Headquarters Session 2019 - in Zurich - May 2019

Page created by Louis Griffin
Headquarters Session 2019 - in Zurich - May 2019
No. 127 |  May 2019

  Magazine of the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations

         Session 2019
         in Zurich

AN EXCELLENT MIX                  DON’T PANIC!                 COUNTRY REPORT
Hundreds of delegates             How to deal with             Assets of la República
from all the regions              lost Bills of Lading         Oriental del Uruguay
Headquarters Session 2019 - in Zurich - May 2019
How we contribute
                      to the success
                      of cancer research.
                       Recently we transported
                       some 2°C to 8°C
                        biotech products
                        in special boxes from
                        San Francisco to a
                         Swiss laboratory where
                         cancer drugs are
                         prepared to improve
                          patients’ quality of
                          life worldwide. This is
                          just one of the many
                           success stories we share
                           with our customers.

swissworldcargo.com           We care for your cargo.
Headquarters Session 2019 - in Zurich - May 2019

5	From the President’s Desk

HQ Session 2019 in Zurich
6	AFI, CAI, MTI, Rail, Road, Sea
22 Association Members’ Forum

Working Group Sea
24	Opportunities: Detention / demurrage

Country Report
26	Uruguay – a regional gateway
    in Latin America

Meeting the VLA in Vietnam
28	Working Group Sea Transport

Good advice on the BoL
29	What to do in case of loss?                       Exclusive Provider
A big hurray for 45 graduates
30 Malaysia’s new generation steps in
                                                      of the FIATA Group
32 New on Board: Joana Nunes
                                                      Bond Programme
32 René Zimmermann retiring
33	Meet Ahmed M. Hamed Khaleel –                    Avalon’s programs are designed specifically for
     Vice-President of FIATA                         international logistics providers and our
34 Obituary                                          products and services are tailored for FIATA
                                                     members. In addition to the FIATA Group Bond
Here & There / Agenda                                Programme, we also offer the following:
35 Happy Birthday!
35 Forthcoming Events                                 ► Forwarder’s Liability Insurance
35 Masthead
                                                      ► Errors & Omissions Insurance
                                                      ► Surety Bonds
                    Cover                             ► Cargo Insurance
                    Beautiful Zurich
                                                      ► Business Insurance
                    in full bloom.
                                                      ► Claim Handling & Subrogation Services

                    Photo: Thinkstock
                                                     Contact us at fiatabond@avalonrisk.com or
                                                     +1 847 700 8176.

FIATA Secretariat
Schaffhauserstrasse 104
CH-8152 Glattbrugg/Switzerland
Phone +41 (0)43 211 65 00, Fax +41 (0)43 211 65 65
info@fiata.com, www.fiata.com

                                                                                 No. 127 |  May 2019   FIATA REVIEW   3
Headquarters Session 2019 - in Zurich - May 2019

               1200             +75               60                 15
                            REPRESENTED                         NETWORKING

                                    REGISTER NOW
         The International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA),
             with the South African Association of Freight Forwarders (SAAFF),
         is pleased to announce that the 2019 World Congress will take place in
                    Cape Town, South Africa from 1 to 5 October 2019.

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FIATA World Congress 2019 Organiser:
T +27 (0)21 683 2934 E info@fiata2019.org

Headquarters Session 2019 - in Zurich - May 2019

Dear Colleagues and Friends

F   IATA held its Headquarters ­Session
    2019 in Zurich, Switzerland from
the 27th – 30th of March. This was a
                                                   trainer courses, which will be provided
                                                   to FIATA members with limited re-
                                                   sources, to deliver to their members for
productive Session, where FIATA mem-               training initiatives.
bers came together to address the chal-         – Overview for members of the implication
lenges that have arisen over the last             relating to Brexit, noting in parti­cular the
twelve months in international trade and          impact on physical resources relating to
therefore also in international transport,        the movement of goods across borders, a
through ­changing bilateral and multilate-        significant increase in the submission of
ral trading arrange­ments and positions           customs declarations, and other certifi-
of some of the world’s larger economies.          cates relating to origin and phytosanitary
     FIATA discussed issues with repre-           issues to support border clearance.
sentative national association members                The MTI Working Group Sea report-
from 108 countries, addressing the follow-      ed on an enlightening case from Antwerp,
ing, amongst others.                            which is fully in line with FIATA’s best
– The digitalisation of FIATA documents,       practices concerning ‘Demurrage and De-
  in particular its multimodal bill of la­      tention in Container Shipping’, which state
  ding, and the potential of the enhance-       that when demurrage arose from terminal
  ment of its use in international trade, in    congestion beyond control of the mer-
  particular its common recognition also        chant or forwarder, the latter should not
  by financial institutions.                    be liable for expenses.
– The key work being undertaken between              The HQ Session 2019 also witnessed
  FIATA and IATA concerning improve-            changes in the Secretariat team. Mr. René
  ments and changes to the industry’s air       Zimmerman retired after 14 years of ser-
  cargo programme.                              vice to FIATA. FIATA appreciates his con-
– Delivering information to members to         tributions and wishes him the best in his
  support them in their ongoing informa-        retirement. I am very glad that Ms. ­Joana
  tion technology protection processes,         Nunes has joined the team to be the new
  through the release of a best-practice pa-    MTI Manager. Joana is from Portugal and
  per on cyber security.                        has qualified as a lawyer, she has ­previously
– Release of best-practice guidelines on       also worked with the Portuguese Freight
  container process management, focus-          Forwarders Association.
  ing on the quality of containers p­ rovided         It is with great sadness that we heard of
  by shipping lines, which it is noted has      the passing away in early March of RAME
  decreased significantly, and the need for     Chairman Mr. Stephen Elias J­            oseph
  shipping lines to provide empty con-          Ngatunga. Stephen was a passionate practi-
  tainers that are ‘fit for purpose’.           tioner as well as an industry leader com-
– Release of its first three e-training mo­    mitted to promoting FIATA in the RAME
  dules, covering the ‘introduction to inter-   region. FIATA expressed its deep condo-
  national trade’, ‘maritime’ and train-the-    lences to Stephen’s family.

                                                                                Kind regards,
                                                                                 Babar Badat
                                                                              FIATA President

                                                        No. 127 |  May 2019   FIATA REVIEW   5
Headquarters Session 2019 - in Zurich - May 2019


A great event!

    The number of delegates and attendees at the HQ Session in Zurich underlined
    our members’ extensive interest in FIATA’s institutes and working groups. The
    broad variety of meetings and sessions held was once again unmatched. The
    new e-registration tool passed its test, and the provision of a ‘goody bag’ by
    ‘Zurich Tourism’ has become a fine tradition.

O    ver 276 participants joined FIATA’s
     2019 Headquarters Session from the
27th to 29th of March in ­Zurich, with
                                            and improved features were introduced,
                                            such as an event app and the extension
                                            of the free pass for public transport. This,
                                                                                           ‘Zurich Tourism’, which again provided
                                                                                           a ‘goody bag’. Thank you Zurich for the
                                                                                           warm welcome to our delegates!
a record spread of delegates from more      and a fine-tuned e-registration option,             The FIATA team cherished having you,
than 69 countries! The Crowne Plaza         launched a great variety of excellent ses-     our members, with us, and is looking for-
­Hotel Zurich remained the venue, and new   sions. We also put our hands together for      ward to welcoming you again next year!

6    FIATA REVIEW   No. 127 |  May 2019
Headquarters Session 2019 - in Zurich - May 2019

Delegates assembled for the 100th AFI
Meeting on Friday the 26th of March
2019. The Chairman, Mr. Keshav Tanna,
ACAAI, India, informed his audience
that FIATA was celebrating the 100th
AFI Meeting and the fiftieth birthday of
its existence – see also page 6 of FIATA
Review, No. 126, March 2019.
     He announced the presence of two for­
mer AFI Chairman, Mr. William ­Gottlieb
and Mr. Rodolfo Sagel, and regretted the fact
that two other past Chairmen, Mr. ­Sarosh
Nagar­vala and Mr. Herman Donker, were
not present at this centenary meeting. These
past Chairmen had also made immense con-
tributions to the AFI. “All of these gentle-
men have devoted many, many years to AFI
and brought it to where it is today.”
     The meeting received two presen-
tations from Guest Speakers. The first,
Mr. Ariaen Zimmerman, Executive Di­
rec­tor of Cargo iQ, informed his audi-
ence of “Cargo iQ? The Importance of
Planning & Control for the Air Cargo
Industry”. Cargo iQ is an IATA special
interest group, made up of forwarders,
carriers, ground hand­ling firms, trucking
companies, IT enterprises and strategic
partners, such as airports.
     The second presenter was Mr. Steven
Polmans, TIACA Vice Chair, Head of

                                                                                                                                           Photos: FIATA
Cargo & Logistics of the Brussels Airport
Company and Chair of Aircargo Bel-
gium. He presented “Collaboration and
Opportunities FIATA / TIACA”.                   The Executive Director of Cargo iQ, Ariaen Zimmermann, put forward the IATA special
     Mr. Polmans complemented Cargo             interest group’s goals in planning and managing the air cargo industry.
IQ by announcing that Cargo Service
Quality (CSQ) is a new assessment tool          body can do this better, as Mr. Polmans     which will benefit the airfreight forward-
to measure clients’ satisfaction. Forward-      stated. Therefore, TIACA has a different    ing industry globally and regionally.
ers using the tool are able to rate the level   strategy and is seeking the collaboration   However, some other topics continue to
of service quality provided by Cargo Ter-       of FIATA and of its Forwarder Members       be painful and the AFI is tirelessly march-
minals. The collected research data will        to strengthen its CSQ tool to improve       ing on to overcome obstacles and to
provide unique and transparent informa-         services provided at airports.              achieve change, withdrawal or improve-
tion that will flow in the CSQ’s journey,            The Deputy Chair, Mr. Mike Jones,      ment related to certain rules or measures
consisting of Quality Assessment, Bench-        provided an update on recent delibera-      introduced by IATA and / or its members.
marking and Improvement, and will lead          tions made at the IATA / FIATA Consul-          Mr. Bill Gottlieb, FIATA Past Presi-
to higher standards and to Excellence.          tative Council (IFCC). Members were         dent, provided an interesting update
     TIACA would like to work together          notified of some positive achievements,     on ICAO, the status and a preview of
closely with FIATA on different topics. It      which promise significant improvements      the Dangerous Goods collaboration,
does not want to duplicate FIATA, which         to conditions, or in other words, a re-     the evolvement of Training Centres and
is the forwarders’ organisation, and no-        lief of some cumbersome requirements,       an overview of GACAG and its agenda

                                                                                                  No. 127 |  May 2019   FIATA REVIEW   7
Headquarters Session 2019 - in Zurich - May 2019

that was recently set for the year 2019.         work and structure of the different WCO          INCOTERMS 2020
Ms. Joana Nunes, ­FIATA’s IFACP Gov-             working bodies and sub-groups, and how           Mr. Tej Contractor gave an update on
ernance Manager, pro­vided an update on          FIATA has contributed to WCO decision-           the next edition of the Incoterms and re-
the programme and the ongoing discus-            making processes throughout this time.           ported what the ICC working group, in
sion of amendments to the IFACP For-                  Members had the chance to learn             which FIATA is included, has being de-
warders Agreement.                               more about the recently-adopted ‘WCO             veloping it for the past three years.
      The Chair then provided further com-       Framework of Standards on Cross-­Border               The first edition of the Incoterms
ments on this topic and informed mem-            E-Commerce’, a freshly-launched Compre-          started in 1936, and we are now on our
bers of some strong headwinds that are           hensive Review of the Revised Kyoto Con-         way to the 9th edition in 2020. The first
being faced by the IFGB, the issues ­being       vention (RKC), the work of the WCO on            draught of this updated edition was made
mainly legal in nature. He praised the tre-      ‘the Future of Technologies’, as well as other   in August 2016, and it is envisioned that
mendous efforts that had been invested by        ongoing WCO activities in 2019.                  the final text will be concluded in June
Board Members on both sides – A      ­ irlines        The issues of e-commerce and the            2019. In Cape Town FIATA will be able
and Forwarders. However, he said that            RKC Review were identified as crucial            to present the final text, set to become
“somewhere along the line, legalities have       and deserving special attention. New,            effec­tive in January 2020.
perhaps moved ahead of commercial re-            amended or created standards and pro-                 Throughout this process there were sev-
quirements. That said, both sides, airlines      cedures that will pave new ways for our          eral points that were analysed by the FIATA
as well as forwarders on the IFGB, are try-      industry in Cross-Border and Customs             team and the ICC working group. Should
ing to ensure that all efforts and time fruc-    issues were on the agenda and debated            EXW / DDP be applied in domestic moves
tify into a successful Global Programme.”        at the WCO and, once finalised, will be-         only, is insurance coverage sufficient or
                                                 come WCO rules and eventually rules in           should clause A be included, should FOB
                                                 many of its Member States.                       be excluded for containers, should FAS
                                                      Ms. Stoyanova noted that it is impor­       be deleted, should scanning of containers
                                                 tant to grasp every opportunity to con-          and VGM be included in the Incoterms,
CUSTOMS AFFAIRS                                  tribute to key WCO developments. CAI             should we have separate Incoterms for e-
INSTITUTE (CAI)                                  is looking forward to FIATA members’             commerce? FIATA has given comments
                                                 and CAI delegates’ support, and encour-          and inputs on all of these matters.
                                                 ages members to provide their valuable                CIF and CFR have been in use for a
CAI MEETING, HQ, MARCH 2019                      and rich input with regards to the issues        very long time for inland waterways or sea
The CAI Chair Mr. Steve Parker intro-            discussed during the meeting, in particu-        transport CIP and CPT have been added
duced CAI’s special guest, Ms. Ekaterina         lar the revision of the RKC.                     afterwards and are being used effectively in
Stoyanova, who recently took over from                                                            any mode of transport. There was a discus-
Mr. Ferdinand Desmazières as FIATA’s             BREXIT                                           sion in the last draught to allow CIF / CFR
representative at the World Customs              The CAI Chairman informed and up-                to inland destinations as well. FIATA feels
Organisation (WCO). Interested FDDS              dated his audience on Brexit, with the           this would create confusion and therefore
readers, being CAI Delegates or FIATA            aim that forwarders and logistics service        recommends the use of these terms as they
Associations receiving CAI documents,            providers themselves apply and prepare           are currently used.
may already have benefited in the past           possible scenarios.                                   Insurance form Clause C to Clause A.
from excellent reports derived from meet-              However, as the world knows, the           The second draught sought to change
ings related to CAI and the WCO, etc.            Brexit is now postponed and we will have         Clause C to Clause A, but in the third
All this information, provided with docu-        to check the future outcome and the              draught CIF shipments retain Clause C
ments, is meant to serve and assist FIATA        news for an ongoing and longer time. We          and CIP / CPT will allow the minimum
members for advocating with their Gov-           shall see how exactly this amazing Brexit        standards to be under Clause A. FIATA
ernment Agencies for the improvement             is ­going to be fixed – or maybe disappear.      insisted that it would not be positive to
of their constituents’ daily work with                                                            have two different minimum standards.
Customs Authorities. The quality of these                                                              EXW to be loaded in the means
tools and the benefit gained from them                                                            of transport. It is not practical that the
was confirmed by attendees from Canada                                                            buyer arranges the loading of the goods
and Australia.                                   MULTIMODAL                                       at the seller’s premises, but still the ICC
                                                 TRANSPORT (MTI)                                  maintained EXW not loaded.
THE WCO                                                                                                Regarding transport documents, of-
Ms. Stoyanova informed delegates of FIA-         The Chairman of the Multimodal Trans-            ten in FCA and FOB the seller is required
TA’s involvement in relevant discussions         port Institute, Mr. Robert Keen (UK),            to produce the transport document at the
at WCO level. She presented in detail the        welcomed a large number of participants.         buyer’s risk and expense. FIATA suggest-

8   FIATA REVIEW    No. 127 |  May 2019
Headquarters Session 2019 - in Zurich - May 2019

ed that the ICC brings to the terms what        FIATA with other international organisa-          Group on the e-FBL, which is a joint
is happening in practice.                       tions and also on the interaction of the          WG (ABIT, ABLM and MTI) under the
     One additional change is changing          Working Group Rail with various other             leadership of ABIT. It is already evaluat-
the name of DAT to DPU. It will be              bodies of FIATA.                                  ing the introduction of a FIATA e-FBL,
only a name change, with no substantial                Cooperation with the OSJD is ongoing.      which can also be issued for railway
change in the contents.                         The second meeting of the enlarged Work-          transportation.
                                                ing Group FIATA / OSJD on Rail Trans-                  Regarding UNECE, FIATA parti­
BEST PRACTICES GUIDE ON                         port was held in Istanbul, Turkey. The meet-      cipated in a meeting of the UNECE
CONTAINER SHIPPING AND                          ing was hosted by UTIKAD, the Turkish             Inland Transport Committee on inter­
THE QUALITY OF CONTAINERS                       Forwarders Association, with 55 partici-          national Transport and Logistics, held in
Mr. Jens Roemer (Belgium), Chairman             pants from 18 countries discussing ‘new           Geneva (19th – 21st of November 2018).
of the Working Group Sea Transport, in-         ­possibilitiesof­Europe – Asia – Europemulti-     The Working Party organised a workshop
troduced its ‘Best Practices Guide on Con-       modal transportation’. The following top-        on Intermodal Transport, which con-
tainer Shipping and the Quality of Con-          ics were addressed.                              tributed to the realisation of the goals of
tainers.’ This is the second volume of the       1. Multiple transport and trade facilita-       the 2030 agenda for sustainable develop-
MTI’s Best Practice publications, with the           tion agreements / initiatives will benefit   ment, and also for facilitation of cross-
first related to demurrage and detention,            the railway sector in a long term.           border activities, increase of railways’
which was introduced at the FIATA World          2. Forwarders and railway operators are         ability to compete and enhanced coop-
Congress in New Delhi. The FIATA WG                  pioneers in the overall process; one         eration between various stakeholders.
Sea has received a lot of acknowledge-               example is the operation of China –­              Furthermore, the CLECAT Rail In-
ment and positive feedback from FIATA                Europe blocktrains.                          stitute meeting took place on the 14th of
members and other stakeholders on the            3. The next meeting with OSJD officials         November 2018 in Brussels.
first volume, and was therefore pleased to           will probably be in 2020.                         The old Combined Transport Di-
release its second Guide on Best Practices       4. The joint OSJD / FIATA learning pro-         rective, dating back to 1992, has been
focusing on the quality of containers.               gramme is being prepared, for FIATA          interpreted with significant differences
      Forwarders often try to pick up empty          and OSJD to strengthen their forces in       amongst the Member States, which led
containers and then notice that it is in a           education. The ABVT is also involved         to the Commission’s proposal for the re-
bad condition and not suitable for trans-            in this programme, and both FIATA            view of the Directive. The compromise
port. In the meantime, transport has                 and the OSJD are committed to im-            ‘Proposal on Combined Transport’ was
been arranged and charges have occurred.             plementing a programme that will re-         presented, which intended to limit the
Shipping lines usually refuse to take any            spond to market needs.                       scope of the CT Directive to apply only
responsibility, leaving the forwarder with             Further information on the draught         to international CT operations (inclu­
additional costs and possibly an unhappy         of this programme will be released in            ding intra-EU movements and opera-
customer, due to the delay.                      South Africa, at the FIATA World Con-            tions between Europe Union Member
      In a nutshell, FIATA noticed the qual-     gress in October.                                States and third countries), but exclu­
ity of containers provided by shipping                 FIATA participated in a CIT meeting,       ding domestic CT.
lines has decreased substantially and one        the fifth meeting of the Multimodality                The Forwarders’ priorities for rail
has to come to the conclusion that ship-         Committee, which was held in Bern, Swit-         continue to be to improve service quali­
ping lines are cutting costs in the mainte-      zerland, on the 16th of November, where          ty, promote competition and promote
nance of equipment. FIATA’s guide iden-          several topics were discussed, including the     multi­modal transport by strengthening
tifies responsibilities, refers to practical     legal regimes (CMR-CIM-SMGS) in col-             combined transport.
considerations and suggests best practices       laboration with the IRU. A Comparative                Under the FIATA / UIC partnership
that could be implemented by all parties in      Table was presented to delegates. Mr. Erik       Mr. Petrov informed his audience that the
order to avoid customs that lead to delays       Evtimov from CIT will have a meeting             Market Place Seminar 2019 will take place
and unnecessary supply chain costs. The          with FIATA’s railway specialists during this     during the Transport Logistic trade fair in
document allows National Associations,           HQ Session, and F  ­ IATA made it very clear     ­Munich, Germany, on the 4th of June.
members of FIATA, to attach their logo           that the Negotiable FIATA Multimodal              Mr. Petrov showed his appreciation for the
to it and use it in their national discussion    Bill of Lading is the only existing docu-         work carried out on behalf of the WG Rail.
and negotiations.                                ment that can be issued as well as used in
                                                 railway transport­ation operations.              ROAD
RAIL                                                   Regarding this topic, and consider-        Mr. Mark Bromley (BIFA), in the ­absence
Mr. Ivan Petrov reported on tendencies           ing the urgency of digitalising the FBL,         of Mr. Tomas Suhanyi (Slovakia), Chair-
in the railways and how the are moving           Mr. Petrov also informed his audience            man of Working Group Road Transport,
into multi­modality, on the interaction of       that there is an ad hoc FIATA Working            reported that there were two new acces-

                                                                                                        No. 127 |  May 2019   FIATA REVIEW   9
Headquarters Session 2019 - in Zurich - May 2019

sions to the TIR Convention – Argentina
in October 2018 and Oman in Novem-
ber of the same year.
     There was a case study shown, of an
intermodal TIR transport from the UAE
to CZE. The movement of goods be-
tween Free Zones in the UAE was made
without the need to pay 5% customs du-
ties and taxes deposit, with a total saving
for three containers of approximately
USD 14,000. There were simplified cus-
toms clearance procedure in the UAE’s
customs processes, which led to saving
of cost of customs clearance at customs
of departure and exit by AED 350 (­using
TIR) vs. AED 750 (non-TIR).
     In this transport task, priority was
given to inspection for TIR operations,
reducing the waiting time to approxi-
mately 30 ~ 45 minutes vs. two hours
without TIR. Customs stamps on the
TIR carnets, eliminating the use of
Exit / Entry Certificate, saving time by
only two hours with TIR (integrated IT
systems) at the customs of exit vs. the
average three days that are spent at the
customs of exit to obtain an exit stamp on
the ‘Exit / Entry Certificate’.
     The main benefit of the use of TIR is
that TIR is used as a guarantee for pay-
ment of customs duties and taxes and
transit declaration for the rail leg between
Germany and Czechia, and also that the         New Delhi the WG Sea again met on the             nal report was published in December
German and Czech customs authorities           12th of February in Ho Chi Minh City,             2018, with the following conclusions and
accepted the use of sub-contractors in the     hosted by VLA and coinciding with an              recommendations:
intermodal TIR operation.                      event hosted by VLA for its members.              1. Transparent, standardised language for
     Regarding the member updates on           It was well attended, not only by VLA                 dem / det practices should be available.
the Working Group Road, the main               members, but also by HAFFA members,               2. Clear, simplified, and accessible de-
to­pics addressed were the changes in          with the event ending with a visit to the             murrage and detention billing practi­
requirements in Freight Forwarders’            Tan Cang – Cat Lai container terminal.                ces and dispute-resolution processes
licences in Turkey, the lack of secure
­                                                   On maritime security, the Work-                  should be available;
parking areas for trucks in Europe, and        ing Group Sea has been advised by the             3. Explicit guidance regarding the types
also the implications of Brexit, regarding     Japanese Association that the 24-hour                 of evidence relevant to resolving de-
the current state of play and contingency      rule advance manifest is being enforced               murrage and detention disputes should
plans for the UK and Europe.                   strongly and non-­    compliant containers            be available;
     The European Union issues were            will not be discharged.                           4. Consistent notice to cargo interests of
dealt in the Region meeting Europe                  Concerning the FBI investigation of              box availability and an FMC Shipper
                                               major shipping lines on price-fixing practi­          Advisory Board to be created.
SEA                                            ces, the US department has dropped an in-               On the FMC tariff filling require-
Mr. Jens Roemer (Belgium), Chairman            vestigation, clearing all firms involved in the   ments, the FMC have made several
of the Working Group Sea Transport, re-        investigation that started in March 2017.         amendments in the rules for tariff filling
ported that the focus of the WG Sea was             On the FMC investigation on de-              requirements as it changed, modernised,
on the Best Practice Guide introduced at       murrage and detention fees by container           updated and reduced regulatory require-
this meeting. After the WG meeting in          shipping lines (Fact Finding 28) the fi-          ments, eliminating filing requirements

10   FIATA REVIEW   No. 127 |  May 2019

                                             write an article on the interesting deci-       Some examples on how the terminal
                                             sion of a court in Antwerp that has sup-        could benefit from a contractual relation-
                                             ported a forwarder in its claim that the        ship with the Forwarder were given and
                                             charging of demurrage charges is unjust         are available in the report, which will be
                                             in case of congestion. This will be done        uploaded to FIATA’s website.
                                             for the next issue of the FIATA Review.
                                                                                             IMO 2020 SULPHUR CAP
                                             GLOBAL MARITIME                                 The new lower 0.5% limit on sulphur in
                                             LOGISTICS DIALOGUE                              ships’ fuel oil will be in force from the
                                             An initiative lunched by the International      1st of January 2020, under the IMO’s
                                             Transport Forum. In early 2017 it sug-          MARPOL treaty, with benefits for the
                                             gested a meeting of stakeholders in the         environment and human health. The
                                             logistic chain (shippers, ports, terminals,     new limit will be applicable globally –
                                             shipping lines and freight forwarders),         while in designated emission-control
                                             with the objective of increasing the per-       areas (ECAS), the limit will remain even
                                             formance of the maritime logistics chain        lower, at 0.1%.
                                             via collaboration and dialogue – consi­              Most ships are expected to utilise
                                             dering that there are still many win-win        new blends of fuel oil, which will be
                                             opportunities. This could be achieved by        produced to meet the 0.50% limit on
                                             bringing together the leaders of the five       sulphur in fuel oil. Currently, the maxi-
                                             members stakeholders group and inter­           mum sulphur limit in fuel oil is 3.5%
                                             national organisations.                         globally (and 0.1% in the four ECAS;
                                                   The first meeting was in 2017 and         namely in the Baltic Sea area; the North
                                             the last meeting took place in Decem-           Sea area; the North American area (cov-
            The Crowne
           Plaza Zurich
                                             ber 2018 (fourth meeting). The next             ering desi­ gnated coastal areas off the
       remained the venue for                meeting is scheduled will be held in            United States of America and Cana­da);
          2019’s FIATA HQ                    Leipzig in May 2019.                            and the United States Caribbean Sea
              Meeting.                             The FIATA WG Sea recommends               area (around Puerto Rico and the Unit-
                                             the ITF report on “Information sharing          ed States Virgin Islands).
                                             for e­ fficient maritime logistics”, which is        The sulphur regulation also allows ves-
                                             available on the ITF webpage.                   sels to meet the requirement by alternative
                                                                                             means, such as scrubbers, which allows a
for negotiated overall rate agreements un-   CONTAINER TERMINALS AND                         ship to continue to use fuel oil which has
der certain conditions.                      CONTRACTUAL RELATIONS                           a high sulphur content, as the scrubber
     This has been a great achievement re-   Is there a need for a contractual relation      ‘cleans’ the emissions on the ship.
sulting from many years of lobbying by       between freight forwarders and termi-                Whilst sea transport is (relatively)
FIATA and TIA.                               nal operators? The Working Group dis-           one of the most environment-friendly
                                             cussed the need for a contractual rela-         modes of transport, there is a lot of room
EUROPEAN CONSORTIA                           tionship between terminals and freight          to reduce the overall environmental im-
BLOCK EXEMPTION                              forwarders acting as carriers.                  pact of ships and their engines even fur-
REGULATION (BER)                                  Due to ever-bigger vessels, high           ther. As such, the Working Group fully
The BER exempts certain activities of        peaks and related cascade effects, many         supports all of theses steps and is fully
consortia from competition rules, and        terminals around the world have to              aware that it will have a serious impact
it is up for renewal in 2020. Stakehold-     deal with congestion. On the other              on transport cost.
ers were asked to comment, and FIA-          hand, forwarders often try to speed up               Some shipping lines started to an-
TA /CLECAT’s main concerns are legal         the delivery or receipt of a container –        nounce Sulphur Surcharges to be im-
certainty and the concern that any such      which would be an advantage for ter-            plemented prior to January 2020, well
block exemptions should clearly be fo-       minals. But the contractual relation-           ahead of the actual implementation date.
cused on sea freight activities from port    ship is between carrier and terminal,           The Working Group is concerned that
to port only.                                which gives the forwarder no room to            shipping lines may abuse the regulation
      A verdict in a court in Antwerp re-    negotiate terms with the terminal that          to implement unreasonable surcharges,
lated to demurrage charges due to con-       may lead to less ‘in-terminal hours’ of         in order to increase profits. The Working
gestion in a container terminal. Due         a container, and to higher productivity         Group decided to refrain from making a
to other commitments we have yet to          of a terminal.                                  public statement, however.

                                                                                                  No. 127 |  May 2019   FIATA REVIEW   11

ROTTERDAM RULES – UPDATE                      CMA CGM has recently purchased the            ADVISORY BODY
The formal name of the Rotterdam              firm Ceva and a handful of container          INTERNATIONAL
Rules is the United Nations Convention        shipping lines have joined forces to joint-
on Contracts for the International Car-       ly develop digital products.                  AFFAIRS (ABIA)
riage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea.
     As of today only a few countries         THE DIGITALISED FIATA BILL                    The Advisory Body International Affairs
have ratified the convention into their       OF LADING (E-FIATA B / L) AND                 (ABIA) held its annual Headquarters Ses-
national law. Another 20+ countries           THE PROPOSAL OF A FIATA                       sion meeting with vibrant participation
have signed the convention. To become         PLATFORM                                      from all in attendance, to hear about the
International law, 20 countries will          The e-FIATA B / L is a project run by         body’s work over the past five months
need to have ratified the convention.         ABIT and the WG Sea is highly commit-         and also to highlight a new and emerg-
The effective date will be twelve months      ted to support FIATA and ABIT on these        ing topic that typically goes overlooked
after the 20th country finalises its over-    projects. The Working Group keeps in          in our industry. FIATA members had a
all ratification process.                     close contact with ABIT and is updated        first-hand look at how refugees and im-
     The signing of the convention is         by ABIT on the further developments.          migration impacts international trade
expected to gain momentum after the                                                         and encourages governments to engage
United States of America has signed the       INTERNATIONAL MARITIME                        in protectionist policies.
convention. But the overall timing re-        BUREAU – NVOCC REGISTER                            After opening the meeting, the ABIA
mains uncertain and does not appear to        AND CODE OF CONDUCT                           Chair Mr. Paul Golland asked Mr. Bassil
have ben accorded any priority. There is      (FOR NVOCC)                                   Eid to provide a brief update of FIATA’s
nevertheless encouragement from vari-         The International Chamber of Com-             recent participation in the 2018 UN
ous sources (CMI) to motivate govern-         merce (ICC) International Maritime            High-Level Political Forum in New York.
ments to sign the Rotterdam Rules, also       Bureau (IMB) launched its Non-                Mr. Eid informed delegates that this was
in view of its relevance with regard to       Vessel Operating Common Carriers              the one time every year that the UN
electronic commerce.                          (NVOCC) Register and Code of Con-             opens its door to the private sector’s in-
     FIATA has adopted a neutral stance       duct on the 15th of January 2019.             put, and that it specifically wants to hear
and it is for FIATA Association Mem-               It is noted that there is a prevalence   from the trade and logistics industry re-
bers to decide on whether they support        of incorrect NVOCC bills of lading pre-       garding its role in achieving the newly-
the Rotterdam Rules or not and make           sented to banks and other stakeholders        established 17 Sustainable Development
any representations, for or against, to       in the trading and finance chain, with        Goals (SDG).
their own governments.                        the aim of defrauding the trade finance            Although logistics does not have a
                                              system, possibly for the purposes of          standalone goal in the SDGs, it is nev-
DIGITALISATION                                multiple financing, money laundering,         ertheless mentioned 20 times in direct
It is expected that in coming years           etc. The ICC estimates that more than         targets, which are critical to SDG imple-
our industry will go through dramatic         95% of the false bills of lading the IMB      mentation. Mr. Issa Baluch participated
changes. With the event of digitalisa-        identifies are issued by NVOCCs.              on a panel in June last year with other
tion, big data and the Internet of Things          The purpose of the NVOCC Reg-            private sector stakeholders where he em-
(IoT), there will be challenges and also      ister is to improve anti-fraud standards      phasised focus on logistics connectivity
opportunities for operations by tradi-        and provide a mechanism to recognise          within the proposed SDGs to ensure a
tional Freight Forwarders.                    participating NVOCCs that adhere to           future of sustainable trade and long term
     Threats are not only expected to         a minimum standard of anti-fraud mea­         economic prosperity.
come from the traditional market play-        sures in their operations.                         Following the SDG update, the
ers, but also from start-up companies              When it comes to an international        meeting moved to our panel with our
with very strong IT bases and substantial     quality standard related to NVOCC             first speaker, Ms. Rosa Losada, a Re-
access to funds. On the other side, the       Bill of Ladings, ideally it should have a     search Fellow at World Trade Institute.
concentration of shipping lines will lead     major involvement of FIATA, with the          Ms. Losada briefed delegates on the inter­
to very powerful and big companies with       FIATA B / L additionally being the pre-       dependencies between migration, human
their own plans and agendas. Maersk           ferred document.                              rights and trade and investment in fos-
Line is very transparent in its ambition to        The next meeting of the Working          tering development in third-world coun-
become the integrator of container logis-     Group is scheduled to be held in Beirut,      tries, using the common concern theo-
tics, in the process being a serious threat   Lebanon. It is simultaneously scheduled       retical framework. She highlighted that
for our industry. Their Trade Lens prod-      to coincide with the RAME meeting,            many key migrants put forth immense
uct was discussed and reported on in the      which in turn is set to be held from the      efforts to integrate into societies that are
previous report.                              24th to the 26th of June 2019.                foreign to them and contribute to eco-

12   FIATA REVIEW   No. 127 |  May 2019

nomic development, to boost prosperity          different groups with different perspec-         having a specific sub-set of states bearing
for all. She advised her audience that un-      tives of migration, ranging from those           the full burden of responsibility as well
fortunately, political agendas play a role      that support migration to those that wish        as of costs.
in restricting migration and political pro-     migrants would leave and go back home.                Following on from all three engaging
ponents use this topic as a tactic to gain      She believes that religious and cultural         presentations, Chairman Mr. Golland
popularity and garner votes, especially as      upbringing play a role in establishing           opened the floor for questions that co­
elections near. These anti-immigration          which group a person belongs to.                 vered a wide range of queries, from how
political agendas also spill over into trade,        Ms. Jaamac was followed by Ms. Jose­        technology has impacted migrant flows,
as when migrants are no longer able to          phine Liebl, the Head of Inter­national          to what the private sector can do to help
cross borders, there is also a tendency to      Advocacy at the European Council on              promote the value of migrant workers in
reduce the import of goods with less de-        Refugees and Exiles, who gave a more             their day-to-day operations.
mand for imported goods.                        Euro-centric view on immigration. She                 As time ran out, Mr. Golland an-
     Following Ms. Losada, Mr. ­Golland         highlighted the political crisis in Europe,      nounced the closing of the meeting, gi­
introduced Ms. Khadija Jaamac, of the           which focuses on the influx of immigra-          ving details of the next meeting that will
Somaliland Swiss Association, from              tion from Eastern European and Middle            be held at the 2019 FIATA World Con-
Bern, Switzerland. Ms. Jaamac experi-           Eastern states.                                  gress in Cape Town, South Africa, in Oc-
enced the migrant experience person-                 This has resulted in a string of re-na-     tober of this year.
ally, having migrated from Somaliland           tionalistic policies and the rise of political
to Switzerland. She told her audience           movements that are centred on anti-im-
about her experiences during an evening         migration sentiments. Regardless of the
with friends, with her friends discussing       facts and statistics, immigration is some-
their dislike of migrants who have come         thing that voters can see in their every­day     ADVISORY BODY
to Switzerland, but in the meantime also        lives and is therefore more easily relatable     INFORMATION
refusing to acknowledge Ms. Jaamac as           to than statistics, such as immigration’s
a migrant herself, because she was seen         contribution to raising economic wealth,         TECHNOLOGY (ABIT)
as a friend and already established as a        for example. The European Union has
member of society. However, Ms. Jaamac          proposed advocacy on responsibility              The topic of Information Technol-
explained that integration was a process        sharing inside the EU; external Affairs,         ogy (IT) has witnessed a revival within
and required time. She highlighted three        Return, Inclusion, EU funding instead of         FIATA, and the body has grown and
                                                                                                 reshaped itself to meet the demands of
                                                                                                 FIATA members. At our annual 2019
                                                                                                 HQ session, the Advisory Body Informa-
                                                                                                 tion Technology (ABIT) chair Ms. Anne
                                                                                                 Sandretto advised members that the body
                                                                                                 will focus on practical projects, starting
                                                                                                 with recent work and the development
                                                                                                 of the electronic FIATA Bill of Lading
                                                                                                 (e-FBL) and move on to a diverse panel
                                                                                                 of experts to discuss the future of IT de-
                                                                                                 velopments in the logistics sector.
                                                                                                      Mr. Bassil Eid, ABIT manager, start-
                                                                                                 ed the discussion by updating members
                                                                                                 on the recent development of the e-FBL.
                                                                                                 He advised his audience that FIATA
                                                                                                 worked with an IT Supplier called ess-
                                                                                                 DOCS, conducting five pilots with five
                                                                                                 Association Members (France, Vietnam,
                                                                                                 Romania, Netherlands and South Afri-
                                                                                                 ca), taking on board a freight forwarding
                                                                                                 member to execute an FBL on the digi-
                                                                                                 tal platform. The pilot revealed the key
                                                                                                 requirements needed to move the project
                                                                                                 forward in developing a fully-fledged
ABIT manager Bassil Eid explained the pilot for the electronic FIATA Bill of Lading (e-FBL).     overall solution.

                                                                                                      No. 127 |  May 2019   FIATA REVIEW   13

In the primary launch of the pilot all the    lar AWB. The security of One Record is
freight forwarder’s stakeholders (agents,     managed through a Trust Network. The
banks, carriers, etc) were not taken on       steps to bring a user on board are as fol-
board into the digital system, making it      lows. Re­gister the One Record partici-
difficult for them to execute an e-FBL        pant through a dedicated accreditation
shipment. Therefore, it was required to       process; issue a One Record certificate
offer a solution for forwarders to print      as an identifier; verify the validity of the
the e-FBL, after producing it in the digi-    One Record certificate; and finally, man-
tal system, and through a secure barcode      aged by the data owners, regarding who
and chip circulate the e-FBL through the      can grant access to specific companies or
supply chain.                                 groups of companies. Mr. Mulder said
     As the e-FBL circulated to various       that currently, 60 participants from all
stakeholders in the supply chain, those       areas of the air cargo industry are partici-
stakeholders have the capability to scan      pating in this project, which includes five
the barcode through a downloadable ap-        freight forwarders, 21 airlines and two
plication, pull up data that confirms the     customs authorities.
authenticity and ownership of the FBL,             Following Mr. Mulder’s presentation,
as well as providing tracing updates of the   Mr. Salvatore Bocchetti, Strategic Direc-
stakeholders that received it.                tor at Flyability, took the floor to discuss
     This system will also allow FIATA        the practical uses of drone technology in
members to use an electronic FBL with-        confined spaces. This presentation high-
out having all of the stakeholders in the     lighted a different angle for the use of
digital platform. Mr. Jaco Voorspuij, Se­     drones, as previously drones were viewed
nior Manager Transport & Logistics at         as a last-mile carrier that was not a market-
GS1, confirmed that it is available to pro-   ready product for the logistics industry.
vide GS1 standards, such as the Global        This drone technology, however, was cre-
Location Number, uniquely identifying         ated to operate in confined spaces, such as
each user in the system and enhancing         warehouses and ports, moving parcels over
security within the e-FBL and FBL. The        short distances within a small space, or
applicability of using this platform to       utilising drone technology for inventory        tions and their work in the IT logistics
exe­cute and / or exchange Fiata Members      count through barcode scanning.                 field. She said that FIATA will remain on
HBLs, and / or information with the dif-           Mr. Bocchetti presented an overall         top of the ongoing technological deve­
ferent stakeholders through the overall       case for drones in the logistics industry       lopments and continue to advise mem-
supply chain, was also studied and dis-       that could add value today and not in the       bers accordingly on projects, both inter-
cussed in the meeting.                        future, for which it is predominantly seen      nally and externally.
     Following FIATA’s update on the          as a last-mile carrier.
e-FBL, Mr. Henk Mulder, Head of Digi-              Before closing Ms. Sandretto updated
tal Cargo at IATA, detailed IATA’s new        members on the European Digital Trans-
‘One Record Project’. IATA’s goal is to       port Logistics Forum, which she attend-
establish an end-to-end digital logistics     ed as ABIT Chair in March 2019. She             ADVISORY BODY
and transport supply chain, where data        advised listeners that the second phase         LEGAL MATTERS
is easily and transparently exchanged in      has commenced, creating two working
a digital ecosystem of air cargo stakehold-   groups: 1) Paperless Transport and 2)           (ABLM)
ers, communities and data platforms.          Corridor Information System. The first
The essence of the One Record is to move      working group focuses on assisting the          The session of Advisory Body Legal Mat-
from a peer-to-peer messaging model to a      implementation of the e-FTI Regulation,         ters (ABLM) took pace on the 28th of
data-sharing model, relying on a Virtual      while the second working group aims to          March, and it featured an informative
Single Record. Data is shared through an      create a European Generic Digital Plat-         panel discussion on the subject of ‘due
Internet of Logistics, using existing web     form prototype, offering third-party ser-       diligence on sub-contractors’, atten­ded
standards, such as HTTP and JSON,             vices for transport and logistics, includ-      by Dr. Barbara Furrer, Head of Legal
relying on standard Application Pro-          ing customs-clearance aspects based on          Switzerland of the Deutsche Post DHL
gramming Interfaces (APIs) to allow for       interoperability, amongst others.               Group, and Ms. Snowden, Executive
example an airline that wants to have ac-          Closing the session, the Chair com-        Director of the Canadian Inter­national
cess to the shipment record of a particu-     mended the panellist for their contribu-        Freight Forwarders Association, and pub-

14   FIATA REVIEW   No. 127 |  May 2019

                                                                                            Ms. Snowden: You get what you pay for.
                                                                                            The rate is critical, however; if every­one
                                                                                            presses prices down, then this leaves no
                                                                                            margin for the supplier to train employ-
                                                                                            ees properly and adopt new technologies,
                                                                                            and then the whole supply chain will suf-
                                                                                            fer in the long term.
                                                                                                 Dr. Furrer: More and more Euro-
                                                                                            pean countries have legislation for mini-
                                                                                            mum wages for drivers. If a freight for-
                                                                                            warder goes only for the low rate, which
                                                                                            possibly does not comply with the mini-
                                                                                            mum wage, the liability may come back
                                                                                            to the freight forwarder.

                                                                                            Q2. For truck transport in Europe,
                                                                                            people now go to online platforms to
                                                                                            search for the cheapest trucker. It is
                                                                                            my concern that people neglect the
                                                                                            due diligence process when using these
                                                                                            platforms, without knowing who the
                                                                                            real carrier is. What are your thoughts?
                                                                                                   Ms. Snowden: every organisation
                                                                           A lively panel       should have a qualified supplier list
                                                                          discussion on           created based on its past experience.
                                                                        due diligence on          It is not clear whether these plat-
                                                                      subcontractors took         forms will make proper financial
                                                                       place in the ABLM          and qualification assessment over
                                                                             session.            the truck companies. It is a ‘buyer-
lication of FIATA’s best-practice guide on    own liability, fail-                             be-aware’ situation.
‘The Prevention of Cybercrime’.               ure to perform for                                  Dr. Furrer: Most of these platforms
     Dr. Barbara Furrer said that the DP-     customers, fraud, theft                       do not offer guarantees for the perfor-
DHL compliance programme is made up           and financial ruin. She cited an example of mance of suppliers. DPDHL conducts
of three parts: Anti-Corruption & Busi-       a young couple that had to pay a demurrage DD on these platform suppliers, the
ness Ethics Policy, Supplier Code of          fee of USD 160,000, as one consignee did same way as other suppliers.
Conduct, and an Online Due Diligence          not pick up the cargo for eight months. This       Mr. Gluck: This trend is also deve­
Questionnaire. Possible criteria to decide    tragedy was mainly the result of the couple loping in the United States of America.
whether a sub-contractor needs to go          failing to do DD on their shipper.            Some of these websites will have due dili-
through a complete due diligence process            She advises freight forwarders to gence guidelines on these suppliers, but
include annual revenue, Corruption Per-       have one agent in an overseas city to de- forwarders will need to do DD on their
ception Index, brand use and some par-        velop a more controllable and sustainable own, so prudence is required.
ticularly sensitive criteria.                 partner­ship. She also suggested forward-
     She advised her audience that for-       ers check questions, such as whether an Q3. Normally, sub-contractors only
warders should have back-to-back contract     overseas forwarder is a member of FIATA have carrier’s liability insurance, but
conditions with customers and suppliers,      or its local association, what credibility it the coverage is low; is it legally feasible
especially on obligations on service per-     has, whether there is a collect house air- to request them to have insurance for
formance, liability, demurrage, liens and     way bill under the master airway bill, and the cargo?
retention rights, and quality agreement. In   whether the consignee is known to the              Ms. Snowden: CIFFA has a plan
supplier contracts it is important to have    freight forwarder.                            to advise member firms to handle only
termination rights, in case the supplier is                                                 cargo covered by cargo insurance. ­CIFFA
in breach of its compliance obligations.      Q1. Some forwarders shop for the low- requests members to have errors and
     Ms. Snowden started by pointing out      est rate, without regard to the reliabili­ omissions insurance and legal liability in-
the risks of not having proper DD, such       ty of the party offering the rate. What surance for a minimum of USD 250,000.
as non-payment, extension of forwarders’      are the risks of this approach?               Insurance is a good way to mitigate risks.

                                                                                                 No. 127 |  May 2019   FIATA REVIEW   15

Dr. Furrer: it is possible to request sub-
contractors to do so in the contracts. But
it is better to make sure that customer
have sufficient cargo insurance coverage.
     FIATA’s best-practice guide on ‘The
Prevention of Cybercrime’ was released in
the session. FIATA members and global
forwarders can go to www.fiata.com –
‘Media’ – ‘Document for download’ to
obtain this document.
     Mr. Michael Yarwood said that this
is an ABLM initiative, having recognised
the risks posed by cybercrime in recent
years. The document provides an intro-
duction to the concept of cybercrime,
identifies the primary perpetrators, their
motivations and objectives, highlights
the current regulatory framework, pro-
vides guidance on assessing businesses
risk exposure and introduces the applica-
ble overall IMO framework.

                                                                                                                  In the Advisory Body
The Advisory Body Safety                                                                                          Safety Security session
Security (ABSS) presented                                                                                         the main discussion topic
an in-depth agenda at                                                                                             addressed DG software
this year’s 2019 FIATA                                                                                            for the handling of
                                                                                                                  ­ha­zardous goods.
HQ Session. The meet-
ing began with short up-
dates from the USA, Europe                                                                                      before permission is granted
and Australia. Mr. Brian Lovell,                                                                               for cargo to be loaded on air-
ABSS Vice Chairman, confirmed                                                                               craft bound for the USA.
that in regard to Australia, as of the                                                                        Mr. Niels Beuck report­     ed
1st of March 2019, all export cargo to                                                               on a German road freight initiative
any global destination needs to originate                                                        called ‘Project Cargo’. Organised by the
from a known consignor, or receive techni-                                                       German policy agency, the unit targets
cal screening before being loaded on board                                                       organised crime in road freight. The poli­
an aircraft. Since the 1st of July 2017, all air   Mr. Will Sehestedt updated matters con-       cy unit has managed to contain a crime
cargo bound for US destinations has already        cerning the USC-TPAT, highlighting            structure in Poland which sent mobile
been processed under new arrangements, but         that there is a re-authorisation bill in-     teams throughout Europe. During 2018-
it only represents 5% of Australia’s export air    troduced in Congress to revive the pro-       2019, the project has so far resulted in
cargo. Everything has gone smoothly so far,        gramme. In addition, the US CBP’s Air         an 80% reduction in organised road
with many large forwarders implementing            Cargo Advanced Screening programme            freight crime. The plan is to expand this
off-airport screening at their facilities, and     (ACAS) went into effect in June 2018,         project throughout Europe. Mr. Andreas
many larger exporters joining the Known            requiring a set of pre-shipment advance       ­Wilhelm advised his audience that due to
Consignor (KC) export scheme.                      data to be filed with the CBP for analysis,    Brexit it is now necessary to redistribute

16   FIATA REVIEW     No. 127 |  May 2019

responsibility for designation of ACC3,        mated 50% less time required. Their pro-  Spedlogswiss, with the topic ‘the Dual
RA3, KC3 identified entities to the re-        posed solution improves regulatory com-   Training System in Switzerland’.
maining 27 member states. The former           pliance and reduces airline’s rejection and     The Chairman Mr. Thomas Sim of-
are entities hand­ling cargo with destina-     therefore reduces regulatory fines. It hasfered the following statistics on valida-
tions in the EU. They published a list         the ability to send check results electroni-
                                                                                         tions and diplomas issued:
of these new assignments, which will be        cally to internal and external stakehold- – 17 FIATA Associations validated the
available to FIATA members.                    ers, such as a message to the Notification   FIATA Higher Diploma in Supply
     Following the short updates, ABSS         to Captain Document, or error reports        Chain Management (FHDSCM).
Chair Mr. David Fielder advised dele­          to the shippers, and manage all check     – 311 Higher Diplomas in Supply Chain
gates that the main discussion topic for       processes and report globally within the     Management have been issued since
this session will address the growth of        organisation, which reduces per usage (all   2015. Of these, 153 were issued in
DG software and how the industry will          DGD are scanned). They currently have        REU, 105 in RAP and 53 in RAME.
incorporate this technology when hand­         a cohort of freight forwarding members    – 413 Trainer Certificates have been issued
ling DG sensitive goods.                       testing the software, including DHL,         since 2011, 182 in RAP, 152 in RAME,
     FIATA invited speakers from Dan-          Panalpina, Kuehne + Nagel, and others.       47 in RAMNS, and 32 in REU.
gerous Goods Management (DGM)                       In addition, there were representa-  – 61 programmes in 53 countries have
and the International Air Transport As-        tives from Lufthansa DG department           validated the FIATA Diploma in
sociation (IATA) to demonstrate their          who joined the other two presenters after    Freight Forwarding at least once, and
dangerous-goods software live for the          the session, to meet attendees and answer    45 programmes in 41 countries have
audience. Mr. Herman Teering, Manag-           any further questions                        re-validated it in the last four years.
ing Director at DGM, primarily focused              Following both engaging demonstra-   – 15,075 FIATA Diplomas in Freight For-
on the multi­modal capabilities of DGM’s       tions, ABSS Vice Chairman Mr. Lovell         warding were issued between the 1st of
software. Mr. Teering advised his audi-        moderated a panel session. Training was a    January 1996 and the 8th of March
ence that its products are designed to         key question of interest from many dele-     2019. The region with most diplomas is
operate together with the most common          gates, with both speakers confirming that    REU, with RAP, RAME and – last but
administrative computer systems, includ-       certified training will still be required by not least – RAMNS catching up fast.
ing SAP, Navision, AS 400 systems, Unix        those utilising the software, as software – 614 FDFF have been issued in the last
systems, etc. He confirmed the product         should be seen as a tool to supplement ex-   six months, with RAP taking the lead.
provides auto­matic insight into what is       isting mandatory training requirements          A handover of the Validation Certifi-
allowed and obligatory in trade, transpor-     and the user of that tool is liable.      cates followed. BAIF (Belarus), ­IOFFLAT
tation, hand­ling, storage and production           In closing the meeting with sincere  (Chinese Taipei), TLF (France), AFG
and fulfils all the required documenta-        thanks to all presenters, ABSS Chair      (Georgia), GIFF (Ghana), PIFFA (Po-
tion and labelling needs to ensure FIATA       Mr. Fielder said that the next meeting    land), CBFCA (Australia), TAFLA (Chi-
members stay compliant with legislation.       will be held at the 2019 FIATA World      nese Taipei) successfully re-validated the
The software is also updated constantly        Congress in Cape Town in October.         FDFF. PIFFA (Pakistan) re-validated the
to continuously comply with the appli-                                                   FHDSCM. Mr. Sim appreciated the im-
cable rules and regulations of the ICAO                                                  proved quality of training programmes
Technical Instructions, which are released                                               coming for re-validation. He noted that
every two years; but with more frequent                                                  CBFCA Australia’s training programme
updates when required.                         ADVISORY BODY                             was fully online, which demonstrates the
     Following Mr. Teering, Mr. Chris-         VOCATIONAL                                trend of online training in the future.
tophe Gevrey, Product Manager at IATA,                                                         Dr. Saeed of the ITC said that since
and Mr. Frédéric Leger, Director APCS          TRAINING (ABVT)                           the negotiation for WTO Trade Facilita-
at IATA, demonstrated their DG Auto                                                      tion Agreement was concluded in 2013,
Check software specifically focused on the     This session provided delegates with an the ITC had been assisting countries in
air transport sector. They advised listeners   update on all ABVT matters, includ- adopting and implementing the agree-
that today, checks are performed manual-       ing diploma and validation statistics. ment. The ITC’s services in capacity-
ly by certified Category 6 trained person-     It also features two speakers, namely building for SMEs have evolved with
nel to accept or reject consignments using     Dr. Mohammad Saeed, Senior Trade time, with training manuals – instruc-
IATA checklists. DG AutoCheck is an            Facilitation Adviser, International Trade tor-led training – on-the-job coaching –
IATA solution built to assist users during     Centre, with the topic ‘TFA implemen- train-the-trainer methodology – e-learn-
the acceptance process. They highlighted       tation – from learning to community- ing courses – community-based learning.
the fact that their software helps enhance     based learning’, and Ms. Julia Mathis-­         A Training Manual, ‘SMEs and Trade
the checking process time, with an esti-       von Planta, the Training Manager of Facilitation Agreement’, is free to down-

                                                                                                 No. 127 |  May 2019   FIATA REVIEW   17
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