Hep - World Hepatitis Alliance

Page created by Rick Hansen
Hep - World Hepatitis Alliance
hep Voice
                                            JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021: VOL 49

                            Your magazine from the World Hepatitis Alliance

Find the Missing Millions: inspiration from Israel

Hazel Heal: "We hope eliminating hepatitis
in Niue will have a ripple effect throughout
the Western Pacific region and beyond."

The fight against viral hepatitis: call for stories
                                            hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 1
Hep - World Hepatitis Alliance
Welcome to hepVoice                                             Contents                           Stay connected
                                      It is still early in 2021, but the hepatitis community has                                             www.worldhepatitisalliance.org
                                      hit the year running. January saw exciting developments          Regulars
                                      that will hopefully accelerate hepatitis elimination                                                   contact@worldhepatitisalliance.org
                                      efforts. Firstly the World Health Organization (WHO)            6   hepHeadlines
                                      Executive Board agreed to develop an updated Global                                                    www.facebook.com/worldhepalliance
                                      Health Sector Strategy on Viral Hepatitis, to be released       8   Dates for the diary
                                      next year. WHO also released the new global report on                                                  @Hep_Alliance
                                      access to hepatitis C diagnostics and treatment. The
                                      report shows the progress being made towards ensuring            Features                              @worldhepatitisalliance
                                      hepatitis C treatment is more affordable in low-and
                                      middle-income countries.                                        4   A message from
                                                                                                          WHA President
                                      We also saw viral hepatitis discussed at the World
                                      Economic Forum’s digital Davos 2021 event in January.           10 2020: our impact                    Want to contribute?
                                      It was encouraging to see viral hepatitis and its
                                      elimination being part of this important                        16 Eliminating hepatitis in Niue     We welcome your contributions so
Don’t                                 high-level forum.
miss out                                                                                                                                         please get in touch at
- receive                                                                                             19 FIND out more about              contact@worldhepatitisalliance.org
                                      World Cancer Day was on 4 February, 2021. In this issue
hepVoice                                                                                                  hepatitis B diagnostics            to have your news and stories
                                      of hepVoice, we want to highlight the impact of liver
straight                              cancer, the third most deadly cancer. The most common                                              included in future issues and feel free
to your                                                                                               20 The fight against viral              to share this magazine with
                                      cause of liver cancer is viral hepatitis. This month Dr
inbox!                                                                                                    hepatitis: call for stories                your network.
                                      Naranjargal Dashdorj, co-founder and chief executive
                                      officer of the Onom Foundation in Mongolia shares
                                      her experience of tackling hepatitis in the country with
                                                                                                      22 hepinion Hepatitis
                                      the highest rates of liver cancer in the world. We also
                                                                                                          elimination is
                                      highlight the story of Adrian, who lost his life due to liver       cancer prevention
                                      cancer caused by hepatitis.
                                                                                                      24 WHO to update Global
                                      In this issue, we also speak to Hazel Heal of Global                Health Sector Strategy
                                      Health New Zealand, who is working to make the pacific              on Viral Hepatitis
                                      island nation of Niue the first WHO member state to
                                      eliminate viral hepatitis.                                      24 WHA re-elects executive
                                                                                                          board memebers
                                      I hope you enjoy this edition.
                                                                                                      26 Find the Missing Millions:
                                                                                                          inspiration from Israel

                                                                                                      28 Wall of Stories:
                                      Cary James, WHA Chief Executive                                     Adrian's gift

2   hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021                                                                                                                   hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 3
Hep - World Hepatitis Alliance
A message from WHA
                                      President, Dr Su Wang
                                As we enter     face of the COVID-19 pandemic. The
                                2021, we are    strength of WHA is in our members.
                                now in the      I know many of you face uncertain
                                ‘decade of      times, and we will be advocating at
                                elimination’.   the highest levels for more support.
    Over the next nine years, countries
    need to accelerate efforts to eliminate     The World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA)
    viral hepatitis by 2030. Yet, we know       and our members will be at the
    that most countries are not on track        forefront of the global advocacy
    to reach the 2030 goals set out             movement, exploring every opportunity
    by the World Health Organization.           to increase support for hepatitis
    The COVID-19 pandemic has also              programmes and raise awareness of
    hampered progress. In 2021, it is clear     viral hepatitis. Our organisation enters
    that a concerted effort is needed to        the new year with added strength in
    raise the voices of the communities         our new president-elect, Danjuma
    affected by viral hepatitis to join the     Adda from Nigeria, who will work
    fight against hepatitis                                   alongside me this year,
    to support low-and                "The strength of        before taking over as
                                                              president in 2022.
    middle-income countries
    to eliminate hepatitis.              WHA is in
    We will be looking to                                      WHA will be busy
    raise the voices of the
                                       our members."           this year. We will be
    communities and people affected by                         continuing to call on
    viral hepatitis, highlighting the human     global funders for your organisations.
    impact of hepatitis. There will also be     Throughout my time with WHA, I have
    a new capacity-building programme           been inspired by the determination and
    launched during this year, which aims       resilience of our members.
    to work with members to support their
                                                Our collective strength and voices
    advocacy work. In July, we will be
                                                combined are an unstoppable force,
    raising awareness on World Hepatitis
                                                and I look forward to working with you
    Day and we will be launching a new
                                                this year to make the elimination of
    theme for the day soon.
                                                hepatitis a reality.
    There is much work to be done and the
                                            Wishing you a Happy New Year,
    and to advocate for more support for
                                            Su Wang, MD MPH
    hepatitis programmes, especially in the

4   hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021                                                        hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 5
Hep - World Hepatitis Alliance
hep headlines
                                                                                             WHO global progress          3. Accelerating quality      Plan to eliminate
                                                                                             report on hepatitis             assurance                 hepatitis C in
                                                                                             C diagnostics                   and product               Northern Ireland
                                                                                             and treatment                   registration/approval.

                                                                                                                          4. Obtaining continued
                                                                                                                             price reductions and
    Hepatitis is regularly making the news. Here are a few                                                                   addressing patent-
    highlights from around the world.                                                                                        related barriers

                                                                                                                        5. Engaging with civil
    New AASLD president               hepatitis C virology       Although it is estimated                                  society and leaving no Following a positive
                                                                                             The World Health
    kicks off a year of               and pathogenesis.          that over three million                                   one behind.            health economic
                                                                                             Organization (WHO)
    enhanced engagement                                          children and adolescents                                                         assessment, the
                                      During his term, the                                   published its third global 6. Leveraging financing
                                                                 worldwide live with                                                              Department of Health
                                      AASLD will focus on                                    report on access to           and
                                                                 hepatitis C, the global                                                          of Northern Ireland and
                                      refining and enhancing                                 hepatitis C treatment,        procurement options.
                                                                 response to the virus                                                            the Public Health Agency
                                      how it achieves its                                    with this year's edition
                                                                 has so far focused on                                                            have published a new
                                      mission of advancing                                   including information on Read more here.
                                                                 adults. A recent study                                                           action plan to eliminate
                                      and disseminating the                                  access to diagnostics as
                                                                 by Malik et al. looked at                                                        hepatitis C in Northern
                                      science and practice                                   well. The report focuses   WHO announces
                                                                 the national hepatitis C                                                         Ireland by 2025.
                                      of hepatology, and                                     on 12 countries with high development of new
                                                                 policies in place in 122
    Dr. Raymond T. Chung,             promoting liver health                                 hepatitis C burden that    guidance on Hepatitis
                                                                 of the 194 WHO Member                                                            The plan aims to tackle
    MD, Fellow of the                 and quality patient                                    have implemented           C self-testing
                                                                 States, and found that                                                           hepatitis C through
    American Association              care. It will also focus                               successful public
                                                                 more than half of them                                 On 22–23 February,        coordinated action
    for the Study of Liver            on increasing member                                   health approaches.
                                                                 (58%) contained no                                     the WHO is holding        across a large number
    Diseases (FAASLD),                engagement, bolstering     policy recommendations                                                           of individuals, groups
                                                                                             Building on the success    a meeting of the
    director of Hepatology            programming, and           for either the testing or   of the observed            Guidelines Development and organisations. These
    and the Liver Center,             forging partnerships.      treatment of children       countries, the report      Group (GDG), to develop will build on existing
    and vice chief of                                            or adolescents.                                                                  activities aimed at
                                      Read more here.                                        isolates key steps         new guidance on
    Gastroenterology (both                                                                                                                        preventing and detecting
                                                                                             towards achieving          hepatitis C self-testing.
    at Massachusetts                                             The authors conclude                                                             new cases of hepatitis C.
                                      Where are the children                                 universal access
    General Hospital in                                          that updated guidance                                  The purpose of the
                                      in national hepatitis                                  to hepatitis C virus
    Boston), embarked on                                         on the testing and                                     meeting is to review the  Read more here.
                                      C policies?                                            diagnostics
    his year-long AASLD                                          treatment of younger                                   evidence, then provide
                                                                                             and treatment:
    presidency. Dr. Chung,                                       age groups is needed,                                  recommendations and
    succeeds former                                              particularly in countries   1. Adopting a public       guidance on hepatitis
    President Jorge A.                                           with high hepatitis C          health approach that C self-testing. The
    Bezerra, MD, FAASD,                                          burden in children.            is focused on universal guidelines should be
    who is an internationally                                                                   health coverage.        published in 2021.
    recognised researcher in                                     Read more here.
    the areas of                                                                             2. Simplifying hepatitis C   Read more here.
                                                                                                testing and delivery.

6   hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021                                                                                                                   hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 7
Hep - World Hepatitis Alliance
Participating in a hepatitis related activity or have an event planned?
Email us on contact@worldhepatitisalliance.org or contact us on social media.

    Dates for the Diary                                                               22 March
                                                                                      World Water Day
    Upcoming events and activities taking place in the                                Sustainable Development Goal 6 is crystal clear: clean, safe water for all by
    coming months.                                                                    2030. But today, billions of people are still living without safe water – their
                                                                                      households, schools, workplaces, farms and factories struggling to survive
                                                                                      and thrive. A lack of access to safe water and sanitation facilities fuels the
                                                                                      spread of hepatitis A and E, often amongst some of the most
    20 February                                                                       marginalised communities.
    World Day of Social Justice
    World Day of Social Justice aims to promote social justice by tackling issues     24 March
    such as poverty, discrimination, gender inequality and unemployment.              World TB Day
    Eliminating viral hepatitis should be recognised as a social justice priority.    World TB Day is designed to build public awareness that tuberculosis (TB) still
    Viral hepatitis impacts some of the world’s most marginalised and                 remains an epidemic in much of the world. Together, TB and viral hepatitis kill
    disadvantaged communities the hardest. These include Indigenous peoples,          almost three million people each year. By better integrating our efforts and
    refugees, people in prison, and people who inject or use drugs.                   tackling the epidemics of TB and viral hepatitis together, we will achieve a
                                                                                      more efficient, sustainable, and impactful response to both diseases, as well
                                                                                      as substantial gains for public health and the health of communities affected
    28 February                                                                       by the diseases.
    Rare Disease Day
    Rare diseases are not as rare as we think – one in 20 people are living with      7 April
    one. Each year on 28 February, the rare disease community comes together          World Health Day
    to raise awareness amongst both the general public and decision-makers,
    highlighting rare diseases and their impact on patients' lives.                   World Health Day 2021 will be celebrated with the theme "protecting health
                                                                                      from climate change," putting health at the centre of the global dialogue
                                                                                      about climate change.
    1 March
    Zero Discrimination Day
    Zero Discrimination Day aims to promote equality before both the law and in
    practice throughout all of the member countries of the United Nations. With
    stigma and discrimination identified as leading barriers to diagnosis for viral
    hepatitis, this day provides an important platform to address these issues and
    to call for an end to discrimination.

8   hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021                                                                                                         hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 9
Hep - World Hepatitis Alliance
2020: our
                                            “The dynamic of WHA
  2020 was a year marked by the             regional members
  COVID-19 pandemic. Across the             is reinforcing.”
  world, the pandemic and associated
  lockdowns had a significant impact

  on the communities affected by viral
  hepatitis and the services they need
  to access. Despite the challenges,                                                 World Hepatitis Day 2020 saw the hepatitis community unite to raise our voices and
  the hepatitis community still made                                                 to remind the world that hepatitis is a global problem. The first-ever World Hepatitis
  considerable progress throughout the        of members believe membership          Day virtual video relay passed through 37 countries, marking the start of World
  year. Here are just a few of the many              to WHA benefits                 Hepatitis Day and reaching from New Zealand all the way to Hawai’i. The official
  highlights from a year none of us                 their organisation               #WorldHepatitisDay hashtag accumulated more than half a billion impressions on
  will forget.                                                                       Twitter alone! Read the report here.

  Over 80% of respondents to our 2020
  member’s survey found membership to
  WHA valuable. Here is what they had
  to say:
                                              of members feel part of a global
                                              movement to eliminate hepatitis
  "WHA gives my
  organisation recognition.”
                                                                                                                   “The virtual
                                                                                                                   relay was genius.
                                                                                                                   The adaptable
                                                                                                                   resources for
   The COVID-19 pandemic quickly meant that the World Hepatitis Alliance
   (WHA) had to adapt plans and provide extra resources for people living with
                                                                                                                   local use
   viral hepatitis. WHA developed a COVID-19 information hub, which was             AFRO                           are brilliant.”                                         WPRO
   updated with the latest information as the pandemic developed. We hosted a
   webinar with leading medical professionals answering questions from people                                                -WHA Member
   living with viral hepatitis and held a global virtual ‘town hall’ to share the
   experiences of people across the globe. We also surveyed the community to
   determine the impact of COVID-19 and wrote up the findings in the Lancet.

   Visit the hub by clicking here or visiting www.worldhepatitisalliance.org/
   COVID-19                                                                         PAHO                                                                                   EMRO

10 hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021                                                                                                           hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 11
Hep - World Hepatitis Alliance
2020: our

                                     New investment
                                     cases produced
                                     WHA’s investment cases for hepatitis C
                                     in India, Pubjab state and Cambodia
                                     once again highlighted that hepatitis
                                     C elimination is cost-effective. The
                                     importance of these has never been
                                     more critical as we advocate for
                                     increased funding for hepatitis amongst
                                     the economic uncertainty caused by the
                                     COVID-19 pandemic.

             members supported through
     5                                                                                      NOhep Medical
             in-country programmes                                                       Visionaries meetings
Five WHA members were
supported through the Find
the Missing Millions in-country                                                NOhep Medical Visionaries met for the first time in the Asia Pacific region
programme in Armenia,
Bangladesh, Ghana, Indonesia                                                   at APASL, in February 2020, when 13 Medical Visionaries attended a forum
and Jamaica. In the face of the                                                to discuss accelerating hepatitis elimination efforts in the region. 25 NOhep
COVID-19 pandemic members                                                      Visionaries also met virtually at AASLD’s The Liver Meeting Digital Experience.
continued to adapt and deliver
their advocacy strategies and
address the barriers to hepatitis
testing throughout 2020.
hepVoice will report on these
programmes in 2021.

12 hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021                                                                                                  hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 13
Hep - World Hepatitis Alliance
2020: our

                                                                                                         Virtual meetings became the new
                                                                                     WHA webinars        normal and WHA led the way by
                                                                                                         hosting eight webinars across the year
                                                                                  were watched by over   on subjects including the COVID-19
                                                                                                         pandemic, working with policy
                                                                                                         makers, the prevention of mother-to-

                                                                                   4,000 people          child transmission and much more.
                                                                                                         Catch up on these webinars on our
                                                                                                         YouTube channel here.
  Hawaii Health and Harm Reduction Center and Hep Free Hawaii

                                                   Nine new case studies
                                                   were added to our Find
                                                   the Missing Millions
                                                   Advocacy resource. These
                                                   case studies highlighted
                                                   successful community led
                                                   strategies and programmes
                                                   from around the world
                                                   that look to overcome the
                                                   barriers to diagnosis and
  Saint-Petersburg Charitable                      testing for viral hepatitis.
  Fund “Humanitarian Action”

14 hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021                                                                                 hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 15
Hep - World Hepatitis Alliance
Eliminating hepatitis in Niue
                                                                                     groceries. We hope this will provide
                                                                                     an incentive for the whole adult
                                                                                     population to come forward
                                                                                     for testing.
  After her own experience of living      elimination was on a short time scale,
  with and being cured of hepatitis       as well as the opportunity to be part      In addition, we are conducting a
  C, Hazel Heal is now on a mission       of a global first.                         survey of people's knowledge and
  to make the small Pacific island                                                   attitude towards viral hepatitis,
  nation of Niue the first to eliminate   How are you going to do it?                together with Otago University in New
  viral hepatitis. Through the Edmund     We are working to support Dr Eddie         Zealand. We plan to ask people to fill
  Hillary Fellowship, she founded         and his staff in Niue and we are very      in the survey while they wait for their
  Global Health New Zealand and           grateful he and the government have        rapid test results. The survey results
                                          supported the plan. On such a small        could prove valuable for further
  Hep C Action Aotearoa. She is
                                          island, he is really the only doctor       elimination efforts in the region. We
  working with the health system
                                          there. Our experienced project team        have secured ethics approval for this
  in Niue to roll out a testing and                                                  research component of the plan.
  treatment programme for the             doctors are available to consult with
                                          for any questions he may have. His
  population of Niue, utilising                                                      How many people do you expect to
                                          hospital has regular clinics testing for
  philanthropic donations.                                                           be living with viral hepatitis?
                                          blood sugar etc., and we are
                                          leveraging this infrastructure to test     Extrapolating from available regional
   Why did you choose Niue for the        for hepatitis with rapid tests.                                                      Are you looking to expand the
                                                                                     data, we expect around 6% of
   elimination project?                                                                                                        elimination programme in
                                                                                     islanders to be living with hepatitis B
  The idea to try and eliminate viral     "With this approach                        and 1.5% with hepatitis C. We cannot      the future?
  hepatitis in Niue came to one of our                                               predict what the exact number is, as      There are a lot of people with Niue
  Hep C Action Aotearoa founders,         it would take six to                       there has never really been a study on    heritage living in Australia and New
  Anake Goodall when they were
  visiting the island. With a small
                                          12 weeks to test and                       Niue, but we are committed to
                                                                                     eliminating viral hepatitis in Niue
                                                                                                                               Zealand, and we are optimistic that
                                                                                                                               this project will raise awareness
  population of 1200 adults, and 1600     diagnose the                               regardless of what the prevalence of      within those communities and
  people in total, elimination seemed                                                hepatitis may be.                         encourage them to get tested and
  easily achievable.                      entire population."                                                                  treated. We also hope eliminating
                                          Those who are positive will get            How long will it take to eliminate        hepatitis in Niue will have a ripple
  Excited by the prospect of ridding
                                          treated and linked to care. People         viral hepatitis in Niue?                  effect throughout the Western Pacific
  this island nation of a deadly virus,
                                          living with hepatitis C will receive a     We cannot say for sure, but since Niue    region and beyond. Niue has the real
  we quickly reached out to local
                                          full course of antivirals, while we will   is a single island it should be fairly    possibility of being the first WHO
  authorities, as well as funders, to
                                          ensure people living with hepatitis B      rapid, although there are rural           member state to reach the World
  see if there was interest. Donors and
                                          receive up to an 18 months’ supply         populations that we must reach. We        Health Organizations 2030
  the government of Niue were equally
                                          of medication, while we secure a           expect to test 100-200 people a day       elimination goals, laying down a
  enthusiastic about the project and we
                                          sustainable supply. The testing,           for one or two days a week. With this     marker for other countries.
  secured the funding for elimination
  in no time. Donors were particularly    medication and linkage to care will all    approach it would take six to 12
                                                                                                                               In the future we are looking to roll out
  attracted to how achievable             be free and people who come forward        weeks to test and diagnose the
                                                                                                                               elimination projects on other
                                          for testing will get a small voucher for   entire population.

16 hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021                                                                                                         hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 17
Hep - World Hepatitis Alliance
Island of Niue                                                                                                                                   Niue on the world map

  Pacific Islands like the Cook Islands     influencers to launch a big media
  and Tuvalu. These islands have larger
  populations spread across multiple
                                            campaign in Niue. However, under the
                                            recommendations of the local doctor       FIND out more about
                                                                                      hepatitis B diagnostics
  island clusters, and they present a       and because of the small population
  reater challenge than the single-         size, we were able to reach the
  island nation of Niue. We are hoping      islanders through the local healthcare
  that our experience in Niue, combined     providers without the media effort.
  with our previous experience with
                                            As we look to expand the project          Catch up on the World                    This is the third
  awareness campaigns in New                                                                                                   in the series of
  Zealand, will help us with launching      on other islands, we will use what        Hepatitis Alliance (WHA) and             webinars from
  projects in these larger nations.         we have learnt from Niue and New          the Foundation for Innovative            WHA and FIND. Catch up on the
                                            Zealand to engage the community,
                                                                                      New Diagnostics (FIND)                   previous two webinars at the
   How are you engaging the                 utilising the Hep C Butterfly developed                                            links below.
                                            by Hep C Action Aotearoa to get the       webinar "Diagnostics for
   population to communicate about
   the service that is now                  public’s attention. We will also be       hepatitis B: what we have."              Diagnostics for hepatitis C: what
   becoming available?                      translating materials so that they are                                             we have
                                            accessible by the community.              In this webinar we were joined by
  Each country presents its own unique                                                Sonjelle Shilton, Deputy Head of HCV     Strategies to increase access and
  cultural, geographical and social         Read more about the project               Access at FIND to talk through the       linkage to care for hepatitis C
  challenges. It is very important for us                                             diagnostics available for hepatitis B
  to approach any country in which we       Hep C Action Aotearoa website             and explore the diagnostics in the new
  operate with utmost cultural respect.                                               World Health Organization guidelines
  With this in mind, we originally          FixHepC Hepatitis                         on the prevention of mother-to-child       Click here to view the webinar
  planned to work with local                medication access                         transmission of hepatitis B.
  authorities, healthcare providers and

18 hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021                                                                                                         hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 19
worldwide is made clear and tangible      individuals, as well as the
                                                                                      to them.                                  organisations that help the largest
                                                                                                                                number of submissions. Prizes for
                                                                                      Anyone can submit and we                  individuals include Kindles, Bluetooth
                                                                                      particularly encourage                    headphones and gift cards.
                                                                                      submissions from:
                                                                                                                                Finalists from three countries will be
                                                                                      • People living with and affected by      invited to attend domestic workshops
                                                                                        hepatitis (including but not limited    around World Hepatitis Day
                                                                                        to people living with hepatitis,        (28 July, 2021).
                                                                                        people cured of hepatitis C, families
                                                                                        affected, etc.)                         Finalists will also be invited to an
                                                                                                                                international digital hackathon in late
                                                                                      • Advocates                               2021, to drive forward hepatitis
                                                                                                                                policy changes.
                                                                                      • Civil society leaders
The fight against viral hepatitis:                                                    • People in hepatitis organisations       DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS

call for stories                                                                      PRIZES
                                                                                                                                The deadline for submissions is March
                                                                                                                                7th 2021. Submit your story.
                                                                                      Awards will be presented to
                                                                                      exceptional submissions from

  Has viral hepatitis impacted your       calling on individuals and
  life, the life of someone you care      organisations to submit their stories
  about or your community? Are you        to help inspire change nationally
  willing to share your story to help     and globally.
  inspire change?
                                          These stories could take the form of
  The World Hepatitis Alliance,           text, audio, visual art, or infographics.
                                          All submissions will be reviewed by
  NOhep and the London School of
                                          independent judges and exceptional
  Hygiene and Tropical Medicine are       submissions will be recognised
  collecting stories about hepatitis      at national and global events, in
  and we need your help!                  addition to receiving prizes.

  The real stories of how hepatitis       STORY TO HELP INSPIRE CHANGE?
  affects individuals, families and       These stories will be used to influence
  communities are a powerful reminder     decision makers at the highest levels,
  to decision makers about the need for   by ensuring that the impact hepatitis
  action on viral hepatitis. We are       is having on people and communities

20 hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021                                                                                                          hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 21
e p i n i o n
    h                                                   Hepatitis elimination is cancer prevention

   by Naranjargal Dashdorj, MD, PhD            epidemic in the country, which was         the manifesto promise, and worked          More
                                               caused in part by the use of unsterile     with the government to implement a         countries
   World Cancer Day is celebrated on           medical syringes in the 1970s and          hepatitis elimination strategy using       must
   4 February each year. Naranjargal           1980s. The government knew that            domestic financing. Since then, we         integrate
   Dashdorj, co-founder and chief              there was a problem with hepatitis         have screened nearly two million           hepatitis elimination into their cancer
   executive officer of the Onom               in Mongolia and started universal          people for hepatitis and over 50,000       strategies. We believe that hepatitis
   Foundation, tells us about how              hepatitis B vaccination in 1991.           people have been cured of hepatitis        testing, treatment, and prevention
   hepatitis elimination is playing a          Despite the vaccination efforts there      C. However, Mongolia is still leading      are as effective and important as
   vital role in reducing cancer deaths        were still 400 thousand people living      the world with liver cancer mortality      encouraging healthy lifestyle, anti-
   in Mongolia and why it is time for the      with chronic viral hepatitis B, C, and     per 100,000 population. Hepatitis          smoking and obesity strategies in
   world to take up the fight.                 D (Delta) in a country of three million    C induced liver cirrhosis and liver        preventing cancer deaths. Therefore,
                                               people. With so many being affected        cancer is on the down slope, owing         we also initiated programs such as
   Viral hepatitis is one of the leading       by hepatitis and liver cancer, it was      to the effective direct-acting antiviral   Smoke Free Mongolia and Better
   causes of liver cancer, one of the top      crucial that policy makers saw the         (DAA) treatment and its better             Hearts, to raise awareness of an
   five most deadly cancers, yet most          prevention, diagnosis and treatment        availability in Mongolia. Sadly, there     overall healthy lifestyle.
   countries do not mention hepatitis          of viral hepatitis as a priority. My       is not much improvement in the
   within cancer strategies. There is no       organisation, the Onom Foundation,                                                    Advocates have an important role to
                                                                                          hepatitis B story. Specifically, chronic
   importance put on administering the         led a call from the community to the                                                  play to ensure global, national and
                                                                                          hepatitis B and D co-infection is
   hepatitis B vaccine, providing access to    government to do more to treat people                                                 regional cancer strategies address
                                                                                          causing so much heartbreak. Chronic
   hepatitis B treatment and the hepatitis     living with hepatitis in Mongolia.                                                    hepatitis and reduce the burden of
                                                                                          hepatitis B and D co-infection is the
   C curative treatments, or the known                                                                                               liver cancer.
                                                                                          most severe form of viral hepatitis
   prevention measures including harm
   reduction services and the prevention       "Mongolia is now                           and has much higher risks, including
                                                                                          a nine-fold increase in the risk of        We must raise our voices. As in
   of mother-to-child transmission. This
   is a missed opportunity to help prevent
                                               on track to reach                          liver cancer compared to the hepatitis     Mongolia, it will take tenacity,
                                                                                          B infection alone. This highlights         determination, organisation and
   thousands of cancer deaths worldwide.       the World Health                           the urgent need to improve the care        mobilisation to make change happen.
                                                                                                                                     For the sake of all those needlessly
   In my own country of Mongolia, we           Organization’s target                      for hepatitis patients, not only in
                                                                                                                                     suffering, now is the time for action.
   know all too well the link between                                                     Mongolia but around the world.
   hepatitis and liver cancer. Mongolia
                                               of eliminating viral
                                                                                          In order to reach this important
   suffers the world’s highest rate of liver   hepatitis by 2030."                        goal, we still have so much to do
                                                                                                                                      To learn more about the work of
                                                                                                                                      the Onom Foundation in Mongolia
   cancer, approximately 12 times the
                                                                                          to see a further drop in the liver          please visit SmokeFree Mongolia
   world average. Approximately 15% of         We convinced all political parties to
                                                                                          cancer mortality and to reduce the
   all deaths in Mongolia are due to liver     commit to viral hepatitis elimination in                                               and Healthy heart - Healthy
                                                                                          financial burden on the country’s
   cancer and liver cirrhosis. The greatest    their manifestos. After the election, we                                               Mongolia. Read their full case
                                                                                          health system caused by liver cancer
   contributing factor is the hepatitis        advocated for the implementation of
                                                                                          treatments and transplants.                 study here.

22 hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021                                                                                                               hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 23
EURO Regional Board Member: Rachel becoming their CEO in 2018. Before
 WHA re-elects executive                                                                  Halford, United Kingdom
                                                                                          Chief Executive Officer, The
                                                                                                                                          this, she was the CEO of
                                                                                                                                          Women in Prison, a UK
 board memebers                                                                           Hepatitis C Trust                               NGO supporting women
                                                                                                                                          affected by the criminal
 The WHA has recently re-elected             Region (SEARO), European Region              Rachel has worked with                          justice system. In 2018,
 Rengasamy Ponnusamy Shanmugam,              (EURO) and Region of the Americas            people at risk of viral                         she joined the WHA board
 Rachel Halford and Patricia Velez-          (PAHO). We look forward to continuing        hepatitis for over 20 years                     as the European Regional
 Moller for being re-elected to WHA's        our joint fight against hepatitis            – the homeless, prisoners,                      Board member. Diagnosed
 Executive Board for South-East Asia         in 2021.                                     substance misusers and                          in 1998, after a year of
                                                                                          migrants. In 2015 she                           interferon treatment she
                                                                                          joined The Hepatitis C Trust                    cleared hepatitis C in 2007.
   PAHO Regional Board Member:               physician, teacher and patient to fight
 Patricia Velez-Moller, Guatemala            against lack of awareness and stigma
 Founder, Guatemala                          surrounding hepatitis. She co-founded
 Liver Association                                        the Guatemalan Liver            WHO to update Global Health
                                                          Association. She is currently
 Patricia is a physician with
 a master’s in public health
                                                          serving as
                                                          the Vice-President.
                                                                                          Sector Strategy on Viral Hepatitis
 and postgraduate studies
 in microbiology. She has                                 At country level Patricia       On 18-26 January 2021, the 148th          Hepatitis. We will keep you informed
 worked for over 30 years                                 is working with the             meeting of the Executive Board of the     of every opportunity to input into its
 at the faculty at Medical                                government on the               World Health Organization (WHO) was       development over the coming months.
 School of Universidad de                                 development of the              held. The agenda included a proposal
 san Carlos de Guatemala.                                 first national hepatitis        to develop an update to the 2016-2021     "WHA will be advising
                                                          guidelines. At international    Global Health Sector Strategy on
 Patricia is a hepatitis C survivor. Since   level Patricia participated in the           Viral Hepatitis.                          WHO during the
 her diagnosis in 1995, she has used
  her knowledge and experience as a
                                             Hepatitis technical Advisor Committee
                                                                                          As a non-state actor to WHO, the          creation of the new
                                             of PAHO/WHO.
                                                                                          WHA submitted a statement to the
                                                                                          executive board. In it we welcomed the
                                                                                                                                    Global Health Sector
   SEARO Regional Board Member:              He founded the Department of                 development of a new global health        Strategy on
 Rengasamy Ponnusamy                                    Gastroenterology, Stanley         sector strategy on viral hepatitis. We
 Shanmugam, India                                       Medical College in Chennai,       also highlighted the need for civil       Viral Hepatitis."
 Founder, Chennai                                       India. He had also                society organisations and the affected    WHO is aiming to present the updated
 Liver Foundation                                       performed the country’s           community to be a central pillar in the   strategy at the World Health Assembly
                                                        first liver transplant            development and implementation of
 Rengasamy has over 50                                                                                                              in May 2022.
                                                        in 1996. Rengasamy                the new strategy. You can read the full
 years experience in medical                            is working with the               statement and see WHA president, Su       The new strategy is an important step
 practice and a passion for                             Government of India to            Wang’s video statement here.              on the road to elimination and will
 serving the needy. He is                               push for elimination of viral                                               become an important advocacy tool,
 the first qualified surgical                           hepatitis by 2030.                WHA will be advising WHO during           reminding governments of the need for
 gastroenterologist in his                                                                the creation of the new Global            action on hepatitis.
   country specialised in liver disease.                                                  Health Sector Strategy on Viral

24 hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021                                                                                                              hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 25
Inspiration from around the world

                                                                                      Top tips for success
   Inspiration from                                                                   A change will only take place once the healthcare system in Israeli prisons
                                                                                      is moved from the responsibility of the IPS, to a national
   around the                                                                         medical authority.

   world - Israel                                                                     Until such a structural change takes place, interim steps must be taken to
                                                                                      ensure that the MOH, as the central health body, supervises the current
                                                                                      healthcare system in prisons.
   Through the Find the Missing                                                       The involvement of the medical community and civil society is critical for
   Millions campaign, we are                                                          achieving success.
   spotlighting inspiring work
   from around the world.                                                           The IPS, in response to PHRI’s           to new inmates upon arrival. Only
                                                                                    outreach, claimed that it was not        after PHRI submitted to the Court its
   This month, we hear from                                                         undertaking screening tests because      reservations over the proposed plan,
   Physicians for Human                                                             the MOH had not classified people        did the state announce in June 2020
   Rights Israel (PHRI) on                                                          in prison as an at-risk group. As        that it plans to begin running tests to
                                                                                    a result, the general standard of        detect carriers among new inmates
   their campaign to ensure                                                         healthcare provided in prisons is        as of August 2020. They also agreed
   screening, diagnosis and                 basket of the national health           much lower than that provided            that from March 2021, they would
   treatment for hepatitis C was            insurance, making it available to       to the general public through the        expand the availability of testing to
                                            whoever needed it.                      government funded public                 the entire prison body, although the
   available in prisons.
                                                                                    healthcare system.                       onus will be placed on people
                                            Back in 2016, PHRI appealed to the
    THE CAMPAIGN                            MOH, requesting that it incorporate     In 2018, following on from the            THE RESULTS
   The campaign by PHRI followed both       the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) in     aforementioned responses and data
   individual complaints from people in     the aforementioned initiative, as       provided by the IPS, PHRI petitioned     Following our petition at the supreme
   prison and the announcement by the       healthcare in prisons is administered   the Supreme Court, demanding that        court, the IPS has committed to
   Israeli Ministry of Health (MOH) in      by the IPS. However, the MOH            the MOH and the IPS be compelled         undertake screenings of new inmates
   2016 that they had signed on to the      explained that it has no authority      to carry out screening tests among       belonging to risk groups, with the aim
   World Health Organization (WHO)          over health policymaking in prisons.    inmates. Following criticism by the      of later expanding it to include the
   initiative to eliminate hepatitis C by                                           court, the state claimed that it would   rest of the prison population.
   2030. They also agreed to promote a                                              establish a procedure for conducting
   plan for carrying out testing among        Key learnings                         screening tests amongst inmates,         As of March 2021, it plans to
                                                                                    according to the principles set out by   distribute information to prisoners,
   groups that are at higher risk of          The involvement of medical
                                                                                    the MOH in November 2019. Despite        including putting up signs in clinics to
   contracting the virus. Following on        voices, who are often absent
                                                                                    these declarations, the testing policy   inform prisoners of their right to
   from this, in 2018 the MOH included        from discussions about prison
                                                                                    instituted by the IPS was markedly       be tested.
   new and expensive hepatitis C              healthcare, proved critical here.
   medications in the health services                                               different in a number of matters,
                                                                                                                             Read the full case study here.
                                                                                    including testing only being offered

26 hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021                                                                                                       hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 27
Wall of Stories: Adrian's gift
   Together, our stories can                 Adrian and his family started work           remote. "We heard what we wanted
                                             on the first Answer to Cancer Race in        to hear," she said. "Now we know more
   change the way the world                  June 2003, racing against time. In six       than we wish we had to know."
   sees viral hepatitis.                     incredible weeks, they were ready. On
                                             3 August, the day of the race, he fired      On the first day of his second year in
   Each month we share the story of          the starter's pistol and the runners         college, Adrian awoke feeling funny. In
   someone whose life has been affected      were off. Eight days later, Adrian Elkins    retrospect, he realised that he had felt
   by viral hepatitis. This month, we        died at the age of 20-years-old.             tired all summer. He had attributed
   share the story of Adrian Elkins. After                                                his symptoms to his busy schedule of
   20-year-old Adrian died from liver                                                     working and training for a major relay.
   cancer in August 2003, his siblings       "On August 3, the day
   established the Answer to Cancer
   Foundation. One of the foundation's
                                             of the race, he fired                        As he returned to his dorm room after
                                                                                          breakfast, he began experiencing a
   goals is to educate the public about      the starter's pistol and                     lot of pain and difficulty breathing.
   hepatitis B screening and risk factors                                                 A friend drove him to the hospital
   and about preventive measures for         the runners were off.                        emergency room, and at first,              battled his disease for ten months,
   primary liver cancer.                     Eight days later, Adrian                     physicians thought Adrian was              before he passed away.
                                                                                          having a gallbladder attack. Then, an
   Running was Adrian Elkin's passion. As    Elkins died at the age                       ultrasound test revealed that his liver    Adrian's legacy is a gift to generations
   the youngest of five children, Adrian                                                  was extremely enlarged. A liver biopsy     of patients in their fight against
   grew up running, trying to catch up       of 20-years-old."                            was done.                                  liver cancer. Thanks to the generous
   with his older brothers and sisters.      Although he appeared healthy, Adrian                                                    support of many, the Answer to
   In high school, he discovered cross       and his parents always knew he was           Days later, the family learned that        Cancer Race 2003 raised twenty-four
   country running and continued to run      living with hepatitis B due to a blood       Adrian had HCC, or liver cancer. It        thousand dollars for three charities
   after he went to college.                 transfusion he received as a premature       was devastating news. Still, there         dedicated to liver cancer. Adrian's
                                             infant in India. However, they never         was hope. Adrian was an excellent          final gift is the Answer to Cancer Race
   During Adrian's second year at                                                         candidate for surgery to remove the        that will help generations of patients
                                             expected the disease to manifest
   university, he was unexpectedly                                                        cancer, since it appeared to involve       in their fight against liver cancer. He
                                             itself as a type of liver cancer called
   diagnosed with liver cancer due to                                                     only the right lobe of his liver. He       turned his passion for running into a
                                             hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).
   chronic hepatitis B. This became                                                       started his first round of chemotherapy    legacy of caring that will endure.
                                             "Doctors said he was at little risk of
   his toughest race ever. Adrian                                                         while waiting for surgery.
                                             problems because of the hepatitis B,"
   courageously underwent months of
                                             his mother said.                                                                         Thank you to The Hepatitis B
   surgery, chemotherapy, and related                                                     Sadly, the operation brought more bad
   treatments to beat the cancer. During                                                                                              Foundation for allowing us
                                             She now wishes that they had been            news. The cancer wasn't confined to
   the last two months of his life, he                                                                                                to share Adrian's story. Read
                                             on the lookout for cancer, with regular      the right lobe after all – the left lobe
   devoted his time to organising a race                                                                                              other stories from their #justB
                                             screening and specialised medical            was affected too. Worse, the cancer
   to raise awareness about liver cancer                                                                                              storytelling campaign here.
                                             care. But the possibility seemed so          had also spread to his lungs. Adrian
   and hepatitis B.

                                                                   See more stories and submit your own at:
28 hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021                                                                                                                hep Voice JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 29
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