HMCS Margaret Brooke's Inaugural Deployment Déploiement inaugural du NCSM Margaret Brooke

Page created by Cecil Marshall
HMCS Margaret Brooke's Inaugural Deployment Déploiement inaugural du NCSM Margaret Brooke
Monday August 08, 2022                     Volume 56, Issue 16


HMCS Margaret
Brooke’s Inaugural
inaugural du NCSM
Margaret Brooke

With HMCS Margaret Brooke leading the way, ships from Canada, Denmark,
France and the United States left Halifax on August 2. The task group is heading
to the North to begin the latest Operation Nanook deployment.

Avec le NCSM Margaret Brooke en tête, des navires du Canada, du Danemark, de
la France et des États-Unis ont quitté Halifax le 2 août. Le groupe opérationnel se
dirige vers le Nord pour entamer le prochain déploiement de l’opération Nanook.
                                                       MONA GHIZ, MARLANT / FMAR(A)
HMCS Margaret Brooke's Inaugural Deployment Déploiement inaugural du NCSM Margaret Brooke
2                                                                                                                                     TRIDENT NEWS           AUGUST 08, 2022

                                                             Flag raising for
                                                             Emancipation Day/
                                                             Levée du drapeau pour
                                                             le jour de l’emancipation
                                                             On July 29, in the presence of the Halifax Defence Visible Minorities Advisory Group (DVMAG), the Pan-Afri-
                                                             can flag was raised at CFB Halifax headquarters ahead of Emancipation Day (August 1). Emancipation Day
                                                             recognizes the date of August 1, 1834, when the practice of slavery officially ended for millions of African people
                                                             and their descendants in Canada. Our Base family is encouraged to join with Halifax and Dartmouth residents
                                                             to learn more about the history of African Nova Scotian people and communities, and to continue working to
                                                             address and eradicate systemic anti-Black racism.

                                                             Le 29 juillet, en présence du Groupe consultatif des minorités visibles de la Défense (GCMVD) d’Halifax, le
                                                             drapeau panafricain fut hissé au quartier général de la BFC Halifax en prévision du Jour de l’émancipation (le
                                                             1er août). Le Jour de l’émancipation souligne la date du 1er août 1834, lorsque la pratique de l’esclavage a offi-
                                                             ciellement pris fin pour des millions d’Africains et leurs descendants au Canada. Nous encourageons notre fa-
                                                             mille de la base à se joindre aux résidents d’Halifax et de Dartmouth pour en apprendre davantage sur l’histoire
                                                             des personnes et des communautés afro-néo-écossaises, et pour continuer à lutter contre le racisme systémique
                                                             envers les Noirs et à l’éradiquer.
                                                                                                         ARIANE GUAY-JADAH, BASE PUBLIC AFFAIRS/AFFAIRES PUBLIQUES DE LA BASE

Capt(N) Andy MacKenzie assumes command of CFB Halifax
By Joanie Veitch,
Trident Staff

                                                                  the audience.        Fleets.                                    everyone, whether military or civil-
                                                                  “The last two          A graduate of both the United States     ian, regardless of rank or uniform,
                                                                  years have been      Navy Submarine Command Course              are proud to serve and represent this
                                                                  very challeng-       and ‘Perisher’, the Norwegian Sub-         great institution of ours… where peo-
                                                                  ing. You’ve all      marine Command Course, Capt(N)             ple feel they belong, and where people
                                                                  gone above and       MacKenzie has held various command know that they contribute directly to
                                                                  beyond, con-         positions, including HMCS Windsor,         this great country of ours.”
                                                                  stantly adapting     HMCS Victoria and Sea Training (Sub-         The Change of Command opened
                                                                  to changing pan-     marines), as well as Deputy Command- with a smudging ceremony, offered
                                                                  demic restric-       er of the Canadian Submarine Force.        by Hon Capt(N) Debbie Eisan, and
                                                                  tions. Figuring        After serving on the naval staff at      a prayer from Captain Troy Dennis,
                                                                  out what we can      National Defence Headquarters, in          Senior Base Chaplain. Music was pro-
                                                                  do and how to        2020 Capt(N) MacKenzie earned a            vided by an ensemble of the Stadacona
                                                                  do it safely, de-    Master of Science degree in justice and Band.
                                                                  spite the uncer-     homeland security from Salve Regina
                                                                  tainty.”             University in Rhode Island.
                                                                    Capt(N)              Thanking RAdm
                                                                  Williams’            Santarpia for the
Capt(N) Andy MacKenzie speaks to members of CFB Halifax for
                                                                  connections to       opportunity to
the first time as the new Base Commander.
                                                                  the city and his     lead the base and
                                           S1 BRYAN UNDERWOOD
                                                                  leadership style     Capt(N) Williams
  Captain (Navy) Andy MacKenzie                                   were a large         for his guidance
took over as Base Commander of CFB        part of his success in leading CFB           and leadership,
Halifax from Captain (Navy) Sean Wil- Halifax during the difficult period of           Capt(N) MacK-
liams during a Change of Command          the COVID-19 pandemic, among other           enzie said he’s
ceremony at the Consolidated Sea-         challenges, RAdm Santarpia added.            looking forward
manship Training Facility at Stadaco-        “You’ve done a great job of quietly,      to working “with
na on July 25.                            confidently allowing people to get           and alongside” the
  In his final address as Commander,      on with the job they needed to do.           people who make
Capt(N) Williams said he had “mixed       To support people when there were            up CFB Halifax.
feelings” about leaving a role he’s en-   questions, and to be fair to everyone          Beyond the
joyed, in the city where he grew up.      involved through difficult and chal-         main function of
  “When you don’t know what to say,       lenging situations… you will be sorely       the job — adminis-
say thank you,” said Capt(N) Wil-         missed,” said RAdm Santarpia.                tration of the base
liams, crediting Rear-Admiral Brian          For the next year, Capt(N) Williams       — Capt(N) MacK-
Santarpia, Commander of Maritime          will be at Canadian Forces College in        enzie said his goal
Forces Atlantic (MARLANT) and             Toronto, taking the National Security        is to continue to     From left, outgoing CFB Halifax Base Commander Capt(N)
Joint Task Force Atlantic, for giving     Programme.                                   build a strong        Sean Williams, RAdm Brian Santarpia, Commander MAR-
him that advice, before expressing his       Incoming Base Commander, Capt(N)          team.                 LANT and JTFA, and incoming Base Commander Capt(N)
gratitude to the Base Executive team      MacKenzie, comes with an extensive             “I look forward     Andy MacKenzie sign the certificates during the CFB Halifax
and personnel across the base for         background as a submarine warfare            to building a team    Change of Command ceremony on July 25.
their support.                            officer, serving in the “Silent Service”     and work envi-
                                                                                                                                                       S1 BRYAN UNDERWOOD
  “This is all about you,” he said to     with both the Atlantic and Pacific           ronment where
HMCS Margaret Brooke's Inaugural Deployment Déploiement inaugural du NCSM Margaret Brooke
TRIDENT NEWS        AUGUST 08, 2022                                                                                                                                           3

                                                               Task group departs
                                                               Halifax for expanded
                                                               Op Nanook deployment
                                                               By Ryan Melanson,
                                                               Trident Staff

                                                                                                               HMCS Goose Bay is seen in the foreground as the Op
                                                                                                               Nanook task group departs Halifax Harbour on August 4.
                                                                                                                                                     MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PA

   Five ships from four different coun-    Passage but also to go further, North
tries departed from Halifax on August      of Resolute and into the upper Arctic
2 to begin the latest iteration of Op-     Archipelago.
eration Nanook, Canada’s signature           The deployment is a significant one
mission in the North.                      for the RCN, with two AOPVs operat-
   This year’s Op Nanook will be the       ing in the North together for the first
first for the Royal Canadian Navy          time, further demonstrating Canada’s
(RCN)’s newest Arctic and Offshore         new capabilities in the region. It’s also
Patrol Vessel (AOPV), Her Majesty’s        significant for the sailors and aviators
Canadian Ship (HMCS) Margaret              taking part, Capt(N) Gillis added.
Brooke, which successfully completed         “The teams are excited. This is a         Members of the public were invited to watch and take photos as the ships sailed past
cold weather and ice trials earlier this   beautiful region of Canada, so they’re      the Halifax Waterfront with a CH-148 Cyclone in the air above them.
year. The ship was joined by HMCS          looking forward to that physical geog-                                                                        S1 BRYAN UNDERWOOD
Goose Bay, His Danish Majesty’s Ship       raphy, for some they’ll be seeing that
(HDMS) Triton, United States Coast         for the first time,” he said.
Guard Cutter Bear, and the French            “The Northwest Passage is a fabled
offshore support and assistance vessel     part of Canadian history, and this is
BSAH Rhome. The group sailed out of        a chance for our sailors to be part of

Halifax Harbour together, and will be      that living history in the North.”
joined shortly by HMCS Harry De-             This year’s mission will also include
Wolf to complete the Op Nanook task        scientific research work alongside
group.                                     both Defence Research and Devel-

   As usual, the early at-sea portion of   opment Canada and Fisheries and
Op Nanook will see the group con-          Oceans Canada. The focus will be
ducting patrols and interoperability       on the changing Arctic climate and
exercises under the leadership of task     possible impacts on future naval
group commander Capt(N) Sheldon            operations, as well as environmental                                   Member of Parliament • Député
Gillis. In a change from previous          stewardship and potential impacts on                                   Sackville−Preston−Chezzetcook
years, however, the task group staff       marine life.
will remain in place through the
whole deployment, as the new AOPVs
make their way further north.
   “As the number of ships actually
                                                                                           As Parliamentary Secretary
going to sea grows with this opera-
tion, we need to ensure we have that
                                                                                           to the Minister of Veterans
coordination element in place,” said                                                       Affairs Canada and Associate
Capt(N) Gillis, who is also the deputy
commander of Canadian Fleet Atlan-                                                         Minister of National Defence,
                                                                                           wishing everyone a safe
tic. He added that working alongside
partners like the Army, RCAF, RCMP

                                                                                           and happy summer!
and Coast Guard increases that need.
   Following the international task
group piece of the mission, RCN
ships will continue on to conduct the
presence and sovereignty patrols and
community visits that typically take
place as part of Op Nanook, but the ice
capabilities of the Harry-DeWolf class
means ships can operate in a larger
area and stay longer. In 2021, HMCS
Harry DeWolf transited the Northwest
Passage, a first for the Navy since                                                                                                           902-861-2311
1954, and this year, plans are for Harry
DeWolf and Margaret Brooke to again        The mission patch for the Operation                                         
conduct patrols along the Northwest        Nanook 2022 task group.
                                                                        MARLANT PA
HMCS Margaret Brooke's Inaugural Deployment Déploiement inaugural du NCSM Margaret Brooke
4                                                                                                                                                     TRIDENT NEWS           AUGUST 08, 2022

                                                            SAC trade recognized with
Editor: Ryan Melanson
                                                            new specialty skill badge
                                                            by Joanie Veitch,
                                                            Trident Staff
Reporter: Joanie Veitch                                  Four Atlantic fleet sailors received     were among the first RCN members          with the CAF since 2008, is an NCIOP
 902-721-8624                                               the Royal Canadian Navy’s new Ship-        to receive the new badges, along with     and completed the SAC Delta course
Editorial Advisor: Margaret Conway                          borne Air Controller (SAC) specialty       counterparts on the west coast: Master on December 13, 2019.                               skill badge in a presentation ceremony     Sailor (MS) Andrew Coshell, MS              MS Matthew Butchart also has de-
 902-721-0560                                               held on July 28 in the operations room     Ellsworth Lawrence III, MS Genevieve ployment experience as a SAC, having
Editorial Advisor: Ariane Guay-Jadah                        aboard Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship         Reynolds and MS Matthew Butchart.         been with HMCS Fredericton on Op-                             (HMCS) Charlottetown.                        Presenting their badges, Commo-         eration Reassurance in 2020, shortly
 902-721-8341                                                  Shipborne Air Controllers are           dore Trevor MacLean, Commander            after earning the SAC designation on
                                                            responsible for the tactical air control   Canadian Fleet Atlantic, said the         December 13, 2019.                                    of helicopters and fixed wing maritime     specialized skill and unique role of        Despite the tough times he’s faced as
                                                            aircraft assigned to a warship, as well    SACs onboard a warship is “absolute-      a SAC, MS Butchart said he loves the
Trident is an authorized military publication                                                          ly critical” to the Navy.                 role.
distributed across Canada and throughout the
                                                            as the care and safety of the ship’s
world every second Monday, and is published with            aircrew while under their control.           “This job touches all of the areas of     “You’re overseeing flight safety and
the permission of Rear Admiral Brian Santarpia,               The SAC role is a rigorous but huge-     warfare. It’s like the connective tissue  the tactical employment of aircraft
Commander, Joint Task Force Atlantic. The Editor
reserves the right to edit, condense or reject copy,        ly rewarding job for NCMs (non-com-        across the board,” said Cmdre             assigned to the ship. It’s a significant
photographs or advertising to achieve the aims              missioned members), said CPO2              MacLean. “It’s important to recognize     amount of responsibility,” said MS
of a service newspaper as defined by the Interim                                                        the time and effort that’s put into       Butchart, who joined the CAF in 2012.
Canadian Forces Newspapers Policy dated April
                                                            Gordon Rittwage, Fleet Shipborne Air
11, 2005. Deadline for copy and advertising is 10           Controller for Canadian Fleet Atlan-       getting and maintaining this qualifi-     “It’s the best job in the Navy, in my
a.m., 11 business days prior to the publication date.       tic.                                       cation. Congratulations to all of you.    humble opinion. You get the opportu-
Material must be accompanied by the contributor’s
name, address and phone number. Opinions and                  “The two SACs onboard ship are           Wear this pin on your uniform with        nity to be challenged and work with
advertisements printed in Trident are those of the          busy from the time each one gets on        pride.”                                   complete autonomy. It is an adjust-
individual contributor or advertiser and do not                                                          Both MS Lawrence III and MS
necessarily reflect the opinions or endorsements of
                                                            watch until the time they’re off watch.                                              ment but once you take that on, it
the DND, the Editor or the Publisher.                       They are the subject matter experts on     Coshell completed the SAC Delta           reaps its own rewards.”
Le Trident est une publication militaire autorisée par le
                                                            aircraft operations on that ship,” he      course at Naval Fleet School (Atlantic)
contre-amiral Brian Santarpia, Commandant la force          said.                                      on May 26, 2022. MS
opérationnelle interarmées de l‘Atlantique, qui est           “That means regularly getting up in      Lawrence III was the
distribuée partout au Canada et outremer les lundis
toutes les quinzaines. Le rédacteur en chef se réserve      front of the Commanding Officer and        first East Coast Sonar
le droit de modifier, de condenser ou de rejeter les         speaking, as the subject matter expert,    Operator to successful-
articles, photographies ou annonces publicitaires
jugées contraires aux objectifs d’un journal militaire      to the same level that a director or       ly challenge the SAC
selon la définition donnée à politique temporaire des        lieutenant would. They’re constantly       course and MS Coshell,
journaux des forces canadiennes. L’heure de tombée                                                     an NCIOP, was top
des annonces publi- citaires ou des articles est fixée
                                                            in motion and carry a lot of responsi-
à 1000 le jeudi précédant la semaine de publication.        bility.”                                   student throughout all
Les textes peuvent être soumis en français ou en              Drawing from the trades of Na-           phases of the course.
anglais; ils doivent indiquer le nom, l’adresse et le
numéro de téléphone du collaborateur. Les opinions          val Combat Information Operators           Both are posted to
et les annonces publicitaires imprimées par le Trident      (NCIOP), Naval Electronics Sensor          HMCS Charlottetown
sont celles des collaborateurs et agents publicitaires                                                 and will deploy in the
et non nécessairement celles de la rédaction, du
                                                            Operators and Sonar Operators, the
MDN ou de l’éditeur.                                        SAC specialization is a NATO-level         near future.
                                                            qualification and standard across            MS Reynolds recently
                                                            NATO countries.                            returned from a six-
Courier address:                                              In a Naval Order released on July        month deployment
Canadian Forces Base Halifax                                18, the RCN endorsed the new SAC           with HMCS Montréal
Building S-90                                                                                          on Operation Reassur-
                                                            specialty badge for members who have
Suite 329
P.O. Box 99000                                              earned the SAC NATO grade Delta lev-       ance, providing con-
Halifax, N.S.                                               el qualification, as a way to recognize    trol to the embarked
B3K 5X5                                                     the extra workload and responsibility      CH-148 Cyclone and          Cmdre MacLean presents the new SAC speciality skill
                                                            the job entails.                           other NATO assets. MS       badge to MS Genevieve Reynolds
                                                              The four Atlantic fleet recipients       Reynolds, who has been                                MONA GHIZ, MARLANT FMAR (A)

                                                                                                       Natal Day Parade /
                                                                                                       Fête de la fondation
                                                                                                       d’Halifax et de Dartmouth
                                                                                                       CFB Halifax was honoured to participate in the 125th Halifax and Dartmouth Natal
                                                                                                       Day Parade on August 1! On August 1, we celebrate both Emancipation Day and Natal
                                                                                                       Day as we recognize and reflect on the difficult history of anti-Black racism and dis-
                                                                                                       crimination in Canada and around the world, while also celebrating the strength and
                                                                                                       perseverance of Black communities.

                                                                                                       La BFC Halifax fut honorée de participer au 125e défilé de la Fête de la fondation
                                                                                                       d’Halifax et de Dartmouth le 1 er août! Le 1 er août, nous célébrons le Jour de l’émanci-
                                                                                                       pation et la Fête de la fondation en soulignant et en nous remémorant l’histoire difficile
                                                                                                       du racisme et de la discrimination envers les Noirs au Canada et dans le monde entier,
                                                                                                       et tout en saluant la force et la persévérance des communautés noires.

                                                                                                                        MARGARET CONWAY, BASE PUBLIC AFFAIRS / AFFAIRES PUBLIQUES DE LA BASE
HMCS Margaret Brooke's Inaugural Deployment Déploiement inaugural du NCSM Margaret Brooke
TRIDENT NEWS         AUGUST 08, 2022                                                                                                                                      5

Le métier de CAE reconnu par
un nouvel insigne de spécialiste
Par Joanie Veitch,
L’Équipe Trident

   Quatre marins de la flotte de l’Atlan-   qu’un directeur ou un lieutenant. Ils        Marine.                                    l’OTAN. Le Matc Reynolds, qui fait
tique ont reçu le nouvel insigne de spé-    sont constamment en mouvement et               « Ce travail touche tous les do-         partie des FAC depuis 2008, est un
cialiste en contrôle aérien embarqué        portent beaucoup de responsabilités. »       maines de la guerre. C’est comme           NCIOP et a terminé le cours SAC Delta
(CAE) de la Marine royale du Canada           S’inspirant des métiers d’opéra-           le tissu conjonctif de l’ensemble des      le 13 décembre 2019.
lors d’une cérémonie de présentation        teur d’information de combat naval           opérations », a déclaré le Cmdre              Le Matc Matthew Butchart possède
tenue le 28 juillet dans la salle des       (NCIOP), d’opérateur de capteur élec-        MacLean. «Il est important de recon-       également une expérience de déploie-
opérations du Navire canadien de Sa         tronique naval et d’opérateur sonar,         naître le temps et les efforts consacrés   ment en tant que CAE, ayant été avec
Majesté (NCSM) Charlottetown.               la spécialisation SAC est une qualifi-       à l’obtention et au maintien de cette      le NCSM Fredericton dans le cadre de
   Les contrôleurs aériens embarqués        cation de niveau OTAN et une norme           qualification. Félicitations à vous        l’opération Reassurance en 2020, peu
sont responsables du contrôle aérien        dans tous les pays de l’OTAN.                tous. Portez cette épingle sur votre       après avoir obtenu le titre de SAC le 13
tactique des hélicoptères et des              Dans un ordre naval publié le 18 juil-     uniforme avec fierté. »                    décembre 2019.
aéronefs maritimes à voilure fixe af-       let, la MRC a approuvé le nouvel insig-        Le Matc Lawrence III et le matc             Malgré les moments difficiles aux-
fectés à un navire de guerre, ainsi que     ne de spécialité CAE pour les mem-           Coshell ont tous deux suivi le cours       quels il a été confronté en tant que
des soins et de la sécurité de l’équi-      bres qui ont obtenu la qualification         CAE Delta à l’École navale de la flotte    CAE, le Matc Butchart dit qu’il aime
page du navire lorsqu’il est sous leur      CAE de niveau Delta de l’OTAN, afin          (Atlantique) le 26 mai 2022. Le Matc       son rôle.
contrôle.                                   de reconnaître la charge de travail et       Lawrence III a été le premier opéra-          « Vous supervisez la sécurité des
   Le rôle de CAE est un travail rigou-     les responsabilités supplémentaires          teur de sonar de la côte Est à réussir     vols et l’emploi tactique des aéronefs
reux mais extrêmement gratifiant            qu’implique ce poste.                        le cours CAE et le matc Coshell, un        affectés au navire. C’est une quantité
pour les MR (membres du rang), a              Les quatre récipiendaires de la            NCIOP, a été le meilleur élève à toutes    importante de responsabilités », a
déclaré le premier maître de 2e classe      flotte de l’Atlantique ont été parmi         les étapes du cours. Tous deux sont        déclaré le matc Butchart, qui a rejoint
Gordon Rittwage, contrôleur aérien          les premiers membres de la MRC à             affectés au NCSM Charlottetown et se-      les FAC en 2012. « C’est le meilleur em-
de la flotte embarquée pour la Flotte       recevoir les nouveaux insignes, avec         ront déployés dans un proche avenir.       ploi de la Marine, à mon humble avis.
canadienne de l’Atlantique.                 leurs homologues de la côte ouest : Le         Le Matc Reynolds est récemment           Vous avez la possibilité d’être mis au
   «Les deux CAE à bord du navire           matelot-chef (Matc) Andrew Coshell, le       revenu d’un déploiement de six mois        défi et de travailler en toute autono-
sont occupés du moment où chacun            matc Ellsworth Lawrence III, le matc         avec le NCSM Montréal dans le cadre        mie. Il s’agit d’une adaptation, mais
prend son quart jusqu’au moment où          Genevieve Reynolds et le Matc Mat-           de l’opération Reassurance, où il a        une fois que vous l’assumez, vous en
il le quitte. Ils sont les experts en la    thew Butchart.                               assuré le contrôle du CH-148 Cyclone       récoltez les fruits. »
matière en ce qui concerne les opéra-         Lors de la remise des insignes, le         embarqué et d’autres ressources de
tions aériennes sur ce navire », a-t-il     commodore Trevor MacLean, com-
déclaré.                                    mandant de la Flotte canadienne de
   «Cela signifie qu’ils doivent            l’Atlantique, a déclaré que les com-
régulièrement se présenter devant le        pétences spécialisées et le rôle unique         Attn: Transitioning Military
commandant et parler, en tant qu’ex-        des CAE à bord d’un navire de guerre            Members

                                                                                            WE RE
perts en la matière, au même niveau         sont « absolument essentiels « pour la

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Le Cmdre Trevor MacLean, commandant de la Flotte canadienne de l’Atlantique, a
présenté le nouvel insigne de compétence de spécialité CAE à un certain nombre de
marins de la côte Est le 28 juillet à bord du NCSM Charlottetown. De gauche à droite,
le Matc Ellsworth Lawrence III, la Matc Genevieve Reynolds, le Matc Andrew Coshell
et le Matc Matthew Butchart.
                                                                    MONA GHIZ, FMAR(A)
HMCS Margaret Brooke's Inaugural Deployment Déploiement inaugural du NCSM Margaret Brooke
6                                                                                                                                           TRIDENT NEWS           AUGUST 08, 2022

Montréal gets new Coxn after NATO mission
by Joanie Veitch,
Trident Staff
  HMCS Montréal held a Change of             hangar aboard HMCS Montréal, just                advisor to me,
Appointment ceremony on July 19,             four days after the ship and its crew            and a mentor
with Chief Petty Officer First Class         returned from a six-month deploy-                to all who have
Stéphane Trémblay taking over the            ment on Operation Reassurance                    needed it. You
Coxswain role from Chief Petty Offi-         where it joined Standing NATO Mari-              gave wholly of
cer First Class Todd Hodder, who has         time Group Two in Central European               yourself, with
held the position since April 2019.          waters.                                          honesty and
  In his farewell address, CPO1 Hod-           It was the first Operation Reas-               integrity… you
der thanked his family and the other         surance mission for Montréal, and                have the respect
members of the command team for              beyond the usual challenges expected             of all.”
their support, as well as the “fantastic     as a ship gets ready for deployment,               Incoming
crew” that makes up the ship’s com-          the ship’s company was faced with a              Coxn CPO1
pany.                                        situation back in January that was               Trémblay brings
  “Over the past three years a lot of        compounded by a spike in COVID-19                a wide range of
people came and a lot of people left,        case numbers in Nova Scotia. Mari-               experience to
but every person who crossed that            time Forces Atlantic was in “maroon              Montréal, most
gangway came with a smile and deter-         posture” — reducing on-site personnel            recently having
mination to put Montréal through her         numbers to 50 per cent and adding                served as Base
                                                                                                                  From left, CPO1 Todd Hodder turns over the Coxswain position,
program,” he said.                           extra stress to just about every aspect          Information Ser-
                                                                                                                  with authorization of the ship’s Commanding Officer, Cdr Chris-
  Speaking to his successor, CPO1            of their schedule, CPO1 Hodder said,             vices Unit Chief
                                                                                                                  topher DeVita, to CPO1 Stephane Tremblay (right) during HMCS
Hodder had words of encouragement            recalling one as “the longest day ever”          Petty Officer at
                                                                                                                  Montréal’s Change of Appointment ceremony, held inside the
and advice for the challenges he’ll          and another as “the day that just kept           CFB Halifax.
                                                                                                                  ship’s hangar on July 19.
inevitably face during his tenure.           on giving.”                                        Thanking his
                                                                                                                                                              S1 BRYAN UNDERWOOD
  “You’ll have a lot of long days and          Commander Chris Devita, Com-                   family for their
you’ll have a lot of frustrating days        manding Officer (CO) of HMCS                     support, CPO1                               es), and without you success is not
but there are people here to support         Montréal, credited CPO1 Hodder for               Trémblay gave credit to the “many           achievable,” he said. “You are import-
you,” said CPO1 Hodder. “You’ve got          serving with “honour, dignity and                mentors” who have supported and en-         ant… and it is my vocation to support
an amazing crew of very hard-work-           tenacity”, noting that the two have              couraged him along the way, and said        you as best I can.”
ing people. They truly care about each       twice served together as CO and Coxn.            main focus in his new role will be the
other and they take care of one anoth-         “Bravo zulu, Coxn,” he said. “You’ve           welfare and support of the ship’s crew.
er.”                                         done all that I’ve asked of you, and               “The crew is at the core of what we
  The ceremony took place in the             more. You’ve been a good friend and              do at the CAF (Canadian Armed Forc-

CFB Halifax welcomes new Base                                                                 CFB Halifax has a new commanding officer for its Base Administration branch, with
                                                                                              Commander Cythia Foley taking over command during a formal Change of Com-
Administration Officer / La BFC Halifax                                                       mand ceremony at the Juno Tower bridge on July 15. Cdr Foley is no stranger to CFB
                                                                                              Halifax and has extensive experience sailing with the Atlantic Fleet, including major
accueille un nouvel officier du service de                                                    deployments with HMCS Ville de Québec and HMCS Toronto. She most recently served
l’administration de la base                                                                   in Ottawa as the Senior Staff Officer and Comptroller to the Director General of Naval
                                                                                              Strategic Readiness. Outgoing commanding officer Commander Katy Shearer, official-
                                                                                              ly CFB Halifax’s Personnel Selection Officer, was given plenty of credit for stepping up
                                                                                              in recent years first as the Executive Officer, then as the acting Commanding Officer,
                                                                                              for Base Administration.

                                                                                              La BFC Halifax a un nouveau commandant pour son service d’administration de la
                                                                                              base. La capitaine de frégate Cythia Foley a pris le commandement lors d’une céré-
                                                                                              monie officielle de passation de commandement au pont de la tour Juno le 15 juillet. La
                                                                                              Capf Foley n’est pas étrangère à la BFC Halifax et possède une vaste expérience de la
                                                                                              navigation au sein de la Flotte de l’Atlantique, y compris des déploiements importants
                                                                                              avec le NCSM Ville de Québec et le NCSM Toronto. Elle a récemment servi à Ottawa en
                                                                                              tant qu’officier supérieur d’état-major et contrôleur du directeur général de la prépa-
                                                                                              ration stratégique de la Marine. Le commandant sortant, la capitaine de frégate Katy
                                                                                              Shearer, officiellement officier de sélection du personnel de la BFC Halifax, a été ap-
                                                                                              plaudi pour avoir assumé au cours des dernières années les fonctions d’officier exécutif,
                                                                                              puis de commandant intérimaire de l’administration de la base.

                                                                                                                                       RYAN MELANSON, TRIDENT STAFF/ L’EQUIPE TRIDENT

MARLANT support
HMCS Sackville
Sailors from the Atlantic Fleet regularly contribute to the “Dress with a Difference” fund-
raiser, and some of that money has been used to help support HMCS Sackville and the Ca-
nadian Naval Memorial Trust (CNMT). A cheque for $10,098 was recently presented to the
trust, and will go towards their mission of telling the story of the Royal Canadian Navy,
preserving Canada’s naval wartime heritage and honouring those lost at sea. From left,
RAdm Brian Santarpia, Commander MARLANT and JTFA, CNMT Chair Capt(N)
(Ret’d) Bill Woodburn, and Formation Chief CPO1 Alena Mondelli.
                                                                    MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PA
HMCS Margaret Brooke's Inaugural Deployment Déploiement inaugural du NCSM Margaret Brooke
TRIDENT NEWS         AUGUST 08, 2022                                                                                                                                          7

New CO at the helm of FMFCS
By Joanie Veitch,
Trident Staff
  In his farewell address, the outgoing     a true commitment to Canada and a          return to the national capital region        coming years, Capt(N) Lafontaine
Commanding Officer at Fleet Main-           profound sense of resolve in the face      as Project Manager with the Canadian         said.
tenance Facility Cape Scott (FMFCS)         of adversity with your outstanding         Surface Combatant project.                      Looking to the challenges ahead,
thanked the facility’s employees and        personal flexibility to adapt in an ev-       Captain (Navy) Jonathan Lafon-            it’s important to build on the positive
managers, saying he couldn’t have           er-changing workplace posture.”            taine, the incoming CO, comes to             work already underway at FMFCS,
asked for a better team of profession-        As Commanding Officer of FMFCS           FMFCS with a wealth of experience,           he added, outlining his commitment
als.                                        since April 2020, Cmdre Thibault           most recently as acting Chief of Staff       to fostering “a culture of trust” both
  “Your personal commitment and             called his time at the helm “the best      for the Arctic and Offshore Patrol Ship      within and outside the organization.
dedication to our ongoing success           job” of his career.                        (AOPS) project.                                 “We must build trust in each oth-
is commendable,” said Commodore               As well as with thanking his family         “I am humbled and grateful to be          er by being open and transparent
Michel Thibault, speaking at a change       for their support, Cmdre Thibault          taking on the role of Commanding             about our intent, by righting wrongs
of command ceremony held outside            thanked MARLANT senior leader-             Officer from Cmdre Thibault,” said           when we see them, and by creating a
FMFCS at Her Majesty’s Canadian             ship, other members of the command         Capt(N) Lafontaine. “It’s clear he has       respectful and inclusive workplace
Dockyard Halifax on July 14.                team and the various union leaders at      had a tremendous positive impact on          where every single person feels they
  “The reality of military units is         the facility — listing each personally     the organization and its employees           can be themselves and work to achieve
that Commanding Officers come and           by name — for their guidance and           during his tenure. I have big shoes to       their full potential,” he said.
go every couple of years, resulting in      commitment to ensuring FMF Cape            fill but I am up for the challenge.”            Rear-Admiral Brian Santarpia,
employees and managers having to            Scott operates with a “strong sense of        With new Arctic ships being added         Commander of Maritime Forces At-
constantly adapt and react,” he said.       unity and purpose”.                        to the fleet and older ships to main-        lantic and Joint Task Force Atlantic,
“In this unprecedented year of chal-          Cmdre Thibault was recently pro-         tain, FMFCS will play a central role         presided over the ceremony.
lenges, the team at FMF demonstrated        moted to his current rank and will         and see an increased tempo in the

Un nouveau commandant à la barre de IMFCS
Par Joanie Veitch,
Équipe du Trident
   Dans son discours d’adieu, le com-       tournera dans la région de la capitale
mandant sortant de l’installation de        nationale en tant que gestionnaire de
maintenance de la flotte Cape Scott         projet pour le projet des combattants
(IMFCS) a remercié les employés et les      de surface canadiens.
gestionnaires de l’installation, affir-        Le capitaine de vaisseau Jonathan
mant qu’il n’aurait pas pu demander         Lafontaine, le nouveau commandant,
une meilleure équipe de profession-         arrive à l’IMFCS avec une riche
nels.                                       expérience, plus récemment en tant
   « Votre engagement personnel et          que chef d’état-major intérimaire pour
votre dévouement à notre succès             le projet des Navires de patrouille
continu sont dignes d’éloges », a dé-       extracôtier et de l’Arctique (NPEA).
claré le Commodore Michel Thibault,            « Je suis humble et reconnaissant
lors d’une cérémonie de passation de        d’assumer le rôle de commandant du
commandement qui s’est tenue à l’ex-        Cmdre Thibault », a déclaré le Capv
térieur de l’IMFCS à l’arsenal cana-        Lafontaine. « Il est clair qu’il a eu un
dien de Sa Majesté Halifax le 14 juillet.   impact positif considérable sur l’or-
   « La réalité des unités militaires est   ganisation et ses employés au cours de
que les commandants vont et viennent        son mandat. J’ai de grands souliers à
tous les deux ans, ce qui fait que les      remplir, mais je suis prêt à relever le
employés et les gestionnaires doivent       défi. »
constamment s’adapter et réagir »,             Avec l’ajout de nouveaux navires
a-t-il dit. « Au cours de cette année de    arctiques à la flotte et l’entretien des   From left, Capt (N) Jonathan Lafontaine, RAdm Brian Santarpia, and Cmdre Michel
défis sans précédent, l’équipe de l’IMF     navires plus anciens, l’IMFCS jouera       Thibault at the change of command ceremony for Fleet Maintenance Facility Cape
a fait preuve d’un véritable engage-        un rôle central et connaîtra un rythme     Scott on July 14. Capt(N) Lafontaine is taking over from outgoing CO Cmdre Thibault.
ment envers le Canada et d’un sens          accru au cours des prochaines années,
profond de la résolution face à l’adver-    a déclaré le Capv Lafontaine.              De gauche à droite, le Capv Jonathan Lafontaine, le Cam Brian Santarpia et le Cmdre
sité, avec votre flexibilité personnelle       En ce qui concerne les défis à          Michel Thibault lors de la cérémonie de passation de commandement de l’Installation
exceptionnelle pour vous adapter dans       venir, il est important de s’appuyer       de maintenance de la Flotte Cape Scott le 14 juillet. Le Capv Lafontaine prend la relève
une posture de travail en constante         sur le travail positif déjà en cours à     du Cmdre Thibault, le commandant sortant.
évolution. »                                l’IMFCS, a-t-il ajouté, soulignant son
   En tant que commandant de l’IM-          engagement à favoriser « une culture                                                 JOANIE VEITCH, TRIDENT STAFF / L’ÉQUIPE TRIDENT
FCS depuis avril 2020, le Cmdre Thi-        de confiance » tant à l’intérieur qu’à
bault a qualifié son passage à la barre     l’extérieur de l’organisation.
de « meilleur emploi » de sa carrière.         « Nous devons établir une confiance
   En plus de remercier sa famille          mutuelle en étant ouverts et trans-
pour son soutien, le Cmdre Thibault         parents quant à nos intentions, en
a remercié la haute direction des           corrigeant les erreurs lorsque nous les
FMAR(A), les autres membres de              voyons et en créant un lieu de travail
l’équipe de commandement et les             respectueux et inclusif où chaque per-
divers dirigeants syndicaux de l’in-        sonne sent qu’elle peut être elle-même
stallation - en les nommant person-         et travailler pour atteindre son plein
nellement - pour leurs conseils et leur     potentiel », a-t-il déclaré.
engagement à faire en sorte que l’IMF          Le contre-amiral Brian Santarpia,
Cape Scott fonctionne avec un « fort        commandant des Forces maritimes
sentiment d’unité et d’objectif. »          de l’Atlantique et de la Force opéra-
   Le Cmdre Thibault a récemment            tionnelle interarmées de l’Atlantique,
été promu à son grade actuel et re-         a présidé la cérémonie.
HMCS Margaret Brooke's Inaugural Deployment Déploiement inaugural du NCSM Margaret Brooke
8                                                                                                                                   TRIDENT NEWS          AUGUST 08, 2022

Former shipmates work together again at RIMPAC 2022
Lt (N) Michelle Scott,
HMCS Vancouver

  The Alistair MacDonald song ‘Head-       to improve both of our teams.”              phase, and the Vancouver crew took ev-      set. The diversity of everyone’s individ-
ing for Halifax’ famously notes that for     LCdr Wall reached out to schedule a       ery opportunity to work with partner        ual training and experiences creates
those born in Cape Breton ‘Wherever        visit for his RAN team to discuss Close-    nations and allies. The training out-       a wealth of knowledge everyone can
they go, there’s bound to be friends       In Weapons System (CIWS) 1B training        side the planned RIMPAC evolutions          learn from,” he said.
from back home’.                           and maintenance on HMAS Supply.             not only improved the ship’s capacity         Twenty-six nations, 38 surface
  Arriving in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii,        The CIWS 1B is less widely employed         for interoperability between nations,       ships, four submarines, nine national
for Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2022,      on Australian ships, but his Canadian       but also formed new friendships and         land forces, more than 30 unmanned
Lieutenant-Commander Stephen Wall,         counterparts are well-versed in the         strengthened old ones. Those relation-      systems, approximately 170 aircraft,
Operations Officer in Her Majesty’s        weapon system located on the hangar         ships will continue to create future        and more than 25,000 personnel are
Australian Ship (HMAS) Supply, found       top of each Halifax-class ship.             opportunities to learn as Vancouver         training and operating in and around
that particularly true.                      The cross-deck evolution helped           carries on with allies in support of        the Hawaiian Islands and Southern
  LCdr Wall was born and raised on         the Australian sailors develop their        Operations Projection and Neon upon         California from June 29 to Aug. 4. RIM-
Cape Breton Island, N.S., and served in    understanding of the weapons system         completion of RIMPAC.                       PAC, the world’s largest international
Esquimalt-based ships as a Naval War-      and obtain helpful tips and tricks from       For S1 Koerten, the experience of         maritime exercise, provides a unique
fare Officer for 16 years before joining   seasoned CIWS operators and main-           hosting sailors from HMAS Supply was        training opportunity while fostering
the Royal Australian Navy (RAN).           tainers.                                    a highlight of his first ever RIMPAC        and sustaining cooperative relation-
  The exercise gave him an opportuni-        “We discussed a wide variety of           experience.                                 ships among participants critical to
ty to reconnect with many former ship-     topics, both procedure-based and              “RIMPAC is incredible; it’s like the      ensuring the safety of sea lanes and se-
mates on the Canadian frigates, also       concept-based,” explained Sailor First      all-stars for our line of work. It’s the    curity on the world’s oceans. RIMPAC
alongside in Pearl Harbor for RIMPAC,      Class (S1) Joop Koerten, Weapons En-        perfect time to get exposure to other       2022 is the 28th exercise in the series
including his former Her Majesty’s         gineering Technician and Vancouver’s        naval systems and develop your skill        that began in 1971.
Canadian Ship (HMCS) Calgary ship-         CIWS subject-matter-expert.
mate Commander Kevin Whiteside,              “I shared knowledge with the main-
now HMCS Vancouver’s Commanding            tainers, including techniques for main-
Officer.                                   tenance procedures, products I prefer
  “It was a great opportunity to lever-    to use, and the areas that need special
age the deep technical knowledge of the    attention to keep the system healthy,”
system that RCN operators are known        S1 Koerten said.
for,” said LCdr Wall. “We shared tech-       The opportunity for cross-deck evo-
nical and training ideas and practices     lutions was built into RIMPAC’s shore

D’anciens compagnons de bord
se retrouvent à RIMPAC 2022
Par la Ltv Michelle Scott,
NCSM Vancouver
                                                                                         Master Sailor Matthew Cormier, HMCS Vancouver Naval Electronic Sensor Oper-
   La chanson « Heading for Halifax »      pratiques techniques et de formation          ator (centre), discusses the Close-In Weapons System with Lieutenant-Commander
d’Alistair MacDonald dit que pour ceux     pour améliorer nos deux équipes. »            Stephen Wall (right) and another sailor from Australian ship HMAS Supply on
qui sont nés au Cap-Breton, « où qu’ils      Le Capc Wall a pris contact pour            July 7 alongside Pearl Harbor.
aillent, il y aura forcément des amis de   programmer une visite de son équipe
chez nous. »                               de la RAN afin de discuter de la forma-       Le matelot-chef Matthew Cormier, opérateur de détecteurs électroniques navals du
   En arrivant à Pearl Harbor, à Hawaï,    tion et de la maintenance du système          NCSM Vancouver (au centre), discute du système d’armement rapproché avec le
pour le Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC)        d’armement rapproché (CIWS) 1B sur            capitaine de corvette Stephen Wall (à droite) et un autre marin du navire australien
2022, le capitaine de corvette Stephen     le HMAS Supply. Le CIWS 1B est moins          HMAS Supply, le 7 juillet, à côté de Pearl Harbor.
Wall, officier des opérations du na-       utilisé sur les navires australiens, mais                                                                     SGT GHISLAIN COTTON
vire australien de Sa Majesté (HMAS)       ses homologues canadiens connaissent
                                                                                         La phase terrestre du RIMPAC              familiariser avec d’autres systèmes na-
Supply, a trouvé cela particulièrement     bien le système d’armes situé sur le
                                                                                       prévoyait des évolutions sur plusieurs      vals et développer ses compétences. La
vrai.                                      toit du hangar de chaque navire de la
                                                                                       ponts, et l’équipage de Vancouver a         diversité de la formation et des expéri-
   Le capitaine de corvette Wall est né    classe Halifax.
                                                                                       saisi toutes les occasions de travaill-     ences de chacun crée une richesse de
et a grandi sur l’île du Cap-Breton, en      L’évolution sur le pont a permis aux
                                                                                       er avec les nations partenaires et les      connaissances dont tout le monde peut
Nouvelle-Écosse, et a servi sur des na-    marins australiens de mieux compren-
                                                                                       alliés. L’entraînement en dehors des        tirer parti », a-t-il ajouté.
vires basés à Esquimalt en tant qu’of-     dre le système d’armes et d’obtenir
                                                                                       évolutions RIMPAC prévues a non               Vingt-six nations, 38 navires de sur-
ficier de guerre navale pendant 16 ans     des conseils et des astuces utiles de la
                                                                                       seulement amélioré la capacité du na-       face, quatre sous-marins, neuf forces
avant de rejoindre la Royal Australian     part d’opérateurs et de mainteneurs de
                                                                                       vire à assurer l’interopérabilité entre     terrestres nationales, plus de 30 sys-
Navy (RAN).                                CIWS expérimentés.
                                                                                       les nations, mais a également permis        tèmes sans pilote, environ 170 aéronefs
   L’exercice lui a donné l’occasion de      « Nous avons discuté d’une grande
                                                                                       de nouer de nouvelles amitiés et de         et plus de 25 000 personnes s’entraînent
renouer avec de nombreux anciens           variété de sujets, tant sur le plan
                                                                                       renforcer les anciennes. Ces relations      et opèrent dans les îles hawaïennes et
compagnons de bord sur les frégates        des procédures que des concepts », a
                                                                                       continueront de créer de nouvelles          en Californie du Sud, du 29 juin au 4
canadiennes, également à quai à Pearl      expliqué le matelot de première classe
                                                                                       occasions d’apprendre alors que le          août. RIMPAC, le plus grand exercice
Harbor pour RIMPAC, y compris son          (Mat1) Joop Koerten, technicien en
                                                                                       Vancouver poursuivra ses activités          maritime international au monde,
ancien compagnon de bord du Na-            génie de l’armement et expert en CIWS
                                                                                       avec ses alliés à l’appui des opérations    offre une occasion unique de formation
vire canadien de Sa Majesté (NCSM)         de Vancouver.
                                                                                       Projection et Neon, une fois le RIMPAC      tout en favorisant et en maintenant
Calgary, le capitaine de frégate Kevin       « J’ai partagé mes connaissances
                                                                                       terminé.                                    des relations de coopération entre les
Whiteside, maintenant commandant           avec les responsables de la mainte-
                                                                                         Pour le Mat1 Koerten, l’expérience        participants, essentielles pour assurer
du NCSM Vancouver.                         nance, notamment les techniques
                                                                                       d’accueillir des marins du HMAS             la sécurité des voies maritimes et des
   « Ce fut une excellente occasion de     de procédures de maintenance, les
                                                                                       Supply a été un moment fort de sa toute     océans du monde. RIMPAC 2022 est le
tirer parti des connaissances tech-        produits que je préfère utiliser et les
                                                                                       première expérience RIMPAC.                 28e exercice de la série qui a débuté en
niques approfondies du système pour        zones qui nécessitent une attention
                                                                                         « RIMPAC est incroyable, c’est            1971.
lesquelles les opérateurs de la MRC        particulière pour maintenir le système
                                                                                       comme un match des étoiles pour notre
sont réputés », a déclaré le Capc Wall.    en bonne santé, » a déclaré le Mat1
                                                                                       activité. C’est le moment idéal pour se
« Nous avons partagé des idées et des      Koerten.
HMCS Margaret Brooke's Inaugural Deployment Déploiement inaugural du NCSM Margaret Brooke
TRIDENT NEWS          AUGUST 08, 2022                                                                                                                                     9

Lighting retrofit project brightening
things up at FMF Cape Scott
By FMF Cape Scott

                                                                      high bay LED     the electricity consumption and costs        increased their ability to accomplish
                                                                      lights as well   of the building by installing the most       their work. Prior to the LED upgrade,
                                                                      as 60 smaller    energy efficient LEDs.                       many trades had the need to have
                                                                      LED tube           With the completion of the project,        supplemental lighting at their work
                                                                      lights in some   the building is projected to save 592,010    stations. The LED upgrade has made
                                                                      of the smaller   kWh per year. This correlates to green-      most of the localized work lights redun-
                                                                      work rooms.      house gas (GHG) savings of approxi-          dant and no longer in use. In addition,
                                                                      It replaced      mately 357 tonnes of CO2 equivalent          the lighting is silent and the constant
                                                                      the previous     per year, or the equivalent of about 78      buzzing and warm up time from the
                                                                      lighting on a    cars off the road.                           previous lighting system is a thing of
                                                                      1-for-1 basis,     In terms of financial savings, this        the past. Overall, FMFCS could not be
                                                                      replacing        project will save DND approximately          happier with the outcome of the D200
                                                                      older style      $67,800 per year in electricity costs. The   High Bay Lighting Project upgrade.
                                                                      metal halide,    project received $72,850 in incentives       CFB Halifax and other DND installa-
                                                                      high pressure    from Efficiency Nova Scotia (ENS).           tions would greatly benefit from this
                                                                      sodium, and      After accounting for the incentives          being implemented at their facilities as
                                                                      fluorescent      and the annual electricity savings, the      well.”
                                                                      lights. Proj-    project will have a payback period of           We would like to thank everyone in-
                                                                      ect scoping      approximately 6 years.                       volved in this project. Your hard work
                                                                      began in July      Nick Horne, an Industrial Project          and dedication have gone a long way
                                                                      2019 and the     Officer who works at D200, offered           in improving the work environment
  Real Property Operations Section                                    project was      the following feedback on the lighting       and decreasing electricity use at D200.
(Halifax) (RPOS(H)) recently complet-        completed in March 2022.                  improvements:                                If you have any questions or would like
ed a lighting retrofit project at Fleet        The purpose of this project was to        “The D200 High Bay Lighting project        more information about the project,
Maintenance Facility (Cape Scott) at         respond to several complaints from the    has been viewed as a resounding suc-         please contact Mike Petrosoniak
CFB Halifax (D200). This is a massive        building occupants about low light-       cess from a production standpoint at         (Energy Manager for CFB Halifax) at
365,000 sq ft building in the heart of the   ing levels in the workshop areas. The     FMFCS. In speaking with trades people
Dockyard at CFB Halifax responsible          photos included in this article clearly   on the shop floors, it has exponentially
for maintaining the readiness of the         show the lighting level improvements
Navy’s East Coast fleet. The project         made following the completion of the
saw the installation of more than 300        project. A secondary goal was to reduce

                                                                                             Provincial General Election 2022

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                                                                  S1 LAURANCE CLARKE
HMCS Margaret Brooke's Inaugural Deployment Déploiement inaugural du NCSM Margaret Brooke
10                                                                                                                                 TRIDENT NEWS              AUGUST 08, 2022

HMCS Venture stood up to deliver RCN leadership education/
Le NCSM Venture s’est levé pour offrir une formation au
leadership de la MRC
By Naval Personnel and Training Group
Par le Groupe du personnel et de l’instruction de la Marine (GPIM)

  On Friday, July 15, in a signing           students, staff and instructors,” stated   help the RCN deliver on institutional      realities of today and the coming years
ceremony held at Work Point at CFB           Cdr Stefanson.                             culture change objectives put forth by     with minimal disruption.”
Esquimalt, Commander (Cdr) Mike                Leadership and outreach programs         the Chief Professional Conduct and           Part of the realignment is the cre-
Stefanson was officially appointed as        currently administered by Naval Fleet      Culture (CPCC).                            ation of HMCS Venture while also
the inaugural Commanding Officer of          School (Pacific) (NFSP) and Naval             Cdr Stefanson will be supported at      merging the Naval Training Develop-
HMCS Venture (the RCN’s naval lead-          Training Development Centre (Pacif-        HMCS Venture by Lieutenant-Com-            ment Centre (Pacific) (NTDCP) with
ership training centre). The ceremony        ic) (NTDCP) will be incorporated into      mander (LCdr) Meghan Lobb in the           Naval Fleet School (Pacific) (NFSP).
was presided over by Commodore               HMCSVenture’s structure including:         role of Executive Officer, and Chief         At the same ceremony on Friday,
David Mazur, Acting Assistant Chief            • Regular and Reserve Force Decen-       Petty Officer First Class (CPO1) Steve     Naval Training Development Centre
of Naval Staff, Personnel and Training       tralized Basic Military Qualification      Wist as unit Coxswain.                     (Pacific) was officially stood down.
(A/CNS P&T).                                 (DBMQ) and Decentralized Basic                HMCS Venture is being created as          Lessons learned from the Pacific
  HMCS Venture is the name of the new        Military Officer Training (DBMOQ)          part of NPTG’s overall realignment         merger of NTDC(P) with NFS(P) will be
unit that will operate out of the Collier    as assigned from Military Personnel        initiative. Working Groups comprised       analyzed before embarking on envi-
Building under the command of NPTG.          Generation (MPG);                          of relevant offices of primary interest    sioned changes to Naval Training De-
HMCS Venture, and its link to leader-          • the Raven Indigenous Summer Em-        and corporate experts have been busy       velopment Centre (Atlantic) and Naval
ship training, dates back to 1910 and is     ployment Program, along with other         identifying and synchronizing the          Fleet School (Atlantic) next summer.
maintained as part of the unit’s name.       outreach programs;                         steps necessary to stand this unit up      Naval Fleet Schools Pacific, Atlantic
  HMCS Venture will be responsible for         • command-level leadership and           while maximizing existing human and        and Québec, along with HMCS Venture,
the development and delivery of RCN          professional development training for      financial resource allocations, as well    remain under the command of NPTG.
leadership education from foundation-        prospective RCN unit command teams;        as utilizing existing infrastructure         Responsibility for operational per-
al courses to capstone training for both       • an RCN Navigation Centre of Excel-     available to NPTG.                         sonnel management functions current-
officers and non-commissioned mem-           lence for the provision of advice to RCN      In late April, Rear-Admiral Topshee     ly under NPTG’s command (namely the
bers (NCMs) as part of Naval Personnel       boards, working groups, and offices of     (now Vice-Admiral Topshee, Com-            three Personnel Coordination Centres
and Training Group’s (NPTG) contin-          primary interest (OPI), as well as the     mander RCN) signed a Tasking Order         – Pacific, Atlantic and Québec - and
ued evolution and realignment of the         conduct of collective training and team    which directed the continued evolution     Naval Personnel Management (NPM))
Group’s structure.                           training for both Canada Fleet Pacific     and realignment of NPTG’s structure.       will be transferred to the authority of
  The more familiar Naval Officer            and Canada Fleet Atlantic;                 The intent is to make the changes          the Director General Naval Strategic
Training Centre (NOTC) (a former               • Professional leadership develop-       necessary to better achieve NPTG’s         Readiness (DGNSR). This adjustment
division within Naval Fleet School           ment and leadership training not al-       mission as the RCN’s principal com-        to reporting relationships better
(Pacific)) will move to HMCS Venture         ready part of career course curriculae;    mand for the education and training of     reflects the way business is actually
with minimal disruption. This divi-            • Second Language Training within        sailors.                                   conducted while also helping to stream-
sion will focus primarily on Naval           Maritime Forces Pacific (MARPAC);             “The approach to realigning NPTG is     line the operational personnel manage-
Warfare Officer (NWO) management             and                                        deliberate and methodical while prior-     ment system overall. Discussions are
and training from post-Basic Military          • culture change initiatives.            itizing the development and delivery of    currently underway to refine timelines
Officer Qualification (BMOQ) to the            HMCS Venture’s establishment will        naval training as part of the RCN’s re-    but the devolution of PCCs to DGNSR
NWO Primary Qualification level, as          provide the RCN with a dedicated insti-    constitution initiatives,” said Capt(N)    is expected to be complete this summer
well as Fleet Navigating Officer (FNO)       tution for the development and deliv-      Coates. “In practical terms, it means      with minimal disruption in the day-to-
training and management.                     ery of leadership instruction similar to   using existing human and budgetary         day function of the PCCs.
  “Like all Naval Warfare Officers, I        that provided by the Canadian Army         resources more efficiently and to better
started my naval career at Venture,”         or Royal Canadian Air Force and will       effect given the anticipated operational
Cdr Stefanson said after the ceremony.
“Now, returning to HMCS Venture, this
time as the Commanding Officer of the          Organisational Structure
new naval leadership training centre,
what has inspired me most, is seeing
that the instructors and staff of this                                                                                                          DGNSR
school are still deeply committed and                                                            MARPAC
passionate about developing the future                                                                                                             DNPM
leaders of the RCN. Similarly, the
students are still keen to learn, to serve
and to lead.”                                                                                    CNPTG
  Two other divisions will fall under                                                                                       PCC(P)      PCC(Q)            PCC(A)       NPM
the command of HMCSVenture. These
include a Naval Technical Officer                                                 GCPO1                         COS
(NTO) Division which will focus on
training from post-BMOQ up to Head of
Department, and a Leadership Division
which has responsibility for both RCN
officer and NCM leadership training              HQ CO     NFS(P)        NFS(Q)     NFS(A)                            HMCS VENTURE
initiatives. Discussion is ongoing                         NTDC(P)                  NTDC(A)
                                                                                                                                       Leadership Division
concerning a possible fourth division
which would be responsible for Patrol                                                                                                                 RCN Leadership
Craft Training (PCT).                                                                                                                                 NCM Leadership
  “With the role of HMCS Venture now
expanding to deliver leadership train-                                                                                                 Venture Division
ing to not only NWOs but also NTOs
                                                                                                                                       NTO Division
and NCMs, I am excited about the
prospect of helping to develop both the                                                                                                Training PCT (TBD)
competence and character of all of our
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