Millennial bug Cosmetics Packaging Packaging - Packaging & Converting Intelligence

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Millennial bug Cosmetics Packaging Packaging - Packaging & Converting Intelligence
Cosmetics Packaging                      I   N   S   I   G     H   T
                                                 WINTER 2018

                                Millennial bug
                                  The millennial market is increasing the
                                   importance of brand engagement

                        Materials • Regulation • Brand protection • Sustainability

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Millennial bug Cosmetics Packaging Packaging - Packaging & Converting Intelligence
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                  The perfect experience                                                                           SELF-SAMPLING®
                  for your consumer                                                                       Introducing customised technology that

                  does exist.                                                                             dispenses a single fragrance or make up
                                                                                                          sample at the touch of a button.

                  Let’s discover it together.                                                              • EASY only one click!
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                                                360º                                                       • INNOVATIVE experiential solution.

                   Passionate about           Passionate about                    Passionate about
                   ideas.                     full service.                       impact.
                   We are experts in          We offer a 360 degree               We seek to engage
                   creating innovative        approach from design and            the consumer
                   sampling solutions for     production, through to the          and ensure that
                   fragrance, beauty and      promotion and distribution of       sampling delivers
                   personal care brands.      samples to your consumer.           amazing results.       

                                                                                              about sampling
                                                                                                               Scent labels   Sachets   Vials   Miniatures   Make up

      Samplinginnovations.indd 1                                                                                                                               06/12/2018 11:58
Millennial bug Cosmetics Packaging Packaging - Packaging & Converting Intelligence
From the editor

                On the web...                                                                                                             Matthew Rogerson
                Keep up with the latest developments                                                                                      Editor
                across the packaging industry by visiting

                                                                                    Growth factors for
                                                                                    the festive season
                                                                                                s Christmas rolls ever closer, the       VR technology to allow users to try on
                                                                                                cosmetics industry prepares for          products prior to purchase or through
                                                                                                one of its highest growth periods        partnerships with mobile apps to help improve
                                                                                    of the year. Looking good is big business            the reach of products. Consumers can even
                Cosmetics Packaging Insight                                         and business continues to be good, with              use smart tools as diagnostic experts to help
                Winter 2018                                                         consumers willing to pay high amounts and            measure the exact make-up of their skin to
                EDITORIAL                                                           make more effort to source the right cosmetics       assist with product choices, rather than relying
                Editor Matthew Rogerson
                                                                                    products than ever before, but this comes            on the previously used trial and error.
                Chief sub-editor Thom Atkinson
                Sub-editors Nicholas Kenny, Julian Turner                           with the downside that there is no loyalty to           Inclusive positioning, such as the creation
                Senior writer Greg Noone
                Feature writers Grace Allen, Tim Gunn
                                                                                    anything less than excellence.                       of gender-neutral products and advertising
                Production manager Steve Buchanan                                      Any product caught overpromising and              campaigns to engage the male demographic,
                Group art director Henrik Williams
                Designer Martin Faulkner                                            under-delivering will quickly be put on notice       has grown rapidly across the globe. This trend
                                                                                    through social media and word of mouth,              also seeks to create intergenerational and
                                                                                    and without immediate improvements will              racially diverse marketing campaigns that
                Client services executive Yasmina Jackson
                Publication manager Richard Pollard                                 be scrapped equally fast. This is a market that      communicate beauty as something that all
                Subscriptions marketing manager
                Mariella Salerno
                                                                                    can give Kylie Jenner a $1-billion company           consumers can possess.
                Publisher William Crocker                                           valuation within three years, so the money is           Perhaps the most crucial to note is the
                                                                                    there for the right products and the right look.     move towards unique experiences, which
                                                                                       So what is driving growth in 2019 in the          provides flexible formulations that consumers
                Cosmetics Packaging Insight is published by                         cosmetics sector? There are a number of              can alter and reformulate depending on
                Compelo, a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulation.
                                                                                    active key trends that have been spotted             changes in their lifestyle. Companies have also
                John Carpenter House, John Carpenter Street,                        throughout the year:                                 been working to enhance product packaging
                London, EC4Y 0AN, UK
                Tel: +44 20 7936 6400 Fax: +44 20 7411 9800                            The clean lifestyles trend has incorporated       and its ‘shareability’ – offering unique shapes,
                                                                                    beauty foods or supplements that can be              colours, and reflective and metallic materials
                ISSN 2516-3442 © 2018 Compelo.                                      integrated into the diet to support beauty and       that encourage sharing online and assist in
                Registered in England No. 09901510.
                                                                                    grooming. This can be achieved by harnessing         improving product visibility.
                All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be             health food ingredients to develop naturally            However cosmetics companies choose to
                reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any
                form or by any means, electronic, photocopying or otherwise,        beneficial formulations. Single dose products        drive growth, listening to consumers remains
                without prior permission of the publisher and copyright owner.
                                                                                    that need to be refrigerated and have ‘use by’       the key to looking good and feeling great,
                While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the
                information in this publication, the publisher accepts no           dates can enhance efficacy perceptions.              ensuring they have the tools and functionality
                responsibility for errors or omissions.
                                                                                       Smart tools continue to dominate cosmetics        of product they need in order to intuitively use
                The products and services advertised are those of individual
                authors and are not necessarily endorsed by or connected with
                                                                                    packaging innovation, whether through using          their products and unlock their best selves.
                the publisher. The opinions expressed in the articles within this
                publication are those of individual authors and not necessarily
                those of the publisher.

                Single issue:       UK £31    EU €49    US $65        ROW $65
                                                                                                                      In this issue
                One year:           UK £48    EU €76    US $99        ROW $100                                        Page 19: Taking stock of millennials, their purchasing habits in
                Two year:           UK £77    EU €120   US $158       ROW $159                                        the beauty sector and effect on the industry.

                Subscription hotline: +44 845 073 9607 (local rate)
                                                                                                                      Page 28: How businesses have been making use of online
                Subscription fax: +44 207 458 4032                                                                    transparency to increase efficiency, safety and trust in their brands.
                Cosmetic Packaging Insight & Innovation Subscriptions,                                                Page 32: A look at the shift towards green consumerism and
                Riverbridge House, Ground Floor, South Tower, Anchor Boulevard.                                       the potential benefits for businesses that embrace this trend.
                Crossways, Kent DA2 6SL

                Printed by Stephens & George Print Group

                                                                                                                    Cosmetics Packaging Insight |                         3

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Millennial bug Cosmetics Packaging Packaging - Packaging & Converting Intelligence

                  In this issue...
                  Cover story

              Millennials are more likely to trust social media influencers and bloggers than brand claims.       Tubes are the new stars in cosmetics packaging.

              6     The global market                              15 Drive innovation                                 key legislative topics for the beauty
                    This GlobalData report brings                     in the tube market                               and personal-care industries. Julia
                    together multiple data sources                       Viva Packaging                                Wray reports.
                    to provide a comprehensive
                    overview of the global cosmetics               16 Tube takeover                               25 Small and sustainable
                    and toiletries industry. The                         Tubes have proved to be effective,            Exhibitors at ADF & PCD New
                    report provides percentage                           and cost-effective, packaging                 York 2018 were split equally across
                    share (in 2017) and growth                           components across the cosmetics               packaging and dispensing. What they
                    analysis (during 2012–22) for                        and skincare industries for many              all had in common was providing
                    various package materials, pack                      years, and are increasingly being             solutions that offered sustainability,
                    type, closure type, and primary                      adopted by other markets. Cosmetics           with a focus on challenger brands
                    outer types based on the volume                      Packaging Insight selects a number            looking to disrupt the market.
                    sales (by pack units) of cosmetics                   of products featuring tubes as
                    and toiletries products.                             primary packaging components             28 Full transparency
                                                                         from GlobalData’s pack track                  Neil Thompson explores how
              9     Up close and personal                                database, and highlights the                  businesses are discovering new
                    The growing UK beauty and                            features that make these products             opportunities to boost efficiency,
                    personal-care market was worth                       innovative and improvements on                safety and trust in their leading labels.
                    more than £15 billion in 2017. To                    what came before.
                    differentiate themselves in this                                                              31 An exciting new way to
                    glamorous and crowded sector,                  19 Marketing that meets                           promote fragrances
                    brands have to go beyond being                    millennial needs                                 Sampling Innovations Europe
                    aesthetically pleasing because                       Millennials make up almost a third of
                    consumers now expect the                             the world’s population, spending about   32 Rub of the green
                    ‘whole package’. Emma-Jane                           $200 billion each year, so GlobalData         A shift towards ‘green’ consumerism
                    Batey speaks to a range of beauty                    Consumer conducted a special report           is evident, with 75% of consumers
                    brands about how they are meeting                    on millennials and their purchasing           believing that living an ethical and
                    market demands.                                      habits in the beauty sector.                  sustainable lifestyle is important
                                                                                                                       in creating a feeling of well-being,
              12 Ideas shaped in metal                             22 Legislative round-up                             according to primary research by
                    Pack-Man                                             From the EU Cosmetics Regulation              GlobalData. Ethical and sustainable
                                                                         to halal certification and REACH, the         packaging can now play an
              13 A perfect fit                                           2018 Cosmetics Business Regulatory            important role in achieving that
                    Aarts Plastics                                       Summit covered a broad range of               lifestyle and peace of mind.

                                                                                                 Cosmetics Packaging Insight |                 5

CPI003_102_Contents.indd 5                                                                                                                                          06/12/2018 11:23
Millennial bug Cosmetics Packaging Packaging - Packaging & Converting Intelligence
The intelligence > Market analysis

               The global
               This GlobalData report brings together multiple data sources to provide a comprehensive
               overview of the global cosmetics and toiletries industry. The report provides percentage
               share (in 2017) and growth analysis (for 2012–22) for various package materials, pack
               type, closure type, and primary outer types based on the volume sales (by pack units) of
               cosmetics and toiletries products.

                         he global cosmetics and toiletries    animal welfare organisations to ban           High-potential countries
                         industry was valued at $412 billion   animal testing of personal-care products,     A total of 50 countries were analysed,
                         in 2017, led by Asia-Pacific and      manufacturers face the challenges of          based on a risk-reward analysis, to identify
               the Americas, which accounted for value         seeking alternative testing methods           the top four countries by region. The risk-
               shares of 37.6 and 32.4%, respectively.         and replacing conventional packaging          reward analysis is based on multiple
               A falling global unemployment rate and the      materials with more sustainable ones.         metrics, including market size and growth
               consequent rise in disposable income levels       The value share of skincare and oral        assessment, economic development
               are major factors influencing consumer          hygiene is forecast to increase during        indicators, socio-demographic
               spending on personal care. The projected        2012–22, while that of haircare and           factors, governance indicators,
               global economic improvements, led               make-up is expected to remain constant.       and technological infrastructure.
               by strong growth in Asia’s developing           At regional levels, personal hygiene in          The top ten high-potential countries –
               economies, will drive growth in the             Eastern Europe, feminine hygiene in           China, South Korea, Brazil, Canada,
               cosmetics and toiletries industry. However,     Asia-Pacific, and haircare and personal       Colombia, the Netherlands, the UK,
               with consumers’ rising concerns about           hygiene in MEA, are projected to see strong   Russia, Poland and Saudi Arabia –
               sustainability, and increasing pressure from    growth in value shares during 2012–22.        accounted for a combined value share of

                 6    Cosmetics Packaging Insight |

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The intelligence > Market analysis

               40.9% in 2017. China is set to emerge as      address specific issues, such as hair fall/      ‘moringa’ and ‘kale’, deemed to be naturally
               the fastest-growing market for cosmetics      hair loss, dull skin or dark spots, has led to   nourishing to skin and hair. Additionally,
               and toiletries (C&T) with a projected         the emergence of personal-care products          regional beauty regimen will drive the use
               CAGR of 8% for 2017–22, while Russia          with active ingredients, vitamins and            of ingredients such as snail essence, yogurt,
               was the largest market in Eastern Europe      minerals. Distaste for artificial ingredients    argan oil, jojoba oil, black pine and wild
               with a value share of 42.7% in 2017.          has also prompted the rising use of              rose to gain clean label positioning.
                                                             natural ingredients such as black and               The clean label trend will see
               Competitive landscape                         white charcoal, aloe vera, coconut water,        continued interest in ‘organic’ and
               The global C&T industry is highly             rose, honey and lemon, as well as other          ‘natural’ tags. Functional claims such as
               fragmented, with the top four brands –        plant and fruit-based extracts in C&T.           ‘pollution protection’ and ‘sweat defence’
               Nivea, Dove, L’Oréal Paris and Colgate –         Functional claims such as ‘UV                 will increase, given consumers’ desire for
               accounting for a combined value share of      defence’, ‘anti-hairfall’ and ‘anti-ageing’      efficient personal-care solutions. Ethical
               6.4% in 2017. The overall share of private    are being used to make cosmetics and             claims such as ‘sustainably sourced’ and
               label products in the global C&T industry     toiletries appealing to consumers                ‘vegan’ will remain in vogue, as brands
               increased from 3.2% in 2012 to 3.5% in        who seek quick and effective results.            try to increase their appeal across a
               2017, with value sales reaching $14.42        Producers are also capitalising on               diverse user segment.
               billion in 2017. Improvements in the          ‘free-from’ claims such as ‘cruelty-free’,          With growing desire for simple and
               quality of private label cosmetics and        ‘paraben-free’ and ‘no artificial colours’       clean labelling, the demand for products
               toiletries products, coupled with changing    to build an ethically and socially               with clear on-pack communication will
               consumer perceptions of private label,        conscious brand image among                      gain momentum. For instance, using
               remain major driving factors of growth.       consumers looking for personal-care              simple language or recognisable
                                                             products that share their ideals.                ingredients along with scientific names
               Distribution channels                            As consumers become more savvy                (such as Vitamin E for Tocopherol), will
               Hypermarkets and supermarkets were the        and aware of the numerous complex                not only increase product appeal but also
               leading distribution channel in the global    ingredients used in C&T, they are                build trust through transparency.
               C&T industry, with a value share of 34.5%     increasingly reading product labels.                Manufacturers will continue to innovate
               in 2017 attributed to the availability of a   As many as 42% pay high or very high             with new formats, designs and value-added
               wide range of personal and beauty care        attention to the ingredients used in the         packaging features for C&T that enhance
               products under one roof. Hypermarkets and     beauty or grooming products they buy.            user experience. Additionally, consumers’
               supermarkets were followed by health and      Therefore, it becomes important for              desire to reduce household wastage from
               beauty stores, which accounted for a value    brands to provide ingredient lists, as           packaging will spur manufacturers to
               share of 16.5% in 2017. Among all the         well as allergen information on labels           focus on sustainable packaging, such as
               regions, Middle East and Africa registered    for safe usage.                                  recycled materials and paperboard, as well
               the highest sales of C&T products through        With busy consumer lifestyles, and            as biodegradable plastics.
               the hypermarkets and supermarkets             rising out-of-home and on-the-go usage,
               channel, with a value share of 42.2%.         convenient, effective, and single-use            Global overview
                                                                                                              The improving global economy will spur
                 Pop-up retail is the new ‘buzz’ in brand                                                     consumer spending on C&T. The global
               engagement, as companies look to offer consumers                                               C&T industry was valued at $412 billion in
                                                                                                              2017, led by Asia-Pacific and the Americas,
               the ‘bricks and mortar store’ shopping experience                                              which accounted for value shares of 37.6%
               without the high cost of permanent retail spaces.                                              and 32.4%, respectively. An improving
                                                                                                              global economy, driven by strong economic
               Packaging formats                             pack formats have gained popularity in           growth in emerging markets, and the
               Flexible packaging was the most commonly      the personal-care industry.                      subsequent rise in disposable income levels,
               used package material in the global C&T         C&T manufacturers are also focusing on         are the major growth drivers. Skincare
               industry, accounting for a 45.4% volume       innovations such as spray-on and roll-on         was the largest sector with a value share
               share in 2017, followed by rigid plastics     applicators for effective coverage and           of 28.2% in 2017, followed by haircare and
               with 38.7%. The use of rigid metal is         application for maximum benefit.                 make-up, which accounted for value
               expected to grow the fastest, at a CAGR of                                                     shares of 16.9 and 11.5% respectively.
               4.0% during 2012–22, followed by flexible     Future outlook
               packaging at a CAGR of 3.8%.                  With innovation being vital for success in       Growth drivers
                                                             the personal-care industry, brands are           There are a number of factors influencing
               Current scenario                              incorporating superfoods such as                 growth in this area:
               Increasing demand for high-performance        ‘probiotics’ (lactobacillus and                  ■ High participation of women in
               cosmetics that not only nourish but also      bifidobacterium), ‘green tea’, ‘algae’,             the global labour force (49.5%) will

                                                                                        Cosmetics Packaging Insight |                   7

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The intelligence > Market analysis

                 continue to support growth in the             traceability, which is challenging by virtue   economies, including Brazil, Chile,
                 industry, as women become more                of the globalisation of supply chains.         Colombia and Mexico, will contribute
                 appearance-conscious.                                                                        to the growth of the C&T industry,
               ■ Rising consumer confidence across             Asia-Pacific focus                             which is projected to record a CAGR
                 major global markets, coupled                 Asia-Pacific is projected to record the        of 2.4% during 2017–22. Haircare was
                 with the high-spending habits of              fastest value growth during 2017–22.           the largest sector, with a value share
                 millennials who enjoy spending on             Asia-Pacific was the largest market in         of 19.3% in 2017.
                 improving appearances, will drive             the global C&T industry, with a value             Manufacturers in the C&T industry
                 sales for C&T.                                share of 37.6% in 2017.                        are increasingly creating products that
                                                                                                              adapt to specific consumer lifestyles.
                 An increasing number of companies in the                                                     For instance, Sweat Cosmetics and
               cosmetics and toiletries industry are hopping                                                  Tarte Cosmetics launched products
                                                                                                              with sweat and water-resistant
               onto the ‘green’ bandwagon by packaging their                                                  formulations targeted at consumers
               products with recycled or recyclable materials.                                                with active lifestyles. Beauty companies
                                                                                                              such as The Body Shop and Lush
               ■       Strong growth in the air travel            This was led by China, Japan and            Cosmetics, which claim to follow
                       industry, with international travel     South Korea, which accounted for a             ethical business practices such as
                       rising by 6.7% in 2016, and the         combined regional value share of 77.8%.        fair trade and cruelty-free testing,
                       subsequent rise in travel retail,       The Asia-Pacific market for C&T is             are expanding their footprint in Brazil,
                       remained a major driver for luxury      forecast to record the fastest CAGR of         indicating growing consumer interest in
                       brands such as L’Oréal and              5.7% during 2017–22 and remain the             sustainable and ethical products.
                       Estée Lauder.                           largest market worldwide, with a 41.5%
                                                               value share in 2022. Growth is primarily       Western Europe
               Latest developments                             driven by the rapidly expanding                Growing demand for premium products
               The C&T industry is constantly adapting         aspirational middle class population           and rising image-consciousness among
               to changing circumstances:                      who constantly look for better-quality         men are driving value sales in Western
               ■ An increasing number of companies             products. Skincare was the largest sector      Europe, which was the third-largest
                   in the C&T industry are hopping onto        with a value share of 43.1% in 2017.           market in the global C&T industry with
                   the ‘green’ bandwagon by packaging             In light of rising consumer distrust        a value share of 21.9% in 2017. Germany
                   their products with recycled or             of chemical and synthetic ingredients,         and the UK were the top two countries for
                   recyclable materials. For instance,         there has been a rise in C&T with              C&T in the region, with a combined value
                   P&G developed a recyclable bottle           clean label claims. For instance, L’Oréal      share of 39% in 2017.
                   for its Head and Shoulders line             India introduced its Garnier Ultra Blends         The region is forecast to record a
                   and Dior launched Hydra Life in             range of haircare with ‘no paraben’            modest CAGR of 1.9% in value terms
                   lightweight glass packaging.                and ‘natural’ tags. ‘Pop-up’ retail is the     during 2017–22. Improving eurozone
               ■ Rising consumer desire for a                  new ‘buzz’ in brand engagement, as             economies and a projected rise in
                   premium experience is driving               companies look to offer consumers              consumer confidence will play a
                   manufacturers to use expensive and          the ‘bricks and mortar store’ shopping         significant role in revitalising demand
                   luxurious ingredients, such as gold         experience without the high cost of            for the industry. Skincare was the
                   (anti-ageing), caviar (antioxidants),       permanent retail spaces. For instance,         largest sector with a value share of
                   and diamonds (micro abrasion) in            Lancôme debuted its pop-up store –             24.3% in 2017.
                   their cosmetics products.                   ‘Holiday Wonders’ – at Changi Airport             European consumers are highly
                                                               in Singapore (open from 6 October 2017         conscious of the social and ecological
               Future inhibitors                               to 10 November 2017).                          impact of products they purchase. In
               With governments focusing on reducing                                                          response to this, companies such as
               the environmental impact of cosmetics,          The Americas                                   Weleda and P&G launched products
               manufacturers might be required to alter        The Americas emerged as the second-            packaged with recycled materials.
               their product formulations. For instance, the   largest global market for cosmetics and           With the male beauty segment
               Swedish Government plans to introduce           toiletries, with a value share of 32.4%        growing at a rapid pace, an increasing
               legislation to reduce the use of substances     in 2017. The region was dominated by           number of companies are launching
               such as triclosan and triclocarban in           the US, with a value share of 52.6%,           male-specific products. For instance,
               cosmetics as they are harmful to the            where increasing income levels is              L’Oréal partnered with the celebrity
               environment. As consumers seek more             driving premiumisation in the market.          David Beckham on a men’s grooming
               information about the products they use,        On the other hand, the expanding               brand called House 99, which launched
               companies must focus more on ingredient         middle-income population in developing         in the UK in February 2018.

                   8     Cosmetics Packaging Insight |

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Insight > Materials

               Up close and
               The growing UK beauty and personal-care market
               was worth more than £15 billion in 2017. To differentiate
               themselves in this glamorous and crowded sector,
               brands have to go beyond being aesthetically pleasing
               because consumers now expect the ‘whole package’.
               Emma-Jane Batey speaks to a range of beauty
               brands about how they are meeting market demands.

                        eauty products across all price   and product quality, we have been
                        points are expected to be         careful to balance a very clean, vintage-
                        effective, but now consumers      apothecary type of look while keeping
               demand that they are equally appealing     certain Japanese elements, like the
               and efficacious. People are savvy about    Japanese language symbols in the
               what they put on their skin, with          logo, as well as using the original
               ingredients, packaging and the products    Yu-Be orange colour that can be seen
               themselves coming under increasing         throughout the product line.”
               scrutiny – and rightly so. No brand           Graham then discusses how the surge
               deserves an easy ride, particularly when   in popularity for Asian beauty products
               it comes to the highly competitive         has bolstered Yu-Be’s success. “The
               beauty sector.                             recent interest in Korean products,
                                                          as well as the ongoing interest in
               The beauty of packaging                    other Asian beauty products,
               Take Japanese skincare company Yu-Be:      especially for skin and hair,
               its reputation as an ‘only available in    gives us a great opportunity
               Japan’ brand has been a valuable           to educate shoppers about
               element in its packaging and growing       our long history in Japan,
               popularity globally. For many years,       and our high-quality and
               the company’s famous multipurpose,         effective products.
               vitamin-enriched skin cream was a             “We will continue
               special gift purchased by travellers       to develop new,
               visiting Japan; so when a Japanese-US      quality skincare
               businessman decided to import it, he
               had the determination to ensure that the
               brand remained exclusive, keeping
               its iconic status alive.
                  Yu-Be sales and marketing
               director Matthew Graham
               says, “Yu-Be celebrated its
               60th anniversary in 2017,
               and our famous Yu-Be
               Moisturizing Skin Cream is
               one of Japan’s longest and
               bestselling skin products.
               In order to convey a
               sense of Japanese history

                                                                                  Cosmetics Packaging Insight |   9

CPI003_105_Materials.indd 9                                                                                                           06/12/2018 11:29
Millennial bug Cosmetics Packaging Packaging - Packaging & Converting Intelligence
Insight > Materials

                                                                    Alpha-H’s packaging emphasises the elegance of its products and protects premium ingredients.

                                                                    products to beauty salons and skin                  supporting green and Earth-friendly
                                                                    clinics, and also has a retail offering;            brands, and products that have a
                                                                    the company’s range includes                        minimal impact on the environment.
                                                                    supersized and deluxe minis.                        Brands are, therefore, becoming
                                                                       “We need to ensure that our                      more socially responsible with their
                                                                    packaging protects our powerful                     formulations, manufacturing and
               Yu-Be’s packaging pays homage to its                 active ingredients, such as glycolic                packaging. Our packaging is clean,
               Japanese roots and its exclusivity in the country.
                                                                    acid, while also securing the potency               minimal and functional, and we are
               products in Japan and bring them                     of our most delicate ingredients,                   always looking for ways to reduce our
               to market as we always have. In                      including vitamins, antioxidants, and               footprint on planet Earth, without
               January 2018, we launched the Yu-Be                  flower and fruit acids,” explains Tom               being overpackaged or overhyped.”
               Advanced Formula Pure Hydration                      Ogden, European business manager at
               Cream, which is made without                         Alpha-H. “Our ethlylene vinyl alcohol               Affordable luxury
               any camphor extract or paraben                       (EVOH) tubes are also UV-coated,                    The demand for feel-good products in
               preservatives. The packaging will be                 providing excellent barrier protection              the beauty sector is high across all price
               very similar to the original; however,               to oxygen and humidity to preserve the              points, with the expectation that efficacy
               we will be using green for the colour                active ingredients inside. Our EVOH                 comes as standard. For leading UK-based
               scheme instead of the original orange,               tubes and high-density polyethylene                 colour-cosmetics manufacturer Pascalle
               so customers can distinguish the two                 bottles are recyclable.”                            Cosmetics, its ability to develop and
               different creams from each other.”                      The new Alpha-H Liquid Gold                      manufacture a wide range of contract-fill
                 Another pioneering skincare                        Firming Eye Cream is a great example                and private-label cosmetics puts it at the
               brand, Alpha-H, uses its packaging to                of ‘responsible, functional luxury’, with           apex of quality and affordability.
               represent the ‘simplicity, understated               its unique and precise application                     “We pride ourselves on having 30
               elegance and sustainability’ of the                  through a cool-touch metallic                       years’ plus experience in cosmetic
               product within. It provides professional             applicator. Ogden notes that                        design and manufacturing. We work with
                                                                    “sustainability and packaging are                   international retailers and independent
                                                                    major areas in the beauty sector that               brands, offering full project management
                                                                    are undergoing change. People are                   to design, develop and create cosmetics
                                                                                                                        ranges that are manufactured here at our
                                                                                                                        factory in Stoke on Trent,” states Emma
                                                                                                                        Dodd, business development manager.
                                                                                                                        “Pascalle also owns six cosmetics
                                                                                                                        brands that are available to purchase
                                                                                                                        globally, including our entry price point
                                                                                                                        Miss Beauty London collection to our
                                                                                                                        mid and premium ranges MeMeMe and
               Beauty Pie ensures that its packaging is as environmentally friendly as possible.                        Kubiss,” she adds.

                10    Cosmetics Packaging Insight |

CPI003_105_Materials.indd 10                                                                                                                                         06/12/2018 11:31
Insight > Materials

                  The MeMeMe brand offers high-end
               premium formulations that create              Hygiene on the go
               ‘gorgeous and distinctive cosmetics at        Kruidvat Solait Facial Treatment Serum delivers moisturisation and cooling for sun-
               an affordable price’. Dodd continues,         parched skin. The cardboard box contains seven 2ml glass ampoules of serum, giving
               “Our passion at MeMeMe lies within            a premium feel to this private-label brand. The convenient minis can be used at any
               creating gorgeous, feminine and spirited      time for instant relief.
                                                                Little Dome Hollywood Star toothpaste comes in a rigid plastic ball with pump
               cosmetics for our customers. We are a
                                                             dispenser. It is visually striking compared with the usual tubes, there is no screw cap to
               celebration of individualism, believing       lose, and the pump ensures it is mess-free and dispenses the correct amount.
               that the best in beauty and design               Schick Hydro silk refill razor blades are offered in a multipack unit with a hook for
               should be affordable, and adored in every     hanging in the bathroom. Rather than a rigid plastic compartment box, the perforated
                                                             container means individual blades can be torn off for use on the go, and the heat-
               girl’s handbag. Mixing the themes of
                                                             sealed, flexible-film cover protects the razors’ moisturising strips.
               mythology, romance and the bohemian              Waterless Gillette Venus is a premium disposable razor sold in single packs. There
               spirit, MeMeMe is a brand that prides         is a lubricating soft gel built into the squeezy bottle handle, which is dispensed onto the
               itself on the quality of its formulations     skin from a sponge pad. The small, handy pack is made of firm plastic casing with a
                                                             board backing card for total visibility.
               and unique approach.”
                                                                The new cream from Pacific Shaving is unusual as it comes in a resealable, flexible
                  Packaging plays an important role          pouch. Each pouch holds 40 water-soluble mini pods, more typically used in laundry
               in establishing its identity. “MeMeMe         detergents, to control dosing, save the mess of foams and oils, and to allow small
               features black and cream-themed high-         amounts to be carried around with no canister or bottle needed.
               end componentry, and the MeMeMe                  Origins Clear Improvement Active Charcoal Mask to Clear Pores is an example
                                                             of creative primary and secondary packaging working together. The outer packaging
               signature pattern and cherub feature          is a cardboard box with an image of the standard tube at the front and cut-out holes
               heavily on the packaging as well.             at the back. Inside, there is a blister pack of four tear-off pods, each with 5ml of the
               Many items in the range are presented         face mask, which protrude out of the holes. Showing off the pods adds intrigue for
               in cardboard packaging to create a            the shopper, and the blister pack, with its sealed tear-off plastic film, keeps the
                                                             product fresh.
               unique look and feel,” affirms Dodd.
               She then concentrates on trends and           Inclusive beauty
               how the beauty brand is meeting them,         Sleek Lifeproof Foundation is packaged in a standard plastic squeezy tube with a
               saying, “We are seeing trends across          twist-off lid at the base. Its design is simple and the product is visible through the
                                                             transparent section. The neutral black, white and grey colours of the tube remove
               cardboard palettes, and are developing
                                                             any suggestion of gender. This marries with the brand’s campaign against gender
               contour and highlight palettes in             bias – offering the same product to all people and not labelling it as ‘for men’ or
               card palettes that feature spot               using pink tones for women.
               UV to respond to the trend, which                Making the current trend of facial tissue masks applicable to men has been
                                                             achieved subtly, highlighting the use of soothing botanicals for shaven skin, and M
               complements our existing card lipstick
                                                             Skin Care’s Men’s Facial Sheet Mask for post-shave cooling does just that. The
               case, eye palettes and blush boxes.”          pastel blue hue with stark typography doesn’t appear to be aggressively ‘for men’
                                                             but is delicate and calming to match the product.
               Beauty revolution                                Preserve Triple Razors are reusable handles with two blade cartridges in a carry
               There is one fresh beauty brand that          case. The key aspect being that the razor handle itself is rigid plastic from recycled
                                                             yogurt pots, while the PET, rigid display clam case is made from 100% post-
               is breaking the mould: Beauty Pie was         consumer waste. The paper information leaflet encourages recycling and is printed
               founded by well-known business                with soy inks. It is branded for men and women, which is rare in this sector, and is
               pioneer Marcia Kilgore – who is deemed        BPA-free and not tested on animals.
               as “beauty royalty” by the Guardian’s            Jecca Correct and Conceal Palette is unisex and comes in an elegant, neutral
                                                             design. The pack is intended for use by transgender individuals but uses sleek,
               Sali Hughes – and is rapidly gaining          simple colours and designs in its packaging to help it appeal to any person wanting
               evangelical fans due to its innovative        to wear concealer as part of their daily make-up routine or to cover blemishes.
               buyers’ club. The premise is clear, says
               a Beauty Pie spokesperson who adds,
               “At Beauty Pie, our mission is to bring     brands so appealing, while making the            plastic jars, and we’ve chosen plant-
               our members the world’s best beauty         company luxurious and affordable.                based inks and recyclable board for our
               products at a totally transparent factory      “We’re a team of beauty product               cartons,” explains the spokesperson.
               cost. No mumbo-jumbo. No middlemen.         obsessives who have worked in the                   Innovations in beauty packaging
               No mark-ups.”                               beauty industry for aeons. We’re working         show that it pays to think outside
                  That complete transparency is clearly    to make our packaging as ecologically            the box. Consumers are increasingly
               represented on Beauty Pie’s website: a      conscious as possible. Too much                  demanding that what they put on their
               £20 lipstick costs just £2.24 to members,   cosmetic packaging ends up in a landfill,        face is kind to the world around them;
               with £1.61 of that accounting for the       and the more complex the componentry,            from the ingredients used to how
               product and packaging. Its dynamic          the less easily it can be broken down for        packaging tells the brand’s story,
               black and white packaging retains the       recycling. We don’t use over-the-top             skincare and beauty products must go
               distinctive look that makes luxury beauty   fancy caps, metal cladding or rigid              way beyond just being effective.

                                                                                     Cosmetics Packaging Insight |                     11

CPI003_105_Materials.indd 11                                                                                                                                06/12/2018 11:31
Company insight

              Ideas shaped in metal
              Specialising in custom metal packaging production, with a focus on the luxury cosmetics
              industry, Pack-Man is taking steps to ensure its operations are as eco-friendly as possible.

                        ack-Man, founded in 2014, specialises in custom metal
                        packaging production, and its work is defined by its
                        precision. To maintain its production standards and
              ensure quick turnaround, product design, processing and finishing
              are done entirely in-house. The company’s agile supply chain
              allows it to complete limited to large volume orders and it is
              a certified, preferred supplier to major brands in the luxury
              cosmetics industry.

              One step forward                                                       The TK520 treatment method produces sturdier and more lustrous
              In 2017, Pack-Man integrated the revolutionary TK520 aluminium         aluminium that is also 100% recyclable.

              treatment method into its manufacturing process. This gives its        injection into its manufacturing processes. Pack-Man’s eco-
              products a premium finish, superior tensile strength and an infinite   friendly operations are certified compliant with applicable
              array of colour options. TK520 aluminium is sturdier and more          environmental standards and legislation, generating zero waste
              lustrous than untreated aluminium, and is also 100% recyclable.        water and particle emissions. By 2020, its operations will be
                 In 2019, the company will be launching its inventive ‘Skincare’     powered partly by solar energy and alternative energy sources.
              range of packaging.

              Create clean                                                             Further information
              Pack-Man opened its green factory in September 2018 to meet    
              increased demand and to fully integrate anodizing and plastic

          Packman.indd 3                                                                                                                  15/11/2018 14:10

               12    Cosmetics Packaging Insight |

CPI003_Pack Man.indd 12                                                                                                                                      06/12/2018 11:52
Company insight

                A perfect fit
                Aarts Plastics produces packaging and its components for the high-end cosmetics industry.

                            arts Plastics has been creating items for the                              prototype item can produced along with a pilot mould
                            high-end cosmetic space for decades. The                                   (for injection projects) if requested, ensuring a limited run
                            success of the company lies in its vast                                    can be set to test production prior to full release. After the
                experience in product and mould development, its                                              testing phase has been concluded, the full mould
                attention to upcoming trends in the market and, of                                            can be developed, and depending on the project
                course, some of the finest assembly and finishing                                             requirements, can be completed as a single cavity,
                techniques in the business. These factors, combined                                           multicavity or multicavity stack mould.
                with high-volume robotic production, makes Aarts                                                Some of the more popular decoration options
                Plastics a perfect fit for many cosmetic brands.                                              the company offers include metallisation, lacquering
                   Aarts offers the luxury cosmetic market a small                                            and, of course, industry standard hot-stamping
                standard range, but the company’s secret weapon                                               and screen-printing.
                is its custom development division, which caters                                                From 2019, the company will invest in a high-
                to numerous fragrance and cosmetic companies                Aarts works in the high end.       speed  digital printing unit. This single-pass full-
                all over Europe. From perfume caps to powder                                                   colour printing unit can be used for flat and domed
                compacts, and outstanding design to the selection of the highest-            surfaces like caps and compacts. With regard to technical expertise
                grade materials, Aarts makes sure that the development of new                and design capabilities, Aarts is a name that is swiftly becoming
                packaging concepts runs smoothly and efficiently.                            inextricable from luxury cosmetic and fragrance packaging.
                   For most pieces, the process the company uses to convert an
                idea into a physical reality is the hallmark of its renown. Starting
                with an engagement with the client to define exact parameters for               Further information
                                                                                                Aarts Plastics
                the project, a brief is developed that will lead to the actual design 
                phase. Once a 3D model has been generated and approved, a

                      • Triple AAA
                      • Production partner for bespoke
                        cosmetic packaging
                      • Smart production solutions
                      • Most advanced moulding techniques
                      • High volume robotic production

                  Aarts Plastics BV – Vijzelweg 8 · 5145NK Waalwijk The Netherlands • · • phone +31 416 332959

                   Aarts.indd 3                                                                                                                             13/11/2018 13:10

                                                                                               Cosmetics Packaging Insight |                     13

CPI003_Aarts Plastics.indd 13                                                                                                                                           06/12/2018 11:51
Viva Packaging.indd 1   07/12/2018 09:57
Company insight

               Drive innovation
               in the tube market
               Synergy and in-house production are watchwords in almost every industry, but Viva
               Packaging believes it has mastered the way it implements both into its production process.

                            iva Packaging manufactures                                                                          life cycle. When elaborate graphics are
                            injection-moulded squeezable                                                                        printed onto an IML, it is important to
                            tubes with in-mould labels. Its                                                                     protect the artwork, as the tube is going
               main markets are the ones for personal-                                                                          to be filled and then passed through a
               care products, haircare and skincare, but                                                                        distribution process, and may even end
               other markets, such as food or industrial                                                                        up in a purse or handbag.
               products like car finishing products, are
               also showing keen interest.                                                                                      Environmentally friendly tubes
                  Global brands are looking for                                                                                 for the circular economy
               synergies, and having three global                                                                               Traditionally, tubes are manufactured
               production locations is a key benefit for                                                                        with the sleeve and shoulder produced
               Viva and its customers. Global brands                                                                            separately and then welded together, and
               can produce uniform products across                                                                              the cap is usually sourced externally.
               different locations, close to their markets.                                                                         Using Viva’s IML technology, the
               With production facilities in Asia, North                                                                        sleeve, shoulder and decoration are
               America and Europe, Viva can provide                                                                             created in one manufacturing step –
               consistent packaging products across                                                                             by injection-moulding with IML –
               different territories.                                                                                           and Viva manufactures all components
                                                               Viva’s PP IML tubes return to their original shape rather than
                  Viva helps brands differentiate              wrinkling or deforming, resulting in a higher perceived value.   in-house. Every component is moulded,
               themselves through their tubes.                                                                                 printed and assembled in the same
               Competition is tough and brands are looking for better-quality                     plant, and Viva controls the supply chain of the caps, which has
               graphics, better shelf impact and to be at the forefront of innovation.            a big impact on its throughput times.
               Viva’s R&D department is working hard to develop future solutions                     Life-cycle analysis (LCA) of Viva’s tubes – taking resin sourcing
               that brands will need, such as dual chamber tubes, tubes made from                 into account along with the amount of energy spent to produce a
               recycled material and special applicator tubes. This is what Viva                  tube, all the way through to the finished tube – shows that the Viva
               stands for: driving the innovation in the tube market at the speed of              injection-moulded tube with in-mould label saves, on average, up to
               light. Its strong family ownership structure, with very short decision-            35% of the energy used in production compared to any competing
               making processes, is the key to its ability to grow quickly.                       technology. Retailers are asking suppliers what they can contribute
                                                                                                  in terms of sustainability and Viva can help them with its 100%
               Brands and portfolio                                                               recyclable PP IML tubes.
               Viva supplies to brands like John Frieda, REN Skincare, Clearasil and                 The tube is made from one single resin – Polypropylene No. 5 –
               L’Oréal – as well as to strong, creative and green brands like Pacifica            which means at the end of its life cycle it can be recycled without
               and Desert Essence, which have found the perfect fit with Viva’s                   having to separate tube and cap. A traditional tube is made from
               impacting graphics through a very sustainable tube packaging                       different materials. The cap, tube and shoulder are made from
               (which requires up to 35% less energy to produce and is 100%                       different resins, with the label made from yet another material,
               recyclable, with closed loop initiatives initiated with retail).                   and it is often nearly impossible to separate these components
                  As customers embrace Viva’s IML tubes, they discover the                        from the tube for recycling.
               advantages of the more rigid and high-end feel of PP IML tubes.                       Viva uses a high degree of post-consumer recycled (PCR)
               These tubes bounce back to their original shape rather than                        material for the tube sleeve, and up to 100% for the caps used on its
               wrinkling or deforming, giving them a higher perceived value, and                  tubes. The disadvantages of PCR material – discoloration, only being
               the packaging looks untouched during the tubes’ entire life cycle.                 available in darker colours – are neutralised by the use of IML labels
                 IMLs are printed on a flat surface, enabling Viva to print almost                covering the entire tube body with decoration.
               any type of graphic – flexo, offset, silk screen, cold foil and many
               more – on its state-of-the-art printing press. This hybrid printing                   Further information
               press combines these options and achieves the most striking                           Viva Packaging
               graphics on the in-mould label. Viva goes even further, ensuring the
               tube is resistant and graphics appear new during the tube’s entire

                                                                                                Cosmetics Packaging Insight |                       15

CPI003_Viva Packaging.indd 15                                                                                                                                               06/12/2018 11:54
Insight > Materials

              Tubes have proved to be effective, and cost-effective, packaging components across the
              cosmetics and skincare industries for many years, and are increasingly being adopted by
              other markets. Cosmetics Packaging Insight selects a number of products featuring tubes
              as primary packaging components from GlobalData’s pack track database, and highlights
              the features that make these products innovative and improvements on what came before.

                                                                                     biquitous and more than fit for
                                                                                     purpose, tubes have long been
                                                                                     a mainstay in the cosmetics
                                                                           and skincare markets, but their rise to
                                                                           innovation superstars has been a more
                                                                           recent trend. The following products
                                                                           have been chosen from GlobalData’s
                                                                           pack track database as being a major
                                                                           improvement and innovation, and
                                                                           having a tube as a primary packaging
                                                                           component. All of these products have
                                                                           been launched over the past six months.

                                                                           Etude Corporation: four-tipped,
                                                                           pen-style applicator
                                                                           South Korea’s Etude Corporation has
                                                                           launched its brow marker tint with
                                                                           a four-tipped, pen-style applicator. The
                                                                           company claims that its smudge-proof
                                                                           formula will last for two to three days.
                                                                              Packaging construction consists
                                                                           of a matt-printed cartonboard carton
                                                                           with straight tuck ends; inside is an
                                                                            injection-moulded brown plastics, pen-
                                                                             style rigid tube with silver-coloured
                                                                              and printed decoration.
                                                                                  The key innovation in this product
                                                                                is the four-pronged applicator for
                                                                                 eyebrow tint colour. A multi-tip
                                                                                   marker-type applicator helps to
                                                                                    give a natural, hair-like look very
                                                                                     quickly; however, it is difficult to
                                                                                      draw very fine lines. The pen-
                                                                                       type pack is easy to hold
                                                                                        and use, and can be carried
                                                                                         discreetly in a handbag for
                                                                                          use on the go. The integral
                                                                                           applicator enhances the

               16    Cosmetics Packaging Insight |

CPI003_104_Tubes.indd 16                                                                                                    06/12/2018 11:27
Insight > Materials

              pack’s suitability for on-the-go touch-         for touching up grey roots at the hairline       squeeze the tube to start product flow into
              ups since no additional tools are               and on eyebrows. It claims that the “self-       the brush. Replacing the screw cap will
              required. The pack requires no priming          adjusting colour technology blends to            automatically return the base of the brush
              for use, though it may be necessary to          match any hair colour” and that the              to its original position and stop the flow.
              shake the pen to aid colour flow into           product is free from peroxide, parabens,         The automatically activated pull-push
              the applicator tip.                             ammonia, harsh chemicals and permanent           applicator eliminates direct hand contact
                                                              dyes. The product comes in an injection-         with the product, resulting in a quick, clean
              Bliss: Fab Girl Sixpack                         moulded black plastics rigid tube with           and hygienic usage experience.
              Bliss has launched a major tube                 a crayon-type colour stick at one end,               The pack is inverted for presentation
              innovation into the skincare market with        covered by an injection-moulded black            and storage, and stands on its cap. Gravity
              its Fab Girl Sixpack, core-forming gel,         plastics snap-on cap. Although Tru Tone          means that the product naturally falls
              which it claims has a “powerful blend           in India has previously sold a solid stick       towards the closure ready for dispensing.
              of six core-stimulating ingredients” that       touch-up colour, this is the first stick-type    The tube is quite tall and slender, so
              “helps visibly tone, tighten and firm” the      product with an integral blending sponge         it fits comfortably in the hand for easy
              abdominal area.                                 on the market.                                   application. The flexible tube format
                 The gel is housed in an injection-              The actual size of the stick is illustrated   means that once the cap has been opened,
              moulded white plastics airless pump             on one side of the outer pack so that            it is easy to squeeze out the mask on to
              dispenser tube with three-colour printed        consumers are not deceived by the larger         the brush and skin.
              decoration around the body. The product         carton. This brand’s range also includes
              also contains a bi-injection moulded            Root Touch-up Magnetic Powder in a               Hard Candy: Sheer Envy
              plastics closure with spring-activated          handy compact-style pack with pull-out           primer stick
              pump dispensing mechanism and an                sponge applicator. One end of the pack           In make-up, Hard Candy has created its
              injection-moulded clear plastics friction-fit   features coloured powder, compressed into        Sheer Envy primer stick, which it says
              over-cap with moulded node to close off         a solid stick format that can be applied         prepares the skin for “flawless make-up
              the dispensing aperture.                        directly to the hair roots, while the other      application” and to have a cooling effect.
                 Other interesting applications of closures   end has a small sponge applicator to blend          Primer stick is an injection-moulded
              with integral massage devices include           the colour for a more natural look. The dual-    opaque rigid white plastics tube with twist-
              Voltaren pain-relief gel (laminate tube with    ended stick format means that there is no        up dispensing actuator; it is divided in half,
              push-pull type closure); Nivea firming          need for the consumer’s hands to come            so the top part forms a friction-fit lid, and
              shower gel (HDPE bottle with massage            into direct contact with the colour, making      the bottom part has a twist-up dispensing
              head that has adjustable firmness); and a       usage quick, clean and easy. The format is       mechanism (rotating the lower part pushes
              H20 Plus Aquafirm skin-firming gel (PP          ideal for use on the go or when travelling       the inner product barrel upwards) and
              bottle with roller-type massager).              and the stick can be carried easily in a         direct-printed decoration over the tube
                 In this product, the main feature is the     handbag, pocket or make-up bag.                  (graduated pearlised blue to white and back
              airless tube with integral massage head                                                          to blue) with the product name at the front
              incorporated into the pump dispenser            Yes To: Superblueberries                         printed with metallised effect.
              actuator. The pump closure does not             sleeping mask                                       A portable twist-up tube format for
              require priming for use (twisting open,         Another US innovation, this time from            make-up primer is a new and exciting
              for example) and the pack is ready to use       Yes To, which has launched a skincare            development, and what generates
              as soon as the over-cap has been removed:       and beauty range this year, all of which         the major improvement rating for the
              just invert the pack and press the massage      have been considerable improvements              innovation factor. An easy to hold, stick-
              head firmly on to the abdominal area to         in the sector. The latest is its Yes To          type pack format makes the product
              dispense a blob of gel. This format allows      Superblueberries sleeping mask with              instantly ready to use and easy to apply
              quick, simple, one-handed dispensing            Greek yogurt and probiotics. The product         directly to the face. This convenient-for-
              while the massage head means that gel           is packed in a plastics laminate tube with       applying format is perfect for on-the-go use
              can be applied cleanly without using            straight-end seal and an injection-moulded       and would be easy to carry, for example, in
              fingers. The gel dispenses repeatedly           white plastics push-pull type closure with       a handbag. The applicator stick means that
              while the massage continues to work.            purple-coloured soft brush applicator.           product contact with fingers is minimised,
              This format could have application in              The use of a tube with brush-on               which reduces the risk of potential mess.
              the wider personal-care market or the           application for a sleeping mask is unusual
              household-care sector – for cleaning            for the category. The brush-on application       Tonymoly: Painting
              products or stain removers, for example.        extends portability of the product so it can     Therapy Pack
                                                              be easily used on the go or out of the home.     South Korea’s Tonymoly has brought fresh
              Everpro: Beauty Gray Away                       As the cap is unscrewed, it pulls up the         innovation to the facial-care market with
              Everpro in the US has developed Beauty          base of the brush and unlocks the tube           the Painting Therapy Pack, a black-clay
              Gray Away, a temporary hair-colour stick        ready for use. The consumer needs to             face mask with bamboo charcoal that

                                                                                         Cosmetics Packaging Insight |                   17

CPI003_104_Tubes.indd 17                                                                                                                                        06/12/2018 11:27
Insight > Materials

                                                                                                           Dove: DermaSpa
                                                                            PÜR’s easy-to-use Joystick
                                                                                   exfoliator and toner.   Unilever is one of the world’s leading
                                                                                                           brand companies, and Dove is one of
                                                                                                           its pillar brands. It’s launched DermaSpa,
                                                                                                           a gift set that contains body lotion in an
                                                                                                           oval PE flexible tube with straight-end
                                                                                                           seal and an injection-moulded, pearlised
                                                                                                           dark-blue head, along with hand cream,
                                                                                                           also in an oval PE flexible tube with
                                                                                                           straight-end seal and injection-moulded,
                                                                                                           pearlised dark-blue head.
                                                                                                              The two tubes have rather different
                                                                                                           surface feels, with that of the hand
                                                                                                           cream having a softer touch, while
                                                                                                           the body lotion is rather matt and feels
                                                                                                           slightly rough.

                                                                                                           Avon: Anew Reversalist Infinite
                                                                                                           Effects Night Treatment Cream
                                                                                                           Another major cosmetics player using
                                                                                                           tubes to enhance its packaging is
                                                                                                           Avon, which has released the Anew
                                                                                                           Reversalist Infinite Effects Night
                                                                                                           Treatment Cream. This two-phase,
                                                                                                           anti-wrinkle night cream comes in an
                                                                                                           injection-moulded black PP rigid tube
                                                                                                           with metallic-red printed decoration
                                                                                                           to the body and a spring-loaded pump
                                                                                                           dispensing closure to either end.
                                                                                                              In consumer trials, Avon incorporated
                                                                                                           Cambridge Design Partnership’s ‘dialog’
              helps to extract impurities and break        extremely dry skin in need of maximum           smart-technology miniature sensors into
              down dead skin cells – it’s recommended      hydration). The colour of the cap and top       packs to confirm whether consumers
              for helping to control sebum and oil.        of the tube matches the colour of the           actually followed instructions to rotate
                 Packed in a printed opaque PP             product, and is different for every variety.    the usage of the two products. Pack
              laminate flexible tube with straight-end                                                     contains sufficient product for at least
              seal and injection-moulded head, there       PÜR: Joystick                                   eight weeks’ usage, based on using two
              is a comprehensive range of masks            PÜR has developed the innovative                to three pumps per night.
              with various colours and formulas/           Joystick, an “all-in-one” deep-pore                The stand-out innovation in this
              functions in the same packaging type,        cleansing stick said to have an                 product is the double-ended pump
              but with different colour codes. They        exfoliator and toner that “foams on             claimed to deliver “the world’s first
              can be “blended depending on the             contact to instantly draw out dirt,             rotational anti-wrinkle night cream”. The
              skin condition”.                             oil and impurities with charcoal and            two-part product is intended to be used
                 The pack design introduces the            Moroccan lava clay”.                            in weekly rotation, with phase one used
              element of fun and encourages                   The major improvement is the use of          for one week, then phase two for a week,
              consumers to experiment, similar to          a twist-up tube for extended portability.       then back to phase one and so on. The
              a painter mixing their colour palette.       The format offers increased consumer            double-ended tube makes it easy to
              Blending different varieties changes         convenience for applying the product            see which product one should be using,
              the colour of the product. The               compared with flexible tubes or                 unlike side-by-side presentations or
              following suggestions are listed on the      pouches. Slender stick-type pack format         separate packs where one could easily
              manufacturer’s website: black and pink       is easy to hold for use and has good            forget which stage of the treatment is in
              become grey (for easily irritated, oily      portability for taking on the go or             use. The consumer just has to remember
              skin), yellow and pink become orange         travelling. Product contact with fingers        to flip the pack over at the start of each
              (for easily irritated dry skin), white and   is minimised, improving the hygiene             week. The two-in-one format is handy for
              yellow become lemon (for dull, dry skin),    aspect of application and reducing              home storage and convenient for taking
              and yellow and blue become green (for        potential mess.                                 on the go.

               18    Cosmetics Packaging Insight |

CPI003_104_Tubes.indd 18                                                                                                                                06/12/2018 11:28
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