Page created by Randall Sharp
Hit or Miss
Briefer’s notes
Safety 365 Quiz
This handbook accompanies the Network Rail
Hit or Miss quiz and is designed as a tool to aid
discussion and increase awareness of near misses.

A near miss results in no physical injury. Contact
with a train nearly always results in a severe or fatal
injury. The psychological consequences of a near
miss can also end the career of both drivers and
track staff.

To ensure maximum impact of the near miss
message, the Safety 365 quiz should always be
presented alongside the Hit or Miss film.

Q1.      What should you do on                      Q2.   Who can have a mobile
         receiving a warning from                         phone switched on
        a lookout?                                       while walking in a group
A. Wait for the COSS to move                        or working on or near the line?
B. Finish what you are doing and move               A.   Site Warden
C.	Acknowledge and move straight                   B.   COSS
    away to the position of safety                  C.   Lookout
D.	Carry on till the COSS instructs you            D.   Anyone
    to move
                                                    This section is applicable regardless of
Question is intended to promote                     grade or position.
discussion on when the member of
staff should move.                                  Question is intended to promote
                                                    discussion on when and who can
Rule Book reference T6                              have a mobile phone on when not in a
                                                    position of safety.
5.2 C If the warning is given by a lookout
When the lookout gives you a warning, you must:
                                                    Rule Book Reference G1, G2, & T6
•	acknowledge the warning by raising an arm
                                                    T6 6.5 Staying Alert – Site Warden
   above your head
                                                    Switch off any mobile phones unless you are the
•	immediately move to a position of safety         COSS and it is required to remain switched on to
•	stay in the position of safety until the COSS    maintain communication.
   tells you it is safe to start work again         T6 7.10 Staying Alert – Lookout
If you can no longer see the lookout or you think   Switch off any mobile phones you have with you.
you might not be able to hear the lookout’s         G1 4.2
warning, you must:                                  You must not use mobile communications
•	immediately move to a position of safety         equipment if it may cause distraction or
                                                    compromise safety.
•	tell the COSS why you have done so
                                                    G2 6.3
                                                    You must not use a mobile phone unless you
                                                    are required to as part of your duties.
                                                    G2 6.5
                                                    You must not wear or use anything which makes
                                                    you less able to see or hear approaching trains
                                                    for example, hoods, headphones, mobile phones
                                                    or ear muffs.
Q3.      When reporting an                         Q5.       Whose first concern
         emergency to a signaller                            is safety?
        – what should you say first?                      Answer A, B, C & D
A.   Your name                                     A.   COSS
B.   This is an emergency call                     B.   Lookout
C.   Where you are speaking from                   C.   Site Warden
D.   Confirm who you are speaking to               D.   Any Individual
Question is intended to promote discussion         Question is intended to promote
on how to correctly start an emergency             discussion on who is ultimately
call to the signaller. A supplementary             responsible for your safety and when
discussion on the benefits of good safety          the worksafe procedure could be
critical communications can be generated.          invoked.

Rule Book Reference G1                             Rule Book Reference G1
G1 8.6 Reporting an accident                       Section 1 General Safety
When reporting an accident you must first say      Safety must always be your first concern. You must
this is an emergency call.                         do everything possible to ensure the safety of you,
G1 11.5 Phrases to use                             others, contractors, the public, passengers, trains,
This is an emergency call – this message conveys   equipment and the infrastructure.
information that requires immediate action.        Health & Safety at Work Act 1974
                                                   Sections 7 & 8 – Employees’ responsibilities.

Q4.      Which of these is a
         primary responsibility                    Q6.  What is the minimum
        of the COSS?                                    distance for a position of
A. Ensure the right tools are on site                  safety when line speed is
B.	Ensure there are enough men for the task
                                                   100mph or less?
                                                   A. 1.25 metres or 4 feet
C. Set up the safe system of work
                                                   B. 2 metres or 6 feet 6 inches
D.	Ensure work has been completed to the          C. 2.75 metres or 9 feet
    correct standard
                                                   Question is intended to promote
Question is intended to promote                    discussion on minimum distance a
discussion on how one person can be                position of safety should be in these
responsible for multiple activities,               circumstances.
albeit their COSS responsibilities are
detailed in the rule book.                         Rule Book Reference G2

Rule Book Reference T7                             Section 3.2 What a position of safety means
                                                   100mph or less – 1.25 metres or 4 feet.
T7 Section 1.1 When a group is to walk or work
T7 Section 3 Setting up a safe system of work
The Persons responsible COSS/IWA
COSS Handbook
RS 502 Issue 1 (April 2005) Section 7.
Q7.      If a train is travelling at               Q9.      When should you
         110mph, how long before                            obey rules, regulations
       it arrives must you be in a                         and instructions?
 position of safety?                               A. Only when your supervisor tells you to
 A.   25 seconds                                   B.	Only during your competence
 B.   20 seconds                                       assessment
 C.   15 seconds                                   C. Only when someone is watching
 D.   10 seconds                                   D. Always
 Question is intended to promote                   Question is intended to promote
 discussion on whether the time changes            discussion on the importance of
 dependent on the speed of the train.              adhering to applicable rules, regulations
                                                   and instructions at all times.
 Rule Book Reference T7
                                                   Rule Book reference G1
 Section 9.3 Making sure enough warning
 will be given                                     Section 2.3 Obeying rules, regulations
 Time – the minimum time needed to stop work,      and instructions
 down tools and reach a position of safety at      You must be competent to use correctly the
 least ten seconds before a train arrives at the   rules, regulations and instructions that apply to
 site of work.                                     the tasks you are authorised to carry out, unless
                                                   you are under instruction.
                                                   You must be authorised to carry out rules,
Q8. On average, how often                          regulations and instructions.
     is a near miss reported                       Rules, regulations and instructions apply to the
                                                   task being performed and to those carrying out
    between a train and a                          the task no matter what grade or job title they
 member of staff?                                  have. You must obey:
 A.   1 every 6 months                             •	all rules, regulations and instructions which
 B.   1 every 3 months                                apply to you
 C.   1 every month                                •	instructions given to you by people who are in
                                                      charge at your workplace
 D.   1 every week
                                                   You must tell your supervisor, manager or
 Question is intended to promote                   Operations Control immediately if you see
 discussion on how many times it nearly            anyone else not carrying out rules, regulations
 goes wrong and highlighting the scale             or instructions correctly.
 of the issue.

 Network Rail Safety and Environment
 Assurance report (SEAR)
 		 When do you need to                            Q12.   If a member of a group
         report a near miss?                              breaks the site safety
 A.   If the train stops                                 arrangements, who is
 B.   If someone is injured                         responsible for ensuring he is
 C.   On every occasion                             made aware of the mistake?
 D.   If someone sees it                            Answer A, B, C & D
 Question is intended to promote                    A.   COSS
 discussion on how important it is                  B.   Team Leader
 to report near misses to enable the
                                                    C.   Trackman
 business to investigate and provide
 preventative measures.                             D.   Lookout/Site Warden
                                                    Question is intended to promote
 Rule Book Reference – N/A                          discussion on how it is everyone’s
 In order to prevent accidents, all occasions of    responsibility to challenge those who
 near misses must be reported and investigated.     break the site safety arrangements and
 GE/RT 8000 M5	Managing accidents                  the expectations of the business that
 GE/RT 8047	Reporting of safety related            we can all impact on safety.
                                                    Rule Book Reference – N/A
 GE/GN 8522	Guidance on reporting
             of injuries, diseases and
             dangerous occurrence
             regulations (RIDDOR) 1995

Q11.      If a train is travelling at
          70mph, how long will it take
         to stop in dry conditions?
 A.   125 metres
 B.   240 metres
 C.   350 metres
 D.   460 metres
 Question is intended to promote
 discussion on how important it is to move
 quickly to a position of safety as a train
 cannot swerve and will not stop instantly.

 Rule Book Reference – N/A
 Answer obtained from the fleet department of
 South East Trains.
Q13.     What is the minimum                        Q14.     When a near miss
         distance that tools or                              occurs between track
       lightweight equipment,                              staff and a train, whose
 which are not in use, must be                       lives are affected?
 kept from the nearest running rail                  Answer A, B, C & D
 on which a train may approach?                      A.   COSS
 A. 1.25 metres or 4 feet                            B.   Lookout
 B. 1.75 metres or 6 feet                            C.   Train driver
                                                     D.   Track staff
 C. 2 metres or 6 feet 6 inches
                                                     Question is intended to promote
 D. 2.75 metres or 9 feet
                                                     discussion on how everyone’s lives are
 Question is intended to promote                     affected by near misses. It is important
 discussion on how far from the track                to draw out how lives can be affected.
 tools and light equipment not in use
 should be kept.                                     Rule Book Reference – N/A

 Rule Book Reference – T6
 Section 9.1 Tools and materials
 You must make sure tools and materials are left
 clear of the line and are:
 •	at least 2 metres (2.75 metres if the line
    speed is over 125 mph) from the nearest rail
    on which a train is passing unless you are
    absolutely sure they will not be moved by the
    slipstream of the passing train
 •	not left where they obstruct or become a
    tripping hazard to other people on walking
    routes, walkways, refuges or recesses
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