Page created by Dwayne Pham
Sunday, June 12, 2022

125074 County Road U, Edgar, WI 54426    103 N 4th Ave. Edgar, WI 54426
             715-507-1975                         715-352-3011
 parishoffice@hfppon.diolcparish.org     parishadmin@stjohnedgar.org
         Mass Schedule & Intentions                                                         Holy Family Directory
Tuesday, June 14th: NO Adoration and Confession                                  Pastor, Rev. Alan P. Wierzba……………………………..352-3011
Tuesday, June 14th: NO MASS-Mass at St. John’s at 4:00 PM                        Deacon, Greg Kaiser…………………………………………. 352-3011
                                                                                 Office Admin, Michelle Socha…..……………………….507-1975
SATURDAY, June 18th, 7:00 PM: For Our Parish Families                              parishoffice@hfppon.diolcparish.org
              of St. John’s and Holy Family                                      Ministry Schedule……………………………………………..507-1975
                                                                                 CRE, Bulletin Editor, Lori Gajewski.…..……………….257-7943
SUNDAY, June 19th, 10:30 AM: †Oliver Schueller and                                 bulletineditor@stjohnedgar.org
                                         Walter Guralski                         Cemetery Secretary: Jan Schreiner……………………241-8898
              By The Guralski Family and Schueller Family
                                                                                               Ministry Schedule
                   Normal Confession Times:
          Saturday at 6:30 PM and Tuesday at 4:30 PM
                  or anytime by appointment
                                                                                               SATURDAY, June 18, 7:00 PM:
                                                                                  Cross-Bearer: Erica Socha
                                                                                  Candle-Bearers: Alivia Yessa
     SANCTUARY CANDLE OFFERING: June 11th—17th:                                   Minister of Word: Matthew Szymanski
       For the People of Ukraine By Gloria Drewek                                 Eucharistic Minister: Barb Rauen
                                                                                  Eucharistic Minister-Choir: Betty Urmanski
                       Grateful Giving                                            Offertory Gifts: Dale and Lori Gajewski
                                                                                  Ushers: Barb Rauen and Duane Rauen
           HOLY FAMILY — May 29th— Receipts
Adults............................................................ $1,280.00                 SUNDAY, June 19, 10:30 AM:
Offertory .......................................................... $274.00
Sanctuary Candle ................................................$10.00           Cross-Bearer: Jackson Miller
Easter .................................................................$10.00    Candle-Bearers: Madilynn Myszka
Estate of Fr Charles Hiebl ............................. $16,401.29               Minister of Word: Matthew Szymanski
TOTAL.......................................................... $17,975.29        Eucharistic Minister: Ann Brodziski
                                                                                  Offertory Gifts: Robert and Rebecca Myszka Famiy
  Thank you for sharing your Time, Talent, and Treasure
                                                                                  Ushers: Johnathon Daul and Jarrett Daul
                     in Building God’s Kingdom!

      Holy Family                                      July 18—22nd                            Holy Family News
         VBS                                           8:00 11:00 am
                                                                                 June Birthdays - 80+ years:
                                                                                 June 4th—Deacon LeRoy Knauf
                                                                                 June 8th—Richard Urmanski
                                                                                 June 20th—Roger Bergs
                                                                                                     Senior Luncheon
                                                                                 Thanks to all who attended and/or helped in any way to
                                                                                     make this years Senior Luncheon a big success.

                                                                                            St. Isidore-Patron Saint of Farmers
                                                                                  There are St. Isidore Medals and prayer cards available
             For children entering 4K—6th grade.                                            in the East entrance to take home.
Registration Forms are available at the church entrances of
both St. John’s and Holy Family. If interested in volunteering                                   Holy Family Picnic Update
for setup, during the week, and/or tear down, please con-                              The picnic set for July 24th, is rescheduled for
tact Lori Gajewski at 715-257-7943.                                                  later in the year. Stay tuned for further updates!

                            2 | Download Holy Family App @ my parishapp.com

       Mass Schedule & Intentions                                            St. John’s Directory
                                                          Pastor, Rev. Alan P. Wierzba.……………………………..352-3011
  The week of June 13-17 there will be NO morning
                                                          Deacon Greg Kaiser………………………………...………….352-3011
  Masses or Communion Service. Mass will be at St.
  John’s Monday through Thursday at 4:00 pm and Friday    Admin. Assistant , Nancy Hackel…………….………….352-3011
  at 12:00 pm. .                                            nhackel@stjohnedgar.org
  NO Adoration and Mass at Holy Family on June 14th       Bookkeeper, Maria Severson……..……………….……..352-3011
                                                          Bulletin Editor, Lori Gajewski……………………………..352-3011
                                                          Parish Office Assistant, Dorrie Martyn….……….…..352-3011
 Monday, June 13th, 4:00 PM: †Jerome Switlick by          Principal, Sally Wenzel.……………………………………...352-3000
 Family and Friends                                       Evangelization Coord/CRE, Nancy Hackel…………..352-3011
                                                          Sacristan: Marge Heidmann………………………..……..352-3011
 Tuesday, June 14th, 4:00 PM: †Leonard Bornheimer by      Church Dining Hall ………………………...…….…………..352-3111
 John & Joyce Kaiser                                      Cemetery Contact: Bill Tess……………………………….352-3011
                                                          Education Committee, Michelle Hafferman……….352-3011
 Wednesday, June 15th, 4:00 PM: †Ed Lehman by
 Kitty Lehman
                                                                                  Grateful Giving
 Thursday, June 16th, 4:00 PM: †Francis Skrzypchak
                                                          Deposits:                       June 1—6, 2022
 by Arlyn and Bev Stencil
                                                          Adult ................................................................. $4,789.50
                                                          Offertory ............................................................... 606.75
 Friday, June 17th, 12:00 PM: †Toby Heidmann by
                                                          Online Envelopes ................................................. 1,195.00
 The Family
                                                          PCCW dues ............................................................ 250.00
                                                          Candles ................................................................. 100.50
 SATURDAY, June 18th, 4:00 PM: †Leo Socha by
                                                          Total ................................................................ .$6,941.75
 Norma Socha                                                  Thank you for sharing your Time, Talent, and Treasure in
                                                                              Building God’s Kingdom
 SUNDAY, June 19th, 9:00 AM: †Dale Paul by
 Dan and Laura Switlick
                                                                     Sanctuary Candle Offering
                                                          SANCTUARY CANDLE OFFERING: June 11th—17th:
               Ministry Schedule                          1) †Jim and †Dwight Boris given by Kitty Lehman
                                                          2) Mom and Dad Boris given by Kitty Lehman
             SATURDAY, June 18, 4:00 PM
Cross-Bearer: Libby Woller
                                                                        Parents who will soon be welcoming their first
Candle-Bearers: Alex Woller and Joey Martin
                                                                        child or who recently had their first child and
Minister Of The Word: Grace Wirkus
                                                                        would like to have their baby baptized at Holy
Minister Of Song: Sally Bargender and Andrea Bargender
                                                                        Family or St. John Parishes, will need to attend
Offertory Gifts: Volunteer family
                                                                        a Baptismal Class beforehand. Our next class
Ushers: Ken Schara, Chuck Mroczenski, Jerry Mroczenski,
                                                          is Sunday, July 10 from 6-7:30 pm. To register, please call
and Joe Borchardt

               SUNDAY, June 19, 9:00 AM
Cross-Bearer: Ty Schnelle                                        Thank You
Candle-Bearers: Rachel and Evelyn Albrecht
Minister Of The Word: Matthew Szymanski
                                                                   To Our
Minister Of Song: Marisa Doll and Rose Leffel                    Advertiser
Offertory Gifts: Volunteer family
Ushers: Kelly and Elizabeth King and volunteers
                                                                of The Week

                           3 | Visit Our Website: www.stjohn-edgar.org
St. John the Baptist News                                          General Information
                                                               Today we celebrate the feast of the
                                                               Most Holy Trinity. We commemorate a
                                                               central reality of our Christian faith that
                                                               God is Trinitarian in nature — three
                                                               distinct persons in one God.
Fundraiser Update: Below is the net profit for the following
                                                               The Church calls this truth a mystery, as
fundraisers. Thank you for your support.
                                                               indeed it is. Some have said that
                                                               "mystery" in this context is "not a wall to run up against but
                  $20.00 Benefit Raffle: $7,480.00
                                                               an ocean in which to swim." Contemplating this "ocean
          Youth Car Wash and Bake Sale: $626.58
                                                               depths" mystery can make us humans feel so small and feel
                                                               that God is so far from us. Yet, as today's readings demon-
A special thank you to Tim and Brenda Werner assisting
                                                               strate, nothing could be further from the truth.
with the car wash and the use of Heil Ginseng Inc equip-
                                                               St. Paul reminds us that God is intimately connected to us in
                                                               the second reading. "The love of God has been poured out
                                                               into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given
                                                               to us." If we let Him, God wants to live in the very depths of
                                                               our being and our lives' intimate details.
       BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS to Those 65+:                        And in the Gospel from St. John, we learn that God holds
       June 12th-Vernell Calmes, Frank Jagodzinski             back nothing of Himself from us. Jesus tells His disciples
                  June 13th-Barbara Sinz                       (including us!) that the Holy Spirit "will take from what is
        June 18th-Karen Paul and Mary Jane Seliger             mine and declare it to you. Everything the Father has is
                                                               mine." Thus, we find ourselves drawn right into the midst of
                                                               this Trinitarian love. If the mystery of the Holy Trinity is an
Helpers needed at Chalk Fest:                                  ocean in which to swim, the "water" that makes up that
St. John's will provide face painting and a lemonade stand     ocean is love.
during the Chalk Fest and Classic Car Show on June 25, 2022.   What then should be the response of the Christian steward
if anyone would like to help, please email Nancy @ nhackel     to this sublime mystery? All we can do is worship. And offer
@stjohnedgar.org.                                              our lives back to God in total gratitude for calling us to live
                                                               in the richness of such unfathomable love.
Do you enjoy being with children and have a passion to
share your Catholic Faith? St. John's CCD Program has a            DIOCESE OF LA CROSSE GUIDELINES FOR REPORTING
couple of openings for Catechists in the 2022-23 school                         INSTANCES OF CHILD ABUSE
year. Email Nancy @ nhackel@stjohnedgar.org or call 715-       The Diocese of La Crosse, through its policies and
352-3011. This is an opportunity to be a part of a fantastic   procedures, seeks to provide a prompt, appropriate and
evangelization team.                                           compassionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a
                                                               child by any diocesan agent (bishop, priest, deacon, employ-
                                                               ee, religious, vendor or volunteer). Anyone wishing to make
PRAYER CORNER                                                  a report of an allegation of sexual abuse should send that
Let us pray for healing and comfort at this                    report to Mrs. Teresa Brown, Complaint Intake Agent, at the
time for our parishioners:                                     Diocese of La Crosse, P.O. Box 4004, La Crosse, WI 54602-
                                                               4004. Alternatively, you can contact Mrs. Brown at
ST. JOHN’S:                                                    608.791.0179 or intakeagent@diolc.org. The reporting form
Shirley Bargender, Ben Hack, Jolanta Jagodzinski, Arnie        is available through the Diocese of La Crosse Office of Safe
King, Ron Knetter, Sarah Mucha, Robert Pelatzke, Elaine        Environment or on the diocesan website at: diolc.org/safe-
Petrowski, Doreen Riehle, Steven Schaefer, Chet Severson,      environment/reporting. Individuals are also encouraged to
Mary Jane Seliger, Lorraine Springer, and Pam Stencil          take their reports directly to civil authorities. Copies of the
                                                               diocesan policy are available through your local Parish and
HOLY FAMILY:                                                   on the diocesan website. If you have any questions about
Gordon and Carol Baeseman, Russ Berens, Judy Brewster,         the Diocese of La Crosse and the implementation of the
Kitty Diedrich, Gertie Guralski, Kim Hakala, Deacon LeRoy      Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People,
Knauf, Tom Miller, Lorraine Myszka, and John Nowicki           please contact Teresa Brown, Diocese of La Crosse, at
                                                               608.791.2679 or tbrown@diolc.org

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ment. Classes will be an hour long and the first class is
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Summer Camp: June 13th through June 17th
Adventure Camp: June 26th through July 1st
Scavenger Hunt: July 12th at 6:00 pm
Vacation Bible School: July 18th through July 22nd
Steubenville: July 29th through July 31st
For more information, please call St. John’s parish office at
715-352-3011 or email Juan Martinez, Youth Coordinator at:
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                                                                                                                         Fully Insured

                                                                                              Family. Friends.              New Homes, Remodeling,
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                                 The Hunt Is On
                 Come join us on Tuesday, July 12th for a
                 Scavenger Hunt! Youth in grades 5—12 are
                 welcome to attend. They’ll be food, fun and
                 scripture readings. We will meet at 6:00 pm
in the St. John’s Church Dining Hall.                           Contact Chris Duncan
For more information contact St. John’s parish office or        to place an ad today!
email nhackel@stjohnedgar.org                                   cduncan@4LPi.com
                                                                or (800) 950-9952 x2543
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		                                                        For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com		                                                 St. John The Baptist & Holy Family, Edgar, WI                                  A 4C 01-2003
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