                                                                    Popular Minecrat Youtuber
building later that day. Pro‐        coming in at number three is                                                In the call between President        CallMeCarson has been under
testers pushed through barriers      the alleged affair between                                                   Trump and Georgia's Secretary        ire for grooming accusations
and fought against police, at‐       Kanye West and makeup Youtu‐                                                of State, the president encour‐      made by Twitter user Miniborb.
tempting to breach the               ber Jeffree Star. It's not clear                                             aged him to "ind him 11,780          Fellow Youtuber Daniel Keem
building. hey ended up being         where this rumor originated,                                                votes." In this call, Trump has      has since interviewed other on‐
successful, and they spent their     but allegations have been made                                              been found on record request‐        line inluencers who testiied
aternoon writing on folders          all over social media. Although     Since very late 2020, talk about        ing Republican Brad Raf‐             against CallMeCarson as well.
and stealing podiums. his            this headline has no evidence to    a new strain of COVID has               fensperger to ind him votes to       Although no legal intervention
public display let one woman         prove it to be genuine, I person‐   been circulating non-stop. his          overturn his defeat in the presi‐    has taken place, CallMeCarson
fatally shot, a police officer                                             new and improved virus has              dential election. Trump urges        has been under intense critique
beaten to death with a ire ex‐                                           about 23 genetic changes. It            that the people are unhappy          by others on social media.
tinguisher, and three other re‐                                          may spread faster, but it does
lated fatalities. Although a lot                                         not appear to cause reactions
can be said regarding this group                                         more severe than the ones we've
of people, I will say that this                                          seen before. COVID 2.0 comes
comes in at number one purely                                            in at a happy medium, relieving
because it's so hard to believe                                          those at risk, but bitterly disap‐
that this actually happened.                                             pointing those who thought
                                                                         "mutating virus" was way cooler
2: Kim Kardashian and Kanye                                              than it sounded.
West Divorce
                                                                         6: Senate Flips Blue
Reports of Kim and Kanye's di‐
vorce were announced on the                                              On the 6th, Democrat Jon Os‐
5th of January. Ater being dis‐                                          soff was declared the winner of
cussed over the past couple of                                           his Georgia runoff. his comes
months, the Kardashian-Wests                                             ater Democrat R aphael
inally bit the bullet and settled                                        Warnock won his race by a
He Talon Gripping News - Onteora High School
6                                                                                                                                                                         January 2021

                                    ing about literally anything           Bonus track: "Good Days" -
Music                               while also feeling like the main       SZA
                                    character of some romantic
Reccomenda-                         drama (but not the Netlix
                                    kind). What I mean is… it's            I won't say much about SZA's
tions                               good. It's a rainy day song, if        latest drop because if you
                                    you will. You'll like it. I think. I   haven't already heard it, I am
                                    don't know you… or do I?               slightly concerned for your
By Mikayla Stock                                                           well-being.

                                                                           he song sounds like drinking a
"Solo Dolo, Pt. III" - Kid                                                 nice little school-appropriate
Cudi                                                                       mocktail on the beach while a
                                                                           cool breeze drits over your          Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Straight off of his latest album                                            shoulders. Listening to it is also
Man On he Moon III: he Cho‐                                                a cheaper option than therapy,       Alex, Reggie, and Bobby. hree        only 16 years old. All of the ac‐
sen, "Solo Dolo, Pt. III" takes                                            and I can conirm that it does in     of the members died ater a hot       tors do their own instrumental
listeners on a journey through                                             fact help. Maybe that's why          dog incident in 1995. In 2020,       and vocal performances, which
Cudi's personal struggles that                                             you'll catch me listening to it      Julie plays their CD, and the        is hard to come by these days. If
have emerged as a result of iso‐                                           approximately 10 times a day.        boys, as ghosts, reintroduce         my explanation and praise
lation.                                                                                                         Julie to music a year ater her       didn't sell you yet, one of the
                                                                                                                mom's death.                         actors is BooBoo Stewart, who
he track stems from what feels                                                                                                                       plays a ghost skater. What more
like a moment of solitude, re‐                                                                                  Julie is the only one that can see   could you ask for?
lection, pain, and denial all       "Moonlight on the River" -                                                  the boys, but everyone else can
wrapped up in an honest ex‐         Mac DeMarco                                                                 see and hear Luke, Alex, and
pression of his struggles with                                                                                  Reggie when they perform, so
addiction, loneliness, and the                                                                                  they form a band with Julie
human experience.                   I don't know how, why, or when                                              called Julie and he Phantoms.
                                    I came across "Moonlight on                                                 he ghosts then run into a situ‐
he listening experience is as       the River," but all I know is that                                          ation where they have to ind
raw and tender as a lump at the     something about it just bleeds                                              and fulill their uninished busi‐
back of your throat, and despite    nostalgia for me. To put it in                                              ness in order to stop receiving
the overall dreamy sound,           more simple terms, it's basically                                           harmful jolts that could cause
Cudi's lyrics certainly nod to      one of my many comfort songs.                                               them to cease to exist.
the all-but-ethereal reality of
addiction and lonesomeness.         DeMarco's lyricism is always a                                              I've developed a deep love for
                                    work of art, but something                                                  this show ever since I irst saw
                                    about this track particularly
                                    resonates with me.                     Julie and he                         it, and it's deinitely become a
                                                                                                                comfort show. You'll easily fall
                                                                                                                in love with the characters
                                    he song is essentially about           Phantoms                             through their show and the ac‐
                                    DeMarco's estranged relation‐                                               tors through their frequent In‐
                                    ship with his father, and it goes      Review                               stagram livestreams. he plot is
                                    on for roughly seven minutes,                                               both entertaining and nerve-
                                    with a wildly grand instrumen‐                                              racking. he attention to detail
                                    tal for the last three minutes of      By Ella Williams                     is captivating, and it's nice to
                                    the track. he vocals lend them‐                                             see references to previous
                                    selves as somewhat raw, quiet,         Have you been longing for nos‐       episodes throughout the show.
                                    and reminiscent of a broken re‐        talgia over quarantine? Are you
                                    lationship for the irst part of        a mentally unstable teenager?        here's drama, romance, family
                                    the song. he last few minutes,         Allow me to introduce you to         issues, gay representation, and
                                    however, expose how DeMarco            your next obsession: the Netlix      amazing music. he talent is
                                    may be feeling in a way that can       or ig ina l, Julie and he            unbelievable from the boys and
Courtesy of Wikimedia               only be expressed through mu‐          Phantoms!                            from Madison Reyes, who is
Commons                             sic.
                                                                           I know what you might be
                                                                           thinking: "Isn't that a kids
                                                                           show?" While it is directed to‐
"he Gold - Phoebe Bridgers                                                 wards kids, the show has gained
Version" - Manchester                                                      a large teenage and young adult
Orchestra, Phoebe Bridgers                                                 audience. he fact that it's a
                                                                           kids show fulills the desire for
                                                                           nostalgia without watching the
I could go into some deeper                                                redundant plots of your child‐
analysis of this song, but I hon‐                                          hood favorites.
estly think you should just lis‐
ten to it and maybe go cry in a                                            he show consists of nine 20-30
ield.                                                                      minute long episodes directed
                                                                           by Kenny Ortega. It follows a
his is the type of track that                                              band, Sunset Curve, and a girl
makes me want to go on a walk                                              named Julie Molina. Sunset
on a misty day and start weep‐                                             Curve has 4 members: Luke,
He Talon Gripping News - Onteora High School
January 2021                                                                                                                                                                       7

he Queen's                          When she is adopted, her
                                    adopted mother, Alma Wheat‐
                                    ley, brings her to chess tourna‐
Gambit                              ments around the country, all of
                                    which she easily wins.
Review                              he series may seem like a clas‐
                                    sic feel-good sports story at
By Emily Peck                       irst, but there are actually
                                    many more layers. Beth strug‐
As I watched Beth Harmon's          gles with addiction, irst with
opponent move a piece, my           painkillers that help her play
heart dropped. I had no idea        chess and then with a variety of
what the move meant, but            substances when someone she
Beth's eyebrows were furrowed,      cares about passes away. She is
so I knew it couldn't be good.      also obsessed with winning and
hen Beth lited her head and         has a hard time letting people
plucked one of her pieces from      into her life. Beth's layers are
its place, moving it to check her   best described by Executive
opponent. I let out a sigh of re‐   Producer William Horberg:
lief. Beth won, as always.          "She has so many colors and so
                                    much complexity; she's broken-
While her opponent stomped          hearted yet tough, she's brilliant
off, likely to complain about        yet kind of nerd-y, she hates
losing to a girl, Beth gracefully   losing almost as much as
accepted her win. his is the        Michael Jordan, she's got addic‐
magic of he Queen's Gambit:         tions, she's almost alien in her
Beth's raw chess talent wins her    outsider-ness, she's generous
every game, and her power --        w it h A l m a [ h e r a d opt e d
over men and chess -- is addict‐    mother], she's a loner but trying    Courtesy of PxHere
ing.                                out all of these various relation‐
                                    ships with men."                     get he Queen's Gambit off the        election season. Or maybe             sured that the chess games were
he Queen's Gambit is based on                                            ground.                             everyone wanted to escape the         legitimate. hey employed the
Walter Tevis's 1983 novel of the    I got the chance to ask William                                          p andemic re a lit y and b e          former world champion Garry
same name, and the Netlix           Horberg a few questions about        But no one anticipated it being     whisked away to the sixties. Or       Kasparov and New York City
miniseries set during the Cold      he Queen's Gambit, and his           such a worldwide sensation.         maybe Beth Harmon sparked             chess coach Bruce Pandolini as
War centers on orphan chess         pride in the series was evident      Horberg said that "ater 20 years    something deep inside many            consultants on the games in the
prodigy Beth Harmon. Beth,          from his answers. Horberg irst       of being told it wasn't commer‐     people. Horberg seems to think        series. "Organizing all of those
played by the rising star Anya      pitched he Queen's Gambit to         cial," no one expected he           so, telling me, "I think she is a     chess tournaments to be both
Taylor-Joy, is orphaned ater a      the marketplace 20 years ago,        Queen's Gambit to become as         unique creation, and that's why       authentic and still entertaining
car crash kills her mother, and     but it wasn't the right time for     popular as it has. he series sat    audiences have responded so           was a big focus for us," says
she learns chess at the Methuen     he Queen's Gambit as a movie.        atop the Top 10 Netlix Chart        strongly to her, especially as        Horberg.
Home for Girls from a kind and      Fast-forward 20 years and with       for 22 days, and it was only beat   played by the equally unique
taciturn Janitor named Mr.          the change from a movie to a         by Tiger King's 27 day streak.      Anya Taylor-Joy."                     he chess in he Queen's Gam‐
Shaibel. From there she is          mini-series, Horberg and Di‐         Maybe it was such a hit because                                           bit captured people's attention
quickly recognized as a prodigy.    rector Scott Frank were able to      people needed a break during        When I watched Beth elegantly         so much that "since its release,
                                                                                                             defeat her opponents and ob‐          numerous chess board manu‐
                                                                                                             sess over becoming a world            facturers have reported big
                                                                                                             champion, I was drawn into her        surges in sales, with increases
                                                                                                             world. he men in Beth's life          a ny w h e r e f r o m 2 1 5 % t o
                                                                                                             seem to be caught in her              1,000%," according to he
                                                                                                             gravity, and she was so sure of       Guardian. And many of these
                                                                                                             her abilities. All these attributes   chess sets are likely bought by
                                                                                                             made Beth very different from          women, as he Queen's Gambit
                                                                                                             the standard woman in ilm.            made chess -- an extremely
                                                                                                             Horberg remarked that "there          male-dominated sport -- entic‐
                                                                                                             aren't enough stories that let fe‐    ing to girls and women.
                                                                                                             male characters have this much
                                                                                                             of a rainbow of colors to play."      Ater watching, or more likely
                                                                                                                                                   binging, he Queen's Gambit,
                                                                                                             he Queen's Gambit is also dif‐        most people are let yearning
                                                                                                             ferent from other popular series      for more. I was too, so of course
                                                                                                             because of its focus on chess.        I asked William Horberg if we
                                                                                                             he series made chess seem             will ever know the rest of Beth's
                                                                                                             thrilling in a way that few knew      story.
                                                                                                             it could be. Watching Beth's fa‐
                                                                                                             cial expressions shit and her         "his is Beth's story," Horberg
                                                                                                             hands delicately move pieces to       replied. He noted that adding
                                                                                                             dominate the board was fasci‐         on to the series would take
                                                                                                             nating, even for someone like         away from its "perfect ending"
                                                                                                             myself who knows very little          and leave fans "more unhappy
                                                                                                             about chess. But the creators of      than satisied with the result."
Courtesy of Zach Calinda                                                                                     he Queen's Gambit also en‐
He Talon Gripping News - Onteora High School
8                                                                                                                                                                      January 2021

If We Make it hrough
By Mikayla Stock                    ahead of me.

                                    My life, along with the lives of
he holidays are usually regard‐     many others my age, will
ed as a joyous time for all who     change drastically within this
partake in the multitude of ac‐     new year we face. From gradu‐
tivities coinciding with the sea‐   ating high school and leaving
son. Whether you spend hours        for college to turning 18, the
frolicking in the blanket of        events that will take place in
snow adorning the ground or         2021 always seemed like a dis‐
eating your weight in raw sugar     tant story to me during my
cookie dough, nothing seems to      younger years -- a story that
capture the bliss of December       seemed like it would never be
quite as well as the waves of       my own.
nostalgia that accompany the
winter days. he feelings of ea‐     Being stuck at home over what
gerness, delight, and magic that    is soon to be the past year has
join with the festive atmosphere    lent me a lot of time for relec‐
of the season hold themselves as    tion, but when the holiday sea‐
so vivid, bright, and permanent     son came around I started to re‐
during the years of childhood.      alize that for the irst time that I
                                    was experiencing a genuine dis‐
In my own younger years I was       satisfaction with aging.
given my greatest memories of
the holidays as they shined their   As I remembered back to the
light within my mind for years      lovely festive times of my
following. I couldn't possibly      younger days, I became increas‐
imagine a time where I didn't       ingly uncomfortable with my
feel the warm fuzziness of De‐      own existence as a human
cember for the rest of my life.     being. Life had, for the most
                                    part, begun rendering itself as
It wasn't until the ever-so-re‐     overwhelmingly disappointing,
markable year of 2020 passed        and I became incredibly hard
that I realized my story was be‐    on myself for seeing it as such. I
ginning to change, and upon         was healthy, I had a roof over
many moments of contempla‐          my head, my family was safe,
tion, I concluded that I wasn't     and I wasn't struggling in some
feeling too satisied with a new     momentous way, yet I still felt       Courtesy of Natalie Horburg
narrative.                          like the world that I had always
                                    known as my source of comfort         I found myself so overwhelmed       verse the clock and would never      youth, your youth, and every‐
It's no secret that as time goes    was inally caving in.                 with the realization that times     be able to, but to make it           one's youths are nowhere but in
on life becomes more hectic                                               were changing and the fact that     through December was to inal‐        the present moment, regardless
than ever before, and to manage     Remembering times when I was          I wouldn't be able to reverse any   ly accept that my reality would      of the time of year or the way
that stress as a teenager in the    as happy as I used to be during       of it. I missed being young and     be changing regardless of how        that nostalgia may threaten to
twenty-irst century has been        the holidays made me feel so          experiencing the joys of De‐        much I missed the younger ver‐       pull at your throat.
met with its fair share of chal‐    devoid of joy throughout the          cember in the purest way possi‐     sion of myself.
lenges.                             whole of December. College ap‐        ble, and I missed the times                                              So in this new year, I've vowed
                                    plications, an abundance of           when my mind wasn't so over‐        Over the winter break, with the      to recognize every moment of
Experiencing the ups and            homework, struggles with my           taken with how affected by the       help of my family and some           progression as something not to
downs of aging is one thing, but    own mental state, and the stress      world I've become.                  much needed time to rest, I re‐      dread but to accept with full
actually realizing I was experi‐    of staying healthy further                                                alized that, yes, my narrative       force in the face of my changing
encing those ups and downs          eclipsed what I hoped to be the       As a result, an overwhelming        was changing and, yes, the in‐       story. And from one young soul
caused me to view the holidays      relaxing euphoria traditionally       wave of emotion attacked me         nocence of my youth was be‐          to another, I hope you will do
as a moment of darkness with        associated with the season.           with full force throughout De‐      ginning to feel out of reach. But    the same.
the fear of an unknown future                                             cember. I knew I couldn't re‐       to my surprise, it was all entire‐
                                                                                                              ly okay. I am changing, you are
                                                                                                              changing, and that's all we'll

"I missed being young and                                                                                     ever do.

                                                                                                              I recently heard someone speak

experiencing the joys of                                                                                      about taking every day as it
                                                                                                              comes in an effort to keep your
                                                                                                              vibrations raised, and upon

December"                                                                                                     learning such a concept I no‐
                                                                                                              ticed what it was that I was do‐
                                                                                                              ing wrong during my moments
                                                                                                              of dreadful emptiness. My
He Talon Gripping News - Onteora High School
January 2021                                                                        9

                                                  he Talon
                                                  Editors-In-Chief: Emily Peck
                                                  and Sophia Roberts

                                                  Managing Editors: Sophie
                                                  Frank and Shane Stackpole

                                                  Copy Editor: Simon Rands

                                                  Layout Editor: Eva Donato

                                                  Assistant E ditor : Shayne

                                                  Graphic Designers: Natalie
                                                  Horberg, Tahlula Potter, Zach

                                                  Secretary: Laura Craig

                                                  Photographer: Bella McHugh

                                                  Copy Hands: Clara Mead, Nel‐
                                                  son Del Tufo, Ella Williams,
                                                  Eleanor Schackne-Martello,
                                                  Shayne Durkin, Sophie Frank,
                                                  Shane Stackpole

                                                  Layout Hands: Ella Williams,
                                                  N e l s e n D e l Tu f o , B e l l a
                                                  McHugh, Kelly Wen, Laura
                                                  Craig, Liam Bertheaud, Noah

                                                  Student Journalists: Sophia
                                                  Roberts, Nelson Del Tufo,
                                                  Shane Stackpole, Ori Grady,
                                                  Ava Maki, Mikayla Stock, Emily
                                                  Peck, Ella Williams, Laura
                                                  Craig, Natalie Horberg, Sophie
                                                  Frank, Kelly Wen

                                                  Faculty Advisor: Elaine Con‐

Courtesy of Ella Williams

                            Courtesy of Pixabay   Courtesy of Depositphotos
He Talon Gripping News - Onteora High School
10                                                                                                                                                                 January 2021

                                      Contributing to the Community as a Student
By Laura Craig                        a little happier.                   My parents have taught me that
                                                                          giving to others is a true git,
he feeling you receive when           My family has put together an       and that is why I was inspired
someone else's happiness is un‐       event for a couple of years now     to start something of my own. I
containable is truly wonderful.       called Miracle on Main Street.      can truly say that the event
Just one selless act can make         We work for months on end to        spread holiday cheer during
someone's day.                        organize a free winter wonder‐      this difficult time.
                                      land so that kids can smile and
During this holiday season, I         families can celebrate together     All I have ever wanted to do
decided to give back to my            with the whole community.           was help people and inspire
community. I felt that now,                                               others to do the same. So far, I
more than ever, families are          During this event I serve free      have collected some donations,
struggling with hunger and            food and drinks provided by lo‐     but not enough. We need to
stress because they are experi‐       cal businesses, and we also set     help each other through these
e n c i ng h ard s h ip s du e to     up activities for kids in the       tough times. Oprah Winfrey
COVID -19.                            community such as crats and         said it best: "To move forward,
                                      face painting. We could not         you have to give back."
I took it upon myself to start a      host this event this year due to
non-perishable food item and          COVID-19.                           he Phoenicia Food Pantry is
hygiene product collection that                                           open on hursdays between 10
will help the families in need.       Instead, we created a new event     a.m. and 12 p.m. for donation
he food pantry is located in‐         called he Parade of Lights that     drop off. Check donations are
side the United Methodist             kept our community safe and         also accepted by mail or at Ul‐
Church upstairs from the thrit        happy. his event took place on      ster Savings Bank, 58 Main
store in Phoenicia. he Phoeni‐        Main Street, Phoenicia on Sun‐      Street, Phoenicia, NY 12464
cia Food Pantry was founded in        day, December 13th. he pa‐          made out to the "Phoenicia
the 1980's and is operated solely     rade included different ire de‐      Food Pantry." It is a US 501(c)
by volunteers and through do‐         partments and police officers         (3) Nonproit Organization, and
nations. It feeds 30-35 families      from our community and peo‐         for more information call Jane
in our community each week,           ple who decorated their vehicles    To d d - D i r e c t o r a t
and the number of families is         full of lights and joined the pa‐   845-688-5828 or he Town
currently increasing.                 rade. I saw so many children        Clerk's office 845-688-5004.
                                      smile from their cars as they
A quote from Maya Angelou             were waving at the passing ve‐
speaks to what I decided to do:       hicles.
"When you learn, teach. When
you get, give." Ater years of do‐     his event couldn't have hap‐
ing good for the community            pened without the people and
with my parents, I learned that       irst responders who took the
sometimes, if you give someone        time out of their day to help out
a little hope, they live their life   and make a wonderful parade.                                           Courtesy of Laura Craig

         How have you coped with mental health in
Autumn Schouten, grade 11:            Madeline Taylor, grade 10:          Holly Wotherspoon, grade           Sophie Frank, grade 11:           Shayne Durkin, grade 12:
"I have found distracting             "Writing. But it isn't really                                          "To cope while in quarantine I    "he thing that's done the most
myself, especially late at night,     working that well."                 "Lots of crying."                  have been watching lots of        for my mental health is volun‐
with movies works. Besides that                                                                              movies and TV, listening to mu‐   teering. It gives me a sense of
I oten let stress overwhelm me                                                                               sic, and talking on the phone     purpose and community that I
and just cry to let things go."                                           Liam Bertheaud, grade 10           with friends whenever             can devote myself to in multiple
                                                                                                             possible."                        ways, and it's a good way to
Zoe Gabriel, grade 10:                Kelly Wen, grade 9:                 "My sleep schedule has drasti‐                                       help others. It's helped my men‐
                                                                          cally changed in a positive way.                                     tal health for months now, and
"Working out."                        "Taking walks at night and          And I drink tea now."                                                I'm sure that it helps the other
                                      stargazing."                                                                                             volunteers, too."
January 2021                                                                                                                                                                      11

        Boys Are Dogs, Cats Are Girls: A Philosophical Take on the Effects of
                             Internalized Misogyny
By Natalie Horberg                 that they are still crated stereo‐   order to dehumanize them.            sort of feminism is promoted          are three-dimensional beings,
                                   types which bear little sem‐                                              wherein audiences are made to         not because they are a threat to
When I was a kid, I sat in front   blance to reality. Yes, dogs tend    Examples of the latter phe‐          believe that a woman's power          society. It is not that they are
of the T.V. to watch Scooby-       to be more social, and cats tend     nomenon are not hard to come         lies solely in how sexy she is. In    too independent yet too needy,
Doo help a gang of teens solve     to be more independent, but          by: Cats are oten paired with        this sense, pop culture harps on      but rather that -- just like most
mysteries or the mute Penelope     that doesn't indicate any mea‐       eccentric older women, such as       the idea that if a cat wants to       other living beings -- they strive
Pussycat try to avoid Pepé le      surable correlation to the in‐       witches or "crazy cat-ladies,"       live in a dog's world, she has to     for a sense of self-governance
Pew, a French skunk, as he lust‐   trinsic behaviors of men and         and the phrase "catight" has         be the most objectiied version        and also want to feel cared for
ed ater her. Sometimes, I'd lip    women.                               long been used to demeaningly        of herself possible.                  by those around them.
through channels, skimming                                              refer to an altercation between
across Josie and the Pussycats,    Although this anthropomor‐           women. Furthermore, when a           In other words, if Catwoman           It is possible that Americans
T.U.F.F. Puppy, Hello Kitty's      phism of dogs and cats is debat‐     woman is expressing her anger,       wants to play the same game as        generally prefer dogs to cats for
Furry Tale heater, or he           able, its possible impact is diffi‐    it is not unusual to hear some‐      Batman, she has to do it while        a variety of reasons other than
Huckleberry Hound Show.            cult to ignore. According to an      one give a cat-like growl as a       wearing high heels and a              internalized misogyny. Perhaps
                                   article from Nationalgeograph‐       sarcastic parody of her emo‐         skintight leather catsuit.            it has to do with costs, or maybe
With so much content to digest,    ic.com, in 2013, around 52% of       tions.                                                                     there is some distinct scientiic
it didn't take long for me to      Americans preferred dogs and                                              When it comes to complaints           explanation. But philosophy
grasp the trend -- boys were       21% preferred cats.*                 Upon closer examination, it is       about cats and women from             isn't here to dissect all of that.
dogs and girls were cats; dogs                                          apparent that these associations     both cat-haters and                   Philosophy invites us to take
were a man's best friend and       If we are to take these cultural     between cats and women               misogynists, they are usually         risks by searching for our own
cats were ditsy little creatures   stereotypes into consideration,      speciically perpetuate the in‐       quite contradictory in a way          explanations to great, seemingly
that belonged on the outskirts     then the question must be            herent ageism within misogyny;       that is reminiscent of fascist        unanswerable questions.
of popular entertainment.          asked: Are Americans not very        they broadcast the false belief      logic.
                                   fond of cats because, subcon‐        that old women are hag-like                                                Undoubtedly, misogyny has
From a young age, we are con‐      sciously, they're not very fond      and young women are too feisty       Within anti-Semitism, a fascist       been rampant in this country
stantly reminded that dogs are     of women? Moreover, can              for their own good.                  ideology, Jewish people are           since its very beginning. Horrif‐
synonymous with companion‐         misogyny be blamed for the                                                scapegoated for everyone else's       ically insulting, unfounded
ship, loyalty, and masculinity,    continuous merging of women          Feline characteristics are also      problems. Because this destruc‐       ideas have always been spread
while cats are synonymous with     and cats?                            used to hyper-sexualize femi‐        tive, cruel conception is so          about what it means to be a
elusiveness, self-reliance, and                                         ninity in an alarmingly superi‐      wildly illogical, it's implications   woman, and over time, these
femininity.                        Not only are offensive stereo‐        cial way. Consider Catwoman          are fraught with paradoxes and        ideas have sunk into the very
                                   types about femininity infused       of DC Comics, a morally am‐          inconsistencies. For instance,        fabric of our culture. hey are
Even though these notions are      into cats' image, but also cat-      bivalent enemy and love interest     when anti-Semites blame Jew‐          relected in television, movies,
deeply ingrained in our culture,   like characteristics are com‐        of Batman who is almost always       ish people for problems in the        books, and the English lan‐
it is important to remember        monly attributed to women in         clad in a shiny black catsuit.       economy, they characterize            guage itself.
                                                                                                             them as being clever master‐
                                                                        Unsurprisingly, she was created      minds. However, when anti-            It is about time that this
                                                                        mainly to give an element of         Semites simultaneously claim          shallow, unnecessarily harmful
                                                                        sensuality to the series, and Bat‐   Jewish people are intellectually      comparison between women
                                                                        man co-creator Bob Kane even         inferior, they are then contra‐       and cats dies down. We need to
                                                                        wrote in his autobiography, Bat‐     dicting their own beliefs about       stop anthropomorphizing cats
                                                                        man and Me, "I felt that women       how Jews are able to secretly         -- or any animal for that matter
                                                                        were feline creatures and men        undermine the economy.                -- as having personas which
                                                                        were more like dogs. While                                                 correspond to stereotypes based
                                                                        dogs are faithful and friendly,      Pinning the responsibility for        on any sex or gender, and we
                                                                        cats are cool, detached, and un‐     an unfathomable number of             need to do so by being unafraid
                                                                        reliable. I felt much warmer         problems onto a single group of       to point it out in our own lives.
                                                                        with dogs around me -- cats are      individuals is always logically
                                                                        as hard to understand as             indefensible. But it is fairly        How can we begin to confront
                                                                        women are… We don't want             common in everyday life, as           centuries of misogyny if we
                                                                        anyone taking over our souls,        seen in the standard arguments        don't try to identify it in what
                                                                        and women have a habit of do‐        for disliking cats and women.         we consume and what we be‐
                                                                        ing that."                           People argue that somehow             lieve -- in how we treat women
                                                                                                             they are too independent yet          and even how we think about
                                                                        To those like Kane, it seems as      too needy, too feisty yet too         cats?
                                                                        though the only way to redeem        lazy, too dangerous yet easily
                                                                        these so-called laws in women        domitable. Within these com‐          *twenty-seven percent claimed to
                                                                        -- or rather, the only way to        plaints lie obvious contradic‐        be unsure of their preference
                                                                        cope with their natural inde‐        tions that expose faulty reason‐
                                                                        pendence -- is to emphasize it       ing.
                                                                        in a way that is synonymous
                                                                        with promiscuity and animality       But does that mean cats and
                                                                        rather than actual autonomy.         women must be immune to
                                                                                                             self-contradictions in order to
                                                                        By translating women's strength      be acceptable? Of course not.
                                                                        into glaring sex appeal that only    Opposing traits exist within
Courtesy of Natalie Horburg                                             exists to please men, a twisted      women and cats because they
12                                                                                                                                                                 January 2021

                                     come linked to weakness -- for      dards, he and his friends feel it   havior directed towards           rip out the roots of bad behav‐
What Does                            both men and women.                 looming over them.                  women.                            ior we've been taught to allow
                                                                                                                                               our whole lives. But we have
Toxic                                he concept is being discussed       When asked, he couldn't trace       hese rigid standards we've        our eyes on change and the
                                     by social scientists and every      this pressure back to one origin.   been adhering to for genera‐      whole world talking, and that's
Masculinity                          person to ever have a Twitter       Instead, he listed examples from    tions hurt both men and           a start.
                                     account, but what is it like to     childhood, such as watching         women. It's an uphill battle to
Mean to You?                         actually live in a culture so
                                     dominated by harmful ideals
                                                                         football and being pushed in
                                                                         the direction of typical male in‐
                                     for men?                            terests.
By Sophie Frank
                                     For my friends who are not          He compared the standard for
When I set out to write an arti‐     men, it means fear. It means        masculinity he's seen in the me‐
cle about toxic masculinity, I       shame. It means looking over        dia and in his own life since
knew I had to include as many        your shoulder when walking          childhood to indoctrination,
voices as I could. So this article   alone because before you hit        saying that he feels men are al‐
contains the experiences of          double digits you were told that    ways striving to meet a standard
many people, engaging in deep        you had to be responsible for       for masculinity, and it isn't al‐
conversations about the state of     your own safety.                    ways effortless.
our world and answering this
question: What does toxic mas‐       It means crying to a teacher af‐    Always trying to meet that stan‐
culinity mean to you?                ter recess in elementary school,    dard makes men feel trapped.
                                     begging her to tell the boy         On social media, I found many
Toxic masculinity is a way we as     who's been being mean to you        examples of what men hate
a society teach men to act. he       to stop and hearing, "he just       about toxic masculinity, such as
key pillars are teaching men to      likes you" in response. It means    having to equate violence with
suppress their emotions, to          learning to think that abuse        masculinity, not being able to
maintain a tough or powerful         means love.                         ask for help when they were be‐
appearance, and to think that                                            ing bullied, the "bro code," and
violence or misogyny is an indi‐     It means always being punished      the difficulty of speaking out
cator of power and strength.         just a little worse than your       when they witness abusive be‐       Courtesy of Tahlula Potter
                                     male friends, always being
It's only recently that people       asked to do more chores.
have started to really study how
pervasive toxic masculinity is in    It means having school admin‐
our culture and what kind of         istrators enforce an arbitrary
unexpected consequences have         dress code for women while
resulted from raising genera‐        watching men violate it without
tions of men to have harmful         consequence. It means covering
deinitions of masculinity. But       up bra straps like one would
now, more than ever, people are      signs of a zombie bite during
aware.                               the apocalypse.

In 2019, the irst-ever set of        It means hating pink in elemen‐
guidelines for psychologists re‐     tary school, hating anything
garding toxic masculinity was        "girly." It means learning to as‐
published by the American Psy‐       sociate feminine things with
chological Association. his          weakness, to think them unde‐
huge step means that the con‐        sirable.
cept is now officially recognized
as harmful but treatable. he         It means double standards and
guidelines focused on teaching       gender inequality.
psychologists how to deal with
men who had been conditioned         For my friends who are men, it
to conform to "traditional mas‐      means having a standard for
culine ideology."                    perfection that's hard to mea‐
                                     sure up to. It means trying and
As for the manifestations of the     oten failing to conform.
global discussion on toxic mas‐
culinity, it's everywhere.           One Onteora student told me
                                     that he plays sports even
A recent example is the now-fa‐      though he doesn't like them,
mous Harry Styles magazine           that he plays because he feels
cover. Ater the singer did a         like being athletic helps him it
photoshoot in a dress, backlash      into the typical male mold. Men
qu i ck ly e nsu e d. C and a c e    who aren't interested in things
Owens, a Republican commen‐          associated with the typical
tator, used her Twitter account      stereotype oten feel
to call for bringing back "real      "ostracized," my friend shared.
men" ater seeing the photos,         hough in his social circles
sparking a conversation about        there is an unspoken rule to
breaking gender norms and            never discuss the pressure to
how looking feminine has be‐         conform to a rigid set of stan‐
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