Hi Everyone - Tasmanian Men's Shed Association

Page created by Nathan Navarro
Hi Everyone - Tasmanian Men's Shed Association

                                              eAPRIL 2021

Hi Everyone
                                                      TMSA Secretary Bruce Weller and Committee
 Hope this E News finds you all well.
                                                      Member Lyndley Chopping volunteering at the
 The one thing COVID-19 has taught us all is          Hobart Vintage Machinery Society’s Historical Expo
 the importance of keeping connected.
 And while it’s becoming increasingly difficult
 to visit Sheds as much as TMSA would like –
 with the number of Sheds continuing to
 increase, there’s plenty of other ways we can
 communicate and if assistance is required at
 any time call Wendy or your TMSA area

2021 AGM – Save the Date!
We have confirmed the 19th of August for our
2021 AGM which will be held at Woolmers,
Longford. Lunch will be provided, there will be a
guest speaker, lucky door prizes and of course
the formal part of the day which is the Annual
General Meeting. Further details will be
forwarded to Sheds, but if you are interested in
nominating someone from your Shed to join the
TMSA committee, now is the time to start thinking
about it. The Aurora Art Prize will also be judged
on the day.
                                                            The official opening of the Claremont Men’s Shed

1|    SHED e NEWS                                                                               APRIL 2021
Hi Everyone - Tasmanian Men's Shed Association

As mentioned above, it’s on again with thanks to
Aurora. Same criteria – recycled framing, something
that depicts Shed life, $500 to the winning entry and
$250 for second prize. We hope to announce a
couple of new initiatives on the day that will assist in
continuing to help us to keep ‘doing what we do’.
Watch this space!

                                            SHED STORIES
                                            Our Shed Stories book has sold out. We will be reprinting some
                                            further copies which will be available next month so let us know if
                                            you would like additional copies. We are planning on our second
                                            edition to go to print in November, as long as we can get enough
                                            stories. Please share your stories with us – it’s not only a great way
                                            of getting the message of the Men’s Shed Movement out there, the
                                            stories inspire so many.

Deductible Gift Recipients                  Electronic Funds Transfer
There’s been a number of Sheds              We mentioned this last year
asking us about this of late.               and would like to highlight it
Our Treasurer Dave Gray has done a          again this year before
power of work on DGR and hopefully          memberships are due.
we can have some answers in the next        Wherever possible, electronic
few weeks.                                  transfer of fees would be much
                                            appreciated rather than
                                            cheques by snail mail which
                                            occasionally go missing and
                                            can create more work than
                                            needed! We thank you for
                                            your understanding.

2|    SHED e NEWS                                                                                 APRIL 2021
Hi Everyone - Tasmanian Men's Shed Association

     TMSA - KeepConnected
                                                      That means by simply having a name i.e portar-
 Keep Connected                                       thurmensshed@gmail.com – with someone in
 One of the difficulties we find is being able to        the Shed taking responsibility for checking this on
 effectively communicate with our Sheds. This has      a regular basis – makes it so much easier when it
 been an on-going issue which is mainly as a result   comes to sharing information. This is really
 of using personal email addresses for nominated      important, especially when we want to get
 contacts in our Sheds. In the event that those       information to you not only with the various
 members move on from their nominated                 grants that can become available, but it was
 positions we need our records updated.               never more evident than when we were
 Many Sheds now are moving to a designated            dealing with the pandemic. Wherever possi-
 Shed email address – often using Gmail which         ble we encourage you to do this.
 is free.

 We would like to warmly welcome two new Sheds into the fold – Swansea and Westbury.
 Swansea are well and truly up and running (see story included) and have enjoyed connecting
 with their nearest Men’s Shed neighbours at Bicheno – a big congratulations to Colin Stevenson
 and his team on a fantastic effort in delivering a great community project. We look forward to
 assisting Westbury with their endeavours – rumour has it that the original Men’s Shed that
 operated at Westbury quite a few years ago, could well be one of the oldest in Australia!

 Clearly one of the most beneficial things that we
 do is host our gatherings. They are so worth-
 while. The recent gathering at Ulverstone was
 extremely well attended, the menu was fantastic,
 the guest speaker was excellent, the sharing of
 information during the meeting itself was very
 valuable but the camaraderie shared by Sheds
 during gatherings like this is heart-warming!
 There were 9 Sheds in attendance including the
 team from Queenstown. If you want to know
 more about hosting a gathering contact our Vice
 President Fred Wales
 vice.president@tsmashed.org.au and he will
 help you out. Thanks again to Ulverstone for
 running such a great event and we wish you the
 very best with your birthday celebrations on the
 30th April. Happy Birthday Ulverstone Men’s

3|     SHED e NEWS                                                                            APRIL 2021
Hi Everyone - Tasmanian Men's Shed Association


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4|   SHED e NEWS                     APRIL 2021
Hi Everyone - Tasmanian Men's Shed Association

 SWANSEA SHED                From Colin Stevenson

 Work started on renovating the old Tas. Fire,
 SES, Ambulance building at 4 Arnol Street in
 Swansea in 2019. The first task was to get rid
 of all the junk and rubbish in the building.
 Contractors moved in and stripped out all the
 old ablutions and installed new male, female
 and accessible toilets, showers and vanities.
 Volunteers commenced repair work, cleaning
 and painting in September 2019. Floors, walls
 and ceilings all had to be totally refurbished.
 Then came the building of the office and wet
 area in the workshop. The money saved from
 the federal Drought Relief Grant through
 volunteer efforts was then used to purchase
 tools and equipment.
 The Swansea Community & Men’s Shed has 36
 paid up members at present with several more
 joining. The shed is now open from Tuesdays to
 Fridays and hopefully soon will be open on
 Saturdays. The re-use shop is open three days a
 week which will be extended when more
 volunteers come forward. The community room
 and kitchen is being used and is available for hire.

5 |   SHED NEWS                                         APRIL 2021
Hi Everyone - Tasmanian Men's Shed Association


     Our Minister Jeremy Rockliffe has
       just announced our continued
      funding for the next three years
       with an increase to our Grants
     program which will certainly be of
            benefit to our Sheds.
      This is great news and we thank
     our Minister and the Government
     for their continued support of the
     Men’s Shed Movement in Tasmania


                                          M e n’ s H e a l t h W e ek
                                          This year, Men's Health Connected is back by
                                          popular demand with 5 days of free events
                                          starting on Monday 10th May

6|    SHED e NEWS                                                            MAY 2020
                                                                             APRIL 2021
Hi Everyone - Tasmanian Men's Shed Association

 Furneaux Community Shed -
 are preparing to move into their new home and           through Grant rounds from the TMSA, political
 what a home it will be! This shed is the result of      and private donations and from keeping a good
 an immense effort over at least the last three           eye out for anything that might be useful!
 years by the committee members and will result          The funding for the new shed was largely from
 in an outstanding facility for the Flinders Island      the Tasmanian Community Fund with other very
 Community to come together in friendship to             substantial donations either in cash or in the
 learn new skills, hone old ones and impart some         donation of materials and labour from shed
 of their varied skills and knowledge on others.         members and the people of Flinders Island.
 Their current home is within the school manual          This is a very fine example of what a community
 arts workshop and whilst the co-operation from          can do when it has focus and drive for a common
 the school is very much appreciated it is simply        purpose and will offer substantial benefit to the
 too limiting to share space with other users and        people of Flinders Island for many years to come.
 to have to work around school hours. Whilst the         It is expected that the official opening will be
 precise opening hours are yet to be determined          sometime in October this year, maybe coinciding
 it is anticipated that there will be an increased       with the Flinders Island Show, although the
 uptake of members utilising the new facility and        members should be using the shed by this July.
 that there will be at least one Men Only day.           Maybe some of the members of other sheds
 They have obtained almost all the required              in Tasmania would like to attend and have a
 machinery and equipment for the new shed                look around Flinders whilst there?

Kevin Clayton
hosting lunch
at Central
Men’s Shed

                                                      YEARS OLD
                                                      Happy Birthday
                                                      Jack Eaton from

7|    SHED e NEWS                                                                             APRIL 2021
Hi Everyone - Tasmanian Men's Shed Association

Paul Trickey is a member of Howrah Men’s
Shed and was the winner of last year’s Aurora
Art Prize. He has also been busy creating his
‘ready to make’ keepsake box packs that
include rough sawn boards – Huon Pine,
Sassafras, Blackwood, Myrtle and King Billy
Pine – that Shed members can cut and finish
as they please.
These photos have been included to stimulate
and motivate those that are thinking about
‘having at go’ at making their unique keep sake
box. Paul also notes that using beautiful
Tasmanian minor species timbers with their
unique colour and grain really motivates
members when they admire their finished
The box packs will be approximately 300mm to
500mm long including timber for sides, solid
timber for top, longs for trims and a 6mm thin
solid for the bottom. Other rough sawn timber
packs can be up to 1 metre long.
The timber is being sourced from a local
furniture maker and they include what are
always expensive local Tassie timbers.
If any shed is interested, Paul will firm up pack
combinations and suggested prices.
Please note that Paul is providing all labour time -
volunteering his services to enable Shed
Members to have access to beautiful Tassie
timbers for craft making, a cheaper alternative is
hard to find.
Great initiative Paul – if any members are
interested in discussing this further and placing
an order contact secretary@tmsasheds.org.au
and we will put you in touch with him

8|   SHED e NEWS                                          APRIL 2021
Hi Everyone - Tasmanian Men's Shed Association
If you or someone you know
       requires aged care support
       My Aged Care
       1800 200 422

       If you or someone you know
       is experiencing or at risk of
       domestic violence
       1800 737 732
       (NRS and interpreters)

       If you or someone you know
       has a disability
       Disability Information Helpline
       1800 643 787
       If you need personal              Ulverstone Men’s Shed blackboard!
       crisis support
       131 114

8|   SHED NEWS                                                    APRIL 2021
Hi Everyone - Tasmanian Men's Shed Association
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