High School Program of Studies

Page created by Eugene Navarro
High School Program of Studies
High School
Program of Studies

                    Portage Northern

High School Program of Studies
Vision: An exceptional, continuously improving learning culture, committed to all!
         Mission: Portage Public Schools will educate all students to achieve their potential

                    Portage Central and Northern High Schools
                                Program of Studies and Information

                                           Mr. Mark Bielang, Superintendent

                                              BOARD OF EDUCATION
                     Randy VanAntwerp, President                          Rusty Rathburn, Trustee
                      Terri Novaria, Vice President                       Kurt Droppers, Trustee
                   Celeste Shelton-Harris, Secretary                      Keith Crowell, Trustee
                                                                          Robert ‘Bo’ Snyder, Trustee

            CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL                                            NORTHERN HIGH SCHOOL
                   Eric Alburtus, Principal                                          Jim French, Principal
                 Jason Frink, Asst. Principal                                    Kelly Hinga, Asst. Principal
               Tama Salisbury, Asst. Principal                                   Nate Ledlow, Asst. Principal
                Joe Wallace, Athletic Director                                   Chris Riker, Athletic Director
               Eric Lancaster, IB Coordinator                                    Rick Searing, IB Coordinator

                      COUNSELING                                                       COUNSELING
                      Lisa Jepson, Chair                                                Amy DiMaggio
                         Karen Kreis                                              Cindy Figueroa, Co-Chair
                      Shannon Schippers                                           Krista Hovestadt, Co-Chair
                       Todd Tarnutzer                                                     Shari Smith
                        (269) 323-5283                                                  (269) 323-5475

The Portage Public Schools Board of Education has affirmed that “…no person shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation
in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity…” and therefore encourages
students to take courses based on the interest, potentials and abilities rather than past stereotyping cast upon them due to gender.
High School Program of Studies
Table of Contents
General Information ...................................................................................................................... i

Graduation Requirements .............................................................................................................1

NCAA Approved Course List .......................................................................................................2

Career and Technical Education Courses Approved for Merit Academic Credit ........................3

Education for the Arts Courses Approved for Merit Academic Credit ........................................4

Early Middle College Programs of Study .....................................................................................5

Freshman, Sophomore, Junior & Senior Checklists .....................................................................6

Educational Development Plan (EDP) Student Worksheet for Michigan Diploma .....................7

Educational Development Plan (EDP) Student Worksheet for International
Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma .........................................................................................................9

IB Diploma Program Continuum ...............................................................................................11

Educational Pathway: International Baccalaureate Program ......................................................12

Educational Pathway: Michigan Diploma ..................................................................................13

Courses by Department ...............................................................................................................14

Science Course Pathways ...........................................................................................................37

Course Descriptions
   Art .........................................................................................................................................16
   Business/Computers ..............................................................................................................19
   English ..................................................................................................................................23
   Family & Consumer Science (FACS)...................................................................................27
   Mathematics ..........................................................................................................................28
   Physical Education ................................................................................................................35
   Science ..................................................................................................................................39
   Social Studies ........................................................................................................................46
   Technology & Applied Science ............................................................................................50
   World Languages ..................................................................................................................53
   Other Courses........................................................................................................................56

Appendix .....................................................................................................................................57

Equivalent Credit for High School Courses................................................................................58
High School Program of Studies
Your program of studies can help you….                             Your counselor can help you…
   • Review your progress                                          • Recognize your aptitudes
   • Plan your classes each year                                   • Understand your abilities
   • Find out about special programs                               • Identify your interests
                                                                   • Plan classes in sequence for your success

Together, with your parent(s) and your counselor, we can create an educational plan that will lead you to your
goals for graduation and post-secondary education!

This course catalog is one of the many tools you may use to plan your high school program. It provides brief
descriptions of the courses, diploma requirements, and information on special programs available in our county.

Throughout the school year, you have access to test results, career information, college catalogs, college visits,
and counselors who want to help you succeed. We look forward to working with you.

                                        General Information
This Program of Studies has been prepared as a listing of courses available to Portage high school students during
the 2021-2022 school year. Courses may be altered or deleted by subsequent Board of Education or administrative
action after this catalog has been published. Students should maintain close contact with the counseling office to
keep informed of courses available. An updated version is maintained online, which contains corrections and
modifications as needed.

ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS                              Eligibility Exclusion:
Secondary students who want to participate in                  During a Marking Period
extra/co-curricular activities will need to meet               A student who is failing two (2) or more classes
specific academic standards set by the Board of                becomes ineligible to participate for a minimum of
Education. A participation fee may be required.                one week (7 days) beginning the Monday following
                                                               notification. Eligibility is reinstated at such time that
Highlights are given below:                                    the grades in all of the failing classes are improved
                                                               to a passing status.
A student is expected to pass all classes throughout           At the End of Each Semester
the marking period and acquire no less than a 1.5              A student who fails to maintain a minimum of a 1.5
GPA for each semester. This standard is in addition            GPA for a semester or has failed two (2) or more
to those established by the Michigan High School               classes becomes ineligible to participate in the
Athletic Association.                                          extra/co-curricular activities mentioned below for
                                                               the first 10% of the semester or season. After that
Eligibility Probation:                                         time, the student will be reinstated upon passing all
During a Marking Period                                        classes.
A student is placed on eligibility probation for a
minimum of two weeks (14 days) if he/she is:                   High School Areas Included:
• failing one (1) class at the weekly checkpoints, or          Interscholastics, student council/senate,         drama
• earning less than a 1.5 GPA at the conclusion of             productions, all formally recognized              clubs,
    the marking period.                                        forensics/debate    tournaments      and          music
                                                               performances or activities not required for       credit.
If a student fails to improve his/her grade to a passing       Dances are not included.
status at that time, he/she becomes ineligible for a
minimum of one week (7 days) and on a weekly basis             Monitoring of Eligibility:
thereafter, until the grade is sufficiently improved.          Weekly eligibility checks for poor and/or failing
The probation may be extended for a longer period              grades are monitored by athletic directors, coaches
of time, if necessary, in order for the student to             and club sponsors.
improve the grade to a 1.5 GPA or better.
The intent of the Academic Eligibility Regulation              receiving college credit. Independent Study courses
is to give students as much support as possible to             are not weighted.
enable them to improve their academic standing
while continuing participation in extra/co-curricular          Students’ grades are not altered, but the point value
activities. Regulations governing middle school or             is increased for these courses which are reflected as
high school eligibility as established by the Michigan         weighted only in a student’s GPA and class rank
High School Athletic Association apply to Portage              which appears on the student’s transcript. The
Public School athletes by virtue of membership in              weighted GPA and class rank is shown on the
that organization. High school regulations are listed,         transcript side-by-side with the unweighted GPA and
but similar statements apply to middle school                  class rank.
1. Enrollment – To be eligible for interscholastic             Weighted Grade Values:
    athletics, a student must be enrolled in a high             A =    5.0         B- =   3.7       D+ =    2.3
    school not later than the fourth Friday after Labor         A- =   4.7         C+ =   3.3       D =     2.0
                                                                B+ =   4.30        C =    3.0       D- =    1.7
    Day (1st semester) or the fourth Friday of                  B =    4.0         C- =   2.7       E =     0
    February (2nd semester). A student must be
    enrolled in the school for which he or she
                                                               PASS/FAIL GRADING REQUESTS
                                                               A parent may request Pass/Fail on one course per
2. Age – A student who competes in any                         semester if a formal request is approved in writing
    interscholastic athletic contests must be under 19.        by the student’s counselor by the third Friday of
    If the nineteenth birthday occurs on or after              each semester. That applies to all courses offered by
    September 1 of a current school year, a student is         Portage Public Schools through approved county-
    eligible for the balance of that school year.              wide programs, universities, independent study, and
3. Physical Examinations – No student shall be                 on-line. Students should refer questions to their
    eligible to represent a high school without a              counselor or teacher.
    physician’s statement dated for the current
    school year on file in the office of the principal.        INDEPENDENT STUDY
    Physician’s statement must certify that the                Under special circumstances, a limited number of
    student has passed a physical examination and is           students are permitted to pursue course work for
    physically able to compete in athletic practices           credit on an independent study basis. Students
    and contests.                                              approved for this program will follow the prescribed
4. Semesters of Enrollment – A student shall not               course of study for the subject and will be required
    compete in any branch of athletics who has been            to meet with the instructor on a daily basis.
    enrolled in grades nine to twelve, inclusive, for          Independent Study requires self-discipline, since
    more than eight semesters. The seventh and                 students must monitor progress on a daily basis.
    eighth semesters must be consecutive.                      Independent Study credit will follow school
    Enrollments in a school beyond the fourth Friday           Regulation.
    after Labor Day (1st semester) or fourth Friday
    of February (2nd semester) or competing in one             As a basis for Independent Study, these criteria have
    or more interscholastic athletic contests shall be
                                                               been identified:
    considered enrollment for a semester under this
                                                                1. The subject is in the curriculum, but is not
5. Semesters of Competition – A student, once
                                                                   being taught during the current semester and
    enrolled in grade nine, shall be allowed to
                                                                   probably will not be available to the student in
    compete in only four first semesters and four
                                                                   future semesters.
    second semesters.
                                                                2. The subject is being taught, but a schedule
WEIGHTED GRADE AND CLASS RANK                                      conflict (not based on individual preferences of
For a college admission, scholarship application, and              teachers and/or hours) exists and the subject
other awards, certain courses have been designated                 probably will not be available to the student in
as “weighted.” These include courses that qualify as               coming semester.
dual enrollment or dual credit and any courses
labeled as IB, AP, or Honors or are capable of
Students must show that the request for Independent            choices: the Diploma Program and the Certificate
Study falls within one of the criteria above. Students         Option. Based on their expectations and goals, they
must receive approval of the instructor first and then         choose the one that works best for them.
will arrange Independent Study with their instructor,
in conjunction with a counselor.                               The Diploma Program:
                                                               Students will develop both breadth and depth in their
INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE                                    academic work by taking a majority of IB classes
PROGRAM                                                        during their junior and senior years. In order to earn
Portage Central and Portage Northern High Schools              the IB Diploma, students must complete coursework
are authorized IB World Schools.                               in each of the six groups offered by Portage Public
                                                               Schools. The IB Diploma students are required to
The International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO),            test in either 3 higher level (HL) courses and 3
a nonprofit, educational foundation based in Geneva,           standard level (SL) courses; or 4 higher level (HL)
Switzerland, was established to provide an                     and 2 standard level (SL) courses. In addition, they
intellectually rigorous and academically demanding             must fulfill the following requirements to receive an
common curriculum for students in schools around               IB diploma:
the world. The International Baccalaureate is a
widely recognized two-year comprehensive program               1. Theory of Knowledge – Theory of Knowledge
for grades 11 and 12 encouraging critical thinking,               stimulates and develops critical thinking and
research skills and service as a part of the learning             evaluation skills. It challenges students to
process. The IB Program will prepare students for                 question the basis of knowledge, to be aware of
post-secondary success at any university, locally,                biases and to develop a perspective based on
nationally or internationally. Students who choose to             analyzing evidence discussed in rational
take IB courses or the full diploma program receive               argument.
outstanding preparation for further academic study             2. Extended Essay – Students research and write
and career success. Successful completion of the                  an original essay of 4,000 words on a student-
program allows students to be considered for                      selected topic. Students will work with a faculty
preferred admission to many colleges and                          advisor to complete this Extended Essay. This
universities worldwide where they would generally                 introduces students to the type of research
receive advanced credit and/or placement. For                     projects expected in college.
information regarding college credit awarded for IB
coursework, please contact the high school IB                  3. Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS) –
Coordinator and/or the admissions office of the                   Students participate in supervised extracurricular
college/university of interest.                                   school and community activities. This helps
                                                                  students foster a responsibility to their
There are no prerequisites for participation in the IB            community as well as become well-rounded
Program, although motivation, energy, the ability to              citizens.
articulate one’s thoughts verbally and in writing,
open-mindedness, the desire for a global perspective,          Students interested in pursuing the IB Diploma
and a willingness to cooperate with others will be of          should communicate their intent to their counselor
great benefit to IB candidates. However, it is highly          and the IB Coordinator as soon as possible. A two-
recommended that students take honors level courses            year plan of IB coursework for the junior and senior
in 9th and 10th grade. It is important to remember             years will be prepared. This plan will be monitored
that the goals of the International Baccalaureate go           and possibly revised if there is insufficient
beyond academic preparation. The IB program                    enrollment for a desired course.
encourages a young adult to be informed, to be
tolerant, and to be communicative about a range of             The Certificate Option:
topics. The course work always reflects a global               Students who wish to take IB coursework but not
outlook.                                                       complete the entire IB Diploma Program are
                                                               encouraged to enroll in IB Courses. Students can
Unique Characteristics of IB:                                  take one or more IB courses during their time at
Students in the Portage Public high schools have two           Portage Public Schools. Students who successfully

complete the coursework can register to sit for IB              For NCAA Certification, specific GPAs are required.
examination in that course area. With a successful              Please review NCAA standards or consult the
examination and completion of the coursework,                   eligibility centers      quick    reference sheet:
students can receive college credit in the area of              fs.ncaa.org/Docs/eligibility_center/Quick_Referenc
study. Students should speak with their counselor or            e_Sheet.pdf. No special values are allowed for “+” or
the IB Coordinator to determine potential college               “-” grades. Students should check with the NCAA
recognition of the coursework at their                          website and their athletic director or counselor for
college/university of interest.                                 specific requirements.

IB & AP Examinations:                                           NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY
Students who have successfully completed all                    National Honor Society is an organization founded
requirements for the IB or AP exam associated with              in 1921. It was and remains the purpose of the
a course do not have to complete the classroom final            National Honor Society to encourage students to go
exam in the course unless attendance expectations or            beyond personal academic goals and to become
other circumstances require the student to                      involved with the concerns of their school and their
demonstrate their learning. AP Government is the                community. Candidates for membership must meet
only exception as it is a semester class and requires           the minimum weighted grade-point requirements.
students to take the classroom final exam.                      Eligible junior and senior candidates will be sent a
                                                                letter asking them to complete an information form
HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARIES                                           to verify interest in membership. Students selected
Library materials specifically chosen by the librarian          for induction will be sent an acceptance letter during
support the high school curriculum, independent                 the school year.
reading, and inquiry. Students have access to a
variety of print and digital materials, including
                                                                PERSONAL CURRICULUM (PC)
academic databases.                                             A Personal Curriculum is a documented process that
                                                                modifies certain requirements of the Michigan Merit
The librarian collaborates with teachers to instruct            Curriculum and approval must be requested on an
students in research, use of reliable resources in an           individual basis. To be approved, a Personal
ethical manner, and the process of becoming                     Curriculum must meet certain conditions.
effective and efficient inquirers, users and creators of        A PC is intended for high school students seeking a
information.                                                    diploma who:
                                                                • Wish to modify the mathematics requirement
Our librarians are certified teachers with a                    • Need modified content expectations because
curriculum that is met through co-teaching with                     certain MMC content expectations are not
classroom teachers and working individually with                    practicable for them despite documented
students to provide a personalized learning                         interventions and in light of their Educational
environment and equitable access to resources. They                 Development Plan (EDP)
follow the American Association for School                      • Need other modifications of MMC requirements
Librarians (AASL) mission of an effective school                    due to the impact of a disability as identified in
library program, which is to ensure that all students               the students’ IEP
and staff are effective users of ideas and information.         • Transferred to a Portage Public High School
                                                                    from a nonpublic school
ASSOCIATION (NCAA) PREPARATION                                  To learn more about a Personal Curriculum and the
The NCAA suggests applying for certification before             procedures for making the written request, please
graduation if you wish to participate in athletics as a         contact your counseling office.
freshman at the college to which you will be
admitted. The Clearinghouse will issue a preliminary            PORTAGE COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL
certification report when you have all materials                Community High School is designed to assist
submitted. After graduation, the Clearinghouse will             students who need an alternative to the regular high
review your final transcript to make a final                    school learning environment.         Contact your
certification decision according to NCAA standards.             counselor for information.
POST-SECONDARY (DUAL) ENROLLMENT                              take two (2) courses per academic year and four (4)
Historically, school districts have allowed their             courses in senior year, with a 10 course total limit.
students to attend courses at local colleges or               Students first enrolling in the program in grade 10
universities, in addition to their own high school, in        may take two (2) courses per academic year and four
an effort to meet students’ needs and interests. This         (4) courses per year beginning their junior year, with
is called “post-secondary enrollment.” The State              a 10 course total limit.
School Aid Act contains a provision that directs              Students first enrolling in the program beginning
school districts to assist students in paying tuition         grade 11 or 12 may take up to six (6) courses per
and fees for courses at Michigan public or private            academic year, so long as they do not exceed the (10)
colleges or universities, if all of the following             courses overall.
conditions are met:
  1. Students must have earned sufficient credits to          School districts are required to pay the lesser of (a)
      be in grades 9 - 12.                                    the actual charge for tuition and fees, or (b) the
  2. Students should meet college readiness                   students’ state school aid foundation allowance,
      standards as defined by the MDE on an                   adjusted to the proportion of the school year they
      approved assessment. The MDE list can be                attend the district. Students are no longer eligible
      accessed here: https://ppsurl.me/dualscores             when all high school graduation requirements have
      and is also available from the school counselor.        been met. Please see your counselor for additional
  3. Students/parents have read and signed the Post-          information.
      Secondary             Dual           Enrollment
      Guidelines/Procedures form. Eligible courses            A student in a dual enrollment course will have their
      are those not offered at either high school site,       course grade and course title entered on their
      impossible to schedule by the high schools, or          transcript and the course grade will impact the
      of a higher level than those offered and taken          student’s grade point average. The student must
      in the district (courses will be verified with          follow the District guidelines for dropping dual
      appropriate curriculum team leader if there is a        enrollment courses and be aware of the potential
      question of eligibility).                               impact on transcripts. The student is also responsible
  4. Courses are not repeats of courses already               for following the college/university guidelines for
      taken in high school or college.                        dropping a course if his/her circumstances change. If
  5. Course description(s) from the college catalog           the student fails to do so, he/she will be responsible
      are enclosed.                                           for the tuition charges.
  6. The course(s) the student is seeking
                                                              Students in this program should be aware that the
      reimbursement for is not a vocational,
                                                              college/university calendar is different than the
      recreational, hobby, P.E., theology, divinity,
                                                              district calendar and should plan accordingly.
      religious education, or government course nor
      is it offered in the Portage Public Schools.            SPECIALIZED PROGRAMS
      Course content has been verified by counselor           Students who have learning needs that cannot be
      or a department chairperson as not being                fully met by the general education curriculum may
      offered in Portage nor is it a repeated class           take advantage of specialized programs. Certain
      already taken in high school or at a post-              courses are specifically designed for students who
      secondary institution.                                  have academic difficulties while others are designed
  7. Counselor has completed Post-Secondary/Dual              to meet the needs of academically talented students.
      Enrollment Eligibility Verification Form.               The following specialized programs are available to
      Student has indicated that this course is to be         meet specific students’ needs.
      for high school credit, post-secondary credit, or
      both.                                                   ATYP MATH/ ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS:
  8. Student is enrolled in both the district and the         A student taking and mastering ATYP Math or
      post-secondary institution during the district’s        English Language Arts will receive the appropriate
      regular academic year and is in full attendance         Michigan Merit credit for Math or ELA. ATYP’s
      in at least one high school class.                      program is designed so that the pupil will complete
                                                              four years of math or ELA during two years of ATYP
Students first enrolling in the program in grade 9 may
delivery. Students may opt to take ATYP for a third           in online high school courses to fully understand the
year, taking Advanced Placement courses.                      implication of online courses. Also be aware that
                                                              once enrolled, the NCAA may have additional
Students and families should research college                 requirements for completing the course.
admission requirements to determine if ATYP is
accepted.                                                     A list of available courses can be found at
                                                              www.michiganvirtual.org/students. If your child is
ATYP classes taken during middle school years will            interested in taking an online course please contact
be transferred to the student’s high school transcript        his or her counselor. Due to enrollment caps,
to meet the high school graduation Math/ELA                   requesting a course does not guarantee placement.
requirements, but will not impact the high school             All requests must be approved prior to
GPA.                                                          registration.
ATYP courses taken during the high school years               CREDIT RECOVERY:
will impact the GPA. Some ATYP courses are                    Credit recovery refers to credit that a student attempts
weighted in accordance with Administrative                    to earn after having failed on the initial attempt to earn
Guideline #5421A.                                             that particular credit.

Students must still complete 26 credits after entering        Portage Public Schools will accept the following for
9th grade.                                                    credit recovery following approval by the student’s
                                                              counselor and principal, when available:
ONLINE LEARNING OPTIONS                                           1. Online Courses/E2020/MVHS
Expanded online learning opportunities are now                    2. KVCC or Western Michigan University classes
available for Portage Public Schools’ (PPS) middle            KALAMAZOO AREA MATH AND SCIENCE CENTER:
school and high school students. PPS students who             KAMSC offers a curriculum in accelerated
have taken advantage of online courses have done so           mathematics, science, and computer technology to
to recover credit that they need for graduation.              high school students. It educates the scientific and
However, a student’s participation with online                technical leaders of tomorrow in a nurturing
courses may be for a variety of reasons. These                environment focused on the technical and
reasons may include a desire to expand course                 intellectual needs of advanced math and science
opportunities or to meet high school graduation               students. Students attend the KAMSC program on
requirements.                                                 one-half of each school day and take their math,
                                                              science and technology courses. All remaining
PPS is considering a full-time virtual program for all        courses are taken at their own high school.
high school students. If a full-time virtual program          Acceptance into KAMSC is based upon application,
is offered in the fall of 2021, a unique program of           teacher recommendation, the results of the School
studies will be published.                                    and College Ability Test (SCAT), and a timed
                                                              impromptu writing activity.
In our current program, students may select up to two
online courses per semester and are required to               Some KAMSC courses are weighted in accordance
complete major tests and the final exam on site, but          with Administrative Guideline #5421A.
may have some flexibility as determined by their
school principal for work outside of the school               EARLY MIDDLE COLLEGE:
setting. Many Michigan Virtual High School courses            The Kalamazoo County EMC program is for
are accepted for middle school and high school credit         students to earn an associate’s degree or certificate
by PPS. Other providers may be approved if taken              along with their high school diploma. Students are
outside of the school day and paid for by the student.        enrolled in a specific program at Kalamazoo Valley
Laboratory science and physical education courses             Community College. Students have an additional
are not accepted at this time, unless previously              year of high school required for program completion.
approved by another school and on the student’s               Registration for the EMC program begins in the 9th
transcript.                                                   grade year and course work begins in 10th grade with
Prospective student athletes must contact the NCAA            the College Success Strategies Course. Students
Eligibility Center at 877-262-1492 before enrolling           have a mentor assigned, and select an EMC program
of study from the Portage EMC program list.                    by attaining a grade not less than C+ (77.5%) on the
Students need to meet program eligibility                      course’s comprehensive cumulative final assessment
requirements and college readiness standards.                  (generally the final exam). All test out attempts will
                                                               be recorded on the student's high school transcript
The application packet and other information can be            with passes recorded as Credit (CR) and non-passes
found on the Kalamazoo County EMC website                      recorded as No-Credit (NC). Attempting to test out
www.kresa.org/emc. Please see your counselor for               of a course will neither positively nor negatively
more information.                                              affect a student's grade point average (either
                                                               weighted or unweighted).
Students in this program should be aware that the
college/university calendar is different than the              Successful test-out courses will be noted as a Credit
district calendar and should plan accordingly.                 (CR) on the transcript and will not be included in the
                                                               grade point average. Credit will be counted toward
                                                               fulfillment of a required course sequence. Students
                                                               may not receive credit thereafter for a lower course
EFA is a countywide program whose mission is to
                                                               in the subject area sequence. Successfully testing out
enhance arts education for all students in Kalamazoo
                                                               of a course will count toward the total credits
County, making dance, literary arts, media arts,
                                                               required for graduation. If a student enrolls in a
music, theatre and visual arts essential parts of a
                                                               course after a successful test-out, both the CR for the
comprehensive education. EFA offers intensive
                                                               test-out and the course grade will remain on the
classes in the arts and is designed to provide
                                                               transcript. Only the course grade entry will receive
especially talented and motivated students the
                                                               credit towards graduation.
opportunity to explore their abilities in depth.
                                                               Unsuccessful test-out courses will be noted as No-
Contact your school counselor for more information.
                                                               Credit (NC) on the transcript and will not be included
Students in this program should be aware that the
                                                               in the grade point average. If a student enrolls in the
college/university calendar is different than the
                                                               same course after an unsuccessful test-out the grade
district calendar and should plan accordingly.
                                                               shall overwrite the NC listed on the transcript. If test-
CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (FORMERLY                       out credit is obtained in a course, students are not
                                                               permitted to test-out of a lower course in the course
Career and Technical Education (CTE) is a career               sequence.
and technical educational program which is part of a           Students must comply with the District’s guidelines
county-wide consortium. CTE provides students                  and procedures to qualify to be allowed to
with the foundation to obtain entry-level positions in         participate in the test-out program.
the world of work as well as skills needed to pursue
advanced education. Work force entry can be                    TEACHER OF RECORD
obtained through co-op on-the-job training,                    For all high school programs, including extension
apprenticeships and internships. Contact your school           programs, the teacher of record has the final
counselor for more information.                                authority to determine grade/credit for the course.
                                                               Students will receive a grade on their transcript and
Students in this program should be aware that the              report card and the course will affect the students’
college/university calendar is different than the              grade point average.
district calendar and should plan accordingly.

Any student may attempt to test out of a high school
course. Test-Out Authorization forms must be
submitted to the high school counseling office at
least six weeks prior to attempting to test out of a
course. Test out exams will be administered at the
high school only during high school exam weeks.
Students need to exhibit mastery of the subject matter

Graduation Requirements
                                                              Based on Policy and Administrative Guideline #5460

In order for a student to qualify for a diploma in this district one must have satisfactorily completed 26 credits required for graduation,
18 core* credits, outlined below, and 8 elective credits.

In order for a student to participate in the commencement ceremony, one must meet the criteria as established in the Student
Code of Conduct.

            English Language Arts .................................................................................................................................................4 credits
            Mathematics Core.........................................................................................................................................................3 credits
                Algebra I................................................................................................................................................................... 1 credit
                Geometry or Honors Geometry................................................................................................................................ 1 credit
                Algebra II or Honors Algebra II ˦............................................................................................................................. 1 credit
            Mathematics or Mathematics Related Course in the Senior Year ........................................................................... 1 credit
            Science ˦˦ .........................................................................................................................................................................3 credits
                Chemistry 1 or Honors Chemistry 1˦˦˦ ................................................................................................................. .0.5 credit
                Physics 1 or Honors Physics 1 ............................................................................................................................. .0.5 credit
                Biology 1 or Honors Biology 1 ............................................................................................................................... .1 credit
                Earth Science 1 or Honors Earth Science 1 ......................................................................................................... .0.5 credit
                Chemistry 2 or Physics 2 Options ........................................................................................................................ .0.5 credit
            Social Studies.................................................................................................................................................................3 credits
                Modern American History or Honors Modern American History .......................................................................... 1 credit
                U.S. Government or A.P. U.S. Government ........................................................................................................ 0.5 credit
                Economics or Honors Economics ......................................................................................................................... 0.5 credit
                Contemporary International Studies (and Elective World History) or IB 20th Century World History. ................. 1 credit
            Physical Education ..................................................................................................................................................... 1.5 credit
            Fine or Applied Arts ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 credit
            Health .......................................................................................................................................................................... .0.5 credit
            Online and/or Technology Integration Experience .................................................................................................... 1 credit
            (Embedded in other courses)
            World Language ˦˦˦˦ …………………………………………………………………………………………….. ....2 credits

        •   Full time attendance for four years**
        •   Students shall complete all sections of the Michigan Merit Exam or another required test by the Michigan Department of Education
            (MDE) before end of senior year to be eligible for graduation from Portage Public Schools (PPS).***
        •   Parents may request a personal modification to the core credit requirements as outlined by MDE.

Students receiving Special Education services within a categorical program shall complete the requirements as recommended by the
Individualized Educational Planning Team and must request a personal curriculum as outlined by the MDE.

*Waivers, substitutes, or courses recognized to fulfill specific requirements shall be reviewed, published and distributed to students annually.

**A student may, under specific circumstances, and upon the recommendation of the building principal and the approval of the Board of
Education, complete minimal graduation requirements in fewer than four years. However, no commencement ceremony other than the
traditional one held at the end of the regular school year shall be conducted.

***Students who transfer to the District after the testing window will be granted special consideration.
 Algebra II credit: Additional option of a formal CTE program that covers Alg. II assessed benchmarks on the MME

    3 Science credit: Additional options of a formal CTE program (regardless of content) or 1 credit of Computer Science
˦˦ rd

  2 credit Chemistry or Physics: Additional option with Anatomy, Agricultural Science, or a course that covers assessed benchmarks for
˦˦˦ nd

either physics or chemistry assessed benchmarks on the MME

  Foreign/World Language: Additional options include fulfill 2 credits of grade-appropriate language instruction grades K-12; for 2015-

2020 graduates only; 1 credit of formal CTE program or 1 credit VPAA

NCAA Approved Core Course List for 2021-22
English Courses
      English 9 & 9/H                                      English Prep 12                    Creative Writing
      English Prep 10                                      English 12                         Debate
      English 10 & 10/H                                    English I HL/IB/H                  Journalism 1
      English Prep 11                                      English II HL/IB/H
      English 11

Social Sciences Courses
      Ancient World History                                IB 20th Century World History SL   Government US Gov’t & Politics
      Comparative World Religions                          IB History of the Americas HL      AP US Gov’t & Politics
      Contemporary International Studies                   IB Psychology II HL                Modern American History/H
      Eastern World Studies                                IB Psychology SL                   Psychology
      Economics/Economics H                                IB/AP Psychology I SL              Sociology
      European History                                     IB Theory of Knowledge

Mathematics Courses
      Algebra 1                                            Geometry                           AP Calculus
      Algebra 1 A/B/C                                      Geometry A/B                       AP Statistics
      Algebra 2                                            Honors Geometry                    IB Math Applications & Interpretation SL
      Algebra 2 A/B/C                                      Pre-Calculus                       IB Math Analysis & Approaches SL/HL
      Honors Algebra 2

Natural/Physical Science Courses
An asterisk (*) denotes a course with a lab requirement.

      Astronomy                                            IB Chemistry I*HL/II HL            Forensic Science 1/2
      Biology 1, 1H & 3                                    Earth Science 1* & 1H*             Michigan Geology/Meteorology
      IB Biology*SL                                        Ecology & Environment              Physics 1, 1H, 2, 2H, & 3
      IB Biology I HL/II HL                                IB Environmental Systems           IB Physics I HL/II HL
      Chemistry 1, 1H, 2, 2H, & 3*                            & Societies SL                  IB Sports Exercise & Health Science SL

Additional Courses
      French I                                             Latin I                            Spanish I
      French II                                            Latin II                           Spanish II
      French III                                           IB Latin I SL                      Spanish III
      IB French IV SL                                      IB Latin II SL                     IB Spanish IV SL
      IB French V HL                                                                          IB Spanish V HL

Further questions about the NCAA and approved courses should be directed to your athletic director. The NCAA
website is a good reference for students and parents. https://web3.ncaa.org/hsportal/exec/hsAction

Legal Disclaimer: The list of NCAA courses, and courses contained within, are maintained as a guide for prospective
student-athletes seeking NCAA initial-eligibility. The list of approved courses does not, nor is intended to signify
accreditation, certification, approval or endorsement of any high school or specific courses by the NCAA or NCAA
Eligibility Center and is subject to change at any time and without notice. Core course information included on this
Web site (NCAA Eligibility Center) is provided for guidance purposes only and should not be solely relied on as an
indication of NCAA initial-eligibility. Certification of a prospective student-athlete is case-specific, and the
Eligibility Center has the authority to determine in its sole discretion whether the prospective student-athlete has met
all criteria. - NCAA Clearinghouse

Career and Technical Education (CTE) 2021-2022 Courses
                        Approved for Michigan Merit Curriculum
              Please refer to CTE/EFA coordinator/website for most current course listings and information
      VPAA: Visual Performing Arts/Applied Arts, 4th Math: 4th Math Related Credit, Science: 2nd or 3rd Science Credit
      2nd WL: 2nd World Language Credit, Online: Fulfills Online Requirement

      Completion of any state-approved CTE program fulfills 3rd Science Credit regardless of content and one WL credit (**for
      2016-2024 graduates only). Completion means two (*four where noted) full semesters. See instructor for trimester courses.
Arts and Communications Pathway                          Site                                   MMC Credit
                                                                              VPAA      4th Math Science   2nd WL*        Online
Art and Design Career Skills               K Central HS                         x           x       x          x
Media Production                           PMN/Epic Center                      x                   x          x
  Business, Management, Marketing and                  Site                                     MMC Credit
           Technology Pathway                                                 VPAA      4th Math Science 2nd WL**         Online
Accounting/Finance I, II, III              P Central HS, P Northern HS          x           x       x          x
Banking & Finance                          Galesburg-Augusta                    x           x       x          x
Business, Management &                     P Central, P Northern
                                                                                x             x       x           x          x
Administration, (BMA)
Computer Science/Software                  Climax-Scotts, Gull Lake, and
                                                                                                      x           x
Engineering                                Vicksburg
Culinary Arts                              KPS Community Ed Center              x             x       x           x
Information Technology (formerly           Loy Norrix HS
                                                                                              x       x           x
Computer Technology)
Marketing/Entrepreneurship                 P Central HS, P Northern HS*         x             x     x        x
  Engineering, Manufacturing, Industrial               Site                                     MMC Credit
           Technology Pathway                                                 VPAA      4th Math Science 2nd WL**         Online
Automotive Technology                      Loy Norrix HS, Comstock HS                       x       x        x
Aviation Technology                        Air Zoo                                          x       x        x
Computerized Manufacturing                 Vicksburg HS                         x           x       x        x
Construction Trades                        Loy Norrix, construction site        x           x       x        x
Electronics & Robotics                     K Central HS                         x           x       x        x
Engineering in Wood Technology             P Northern HS                        x           x       x        x
Mechatronics                               Vicksburg HS                         x           x       x        x
Welding                                    KVCC                                 x           x       x        x
       Health Sciences Pathway                          Site                                    MMC Credit
                                                                              VPAA      4th Math Science 2nd WL**         Online
Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)          TBD                                                      x        x
Dental Assisting                           KVCC                                                     x        x
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)         KVCC                                                     x        x
Fundamentals of Health Science             KVCC                                                     x        x
Health Science                             KVCC                                                     x        x
      Human Services Pathway                             Site                                   MMC Credit
                                                                              VPAA      4th Math Science 2nd WL**         Online
Cosmetology/Barbering*                     West MI College of Barbering
                                                                                x                     x           x
                                           & Beauty
Law Enforcement*                           KVCC                                                       x           x
Teacher Academy*                           Gull Lake, Loy Norrix, P
                                                                                x                     x           x
 Natural Resources & Agriscience                         Site                                   MMC Credit
               Pathway                                                        VPAA      4th Math Science 2nd WL**         Online
Agriscience: Animals and Plants            Vicksburg HS                                             x        x
Conservation Biology                       Kalamazoo Nature Ctr.                                    x        x
Horticulture                               Vicksburg HS                                             x        x
Veterinary Science                         Vicksburg HS                                             x        x

Education for the Arts 2021-2022 Class Offerings
                        Approved for Michigan Merit Curriculum
KEY    VPAA: Visual Performing Arts/Applied Arts, PE: Physical Education, Health: Health, Online: Fulfills Online Req.
                                                                                                 MMC Credit
              EFA Class                         Class Location             Cr.     VPAA          PE   Health             Online
DANCE (*per school district)
Trimester Offerings
  Modern/Jazz Dance Studio              Parchment HS                       1.0        x           x
  Modern/Jazz Dance Studio              Loy Norrix HS                      1.0        x           x
  Modern/Jazz Dance Studio              K Central HS                       1.0        x           x
Full Year Offerings
  Modern/Jazz Dance Studio              Comstock HS                        2.0        x           x
  Intermediate Dance Studio (prereqs)   K Central HS/Loy Norrix            2.0        x           x
After School Offerings
  Integrated Dance/Health/PE            KPS Community Ed Center            2.0        x           x          x
Full Year Offerings
  Advanced Video Arts Studio            Vicksburg HS                       1.0
  Film and Video Arts                   K Central HS                       2.0        x
  Film and Video Arts                   Vicksburg HS                       2.0        x
  Film and Video Arts                   Vicksburg HS                       1.0        x
  KVCC Media Arts                       KVCC: Center for New Media         2.0        x
 3D Computer Animation/Game Design      Epic Center                        2.0        x
Full Year Offerings
  Adv. Musical Theatre Wksp.            P Northern HS                      2.0        x
  Theatre Improv & Scriptwriting        Comstock HS                        2.0        x
Semester Offerings
  Advanced 3-D Art: 1st semester        KIA                                1.0        x
  Advanced 2-D Art: 2nd semester        KIA                                1.0        x
Semester Offerings – evening
  Advanced 2-D Art: 1st semester        KIA – Wed. Evening                 0.5        x
  Advanced 3-D Art: 2nd semester        KIA – Wed. Evening                 0.5        x
Semester Offerings
Creative Writing Online
                                                                                      x                                    x
(Both Semesters)                Online                                     1.0
Adv. Creative Writing Online
                                                                                      x                                    x
(Both Semesters)                Online                                     1.0
Digital PhotoArt: 1st semester  Online & Mon. Eve                          0.5        x                                    x
Digital StudioArt: 2nd semester Online & Mon. Eve                          0.5        x                                    x
Comics, Manga and Graphic Novel
                                                                                      x                                    x
Arts (Both Semesters)           Online & In-school                         1.0
Hip Hop 180 (2nd Semester)      In-school (TBD)                            1.0        x

Early Middle College Programs of Study
Please refer to your counselor for more information regarding Early Middle College Programs and the latest
information on this program. Students must elect to participate in one of the following programs. To view more
details about each program, please refer to kresa.org/emc.

Transfer Degrees in Associate of Arts (AA) or Associate of Science (AS)
AA or AS degrees are for students planning to transfer to a four-year university. They require successful
completion of a minimum of 62 credit hours. The options listed below transfer to WMU. If you are considering
another four-year university, please discuss this with a KVCC Counselor to see if a transfer agreement is in place
for your program of interest. If you are planning to go to a four-year university out of state, the Early/Middle
College program may not be in your best interest due to transferability of coursework.

Associate of Arts (AA) Options
              Business Administration
              Studio Art

Associate of Science (AS) Options
               Biological Sciences

Degrees in Associate of Applied Science (AAS)
AAS degrees are occupational in orientation and are designed to prepare graduates for immediate employment.
They require successful completion of a minimum of 62 credit hours.
               Administrative Assistant
               Graphic Design
               IT Support Technician

Certificates (CERT)
Certificate programs prepare graduates for a specialized occupation. They require successful completion of 30
credits hours or more.
               Administrative Support
               Graphic Design
               Office Management

Certificates of Achievement (COA)
Certificate of Achievement programs requires fewer courses than a regular certificate program providing training
in a specific set of skills for employment in a specific occupation. They require successful completion of more
than 3 but less than 30 hours of credit.
               CNC Operator
               Desk Side Support
               Machine Tool Operator
               Network Manager
               Office Support Specialist
               PC Support Technician
               Software Specialist
               Word Processing Specialist

Freshman                          Sophomore                            Junior                              Senior
       Checklist                          Checklist                          Checklist                           Checklist
   Use your student planner to       Make an appointment with  Make an audit appointment                 Maintain and improve
    help improve your                  your counselor to discuss        with your counselor to               academic grades. Colleges
    organizational skills.             progress towards graduation.     discuss your career goals,           look unfavorably on failing
                                                                        college plans and review             grades.
   Enroll in classes that are        Enroll in classes that are       your EDP and course
    academically challenging           academically challenging                                             Enroll in classes that are
    and will prepare you for           and will prepare you for        Enroll in classes that are           academically challenging
    your career path.                  your career path.                academically challenging             and will prepare you for
                                                                        and will prepare you for             your career path.
   In your Freshman Focus            Attend to your studies so        your career path.
    class, complete an interest        that you have the highest                                            Discuss post graduate plans
    survey.                            GPA possible for your           Check to make sure you               and choices with parents,
                                       ability.                         have all of the credits              counselors and teachers.
   Design your high school                                             necessary for graduation and
    Educational Development           Remember the importance          you are enrolled in the             Obtain and fill out
    Plan (EDP).                        of being a well-rounded          correct courses for                  applications for two-year
                                       individual. Work toward          graduation.                          schools, four-year schools
   Participate in career              leadership positions in the                                           and technical institutes in
    exploration activities.            activities that you like best.  Review    your transcript,
                                                                        credits needed for                   the fall.
    Discuss possible careers           Become involved in               graduation, and GPA.
    with school personnel,             community service and/or         Continue to improve your            Retake or take the
    parents, friends, relatives        other volunteer activities.      performance in the                   SAT/ACT if necessary.
    and local employers.                                                classroom.                           Make sure the results are
                                      Continue to explore career                                            sent to the colleges that you
   Make sure you are enrolled         options. Review and update  Participate in college                   are considering.
    in required and elective           your EDP and course              planning workshops offered
    courses that prepare you for       selections to reflect your       in English class.                   Check all available sources
    meeting future plans.              career path.                                                          for scholarships. These
                                                                       Meet with representatives            would include the
                                       Select challenging courses       visiting your school from            Kalamazoo Community
   Get involved in                
                                                                        colleges, military, and
    extracurricular activities         that will prepare you for        technical training institutes.       Foundation Guide, web site
    (school and non-school             future career options.                                                searches, individual college
    sponsored).                        Explore CTE and EFA             Attend College Night hosted          web sites, the counseling
                                       course offerings, as well as     by Kalamazoo Valley                  bulletin board and daily
   You will begin developing          other elective and               Community College.                   announcements.
    your high school transcript.       enrichment classes.
    Your transcript is an official                                     If you plan to attend a four-       Complete the FAFSA (Free
    record of the classes that        Begin thinking about post-       year college, sign up for and        Application for Federal
    you enroll in, the grades that     secondary education and          take the PSAT/NMSQT in               Student Aid) and attend the
                                       training opportunities           the fall of your junior year.        financial aid night offered at
    you receive, absences,
    citizenship and grade point        (community college,             Stay involved in
                                                                                                             your school.
    average. Colleges and              university, military,            extracurricular activities.
    universities, as well as           technical, on-the-job)           These experiences are               Write or update your
    future employers, will be          needed for your career of        viewed favorably by                  résumé.
    interested in this                 interest.                        employers and colleges.
    information.                                                                                 Visit the high school web
                                  Explore colleges of interest  Take the MME (includes
                                                                                                 site at portageps.org to
 Begin exploring post-           by on-site visits, reading      SAT, wrap around State test     check out scholarships,
  secondary education and         individual college catalogs     and Work Keys) during the       testing and other educational
                                  or visiting college web sites   2 nd
                                                                       semester  of your junior
  opportunities.                                                  year.  Most  Michigan           opportunities.
                                  on the internet.                colleges and universities
 Visit the high school web                                       require the SAT/ACT for        College admissions
  site at portageps.org to       Investigate summer training     admission.                      counselors visit the high
  check out scholarships,         programs/volunteer                                              schools in the fall. Be sure
  testing and other educational   activities, or summer camp  Begin exploring financial          to attend these presentations
  opportunities.                  opportunities.                  aid and scholarship             in the fall at your high
                                                                  opportunities. Do internet      school.
                                 Visit the high school web       searches  and   view school
 College admissions                                              counseling office website.
  counselors visit the high       site at portageps.org to
  schools in the fall. Be sure    check out scholarships,        Visit colleges that interest
  to attend these presentations   testing and other educational   you.
  in the fall at your high        opportunities.
  school.                                                        College admissions
                                 College admissions              counselors visit the high
                                  counselors visit the high       schools in the fall. Be sure
                                  schools in the fall. Be sure    to attend these presentations
                                  to attend these presentations   in the fall at your high
                                  in the fall at your high        school.
Portage Public School Michigan Diploma
           Educational Development Plan (EDP) Student Worksheet
Student______________________________________ High School_______________________________

Counselor_____________________________ Year of Graduation______________

Post-Secondary Plans:
___4-Year College/University ___2-Year Community College ___Technical School ___Military ___Work

                           Grade 9                                            Grade 10
                         Dep    Course Title   Cr                        De        Course Title   Cr

        English                                         English
        Math                                            Math
        Science                                         Science
        Social                                          Social
        Studies                                         Studies
        PE or                                           PE or
        Elective                                        Elective
        FF/Health or                                    Health (1st semester)
        Elective                                        or Elective
        World Language, VP                              World Language,
        & Applied Arts or                               VP & Applied Arts
        Elective                                        or Elective
        Total                                  7        Total                                     7

                           Grade 11                                           Grade 12
        Department              Course Title   Cr       Department                 Course Title   Cr
        English                                         English
                                                        Math or Math
                                                        Related Course
        Science                                         Elective
        Social Studies                                  Elective
        Elective                                        Elective
        Elective                                        Elective
        Elective                                        Elective
        Total                                  7        Total                                     7

Portage Public Schools Board of Education Requires 26 Credits for Graduation

•   English                               4.0 credits       •   World Languages                     2.0 credits
•   Mathematics (Core)                    3.0 credits       •   Physical Education                  1.5 credits
•   Math Related Course (Senior Year)      1.0 credit       •   Freshman Focus/Health**         1.0/0.5 credits
•   Science                               3.0 credits       •   Visual Performing & Applied Arts     1.0 credit
•   Social Studies                        3.0 credits       •   Online or Integrated Technology*** 1.0 credit
                                                            •   Electives                           8.0 credits

Class status is determined by the number of earned credits as follows:
Less than 5 – Freshman status
5-11.5 – Sophomore status
12-18.5 – Junior status
19 or more – Senior status

Diploma credits may be a combination of general, honors, IB, CTE, EFA, KAMSC and dual enrollment. Direct
any questions or requests for further information to one of the high school counseling departments (Central
High School, 323-5283 or Northern High School, 323-5475).

** Health is required (Freshman Focus/Health is recommended for 9th grade).

*** This requirement is embedded in the curriculum within other courses; therefore no additional course needs
to be taken to fulfill this credit requirement

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