Hickling Herald January 2021 - The Waterside Group of Churches

Page created by Norman Lambert
Hickling Herald January 2021 - The Waterside Group of Churches
Hickling Herald
                          January 2021

Dawn of a New Year
A new year dawns on a world which has      the unforgettable positive things which
seen great sorrow, anxiety, illness and    we have discovered and taken from
bereavement in 2020. It also dawns on      disaster.
a world which has shown the greatest       Writing this on a gloomy December
of gifts, love. Love for one another in    morning I am conscious of the hopeful
prayerful and practical ways. At the       signs of a new dawn. Vaccines have
beginning of this new year, we take with   been discovered and soon to be given to
us this positive aspect of our lives and   all. Brexit challenges offer a new dawn
hope and pray for better things to come.   when we look at new ways to cement
Church Services have been rather           friendships with our fellow men and
different during the last year. No         women in Europe and the rest of the
singing, social distancing, Zoom           world. We return here to the gifts of
services and the rest. Normal service,     love and light to guide us through, to
as they say, is gradually returning.       inspire and challenge us in positive
Christmas and New Year have a              ways.
common theme, that of light coming         Whatever 2021 may bring you, I hope
into the world, dispelling darkness.       and pray that the love and light of
The symbol of lighting candles at our      Christ may shine in your hearts and
services and in our homes reinforces       your homes. Let us all look to the future
this wondrous hope. New year, new life,    with renewed hope, being assured
new hope (along with, of course, face,     that God, our loving Father, is with us
hands, space).                             always, in the bad and good times.
‘Normal’ life will return and, with it,                              Continued overleaf
Hickling Herald January 2021 - The Waterside Group of Churches
Sun 3 Jan 10.30: Morning Worship led by Zephney Kennedy
Sun 10 Jan 10.30: Morning Worship led by Judith Gardiner
Sun 17 Jan 10.30: Morning Worship led by Ian Watton
Wed 20 Jan 10.30: Revd Canon Catherine Dobson will hold a service of Holy
Sun 24 Jan 10.30: Morning Worship led by Zephney Kennedy
Sun 31 Jan 10.30: Morning Worship led by Ian Watton
Zephney will continue to send comments and questions to the Bible Discussion
Group, as well as a passage for prayer for the Julian Meeting Prayer Group. If anyone
would like to join, please contact her on 598179 or zlkndy@gmail.com

Sun 3 Jan 10.30: Covenant Service, Rev Ralph Webb
Sun 10 Jan 10.30: All Age Worship, café style, Rev Mike Bossingham
Sun 17 Jan 10.30: Morning Worship
Sun 24 Jan 10.30: Morning Worship, Ray Horne
Sun 31 Jan 10.30: Morning Worship, Rev Colin Telfer
Lunch Club, Tuesday 5 Jan 12.30.
Take away service, please let Linda know if you would like a lunch - 598725.
Food Fair, Thursday 7 Jan 9-12, all usual stall holders will be attending.
Thank you to everyone who supported the Nativity Procession. Despite the weather,
it was good to come together to celebrate the birth of our Saviour.
Wishing everyone a peaceful, healthy 2021.

Continued from page one

I share with you a verse from a new              Love is the greatest story
millennium hymn which seems to be                The world has known,
an appropriate message for us at the             The beacon in the darkness,
start of our new year.                           The way back home.
   This is the year when hearts go free,      May the love and light of God, bless and
   And broken lives are mended.               keep us, this year and always.
   I hear the sound of Jubilee,               Ian Watton
   The song of sorrow ended.                  Licensed Lay Minister
New Year Resolutions
Christmas is over and I hope everyone
managed to make the most of what they
were allowed to do over the festive period.
Considering the social restrictions, I
thought December in the village was
as good as it could be. It was certainly
brightened by all the colourful Christmas
lights, and by the Advent Windows. What
a fabulous idea that was! And what a
fabulous job was done by everyone who         with age. The survey found that 47 per
shared their window with the rest of us.      cent of 18-24 year olds made resolutions,
                                              while only 30 per cent of 35-44 year olds
I was also impressed by the number of         did so. By the time we’re over 55, only 18
people who turned out on a rainy Sunday       per cent of us do so. Failure fatigue over
afternoon for the (socially distanced)        the years, I suspect. Statistics also show
Nativity Procession, from St Mary’s to        that women are slightly more likely to
The Barn, via the Greyhound and the           make a resolution (30%) than men (24%).
Methodist Church. It was a lovely event,
with Mary on a donkey (pony), angels,         It’s natural to make resolutions about our
shepherds and kings. Congratulations to       own lives. Health and fitness are always
the organisers and everyone who took          the most popular, but environmental
part.                                         awareness is rising in the rankings,
                                              perhaps weighted by the shift in age
At this time of year, possibly regretting     balance towards young people. You
the excesses of Christmas, people make        will find later in this newsletter a piece
resolutions to live better lives, eat less    written by Parish Council member Eilish
chocolate, drink less wine, take more         Rothney, concerning a resolution you
exercise, spend less money. These are         may wish to make about recycling for
all very well, and if you’re one of those     the benefit of us all, rather than simply
people, I hope it works for you. I wonder     ourselves as individuals.
how many manage to keep to their
resolutions past the end of January,          And, to add one of my own, 2020 was
though.                                       a year that many of us would prefer to
                                              forget, but Hickling can be proud of
I didn’t realise until quite recently that    the community spirit generated here
there are numerous sources of statistics      during the pandemic, through the village
on this very subject. Research by Strava in   volunteer schemes and sharing initiatives
2020 found that most people gave up on        displayed on the Parish Facebook page.
their resolutions by Sunday 19 January,       Let’s not lose that. Let’s keep it going
labelling the date Quitters’ Day.             throughout 2021 and beyond.
According to a YouGov poll last year          Happy New Year!
around a quarter of people in the UK said
they had made resolutions. Predictably,       Martin Ashcroft
perhaps, the inclination to do so declines    Editor
Hickling Parish Council                       dogs’ – also illegal. Please, if your dog is a
Firstly – council business. At our            hunter and/or has a poor recall, keep it on
December meeting we approved next             a lead or long line. My personal opinion
year’s budget, staithe fees and precept. We   is that the recall is the most important
are planning expenditure pretty much          command we can teach our dogs.
in line with this year, which has allowed     And finally - the good bits. Thank you
us to keep our council tax charge at the      to Hickling’s very own ‘land girls’ who
same level. This is particularly important    spent a busy, Covid-secure morning
as both the County and District Councils      tidying the Chapel Pit. Although we did
will need to increase their charges to help   less clearing than in recent years, I hope
recover the huge costs of the coronavirus     you agree it looks much better. Thanks
pandemic. At the start of the pandemic        also to John Tallowin for removing and
we decided not to implement the agreed        burning the waste. Also, a huge thank
1% increase in wet and dry berth fees.        you to everyone for lighting up the village
These will take effect next season. In        during December – a little bit of cheer
addition, we have added an additional         in challenging times. I’ve loved walking
5% to the dry berth fees for non-             round discovering the advent windows –
parishioners (wet berths are only available   so many different ideas.
to parishioners). Boat launch fees will
remain the same (£6); fees for canoes and
paddleboards will rise to £5.
We continue to press for improvements
in drainage. You can help us by reporting
incidents to NCC Highways immediately
and passing the incident number to
the clerk. If the water level rises above
kerb level, property (not detached
outbuildings) is flooded, or pedestrians
are drenched by vehicles passing through      Our next meeting will be at 7pm on
floodwater, then Highways will arrange        Monday 11 January, via Zoom. The Zoom
pump out – but they can only do that if       link will be published with the agenda.
they are notified.                            It’s been a very challenging year. Sadly,
Now for the nasty bit. We have had a          Covid is not going away. As hard as it is,
very distressing incident in the village      we need to stay vigilant – stick within the
of a dog attacking and killing a deer. It     guidelines and drive the infection rate
has been reported to the police. I know       down.
most dog owners are mindful of their          So here’s hoping for a successful vaccine
responsibilities, but I must remind you       roll out, and a happy and healthy new
that it is an offence to have a dog that      year.
is dangerously out of control, as it is to
allow a dog to worry/chase/kill livestock.    Keep safe, keep well
Allowing a dog to kill a wild animal          Jo Belsten
is likely to be classed as ‘hunting with      Chair, Hickling Parish Council
Hickling Infant School
The Christmas spirit was well and truly
in school over the season of Advent and
Christmas. The children took part in
many activities, including starring in
their own Nativity movie! We were all
extremely proud of their acting, singing,
dancing and speaking. It was made even
more special as it was filmed outside.
All the children received the movie on a        we had our Christmas party lunch, and,
DVD with some goodies to have while             in the afternoon, we watched the virtual
they shared it with their families.             pantomime Rapunzel. We dressed up
                                                as our favourite pantomime characters,
                                                shared snacks and joined in with the
                                                special songs. We had a great time!
                                                Overall, we had a remarkably busy
                                                time leading up to Jesus’ birthday and
                                                celebrated in style while remembering
                                                how special it was that Jesus was born.
                                                We hope you all had a merry Christmas
                                                and wish you all a prosperous new year.
During the final week of term, we held
our annual Christingle where all the            Sabrina Holmes
children made their own one to light            R.E and Collective Worship Lead
and take home. We talked about the              Teacher
meaning of the Christingle and what             Swallowtail Federation of Church
each part represents. On 16 December            Schools

Hickling Broad Sailing Club
A friendly club offering a range of
sailing activities for all ages; for complete
beginners to expert sailors; from leisurely
social sailing to competitive racing on
what we consider to be the best of the
Norfolk Broads! We welcome juniors, and
offer training for all members.
Here we see an almost unrecognisable
Hickling Broad on this old postcard.            club for all our members.
December was a quiet month on the               If you’d like to view us in action, all being
water, although some of our braver              well we’ll be back on the water in March
members were happy that we could                2021 and would love to see you. If you
reopen the slipway so that they could get       would like further information please
out for a sail. It is rumoured that there       visit our website www.hicklingbroad.
was some sailing on Christmas Day…              com or contact Delyth Crook, Honorary
Behind the scenes we have been busy             Secretary: 01603 782990
working on ways to further improve the          enquiries@hicklingbroad.com
Hickling Barn & Playing Field                   pick and enjoy not just for now but for
Wishing you a Happy New Year from all           many generations to come.
at Hickling Barn!                               We suggest a donation of £20 per tree.
Although Covid-19 restrictions on social        The Barn will source the saplings and
gatherings are still very much in place, we     we will arrange a tree planting event one
have been fortunate to be able to resume        weekend in March so that everyone can
gym and exercise sessions, details of           help plant the orchard.
which are available on the Barn website,        Please send your cash, or a cheque
and we are looking forward to bringing
back some of our more traditional events
as soon as circumstances permit.
Orchard of Hope
Donations received so far make a truly
encouraging start to our Orchard of Hope
Our aim is to create a living reminder of
Hickling’s resilience of spirit throughout
these difficult times, marking the village’s
response to the pandemic as well as             made out to HPFRGC, to Briarley
providing an orchard, located at the            Lodge, Stubb Road – or donate online
village recreation field, which will provide    at: www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/
apples, pears and plums for villagers to        hicklingbarnorchardofhope2020

Hickling Broad U3A                              this. Both indoor and outdoor groups
We are being told by central Government         met successfully and it was a pleasure for
that after the vaccine programme we may         people to see each other again.
be able to return to some normality, so         It must be said that the work put in to
we are looking (with fingers crossed!) at       organising these meetings is not wasted,
the possibility of resuming our monthly         as we will undoubtedly have similar
members meetings again in May.                  restrictions to abide by when our local
We have taken the step of provisionally         restrictions are eased. Other interest
booking our old friend Pat Nearney as           groups continue to stay in touch via
our speaker for Friday 14 May 2021 in the       telephone and internet, and again we
hope that our AGM can take place that           thank the coordinators for keeping
day. Only time will tell if this is possible,   everyone together.
but we thought it wise to plan ahead            The spirit of the U3A, and especially
and hope that this gives you something          Hickling Broad U3A, is friendship, fun
positive to look forward to.                    and support. We look forward to the
With the advice and guidance of National        time when all our meetings and interest
U3A, some our interest groups had               groups can resume in full, and in the
begun to meet again in person in the            meantime we hope that everyone was
early autumn. We would again like               able to enjoy the festive season as best
to thank our group coordinators for             they could, and to wish you all a peaceful
putting the time and effort into doing          and a Happy New Year.
Recycling resolutions
Now the excesses of Christmas are
(almost) behind us, let’s see if we can
make 2021 a year where we each do
something extra to minimise our
footprint on the planet. Our footprint
is made by the resources we use and the
waste we produce. We are all aware of
the issue of plastic in the ocean… but did
you know there are more pieces of plastic
than fish! There is so much rubbish here
that Britain pays to ship it overseas!       ways we can encourage recycling. A list
                                             of places you can take different items
So, what can we do? The first thing
                                             is on the website. In the village, as well
is to think about what we purchase.
                                             as your waste glass, you can recycle
Must we buy everything in single use
                                             cheese packets and crisp packets (at Pear
plastic, or are there alternatives? Do we
                                             Tree Cottage, Staithe Road, near the
recycle as much as we can? Do we make
                                             crossroads). Please make sure they are
sure we wash it before it goes into the
                                             washed first. We are also investigating
recycling bin? A small amount of dirty/
                                             the provision of bins for biscuit and cake
contaminated recycling waste can spoil
                                             wrappers and for old pens.
the whole container.
                                             We will keep you informed about
Did you know you can recycle used
                                             different ways we can help the
contact lens cases? Marigold gloves?
                                             environment and help ourselves, so let’s
Crisp packets? In fact, there are many
                                             all do our bit.
items that can be recycled, it just takes
a little time and effort to become part of   Eilish Rothney
our way of life.                             Parish Councillor
As a Parish Council we are looking at

Hickling Charities
Seasonal gifts have been distributed by
the Hickling Charities’ Trustees over the
festive period. If you think you might
qualify for one, please apply to:
Bernard Ellis (Chairman), Hall Farm,
Hickling, Norwich NR12 0AZ or
telephone 01692 598493.
Applicants should be in receipt of a state
retirement related pension ONLY, and
have been resident in Hickling for ten
years. Happy New Year!
NWT Hickling Broad
Happy New Year!
                              As the nights
                              have drawn
                              in, we’ve
                              seen some
                              sunsets at the
                              reserve. The
                              view from        Species spotlight
                              the Visitor      The whooper swan is similar in size
                              Centre,          to our native mute swans. They can be
looking towards the broad, is amazing          identified by their size and yellow and
– branches of trees silhouetted against        black bill. These elegant birds make
a sky that’s on fire, the tops of the reeds    a journey of 1000km every year to
glistening like gold in the last rays of the   overwinter in the UK. Travelling at a
day’s sun.                                     speed of up to 55mph they have been
                                               known to fly at a height of 8000m. The
On a couple of days in December we
                                               migration takes them about 12 hours
experienced the reserve as a wintery
                                               non-stop and they do it all again in the
wonderland, transformed by hoar frost.
                                               spring when they return to Iceland.
Did you know the word ‘hoar’ comes
from old English and refers to the old         If you’re stuck at home and want to
                                               explore for yourself some of the species
                                               our visitors see, why not check out
                                               Norfolk Wildlife Trust photo gallery?
                                               All the images are taken by visitors and
                                               staff, across our reserves and the whole
                                               of Norfolk, and submitted online. Head
                                               to our website and select Gallery from
                                               the menu.
                                               For up-to-date information about the
                                               reserve or visitor centre, please visit
age appearance of the ice-crystals,            www.norfolkwildlifetrust.org.uk or call
which form to look like white hair or a        01692 598276 (Thursday – Sunday).
beard! It offered a great opportunity to       Photos of whooper swan on Hickling Broad by
take some interesting photographs.             Lynne Warner
The numbers of marsh harrier and
crane coming in to roost has increased,        The Mobile Library is scheduled to visit
as expected, and we’ve had reports of          Hickling again on Tuesday 12 January.
whooper and Bewick’s swan, barn and            11:25-11:45 Hickling School
short-eared owl, hen harrier and merlin
on site, all species we’re used to seeing at   11:50-12:00 Town Street
this time of the year. A couple of more        12:05-12:15 The Green
unusual sightings in December included         12:20-12:40 The Chapel
a glossy ibis and an Iceland gull flying       12:45-13:10 Mill Close
over.                                          13:15-13:30 Broadlands Road
Arthur and Martha                            sounded like an English voice but the
 An everyday story of Hickling folk           grammar was awkward.”
“I had a dodgy phone call today,” said        “Did you listen to the whole message?”
Arthur.                                       asked Martha.
“How do you mean, dodgy?” asked               “Not all of it,” said Arthur. “It went on to
Martha.                                       say that I should press 1 on my keypad to
“It was a recorded message,” said Arthur,     talk to the technical department about it,
“pretending it was from BT, saying their      so that’s when I put the phone down.”
Technical Department had been trying to       “Well done, Arthur,” said Martha. “I’ve
contact us. But if they had, I would have     read about these scams. If you press the
heard the phone the first time.”              button it lets them know there is someone
“What did it say?” asked Martha.              there, and if you speak to them, they ask
“Well, the voice said there had been          you for confidential details so they can
‘suspicious activity’ on our internet         wheedle their way into your computer.”
account,” said Arthur, who then began to      “Yes, I’ve seen reports about it, too,” said
imitate the recording, slowly and steadily,   Arthur. “BT says it will never ring people
with emphasis on the last few words,          and ask for that kind of thing, and all the
“and your telephone and internet will be      banks say the same. But I wouldn’t have
terminated ‘if this won’t be fixed’.”         fallen for it, even if it hadn’t sounded so
“That’s a funny way to put it,” observed      dodgy.”
Martha.                                       “How’s that?” said Martha.
“That’s what I thought,” said Arthur. “It     “We’re not with BT anyway,” said Arthur.

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Get into the #9PM routine
A community update from the
Stalham Safer Neighbourhood Team
At this time of year we start to see an
increase in reports of thefts from cars,
sheds and outbuildings. It’s easy to
settle down in the evening and neglect
to check if our outbuildings, vehicles
and homes are properly secure, and
                                           Thieves look out for an easy target.
these lapses can be seized upon by
                                           Make it difficult for them by doing the
opportunist thieves.
                                           #9pm Routine:
The #9pm Routine is an initiative
                                           • Check your vehicle
backed by Police Forces in the UK
and abroad which seeks to encourage        • Check your outbuildings
residents to get into the habit of         • Shut your windows
completing routine security checks.        • Lock your doors
By setting a reminder on your phone or     Set a reminder now. #9pm Routine.
alarm, at 9pm each day, you can get into   PC Tom Gibbs
a routine of checking that your home,
vehicle and any outbuildings are secure    Local beat manager
and valuables removed or hidden out of     TEL: 101 (extension 1153)
sight.                                     sntstalham@norfolk.pnn.police.uk

                                             Need an extra pair of hands?

                                            JACK FOR JOBS
                                                      Heavy lifting
                                                     Fence painting
                                                     Basic gardening
                                                   Clearing sheds, etc

                                                per hour

                                           JACK HAMPSHIRE: 01692 580524
Sea Palling Independent Lifeboat
Everyone at the Sea Palling Lifeboat
                                              Jane the Dog Groomer
Station hopes you’ve had a great                       in the Broads
Christmas, in spite of the restrictions.            One to one service
We are planning for the challenges
ahead and as always, fundraising is a              Baths to full grooms
big issue. You can support the lifeboat            Natural products only
by shopping through Amazon Smile
UK and nominating the Sea Palling
Lifeboat as your charity, by purchasing
our supporters’ merchandise, by having
a plaque on our wall of memories and,
new for this year, businesses that would
like to be seen supporting our service
can advertise on our perimeter fencing.
We wish you all a safe, happy and
healthy 2021.                                     Minimal restraints
For details of our supporters’ merchandise,     Nervous dogs welcome
memorial plaques, advertising space            City and Guilds qualified
or how to make a donation please see
our website, face book page or e-mail
                                                     Fully insured
hannah@seapallinglifeboat.co.uk                        01692 598823

      Friendly and                                         Private hire,
      professional                                        long distance,
        local taxi                                           airport
         service                                            transfers

                                    01692 434007
FOR SALE: 3 glass topped tables (coffee, side, display) Manhattan style from
             Furniture Village. 01692 598406
             3-drawer (wicker) telephone table and matching chair. No reasonable
             offer refused. 598406
             Clearing shed, garage/workshop. Various tools and variety of stuff.
             Ideal for car boot sale, etc. 598406
SERVICES: Dressmaking alterations, trousers and skirts shortened, zips replaced,
             mending. Call Susan (Hickling) 01692 598335
OFFERED: Garage / storage to let in Hickling, Smallburgh and Stalham. £45 pcm.
             Peter Buckingham, 01493 650915
WANTED: Honey bee swarms. If you see one in Hickling, call 598005.
            Barry Beales will be delighted to come and collect it.
To place a small ad in the February issue, please drop your entry in to Martin Ashcroft at
         Lavender Cottage, 4 Heath Road, with your £2 entry fee, by 15 January,
                           or email martin.ashcroft@virgin.net

             Advertise your business in the Hickling Herald
To place a commercial advertisement in our monthly newsletter, please email martin.
ashcroft@virgin.net, or phone on 598262. A quarter page ad costs £5 per month.
The Hickling Herald is also published on the church website:

Paul’s Bricklaying Services

      Brickwork ¤ Patios
     Driveways ¤ Paving
   Landscaping & Gardening                             Interior Decorating
                                                     Kitchen Units Resprayed
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01692 598179 or 07376 781399                              Steve Maylin
   paulsmut@hotmail.com                        01692 598661 or 07930 392505
  paulsmut.wixsite.com/paul                      Email: 283daf@gmail.com
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