Creating Chemistry -

Creating Chemistry -
                                For a sustainable future
                                Issue two 2012

A role model
for sustainable                 Also in this issue:
                                8   Rethinking our energy future: How smart and visionary technologies might
energy use?                         help power the cities of tomorrow.
                                28 Hungry for change: Two experts present their differing strategies on how to
Director of Sustainability         tackle malnutrition.
Dr. Nawal Al-Hosany (photo)     36 Let there be light: An introduction to the illuminating world of OLED technology.
presents the ambitious Masdar   42 Pick of the packs: Packaging ideas from around the globe.
City energy-saving project.
                                50 Scrap value: How recycling precious metals from electrical waste can help
Interview on page 16               conserve limited resources.
Creating Chemistry -
                                               Information                                              Innovation
                                               4 The world in figures                                    26 New discoveries
                                                  The key numbers from this issue’s topics.                Smart ideas that might enrich our lives.

                                               Inspiration                                              From two perspectives: For & Against
                                               6 Staging a green revolution                             28 Better nourishment for all?
                                                  How Hollywood star Cate Blanchett is transforming        M. G. Venkatesh Mannar from the Micronutrient
                                                  the Sydney Theatre Company’s home into a                 Initiative and Frank Braßel from Oxfam explain their
                                                  showpiece for sustainable building.                      differing strategies for combating malnutrition.

                                                                                                        Viewpoint BASF
     Our journey towards the energy                                                                     34 The best investment in human development
 8   supply of the future.                                                                                 Walter Dissinger, President of the Nutrition & Health
                                                                                                           division at BASF, reveals how BASF contributes to
                                                                                                           fighting malnutrition.
                                               Cover story                                              Feature: Quality of life
                                               The issue                                                36 The reinvention of light
                                               8 Towards a new future for sustainable                      Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) have
                                                 energy use                                                the potential to revolutionize the lighting market.
                                                 Energy efficiency is at the top of the sustainability
                                                 agenda. Some innovative and unconventional             Insight
                                                 ideas give a glimpse of what our energy future         42 A glimpse around the globe: packaging
                                                 might look like.                                          Packaging might seem inconspicuous but it’s
                                                                                                           an essential part of our lives. We explore some
                                               The graphic                                                 creative packaging ideas from around the world.
                                               14 Energy harvesting
       How can we fight malnutrition?              In the future, city-dwellers could be generating      Feature: Food and nutrition
28     Two perspectives.                          energy without even noticing it thanks to the         44 Boxing clever
                                                  harvesting of small amounts of ambient energy.           Not just an empty box: Innovations ensure that food
                                                                                                           packaging is affordable, sustainable and safe.
                                               The expert
                                               16 The diplomat for sustainability                       Feature: Resources, environment and climate
                                                  Dr. Nawal Al-Hosany, Director of Sustainability       50 From trash to treasure
                                                  at Masdar City in Abu Dhabi, explains how this           There could soon be a shortage of raw materials
                                                  ambitious energy-saving project works.                   for important future technologies. We examine
                                                                                                           how electrical waste recycling can help preserve
                                               The reality                                                 these resources.
                                               20 The BASF Verbund
                                                  Since its founding, BASF has continued to             Invention
                                                  demonstrate how intelligent systems can increase      56 Pioneering thinker – then and now
                                                  energy efficiency. We take a look behind                  German chemist Justus von Liebig is seen as the
                                                  the scenes.                                              founder of organic chemistry. Today, Professor
       Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs)                                                               Dr. Junji Kido from Japan is following in his footsteps.
36     are reinventing artificial light.        The science
                                               24 Winds of change                                       Ingenuity
                                                  The technology to generate power from the wind        58 Chemistry around us
                                                  has been around for 125 years. We examine its            How does a shirt become non-iron?
                                                  history more closely.                                    A short explanation of an everyday solution.

22 A look behind the scenes                                                               CO2

   of the BASF Verbund

                                                 Natural gas
                                                                                      Power plant                          system

2 | Creating Chemistry                                                                                                                                           Steam
Creating Chemistry -
How can we use energy efficiently?

Everybody needs energy – to keep our homes cool in the summer and warm
in the winter, to keep our economy going and to connect with each other
worldwide. Our needs are growing daily: By 2050, humanity will consume
two to three times more energy than it does today.

Energy efficiency is the focus of this issue of Creating Chemistry. This was the
concern mentioned most frequently in our last reader survey. Of course, we are
very keen to hear your views this time, too. Please let us know what you think
of this issue at

For BASF, energy efficiency is crucial. We require lots of energy, and it costs
money. This is why we have been striving for decades to manage resources
carefully. For example, we use the heat produced as a by-product from one
plant to provide energy for another (page 20).

But energy efficiency has another dimension for us. We are working on solutions
that help you save energy, too. For example, we are researching organic LEDs
that are not only economical to use but also completely reinvent artificial light
(page 36).

Renewable energy demands innovations from the chemical industry.
Our products can be found in wind turbines (page 24) and solar installations.
There are many other ideas and methods of producing energy, as well: In New
York, for example, excess pressure in the drinking water system is being
converted into electrical energy (page 10).

We need progress of this kind because our planet’s resources are limited.
The breakthroughs we are seeing now are just the beginning. I am convinced
that in five or ten years, we will be able to find other answers and ways of doing
things even better.

Dr. Kurt Bock
Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors

                                                                  Creating Chemistry | 3
Creating Chemistry -

The                                                                  50
                                                                     The number of countries that require mandatory

                                                                     fortification of certain staple foods with specific
                                                                     nutrients to improve public health.1
                                                                     See Better nourishment for all? on page 28.

figures                                                                                                                                     Food and nutrition

                                                                                                                                Around one third of all the food
                                                                                                                                produced worldwide – 1.3 billion
                                                                                                                                 metric tons – is lost or wasted
                                                                                                                                          every year. 2

                              environment and climate

                            The amount that the average
                         household could save every year by
                          turning off electrical devices and
                            lights when leaving a room.3

                                                  $4.4 billion
                                                  The estimated value of the global market
                                                  for energy harvesting by 2021.4
                                                  See Energy harvesting on page 14.

                                                  *In this issue the conversion of euros to U.S. dollars is based on the average exchange rate on
                                                  December 31, 2011, when €1 cost $1.2939. The $ symbol always refers to U.S. dollars.

4 | Creating Chemistry
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Resources, environment
                                                                                                                                                                        and climate

                                                                                                                                                                                       40 million
                                                                                                                                                                                       The number of metric tons
                                                                                                                                                                                       of electronic waste that are
                                                                                                                                                                                       produced worldwide each year.9

                                                                                                                                                                                       The percentage of the world’s
                                                                                                          Resources,                                                                   rare earth deposits that are
                                                                                                   environment and climate                                                             found in China.10

                                                                                           The number of vehicles that would
                                                                                                                                                                                       252 meters
                                                                                                                                                                                       The predicted diameter of wind
                                                                                          cause as much pollution as just one                                                          turbine rotor blades by 2020. In

                                                                                         vehicle produced prior to 1974, thanks                                                        1980, the average diameter of
                                                                                             to today’s modern catalysts.6                                                             rotor blades was 15 meters.11

                  The value of the gold typically                                                                                                                       Food and nutrition
                  found in a single cell phone.5                                                                                                                        25% of the world’s population used iodized
                  See From trash to treasure on page 50.                                                                                                                salt in 1990. Now it is more than 70%.12

                                                                                                                                                                        1990   25%              2012   70%
                                                                                                                                                                                       2 billion
                                                                                                                                                                                       The number of people
                                                                                                                                                                                       worldwide who suffer from
                                                                                                                                                                                       malnutrition and other
                                                                                                                                                                                       nutrition-related diseases.13

                                                                                                                                                                                       95 – 115 kg
                                                                                                                                                                                       The amount of edible
                                                                                                                                                                                       food per person that is
                                                                                                                                                                                       thrown away each year
                                                                                                                                                                                       in industrialized countries.14

                                                                                       environment and climate                                                          Quality of life

                                                                                             20%                                                                                       100
                                                                                                                                                                                       How many times thinner
                                                                                   Masdar City’s goal is to use                                                                        the diameter of the organic
                                                                                just one-fifth of energy consumed                                                                       layer in organic light-

                                                                                      by a similar sized city.8                                                                        emitting diodes (OLEDs) is
                                                                                                                                                                                       compared to a human hair.15

The reduction in average temperature in Masdar City
(compared to outside of the city) possible through                                                                                                                                     20%
                                                                                                                                                                                       The percentage of the
using traditional Arabic construction techniques.7                                                                                                                                     world’s electricity consumption
See The diplomat for sustainability on page 16.                                                                                                                                        that is accounted for by
                                                                                                                                                                                       generating light.16

1.; 2. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Statistical Yearbook 2012; 3. German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety; 4. IDTechEx:
Energy Harvesting and Storage for Electronic Devices 2011-2021; 5. Jon Mooallem: The Afterlife of Cellphones, New York Times, 2008; 6. BASF Metals Recycling; 7. Masdar City; 8. Masdar City; 9. United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP); 10. European Commission; 11. European Wind Energy Association (EWEA); 12. Micronutrient Initiative; 13. World Health Organization (WHO); 14. Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations (FAO): Statistical Yearbook 2012; 15.; 16. Dresden University of Technology

                                                                                                                                                                                             Creating Chemistry | 5
Creating Chemistry -

Staging a green
November 26, 2010: Cate Blanchett stands on the roof of an old harbor building in Sydney known as “The Wharf,” the
home of the Sydney Theatre Company. Immediately after becoming co-artistic directors of the theater, the Hollywood
star and her husband set themselves the ambitious goal of transforming the heritage structure into a showcase for green
building. Now, they are celebrating a major milestone with the installation of the second largest photovoltaic rooftop array
in Australia. A lot has happened since then.

                        hen Hollywood     of Community Programs and the man         directly to the landfill by the theater is          BASF’s new North

                        star Cate         in charge of implementing Greening        being reduced,” says Patrick McIntyre,             American headquarters
                        Blanchett and     the Wharf.                                General Manager of the STC. The
                        her husband,                                                system had a positive impact almost                Lowering the energy consumption
                        playwright and    Shrinking the carbon footprint            as soon as it was installed, with a                of buildings is also an important
                        director Andrew   In 2010, the building project marked      significant reduction in the amount                 goal for BASF. Its new North
Upton, became co-artistic directors       its first major milestone: the rooftop     of waste thrown away.                              American Headquarters in Florham
of the Sydney Theatre Company             installation of Australia’s second            Promoting real changes in                      Park, New Jersey, which opened in
(STC) four years ago, they not only       largest photovoltaic rooftop array.       behavior and attitude is one of the                May 2012 and provides room for
focused on the repertoire, but also       The 1,906 solar panels now produce        more challenging goals of Greening                 1,400 employees, is one example of
on the conversion of the heritage         about 427,000 kilowatt hours of           the Wharf. As Blanchett explains:                  BASF’s commitment in this regard.
building housing the theater. With the    electricity annually. To meet its water   “One of the key roles of theater and               More than 30 BASF products were
“Greening the Wharf” project, they        conservation targets, the theater         the arts more broadly is to stimulate              used during the construction of this
wanted to combine their two great         installed a sophisticated rainwater       social change by bringing vision to                30,200 square meter (325,000
passions: art and climate protection.     recycling system. A gigantic tank         action through forum, experimentation              square foot) building. It meets the
“Theater is very much engaged in          under the pier supplies all the           and debate.” The STC has developed                 highest environmental standards
the time and place in which it is         non-drinkable water used by the STC       a model that resonates far beyond                  and was designed to fulfill the
made,” says Cate Blanchett,               and its restaurant “The Bar at the End    the walls of the old harbor building:              requirements of the United States’
explaining her motivation for the         of the Wharf”. Now, drinking water        Not only does it aim to engage the                 Green Building Council’s Platinum
project (       is no longer flushed down the toilet.      neighboring district of Barangaroo                 LEED® certification (Leadership in
“And the greatest challenge facing us          These easy-to-implement              and create a modern wharf area                     Energy and Environmental Design),
as a species at the moment is climate     measures have been highly effective,      here, it also wants to inspire other               which promotes sustainable
change. We felt that, as a theater        reducing the STC’s carbon footprint by    art and cultural organizations around              construction techniques.
company, if we did not engage             80%. With these results, the theater’s    the world.                                             One of the special features
with this incredible challenge we         management has demonstrated that                                                             of the headquarters is the efficient
all face, then very quickly we would      older heritage buildings can be           Green Award                                        use of natural resources through
become irrelevant.”                       ecologically transformed. “We believe     To make these goals possible,                      intelligent systems. In comparison
     Her goals are ambitious: to          that change is possible without a         around $5.6 million (€4.3 million) has             to conventional buildings, this
produce 70% of the electricity            correlating loss of quality,” Blanchett   been invested in Greening the Wharf,               reduces water usage by at least
required by the theater and its           said at a recent panel discussion                                                            40% and energy consumption
restaurant onsite and to save             called “Creating a Climate for Change”.                                                      by more than 20%. Furthermore,
11.3 million liters of water each                                                                                                      at least 20% of the materials used
year – enough to fill four Olympic-        Waste is turned into biogas                                                                  come from recycled components.
size swimming pools. To achieve           Their drive for innovation did not end                                                       This is even true for the furniture:
this, the Greening the Wharf project      with the theater; Blanchett and Upton                                                        chairs were partly crafted from
team focuses on measures such as          also investigated how to make the                                                            old plastic bottles, with each seat
an automated energy management            restaurant more environmentally                                                              containing 111 recycled items
system for heating, ventilation and       friendly. Today, organic waste from                                                          of packaging.
air conditioning and energy-efficient      the restaurant kitchen is converted
stage lighting. “The project is           into energy and fertilizer, while other
ambitious and broad in scope,”            waste is turned into biogas. “We are      Above The Histrionic by Thomas Bernhard is just
explains Paul O’Byrne, STC’s Director     thrilled that the level of waste sent     one of many plays on the theater’s 2012 program.

6 | Creating Chemistry
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Left On the roof of Sydney
Theatre Company in Walsh Bay:
Cate Blanchett (right) and her
husband, Andrew Upton (left),
together with the chairman of
Suntech, Dr. Zhengrong Shi,
and his wife, Vivienne, inaugurate
one of the largest solar rooftop
arrays in Australia. This project
was enabled by a donation from
the chairman’s family foundation.

All images courtesy of Sydney
Theatre Company

provided by private donors as well
as partners from politics, business
and academia. The project was
also supported by the Australian
government’s “Green Precincts
Program”. For project manager
O’Byrne, the money is well invested:
“The full project impact will require
a few more years’ data, but we
know that the investment is already
significantly reducing the financial
burden that increasing utility costs
add to our annual budget.”
    Greening the Wharf has
provided the theater with an even
more promising future ecologically,
economically and socially. This
achievement has recently been
publicly recognized: Greening the
Wharf has seen Cate Blanchett –
already the recipient of an Oscar
and two Golden Globes – honored
further. Along with Andrew Upton,
she was awarded two Green
Globe Awards in 2010, one for
Sustainability Excellence and one
for Community Sustainability.

 Cate Blanchett

 Hollywood star and Academy Award
 winner Cate Blanchett takes a
 hands-on role in climate protection.
 Her declared goal is to reduce her
 personal carbon footprint by
 13,300 kilograms. To that end, she
 and her husband Andrew Upton have
 not only carried out green renovations
 at the Sydney Theatre Company,
 but also at their home near Sydney.
 To promote climate protection more
 widely, the Australian actress has
 taken to the political stage. As a
 prominent advocate, she got involved
 in the emotional 2011 debate about
 the introduction of a carbon tax in
 Australia. Since 2007, she has
 also been Patron of SolarAid, an
 international NGO bringing solar
 power to developing countries.

 To find out more, visit:

                          Creating Chemistry | 7
Creating Chemistry -
Cover story: The issue

Towards a
new future
for sustainable
energy use
Experts worldwide are developing innovative and visionary
energy concepts for the future. Their aims are to find ways
to use existing energy sources more efficiently and
to improve the viability of alternative sources of power.
The desired outcome is to take the pressure off more
conventional means of producing energy while still meeting
growing global demand. Some cities are beginning to
establish themselves as pioneers of this new approach,
but how successful are they?

A special train transports these rotor
blades to their destination – a new
wind power station in Australia.

8 | Creating Chemistry
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Creating Chemistry | 9
Creating Chemistry -
Cover story: The issue

               he highways of              Energy harvesting in everyday life              An alternative market is emerging;        City. A system of pipelines allows

               California may soon be      Using roads as mini power stations is       U.S. market research companies                water to flow into the center moved
               known not just for their    a prime example of how new ways of          estimate global revenues from                 by gravity alone, at a pressure that
               endless distances. A bill   producing energy are being sought,          energy harvesting at $663 million             enables it to reach the upper floors
               recently adopted in the     even in familiar areas of life. Energy      (€512 million) a year. By 2021, this          of the city’s highest skyscrapers
               U.S. state will transform   harvesting, as it is known, describes       should rise to $4.4 billion (€3.4 billion).   without a pump. However, this high
roads into small power stations that       the notion of producing small amounts       But many of the novel devices used            pressure becomes too much for
will harness the vibrations from           of energy and electricity from our          to harvest energy have a problem:             pipes to withstand once they reach
moving cars. This phenomenon               immediate environment in order to           Compared to the cost of a                     people’s homes. A pressure regulator
is called piezoelectricity; certain        ultimately produce a significant             conventional battery with the same            is therefore used to reduce the
minerals are deformed and become           quantity of energy. From hybrid cars,       power, they are still too expensive.          pressure in the urban water pipelines
electrically charged in response to        to watches that charge themselves                                                         from more than 40 to just over 4 bars.
applied mechanical stress. Sensors         through motion, and electronic tea          Water pipes producing energy                       In the future, the New York
in the road convert this mechanical        lights that convert heat into electricity   The search for economic and                   company Rentricity wants to replace
energy into electrical energy. On          using a thermoelectric effect, there are    intelligent approaches to alternative         the pressure regulators with a
a two-lane, half-mile section of           opportunities to harvest energy             forms of energy production is                 flow-to-wire element – a turbine that
road, up to 44 megawatts can               everywhere. Although these methods          an important concern worldwide.               will convert the excess pressure
be produced, according to the              are ridiculed by some as misguided,         Countries and cities have long                into electrical energy. Similar to wind
proponents of this technology.             others see this as a viable means of        sought to work out where new                  and solar power, this process does
The total energy generated from            producing energy in the future.             energy infrastructure might be                not produce any emissions. In the
roads could be sufficient to supply             The equipment used to harvest           created – but there is also new               U.S. state of New Hampshire,
30,000 households with electricity.        energy works on a small scale in            potential being discovered in existing        Rentricity has already installed the
Although it is questionable                exactly the same way as large solar         systems. In the area’s ‘green lung’           first such generator unit in the water
whether these values can actually          installations and wind turbines – even      around 200 kilometers (125 miles)             treatment plant for the city of Keene.
be achieved, the basic idea of             though it is not yet as efficient. It        north of Manhattan, the reservoirs of         This mini power station has an output
harnessing small energy packets in         harnesses ambient energy that               the Catskill Mountains store the water        of 62 kilowatts and supplies the plant
our everyday lives is widely accepted.     would otherwise be lost.                    supply for the whole of New York              with electricity.

10 | Creating Chemistry
their annual coal consumption                     a self-sufficient energy supply
                                                                                          by 17,000 metric tons. In around                  based on alternative energy sources,
                                                                                          15 years, the city will be complete               is focusing on microgrids. These
                                                                                          and will house a population                       low-voltage grids are to be trialled
                                                                                          of 350,000.                                       on the small island of Pulau Ubin,
                                                                                              On a much smaller scale, but                  which will be a test site for green
                                                                                          with similar environmental ambitions,             energy technologies.
                                                                                          Masdar City in the United Arab                         Microgrids are closed regional
                                                                                          Emirates is also taking shape.                    energy systems integrating
                                                                                          The energy supply for this model                  decentralized energy producers,
                                                                                          city will come entirely from local,               consumers, and sometimes storage
                                                                                          renewable sources (see interview                  facilities. These relatively small grids
                                                                                          on pages 16-19).                                  operate intelligently. They can be
                                                                                                                                            linked up to the higher-level grid or
                                                                                          Clever grids                                      run separately from it, whereby the
                                                                                          Cities and countries are also seeking             connection can be opened or closed
                                                                                          innovative ways of securing their                 according to needs.
                                                                                          energy supply through measures                         Even if the central transmission
                                                                                          involving their electricity grids.                or distribution grid fails, the microgrid
                                                                                          The city-state of Singapore, which                continues to operate. The consumer
                                                                                          does not have any raw material                    can then take electricity directly from
                                                                                          reserves of its own and is promoting              the decentralized generation units. >>

                                                                                          As far as renewable energy sources
                                                                                          are concerned, a clear strategy toward
                                                                                          economic viability is needed – even if
                                                                                          this requires a continued commitment
                                                                                          to state aid over a number of years in
                                                       Cities such as New York are
                                                       focusing on innovative energy      order to achieve it.
                                                       concepts. It is planning to use
                                                                                          Maria van der Hoeven, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency
                                                       the excess pressure in its water
                                                       pipes to produce energy.

Innovative urban planning                         Developers are building the city
While cities such as New York are            entirely according to the tenets of
optimizing their existing structures, the    efficient energy systems. Intelligent
planning of new housing developments         town planning ensures that distances
often focuses on efficient energy use         are kept short, and a sophisticated
from the outset. This is demonstrated        recycling system and environmentally
by an example from Asia, where a new         friendly local transport system are
wave of enthusiasm for saving energy         being developed. Desalinated
has been building for some time.             seawater and recycled water are fed
    In 2007, the Prime Ministers of          into the water supply chain, covering
China and Singapore signed a                 half of the city’s water needs. On
framework agreement for the                  roofs, solar panels and rainwater
construction of the “Tianjin Eco-city”       utilization systems ensure the supply
covering an area of 31 square                of warm water. The energy for the
kilometers (12 square miles). Several        planned 240,000 square meters
companies from China and                     (about 2,600,000 square feet) of
Singapore have equal shares in this          residential and office space is
$9.7 billion (€7.5 billion) joint venture.   produced by a small power station
The city is being built 40 kilometers        using solar cells and geothermal
(25 miles) outside the port of Tianjin       facilities. These renewable energy
in Northern China. With an integrated        sources will account for one-fifth of
overall design, as well as the latest        the urban energy mix. The rest will          Above Maria van der Hoeven has been
technology and incentives for                be generated by coal, which is still         Executive Director of the International Energy
                                                                                          Agency since 2011. In this role, she represents   To find out more, visit:
environmentally friendly behavior,           used widely in China, but here too
                                                                                          the major industrialized countries on energy
the aim is to keep the energy                the focus will be on efficiency. Thanks                                               
                                                                                          matters on the international stage.
consumption of the city’s inhabitants        to modern technology, the power                                                      
to a minimum.                                stations outside the city will reduce

                                                                                                                                                             Creating Chemistry | 11
Cover story: The issue

 Energy-saving tips                                                                                                                              Shale gas is mixing up
                                                                                                                                                 the energy market
 Turn down the heating:                                                                                 Replace traditional bulbs:
 Lowering the temperature in the                                                                        Fluorescent tubes and energy-saving      Renewable energy sources alone
 home by just 1.8F (1C) reduces                                                                         lamps use around a quarter of the        will not be able to secure our
 energy costs by 6%.                                                                                    energy of traditional bulbs. The U.S.    energy supply in the foreseeable
                                                                                                        Department of Energy claims              future. Fossil fuels will also still be
 Unplug appliances and                                                                                  that simply changing every bulb in       required to provide the base load –
 switch off lights: Don’t leave                                                                         the United States to an energy-saving    the amount of energy that must be
 electronic devices such as TVs,                                                                        model would cut CO 2 emissions by        available around the clock to supply
 computers and stereos in stand-by                                                                      400 million metric tons a year.          all homes, businesses and public
 mode, and turn lights off when                                                                                                                  institutions with electricity. But
 leaving the room. This can save the                                                                    Insulate wherever possible:              resources are limited. Alongside
 average household around $110                                                                          Ensure that windows and doors around     the development of new energy
 (€85) per year.                                                                                        the home are fully sealed. Use a lit     concepts, major efforts are being
                                                                                                        candle to test for drafts by observing   made to find unconventional
 Get economical in the                                                                                  whether the flame is blown out or         deposits and innovative extraction
 kitchen: The kitchen offers                                                                            flutters when close to window or door     methods for raw materials.
 numerous ways to save energy.                                                                          frames. Check how walls and roofs can         Shale gas is a particularly hot
 Only fill your kettle with as much                                                                      be better insulated – infrared thermal   topic at present. In the United
 water as you need to boil, and place                                                                   imaging shows where energy is being      States, it’s undergoing a real boom;
 a lid over saucepans to conserve                                                                       lost. According to the German Energy     the widespread extraction of shale
 energy while cooking. Use the                                                                          Agency, the right insulation can lead    gas has led natural gas prices to
 right-sized hob or burner, and                                                                         to savings of up to 80%.                 fall by up to 80% over the last few
 regularly defrost the fridge-freezer –                                                                                                          years. Shale gas is found in thick
 ideally twice a year.                                                                                                                           clay and shale formations at depths
                                                                                                                                                 of up to 4,000 meters (2.5 miles),
Source: German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)                                                where it is trapped in small pores.
                                                                                                                                                 Special techniques are required
                                                                                                                                                 for extraction, such as hydraulic
    Although they are less efficient in               the cycle and reused, thus saving              sources and nuclear power. “As far           fracturing – or “fracking”. Here, a
producing electricity than central                   resources (see diagram on pages                as renewable energy sources are              mixture of water and quartz sand,
installations, they ensure that a local              22 and 23).                                    concerned, a clear strategy toward           containing 0.5% to 2% chemical
energy supply is guaranteed in the                       “By increasing energy efficiency,           economic viability is needed – even if       additives, is pumped into the rock
event of disruptions to the central grid.            it might be possible to ensure that            this requires a continued commitment         at high pressure, to create fissures.
These decentralized microgrids                       demand for energy does not rise at             to state aid over a number of years          The gas can then escape via these
situated close to consumers enable                   the same pace as economic growth,”             in order to achieve it,” she stresses.       fissures, and funnel through the
the electricity grid to be stabilized                says Maria van der Hoeven, Executive                If politics and business work           borehole at the surface. The quartz
when electricity needs rise.                         Director of the International Energy           effectively together, a growing share        sand remains in the rock, and acts
Together with a further expansion of                 Agency (IEA).                                  of renewable energy sources in               as a support material to keep the
central grids, microgrids can help in                    Van der Hoeven is also convinced           overall supply can become more than          cracks open. The additives prevent
achieving the transition to a new                    that “we must not only try to use less         just a nice-sounding idea. That said,        the fissures from becoming
energy era.                                          and less in the way of old energy              experts are divided on how quickly           blocked, and thus increase the gas
                                                     sources, but also guarantee that the           and to what extent this vision can           output. Critics claim the technology
Corporate energy sustainability                      costs of new energy sources reflect             become reality. For example, the             could be harmful to the
In the past few years, more and more                 the true costs.” This means boosting           German Advisory Council on the               environment; however, it has been
companies have started meeting their                 efficiency, but also phasing out                Environment is convinced, according          used without any problems in oil
energy demands with their own wind                   fossil fuel subsidies and pricing in           to a 2010 report, that Germany will          and gas extraction for decades.
parks and photovoltaic and biogas                    externalities (such as through carbon          be able to supply all its energy needs       The American shale gas boom
installations. In addition, many firms                pricing) to make renewable energy              from renewable sources by 2050.              has had a big impact on the U.S.
are attempting to increase their                     sources marketable and competitive.            However, this report uses model              economy. As a result, energy-
efficiency by producing more energy                                                                  calculations and working hypotheses          intensive industries can operate
from fewer resources, and saving                     The political vision                           based on technologies that are               at lower costs due to reduced
both money and energy by keeping                     According to van der Hoeven,                   currently not ready for the market,          energy prices, and thus enjoy
heat losses to a minimum. One                        governments can make a major                   such as geothermal energy and                competitive advantages.
example is the LED factory of                        contribution to the development                compressed air storage. Critics
Siemens subsidiary Osram in                          and deployment of clean energy                 therefore doubt whether this scenario
Regensburg, Germany. Its design                      technologies and new energy                    will truly be realistic by 2050.
enables incidental heat produced                     sources “by giving greater support                  Fossil fuels are still an essential
by machinery to be captured and                      to research in this area and creating          source right now and will continue
fed into other production equipment.                 attractive underlying conditions for           to play an important role in energy
According to Siemens, this saves                     innovation and private investment.”            supply in the future. New potential
the company around $1.2 million                      She sees the optimal energy mix of             is offered by unconventional deposits,
(€900,000) in energy costs each year.                the future as a more efficient and              such as shale gas stored in porous
The BASF Verbund system also                         cleaner use of fossil fuels in                 rocks up to 4,000 meters (2.5 miles)
shows how energy can be kept within                  combination with renewable energy              below the Earth’s surface, which can

12 | Creating Chemistry
be extracted by means of a complex        case – and it would no longer be
technical process (see box on             fed from the solar installation on
the right).                               the roof into the grid.
                                              Many experts consider power-to-                                               Without forgoing
Intelligent electricity and steam
energy storage
                                          gas to be another promising option
                                          for long-term electricity storage.
                                                                                                                            things, it will not be
Energy production is only one side of     The power-to-gas concept involves                                                 possible in the long
the coin; storage methods are crucial
too. Solar and wind energy output
                                          converting excess energy into
                                          methane, which is then fed into
                                                                                                                            term to achieve
fluctuates, but electricity is used on     the natural gas network.                                                          any political targets
a continuous basis. Shortfalls in
production or peaks in electricity        Cost effectiveness
                                                                                                                            relating to the
consumption must therefore be             Energy storage continues to face                                                  reduction of energy
evened out using efficient storage
technology. This is the only way in
                                          a number of challenges. “All the new
                                          storage solutions under discussion
which goals such as those agreed          are still a long way from crossing the
to in Germany can be achieved; with       threshold of cost effectiveness – plus,
its reform package adopted in 2011,       efficiency is still too low and the
the country has set itself big targets
to bring about a shift in its energy
                                          conversion losses too high,” says
                                          former head of the German Federal
                                                                                    A question
supply. It is aiming, by 2020, to
produce more than 35% of the
                                          Network Agency Matthias Kurth,
                                          who is now a lecturer in energy
                                                                                    of motivation
electricity in its grid from renewable    issues at the University of Bonn.         Dr. Florian G. Kaiser, professor        does not help just to live closer
energy sources, but for that it needs     “Things might improve in the coming       of social psychology at the             to nature. You also have to use
the right storage facilities. Professor   years, of course, but even then hardly    University of Magdeburg,                it for your personal recreation.
Dr. Ulrich Wagner, Head of Energy         anybody will get involved in major        Germany, on social pressure to          In Sweden and Norway, this use
and Transport at the German               projects unless funding is available      save energy and the impact of           of nature is truly impressive. A
Aerospace Center in Cologne,              once more.”                               one’s own experience of nature.         relatively high proportion of leisure
expects the need for such storage              So when will the vision of U.S.                                              time is spent on activities in a
facilities to become increasingly         economist Jeremy Rifkin become            Creating Chemistry: Switching           natural environment. There are also
apparent in future and grow               reality? The influential thinker whose     off lights, pulling out plugs,          indications from several research
constantly over time. He stresses         ideas have inspired energy reform         avoiding waste – we know how            groups that those who use nature
that “we must therefore come up           is not only demanding a complete          to save resources. Why then             for their active recreation tend
with something new as far as storage      shift to renewable energy but the         do we often fail to do it?              to be more motivated to behave
technology is concerned.”                 dismantling of hierarchies between        Professor Dr. Florian G. Kaiser:        in a resource-efficient and
      Yet storing energy in the form      producers and consumers as well:          Because we are occupied with            environmentally friendly manner.
of electricity is not easy. Storage       “This Third Industrial Revolution         other things. The goal of saving
requires conversion, which always         will be driven by millions of people      electricity and resources is not        How can a person with only
leads to some energy loss.                worldwide who produce electricity in      a primary concern like eating,          limited environmental
      Pumped storage achieves a high      their own homes and share surpluses       drinking, and sleeping; it is, at       awareness be encouraged
efficiency. It enables energy to be        via an intelligent network.” Rifkin is    best, a secondary, learned one.         to save energy?
stored by pumping water into a vessel     now 67. He still hopes to see his         Not to mention that saving energy       To get somebody to save energy,
situated at a height. To produce          vision come to fruition.                  ultimately means each of us will        it is of course possible to raise
electricity, the water is released to                                               have to give up some personal           the price of energy or apply social
flow down to a lower vessel and thus                                                 benefits. The easiest way out for        pressure to save energy. If, for
drive a turbine. However, this system                                               some is currently to buy an             example, penalties are imposed
can only be used in geographically                                                  energy-efficient fridge, an              for throwing away paper in a public
suitable locations, and many sites                                                  energy-efficient car, or a house         space, then less paper will be
have already been in service for a                                                  that uses minimal energy. We            thrown away. Energy savings could
long time. There is therefore very                                                  should begin broaching the subject      also be achieved by each of us
little expansion potential in Germany                                               of doing without in the debate          being a little more motivated to
and the rest of Europe.                                                             about what form energy should           consume a bit less. Looking at the
      Besides pumped storage power                                                  take, the shift to alternative energy   unchanged figures for per capita
stations, experts have identified                                                    sources, and energy consumption.        energy consumption in Germany
particular potential in electrochemical                                             Without forgoing things, it will        over the last 20 years, one
storage devices in the form of                                                      not be possible in the long term        unfortunately has to wonder
batteries. These are able to store                                                  to achieve any political targets        whether personal motivation or
electricity temporarily and make                                                    relating to the reduction               attitudes toward doing without are
it available to the grid quickly and                                                of energy consumption.                  changing at all. This means that
very efficiently when needed. Private                                                                                        political energy-saving targets –
households using solar energy might                                                 Why do some pay attention               irrespective of where they are –
soon be able to use such battery                                                    to resource-efficient behavior           must convince people to reduce
systems themselves. This would                                                      and others do not?                      consumption through personal
allow self-generated electricity to                                                 There has barely been any               conviction rather than only
be used directly in one’s own home                                                  empirical research on this subject      focusing on the question of which
more often than is currently the                                                    yet. One thing we know is that it       are the most efficient technologies.

                                                                                                                                            Creating Chemistry | 13
Cover story: The graphic


   Energy                                             When miniature dynamos are fitted to nightclub dance floors,
                                                      the energy generated by dance movement can be converted
                                                      to power the club’s lighting. Each reveler can generate up

   harvesting                                         to 20 watts per hour in this way.

   Energy harvesting taps ambient energy              Roads
   by generating electricity from movement,           Sensors allow roads to act as mini power plants. When fitted
                                                      into the surfacing, they convert vibrations from cars into
   pressure and air streams. Developers from          electricity for road signals and street lighting. The technology
   all around the world are working on                is known as piezoelectricity.
   innovative pilot projects: In Israel, for
   instance, streets are producing electricity,
   while in the french city Toulouse as well as       Sidewalks and subway steps
   in Tokyo sidewalks are harvesting energy and       Energy plates featuring piezoelectric (see above) fibers
   in London subway stairways are generating          in sidewalks and steps convert the pressure from pedestrians’
   power. The yield from each individual initiative   footsteps and movement into power.

   may indeed be small, but the overall potential
   of the technology is anything but – American
   market research firms estimate the global
   market will be worth $4.4 billion (€3.4 billion)
   by 2021, and even more in the years beyond.

                                                      Energy harvesting means cell phones can be powered via a
                                                      T-shirt – special films placed under the fabric transform sound
                                                      waves into electricity. The louder the ambient noise gets, the
                                                      faster the battery recharges.

                                                      Scientists have developed a micro-generator made up
                                                      of metal droplets, which convert energy from walking and
                                                      jogging into electricity. When the foot touches the ground,
                                                      the pressure moves the droplets, generating electricity that
                                                      can be used for mobile devices.

                                                      Bags and backpacks
                                                      With the help of a dynamo-like energy converter attached
                                                      to a bag or backpack, every step taken by the wearer is
This intersection in Tokyo’s Ginza
district illustrates numerous                         transformed into electricity. One minute of walking is enough
possibilities for energy harvesting.                  to power a smartphone for the same amount of time.

14 | Creating Chemistry
Electric airplanes                                              Exhaust pipes
With the push of a button, the propeller transforms into an     The waste heat produced by cars is also suitable for energy
electric generator for the on-board battery either during the   harvesting. Electric generators can produce up to 1 kilowatt
plane’s descent or a sharp ascent. This would enable the        hour of power in this way – almost enough to replace the
plane to fly for the entire day.                                 alternator completely, and cut fuel requirements by 5%.

                                                                Shock absorbers
                                                                The vibrations from shock absorbers on buses or trucks can
                                                                be harvested by power generators. Up to 400 watts per hour
                                                                can be produced in this way.

                                                                In hybrid vehicles, the brakes are connected to a power
                                                                generator. Simply bringing the vehicle to a halt at traffic
                                                                lights is enough to power the car electrically for several
                                                                hundred meters.

                                                                Cars and buses
Tires                                                           The air streams generated by vehicles can be captured by
Special generators are able to produce electricity using        small wind turbines and converted into electricity to power
the rotations of tires; this powers the sensors that measure    illuminated information panels or weather stations on the side
tire pressure.                                                  of the road.

                                                                                                            Creating Chemistry | 15
Cover story: The expert

The diplomat
for sustainability
Situated in the desert of Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Masdar City
aspires to be one of the most sustainable cities in the world. As it takes shape, Dr. Nawal
Al-Hosany, Director of Sustainability at Masdar, explains this ambitious energy-saving
project, and how it could serve as a role model all over the globe.

Dr. Nawal Al-Hosany                      Creating Chemistry: Masdar City          Is construction inside Masdar
                                         is growing fast. Your goal is to         City progressing well?
As the Director of Sustainability        become a nearly zero-emissions           Yes, it is. The first completed
at Masdar, Dr. Nawal Al-Hosany           city over the coming decades.            neighborhood comprises the Masdar
oversees the company’s corporate         Can you give us a short update           Institute and retail outlets including a
sustainability programs. One of the      on how successful your efforts           bank, a grocery store and restaurants.
company’s projects, Masdar City,         have been so far?                        The City also has a number of
is a new development being built         Dr. Nawal Al-Hosany: Masdar City,        ongoing pilot projects. Some of the
in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates       an integrated unit of Masdar, is being   projects, for instance, encourage
(UAE). Al-Hosany leads a team            built as the world’s most sustainable    sustainable transportation and test
responsible for developing               urban development. Several               the efficiency of electric vehicles,
sustainability standards and             measures are being taken to ensure       including the driverless electrical
policies in the area, which is           that it remains a low-carbon,            personal rapid transport system.
intended to provide housing and          low-waste city that can serve as a
business opportunities for 40,000        commercially viable role model for       Can you tell us more about
residents and 50,000 commuters,          cities across the world. Masdar takes    the energy requirements of
and generate minimal waste and           a multifaceted approach to the entire    Masdar City?
CO2 emissions. Al-Hosany grew            value chain of renewable energy and      The entire demand of Masdar City
up in the UAE, where she also            sustainability. Besides implementing     is met by power generated through
completed her engineering degree.        energy efficiency measures, such as       the 10-megawatt photovoltaic solar
She obtained her doctorate from          the use of recycled concrete in the      power plant – the Middle East’s
the University of Newcastle upon         construction of Masdar City, we are      largest grid-connected solar power
Tyne, United Kingdom, and                developing smart grids on several        plant – and the rooftop photovoltaic
attended Harvard Business School         levels in partnership with global        panels inside the city. Any excess
in Cambridge, Massachusetts.             cleantech leaders.                       power is fed back into the Abu Dhabi
Before her role at Masdar, she was                                                national grid. Masdar, the company
the deputy director for planning at      Do such systems offer an                 that initiated the Masdar City project,
the Abu Dhabi Police Force – the         opportunity for energy and               has also developed other large-scale
first women to hold this position –       cost savings?                            commercial renewable energy
and in 2008, received the Emirates       They do in an enormous way,              projects, both domestically
Business Woman Award. Al-Hosany          through an integrated grid that          and internationally. In Abu Dhabi,
tackles challenges in her private life   tracks and influences energy              the company is developing the
as readily as she does in her work:      consumption all the way from the         100-megawatt Shams One plant,
Along with a friend, she was the         utility down to the consumer level.      one of the world’s largest
first woman from the UAE to climb         Smart appliances, meters, sensors,       concentrated solar power (CSP)
Mount Kilimanjaro.                       dashboards, building management          plants, which is set for completion
                                         systems and distribution management      by the end of 2012. When in
                                         systems are all part of the integrated   operation, the plant will help save
                                         network. For example, Siemens’           approximately 175,000 metric tons of
                                         Middle East headquarters, currently      CO2 every year, equivalent to planting
                                         under construction in Masdar City,       1.5 million trees or taking 15,000
                                         will meet the highest architectural      cars off city roads. Internationally,
                                         and energy efficiency requirements –      Masdar has developed the first
                                         potentially resulting in a 45%           commercial-scale 19.9-megawatt
                                         reduction in energy consumption          CSP plant in Southern Spain,
                                         compared with the internationally        Gemasolar, the world’s first solar
                                         acknowledged ASHRAE (American            power plant capable of 24-hour
                                         Society of Heating, Refrigerating        electricity generation. Masdar is now
                                         and Air Conditioning Engineers)          developing the twin 50-megawatt
                                         standard and a 50% reduction             CSP plants Valle 1 and 2 in
                                         in water consumption.                    partnership with the Spanish >>

16 | Creating Chemistry
Masdar City
can serve as
a commercially
viable role
model for
cities across
the world.
Dr. Nawal Al-Hosany,
Director of Sustainability at Masdar City

                                            Creating Chemistry | 17
Cover story: The expert

Masdar City’s goal is to use just one-fifth
of energy consumed by a similar sized city.

The reduction in water use in Masdar City
compared to Abu Dhabi.

The number of cars with combustion engines
that will be allowed in Masdar City.

The year when Masdar City is due to be
completed and ready to provide space
for its 40,000 inhabitants.

development and technology group              how abundant they are. Let us take        interest in Masdar City’s progress        Above The cityscape of
SENER. Besides solar power                    Masdar City: We have capitalized          has steadily increased over the years.    Masdar City is greatly influenced
                                                                                                                                  by traditional Arabic architecture.
projects, Masdar is also developing           on the plentiful solar energy             And we have already achieved many
                                                                                                                                  Thanks to the refined architecture
one of the world’s largest planned            available in Abu Dhabi by building        milestones: Construction continues        of the city, the buildings provide
offshore wind farms, London Array,            a 10-megawatt solar power plant           inside Masdar City with the expansion     shade for each other. This enables
in a partnership with DONG Energy             and rooftop photovoltaic panels. We       of the Masdar Institute campus            streets and houses to remain cool
                                                                                                                                  without the use of air conditioning.
and E.ON. It is also spearheading             also pursue an urban development          expected to reach completion by
several renewable energy projects             approach with as little wastage and       year-end. Extension of the campus         Below left The Masdar Institute
in developing countries such as               CO2 emissions as possible. The            will more than double the university’s    of Science and Technology is
Seychelles, Tonga and Afghanistan.            cleantech cluster embodies Abu            area and include additional               focusing on renewable energy
                                                                                                                                  research and sustainable
                                              Dhabi’s commitment to a sustainable       laboratories, dormitories and retail
                                                                                                                                  technologies. The number of
Solar energy is only one side                 future by pioneering the best             outlets. Masdar’s first commercial         students is expected to grow to
of the story. How about other                 practices in sustainable urban            building is also due for completion       600 over the next five years.
alternative energy concepts                   planning, design and construction,        by the end of 2012 and is expected
in Masdar City?                               as well as educating residents about      to house more than 50 companies.
Masdar does not only develop                  efficient energy usage.                    Siemens’ Middle East headquarters
renewable energy projects; it is a                                                      is scheduled for completion in 2013.      interpretation of one of the region’s
commercially-driven enterprise that           How much energy does Masdar               Construction will begin soon on the       most iconic traditional architectural
operates across the full spectrum of          City consume compared to                  Masdar headquarters building and          features, the Al Barjeel. This was
the renewable energy and sustainable          other cities?                             the International Renewable Energy        prominent in many Gulf Cooperation
technology industry. As you know,             Compared to the 2011 average              Agency (IRENA) headquarters. When         Council (GCC) homes. Cities that
the most sustainable option depends           figures in Abu Dhabi, Masdar City          it is fully built by 2025, the city is    inspired Masdar City’s master plan
on each country’s resources and               has managed to cut water                  expected to have 40,000 residents         include Shibam in Yemen, Aleppo in
                                              consumption by 54%, electricity           and welcome 50,000 commuters.             Syria and Marrakesh in Morocco, as
                                              consumption by approximately 70%                                                    well as traditional districts within Abu
                                              and cooling requirements by 50%.          What places around the world              Dhabi and other cities in the UAE
                                              Waste is sorted and recycled, and         do you consider to be the                 and Gulf region.
                                              organic waste will be used for            most inspiring with regard to
                                              compost. Masdar City also has a           sustainability and carbon-neutral         Generally speaking, what can
                                              geothermal test site – a pilot project    living? Can you tell us how they          cities do to drive climate
                                              that involves exploratory drilling deep   influence you at Masdar?                   protection?
                                              underground to test the availability      First of all, every country has its own   We can all agree that climate change
                                              of sufficiently hot geothermal water       environmental context, but we learn       is a threat that the global community
                                              to be used in thermal cooling.            from many experiences around the          shares. Rising temperatures and
                                                                                        world, especially in regions that offer   sea levels will have a major impact
                                              Early on, there was a lot of              similar climatic conditions. The          on our region and it is in our interest
                                              attention focused on Masdar               design elements used in Masdar            to find solutions. Our country is
                                              City, but this has since died             were inspired by traditional Arabic       already gaining global visibility as
                                              down. Is construction still               architecture. For example, the wind       a sustainability champion with an
                                              on schedule?                              tower inside Masdar Institute’s           active role in international climate
                                              First of all, I do not feel that it has   campus – which captures wind with         negotiations such as Rio+20. Inside
                                              become quieter around Masdar City:        its flexible flaps, directs it downwards    Masdar City, we continue to improve
                                              Whether locally or abroad, the            and uses it for cooling – is a modern     energy efficiency standards in our

18 | Creating Chemistry
Masdar City – Cleantech cluster on
                                                                                           the Persian Gulf
buildings, invest in sustainable                 will promote and adopt research,          The United Arab Emirates          transportation concepts:
public transport and support public              development and technological             (UAE) has ambitious               Cars with combustion
awareness campaigns to inform our                innovation. The new headquarters of       aims when it comes to             engines have to be parked
society about how we can reduce                  the International Renewable Energy        developing technologies           at the edge of town. In their
emissions. And yes, there is no doubt            Agency will be based in this thriving     for renewable energy              place, electric vehicles ply
that people can have a higher impact             environment, underscoring Masdar’s        and climate protection:           the city’s streets and there
on saving energy when they have                  aim to become a global cooperative        Located 17 kilometers             are a well-developed public
intrinsic motivation.                            platform in the search for solutions to   from the capital Abu Dhabi,       transport system and
                                                 the pressing issues of energy security,   Masdar City will be a             shady sidewalks.
How important is it for you                      climate change and the development        showcase for sustainable               The city was designed
to exchange information with                     of human expertise in sustainability.     urban development.                by the team of legendary
experts from all over the world?                                                           The buildings completed           British architect Sir Norman
Working in Masdar City – a test bed for          Saving energy is a very important         so far are already using          Foster and also incorporates
research, development and creation               goal. How can we successfully             100% renewable energy.            traditional Arabic urban
of scalable innovations in renewable             rise to this challenge?                                                     construction techniques.
energy and clean technologies for                In theory, development that is            Masdar is the Arabic word         The buildings are laid out in
sustainable development – means that             sustainable and not damaging to the       for “source” or “origin”. The     such a way that they provide
information exchange and knowledge               planet is achievable. In reality, there   pioneering project Masdar         shade for the public roads
sharing is part of our daily routine.            are challenges at every step, and so      City is in fact a large-scale     and other buildings. This
On a personal level, I was appointed             far, global efforts of moving towards     experiment: It embodies the       reduces the average
Sherpa (chief negotiator) to the U.N.            sustainability in a collective manner,    vision of a city that is nearly   temperature in Masdar City
Secretary General in the ‘The                    with a common framework, appear           carbon neutral and barely         by up to 20C (68F) compared
Sustainable Energy for All’ initiative           to have been quite feeble. Around         produces any waste. Masdar        to outside the city. The
to support the appointed principal,              the world, a large part of the            City also serves as a think       coolness of the lower layers
Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, the                   population still lives without access     tank, where new solutions         of earth is used for air-
Chief Executive Officer of Masdar.                to basic necessities. In the most         for climate protection and        conditioning in the buildings.
I also serve on the boards of                    fragile environmental conditions,         renewable energy can be                Masdar City not only
several regional and international               the population typically has limited      developed. The project was        integrates environmentally
initiatives and organizations: I’m               financial means and the least              initiated in 2006 by Masdar,      friendly technologies, it also
a Co-Chairperson of Women for                    adequate resources to address             a company from the United         wants to promote their
Sustainable Growth and I was part                these challenges. Integrating these       Arab Emirates which takes         development. For example,
of the Sustainable Development                   societies into the economic and           a multifaceted approach to        it is home to Masdar Institute
Dialogue panel in Rio. I am now                  development programs can speed            research, development and         of Science and Technology,
looking forward to our annual flagship            up the pace of sustainable                commercialization of              a university with a focus on
events, the World Future Energy                  development and contribute to             technologies in the renewable     renewable energy research.
Summit (WFES) and the Zayed Future               improving their quality of life because   energy and cleantech sector.      The International Renewable
Energy Prize awards ceremony,                    it builds an entrepreneurial platform     Masdar is a subsidiary of         Energy Agency (IRENA) is
which will be held during the Abu                that has tremendous positive impact       the state-owned joint stock       also going to set up its
Dhabi Sustainability Week in January             and yields long-term benefits for          company Mubadala and              headquarters in Masdar City.
2013. These are all platforms for                the communities engaged.                  explores new economic and              In order to live up to its
knowledge exchange that                                                                    energy diversification plans       pioneering role, Masdar
directly add to my experience                    Does sustainability also play             for Abu Dhabi.                    has partnered with leading
and understanding of industry’s                  an important role in your                      The developers of Masdar     names, including BASF.
best practice.                                   private life?                             City are employing best-          The strategic partnership
                                                 On a personal level, I’m currently        practice benchmarks,              between BASF and Masdar
Do you also aim to establish                     building my own home in a                 sustainable building materials    began in 2009 and has
platforms for knowledge                          sustainable way which will reduce         and energy-efficient               resulted in BASF being
exchange in Masdar City itself?                  its impact on the environment and         technologies. As a result,        named a “preferred supplier.”
On a wider scale, Masdar City and                ultimately lower carbon emissions.        the city’s energy consumption     As a leading supplier of raw
Masdar Institute of Science and                  I’m hoping it will serve as a case        was 55% lower and water           materials, formulations and
Technology are attracting leading                study for all Abu Dhabi community         consumption was reduced           systems for the construction
academics, researchers and                       members to identify ways in which         by 54% compared to the 2011       industry, BASF has provided
businesses eager to situate                      they can implement sustainability         average figures in Abu Dhabi.      a range of products for the
themselves in an environment that                measures in their own homes.              The energy used in the            first building phase in Masdar
                                                                                           buildings completed thus          City, including the Masdar
                                                                                           far comes entirely from           Institute of Science and
                                                                                           renewable sources. It is          Technology. Some of the
                                                                                           generated by a 10 megawatt        products used in its
                                                                                           solar power plant and             construction were grouts
                                                                                           1 megawatt of rooftop             and mortars, joint sealants,
                                                                                           photovoltaic panels. Masdar       coatings, tile adhesives
I’m hoping my house will serve as a case                                                   City is also implementing         and concrete additives.

study for all Abu Dhabi community members                                                  environmentally friendly

to identify ways in which they can implement
sustainability measures in their own homes.
Dr. Nawal Al-Hosany, Director of Sustainability at Masdar City                             To find out more, visit:

                                                                                                                                      Creating Chemistry | 19
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