Guidelines and cost-saving measures to manage excess manpower - Singapore Budget 2020

Page created by Morris Moore
Guidelines and cost-saving measures to manage excess manpower - Singapore Budget 2020
 measures to

Time of Update : 9 April 2020

                   Singapore Budget 2020

                                  220 Orchard Rd, Singapore 238852
Guidelines and cost-saving measures to manage excess manpower - Singapore Budget 2020
1                   Adjustments to Work Arrangements without
                                                                                      MANAGING PAYROLL
                              Wage Cuts

                                 A.      Training and skills upgrading of employees
                                                                                      COSTS FOR BUSINESS
                                 B.      Redeployment of employees to alternative     CONTINUITY
                                         areas of work within the company
                                 C.      Flexible Work Schedule (FWS)

          2                   Adjustments to Work Arrangements with
                              Wage Cuts
                                 A.      Part-time work, sharing of jobs or other
                                         work arrangements
                                 B.      Shorter work week
                                 C.      Temporary layoff

                                                                                      Saving Jobs,
          3                   Direct Adjustments to Wages
                                                                                      Supporting Wages
                                 A.      Annual Wage Increment
                                 B.      Variable Bonus Payment                       The Singapore Budget 2020 was announced
                                 C.      Annual Wage Supplement (AWS)                 in February. Given the fast changing nature
                                 D.      Monthly    Variable    Component             of the global economy, employers are
                                         (MVC) and/or other allowances                looking to cut costs in the daily operations.
                                  E.     No-pay Leave                                 Payroll takes 30% to 50% of every dollar
                                                                                      earned. Naturally employers will be looking
                                                                                      at cutting staff costs. We detail out options
                                                                                      that most businesses can embark on when
          4                   Responsible Retrenchment
                                                                                      considering alternatives to retrenchment.
                                 A.      Communication to Employees                   Taking on a long-term business view to
                                 B.      Retrenchment Notice Period                   keeping your staff is important to business
                                 C.      Retrenchment Benefit Quantum                  continuity, especially when times are tough.

          5                   Supplementary Budget 2020
                                 A.      Jobs Support Scheme (JSS)
                                 B.      Enhanced Wage Credit Scheme
                                 C.      Foreign Worker Levy

Reproduced by BSL Business Resources Pte Ltd
Guidelines and cost-saving measures to manage excess manpower - Singapore Budget 2020
Guidelines Managing Excess Manpower¹
    Together We Are Stronger

    “ Employers will be required to notify the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) if they
    introduce any cost-saving measures that affect employees’ monthly salaries
    …..applies to employers with 10 or more workers.”
                                                                                Channel News Asia, 11 March 2020

 Singapore Stabilisation and Support Package
                                                                               Mandatory        Notifications
                                                                                         Notifications on Cost-Saving
 Singapore will spend S$4 billion on a slew of new                                 on Cost-Saving  Measures ²
 measures and enhancements to existing schemes to
 stabilise its economy amid the near-term
                                                                               During the period from 7 April to 4 May
 uncertainties caused by COVID-19, announced
                                                                               2020 (“Circuit Breaker” period),
 Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat on Feb 18,
 2020. Sectors that have taken a direct hit from the                           employers MUST notify MOM Online via
 coronavirus outbreak, such as tourism, aviation,                              a Form within 1 week of implementing
 retail, and food services, will receive additional help.                      measures if they:

 Enhancements were announced again in                                          Reduce employees’ salaries to:
 Supplementary Budget 2020 as released in March                                  ●   75% of gross monthly salary for
 2020, to help both workers stay employed and to                                     local employees.
 help businesses with cash flow.
                                                                                 ●   75% of basic monthly salary for
 In relation to payroll and human resource
 management, Job Support Scheme (JSS) and Wage                                       foreign employees.
 Credit Scheme (WCS) have both been enhanced to                                  ●   Are registered in Singapore and
 each business concerns over short-term cash flow.                                    have at least 10 employees.

                                                                                 You DO NOT need to seek Controller’s
                                                                                approval for salary reduction of FOREIGN
                                                                                     employees during this period.
¹Tripartite Advisory on Managing Excess Manpower & Responsible Retrenchment:
² Mandatory Notifications on Cost-Saving Measures
Guidelines and cost-saving measures to manage excess manpower - Singapore Budget 2020
Adjustments to Work

A.   Training and skills upgrading of

B.   Redeployment of employees to
     alternative areas of work within
                                                Time-Banking as a FWS Option
     the company
                                                To preserve employment while helping
                                                you reduce future manpower costs due
C.   Flexible Work Schedule (FWS)               to overtime ramp-up in the business
                                                recovery phase.

             TRAINING & SKILLS                 REDEPLOYMENT                   FLEXIBLE WORK SCHEME
                 UPGRADE                                                               (FWS)
                                                                               Paid now for reduced working
             Increase in productivity by      Job Rotation                     hours.
             equipping employees with
             better skills and knowledge.     Enlarge employees' job scope     Reduced working hours
                                              with training.                   "saved" to offset increase in
             Tap on SkillsFuture movement                                      future working hours.
             training support schemes.        Redeploy excess manpower to
                                              vacancies in different areas.     Seek union and employees
             Absentee payroll subsidies for                                     support.
             employees undergoing             Out-placing affected
                                              Outplacing to other companies    Seek the support of
            Retain skilled employees          employees to suitable jobs in
             training.                                                          Apply to the
                                                                               theunions  andCommissioner
                                                                                              employees for
            to enable company to              other companies.                  Labour.
            meet  business
             Retain         demand to
                    skilled employees
             enable companygrowth
                   economic   to meet                                          Apply to the Commissioner
             business demand when                                              for Labour
             economic growth recovers.
Guidelines and cost-saving measures to manage excess manpower - Singapore Budget 2020
Good Work Practices
Keeping Workers Employed with
Work-Life harmony                                                 Adjustments to Work
                                                                  Arrangements WITH
                                                                  Wage Cuts

                                                                     A.      Part-time work, sharing of jobs
                                                                             or other work arrangements

                                                                     B.      Shorter work week
    To encourage better Work-Life Balance for workers,
        companies can apply for grants and incentives to
                                                                     C.      Temporary layoff
    implement flexible work arrangements (FWAs) such
                 as flexi-load, flexi-place and flexi-time.

     Part-Time or Job                    Shorter Work                                 Temporary
        Sharing or                          Weeks                                       Lay-off
      Flexible Work

   Enhanced Work-Life             Reduction of Work Hours                   Reduction of Work Hours

 ● FWA Incentives for             ● Request employees to                    ● Request employees to
   companies to sustain             take UP TO 50% of                         take UP TO 50% of
   implementation of local          their earned annual                       their earned annual
   employees                        leave                                     leave
 ● Job Sharing Incentives                                                   ● Layoff period such that
   for companies to               ● Reduction of work                         it does not exceed one
   implement job sharing            week MUST not exceed                      month at any one
   for PMET-level                   3 days in a week                          instance subject to
   employees                        (Should not last for                      review
                                    more than 3 months)                     ● Pay not less than 50%
                                                                              of an employees’ wage
                                  ● Pay not LESS than 50%                     during layoff period
                                    of an employees’ wage
                                    on the day(s) that they
                                    are not working                           Can be a result of facility
    Employees using the
                                                                              shutdowns where a work
       FWAs must be
                                                                                 site is closed for a
    working on a regular
                                                                              designated period, while
    basis, i.e. not ad-hoc
                                                                                some administrative
    or casual employees.
                                                                                 functions are still

                                              Reproduced by BSL Business Resources Pte Ltd
Guidelines and cost-saving measures to manage excess manpower - Singapore Budget 2020
Direct Adjustments
to Wages

 A.   Annual Wage Increment

 B.   Variable Bonus Payment

 C.   Annual Wage Supplement

D.    Monthly Variable Component
      (MVC) and/or other allowances

 E.   No-pay Leave
                                                                        Employers should engage and seek the consent of
                                                                        unions and employees before implementing these
                                                                       measures. Companies with a flexible wage system in
                                                                          place may consider adjusting the following wage
                                                                          components to further reduce manpower costs.

                     Annual Wage Increment
                     Reduced annual increment or wage freeze

                     Variable Bonus Payment
                     Directly linked to company profitability which
                     can be reduced or not given.

                     Annual Wage Supplement (AWS)
                     Reduced AWS, usually one month’s wage paid
                     at the end of the year.

                     Monthly Variable Component (MVC)
                     For a company who has yet to implement MVC, monthly
                     wages can be adjusted downwards by treating any cut in
                     basic wages of up to 10% as MVC cut.

                     No Pay Leave
                     Senior management should lead by example, recognising
                     the impact on rank-and-file employees in the extent and
                     duration of measure.

                                                         Reproduced by BSL Business Resources Pte Ltd
Guidelines and cost-saving measures to manage excess manpower - Singapore Budget 2020
Abide by the Tripartite
Guidelines on Fair
Employment Practices

                                                                               A.    Communication to Employees

                                                                               B.    Retrenchment Notice Period

                                                                               C.    Retrenchment Benefit Quantum

  Employers are reminded to abide by the Tripartite
  Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices. Employers
  must comply with the Mandatory Retrenchment

              Notify Government and Unions of Retrenchment
              Where it is provided in the collective agreement, the norm is ONE MONTH
              before notifying the employee

              Communicate to Employees’
              •         Explain how the retrenchment exercise will be carried out
              •         Elaborate on the factors that will be considered
              •         Specify the assistance being offered to those affected

              Minimum Retrenchment Notice Period
                     Length of Service                         Notice Period

                     Less than 26 weeks                        1 day
                     26 weeks to less than 2 years             1 week
                     2 years to less than 5 years              2 weeks
                     5 years and above                         4 weeks

              Notify Government and Unions of Retrenchment
              Where it is provided in the collective agreement, the norm is one month
              before notifying the employee

                  Employees with 2                    Unless provided for in                  The prevailing norm is
                  years’ service or more              contract, the quantum                   to pay a retrenchment
                  are eligible for                    is to be negotiated                     benefit varying
                  retrenchment                        between employees                       between 2 weeks to
                  benefit.                             and employers.                          one month salary per
                                                                                              year of service.

                                                     Reproduced by BSL Business Resources Pte Ltd
Guidelines and cost-saving measures to manage excess manpower - Singapore Budget 2020
Cost Savings in Managing
Excess Manpower

 A.      Jobs Support Scheme (JSS)

 B.      Enhanced Wage Credit Scheme

 C.      Foreign Worker Levy (FWL)

                                                                                         The Jobs Support Scheme (JSS) was launched in
                                                                                        Budget 2020 and enhanced in the Resilience and
                                                                                 Solidarity Budget. The JSS will provide wage support to
                                                                                  employers to help them to retain their local employees
                                                                                   (Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents) during
                                                                                                     this period of economic uncertainty.

      Wages paid to BUSINESS OWNERS or               JSS Eligibility & Sectors
      employers trading in their own
      PERSONAL CAPACITY will not be                  All employers who have made CPF contributions for their resident
      eligible for the payout. They will receive     (Singapore Citizen and Permanent Resident) employees will qualify for the
      the JSS payout for wages paid to their         payout. This is with the exception of employers in the employer exclusion
      local employees.                               list.

      Business owners are defined as follows:
                                                     Funding By Sectors                JSS will provide support of:
  1.    Sole proprietor of a sole
        proprietorship                               Tier 1                            75% of the first $4,600 of gross monthly wages per
  2.    Partners of a partnership (including         Aviation & Tourism                local employee
        general partnerships, limited liability
        partnerships and limited                     Tier 2                            50% of the first $4,600 of gross monthly wages per
        partnerships)                                Food Services                     local employee
  3.    Employees who are both
        shareholders and directors (as               Tier 3                            25% * of the first $4,600 of gross monthly wages
        defined in Section 4(1) of the                All other sectors                 per local employee
        Companies Act) of the company, or
        employees who are both members
        and Directors in the case of a
        Company Limited by Guarantee               * ONLY FOR APRIL 2020 FOR ALL SECTORS announced in Solidarity Budget
                                                     ●     Top-up of JSS funding of 75% capped at $4,600 equivalent to a

      Employers trading in their own personal              maximum of $3,450 per local employee.
      capacity include but are not limited to        ●     All other months remain the same as per Resilience Budget
      hawkers who do not have UEN,
      employers hiring local personal drivers
      or local domestic helpers, etc.

                                                                     Reproduced by BSL Business Resources Pte Ltd
Guidelines and cost-saving measures to manage excess manpower - Singapore Budget 2020
Cost Savings in Managing
Excess Manpower

 A.       Jobs Support Scheme (JSS)

 B.       Enhanced Wage Credit Scheme

 C.       Foreign Worker Levy (FWL)

                                                                                                   To receive JSS Payouts faster, employers are
                                                                                            encouraged to be using GIRO or PayNow Corporate.
                                                                                               Applications are to be made directly their banks.

                                                                                                          Payouts are credited by these means (in
      When & How is JSS paid out?                                                                         order of priority)
      Application is NOT required. IRAS will notify eligible employers by post of
      the tier of support and the amount of JSS payout payable to them. JSS                                  1.      Credited to the employers' GIRO
                                                                                                                     bank account used for Income
      computations are automatically done based on wages (capped at $4,600                                           Tax/GST
      per month) paid to a local employee.                                                                   2.      For those without GIRO accounts,
                                                                                                                     the JSS payout will be credited to
                            When will my           JSS will cover       CPF Contributions                            their bank account registered with
      Payout                company receive        wages paid in        must be made by:                             PayNow Corporate
                            the payout?            these 9 months:                                           3.      Otherwise, the JSS payout will be
                                                                                                                     made by cheque.
      1st Payout¹           April 2020               Oct - Dec 2019       14 Feb 2020
      2nd Payout2           July 2020                Feb - Apr 2020       15 May 2020
      3rd Payout2           Oct 2020                 May - Jul 2020       14 Aug 2020

                                                                                                                Organisations can sign up for
       This includes the top-up to 75% wage support for April 2020, computed based on
      October 2019 wages.
                                                                                                                PayNow Corporate
                                                                                                                by linking their organisation’s UEN
       The 2nd and 3rd payouts will be adjusted to account for the difference between wages                     (without suffix) to their bank account
      paid in April 2020 and those paid in October 2019. For more details of the adjustment,
                                                                                                                via internet banking.
      please see April 2020 top-up to JSS.

                                                                                                                  The nine banks participating in
                                                                                                                  PayNow Corporate are United
                                                                                                                  Overseas Bank, DBS Bank/POSB,
      Cash Flow and Credit Support for Employers                                                                  OCBC Bank, Citibank, HSBC,
          1.        Waiver of March 2020 Foreign Worker Levy (FWL) due in April                                   Maybank, Standard Chartered Bank,
                    2020 to help firms with cash flow                                                               Bank of China and Industrial and
          2.        In April 2020, a one-off FWL rebate of $750 for each Work                                     Commercial Bank of China Limited.
                    Permit or S Pass holder based on levies paid this year.
          3.        FWL rebate payable on 21 April 2020 via PayNow Corporate                                      For assistance, please approach
                    account (provided Bank approves PayNow Corporate account by                                   these banks directly.
                    20 April 2020), otherwise cheque issued by 15 May 2020.

                                                                           Reproduced by BSL Business Resources Pte Ltd
Cost Savings in Managing
Excess Manpower

 A.    Jobs Support Scheme (JSS)

 B.    Enhanced Wage Credit Scheme

 C.    Foreign Worker Levy (FWL)

                                                                                               The Wage Credit Scheme (WCS) supports
                                                                                        businesses embarking on transformation efforts
                                                                                        and encourages employers to share productivity
                                                                                       gains with workers by co-funding wage increases.
                                                                                              It was introduced in Budget 2013 and now
                                                                                                              enhanced in Budget 2020.

      The government co-funding ratios for wage increases in 2019 and 2020 will be raised from the current 15% and
      10%, to 20% and 15% respectively. The qualifying gross wage ceiling will also be raised to $5,000 for 2019 and
      2020, up from the current $4,000.

      Scheme                       Current WCS as announced in Budget 2018                      Enhanced WCS as announced in Budget 2020

      Qualifying years             ●   2018, 2019, 2020                                        ●   2019, 2020

      Level of co-funding          ●   20% of qualifying wage increases in 2018                ●   20% of qualifying wage increases in 2019
                                   ●   15% of qualifying wage increases in 2019                ●   15% of qualifying wage increases in 2020
                                   ●   10% of qualifying wage increases in 2020

      Gross monthly wage ceiling   ●   $4,000                                                  ●   $5,000

      Qualifying wage increases    ●   Increase in gross monthly wage of at least              ●   Increase in gross monthly wage of at least
                                       $50 given to Singaporean employees in                       $50 given to Singaporean employees in
                                       the qualifying year, up to a gross monthly                  the qualifying year, up to a gross monthly
                                       wage level of $4,000, will be co-funded.                    wage level of $5,000, will be co-funded.
                                   ●   In addition, increases in gross monthly                 ●   In addition, increases in gross monthly
                                       wage of at least $50 given in 2017, 2018                    wage of at least $50 given in 2017, 2018
                                       and 2019 up to a gross monthly wage                         and 2019 up to a gross monthly wage
                                       level of $4,000, and sustained in                           level of $5,000, and sustained in
                                       subsequent years of the scheme, will be                     subsequent years of the scheme, will be
                                       co-funded.                                                  co-funded.

                                                                     Reproduced by BSL Business Resources Pte Ltd
For assistance in
calculating cost savings
or clarifications on
regulations, contact us


      6235 3388

Ng Li Ling
DID: +65 6833 6323

Ngim Jason
DID: +65 6833 6366

Lim Peggy
DID: +65 6833 6308

Writer's Caveat

These articles have merely
attempted to provide a broad
overview on the subject
matters. They are not in any
way intended to be
comprehensive and no specific
action should be taken on the
basis of the above without
consulting your professional
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