Higher Education Applications - A guide for players, parents and guardians For entry in 2020

Page created by Charles Bowman
Higher Education Applications - A guide for players, parents and guardians For entry in 2020

Higher Education
A guide for players, parents and guardians
For entry in 2020
Higher Education Applications - A guide for players, parents and guardians For entry in 2020

5    Applying for Higher Education           18   Financing University Life
5    Thinking about studying for a degree?   18   Tuition Fees
6    Key Dates                               18   Student Loans
8    UCAS Application Flowchart              22   Outside of England...
10   Applying Online                         23   Loan Repayments

13   BUCS & The PFA                          25   Bursaries

13   BUCS                                    25   PFA Charity Grants

13   PFA Courses                             27   UCAS Tariff Table

14   What happens to your application?       30   Case Studies
14   What UCAS do with your Application      37   Useful Websites
14   Track
   When you can expect decisions
   on your choices
17   Extra
17   Clearing

2 Higher Education Applications                                               lfe.org.uk
Higher Education Applications - A guide for players, parents and guardians For entry in 2020
DUAL-CAREER                                               TEAMGLOS ATHLETE
ETHOS                                                     SPORT SCHOLARSHIPS
If you are aspiring to reach the                                Altius (Higher)
highest levels in your sport, we
can help you get there.
From the academic year 2018/19,
we will be running our scholarship
                                                          A     Represented your chosen sport
                                                                at national level (in a squad,
                                                                pathway or competition)

programme across three disciplines                              Fortius (Stronger)
to help talented individuals achieve
their sporting goals whether as a:
• Athlete
                                                          F     Represented your chosen
                                                                sport at international level (in a
                                                                squad, pathway or competition)

• Official
                                                          TEAMGLOS COACH AND
• Coach
                                                          OFFICIATING SPORT
Each offers high quality advice and                       SCHOLARSHIPS
guidance and helps you make the most
of the excellent facilities, opportunities                      Bellum (Engaged)
and expertise available. At the University
of Gloucestershire, we will help you
maximise your potential as a Scholar;
as successful in your studies as you are
                                                           B    Qualified official working at
                                                                a higher standard than entry
                                                                level, with supporting reports

                                                                Mollis (Resilient)
in your sport. As one of only 27 TASS
(Sport England’s Talented Athlete
Scholarship Scheme) providers across
England, the university is an officially
recognised place for developing talent.
                                                           M    Qualified official working at
                                                                National competition level or
                                                                above, with supporting reports

                                                                Ductor (Leader)
Scholarships are reviewed on a regular basis and the
university reserves the right to withdraw, amend or
introduce new scholarships at any time. Scholarships
are offered subject to funding and availability, places
are limited and each application will be considered
                                                           D    Minimum Level 2 qualified
                                                                coach (or higher) with evidence
                                                                of qualifications and experience

on an individual basis.

For more information, please contact us
   Sportscholarships@glos.ac.uk                                           UNIVERSITY OF
   www.glos.ac.uk                                                         GLOUCESTERSHIRE
   #TeamGlos                                                              SPORT
Higher Education Applications - A guide for players, parents and guardians For entry in 2020
Applicants must be studying or
have applied for a full or part-time
undergraduate or postgraduate course
at the University of Gloucestershire.
Applicants must have an outstanding
ability in a particular sport.
We expect that:
• athletes will represent the University
  of Gloucestershire in the BUCS

  programme (league or individual)                le

• athletes will represent themselves
  and/or their club at regional, national
  or international level
• coaches will coach the University
  of Gloucestershire BUCS teams
• officials will officiate at BUCS or at a
  regional, national or international level
• all Scholars will participate in promotional
  and recruitment activities, media events,                                                    s
                                                                                         a l
  photo opportunities and other marketing                                            c i
  events                                                                     O ffi
• all Scholars will commit fully to the
  ethos and culture of the programme.

                                                                       a c
                                                                 C   o

For more information, please contact us
  Sportscholarships@glos.ac.uk                                  UNIVERSITY OF
  www.glos.ac.uk                                                GLOUCESTERSHIRE
  #TeamGlos                                                     SPORT

                                                                                                   9181 01/18
Higher Education Applications - A guide for players, parents and guardians For entry in 2020
Applying for Higher Education

Thinking about studying for a degree?
You may now be starting to think for the            Student life offers you the chance to gain:
first time about developing yourself as more        • Academic & Vocational knowledge
than a footballer. This process in itself is
quite daunting but if you are thinking of or        • Extra-curricular experiences
considering going to University and making the      • Paid and voluntary work experience
step into Higher Education, it is important to
                                                    • Life Management
explore how your studies may fit into your long
term personal development and career aims.          • Greater employability skills

Before deciding what degree you are going to        • Increased self-awareness
study you will also need to check University        • A broader sense of identity
admissions requirements for the subject or
                                                    • Social awareness
subjects of your choice.
                                                    • Motivation and confidence
It may be that you need to undertake
additional qualifications following your            • Resilience
Apprenticeship to secure a place on the
course of your choice.
There are a number of reasons why people
decide to study for a degree. For some
people it is an essential part of professional
training for a career in fields such as medicine,
engineering and law. Others may have no
clearly defined career destination in mind but
are motivated by their interest in a particular
subject and a desire to improve themselves as
people alongside their future career prospects.

5 Higher Education Applications                                                          lfe.org.uk
Higher Education Applications - A guide for players, parents and guardians For entry in 2020
Applying for Higher Education

Key Dates

             Application deadline for
             UCAS Conservatoires music
  OCT        applications.
                                                JUL   Last date to apply through

    1        Check https://www.ucas.com/
             conservatoires for information.
                                                5     Extra.

             Application deadline for
             Oxford, Cambridge, and any
  OCT                                           JUL   Decisions due on applications

             course in medicine, dentistry
             or veterinary medicine/
             science. (18:00 UK Time)
                                                13    submitted by 30th June.

             Application deadline for the
   JAN                                          AUG
             majority of courses.
                                                      A level results day.
             (18:00 UK Time)

             Extra starts: if you’ve used all
                                                      Deadline for applicants to
   FEB       five choices and do not hold       AUG
 25                                             31
                                                      meet academic conditions
             any options, you can add
                                                      of offers.
             another choice.

                                                      Final deadline for applications
  JUN        Last date to submit                SEP
 30                                             20
                                                      to 2020 courses.
             applications before Clearing.
                                                      (18:00 UK Time)

6 Higher Education Applications                                              lfe.org.uk
Higher Education Applications - A guide for players, parents and guardians For entry in 2020
Study Sport and Fitness
at The Open University

We offer a range of flexible distance
learning sport and fitness qualifications
designed to fit around your sport, fitness
and work commitments. These include:
   •   BSc (Hons) Sport, Fitness and
   •   Diploma of Higher Education in
       Sport and Fitness

                              I chose The Open University over a
                              standard university because it allows
                              me to continue to work … I can be on
                              the job gaining experience whilst

 Find out more
 Visit: open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/q76
Higher Education Applications - A guide for players, parents and guardians For entry in 2020
Applying for Higher Education

UCAS Application Flowchart

                                       1 Apply online
       UCAS will send your application to the universities and colleges you have chosen.

                                     2 Wait to hear back
  The universities and colleges decide whether or not to make you an offer. They may invite
   you to an interview, audition or to provide a piece of work. Three possible outcomes...

     Unconditional offer                                             Don’t worry, there are
  Usually means the entry                                             more options if you
 requirements have already                                           don’t have any offers.
                                       Conditional offer
 been met – but sometimes
                                       Usually based on
    include non-academic
                                         exam results.
  conditions such as health                                          Look for more courses
              or                                                      If you have no offers,
 criminal conviction checks.                                       there are still other options
                                                                          to find a place...

                    3 Replying to offers                           Not used all        Used all
                                                                   five choices     five choices?
         Once there’s a decision for all your choices,             You can add         Use the
          you will be given a date to reply to them                  a course      ‘Extra’ service

                       Go to next page

8 Higher Education Applications                                                        lfe.org.uk
Higher Education Applications - A guide for players, parents and guardians For entry in 2020
Applying for Higher Education

UCAS Application Flowchart (continued)

                   3 Replying to offers
        Once there’s a decision for all your choices,
         you will be given a date to reply to them

    Unconditional offer
  You can keep only one               Conditional offer
  choice; any others must          You can keep two offers;
       be declined.                  one firm choice and
                                   one (optional) insurance
                                   choice; any other offers
         Accepted                     must be declined.
    unconditional offer                 Note: there’s no
 Accept an unconditional            requirement to have an
 offer as your firm choice             insurance choice.
  and the place is yours!

                   4 See if the university or college confirms your place
          Check exam results against conditions of your firm and insurance choices.

  You met the conditions             You nearly met the               You didn’t meet the
       of the offer          YES    conditions of the offer   NO     conditions of the offer
     Congratulations!              The place may be yours.            Don’t worry, there is
   The places is yours!                 Check ‘Track’.                  another option...

     Offered a place
                                              Look for more courses in Clearing
       and accept it
                                     Your results haven’t met the conditions of the offer -
                                                   use the ‘Clearing’ service
    The places is yours!

9 Higher Education Applications                                                       lfe.org.uk
Higher Education Applications - A guide for players, parents and guardians For entry in 2020
Applying for Higher Education

Applying online
Register                                           Course choices
Register for the UCAS Apply service by visiting    Now you can choose up to five degree
www.ucas.com/apply and complete the online         courses, there is no preference order and
application form.                                  your universities will not see where else you
Provide the required personal details to           have applied until after you reply to any offers
receive a username and password.                   you get.

If you are applying through your education         Educational history
provider then you will be asked to use the         You must now enter all of the qualifications
buzzword provided by them. If you are              you have a result for (this includes any which
applying independently then you can apply as       were ungraded) as well as any exams you are
an individual.                                     waiting to take and any qualifications for which
Log in                                             you’re waiting results.

Log in to complete filling in information about    You may need to send results onto universities
yourself such as funding options, residential      directly once you have received them so be
status, any disabilities or special needs and      sure to check this once you have made your
your email address.                                course choices.

Additional information                             Employment history

You can now provide details of your ethnic         Enter the details of up to five paid full-time or
origin, national identity, any summer schools/     part-time jobs you have had. Include company
taster courses you attended, care and parental     names, addresses, job descriptions and start/
education and occupational background.             finish dates. Any voluntary work should be
                                                   mentioned in your personal statement.
Student finance
                                                   Personal statement
This is not your actual student finance
application but it is an opportunity to speed up   This is your chance to show universities why
the process by sharing your information with       you want to study the course and why you’d
the student loans or awards organisation you       make a great student.
may apply to.                                      For advice on how to write your personal
                                                   statement visit: www.ucas.com/how-it-all-

10 Higher Education Applications                                                          lfe.org.uk
Applying for Higher Education

Applying online (continued)
                                                  Superstar Student
Check it
                                                  After being released by Stevenage
Double check all sections are accurate            in 2015, Fejiri Okenabirhie pursued
and correct then mark your application as         an Open University degree in
                                                  Business & Management to aid
complete. Save it and agree to the declaration.
                                                  his attempts to rise back up the
Reference and payment
                                                  Since then, he has climbed from
The cost is £20 for one course or £25 for         the seventh tier of English football
multiple courses.                                 to Sky Bet League One with
                                                  Shrewsbury Town.
If you are applying through your education
provider they will let you know either to pay     "Education gives you something to
                                                   fall back on in terms of giving you
them so they can pay UCAS or for you to pay        knowledge and opportunities for
direct online by credit/debit card.                life after football, but it can also
Then your reference (from your tutor) and          be beneficial in the present, not
                                                   just your future.
application will be sent to UCAS by your
education provider.                               "As well as obvious transferable
                                                   skills like self-motivation and
If you are applying as an individual then          time management, it keeps you
you need to arrange for a teacher, adviser         sharp mentally and gives you
                                                   something to focus on away from
or professional who knows you to write a
                                                   football. It’s a way to relax your
reference for you.                                 mind from those pressures, but
                                                   also provides stimulation as
                                                   you’re learning new information."

11 Higher Education Applications                                       lfe.org.uk
                              FOOTBALL PROGRAMME
                              Football is one of our high performance sports here at Swansea
                              University. Our programme provides enormous opportunity
                              for student athletes to continue their footballing careers whilst
                              furthering their education.
                                            The football programme competes in BUCS Premier South (the top
                                            BUCS league) and has a domestic side in Welsh Football League
 THE FOOTBALL PROGRAMME                     2. The Welsh Premier League is only two divisions away and
 RECEIVES:                                  offers clubs the opportunity to play in the qualification rounds for
                                            the UEFA Champions League and Europa League. The football
 • A-License coaching                       programme also competes in the annual Varisty event, which
                                            is the second largest British Varsity event behind Oxford and
 • Sport science services                   Cambridge.
 • Physiotherapy
                                            With access to world class facilities such as the International
 • Strength and conditioning support        Sports Village and Fairwood training ground (training ground
                                            of Swansea City FC), Swansea University can provide you the
 • Potential to apply for scholarships      platform to succeed both academically and in the next stage of
                                            your footballing journey.

Please contact liam.walsh@swansea.ac.uk for further information on the programme and admission.
BUCS and The PFA

BUCS                                                You may be able to access these courses
                                                    without applying through UCAS. If you
British Universities & Colleges Sport (BUCS)        are interested in any of the programmes
is the national governing body for Higher           mentioned please ensure that you contact
Education (HE) sport in the UK. If you are keen     Pat Lally (Director of Education ) or Oshor
to compete at the highest level of university       Williams at PFA Education.
football then choosing an institution attached
to a good level of the BUCS competition is          Tel: 0161 236 0637
something you may wish to consider.                 E-mail: education@thepfa.co.uk
                                                    Web: www.thepfa.com/education
PFA Courses                                         PFA Education
The PFA currently supports the following            11 Oxford Court
courses for all current and former members of       Bishopsgate
the PFA:                                            Manchester M2 3WQ
• BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy
   at the University of Salford
• BA (Hons) Sports Writing and Broadcasting
   at Staffordshire University
• BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy                                          Superstar Student
   at York St John University
                                                                    "Back home, so many kids aren’t
• Introduction to Sports Therapy Course                             able to go to school because their
                                                                     parents can’t afford it. I want to
These courses are subject to review and only                         set up a football resort where
run if adequate numbers of students register.                        people can stay and play football
The times and mode of study is tailored to                           while getting an education at the
be as flexible as possible to fit in with the                        same time.
lifestyle of a professional footballer, (with the                   "I think it’s really important to try
exception of the York St John course which                           to learn things outside of your
                                                                     normal life. Instead of sitting at
is a 3-year full-time programme aimed at ex-                         home after training, I come to
players). These courses are partly subsidised                        DMU for my classes."
by the PFA, however a contribution may also                          Leicester City star Wilfred Ndidi
be required from each student towards tuition                        is studying a Business &
costs for each year.                                                 Management course degree at
                                                                     De Montfort University in order
                                                                     to help his ambitions to make
                                                                     an impact in his home country
                                                                     of Nigeria.

13 Higher Education Applications                                                          lfe.org.uk
What happens to your application?

What UCAS do with                                 If you are offered a place...
your Application                                  You will receive an email when a University
UCAS use the information you have                 makes a decision, you will need to use UCAS
provided on the online application system,        ‘Track’ to view the full details.
and send your application details to each of      The two types of offers are:
the universities and colleges that you have
                                                  Conditional – a place is reserved for you
                                                  providing you meet the conditions, these are
                                                  normally academic grades.
                                                  Unconditional – you have already met all the
Track is the online system you need to use to
                                                  required conditions so the place is offered
monitor the progress of your application.
                                                  pending criminal record and health checks.
Log into the UCAS website with your Personal
                                                  If you get two or more offers, you can select
ID to understand what stage your application
                                                  a ‘Firm Acceptance’ (first) choice and an
is at.
                                                  ‘Insurance Acceptance’ (second choice) and
You may be asked to provide additional pieces     then ‘Decline’ any other offers.
of work or receive an interview invitation, you
                                                  Your deadline for making such decisions
will need to respond accordingly and timely..
                                                  depends on when your last offer was received.
When you can expect decisions                     Last decision from      Applicants must reply
on your choices                                   University received     on of before
                                                  on or before
                        University must
                        make a decision on or     31st March 2020         5th May 2020
                                                  6th May 2020            4th June 2020
On or before 15th
                        6th May 2020              4th June 2020           18th June 2020
January 2020
                                                  13th July 2020          20th July 2020
After 15th
                        13th July 2020
January 2020
                                                  If you are not offered a place...
                                                  Do not worry if no offers are received, you
                                                  could apply for more courses using the ‘Extra’
                                                  service. See the following page for more

14 Higher Education Applications                                                       lfe.org.uk
                           BEST YOU
                             CAN BE
      Winner of the
Most Improved University
 award for sport, 2017

Solent Sport awards scholarships each year to top level athletes who strive for
academic success alongside their sporting careers. Selected athletes will receive
financial and specialist support designed for talented young athletes.

Team Solent Football Club is one of the most successful university clubs in
recent years. Our two teams – men’s and women’s squads – compete in the British
Universities and Colleges Sport Leagues (BUCS), FA Step 5 Wessex Premier League and
Hampshire Women’s league. Both clubs have experienced a great level of success over
the past few years, the men’s team also enter both the FA cup and FA Vase.

W H AT ’ S O N O F F E R?
Financial support
Academic fees are covered by Solent University at 50% for the first academic year,
and 25% in any subsequent years. Anyone with a proven history of success and a
desire to continue developing their game is encouraged to apply.
Specialist support
As a football scholar, you will be part of the High Performance Academy, and
entitled to a fantastic package delivered by a team fully dedicated to your
development and sporting success.
The package includes:
• Lifestyle support and personal mentoring
• Discount on student halls for selected members
• Team-based strength and conditioning training sessions
• Physiotherapy treatments
• Free use of Solent Sport facilities
• Free club membership
• Access to high performance workshops
  (nutrition, media training and time management)
• Sport science support (fitness testing)

Our multi-million pound outdoor sports complex (Test Park Ground) includes a
3G multi-purpose all weather sports pitch, and a floodlit football stadium.
To find out more visit www.solent.ac.uk/test-park

To find out more, look for Solent Sport online or come and have a chat.
We’re in room SH202, right above Sports Hall 3.

E. solent.sport@solent.ac.uk                  mysolentsport       www.solent.ac.uk/sport
What happens to your application?

Extra                                             Clearing
If you are unsuccessful in receiving an offer     vacancies if you are unsuccessful after
from all of your five choices or have declined    applying through UCAS and through Extra.
all of your offers then you can use the ‘Extra’   Clearing begins on 6th July but only starts
service.                                          placing students when exam results have been
Extra allows you to apply to Universities with    received.
place vacancies but you can only apply for one    You are eligible if you have received no offers
course at a time.                                 or have not met the requirements for a
Extra operates from 25th February to 5th July.    conditional offer.
Search for courses with Extra vacancies on the    UCAS will automatically enter you into
UCAS search tool at digital.ucas.com/search       Clearing and you start looking for another
                                                  choice by logging into Track.
                                                  The Daily Telegraph has historically provided
                                                  clearing information for UCAS. Check the lists
                                                  for courses that interest you and then contact
                                                  the university or college to ask if it will accept
                                                  you. It is a good idea to do this yourself because
                                                  the admissions tutor will want to speak to you
                                                  personally, not a parent or teacher.
                                                  If you accept a place through Clearing, UCAS
                                                  will send you confirmation.
                                                  You can read more about Clearing by visiting

                                                                    Superstar Student
                                                                    Juan Mata, Spain and Manchester
                                                                    United - Studies Sports Science
                                                                    and Marketing, translates Spanish
                                                                    poetry into English and donates a
                                                                    percentage of his salary to charity.
                                                                   "I don’t think football and
                                                                    studying are mutually exclusive.
                                                                    I can do both and they both
                                                                    help each other."

17 Higher Education Applications                                                          lfe.org.uk
Financing University Life

Going to University costs a lot of money but that shouldn’t stop you -
there are lots of different options available to make it affordable and
Tuition Fees                                      The maximum Tuition Fee Loan available will
                                                  be the lesser of the above two.
Tuition fees are the amount universities or
colleges will charge you each year to study.      All Tuition Fee Loans are repayable and accrue
Currently tuition fees can cost up to £9,250      interest.
per year depending on where and what you          Here is a guide to tuition fee loans:
                                                  Full-time student                    Tuition
Student Loans                                                                          Fee Loan
To cover the costs of studying you can apply      Full-time                            Up to £9,250
                                                  Full-time at a private               Up to £6,935
A Tuition Fee Loan – a non-income assessed
                                                  university or college
loan to meet the cost of tuition fees. It is
payable to the university in three instalments.
Payment is made when confirmation is              Part-time student                    Tuition
received from university or college that                                               Fee Loan
the student is in attendance at the start of
                                                  Part-time                            Up to £6,935
each term. The amount of tuition charged is
dependent on both the:                            Part-time at a private               Up to £4,625
• Country of study and the set maximum           university or college
   tuition fees rate.
                                                  Source: www.gov.uk/student-finance
• The fee set by the University for the chosen   Correct at time of writing.
   degree course.

                                                                      Superstar Student
                                                                      West Bromwich Albion manager
                                                                      Slaven Bilic, is fluent in four
                                                                      languages whilst also holding a
                                                                      degree in Law.

18 Higher Education Applications                                                           lfe.org.uk
Financing University Life

Student Loans
                                                     Superstar Student
A Maintenance Loan – a loan that you can
                                                     "I was good at maths at school but
use for living costs if you are a full-time under-    I didn’t really think of anything
graduate student and those on initial teacher         else but football. My teachers used
training courses. It comprises a:                     to say, ‘You ain’t going to achieve
                                                      anything’. So I was thinking, ‘I’ll
• Non-financially assessed portion, which all        show you’."
   students who are eligible for the loan can
                                                     Former England defender Glen
   receive;                                          Johnson studied for a Maths degree
• Financially assessed portion, which depends       at the Open University. Maintaining
                                                     other interests whilst playing is
   on household income.
                                                     important for mental health and
Here is a guide to maintenance loans:                well-being.

Full-time student                    Loan for
                                     courses from
                                     August 2020
Living at home                       Up to £7,529

Living away from home,               Up to £8,944
outside London

Living away from home,               Up to £11,674
in London

You spend a year of a UK             Up to £10,242
course studying abroad

Source: www.gov.uk/student-finance

Scholarships and Bursaries – Offered by
the University where you plan to study.
Extra Financial Help – if you have financial
hardship, a disability or children or adult
dependants you need to support while
you study.

19 Higher Education Applications                                          lfe.org.uk
Sports Academy
As a talented footballer you’ll have the chance to study, train and play in an environment that’s as close
as it gets to a professional club. Hartpury has an outstanding track record of developing players as well as
preparing them for a career beyond their sport.

We’ll help you balance your studies and your football commitments. You’ll benefit from our extensive links with
professional and non-league clubs, allowing you to combine playing for Hartpury and an external football club. There
will also be opportunities to play professional teams in exhibition fixtures, gain invaluable work experience and build
links for your future career.

               Five times winners of the English Colleges FA

               (ECFA) national title

               Five times winners of the English Schools FA
               (ESFA) national title

               Nine times ECFA Premier League champions                               More than 35 Hartpury
                                                                                      students have signed
               Four times BUCS national champions                                     professional football
                                                                                      contracts worldwide
               Nine times BUCS Premier South league champions

  If you’re playing sport competitively or you have the talent and drive to do so, you’ll want to join one of
  our Sports Academies. You can pursue a dual pathway, studying for your qualification whilst developing
  your sporting talent alongside your academic commitments.

      Pursue sporting excellence
      On our specialist sports campus, you’ll benefit from the highest quality teaching, coaching and facilities as
      you become part of our sporting success story. As part of our Sports Academy programmes, you’ll have all
      the support you need to reach your potential, with access to specialist coaching and performance services.

      Our Sports Academy staff are among the best in their respective fields. They’ve competed or worked
      at professional levels and continue to uphold their standards through strong links with their national
      governing bodies. You can be confident that you’ll learn from some of the best sporting talent at Hartpury.

      Access to performance services
      As a member of our Sports Academy teams, you could have access to:

                     Tailor-made timetables                                  Analysis
                     Be at your best on and off the pitch                    Support to strengthen all areas of your game

                     Strength and conditioning                               Top-level competition
                     Improving you physically for competition                Challenge yourself by playing at the highest levels

                     Physiotherapy                                           Lifestyle management
                     Keeping you at your physical peak                       Ensuring you balance your sport, studies and social life

                     Nutrition                                               Sports psychology
                     Helping you perform by staying healthy                  Mentally preparing you to be at the top of your game

                     Club links                                              Coaching
                     Giving you experience outside of playing                Forward-thinking coaches who will help you improve
                     for Hartpury

      Our new £8.8 million Sports Academy
      Our newest sports development is packed full of the very latest facilities. You’ll benefit from new treatment
      suites, human performance and biomechanics labs, as well as an impressive sports hall.

      Contact us
      College students:                                         University students:
        paul.tassell@hartpury.ac.uk                               christopher.knowles2@hartpury.ac.uk
        www.hartpury.ac.uk/college-football                       www.hartpury.ac.uk/uni-football
Financing University Life

Outside of England...
                                                   Superstar Student
If you live in Wales – you can apply for finance
                                                   Mark Roberts is more than just
through Student Finance Wales. Find out at         a footballer. He has captained
the website: www.studentfinancewales.co.uk         multiple clubs during his career,
                                                   graduated from Staffordshire
If you live in Scotland – your application for
                                                   University with a sports journalism
student finance will be dealt with by the          degree and is now studying
Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS).         towards an MBA. Why? Because
Find out at the SAAS website:                      he knows that by taking control
www.saas.gov.uk                                    off the pitch he can empower his
                                                   performance on it.
If you live in Northern Ireland – your
application for student finance will be dealt
with by Student Finance ni. To find out more,
visit the Student Finance ni website:
If you live in the Republic of Ireland – you can
apply for finance through Student Finance ie.
Find out more at the website:

For further information, visit:
You can also contact the Student Loans
Company for advice: www.slc.co.uk

22 Higher Education Applications                                       lfe.org.uk
Financing University Life

Loan Repayments                                 Interest on your Student Loan

How much you pay back                           You pay interest from the time your first
                                                payment is made until you pay your loan
You need to pay back Tuition Fee Loans and      back in full.
Maintenance Loans, but not other student
finance such as grants and bursaries.           While you’re studying, interest is inflation
                                                plus 3%.
The earliest you start repaying is when your
income is over £495 a week or £2,144 a          Income                      Interest rate
month (before tax and other deductions) and
it’s either the:                                £25,000 or less             Inflation
• first April after you leave your course       £25,000 to £45,000          Inflation plus up to 3%
• April 4 years after the course started, if
   you’re studying part-time                    Over £45,000                Inflation plus 3%

Your repayments are linked to your income.      Source: www.gov.uk/repaying-your-student-loan
When you start repaying your loan and what
you pay depend on which repayment plan
you’re on.
Each year you pay back 9% of any income over
the minimum amount of each plan.

Your income per year Monthly repayments                             Superstar Student
                                                                    England international Nathaniel
£25,000 and under         £0
                                                                    Chalobah used a lengthy injury
                                                                    lay-off to widen his knowledge of
£27,000                   £15                                       the game by pursuing an online
                                                                    Certificate in Football Business
£30,000                   £37                                       Management.

£35,000                   £74                                      "The learning benefits you as an
                                                                    individual regardless of what your
                                                                    plans are when you finish playing
£40,000                   £112
                                                                   "As footballers we focus on playing
                                                                    the game and doing our job,
                                                                    however, this programme makes
                                                                    you a more complete professional
                                                                    as you understand more about the
                                                                    industry in which you work in."

23 Higher Education Applications                                                           lfe.org.uk
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Financing University Life

 Bursaries                                           PFA Charity Grants
 Bursaries and scholarships offer extra funding      The PFA provide grant aid for a variety of
 that you don’t have to pay back. This extra         courses to help all members and ex-members
 funding, which is available through universities    prepare for a second career. At the time of
 includes:                                           writing, members studying full time towards an
 • bursaries to help with your living cost if you   undergraduate degree can apply for a bursary
    get the maximum loan available through the       of £1250 each year.
    Maintenance Grant or Special Support Grant       Contact the PFA using the details below to find
 • scholarships if you meet conditions set by       out more and how to apply:
    your university or college, based on your        Tel: 0161 236 0637
    academic ability, home situation or subject      E-mail: education@thepfa.co.uk
    of study. These scholarships differ from         Web: www.thepfa.com/education
    university to university. Many universities
    will offer scholarships or bursaries based       PFA Education
    purely on your sporting ability.                 11 Oxford Court
 Bursaries and scholarships are paid in addition     Manchester
 to your student loans and grants. They can          M2 3WQ
 be paid in cash or in another form - such as a
 discount on accommodation or books.

 25 Higher Education Applications                                                         lfe.org.uk
Football scholarships at
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                                                David Bond
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                All scholarships are subject to applicants gaining admission
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UCAS Tariff Table

Pearson BTEC Extended Diploma (QCF)      Pearson 90 Credit Diploma (QCF)

Grade                    Tariff points   Grade                     Tariff points

D*D*D*                   168             D*D*                      84
D*D*D                    160             D*D                       78
D*DD                     152             DD                        72
DDD                      144             DM                        60
DDM                      128             MM                        48
DMM                      112             MP                        36
MMM                      96              PP                        24
MMP                      80              Size band: 3+3=6 Grade bands: 4-14

MPP                      64              Pearson BTEC Subsidiary Diploma (QCF)

PPP                      48              Grade                     Tariff points
Size band: 4+4+4=12 Grade bands: 4-14    D*                        56
Pearson BTEC Diploma (QCF)
                                         D                         48
Grade                    Tariff points   M                         32
D*D*                     112             P                         16
D*D                      104             Size band: 4 Grade bands: 4-14

DD                       96
DM                       80
MM                       64
MP                       48
PP                       32
Size band: 4+4+4=8 Grade bands: 4-14

27 Higher Education Applications                                                   lfe.org.uk
UCAS Tariff Table

A level and Advanced VCE                  A space for your sums
Official title: Advanced GCE
and Advanced VCE

Grade                     Tariff points

A*                        56
A                         48
B                         40
C                         32
D                         24
E                         16

Official title: Advanced Subsidiary GCE
and Advanced Subsidiary VCE

Grade                     Tariff points

A                         20
B                         16
C                         12
D                         10
E                         6
Size band: 2 Grade bands: 3-10

28 Higher Education Applications                                  lfe.org.uk
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Case Study

Dan Murray
Former Club: Wolverhampton Wanderers
Now: BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy Student
When Dan Murray was sat          home in Stockport to live in    Three years on, none
on the treatment table at        digs in the Black Country, a    of Murray’s five former
Wolverhampton Wanderers          broken leg and long period      teammates remain at
he could not have imagined       of rehabilitation was exactly   Wolves. However, his
that it would lead directly      the sort of impediment that     experiences at the club did
down another path.               every youngster fears.          spark an interest in another
As a young player, football is   While five of his peers         area and he is now midway
all about being given breaks.    signed professional deals       through a BSc (Hons) in
Opportunities to impress and     at Molineux, a decision was     Physiotherapy at Salford
develop and show that you        delayed on Murray. Hope         University.
merit a professional contract.   remained temporarily but he     “I spent close to a year with
So for midfielder Dan, who       had lost too much ground         the physios and it was just
moved out of his family          and was eventually released.     picking things up and looking

30 Higher Education Applications                                                     lfe.org.uk
Case Study

  "Obviously I still had aspirations to be a footballer
   but then it was always in my mind that being a
   physio was a good job that I’d be interested in."

at everyone else’s injuries       Murray, who did an A Level in      But this is a nice environment
that caught my interest. I got    Biology ahead of joining the       to come into.
talking to the physios and it     student ranks, stressed that       You’re pitched together with
just triggered from there,”       while it has been an academic      other students, people are
he said.                         “step-up”, many of the traits       prepared to stay behind
“You need that other interest     he identified with professional    and help each other, you’re
 because if you have a bad        football have enabled him to       working together for the
 day at football it can take      settle quickly and enjoy his       same thing, we do a lot
 your mind off it. Obviously      new surroundings.                  of group work, we go out
 I still had aspirations to be   “There probably is a gap            socially and it’s a really nice
 a footballer but then it was     between the education              vibe.
 always in my mind that being     programme at Wolves and            “I started doing this from a
 a physio was a good job that     coming to University but            sporting background, thinking
 I’d be interested in.”           if you’re willing to put your       treating ankle and knee
The course at Salford is one      mind to it and work hard you        injuries is what physiotherapy
that proves popular with          can bridge that quite easily,”      is about and then you
footballers due to its long       he added. “It’s one of those        learn about other things,
established link with the         subjects where you think,           particularly on placements
Professional Footballers’        ‘I’m going to have to treat          to hospitals. I recently had
Association.                      patients in the future’, it’s       to give a 30-minute talk to
                                  really important that I don’t       20 members of NHS staff on
Last summer’s graduates           just scrape through but aim
included the former West                                              frailty which is something
                                  to be the best physio possible.     from a sporting interest I’d
Bromwich Albion and QPR
striker Rob Hulse and one-       “I’ve made some great friends        had not much interest in but
time Manchester City and          here. At football everything        when you’re in a hospital it’s
Burnley left-back Stephen         is quite competitive, there is      different and it changed my
Jordan.                           a certain self-interest battling    perspective.”
                                  for a professional contract.

31 Higher Education Applications                                                          lfe.org.uk
University of
Bath Football
Play top level football and
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We offer:
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  For more information visit:
  Head of Football:
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  Tel: 01225 383728

Case Study

David Morgan
Former Club: Nottingham Forest
Now: First Class Honours Degree in Professional Sports
Writing & Broadcasting
Capped by Northern Ireland          “A lot of people leave
at Under-21 level, David             academies and they don’t
Morgan freely admits that he         go anywhere, they can’t
didn’t pay enough attention          go anywhere because they
to his education as an               haven’t played enough games.”
apprentice and wasn’t sure          Morgan played for both
what he was going to do             Ilkeston Town and Nuneaton
when he left the City Ground        Town once he’d finished
at the age of 19.                   his apprenticeship, but
 Loan spells at Lincoln,            also elisted the help of The     "When you’re at
 Dundee and Tamworth did            Professional Footballers’         Forest and you’re
 not help him stay within           Association to pursue             a bright prospect,
 the (then) Football League         wider aims. Two years             you’re always
 and he told Touchline that         on, he celebrated a First-
                                                                      thinking ‘I’m never
 the situation he faced is not      class honours degree in
 uncommon for young players,        Professional Sports Writing
                                                                      going to need
 a summer waiting for the           and Broadcasting.                 that’ but reality
 phone to ring.                  “I’m actually not sure that
                                                                      hits. When I got
“I left there (Forest) thinking   I want to go into Sports            released I needed
 I needed to move onto the        Journalism but the course           something else."
 next club but that didn’t        sets me up for other things,”
 come as quickly as I thought     he continued.
 it would, so I thought I better “I enjoyed it but you have
 look at other things as well as to be realistic, to get to the
 football,” Morgan said.          top level of punditry you
“When you’re at Forest and          probably need to have played
 you’re a bright prospect, you’re   at the top level and be a
 always thinking ‘I’m never         recognisable voice or face.
 going to need that’ but reality    I’m probably looking at doing
 hits. When I got released I        a PGCE to become a school
 needed something else.             teacher.”

33 Higher Education Applications                                                  lfe.org.uk
Case Study

Tyler Guy
Former Club: Notts County
Now: Graduate in Law
Tyler Guy may not have          After graduating with an       documentation, advocacy
ventured far since leaving      Upper Second-Class Honours and interviewing to support
Meadow Lane in the summer       (2:1) degree in Law in the     his next career goal.
of 2013, but he has already     summer, Guy turned his        “I’m looking to pursue
covered significant ground      attention to the next phase    a career as a solicitor
on his journey towards a        of his training to become a    specialising in Sports Law,”
new career.                     solicitor and embarked on a    Guy told LFE. “When I was
The former Notts County         postgraduate, Legal Practice   playing football that was
defender is now in his fourth   Course.                        the goal. That was all that
year at Nottingham Trent        This covers topics like        was initially in my mind but
University, which is located    Taxation, Accounting and       when I started the second
less than a couple of miles     Litigation while enhancing     year of my apprenticeship I
away from the club he served    skills developed on his        decided that I would apply
as an apprentice.               degree in areas like drafting  for University.

34 Higher Education Applications                                                   lfe.org.uk
Case Study

   "From working in a club and in the industry on a
    daily basis you begin to understand that there
    are so many things going on around football and
    sport in the UK."

“I’ve always been really           It’s not to say I wasn’t fully    “It’s a really solid level of
 interested in the legal side of   focused on football but it         football and there are a lot
 Sport and it’s a growing area     was good to keep my options        of lads in the same position
 with intermediaries, player’s     open.                              as me who have been at
 contracts and the finance         “I can’t begin to explain how      professional clubs.
 now in football.                   quickly three years has gone.    “I had the best football
“When I first started playing       I’m in my fourth year at          experience I’ve ever had
 football I was under the           University and it seems two       playing in the Varsity match
 impression that a club             minutes since I was starting a    against the University of
 consisted of the manager,          scholarship.                      Nottingham in front of a
 coaches and playing staff and     Everyone is in the same            crowd of around 6,000
 that was it. From working         boat when you get to               people at the end of the year.
 in a club and in the industry     University. You fit in straight    It was amazing.”
 on a daily basis you begin to     away. It’s a week of getting
 understand that there are so      to know everyone and then
 many things going on around       off you go.”
 football and sport in the UK.
                                   Thriving on the student
“It opened my eyes to think        lifestyle and social life that
 that there are loads more         surrounds Higher Education,
 things that I can do in Sport     Guy has nevertheless also
 apart from playing.               admitted that he has been
A lot of lads in football          pleasantly surprised by the
think they are going to be         standard and level of interest
footballers so why plan for        in University football.
anything else but I thought        “My football experience
it was important to have            got better when I came to
another avenue.                     University,” he added.

35 Higher Education Applications                                                          lfe.org.uk
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Useful Websites

Universities and Colleges Admissions Service   The Professional Footballers Association
www.ucas.ac.uk                                 www.thepfa.com/education/other-courses

GOV.UK                                         Unistats – Compare UK
www.gov.uk                                     Universities and Colleges
Student Finance Wales
www.studentfinancewales.co.uk                  British Universities & Colleges Sport (BUCS)
The Student Awards Agency for Scotland
www.saas.gov.uk                                Student Finance Ireland
Student Finance Northern Ireland
www.studentfinanceni.co.uk                     Student Loans Company
National Union of Students

37 Higher Education Applications                                                   lfe.org.uk


   Explore our range of online and on         For those looking to continue a career
   campus undergraduate and postgraduate      on the pitch whilst studying, we have
   degrees in football, with access to the    elite football academies at our UK
   most iconic stadiums worldwide.            campuses in London and Manchester.

                                  Visit UCFB.com/lfe
League Football Education
EFL House           T 01772 326870
10-12 West Cliff    E info@lfe.org.uk
Preston PR1 8HU     lfe.org.uk
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