ASLEFJOURNAL Brighton Rocks for ASLEF at the TUC - OCTOBER 2019

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ASLEFJOURNAL Brighton Rocks for ASLEF at the TUC - OCTOBER 2019
ASLEF                                                    JOURNAL
The magazine of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers & Firemen
                                                                            OCTOBER 2019

Brighton Rocks for
ASLEF at the TUC

                                                        The Ladbroke Grove crash 20 years on
ASLEFJOURNAL Brighton Rocks for ASLEF at the TUC - OCTOBER 2019
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ASLEFJOURNAL Brighton Rocks for ASLEF at the TUC - OCTOBER 2019
ASLEF                                                       JOURNAL
The magazine of the Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers & Firemen
                                                                                        OCTOBER 2019

                                                                                                                    GS Mick Whelan
                                                                                                                 Chaos and confusion
                                                                                                                             HAVE on your
                                                                                                                             behalf spent many
                                                                                                                             hours recently
                                                                                                                 making the case for a
                                                                                                                 greener transport strategy.
                                                                                                                 Lots of groups want to
                                                                                                                 jump on the climate             Mick: ‘Many don't
                                                                                                                 change bandwagon,               understand the true
                                                                                                                 building on the recent          benefits of rail’
                                                                                                                 school strikes and rise of Extinction Rebellion, and
                                                                                                                 even long-established pressure groups do not
   7                                                            10                                               seem to understand the true benefits of rail. We
                                                                                                                 could deliver many of the commitments made at
News                                                                                                             the Paris and Kyoto accords if there was a true
l JC promises expansion in workers’ rights
                                                                                                                 modal shift to rail as part of a long-term integrated
                                                                                                                 plan to secure a proper future for future
l Tim Bell’s coke habit; conferences; and                         5                                              generations.
  Off the Rails: Lord Mountbatten; Tolstoy;                                                                          Grant Shapps’ review into HS2 seems to have
  John Betjeman; Deloitte; and Sam Gurney                                                                        galvanised a number of people, some suggesting
l Prometheus unbound on the Underground
                                                                                                                 that investment – particularly real investment - is
                                                                                                                 wrong and asking if there are cheaper, better,
l Five go mad for Max on the Great North Run                      7                                              options? The reality remains that we need HS2 just
l The new Class 800 Azuma lines up with the
                                                                                                                 for the capacity benefits alone. It’s a shame the
  classic steam loco 4468 Mallard at York                                  11                                    vision isn’t greater. A true connected high speed
                                                                                                                 network would free up freight, regenerate all the
                                                                                                                 regions, and, partnered with electrification, deliver
l Sam Waters on the RSSB’s new underload
                                                                                                                 much of the green agenda being promoted by so
                                                                  9                                              many now.
  toolbox; and Darran Brown takes Pride                                                                              Recycling decades-old defunct trains so that
l In the light of Donald Trump’s recent racist                  10                                               venture capitalists can continue to lease them at
  rants, Gregor Gall reflects on the UK and                                                                      exorbitant costs does not form part of our green
  the US as two nations of immigrants                                                                            agenda. Many were not driver-friendly when built

l ASLEF in action at the TUC in Brighton with
                                                                                                                 and are not fit for purpose now. How do all the
                                                                11                                               trains and coaches purchased by the government
  GS Mick Whelan and AGS Simon Weller
l Dave Calfe, Tracy Whitbread, Mark Prenter 12-13
                                                                            14                                   end up being leased back to the industry at vastly
                                                                                                                 over-inflated terms? Is it a tax fiddle? It's time for
  and Darran Brown at the podium; Deborah                                                                        our trains to remain in our ownership when
  Reay at the ASLEF fringe; and Off Message                                                                      bought by public monies.

l The lessons of – and shadows cast by –
                                                                                                                     There were 271 suicides on our railways last year
                                                            14-15                                                and my heart goes out to the families, friends, and
  Ladbroke Grove 20 years after the crash                                                                        all those in the railway family impacted in each and
                                                                                                                 every one of those tragedies. It has made me think
l Branch News and Upcoming Events
                                                                                                                 about how many incidents did not happen or,
                                                                16                                               fortunately, were averted, or people changed their
l John Metcalfe reports from Zagreb; and                        17                                               minds, and what we need to do going forward?
  100 Years of Union                                                                                                 We have been seeking a review of all lone
                                                                                                                 working. Unfortunately 21st century society is not
l Obituaries                                                    19                                               a polite one, much of it driven by political austerity
l Letters and Classified Advertisements                     20-21
                                                                           22                                    (and, yes, it was a choice), county lines, knife and
                                                                                                                 acid attacks. If we are going to have the feeling of a
l Last Word: The paintings and the politics                     22                                               safe railway environment we need the staff and the
  of the visionary poet William Blake                                                                            passengers to know they are safe. Many of the
l On Track: Hopping a freight train; Prize
                                                                                                                 locations we go to at anti-social hours and the
                                                                                                                 shifts of a seven days a week railway are dependent
  Crossword; Legal Services; and ASLEF’s
                                                                                                                 on walking, waiting for cars or taxis, and going into
  Change of Address form
                                                                                                                 turnaround points or sidings alone. It's time for a
    Cover photos: Andrew Wiard                                                                                   total review of what constitutes safe working.
                                                                                                                     It is the anniversary of the Ladbroke Grove
    The ASLEF Journal is published every month by:                                                               tragedy this month and we should ensure that
    ASLEF, 77 St John Street, London, EC1M 4NN                                                                   such a thing never ever happens again, but we still
    Tel: 020 7324 2400 l email:                                                             do not have legislation strong enough to deal with
    website: l twitter: @ASLEFUnion
                                                                           23                                    those who failed in their fiduciary responsibilities –
                                                                                                                 and we must continue to seek it.
EditoR Mick Whelan l dESiGNER Michael Cronin l PRiNtER College Hill Press, London, SW19 4HE
AdvERtiSiNG ASLEF Journal, 77 St John Street, London, EC1M 4NN. Contact Keith Richmond on 020 7324 2407
                                                                                                                 Yours fraternally
or l ClASSiFiEd AdS or call 020 7324 2400. The acceptance of a
display or classified advertisement does not necessarily imply endorsement of that product or service by ASLEF   Mick Whelan, general secretary
ChANGE oF AddRESS Please post your details to ASLEF, 77 St John Street, Clerkenwell, London, EC1M 4NN

                                                                                                                        October 2019 l The ASLEF Journal           3
ASLEFJOURNAL Brighton Rocks for ASLEF at the TUC - OCTOBER 2019

Breath of fresh air
          SLEF has welcomed            will set up a Ministry for
 A        Jeremy Corbyn’s pledge
          at the Trades Union
                                       Employment Rights with a remit
                                       to improve pay and conditions for
Congress in Brighton to put            workers across the UK. It will also
power ‘in the hands of the             appoint a Secretary of State for
workers’ by implementing the           Employment Rights and a
biggest expansion of                   Workers’ Protection Agency to
                                                                               Mick (right) on Jeremy’s pledge: ‘A turning point in industrial relations’
employment rights in British           enforce standards in the
history.                               workplace.                                  ‘What a breath of fresh air!’ said   world of work and safety, will act
    Jeremy promised union                  Reiterating the party’s pledge      GS Mick Whelan. ‘A politician who        as a driver for the economy and
delegates radical action to            to repeal the Trade Union Act           wants to stand up for the workers        give strength to building a bright
transform everyday lives by            2016, he said unions will get the       of this country, who wishes to           future.’
driving up wages, improving job        right again to organise in              protect the electorate by giving
security, and giving staff more say    workplaces, and reps will be            rights and protections to all. This      n Please turn to pages 11, 12
in how their companies are run.        protected against being sacked          proposed legislation is long             and 13 for our reports of ASlEF
    He said a Labour government        for union activities.                   overdue and, by creating a better        in action at the tUC in Brighton

Leadsom calls for halt to HS2                                              QUOTE…
                                                                                                              TWEETS OF THE MONTH
Business Secretary Andrea Leadsom, Conservative MP for South               ‘HS2 is the best way to                 David Cameron admits smoking
Northamptonshire, has called for an immediate halt to work                 add the extra rail                      dope with wife and getting ‘off his
clearing the way for HS2 until the government decides whether              capacity we so                     head’ at Eton.
or not to press ahead with the project.                                    desperately need to      
   She said many of her constituents believe ‘enabling works’              rebalance our
should be paused amid fears about ‘unnecessary disruption to               country’s economy.’                     I care much less about Cameron
the countryside’ given that the line could be scrapped.                    – Sir John Peace,                       taking drugs than I do him, Johnson
   But Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said: ‘I have to make a            chair of Midlands                  and Gove running a regime jailing usually
go/no-go decision in December and to have a proper go/no-go                Connect and the                    working-class and black kids who get
decision, we need to continue to allow enabling works.’                    Midlands Engine                    caught for doing what they did.
   HS2 Ltd has spent £1.25 billion buying property in London                      …UNQUOTE                    @Kevin_Maguire
to clear the way for the line.
                                                                                                                  Debating, ie listening to, engaging
Wrong prescription                                                                                                with, & respecting other people’s
                                                                                                              arguments, is more vital than ever.
Chuka Umunna has never seen a party he                                                                        @bbcnickrobinson
didn’t want to join. He has been, this year, a
member of four political parties – Labour, The                                                                      ‘Starting with a blank sheet’. We have
Independent Group, Change UK and the                                                                                debated this project [HS2] in
Liberal Democrats – in the space of four                                                                      Parliament for the past 6 years. You’ve
months. Now partying like this takes its toll.                                                                repeatedly voted for it. If the project isn’t
Hence his criticism, at the Lib Dem conference                                                                being delivered as planned, it’s Tory
in Bournemouth, of Jeremy Corbyn for ‘failing       Check that spelling bee, Chuka                            ministers who need to explain why not.
to support the prescription of Hezbollah as a       GP – has never suggested that Hezbollah                   @LilianGreenwood
terrorist organisation’. That was the script        should be prescribed. Chuka meant
handed out to hacks and faithfully reported on      proscribed, or banned, not prescribed. But it’s                No matter how you voted, I’m sure
the BBC News website. Now Jeremy – like your        been a tough year…                                             you’ll agree that Brexit is a complete
Top Tories on track to lose                      FIRE SALE BAd dEAL FOR TAXPAYER
                                                 Network Rail’s £1.5 billion fire sale of 5,261 railway             The story of the Incredible Hulk is a
Senior Tories could lose their seats in a snap   arches occupied by small businesses – to plug a
election this autumn, according to private                                                                          tragedy. One man forced to live
                                                 funding gap – was not a good deal for taxpayers              outside of society, desperately trying to find
polling by Downing Street. The Lib Dems          or tenants, according to a critical report by the
are pouring resources into Richmond Park                                                                      a cure for his terrible mutation. Whereas
                                                 House of Commons Public Accounts Committee.                  Chicken Run is a tale of how society working
in a bid to beat Zac Goldsmith and
Momentum is active in Welwyn Hatfield                                                                         together can achieve great things. The
                                                 RETIREd MEMBERS’ SECTION AGM                                 Tories are not so good on metaphors.
and Chingford & Woodford Green, where
                                                 ASLEF’s Retired Members’ Section annual general              @organgeorangeboy
Transport Secretary Grant Shapps and Iain
                                                 meeting will be held at 11am on Wednesday
Duncan Smith are vulnerable.
                                                 9 October at the BR Sports & Social Club, Beaver                    @BorisJohnson @10DowningStreet Ok
                                                 Road, Ashford, Kent, TN23 7RR.                                      you got there. PM. Stick it on your CV.
            Our woolly hat will keep                                                                          But please go away now and stop f***ing up
            you warm this winter. Price          ELECTRO MAN                                                  our country for you and your friends’
            £5 (including p&p); email            Members can receive the ASLEF Journal – and                  benefits. There are real lives at stake here...
   or visit           reps can receive circulars – electronically if they          it’s not a f***ing game.
   our online shop at           choose. Please contact the admin dept at head                Bowden Smith @TheLordBowden
                                                 office on 020 7324 2400.

4 The ASLEF Journal l October 2019
ASLEFJOURNAL Brighton Rocks for ASLEF at the TUC - OCTOBER 2019

I’d like to buy the world a                        describing people
                                                   who could not
coke and keep it company                           organise something        off the Rails
                                                   properly. When Bell,
          IM BELL,       Callaghan, the            fearing she was                         LORd LOUIS MOUNTBATTEN came perilously
 T        who died on
          25 August at
                         Labour Prime
                         Minister, to Moses,
                                                   about to announce
                                                   that Callaghan
                                                                                           close to leading a cabal of industrialists, Army
                                                                                           generals, and millionaire tycoons in a coup
the age of 77, was       with the punchline        ‘couldn’t even                          against an elected Labour government. The plot,
the glossy image         urging him to ‘keep       organise pussy’ finally                 in 1968, was designed to replace the
maker and ad man         taking the tablets’       broached the              government of Harold Wilson, who had been elected in 1964
who helped Margaret      she wanted to             subject, the              and again in 1966. According to a new biography by Andrew
Thatcher win three       change it to ‘keep        unworldly Thatcher        Lownie – The Mountbattens: Their Lives and Loves (Blink
successive elections     taking the pills’.        simply stared at him      Publishing, £20) – the tycoon Cecil King thought Wilson
in 1979, 1983 and           And she had an         and said, ‘What’s         should be replaced by a ‘national government’ led by the
1987. Obits made         unfortunate habit of      wrong with pussy?         Mosleyesque figure of Mountbatten, who had just retired as
much of his              using the word            What do you think it      Chief of the Defence Staff. Hugh Cudlipp told King that
buccaneering (and        ‘pussy’ when              means?’                   Mountbatten had told him, ‘We can’t go on like this’ and
expensive) lifestyle,                                                        Solly Zuckerman, scientist and senior government adviser,
innovative                                                                   recalled a meeting where Mountbatten claimed, ‘Morale in
advertising ideas,                                                           the Armed Forces has never been so low’, adding ‘Dickie was
and success at                                                               really intrigued by the suggestion that he should become
Saatchi & Saatchi                                                            the boss man of a government.’ Mountbatten, blown up by
before turning his                                                           the IRA at Mullaghmore in Sligo in 1979, was named by
attention to the                                                             Marcia Williams, Harold Wilson’s secretary, as ‘a prime mover
Tories, but played                                                           in the plan’. According to Lownie, it was not Zuckerman who
down his dirty habits                                                        talked Mountbatten out of leading a coup and making
of making up                                                                 himself president of Britain. ‘It was the Queen herself.’
research, claiming
‘irrelevant expenses’,                                                                       LEO TOLSTOY hated trains. ‘The railroad is to
and blowing a                 tim Bell with Mrs                                              travel as a whore is to love,’ he wrote to a
fortune on a              thatcher in her pomp                                               friend. But, as Sophie Ratcliffe points out in
stupendous cocaine             and (above) the                                               The Lost Properties of Love (Collins, £16.99),
habit.                    ‘labour isn’t working                                              steam trains run through his novels and the
    Sir Tim, in his           poster’ she didn’t                                             effect is often erotic. Not just the wood-
memoirs, admitted                   understand                                               panelled, velvet-cushioned, samovar-scented
that the famous                                                              carriages of Anna Karenina, played by Keira Knightley in the
‘Labour isn’t working’                                                       2012 film, but meeting Vronsky amid the ‘frosty vapours’ and
campaign poster of          QUOTE…                                           ‘curved lines’ of Moscow Central, where ‘the rumble of
1978 left Mrs               ‘Really interesting detail that No 10            something heavy’ – love and death, War and Peace – is
Thatcher bewildered         declined to give a sworn statement to            coming, and not just down those railroad tracks.
because she had no          court [the Court of Session in Edinburgh]
sense of irony and,         and provided some emails and                                  JOHN BETJEMAN wrote the script for a BBC
consequently, didn’t        documents last night instead.’ – Laura                        programme about the life of Isambard Kingdom
get it. When her aides      Kuenssberg, BBC political editor                              Brunel, broadcast in 1966. It has just been
drafted a joke                                        …UNQUOTE                            published for the first time, in Harvest Bells: New
comparing James                                                                           and Uncollected Poems (Bloomsbury, £16.99),
                                                                                          and contains these lines: ‘The company’s offices
                                                                                          in Tudor style / I built at Bristol’s Temple Meads
CONFERENCES & RALLIES                                                        meanwhile. / Bristol, which gave my great Great Western
The StUC black workers’ conference is at the Golden Jubilee                  birth, / Should have the finest wooden roof on earth.’
Conference Hotel, Glasgow, from Saturday 5 to Sunday 6 October. The
StUC women’s conference is at the Concert Hall, Perth, from Monday                          dELOITTE has been hit with a £4.2 million fine
28 to Tuesday 29 October. The StUC disabled workers’ conference is                          for failing to spot Serco’s dead prisoner tagging
at the Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel, Glasgow, from Saturday 16 to                        scandal and signing off on the company’s
Sunday 17 November. The Scottish trades Union Congress is at the                            dodgy accounts. The firm admitted misconduct
Concert Hall, Perth, from Monday 20 to Wednesday 22 April 2020. The                         for audits which overcharged for electronically
labour Party conference is at the ACC convention centre in Liverpool         tagging prisoners who were either back in prison or, er,
from Saturday 19 to Wednesday 23 September.                                  dead. Helen George, a partner, was fined £97,500 for her
                                                                             part in the fiasco. She remains at the firm.
500 CLUB: ASLEF's Woking branch, with number 159, won the
September draw, scooping the RMS prize money jackpot of £428.                            TUC press releases are usually rather earnest
                                                                                         affairs, but Sam Gurney, regional secretary for
                                                                                         London, the east and south-east of England, and
                                                                                         Laurie Heselden, regional policy and campaigns
                          our new ASlEF lGBt+ purple polo
                                                                                         officer, had a bit of fun at the expense of tech
                          shirt – ‘driving for equality’ – is
                                                                                         giant Amazon with this dry observation
                          available in S, M, l and Xl. £15 inc
                                                                             between the parenthetical commas: ‘In Amazon’s
                          p&p; email or visit
                                                                             warehouses, which it remarkably calls “fulfilment centres”,
                          our online shop at
                                                                             conditions are basic and brutal.’

                                                                                                     October 2019 l The ASLEF Journal           5
ASLEFJOURNAL Brighton Rocks for ASLEF at the TUC - OCTOBER 2019

Prometheus unbound Underground
                                                                                                          Stagecoach slams
            HE Tube has long exercised a
  T         powerful grip on our collective
            imagination. For more than 150 years
                                                                                                          franchise system
– the Metropolitan Railway, the world’s first
underground passenger line, running from
Paddington via Edgware Road, Baker Street
and King’s Cross to Farringdon, opened in 1863
– it has helped people get around the capital.
    But for writers of short stories, novels, TV
dramas and films, it’s a fantastic subterranean     our friend tosker (well, dr Milton) at temple
world, an irresistible setting, like Gormenghast,
Middle Earth and Narnia, for all sorts of heroes,   Shelley’s Prometheus Unbound than Milton’s
villains and monsters.                              Satan.
    Latest in the line is Mark Strong – Tosker in      But then the Underground – although it
Our Friends in the North, Oblonsky in Anna          runs on electricity – has always run on the
Karenina, and Merlin in Kingsman: The Secret        power of metaphor, too.
Service – who in Temple on Sky1 plays a
                                                    n do you have a favourite story – on the
                                                                                                           Brian – never let it be said a man at the
maverick medic who works out of a hidden
                                                                                                           cutting edge of the progressive agenda
corner of Temple station on the Circle line.        page, stage, or screen – set on the london
                                                                                                           when it comes to promoting his bus
    It’s a British version of Valkyrien, a Scandi   Underground? Whether it’s an episode of
                                                                                                           services – has gone off rail franchises
noir medical thriller broadcast in Norway on        Dr Who, EastEnders or London’s Burning, or
                                                                                                           since being excluded from bidding
NRK1, which might explain the many                  that spectacular tube train crash in the
references to Norse mythology, Wagner’s Der         James Bond movie Skyfall, for which they
Ring des Nibelungen and Milton’s Paradise Lost                                                             Sir Brian Souter, chair of Stagecoach,
                                                    built a replica of temple station on a
although our hero – Dr Daniel Milton, natch,                                                               says the rail industry franchising
                                                    soundstage at Pinewood, let us know by
with a daughter called Eve – is more like                                                                  system is ‘fundamentally flawed’ and
                                                    emailing us at
                                                                                                           suggested that contracts are awarded
                                                                                                           by the department for Transport on
                                                                                                           the basis of who can best fill in forms,
links with the past at St Pancras                                                                          rather than run a good service for
Back at the beginning of the year we went from one drivers’ link to two. We didn’t want to                    He was speaking at the AGM of the
call them link 1 and link 2 or Sunday link and No Sunday link so we decided to name them                   company, which has brought a legal
in honour of the last two steam drivers who worked out of St Pancras. Miriam Parry retired                 action against the dfT after being
around 2003 and dennis Farthing retired about 2001 so Parry link and Farthing link were                    disqualified from bidding for the East
created. Come december a third link will be required and we intend to continue the                         Midands, West Coast partnership, and
tradition of using former drivers’ names. Mick levesley was the third last stream driver to                South Eastern franchises.
retire from St Pancras and levesley link will be up and running by the end of the year.
Garry Miller, St Pancras LdC rep

                                                                                                      dISTRICT 1 FORUM

Mick bashes Boris                                                              QUOTE…
                                                                               ‘People think
                                                                                                      DO1 Graham Morris is organising a district
                                                                                                      weekend forum at the Elstead Hotel in
                                                                                                      Bournemouth on Saturday 2 and Sunday
                                                                               and, by the way,       3 November. Speakers will include GS Mick
ASLEF condemned Boris Johnson’s decision
                                                                               I think people         Whelan and a Labour MP. Cost is £60 which
to try to sideline Parliament in the run up to
                                                                               are right, the         includes a buffet lunch on arrival, evening
Brexit on 31 October. GS Mick Whelan said:
                                                                               Tory party is run      meal, bed and breakfast. You can book at
‘Whatever your views about Brexit, the
                                                                               by people who,
democratic process must underpin what is
                                                                               basically, don’t
done in all our names. It is disturbing that a
                                                                               care about
Prime Minister, who only has a mandate                                                                PLANES, TRAINS ANd AUTOMOBILES
                                                                               people like me.’
from the Conservative Party, and not from                                                             New research reveals that 60% of long
                                                                               – dominic
the electorate, is trying to undermine the                                                            distance journeys in the UK are cheaper on
foundations of our democracy. And while                                                               planes than trains. Bruce Williamson, of the
people did vote, three years ago, to leave                                                            campaign group Railfuture, says passengers
the European Union, no one voted to leave                                                             are being forced to choose between
without a deal. The best way forward is to                                     special adviser        environmental concerns – as rail is cleaner and
call a general election and let the people     Mick: ‘let the people            …UNQUOTE              greener than flying or travelling by car – and
decide.’                                       decide a way forward’                                  cost because of perpetually rising train fares.

FIRST dIESEL/BATTERY HYBRId RUNS                                                                    Carry all your stuff – papers, sandwiches,
The UK’s first passenger-carrying diesel/battery hybrid train, a                                    keys – in style with our smart new sturdy
Class 230 unit built by Vivarail, ran between Evesham and                                           black ASlEF bag. Price £17.50 (inc p&p);
Moreton-in-Marsh on Monday 9 September. It was part of a series                                     email or visit our online
of tests ahead of delivery to Transport for Wales to run on the                                     shop at
Wrexham to Bidston line.

6 The ASLEF Journal l October 2019
ASLEFJOURNAL Brighton Rocks for ASLEF at the TUC - OCTOBER 2019

Five on journey of awareness
         HE Great North Run is        the lives of families affected by
  T      hard enough, anyway.
         It’s even harder when
                                      this debilitating genetic condition.
                                          ‘Why the Max Appeal Express?’
you’re running this punishing half    said Mark. ‘Well, that’s simple. Until
marathon from Newcastle to            early 2019 the Max Appeal train
South Shields as a specially-         worked the Great Northern
commissioned Class 365. But           Railway in and out of King’s Cross
that’s what five train drivers –      but, sadly, the train had to be
Connor Gosling, Mark Tripp, Luke      retired from public service so we
Venneear and Barry West of Great      wanted to ensure its spirit lives on.’
Northern and John Doyle of                Mo Farah won the race – for
Southern – did on Sunday 8            the sixth time – but ASLEF’s
September.                            famous five raised £2,735 and an         Connor, Barry, luke, John and Mark took it in turns to drive the Max
   It was in aid of a good cause –    awful lot of smiles along the way.       Appeal Express built by their train driver colleague Paul tucker
Mark’s son Adam has 22q11             The drivers did the run in a
deletion syndrome and they            creditable 3 hours 15 minutes            was fabulous,’ said Mark. ‘Everyone      could be scrapped five of us from
wanted to raise funds for – and       20 seconds.                              cheered us, and wanted to high           Great Northern and Southern
awareness of – a charity called           ‘The whole day was amazing           five us along the entire course.         decided to connect the Northern
Max Appeal which helps improve        and the response from the crowds         Given the possibility that HS2           Powerhouse to the south anyway!’

Andy, you’re a star                                Museum piece management
Andy Hudd, a member of                             Workers at the              since 24 August, say
Bristol branch, has been                           National Railway            this has left them with
re-elected unopposed as                            Museum in York, which       a 13% pay cut, in real
executive committee                                is part of the Science      terms, since 2010.
member for District 7. Andy,                       Museum Group,                   ‘Our members love
who joined the railway after                       staged a 24-hour strike     their jobs but they
serving for ten years in the                       on Friday 30 August         cannot carry on with       Managers at the National Railway Museum
Royal Navy, was first elected                      after management            year after year of real    are stuck in the 1930s on pay rises, say staff
to the EC in August 2014                           imposed a below-            terms pay cuts,’ said
                                Andy’s been                                                               Labour MP for York          management to
when his predecessor, Brian                        inflation pay rise of       Sharon Brown, the
                                re-elected EC7                                                            Central, joined             return with a better
Corbett, became district                           1.5%. Members of            union’s negotiations
organiser. Andy, who drives for GWR, was re-       Prospect, who have          officer.                   workers on the picket       offer ‘and ensure their
elected unopposed a year later to serve a full     been working to rule            Rachael Maskell,       line and called on          workers are paid fairly.’
four-year term from 2016 to 2019. His new
four-year term runs from January 2020 to
December 2023. Andy was also elected vice-
president of ASLEF’s EC in January this year        40 up                      ‘We’ve stopped the rot. A bit.’
when Dave Calfe was elected president after                                    Andrew Haines, chief executive of Network Rail, in an interview with
Tosh McDonald stood down.                                                      Gwyn Topham, transport correspondent of The Guardian, to mark his
                                                                               first anniversary in the job: ‘What passengers want, more than anything
                                                                               else, is a punctual, reliable, train service, and yet it’s been in decline for
Better cabs survey                                                             the last seven successive years. We’ve turned it round in the last eight
                                                                               months and stopped the rot, a bit, but we’ve a long way to go.’
ASLEF is launching a campaign for better cabs.                                     He also said he wants to change NR from ‘a big, slow, bureaucratic
As part of this we need to gather information,                                 company’ into devolved regional units where local managers ‘listen to
and document your experiences, in order to                                     their customers’. Restructuring, he admits, ‘is often code for cutbacks.
bolster our demands for a maximum cab                                          But it is absolutely not in this case.’
temperature, air conditioning, and better
                                                   dO1 Graham
ergonomics. We have created an online survey
                                                   Morris, who is also
at                                            QUOTE…
                                                   a member of
which takes less than five minutes to                                             ‘After one particularly poor performance in the Commons, a Tory
                                                   London Bridge
complete. If you can complete the survey, and                                     backbencher recalled Michael Gove’s description of Boris Johnson’s
                                                   branch, recently
publicise it amongst fellow members, it would                                     gift for pretending to “lose his way in a sentence, like a child in a
                                                   awarded London
be really helpful to the campaign. Thank you!                                     nativity play. You want him to succeed and, when he does, you share
                                                   Bridge Bro MBF
                                                   West his 40 year               in his triumph”. The MP despairingly added: “The problem is, the
RAIL LINE POWEREd BY SOLAR FARM                    badge.                         crowds outside don’t want him to succeed, so he just looks out of his
A solar farm at Aldershot, in Hampshire, has       Ian Penovich,                  depth”.’ – Stephen Bush, political editor, New Statesman
become the first in the world to power a           London Bridge                                                                             …UNQUOTE
railway line after being plugged into the track    branch secretary
on South Western Railway’s Wessex route. If
the pilot scheme, called Riding Sunbeams, and                        ASlEF’s new powerbank with 4400mAh capacity and lEd. Suitable for
developed by 10:10 Climate Action and                                smart phones and tablets. Product dimensions: 80 x 63mm. Price £10 (inc
Imperial College, London, is successful it could                     p&p); email or visit our online shop at
be rolled out elsewhere.

                                                                                                               October 2019 l The ASLEF Journal              7
ASLEFJOURNAL Brighton Rocks for ASLEF at the TUC - OCTOBER 2019

                                                                                                        21st century.
Britain needs HS2 –                                                                                         ‘The Tories talk the talk but, sadly, when it
                                                                                                        comes to infrastructure and public services,
but done properly                                                                                       they never walk the walk. Whether it’s
                                                                                                        electrification, rolling stock or, now, HS2,
          SLEF has backed HS2 in the wake of                                                            they pull the plug after millions or even
 A        government announcements in
          early September about – and
                                                                                                        billions have already been spent.’
                                                                                                            Mick was speaking after Transport
renewed criticism of – the mammoth rail                                                                 Secretary Grant Shapps admitted that the
project. GS Mick Whelan said: ‘Labour came                                                              first phase of HS2, due to open in 2026, will
up with the idea of HS2 but the project has                                                             be delayed by up to five years and the cost
                                                   ‘tories talk the talk but never walk the walk’
been managed – badly mismanaged – by the                                                                has soared from £62 billion to between £81
Conservative Party. We need HS2 – but we           ahead.                                               and £88 billion. The second phase, to
need it done properly. It should go to                ’Passengers and businesses in Britain have        Manchester and Leeds, which was due to
Heathrow, and it should go to Scotland.            been hampered by the lack of investment in           open in 2032, has been pushed back until
    'There will be no Northern Powerhouse –        infrastructure in our country. Our railway is        2040. And in August the Prime Minister
and no clean, green future for this country –      running at full capacity. We need to                 announced a review of HS2 – ‘go or no-go’ –
if HS2, even in its current form, does not go      modernise our network and bring it into the          to report by the end of the year.

New lease of life for old signal box
WHEN Richard and Nikki Curzon
left the RAF six years ago, they
splashed out £700,000 on an old
Station House and Signal Box
standing by a disused railway line
in south Devon, spent £20,000
tarting it up, and now live in the
former while renting out the latter
as a self-catering holiday let.                                                                                             the victorian signal box at
    ‘We wanted a change,’ says                                                                                              loddiswell, near
Richard, 45, who served in the                                                                                              Kingsbridge, south devon
RAF police. ‘And stumbled across      the Signal Box brings in £25,000 a
this place, on the old Great          year income for us.’
Western Railway Primrose line, a         Sherilee Jordan of
picturesque route from South          adds: ‘People don’t just want a
                                      break these days, they want a
Brent to Kingsbridge axed by
                                      holiday experience. That’s why               ‘Donald Trump is not backing Brexit because he believes it to be
notorious Dr Beeching in 1963.
                                      we’ve seen increased demand for              in Britain’s best interests. He is doing so because it would
We did most of the refurbishment
                                      converted churches, railway                  weaken the EU, which he regards as a threat to US hegemony.
work ourselves, and now the
                                      properties, follies, and toll houses.’       Nor will this predatory “America First” president give Britain
Station House is our home, while
                                                                                   some fantastic trade deal by way of reward. Knowing Britain
                                                                                   will be a supplicant, he would strike the hardest possible
SWR WITHdRAWS REFURBEd PIGS                                                        bargain.’ – Martin Fletcher, New Statesman
Thirty-year-old Class 442 locos, nicknamed Plastic Pigs, newly                                                                      …UNQUOTE
refurbished at a cost of £45 million, and only reintroduced in June,
have been taken out of service by South Western Railway over fears
that they wrongly turn line-side signals yellow or red.
New figures from the Office for National Statistics reveal there were          meets the
6,507 registered suicides in the UK last year, a rise of 12% on the
previous year and the highest since 2002.                                      Mallard
POLICE HUNT CONCRETE CRETINS                                                   LNER launched its
The BTP are looking for ‘three teenage cretins’ who risked the lives of        new 125mph Azuma
rail staff and passengers by dumping concrete blocks on the line in            services from London     Steam locomotive 4468 Mallard joins a Class
Croston, Lancashire, on 14 August.                                             to Edinburgh on the      800 Azuma at York station on 30 July
                                                                               East Coast main line
                                                                               on Thursday 1 August     Museum by a couple        existing trains, and
              our new topical tee-shirt, designed by those hoxton              with a photo call        of DB Cargo Class 66s.    state of the art wi-fi.’
              hipsters at Philosophy Football, features Rik Mayall             putting its new train       ‘It’s a real           Sixty-five Azumas,
              as the obnoxious anarchist Rick in The Young Ones,               side by side with the    transformation for        built by Hitachi at
              and this classic exchange: ‘he threw us off the train            Mallard, the world’s     travel on LNER,’ said     Newton Aycliffe in
              because you said ASlEF was an anagram for “total                 fastest steam            MD David Horne.           County Durham,
              and complete bastard”.’ ‘And apart from everything               locomotive, which        ‘Each Azuma, which is     should replace LNER’s
    else… it isn’t, even.’ £10 (inc p&p); email or           had been hauled the      noticeably quicker,       existing fleet of 45
    visit our online shop at                                  short distance from      has 100 extra seats       trains by summer
                                                                               the National Railway     compared to our           2020.

8 The ASLEF Journal l October 2019
ASLEFJOURNAL Brighton Rocks for ASLEF at the TUC - OCTOBER 2019

                                                                                                                               the way ahead? the
That’s the sound of the men                                                                                                    RSSB – committed to
                                                                                                                               a better, safer railway
working on the chain gang                                                                                                      – has published a
                                                                                                                               new online toolbox
                                                                                                                               of techniques for
            SAM WATERS, senior human factors specialist at                                                                     train drivers to
            the Rail Safety & Standards Board, examines the                                                                    combat low mental
            problem of driver cognitive underload – in
            English, a sense of monotony, fatigue, and                       into a state of underload in order    carry.
impaired ability to deal with unexpected situations – and                    to do something about it.                 The underload toolbox has
points you to a new set of tools designed to tackle the issue                    For years, drivers have used a    been created by drivers for drivers
                                                                             variety of techniques to stay alert   – to ensure that good practice is
          HE rail industry has         and cab controls have become          in repetitive and monotonous          shared throughout the industry. It
  T       known for years that
          high mental workload
                                       easier to operate. These changes
                                       have brought obvious safety and
                                                                             situations. The RSSB has worked
                                                                             with drivers to recognise the
                                                                                                                   is important that all levels within
                                                                                                                   organisations, from directors to
(overload) can cause people to         health benefits; however, this has    challenges of underload and           the front line, appreciate the
make mistakes. But there has           had the unexpected side effect        develop a toolbox of different        importance of managing
been very little recognition of        that the cab environment now          techniques that can be used to        underload.
what happens when workload is          increases the likelihood of           reduce the chances of                     Use of the techniques is
low (underload). Train driving can     experiencing underload.               experiencing underload. We’re all     entirely voluntary, as they are not
be very demanding and require              How do you know if you are        different and one technique that      there to be part of a competence
high levels of concentration; some     drifting into a state of underload?   works for one person might not        assessment. A number of
locations are complex and there        Have you ever driven long routes      work for another. So you might        companies are planning to
can be a lot to take in or there       on green aspects with very little     need to try various options to see    integrate the toolbox into their
may be a fault or an emergency.        going on and can’t recall the last    what works for you, or change         briefings to help raise awareness.
On the other hand, driving a train     few minutes? Or do you drive          techniques to keep them fresh.        More information, including a
can involve long hours of              repetitive routes, with little        The toolbox explains how to use       short video and the underload
repetitive work, which can get         variation, stopping at the same       each technique, why drivers find      toolbox, can be found on the RSSB
monotonous. In these situations,       pattern of stations? You may find     them effective, and any risks they    website.
it can be more difficult to            your mind starts to wander and
maintain concentration, and this       you begin thinking about other
can lead to mistakes.                  things that don’t relate to driving      n ASLEF supports the outcomes of the RSSB’s Project
    Over the years, the design of      the train or your route. You may         T1133 on driver cognitive underload. But an EC res on
train cabs has changed the task of     find yourself asking: what aspect        5 August adds: ‘The use of the cognitive underload toolbox
the driver. Cabs are designed to       was my last signal? Did I stop at        is voluntary and should not form any part of a driver’s
be more comfortable through            the correct stop car mark? These
                                                                                competence assessment.’
temperature controls and               experiences may be a sign of
adjustable seating positions. As       underload. It is important to
technologies advance, traction         identify when you begin to drift

ASLEF takes Pride
          dARRAN BROWN, secretary of
          ASLEF’s LGBT+ Representatives’
          Committee, reflects on the
          Pride of our union

           S THE Pride season comes to an end
 A         and I look back over the past few
           months, I do so with a sense of
achievement. Not that many years ago we
were lucky if the LGBT+ banner was seen on
any marches but, this year, ASLEF flags were
seen up and down the country at many                    None of this could be achieved without the
events.                                             hard work of the LGBT+ committee and the
    Members marched in Brighton, Edinburgh,         support of the EC, the president, the general
Glasgow, Liverpool and London. For a union of       secretary, district officers, and Lee James,
only 20,500 members, who work in a seven            ASLEF’s equalities adviser, whose hard work
days a week, 24 hours a day industry, to have       made much of this possible, and, most
such great turnouts from LGBT+ members and          importantly, the members who turned out to
allies is wonderful.                                support equality and inclusion. This is
    We also hosted the largest LGBT+ social         something in which we can all take Pride, that
event so far, taking over a whole floor in a pub,   our union is doing what a good union does in
with members travelling to London in their          standing up for its members, in a world that,
own time from as far as Plymouth, Scotland          sadly, is becoming less tolerant. Thank you and    this could be Rotterdam or anywhere,
and Wales. For many this was the first time         I hope to see ASLEF’s LGBT+ banners flying at      liverpool or Rome. Actually, it’s ASlEF in
they had taken part in anything ASLEF-related.      as many, if not more, events next year.            action in london, liverpool, and Edinburgh

                                                                                                           October 2019 l The ASLEF Journal         9
ASLEFJOURNAL Brighton Rocks for ASLEF at the TUC - OCTOBER 2019

  Four Tops all night, charging from the bass knives to the treble, but on stage they ain’t got no roots rock rebel

I’m the white man in
Hammersmith Palais
         England, like the United States, is a nation of
         immigrants. 1,500 years ago the migration
         of Angles, Saxons, Frisians and Jutes from
         northern Europe (what would later become
Germany and denmark) led to the formation, under                                                     Joe Strummer on stage with the Clash at Us in Glen
                                                                                                     helen Park, San Bernardino, California, on
Æthelstan, of Angle-land. GREGOR GALL enjoys the
                                                                                                     Saturday 28 May 1983; the President and his lap
irony of Home Secretary Priti Patel, the daughter of                                                 dog at the G7 summit at Biarritz in August; and the
immigrants, wanting to ‘pull up the drawbridge’ as                                                   four left-wing US Congresswomen – Ayanna
donald Trump and Boris Johnson play the race card                                                    Presley, ilhan omar, Rashida tlaib and Alexandria
ahead of a presidential – and general – election                                                     ocasio-Cortez – who trump says should ‘go home’

           ELL into Ronald Reagan’s first                 There were seven Anglo-Saxon kingdoms –         define what it means to be American. He is
 W         presidency, Joe Strummer, lead
           singer of punk pioneers The Clash,
                                                       Northumbria, Mercia, East Anglia, Essex,
                                                       Sussex, Wessex, and Kent – which were
                                                                                                          using this construction to bolster his appeal to
                                                                                                          his core vote while he presides over growing
harangued an audience of 150,000 at the Us             eventually united under Æthelstan, as King of      economic disunity and inequality. It is a
festival in California in 1983: ‘If there’s anything   England, in 927. It was not until relatively       diversionary, but also selectively unifying,
in the future, it’s going to be from all parts of      recently that Great Britain (England, Scotland     pitch.
everything – not just one white way down the           and Wales) was created and then, later, the           Back across the pond, we wait to see how
middle of the road.’                                   United Kingdom (Great Britain and Ireland).        the supposedly cosmopolitan and liberal Boris
    I was reminded of this when Donald Trump                                                              Johnson will act. The omens are not good. Not
attacked four Democrat Congresswomen,                  THE LEGENdARY POLISH PLUMBER                       only has he packed his cabinet with ministers
telling them to ‘go home’. All four first-term         And, much more recently, we have seen the          who are anti-immigrant (including some of
members of the House of Representatives are            internal migration of Scots, Irish and Welsh       immigrant heritage such as Sajid Javid, Priti
US citizens and all but one were born in the           into England and external migration from the       Patel and James Cleverly) but, as Brexit – deal
United States. But none of the four is white.          Windrush generation. The legendary ‘Polish         or no deal – moves into the end game, the
                                                       plumber’ is just the latest in a long line of      notion of what it means to be British will take
GIVE ME YOUR TIREd, YOUR POOR,                         examples dating back more than 2,000 years.        on even greater significance.
YOUR HUddLEd MASSES                                        But what’s the point of this potted history       He will, probably, try to pitch ‘all of us
In a country established by the genocide of            lesson? It’s that nations are ‘imagined            together’ against Johnny Foreigner, like those
native American Indians, the importing of              communities’, a phrase coined by Benedict          cheese-eating surrender monkeys (the French)
millions of black slaves from Africa, and then         Anderson in 1983. He didn’t mean that nations      while it will be towels at dawn on the beaches
being populated by Irish, Scots, Poles,                are fake but, rather, conscious human              against the Germans. Social class will play no
Germans, Italians, Russians, Mexicans, Turks,          constructions. There is a perception involved      part as this shows we are not ‘all of us together’.
Armenians (limitations on space lead me to             in making them and holding them together –
stop here but you get the point), we can get,          and that perception can comprise different         A NEW VERSION OF BRITISHNESS
nonetheless, a good sense of the sort of racist        components and be influenced by different          Johnson has the arrogance and the guile to
campaign Trump will wage when he runs for              people in different ways.                          develop his own new version of Britishness for
re-election.                                               Nations are not old and timeless, and          these purposes. Recall his ability to engage in
    But, as peoples of the British Isles, we are       certainly not God-given, and it can be difficult   ‘fake news’ about the EU as the Daily
also of mixed origin and heritage. We may,             to say exactly what the differences are            Telegraph’s Brussels correspondent years
with the exception of the likes of London and          between one nation and another (given that         before the term was even invented. Britishness
Birmingham, look a less ethnically diverse             they are supposed to be defined by having key      will, in essence, mean Englishness as he’s likely
citizenry, but that’s only when you see the            differentiating characteristics).                  to calculate the Scots and Welsh are pretty
colour of our skin.                                        Which takes us back to Trump’s America. In     much no-hopers for him. Though Englishness,
    The BBC documentary series The Blood of            trying to ‘make America great again’, Trump is     funnily enough, will keep on board the
the Vikings in 2001 showed how people from             using his version of white nationalism to          Democratic Unionist Party in Ulster…
one part of Europe moved around and settled
elsewhere in significant numbers. In this case
it was people from what is now called                     LET YOUR KINGdOM COME
Scandinavia and was proven by DNA testing                 Britain, from the Latin Britannia, and Britannicus, was what became, long after
comparing white Britons with white Swedes                 the Roman legions had left, England and Wales; while Great Britain refers to
and Norwegians.                                           England, Scotland, and Wales (and meant an enlarged Britain rather than any
    The main peoples who lived in the British             supposed status in the world). The crowns of England and Scotland were united in
Isles before the Romans, under Julius Caesar,             1603 when James VI of Scotland became James I of England but, politically, the
invaded in 55BC comprised the Celts and Picts             two countries were not united until the Act of Union of 1707 created the United
who were displaced, after 410AD, by the                   Kingdom of Great Britain. The Act of Union of 1801 created the United Kingdom of
Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Frisians and Danes. One            Great Britain and Ireland which, in 1922, became the United Kingdom of Great
of the few original and lasting peoples of                Britain and Northern Ireland.
these isles are the Irish.

10 The ASLEF Journal l October 2019

Brighton rocks
          SLEF sent six delegates – Mick
 A        Whelan, general secretary; Simon
          Weller, assistant general secretary;
Dave Calfe, executive committee president;
Darran Brown of Preston branch; Mark Prenter
of Waterloo Nine Elms; and Tracy Whitbread of
Didcot – to the 151st Trades Union Congress
held in Brighton from Sunday 8 to Wednesday
11 September. EC vice-president Andy Hudd;
EC members Marz Colombini, Howard Kaye,
John Metcalfe and Mark Wakenshaw; district
organisers Finn Brennan, Brian Corbett, Dicky
Fisher and Nigel Gibson; and WRC chair
Deborah Reay all attended as visitors.
   The slogan for congress – a new deal for
working people – was embraced by reps
                                                              ‘On the defining issue of the day –
organising to build a better Britain – for the
                                                              Brexit – we have kept the
many, not the few – of which we can all be
                                                              government’s feet to the fire and
                                                              battled to put jobs, rights, and peace
   Delegates from 48 unions, representing 5.5
                                                              in Ireland high up the political
million trade union members, gathered on the
                                                              agenda.’ – Frances O’Grady,
south coast for the annual parliament of the
                                                              general secretary, TUC
movement. There were passionate debates on
transport, education, public service pensions,                                      …UNQUOTE
privatisation, low pay, sectoral collective
bargaining, industrial strategy, climate change,       to meet activists from other unions who face
equalities and, of course, Brexit.                     similar challenges in different industries. ‘We’re
   As well as motions on the conference floor,         all doing the same job – representing our
and fringe meetings every lunchtime and                members – against intransigent employers             ASlEF in action at the trades Union Congress
evening, congress offered delegates a chance           and a hostile government,’ said Mick.                n Congress photos by Andrew Wiard

Rail the clean green answer                                                                                             double header
                                                                                                                        AGS Simon Weller made two
           ICK Whelan was first out          ‘I know there are difficulties for                                         thoughtful speeches to congress
 M         of the traps when our
           motion – on creating a
                                         many trade unionists in dealing
                                         with this issue. Some of our
                                                                                                                        on Tuesday. In the morning he
                                                                                                                        seconded an RMT motion on the
green transport system in this           members have jobs that are                                                     safety of railwaymen and women
country – was first up as part of        reliant on fossil fuels and nobody                                             in the light of the two track
the transport debate which               wants any worker sold down the                                                 workers who died at Margam,
kicked off congress on Sunday            river. That is why we need an                                                  South Wales, on 3 July, and the
                                                                                  Mick moves our green transport
afternoon.                               industrial strategy that focuses on                                            shocking 27% increase in assaults
                                                                                  motion on Sunday afternoon
    The GS said: ‘Comrades, for          green infrastructure.                                                          on rail staff. And in the afternoon
many years, climate change, for              With all crises come                 a cleaner, greener world.             he addressed the distressing issue
too many, was a peripheral issue.        opportunities. New jobs. Skilled             ‘We need a system that            of period poverty when low-
A hobby horse for a certain type         jobs. Unionised jobs. A just             recognises transport modes            income families, unable to afford
of activist. Well, congress, no          transition.                              should not compete with but           sanitary products, are forced to
longer. Climate change has to be             ‘Transport is the largest            complement each other. The            improvise, miss school, or take
a priority for us all because it is      polluter in terms of CO2                 railway must be electrified – so      time off work.
now affecting us all.                    emissions. The latest figures show       we must reverse the Tories’
    ‘And, like so many crises, it will   that 33% of carbon dioxide               broken promises and call for an
be working people, the poorly            emissions are from the transport         even bolder programme of
paid, and the most vulnerable,           sector. But rail accounts for less       electrification. And we must
who suffer first. It’s not just the      than 2%. Rail is far cleaner, and far    recognise that our railway is at
plains of Africa and the rainforests     greener, than road and air.              capacity – we must re-open old
that have endangered species.                If more people travelled by          lines and build new lines and, yes,
In the Shetlands, in little under        train, and bus, rather than in cars      that must include HS2.
20 years, the puffin population          or planes, and if we moved more              ‘Congress, the challenge of
has plummeted from 33,000 to             freight onto our railways and            climate change requires big, bold     Simon at the podium on tuesday
just 570.                                waterways, then we would live in         answers so let us create modern,
                                                                                  green, high quality infrastructure
                                                                                                                           ‘Brighton is a town that
The doors of perception                                                           and modern, green, high quality
                                                                                  jobs.’                                   always looks as if it is
The ASLEF train crew was happy to spot a familiar – and friendly –                    The motion, seconded by              helping the police with
face on the main door of the Brighton Centre. Big Bill Baxter, of                 Keeley Lipscombe of the TSSA,            their inquiries’
Southport, has been a TUC steward since 2007 and an ASLEF                         and supported by James Mitchell          – Keith Waterhouse
stalwart since he joined the railway.                                             of Unite, was carried unanimously.

                                                                                                              October 2019 l The ASLEF Journal         11

Fight back starts in the classroom
          AVE Calfe moved our            generation of workers,                  safety, to name just a few.              relevance for them, and the
 d        motion on ‘trade
          unionism and
collectivism in the curriculum’
                                         particularly in the private sector,
                                         where most young workers are, is
                                         key to continuing to increase
                                                                                    ‘In the modern workplace,
                                                                                 when technological change
                                                                                 comes, or unscrupulous
                                                                                                                          narrative of the mainstream
                                                                                                                          media does nothing to help. The
                                                                                                                          most powerful way to change that
during the education debate on           union membership.                       employers try to save a few quid         narrative is education. The more
Monday morning.                              ‘We all know that when              by cutting staff or relaxing safety      we share our successes online, the
   The EC president said: ‘Despite       workers are unionised,                  procedures, it’s only workers            wider our good news will spread,
the good news that trade union           workplaces are safer, with higher       standing together in a union who         but we need to take that message
membership increased last year           pay, better conditions and              can stop the exploitation.               into schools. There is no reason
by 100,000 to 6.35 million – a           holidays, and harassment and               ‘Why, then, do some people            why school curriculums shouldn’t
fourth increase in the last seven        bullying will be called out and         not want this protection? Why            include working people’s history –
years – just one in ten workers          dealt with. Unions fought for a         don’t they join a union? One of the      Tolpuddle, Peterloo, Burston strike
aged 20 to 24 is in a union whilst       living wage, the weekend, annual        reasons cited, particularly by           school, the Bryant & May
nearly 77% of union members are          leave, parental rights, flexible        younger people, is that they don’t       matchworkers, Shrewsbury 24,
over 35. Organising the next             working, equality, and health &         know what unions are for, their          and the 1984-85 miners’ strike.

                                                                                 emissions than other        rail improves safety       local journeys to be
Industrial strategy with                                                         modes of transport.         and helps reduce           completed by road.
                                                                                 Improvements to the         congestion but the              ‘This development
rail freight at its heart                                                        rail network, for both      industry is vulnerable     must be part of a
                                                                                 passengers and              to market forces, relies   comprehensive
           RACY            destruction the Tory                                  freight, will make a        on government              national industrial
 T         Whitbread
           called for an
industrial strategy ‘fit
                           government has
                           wrought on industry
                           in this country is not
                                                                                 contribution to
                                                                                                             grants, and is
                                                                                                                                        strategy, taking
                                                                                                                                        account of spatial
                                                                                 industrial success. Rail    disadvantaged by the       planning guidance,
                                                       tracy at the podium
for the future with        just careless, it’s                                   freight is a particularly   subsidies afforded to      and how the rail
                                                       on tuesday morning
fairness, green            unconscionable. Our                                   important, yet often        road users. An efficient   network can best
technologies – and rail    proud history as an         that the next Labour      overlooked, element         freight system, fit for    serve manufacturing
freight – at its heart.’   industrial nation has       government                of this work. Long-         the future, would see      hubs, as well as
She was seconding a        been steadily               prioritises the           distance freight            a strategic mix of rail,   infrastructure funding.
motion on ‘an              dismantled, with no         development of an         movements on rail           waterways, and road        We urgently need to
industrial strategy to     regard for the              industrial strategy to    produce 76% less            to move freight            re-balance our
deliver real change’,      communities around          re-invigorate our         carbon dioxide              around the country,        economy and deliver
moved by Len               the country who have        country and               emissions than the          taking advantage of        an industrial strategy
McCluskey, general         lost livelihoods in the     communities.              equivalent HGV              cleaner rail for long-     fit for the future with
secretary of Unite, on     closures of everything          ‘In the rail sector   journey, and 90% less       distance journeys and      fairness, green
Tuesday morning.           from factories to           we are fortunate that     PM10 particulates.          developing efficient       technologies – and rail
    She said: ‘The         steelworks. It’s vital      rail produces lower           ‘Moving freight by      interchanges to allow      freight – at its heart.’

Clear and present danger                               Breaking the cycle of hate
          ARK Prenter spoke in favour of a Unite
M         motion on ‘the climate crisis and a just
          transition’ on Tuesday afternoon.
   ‘Climate change is a real and present danger         d
                                                                  ARRAN Brown called for trade unions to be at the forefront of the
                                                                  fight against homophobic and transphobic hate crimes on
                                                                  Wednesday afternoon.
to working people which will affect every living           ‘We are here in Brighton, a safe bastion for lGBt+ people. Many cities
being on our planet. For too long we’ve been           have vibrant, safe, lGBt+ communities. But all too often we see lGBt+
told the younger generation aren’t politically         people covered in blood, beaten, assaulted, devastated, and what we see is
active. Well, the wonderful young workers we           just the tip of the iceberg. Sorry for mentioning the B word but, since the
have in this room and the amazing work of              vote, a door has opened where people viewed as different can be freely
climate activists dispels that nonsense.               abused. these hate attacks take place on buses, trains, the street, and the         darran: ‘A friend
   ‘Jobs will change. The way we work will             workplace, with little regard to any consequences, and few prosecutions.            of dorothy, not
change. But our struggle for fair pay, job security,   thatcher’s Section 28 tried to push lGBt+ people back into Narnia – that’s          Boris Johnson’
and decent conditions will not. A just transition      where some believe we are from. oh, and Kansas. Well, i’d rather be a friend
to a low carbon economy must have trade                of dorothy than a friend of Boris Johnson!
                     unions at its heart, to ensure        ‘Now we see schools facing protests for teaching equality and respect for all. there are even
                     working people are not left       Conservative MPs who suggest teaching lGBt+ equality at home! if they don’t want it taught
                     behind, but are at the            in schools, what chance is there of it being taught at home? Education is the best way to break
                     forefront of new industries.      the cycle of hate. We must not go back to the days of Section 28.
                         ‘Climate change has been          ‘For those who like figures, you won’t like these: 40% of all reported hate crime was violent.
                     one of the free market’s          Four in five (81%) of victims don’t report to the police. And i’m sorry to say i’m part of the 81%.
                     biggest failures. Dealing with    But no more. No more! Worst affected are trans. two in five trans people reported abuse,
                     it must be one of the trade       trebling between 2017-18.
Prenter making union movement’s greatest                   ‘hate, prejudice, and intolerance are taught. let us be at the forefront of the fight for
his Mark at tUC successes.’                            equality and bring an end to those images of bloodied, beaten victims.’

12 The ASLEF Journal l October 2019
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