R04.12.2017 Issue 24 Volume CXXIII - NEWS 2 LIFE&ARTS 8 SPORTS 18 LAMPOON 19 - Fredonia Leader

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R04.12.2017 Issue 24 Volume CXXIII - NEWS 2 LIFE&ARTS 8 SPORTS 18 LAMPOON 19 - Fredonia Leader
04.12.2017 Issue 24 Volume CXXIII


         NEWS 2    LIFE & ARTS 8 SPORTS 18   LAMPOON 19
R04.12.2017 Issue 24 Volume CXXIII - NEWS 2 LIFE&ARTS 8 SPORTS 18 LAMPOON 19 - Fredonia Leader
2                                                                                                     NEWS                                                                       April 12, 2017

                   The Leader                                                                                The Leader elects new
S206 Williams Center
Fredonia, N.Y. 14603
                                                      Twitter: @LeaderFredonia
                                                                                                             editors for Fall 2017
leader@fredonia.edu                                   Instagram: @leaderfredonia                                  As the academic year comes to a         News Editor
                                                                                                             close, so does another administration        Dan Orzechowski
                                                                                                             of The Leader. On Tuesday, April 4           Life & Arts Editor
                                                                                                             the group held its annual elections,         Claire O’Reilly
                                                                                                             determining the paper’s leadership for its   Sports Editor
Editor in Chief                                       Asst. Art Director                                     125th year of operating.                     Curtis Henry
Colin Perry                                           Marissa Doing                                               Design Editor Maddy Carroll, a          Lampoon Editor
                                                                                                             senior media management major, was           Travis LeFevre
Managing Editor                                       Photo Editor                                           elected to the position of Editor in         Assistant Lampoon Editor
Connor Hoffman                                        Corey Maher                                            Chief, while sophomore journalism            Emma Patterson
News Editor                                           Copy Editor                                            major Amber Mattice will be serving as       Web Editor
Jordan Patterson                                      Kristen O’Connor                                       Managing Editor.                             Jason Cheung
                                                                                                                 “I am incredibly proud to have           Copy Editors
Asst. News Editor                                     Asst. Copy Editors                                     been elected Editor in Chief next fall,”     Ben Anderson
Dan Orzechowski                                       Ben Anderson                                           Carroll said. “I’m really excited about      Brandon Safe
                                                      Brandon Safe                                           our e-board and everything we will           Art Director
Life & Arts Editor                                                                                           accomplish.”                                 Marissa Doing
Amber Mattice                                         Business Manager                                            A full list of The Leader’s Fall 2017   Design Editor
                                                      Kevin Gleason                                          election results are as follows:             Jessica Tompkins
Asst. Life & Arts Editor                                                                                                                                  Photo Editor
Claire O’Reilly                                       Asst. Business Manager                                 Editor in Chief                              Angelina Dohre
                                                      Lauren Finke
Sports Editor                                                                                                Maddy Carroll                                Social Media Manager
Curtis Henry                                          Ad. Sales Manager                                      Managing Editor                              Avril King
                                                      Matthew Donnelly                                       Amber Mattice                                Adviser
Lampoon Editor                                                                                               Business Manager                             Elmer Ploetz
Travis LeFevre                                        Sales Representatives                                  Lauren Finke
                                                      John Baxter
Web Editor                                            Michael Donnelly
Sam McCagg                                            Chiara Sapia
Asst. Web Editor                                      Tyler Witt                                                                                On the Cover:
Jason Cheung                                                                                                                                    #4 Zach Lyman gets ready to pitch a ball
                                                      Social Media Manager
Design Editor                                         Brooke Atkins                                                                             against New Paltz.
Maddy Carroll
                                                      Social Media Asst.                                                                        Angelina Dohre/Staff Photographer
Asst. Design Editor                                   Avril King
Jessica Tompkins
Art Director                                          Elmer Ploetz
Rebecca Masiker

The Leader is funded through advertising revenue and a portion of the mandatory student activities fee. It
is published by the students of SUNY Fredonia. No part of this publication may be reproduced or trans-
mitted in any form or by any means except as may be expressly permitted in writing by the editor in chief.
All opinion writings in The Leader reflect the opinion of the writer, with the exception of the editorial,
which represents the opinion of the majority of the editorial board. The Leader editorial board holds its
staff meetings, during the academic semesters, weekly on Tuesdays at 5 p.m. Letters to the editor must be
350 words or less and have a deadline of 4 p.m. on Friday. The Leader is printed by the Buffalo News in      An article in last week’s issue incorrectly spelled the
Buffalo, New York and is distributed free on campus and in the surrounding community. Press run is 2,500.
Save me, President Jesus...                                                                                  name of FSA Executive Director Darin Schulz. We
Proud member of The Associated Collegiate Press.                                                             regret the error.
R04.12.2017 Issue 24 Volume CXXIII - NEWS 2 LIFE&ARTS 8 SPORTS 18 LAMPOON 19 - Fredonia Leader
fredonialeader.org                                                              The Leader                                                                                        3

Students react to FSA cuts
JORDAN PATTERSON                                                                          that at this time next year, it wouldn’t be   mechanism by Schulz. Schulz also
                                                                                          open.                                         explained that Tapingo, specifically,
News Editor                                         “I think whatever they’re
                                                                                              “I think whatever they’re trying to       slowed down the technology at Tim
                                               trying to do, it’s ultimately              do, it’s ultimately going to be a detriment   Hortons and, in his eyes, deterred
     At 5:03 p.m. on Friday night, Tim
Hortons was filled with around 25 people.
                                               going to be a detriment                    to the campus,” said Fairchild, “and I        passing-by customers. But for Keirn, this
Some would sit and stay while some             to the campus,” said one                   personally think from my point of view,       will impact her routine immensely.
would scurry off. It would stay that way       student, “and I personally                 there are other places where they could           “I have a lot of friends who rely on
through the hour. Next year, of course,        think from my point of view,               cut the money.”                               [Tapingo], to be able to get through this
                                                                                               For Fairchild, the sight of new          line and get to their next class and still
this won’t be possible.                        there are other places where
     The 2017–2018 FSA Budget was                                                         construction on campus, like the recently     be able to eat,” Keirn added. “So I know
                                               they could cut the money.”                 completed addition to Rockefeller Arts        a lot of people who are not going to be
released last week, and the SUNY-
approved cuts were expected to cause at                                                   Center that connects it to Mason Hall,        positively affected by this.”
least some negative feedback. Last week,     they weren’t willing to do. Along with       is hard to swallow when the school then            Across the table from Fairchild and
The Leader reported on the upcoming          the hour cutting, Tapingo will no longer     cuts hours from places to eat.                to the left of Keirn sat O’Connell, who
budget where FSA Executive Director          be offered to students at the start of next       On the face of it, the FSA budget        was more focused on the cafe hours. The
Darin Schulz acknowledged and                school year either.                          and money taken from grants to put            simple fact that those hours were altered
anticipated the potential pushback.               The interview with Schulz was           toward architecture don’t coincide, but       gave him cause for concern.
    “I think some of the students are        conducted a week prior to students           for Fairchild it makes it harder to agree         “That’s putting me in a difficult
going to not like the Tim Hortons not        hearing about the cuts; he predicted that    with the cuts.                                position because I do rely on that for
being open in the evening. I think that’s    the biggest complaint would be Tim               “They need to concentrate on              breakfast usually,” O’Connell said.
going to be the biggest [problem],” said     Hortons, and so far he was right.            pleasing the students that go here instead         The trio started mapping out the
Schulz.“I just wish we could keep it open,         Students came and went from 5 p.m. of advertising to incoming students,”             alternative places to go but admitted that
but it would require a meal plan increase,   until 5:30 p.m. At some points it looked     Fairchild said.                               on weekends, the line for Tim Hortons
and it would’ve completely eliminated        like it would die down, but every so often        Sitting to Fairchild’s left, Keirn       will be twice as long during lunch hours
our goal to keep meal plans flat.”           a group of students would replenish the      admitted that her schedule as a music         with Centre Point opening at 5 p.m.
     Cuts that will take place at the        Tim Hortons line.                            major makes her day jam-packed.                    While all three will feel the effects of
beginning of the Fall semester include            Around 5:27 p.m., three students            “Having those hours cut will have         these hours being cut, they all rejoiced in
later starts to some cafes and earlier       that had been there since 5 p.m.             a negative effect on me,” Keirn said.         the fact they are living off-campus next
closing times. One place that will see a     commented on the looming cuts.              “Because I already have limited hours to,      semester.
significant change is Tim Hortons. The             Sophomore social work major Tyler      you know, find time to eat.”                      “In particular, I’m kind of grateful
Canadian coffee shop on campus will          Fairchild, sophomore music performance            A way to accommodate students            that I’m living off-campus,” Fairchild
now be closing at 5 p.m. every day of the    Rachel Keirn and theatre major Seamus        with busy schedules was the installment       said. “This is going to do nothing but
week. The alternative, according to FSA,     O’Connell were all enjoying a drink          of Tapingo, a food ordering system            accelerate [students wanting to live off-
was to close a cafe completely, something    inside Tim Hortons when they realized        that was classified as a “line jumping”       campus.]”

Iraqi filmmaker displays war documentary
“Homeland: Iraq Year Zero” to students
ANGELINA DOHRE                               the aftermath and damages Operation          Eastern studies group she worked with at      only to come back to it after 10 years,”
Staff Writer                                 Iraqi Freedom had on Iraq.                   Harvard University.                           Vanwesenbeeck said. “The second part,
                                                  A discussion session was held                “They invited [Fahdel], and when I       after the fall, is a little bit darker and of
     In February 2002, just one year         afterward where students and community       saw it, I emailed my colleague,” she said.    course shows the destruction, but also
before the U.S. invaded Iraq, filmmaker      members had the chance to ask Fahdel         “I said, ‘This looks like the kind of film    shows the brutality of war.”
Abbas Fahdel departed from France to         questions. Students who missed the two-      that I would like to see.’”                        Most of the action throughout both
return to his home in Iraq. There, he        part event can also find the documentary          Two weeks after the war began            parts of the documentary was depicted
filmed everyday life as his country was      on Netflix.                                  in 2003, Fahdel returned to Iraq once         through the eyes of Fahdel’s 12-year-old
preparing for war. This past week on              In charge of the two-day event          again, but this time things were much         nephew, Haider. As the film progressed
April 4 and 5, Fahdel arrived at Fredonia    was associate professor of English Iclal     different. Going to the grocery store,        to part two, Haider took the role of
and presented his two-part documentary,      Vanwesenbeeck. The program was made          heading to school and other simple,           representing the people of Iraq in various
“Homeland: Iraq Year Zero.”                  possible after it received funds from        everyday activities became nearly             ways.
     Part one of the film was screened       the Mary Louise White and Carnahan           impossible.
on Tuesday and part two was shown on         Jackson Foundations.                              “During the last trip of Fahdel’s,       CONTINUED ON Page 6
Wednesday. The first part focused on life         Vanwesenbeeck found out about           he loses someone in his family which
before the war while the second showed       Fahdel and his film through a Middle         makes him stop the project entirely,
R04.12.2017 Issue 24 Volume CXXIII - NEWS 2 LIFE&ARTS 8 SPORTS 18 LAMPOON 19 - Fredonia Leader
4                                                                                The Leader                                                                          April 12, 2017

Domestic violence awareness event
presents warnings and solutions
JAMES LILLIN                                 dorm room by her boyfriend, Clayton            called my family and my father said          using social media to provide support for
Staff Writer                                 Whittemore, in September of 2012,             ‘Well, if you don’t leave him, I’m killing    friends and victims.
                                             when she was beaten to death by his fists      him’, and I said ‘Alright, I guess I’m           “Use social media for positive things,
     On April 7 in the MPR of the            and a curling iron.                            leaving him.’”                               not negative things. Don’t bash Trump
Williams Center the Fredonia Student               McClelland began her presentation             McClelland eventually had a             anymore, we’re done with bashing
Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC)            by playing audio footage of a call that        meeting with some higher-ups from            Trump. Move on to other things,” said
came together with the Office of             Whittemore’s father made to police after       Brockport Residence Life, University         Bowman.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; as well     receiving the confession of his son, and       Police and the Head Coordinator of                Bowman also remained hopeful that
as the Counseling Center to present          eventually calls to police by Whittemore       Campus Conduct.                              millennials would be instrumental in
an event centered around promoting           himself, repeatedly inquiring, “If you             “I said, ‘What are you gonna do          fighting against the rise in violence.
awareness of domestic violence, and          want the death penalty, can you ask for        to keep me safe, because whatever                “You guys are young, you need to
offering ways to help combat the current     it?”                                           happened between Alex and Clayton is         bring stories to light, talk to a counselor,
rates of violence.                                 McClelland explained that on the         not going to happen to me, and if I’m        talk to a friend, make the issue known,”
     Several introductions were made         night of the murder she was asked by           going to stay at Brockport my parents are    said Bowman. “You are the generation
before the first speaker, Chief Diversity    Kogut if she could stay at a friends’ place    going to need to know I’m safe,’” said       that is going to help change domestic
Officer Bill Boerner, outlined the groups    for the night, which she was happy to          Clayton, “but they said, ‘We don’t believe   violence, dating violence, and sexual
that helped contribute to organizing the     do. When she woke up the next morning,         that Brett could do that, are you sure you   assault.”
event, as well as presenting their goal in   she went to check her phone only to find       aren’t just hallucinating?’’’                     The event ended with a presentation
organizing it.                               dozens of text messages and more than               McClelland recounted her recovery       on Fredonia’s “Green Dot” program
    “This is an opportunity for us           seventy missed calls. The first call she       process, battling through survivor’s guilt   by Boerner and Substance Abuse
to gather during Sexual Awareness            returned was to one of her neighbors in        and PTSD, assuring the audience that         and Violence Prevention program
Month to not only raise awareness, but       the dorm.                                      healing was possible before introducing      coordinator Julie Bezek, listing the
also share our campus resources with              “One of the statements I’ll never         the next speaker, Kogut’s aunt, Jenifer      warning signs of an abusive relationship,
students,” said Boerner.                     forget hearing was, ‘Oh my god, Kaila,         Bowman.                                      as well as laying out a method to deal
     The President of SAAC, Ben              you’re alive,’” said McClelland.                    Bowman detailed her own                 with situations that could lead to sexual
Chatley, also spoke about his group’s              Those who found Kogut’s disfigured       experience as a victim of child abuse,       violence, relying on bystanders to
focus while looking for speakers.            body weren’t sure if it was her’s or           and eventually as a victim of spousal        intervene if they see abuse occurring.
    “Our mission put forth this year was     Kaila’s. McClelland was questioned             abuse.                                            The presentations were well-received,
to bring domestic violence awareness to      by the police, not as a suspect but as a           “The saddest part about [being a         with several groups of students sticking
the forefront of our mind across all ten     potential witness, and eventually was          victim] is you learn that abuse. I didn’t    around after the event to talk more about
SUNY schools,” said Chatley.                 hounded by the media, which drove              think I was worthy of a relationship         the issues and to brainstorm possible
     The first speaker was Kaila             her to take some time off from school.         where I wasn’t hit, or where we didn’t       solutions.
McClelland, who delivered a talk about       When she returned, she entered into a          argue,” said Bowman.                             “This event demonstrated how three
her roommate at Brockport titled “The        relationship with a man named Brett.                Bowman offered a litany of statistics   groups can work together to help foster
Story of Alexandra Kogut.”                        “He abused me three times,” said          about domestic assault, touching on          one impactful event with lasting impacts
     Kogut was murdered in her               McClelland. “The first time he bruised         many different stories about both male       on our community,” said Boerner.
                                             three of my ribs from kicking me. I            and female victims. She also encouraged

Campus Resources for Students
SUNY Fredonia offers a number of resources for students who may be dealing with            SAVP
domestic or sexual violence, including but not limited to:                                 More generally, the SAVP website has information relating to domestic violence,
                                                                                           stalking and harassment and sexual assault, as well as several other topics relevant to
CEASE                                                                                      students. It can be found at students.fredonia.edu/savp.
Coordinated by Julie Bezek and the Office of Substance Abuse and Violence
Prevention (SAVP), the Campus Education Awareness Support and Effect                       Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
program is dedicated to violence prevention and victim services. Per its website,          In his capacity as Title IX Coordinator, Bill Boerner is "specifically trained to
CEASE "provides advocacy and support for Fredonia students that are survivors of           offer support for anyone regarding an incident of sexual violence" per SAVP. The
interpersonal violence (rape, sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, stalking, and      coordinator can furthermore "assist in decision making related to filing criminal or on
harassment)." The CEASE offices are located at the Counseling Center in LoGrasso           campus judicial charges, and would serve in the capacity of an investigator related to
Hall.                                                                                      an on campus hearing process." The Office is located at 143 Fenton Hall.
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Chatley recognized for domestic violence
awareness efforts
AVRIL KING                                   champion for the 2016-2017 season, a
Social Media Asst.                           member of Phi Alpha Theta and the
                                             president of the Fredonia Student-
     According to the National Coalition     Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC), to
Against Domestic Violence, around 20         name a few of his involvements.
people are abused physically by their             Outside of Fredonia, Chatley is
romantic partner in the United States        the president-elect of the SUNYAC
every minute. That’s more than 10            Conference SAAC. As a cabinet alternate
million individuals every year. Yet, many    prior to the scheduling of the events, he
people believe that it will never happen     was able to work with members of the
to them and do not even realize that they    committee to coordinate the details of 10
are in an abusive relationship until the     Million Yards for Yeardley.
situation becomes dangerous.                      The SUNY-wide event is held in
     That’s why on April 7, as well as       recognition of Yeardley Love. She was
from April 24-29, SUNY Fredonia will         a senior lacrosse player at the University
be running events to raise awareness of      of Virginia and only three weeks away
domestic violence.                           from graduating before being murdered
     The first, which is titled “The Story   by her ex-boyfriend in May 2010. In               “I was a member of the swimming                                            Ben Chatley.
of Alexandra Kogut,” is meant to share       her memory, her mother, Sharon Love,         and diving team at Brockport with                                   Corey Maher/Photo Editor
the life and death of a domestic violence    co-founded the One Love Foundation           [Kogut] and was very close with her         with the One Love Foundation was
victim who was a student of SUNY             with women’s educator Katie Hood. The        roommate at the time that she was           making an impact here on Fredonia’s
Brockport. Later in the month, Fredonia      foundation is committed to teaching          unfortunately killed in 2012,” he said.     campus.”
will take part in the 10 Million Yards       others about the signs of domestic                 As part of the campaign, Chatley            The 10 Million Yards for Yeardley
for Yeardley initiative alongside the nine   violence in the hope that young lives can    worked with the One Love Foundation         event will feature a run/walk around
other SUNY schools. These are both in        be saved.                                    to organize and run workshops that were     Dods Hall and Steele Hall on April 26.
coexistence with SUNY’s Got Your Back             On the foundation’s website, Love       presented to over 350 student-athletes,     It is free to participate but registration is
campaign.                                    wrote, “All of the work we do at the One     half of the coaching staff and all of the   required.
     However, these events would not         Love Foundation celebrates and honors        resident directors on campus.                    “The biggest key that we are hoping
be possible without the efforts of Ben       the positive spirit and kindness that              All of this hard work is paying       to achieve by having this run completed
Chatley.                                     Yeardley personified. We are committed       off. On April 19, Chatley will travel to    is that students and faculty are more apt
     Chatley, a junior double major in       not only to honoring Yeardley’s memory,      New York City to receive the Campus         to notice small signs and issues that might
social studies adolescence education and     but also to saving others from suffering     Unsung Hero Award from the One Love         occur in friendships to relationships
history, has been an active student on       the same fate.”                              Foundation.                                 and by doing that we are able to foster
Fredonia’s campus since his transfer as a        “The Story of Alexandra Kogut,”               “I was really shocked when I got the   a better campus community here at
sophomore. He is a member of the men’s       though, holds a more personal meaning        phone call,” Chatley said. “I definitely    Fredonia and across the entirety of the
swimming and diving team, a SUNYAC           to Chatley.                                  knew that my work that I had been doing     state,” said Chatley.

Judicial Affairs                                                                          found in Gregory Hall or at (716) 673-3333. For incidents that take place off-campus,
In its mission statement, the Office of Judicial Affairs, located at 604 Maytum Hall,     Fredonia Police can be foudn on 9 Church Street or at (716) 679-1531.
claims its interest to "ensure mutual respect among the student population and to
adjudicate cases and educate students who are charged with violations of [Code of         Silent Witness reporting
Conduct]."                                                                                Anonymous reporting can be done via UP's Silent Witness form, found at http://
                                                                                          students.fredonia.edu/upd/updsilent. The form can be used to report allegations
Police resources                                                                          of rape, sexual assault, harassment and other crimes, and all information submitted
Law enforcement officials can be reached for any and all matters concerning               through it remains anonymous, per the site.
domestic disputes. For incidents that take place on-campus, University Police can be
R04.12.2017 Issue 24 Volume CXXIII - NEWS 2 LIFE&ARTS 8 SPORTS 18 LAMPOON 19 - Fredonia Leader
6                                                                               The Leader                                                                                   April 12, 2017

A battle to preserve a campus
University eyes remodels while concrete collapses
DAN ORZECHOWSKI                                   In 2014, the New York State Fire         recent removal of
Assistant New Editor                        Prevention and Building Code Council           the Spine Bridge
                                            voted to adopt an updated version of the       that connected the
     Recently, Fredonia’s campus has        Energy Conservation Construction Code.         Williams Center to
seen some drastic changes to its building   This code requires all buildings to meet       McEwen Hall.
layout. More changes are expected to be     certain energy efficiency standards. The            “We actually
seen in upcoming years.                     Science Center received a gold rating, an      replaced
     In Fall of 2014, the brand new         impressive feat for a science building.        a concrete
Science Center was erected. The $60                “Science buildings are very difficult   column because
million project allowed the Biology         [to reach gold ratings] with fume hoods        the concrete
Department to migrate from Jewett Hall      and all sorts of equipment,” Kessler           plates were so
and the Chemistry Department to move        said. “So to get gold, I think it’s a big      deteriorated that
out of Houghton Hall. Now, under a          accomplishment.”                               there was no
temporary phase, the Departments of               But the Science Complex isn’t the        concrete around
Physics and Geology and Environmental       only item on Fredonia’s agenda. The            it to hold up the
Sciences will be housed in Jewett Hall      campus, a hub for concrete structures,         bridge,” Kessler
until Houghton Hall is renovated.           has been in a constant battle to maintain      said.
     Director of Facilities Planning        itself.                                              Particularly
Markus Kessler explained that, together,          In 1968, Henry Cobb, in                  on rainy days,
a renovated Houghton Hall and               collaboration with I.M. Pei, designed          students are quick
the Science Center will establish the       Fredonia’s campus layout. Notable works        to acknowledge
Science Complex. However, remodeling        of theirs include the John Hancock             the bridge’s
Houghton Hall was put on hold.              Tower in Boston and the Louvre                 removal. Matt
    “We were actually ready to go out to    Museum in Paris, France.                       Courtney, a junior
bid for Houghton Hall, and then there             Back in the late ‘60s, Governor          political science                                  Deteriorating concrete on the stairs of Reed Library.
was a budget issue,” said Kessler. “The     Nelson Rockefeller had a vision to             major, said the bridge “blocked                                             Corey Maher/Photo Editor
budget and the money that was allocated     redesign SUNY campuses. According              the rain, which was nice. But it
was changed by the governor.”               to Kessler, Pei’s office received and          was crumbling and leaking water.”             initially intended for 7,000 to 8,000
     According to Kessler, Gov. Cuomo’s     continued to work with Fredonia’s master             According to Kessler, many students     students, additional dorm buildings were
budget prioritized the construction of      plan. Similar structures and complexes         didn’t know that the bridge was “rotting      included in the plan. Along with the
New York roads and bridges, rather than     can be found at other public New York          from the inside out.” Kessler offered that    these dorms, an observatory was to be
student campuses.                           schools like the University of Buffalo.        perhaps 20 years from now, with more          placed near the wooded area near Ring
     Despite the pause from the budget,           Of Kessler’s 17 years at Fredonia,       state funding, Fredonia could see a Spine     Road.
Kessler explained that remodeling will      15 of them have been partly spent on           Bridge replacement.                                Again, budget issues prevented the
occur in phases. Phase one, which entails   concrete restoration. Since concrete                 Fredonia’s original master plan         continuance of construction and these
exterior and interior demolitions, is       wicks and absorbs water, there’s easy          had significant differences compared          ideas were left behind.
expected to be finalized in about a week.   potential for it to wear. This led to the      to today’s layout. Since the school was

HOMELAND cont. from page 3                       Although he had an American visa,         depicted life in Germany during World         lifestyle.
     Fahdel presented a primary focus       Fahdel could not travel to Fredonia            War II. This film was also mostly                    “It was really cool to see the
throughout both parts: his family. During   earlier in the semester because Iraq was       depicted through the eyes of a child.         up-close and personal everyday life of
part one, the film focused on his family    included on President Donald Trump’s                This is Fahdel’s seventh film. He        people instead of having to read about it
and friends as they lived out their lives   travel ban list.                               creates both documentaries and feature        off the internet,” she said.
and went about their business. The               “Yet despite all this, he had             films.                                              Sepulveda also mentioned that some
second part displayed a darker side and     crossed the Atlantic to stay in Fredonia            “Most of his films are award-            of what the Iraqi people experienced was
showed the hardships Fahdel’s family        only for five days to show his film,”          winning films, but this one is particularly   shocking.
dealt with as the war carried on.           Vanwesenbeeck said. “He [Fahdel] told          important because it is hailed as one of            “My favorite part was when siblings
     “It is really his desire to preserve   me he had so many screenings around            the best documentaries of the Iraq War,”      were washing a rug and having so much
his family, memories, and archive them      the world, especially in the U.S., but here    Vanwesenbeeck said.                           fun just playing with the water,” she said.
and maybe create a safe vault for his       he felt like he was amongst his family.”            Sophomore communication major            “It was something so simple yet so eye-
homeland,” Vanwesenbeeck. “But also, I           The title, “Homeland: Iraq Year           Kate Sepulveda said she learned a             opening.”
think he wants this film to contribute to   Zero,” was based on Roberto Rossellini’s       lot about the way people lived in Iraq
peace-making of some kind.”                 1948 film “Germany Year Zero,” that            compared to the average American’s
R04.12.2017 Issue 24 Volume CXXIII - NEWS 2 LIFE&ARTS 8 SPORTS 18 LAMPOON 19 - Fredonia Leader
fredonialeader.org                                                                                The Leader                                                                                  7

Police Blotters                                                                                              Imani Roache ’15, MS ’16
                                                                                                             Math Support Teacher
                                                                                                             Tapestry Charter School
UNIVERSITY                                  with fourth degree criminal mischief,
                                            second degree criminal trespass and
Tuesday, April 4, 2017                      second degree harassment. An arrest
Mitchell Storm, age 19, was charged         warrant was issued.
with unlawful possession of marijuana. A
report was filed and an appearance ticket   Friday, April 7, 2017
was given.                                  Rivera Melvin M. Rodriguez, age
                                            42, was charged with felony DWI,
Dylan Webb, age 19, was charged with        aggravated DWI and driving without
unlawful possession of marijuana. A         headlights. He was held.
report was filed and an appearance ticket
was given.                                  Destiny L. Kalafatis, age 20, was charged
                                            with harassment in the second degree.
James Qulnones, age 19, was charged
with unlawful possession of marijuana. A    Leanne Miliotto, age 19, was charged
report was filed and an appearance ticket   with unlawful possession of alcohol and
was given.                                  possession of a fake license. She was
                                            issued an appearance ticket.
Michael Castellano, age 19, was charged
with unlawful possession of marijuana. A    Saturday, April 8, 2017
report was filed and an appearance ticket
was given.                                  Sebastian M. Orsene, age 19, was                                  ADVANCE YOUR CAREER IN EDUCATION
                                            charged with disorderly conduct.
Sunday, April 9, 2017
A person was seen suspiciously using        Logan M. Warner, age 18, was charged
woodshop equipment at Rockefeller Arts      with disorderly conduct. He was issued
Center. A report was filed.                 an appearance ticket.

Monday, April 10, 2017                      Sunday, April 9, 2017
                                            Nicholas A. Zendano, age 20, was
A wallet was found in the gym of Dods       charged with disorderly conduct. He was
Hall. A report was filed.                   issued an appearance ticket.

FREDONIA                                    All information printed in The Leader’s police blotter is a          Canisius College is the smart move for teachers with initial
                                            matter of open public record. No retractions or corrections          certification who want to advance their careers. We offer 13 CAEP-
Thursday, April 6, 2017                     will be made unless a factual error is shown. Anyone who is
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Jermaine Batten, age 40, was charged        cleared of charges has the right to have so printed. It is the
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                                            the dropped charges.
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R04.12.2017 Issue 24 Volume CXXIII - NEWS 2 LIFE&ARTS 8 SPORTS 18 LAMPOON 19 - Fredonia Leader
8                                                                                 LIFE & ARTS                                                                        April 12, 2017

There’s bravery in poetry
Spoken-word poet McGlynn appears on campus

AMBER MATTICE                                  a unique experience.                        would bring humor to the room, saying        in a creative writing class and kind of
 Life & Arts Editor                                 Students and local residents were      things like, “You can clap you know,”        immerse yourself in the community
                                               able to hear a successful poet read         and stressing the fact that she doesn’t like within those spaces, a little fresh air and
      “I thought I was in love with a ghost,   her work aloud and were also given          when poetry readings are uncomfortable. a little of a different perspective can do
 basically. That I was in love with a dead     the opportunity to ask her about her             McGlynn read mostly from                a lot for some students,” said Kalscheur.
 thing,” said Karyna McGlynn about her         experiences in the field of writing.       “Hothouse,” which is to be published this “Sometimes it’s just a matter of hearing
 initial discovery of slam poetry.                 “Not only do you get to see successful year.                                         the same thing from a different person,
       McGlynn is a spoken-word poet and       writers and what they’re doing in the            She encouraged audience                 in a different tone of voice, with a
 visiting assistant professor of creative      real world, they also can offer you advice  contribution and asked for specific          different angle that can really help things
 writing and translation at Oberlin            as to how you can get published and on      requests that people would like to hear.     click for some writers.”
 College. She is the author of two books       your own writing and that’s really good     One student asked her to read her most            McGlynn sold several copies of “I
 of poetry, “Hothouse” and “I Have to          feedback just to hear from professionals    painful poem. McGlynn read a new one         Have to Go Back to 1994 and Kill a Girl”
 Go Back to 1994 and Kill a Girl,” as well     that you wouldn’t usually get to hear       that she wrote recently and introduced it    as well as almost all of her chapbooks
 as three chapbooks, “The 9-Day Queen          from,” said sophomore English major         by saying “it’s in progress, but it’s going  that she brought with her. Students
 Gets Lost on Her Way to the Execution,”       Sam McDougal.                               somewhere.”                                  stayed for quite some time after the
“Alabama Steve” and “Scorpionica.”                  McGlynn’s poetry is unique in the           After this poem, McGlynn told           initial Q&A to get a chance to speak with
       She was on campus on April 6 for        content as well as the style of writing     people in the audience that it is            her one on one and have her sign the
 a poetry reading held by Writers’ Ring.       and performance. During the poetry          important to “write stuff that’s hard for    books they bought.
 McGlynn is a longtime friend of one           reading, she described it as “noir murder   you to write.”                                   “Whether they enjoyed my poetry
 of the English Department’s visiting          mystery.” She writes a lot about personal        Once the actual reading was             or not is kind of irrelevant to me. What
 assistant professors, Josh Kalscheur.         experiences, especially her youth and       over, the floor was opened to a casual       I want mostly is to give people a sense
       Her arrival was fitting, considering    the struggles she faced and continues to    Q&A that everyone was encouraged             of artistic permission and a sense that
 April is Poetry Month and the English         face in areas such as fitting in, romantic  to participate in. She went into the         poetry is not a dead thing. It’s a living
 Department has been celebrating the           relationships and a plethora of others.     process of being published as a poet and     thing, and there’s a lot of different areas
 literary form with several events across           Because of the general tone of her     discussed how it varies depending on the     in which it flourishes,” said McGlynn. “I
 campus.                                       poetry, it would seem as though the         genre and type of story as well as why       want to give people a sense of energy
       While on campus, she workshopped        audience was holding its breath while she she writes about the things she does. Her … and vitality and bravery in writing
 with students and visited classrooms,         read, obviously enamored by the way she insight was educational and encouraging          through my performance of it … for
 but the poetry reading was open to all        read them and the quality overall.          for every aspiring writer there.             their own sake.”
 students and the community and offered             After finishing a poem, however, she       “As much as it’s important to be

Pride drag show walks back in time
NUNET CLITANDRE                         “will definitely be more on the corny           that her favorite drag queens include
Special to The Leader                    side but in the best of ways. I think          the winner of the fifth season of
                                         performers will try to really capture         “RuPaul’s Drag Race” Jinkx Monsoon
      On April 14, Pride Alliance will   a certain decade so it'll force it to be       (though she believes Alaska should
be hosting its annual spring drag show. exaggerated a bit.”                             have won), BenDeLaCreme and the
The theme this semester is “Decades           According to Diaz, this year’s            incomparable Lady Bunny.
in Drag.”                                show   is more laid back than previous              Tickets are $3 for students and $5
      Rochester-born drag king           ones  because    there is no competition.      for general public. One dollar from
Notorious LEZ will be the host for           “We    can  all just have a good time      every ticket sold will go towards the
this semester's show. The show will      and  enjoy   watching    and supporting        Breaking Binaries fund, a scholarship
feature student drag queens and kings    each  other,”   he  said.                      for trans, non-binary and gender
from Fredonia.                                Danielle Barnes, a freshman               nonconforming students, in order
      English adolescence education      criminal   justice major, said that she's      to help alleviate the expenses of
major Victor Diaz, president of          absolutely   stoked for the show.              some gender-affirming procedures
Pride Alliance, commented on this            “I  think  drag has become                 such as name-changes and gender                                      Alissa Salem/Staff Illustrator
year’s theme, saying that he thinks it   extremely    mainstream,    but in the best    reassignment.
                                         way possible,” she said. She stated
R04.12.2017 Issue 24 Volume CXXIII - NEWS 2 LIFE&ARTS 8 SPORTS 18 LAMPOON 19 - Fredonia Leader
fredonialeader.org                                                                          The Leader                                     9

Prancing Devils make
performing debut
SHENECA SHARPE                               presented,” said theatre arts major
Staff Writer                                 Justin Ruiz, who serves as the group’s

                                             secretary. “In order to overcome the
     Who knew that prancing could be so      humps, we had to ask if they ever
much fun?                                    needed any clarification on moves and
     The Prancing Devils, a dance group      if they felt comfortable with what they
new to campus this year, held its first      were learning. We also had to do one on
annual Prance-a-thon on April 7 in           ones with the girls if they needed help
the MPR showcasing flips, tricks and         learning the moves.”                                              Chiavetta’s famous
                                                  Those bumps in the road were
sparkly outfits. For the last six months
The Prancing Devils put blood, sweat         certainly not present in the actual                          Char-broiled BBQ Chicken is
and tears into creating choreography         performance. The audience seemed to
                                             enjoy themselves and even tried to dance
                                                                                                          available to the public at the
that would wow the crowd, and they
definitely did.                              along in their seats. When The Prancing                         Williams Center Patio
    “Being that we started in October, we    Devils took the stage it seemed that
didn't really have time to plan a whole      nothing could stand in their way and that                     (Outside of Tim Hortons).
event by the time Fall semester was          their moves were second nature. The
over. I had spoken to the e-board about      audience wanted more performances
possibly doing a cabaret style show but      and even encores for some pieces.
                                                                                                              April 21st, 2017

                                                                                                            4:00pm to 7:00pm

                                                                                                               $10.00 PRE-SALE
                                                The Prancing Devils perform at the first Prance-a-thon.
they insisted in a showcase where we just
perform with another group as a feature,                          Angelina Dohre/Staff Photographer            $11.00 DAY-OF
and I was on board with the idea,” said
Assata Alston, a sophomore business               As for next year, they plan to become
management major and president of            better and stronger since they’ll have
The Prancing Devils.                         more to time to practice and create new
                                                                                                          Tickets on sale at the
     The feature group that was involved
was “Blue Ice,” Fredonia’s very own step
team. There were multiple performances
                                                 “For next year we plan to branch
                                             out more and let people know that we
                                                                                                              ticket office.
that spanned across many genres, from        are here! More charity events and more
high energy to somber and calm. The          performances. We want everyone to
performances gave good range on The
Prancing Devils’ level of skill that they
had built up throughout the six months
                                             understand what majorette dance is
                                             and how it's important to us as a group.
                                             People can definitely expect another
of practice. An interesting element was
that some of the performances were
choreographed by some of the dancers.
                                             Prance-A-Thon in the spring with all
                                             new choreography and much more
                                             pieces,” said Alston.
                                                                                                               For Taste.”
    “When we told them they had to               “The Prancers are here and we aren't
choreograph there was some excitement        going anywhere,” said Ruiz.
and some … well, a little less excitement.
When they learn choreography, they
seem to get the job done as long as
they can understand the material when
R04.12.2017 Issue 24 Volume CXXIII - NEWS 2 LIFE&ARTS 8 SPORTS 18 LAMPOON 19 - Fredonia Leader
10                    The Leader     April 12, 2017

        FSA Annual
     Community Meeting
       Students, Faculty
           and Staff
     Are Invited To Attend
     When: Tuesday, April 25, 2017
     Where: Horizon Room
      Lower Level Williams Center
              Refreshments Served
fredonialeader.org                                                                      The Leader                                                                                                  11

Music industry veteran Rizzo shares
stories and advice with students
BETHANY CLANCY                                       and got him a guitar one Christmas, and       the day after he flew back to New York.
Staff Writer                                         the rest is history. He played in various     During this time, he had an irregular
                                                     rock bands growing up because he only         schedule. “The Tonight Show” would
    McEwen 202 filled on a Thursday                  knew three chords, but according to him,      have its rehearsals on Tuesdays at 3:30
evening is an unusual sight, but not when           “that’s all you needed to know.”               p.m., taping at 5:00 p.m. and then it
music industry professor Stuart Shapiro                   From there, he decided to get up         aired. From that Tuesday to the following
cancels class for a guest speaker who                and move to Rochester, where he taught        Monday, the group would be doing
knows his way around the music industry              music at a community college. That            shows all over with orchestras and fusion
on both ends: performance and business.              inspired him to take his students there       groups.
With a warm introduction, Tom Rizzo,                 and open his own music school with 18              “The thing about ‘The Tonight Show’
a musician and music producer from                   teachers and about 350 students in total.     was it was filmed in one take. If you spill
Buffalo, New York, sat interview-style                    Deep down, he knew he wanted to          the milk, it’ll be on the show,” Rizzo
next to Shapiro, ready to tell his story.            tour, though — not only for the money,        explained.
    Unlike usual guest speakers, Rizzo               but the experience it came with. His first          What he learned from doing “The
didn’t talk at the audience for an hour              tour was playing guitar for Maynard           Tonight Show” is that you get these
with a generic presentation. He told the             Ferguson’s 12-piece jazz band. While on       opportunities by being bold and that
students the ups and downs of the music              tour with them for two years, Rizzo still     show business was about creating an
                                                                                                   illusion. As an artist, he believed in the
                                                                                                        “Networking is more important than
                                                                                                   your ability to write or your talent,” he
                                                                                                   told the audience.                                       Rizzo presents some of his guitar expertise.
                                                                                                         Rizzo got the chance to become                            Andrew Camera/Staff Photographer
                                                                                                   close with Jay Leno and write his theme       to invest their money correctly. Rizzo
                                                                                                   song for his show.                            realized that the real way to get them
                                                                                                         Following that, he started producing    to understand was by creating an app.
                                                                                                   and writing music for TV shows,               So he created “Drip”, an investment
                                                                                                   including “Not Necessarily the News,”         app based off of the formula he devised
                                                                                                  “In Living Color” and “The Wayans              years ago. It puts money each week into
                                                                                                   Brothers.” Because “Not Necessarily           a savings account of sorts, and then it
                                                                                                   the News” and “In Living Color” were          gets put into a low risk investment. It’s
                                                                                                   sketch comedy shows, he had to have           designed for touring musicians or those
                                                                                                   different music for each individual sketch    with an unsteady job, but anyone is free
                                                                                                   instead of scene-changing music like in       to use it.
                                                                                                  “The Wayans Brothers.”                              At the end of his talk, he gave some
                                                                                                         He’s worked in the studio with some     general advice and answered audience
                                                                                                   apparently difficult artists throughout his   questions. Rizzo said that the elements of
                                                                                                   producing career, including Brian Wilson      success were having a good personality
                                                                                                   and Barbra Streisand.                         and to develop a network of allies.
                                                                                                        “Barbra Streisand was the most                The biggest changes in the music
                                                                                                   difficult to work with — mainly because       industry from when he was touring
Rizzo lectures on his life in the music industry.                                                  she never knew what she was talking           to now are the relentless pushes to
Andrew Camera/Staff Photographer                    managed to run his business, until one         about,” he commented.                         pay artists less and to even have them
                                                    day before he was about to perform, he               Right now, he’s working as an           perform for free for exposure. Then
industry through advice and stories.                got a phone call saying it had burned          independent producer at his home in           came the big question, “Do you have any
      His musical journey started at a              down.                                          Rochester, NY. When he got married to         regrets?” He did. He wishes that, at age
young age. He was always a singer and                    Rizzo was also featured as a player       his wife, who is also a freelance musician,   22, he had just went out to L.A. instead
performed in many different choruses                in “The Tonight Show” band. “I’m still         he started to study finance so they           of waiting until his 30s to try and make it.
growing up. His grandfather, who was                paying back all of the plane tickets from      wouldn’t become broke at any point. He             At the very end of the talk, Rizzo
the president of the Buffalo Musicians’             the several trips to L.A. I had to take,”      said that they made more by investing         and two Fredonia students played a
Association, had encouraged music in                Rizzo said. He’d have to fly out from          their money than they did by doing their      few of his original songs, one of which
his life, but his father didn’t want that.          Rochester to L.A., and after a rehearsal       jobs.                                         included his daughter, Anne Marie, on
Eventually, however, his father gave in             wait for a phone call saying if he got the           He began writing a book so he could     vocals.
                                                    gig or not, which he would usually get         teach his two kids, ages 20 and 23, how
12                                                                         The Leader                                                                              April 12, 2017

Lehrer Dance Company to take
Fredonia stage
LERON WELLINGTON                         has had close ties to the local Buffalo     and a showing.                                                     developed a strong
Staff Writer                             community. Some examples include                 Chris Victor, a senior dance                                 respect for his work.
                                         many events and performances at             and audio/radio                                                      “I am excited
    Fredonia gets a rare but long-       University at Buffalo and intensives that   production                                                     to bring them here,
awaited deal with the upcoming           are catered to young dancers interested     major and                                                    especially with such
performance of the Lehrer Dance 10th     in learning the specific style of dance     treasurer for                                              cheap tickets. Audiences
Anniversary Season Concert. The event,   that Lehrer has created.                    Orchesis, has taken some of Lehrer’s                  are getting to see a world-class
which is sponsored by the Carnahan            This is not the first time Fredonia    masterwork classes while at Fredonia.          company that tours internationally.
Jackson Humanities Fund and the          has worked with Lehrer Dance. For               “Lehrer has a really cool and unique   And this concert is accessible to everyone,
Department of Theatre and Dance, has     over five years, Lehrer and his team        philosophy when it comes to dance,”        which I think is great,” said Myers.
been in the making for months.           have visited the campus to present          Victor said. “I’m very happy that he           The concert will take place
    The company, which was created       masterclasses and numerous showings.        has shared some of his teaching with us    Thursday, April 13 in Marvel Theatre.
by Jon Lehrer in 2007, features eight    He has even choreographed many of his       and I am so excited for the upcoming       Tickets are $10 for both students and
dancers that have performed original     original pieces for the Fredonia Dance      concert.”                                  general public.
works choreographed by Lehrer himself.   Ensemble. His most recent work here              Helen Myers, professor and director
    Throughout the years, Lehrer Dance   was Lehrer Dance Day, which happened        of the dance program, has worked                    Illustration by Rachel Barbato/Staff Illustrator
                                         last semester and featured many classes     personally with John Lehrer and has

                       Its Sam Owen’s Half Birthday Today!

               Congratulations Jessica Fico, Brooke Atkins, Samantha Owen, Amanda Chella, Layla Deluca

                              22                                                                                       SMILE
                                               We are so proud of you all!!
                                                  Love Mom & Dad O.
fredonialeader.org                                                               The Leader                                                                                       13

VANM Senior Shows display a
college education
KARA CEKUTA                                                    their plans.
Staff Writer                                                        Throughout this experience, the students
                                                               learn to work under the pressure of teamwork and
     The first of two VANM Senior Shows will be                tight deadlines. Räckers’ goal is for the students to
showcased in the Cathy and Jesse Marion Art Gallery           “somehow show what they have learned over the four
from April 14-20, with a reception on Friday, April 14         years they have been here.” Because these projects
at 7 p.m.                                                      are presented as a group show, the artists have had to
     The show, titled “Negative Space No. 8,” will             work with each other with the layout and showcasing
feature eight of Fredonia’s Visual Arts and New Media          of their work.
students, with concentrations ranging from graphic                  Mehl, a senior BFA ceramics major, started
design to sculpture.                                           her creative process by taking pictures of botanical
     This show includes works of graphic design by             subjects over the summer. She states that they were
Eusebiu Ardelean, Rebecca Masiker and Richard                 “all taken in my mom’s garden” to represent the
McKaba, sculptures by Mark Chmiel and Tess                     relationship between her and her mother.
Woodruff, photography by Veronica Mehl and Taylor                   Mehl plans on incorporating sculpture and
Slavin, and animation/illustration by Ed Gallivan.             photography into this project by incorporating
(Editor’s Note: Masiker and Gallivan are staff members of The  additional ceramic work to the photos. She has
Leader.)                                                       enjoyed working with her classmates in setting up this
     The poster for this event, created by Eusebiu             space together for the show.
Ardelean, features icons representing each of the artists           In addition to dividing up the space amongst each
featured in the show.                                          other, these students also have the responsibility of
     Barbara Räcker, director of the Marion Art Gallery, creating and working within a theme. These students
has been overseeing the students’ process to this point        are learning valuable and professional skills through
since last semester. After the students met with their         these processes, such as writing a thoughtful and
advisors, they continued to work with Räcker to finalize       cohesive artist statement and learning the foundations
                                                               in exhibition design.

Hollywood producer Sama discusses reality
of entertainment industry
ZOE KIRIAZIS                                  a consultant for the automobile industry.     Limousine,” “Petunia” and “Game             to work on the project either makes or
Staff Writer                                  Sama would spend 90 days in a new city        of Aces.” During his seminar Sama           breaks the film. “Casting is everything,”
                                              fixing failing dealerships and shops.         discussed that changing his mindset as      he said.
     Making it in the entertainment                In 1997, Sama’s next assignment          a film producer and director early in            Celebrities such as Jennifer
industry is not easy, but it’s not            relocated him to Buffalo, NY. One             his new career path led him to being as     Lawrence and Jamie Foxx are actors
impossible to achieve. Franco Sama,           afternoon Sama found himself in SPoT          successful as he’s been.                    he couldn’t realistically cast in his films.
an independent film producer in Los           Coffee on Delaware Avenue where he                 “Do you want to make a film or do      B-list celebrities who have worked on
Angeles, spoke at Fredonia’s Technology       wrote a letter to God. In his 12-page         you want to be a filmmaker?” he said.       major films but not necessarily in a lead
Incubator on Wednesday, April 5. He           letter he asked, “What am I doing with              Changing his way of thinking wasn’t   role are the actors Sama will cast. Sama
discussed the financial business of being     my life … I am going to be 40 by the          the only way he became successful; he       focuses on the actors that will make
a producer and how he got his foot in the     end of the year and I’m not where I           also had to understand the business         people want to buy tickets to see a film.
door.                                         want to be.” It was at that moment Sama       of filmmaking. Sama explained that          Filmmakers, through trial and error, will
     Sama’s seminar discussed financial       decided to fulfill his goal of being in the   receiving the money to make a film is not   know who they will or will not want to
components of producing a film, who           entertainment industry. Sama called           the hard part but getting the money back    work with again on a film.
the “right” people to work with are and       his travel agent and said, “Betty, book       is what makes the profession difficult.         “Don’t try to get talent in order
the steps in order to get a film from pre-    me a trip to California,” and he’s been             Sama’s current film script he is      to raise money. Raise your money by
production to the movie screen.               working in the entertainment industry         working on costs $3.82 to print off and     getting the talent,” he said.
    At the age of 8, Sama told                ever since.                                   Sama produces films with a budget
himself that he would be working in                By the end of 2017, Sama will            between $1 to $3 million. With a feasible   CONTINUED ON page 15
entertainment when he grew up. Fast           have produced 25 independent films            budget Sama said casting a film and
forward to age 39, and he’s working as        in Hollywood including “Black Limo            creating a cohesive team of professionals
14   The Leader   April 12, 2017
fredonialeader.org                                                                The Leader                                                                                              15

Keep Flying make Fredonia debut with Apathetic
MORGAN HENDERSON                                      Thanks to their variety of brass
Special to The Leader                           instruments, Keep Flying had a unique
                                                sound but perhaps the most noteworthy
      The drunken banter meets their ears       element was the trombone slide that
before their hands meet the door, like          made an appearance above the crowd.
they have any given Wednesday as if it               “The sound of the vocals, trombone
were church on Sunday. The dim red              and everything coming together was
light highlights fans’ faces eager to see       really exhilarating because they sounded
the show, then bounces off their mason          that good,” said Zalewska.
jars.                                                 She wasn’t the only one to feel the
      Keep Flying and Apathetic played at       energy that engulfed the room.
BJ’s on April 5 at 10:30 p.m. Apathetic               Lexi Reyngoudt, a junior audio/
played first and people enjoyed it,             radio production major and a member
whether they stood in front of the stage        of Last Call Entertainment said, “It was
or nodded their head to the rhythm from         definitely one of the crazier shows we’ve
a barstool with fingers wrapped around          had at BJ’s and it was a nice warm-up for
a PBR.                                          BJ’s Fest.”                                                                                             Buffalo band Apathetic opens the show.
      BJ’s was already filling up and by the           “When everyone was cheering                                                                         Bethany Clancy/Staff Photographer
time Keep Flying came on it was packed,         and dancing one of the singers of the
bar to chalkboard.                              band raised his hands in prayer,” said           “I thought to myself, 'They are just     but it’s difficult to do on a Wednesday
      Keep Flying started their set strong.     sophomore BFA musical theatre major          drinking and having a good time,' but        night.
The crowd jumped in unison with the             Julie Shapiro. “It was a really beautiful    then Henry starting singing and the               “Working with the band was
first note.                                     moment. Even though it only lasted a         whole crowd knew the words,” said John       probably the easiest I've dealt with so far,”
      Samantha Zalewska, a senior early         second, his quiet expression impacted me     Ryan.                                        Walker said. “They were early for load-in
childhood education major, said, "I came        so deeply.”                                       “It was our best headline show to       and were all super excited to play.”
to BJ's as Keep Flying started to play,               Fredonia didn’t disappoint the band    date in a place the band has never been            Each band was right for Fredonia in
and immediately the energy in the crowd         either. Keep Flying said that they were      before. Truly an incredible experience,”     their own way. “They both exceeded my
had changed.”                                   completely speechless in regards to their    Ryan added.                                  expectations and killed it,” said Walker.
      Everyone was singing, dancing and         first time performing here.                       Keep Flying was the first band                It’s safe to say this Wednesday had
enjoying the company of one another as                They were warned prior to coming       that Pat Walker, senior music industry       a little something extra for everyone
the band performed.                             that Wednesdays at BJ’s were “wild” but      major and co-founder/booking agent           involved. “If you weren't at BJ's … for
     “I was thrilled to be there and the        nothing could’ve prepared them for the       of Last Call Entertainment, booked for       the show, you truly missed out," said
band just made my experience that much          outcome. Even they noticed that the          the Spring semester. It’s always been        Zalewska.
better,” she continued.                         second they started playing the moshers      Walker’s goal to bring tours through BJ’s
                                                were ready.

                                                myself into when I graduate in little over   film industry takes time to learn and        Hollywood film.
SAMA cont. from page 13                         a month. I’ve listened to him speak twice    understand. Sama’s seminar gave his                Sama stressed for filmmakers and
     Fredonia’s video production                … and I keep learning more and more,”        honest explanation and knowledge of          writers to keep working on material. In
program prepares students to enter the          she said.                                    the entertainment industry as a business     order to get one step through the door,
field equipped with the right knowledge              For other students who attended         but kept encouraging the filmmakers          writers have to write material that will
and skills. Through internships and             Sama’s seminars and workshops, the           in the audience to keep going after film.    sell then they can write whatever they
business inquiries some students are            determination to create a career in the      When Sama made the official move to          please.
able to utilize their skills on real projects   film and entertainment industry is strong.   California, he didn’t even know where             “Scripts exist in three places: your
before graduating from Fredonia.                    “As a filmmaker I have only gained       he wanted to be in the entertainment         head, your heart and your laptop,”
     Liz Church-Peters, a senior theatre        more confidence in the direction I'm         industry. He began taking job titles         Sama said. For film directors to make
arts major and production intern for            heading. I feel like there's a shadowed      found in the “Hollywood Reporter” in         it, they must lose the “first time director”
Venture Productions at the Technology           area of my field that has been               alphabetical order until he found a title    label. Aspiring directors will be seen as
Incubator, explained the benefits of her        illuminated for me,” said Corey McCrea,      that fit him. Once he got to “P” in the      directors once they get the opportunity
knowledge to work behind the camera as          a junior video production major and          alphabet he landed on the publicist title.   to direct their first film. “I’m not saying
well as in front of the camera.                 Venture Productions intern.                  Sama soon began as a photographer’s          it’s easy, but try,” said Sama.
    “He gives me a whole other look into            “Don’t mistake simple as easy,”          publicist before he gained the                     Sama often gets asked, “What kind
the potential world I’m about to throw          Sama said. He explained that the             connections that lead him on the set of a    of movies do you want to make?” Each
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