Page created by Florence Pierce
Texas RevoluTion’s                                GeTTinG cReaTive              The painTed chuRches
      First casualty                                       With tacos                oF central texas

F o r e l e c t r i c c o o p e r at i v e m e m b e r s                                       march 2021

                                     N AT U R E ’ S PA L E T T E C A P T I VAT E S
                                             T E X A N S E V E RY S P R I N G

March 2021
                                                                               04            currents
                                                                                             The latest buzz

                                                                               06            tcp talk
                                                                                             Readers respond

                                                                               18            co-op news
                                                                                             plus energy
                                                                                             and safety
                                                                                             tips from your

                                                                               29            Footnotes in
                                                                                             texas history
                                                                                             By Michael Hurd

                                                                               30            tcp Kitchen
                                                                                             By Megan Myers

                                                                               34            hit the road
                                                                                             Where Artistry
            08                                                                               By Chet Garner

            Flower Power                                                       37            Focus on texas
                                                                                             Photo Contest:
            Wildflowers proliferate in an explosion of color along the                       Diners
            highways and byways of texas each spring, inspiring artists
            to capture the state’s wild beauty and luring travelers off
            the beaten path.                                                   38            observations
                                                                                             Few and Far
            By Sheryl Smith-Rodgers                                                          By Eli Winter

            On the COver
            A red patch of Indian paint-
            brush highlights a field of
            wildflowers near new Berlin.
            A firewheel.
            Photos by Rob Greebon

t e x AsC O OppOWer .COm                                                  m A rC h 2 0 2 1 T E X AS C O - O P POW E R 3

Month of Tweets
oF the 654 species     of birds documented in Texas, over half are migra-
tory. Millions of these will fly the Texas skies starting this month on their
way to northern breeding grounds after wintering in Mexico and Central

                                                                               scout’s honor
and South America.
   Some species, such as the prothonotary warbler, below, and red-eyed
vireo, will go no farther north than Texas, where they’ll make their home      since the Boy scouts of
until the fall, when they migrate south again.                                 America created the eagle
                                                                               scout rank in 1911, about
                                                                               2.6 million Americans have
                                                                               earned one of scouting’s
                                                                               highest honors. until last year,
                                                                               all eagle scouts were boys.
                                                                                  When Abby Winkelman,
                                                                               whose family is a member of
                                                                               sam houston electric Coop-

                                                                                                                                 WArBler: frO de jACO B sen | sh ut t erstO Ck .CO m. WIn kelmAn : CO urte sy dO n WIn kelmAn. gl As s: Alter-egO | shut terstOCk .COm. fAmIly COOkIng: BBernArd | shut terstOCk .COm
                                                                               erative, became an eagle
                                                                               scout in October, when she
                                                                               was 14, she made history,
                                                                               becoming one of the first girls
                                                                               to reach the rank.
                                                                                  “I don’t think I’ve ever set a
                                                                               goal this ambitious for myself,
                                                                               so I’m just really proud of my-
                                                                               self that I met my goal,” said
                                                                               Winkelman, of troop 5131
                                                                               in Austin, “and I planned and
                                                                               I got help from all my friends
                                                                               and all my community.”

hank the cool Dog
Texas’ coolest dog meets Texas’ coolest character.
 A new podcast series stars Matthew McConaughey as Hank the Cowdog,
based on the long-running series of children’s books written by Texan John
R. Erickson, illustrated by Gerald L. Holmes and set in the Panhandle.
 The podcast, which debuted in the fall, is available on all major podcast platforms.

4 T E X AS CO-OP POWER mArCh 2021                                                               t e x AsC O O p pOW e r .C O m
“I will never
 forsake Texas
 and her cause.
 I am her son.”
 — J o s é a n T o n i o n ava R R o

 Finish this
       tell us how you would finish that
 sentence. email your short responses
 to or
 comment on our facebook post. Include
 your co-op and town. here are some of
 the responses to our january prompt:
 life was better …
                                               Drink to That?
 When my skate key was hanging around          u s i n g h o u s to n as a model, researchers at Rice University have
 my neck, my knees were scabbed and the        developed a plan to recycle wastewater economically and make it
 wind was blowing my hair from my face.        drinkable, which could reduce the need for surface water—from
 j A n I C e f . C O n W Ay
 t r I n I t y vA l l e y e C                  rivers, reservoirs and wells—by 28%.
                                                  “All the technologies needed to treat wastewater to drinking
                                               water quality are available,” Rice researcher Qilin Li said. “The
 Before COvId-19.
 g A r y g A l l O W Ay                        issue is that today they’re still pretty expensive.”
 trI-COunty eC
 W e At h e r f O r d
                                                  This proposed system makes up for that by bringing down the
                                               cost of a city’s water supply. Recycled water doesn’t have to travel
 When we could reach out and touch some-       as far and is therefore cheaper.
 one, literally. I miss hugs and handshakes.      Cheers.
 CA r m e n lO C kst e dt
 vICtOrIA eC

 When the only screen we had was in our
 door, and we could see through it.                                                       Contests and More
 p At r I C I A r A p A C k I
 mIdsOuth eC
                                                                                      $500 recipe contest
                                                                                      kids Cooking
 After I recovered from ovarian cancer.
 sherrI jeffery                                                                       Focus on texas photos
 g r Ay s O n - C O l l I n e C                                                       night life
                                                                                      Win a booK
                                                                                      enter to win Texas Wildflowers:
 to see more responses, read                                                          A Field Guide.
 Currents online.

 t e x AsC O OppOWer .COm                                                                 m A rC h 2 0 2 1 T E X AS C O - O P POW E R 5
TCP Talk

                                                                                                                    “Katmai National Park and
                                                                                                                     Preserve holds a contest
                                                                                                                     every year to name the
                                                                                                                     fattest bear at Brooks Falls.”
                                                                                                                    Julia FRankenField
                                                                                                                    MidsouTh ec
r u s sel l A . g r Aves

                     no Fan of the span                                                                             a World opens                                       Dialect in Danger
                     My wife drove across it with our teenage                                                       The Carnegie library of my                          The Texas German dialect and
                     son in 1985 and could not drive back                                 Crossed it pulling a      hometown of Terrell did in-                         culture are slowly dying out
                     [The Scariest Bridge in Texas, January                               six-horse trailer with    deed fill a real need [Literary                      as they are not passed on to
                                                                                          a truck full of squeal-
                     2021]. It was so traumatizing for her that                           ing little girls [The
                                                                                                                    Fortunes, January 2021]. As a                       younger generations [Burgs in
                     she has not been able to drive over any                              Scariest Bridge in        boy I was able to jump on my                        a New Land, December 2020].
                     multilevel highway overpass, interstate                              Texas, january 2021].     bike and spend time looking                         Within the next 20 years, the
                     or other even moderately high bridge                                 not something I care      through the stacks and espe-                        Texas German dialect will be-
                                                                                          to repeat.
                     since.                                                                                         cially enjoying the reference                       come extinct after being spo-
                        It should have a warning sign.                                    k Ay m O t l e y          room. The whole world                               ken for close to 200 years.
                                                                                          v I A fA C e B O O k
                                                                                                                    opened for me.                                         In 2001, I founded the
                     William hamlin
                                                                                                                                                                        Texas German Dialect Project
                     tri-County eC                                                                                  dan Wood jr.
                     keller                                                                                                                                             at the University of Texas to
                                                                                                                    trinity valley eC
                                                                                                                    terrell                                             record this unique dialect.

                     Thank you for the article about the fear                                                                                                           hans Boas
                                                                                                                                                                        pedernales eC
                     of crossing bridges and high overpasses.
                     I am that person. I will go out of my way
                     to avoid the flyovers in Houston and
                     any other high or narrow bridge.                                                                                                                          Write to u s

                        I no doubt annoy drivers behind me                                                                                                    
                     when I have no choice but to use one of
                                                                                                                                                                        editor, texas Co-op power
                     these structures, and I crawl across it,                                                                                                           1122 Colorado st., 24th floor
                     white-knuckled, at 40 mph.                                                                                                                         Austin, tx 78701

                     linda secrist                                                                                                                                      please include your electric
                     san Bernard eC                                                                                                                                     co-op and town. letters may
                                                                             rO Be rt s e Ale

                     magnolia                                                                                                                                           be edited for clarity and length.

                                                                                                                                                                                           texas Co-op power

                     texas electric cooperatives boarD oF Directors                                                 texas co-op power volume 77, number 9 (usps 540-560). Texas Co-op Power is published
                     chair robert loth III, fredericksburg • vice chair gary raybon, el Campo                       monthly by texas electric Cooperatives (teC). periodical postage paid at Austin, tx, and at additional
                     secretary-treasurer kelly lankford, san Angelo • board members greg henley, tahoka             offices. teC is the statewide association representing 75 electric cooperatives. Texas Co-op Power’s
                                                                                                                    website is Call (512) 454-0311 or email
                     Billy jones, Corsicana • david mcginnis, van Alstyne • doug turk, livingston
                                                                                                                    subscriptions subscription price is $4.20 per year for individual members of subscribing coop-
                     presiDent/ceo mike Williams, Austin                                                            eratives and is paid from equity accruing to the member. If you are not a member of a subscribing
                     communications & member services committee                                                     cooperative, you can purchase an annual subscription at the nonmember rate of $7.50. Individual
                     marty haught, Burleson • Bill hetherington, Bandera • ron hughes, sinton                       copies and back issues are available for $3 each.
                     Boyd mcCamish, littlefield • john ed shinpaugh, Bonham • robert Walker, gilmer                 postmaster send address changes to Texas Co-op Power (usps 540-560), 1122 Colorado st.,
                     Buff Whitten, eldorado • Brandon young, mcgregor                                               24th floor, Austin, tx 78701. please enclose label from this copy of Texas Co-op Power showing
                                                                                                                    old address and key numbers.
                     magazine staFF
                                                                                                                    aDvertising Advertisers interested in buying display ad space in Texas Co-op Power and/or in
                     vice president, communications & member services martin Bevins                                 our 30 sister publications in other states, contact elaine sproull at (512) 486-6251. Advertisements
                     editor Charles j. lohrmann • associate editor tom Widlowski                                    in Texas Co-op Power are paid solicitations. the publisher neither endorses nor guarantees in any
                     production manager karen nejtek • creative manager Andy doughty                                manner any product or company included in this publication. product satisfaction and delivery re-
                     advertising manager elaine sproull • senior communications specialist Chris Burrows            sponsibility lie solely with the advertiser. © Copyright 2021 texas electric Cooperatives Inc. repro-
                     print production specialist grace fultz • communications specialist travis hill                duction of this issue or any portion of it is expressly prohibited without written permission. Willie
                     Food editor megan myers • communications specialist jessica ridge                              Wiredhand © Copyright 2021 national rural electric Cooperative Association.
                     Digital content producer Chris salazar • senior Designer jane sharpe
                     proofreader shannon Oelrich

                     6 T E X AS CO-OP POWER mArCh 2021                                                                                                                                t e x AsC O O p pOW e r .C O m
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t e x AsC O OppOWer .COm                                                                                                                                                                         m A rC h 2 0 2 1 T E X AS C O - O P POW E R 7
s e a s o n a l s Way o F c o lo r s
                      Drives tex ans WilD

                  By she Ryl sMiTh-RodGe Rs

n at u r e ’ s pa l e t t e c a p t i vat e s
                                   Texans every spring.
Sapphire blue, lemony yellow, crimson red, golden orange,
lavender purple and ivory white. We love our wildflowers
so much that we’ll drive great distances to see them. Frame
their colors in countless photos. Designate official state
titles in their honor. Celebrate their return with festivals,
parades and dances. Spread their seeds across our yards,
campuses and roadsides. Pen words, compose music and
paint landscapes that hail their natural glory.
   We also revere the Texans who’ve promoted our 5,000-
plus species of wildflowers and native plants. Foremost
was Lady Bird Johnson, who started her national highway
cleanup campaign during Lyndon B. Johnson’s presidency
and co-founded the National Wildflower Research Center
in 1982. Now called the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower
Center, the 284-acre complex in Austin supports the Botanic
Garden and Arboretum of Texas as well as cultivated gar-
dens and wild natural areas.
   Another wildflower hero is Carroll Abbott of Kerrville, a
native plant expert who lobbied in 1981 to establish the fourth
Saturday in April as Texas Wildflower Day. That same year
he was instrumental in founding the Native Plant Society of
Texas, which now boasts 34 chapters with 2,800 members.
   Other wildflower advocates made a difference, too. San
Antonio civic leader Sallie Ward Beretta launched a state-
wide campaign in the 1920s to stop the bluebonnet from
being overpicked. As president of the City Federation of
Women’s Clubs and the San Antonio Council of Girl Scouts,
she recruited volunteers to gather seedpods in fields around
the city. Then they shared the seeds with other cities across
the state and nation.
   Large or small, every effort to protect our wildflowers
makes a difference. You can do your part: Please don’t pick,
trample or uproot bluebonnets or any other wildflowers.
No law prohibits Texans from picking bluebonnets unless
                                                                  rO B greeBO n | ImAges frOm te x As.CO m

they’re on private property or state park land, but any flower
picked or damaged can’t reseed for the next spring’s bloom.
   So welcome back, wildflowers. We look forward to yet
another glorious show!

8 T E X AS CO-OP POWER mArCh 2021
a field of bluebonnets in the southern
chisos Mountains welcomes the sun
as it rises on Big Bend national park.
Well, i Do Declare!
     oFFicial state Designations

s tat e F lo W e r
Most U.S. states claim one official state flower.
Not Texas. We have at least 16. In 1901 the
bluebonnet (Lupinus subcarnosus) went up
against the prickly pear and cotton boll for
the right to be named state flower. Rep. John
“Cactus Jack” Nance Garner of Uvalde lob-
bied for the cactus bloom. Other legislators
argued that cotton had made Texas rich. In
the end, the National Society of the Colonial
Dames of America carried the day, and the
bluebonnet won.
   But floral dissent wasn’t over. Many didn’t
like the bluebonnet choice. Of the state’s six
bluebonnet species, Lupinus subcarnosus
was the “least attractive,” opined botanist
Howard S. Irwin in Roadside Flowers of Texas.
So in 1971 state lawmakers amended legisla-
tion to include the more popular Texas blue-
bonnet (Lupinus texensis) in addition to
Lupinus subcarnosus and all other varieties
of bluebonnet as the official state flower.
   Since then, horticulturalists have devel-
oped different colors of bluebonnets, such as
white and maroon. To date, they’ve intro-
duced at least 10 bluebonnet varieties. Thus,
Texas has at least 16 official state flowers ...
for now.

W i l D F lo W e r c a p i ta l o F t e x a s    t e x a s W i l D F lo W e r Day     b l u e b o n n e t c o - c a p i ta l s
                                                                                      oF te x as
deWitt county                                    Fourth saturday in april
Wildflower trails crisscross deWitt County,      In April 1981 the legislature        Burnet and llano counties
northwest of victoria, where more than 1,000     declared the fourth saturday of      every spring visitors admire wildflowers
wildflower species have been documented.         April as texas Wildflower day. the   along the highland lakes Bluebonnet
A 1999 resolution adopted by the texas house     resolution asks the governor “to     trail, which winds through Burnet and
recognized the county as the Wildflower          issue an appropriate proclamation    llano counties in Central texas. In 1981
Capital of texas.                                annually” to encourage the proper    the legislature designated the pair as
                                                 observance of the special day.       Bluebonnet Co-capitals of texas.

1 0 T E X AS CO-OP POWER mArCh 2021                                                                         t e x AsC O O p pOW e r .C O m
edd Ie WhIt e

s tat e F lo W e r s o n g                                    o F F i c i a l b l u e b o n n e t F e s t i va l o F t e x a s
Bluebonnets                                                   chappell hill Bluebonnet Festival
Our state flower song, Bluebonnets, has roots in Wash-        the Chappell hill historical society hosted its
ington County. julia d. Booth of Chappell hill wrote lyrics   first bluebonnet festival in 1964, calling it the
for the song, which was composed by piano teacher             Bluebonnet Antique show. In 1983 the name
lora C. Crockett. On february 8, 1933, Alice Clay routt       changed to Chappell hill Bluebonnet festival.
of Chappell hill, accompanied by Crockett on the piano,       In 1997 the legislature named the event, in
sang the tune for the texas house. It was then adopted        the town east of Brenham, as the Official
as the state flower song by the legislature.                  Bluebonnet festival of texas.

t e x AsC O OppOWer .COm                                                                                    m A rC h 2 0 2 1 T E X AS C O - O P POW E R 1 1
W i l D F lo W e r s e e D i n g
           brightens roaD trips

Take it            ON THE

since the   1930s the Texas Department of Trans-
portation has planted native flowers and grasses
along state highways. In 1934 the agency directed
staff not to mow until wildflowers had set seed, a
policy that still guides mowing schedules.
   TxDOT’s wildflower program has expanded in
both scope and vision, and the department now
maintains 800,000 acres of roadside along with
80 safety rest stops and 12 travel information cen-
ters. Every year TxDOT must reseed approximately
4,800 construction projects.
   Enter native plants, which require less care, provide
wildlife habitat and increase biodiversity. “Every fall
we sow approximately 30,000 pounds of native flower
and grass seed mixes,” says Travis Jez, a TxDOT veg-
etation specialist. “Because monarch butterflies have
become a species of major concern, we’re also plant-
ing pollinator gardens and milkweeds, such as zizotes.
What’s cool is that all pollinators benefit.”
   No single seed source can supply the 15 tons that
TxDOT sows annually. So Jez works with six Texas
companies that specialize in producing seeds for
native species. TxDOT also collaborates with Texas
Native Seeds of the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife
Research Institute, a nonprofit program that devel-
ops commercial seed supplies of native plants for
use in restoring habitats on private and public
lands. The program supports six regional projects
that select and grow plants endemic to their areas.
   While you’re searching for wildflowers, look out
for bright green carpets along Texas roadsides.
Those indicate that the areas have been hydro-
seeded with a slurry of seeds, mulch and water.
                                                           rO B gre eBO n | ImAgesf rO mte x As.CO m

“The process is used for spreading seeds and to
control erosion,” Jez explains. “The mulch also
holds in water and helps the seedlings get started.”
   As for the green color, “It allows applicants to see
where they’ve sprayed the slurry,” Jez says.

1 2 T E X AS CO-OP POWER mArCh 2021
Bluebonnets and indian paintbrush
accompany travelers along a stretch
of Texas 16 in Gillespie county.
mary motz Wills’
W i l D F loW e r Wat e rc o lo r s

in april 1961    nature enthusiasts hurrahed
the publication of Roadside Flowers of
Texas. The classic guide written by botanist
Howard S. Irwin showcases 257 wildflower
paintings by Mary Motz Wills, a prolific
artist and amateur botanist whose work
was exhibited nationally. Her attention to
the smallest details led to floral watercolors
that were, as one columnist noted, “botani-
cally accurate as well as artistically superb.”
   Wills attended formal art schools and be-
gan painting flowers in 1913 while recovering
from an illness in Panama, where her hus-
band, a U.S. Army colonel, was stationed.
After his death in 1925, Wills moved to Georgia
and then to Abilene, where she aspired to
record as many Texas flowers and plants as
she could.
   At her home studio, Wills painted plants
that she collected or were sent to her by
friends. She sometimes woke at 4 a.m.
or worked through the night to capture

                                                                                   mIlk Wee d, t e x As Blu eBO n ne t s, mAry m Ot z WIlls By e lsI e mOt z lOWdO n CO u rte sy CO lleCtIO n O f the gr ACe mu seum
blooms in their most natural form. “Some
flowers only bloom at night, so I stay up
until I get them painted,” she told a news-
paper reporter in 1958.
   A stickler for accuracy, Wills often noted
on her paintings the common and botanical
name of plants and where they grew in the
   In all, Wills produced more than 2,000
Texas botanical paintings. Many of the plants
that she painted “were endangered species
in her day, and some have disappeared
entirely since then,” writes Cecilia Stein-
feldt in Art for History’s Sake: The Texas
Collection of the Witte Museum.
   Wills died at 86 in 1961. Today, many of
her delicate watercolors are housed for safe-
keeping in Austin’s Dolph Briscoe Center
for American History, San Antonio’s Witte
Museum and Abilene’s Grace Museum. D

     W e b e x t r a pick up more
wildflower facts and win a book
that can make you an expert.

1 4 T E X AS CO-OP POWER mArCh 2021               t e x AsC O O p pOW e r .C O m
CentralTexasEC2103_ 2/10/21 12:22 PM Page 18

       Central Texas EC News

                                                What’s in
                                                It for ‘We’?

                                                O N E O F T H E M O S T AT T R ACT I V E traits of coopera-   the safe and efficient operation of and investment in
       MES SAGE
       FROM                                     tives is that we answer the common question                   our co-op goes back to the members we serve.
       CHIEF                                    “What’s in it for me?” with “What’s in it for we?”               Cooperative ownership is in the hands of the peo-
       EXECUTIVE                                   Co-ops are formed when the market fails to offer            ple who use the co-op’s services (not investors), so
                                                a good or service, with decent quality, at an afford-          not only do co-ops start out answering the question
       ROBERT A.                                able price. Central Texas Electric Cooperative was            “What’s in it for we?” but they continue to answer
       LOTH III
                                                formed in 1947, when investor-owned utilities                 that question for as long as they exist.
                                                claimed there was not enough profit to be made in                 These days we often hear about companies that
                                                our community and refused to offer electricity.                abandon communities and move overseas in search
                                                   The founding members of Central Texas EC went              of cheaper labor. This negatively impacts communi-
                                                door to door to collect a few dollars from each resi-         ties through job loss, decline in housing values and
                                                dent who was willing to become a member to raise a            school closures. But because local residents own
                                                portion of the original investment the co-op needed           cooperatives, co-ops aren’t likely to ever leave town.
                                                to get started. Those go-getters realized the only way        In fact, it would be impossible for CTEC to leave.
                                                                                                                              The co-op is a critical part of what
                                                                                                                              makes our community a community.
                                                                                                                                 The way co-ops continue to answer
                                                                                                                              the question “What’s in it for we?” is
                                                                                                                              critical to our survival. It is imperative
                                                                                                                              that we keep you—our members—as
                                                                                                                              the primary focus. Keeping rates as
                                                                                                                              low as possible is one major part of
                                                                                                                              that focus, but ensuring that we pro-
                                                                                                                              vide real value as your trusted energy
                                                                                                                              adviser is also extremely important.
                                                                                                                              You can count on our experts if you
                                                                                                                              have questions about your electric
                                                                                                                              bill or want suggestions on ways to
                                                                                                                              conserve energy.
                                                                                                                                 And we will continue to look for
                           MI KE BARN S | ISTOCK .CO M

                                                                                                                              ways to improve the quality of your
                                                                                                                              life through services beyond the dis-
                                                                                                                              tribution of electricity, such as by
                                                                                                                              advocating for rural broadband and
                                                                                                                              supporting legislation that benefits
                                                                                                                              the people in our communities.
                                                to get electricity for “me” was to get it for “we”—the           By maintaining that focus with your help and
                                                whole community.                                              support, we will continue to be able to serve the
                                                   With the cumulative down payment, CTEC was                 “me” and the “we” in our community long into
                                                able to invest in an electrical distribution system that      the future. D
                                                would serve the community. We were—and are—
                                                able to offer electricity to members at sometimes-
                                                far-apart meters without worrying about profit
                                                because we are member-owned and organized as a
                                                nonprofit. Any extra money that comes in beyond

       1 8 tex as C o-op power MARC H 2021                                                                                   C e nt r a l t e x as e le Ct r i C Coop er at i ve
CentralTexasEC2103_ 2/10/21 12:23 PM Page 19

                                                                                            Central Texas
     Operation Round-Up                                                                     Electric Cooperative
     Awards Grants to Meals
     on Wheels Programs                                                                     CoNTACT u s
                                                                                            386 friendship Lane
                                                                                            fredericksburg, tX 78624
                                                                                            local (830) 997-2126
                                                                                            Toll-free 1-800-900-ctEc (2832)
     r e C e N T ly, T H e o p e r AT i o N Round-Up Board of Directors at Central Texas
     Electric Cooperative approved two grants to support local Meals on                     Web
     Wheels programs.
                                                                                            Chief executive officer
        Locally known as the Golden Hub, the Gillespie County Committee
                                                                                            Robert A. Loth iii
     on Aging enhances the quality of life for older people in Gillespie County
     by providing nutritious meals as well as social and health-related activi-             Board of Directors
     ties. The Golden Hub received a grant of $1,500 to help fund its essential             Mark Hahn, president, mason county
                                                           services.                        Tim Lehmberg, Vice president, Gillespie county
                                                                                            Doylene Bode, secretary, Gillespie county
                                                              The Hill Country Com-
                                                                                            Connie Stockbridge, treasurer, mason county
                                                           munity Action Association        James Low, san saba county
                                                           also received a $1,500 Oper-     Mark A. Reeve, kerr county
                                                           ation Round-Up grant. The        Tommy Duncan, Llano county
                                                                                            Allen Goodwin, kendall county
                                                           association’s senior nutri-
                                                                                            Wayne W. Seipp, Llano county
                                                           tion program, which pro-         Joseph B. Wieser, Gillespie county
                                                           vides nutritious noon meals      Scott Olguin, Llano county
                                                           to older residents in Kings-
                                                           land, Buchanan Dam and
          fstop1 2 3 | i stock .c o m
                                                           Sunrise Beach, covers nine
                                                                                                                       To report electric
          The Golden Hub                                   counties in the CTEC service     24/7                       service interruptions,
          1009 N. Lincoln st.                              area, including Llano, San                                  please call us.
          fredericksburg 78624                             Saba and Mason counties.         outage                     Tol l- fr e e

                                                              Operation Round-Up has                                   1-800-900-CTEC (2832)
          (830) 997-7131                                   been active in helping com-
                             munity organizations in the      Number
                                                           Hill Country area for many
          Hill Country Community
                                                           years, and it’s all because of
          Action Association
                                                           CTEC members who volun-
          2905 W. Wallace st.
                                                           tarily participate. By having
          san saba 76877                                                                    of f i Ce loCAT i oNs
                                                           their electric bills rounded
          1-866-372-5167                                                                    fredericksburg
                                                           up to the next whole dollar
                                                                         386 friendship Lane
                                                           each month, more than
                                                                (830) 997-2126
                                                           1,500 enrolled co-op mem-
                                                           bers have been able to make      llano
                                                           a difference in the lives of      1410 E. state Highway 29
                                                                                            (325) 247-4191
                                                           their neighbors.
                                                              CTEC members who              Kingsland
                                                           haven’t yet signed up for        Nob Hill subdivision
                                                                                            706 cottonwood st.
                                                           Operation Round-Up can
                                                                                            (325) 388-4542
                                                           do so simply by visiting the
                                                           CTEC website,,         Mason
                                                                                            1881 E. state Highway 29
                                                           or by picking up the phone
                                                                                            (325) 347-6314
     and calling any CTEC office to enroll one or all of their accounts. The aver-
     age contribution comes to 50 cents per month or just $6 for an entire year.            office Hours
                                                                                            8 a.m.–5 p.m. monday–friday
        One-time monetary contributions to Operation Round-Up are also
     accepted: Just call any CTEC member services representative and tell
     them your preference. All donations are tax deductible. It’s an easy, inex-            V i s i T u s oNl i Ne
     pensive way to become part of a great community program through your
     co-op membership.
        For more information on services offered by the Golden Hub or HCCAA,
     contact either organization. D

     ct E   •   1-800-900- ctEc (2832)
CentralTexasEC2103_ 2/10/21 12:23 PM Page 20


                        Deadline for District Meeting
                        Ballot Is Approaching
                          T H E M A R C H 1 5 D E A D L I N E is approaching for Central Texas   ing nominee, as the bylaws no longer provide for nominations
                          Electric Cooperative members interested in running for a seat          from the floor.
                          on the cooperative’s board of directors. According to the CTEC            All applications and petitions will be reviewed by a creden-
                          bylaws, any member seeking to have his or her name placed on           tials and election committee composed of CTEC members.
                          the ballot for director nomination at the upcoming district               The names of all candidates whose applications and petitions
                          meetings must deliver a completed application and petition to          are approved by the credentials and election committee will be
                          the cooperative on or before this deadline.                            listed on the district meeting notice mailed to all co-op members.
                             This year there are four seats on the board of directors to be         The deadline for submitting required materials is 5 p.m.
                          filled. Board seats will be open in districts 1, 3, 4 and 5. Details    Monday, March 15. Applications and petitions submitted after
                          about the director selection process are contained in the bylaws       the deadline will not be considered. Members wishing to be
                          excerpts reprinted on pages 22–23 of this magazine and sum-            placed on the ballot are encouraged to turn in completed appli-
                          marized here.                                                          cations and petitions as soon as possible so that CTEC staff can
                             Candidates for director must meet bylaws requirements               review the materials and make a preliminary determination
                          for director eligibility. Candidates must have within the serv-        regarding their sufficiency, giving potential candidates an
                          ice territory served by the cooperative (i) his/her principal          opportunity to remedy any deficiencies before the deadline.
                          place of residence for which his/her residence homestead                  Members submitting petitions are also urged to secure peti-
                          exemption is claimed pursuant to Chapter 11 of the Texas Tax           tion signatures from more than 10 members to provide a margin
                          Code; or (ii) if he/she claims no residence homestead exemp-           for error in the event that one or more of the signatures submit-
                          tion, his/her principal residence, as defined under 26 C.F.R.          ted is not validated by the credentials and election committee.
                          §1.121-1(b)(2).                                                        Application and petition forms can be obtained by calling the
                             Anyone seeking a district meeting nomination must sub-              CTEC headquarters office in Fredericksburg, and completed
                          mit an application and a petition signed by at least 10 coop-          applications and petitions must be returned there by March 15.
                          erative members who receive electric service in the district              Questions about the director selection process should be
                          in question.                                                           directed to the CTEC headquarters office. Members in Freder-
                             Anyone who does not submit an application and petition by           icksburg should call (830) 997-2126; the toll-free number is 1-
                          the deadline will not be eligible to be named as a district meet-      800-900-2832. D

                        2 0 tex as C o-op power MARC H 2021                                                               C e nt r a l t e x as e le Ct r i C Coop er at i ve
CentralTexasEC2103_ 2/10/21 12:23 PM Page 21

     Spring Cleaning Tips
     for Energy Efficiency

                                                                                                                             Regular Board
                                                                                                                             Meeting Recap
                                                                                                                             January 12, 2021

                                                                                                                                                                  and prayer

                                                                                      anTo nio Dia z | iSTo c k .c o m
                                                                                                                         m e e t i n g c a l l e D to o r D e r

                                                                                                                         reVieweD         operations and outages
                                                                                                                         a p p r oV e D   December 1, 2020–January
                                                                                                                                          4, 2021, membership list and
     Spring cleaning time         has arrived! It might be hard to get motivated to
                                                                                                                                          membership conversions
     clean, but cleaning for the sake of saving energy and money might get
                                                                                                                         a p p r oV e D   minutes of the Regular Board
     you moving.
                                                                                                                                          meeting Held December 8,
        By adding a few extra chores to your cleaning list, you not only will
     enjoy an orderly household, you’ll also save energy and money leading
                                                                                                                         reVieweD         Safety Report for 11 months
     into air conditioning season. Keep these tips in mind.
                                                                                                                                          Ended november 30, 2020
        Dust your lamps and lightbulbs.
                                                                                                                         reVieweD         Financial and Statistical
        replace burned-out incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient LEDs.
                                                                                                                                          Reports for 11 months
        clean the air filter. If it’s over a month old, replace it. Replacing air
                                                                                                                                          Ended november 30, 2020
     filters allows your heating, ventilating and air conditioning system to
                                                                                                                         a p p r oV e D   Uncollectable accounts Writ-
     run more efficiently.
                                                                                                                                          ten off in 2020
        clean air return vents. And make sure drapes and furniture aren’t
                                                                                                                         a p p r oV e D   Estate Retirements
     blocking the flow of air.
                                                                                                                                          Processed in 2020
        Dust your blinds. House too cool for comfort? Leave blinds open to let
                                                                                                                         reVieweD         Board Policy no. 2.0
     the sun’s rays heat your home. Home too warm? Keep them closed to
                                                                                                                         a p p r oV e D   Budget for 2021
     block the sunlight, keeping your home insulated.
                                                                                                                         reVieweD         Board Policy no. 18.0
        Vacuum your refrigerator’s coils. The dust buildup can cause the
                                                                                                                         a p p r oV e D   cEo merit increase
     fridge to run less efficiently.
                                                                                                                         reVieweD         cEo Goals and objectives
        thoroughly dust your electronics, and if they’re not in use, unplug them.
                                                                                                                                          for 2021
        Scrub your tub, and then install a low-flow showerhead. D
                                                                                                                         a p p r oV e D   nREca annual membership
                                                                                                                         a p p r oV e D   Touchstone Energy annual
                                                                                                                                          membership Dues

                                                                                                                         m e e t i n g a D j o u r n e D.

       DID YOU KNOW?

       March 20 is the first day of
       spring and the vernal equinox.
       On this day, daytime and
       nighttime are roughly equal
       for all parts of the world.
       Equinox means “equal night.”

       Rom olo Tava ni | i STo c k .c o m

     cT E c.cooP        •    1-800-900- cTEc (2832)                                                                              ma Rc H 2021 T E X AS C O-OP POW ER 2 1
CentralTexasEC2103_ 2/10/21 12:23 PM Page 22

       Excerpts From the CTEC                                                                                 shall be construed to, affect in any manner
                                                                                                              whatsoever, the validity of any action taken

       Bylaws on Director Elections                                                                           at any meeting of the Board of Directors.
                                                                                                              The Board of Directors shall not authorize the
                                                                                                              employment of a chief executive officer,
       The Central Texas Electric Cooperative            Directors, a person shall:
                                                                                                              assistant chief executive officer, attorney,
       Board of Directors is comprised of 11 co-op       a. Be an individual with the capacity to enter       assistant attorney, who is related in the sec-
       members representing six directorate dis-         legally binding contracts;                           ond degree by affinity or the third degree by
       tricts in the co-op’s service area. This year,
                                                         b. Be a member of the Cooperative for at             consanguinity to any director, retained
       director candidates from districts 1, 3, 4 and
                                                         least twelve (12) months;                            Cooperative attorney, chief executive officer
       5 will be nominated at their respective dis-
                                                         c. Have within the service territory served by       and/or assistant chief executive officer of the
       trict meetings, and elections will be held at
                                                         the cooperative (i) his/her principal place of       Cooperative.
       the annual meeting, which is scheduled for
       August 17 in Fredericksburg.                      residence for which his/her residence home-          Director Disqualification: After being
                                                         stead exemption is claimed pursuant to               elected or appointed, if a Director does not
       A meeting will be held at the co-op’s head-
                                                         Chapter 11 of the Texas Tax Code; or (ii) if         comply with the Director Qualifications exist-
       quarters office March 23 at 6 p.m. and atten-
                                                         none of the above apply, his/her principal           ing when the Director was elected or
       ded by members who have been selected to
                                                         residence, as defined under 26 C.F.R. §1.121-        appointed, then except as otherwise pro-
       serve on this year’s credentials and election
                                                         1(b)(2);                                             vided by the Board for good cause, the
       committee. Following are sections of the
                                                         d. Not be engaged in any business, nor               Board, by two-thirds vote, shall disqualify the
       co-op’s bylaws that deal with director qualifi-
                                                         employed by or materially affiliated with any        Director and the individual is no longer a
       cations, tenure and nominations.
                                                         individual or entity:                                Director if: (1) the Board notifies the Director
       To view the complete CTEC bylaws, visit the                                                            in writing of the basis for, and provides the
       co-op’s website,, or see them at        1. Regularly, directly, and substantially com-
                                                                                                              Director an opportunity to comment regard-
       any CTEC office.                                  peting with the Cooperative or a Cooperative
                                                                                                              ing, the Board’s proposed disqualification;
       Section 2. Qualifications and Tenure. Direc-                                                           and (2) within 45 days after the Board notifies
       tors shall be so nominated and elected that       2. Regularly selling goods or services to the
                                                                                                              the Director of the proposed disqualification,
       one director from or with respect to each of      Cooperative or a Cooperative Subsidiary; or
                                                                                                              the director neither complies with nor meets
       directorate districts numbers four, five, and     3. Otherwise possessing a substantial con-           the Director Qualification. If a majority of
       six shall be elected for three-year terms at an   flict of interest with the Cooperative or a          Directors authorized by these Bylaws com-
       annual member meeting; one director from          Cooperative Subsidiary;                              plies with the Director Qualifications and
       or with respect to each of directorate dis-       e. Not be an incumbent of or candidate for an        approves a Board action, then the failure of a
       tricts nos. one, three, four and five shall be    elective public office in connection with            Director to comply with the Director Qualifi-
       elected for three-year terms at the next suc-     which a salary is paid, other than members of        cations does not affect the Board action.
       ceeding annual member meeting; and one            a School Board or County Commissioner’s              Section 3. Nominations and Elections.
       director from or with respect to each of          Court;                                               Director elections will take place at the
       directorate districts nos. two, three, four and   f. Not be an individual that has been an             annual meeting of members held on the third
       five shall be elected for three-year terms at     employee of the Cooperative within two (2)           Tuesday of August of each year. The names
       the next succeeding annual member meet-           years prior to serving on the Cooperative’s          of all candidates nominated for election to
       ing, and so forth, provided that the terms of     Board of Directors; and                              the board of directors in accordance with
       no two directors from the same directorate                                                             these bylaws, and whose eligibility is con-
                                                         g. Except as otherwise provided by the Board
       district shall coincide. Upon their election,                                                          firmed by the C & E Committee, shall be pub-
                                                         of Directors for good cause, receive a Cre-
       directors shall, subject to the provisions of                                                          lished in the notice of meeting mailed to the
                                                         dentialed Cooperative Director designation,
       these bylaws with respect to the removal of                                                            members of the cooperative, along with a
                                                         Director’s Certificate, or similar certification
       directors, serve until the annual meeting of                                                           proxy ballot including the names of all such
                                                         from the National Rural Electric Cooperative
       the members of the year in which their terms                                                           nominated candidates for director.
                                                         Association within three years after becom-
       expire or until their successors shall have
                                                         ing a director.                                      Methods of Nominating. Nominations to
       been elected and shall have qualified. If for
                                                         Members of the Board of Directors having             serve as a director may be made: (1) by the
       any reason an election of directors shall not
                                                         been elected to four (4) terms of service on         members at a district meeting as provided in
       be held at an annual meeting of the members
                                                         said Board (regardless of whether such               subsection (a) of this section or (2) by mem-
       duly fixed and called pursuant to these
                                                         terms are consecutive) shall be ineligible for       ber petition delivered to the Cooperative as
       bylaws, such election may be held at an
                                                         election to the Board of Directors. As stated        provided in subsection (b) of this section.
       adjournment of this meeting of the members.
       Failure of an election for a given year shall     in Article III, Section 2, a term shall last three   (a) District Meetings. Between May 20 and
       allow the incumbents whose directorships          (3) years. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a          June 20 of each year, the Board of Directors
       would have been voted on to hold over only        Member of the Board of Directors with                shall convene a separate meeting of the
       until the next member meeting at which a          twelve (12) consecutive years of service on          members of each district at a suitable place
       quorum is present.                                said Board shall be eligible for appointment         designated by the Board of Directors. Notice
                                                         to the Board of Directors for the purpose of         of the meeting shall be mailed to each mem-
       To initiate the staggered terms described
                                                         filling a Director Vacancy in accordance with        ber located in such district and shall indicate
       above the directors from districts three, four
                                                         Article III, Section 4 of these Bylaws.              the district to which the member belongs. If a
       and five shall draw by lot to determine their
                                                         Married individuals shall not both be eligible       director is to be selected from the district,
       respective terms of office, a separate draw-
                                                         to serve on the Board of Directors at the            the notice shall state that the members in
       ing being held for each district.
                                                         same time.                                           attendance at the meeting shall select the
       To be eligible for election or appointment to,                                                         district’s nominee for director. The meeting
       and to serve on, the Cooperative’s Board of       Nothing in this Section contained shall, or
                                                                                                              shall be open for discussion of any other

       2 2 tex as C o-op power MARC H 2021                                                                       C e nt r a l t e x as e le Ct r i C Coop er at i ve
CentralTexasEC2103_ 2/10/21 12:23 PM Page 23

     matters pertaining to the business of the         district meeting, voting by ballot shall be         (b) Nomination by Petition. In addition to
     Cooperative, regardless of whether or not         conducted. If one candidate receives more           district meeting nominations, a Cooperative
     such matters were listed in the notice of the     than fifty percent (50%) of the vote, that can-     member may place his or her name in nomi-
     meeting. However, the district meeting does       didate shall be declared to be the official         nation to run for election to a director posi-
     not constitute a meeting of members of the        nominee of the district meeting from such           tion at an annual meeting of members by
     Cooperative as described in these bylaws,         district. If no candidate receives more than        member petition and application. On or
     and no formal action may be taken, other          fifty percent (50%) of the votes, runoff bal-       before June 25 (or the next day that is not a
     than the selection of the district’s nominee      lots shall be conducted until one candidate         Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday) of each
     for director.                                     receives more than fifty percent (50%) of the       year, a member seeking to be nominated in
     On or before March 15 (or the next following      vote. The two candidates receiving the high-        this manner must deliver to the Cooperative
     day that is not a Saturday, Sunday or legal       est number of votes on the preceding ballot         a Cooperative-approved application confirm-
     holiday) of each year, each member seeking        shall be included in the succeeding runoff          ing that the member satisfies bylaw require-
     to become his or her district’s nominee for       ballot. In the event of ties, more than two         ments to serve as director, along with a peti-
     director must deliver to the Cooperative a        candidates may be included in a runoff ballot.      tion meeting the following requirements:
     Cooperative-approved application confirm-         In the event there are three runoff ballots         1. Listing, on each page, the name of the
     ing that the member satisfies bylaw require-      with no candidate receiving more than fifty         member being placed in nomination;
     ments to serve as director, along with a peti-    percent (50%) of the vote, the nominee of the
                                                                                                           2. Indicating, on each page, the director posi-
     tion meeting the following requirements:          district meeting shall be selected by lot from
                                                                                                           tion for which the nominee will run; and
                                                       among the candidates included on the final
     1. Listing, on each page, the name of the                                                             3. Containing the printed names, addresses,
                                                       runoff ballot. One member shall be declared
     member seeking to become the district                                                                 telephone numbers, and original dated sig-
                                                       to be the official nominee of the district
     meeting nominee;                                                                                      natures of at least one percent (1%) of the
                                                       meeting from such district.
     2. Indicating, on each page, the director posi-                                                       Cooperative members as of the date the
                                                       The minutes of each district meeting shall set
     tion for which the member will run; and                                                               petition is submitted.
                                                       forth, among other matters; the name of each
     3. Containing the printed names, addresses,       candidate seeking to become the district            The C & E Committee shall review all applica-
     telephone numbers, and original dated sig-        meeting nominee and the number of votes             tions and petitions submitted by members
     natures of at least ten Cooperative members       received by each, and shall specify the official    seeking to place their name in nomination for
     receiving electric service from the Coopera-      nominee of the district meeting. A copy of the      a director position at an annual meeting to
     tive in the district in question.                 minutes, signed and certified to by the chair-      confirm that the requirements of these
     The C & E Committee shall review all applica-     person and secretary of the district meeting,       bylaws have been satisfied, and further con-
     tions and petitions submitted by members          shall be delivered to the secretary of the          firming that each such member satisfies
     seeking nomination at a district meeting to       Cooperative within ten (10) days after such         bylaw eligibility requirements to serve as
     confirm that the requirements of these            district meeting. No informality or defect in       director. The C & E Committee shall report its
     bylaws have been satisfied, and further con-      such minutes, or in the proceedings had, shall      findings to the President of the Board of
     firming that each such member satisfies           void the nominations so made or affect the          Directors in writing on or before June 30 of
     bylaw eligibility requirements to serve as        validity of the election of directors at the        each year.
     director. The C & E Committee shall report        meeting of the members of the Cooperative.          (c) Notice of Nominations. The Secretary
     its findings to the President of the Board of     District Meeting Record Date. A “Record             shall mail with the notice of the meeting, or
     Directors in writing on or before March 30 of     Date” is the date for determining the mem-          separately, but at least ten (10) days prior to
     each year. The names of all candidates seek-      bers entitled to (1) receive notice of a district   the meeting, a statement of the number of
     ing district meeting nominations whose eli-       meeting, and (2) vote at a district meeting. In     directors to be elected and showing the
     gibility is confirmed by the C & E Committee      order to exercise these privileges, an individ-     nominations made by the district meetings
     shall be included in the District Meeting         ual or entity must be accepted for member-          and nominations by petition. Notwithstand-
     Notice.                                           ship in the Cooperative by the Board of             ing anything in this section contained, failure
     The President of the Board of Directors shall     Directors in accordance with Article I, Sec-        to comply with any of the provisions of this
     designate a chairperson to preside over each      tion 1 of these bylaws on or before the             section shall not affect in any manner what-
     district meeting. The district meeting shall be   Record Date. Any membership transfer to             soever the validity of any election of direc-
     called to order by the chairperson, who shall     create a joint membership in accordance             tors.
     appoint a secretary to act for the duration of    with Article I, Section 7(b) of these bylaws        (d) Elections. Members present in person
     the meeting. Members of other districts           must be accepted by the Board of Directors          and by proxy at the annual member meeting
     present at the meeting may be heard but           on or before the Record Date in order for           shall elect directors from each directorate
     shall have no vote.                               such membership transfer to be given effect         district in which a director election is being
     The district meeting shall select one and only    at a district meeting. If a member is               held. Each member may cast one vote in
     one member to be the nominee of the dis-          suspended after the Record Date, that mem-          each such district, without regard to the dis-
     trict meeting to serve on the Board of Direc-     ber is not entitled to receive notice or exer-      trict or districts where the member resides or
     tors. Such person shall be considered at the      cise the right to vote at a district meeting.       receives electric service from the Coopera-
     meeting of the members as the nominee of          Unless otherwise designated by the Board of         tive. Directors shall be elected from the Dis-
     the district meeting. Voting by mail and vot-     Directors, the Record Date for purposes of          trict Meeting Nominations and Member Peti-
     ing by proxy shall not be allowed at the dis-     determining the members entitled to (1)             tion Nominations. If only one candidate is
     trict meeting. If only one candidate is seeking   receive notice of a district meeting and (2)        nominated in a district, he or she may be
     to become the district’s nominee for director,    vote at a district meeting shall be the second      elected by acclamation. Members may not
     he or she may be elected by acclamation. If       Tuesday in May immediately preceding such           vote for write-in candidates. The candidate
     more than one candidate is seeking to             district meeting.                                   receiving the most votes in each district shall
     become the district meeting nominee at the                                                            be declared the winner of the election. D

     CT E C.COOP   •   1-800-900- CTEC (2832)                                                                    MA RC H 2021 T E X AS C O-OP POW ER 2 3
             3 dows & doors

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Book your FREE Window and Door Diagnosis before the sale ends on March 31st

Austin:                                                  Dallas/Fort Worth:

512-298-1858 • 469-606-5229
San Antonio:

 Offer not available in all areas. Discount applied by retailer representative at time of contract execution and applies to purchase of 3 or more windows and/or patio doors. 3%
cash discount for payment in full by cash or check applied at time of sale. Cannot be combined with other offers. Initial contact for a free Window and Door Diagnosis must be made
and documented on or before 3/31/21, with the appointment then occurring no more than 10 days after the initial contact. No payments and deferred interest for 12 months available
to well qualified buyers on approved credit only. Not all customers may qualify. No Finance Charges will be assessed if promo balance is paid in full in 12 months. Renewal by Andersen
retailers are independently owned and operated retailers, and are neither brokers nor lenders. Any finance terms advertised are estimates only, and all financing is provided by third-party
lenders unaffiliated with Renewal by Andersen retailers, under terms and conditions arranged directly between the customer and such lender. Central Texas Windows & Doors LLC,
d/b/a Renewal by Andersen of Austin and San Antonio. North Texas Windows & Doors LLC, d/b/a Renewal by Andersen of Dallas/Fort Worth and West Texas. “Renewal by Andersen”
and all other marks where denoted are marks of Andersen Corporation. ©2021 Andersen Corporation. All rights reserved. ©2021 Lead Surge LLC. All rights reserved. *Using U.S. and
imported parts. All sales, marketing and installation of windows is conducted by Renewal by Andersen of Austin and San Antonio, and by Renewal by Andersen of
Dallas/Fort Worth and West Texas. All are independently owned and operated affiliates operating in TX.
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   Silver Trend Chart: Price per ounce based on                    Once word gets out that these 2021 U.S.
   monthly averages. • 14101 Southcross Dr. W., Suite 175, Dept. LRE230-01 • Burnsville, MN 55337® is a retail distributor of coin and currency issues and is not affiliated with the U.S. government. The collectible coin market is unregulated, highly speculative and involves risk. reserves the right to decline to consummate any sale, within its discretion, including due to pricing errors. Prices, facts, figures and populations deemed accurate as of the date of
publication but may change significantly over time. All purchases are expressly conditioned upon your acceptance of’s Terms and Conditions (
or call 1-800-721-0320); to decline, return your purchase pursuant to’s Return Policy. © 2021 All rights reserved.
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