Page created by Elsie Pham
                         HEAD LION-ER
                              AUGUST 2020

============================                    the goodwill of the community, excel
When ambition ends, happiness begins.           in its mission to SERVE.

           - Thomas Merton                            August 11 Club Meeting
                                                After 4 months of staring into a
      PRESIDENT’S CORNER                        computer, I am looking forward to
                                                seeing everyone at our socially
When was the last time you did                  distanced outdoor Club Meeting
something for the first time?                   hosted by Lion Bill Bleecker, 7S145
                                                Vale Ct in Downers Grove. Lunch
I’ve been thinking of this tagline used         will arrive at noon and will feature a
by the Danskin Women’s Triathlon                box lunch from Belgio’s Catering. If
series in 1997 to encourage women               you haven’t already please call me
to do something they hadn’t done                or send me your selection as soon
before and enter a new sport. Our               as you can to my email at
2020-21 Lions year will be like this -          donna@napervillenoonlions.org.
a series of firsts. Creating new ways           Lunch choices are Turkey, ham,
to reach out and to help in our                 veggie or roast beef on pretzel roll or
community to help, modifying our                multigrain bread. Bring your own
trusted fundraisers to thrive in the            chair and beverage.
new social distanced world, new
emphasis on our website and social              Our guest speaker will be Dr. Troy
media to help people find us, and               Hammond, President of North
forging new partnerships with                   Central College. We will mix it up a
community groups to help extend our             bit and have Dr. Hammond speak
reach and spread our message of                 starting at 12:30, with our Club
good work. The ideas and energy                 business to follow.
shared at our July Business Meeting
will be featured in upcoming                                New Website
newsletters as our ‘first time’
activities begin to take shape. Our             We      have      re-vamped     our
Club has this chance to build on its            Club/Foundation   website and it is
strong foundation and, coupled with             almost ready to   go live. We need
                                                your help – if    you have a few

August 2020                         We Serve                                         1
The Head Lion-er

moments             please          look      Lunch will be in the form of box
at https://napervillenoonlions.org/wp         lunches   provided     by   Belgios.
and let me what works and what                Everyone has the option of a veggie,
doesn’t, or what reads well and what          ham, turkey, or roast beef sandwich
doesn’t. If you have a picture to offer       on a pretzel roll or multigrain with
please send it along. The new                 fruit and chips.   Please let Lion
website has all of the existing               Donna know your lunch order by
content, some new content, but I              August 6.
think a friendlier look and feel. We
added one important new feature -             DISTRICT 1J GOLF OUTING
through a connection to our Square
credit card processing service we             This year’s District 1-J Golf Outing
can now accept donations and sell             has been scheduled for October 1 at
raffle tickets online. And when this          Hughes Creek in Elburn. Please let
new site is live, I’d be grateful if you      Lion Steve Hertzberg know if you
could remind your friends and family          would like to participate.
to check it out and spread the word
of our good work.                                  FAMOUS LION STEVE
Remember WE SERVE
                                              Lion Steve Hertzberg has been
Lion Donna Kearney, President                 featured on the Melvin Jones
                                              Fellowship page of the Lions
============================                  International Website. You can see
                                              a screenshot below.
  Dreams will get you nowhere, a good
kick in the pants will take you a long way.
                                              You can visit this page to see Lion
            - Baltasar Gracian                Steve      for      yourself     at
============================                  https://www.lionsclubs.org/en/give-how-

   Club News and Guest Speakers

       AUGUST 11 LUNCH
                                                      That’s one photogenic Lion
Lion Bill Bleecker has graciously
invited our club to his home/yard for              BRIGHTSIDE THEATRE
an outdoor lunch meeting on August
11. Please be sure to bring your              Our club recently donated funds to
own chair and beverage.                       Brightside Theatre which allowed
                                              them to offer their first ever Touch

August 2020                             We Serve                                        2
The Head Lion-er

Tour. This allowed children to get a         She has also volunteered at Turkey
behind-the-scenes look and feel of           Trot through the years.
the production of their production of
Disney’s Frozen, Jr. They were able          The focus of the Safe and Sound
to tour the stage and handle some of         Program is to provide out of school
the props and costumes giving the            programming for children.        They
children     a    more     immersive         traditionally serve 1200 children
experience.                                  before and after school.         They
                                             provide help with homework and
                                             various activities and playtime. This
                                             program is provided free of charge to

                                             During COVID, Erika has been
                                             working with Edward Hospital to
                                             provide childcare for their essential
                                             workers. Through this program, they
                                             have been able to work with schools
                                             to enable remote learning with the
                                             students. They were also fed meals
                                             during their time and provided with
                                             other activities.

                                             YMCA has been offering summer
                                             camps this year, but it is very
                                             different than before. There are no
                                             field trips or swimming. The children
                                             are organized into small groups and
     Brightside Theatre’s Touch Tour         multiple safety precautions are
 A somebody was once a nobody who            Erika is currently working with the
        wanted to and did.                   school districts and trying to
                                             coordinate further programming for
           - John Burroughs
                                             the upcoming school year.
       Luncheon Speakers                       You will never win if you never begin.

                                                         - Helen Rowland
Erika Wood was our guest speaker
at our July 14 Zoom lunch meeting.                BOARD HIGHLIGHTS
Erika is the executive director of the
YMCA Safe and Sound Program.                 The Board of Directors met via Zoom
                                             on July 28.     The following is a

August 2020                            We Serve                                         3
The Head Lion-er

summary of the Board’s actions and      that could be possible in the current
discussions.     All members are        climate.
welcome to attend the Board
meetings. The next Board meeting        Discussed the District 1J Golf Outing
will be held via Zoom on August 25      to take place October 1 at Hughes
at 9:00 AM. If you are interested in    Creek.    Lion Steve Hertzberg is
attending via Zoom, please check        organizing.
your email for a Zoom invite from
Lion Donna or Lion Jane.                ============================
                                         Only two things are infinite, the universe
Approved     the   Board  meeting         and human stupidity, and I’m not sure
minutes of the Club and Foundation                  about the former.
for the June 30 meeting.
                                                      - Albert Einstein

Approved the Treasurer’s Report for     ============================
June 30, 2020.
Approved the Social Services Report
for July 2020.                          On July 28, Tracy Gray was our
                                        guest.    Tracy has submitted her
Approved the new membership of          application for membership and will
Tracy Gray. Plan is to install Tracy    soon be introduced as our newest
at the August 11 meeting.               Lion. Welcome to the club, Tracy!

Tabled discussion of Candy Day          ============================
2020.                                        Diplomacy is the art of saying ‘Nice
                                              doggie” until you can find a rock.
Discussed St. Baldrick’s Day. Event                     – Will Rogers
has gone virtual so our help counting
money is no longer needed. We will      ============================
not be involved this year.
                                                  COMING EVENTS
Discussed a second eyeglass
collection box. Lion Bill Cornish is    August 4 – No Meeting
investigating securing a new box.
                                        August 11 – Lunch meeting at Lion
Discussed the Eversight award           Bill Bleecker’s house, 7S145 Vale
ceremony which will take via Zoom.      Ct., Downers Grove at noon. Please
                                        bring your own chair and beverage.
Discussed revisions to the Naperville   Lunch will be provided by Belgio’s.
Noon Lions website. Lion Donna is       North Central College President Troy
working on those and welcomes           Hammond will be our guest speaker.
feedback for improvements that can
be made to the site.                    August 18 – No Meeting.

Discussed new fundraising ideas         August 25 – Business Meeting.

August 2020                       We Serve                                          4
The Head Lion-er

                                                        Director   – Lion Paul Rewerts
                                                        Director   – Lion Tom Garvey
                                                        Director   – Lion Kathy Lukavsky
                                                        Immediate Past President – Lion Ken
AUGUST BIRTHDAYS                                        ============================
AND SERVICE                                             Appointed Positions and
                                                        Committee Chairs:
                                                        Dues/Membership – Lion Tom Garvey
The following members have a service                    Tail Twister – Rotating
anniversary in August and they are:                     Lion Tamer – Rotating
Lion James Gilliard (6)                                 Chaplain – At Large
Lion Paul Rewerts (17)                                  Social Services – Lions Donna Kearney &
                                                        Denise French
The following members have a birthday in                Peace Poster Contest – Lion Karen Maxwell
August and they are:                                    Program Director – Lion Paul Rewerts
                                                        Donations Committee Chair – Lion Linda
Lion Nick Stanitz – August 13                             Strugalla
Lion Donna Kearney – August 18                          Diabetes Awareness – Lion Meghen
Lion Robert Bremner – August 21                         Williams
                                                        Publicity – Lions Bob Hull & Kathy Lukavsky
Best wishes and congratulations to these                Hospitality – Vacant
members. If your information is missing or              Pizza Wars – Lion Steve Hertzberg
incorrect please contact Lion Jane Bowers               Candy Day – Lion Jim Ebers
to make additions or corrections.                       Summer Raffle – Lion Ken Strugalla
                                                        Turkey Trot – Lions Glen Behnke and
DATES TO REMEMBER                                       Donna Kearney
                                                        Sight & Sound – Lion Al Knotek
August      4-     NO MEETING                           Counter Mints – Lion Steve Hertzberg
August     11 -    Luncheon meeting at Lion
                                                        Investment Committee – Lions Bill Bleecker,
August     18 -    NO MEETING                             Steve Hertzberg and Al Knotek
August     25 -    Board of Directors meeting           Newsletter – Lion Chris Williams
August     25 -    Luncheon meeting at                  Social Media – Lion Chris Williams
===========================                             If you have newsworthy information, please
OFFICERS                                                pass it on to editor/publisher Lion Chris
President –       Lion Donna Kearney                    Williams at 708-297-1987 or email
1st VP    –       Lion Bob Hull                         chris@pnlawoffice.com This newsletter
2nd VP    –       Lion Linda Strugalla                  will be published monthly after the Board
Secretary –       Lion Jane Bowers                      Meeting (4th Tuesday of the month). Cut off
Treasurer –       Lion Bill Bleecker                    date for news information will be the 25th of
Director  –       Lion Jim Ebers                        the month.
Director  –       Lion Maria Wilson                     ===========================
Director  –       Lion Steve Hertzberg

August 2020                                      We Serve                                               5
                          HEAD LION-ER

                                            Liberty – Integrity
                                           Our Nation’s Service
                                            72 YEARS OF SERVICE
                                               TO OUR COMMUNITY

P.O. Box 282
Naperville, IL 60566-0282

Meets Tuesday – Noon (12:15)
 796 Royal St George Drive

Phone: (630) 364-3922
Website: http://napervillenoonlions.org/
Email: info@napervillenoonlions.org
Facebook: http://facebook.com/NapervilleNoonLions
Twitter: @NapervilleLions

Official Publication of the
Naperville Noon Lions Club
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