Home of the Bulldogs Family Handbook 2021-2022 - Federal Way Public Schools

Page created by Brent Hanson
Home of the Bulldogs Family Handbook 2021-2022 - Federal Way Public Schools
Home of the Bulldogs
                         Family Handbook

1310 S.W. 325th Street
Federal Way, WA 98023
(253) 945-3900

Home of the Bulldogs Family Handbook 2021-2022 - Federal Way Public Schools
              Content                             Page #
Welcome Letter                           pg. 3
Communication                            pg. 4
Core Values & Mission                    pg. 6
Building Schedule                        pg. 8
Year Long 6 Day Rotation Calendar        Pg. 9
Attendance                               pg. 10
To and From School                       pg. 12
Daycare: Right at School                 pg.13
PBIS – Positive Behavior Interventions   pg.14
and Supports
Dress Code                               pg.15
Toys & Phones                            pg.15
Discipline/Responding to Behavior        pg.17
Restorative Practices                    pg.16
Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying      pg.18
Medications                              pg.20
Lunch Procedures                         pg.20
Homework                                 pg. 21
Right to ask clarifications              Pg. 22
Title 1 Compact/Signature Page           pg. 23

Home of the Bulldogs Family Handbook 2021-2022 - Federal Way Public Schools
Kelly Sutton                                                       Alyssa Simm
Principal                                                    Assistant Principal

Dear Silver Lake Families,

We are so excited to start our new 2021-2022 school year! As an administrative
team we value the fact that you are sending us your greatest joys, your children.
We have very high expectations of both our staff and scholars this year.
Education is key for our scholars and we are committed to ensuring that all
scholars are engaged and learning at high levels each day.

As school leaders we will be working to create a school community where each
child feels safe, empowered and successful, staff are fully supported in their roles
and every person walking into our building feels valued.

Our focus this year as a staff is aligned through the Federal Way School
District’s Strategic Plan of Goal 2 (The Whole Child) and Goal 4 (Mastery of
Subject Areas). We use data to progress monitor and make refinements
based on our School Improvement aims that fall under these goals.

Building partnerships with our families is extremely important to both of us. We
want to work with you to ensure success for your scholars. Please don’t
hesitate to contact us at any time.

Warm Regards,

Kelly and Alyssa
Your Principals

Home of the Bulldogs Family Handbook 2021-2022 - Federal Way Public Schools
Effective communication between school and home contributes to the quality
education of scholars. We encourage you to contact the school by phone, voice mail,
email, or note should a concern arise. We do strive to help students be problem-solvers.
Teachers are focused on delivering instruction throughout the day but will get back to
you as soon as possible within a 24-48 hour business day window. Appointments are
highly recommended.

We believe parent partnerships and home school communication are essential to
student learning. Be on the lookout for our weekly, Friday Bulldog Newsletters that come
via email. Also, we are active on Facebook, as well as the Remind and ParentVue apps
for further modes of communication. We are committed to keeping you
updated and informed and invite you to contact us anytime or stop by if you have any

We also encourage you to partner with our PTA. Being involved with the PTA provides
opportunities to have a voice in future events, connect with other parents, and
volunteer in school wide events. An electronic way to sign up for PTA is
https://mp.gg/hn5mm .

Moreover, to have an impact on the academic and social systems we have at Silver
Lake, we will have bimonthly Parent Advisory meetings. I am really excited to involve
parents in new ways this school year, including learning walks in our classrooms.

Thank you for enrolling your kindergartner at Silver Lake Elementary. We are thrilled
to welcome your child and your family to our school community. Go Bulldogs!

Please join our Facebook page @SilverLakeFWPS.

            STAFF                         TITLE                        EMAIL
          Kelly Sutton                    Principal                ksutton@fwps.org
          Alyssa Simm                Assistant Principal           asimm@fwps.org
        Shelly Peterson               Office Manager              speterso@fwps.org
         Rayna Meuer           Data/Attendance Secretary           rmeuer@fwps.org
         Ana Morales                    Office Clerk            anmorales@fwps.org
          Teri Gibson             Health Room Assistant           tgibson@fwps.org
                                        School Nurse
           Emma Scott                  Family Liaison              escott@fwps.org
       Brenda Brandalick           School Psychologist           bbrandal@fwps.org
          Kaleigh Phyall                   Speech                 kphyall@fwps.org
         Denise Mattsen              School Counselor            dmattsen@fwps.org
          Hazel Haines                    Librarian               hhaines@fwps.org
       Rebecca Mastaler          Resource Room Teacher           rmastale@fwps.org
 Carrie Johnson                 Academic Interventionist         carjohns@fwps.org
           Rayna Kubo           Academic Interventionist           rkubo@fwps.org
          Michael Szutu            Instructional Coach            mszutu@fwps.org
            Amy Elias           K-3 Literacy Interventionist       aelias@fwps.org

Home of the Bulldogs Family Handbook 2021-2022 - Federal Way Public Schools
Tiffany Salvador             ELL Teacher           tsalvador@fwps.org
     Sara Klaas               PE Teacher               sklaas@fwps.org
Melanie Gladstone           Music Teacher          mgladstone@fwps.org
     Taylor Otte     Bright Futures Kindergarten        totte@fwps.org
    Toni Holden         Kindergarten Teacher         tholden@fwps.org
   Danylle Edson        Kindergarten Teacher         dedson@fwps.org
  Caroline Zhang        Kindergarten Teacher         czhang@fwps.org
Maggie McFarland               First Grade         mmcfarland@fwps.org
      Gina Cles                First Grade              gcles@fwps.org
    Matt Garcia                First Grade         matgarcia@fwps.org
  Leslie Sampley            Second Grade           lsampley@fwps.org
   Aisha Williams           Second Grade             awilliams@fwps.org
 Heather Sowers             Second Grade            hesowers@fwps.org
Regen Inderbitzin             Third Grade             rinderbi@fwps.org
   Tracy Daniels              Third Grade            tdaniels@fwps.org
    Jessica Farris            Third Grade               jfarris@fwps.org
 Nicole McCarthy             Fourth Grade          nmccarthy@fwps.org
  Sunshine Glynn             Fourth Grade              sglynn@fwps.org
    Paige Bonitz             Fourth Grade             Pbonitz@fwps.org
     Isaac May               Fifth Grade &            imay@fwps.org
                             Admin Intern
  Te B-Graham                 Fifth Grade            tgraham@fwps.org
   Jan Wagan                  Fifth Grade             jwagan@fwps.org
                      Bright Futures Kinder Para
Melinda Stephens          Kindergarten Para          mstephens@fwps.org
  Heather Rippy           Kindergarten Para           hrippy@fwps.org
 Karen Mahoney             Library Assistant        kmahoney@fwps.org
 Nichole Gerling                 ELL Para            ngerling@fwps.org
 Anedhel (Anna)                  ELL Para          acharoensukv@fwps.org
 Cynthia Zavala        Resource Room Para            czavala@fwps.org
Viviana Cardona        Resource Room Para           vcardona@fwps.org
   Vira Nargan              LAP Para                vnargan@fwps.org
 Ken Waterman            Head Custodian            kwaterman@fwps.org
  Sandra Small           Night Custodian             ssmall@fwps.org

Home of the Bulldogs Family Handbook 2021-2022 - Federal Way Public Schools
Home of the Bulldogs Family Handbook 2021-2022 - Federal Way Public Schools
Home of the Bulldogs Family Handbook 2021-2022 - Federal Way Public Schools
Building Schedule
Silver Lake is an early start elementary school. Staff hours are 8:05am-3:35pm and school
hours are 8:35am– 3:05pm. Below you will find our building schedule.

Right at Schools Daycare Opens: 6:30am
Breakfast: 8:10am
First bell: 8:30am
School starts: 8:35am are Morning Announcements on Zoom in each classroom.

 Grade Level           Lunch                 Recess                Afternoon Recess
 Bright Futures        11:00am               11:20am               1:50pm
 Kindergarten &
 1st Grade             11:30am               11:50am               2:10pm
 2nd Grade             11:15am               11:35am               1:50pm
 3rd Grade             12:00pm               12:20pm               2:30pm
 4th Grade             11:45am               12:05pm               2:10pm
 5th Grade             12:15pm               12:35pm               2:30pm

Dismissal: 3:05pm
Right at Schools Daycare Closes: 6:00pm

Early Release Wednesdays: Dismissal at 1:35 pm

Home of the Bulldogs Family Handbook 2021-2022 - Federal Way Public Schools
Home of the Bulldogs Family Handbook 2021-2022 - Federal Way Public Schools
   1. Good attendance helps children do well in school and
      eventually in the workplace. Good attendance matters for
      school success, starting as early as pre-kindergarten and
      throughout elementary school. By middle and high school,
      poor attendance is a leading indicator of dropout. Developing
      the habit of attendance prepares students for success on the
      job and in life.
   2. Absences easily add up to too much time lost in the classroom.
      • Students are at risk academically if they miss 10 percent of the school year, or
      about 18 days. Once too many absences have occurred, they can affect
      learning, regardless of whether absences are excused or unexcused.
      • Sporadic, not just consecutive, absences matter. Before you know it – just one
      or two days a month can add up to nearly 10 percent of the school year.
      • Avoid unnecessary absences.
   3. Some absences are unavoidable. Occasionally, children get sick and need to
      stay home. What is important is getting children to school as often as possible.
   4. Chronic absence, missing 10 percent of the school year or more, does not just
      affect the students who miss school. If too many students are chronically absent,
      it slows down instruction for other students, who must wait while the teacher
      repeats material for absentee students. This makes it harder for students to learn
      and teachers to teach.

If your scholar is going to be absent, please notify the office prior to 8:40 a.m. When you
call, please leave the date, scholars name, teacher and reason for absence. If there
will be a planned absence, please notify both the main office and the teacher well in
advance so that classwork can be gathered for the scholar. Scholars are expected to
make up ALL work when class is missed. Please try to schedule extended trips during
scheduled school vacation periods (Summer, Winter and Spring breaks).

In accordance with the Washington law, Silver Lake Elementary will enforce its
attendance policy and ensure the safety of scholars by contacting parents of every
scholar’s unreported absence by telephone.

Parents and guardians will be contacted by letter for excessive excused/unexcused
absences and tardiness. If attendance does not improve, we will set up a parent
meeting for an attendance contract and/or referral to the district attendance office.

Attendance Changes
New changes to the requirements state that Family Trips need to be prearranged and
may not be excused if scholar is struggling with school. Please use the Prearranged
Absence form found in the office.
If a scholar has too many EXCUSED absences (5+ in a month or 10 in the year) there will
be a mandatory meeting with the school and a signed contract.

             Perfect Attendance:
             Students who have perfect attendance for the month with no tardies or
             early release days, are acknowledged with a Silver Lake Attendance

Half day Absence:
Arrival after 9:05 am or leaving before 2:35 pm

Arrival between 8:35 am -9:05 am

Early Departure
Leaving after 2:35 pm and not returning.

Arrival Times
Twin Lakes students should not arrive before 8:10 a.m. for breakfast. If students are not
having breakfast, they should not be on campus until 8:25 a.m.

When to Keep Your Child at Home
A sick child cannot learn effectively and is unable to participate in classes in a
meaningful way. Keeping a sick child home prevents the spread of illness in the school
community and allows your child the opportunity to rest and recover.

It is recommended to keep your child at home for the following reasons:
     • Vomiting and/or diarrhea: A child with either of these problems should stay at
         home and return to school only after being symptom free for 24 hours.
   •     A temperature of 37.8c/100f and above: Even if the temperature has been
         reduced with medication please keep your child at home until they have been
         fever free for 24 hours without medication.
   •     Conjunctivitis: Following a medical practitioner diagnosis of conjunctivitis (also
         known as “pink eye”), a child may return to school 24 hours after the first dose of
         prescribed medicine.
   •     Rashes: Common infectious diseases with rashes are most contagious in the early
         stages. A child with a suspicious rash should return to school only after a doctor
         has made a diagnosis and the school nurse has seen your child before returning
         to the classroom. Many rashes are not contagious. If you are in any doubt, please
         take your child to see the school nurse before he/she attends class.

•   Colds: Consider your child at home if he/she is experiencing discomfort from cold
       symptoms such as nasal congestion and/or cough. A continuous green discharge
       from the nose may be a sign of infection. Excessive coughs not controlled by
       medication can be disruptive to learning.

                                          TO AND FROM SCHOOL
                                           Buses: To make the bus ride safe and pleasant,
                                           scholars are expected to follow the bus rules.
                                           •      Sit in seat with back against the seat
                                           •      Use soft voice
                                           •      Keep hands and feet to self
                                           •      No eating
If your child does not follow the bus rules you will be informed. The privilege of riding the
buses will be withdrawn if a student continues to disobey the rules. All bus activity is
recorded via a camera on the bus. The video will be accessed as necessary to assist in
problem solving.

Safety Patrol: The goal of the scholar safety patrol is to aid scholars in the proper and
safe crossing of streets around our school. It also provides leadership roles for our 5th
grade scholars. Scholars apply through an application process and if selected will
rotate through the schedule that is posted in the patrol room.

Bicycle Policy: For grades 3rd – 5th grade, riders are required to wear a helmet, obey the
laws, have a lock to secure their bicycle and walk their bikes to the rack once on
school grounds.

Walkers: Scholars should plan to arrive at school no earlier than 8:10 a.m. if they are
having breakfast, and 8:25 am if not having breakfast. After school is dismissed at 3:05
p.m. all scholars are to go directly home. Walkers exit from the main entrance. There is
no supervision on the playground after school.

Parent drop off/pick up: Parents will to the gym doors in the side parking lot and pull all
the way up to the stop sign to drop off scholars. Parents will follow the same procedure
for pick up. Scholars will wait in the gym until their name is called and then walk out the
doors using the sidewalk to go to their cars. Parents/guardians will display the students
name from the car windshield or front passenger window so the scholar can be called
from the gym to their car. If coming on campus to pick up a student before 3:05, you
will need to wait at the front of the school near flagpole. We do not want adults
standing by classroom doors. Scholars need to be picked up by 3:20. If they are not
picked up by this time, then they will be taken to the office/library and the
parent/guardian will need to come in and sign them out.

Visiting Campus: For scholar safety, all visitors will be asked to sign in the office and
wear a visitor badge between the hours of 8:35-3:05. Until further guidance from the
CDC, visitors and volunteers are asked to stay outside of the building to maintain safety
within the building.

Late arrivals: Scholars are required to stop at the front desk in the office to get a late slip
prior to going to class.

Early dismissal/Releasing Students from Class: As a building procedure and safety
precaution, scholars will need to be released from class through the office. In the event
that a child needs to be dismissed early from school, the parent must come to the
office and sign the child out of school. (Please bring a photo id.) The child will not be
excused from class until the parent is in the office. This will help us provide better
supervision of our scholars and monitor our early dismissals. If at all possible, please
avoid making medical appointments or picking scholars up 5-15 minutes before the
end of the school day. Lesson closure, homework assignments and special
announcements are often reserved for the end of day.

Change of Dismissal Plans:
The parent should sign a written request for the change in dismissal plans, and the
scholar should bring it to the office at the start of school to be logged in and approved.
Scholars without a written request or phone call will be sent home via their usual plan.
Phone calls can be used in an emergency. Change in dismissal plans need to be
communicated at least one hour prior to the end of the day.

Permission to Pick up:
Anyone picking up your child must be listed on your yellow card that is kept and
maintained in the office.

Before/After School Daycare: Right at School supported by Federal Way Public Schools
on the Silver Lake campus. Learn more: rightatschool.com 855-287-2466.
Act now to sign-up for 2021-22 school year childcare with Right At School which offers high-
quality and flexible care. With Right At School there is:

   o   An array of childcare options, including before and/or after school for K-5 students
       starting September 1, 2021 between 6:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.
   o   Locations at all elementary and K-8 sites, including the temporary elementary location at
   o   Flexibility to build a schedule for 3 or 5 days and parts of the day that families need care.
   o   A monthly billing option, and they accept state subsidies.
   o   FWPS district subsidized rates per child are as follows:

                        3-day enrollment         5-day enrollment
Before school           $85                      $114
After school            $109                     $148
Before and After
                        $148                     $192

To register visit https://www.rightatschool.com/program-finder/ or call 1-855-287-2466.

Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS)
Silver Lake Elementary School faculty & staff structure for student success by using
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports—PBIS. This involves teaching common
expectations, observing student behavior, interacting with students positively, and
correcting students consistently.

General PBIS Expectations: The school has the general PBIS expectations that are listed

   •   Make Good Decisions
   •   Show Respect
   •   Solve Problems

At the beginning of the school year scholars are taught what these expectations look
like. They practice in each of the areas of the school. We believe as a staff that
scholars must be taught the appropriate expectations for behaviors. Scholars are
positively acknowledged for demonstrating proper expectations and behaviors. Please
see the attached PBIS expectations for specific areas and review it with your scholar.

Silver Lake Elementary staff believe scholars need to learn to self-regulate their own
emotions as well as to problem solve. Teachers use a variety of curriculum resources in
support of a comprehensive Social Emotional Learning. All classroom start the day with
a daily morning meeting with a focus on relationship building and social-emotional

Self-regulation – Support at Home
Zones of Regulation: Silver Lake believe that our scholars
follow behavior expectations when they have the skills to do
so. Teaching scholars these skills and giving them opportunity
to practice those is our job. One way that we do this is
through Zones of Regulation, a curriculum that helps students
gain skills in consciously identifying and regulating their
actions, which in turn leads to increased control and problem
solving abilities. We will teach scholars to always try and be
in the green zone and if they are not, teach them the skills
and strategies they need to get back there. See chart below in support of common
language/habits between home and school.

Daily Morning Assembly/ Arrival Procedure
Morning Announcements will be in the classroom on zoom while scholars participate in
the hand washing procedures. Scholars can gather in the gym, sitting three feet apart,
to read silently or they can go to breakfast. This is an important time of day for your
scholar. It will set the tone for the day at school and in the classroom.

Dress Code
School is a place of learning and students are expected to dress in line with our district
expectations. The parents of those students who do not abide by the dress code will
be called and asked to bring a change of clothing. Thank you for helping us reinforce
our dress code by making sure your child does not come to school with:

    •   Slippers
    •   Belly shirts
    •   Low riding pants
    •   Clothing that substantially disrupts the educational environment
            o Poses a safety risk to scholar or others
            o Obscene
            o Profane or vulgar
            o Promotes illegal conduct or conduct not allowed in school

Other Dress Code Considerations:
   •    Shorts and skirts must be arm-length
   •    Students should come appropriately dressed for the weather
   •    Tennis shoes encouraged to be worn on PE days
   •    Label all personal items with student name

Toys & Phones
Silver Lake provides balls and toys for PE and recess games. In the event your child
brings a ball or toy to school, it will be held in the office until the end of the school day.
Toys that resemble weapons are not allowed and will be immediately confiscated,
followed by a connection call or conversation with the family and scholar. Students
may carry phones as long as they are kept out of sight, are in the OFF position and
placed in their backpacks. Students may not make or receive phone calls or texts on
cell phones during the school day. In emergencies, please contact the front office. No
other electronic devices are allowed at school unless there is specific teacher
permission. Any visible phones, electronic devices or toys can be confiscated by the
teachers and returned to the parent or guardian.

Lost, Stolen, or Damaged Property
The school, teachers and staff are not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged property
that is brought from home.

Discipline Guidelines with Consequences for Misconduct
We believe in a positive and proactive approach to encourage and inspire desired learning
and social behaviors and know that a positive academic and social climate is necessary for
student learning. We also believe that responsibility for establishing this climate is shared by each
scholar, faculty member and parent/guardian.

We value having scholars follow reasonable rules, and it is important for students to understand
their purpose. Part of the learning process involves making decisions and sometimes making
mistakes. However, we expect that scholars will learn from their mistakes and demonstrate

Restorative Practices
Silver Lake staff will be using
Restorative Practices to address
behavioral needs. Restorative work
has the scholar address the reason(s)
for the behavior, who the behavior
affected and how will they repair any
damages done. This type of practice
helps the scholar learn to problem
solve as well as builds empathy.
Consequences for the behaviors
usually come from the scholar through
the last question. There will be
exceptions to this of course. Typical
ways that scholars will be walked
through the process is by using these
types of questions and Restorative

Responding to Behaviors
Silver Lake has developed a system for identifying needs of behavioral supports. We expect all
scholars to operate in the Level 3 zone. (Levels sheet below). We also recognize that our scholars
are still learning. Low level behaviors will be handled in the classroom with the teacher and
parent notification will occur. If behaviors continue to escalate or don’t change, support staff
will be called. We will be using restorative practices to help the scholar understand the effects
of their behaviors on others and themselves and then help them to work through that repair with
others. Parents will be notified. If a scholar is at a level 0, parents may need to come in for a
meeting with the teacher before the scholar can return to class. As a staff we will work diligently
to try and limit the out of class time for scholars.

Using the Response System of Support is a system used to communicate between the staff,
admin, and families. Staff can call the office to contact the admin to support school behavior in
the classroom from a positive to
an undesired behavior. Please
see the chart to learn how we
respond to scholar behavior.

Discipline Consequences
There may be occasion
where student behavior
warrants a consequence
beyond just the restorative
work that will be done. Our
goal is to minimize the out of
class time by all of our
scholars. We will use loss of
recess or alternative recess
plans if needed. Scholars
will be asked, in their
restorative work what they
feel they need to do to
make the repairs as well.
There might be times where
a scholar is placed on In-
School or Out of School
suspension, depending on
the behavior. If a scholar is
placed on Out of School
suspension a re-
engagement meeting will
be held, including a parent
or guardian, before the
scholar is allowed to return.

Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB)
All reports of Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying should be reported immediately to the
principal or assistant principal at the school to conduct a full investigation.

School is No Place for Bullying, Intimidation or Harassment
All students and staff deserve a safe and supportive environment in which to learn and teach.
Federal Way Public Schools, like districts around the state, has refocused on the issue of bullying,
intimidation and harassment in our schools.

We Need Everyone’s Help to Effectively Deal with Bullying
Under district policy, harassment, intimidation, or bullying means any intentional electronic,
written, verbal, or physical act, including but not limited to one shown to be motivated because
of his or her perception of the victim’s race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender,
sexual orientation, or mental, physical, or sensory handicap or other distinguishing

Bullying also is shown to:

    o   Physically harm a student or damage the student’s property; or
    o   Substantially interfere with a student’s education; or
    o   Be so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening
        educational environment; or
    o   Have the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.

How Do I Report Bullying?
If you believe your child is being bullied:

    1. Contact the dean or principal in your
       child’s school or file an informal
       complaint form at the school level.
       The school is required to conduct an
       investigation and respond to you with
       the results.
    2. If the issue is not resolved at the
       school level, file a Harassment,
       Intimidation or Bullying Complaint
       Form 3207(1) with the district. The
       compliance officer will conduct an
       investigation to address your
       concerns and issue the findings and conclusions to you.
            1. HIB Complaint Form 3207(1) - English
            2. HIB Complaint Form 3207(1) - Korean
            3. HIB Complaint Form 3207(1) - Russian
            4. HIB Complaint Form 3207(1) - Spanish
            5. HIB Complaint Form 3207(1) - Ukrainian
    3. Contact the police if you believe your child is the victim of malicious harassment and is in
       immediate danger.

Why Should I Get Involved? This Is Just Kids Being Kids – Isn’t It?
To the contrary, bullying hurts everyone. Adults need to intervene every time they witness
bullying: Tolerating bullying sends the wrong message and creates a toxic environment that can
spread beyond the school’s walls.

Students who are bullied are more likely to miss school and have a loss of self-esteem. They may
have physical symptoms like headaches, depression and anxiety. They are less likely to take risks
academically and may have suicidal or homicidal thoughts or attempts.
Those who do the bullying are in need of help, too. If the behavior isn’t addressed, they often
continue to be abusive later in life and fail to develop healthy relationships. They are less likely to
complete their education and more likely to be involved in criminal activities.
Even bystanders are impacted by bullying. They may feel helpless, vulnerable and afraid. They
may feel guilty for not helping or have decreased empathy for people being bullied. In general,
if bullying isn’t addressed, the school can develop a climate of fear that results in reduced
academic achievement.

More Resources
   o   Federal Way Public Schools Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Policy
       3207 and Procedures 3207P
   o   Federal Way Public Schools Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying Complaint Form 3207(1)
          ▪ Complaint Form 3207(1) - English
          ▪ Complaint Form 3207(1) - Korean
          ▪ Complaint Form 3207(1) - Russian
          ▪ Complaint Form 3207(1)- Spanish
          ▪ Complaint Form 3207(1) - Ukrainian
   o   The Federal Way Public Schools’ Office of Equity for Scholar and Family Success
   o   Washington State Law RCW 28A.300.285
   o   Washington State Education Ombudsman’s Office Website & Resources
   o   OSPI School Safety webpage
   o   FWPS Bullying fact sheet: English, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian

Medications at School
Oral medications (prescription and over the counter) may be given at school to
scholars only if a current doctors order is on file with the school nurse.
No medication is to be in the possession of a student, including cough drops or
throat lozenges. The school nurse and her designee dispense all medication
from the school health room.

Parents and guardians will report if the scholar has an allergy. If a classroom has
a scholar with a nut allergy there will be a sign placed on the window by the
door letting everyone know. We ask that parents sending food in lunches be
aware of this sensitive allergy. Scholars aren’t allowed to share any food at

Lunch Procedures:
All families, please complete the Free and Reduce Meal Price Application form
which is located in our Main Office or can be completed online through FWPS.
For the 2021-2022 school year, all breakfast and lunch will be free to every
scholar in Federal Way Public Schools. If you choose to bring a lunch, we highly
recommend writing your scholar’s name on the lunchbox. We also do not allow
sharing of any food or beverages. There is not a microwave to warm up food.
Scholars do not have to wear a mask while eating, but are required to sit three
feet apart. After eating, scholars are expected to throw away their
garbage/recycling. A supervising adult will spray a soap and water solution in
the scholar’s area, then the scholar will wipe his/her/their individual space with a
napkin, and lastly proceed through the exit only door to recess.

Outside Food and Snacks
Student nutrition and positive academic/social success are closely linked. In an
effort to maintain our facilities and support a focused learning environment, our
scholars are not allowed to consume while on campus the following items:
   •   Gum
   •   Carbonated drinks
   •   Large bags of chips/snacks – single serving only
Healthy snacks will be allowed in the classroom. Candy is highly discouraged.
Please contact the classroom teacher if you would like to donate snacks for the

Emergency Treatment
Schools are responsible for providing first aid or emergency treatment in case of
sudden illness or injury to a student. The principal or designated employee
should immediately contact the parent so that the parent can arrange for care
or treatment of the injured.

In the event that the parent/guardian or emergency contact cannot be
reached and in the judgement of the principal or person in charge when
immediate medical attention is required, the injured scholar may be taken
directly to the hospital and treated by the physician on call. When the parent is
located, he/she may then choose to continue the treatment or make other

Homework is provided to enrich, pre-teach, review, and enhance classroom
learning. The amount of time children spend on homework will often vary due to
their attention or skill level. Research shows that homework should be equal to
10 minutes per grade level. If your child is struggling with assignments, contact
the teacher for suggestions or support.
For elementary students, 20-30 minutes of additional daily reading practice
outside of school is most critical and supported by research to have the
greatest impact on student achievement. We highly recommend reading to
and with your child to enhance the reading experience and support
comprehension/understanding. Homework should not be a source of
frustration. If your scholar is having difficulty with homework, please get in
contact with the teacher to make an alternate plan.
The following is a general guide for homework. A variation in this schedule may
be made at the discretion of the classroom teacher:

                  Grade      Minutes per Day
                  KG         Daily reading experiences and
                             learning extensions on occasion
                  1 and 2    10-20
                  3          20-30
                  4          30-40
                  5          40 -60

Notification to Parents – Title I, Part A
               Right to Ask for Teacher’s and Paraeducator’s Qualifications
Dear Parents,

In compliance with the requirements of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) the
Silver Lake Elementary would like to inform you that you may request information about
the professional qualifications of your student’s teacher(s) or instructional

   A. The following information may be requested for teacher(s):
   1. Whether the teacher has met Washington teacher certification requirements for
      the grade level and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction.
   2. Whether the teacher is teaching under an emergency or other provisional status
      through which Washington qualifications or certification criteria have been
   3. The college major and any graduate certification or degree held by the
   4. Whether the student is provided services by paraprofessionals, and if so, their
   B. The following information may be requested for instructional paraprofessional(s):
Paraprofessionals must work under the supervision of a certified teacher. In schools that
operate a schoolwide program, all paraprofessionals must meet professional
qualifications. Paras hired to work in a Title I, Part A program must have a high school
diploma or GED and completed the following:
   1. Completed at least two years of study at an institution of higher education; or
   2. Obtained an associate’s or higher degree; or
   3. Pass the ETS ParaPro Assessment. The assessment measures skills, and content
      knowledge related to reading, writing and math;
   4. Completed previously the apprenticeship requirements and must present a
      journey card or certificate. The portfolio and apprenticeships are no longer
      offered for enrollment; however, the Office of Superintendent of Public
      Instruction (OSPI) will continue to honor this pathway.
If you wish to request information concerning your child’s teacher’s and instructional
paraprofessional’s qualification, please contact Kelly Sutton, principal, at 253 – 945 -


Kelly Sutton


Title 1 School Compact
Silver Lake is a Title 1 School. This means that Twin Lakes receives extra funds
from the Federal Government to help support our scholars. We use our money
to support our interventionist to help support scholars in small groups as well as
extra reading supplies. We also use our money to help support family events like
Literacy Night, Multicultural Night and Math night. Below you will find the
Family/School Compact.

—Please return this page only to your child’s teacher. —

I have reviewed the Silver Lake Family
Handbook and the Title 1 Compact. I have also
reviewed the school behavior expectations for
my child.

           Child’s Name                               Grade                   Date


Parent/Guardian Signature

                             Non-Discrimination Statement
Federal Way Public Schools does not discriminate in any programs or activities
on the basis of race, color, national origin or ethnicity, religion, creed, sex or
gender, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, age, marital or family
status, veteran or military status, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or
service animal. The District provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America
and other designated youth groups.
If you have questions or complaints regarding alleged discrimination please call
the district office at (253) 945-2000 and ask for one of the following coordinators
listed below:

Civil Rights Compliance Officer, Dan Dizon, compliance@fwps.org
Title IX Compliance Coordinator, Dan Dizon, titleix@fwps.org
504 Compliance Coordinator, Dr. Jennifer Westover, 504@fwps.orgjhodson@fwps.org
ADA Compliance Coordinator, Janet Hodson, ADA@fwps.org

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