Volume 269 Number 2 March-April 2021 - Tradelink ...

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Volume 269 Number 2 March-April 2021 - Tradelink ...
Volume 269 • Number 2					   March-April 2021
Volume 269 Number 2 March-April 2021 - Tradelink ...
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Volume 269 Number 2 March-April 2021 - Tradelink ...
Volume 269 • Number 2 • March-April 2021

                                    4       News, Plant and Equipment

                                    12 Gas monitoring – is continual monitoring
                                           the answer?

                                    22 Evaluating a new method when
                                           considering IPCC

                                    30 Automated conveyor belt cleaner
                                       tensioner reduces maintenance and
                                    32 Longwall innovations – challenging times
                                       in Russia
                                    36 Software playing a crucial role
                                    44 It’s sheer madness to import the coal
                                       essential for our steel industry when we
                                       can produce it ourselves

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Volume 269 Number 2 March-April 2021 - Tradelink ...

            New cost-competitive, large-scale filter press delivers 93%
            availability and 95% water recovery
            The newly released                 a combination of fast and
            AFP2525 Automatic Filter           safe maintenance, lower
            Press from FLSmidth                costs and a minimised
            delivers high availability and     environmental footprint,
            efficiency, with the lowest        the AFP2525 immediately
            cost possible – in fact,           becomes the leading
            the lowest cost per ton of         solution in its area. It meets
            production in the industry.        growing customer demand
            To keep mines operating            for fast and efficient water
            at its highest levels, all         recovery and illustrates our
            components of the AFP2525          determination to meet our
            Automatic Filter Press are         MissionZero ambition and
            designed for quick and easy        help mining move towards          significant amount of water      maximises water recovery
            maintenance.                       zero water waste by 2030,”        in their operations, reducing    and is suitable for large-
                We know that when              comments Mikko Keto,              the need for fresh water         scale mines.
            treating tailings at high          Mining President at               intake. This cuts both water-       Additionally, fast filtration
            volumes, even the smallest         FLSmidth.                         sourcing and wet tailings        rates and short mechanical
            process disruptions add up.          As well as the lowest           management costs for             times minimise the filter
            That’s why we focussed             cost per ton of production,       the mine site, while also        cycle time; this combination
            heavily on ease and speed          the AFP2525 also delivers         reducing environmental           of speed and reliability
            of maintenance – for               the lowest cake moistures         footprint.                       result in the lowest cost per
            instance, the AFP2525              and the highest production           Why does the AFP2525          ton in the industry. With the
            provides fast plate-pack           rates – 300 tph from a            provide a step change            AFP2525 Automatic Filter
            removal, while cloth change        single filter; 7,200 tpd. The     in this area? Firstly,           Press, miners can expect an
            and plate maintenance              AFP2525 is also highly            the AFP2525 has the              average of 93% availability
            happen outside of the              durable and long-lasting due      highest availability in the      and up to 95% recovery of
            filter, ensuring maximum           to a maintenance-friendly,        industry – the filter is         process water.
            efficiency and safety while        robust design so it is built to   easy to maintain, which             The AFP2525 Automatic
            the filter is operating.           last for the life of the mine     means costly downtime            Filter Press is a key solution
                “We are delighted to           and beyond.                       is minimised. Secondly,          in FLSmidth’s MissionZero
            launch this large-scale,             Ultra-efficient water           the filter is exceptionally      ambition to enable mines to
            cost-competitive filter press      reclamation allows miners         efficient and operates           eliminate water waste and
            to the mining industry. With       to recycle and reuse a            at high capacity – i.e., it      emissions by 2030.

            Profits fall along with prices
           The falling coal prices in the      achieved in the previous          production during the            debt against the backdrop
           first half of the 2021 financial    corresponding period.             six months under review          of the improving price
           year have seen ASX-listed              “The impacts of subdued        increased by 28%, to             environment,” said Flynn.
           Whitehaven Coal swing to a          pricing on seaborne coal          7.7-million tonnes, while          “With future savings
           loss in the six months under        markets were a key feature        saleable coal production         targets identified and coal
           review.                             of the first-half results         was up 10% on the previous       markets rebalancing in
              Whitehaven reported a            as Covid-19 impacts on            corresponding period, to         response to demand signals,
           net loss after tax of A$94.5-       economic and industrial           7.1-million tonnes.              we are optimistic about
           million for the six months to       activity continued to be felt,”      Total coal sales for          achieving stronger outcomes
           December, compared with a           said Whitehaven MD and            the period under review          through the second half.”
           net profit after tax of A$27.4-     CEO Paul Flynn.                   increased by 3%, to                Whitehaven’s RoM
           million for the previous               “The business responded        8.7-million tonnes, while        production targets have
           corresponding period.               strongly to these challenging     revenues declined by 21%,        remained unchanged at
              Earnings before interest,        market conditions, including      to A$699.3-million. Unit costs   between 21-million and
           taxes, depreciation and             through improvement               per tonne for the period were    22.5-million tonnes for the
           amortization declined by            measures that delivered           also down by 8%, to A$70/t.      full 2021 financial year,
           79% over the same period,           meaningful cost reductions           “We have closed out the       while its managed coal sales
           to A$37.2-million, reflecting       and greater operational           first half of 2021 with strong   targets have also remained
           the lower average achieved          efficiency, offsetting price      levels of liquidity, strong      unchanged at between
           coal price of A$80/t,               headwinds to some extent.”        banking support and we           19-million and 20-million
           compared with the A$108/t              Run-of-mine (RoM)              are focused on retaining         tonnes.

4      Coal International • March-April 2021
Volume 269 Number 2 March-April 2021 - Tradelink ...

                                                                                                  environment with China
                                                                                                  will continue to impact
                                                                                                  near-term export volume,”
                                                                                                  Harding said.
                                                                                                     “We expect continued
                                                                                                  coal growth export of 1%
                                                                                                  per year over the next
                                                                                                  decade, supported by steel-
                                                                                                  intensive growth in India
                                                                                                  and a relatively young fleet
                                                                                                  of coal-generation power
                                                                                                  plants in Asia.”
                                                                                                     India was Australia’s
                                                                                                  largest metallurgical coal
                                                                                                  export market during the
                                                                                                  second half of last year,
                                                                                                  with an export volume of 27
Aurizon anticipates export growth                                                                 million tonnes, followed by
                                                                                                  Japan at 16 million tonnes
Aurizon Holdings is                  Aurizon also experienced      December.                      and China at 12 million
confident of the long-term         interruptions to its export       This caused Aurizon’s        tonnes.
demand for Australian coal         contracts with Australian       coal revenue to drop by           Japan topped Australia’s
from international markets         coal miners due to COVID-       8%, or $73.2 million, to       thermal coal export market
despite a 10% drop in              19-related disruptions to       $644.5 million.                with an export volume of 37
exports during the second          steelmaking, particularly in      Aurizon managing             million tonnes during the
half of last year.                 China.                          director and chief executive   same period, with South
   Australia exported                The company was               Andrew Harding reiterated      Korea coming in second
183 million tonnes of              unable to retain its 3.2        that the company remained      at 16 million tonnes and
coal during the period,            million tonne a year export     confident for long-term        Taiwan at 10 million tonnes.
comprising 86 million              contract with Stanwell          demand for Australia’s            Aurizon’s iron ore
tonnes of metallurgical coal       Corporation, which ended        high-quality coal.             transport increased by 2.4
and 97 million tonnes of           in December 2020, and is          “Steel production has        million tonnes, thanks to
thermal coal, down 6 and           also saying goodbye to a        now resumed to pre-            commencing new contracts
12%, respectively, on the          5.2 million tonne per annum     COVID levels, though           with Rio Tinto and Mineral
prior year.                        contact for New Acland this     the challenging trade          Resources during 2020.

Domination of India’s energy generation until 2040
Coal is forecast to hold its          India will be the country       The World Coal              that policies are in place to
top position as India’s largest    with the highest increase       Association (WCA)              support the deployment of
single source of electricity       in energy demand in the         expressed its support for      all clean technologies,” the
in 2040, despite the rising        world by 2040, driven by        the IEA’s call to support      WCA stated.
use of renewable energy,           an expanding economy,           India in building a reliable      “Our success as a global
according to International         population, urbanisation and    and affordable energy mix      community in meeting our
Energy Agency (IEA).               industrialisation.              to meet the needs of its       environmental goals will rely
   In a report titled India           “As India recovers from      growing population.            on a realistic and leveled
Energy Outlook 2021, IEA           a COVID-induced slump              “A pragmatic and            approach.”
noted that India’s energy          in 2020, it is re-entering a    collaborative focus from          Coal currently powers
use had doubled since 2000,        very dynamic period in its      international governments,     70% of India’s electricity
with coal, along with oil and      energy development. Over        industry, and investors        generation, with solar
solid biomass, meeting 80%         the coming years, millions      is now needed to ensure        accounting for less than 4%.
of this demand.                    of Indian households are
   Despite the Indian              set to buy new appliances,
Government’s plan to               air conditioning units and
increase renewable energy          vehicles,” IEA stated.
sources, especially solar, from       “India is set to become
52 gigawatts in 2017 to 175        the world’s most populous
gigawatts by 2021-22 and           country, adding the
275 gigawatts by 2026-27, it       equivalent of a city the size
will still fall short of meeting   of Los Angeles to its urban
India’s energy needs.              population each year.

                                                                                                      Coal International • March-April 2021      5
Volume 269 Number 2 March-April 2021 - Tradelink ...

            Czech mining regions confronted with ‘hidden’                                                          Mining
            energy poverty                                                                                         innovation lab
            About 14 % of households
                                                                                                                   launched in
            in the Ústecký region face                                                                             Shanxi
            problems paying their heating
            bills, according to research.                                                                          An intelligent mining
               While Czech coal mining                                                                             innovation lab was
            regions supply heat and                                                                                established in north
            electricity to the whole                                                                               China’s coal-rich Shanxi
            country, local people are                                                                              Province to facilitate the
            often unable to afford heating                                                                         digital transformation of the
            their own homes, researchers                                                                           country’s coal industry.
            say. More broadly, Czechia                                                                                The lab in Taiyuan, the
            is struggling to meet its EU                                                                           provincial capital, was
            reporting obligations on           Czechs eyes coal phase-out by 2038                                  jointly built by the Shanxi
            energy poverty, an issue                                                                               provincial government,
            common to other countries in       to preventing energy poverty.       skilled workers and those       Huawei Technologies
            Central and Eastern Europe.           Officially at least, that’s      aged above 60.                  Co., Ltd., and two local
               About 14% of households         what the statistics show.              However, the Czech           enterprises.
            in the Ústecký region –               In 2018, 2.7% of the             government does not                Huawei CEO Ren
            one of Czechia’s three             Czechs were reportedly              acknowledge the issue,          Zhengfei said that Huawei
            coal mining regions – face         unable to keep their home           according to Climate            hopes to combine ICT with
            problems paying their heating      adequately warm while the           Action Network Europe, an       coal mining technologies
            bills, according to research       European average is 7.3%,           environmental NGO.              to support the digital and
            by the Prague University of        according to the EU Energy             “In the Czech National       intelligent transformation
            Economics and Businesses           Poverty Observatory. And            Energy and Climate Plan,        in the coal industry, realize
            (VŠE).                             only 2.1% of the Czech              energy poverty is discussed     a production model that
               The second most affected        population cannot pay their         in a rather theoretical way,”   features “fewer workers,
            region is Moravskoslezský          energy bills on time due to         CAN Europe said in a briefing   greater safety, and higher
            kraj, another Czech coal-          financial difficulties, while the   published in December.          efficiency,” and enable coal
            mining region.“Energy              EU average is 6.6%.                 The country has currently       mine workers to “wear suits
            poverty is caused mainly              However, these numbers           no clear definition of energy   and ties” at work.
            by ineffective buildings and       do not reflect regional             poverty, which complicates         The lab will be staffed
            appliances, low incomes of         disparities across the country,     any attempt to monitor the      with 220 ICT and coal
            households, high costs of          and may be underestimated,          phenomenon.                     mining experts. Huawei
            energy and special needs of        critics say.                           The Czech coal               plans to use the innovation
            its consumers,” said Radek            Energy poverty affects           commission recommended          lab as a place to continue
            Tahal from VŠE.                    less developed regions              to phase out coal by 2038.      innovating with partners
               At European level though,       – especially coal mining            Environmental groups,           and making breakthroughs
            the Czech Republic is              areas – as well as the most         who fought for 2033, were       in technologies that can
            considered to be among the         vulnerable in Czech society:        outvoted and walked out of      be used in mining pits,
            best in class when it comes        unemployed people, low-             the commission in protest.      including self-cleaning
                                                                                                                   cameras, low-frequency
                                                                                                                   wireless transmission, and
                                                                                                                   risk prediction technologies.
                                                                                                                      The lab ultimately aims to
                                                                                                                   help Shanxi’s mines reduce
                                                                                                                   their numbers of workers
                                                                                                                   by 60% in fully mechanized
                                                                                                                   and intelligent mining
                                                                                                                   scenarios, and reduce
                                                                                                                   their numbers of workers
                                                                                                                   entering mining pits each
                                                                                                                   shift by 10 to 20%, it said.
                                                                                                                      “It’s like Microsoft
                                                                                                                   providing services for
                                                                                                                   aircraft engines,” said Ren.
                                                                                                                   “Huawei provides services
                                                                                                                   for mines, airports and

6      Coal International • March-April 2021
Volume 269 Number 2 March-April 2021 - Tradelink ...

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Volume 269 Number 2 March-April 2021 - Tradelink ...

            Is coal really pulling out of South Africa?
            South Africa’s formerly            will never enter the
            thriving coal sector has           atmosphere; and 720,000
            had a noticeable decline           cubic metres of precious
            in net investments over            water per annum, for 30
            recent years with statistics       years, have been saved
            from the Minerals Council          – a crucial win in a highly
            of South Africa reporting a        water-scarce region of
            R2-billion drop from 2010          a water-scarce country
            to 2018.                           forecast to be particularly
               As the future of the            hard hit as the climate
            South African coal industry        crisis intensifies,” said
            remains bleak and                  Nicole Loser, attorney
            divestment from coal mining        and programme head
            continues around the world,        for pollution and climate
            some of South Africa’s giant       change at the Centre for             Mpumalanga’s coal fields: ‘The result of major producers
            coal miners have sold or           Environmental Rights                 selling their coal assets is that the enormous environmental
            are in the process of selling      (CER).                               damage of the mines is left to smaller, less-resourced
            their operations.                     “Significant air pollution        companies after much of the profitable reserve has been pulled
               Challenges facing the           that would have harmed the out.’ Photo © Daylin Paul/courtesy Life After Coal.
            coal industry include an           lives and health of residents
            altered customer base              of Lephalale and surrounds           managing the balance                 In response to questions
            for the country’s coal             – already affected by                between the current                  on what the future holds for
            exports as developed               Eskom’s Medupi and                   environment and the                  Eskom’s coal-fired power
            countries are moving               Matimba power plants – has communities we operate                         stations, the company’s
            towards renewable energy           been avoided.”                       in,” said Mgojo, as quoted           media desk replied that
            resources. There is a                 Speaking at the 2021              in Mining Weekly.                    “coal requirements are
            hostile funding environment        virtual Investing in African                                              underpinned by the
            for coal projects as financial     Mining Indaba earlier                Energy mix                           anticipated demand and
            institutions nationally and        in February, the chief               Even with the declining              Integrated Resource Plan
            internationally are no longer      executive of one of the              coal sector, the government          (IRP) assumptions into the
            investing in coal projects         country’s top five coal              remains intent on keeping            future”.
            due to the pressure from           producers announced that             coal as a major part of the             The IRP is a long-term
            environmental lobbying – a         his company would no                 country’s energy mix, and            electricity capacity plan
            challenge too for newer coal       longer be investing in its           well into the future.                which provides the country
            miners with less financial         thermal coal assets.                   According to Eskom,                with a “living plan” of its
            muscle compared to major              Exxaro Resources’ move            one of the core pillars of its       envisaged energy mix up to
            coal producers.                    from thermal coal forms              coal strategy is to procure          2030.
               Litigation against some         part of its transition to            coal for the life of Eskom’s            In response to questions
            major coal developments is         becoming carbon neutral by power stations, or the life of                 about the transition towards
            also setting a precedent for       2050, said Mxolisi Mgojo.            the coal-mining reserves.            a clean and sustainable
            the future of investments in       The company will
            coal projects. In November         continue to supply
            2020 the High Court in             thermal coal to
            Pretoria set aside the             Eskom’s Medupi
            environmental approval             and Matimba power
            for the proposed 1200MW            stations in line with
            Thabametsi coal-fired              existing supply
            power plant outside                contracts.
            Lephalale in Limpopo                  “We understand
            because the minister of            that we are a fossil
            environmental affairs had          fuel company and
            failed to take into account        we are migrating
            the climate change impacts         to a whole new
            of the proposed coal-fired         sustainable
            power station.                     development
               “The shelving of                goal where we
            Thabametsi means that              intend to drive the
            136,1-million tonnes of            renewable part of          Duvha power station near Emalahleni: Eskom’s strategy is to procure
            carbon dioxide equivalent          the future, [while         coal for the life of its power stations, or the life of coal-mining reserves.
            greenhouse gas emissions           simultaneously]            Photo © Mujahid Safodien/courtesy Life After Coal.

8      Coal International • March-April 2021
Volume 269 Number 2 March-April 2021 - Tradelink ...

                                                                                                    2020. Reasons for the
                                                                                                    rejection included that “the
                                                                                                    activity will conflict with the
                                                                                                    general objectives of the
                                                                                                    Integrated Environmental
                                                                                                    Management laid down in
                                                                                                    Chapter 5 of the National
                                                                                                    Environmental Management
                                                                                                    Act and that any potential
                                                                                                    detrimental environmental
                                                                                                    impacts resulting from
                                                                                                    the activities cannot be
                                                                                                    mitigated to acceptable
                                                                                                       Speaking to MineAlert
                                                                                                    about this application
                                                                                                    in September 2020,
                                                                                                    the attorney for the
                                                                                                    communities objecting to
                                                                                                    the application, Richard
                                                                                                    Spoor, said there was a
                                                                                                    growing trend of DMRE
New order: Among the 82 new coal projects in exploration, feasibility study and/or construction     awarding prospecting rights
phase in Mpumalanga are several in and around the Chrissiesmeer Protected Area. Map                 and mining permits to small
courtesy AmaranthCX.                                                                                entrepreneurs, especially
                                                                                                    around the Mpumalanga
energy supply, Eskom                One of Mgojo’s concerns       on basic environmental            region.
responded: “Eskom is             about the disposal of coal       impact assessments and               Attorney and programme
embarking on a just energy       assets by the major coal         consultation processes            head of mining at CER,
transition plan which seeks      producers is that they           with interested and affected      Catherine Horsfield,
to map out a pathway to          could land in the hands of       parties.                          cautions that “when one
decarbonising the grid,          companies that may not              An example of this             has regard to the fact that
shifting to cleaner energy       comply with environmental,       was the application               coal assets are rapidly
solutions and ensuring           social and governance            by Manzolwandle                   becoming stranded assets,
concomitant increase in          (ESG) requirements.              Investments to mine coal          one cannot avoid the
sustainable jobs. We are            “A big concern [when]         near the southern border          inference that selling these
in the process of detailing      disposing of one’s coal          of the Kruger National            assets is more akin to
this plan with the respect       assets [is that] they may        Park. Despite backlash            dumping them, and buyers
to technology options,           land in the hands of parties     from the surrounding              should beware”.
financing options and socio-     who may not want to act          communities, the small               According to Horsfield,
economic development             responsibly in terms of how      company was confident             the result of major coal
options.                         they treat the environment       about its application being       producers selling their
   “From a coal perspective,     and other aspects of ESG,”       successful.                       coal assets is that the
improving the quality of         Mgojo was quoted saying             Manzolwandle initially         enormous environmental
coal procured to acceptable      on the Argus website.            failed to follow proper           damage of the coal mines
levels could potentially            Paul Miller, director of      consultation processes and        is left to these smaller,
assist with current              mining supply consultancy        failed to notify all interested   less-resourced companies
emissions regulations as we      AmaranthCX, echoes               and affected parties about        after much of the profitable
transition towards a cleaner     Mgojo’s concerns: “This          some public meetings              reserve has been pulled
and more sustainable             is yet another blow to           held to discuss their             out.
energy supply,” said the         transparency within the          proposed mining project. Its         In response to questions
entity’s media desk.             sector as listed companies       environmental consultants         on how they would ensure
                                 had stricter environmental,      landed in hot water when          compliance, the DMRE
Smaller coal operations          social and governance            it was discovered their           responded: “When a
Divestment by the larger         reporting and disclosure         background information            company sells its mining
companies has resulted           requirements,” he said.          document had been copied          rights or changes a
in coal mines being taken           According to Miller, the      and pasted from other             control in a listed entity,
over by smaller operators        lack of proper follow-ups        similar documents.                the cessionary (buyer)
and some big companies           on the smaller operators            The application was            must demonstrate the
that are not listed on           opens up the possibility         rejected by the Department        technical and financial
the Johannesburg Stock           for them to get away with        of Mineral Resources and          ability that they will be
Exchange.                        not doing due diligence          Energy (DMRE) in October          able to carry through the

                                                                                                        Coal International • March-April 2021      9
Volume 269 Number 2 March-April 2021 - Tradelink ...

                                                                                                               to discouraging the
                                                                                                               development of new
                                                                                                               coal-fired power stations
                                                                                                               and mines; reduce
                                                                                                               emissions from existing
                                                                                                               coal infrastructure and
                                                                                                               encourage a coal phase-
                                                                                                               out; and enable a just
                                                                                                               transition to sustainable
                                                                                                               energy systems has had
                                                                                                               some notable successes
                                                                                                               towards these objectives.
                                                                                                                  Some milestones in
                                                                                                               the past year include the
                                                                                                               criminal prosecution of
                                                                                                               Eskom for violating permit
                                                                                                               limits and filing misleading
                                                                                                               information to authorities
                                                                                                               at its Kendal coal power
                                                                                                               station; and the proposed
                                                                                                               Thabametsi coal plant
                                                                                                               being set aside (following
                                                                                                               successful litigation by
           Pollution hotspot: Recent research found that in South Africa 9.3% of deaths can be                 the campaign), with the
           attributed to air pollution from fossil fuels – about 45,134 people each year.                      proposed Khanyisa coal
                                                                                                               plant in Mpumalanga likely
           mining operations and                Africa, an additional           prospecting applications       to follow.
           comply with the compliance           four mines undergoing           and new coal projects             “These victories have
           requirements of the existing         expansions, and one             owned by small operators       resulted in tangible
           mining right.”                       being recommissioned            publicly available. None of    benefits for health, climate,
               Horsfield remarked that          after a period of care and      the new coal projects which    the economy and the
           it is crucial “the financial         maintenance.                    are in their exploration       environment,” said Loser.
           provision needed for                    “If all of these projects    and studies phase                 A new study published
           environmental rehabilitation         were to go into operation       that he mapped out for         this week by scientists
           is accurately assessed               as planned, they would          AmaranthCX appear on the       at Harvard University,
           and properly collected by            add 128-million tonnes to       DMRE ‘Operating Mines          University College London
           the DMRE. That financial             South Africa’s output, a        Directory and because of       and other universities found
           provision needs to be set            51% increase in current         the login issues with the      that air pollution from fossil
           aside and ring-fenced                production,” said GEM           SAMRAD system these            fuel use is responsible
           before profits are paid out          energy analyst Ryan             could not be verified on it.   for one in five deaths
           to shareholders.”                    Driskell Tate.                     “It has become apparent     worldwide. This research
                                                   The DMRE hosts an            that there are deep            found that in South Africa,
           Coal data                            online directory of operating   systematic issues with the     9.3% of deaths can be
           Miller’s company recently            mines that shares brief         SAMRAD system,” said           attributed to air pollution
           mapped out 271 coal                  details such as the mine        Miller. “There is no one-      from fossil fuels – about
           mines and prospecting                code, owner, name and           stop-shop for information,     45,134 people each year.
           operations across South              commodity type. The             and that is a general issue       “Coal is not on the way
           Africa. His data shows there         site also hosts the South       of [lack of] transparency.”    out, but we have certainly
           are currently 112 new coal           African Mineral Resources          In response to questions    seen positive indications
           projects in exploration,             Administration System           from MineAlert about the       of a declining coal sector
           feasibility study and/or             (SAMRAD), the official          inaccessibility of SAMRAD,     in South Africa,” Loser
           construction phase. Of               administration system of        the DMRE’s media desk          said. “Examples include
           these new projects, 82 are           mining applications and         responded that the system      the withdrawing by
           in Mpumalanga province,              permits. However, recent        is available during working    investors and financiers
           which is already heavily             attempts to access the          hours and is updated           from proposed coal power
           polluted due to mining and           portal proved fruitless, and    quarterly.                     projects, the adoption of
           coal power stations.                 calls to the number provided                                   policies by commercial
             According to the                   for the SAMRAD help desk        Life after coal                lenders to restrict funding
           Global Energy Monitor                rang unanswered.                Life After Coal/Impilo         of coal projects, and
           (GEM), there are 23 new                 Miller said the DMRE         Ngaphandle Kwamalahle,         diminishing allocations in
           mines currently under                portals do not make             a joint campaign of civil      South Africa’s electricity mix
           development in South                 information on new              organisations committed        to coal power.”

10      Coal International • March-April 2021

                              Gas monitoring – is
                              continual monitoring the
                                  ithout delving into the past of early         some of elements of the mine designed with consideration of

                                  methods of gas detection in mines when        emergency situations, having some emergency equipment
                                  the warm-blooded birds like canaries          onsite and a comprehensive training programme in place.
                                  were commonly used , the industry is
                                  now implementing new technology in            It is a well-known fact that gas monitoring on its own will
                                  gas detection methods that may even           never prevent a mine fire or put it out if it starts. What it
                                  see the return of the canary albeit a         does offer is a means of identifying a problem early and
           modern version that is highly unlikely to fall off its perch, this   subsequently an opportunity to take appropriate controlling
           new technology to remotely detect toxic gases in underground         actions. The earlier a problem is identified the better the
           mines is being trialled in Western Australia.                        chance of successfully dealing with the problem. The
                                                                                best chance of getting an early warning is by continual
           Sophisticated monitoring equipment and wireless sensor               monitoring. The successful application of mine monitoring
           networks are now at the forefront of detecting gas and               systems requires the setting of appropriate alarms
           hopefully will save many unnecessary deaths. Many                    that trigger effective remedial actions. The mine must
           companies have now started producing automatic detectors             also implement effective maintenance and calibration
           which tells the exact concentration of the gases present             procedures to ensure reliable ongoing operation of the
           in the mine environment, these devices are able to detect            mine gas monitoring systems if they rely on them for this
           even a very small amount of gas percentage.                          early warning or in fact use results to assess any control
                                                                                measures they might implement during an event.
           The key issue of research on wireless sensor networks is
           to balance the energy costs across the whole network and             Coal mines around the globe all implement different gas
           to enhance the robustness in order to extend the survival            monitoring measures, however Queensland in Australia’s
           time of the whole sensor network. Zigbee technology is               underground operations, as a whole, has arguably the
           given preference over others such as Wi-Fi for establishing          best gas monitoring systems in the world. Each mine
           a wireless network because it provides a large range of              utilises real time, tube bundle and onsite ultra-fast gas
           coverage and less fluctuation in the signals                         chromatograph systems. Queensland’s mining legislation
                                                                                has specific requirements for mine gas monitoring but
           When a high potential incident occurs in a coal mine, the            there is no requirement for all three techniques. Industry
           situation can quickly spiral downward to cause multiple loss         has however identified the need for all three and adopted
           of life, loss of equipment, loss of coal assets and major            this as a standard, resulting in over sixty thousand gas
           damage to a company’s reputation. Without wanting to                 results collected each day. Automated monitoring systems
           state the obvious, a fire in a coal mine is very difficult to        are programmed to alarm for gas concentrations, gas ratios
           control as the fuel (coal) is abundant and changing the              and explosibility. These alarms are then used to initiate
           ventilation may endanger the underground mine workers.               predetermined actions to take control of the situation and
                                                                                prevent the compromise of safety to workers and the loss
           Such incidents in underground coal mine are an ever-                 of resources. Dedicated software packages have been
           present risk in the industry. However, the mine can be better        developed to assist in the interpretation of the large volume
           prepared to take control of the situation earlier by having          of results generated. The real time systems are used for

12      Coal International • March-April 2021

real time warning, essential for incidents such as belt fires.   sequentially using infrared and paramagnetic techniques.
Tube bundle systems suit long term trending used for             Gases measured are carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide,
identification of the onset of spontaneous combustion or for     methane and oxygen. Because the analysers are on the
the determination of explosibility during the routine sealing    surface, tube can be located in the goaf as once positioned
of worked areas. Gas chromatograph analysis is used              there is no requirement to access the end sampling point
to provide a complete analysis and provides results for          (although sample filters and water traps located out bye
hydrogen and ethylene, key gases used in the assessment          will require maintenance). Tube bundle systems are suited
of spontaneous combustion. It is also crucial during             to long term trending (provided the system is suitably
significant spontaneous combustion events and coal fires         maintained). Very good analytical equipment is available
to use gas chromatography to determine the explosibility         and can be housed in dedicated air-conditioned rooms on
status of the underground atmosphere otherwise the               the surface with the samples dried and passed through
severity of the situation is likely to be underestimated.        particulate filters prior to entering the analyser.
This paper outlines the need for all three techniques for
assessing the underground status and outlines advantages         Generally, systems are set up to measure oxygen, carbon
and disadvantages of each.                                       monoxide, carbon dioxide and methane. Given their
                                                                 ability to measure carbon monoxide down to 1 ppm, the
REAL TIME MONITORING                                             long-term stability of these analysers and the frequent
Real time sensor systems (telemetric systems) are ideal          sampling, this technique is best for long term trending of
for telling us what is happening now. The sensors must           carbon monoxide, and carbon monoxide make, to identify a
be located where the gas needs to be measured, and the           spontaneous combustion event. With respect to measuring
measurement signal is sent to the surface. This means            range, it is normally only carbon monoxide that presents
having multiple sensors underground, and that these sensors      problems, with most systems capable of measuring to only
are exposed to the harsh underground environment which is        1000 ppm. Because methane and oxygen concentrations
not ideal for precise analytical measurements. This is not       can be measured over all expected concentrations ranges,
really a major problem as these systems are used to detect       this technique is the best for automated monitoring of
step changes, such as the onset of a fire, a sudden increase     explosibility of an area so long as a fire or heating doesn’t
in a seam gas in the general body or reduction in oxygen.        exist. This technique is best for monitoring explosibility
They offer real time warning and are the best system for         during a routine sealing operation and for the early onset of
identifying a sudden event such as a belt fire. The situation    any spontaneous combustion event.
is reported when it happens. Generally, sensors included are
methane, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and oxygen.            To get this improved stability and analytical capability,
These types of sensors employed underground tend to              the immediate availability of the results is sacrificed. The
have limited measuring ranges: carbon monoxide is often          samples need to be drawn to the surface prior to being
only capable of being measured up to 50 ppm, methane to          analysed, meaning the data being generated can be from
5 % and carbon dioxide to several percent. This range is         samples collected from over an hour before. There is only
fine while no problems exist, and indeed to alert the onset      one bank of analysers, so only one sample is analysed at a
of a problem. But if a fire or other major incident involving    time. Depending on the number of tubes in the system and
generated gases occurs, these sensors may quickly reach          the programmed sampling sequence, each point may only
full scale and be unable to return a true indication of the      be sampled once every thirty to sixty minutes. Add this to the
concentrations. Due to the environment these sensors are         time taken to draw the sample from underground, which may
in and their characteristics, they are not as useful for long    be as long as an hour and it is obvious this technique is not
term trending as the other techniques. Most of these sensors     suitable for the instantaneous detection of an incident such
require the presence of oxygen to work and are therefore         as a fire. To minimise delay time in sample analysis, even
unsuitable for monitoring areas of low oxygen concentration      when a sampling location isn’t been analysed it is being
such as sealed or non-ventilated goafs. As each individual       drawn to the surface by purging pumps that just vent the
sensor needs to be calibrated regularly (at least monthly)       sampled gas to atmosphere. As multiple points are drawn
they are not suited to being located for long term monitoring    through these purging pumps it is important to balance the
in inaccessible areas. Some of these sensors also suffer         flows of each of the tubes to ensure that each of the tubes is
from cross sensitivities, as the reactions they rely on to       being purged and not just the tube with the least resistance.
give a response can be common to other gases found
underground, such as carbon monoxide sensors being cross         Because the analysers in these systems rely on infrared
sensitive to hydrogen sulphide and hydrogen.                     absorbance and paramagnetic attraction the gas matrix
                                                                 is not important, making this technique suitable for the
In the case of an explosion, it is likely that the real time     analysis of gases from oxygen depleted areas such as the
monitoring system will be rendered inoperable, requiring         goaf. What must be remembered is that the measurement
other techniques for the determination of the status of the      of oxygen using paramagnetic analysers is flow rate
underground environment                                          dependent and the flow from each tube must be balanced
                                                                 to be the same, including any calibration gases used.
TUBE BUNDLE                                                      Otherwise, it is possible that two locations could in fact
Tube bundle systems draw gas samples from designated             have the same oxygen concentration, but because of
sampling locations underground to the surface through            more resistance in one of the tubes, the flow through the
plastic tubes using vacuum pumps and analysed                    analyser is at a lower flow rate and as such results in a

                                                                                                   Coal International • March-April 2021      13

           lower reading than a location with the same concentration       The GC is not the best analytical technique for low
           but flowing through the instrument at a faster rate.            concentrations of carbon monoxide; therefore, this technique
                                                                           is not the preferred method for determination of carbon
           Too often the maintenance of the tubes is overlooked,           monoxide makes nor low general body concentrations.
           and the monthly leak testing identified in Australian           However, during a significant spontaneous combustion
           Standard “AS2290.3 Electrical equipment for coal mines          event, fire or following an explosion, it is the only technique
           – Maintenance and overhaul Part 3: Maintenance of gas           that will allow us to make an accurate determination of the
           detecting and monitoring equipment.” is not performed or        explosibility of the underground environment. Like the tube
           not done as stated by the standard. If maintenance follows      bundle system, the gas matrix of the sample does not affect
           the method outlined in the standard, it is not only possible    GC analysis. So long as appropriate calibration gases are
           to confirm that no leaks exist but also determine an            available, this technique is capable of measuring gases at
           approximate time taken for a sample to reach the surface.       any concentration above their detection limit. This eliminates
           The knowledge of the draw times of each tube is critical to     the problems seen with the other techniques, particularly for
           adequately assess what is happening and how long ago it         carbon monoxide concentrations greater than 1000 ppm.
           actually happened in an emergency situation.
                                                                           The ultrafast gas chromatographs in use in Queensland
           In the event of a mine explosion the tube bundle monitoring     mines allow the analysis of most the components expected
           system may still appear to be functional but the location       underground in approximately 2 minutes. Since their
           from which tubes are sampling may not be the same, due          introduction the number of routine samples analysed
           to damage to the tubes. A good tube bundle system will          has increased significantly allowing the mine to build
           include monitoring of the vacuum pressure in each of the        comprehensive background knowledge of the normal
           tubes, so following an explosion this data can be used to       background composition of particular areas underground.
           determine whether a tube has been compromised or not.           This increased sampling and analysis regime has also
           It is also useful during routine operation for identifying      increased the chances of identifying and deviation from
           increased restriction or sudden leakage in a tube, both of      what is normal and allows the early intervention to deal with
           which can compromise the operation of the system.               any problems identified.

           If the tubes are damaged and not providing any valuable         This increased speed of analysis is invaluable during
           information, it may be possible to make use of boreholes        emergency situations, particularly when assessing the
           and connect new tubes to locations of interest as the           safety of the underground atmosphere for re-entry or
           surface equipment will still be operational (flame arrestors    during re-entry by mines rescue teams. In these cases
           are installed at each end of the sampling tubes). Another       what makes this assessment more effective is that GC is
           major advantage of the tube bundle system is that it draws      onsite and can be operated by mine personnel. There is no
           the sample to the surface and any locations requiring           delay in determining the status underground while waiting
           further analysis such as GC don’t require any additional        for external providers to arrive or transporting samples
           trips underground to collect samples. This is particularly      away from site for laboratory analysis.
           advantageous in emergency situations when personnel
           may have been withdrawn from the mine and re-entry is           COMPARISON OF TECHNIQUES
           prohibited.                                                     Comparison of results obtained at the same monitoring
                                                                           location using the different techniques are shown in Figures
           GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY                                              1-7. It can be seen In Figure 1, that oxygen measurements
           Gas chromatography, with regard to gas analysis, involves       collected over 1 day showed much less variation in
           the separation of all sample components followed by             measurements made using the tube bundle than for the
           their measurement on relatively non-specific detectors.         real time sensor which regularly varied by more than 0.3 %
           Specificity is obtained by virtue of the separation process
           rather than detection. The use of a GC expands analytical
           capabilities to include gases crucial in the interpretation
           of spontaneous combustion events, particularly ethylene
           and hydrogen. The GC provides a complete analysis
           of the gases expected underground and is the only one
           of the three techniques capable of measuring hydrogen,
           nitrogen, ethylene and ethane. Determination of nitrogen is
           particularly important for determining oxygen deficiency in
           some spontaneous combustion indicating ratios. Similar to
           the tube bundle, problems exist with bringing the samples
           to the GC. The significance of time delays in getting results
           is dependent on what the results are being used for. GC is
           not going to be suitable for detection of a belt fire because
           of the time delay between collection of the sample and
           analysis, but the delay is acceptable for confirmation of
           other results or for evidence and trending of spontaneous
           combustion indicators.                                          Figure 1: Real time vs tube bundle oxygen measurements.

14      Coal International • March-April 2021

Figure 2: Real time vs tube bundle methane Measurements.      Figure 5: Tube bundle vs GC oxygen measurements.

Figure 3: Real time vs tube bundle carbon monoxide            Figure 6: Tube bundle vs GC methane measurements.

Figure 4: Tube bundle vs GC carbon dioxide measurements.      Figures 7: Tube bundle vs GC carbon monoxide

(absolute) between measurements. These variations make        one-month period, reflecting increasing and decreasing
calculation of oxygen deficiencies used in ratios used for    trends. The difference in absolute concentration seen in
indicating /assessing spontaneous combustion, unreliable.     Figure 7 could be a result of a difference in calibration
                                                              gases used to set the instruments response.
The methane results collected over 1 week in Figure
2 show good correlation in the magnitude of methane           When differences exist in the concentrations measured
and reasonable agreement with trends between the two          using the different techniques it can complicate the
techniques. Although the absolute carbon monoxide             application of pre-set trigger levels. It also means that data
concentrations measured over 1 day in Figure 3 were           for trends should only be generated by one technique and
different, the trend over the 24 hours was the same for the   not an accumulation of results. When trends from different
two techniques. This difference may be as a result of a       techniques are viewed, they should indicate the same
difference in calibration between the two techniques or as    pattern. Often these measurement differences are related
a result of sensor drift (most likely the real time).         to the techniques themselves but some of the issues can
                                                              be removed if calibration gases used for each technique are
Slight differences in absolute concentrations are evident     compared prior to being used to set instrument response.
and the difference in the amount of data collected by the
techniques is significant, however the tube bundle data and   Another strong point of real time sensors and tube bundle
GC data (Figures 4-7) show very good agreement over a         monitoring is that the monitoring points are at fixed locations,

                                                                                                  Coal International • March-April 2021      15

            Figure 8: Sample 1 as measured by tube bundle.                      Figure 9: Sample 1 as measured by GC.

            Figure 10: Sample 2 as measured by tube bundle.                     Figure 11: Sample 2 as measured by GC.

            Figure 12: Sample 3 as measured by tube bundle.                     Figure 13: Sample 3 as measured by GC.

           resulting in consistent automated sampling/measurement.              or fuel rich, due to the generation of percent levels of carbon
           When samples are collected underground for subsequent                monoxide and hydrogen during mine fires. The presence of
           GC analysis, variations in results and trends can often be           percent levels of these gases not only adds to the percentage
           attributed to not collecting samples from exactly the same           of combustible gases present but also has a major influence
           locations, or poor sampling techniques.                              in the lowering of the oxygen nose point (the lowest oxygen
                                                                                concentration at which an explosion can occur). Figures 8-13
           Gas chromatography is the only one of the techniques that            are examples of explosibility diagrams generated by GC
           actually measures nitrogen. As mentioned, nitrogen is included       analysis and tube bundle analysis of the same gas mix
           in some ratios used to indicate spontaneous combustion.              coming from heatings and mine fires. The composition of
           These ratios are still calculated from measurements made             these samples is listed in Table 1. Because the tube bundle
           from the other techniques but when nitrogen values are               analysis does not include the hydrogen, and only includes up
           required, the nitrogen concentration is assumed to be the            to 1000 ppm carbon monoxide, the percentage of combustible
           balance remaining and calculated by summing the measured             gas is underestimated, and the calculation of the combustible
           components and subtracting from 100. This presents obvious           (explosive) zone is incorrect. In a fire or heating situation,
           problems with the reliability of such calculations and in critical   without the GC analysis an assessment of the flammability
           situations, calculation of these ratios should be done using GC      of the atmosphere underground is likely to be unreliable and
           results . It is usual practice to confirm any abnormal results       can indicate that the atmosphere is inert when in reality it is
           with one of the other techniques so prior to the need for any        explosive. Figures 8 and 10 represent explosibility diagrams
           such comparison knowledge of how the mine’s own individual           generated using results from tube bundle analysis during
           systems compare is required.                                         advanced spontaneous combustion events. If tube bundle
                                                                                results were used in isolation without consideration to the
           ASSESSMENT OF FLAMMABILITY                                           presence of hydrogen or concentrations greater than 1000
           The need to perform a complete analysis by GC of                     ppm of carbon monoxide, then the atmosphere could be
           atmospheres generated during coal fires or heating’s is              assessed as being inert and rescue/firefighting teams sent into
           not only critical but the only option to obtain an accurate          the mine to deal with the situation. GC analysis of the same
           assessment of the flammability status of the underground             samples shows the atmosphere to be explosive (Figures
           environment. Failure to do so can lead to wrongly assessing          9 and 11) and considering the intensity of the spontaneous
           the atmosphere to be inert, when in fact it could be explosive       combustion an ignition source is likely to be present.

16      Coal International • March-April 2021

Table 1: Mine fire samples.

 Gas                             Sample 1                        Sample 2                        Sample 3
 Hydrogen (%)                    1.26                            2.90                            6.48
 Oxygen (%)                      10.45                           7.51                            6.48
 Nitrogen (%)                    78.85                           78.45                           73.17
 Methane (%)                     3.93                            1.38                            1.99
 Carbon monoxide (%)             1.82                            2.02                            2.33
 Carbon dioxide (%)              3.66                            6.67                            15.07
 Ethylene (%)                    0.013                           0.048                           0.1152
 Ethane (%)                      0.0179                          0.108                           0.0774

Figures 12 and 13 represent a sample collected from an            indicative of the affected area and not just at the point of
advanced mine fire. In this case the explosibility diagram        entry of the inertisation gas, otherwise assessment of the
from the tube bundle data shows the atmosphere to be              situation may not be indicative of the true state.
non-combustible. This would mean that from this data only
and with no consideration to the presence of hydrogen             CONCLUSION
or carbon monoxide concentrations greater than 1000               As beneficial as they are, it must be remembered that
ppm it would appear that it was safe to re-ventilate the          monitoring systems on their own are not going to provide a
area as there was not enough fuel for an explosion. The           successful solution to gas monitoring. Success depends on
explosibility diagram generated by the GC data shows that         systems, processes and training built around the hardware
the atmosphere is actually fuel rich, and the addition of         and the way these systems are used.
oxygen to the area could push the atmosphere through the
explosive zone, again with a likely ignition source present.      •     An effective gas monitoring system includes real time
                                                                        sensors, a tube bundle system and a gas chromatograph.
These examples highlight the necessity to determine the           •     Each technique is addressing different hazards.
explosibility of the underground atmosphere using gas             •     Each technique has strengths and weaknesses which
chromatography.                                                         must be known by those both operating them and using
                                                                        the generated results for interpretation.
TRIGGER ACTION RESPONSE PLANS (TARPS)                             •     Effective maintenance and calibration procedures are
Mines determine gas levels that they think should not be
                                                                        required to ensure reliable ongoing operation of mine
exceeded. Often these numbers are based on historical data
                                                                        monitoring systems.
collected from the monitoring systems. To handle the large
                                                                  •     Interpretation of data is best done looking at trends
volumes of measurements made gas monitoring software
                                                                        rather than one off samples. Even if the situation is
has been developed that will automatically trigger a visual
                                                                        being underestimated, any increase in intensity should
and audible alarm if one of the pre-set levels is exceeded.
                                                                        result in an increase in the trend although the rate of
Alarm set points can be different for every sample point.
                                                                        change may not match the increase in intensity.
These alarms activate what are known as Trigger Action
                                                                  •     Trends should only be based on data collected from the
Response Plans (TARPS) that have predetermined actions
                                                                        same technique.
to follow. These actions have been formulated to ensure
that appropriate actions are taken to ensure the safety of        •     There are likely to be differences between in absolute
workers and maintain control of the mine.                               measurements made using different techniques.
                                                                  •     A true indication of the flammability of the mine
Alarms can be generated from absolute concentrations,                   atmosphere during a mine fire, heating or post explosion
gas ratios or explosibility. They are most useful as an early           can only be determined by gas chromatograph analysis
warning, not as an alert to an emergency or a need to                   due to the high concentrations of carbon monoxide and
evacuate the mine. When alerted early enough the mine                   hydrogen possible.
will have time to take remedial action to rectify the problem.
Having continual automated gas monitoring provides the            REFERENCES
best chance for early detection.                                  Australian Standard (1990) AS2290.3 Electrical equipment for
                                                                  coal mines -Maintenance and overhaul Part 3: Maintenance of
The frequency and scope of monitoring is often included           gas detecting and monitoring equipment.
in the TARPS to ensure that the situation is not escalating       The Coal Mining Safety and Health Regulation 2001 Reprint No.
or that the control measures are being effective. It must         2C, 2007 the Office of the (Queensland Parliamentary Counsel).
be noted that if inertisation is one of the control measures
called for in the TARPS, any monitoring to determine the          ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
effectiveness of the control must be done from a location         Darren Brady Department of Mines and Energy, Queensland

                                                                                                     Coal International • March-April 2021      17

           Bonfiglioli acquires SampingranaggI
           Bonfiglioli S.p.A. won               Bonfiglioli S.P.A. had signed
           the auction at the Court             a “Bonfiglioli/Sampingranaggi
           of Bologna, 12 March                 integration agreement”
           2021, for the acquisition            with the Emilia-Romagna
           of Sampingranaggi from               Region, Metropolitan City
           Bentivoglio (BO), for €              of Bologna and FIOM-CGIL
           7,158,000.                           Emilia Romagna. FIOM-
              This acquisition confirms         CGIL Bologna and the
           the interest Bonfiglioli S.p.A.      Sampingranaggi joint trade
           had already expressed in             union representatives (RSU),
           Sampingranaggi, generated            a pact that the Group has               The Chairwoman Sonia             the human hand, machines
           by the total synergy of              declared complementary              Bonfiglioli commented:               are merely stationary atoms.
           Sampingranaggi’s know-               and functional to its own bid,      “I like to think that, if            Their skills, knowledge and
           how with the Group’s design          with a view to safeguarding         Sampingranaggi had not               experience are the great
           and production strategies            the production continuity of        already been there in the            heritage of Sampingranaggi,
           . The move preserves                 Sampingranaggi and the              post-war period, today               and today become part of the
           and consolidates the                 people who work there,              Bonfiglioli would not exist.         great Bonfiglioli family. My
           Sampingranaggi strategic             currently about 80 employees.       Because it all began there, in       warmest welcome goes to
           supply chain, strengthening             A priority will in fact be the   1948, when a young technical         them.”
           their role as a technological        appropriate enhancement             graduate started out on a               “For Bonfiglioli, SAMP
           pivot for the Bologna regional       of the workforce, also              valuable journey of work and         represents a great
           and metropolitan area.               through the provision of            experience that, three years         opportunity,” underlined
              The acquisition includes          the Bonfiglioli Academy’s           later, led him to set up his first   Fausto Carboni, CEO
           the assets of the Italian and        continuous training programs,       business.                            of the Group, “in many
           Chinese Sampingranaggi               now available also to the               So beyond this                   aspects. From an industrial
           companies (Bentivoglio –             Sampingranaggi staff, with          “sentimental” reunion, which         point of view, it offers us
           BO, Funo di Argelato-BO              a view to a synergic and            makes me very happy, and             the possibility to integrate
           and Shanghai-China), their           transversal use of their            the full complementarity             some strategic component
           respective warehouses,               respective skills.                  of Sampingranaggi and                productions, including bevel
           the Sampingranaggi brand,               With this acquisition,           Bonfiglioli products, my first       gears, while in terms of
           patents, designs and products        Bonfiglioli S.p.A. will be able     thought, however, goes to            business development it
           for robotics, as well as all their   to increase its production          the women and men of this            allows us to enter the robotic
           staff. Sampingranaggi’s 2020         verticalization both in Italy       company who now become               gearbox market, where there
           turnover was €21 million, of         and China, accessing the            an important part of Bonfiglioli.    is ample room for growth
           which €15 million in Italy and       robotics market also through            Many times we could have         in future, both in Italy and
           €6 million in China.                 the development of other            bought plants to produce             in China through their local
              Precisely with this in            extremely precise and efficient     bevel gears (that are the heart      company, which that is part of
           mind, on 3 March 2021                products.                           of gearboxes), but without           the acquisition.”

           Weekly reports                                                           yet to be experienced. TFR           coal and EU carbon prices
                                                                                    has struggled with railings          are once again dampening
           It would appear that China           significant strength in both        to RBCT since the start of           European dark spreads
           was South Africa’s largest           basins, whilst many Chinese         2021, with unavailability of         after the recent surge of
           export market in February,           buyers are immune to the            locos, heavy rain and Covid          coal purchases, whilst
           followed closely by Pakistan,        freight market, either owning       related issues causing               warmer weather in SE Asia
           beating India into 3rd place         their own vessels or having         problems. Which probably             has seen Korean demand
           as Indian buyers struggled           long-term fixed rate capesize       all goes to explaining why           slow down too.
           with firmer freight rates.           time charters.                      physical RB1 is trading at a            Eskom is apparently
              Panamax rates have seen              It seems that Chinese            $3 premium to paper.                 going ahead with a revised
                                                             buyers don’t              Japan’s J-Power                   10-year Duvha contract
                                                             have issues with       has meanwhile started                for around R600/ton,
                                                             SA coal’s trace        producing liquified hydrogen         which is terrible timing for
                                                             elements after         from Australian brown coal,          it considering coal prices
                                                             all, although the      as Australia pushes to               are making recent highs.
                                                             first cases of         become a major hydrogen              Locking in prices for 10
                                                             cargoes stuck          exporting nation. CO2                years is also an incredibly
                                                             in dispute with        released from the process            brave move, which will likely
                                                             China’s CIQ            is planned to be buried off          either result in hero or villain
                                                             agency have            the coast of Victoria. High          status in the future.

18      Coal International • March-April 2021
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