Hilldale Happenings - Peel ...

Page created by Dennis Mendez
Hilldale Happenings - Peel ...
        FEBRUARY 2020
Principal - Greg Purmal
Superintendent of Schools
- Liz Cook                                 While January brought a mixed bag of weather, from heavy rain
                                           to snow storms and up and down temperatures, we can only wait
Trustee - Carrie Andrews
                                           to see what February holds in store for us. We also wish a be-
                                           lated Gong Hey Fat Choy or Gong Xi Fa Cai (Happy New Year!) to
http://schools.peelschools.org/1430        all our families who celebrated Chinese New Year back on Janu-
                                           ary 25th. We hope that the Year of the Rat is a prosperous one
                                           for all of you.
Dates to Remember
                                           As we enter February we take note that this month marks the
     Pizza, Sub & Treat Days               annual celebration of Black History Month. It was in December
 Pizza Days                                of 1995 that the House of Commons first officially recognized
                                           that the month of February as being Black History Month. It is
 February 14, 21, 28
                                           a time where we have an opportunity to acknowledge, highlight
 Sub Days                                  and reflect upon the many accomplishments of African Canadi-
 February 4, 11, 18, 25                    ans and their key contributions to our great country. Through-
                                       !   out the month, students will have an opportunity to learn more
 Treat Days– Cookie                        about various African Canadians from both the past and pre-
 February 6 & 20                           sent, and recognize their significant roles in shaping our diverse
 Treat Days– Popcorn
 February 13 & 27                          While we continue to strive and work on academic goals with our
                                           students, we also know the important role that keeping active
                                           plays in a student’s overall success. With this in mind, we are
                                           excited to once again be hosting the wonderful team from Jun-
  February is Black History Month!         gle Sport In-School Adventures who will be bringing their vast
                                           array of climbing equipment to the Hilldale gym. Jungle Sports
Mon., Feb. 3rd to Thurs., Feb. 6th         will be here for 4 full days, from Monday, February 3rd to
- Jungle Sport Activities in the gym       Thursday, February 6th. All students will have multiple oppor-
                                           tunities to take part in this active and exciting adventure. As a
                                           school, we believe that our students will truly benefit from this
Friday, Feb. 7th                           activity and we have subsidized the cost of the program as much
- PD Day - No School for Students          as possible. The cost per student will be a nominal $7.00.
                                           Thanks to the dedicated and voluntary efforts of our School
Wednesday, Feb. 14th                       Council, we hosted an enthusiastic gathering of families for our
- Valentines Day!                          recent Festival of Cultures Pot Luck Dinner and Community
                                           Event. Between the delicious and varied food items plus the
Monday, Feb. 17th
                                           great conversations and impromptu entertainment provided by
- Family Day                               some of our students, a good time was had by everyone who was
 * No School for Students                  there. Speaking of our School Council, this is just a reminder
                                           that the School Council is once again running a Little Caesar's
                                           Pizza Kit Fundraiser this year. Information packages have
Friday, Feb. 21st                          already been sent home to families and orders need to be made
- School Council Pizza Kit                 by Friday, February 21st. The pizza kits will then be delivered
  Fundraiser Orders Due                    to the school just before the March Break.
                                           Finally, with Family Day coming up on February 17th, we hope
Friday, Feb. 28                            that most of you will be able to take advantage of this oppor-
- Twin / Triplet Spirit Day!               tunity to spend some quality time with your own family.
- Monthly Student Awards
  Assembly “Respect” - 9:10 am
                                           Greg Purmal
Hilldale Happenings - Peel ...
It's Time to Register Children
Born in 2016 for Kindergarten                                Report Your Child’s Immuniza-
We inspire success, confidence and hope in each stu-
                                                             tions to the Region of Peel Online
dent… and it all starts in kindergarten! If your child was
born in 2016, they can start kindergarten in September       When registering for school for the first time,
2020. You can register your child at any time during         parents and guardians are required to provide
regular school hours—just visit the school they will be      up-to-date immunization information for their
attending to register. Visit www.peelschools.org/            children. This includes registering for kinder-
kindergarten for more information and to complete
the kindergarten registration package.
                                                             You can update your child’s immunizations
What you will need to bring to registration:                 online. The online immunization tool allows
                                                             you to attach a photo of the immunization
Proof of child's age (one of the follow-                     record. When reporting online, an Ontario
ing)                                                         Health Card is required.
          Canadian birth certificate
          Canadian passport
          citizenship card/certificate                       Report immunizations online at:
          Permanent Resident Card                            www.peelregion.ca/immunize
          confirmation of permanent residence
          work or study permit                               After you report your immunizations online
          proof of newcomer status
                                                             you will be given a reference number. Keep
Proof of address (one of the following)                      this number for your records. You will need to
          utility bill                                       give this number to your child’s school when
          bank statement/client slip (directly from fi-      registering.
                nancial institution)                         If you do not have online access or your child
          credit card statement
          federal government forms (e.g. Service Cana-
                                                             does not have an Ontario Health Card, take a
                da, Ontario Works or Canada Post             copy of the immunization record to the
                change of address)                           school. Make sure your child’s name and date
          purchase agreement                                 of birth are visible on the record.
          Other Government Identification (e.g. Ontario
                Photo Card)
                Please note that a driver's license can-
                                                             Call Peel Public Health at 905-799-7700 if your
                not be accepted.                             child does not have an immunization record
                                                             or if you have any questions about immuniza-
Proof of custody – children must live with their parent      tion exemptions.
(s) unless provided documentation supports an alter-
nate living arrangement.
                                                             For more information, visit
Proof of immunization – students registering in an           www.peelregion.ca/immunize
Ontario public school for the first time must provide
proof of immunization.
Report your child's immunizations to the Region of
Peel online and provide the reference number to your
child's school when registering. An Ontario Health card
is required. Visit www.peelregion.ca/immunize for
more information
Hilldale Happenings - Peel ...
Stay connected socially:
                                                 Reach out to family and friends- by phone or
                                                 in person- make a plan to spend time togeth-
 “Getting Through Long Winter                    er over the Family Day Weekend. Go for
                                                 coffee, go somewhere new you haven’t been
Months- How to Stay Connected                    before, call a friend you haven’t spoken to in
   and Feel Hope for Spring”                     a while, help someone out. Staying connected
   From the PDSB Mental Health Resource Team     to our social relationships boosts our mood.
                                                 Try a new activity (outside or inside) with
It’s February! We are another month closer       your child or adolescent that does not involve
to Spring. Yet with February being the short-    technology!
est month of the year, it can often feel like
the longest, with days feeling more dark and     A final note in relation to keeping current
gloomy. As parents, we often put ourselves       with world events. While it is important to
last, but what if we use February as a time to   stay current, we are bombarded with the
focus on small ways we can take time for         same messages and graphic images by all
ourselves for self-care? Here are a few tips     forms of media which takes a toll on our
on how to bridge the winter hurdle of Febru-     mental health. Be mindful that young ears are
ary and embrace connection and hope for          listening and watching and they may not
Spring.                                          voice any fears they may be experiencing. Try
                                                 and limit your media time, reassure your
Stay connected with nature and maximize          child/teen (and yourself!) there is lots of good
daylight exposure:                               in the world, and check in to see if they have
Bundle up and spend time outside and take        any questions or worries about current
advantage of natural light whenever you can. events.
Go for a walk, park your car a little further
away to maximize time outside, get off at a      If you’re concerned about your child’s mental
transit stop early, track your walking mileage, health, or have questions about how to talk
if you have a dog, try a take the dog on a new to your child about difficult topics, visit bit.ly/
route or stay out a little longer, or help some- SupportingChildrensMH for further infor-
one with limited mobility and offer to walk      mation and links to school and community
their dog.                                       resources. For updates and to follow along
                                                 with the work of the PDSB Mental Health Re-
If you have limited mobility “staying active     source Team, find them on Twitter
helps you: have some control over what you       @MHRTPeel.
Focus on what you can do—not on what you
can’t; have more energy and strength to do
things for yourself “ (from
myhealth.alberta.ca Staying Active with Lim-
ited Mobility).
Hilldale Happenings - Peel ...
All weekend programs and permits at the Peel District
Bus Cancellation and Closing                            School Board are cancelled
                                                        This means that all activities in schools and Peel board
Schools Due to Bad Weather                              offices are cancelled, including continuing education
                                                        courses and events. The buildings will be closed.
During the winter months, we may need to cancel
buses or close schools because of inclement         What if my child does not go to school due to a bus can-
weather.                                            cellation or inclement weather?
Information regarding details of cancellations or   If your child will be absent as a result of a bus cancellation
closures will be available on Twitter @Peelschools, or you choose to keep your child home due to inclement
Facebook at www.facebook.com/peelschools,           weather, parents/guardians must report the absence us-
www.peelschools.org and www.stopr.ca or by call- ing one of the following methods:
ing 905-890-1010 or 1-800-668-1146. It is usually   For elementary K-8 students: report it through SafeArrival
also announced on the radio and television stations by calling 1-855-209-6155 or visiting
listed below                                        go.schoolmessenger.ca
                                                    For secondary students: call the school office directly
NEWS AM680 CFNY FM102.1/AM640
CJBC (FR) AM860 FM Z103.5 FM93.1
FM Q107 CHIN FM100.7/AM1540
CFRB – (Bell Media)                                                   WINTER IS HERE
                                                         It’s that time of year - the weather is cold outside
One of the following messages will be announced:
                                                         and it will be with us for the next few months.
                                                         Please make sure that your children come to school
Peel District School Board buses are cancelled           dressed appropriately for the cold weather condi-
This means that schools remain open for students         tions. This includes wearing a winter coat, hat, mitts/
and staff, but buses are cancelled. Bus cancella-        gloves, boots and snow pants. Even if we don’t
tions could occur in all or parts of municipalities.     have snow, it is cold enough that snow pants should
Buses will remain cancelled all day. All activities      be worn on many days. Children will be going out-
that require busing will also be cancelled. Permits,     side at recess and lunch times unless it is raining or
night school classes, child care and other activities    extreme cold temperatures warrant that they stay
                                                         inside. From a physical activity standpoint, it is im-
in schools will operate as usual.                        portant that children get outside to play and partici-
                                                         pate in winter-play activities.
All Peel District School Board schools and board
offices are closed
This means that all schools and Peel board offices
are closed to students and staff. All activities in
schools and board offices are also cancelled, in-
cluding child care, night school and permits.
                                                                        INDOOR SHOES
All evening programs and permits at the Peel Dis-
trict School Board are cancelled                         All children are asked to please bring a pair of indoor
                                                         running shoes to wear inside the school.
This means that all activities in schools and Peel
                                                         For safety reasons, students must have running
board offices are cancelled, including continuing        shoes to participate in gym activities.
education courses and events. The buildings will be      Walking around the school in stocking feet poses
closed.                                                  both a health and safety concern.
Hilldale Happenings - Peel ...
Keep Your Child’s Eyes Healthy
What You Need to Know About                               Did you know that vision problems in children often go
                                                          unnoticed because kids don’t know any different? As
Head Lice                                                 many as 10 per cent of preschoolers will have vision
                                                          difficulties that can affect the development of their sight
What is head lice?                                        if not treated. However, if caught by the age of 5, treat-
Head lice are tiny insects that live on the scalp where   ment will be most effective.
they lay their eggs. They have three stages: the egg      The Region of Peel recommends regular eye exams for
(nit), the nymph and the adult. Head lice do not          your child to help find eye problems early and get the
spread diseases and cannot be spread between ani-         right treatment.
mals or pets and humans, only through direct con-
                                                          The best way to ensure good eye health is to have your
tact between people.
                                                          child’s eyes checked by an optometrist. Yearly eye ex-
                                                          ams for children 19 and under are covered by OHIP.
Head lice spread easily, especially where people are
in close contact. They are very common among              What to expect at your child’s eye exam
school-aged children or children attending child care,
where they spread through direct hair-to-hair con-        An optometrist will complete:
tact or directly by sharing things like hats, combs,       General vision testing in both eyes.
hairbrushes or headphones.                                 Eye muscle testing.
                                                           Eye coordination testing.
One of the first signs of head lice is an itchy scalp.    A general health assessment of the front and back of the
However, children can have head lice for several          eyes.
weeks with no symptoms. If you think your child has
                                                          If needed, the optometrist will write a prescription for
head lice, check their hair for nits right away, then
                                                          glasses for your child.
again after one week and after two weeks.
                                                          For information on overall vision health, common signs
                                                          of a possible eye problem and the programs available to
What to do if your child has lice                         you within Peel, visit www.peelregion.ca/vision-health
Parents are advised to keep their child at home until
they have been treated for lice. Students may only                     NOT FEELING WELL?
return to school if they are “nit-free.” If your child
has live lice, ensure that they avoid head-to-head        We are well into cold and flu season, and
contact with other children until the lice are gone.      many students most likely get sick! Please
Children should not share combs, hairbrushes, caps,       make sure that when you send your chil-
hats or hair ornaments. You should also check all         dren to school they are well enough to par-
family members for head lice. Be sensitive to your        ticipate in all school activities including out-
child’s feelings and let them know that having head       door recess.
lice does not mean they are not clean.                    We also discourage medication being
                                                          brought to the school as Peel Board proto-
Head lice can be treated with the following approved      cols do not allow us to administer it with-
                                                          out a medication form,
 pyrethrin (found in R&C Shampoo + Conditioner)          which must be filled
 permethrin (Nix Creme Rinse or Kwellada-P               out by a doctor.
Creme Rinse)                                              Some health related
 lindane (Hexit Shampoo or PMS-Lindane Sham-             reasons to keep your
poo).                                                     child at home include:

                                                          Fever           Nausea or vomiting
                                                          Diarrhea        Overly tired
                                                          Infections or disease
Hilldale Happenings - Peel ...
Peel Public Health Shares Tips                           Help Your Family Stay Warm This
to Help Prevent the Flu                                  Winter
                                                         Canada Safety Council recommends the following tips
It’s flu season and we want to make sure students        for staying comfortable and preventing hypothermia
stay as healthy as possible this year! Influenza (flu)   when working or playing outdoors:
spreads easily from one person to another and
Peel Public Health has some tips to help reduce the
risk of catching the flu and spreading it:
                                                             Wear a warm hat—most body heat is lost through
                                                         the head. Children should keep an extra hat at school.
    Get your annual flu shot: The flu shot is your        Wear layered clothing. Layers allow warm air to
        best defence against the flu. There are          stay trapped around the body.
        many locations across Peel where you can          Protect your feet and hands. Wear loose water-
        get your flu shots:                              proof boots. If the boots have liners, carry an extra
                                                         pair to replace damp ones or take an extra pair of
                  Family Doctors’ offices                socks. Invest in thick socks to keep your feet warm.
                                                         Mittens are warmer than gloves. Carry an extra pair of
                  Walk-in clinics                        mittens to school, on outings, etc.
                  Pharmacies                              Prevent dehydration and exhaustion, which can
                                                         lead to hypothermia. Drink plenty of fluids and pace
                  Peel flu clinics                       yourself when doing vigorous activities.
                                                          Stay fit by exercising and eating well—people who
                                                         are fit are less susceptible to hypothermia.
    Keep children home when they’re sick: If your
       child develops flu-like signs and symptoms         If you stay indoors, avoid moving from a hot envi-
                                                         ronment to a cold one. Excessive sweating caused
       (fever, cough, sore throat, body aches,
                                                         from an extreme change in temperature increases the
       headache, chills and fatigue), keep them
                                                         risk of developing hypothermia.
       home from school. Contact your health
       care provider if symptoms are severe.
                                                          Eat high-energy food such as nuts and raisins. A
                                                         balanced diet will also help keep you warm and
                                                         healthy in the winter.
    Practice good hygiene: Help your child get           If you are travelling (on the road or in the wilderness)
        into the habit of covering their nose and        carry emergency supplies
        mouth with a tissue when they cough or
        sneeze and throw tissues in the trash.
        Cough or sneeze into a sleeve or elbow, if
        they don’t have a tissue. They should also
        avoid touching their eyes, nose or mouth.
        This is how germs are spread.

    Wash your hands: Encourage your child to
       wash their hands often with soap and
       water or use hand sanitizer, especially
       after they cough or sneeze.

For more information, call Peel Public Health at
905-799-7700 or visit www.peelregion.ca/flu.

Hilldale Happenings - Peel ...
Winter Bus Safety
Offence Declaration Required for           The following winter school bus safety tips will help to
Returning Volunteers                       keep your child safe throughout the winter months.

                                           Allow extra time to get to your bus stop.
Parents play an important role in the      Wear bright clothing so the bus can see you in the early
development and education of their             morning and late evening.
                                           Stand away from where the bus stops. Buses need extra
children and in the success of the             room to stop when there is snow and ice.
school community. At Hilldale P.S., we     Use the handrail when boarding or exiting the bus to
welcome and encourage the participa-           prevent slipping on wet or icy steps or road surfac-
tion of parents and community mem-         Dress appropriately—winter clothing, hats, and boots
bers, and are grateful for the count-          will keep you warm.
                                           Don't throw snowballs at the bus or other children
less hours our volunteers contribute           waiting for the bus.
throughout the school year.                Don't slide on the snow or ice patches in driveways or
                                               on the street.
                                           Don't push or shove around the bus. Someone could fall
To volunteer at our school, you must           down on the ice and get hurt.
complete a short interview and a
criminal record check. A criminal rec-     Talk to your child about what to do if the bus is late.
                                           Here are some suggestions:
ord check is required for all school
volunteers in Ontario. Even if you         When possible, wait with your child for the bus.
                                           Make sure your child knows a phone number where he
want to accompany your child on a              can reach you or another trusted adult.
field trip, you need this record check.    Teach your child how and where to get help. Talk to
                                               your child about what a "safe" stranger is.
                                           Help your child set up a bus stop buddy system so your
Once you have completed the pro-               child has someone to wait with for the bus.
cess, you are on file with the Peel Dis-
trict School Board as being a school
volunteer. All returning volunteers        Birthday Treats
                                           We are asking parents to please not send in
will receive an Offence Declaration        birthday treats to your child’s class. The distri-
form that must be filled out and re-       bution of treats can impinge on valuable in-
                                           structional time and increases the likelihood for
turned to the Board office each year.      students with life threatening allergies to be
Completing the Offence Declaration         exposed to substances that could result in se-
                                           vere reactions. We thank you in advance for
will ensure that you can continue vol-     your understanding and support.
unteering in the next school year. Ex-
pect to receive the form in mid-           We will continue our tradition of recognizing
                                           each student’s birthday with a birthday pencil
February.                                  and his or her name announced over the P.A.
                                           system during morning announcements.

Hilldale Happenings - Peel ...
Hilldale Celebrates Black History Month

In December 1995, the House of Commons officially recognized February as
Black History Month, following a motion introduced by the first black Canadian
woman elected to Parliament, the Honourable Jean Augustine.

Black History Month is a time to celebrate the many contributions of Black
Canadians and Black communities throughout the world who, throughout history,
have done so much to make Canada the culturally diverse, compassionate and
prosperous country we know today.

During Black History Month, schools across Peel will participate in a number of
activities that recognize and celebrate the rich heritage, history, culture and
contributions of Black Canadians as well as Black communities from around the

In addition to recognizing Black History Month, the Peel board also recently
approved a motion to recognize and celebrate Islamic Heritage Month in October,
Indigenous Heritage Month and Hindu Heritage Month in November, Sikh
Heritage Month in April and Jewish Heritage Month in May. The board will
continue to recognize Asian Heritage Month in May and Pride Month in June.
Hilldale Happenings - Peel ...
Regional Learning Choices programs
unlock passions
Regional Learning Choices Programs offered by the Peel District School Board empower students by providing them with opportu-
nities to develop and explore skills in a particular area of interest. Regional programs are open to all students who meet the crite-
ria for acceptance.

Transportation is not provided for students in regional programs. If students have been accepted into a regional program and they
live within the school boundary, they are eligible for busing only if they meet the distance criteria outlined in the board’s Trans-
portation Policy #39.

All regional programs include annual fees, including a non-refundable $40 application fee.

Important dates to note:
                                       Applications open                                 Applications close
  ELEMENTARY                           Jan. 27, 2020 at 8:30 a.m.                        Feb. 10, 2020 at 3 p.m.
  SECONDARY                            Applications for secondary regional programs are closed

                                                                                                                   Starts in grade:
 Programs                            Schools offered at
                                                                                                                   6      7      9
                                     Royal Orchard MS
 Actively in Motion (AIM)

                                     Central Peel SS, John Fraser SS
 Advanced Placement

                                     Earnscliffe Sr. PS (starts in grade 6), Queen Elizabeth Sr. PS (starts in
                                     grade 7), Cawthra Park SS, Mayfield SS
                                     Morning Star MS
 Arts and Technology

                                     T.L. Kennedy SS
 Graphic Design Management

                                   Bristol Rd. MS, WG Davis Sr. PS, Erindale SS, Glenforest SS, Harold M.
 International Baccalaureate
                                   Brathwaite SS, Turner Fenton SS
 International Business and Tech- Allan A. Martin Sr. PS, Lisgar MS, Williams Pkwy Sr. PS, Meadowvale SS,
 nology                            North Park SS, T.L. Kennedy SS
 International and Executive Lead- T.L. Kennedy SS
 ership Academy
                                   Judith Nyman (starting in September 2020), West Credit SS
 Regional Skilled Trades

                                     Centennial Sr. PS, Macville PS, Tomken Rd. MS,
                                     Chinguacousy SS, Port Credit SS
                                     Applewood Heights SS

                                     Central Peel SS, Port Credit SS

 Transportation Engineering          Bramalea SS
 and Technology

For more information about program information nights, busing, fees and the
application process, visit www.peelschools.org/RegionalPrograms
Hilldale Happenings - Peel ...
“These children are my children's classmates. I want them to have the same opportunities as my children.
                     Thank you for providing the opportunity to help.” – Parent and Donor

Did you know that 1 in 5 students in Peel Region face barriers related to poverty.
That’s more than 27,000 Peel District School Board students. The Peel Learning Foundation’s mission is to raise
funds to enable Peel board students to achieve personal excellence by providing resources that help them over-
come barriers.

Through the Student Emergency Needs program and Student Backpack program, the support we provide can be
as simple as providing funds for food or transportation, a winter coat, or a backpack filled with school supplies.
This type of support can enrich a student's school experience and help them achieve success. Any teacher, staff
or support person can speak confidentially to their school’s principal, vice-principal or supervisor when they en-
counter a student in need, who will then reach out to us to ask for help.
There are many ways that you can support the foundation. A gift will help us achieve great things for students
and 100 per cent of funds directly support Peel board students. To learn more, visit
You can help us create hopeful tomorrows.

www.PeelLearningFoundation.org l 905-890-1010 ext. 2461 l foundation@peelsb.com

       @PeelLearningFDN l          /PeelLearningFDN

                                School Council Message
 We would like to thank all of the families that were able to support our Terra
 Cotta Cookie Dough Fundraiser. It was a great success as we were able to raise
 $850 for the school! This will help provide additional learning resources for the
 children of Hilldale P.S. The Little Caesars Pizza Kits Fundraiser will be taking
 place from from Feb 11th - Feb 22nd, with a delivery date in early March, just in
 time for March Break. If every family can buy/sell just 1 kit, this fundraiser will
 be a HUGE success!!! The Crazy bread and cheesy Italian bread is a must try,
 and the make it yourself pizzas are great for the kids to help out and enjoy. We
 look forward to your continued support!
 Our Next Meeting is Feb 21st at 6:15pm, please feel free to
Before School and After School Programs
PLASP Child Care Services operates both a Before School and After School Pro-
gram for children up to 11 years of age at this school.

The Before School Program begins at 7:30 a.m. and finishes at the start of the
school day (8:45 a.m.). The After School Program begins once school is dis-
missed (3:15 p.m.) and runs until 6:00 p.m.

Children participate in recreational activities, are served a nutritious snack daily
and have time for homework.

Before and After School Programs for Kindergarten-aged Children
PLASP also operates Before and After School Programs for Kindergarten-aged
children at this school. The program follows the current Kindergarten curricu-
lum based on children learning through play. Breakfast, snacks and age
appropriate activities are provided daily.

Note: Fee assistance is available.

Visit www.plasp.com and register your child online today.
Student of the Month Winners: January Award: Owning A Positive Attitude

Mrs. Dockeray & Ms. Alstrom               Virraj S., Aliyah H.
Mrs. Morello-Garrod & Ms. Boateng         Alicia H.A., Declan N.
Mrs. Griffin & Ms. Ho                     Emmanuel U., Arnav S.

Mrs. Dobson                               Joshua S., Jeremiah P.,
                                          Shaurya B.
Mrs. Arruda                               Sara A., Mehtaab S.,
                                          Jahshua A.

Ms. Rostayee                              Jacob B.,. Arianna B-S.
Mrs. Marmelo                              Gurfateh S., Ellie R.
Ms. Lypka                                 Liam M., Kaustav C., Favour N.

Mrs. Spasic                               A.J. A. Aiden A.
Mr. Lyn                                   Sesh P., Eshaal K.

Mrs. Koach                                Chloe P., Ethan L.
Mrs. Kupi-Walsh                           Aidan L., Grishma W.,
Mrs. Buss                                 A.J. A., C.J.L
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